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Summer is almost here! Most schools are on summer break or will be soon. That means your summer has already started, but summer offi cially starts June 20. June is a great time to spend time outside! I love to play outside and go swimming. There are all sorts of fun things to do during the summer.

In this issue, read about a super shark that lives deep in the ocean, and fi nd out the exciting things a marine biologist does.

Also, Father’s Day is June 17, so be sure to do something fun with your dad on Father’s Day. Maybe you could go fi shing with your dad to celebrate Go Fishing Day, or you could go canoeing.

When you are outside this summer, be sure to wear sunscreen and a hat to help protect yourself from the sun. Bug spray is a good idea, too!

Have a joyous June!

Your friend,


Father’s Day

Father’s Day

©Kidsville News!

Did you know that the fl ag of the United States consists of 13 equal horizontal stripes

of red alternating with white, with red stripes at the top and bottom? The blue rectangle in the upper hoist-side corner has 50 small, white, fi ve-pointed stars arranged in nine offset horizontal rows

of six stars alternating with rows of fi ve stars. The 50 stars on the fl ag represent

the 50 states, and the 13 stripes represent the

13 original colonies.

Did you know that there are certain rules of etiquette that apply to the fl ag of the United States? The United States Flag Code outlines these rules. Some of the rules are that the fl ag should never touch anything beneath it — like the ground — and that it should be taken down during bad weather.

It’s summer time and time for fun in the sun — and water! But it’s important to remember to keep safety fi rst so your summer stays fun! Here are a few tips to make sure you and your friends stay safe this summer. Fun In the Sun

It’s fun to be out in the sun, but too much sun can be bad for you. Be sure to wear sunscreen. I know it’s hard to remember, but it’s really important. You might not think so now, but protecting your skin now will serve you well later in life. Sun exposure, and especially sunburns, as a kid can increase chances of skin cancer, premature aging (wrinkles!) and cataracts as a grown-up. And, sunburns are not fun! They hurt! It’s best to use a sunscreen with an SPF factor of at least 15. Reapply sunscreen every two hours, even on cloudy days, and after swimming or sweating. Wearing a hat and sunglasses will help protect you, too, and you’ll look cool! For more information on being sun wise, check out this cool site for kids: www.epa.gov/sunwise/kids/index.htmlFun in the Heat

It’s hot out there! So remember to stay cool. Normally our bodies are cooled through sweating and by radiating heat through our skin. But when it is really hot outside, and you are active, you can just get too hot. That may result in heat illness, like heat cramps, exhaustion or, at its worse, heat stroke. You can prevent heat illness by drinking lots of water (even if you are not thirsty!), staying out of the heat during the hottest part of the day, wearing light-colored clothing and going inside to take a break.Fun in the Water

One super fun way to cool off is to get wet! Pools, lakes, ponds and beaches are fun ways to beat the heat. But water can also be dangerous for kids. It’s easy to stay safe in the water, if you take a few precautions. First of all, learn to swim! It’s fun, great exercise and a great skill to have. If you are not a strong swimmer, do not go in the deep end of the pool. But even if you know how to swim, it’s important to have a grown-up

supervision when you are in the water. If you have a younger brother or sister, it’s important that he or she is watched every second when near the water.

If you like boating — kayaking, canoeing, paddle boarding — always be sure to wear a life vest. Even if you are a great swimmer, accidents can happen. As the Boy Scouts say, “Be prepared.” Other simple rules, like not running around the pool and using the buddy system, can help keep you safe.

Never dive in areas that are not marked for diving. And never dive in lakes or ponds — you don’t know how deep the water is, or what rocks or other obstacles are in the water. The water may be too shallow, and you could end up with a severe injury. Whether you are at the pool, lake or beach, always get out of the water if the weather turns bad, especially if there is lightning.

At the beach, it’s especially important to swim where a lifeguard is on duty. The beach has special dangers, like currents and tides, which pools don’t have. Large waves and undertows can be very dangerous. If you are ever caught in a rip current or undertow, you should swim parallel to the shore or should tread water and call for a lifeguard’s help.

Another danger at the beach is the wildlife under the sea. Stings from jellyfi sh can be painful, so avoid them in the water and don’t mess with them when they are washed up on shore either.

For more information about staying healthy this summer, check out the Nemours Foundation/Kids Health, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, www.choa.org; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, www.epa.gov/sunwise/kids/index.html.

Summer Safety Ensures Summer Fun!

There are an estimated 70 million fathers in the

United States!

The fi rst Father’s Day was celebrated in 1910.

Father’s Day didn’t become an “offi cial” holiday until 1966,

when President Lyndon Johnson declared the third Sunday in

June as Father’s Day.

Father’s Day isn’t just an American tradition. It is

celebrated in other countries all around the world. In most countries, like England, India, China, France and Japan, it is celebrated on the third Sunday of June. In Australia, it is held

in September, and Thailand celebrates it in December.

79 million Americans had a backyard barbecue in 2010. A lot of those were probably on

Father’s Day!

There are more than 16,000 hardware stores in the U.S.

Dads love their tools!

Celebrate Dad on June 17



The Dragon Boat Festival in China is on the 5th day of the 5th month according to the Chinese lunar calendar. This year it is on

June 23. The festival has been held for more than 2,000 years. It commemorates the poet Qu Yuan, a hero of China. Legend has it that Qu Yuan drowned himself in the river in

protest against injustice and occupation. The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated by dragon boat racing and eating zongzi (rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves).

U.S.A.Flag Day is held on June 14. It’s an

American holiday celebrating our fl ag, showing respect for the people who created it and honoring America. The week in which June 14 falls is proclaimed by the President as National Flag Week. During this week, Americans are urged to display the fl ag and to participate in

ceremonies to celebrate the fl ag and recite the “Pledge of Allegiance.”

IcelandJune 17 is Independence Day in

Iceland. This is the anniversary of Iceland’s independence from Denmark in 1944. The day also commemorates the birthday of national hero Jón Sigurdsson, who was the leader of Iceland’s independence movement. It is a major festival in Iceland, especially in the capital

of Reykjavik. There are parades, athletic competitions, music and street dances.

Whale SharkIs it a whale? Is it a shark? It’s a whale shark! The whale shark is a shark — and the largest fi sh species in the

world! The largest confi rmed whale shark was more than 41 feet long and weighed more than 47,000 pounds — that’s larger than a full-size school bus!

These incredibly large fi sh are slow moving and are found in tropical and warm oceans. It can be found throughout the Atlantic Ocean, from New York through the Caribbean to central Brazil. In the Pacifi c Ocean, it is found from Japan to Australia, off Hawaii and from California to Chile. The whale shark is known to migrate to the western coast of Australia in March and April. They can live to be about 60- to 70-years-old.

The whale shark has a fl at head with two small eyes towards the front of its head. Their bodies are mostly grey with a white belly. They appear spotted, but it is more of a checkerboard pattern of spots and stripes. It has a pair of dorsal fi ns (the fi ns on the back that stick up) and a pair of pectoral fi ns (the fi ns on each side).

Although they do have very large mouths, whale sharks are fi lter feeders. This means they don’t eat great big things, but they feed mostly on plankton, which are microscopic plants and animals that drift along in the ocean and get swallowed up by the whale shark. The large mouth, which can be almost fi ve-feet wide, can take in lots of plankton. It also has more than 300 rows of tiny teeth. It feeds by opening its mouth, jutting out its jaws and sucking in everything in its path. When it closes its mouth, the water fl ows out its gills (it has fi ve large pairs of gills). The plankton is trapped inside, with its teeth and fi lter pads working like a strainer.

Although it is a shark, the whale shark is harmless to humans. It is a gentle animal and has even been known to let a diver hitch a ride (but this is not recommended!). The Georgia Aquarium is the only aquarium to display whale sharks outside of Asia.Photo courtesy of the Georgia Aquarium.

Kingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ChordataClass: ChondrichthyesSubclass: ElasmobranchiiOrder: OrectolobiformesFamily: Rhincodontidae



It’s time to get out your globe! You need to know about the imaginary lines on globes and maps. These lines are called lines of latitude and longitude, and they tell a pilot or ship’s captain exactly where in the world a certain place is located. Basically, latitude lines (also called parallels) are the horizontal lines on your map. Lines of longitude (also called meridians) are the vertical lines that

run from the North Pole to the South Pole. This mapping system is written in degrees and uses the symbol °. Get ready to travel the world!

If you take out your globe and locate longitude 47° E, latitude 20º S, you will fi nd the country of Madagascar. You’ve probably seen the movie, but what do you really know about this island nation?

Madagascar is technically in Southern Africa, but it is an island in the Indian Ocean. It is located to the east of Mozambique and is about twice the size of our state of Arizona. In fact, it is the world’s fourth-largest island!

The island has coastal plains with tropical climates, but also a high plateau and mountains in the center of the island. The climate inland is temperate (not extremely hot or cold) and arid (or dry) in the south part of the island. The island is home to inactive volcanoes. From January to March, some areas get extremely heavy rainfall and sometimes experience cyclones (hurricanes).

The Malagasy people come from Malaysian, Indonesian, Arab and African heritage. There are also French, Indian, Creole and Comorian ethnic groups. French and Malagasy are the offi cial languages, but many people speak English as well. Madagascar became a French colony in 1896. It regained its independence in 1960 from France and celebrates Independence Day on June 26.

Madagascar is an amazing island, with some of the planet’s most unique fl ora and fauna. There are more than 250,000 species there, and 70 percent of those are endemic — which means they are not found anywhere else on Earth. Madagascar is home to more than 12,000 plant species – and up to 80 percent of those are endemic. Some of the plants are quite amazing! The Madagascar rosy periwinkle is even used to make a cancer-fi ghting drug.

More than 70 different varieties of lemur live in Madagascar. It is also home to both the world’s smallest and largest chameleons! And, half of the world’s 150 species of chameleons live in Madagascar. It is believed to have more than 300 species of frogs — and 99 percent of those live only in Madagascar! But, there are no toads, salamanders or newts. Hmmm — what a strange but wonderful place!

Agriculture, including fi shing and forestry, is the main producer of revenue for the country. Most of the people, up to 80 percent, work in agriculture. However, deforestation is also one of the main concerns for the country. Conservation efforts to save the forests are important to protect the amazing and varied wildlife that are native to Madagascar.

Sources: “Madagascar,” CIA – The World Factbook, www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ma.html; www.Wildmadagascar.org.



One of my favorite things to do in the summer is to take a family trip to the beach. I love the ocean! And I love to visit the aquarium and learn about all the amazing animals that live in the ocean. This month, I talked to Mike Daniel, an aquarist with the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta. Originally from a small town in Northwest Georgia, with no ocean nearby, Daniel still found an early love for the ocean and the creatures in it. His mother was a science teacher, so she always encouraged him to pursue science avenues. Now he gets to spend his days taking care of tens of thousands of fi sh and animals in the Ocean Voyager exhibit at the world’s largest aquarium! He’s been with the Georgia Aquarium for more than seven years and really loves his job!

Truman: What is an aquarist? Daniel: In some ways, you can use the two terms aquarist and marine

biologist interchangeably. An aquarist is a more specialized version of a marine biologist. You would only fi nd that title in an aquarium. I’m a caregiver of the animals at the aquarium and part of our husbandry staff.

Truman: What does it take to become a marine biologist? Daniel: To become a marine biologist, you need to have

an adventuresome spirit — the desire to discover and learn about things that live in a world that is totally different from the one that you see every day on land. I have a degree from the University of Georgia in biology with an emphasis in marine biology. I also became a scuba diver when I was in high school so that I could begin to visit and explore the waters. Being comfortable on a boat is also very important. One week I might be in Atlanta, and the next I might fi nd myself free diving for jellyfi sh off of a boat in Oregon!

Truman: When, and why, did you fi rst become interested in this profession?

Daniel: My dad fi rst introduced me to the ocean when I was 8- or 9-years-old. It was love at fi rst sight. We would spend hours fi shing and snorkeling — I guess you could say I was “ hooked.” As a family, we would also spend our weekends on the Tennessee River fi shing, swimming and skiing. My family loved the water, and I always did, too. All of those days above and below the water as a kid spilled over into college. I decided to take as many marine biology-related classes as I could when I was at UGA, even though they did not have a marine-biology undergraduate degree, and that in turn took me to the Georgia Aquarium’s doorsteps.

Truman: What do you do every day? Describe a typical day on the job.Daniel: I work in our quarantine and acquisitions department. This

means that every time the aquarium brings a new fi sh, snake or turtle into the aquarium it becomes my job to work with our veterinarians to make sure these animals do not have any diseases or parasites that could harm other animals. We examine the animals and use a variety of medications to treat whatever is found. After 45 days or more, we re-examine the animals, and if we don’t fi nd any parasites or indications of disease, the animal is termed “clean” and will go to exhibit where our guest will be able

to observe and learn about them. Other parts of my job include animal observations, preparing the food and feeding it out to individual animals

and cleaning up after the animals (lots of fi sh means lots of poop!).

Truman: What’s the hardest part of your job?Daniel: One of the hardest parts of working

with animals is that they do not keep to a 9 to 5 workday. Sometimes I have to work really early in the morning, coming into the aquarium to participate in physical exams on whale sharks (the largest fi sh in the world!) at 5 a.m. It gets tough at times, but it is worth it!

Truman: What’s the best part of your job?Daniel: Getting the chance to work with so

many amazing animals in some really cool places. One of the highlights for me has been going to Taiwan to help bring two of the whale sharks back to Georgia. I spent a couple of weeks getting to see the animals in the wild and working with the Taiwanese fi shermen who lived there. They were great people and had great food!

Truman: What was your favorite subject in school when you were a kid?

Daniel: Science was my favorite subject. My mom is a middle-school science teacher and was a big inspiration to me.

Truman: What’s your favorite animal?Daniel: My favorite animal is the

hammerhead shark. I have been lucky enough to work with several of them, and they constantly amaze me. They

are huge animals that are very curious about things but have never been threatening to me before.

Truman: What advice would you give to kids who are interested in this profession?Daniel: The best advice I can give is to chase your dreams. If you have

a passion for the oceans and rivers, go out and play in them, and when it comes to school, you have to put in the effort and study hard. I know a lot of times when I was younger, I would think that I would never use the things that I was studying. I remember thinking, When will I ever need to know how to calculate the volume of a cube? Well, now I have to do it almost every day to fi gure out volumes for systems and calculate how much medication that a tank full of animals will require!

Truman: That does sound important! It sounds like you have a wonderful job. Thanks for telling me all about it!

Learn more about the Georgia Aquarium, the world’s largest aquarium, at www.georgiaaquarium.org.


Above: Mike Daniel gets to play with amazing sea creatures every day! Left: Aquarist Mike Daniel feeds a whale shark — the largest fi sh in the world — at the Georgia Aquarium.


Source: www.metrocreativeconnection.com

What’s the Difference?There are four things different between Picture A and Picture B.

Can you fi nd them all?


Truman’s Tricky Picture Find these

items! Be sure to fi nd Truman’s hat! Look for more fun and games at



DAVY: Garrett ran to shore, crying on the way. About 30 feet from the water, he dropped his crutch in the sand and hopped on one leg toward the water, whistling for Quetzalcoatl. When he was knee-deep in the surf, he fell forward and began to swim out into the waves. In moments, Quetzalcoatl was beneath him. Garrett hugged him and continued to cry as they drifted away from the island.

CATHERINE: Who could that be?

FRED MUNROE: Hi. Is Garrett here? I was wondering if he could play.

CATHERINE: No, I’m afraid not. He’s gone down to the beach.

FRED MUNROE: Oh, ok. Thank you.

CATHERINE: Certainly! And thank you for stopping by.

DAVY: Where was Fred before Garrett found the armor?

CATHERINE: Garrett said he wouldn’t leave because he fi nally had a friend. Maybe that’s the boy.

JAMES: Somehow, that doesn’t seem right.

DAVY: Garrett rolled off Quetzal’s back and swam toward his head. To a casual observer, it would appear as the most terrible sight imaginable: Quetzalcoatl’s massive blood-red mouth opening and engulfi ng Garrett. Unlike previous dives, Quetzalcoatl paused on the surface for several moments. His great nostrils fl ared as he took in enough air to fi ll his massive lungs.

DAVY: In a single graceful motion, Quetzalcoatl disappeared beneath the waves and sped toward the bottom. In about

60 feet of water, Quetzalcoatl turned into a small opening and then swam horizontally under the island, zigging and zagging back forth for what seemed to Garrett like an eternity. Then Quetzalcoatl took another turn straight down for several minutes. Garrett knew how fast Quetzalcoatl could swim. He could only guess as to how deep they were under the island now. Then suddenly, Quetzalcoatl took another sharp turn, and they were moving horizontally again. The air was getting thin, and Garrett was getting scared.

GARRETT: How much further? Good. We’re running out of air.

DAVY: Suddenly Quetzalcoatl broke the surface and gulped in air through his nose and opened mouth. Garrett went from pitch black to complete and absolute darkness.

GARRETT: Where are we? Step onto what? Oh, ok. I can feel it. You say there’s a lantern? Ok. There. I think I’ve got it, wait, here we go. Wow! Does that oil smell bad. It is, oh my, a treasure room. It’s gigantic! I can’t even see how far it goes. What? But I just got the lantern lit. We just got here. What do you mean grab something we have to leave? Sea dragon’s lair? Oh, no! No! Here? Now?

DAVY: Quetzalcoatl grabbed Garrett and began dragging him away. Garrett reached out and hurriedly managed to grab a small leather pouch, as Quetzalcoatl engulfed him and they prepared to retreat. Garrett reached out to grab anything he could lay his hands

on. It was an old leather strap. DAVY: The skeleton it was

attached to broke in several pieces as Garrett tugged. After the bones had fallen into the water, Quetzalcoatl opened his teeth just enough for the strap to slip through.

GARRETT: Is there any other way out of here other than the way we came? Great!

DAVY: Quetzalcoatl’s great body heaved as his massive lungs fi lled with air and they began to dive. Then Garrett heard the worst, most terrifying, ear-splitting screech he could ever have imagined.

SEA DRAGON: Screeeechhh!GARRETT: Oh no! We are

gonna die!SEA DRAGON: Screeechhh!DAVY: Quetzalcoatl took a

ferocious thump on the right side, knocking him sideways against the tunnel wall. Garrett’s head slammed against one of Quetzalcoatl’s teeth. It hurt terribly, and Garrett lost

consciousness for a moment. He could feel the blood trickling down his neck.

GARRETT: Are you ok? Don’t lie to me. I can feel it. You’re hurt.

DAVY: Quetzalcoatl’s breathing was fast and heavy. By the movement of Quetzalcoatl’s tongue, Garrett knew that he was nervous. There was another terrible series of thumps, and again Quetzalcoatl was hammered against the tunnel wall. A breath of air was knocked from Quetzalcoatl’s giant mouth, and Garrett could almost see the precious bubbles of air fl oating upward.

DAVY: Quetzalcoatl’s legs were clawing and kicking. Quetzalcoatl rolled over several times, causing Garrett to become dizzy and sick to his stomach. Garrett was already nauseated. Now he was ready to vomit right there in Quetzalcoatl’s mouth. Then Garrett felt another terrible thump.

GARRETT: We’re past him, aren’t we? Yes, I know. I’ll hold my breath.

Story Time with Truman


Chapter Nine

To listen and read along with the rest of this month’s episode of QUETZALCOATL, go to www.talesofdavyjones.com or www.kidsvillenews.com. A Teacher’s Guide to accompany this 12-chapter story is available at www.KidsvilleNews.com. An audio version CD set and workbook are also available online. Copyright 2011 by Carl F. Gundestrup. All rights reserved. Now Available: Get the “Digital Download” audio adventure for $1.99 for Kidsville News kids, teachers and parents at www.talesofdavyjones.com. Use the code word DAVY JONES.


By Barbara Gilmour“Hi, everyone.” said Ms. Gilmour to her students Nicole, Tanner, Stephen,

Rudy, Carmen and Truman the Dragon. “Hello, Ms. Gilmour.” “Today we are going to fi nd out how our bodies can talk without saying a word,” she said.

All the kids had funny looks. Nicole raised her hand and asked, “How can our bodies talk without saying a word?” Rudy suggested,“Maybe we wave our hands around and jump up and down to talk.” Truman had a smile on his face and said, “I think I know how that can be.”

All the kids turned to Truman, who had a really mean look on his face, and his arms were at his sides, with fi sts clenched. Stephen jumped up and said, “I know; you’re mad.” Then Truman hung his head, shuffl ed his dragon feet and mumbled. Carmen said, “Now you look like you’re sad.” Next, Truman put his nose in the air and wouldn’t look at anyone. Tanner said, “Now you look like you’re better than us and don’t want to be our friends.”

“All the things Truman just showed us are called body language. That’s how your body tells someone what you’re thinking or feeling, without using words. Who can give us another example of body language?” she asked. Nicole said, “My mom tells me to lean forward and look people in the eye to show that I am interested in them.” “Your mom is right,” said Ms. Gilmour. “What would your body language be like if you were not interested in someone?”

Tanner was fi rst to say, “I might look all around, or at the ceiling; looking bored.” Carmen added, “Or, you lean back, or face away from the person. Some people look like they have fallen asleep. But that’s just plain rude.”

Rudy added, “A kid in my class likes to get in my face and glare at me. He’s a bully, but I just walk away when he does that.” “Did you know that when you roll your eyes at someone you are showing them disrespect?” Ms. Gilmour asked.

“Oh boy, I need to stop doing that to my older brother,” admitted Stephen.“The great thing about learning social skills is that when you fi nd out

something you were doing wasn’t kind, caring or respectful, you can change it,” explained Ms. Gilmour. “Now, how can our body language show others that we are confi dent?”

Tanner jumped up saying , “Stand straight and tall, with shoulders back.” Rudy added, “Hold your head high.” ”Look alert, like you are paying attention, and listening to others,” shared Nicole.

“Last time we talked about fi rst impressions. How can your body language help you make a good impression?” asked Ms. Gilmour.

Truman stood up and said, “The Cool Kind Kid Challenge can help us remember that positive body language equals a good fi rst impression.”

“How can your body language affect your friendships?” asked Ms. Gilmour. Tanner replied, “If we are showing others that we are mean, bored or disrespectful, no one will want to be our friends. Good body language equals many good friends.”

Barbara Gilmour, Tanner’s grandmom, is the creator and developer of the Tanner’s Manners: Be a “Cool Kind Kid” Social Skills, Character Values and Anti-Bullying educational materials and the award-winning “Cool Kind Kid” Audio CD. © Cool Kind Kid. 866-KID-KIND. www.CoolKindKid.com.

My Body Talks without Saying a Word


C o n s e r v a t i o n orner

Summer vacation is right around the corner, and so many fun summer activities, like swimming, involve water. However, water is important to all living things for so much more than summer fun. Plants and animals need water to survive. But did you know nearly 97 percent of all the world’s water is salty or otherwise undrinkable? Another two percent is locked in ice caps and glaciers. That leaves one percent for all our needs. That means we all need to do our share to conserve water to make sure we all have the water we need.

Here are some easy tricks that you can use to save water:1. Turn off the water while brushing your teeth or washing

your hands.2. Always turn off your taps tightly so they don’t drip.3. Keep a pitcher of water in the refrigerator instead of

running the tap for a cold glass of water.4. If you water your lawn, do it in the cool mornings to avoid

evaporation, and be careful not to water the pavement.5. Use a bucket of water to wash your bike or car, and then

rinse quickly using a trigger nozzle on your hose.

Water makes up 70 percent of the human body. Each day we must replace 64 ounces of water, some through drinking water and the rest through food (all foods contain water). With these simple tips, you can do your part to conserve water for the future.


Art Gallery

Peter Paul Rubens was a 17th-century Flemish Baroque painter. His portraits, landscape paintings and religious pieces were very popular throughout Europe. In fact, Rubens was considered such an important artist that both King Philip IV of Spain and King Charles I of England made him an honorary knight. That is why he is called Sir Peter Paul Rubens.

Rubens was born on June 28, 1577, in what is now Germany. His father was a lawyer who died when he was still a boy. The family then moved to the Flemish area of Antwerp, Belgium. At 14, he began apprenticing (training) with local artists. When he graduated from school in 1598, he became a professional artist.

From 1600 to 1608, Rubens traveled to Italy and Spain, where he studied classical art and produced many works of his own. As he traveled, he also worked as a diplomat, trying to negotiate peace between the rulers of different lands. One of his most famous works during this time, The Allegory of Peace and War, showed

his commitment to peace. He gave it to King Charles I of England as a gift to help end a territorial battle between England and Spain.

Rubens died on May 30, 1640. He left behind many great works, including a painting that sold for a record $76.2 million in 2002!

He painted in the Baroque style, which came from Italy and spread throughout Europe during the 1600s. It was not only a style of painting, but also a style of

clothing and music. Baroque was so popular that the entire cultural period of time is called the Baroque period!

Like other Baroque artists, Rubens used big, exaggerated lines in his paintings. He was well known for using a lot of color and often painted his models moving in some way. Rubens was also very drawn to light and darkness, so there were a lot of shadows in most of his paintings. Activity

One of his contributions to the world of art was his use of small paintings as outlines for bigger pieces. He would first make a small painting of whatever person or scene he was working on. Then he would copy this one exactly, only much larger, for his finished work. Now, many artists work like, this but back then, it was a first!

Try doing this yourself and see what you think of the technique.What You Need: Small piece of painting paper, large sheet of construction paper,colored tempera paints,paintbrush, water and paper plate.Directions: Find something you want to paint! It could be a person, a landscape scene or a still life of a flowerpot on a table. Choose whatever you want!

Set up an easel or painting area for yourself in front of your subject. Use the colored paints to paint a small picture on the painting paper first. If you want to, try to paint like Rubens by using a lot of colors and shadows in your painting.

When you are finished, let the painting dry. Then, try to recreate it on the larger piece of paper! Instead of looking at the subject while painting this second piece, look at the smaller painting you’ve already made.

As you work, think about Rubens. Is it easier or harder for you to paint this way? Why do you think Rubens used this technique?Sources: Peter Paul Rubens: Biography on The Complete Works, www.

peterpaulrubens.org/biography.html: Peter Paul Rubens on Wikipedia, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Paul_Rubens, NGA Tour: Sir Peter Paul Rubens (Flemish 1577-1640), www.nga.gov/collection/gallery/gg45/gg45-over1.html

Sir Peter Paul Rubens

Rubens was famous for his portaits of poeple such as the one above; notice the bright colors and dark shadows.

Our parents are very important to us. Mother’s Day was last month. Did you take the time to thank your Mom for all that she does for you? This month, it’s time to honor the special father fi gures in our lives.

We give Sonora Smart Dodd of Spokane, Washington, credit for celebrating the fi rst Father’s Day. In 1910, she created the fi rst Father’s Day celebration to honor her father, a Civil War veteran, William Jackson Smart, who was a single parent who reared his six children. Dodd originally wanted to celebrate Father’s Day on June 5, which was her father’s birthday.

However, the celebration was postponed to the third Sunday of June, the same Sunday we celebrate Father’s Day today. This worked out better because event coordinators had more time to organize the fi rst Father’s Day and Dodd’s dad got his special day.

Just like William Smart, our fathers do so much for us all year long, so let’s be sure to make their day special. Make a family storybook to show how much you care.Materials

• Hole punch• Your own artwork • 3 brown paper lunch bags• Glue stick• Rubber band• Small stick

Instructions1. Fold the bags in half; punch two holes 3/4-inch in

from the fold and the side.2. On each side of the holes of the paper bag, glue

artwork or family photos that show your dad how much you care. Your artwork and pictures may need to be cut down to less then 4-inch squares. Or make original art just for the book.

3. Once pictures and artwork are attached, fold the paper bags together to create a book.

4. Feed a loop of a 3 1/2-inch rubber band through each hole, and slide a small stick through the loops.

5. You can add stickers or markers to decorate the front cover.

Now you have a wonderful storybook to give your dad for Father’s Day.Information about Father’s Day from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Father’s_Day

Celebrate Father’s Day in a Picture Perfect Way!



Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted In Theaters June 8

After six long years, Alex the Lion (Ben Stiller), Marty the Zebra (Chris Rock), Gloria the Hippo (Jada Pinkett Smith) and Melman the Giraffe (David Schwimmer) still need to get back to their long-lost home at the New York City Zoo.

The colorful group of wild animals don’t really know about maps, much less how to read one if they did. An unexpected layover in France introduces the assorted gang to a group of traveling circus animals headed for America. French police Captain Chantel DuBois (voiced by Frances McDormand) takes a special interest in tracking down and capturing our animal pals as they traverse Europe.

With some help from the pesky penguins, Alex and the gang just might make it back to the States. One thing’s for sure, they’ll have to “move it, move it.” Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted will be presented in both 2D and 3D versions. Rated PG for some mild action and rude humor. 113 mins. (3D Entertainment Distribution) Brave In Theaters April 13

Tenth-century Scotland’s rugged Highlands provide the fairytale setting where a little redheaded girl named Merida (voiced by Kelly Macdonald) comes face to face with her destiny. Merida is quite good with a bow and arrow. She can hit a bull’s eye from 50 paces away. Merida also happens to be a daughter of royalty in the kingdom of DunBronch. Her father is King Fergus (voiced by Billy Connolly), and her mother is Queen Elinor (Emma Thompson).

In a land of traditions, Merida chooses to follow her own path. Trouble follows, and Merida seeks the help of a local witch (Julie Walters). But the wish that the witch grants Merida might not be the best thing for the stubborn young woman, or for her beloved kingdom. Pixar’s “Brave” is directed by Mark Andrews (“Ratatouille”) and will be

presented in 2D and Disney Digital 3D versions. Rated PG for some scary action and rude humor. 89 mins. (Disney•Pixar)

Movies on DVD

Journey 2: The Mysterious Island Available June 5

Since visiting the center of the earth back in 2008, Sean Anderson (Josh Hutcherson) is now ready for an adventure to the Mysterious Island of Jules Verne fame. Sean’s grandpa (Michael Caine) has been sending coded distress signals from the mysterious island where strange creatures roam free. Along with his stepfather Hank (Dwayne Johnson), Sean takes helicopter pilot Gabato (Luis Guzman) and the pilot’s daughter Kailani (Vanessa Hudgens) on the adventure of a lifetime. The Mysterious Island is the home of the lost city of Atlantis. It also has a mountain of gold and bees so big, you can fl y on them. Journey 2: The Mysterious Island is going to be one very wild ride of a movie for kids and their parents to go on. Rated PG for some adventure action and brief mild language. 94 mins. (New Line Cinema/Warner Bros. Pictures) The Gold Rush Available June 12

Way back in 1925, a talented British comedian named Charlie Chaplin captured the imaginations of kids and adults

all over the world with his second feature-length comedy. The old-timey, black-and-white look of the silent movie doesn’t make it any less fun or entertaining than new movies. You might even like it better. You’ll giggle when you see what Chaplin’s “Little Tramp” character does with two forks and a couple of dinner rolls; he makes the rolls dance! The story is set in the Yukon, near Alaska, during the gold rush, when people travelled from all over in search of riches hidden beneath the frozen ground. Chaplin’s Tramp gets stuck in a snowy mountain cabin where the only thing to eat is his leather shoe. If you’ve never seen a silent movie before, The Gold Rush is a great place to start. Chaplin’s sense of humor might seem simple, but there’s a lot of magic in everything he does to make his audience laugh. The DVD includes both the original 1925 version and the 1942 version, for which Chaplin added new music and narration. Not Rated. 160 minutes. (Criterion)Cole Smithey, also known as “the smartest fi lm critic in the world”, has been a fi lm critic for 11 years and writes for over 50 publications, in print and on-line. Truman loves to watch movies and has the highest appreciation for great popcorn.


Pick of the Month: Kale

Delicious and Nutritious

Summer offi cially kicks off in June, and the warm weather can make you drained after a long day of fun. Rejuvenate and cool down with these delicious recipes for freezer pops.

Be Green TrumanPopsicle 4 ripe bananas2 cups of blueberries2 cups of kale2 teaspoons of honey (optional)water

DirectionsSteam the kale and let it cool; then add the blueberries, bananas and kale into a blender. Blend ingredients together until smooth. Add the honey to sweeten the mixture to your taste buds. Then add enough water to make the mixture pourable. Finally, pour the mixture into popsicle molds and chill in the freezer until frozen.

Orange Dream Popsicle1 quart of orange juice2 cups of vanilla yogurt1 teaspoon of honey (optional)

DirectionsBlend ingredients together until smooth. Pour the mixture into popsicle molds and chill in the freezer until frozen.

Tip:If you don’t have a popsicle mold, you can use ice-cube trays. Pour the mixture into the ice cube trays and then cover with plastic wrap. Poke toothpicks through the plastic wrap into every cube.

KIDSVILLE KITCHENTogether Time — Ask an adult for help with projects!

Cool Down with an IcySummer Treat

Kale is a rich source of vitamin C and vitamin A that helps your immune system stay strong, and kale has a lot of vitamin K, which is important for healthy bones. Also, kale contains carotenoids for eye health. This leafy green packs a powerful punch to keep you growing strong and mighty.

When you throw a baseball up, you expect it to fall back down. That’s gravity at work. No matter how hard

you throw the ball, gravity wins. The ball comes back down.

Many scientists used to think that would happen to the whole universe — a very, very, very long time from now.

Some scientist believe the universe began with a “Big Bang” 137 billion years ago. They don’t know how it happened. The scientists believe space, matter and energy popped into being. Although they call this event the “Big Bang,” it wasn’t really an explosion.

Space has been expanding ever since then. Stars and galaxies have been growing farther and farther apart. It is as if the Big Bang fl ung the “baseballs” of matter so high into the sky that it is still “climbing.” It’s as if matter is still able to resist the pull of gravity from other matter. But, just as the baseball reaches the top of its arc, stops for a tiny instant, then falls back to the ground, scientists thought the initial expansion of the Big Bang would someday stop. Then the universe would begin to collapse. The gravitational forces attracting matter to all other matter would take over. Eventually, a “Big Crunch” would occur. Space and matter would shrink back to the way they were at the Big Bang, just as a ball you throw up comes down at the same speed it left your hand. But then scientists discovered something astounding. Not only is the universe still expanding after all these billions of years, but galaxies are fl ying apart faster and faster. The “baseball” is acting as if a mysterious energy is continuously pushing it higher and higher in the sky, even though Earth’s gravity is trying its darnedest to pull it back to the ground.

So, what’s up with that? It’s a mystery. No one knows what this strange gravity-defying

force could be. Scientists have named it “dark energy.” But just because it has a name doesn’t make it any less mysterious. So, instead of a “Big Crunch,” the universe may end in a “Big Freeze,” slowly getting darker and colder, and colder and darker. But this would not happen for many, many billions of years. It’s certainly nothing for you and me to worry about!

Instead, listen to a real NASA astrophysicist answer other mind-boggling questions about space and the universe at http://spaceplace.nasa.gov/dr-marc-space.This article was written by Diane K. Fisher and provided through the courtesy of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

Like a Good Mystery?




Over the last several years, families have increasingly focused on stretching every dollar they have. Rising fuel costs and an economy that is still struggling have inspired many families to adopt a thriftier lifestyle permanently. While it’s good to be financially prudent, families don’t have to give up luxuries like summer vacations. Instead, parents can employ a few simple saving strategies that can reduce the cost but not the quality of a summer vacation with the family.

• Find accommodations that provide a kitchen. A significant portion of a family’s summer vacation budget goes toward food. Families will need to eat no matter where they go, but cost-conscious parents should find accommodations that include a private kitchen. You won’t need to eat in every night, but cooking two or three times over the course of a week-long vacation can save a substantial amount of money. If you can’t find a room with its own kitchen, try to find one with its own refrigerator and microwave.

• Stay local. Staying close to home for summer vacation can save families a good deal of money. Rising fuel costs have made both driving and air travel more expensive. Finding affordable fl ights has become increasingly diffi cult, especially for families who don’t have the luxury of planning their summer vacation several months in advance. Staying local for summer vacation reduces the need for costly hotel accommodations and saves money on fuel.

• Visit a major city or tourist area. For families who simply must get away, keep in mind that the further you go off the beaten path, the more costly it will be to get there. For example, a remote locale is likely nowhere near a major airport, and it can be expensive to get from the airport to the resort. In addition, it’s harder to find affordable flights to remote locales, as there are typically fewer flights available to such destinations, than flights to major cities or more popular tourist destinations. So while vacationing in the middle of nowhere has its benefits, cost-conscious families might be better off choosing a destination that’s much more accessible and affordable.

Taking a summer vacation is a tradition for many families. This summer, families focused on saving money can do so in a number of affordable ways.

Content and photo provided by Metrocreativeconnection.com.

Save on Your Summer VacationDurante los últimos años, las familias han aumentado su enfoque en estrechar

cada dólar que poseen. Con el costo de la gasolina aumentando y con la economía que sigue batallando muchas familias se han inspirado a adoptar un estilo de vida ahorrativo permanentemente.

Mientras es bueno ser financieramente prudente, las familias no tienen que renunciar a lujos como las vacaciones de verano. En lugar, los padres pueden emplear estrategias simples para ahorrar, que pueden reducir los costos pero no la calidad de las vacaciones de verano familiares.

• Buscar alojamiento que contenga una cocina. Una parte significante del presupuesto de vacaciones se gasta en comida. A donde quiera que vallan las familias tienen que comer, pero los padres que son consientes de los costos deben encontrar alojamiento que incluya una cocina privada. No es necesario quedarse a comer todos los días, pero cocinar de dos a tres veces durante unas vacaciones de una semana puede ahorrar una cantidad substancial de dinero. Si no encuentra

alojamiento con cocina integrada, trate de buscar una con su propio refrigerador y micro-ondas.

• Mantenerse locales. Quedare cerca de casa en las vacaciones de verano puede ahorrarle a las familias mucho dinero. Con el costo de la gasolina aumentando puede hacer el manejar o volar más caro. Encontrar vuelos baratos se ha hecho más difícil, especialmente para las familias que no tienen el lujo de planear sus vacaciones familiares con meses de anticipo. Mantenerse locales durante las vacaciones de verano reduce el costo del alojamiento y ahorra dinero en gasolina.

• Visitar una ciudad grande o una zona turística. Para las familias que simplemente tienen que alejarse, tienen que recordar que entre más lejos se vallan más costoso será. Por ejemplo, lo más probable es que en un lugar remoto no allá un aeropuerto cerca y puede que salga caro el transporte del aeropuerto al hotel. Además, es más difícil encontrar vuelos más baratos a localidades remotas, porque hay menos vuelos disponibles a esos destinos, a comparación de vuelos a ciudades grandes o destinos más turísticos. Mientras que el vacacionar en el medio de la nada tiene beneficios, familias consientes de costos puede que les convenga escoger un destino que es más accesible y barato.

Tomar vacaciones de verano es una tr adición para muchas familias. Este verano, las familias que se enfocan en ahorrar dinero, lo pueden hacer de muchas maneras accesibles.

Ahorrar En Las Vacaciones De Verano



Travel Easily with Kids in Tow Many people enjoy traveling. The opportunity to spend free time experiencing

other cultures or visiting faraway lands appeals to many people’s inquisitive and adventurous natures, and it’s no wonder retirees often devote so much time traveling the world.

Yet traveling as a carefree retiree and traveling as a parent to young children are two entirely different things and parents’ love of travel is often put to the test when the kids are in tow. But traveling with kids doesn’t have to be a logistical nightmare. The following are a few travel tips for parents about to go on vacation with their little ones.

* Check your fl ight status. Flights are commonly rescheduled, which can be inconvenient for adult travelers who don’t have a couple of kids tagging along. For parents, though, extra time waiting at the airport with kids can be stressful and tough to handle. Before leaving the house, check your fl ight status to ensure you won’t be spending extra time sitting and waiting at the airport and looking for things to quell your child’s boredom. When booking the fl ight, sign up for fl ight updates that are sent directly to your mobile phone. These will keep you posted and save you the hassle of going online and checking your fl ight status everyfew hours.

* Check in ahead of time. Many airlines allow passengers to check in ahead of time, typically within 24 to 36 hours of the fl ight’s scheduled departure. When kids are coming along, the less time you spend in line at the airport, the better, and checking in ahead of time can save you from waiting in long check-in lines at the airport.

* Confi rm what you’re allowed to bring on board. Parents of very young children, be it infants or toddlers, should confi rm what they’re allowed to pack

and bring on board in advance of their fl ight. Sterilized water, for instance, might be acceptable to bring on board, but the airline might insist that it be stored in a baby bottle. Contact the airline a few days before you plan to pack to learn the company’s guidelines. Different airlines might have slightly different guidelines.

* Explore the airport. Depending on whether you will be fl ying a domestic or international fl ight, you might be spending a considerable amount of time waiting to board or even dealing with a layover. These waiting periods and layovers are boring for adults and kids alike, so use the airport to your advantage and go exploring. Kids are often fascinated by airplanes, so take them to gates or terminals where fl ights are about to depart.

* Separate kids on the plane. If you have two or more children in tow, avoid seating them next to one another on the plane. This can lead to spats that will almost certainly upset your fellow passengers. Let mom sit with one child and dad with another, and give kids the window seat so they can

entertain themselves by looking out the window when the plane is in fl ight.* Bring your own entertainment. Kids are going to get bored on the fl ight, so

be sure they have plenty to do while in the air. Bring along a tablet with video capability to keep kids occupied with a movie or television show. This will help reduce the restlessness and boredom they’re likely to feel in the air. Or buy kids a new book or magazine at the airport so they have something new to occupy their time until the plane lands.

Traveling with children is seldom easy. But a few tricks of the trade can make the trip go more smoothly. Photo and article provide by Metro Creative Graphics, Inc., www.metrocreativegraphics.com.