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June 2015 THE RED DOOR S t . A l b a n ’ s E p i s c o p a l C h u r c h The Mission of St. Alban’s Parish is to exemplify Christ’s love, using our gifts to connect people to God, each other and creation through worship, service, education and outreach. Ascension Day Service at St. Alban’s INSIDE From the Rector 2 Inreach 3 Spiritual Growth and Formation in Christ 3 Outreach 6 Eucharistic Living 8 Extra! Extra! 9 Calendar 11 WORSHIP SCHEDULE Sundays Holy Eucharist Rite I 8:00 AM Nursery Open / Adult Formation 9:15 AM A.R.K. Sunday School 10:00 AM Holy Eucharist Rite II 10:15 AM Mondays Morning Prayer 11:15 AM Wednesdays Holy Eucharist and Healing Service 10:30 AM

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June 2015

THE RED DOOR S t . A l b a n ’ s E p i s c o p a l C h u r c h

The Mission of St. Alban’s Parish is to exemplify Christ’s love, using our gifts to connect people to God, each other and creation through worship, service, education and outreach.

Ascension Day Service

at St. Alban’s


From the Rector 2

Inreach 3

Spiritual Growth and

Formation in Christ 3

Outreach 6

Eucharistic Living 8

Extra! Extra! 9

Calendar 11




Holy Eucharist Rite I

8:00 AM

Nursery Open / Adult


9:15 AM

A.R.K. Sunday School

10:00 AM

Holy Eucharist Rite II

10:15 AM


Morning Prayer

11:15 AM


Holy Eucharist and Healing


10:30 AM

June 2015 P a g e | 2


St. Alban’s Day


June 21, 2015


St. Alban’s Artists Display with wine and cheese, June 19, 20 (see Inreach article)

Teaching and Reception with the Rt. Rev. Thomas Breidenthal

What’s the difference between Episcopalians and Presbyterians?

Episcopalians are governed by episcopos and Presbyterians are governed by presbyters.

An episcopus is a bishop; a presbyter is an elder, or priest (have you heard of presbyopia? It’s

an eye disease that affects elders, the elderly).

Congregationalists have a polity in which each congregation governs itself independently. They

decide their own policies, worship in their own style, sometimes ordain their own clergy.

Presbyterians are governed in each congregation by a Session that determines policy and a

Board of Deacons that conducts program. Congregations are united in accountability to a

presbytery, a regional body made up of elders from the congregations in that region. These

elders make their own decisions, and not just represent views in their congregations.

Episcopal congregations are related in a regional body called a diocese, the head of which is a

bishop. My seminary professor always referred to the diocese as “the local church,” since the

bishop is a symbol of unity or “oneness” in the “one, holy, catholic and apostolic” Church. The

bishop is also chief pastor and theologian. The House of Bishops of the national Episcopal

Church issues pastoral letters and votes as one of two bodies in our bicameral system (the

other being the House of Deputies, made up of laity and other clergy). While many Anglican

provinces have archbishops, in our American Episcopal Church, the House of Bishops elects

one of their own to serve as presiding bishop, the first among equals.

The triennial General Convention of the Episcopal Church will be held in Salt Lake City, Utah,

this June 25-July 3. At this meeting, the Bishops will elect one of four nominees to serve as

their presiding bishop: Rt. Rev. Michael Curry (NC), Rt. Rev. Ian Douglas (CT), Rt. Rev. Dabney

Smith (SoWest FL), and Rt. Rev. Tom Breidenthal, Southern Ohio—our bishop!

“The Bishop’s Official Visitation” is a big event, mostly because it’s a joyous celebration, and

also because it is a requirement in our canons that vestries have an official meeting with the

bishop at this visit. St. Alban’s has an episcopal visitation every other year. This year, on June

21, Bp. Tom will confirm nine teens: Michael Boeckman, Grace Brigdon, Isaiah Drewry, Hugh

Fulton, Amanda Johnson, Noah Luehmann, John Niermeier, Theo Snowdon, Duncan Tomkies

and one adult, Connie Schalinske and receive one adult into the Episcopal Church: Robert W.


Here is the schedule for June 21:

8:00 AM Rite I Eucharist as usual, rector preaching

9:00 AM Bp. Tom arrives and meets with the congregation, including confirmands,

sponsors and catechists. We’ll get to hear this brilliant teacher share with us

over coffee.

10:15 AM Rite II Eucharist, Bp. Tom preaching, confirming ten, receiving one.


333 South Drexel Avenue

Bexley, OH 43209

Phone: 614.253.8549

Fax: 614.253.8191

[email protected]



The Rev. Susan Marie Smith


Dr. Karen Eckenroth

Organist and Choir Director

Deb Parker

Children’s and Youth Ministries


Jane Dupke

Administrative Assistant

Bob Sweeney

Financial Administrator

Charlene O’Donnell


Eileen Becknell

Pastoral Care Coordinator

Jerry Becknell

Building & Grounds


Kay Holley

Altar Guild Chair

Brad Swiniarski



Steve Brown, Sr. Warden

Bob Philips, Jr. Warden

John Luehmann, Treasurer

Melissa Shirley, Secretary

Jerry Becknell

Tom Brigdon

Ryan Burgess

Todd Burger

Carolyn Christy

Anne Dotson

Kristen Fout

Michael Kilbourne, Sr

Dan Williamson

June 2015 P a g e | 3

11:40 AM Reception, Living Room and Dining Room in Parish House

12:00 PM Visit displays of visual artwork by St. Alban’s members (register to bring yours!), Ed. Bldg

Vestry Meeting, Ed. Bldg.

- And then our bishop must get to Salt Lake City by mid-week for the General Convention.

How blessed we are to have him here this year, on our patronal feast. Please pray for our episcopus, and for all the business at

General Convention!

And let us celebrate the eleven in our midst who are making a deeper connection and commitment to God our heavenly Father

through Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit. Alleluia!

- Amma Susan+

INREACH – Caring for Our Own and Strengthening Our Family of Faith

Calling Artists of St. Alban’s

- Everyone at St. Alban’s is worth knowing, but most of us don’t know much about each other.

Jason Fout, one of our seminary professors, noted how many artists we have here. We started counting – and he’s right. We have


Not counting musicians, we have painters, sculptors, potters, jewelry-makers, print-makers, fabric artists, carvers and


We always celebrate ST. ALBAN’S DAY (our patron saint died on June 22, mid-200’s), and this year, Bishop Tom Breidenthal will be

with us on our festive day. We want to invite our artists – you and others you may suggest – to display their work and meet

parishioners, Friday, June 19, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM, Saturday, June 20, 4:00 to 6:00 PM and Sunday, June 21, 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

We’ll supply wine and cheese and tea and cookies.

DELIVERY: Thursday, June 18, 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Bring your card and a c. vita. (Installation: Friday, June 19.)

PICK UP items 1:30 PM, Sunday, June 21, 2015

SALES: For sales, we will advertise “Contact the artist.” There is no cost to participate, but 20% of sales is suggested as a gift to the


Won’t you join us? Please complete Registration form (included on page 10, before the Calendar) and send to Church or email Jenny

Floch at [email protected] as soon as possible, but no later than June 4.




Women’s Sup and Spirit Series, 11:50-1:30 Mondays

A pilot 5-week program for prayer and share—bring brown bag lunch to share

June 15, 22, 29, July 6, 13

Following Morning Prayer I at 11:15 AM, we will gather in the Library around 11:50 AM to

June 2015 P a g e | 4

share our lunches, lives, and laughter, and pray the Scripture of the day.

This is a 5-week series, but please come to whichever weeks you are available.

We’ll decide at the end whether and how we may want to continue in the fall.

Questions? Call the Church office 614-253-8549, or Amma Susan’s cell, 816-807-7666.



Nine of St. Alban’s youth have been preparing for Confirmation throughout the past school year. Grace Bridgon, Amanda Johnson,

Mike Boeckman, Noah Luehmann, Isaiah Drewry, Theo Snowdon, Duncan Tomkies, John Niermeyer and Hugh Fulton spent

considerable time learning about their faith, praying, reflecting theologically and taking other steps toward their adult affirmation of

faith. On May 14 and 17th, each of the nine presented a scripture passage and then provided the congregation with an

interpretation (Midrash) that they worked on with the support of their sponsors. Seeking and serving Christ in all persons is a

significant part of our covenant, from Baptism on. So the final major Confirmation preparation step in the journey involves each of

them going on a mission trip and working in community for the good of others.

The Confirmation will be on June 21, 2015, with Bishop Thomas Breidenthal celebrating and confirming these youth at the 10:15

AM service. Families, friends and the whole congregation are all invited to witness this affirmation and welcome the youth as adults.

This is not the final step, but the beginning of the next stage in their faith journey where they connect with other adults – in

community – as followers of Christ.

June 2015 P a g e | 5

Summer Schedule 2015

Starting May 24th the nursery will open beginning at 10:00 AM, and will be in the main building unless otherwise noted. Any groups

or parents with special requests for an earlier nursery time should contact Deb Parker ([email protected]).

June 6 Mission Trip Youth Meet at St. Alban’s for Lock In

Youth must arrive by 4:00 PM for orientation. Dinner will be served and fun activities are planned. Youth should bring

sleeping bags and pillows as well as their suitcase for the mission trip. The two vans will depart by 4:00 AM to arrive in

Cumberland, Tennessee, before noon.

7 No Sunday School Programs

7-13 Youth Mission Trip to Mountain T.O.P. in Eastern Tennessee

June 2015 P a g e | 6

Visit Facebook to see our youth out in the world, seeking and serving Christ in all persons. No children's programs at St.


14 No Children’s Programs at St. Alban’s

20 Confirmation Rehearsal at St. Alban’s

At 10:00 AM, the Confirmands and Sponsors will rehearse in the Nave, going through the service for the next day including

where to sit and what the sacrament of Confirmation involves.

A second rehearsal time is set for 3:00 PM, for those who were unable to attend the morning rehearsal. Please contact Ms.

Deb if a Confirmand or Sponsor will NOT be at 10:00 AM but will be at 3:00 PM.

21 Confirmation Sunday and St. Alban’s Day

Bishop Breidenthal will be celebrating at both services, and at the 10:15 AM service will be Confirming the 9 youth who

have been in preparation all year. A reception will follow, celebrating the youth’s adult affirmation of their faith. The

nursery will be open at 9:15 AM.

28 First Summer Sunday for children

Summer Sunday Activities will continue from July 5th to August 2nd, starting at 10:00 AM in the main building nursery. PK

through 4th grade are welcome to join the fun!

Summer Sundays in 2015: Fun-N-Faith

Our Summer Sundays are always fun. We mix sunshine, play, and select Bible connections. This year we will continue to tend the

children’s garden and spend time enjoying each other’s company rain or shine. We’ll focus on games...ones that Jesus may have

played as a child, ones where success comes from collaboration, and favorite ones from our own times. Last summer we had one

Sunday where electronic games were encouraged and the children became the teachers for some of the adults (like Ms. Deb), so we

will repeat that adventure, too on a specific Sunday later in the summer.

Any adults who would like to share in the fun on a particular Sunday is invited to contact Deb Parker ([email protected]).

Contact Deb Parker ([email protected]) - Children’s and Youth Ministries Coordinator - if you have questions or


OUTREACH – Caring for Others and All Creation

2015 Rummage Sale

“Where two or more are gathered in my name…”

We gathered and we worked…some two or three…some more… with His promise of

presence among us. When we didn’t think we had enough rummage, we did. When we

thought we’re out of energy or patience, we found some. When we didn’t have a solution

for the challenge of the moment, we found one. Many looked at already difficult

schedules balancing job and family needs… and found some time to help.

We were certainly blessed. Even the weather cooperated! THANK YOU to all who donated items, without which we couldn’t have a

rummage sale. THANK YOU to those willing to work in places where they were needed, even though not in their area of preference.

And THANK YOU to the following parish family members who worked to help make Rummage Sale 2015 a huge success:

Sylvia Acton, Judi Ahrens, Peter Barends, Rachel Barnes, Christine Beckman, Eileen Becknell, Jerry Becknell, Kristin Becknell, Sophia

Becknell, Dee Bolden, Ronnie Brown, Steve Brown, Liz Cartwright, Carolyn Christy, Ella Darke, John Darke, Lisa Darke, Tessa Darke,

Judy Davis, Chuck Divelbiss, Bill Dixon, Anne Dotson, Steve Dotson, Jack Farrar, Becky Fisher, Perry Fisher, Jenny Floch, Dan Fulton,

Katie Fulton, Hugh Fulton, Jordan Fulton, Doug Harris, Robin Harris, Jenny Hoffman, Kay Holley, Kent Holley, Ann Hooker,

June 2015 P a g e | 7

Tom Hooker, Leno James, Peggy James, David Jones, Michael Jupin, John Karanja, Nancy Kilbourne, Cindy Kip, Nick Kip, Kathryn Kirn,

Aaron Krabacher, Greg Krabacher, Sophie Kuhn, Janet Lewis, Ann Lowder, Anna Luehmann, Marjorie Menaul, Betsey Miner, Jay

Miner, Jim Miner, Constance Mosher, Angela Niermeyer, Charlene O’Donnell, Tim O’Donnell, Charles Orne, Peggy Park, Deb Parker,

Barbara Paul, Jane Peden, Carol Pfau, Bob Philips, Laura Piazza, Sal Piazza, June Robb, Mike Robb, Dani Rosler, Russ Rosler, Christine

Shields, Linda Sinoway, Amma Susan Smith, Bob Sweeney, Lucinda Sweeney, Pauline Swinford, Brad Swiniarski, Lynne Tappan, Tom

Tappan, Abigail Thompson, Ernestine Ujah, Kip Wahlers, Elaine Warnett, Jack Warnett, Anita Williamson, Ellen Yen.

Please let us know if we have omitted anyone who worked during Rummage Sale set-up or the sale.

Thanks to Amma Susan Smith, Melissa Shirley, Jane Dupke, Bob Sweeney, Brad Swiniarski, Karen Eckenroth, and all choir members

for inspiration and administrative support.

The $14,647.06 (so far) of proceeds will have a positive benefit for our outreach ministries.

In addition to the above funds, numerous mugs were donated to The Community Kitchen, books were donated to The Serenity

Street Foundation (an organization that aids those dealing with alcohol and drug addictions) and Books for Bedtime (an organization

that provides books to children who need them), vases were donated for a senior citizens and Alzheimer craft project, and all other

items were picked up by Volunteers of America.

Some Feedback from the B.R.E.A.D. Nehemiah Action Meeting

The 2014 Issue: Lack of access to effective mental healthcare:

David Royer, Chief Executive Officer of ADAMH (the Alcohol, Drug And Mental Health Board of Franklin County), promised to add a

third ACT (Assertive Community Treatment) team and also said that he would present the ADMH Boards with a plan in December for

a “clubhouse” (a place where multiple services are provided to support people recovering from mental illness).

The 2015 issue: Crime and violence:

Key officials at the city and federal level committed to participating in a plan to Implement the Community Initiative to Reduce

Violence (CIRV) used in 75 U.S. cities. This program seeks to bring together people and agencies in the criminal justice system to

target adult members of gangs, assisting them to find jobs, and a new way of life. It also aims to prosecute gun-related crimes at the

federal level. Franklin County Prosecutor Ron O’Brien has signaled his support and the Director of Public Safety has agreed to seek

funding for the initiative.

School Supply Collection

The Social Concerns Committee is sponsoring the collection of school supplies for The Dowd Education Center of the Homeless

Families Foundation from July19 through September 13. A list of requested items is noted below and will also be available on the

Living Room table.

Homeless children are the innocent victims in the tragedy of family homelessness. Homeless children may be ill prepared to start

school, and once in school, may fall behind their peers academically. The Dowd Education Center provides an academically focused

afterschool and summer program for children in kindergarten through middle school that follows the curriculum of the Columbus

City Schools and helps the children overcome their obstacles to success in school. The Dowd Education Center served 118 school age

children during the 2012-2013 school year. For this school year, 95.5% of these children improved their math skills and 95.5%

improved and/or maintained their reading skills. The Dowd Education Center also provides meals, enrichment activities, and

recreation to enhance the social skills and health.


Spiral notebooks, both college and wide rule Scissors (blunt)

Pocket folders Black or blue ballpoint pens

Highlight pens Erasers

Compasses Glue sticks

3 ring 1 ½-inch notebooks Pencils

3 hole notebook paper, both college and wide rule Colored pencils

Small spiral notebooks to be used as journals Rulers

June 2015 P a g e | 8

Calculators TI 83 (can be used) Dictionaries

Crayons Thesaurus

Book bags (child friendly) Tissues

A collection box is in the Living Room.

If you wish to write a check, make it payable to St. Alban’s and write HFF School Supplies in the memo line.

Please help us with this ministry. The children need the help provided by the Education Center. These supplies are needed to help

them and are greatly appreciated.

The Neighborhood House

It has come to our attention that there continues to be a need for food to stock The Neighborhood House (NH) Food Pantry,

especially for canned vegetables. While the NH is able to purchase some items from the Mid-Ohio Food Bank, they cannot afford to

purchase vegetables. We are asking that when you go grocery shopping that you purchase a couple of cans of vegetables. While

canned vegetables is the focus of this collection, there is also a need for staples such as rice, spaghetti, cereals, and peanut butter.

There is a box in the Living Room for you to leave your contributions.

For those who do not know, The Neighborhood House, Inc. is a settlement house on the Near East side of Columbus.

Founded in 1909 by St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, The Neighborhood House is a JUBILEE MINISTRY OF THE EPISCOPAL

CHURCH, through which the church addresses domestic poverty by providing direct services, such as food.

For many families, it is a hardship or an impossibility to buy food. More than ever, hunger and food scarcity is a problem and is

occurring at the same time as a cut in the food stamp program. Anything we contribute is really needed and helpful. This food

pantry serves people in five zip codes, and serves patrons regardless of zip code at least once.

EUCHARISTIC LIVING – Celebrations and Thanksgivings

Together, we make Eucharist, which means “give thanks.”

NEIGHBORING: Sharing Rummage Sale days with Bexley Yard Sale

This year, the Rummage Sale at St. Alban’s coincided with Bexley’s Yard Sale – and our Rummage

Sale was better than ever!

THANKS to whoever forewarned Bexley Mayor, Ben Kessler, that both were scheduled the

same day.

THANKS to Mayor Kessler who called St. Alban’s, and even offered to change the Bexley

Yard Sale date, not wanting to thwart our Sale.

THANKS to Senior Warden Steve Brown who proposed to the Mayor that we keep them on the same day, recalling that

when there are three gas stations at one intersection, all three do better than one stand-alone station (since when people

think “gasoline,” they think that intersection).

THANKS to the City of Bexley for publicizing our Rummage Sale with their Yard Sale!

THANKS to the people at Bexley United Methodist Church whose sale started way early on Saturday, who told folks when

they were finished shopping there, they should come to St. Alban’s.

THANKS to the Strategic Planning committee who set as a goal that St. Alban’s do more outreach in our neighborhood.

THANKS to the Good Lord for neighbor-love, and the possible beginning of a new tradition!

June 2015 P a g e | 9

EXTRA! EXTRA! – News From The Pews

This is the place to tell us what’s on your mind, ask a question (or two) and have it answered, or offer insight into something that supports your spiritual life.

Red Door Reminder

We encourage everyone at St. Alban’s to share information and photos reflecting our life together.

Please send any stories, questions or ponderings you would like to have published to the

Communications Committee ([email protected]). The deadline is the 15th of each month.

Articles submitted after that date may be held for the next regular issue of The Red Door. Should your

article arrive after that date, but is time sensitive, please be sure and convey that to the

communications group. We look forward to having new contributors!

July Red Door

All articles to be included in the July Red Door should be submitted to [email protected] on or before the 15th day of June.

Visit us on the Web:

St Alban's Episcopal Church http://www.stalbansbexley.org

St Alban's Episcopal Church on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/StAlbansBexley

St. Alban's Bexley Conversations on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/54987337


June 2015 P a g e | 10

Artists of St. Alban’s Registration Form

Won’t you join us? Please complete this Registration form and send to Church or email Jenny Floch at [email protected] as

soon as possible, but no later than June 4.

NAME ______________________________________________ PHONE _______________________

MEDIUM/ MEDIA ____________________________________ EMAIL ____________________________________

Description of artworks: Title, Medium, Dimensions (30lb. limit, and three-dimensional work to fit on a 6’ table)





DELIVERY: Thursday, June 18, 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Bring your card and a c. vita. (Installation: Friday, June 19.)

PICK UP items 1:30 PM, Sunday, June 21, 2015

SALES: For sales, we will advertise “Contact the artist.” There is no cost to participate, but 20% of sales is suggested as a gift to the


Regular Office Hours: Monday 2:00 PM - 6:30 PM; Tuesday—Thursday 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM; Friday 9:00 AM – Noon.

*AL (Adult Library), CL (Children’s Library), DR (Dining Room), Ed (Education Building), LR (Living Room), MG (Memorial Garden) St. Alban’s Episcopal Church, 333 South Drexel Avenue, Bexley, OH 43209 – Phone: 614-253-8549 – Web: http://www.stalbansbexley.org


Sundays (except as noted): 8:00 AM Eucharist – Rite 1, 9:15 AM Nursery Open, 9:15 AM Adult Formation, 10:00 AM A.R.K. Sunday School, 10:15 AM Eucharist – Rite II

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

May 31 9:15 AM Choir

10:15 AM Honor High School Graduates

Baptize Sam Fletcher

June 1 9:15 AM Aerobics (Ed)

11:15 AM Morning Prayer

12:00 PM Men’s Fellowship Luncheon (Scotty’s)

7:00 PM AA Meeting (Ed)

7:00 PM Book Club (AL)

2 10:00 AM Staff Meeting (AL)

6:00 PM Aerobics (Ed)

8:00 PM NA Meeting (Ed)

3 9:15 AM Aerobics (Ed)

10:30 AM Eucharist and Healing Service

3:30 PM Inquirer’s Class Planning (AL)

5:30 PM Al-Anon (Ed)

6:30 PM ACOA (Ed)

7:00 PM Bible Study (AL)

4 7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal

5 9:15 AM Aerobics (Ed)

10:00 AM Al-Anon (LR)

10:45 AM Yoga (Ed)

6 8:30 AM Aerobics (Ed)

10:00 AM Contemplative Prayer

10:30 AM ACOA (Ed)

4:00 PM Youth Lock-In for Mountain T.O.P. Mission Trip (Ed)

7 Youth Leave for Mountain T.O.P. Mission Trip

9:15 AM Choir

9:15 AM Inquirers (AL)

2:00 PM Konold Funeral (Nave)

Reception Following (LR/DR)

8 9:15 AM Aerobics (Ed)

11:15 AM Morning Prayer

12:00 PM Men’s Fellowship Luncheon (Scotty’s)

7:00 PM AA Meeting (Ed)

9 11:00 AM Communion at Kensington

6:00 PM Aerobics (Ed)

8:00 PM NA Meeting (Ed)

10 9:15 AM Aerobics (Ed)

10:30 AM Eucharist and Healing Service

3:00 PM Cooks: Homeless Meal (Ed)

5:30 PM Servers: Homeless Meal (Ed)

5:30 PM Al-Anon (Ed)

6:30 PM ACOA (Ed)

11 2:00 PM Afternoon Bible Study (DR)

7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal

7:30 PM Social Concerns Committee (DR)

12 9:15 AM Aerobics (Ed)

10:00 AM Al-Anon (LR)

10:45 AM Yoga (Ed)

13 Youth Return from Mountain T.O.P. Mission Trip

8:30 AM Aerobics (Ed)

10:00 AM Contemplative Prayer

10:30 AM ACOA (Ed)

14 9:15 AM Choir

10:15 AM Honor High School Graduates

15 9:15 AM Aerobics (Ed)

11:15 AM Morning Prayer

12:00 PM Men’s Fellowship Luncheon (Scotty’s)

7:00 PM AA Meeting (Ed)

7:00 PM Vestry (LR)

16 10:00 AM Staff Meeting (AL)

12:00 PM Parish Care Committee (DR)

6:00 PM Aerobics (Ed)

8:00 PM NA Meeting (Ed)

17 9:15 AM Aerobics (Ed)

10:00 AM Pastoral Care Training (Offsite)

10:30 AM Eucharist w/Healing

5:30 PM Al-Anon (Ed)

6:30 PM ACOA (Ed)

18 9:00 AM Prayer Group (LR)

7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal

19 9:15 AM Aerobics (Ed)

10:00 AM Al-Anon (LR)

10:45 AM Yoga (Ed)

6:00 PM Artists Open House (Ed)

20 8:30 AM Aerobics (Ed)

10:30 AM ACOA (Ed)

4:00 PM Artists Open House (Ed)

21 St. Alban’s Day 8:00 AM Service as Usual

9:00 AM Bishop Arrives, Coffee & Teaching

10:15 AM Confirmation, Reception, Bp. Breidenthal Preaching, Reception Following

12:15 PM Vestry/Bishop Meet

22 9:15 AM Aerobics (Ed)

11:15 AM Morning Prayer

11:40 AM Women’s Series (AL)

12:00 PM Men’s Fellowship Luncheon (Scotty’s)

7:00 PM AA Meeting (Ed)

23 11:00 AM Communion at Kensington

4:15 PM Planning Forum

6:00 PM Aerobics (Ed)

8:00 PM NA Meeting (Ed)

24 (General Convention of 9:15 AM Aerobics (Ed)

10:30 AM Eucharist and Healing Service

5:30 PM Al-Anon (Ed)

6:30 PM ACOA (Ed)

25 the Episcopal Church 2:00 PM Afternoon Bible Study (DR)

7:30 PM No Choir Rehearsal (off for summer)

26 through July 3 in Salt 9:15 AM Aerobics (Ed)

10:00 AM Al-Anon (LR)

10:45 AM Yoga (Ed)

27 Lake City, Utah) 8:30 AM Aerobics (Ed)

10:00 AM Contemplative Prayer

Regular Office Hours: Monday 2:00 PM - 6:30 PM; Tuesday—Thursday 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM; Friday 9:00 AM – Noon.

*AL (Adult Library), CL (Children’s Library), DR (Dining Room), Ed (Education Building), LR (Living Room), MG (Memorial Garden) St. Alban’s Episcopal Church, 333 South Drexel Avenue, Bexley, OH 43209 – Phone: 614-253-8549 – Web: http://www.stalbansbexley.org

Sundays (except as noted): 8:00 AM Eucharist – Rite 1, 9:15 AM Nursery Open, 9:15 AM Adult Formation, 10:00 AM A.R.K. Sunday School, 10:15 AM Eucharist – Rite II

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

28 9:15 AM The Village

10:00 AM Fun-N-Faith (Nur)

29 9:15 AM Aerobics (Ed)

11:15 AM Morning Prayer

11:40 AM Women’s Series (AL)

12:00 PM Men’s Fellowship Luncheon (Scotty’s)

7:00 PM AA Meeting (Ed)

30 6:00 PM Aerobics (Ed)

8:00 PM NA Meeting (Ed)

July 1 9:15 AM Aerobics (Ed)

10:30 AM Eucharist and Healing Service

5:30 PM Al-Anon (Ed)

6:30 PM ACOA (Ed)

July 2

July 3 9:15 AM Aerobics (Ed)

10:00 AM Al-Anon (LR)

10:45 AM Yoga (Ed)

July 4 8:30 AM Aerobics (Ed)

10:30 AM ACOA (Ed)