june-2006indian institute of architects part-2 examination question papers

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  • 8/7/2019 June-2006indian Institute Of Architects Part-2 Examination Question Papers


    Time; 12Hours (10.3 a.m. (0 4.30 p.m.]la imurn Marks: 200

    2 06'

    In lructions to andidales1. At the end of the first da you. are required to submit sketch bowing

    layout plan plans and section andel ations plaining concept of thescheme which will not be returned.

    2. 0major dcvi tion from the above will be permitted.3. Prescribed scales hould be followed.4. As ume data not given and tate thesame clearly.S. Thi pRP~ contains 2 pagand 1 sk tch,

    COMMI lONERou are required to design RESIDENCE FOR DEPUTY COMMISSIONER ora

    DC ly formed district on the site a per given site plan.

    1. Entrance porch1..Loung 15 sq.m.3. Priv te officeILibrary 10 q.m,4. Living Room 40 sq.m,5. Dining Room 30 sq.m.

    attached with powder room.6. Lobby/circulation areal taircase7. B d Rooms (4 os.)

    i) Master Bed room 22.5 sq.m.withattached toilet, walkin closet & Or ing 10.0 sq.m.

    ii) Other Bed Room 3 Nos) :w sq.m, e cbwitheach attached toilet & Dr ' iog 8.5 q.m. each8. Store 'II


  • 8/7/2019 June-2006indian Institute Of Architects Part-2 Examination Question Papers


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    1 1SKETCH-I


    l R:$ 13br-,

    SIT E .. 1="0 R . . .RESI DE-NeE.. 0 1=Dy. COMMI5510NER

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    :lOM WiDE ROAO


    iI t\ltu 01 0 ' 1 .~l~I

    1. FAR 1:0.52. Maximum Ground Coverage 25%3. Maximum P rmissibl Height lO.~

    o1. Layout 11m2. Ians, elevations & sectionsto explain the desi n3. Perspective i,


    (SOMarks)(100 arks)(SOMarks)

  • 8/7/2019 June-2006indian Institute Of Architects Part-2 Examination Question Papers


    Time: 4 Hour (10.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m.]a imum Marks: ISO

    Date: 24th .Iune 2006Day: aturday

    In. tructions to Candidates


    1. Answer any Three questions including cumpul ory question o. I fromP I, and answer oy two question with labeled ketch from Part U.2. AUam en to theQuestions should be written in E 'GLISH only.

    3. Tbis paper coataiu 1 page and 7 questions.PART I

    Q.l. Write bort Dotes with sketches on any three of t e following: 20a) Types of COncrete and their comparative uses,b) Uses of Aluminum in buildings.c) Coloured glasses.d) Artifidal wood panelse) arble inDooring.

    Q.2. Explain with ketches the mixino, laying and casting of RC.C labs. 15Q.3. Analyze and iUnstrate critically the use ofvarious furnishing materials. 15Q.4. Describe with sketches the insulating materials used in buildings along

    with tbeir advantages/disadvantages. 15l PARTU

    Q.5. Illustrate the design considerations and construction of T. . slidingfolding, M.S tiding door, and fire resisting d Of'S. SO

    Q.6. Explain with ketches the design, construction a d finishing ofcombin d beam and slab in RC.C. 50

    Q.7. Describe with sketches the constructlo de . of A S or T.W ,. usswith roof co erings, 50

    " ' ' ' ' * ' ' ' "' '"**' '

  • 8/7/2019 June-2006indian Institute Of Architects Part-2 Examination Question Papers


    Ol)(!~NO.IOS------_ .._--TUI~ I DIA INS"fITUTE OF TSPARTl! ~XAM INATION _( , .HEM~_~~Q~)

    USTAINABLE ARCHITECTURE & ENVIRONMENTTime: 3 Hours OO.JOa.m. (0 1.30 p.m.)i\> l:a xim u 0 1 M II,r.k s: 1 0 0

    Date: ZStb June 2006D,IY: Sunday

    Instructions to Candidates1. All questions carry equal marks; answer questions of both sections in oneanswerbook,

    2. Answer to be brief & specific,wilh illustrations, if any.3.Cr dil will b given only for individual observations and understanding of

    the subject,.::I.AUanswers- ,to tbe questions should be:written in E GLISH only.5. ntis paper contains 2 pages and" 'questions.(

    SEglQ~.-1 (Answer any dtree)Q.l ..3) How do you graphically represent wind movement, frequency and speed forits use in the building design.

    b) \VLtat are (be different ways orsunligbt reacbing inside the room in abuilding? [20]

    Q.2. "In W.a.nn humid climates the prima.ry need is for e.osuring air movementwithin (he resides tialsettlements" .-.Explain tb iseoacept througbsketcbesshowing the ~idealstreet orientation, street width, abutting building heigbt,space between building blocksaad 'ZOning of land use. [20]

    Q.3. illustrate wit.bexamples bow do tlae foUowin.g elements of buildingcbangeswith tIle-changes Incllmatic censideratien whiledesigniog a buHt (arm. (415=201a) Surface to volume ratiob) Roof Corme) Wallsd) Fenestration pattern

    Q.4. 'friteshol"t Dotes on the followiogs:-i) E . ~ e r g y . . . . -effic.iOO( gl .8Zin.g systemIi) SI1ading devices on windowsiii) ~rll'ombe walli ) 'lind Tower



  • 8/7/2019 June-2006indian Institute Of Architects Part-2 Examination Question Papers



    CQll" i\O.203TI-(I~1~1)IAN.l~STIT1Jr~ .JJf AitCllrrfi:CTS


    Time: 3 Hours (10.30

  • 8/7/2019 June-2006indian Institute Of Architects Part-2 Examination Question Papers



    . ime: 3 Hour (0.30 a.m, to 1.30 p.m.)M:u:iIOOID Marks: 100 D.IY: uesda

    NOTE:I. A ll q uestio ns carry eq ual marks2. A ttem pt any three questions from part land an)' tw o questions from part U3. A ll answ ers should be w ritten in ENGLISH language,4. This p ap er c on ta in s 7 questions and is of I page.

    TIMATIO AND CO TI G (PART!)Define estimation and costing. Give two distinctive reasons for \ orkingoutcosting. List all types and methods of estimation. Explain five factors that affectthe cost of building.

    Q.2. W ork out rate analysis of any two:a) Excavation inhard stratab) M 20 concrete for R C C Colum ns insupe r s truc tu rec) 18 m m thick cem ent sand extem a I plaster in l:j m Ix.


    Q. 3. Attempt any two ;a) Give two advantages and two lim i tatio ns o f usin g approximate est im ationb) State the im p ortance of prep Bring Bill ofquantities'c) List any teq services whose cost may be estimated prior to construction

    Q .4. D ifferentiate between piecew ork, daily basis lump sum and labo ur rate basismethods of execution of work . Justify use of anyone by giving appropriate/' exam pIe ,PECIFICATIO (PARTII)

    ( Q.5. State the importance of specification writing by giving an example. Also writethe im p ortant factors that constitute specificatio n w riting .Q. 6. Write~specifications for any two:a) Marble m o saic tile floo ring ,b) First class brick work

    c) Stone claddingQ. 7. Explain the method of writing specification for any rwo:a) E lectrical fittin gsb) Piping for \ ater supplyc) Sanitary fixtures

  • 8/7/2019 June-2006indian Institute Of Architects Part-2 Examination Question Papers


  • 8/7/2019 June-2006indian Institute Of Architects Part-2 Examination Question Papers



    -2..-Q IV u) Design a tcrr-cc slab 4m x 5m having all edges discontinuous and

    simply suppo.ted, Waterprnc fing treutrucnt over rlab W 'ighs ]knlm 2 and the terrace is i : 1CCCS: ible. U !;C 'M 25 grade of concretean d 1 - 1 Y~D bars. (I I )

    b) Explain advantages o r pre-stressing. Distinguish between pre-tensioning and post-tensioning system of pre stressing concrete. . (12)

    PART IIQ. V. Calculate th e axial load carrying capacity of [ section ISMB 250

    of length 3000mm. It is fixed at bottom and hinged at top, (IS)Q VI. Design 1.75 m long tie of a roof truss using tw o equal ang les

    welded on both sides of 12 rnm thick gus se t p la te Lo can)' anaxial force of.250 kn . Also design the welded connection. ( 15)~


    .Q vn Calculate the tensile force that can be transmitted by a lap jointconsisting of two 90 mm wide x 10 mm each thick plates joinedby 3 nos 16 rom dia, rivets placed in line alongthe direction ofthe: force. (1 5 )

  • 8/7/2019 June-2006indian Institute Of Architects Part-2 Examination Question Papers


  • 8/7/2019 June-2006indian Institute Of Architects Part-2 Examination Question Papers


    - -~--_ . -----~----.----- --- -_ .--2-

    0.5. Write an Illustrated essay on the "Great Exhibilions" explaining theusignificance in the development of iron and s eel construction,


    (Att.empt any ONE question)0.6. Illustrate with examples the role of Frank Lloyd Wright m the development of

    Modern architecture. (20)

    Q.7. Write the Illustrated essay on the "Modern architecture", highlightingreasons for its birth and detailing its course of development.


    (Attempt any ONE question)O.B. I

  • 8/7/2019 June-2006indian Institute Of Architects Part-2 Examination Question Papers



    -II (Answer a.ny two)Q.S. "Water bodies absorb much beat during the da and re-radiate it at- night:-

    Discuss various uses of this principle in the design of pnblic buildings indifferent climatic zones of India.

    Q.6. DIu trate with sketches various configurations offi oestratiooslwindow.s forensuring daylight, air mo eDltut and radiation control in the design of schoolbuildings in hot dry zone of India.

    Q.7. Enumerate briefly the available methods for conducting an E.LA exercise foran upcoming large housjng.comptex in a metro city~

  • 8/7/2019 June-2006indian Institute Of Architects Part-2 Examination Question Papers


  • 8/7/2019 June-2006indian Institute Of Architects Part-2 Examination Question Papers


  • 8/7/2019 June-2006indian Institute Of Architects Part-2 Examination Question Papers


    - 2 -

    A-I 1. Office room with attached toilet2. Room for PAJ. \Vaitin area4. Generat Toilet

    A-3 For domestic bclp. 2 no rooms for domestic help1. KitchenlPaotry3. Toilet4. Kitchen tonS. :Utili area with laundry

    -4 For Security Personnels


    L Dormitory for 10 persons2. Toilet with 2 wcs & 2 Baths &2 Wash -basins & 1 urinal3. Dining Room4. Kitchen5. One room kitchen self contained residencefor care taker IjmilyGarage,

    HEME 200-,)

    25 sq.m,10sq.m.15 sq.m,3. sq.m.

    1 0 sq.rn.each12 sq.m,4sq.m.1.5 sq.m,10 sq.m.

    50 sq.m.-10sq.m.6 sq.m.

    30 sq.m.18sq.m.

    , .