july newsletter

1 ACCESS for & by volunteers July 2013 FAREWELL THE FUTURE IS BRIGHT! Inside ACCESS Departments Editor’s Note: Goodbye Volunteer of the month Meet the Volunteers Departmental News Fellow Volunteers Cooking With…. Summer Info Board What`s on July Workshops & More Something missing? Send your contribution to Sujin Chan Allen: [email protected] July 2013 Newsletter Newsletter Editor: Sujin Chan Allen Send your input to [email protected] by the 20 th of every month Note: Next Issue in September

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Page 1: July newsletter

1 ACCESS for & by volunteers July 2013


Inside ACCESS Departments

Editor’s Note: Goodbye

Volunteer of the month

Meet the Volunteers

Departmental News

Fellow Volunteers

Cooking With…. Summer

Info Board

What`s on July

Workshops & More

Something missing? Send your contribution to Sujin Chan Allen: [email protected]

July 2013 Newsletter Happy St. Patricks Day

Newsletter Editor: Sujin Chan Allen

Send your input to

[email protected] by the 20th of every month

Note: Next Issue in September

Page 2: July newsletter

2 ACCESS for & by volunteers July 2013

ACCESS Departments

Executive Director Deborah Valentine [email protected]

PR/Marketing Event Management Roy Lie [email protected]

Office Manager Qin Cai [email protected]

Web Editor Sally Squirrell [email protected]

Cancerlink Aine Campbell [email protected]

CSD – Computer Services John Pellet [email protected]

CEB – Baby courses Ally Coggar Sylvia Kiwanuka Bintou Keita Elvi Kloppenburg

[email protected]

CSN - Counseling Services Network Jo Hendry [email protected]

CED – Community Education Christine Fischer [email protected]

FIN – Finance Patricia Axelrad [email protected]

Communications Carina Hyllested [email protected]

IRD - Information Research Alda Ntezilizaza [email protected] Co-Manager: Mihai Balasel

E-zine Editor Connie Moser [email protected]

THD – Helpdesk Joe Hendry

[email protected]

ACCESS Guides Sarah Parkes Andrew Jones [email protected]

THD Training Larene Baumgarten [email protected]

Web-Master Monica Meier-Bahl [email protected]

THD Zeestraat Coordinator Magda Zografou

[email protected]

Volunteer Newsletter Editor Jessie Blijden [email protected]

THD Atrium Coordinator Annelies Ras [email protected]

Social Media Matt Rees [email protected]

VRD – Volunteer Resources Valentina Armini [email protected] Ramona Necula

Community Liaison Officer Jean-Baptiste Milon [email protected]

FND-Funding Tba [email protected]

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3 ACCESS for & by volunteers July 2013

Editor`s Notes

Goodbye, Farewell: The future is Bright!

The time has come to say goodbye. First of all let me apologize if it has come on

rather short notice, however things have moved a bit fast in the last few weeks and it is

so that I must haste and give a speedy goodbye. In order to give you some context into my

departure, I first must say that it is bittersweet that I must leave. On the one hand I

will be realizing two dreams of mine, that is moving to Sweden and working in education

with young kids. Who would have thought that things would have gone so fast in the end? I

visited the country for a week, came back with an overwhelming sensation of home sickness

( goes to show that when you have found “Home” you can begin to miss it even after

having only known it but for a second). Visited again for one of its infamous

celebrations, Midsummer, and in between managed to get a job at an international school

and a place to stay.

Yes the last month has been a whirlwind of activities and changes that will happen

rather quickly, when you receive this newsletter I will have exactly 28 days to say

goodbye to all my dear ones, pack, move, close accounts and open new ones but like the

Legend of the Phoenix, all ends with new beginnings or begins with ending, depending on

your perspective but all in the same. As expats we are used to being nomads, and are

constantly closing and opening chapters of our lives and although I hope to make Sweden

the final destination I have the slight feeling that the nomad in me will never die, it

has been this way since my early days and I will always travel, it will however, be nice

to finally call a place Home.

Nonetheless, it is still a tad difficult to leave, I will miss something’s and

high and very high on that list is ACCESS. Among the many things I have to say about

ACCESS the most important thing it did for me was to give me a family in a country where

I am all alone. For those of you who know me and know the things I have gone through, I

think you understand fully where I am coming from, in many ways you have helped me

restore faith in humankind and that is a big compliment but it is also the reason why I

pour out my heart to you every month asking you to be kind, patient, courageous, Loving,

persevering, thanksgiving, positive (a few of the themes throughout the year I have

written and edited this newsletter). All these things I wish for you all and it has been

my only way of repaying the kindness that many of you have shown to me. Keep motivating

one another, remember that being in a foreign country is not only difficult for you but

for others as well, and so when you meet people that seem to be on a short circuit, upset

or just plain angry don’t fuel that, just smile and wave Always remember that life is

difficult for many and we all struggle in one way or the other, knowing this allows us to

slow down the pace and enjoy life in the current than worry about past and future which

do not exist.

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4 ACCESS for & by volunteers July 2013

Editor`s Notes

Having said that what I do wish to leave you with, is that although the future does not

yet exist, it is bright (yes I think you have figured out by now that I am one of those

people who sees the glass as being half full or while others try to figure out what it is

I have probably drunk the remaining water hahaha) but in all seriousness the future is

bright because you have the opportunity to make what you wish of it. You do! and it all

starts with your outlook on this world, do I believe that everything is perfect and

coloured rose, NO, but I do believe we have responsibility in helping ourselves feel

better. There are many things and people in this world that can make you feel down don’t

add another person to that equation by adding yourself in self loathing. In the face of

negativity and aversion, smile .

But enough of my story and me trying to jam all of the things I wish for you into

one letter that is now two pages (I guess I just want to give you all that good stuff in

one last go, but also it is my way for apologizing that I must leave so soon). I would

also like to take this opportunity to announce the new Newsletter Editor, Sujin Chan

Allen, who will be taking this duty on and to whom I really wish all the best of luck. I

will try my best to leave her well prepared for this but I am sure Sujin has many ideas

of her own and the goal in life is to always make something better than before. And so I

am sure that starting with the next newsletter, in September, you will start seeing her

own style come through, please join ACCESS in welcoming Sujin as newsletter editor. Don`t

forget that this newsletter is always by and for volunteers so please send her items for

her to add.

I will be sad not to have this newsletter every month but I promise that when I can

I send articles about my experiences and travels in Sweden and hopefully ACCESS will

publish them please feel free to reach me at [email protected] should you want to say

hello and or you are for some reason in Stockholm and are looking for someone to hang

out. I would like to thank you all for your support during this past year, To Qin for

being a wonderful friend and someone I could always come to, to Carina for letting me run

wild with this newsletter (or at least safer version of wild, hey I could have gotten

crazy, yet you trusted me) To Debora for always mentioning how much you enjoyed reading,

To Nuria for many reasons I won’t mention here but you know what you mean to me, you are

a friend that anyone would be more than grateful to have. Last but not least, to all you

volunteer not only for contributing but for the work you do, I do hope that my words have

made small differences in your lives and that you keep reaching for the stars, keep

developing as human beings and always always keep learning.

As always Happy Readings, and Be Kind to one another!


Volunteer Newsletter Editor

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5 ACCESS for & by volunteers July 2013

Volunteer of the month

Congratulations to

Larene Baumgartner

I first met Larene on the occasion of my training session at ACCESS. I remember

how enthusiastic she was on preparing to take over the THD training

Coordinator position from Queeny. She has done an excellent job since then

coordinating the training and also as a VRD team member.

She is an organised person and extremely clear in offering details, she is always

looking for solutions to facilitate and improve the training process.

Coordinating a training session and making it a successful one is much more than

it seems at first glance. It requires attention, problem solving oriented,

communication and persuasion skills and I say with great confidence that Larene

meets all the above.

On top of that she is a valuable member of the VRD team with outstanding

presentation skills being involved in information mornings and keeping accurate

personal records in ACCESS database.

She has a positive and energetic attitude that always brings optimism and

enthusiasm to the team.

Congratulations Larene for this acknowledgement, you well deserve it for all you

have done for ACCESS so far.


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6 ACCESS for & by volunteers July 2013

Meet the Volunteers

Jean-Baptiste Milon I'm Jean-Baptiste Milon, I was born in Bordeaux, France. I studied in Paris, jumped to Dublin for a year (it turned out to be a great idea, as I came back with a vocation and a partner after just 8 months!), and arrived in The Hague about 2 years ago. I'm coming from a musical family, with my two parents playing the violin, one sister playing the cello and the other playing violin and viola da gamba (an old cousin of the cello).I arrived in ACCESS in April, and recently starting to work as a Community Liaison Officer in order to manage a calendar of events relevant to the international community. The funny thing is, as always, I had no idea where I was stepping in. In my impulsive way, I just came to the meeting, thinking I'd be redirected to other non-profit organisations to volunteer with children or elderly people! In the end, I'm discovering for the first time ever what it is to work in an office, to write neat e-mails, not swear too much (I'm getting there...), etc. And you know what? So far I love it! It's so nice to be meeting so many people from everywhere, get a sense of family at work (doesn't happen to pianists usually) and get to do some objective work for once, rather than being at the mercy of subjective opinions (and moods) of the show business people...I work mainly as a pianist, and currently I'm quite a Jack of all-musical-trades, from teaching piano to accompanying Opera singers or students in Rotterdam Conservatorium. It's finally starting to happen for me, as I arrived at the worst of times for culture in Holland.Fingers crossed, In the meantime, I'm trying to build a piano class in The Hague through a brand new website: http://vivaldimusiclessons.nl/en/teachers/piano-lessons/jean-baptiste-milon-pianokeyboard . Wanna learn piano? Other than that, I spend some of my free time cycling around between Hoek van Holland, Katwijk and Rotterdam, taking Holland in whenever the weather permits, I love cooking -I'm the Frrrench one of the couple!- and learning languages. As soon as my Dutch feels fluent enough, I'll go for Italian -with Valentina, of course! ;) -.

Megha Sharma Hi all, I am Megha Sharma and I am from India. I came here with my husband for his work purpose. When we first arrived here in February 2011, the first impression of Netherlands was not immediately endearing. But it grows on you, and for me one of the reasons for starting to like it here is ACCESS. ACCESS is my first opportunity of working as I had just finished my studies. I joined ACCESS in September 2011 and worked in various departments like help desk, writing articles for website, participating in a few events, etc. Then I finally joined the Advertising Department and stayed in it. It has been wonderful working under the guidance of Deborah, Carina and Qin, it will help me a lot in future. I made friends here who will keep inspiring me. I would keep in touch with them wherever I am, thanks to facebook! Apart from ACCESS, I also work as a lunch supervisor in a school where I meet another bunch of wonderful kids (pun intended)! And just to mention, the walk from ACCESS to Spui will also be a part of my memories with its charming little café’s, shops with beautiful displays, and smart crowds!

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7 ACCESS for & by volunteers July 2013

Meet the Volunteers

Nidhi Sharma

It seems like yesterday when I came to Netherlands in November 2011, it was a big step for me since I had never been abroad. I got married in January 2011 the ceremony took place in Delhi, however I could not come to Netherlands right away because of related visa paperwork. That was my first experience on how organized the paperwork is (this time I did not like it, since I was being asked for documents that do not exist in Indian context). After a long wait of 10 months, I finally joined my husband in November 2011. We live in The Hague; here everything was new to me – the environment, language, people, customs, food and dressing style. There were many things which were completely different from what I preferred and expect; at the same time this was an opportunity to learn new things and gain different experiences. The things which I liked here the most (selected from long list) are - straight forward nature of the people and their punctuality which I always wanted (and try) to have. The summers are the best, unlike most locals I like winters too it has its own glory when everything is white, wearing long coats, shivering in cold and having a hot cup of coffee in our cold hands. It’s just awesome! Looking out of the window at my first snowfall was an experience that I will never forget. I have tried almost all the café’s in Den Haag as me and my husband love to do that on weekends, to try a new taste and the best café, a suggestion to all who like a good cup of coffee is to try at La Mano Maestra and Belmondo. The only thing which I miss the most after coming to Netherlands is my family and a radio program called “ Andaze Baya” it’s related to urdu poetry which I never used to miss when I was in India as I love to write my own “ Sher-o-Sayayri”. This is an beautiful way to express the feelings of the heart, I have so far penned down around 300 Shers (short poems of around 20 lines). Being an avid writer, I maintained a Journal and these Shers are a part of my journal and close to my heart. My studies are a partner of my life as well, and I must say that I still continue with them holding the books tight in my hands, I am doing ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) and really happy that my hubby is also supportive of this. When I first came to Netherlands I felt lonely, leaving close family relatives and very good friends behind. But then came a big turning point in my life in September 2012 when I joined ACCESS and here I am to introduce myself. Hi I am Nidhi Sharma, I am an Indian staying in Den Haag with my life partner. I started working at help desk and fortunately got an opportunity to join the funding department in February. Now I am working as a Funding Assistant and really thankful to ACCESS for giving me the opportunity for being the part of ACCESS. It always feels like family all my colleagues/ friends have made each moment special for me. On the professional level too working here has enhanced my experience. In India I was working as a Financial Associate in a multinational company and joining the Funding Department has added a new perspective to that. I will be happy to continue working at ACCESS. It’s really great. Last but not the least I am waiting for a very special moment to arrive to share with you all as we are expecting our first baby in July. New hopes for new future with our little one! I am really excited and to be very honest a bit afraid too for that special moment to arrive. There’s a lot to share with you all but for now this is it……………………………..

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8 ACCESS for & by volunteers July 2013

Departmental News


For the annual update of the ACCESS Guides, researchers, writers, editors and proofreaders are needed.

Contact: Carina, [email protected]


Assistant CED Manager

The assistant CED Manager is responsible for: collecting, correlating, and uploading course/workshop’s info onto the ACCESS website; uploading/editing the trainer’s profile every 3 months for the E-zine; participating in CED monthly meetings; maintaining good contacts with CED manager, trainers and Communications Dept; writing up minutes of the CED monthly meeting; writing personal timely reminders to trainers regarding deadlines. Contact: Christine, [email protected] or [email protected]

CED Internal Communication

The CED Internal Communication member is responsible for: assisting CED Manager in determining trainers needs by contacting them to find out what they need to function to keep cohesion of group; assisting trainers in the planning, monitoring, and appraisal of progress by planning one on one individual feedback sessions; assisting trainers in maintaining quality control by offering to help teach trainers how to schedule and conduct evaluations; helping CED Manager maintain historical trainer resource records by maintaining a filing and retrieval system; keeping past and current records up-to-date. Contact: Christine, [email protected] or [email protected]

CED External Communication

Current project entails facilitating brochure & online intranet e-zine distribution of trainer’s info with associated organisations. In this regard, the external communication member cooperates with Communications Department closely. Moreover, the team member is responsible for: assisting CED manager in planning, developing and implementing strategies to help promote trainers; creating a distribution list; focusing on E-zine Profiles & Trainer's brochures; liaising with and answering enquiries from outside organizations that may have interest in CED trainers, often via telephone and email; collating information relating to and analysing current projects of promotion; assisting in preparing and supervising the production of publicity brochure portfolios. Future projects may include brainstorming other avenues of promotion for trainers such as hand-outs, direct mail leaflets, promotional videos, photographs, films and/or multimedia programmes; Contact: Christine, [email protected] or [email protected]

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9 ACCESS for & by volunteers July 2013

Departmental News

Volunteer Resources Department (VRD) Volunteer Resources Officer

The VR Officer will be responsible for supporting the VRD manager in all aspects of Volunteer Resources nature of ACCESS. The VR assistant will: attend, organise and present Information Mornings for new volunteers and help with the recruitment process; send emails with details of new candidates to training department; inform the candidates on selection/rejection; handle 4-6 week follow up form and check for comments; follow up the exit process of leaving volunteers; prepare reference letters and/or certificate of volunteering; prepare monthly and yearly statistics; update PEP database and make sure all volunteers receive PEP cards; ensure the VRD manual is up to date. We are looking for a volunteer who can commit for a minimum of 6 hours a week, for at least 6 months. Start date: end of August 2013. The interested volunteer will be trained before officially taking over the role in mid September. Should you be interested on this position please send an email to [email protected] with a motivational letter.

Information Research Department (IRD) Information Researcher (IRD Team Member)

The information and research team member searches, records and updates information in the database (DAISY). He/She will be responsible for: reading, writing and summarising information; researching and recording all new information according to set procedure; deleting all irrelevant information according to set procedure; checking information which is not complete or not clear (by using Internet); ensuring information is kept up to date; assisting with transferring information coming from other departments to the computer, if necessary (including updating, creating or deleting information).Current projects: recording and updating information from the First Step Guide for Rotterdam and for Utrecht; from the International Community Platform (ICP) regarding healthcare (childcare, GPs, maternity care, mental health professionals, midwives, physiotherapy); researching and recording information regarding the following cities in all the main categories (Childcare, Education, Employment, House, Legal and Admin, Leisure and Entertainment, Medical, Other Services, Social Services): Amstelveen, Breda, Delft, Eindhoven, Groningen, Haarlem, Leiden, Maastricht, Nijmegen, Schiphol, Tilburg, Utrecht, Voorburg, Wassenaar. The goal is to improve DAISY and make it more global. We are looking for 2 fulltime (6 hours per week) or 4 halftime (3 hours per week) team members. Should you be interested in this position, please contact: [email protected]

NOTE: Volunteers must finish the probationary month at the Helpdesk before applying for any vacancy


Pot Luck Lunch dates for 2013:

Thursday September 20th Thursday November 21st @ Zeestraat 100 from 12:15 – 14:45

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10 ACCESS for & by volunteers July 2013

Your fellow Volunteers


A Facebook group for ACCESS volunteers has been created, it is called ‘ACCESS volunteers’, search for it (ACCESS in uppercase!) or use below link.

Please do join!


ACCESS Information Morning: The next Information morning will be held on 11th September 2013. All potential volunteers must first contact VRD before attending the information morning. Enquiries about volunteering should be forwarded to [email protected]

WE HAD TO SAY GOODBYE TO: Ros Cutts Julia Kohnert Ilma Souza Miranda Veronica Reithmeier Afshaan Shafi Hilary Fitzroy Anshu Agarwal Kim Schurch Nadav More Robert Udilwa Jessie Blijden We thank you for your time, energy and work, and we wish you best of luck


th Elvi Kloppenburg

July 14th

Ilma Souza Miranda July 20

th Hilary Fitzroy

July 30th

Veronika Reithmeier WE WELCOME TBA

ACCESS social media

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11 ACCESS for & by volunteers July 2013

Your fellow Volunteers

CAREER IN YOUR SUITCASE At the beginning of June I was one of the lucky ACCESS volunteers to get a spot at the "Career in your suitcase" workshop held by Colleen Reichrath-Smith, and having as special guest Jo Parfitt, both being the co-authors for the book with the same name. The workshop had two "out of the ordinary" sessions that made each of the participants discover himself more than ever expected. The members of the group for this session matched perfectly, each having a different personality which somehow inspired new things in all of us. Jo amazed us with her life story while Colleen offered us the perfect atmosphere to open up and share stories of our lives that moved us in a way or another. Detailed personality assessments were made and just a few papers showed parts of us that maybe unconsciously we were aware of, but consciously, not really. During the workshop we were put in the position to discover ourselves, without words or thoughts being placed in our head by someone else but us. Hours passed like minutes and creative thoughts came like seconds. At the end of the day we were all having our own list of values to follow when choosing a career but also a list of things that we would like to avoid in a present or future career. The entire workshop brought great value not just for me, but for all the participants, and we all had a much clearer idea of what we really want in our professional life. I entered there with an empty suitcase and I left with a strong beating hearth and a full suitcase with feelings that I rediscovered after years and years of wrongly forgetting / hiding them somewhere in my rusty mind. I do highly recommend it (and not just suggest it) to everyone that has the slightness feeling that has to discover himself more, both professionally and personally. Try it and maybe you will also leave the workshop with "In my secret life" by Leonard Cohen, sounding over and over in your ears. /Mihai /

Loredana Receiving her VOM for June, Congratulations!!!

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12 ACCESS for & by volunteers July 2013

Cooking With…Summer


Potatoes (1kg)

Carrots (3 or 4 medium size) Eggs (3)

Green Olives (without pips better, Carbonell is a good brand)

Gherkins (chopped, Khune)

Tuna in olive oil (4 little cans, Riomare)


Olive oil

Balsamic vinegar

Mayonnaise (of olive oil better, Calve)

1. Boil the potatoes, carrots (peeled) and eggs in salted water

until they are done (when you can easily nail a knife on the potatoes). Leave them get colder naturally.

2. In the mean time you can mix the green olives, gherkins and tuna in a big bowl. Peel the potatoes.

3. Cut the potatoes and carrots into small portions. Add salt, oil and balsamic vinegar. Taste it (just in case it needs more flavor).

4. Mix all of the ingredients and add the mayonnaise. Eat it cold.

Strawberry Trifle 350 gr of Madeira cake or pound cake

Strawberry Jam

strawberry or raspberry liqueur, or crème de


1 tbsp golden caster sugar

500 gr of vanilla custard

284 ml pot double cream, lightly whipped

1. slice the cake in several layers and close together

with the jam

2. Cut the cake into cubes 3. Sprinkle sugar of strawberry 4. Divide the cake into six glasses and sprinkle with a

bit of liqueur. Spoon over the slice strawberries

and top each layer with custard and layer of

cream and decorate with strawberry.

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13 ACCESS for & by volunteers July 2013

Info Board

Shiatsu Massage Workshop

On Friday morning, the 28th June 2013, ACCESS Helpdesk volunteer, Nuria Garcia Saorin, together with a colleague of hers, Juul Mulder, gave a workshop on Shiatsu Massage to some of our volunteers in the conference room in Zeestraat. Both Nuria and Juul have been studying Shiatsu Massage at the Nederlandse School Voor Klassieke Shiatsu in The Hague for the past years, they are in the final stage of their studies now, in the meantime they have

started the practice in treating clients. The workshop was an introduction to this effective oriental medical practice which is becoming increasingly popular among the Westerners nowadays. The theoretical origin of Shiatsu is based on traditional Chinese medicine which was introduced to Japan in the 6th century, the Japanese adapted these methods to their climate, temperament and culture, the technique used in Shiatsu is relatively new, it was officially recognized by the Japanese government as a healing therapy about 85 years ago, it is

now a combination of the diagnosis and treatment philosophy of acupuncture and the old technique of massage called anma in Japan or tuina in China. Shiatsu works with the principle of Yin and Yang, the essence of oriental thinking, they, being the origin of the universe, cannot exist without the other, they are complementary. Shiatsu also works with the concepts of empty and full (of energy) and the five elements (fire, earth, metal, water and wood). The tools Shiatsu uses are: thumbs, elbows, feet, arms palms, knees, moxas and body weight, by applying pressure on the meridians it helps the body to restore well-being, another common technique used is stretching. After learned the basic theories, we moved on to the next part of the workshop – moved downwards on to the floor, lying on our backs, sides and the stomachs, following the instructions of each step of the Do-in “Path of Support”- pull and stretch, the participants were both the patients and practitioners for each other, we finished the workshop with not only new knowledge of this oriental massage but also new techniques to use as a way of staying fit, keeping physical health and mental serenity. For more details or appointments, please contact: Nuria on 06 8149 4666, or, [email protected] Juul on 06 2726 4785, or, [email protected]

/Qin Cai/

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14 ACCESS for & by volunteers July 2013

Info Board


Due to my soon departure I have just a few items to sell please contact me directly should you wish to purchase. Email: [email protected] Phone: 0620293022 Item 1: IKEA SIMPLE two person sofa, bought last year July for €80 selling for €60 Item 2: IKEA Coffee table, bought last year selling for €15 Item 3: IKEA Carpet, €10 Item 4: IKEA frame with Leonardo da Vinci’s vitruvian man and invention drawing €10 Item 5: IKEA Chandelier €30


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15 ACCESS for & by volunteers July 2013

What’s on in July

A TRIBITE TO MILES DAVIS The Jazz Orchestra of the Concertgebouw is joined in this midnight concert by trumpet player Christian Scott to remember the two concerts given by Miles Davis in 1956. www.robecosummernights.nl When: July 20 Where: Concertgebouw, Amsterdam

ALEXANDER MEINIKOV The Russian pianist is joined by a wind instrument quartet consisting of oboe, fagot, horn and clarinet for quintets by Mozart and Beethoven for piano and wind players. www.robecosummernights.nl When: July 31 Where: Concertgebouw, Amsterdam

BEETHOVENS'S PIANO CONCERTOS Stefan Vladar plays all five of Beethoven's piano concertos with the Wiener Kammerorchester. www.robecosummernights.nl

When: The first three on July 25. The last two on July 26.

Where: Concertgebouw, Amsterdam

ENGLISH NATIONAL OPERA Benjamin Britten's musically rich and complex Death In Venice, based on the Thomas Mann novella, is performed by English National Opera and the Rotterdam Philharmonic conducted by Edward Gardner. Among the soloists are John Graham Hall, Andrew Shaw and Tim Mead. Director Deborah Warner is responsible for the elaborate staging. It is sung in English. www.rpho.nl When: July 3, 5 and 7 (matinee) Where: Muziektheater, Amsterdam,

FAY CLAASEN SINGS CHET BAKER Dutch singer Fay Claassen uses her flexible voice to sing not only the lyrics of Chet Baker hits such as My Funny Valentine, but also the trumpet lines he laid down in his playing. Baker died 25 years ago when he fell out of a window of his hotel in Amsterdam. www.robecosummernights.nl When: July 24 Where: Concertgebouw, Amsterdam

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16 ACCESS for & by volunteers July 2013

What’s on in July

JULY DANCE The international contemporary dance festival kicks off with Alaska by the choreographer and film-maker Gunilla Heilborn, who combines movement, film and performance in her work. For this piece she works with eleven dancers from the Göteborgs Operans Danskompani. Akram Khan closes the festival with his new work iTMOi (in the mind of igor). The Igor in question is Stravinsky and Khan investigates the way in which the Russian composer changed classical music.

www.julidans.nl When: July 2 to 13 Where: Stadsschouwburg and other locations around the Leidseplein, Amsterdam

KURT ELLING The American jazz vocalist sings the repertoire of Frank Sinatra, accompanied by the Jazz Orchestra of the Concertgebouw. www.robecosummernights.nl When: July 3 Where: Concertgebouw, Amsterdam

NETHERLAND SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA The orchestra plays John Williams' music for films such as Indiana Jones and Star Wars. Lorenzo Gatto plays the violin solo from the Schindler's List score. The conductor is Ernst van Tiel. www.robecosummernights.nl When: July 19 Where: Concertgebouw, Amsterdam

YURI HONING ACOUSTIC QUARTET One of the most creative saxophone players and his quartet mix pop and jazz and play repertoire by artists such as David Bowie and his own compositions. www.robecosummernights.nl When: July 12 Where: Concertgebouw, Amsterdam

THOMAS OLIEMANS & MALCOLM MARTINEAU Pianist Malcolm Martineau accompanies baritone Thomas Oliemans as he sings Schubert's final song cycle, Schwanengesang. www.robecosummernights.nl When: July 17 Where: Concertgebouw, Amsterdam,

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17 ACCESS for & by volunteers July 2013

What’s on in July

RADIO CHAMBER PHILARMONIC Maasaki Suzuki conducts the orchestra in Mendelssohn's Scottish symphony and Mozart's clarinet concerto with soloist Michael Collins. www.robecosummernights.nl When: July 12 Where: Concertgebouw, Amsterdam

ROBBIE WILLIAMS Robbie Williams brings his Take The Crown tour to the Netherlands. He sings numbers from the new album such as the hit single Candy as well as old favourites such as Let Me Entertain You. www.amsterdamarena.nl When: July 13 Where: Arena, Amsterdam

Thanks to Ramona for sourcing & collecting these special events!

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18 ACCESS for & by volunteers July 2013

Workshops & More


Thu, July 4 Vacation

Thu, July 11th , 11 AM - 12 Noon ALSO Evenings from 19:00-20:00 Topic – Reviewing Ethnic literature: Bless Me, Ultima-Rudolfo A. Anaya

Thu, July 18th , 11 AM - 12 Noon ALSO Evenings from 19:00-20:00 Topic – Reviewing Ethnic literature: House Made of Dawn-N.Scott Momaday

Thu, July 25th, 11 AM - 12 Noon ALSO Evenings from 19:00-20:00 Topic – Reviewing Ethnic literature: American Smooth- Rita Dove

Daytime discussion groups are done on Thursdays at Bagels and Beans, but also can be done on demand at alternate locations and Evening discussion groups are done on Thursdays at Valkenboskade 131, but also can be done on demand at alternate locations. Fireside Workshops: € 35 per person

Workshop: Each meeting will focus on diversity issues that specifically affect expats and internationals. These

sessions are created to help groups. Whether the group is composed of members of a board room or sports

club, everyone benefits from learning ways of dealing with homesickness, stereotyping, difference, etc.

Workshops are done on demand and can be held at the ACCESS office or at alternate locations.

Topic - Homesickness - How to keep your identity when your home keeps changing

Topic - Packing your bags - Preparing for your trip home -(Reverse) culture shock.

Topic - Globalization is knocking, are you going to answer? - Workshop that focuses on helping people

become comfortable with talking about diversity issues.


€ 550 per person Seminars: A deep exploration of the pervasive influence diversity has on one’s own identity. Seminars can be done on demand and at alternate locations. Each seminar will focus on a particular piece of research/ literature in the diversity field. Seminars are done on demand and can be held at the ACCESS office or at alternate locations. This seminar explores the work: Understanding Race, Ethnicity, & Power. By Elaine Pinderhughes. Students are expected to order and purchase this item themselves. Delivery can take time so best to order this item at least two to three weeks in advance of the seminar.

/Christine Fischer/ www.fischersfiresidechats.com

Page 19: July newsletter

19 ACCESS for & by volunteers July 2013


Thank you to all the volunteers who made the July Newsletter possible, until we meet again!!!