jump start your fitness program with these motivation tips


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Post on 10-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Jump Start Your Fitness Program With These Motivation Tips

Welcome back!

Page 2: Jump Start Your Fitness Program With These Motivation Tips

Over the past few lessons you've been learning the basics of cardio, weight training and nutrition. And in future lessons we're going to delve deeply into these topics so that you can enjoy big results. But none of this information means a thing if you're not able to tap into your motivation and apply the


Page 3: Jump Start Your Fitness Program With These Motivation Tips

Just look around and you'll see that motivation is a major factor in people's poor results. Most people at least know the basics of losing weight nutrition and exercise. Certainly, they could take a course like this if they

wanted to know the insider secrets of getting absolutely ripped.

Page 4: Jump Start Your Fitness Program With These Motivation Tips

But people don't bother. Indeed, most people don't even bother starting a fitness program. And that's because they simply don't have the motivation to

start it, much less stick with it.

Page 5: Jump Start Your Fitness Program With These Motivation Tips

That's why you're different. I know you're motivated because you're a part of this membership site. Indeed, just knowing you'll have regular new lessons coming into your inbox every week is enough to motivate you to keep going.

But you'll learn even more motivation tricks as the weeks go on.

Page 6: Jump Start Your Fitness Program With These Motivation Tips

In just a moment I'll get you started with some good motivation tricks. But first, let me warn you...

Page 7: Jump Start Your Fitness Program With These Motivation Tips

There's going to come a day when you're going to feel like cancelling your subscription to this site. You'll rationalize it a million ways. But be strong and fight it! That's just your lack of motivation talking. And the day you cancel your subscription is the day you'll slip right back into your old habits... and your old


Page 8: Jump Start Your Fitness Program With These Motivation Tips

Point is, let your subscription to this site be one of your motivators. And if want, you can even think of this regular lessons as the "nagging voice" that keeps you

on track. Sometimes you might even cringe when you see these lessons, especially if you've slacked off. In that case, these lessons are serving their


Page 9: Jump Start Your Fitness Program With These Motivation Tips

Now here are some motivational tips to get you going...

Page 10: Jump Start Your Fitness Program With These Motivation Tips

Take pictures and measurements today. Take pics of yourself (just wearing shorts) from all angles - front, back and both sides. You may not like looking at these pics today, but several months from now you'll be amazed at what you

used to look like!

Page 11: Jump Start Your Fitness Program With These Motivation Tips

Find a good reason to get in shape. Preferably, this should be a reason with a deep emotional hook. That is, when you think about the reason for your goal

(and you imagine yourself achieving it), you feel really strongly about it.

Page 12: Jump Start Your Fitness Program With These Motivation Tips

Write down your goal. Then post it someplace where you can see your goal every day. Whenever you see your goal, be sure to imagine what you'll feel like when you achieve it. Tapping into that emotion is a key to keeping you moving


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Find someone to inspire you. Finally, you may wish to find someone who inspires you. Maybe it's someone you met at the gym. Maybe it's someone you've seen online. Regardless, find someone who used to look like you (or

worse) and now looks the way you want to look. If he can do it, so can you... especially once you learn the tips and secrets inside the Ideal Fitness System!

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That's it for this time. Next time you'll find out how small, easy changes can produce big results!

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