july 2011 church mouse

The Church Mouse Monthly newsletter for the members & friends of Community Congregational Church of Elburn The Pastor’s Page…. Many thanks to all of you who prayed for and supported the youth excursion to Bridger, South Dakota to do a work camp with Native Americans of the Lakota (Sioux) Nation. We want to share with you some of our experiences. Our itinerary looked like this: Saturday-Sunday – drive to Bridger Monday – work in and around Bridger (rained out) Tuesday – work in and around Bridger (rained out) Wednesday – field trip to Rapid City Thursday – work in and around Bridger Friday – work in and around Bridger Saturday-Sunday – drive home from Bridger I thought it might be helpful to use the format of ‗what, who, where, when and how.‘ What: Week-long mission trip to the Cheyenne River Reservation in South Dakota, a two-day drive west and north from here. Where: the tiny village of Bridger, where reside some of the direct descendants of those massacred at Wounded Knee (1880). Bridger is located at the southwest corner of the Reservation, in the poorest county in the United States. Who: 5 students and 2 adults from Elburn Church: Jason Biddle, Lauren Parnell, Alex Siebert, Ryan Siebert, Kayla Stasell, Jessie VanDevelde and Pastor Michelle. We joined 10 students and 4 adults from Yorkville Church, for a total of 21 participants. Why: Our goal each year is to share the love of Christ with the residents of Bridger through our presence, our material resources, and the labors of our hands. Many groups go to a spot of need, do their thing and leave. The goal in Bridger, where my husband, Rev. Mark Gregory of Yorkville Church, has been going for ten years now, is to develop relationships with members of the tribe, so they see us not just as the purveyors of charity, or relievers of historic guilt, but as brothers and sisters to them. How: The ‗headquarters‘ of our work was the community room adjacent to the tiny church in Bridger. We ate there, cleaned up there, did activities there, and some of us slept there. Others slept in the tiny sanctuary, after we pushed back its ten pews. Each day we had assigned tasks, both in work projects for the community, and in work projects to sustain our common life there for a week, like cooking our own food and cleaning the bathrooms daily. Everyone participated. Students learned new skills, doing some things they‘d never imagine they would or could do. We accomplished these tasks, in consultation with Bridger pastor, Rev Byron Buffalo: + Daily Vacation Bible School for 8 native children . Jessie planned and brought with her the entire cur- riculum. She and her teen helpers were able to introduce some children to Jesus for the first time. + Reroofing and tarring two chicken coups + Wiring a chicken coup + Procuring 60 more chickens (they had 50 to start) + Daily care of chickens, and harvesting eggs + Watering of fruit trees and community garden they had just planted + Procuring all the materials for construction of a barbed wire fence around a local church + Installing posts for the barbed wire fence (rain prevented completing the fence) + Home repairs in two native houses + Painting of several rooms in native houses + Many and long encounters with individual residents of Bridger, including much cuddling of children Immersing ourselves in Native American culture was an essential part of the week. We visited the Lakota Museum, Wounded Knee Museum, Tatanka (bison) Museum, and Crazy Horse Memorial. We also drove through the Badlands and toured Mt. Rushmore. We hoped to attend a powwow Friday night but again, were rained out. (continued on page 3) July 2011 Church Office Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Phone: (630) 365-6544 [email protected] INTERIM PASTOR Rev. Michelle Prentice-Leslie MODERATOR Sharon Lackey VICE-MODERATOR Mary Royer TREASURER Barb Holloman FINANCIAL SECRETARY Cindy Doede CHURCH CLERK Karen Baston MINISTRY ASSISTANT Linda Miller +++ Please use our street address when mailing anything to the church office. 100 E. Shannon Street Elburn, IL 60119 +++ Our website is constantly being updated. Check it out!

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Newsletter for the Community Congregational Church of Elburn.


Page 1: July 2011 Church Mouse

The Church Mouse Monthly newsletter for the members & friends of Community Congregational Church of Elburn

The Pastor’s Page…. Many thanks to all of you who prayed for and supported the youth excursion to Bridger, South Dakota to

do a work camp with Native Americans of the Lakota (Sioux) Nation. We want to share with you some of

our experiences. Our itinerary looked like this:

Saturday-Sunday – drive to Bridger

Monday – work in and around Bridger (rained out)

Tuesday – work in and around Bridger (rained out)

Wednesday – field trip to Rapid City

Thursday – work in and around Bridger

Friday – work in and around Bridger

Saturday-Sunday – drive home from Bridger

I thought it might be helpful to use the format of ‗what, who, where, when and how.‘

What: Week-long mission trip to the Cheyenne River Reservation in South Dakota, a two-day drive west

and north from here.

Where: the tiny village of Bridger, where reside some of the direct descendants of those massacred at

Wounded Knee (1880). Bridger is located at the southwest corner of the Reservation, in the poorest county

in the United States.

Who: 5 students and 2 adults from Elburn Church: Jason Biddle, Lauren Parnell, Alex Siebert, Ryan

Siebert, Kayla Stasell, Jessie VanDevelde and Pastor Michelle. We joined 10 students and 4 adults from

Yorkville Church, for a total of 21 participants.

Why: Our goal each year is to share the love of Christ with the residents of Bridger through our presence,

our material resources, and the labors of our hands. Many groups go to a spot of need, do their thing and

leave. The goal in Bridger, where my husband, Rev. Mark Gregory of Yorkville Church, has been going for

ten years now, is to develop relationships with members of the tribe, so they see us not just as the purveyors

of charity, or relievers of historic guilt, but as brothers and sisters to them.

How: The ‗headquarters‘ of our work was the community room adjacent to the tiny church in Bridger. We

ate there, cleaned up there, did activities there, and some of us slept there. Others slept in the tiny sanctuary,

after we pushed back its ten pews.

Each day we had assigned tasks, both in work projects for the community, and in work projects to sustain

our common life there for a week, like cooking our own food and cleaning the bathrooms daily. Everyone

participated. Students learned new skills, doing some things they‘d never imagine they would or could do.

We accomplished these tasks, in consultation with Bridger pastor, Rev Byron Buffalo:

+ Daily Vacation Bible School for 8 native children . Jessie planned and brought with her the entire cur-

riculum. She and her teen helpers were able to introduce some children to Jesus for the first time.

+ Reroofing and tarring two chicken coups

+ Wiring a chicken coup

+ Procuring 60 more chickens (they had 50 to start)

+ Daily care of chickens, and harvesting eggs

+ Watering of fruit trees and community garden they had just planted

+ Procuring all the materials for construction of a barbed wire fence around a local church

+ Installing posts for the barbed wire fence (rain prevented completing the fence)

+ Home repairs in two native houses

+ Painting of several rooms in native houses

+ Many and long encounters with individual residents of Bridger, including much cuddling of children

Immersing ourselves in Native American culture was an essential part of the week. We visited the Lakota

Museum, Wounded Knee Museum, Tatanka (bison) Museum, and Crazy Horse Memorial. We also drove

through the Badlands and toured Mt. Rushmore. We hoped to attend a powwow Friday night but again,

were rained out.

(continued on page 3)

July 2011

Church Office Hours:

Monday through Friday

9:00 am to 1:00 pm.

Phone: (630) 365-6544

[email protected]


Rev. Michelle Prentice-Leslie


Sharon Lackey


Mary Royer


Barb Holloman


Cindy Doede


Karen Baston


Linda Miller


Please use our street address

when mailing anything to the

church office.

100 E. Shannon Street

Elburn, IL 60119


Our website is constantly

being updated. Check it


Page 2: July 2011 Church Mouse

July 2011 Community Congregational Church page 2

Musings from the Moderator… Last January the church voted to offer the South Parking lot for sale. The council sent a letter to the village of Elburn

and to the Chamber of Commerce letting them know our intentions and offering the parking lot to them if they were interest-

ed in purchasing it. Neither the town nor the Chamber of Commerce were interested in purchasing the lot. So, the church

council contacted several commercial real estate agents. We have selected an agent and the parking lot will be listed for sale

this month. The realtor is excited about our property and believes he can get a good price for our investment.

Also, by the time you read this, our search committee will have met with Rev. Jonathan Knight to kick off our search pro-

cess. We will keep you informed as to our progress. Please keep us in your prayers. See you in worship,

Sharon Lackey


TAIZE Prayer Services The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing.

We pray on Sunday, at Bible Study, before

meals, in times of joy and sorrow. Looking for

a new—or actually, very OLD—way to pray?

Try a TAIZE prayer service. The first Friday of each

month, Ascension Church in Oak Park hosts a TAIZE

service at 7:30p, and Pastor Michelle invites you to join

her. TAIZE is a quiet service of meditation, reflection,

readings and music. The singing is repetitive, until the

song sings YOU, as Pastor Michelle points out. Contact

the church office if you are interested in attending on

Friday, July 1.

St. Charles Episcopal Church on north Fifth Avenue

also offers Taize worship on second Sundays at 7:30p.

Lazarus House Dinner Our friends at Lazarus House continue to be in our thoughts and prayers as we pro-vide the occasional dinner for them. As a church we provide the evening meal on the fifth Friday of every month that has 5 Fridays, which means that our next opportunity is July 29. The sign-up sheet will be on the ea-sel in Schneider Hall, ready for you to fill in the part of the meal you’d like to provide. Remember, Lazarus House has a stockpile of frozen foods from which to choose when planning/preparing a meal. Contact Lazarus House in ad-vance (630-587-5872), visit and select food, and store food in church freezers until needed. Disposable pans are availa-ble at church for delivering the meals. Won’t you sign up to help? Thank You!

AMEN Group The AMEN Group continues to meet faithful-

ly on the second Thursday of each month at

6pm in the Nursery. The group meets for an

hour and continues to pray for the special needs

of individuals, our church, the community, and

the world. It‘s a big job! Won‘t you come and

add your voice and heart to the good works of

this group? All are welcome.

Page 3: July 2011 Church Mouse

July 2011 Community Congregational Church page 3

Blessings from bridger The combined Youth Groups from Community Congregational Church and Yorkville Congregational Church spent June 18-26 on a mission trip to work with the Native Americans of Bridger, South Dakota. Here are some reflections on their experiences there:

Vacation Bible School… God‘s Blessings have been showered on our VBS! Thank You for your

prayers! Our congregation has donated most of the needed supplies and

stepped up to volunteer as workers. We have been blessed with decora-

tion loans and donations from Rejoice Lutheran Church in Geneva and

Baker Memorial Methodist in St. Charles. Last month, they did the same

VBS as we are doing this month, so they had decorations we were able to

borrow. Please continue to pray for a successful VBS and add a prayer of thanksgiving for the added

decorations! See You …. July 11 – 15 at the Shake It Up Café!

Chef Basil

This mission trip to Bridger's reservation has been the

most difficult for me. Despite having worked with chil-

dren in Mexico, West Virginia, Aurora and Indianapolis

I have never witnessed such lack of care for children

and it is a memory I do not think will ever leave me. It

has left me saddened and feeling very helpless as there

is nothing I can do for them except pray for their safety

and well being. They are all beautiful children and de-

spite their living conditions they have a strong spirit. I

pray they stay strong throughout their teen years when

the suicide rate is highest. I am happy to have brought

back many precious pictures of their smiling fac-

es. Please join me in praying for the children of Bridg-

er, South Dakota.

In Christ, Jessie

The Pastor’s Page (cont’d) For nine days and nights, 21 people lived in close proximity to one another, in somewhat-akin-to-third-world circumstances - sleeping on the

floor, little to no cell phone reception, no TV or news of any kind, 2 toilets for 21 people, and the like. We managed – and quite well. Every

day began and ended with prayer. Every evening we broke into quads (little groups) to share reactions and experiences of the day.

On our last night, en route home, in the town of Fairmount, Minnesota, where we were graciously hosted by the UCC congregation there, Alex

gathered us together one last time, and gave us one question to consider: What two words describe your week and what do they mean to you?

Everyone shared personally. I will share mine: One word was ‗discovery.‘ Because I have considerable experience with the Native Ameri-

cans of Central America (Mayans), I was comparing cultures and such, discovering differences and similarities, and what they meant for the

success of each culture as a minority in their own country. My second word was ‗patience.‘ There were many times of waiting (like, to use the

bathroom), many times when plans needed to be changed, some times when some participants didn‘t follow through and needed extra encour-

agement, times when a vehicle needed attention and that slowed us down on the road (once going and once returning), and the difficulty of navi-

gating gumbo (particular form of mud in South Dakota that has a glue quality to it so it sticks to your clothes and can suck your shoes right off

you), and so forth.

You might ask our students what their two words were and what those two words meant to them. You might also ask them to share an encoun-

ter they had with a Native American. We all returned tired but very gratified and humbled, privileged to share, and to receive, the love of Christ

in these ways.

Yours in Christ— Pastor Michelle

One thing I took away from my time in Bridger is a better understanding

of the turmoil the Native Americans dealt with and are still dealing with.

And the things we take for granted that they couldn‘t dream of having.

-Alex Siebert

On the mission trip we met a lot of really amazing people. It was nice to

know that no matter how different people may be, we can still suffer with

the same issues. Also, we helped out a lot around the community. Come

helped with chickens, some painted, etc. It was very fun.—Lauren Parnell

It was a hardworking, learning experience. I met many new people and

learned lots of new abilities and cultures.—Jason Biddle

On the mission trip we worked hard, learned new things and

helped the community. - Kayla Stasell

Page 4: July 2011 Church Mouse

July 2011 Community Congregational Church page 4

Happy Birthday

Best wishes to these members and friends who are celebrating July birthdays.

July 2 Sally Compton, Irene Baker July 7 Eric Jahns July 9 Becky Holloman, Brooks & Brady Johnson July 10 Tim Royer July 11 Cheryl Krauspe July 14 Craig Swan July 15 Garret Hukle, Elma Wilmath July 16 Brad Miller July 17 Bea Martin July 20 Mary Bateman July 22 Wayne Byerhof July 25 Dick Williams July 27 Derek Baston

Happy Anniversary

Congratulations to these celebrating July wedding anniversaries:

July 1 Pastor Michelle & Mark Gregory 11 years July 6 Rick & Judy Leesley 4 years July 13 Jon & Chris Pangborn 48 years July 26 Carl & Karen Diesel 31 years

If you know of birthdays or anniversaries that are missing from the calendar or listed incorrectly, please call the office so they may be added/corrected. Thank you.

Sunday School News

………from Theresa Biddle

Our Sunday School format will be new and

improved next fall. Karen Diesel has gra-

ciously offered to teach in the fall. More in-

formation will be coming in the next month!!!

Thank You… I was genuinely surprised by the generous Sunday

School Thank You gift I was given last month. As

you know, I get more out of teaching Sunday School

than I ever put into it. It is nice to be appreciated,

and the congregation does an excellent job of doing

that. I get many positive comments and thanks each

Sunday… and hugs from the kids are nice too!!

Thank You!!

Women’s Fellowship!

All women of the church are welcome to attend the next meeting of the Wom-en’s Fellowship on Friday, July 8 at 1:00pm in Schneider Hall. Bring a friend! This isn’t an actual “church” meeting, just a gathering of friends for coffee, treats, laughter and conversation. There’s always a seat for you around the table. Because we all enjoyed the “healthier” menus from April, May and June, everyone is encouraged to bring some sort of salad or healthy side dish: fruit, veggies, hearty bread, light dessert. Last month, we had about 14 people around the table, so plan accordingly and join in the fun and fellowship

Best Wishes to the Bride & Groom

Congratulations to Carolyn Jakes and Brett

Palmer who were united in marriage in our

sanctuary on June 4. In Pastor Michelle‘s

absence, Rev. Bob Stoutt officiated at the

wedding and Carolyn‘s grandmother provid-

ed the organ music. Since both Brett and Carolyn are

jazz musicians, their wedding had a spirited Mardi

Gras theme. Bride and groom participated in the live

music at the reception at Lion‘s Park, and fittingly,

they honeymooned in New Orleans.

We wish Brett and Carolyn much happiness and

many blessings in their new life together.

Congratulations! We offer the collective congratulations of the congregation to Koty LeMaire, this year’s recipient of the Bob Miller Memorial Schol-arship. The scholarship was presented by Judith Mil-ler/Leesley on June 5 during worship. Koty, we hope this bit of financial assistance will help you in your fu-ture education and on the path to making your dreams come true.

On a Church Sign:

Adam blamed Eve.

Eve blamed the snake.

And the snake didn’t have

a leg to stand on.

Page 5: July 2011 Church Mouse

Usher Teams for July

July 3—Team #2 Captain: Kurth Family

July 10—Team #3 Captain: Merfeld Family

July 17—Team #4 Captain: Pangborn Family

July 24—Team #5 Captain: Jessie & Youth Group

July 31—Team #1 Captain: Karen Baston

July 2011 Community Congregational Church page 5

July 3 ~ Third Sunday after Pentecost 8:20 a.m. Bible Study

9:30 a.m. Worship with Holy Communion

10:30 a.m. Fellowship

5:00 p.m. Hope Anglican Worship Service

July 10 ~ Fourth Sunday after Pentecost 8:20 a.m. Bible Study

9:30 a.m. Worship

10:30 a.m. Fellowship

5:00 p.m. Hope Anglican Worship Service

July 17 ~ Fifth Sunday after Pentecost 8:20 a.m. Bible Study

9:30 a.m. Worship

10:30 a.m. Fellowship

5:00 p.m. Hope Anglican Worship Service

July 24 ~ Sixth Sunday after Pentecost 8:20 a.m. Bible Study

9:30 a.m. Worship

10:30 a.m. Fellowship

5:00 p.m. Hope Anglican Worship Service

July 31 ~ Seventh Sunday after Pentecost 8:20 a.m. Bible Study

9:30 a.m. Worship; Reverse Offering

10:30 a.m. Linger Longer Potluck Meal

5:00 p.m. Hope Anglican Worship Service

Illinois Conference UCC

Women’s Retreat

A Playdate with the Spirit!

October 7-8, 2011

Pilgrim Park UCC Retreat Center

Princeton, IL

Stressed out lately? Always there for others but no time left for you? Then this is a retreat you will love! Jesus said: “Unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matt. 18:3)

Enjoy the benefits of inspirational leadership, personal meditation time, song, prayer, dance, leisurely walks, good food, just plain fun, or just sitting and relaxing.

Registration forms and information are on the bulletin board in the Narthex. Contact Pastor Michelle or the church office if you’d like to organize a group to attend this retreat together.

“Feed My Starving Children” Schedule A number of us have had the joy of doing some ―hands on‖ work to package food for hungry children around the world. Here‘s the sched-

ule for the rest of the year. Join us for a spiritual boost!

August 3 2:30-4:30p

September 7 6:30-8:30p

October 26 6:30-8:30p

November 9 6:30-8:30p

December 7 6:30-8:30p

January 4, 2012 6:30-8:30p February 8, 2012 6:30-8:30p

We usually meet at church to carpool.

Thank You to Barb Holloman for filling in for Linda in the office from July 1 to August 8. Linda is taking some extended R&R up in Michigan, to fully recover from a recent illness and to get a taste of what retirement “Up North” will be like! Thanks, Barb.

Page 6: July 2011 Church Mouse

July 2011 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat




Team 2 ushers

9:00a Sunday School

9:20a Bible Study

10:30a Worship with

Holy Communion

11:30a Fellowship

5:00p Hope Anglican


Office is Closed


9a Crafty Crafters

7p Ministry


7:30p Scouts


11a Bible Study at

the Meadows

6p Youth Group


6p Cub Scouts

8 1p Women‘s




Team 3 ushers

8:20a Bible Study

9:30a Worship

10:30a Fellowship

5:00p Hope Anglican

6:30p VBS Set Up



9a Crafty Crafters

7:30p Scouts


11a Bible Study at

the Meadows

6p Youth Group


6p AMEN Group

6p Girl Scouts

7p Church Council




Team 4 ushers

8:20a Bible Study

9:30a Worship

10:30a Fellowship

5:00p Hope Anglican


19 9a Crafty Crafters

7:30p Scouts


11a Bible Study at

the Meadows

6p Youth Group


6p Cub Scouts




Team 5 ushers

8:20a Bible Study

9:30a Worship

10:30a Fellowship

5:00p Hope Anglican

25 MOUSE deadline


9a Crafty Crafters

7:30p Scouts


11a Bible Study at

the Meadows

6p Youth Group

28 6p Girl Scouts




Team 1 Ushers

8:20a Bible Study

9:30a Worship;

Reverse Offering

10:30a Linger Longer

3p Scout Mtg.

5:00p Hope Anglican

August Previews:

August 2—Ministry Meetings 7p

August 3—Feed My Starving Children 2:30-4:30p

August 11—Church Council 7p

August 18-20—Elburn Days

August 21—Worship at Lion‘s Park—North Stage 9:30a


Something to think about for Independence Day:

―If we ever forget that we are one nation under God,

then we will be a nation gone under.‖ -Ronald Reagan

Page 7: July 2011 Church Mouse

Mission Statement

The Community Congregational United Church of Christ

of Elburn is called by God

to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ

to our community and beyond by serving as

His heart, hands and feet through worship, prayer, Christian education and

Community Congregational Church 100 E. Shannon Street, PO Box 308 Elburn, Illinois 60119

July 2011


God is still speaking,


Please use our street address when

mailing anything to the church office:

100 E. Shannon Street

Elburn, IL 60119

Member of the Elburn Chamber of Commerce

We Need You

For Elburn Days! See the sign-up sheets in the Narthex.

Opportunities for everyone!