judicial branch quiz


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Post on 24-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Judicial branch quiz


1. What are the three levels of Federal Court?

2. What is the lowest level of Federal Court?

3. What is the middle level of Federal Court?

4. What is the highest level of Federal Court?

5. What level are jury trials held at?

6. What percentage of cases are heard at the district level?

7. Who makes rulings at the Appeals Court level?

8. What are the qualifications to become a federal judge?

9. How many Supreme Court Justices are there?

10.Why is that number significant?

11.What year did Plessy v Ferguson take place?

12.What was the court ruling in that case?

Page 2: Judicial branch quiz

13.How long is a Federal judge appointed for?

14.Who appoints Federal Judges?

15.Who approves those appointments?

16.What are the three ways a judge can leave his lifetime appointment?

17.What year was the Brown v Board of Education decision?

18.What Supreme Court decision did this overturn?

19.What was the Court’s ruling in this case?

20.Explain why the Supreme Court decided that “separate is inherently unequal”.

21.Explain the Supreme Court’s power of judicial review and how it applied in the Brown v Board of Education decision.

22.Why was this decision so important to the Civil Right’s Movement?

23.The Supreme Court hears a very small percentage of cases that have been appealed to them, what kind of cases do they usually select?