july 2015 issue 4 - blowers.dudley.sch.uk · parliament, wembley stadium, mi5 and of course, our...

July 2015 Issue 4 As we approach the end of another academic year, we look back on just some of the exciting activities and experiences over the past few weeks. We hope you enjoy reading our 4th edition... Our morning nursery children joined in with their first ever sports day at Blowers Green Primary school. They all had fun and did their very best. Their families came to support them. After all that running they had a teddy bears picnic and enjoyed the lovely weather. On Monday 6 th July, Halima, a Year 4 pupil, was awarded second place in the Dudley Young Writer of the Year competition. Eighty schools took part and this is an outstanding achievement for Halima! Halima had a brilliant time meeting the Mayor, a number of local dignitaries, local authority school experts and head teachers. We are very proud of you Halima. Well done !

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Page 1: July 2015 Issue 4 - blowers.dudley.sch.uk · Parliament, Wembley Stadium, MI5 and of course, our Queen’s home, Buckingham Palace (and yes she was in residence). The sun shone on

July 2015 Issue 4

As we approach the end of another academic year, we look back on just some of

the exciting activities and experiences over the past few weeks. We hope you enjoy

reading our 4th edition...

Our morning nursery children joined in with their first

ever sports day at Blowers Green Primary school. They all had fun

and did their very best. Their families came to support

them. After all that running they had a teddy bears

picnic and enjoyed the lovely weather.

On Monday 6th July, Halima, a Year 4 pupil, was

awarded second place in the Dudley Young Writer of

the Year competition. Eighty schools took

part and this is an outstanding

achievement for Halima! Halima had a

brilliant time meeting the Mayor, a number of local

dignitaries, local authority school experts and head

teachers. We are very proud of you Halima.

Well done !

Page 2: July 2015 Issue 4 - blowers.dudley.sch.uk · Parliament, Wembley Stadium, MI5 and of course, our Queen’s home, Buckingham Palace (and yes she was in residence). The sun shone on

Year 2 took part in a book quiz organised by Dudley

Schools Library Service. Two teams of children

volunteered to take part. They chose their own team names and

studied eight books written by a variety of authors including Julia

Donaldson and Simon James.

Both Team Fun and

Team Rainbow showed a


knowledge of all eight

books whilst the rest of

the class supported them

as the audience. Well

done to both teams for

taking part and huge congratulations to Team Rainbow who were

the very worthy winners of the quiz!

On Monday 6th July 2015, Year 3 visited

Conkers Activity and Discovery Centre in Derbyshire. The children

participated in team building activities such as Construction Derby

(where they had to build a flat pack scooter) and Bushcraft. Lots of

fun was had by all and Year 3 have all written thank you letters to

the rangers for making it such a fantastic day.

Page 3: July 2015 Issue 4 - blowers.dudley.sch.uk · Parliament, Wembley Stadium, MI5 and of course, our Queen’s home, Buckingham Palace (and yes she was in residence). The sun shone on

Pupils who have attended school for at least 98% of the time this

school year were treated to a day out at

Drayton Manor Park. The children enjoyed

visiting the zoo and the dinosaur trail and had

lots of fun on the rides. Well done to all those

children for achieving high levels of


Our Reception children had some special visitors this term. Ten

eggs came to school. They hatched and ten little chicks came out.

They were really tired after all that hard work of pecking out of

their shell. When they were 2 days old the children were able to

hold them. They even made houses for them, but they kept trying

to escape!

Five more visitors arrived through the post. This time they were

tiny caterpillars. The children watched them grow and grow.

Finally they turned into a chrysalis. After a long thirteen days out

popped five beautiful butterflies. After eating some juicy oranges

the children let them go.

Page 4: July 2015 Issue 4 - blowers.dudley.sch.uk · Parliament, Wembley Stadium, MI5 and of course, our Queen’s home, Buckingham Palace (and yes she was in residence). The sun shone on

On the 5th May Class 4 wrote formal letters to the Duke

and Duchess of Cambridge congratulating them on the birth of their

daughter, Princess Charlotte, on the 2nd May. The children used

formal words, complex sentences and wrote the envelopes using the

correct layout. The children were incredibly excited to receive a letter

from the Duke and Duchess on the 15th June and each child was sent

an individually addressed envelope containing a thank you postcard

and commemorative photograph of the new family!

Children at Blowers Green have been involved in a huge variety of

after school clubs this year! They have participated in a wide range

of activities from cooking to curling, speed stacking to spelling! Our

clubs have proved really popular this year and a big thank you goes

out to everyone who has come along and participated fully in our

activities. Look out for more exciting new clubs launching in

September 2015!

Page 5: July 2015 Issue 4 - blowers.dudley.sch.uk · Parliament, Wembley Stadium, MI5 and of course, our Queen’s home, Buckingham Palace (and yes she was in residence). The sun shone on

On Monday 6th July Classes One and Two visited ‘The Black

Country Living Museum.’ This was very exciting as it ‘brought to

life’ many of the things the children have learned about in their

topics during the year.

As the children walked through the cobbled streets, they saw lots of

old buildings such as a Victorian school, a cinema, a chemist’s shop

and a sweet shop and met the people working there; all wearing

their traditional style outfits. It was like stepping out of a time


The children took part in a 1912 school lesson. It

was very different to lessons today. There were

no computers and the children had to write with

chalk on a slate! The

teacher was very strict and there were severe


The children found out about transport

through the ages like horse drawn vehicles

and canal boats. The trolley buses and trams were very different to

the coach the children travelled to the museum on!

The children had a fantastic day at the museum experiencing what

life was like in the past but

they were glad to return to

2015 at the end of the day!

Page 6: July 2015 Issue 4 - blowers.dudley.sch.uk · Parliament, Wembley Stadium, MI5 and of course, our Queen’s home, Buckingham Palace (and yes she was in residence). The sun shone on

Calling all Science Boffins!

In March, British Science Week (BSW)

‘kicked off’ a ten-day celebration of

science, technology, engineering and

maths! Year 6 immersed themselves in this

year’s British Science Week by opening

their eyes to some of the amazing,

innovative science that has happened, is

happening or might happen on their doorstep. Their explorations into

technological, scientific and engineering marvels of the Midlands lead

to their production of 3D models celebrating constructions such as

Spaghetti Junction and The Red House Glass Cone.

But that’s not all! Year 6 also got the rest of the school involved in

celebrating local pieces of science. Entries from Reception to Year 6

were then entered into the British Science Week poster competition.

As votes are being cast and counted, we await to hear of how

Blowers Green have done in this national competition…

watch this space for the results young Darwins,

Einsteins, Brunels and Curies!

Can we say a big thank you to everyone who joined

us for our E-Safety day back in March. All sessions

were well attended and enjoyed by children and guests alike.

Keeping children safe whilst online in today’s technology filled world

is incredibly important, and after the sessions, thanks to the feedback

received by both the children and those who attended. Everybody felt

much more informed of how to stay safe on-line and how to report

anything if there was ever a problem. If you were unable to attend,

or just wish to refresh your memory, you can do this by visiting:


Page 7: July 2015 Issue 4 - blowers.dudley.sch.uk · Parliament, Wembley Stadium, MI5 and of course, our Queen’s home, Buckingham Palace (and yes she was in residence). The sun shone on

Classes 5 and 6 enjoyed a truly memorable day

in our nation’s capital. After a very early start,

the children all boarded our coach and set off

ready for Blowers Green’s biggest adventure yet.

The children passed through all of London’s

famous landmarks: Big Ben, Houses of

Parliament, Wembley Stadium, MI5 and of

course, our Queen’s home, Buckingham Palace

(and yes she was in residence).

The sun shone on the children all day, which was greatly

appreciated, as it enabled them to truly appreciate the spectacular

views on offer as they rode the London Eye and also ‘snap’ some

memories that will last a lifetime.

But the fun didn’t stop there, as soon as the children had

disembarked the London Eye, they hopped back on the coach for a

bit more sight-seeing on route to their final activity of the day… The

National Science Museum. The Museum lived up to everyone’s

expectations, with the children taking full advantage of the shows,

interactive display and, of course, the shop!

Thank you to everyone who was involved in

making this trip happen, from the children who

represented the school superbly, to the members

of staff who gave up their time and also the

parents who also had an early start and were

all there to collect their exhausted children!

Page 8: July 2015 Issue 4 - blowers.dudley.sch.uk · Parliament, Wembley Stadium, MI5 and of course, our Queen’s home, Buckingham Palace (and yes she was in residence). The sun shone on

Team Building

Shelter Building Rock





Campfire Zipwire