june 2018 the next big step - blclindsborg.orgblclindsborg.org/beacon/2018-06.pdf · mary parker,...

1 June 2018 THE NEXT BIG STEP In mid-May, we learned that Bethany Lutheran Church was approved as an intern- ship site in partnership with Luther Seminary. We also found out that Bethany Church was assigned Phillip Hett as an intern for the 2018-2019 academic year, as we had hoped. We rejoice that Phil has been endorsed for internship by the Central States Synod Candidacy Committee, and we are grateful that he has been assigned to Bethany Church. We look forward to a year of internship (beginning in June 2018) —that will be shared with Bethany Home—as Phil continues his interim ministry as Chaplain there. What does this change in status mean? A number of changes will occur. In the near future, we will have a “Service of Beginning” for Phil during a Sunday morning worship service. An internship committee has been formed to oversee the program here at Bethany and to assist Phil in setting learning goals. There will not be great changes in responsibilities for Phil, but the internship year is very much a time of learning—even after five years of employment at Bethany Church. He will be ex- posed to the breadth of ministry in this congregation. He will be required to com- plete at least one “internship project.” As his supervisor, I will be required to attend two Cluster Meetings with Phil, and we will have weekly meetings or check-points. And, for this year, Phil will have a different title; he will be called a “Pastoral In- tern.” It is an exciting time for Bethany Lutheran Church, as we prepare for Phil’s intern- ship year. It is also an exciting time for Phil and Kim and their daughters, Jill and Abigail. When Phil has completed this internship, we trust that he will be approved for ordination into the ministry of the Lutheran Church. It continues to be my hope that we of Bethany Church, as well as the staff of Bethany Home, will share in Phil’s learning and growth, and that we will support Phil Hett and his family with prayer and encouragement. We rejoice together that Phil is now taking the next big step on his journey of life and faith. Pastor Loren D. Mai

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Page 1: June 2018 THE NEXT BIG STEP - blclindsborg.orgblclindsborg.org/beacon/2018-06.pdf · Mary Parker, Steve Gustafson, Bill Buschbom, Carrie Nelson, Ken Branch, Erica Kruckenberg, Krista


June 2018


In mid-May, we learned that Bethany Lutheran Church was approved as an intern-

ship site in partnership with Luther Seminary. We also found out that Bethany

Church was assigned Phillip Hett as an intern for the 2018-2019 academic year, as

we had hoped. We rejoice that Phil has been endorsed for internship by the Central

States Synod Candidacy Committee, and we are grateful that he has been assigned to

Bethany Church. We look forward to a year of internship (beginning in June 2018)

—that will be shared with Bethany Home—as Phil continues his interim ministry as

Chaplain there. What does this change in status mean? A number of changes will occur. In the near

future, we will have a “Service of Beginning” for Phil during a Sunday morning

worship service. An internship committee has been formed to oversee the program

here at Bethany and to assist Phil in setting learning goals. There will not be great

changes in responsibilities for Phil, but the internship year is very much a time of

learning—even after five years of employment at Bethany Church. He will be ex-

posed to the breadth of ministry in this congregation. He will be required to com-

plete at least one “internship project.” As his supervisor, I will be required to attend

two Cluster Meetings with Phil, and we will have weekly meetings or check-points.

And, for this year, Phil will have a different title; he will be called a “Pastoral In-

tern.” It is an exciting time for Bethany Lutheran Church, as we prepare for Phil’s intern-

ship year. It is also an exciting time for Phil and Kim and their daughters, Jill and

Abigail. When Phil has completed this internship, we trust that he will be approved

for ordination into the ministry of the Lutheran Church. It continues to be my hope

that we of Bethany Church, as well as the staff of Bethany Home, will share in Phil’s

learning and growth, and that we will support Phil Hett and his family with prayer

and encouragement. We rejoice together that Phil is now taking the next big step on

his journey of life and faith.

Pastor Loren D. Mai

Page 2: June 2018 THE NEXT BIG STEP - blclindsborg.orgblclindsborg.org/beacon/2018-06.pdf · Mary Parker, Steve Gustafson, Bill Buschbom, Carrie Nelson, Ken Branch, Erica Kruckenberg, Krista


Thursday June 7, 12:00 pm, FH

Bring Your Own Sack Lunch

Hostess June Birthday Group & Volunteers

Program Growing old gracefully in your home.

Julie Olson = Occupational Therapist

Special Offering PT Department at Lindsborg Hospital

Bring 4 oz. Bar of Bath Soap/ or nail clippers

Keep Saving your Labels!


Psalm 150 v. 1 “Praise the Lord!

Praise God in his sanctuary;

...Praise him with trumpet - lute and harp!

...Praise him with tambourine and dance;

...Praise him with strings and pipe!

...Praise him with clanging cymbals;

...Praise him with clashing cymbals!

And yes, praise the Lord with the ringing of bells! Thank you to the faithful bell ringers for

their practice and hard work which has enabled our group to ring several pieces of music to

the glory of God. Thank you to these ringers: Mary Voight, Pam Reed, Gretchen Esping,

Rhea Mader, Jane Liljegren, Jeanette Peterson, Gail Gustafson, Lan Nelson, Jim Strasen, and

Julia Train. We also had a few substitutes that stepped in when we needed them. Thanks to

Phil Hett, Freda Woodard, Steve Gustafson, and Betty Amos. A bell choir needs to have a

ringer for each and every bell making it necessary to have a full compliment of ringers.

Thanks to the members of Bethany Lutheran for your support and prayers. We hope our mu-

sic enhanced your worship experience.

We are planning on ringing one more time in June. We will take several weeks off this sum-

mer and plan on resuming in the fall. Give thanks to our God who created music.

Miriam Strasen

Page 3: June 2018 THE NEXT BIG STEP - blclindsborg.orgblclindsborg.org/beacon/2018-06.pdf · Mary Parker, Steve Gustafson, Bill Buschbom, Carrie Nelson, Ken Branch, Erica Kruckenberg, Krista


Bethany Lutheran Church 2018 Central States Synod delegates are

Amy Roraback, Merle Larson, Erica Kruckenberg and Josh Nelson.

Page 4: June 2018 THE NEXT BIG STEP - blclindsborg.orgblclindsborg.org/beacon/2018-06.pdf · Mary Parker, Steve Gustafson, Bill Buschbom, Carrie Nelson, Ken Branch, Erica Kruckenberg, Krista


A Word From Phil...

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not rely on your own in-

sight. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight

your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

And we are off!!!! My internship has officially begun! June 1 marks

the beginning of my year long internship and the last leg of my seminary journey!

In the fall of 2014, I started my seminary career at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, MN. It

has been quite a journey. I am in the distance program which is a blended model with

online classes mixed with on campus intensives. Over the past four years, I have traveled

to campus in St. Paul seven times, (I have two more trips to make this year), I have taken a

lot of theology, history, ministry, worship, etc., I have learned both Greek and Hebrew, and I

spent a semester traveling to Wesley Medical Center in Wichita twice a week for chaplaincy

training. That was intense!

I often wondered over the years if I would make it but now, here we are. It is the last

leg of the journey. I am very fortunate to be doing my internship work at Bethany Lutheran

and Bethany Home. For most seminarians, it does not work out this way as they are re-

quired to relocate to a new context for internship. I am very thankful to the seminary and

the synod for allowing me to do this.

With that said, it will be a new adventure for us all. My job title at Bethany Church has

changed to Pastoral Intern. There is an internship committee in place to help guide me in

the right direction. I will also be taking on some new adventures during the year as it will be

a chance for me to try a few new things. Plus, I will continue my work at Bethany Home as

the Interim Chaplain, and I still have some seminary classes to complete before I graduate

next May.

The journey continues. I could not have made it this far without the support of my

amazing wife, my friends, family. Thank you also for the mentoring and support from Pastor

Mai, Pastor Bill Buschbom and Joyce Peterson. I am also very, very thankful to the wonder-

ful people here at Bethany Lutheran Church. I am thankful for your prayers, encourage-

ment, and support to both me and my family. This is a wonderful place to work and serve

the Lord. May the Holy Spirit guide and lead us during this journey and forever.

What happens next? As I said, I will be trying a few new things during this internship

year. Keep your mind and heart open to this. With the Lord’s help and a little help from my

friends here at Bethany Church, I will graduate from Seminary in May 2019, then ordination

and, well, wherever the Holy Spirit leads us next. Praise be to God!

Phillip Hett

Page 5: June 2018 THE NEXT BIG STEP - blclindsborg.orgblclindsborg.org/beacon/2018-06.pdf · Mary Parker, Steve Gustafson, Bill Buschbom, Carrie Nelson, Ken Branch, Erica Kruckenberg, Krista


June Birthdays & Baptisms Lynette Blomberg 6/02

Margarete Dorsch 6/03

Kimberly Hett 6/03

Elly Briggs 6/04

Nadia Armbruster 6/05

Bruster Bengtson 6/06

Sara McCullick 6/06

James Ruble 6/06

Ann Ylander 6/06

Danny Blaha 6/07

Kinsleigh Klatt 6/07

Diane Cummings 6/08

Darren Nelson 6/08

Kelly DuMars 6/09

Ryan Dreier 6/10

Corey Peterson 6/10

Rex Peterson 6/11

Jane Liljegren 6/13

Donna Ruble 6/13

Audrey Yosai 6/13

R.D. Rasmusson 6/14

Karl Esping 6/16

Elly Ostlind 6/16

Jessica Kelling 6/18

Gwen Kuntz 6/18

Dyhana Larson 6/18

Carter Bengtson 6/19

Jodi Gawith 6/21

Clairese Palmquist 6/21

Mary Swenson 6/21

James Oestmann 6/22

Rhonda Finney 6/24

James Runberg 6/24

Grant Thayer 6/24

Craig Liljegren 6/26

Madison Nelson 6/26

Jeremy Alkire 6/27

Caitlin Whetstone 6/30

Lindsey Whetstone 6/30


Zack Briggs-Andersen 6/01

Eric Kruckenberg 6/01

Avis Palmquist 6/01

Mary Parker 6/01

Jan Michael 6/02

Edith Dahlsten 6/05

Mika Hopp 6/05

Anita Nelson 6/06

Kathryn Patterson 6/06

Terry Malm 6/07

Annika Stucky 6/07

Jane Anderson 6/09

Brett Anderson 6/09

Karen Carlson 6/09

Carole Hudson 6/09

Ty McCullough 6/09

Denise Sanderson 6/09

Marilyn Malm 6/12

Jacob Bryan 6/13

Thurlow Gibson 6/13

Carolyn Gibson 6/13

Carter Bengtson 6/14

Marshall Anderson 6/15

Brandie Nelson 6/15

Mary Roraback 6/15

Jordan Bell 6/16

Joseph Train 6/17

Mark Bengtson 6/18

Nicholas Dreier 6/18

Joyce Peterson 6/18

Brad Bengtson 6/19

Brian Bengtson 6/19

Ermal Nelson 6/19

Ruby Peters 6/20

Emily Schrader 6/20

Martin Johnson 6/23

Amanda Reilly 6/23

Harry Ylander 6/25

Kola Johnson 6/27

Willis Larson 6/27

Darlene Handlin 6/30

Page 6: June 2018 THE NEXT BIG STEP - blclindsborg.orgblclindsborg.org/beacon/2018-06.pdf · Mary Parker, Steve Gustafson, Bill Buschbom, Carrie Nelson, Ken Branch, Erica Kruckenberg, Krista


Bethany Lutheran Church Council Meeting-April 11, 2018

Present: Brandie Nelson, Marlin Johnson, Josh Nelson, Terri Nelson, Matt Stula, Pastor Mai, Phil Hett, Kathey Bengtson,

Mary Parker, Steve Gustafson, Bill Buschbom, Carrie Nelson, Ken Branch, Erica Kruckenberg, Krista Harris, Erika Lysell.

Absent: Merle Larson, Amy Roraback

Minutes and Financial Report The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed. It was MSC to ap-

prove the minutes. The financial repor t is attached and was reviewed by Matt Stula. Contr ibutions

during March were approximately $900 under budget. Total income for March 2018 was approximately

$2,700 less than March 2017. Total expenses for March 2018 were approximately $900 greater than March

2017. Contributions YTD are approximately $8,300 less than budgeted and expenses YTD are approximately

$1,500 under budget. It was MSC to accept the financial report as submitted.

INFORMATIONAL REPORTS Pastor's report is attached. Lent and Easter services went well and were well attended. Communion

classses were held for those who made their First Communion on Maundy Thursday. Confirmation classes

will be concluding with Confirmation on May 6. St. Matthew Passion on Good Friday went very well in the

sanctuary. The only glitch was the fire alarm that was accidentally set off prior to the performance. Christian Education-The committee has signed up to serve three Circles meals and three Salina Rescue Mis-

sion Meals this summer. SS will be over on May 13. KICK will conclude on April 18. VBS will be from

May 29 to June 1. The seniors from SVHS, Reilly Mader, Morgan VanDerWege, and Carter Couchman will

be honored at the Coffee Hour Sunday. Congratulations to these seniors! Outreach Committee-Erika Kruckenberg said they have met and working on the responsibilities of the com-

mittee which includes supplies (envelopes and pencils) in pew holders. Suggestion that the ushers should

maybe be more welcoming in Narthex to visitors since we no longer have greeters. Communications-Matt reported that the new projector has been installed downstairs. We should be able to

televise events downstairs now that are being televised in sanctuary. Property Committee -Roof on sanctuary is being repaired today and tomorrow. Repair bid for steps is

$4,200, we are currently waiting on a second bid. Security cameras are installed. Spring Cleanup date will be

April 28 at 9:00. Butch and Justin have a list of to do's. The Boy Scouts will help. SVHS Workday is on

April 25. Hoping to paint lines in parking lot and some cleaning inside. Two trees have been planted as me-

morial gifts for Don Howe and Marvin Johnson. The 15 ft. spruce is in replacement of the spruce tree be-

tween the sanctuary and Fellowship Hall and the 20 ft. oak is on Main Street in front of parsonage. 150th Anniversary-Committee is meeting once monthly and getting together some plans.

Holy Week-Thanks to all who participated in some way in all the activities and services during Holy Week.

NEW BUSINESS Doris Stump Memorial- The memorial will be dispersed $285 to Piece Artists, $705 to Lutheran World Re-

lief for shipping charges for quilts, and $555 to be determined. Phil Hett's Internship-Phil is busy but all going well. He is very grateful for the opportunity to intern here in

at Bethany Home and Bethany Church. He is hoping to complete his internship in May, 2019 . Rite of Baptism Five young people will be confirmed on May 6. The names submitted for approval are

Ava Brunsell, Avery VanDerWege, Haven Lysell, Treyton Miller and Drew Nelson. It was MSC to approve

these confirmands. “Go Green” at Bethany Church-There has been discussion about being more aware of recycling and the

breakdown of certain materials used within the church. It was MSC to form a committee to look into recom-

mendations on how we can do more within our church. Those that volunteered to be on the committee are

Brandie Nelson, Phil Hett and Erika Kruckenberg.

Page 7: June 2018 THE NEXT BIG STEP - blclindsborg.orgblclindsborg.org/beacon/2018-06.pdf · Mary Parker, Steve Gustafson, Bill Buschbom, Carrie Nelson, Ken Branch, Erica Kruckenberg, Krista


Personnel Report-Job descriptions are being updated. There should be a more complete report by next council

meeting. Background checks are still being discussed. We are looking for new insurance carrier for the

church. We will not renew in July. Organist Approval-It was MSC to approve LaReta Olson as the organist for the May 26 Wedding of Lars Pe-

terson and Carly Kolling. FIRST TIME DISCUSSION Council-Confirmation Dinner-April 22 6:00. Council members should be here around 5:30 to set up and

serve. Musician Appreciation Reminder-Pies and treats will be served to all of our choirs at their last practice

of the year as a Thank You for their time and talent commitment. Facility Use Request-Marcia McClellan will be hosting Lutheran Spirituality Class in September and has re-

quested the use a room starting in September on the 2nd and 4th Thursday's from 2-3. It was MSC to approve

the request as submitted. Safety Training-With new cameras Pastor will be doing a safety training with staff which will include the fire

alarm system. The next council meeting will be on May 16 due to the conflict with Baccalaureate on May 9. The next

executive meeting will be on May 7. Respectfully Submitted, Kathey Bengtson, Recording Secretary

Page 8: June 2018 THE NEXT BIG STEP - blclindsborg.orgblclindsborg.org/beacon/2018-06.pdf · Mary Parker, Steve Gustafson, Bill Buschbom, Carrie Nelson, Ken Branch, Erica Kruckenberg, Krista


Stephen Ministry – A Call to Listen

Holly Johnson

Recently in a conversation with an acquaintance, I had the opportunity to talk about the

central idea of our Stephen Ministry program at Bethany Lutheran. It wasn’t difficult,

for there are two important words that sum it all up: Presence and Listening.

We could have discussed the training, the community in which we participate with our

colleagues, the books we read to inform and inspire us. After all, that is part of our life

as Stephen ministers. But when we boil it all down, it becomes a simple idea. We are

here to be present in the lives of our care receivers, and we are here to listen in an open

and non-judgmental posture.

So when I encountered David Ignatow’s poem, I remembered the power of presence

and listening, to put oneself aside for a while, to comfort and to empathize. That is

what we do as Stephen Ministers. And through that process, we find our own joy.


David Ignatow

You wept in your mother's arms is the right road to blessedness.

and I knew that from then on Not to submit to error

I was to forget myself. is in itself wrong

and pride.

Listening to your sobs,

I was resolved against my will Standing beside you,

to do well by us I took an oath

and so I said, without thinking, to make your life simpler

in great panic, To do wrong by complicating mine

in one's own judgment, and what I always thought

though others thrive by it, would happen did:

I was lifted up in joy



Page 9: June 2018 THE NEXT BIG STEP - blclindsborg.orgblclindsborg.org/beacon/2018-06.pdf · Mary Parker, Steve Gustafson, Bill Buschbom, Carrie Nelson, Ken Branch, Erica Kruckenberg, Krista


June 2018 Christian Education Page

Summer Church events - there will be no children’s summer Sunday School, however, there will be church events. Please mark your calendar, invite a friend, and join us for these events:

June 10, 6:30 p.m. Old Fashion Fun at the Old Mill, meet for games and homemade

ice cream

July 29, 7:00 – 9:00 Swim Party at the city pool

August 19, 5:00 p.m. Emerald Lake hot dog roast

Fall Sunday School t-shirts – Our SS children will receive shirts again on Rally Day. Parents, if you missed the end of the year breakfast in North Park, please email Joyce your children’s shirt sizes.

Adult Forums are offered each Sunday in Fellowship Hall, at 9:05.

June 3 No forum due to the VBS closing program in North Park

June 10 Ordination Anniversary for Ken Branch & Herbert Johnson

June 17 Report from the Central States Synod Convention by our Voting Delegates

June 24 Stewarding the celebration of Bethany’s 150th

Vacation Bible School will be held Tuesday May 29 - Friday June 1, 9am - 11:30am at Messi-ah Lutheran Church. This year the theme for VBS is God's Good Creation. This curriculum was developed by the ELCA and focuses on the ELCA's World Hunger Campaign. Each day the students will enjoy Bible stories, games, snacks, skits, music, investigations, and much more!

See a preview of our music and stories on Friday, June 1! Come in to fellowship hall for pick-up as usual at 11:30, but plan to stay for about 30 minutes to see the show and then have lunch provided by our churches. We especially hope that children who can’t make it on Sunday will have an opportunity to share what they learn at our Friday preview.

We will end our Vacation Bible School week with a joint worship service with the Bethany and Messiah congregations. Please bring lawn chairs or a blanket to sit on. This will be held on

June 3 in the North Park at 9:30 am. Note the new time! The kids will sing and share with you what they have learned during the week. The worship service will end with a coffee, juice, and snacks. In case of inclement weather the service and fellowship time will be held at Messi-ah Church. If you have questions please contact either Kim Hett (212-6064 ) or Pari Ford ([email protected]).

Camp Tomah Shinga – it’s not too late to think of summer camp. Camp Registration forms are available on line. www.camptomahshinga.com. Please print out, fill in, pay the deposit and mail to camp. Bethany will pay half of the cost of camp.

Confirmation Camp – All 6th and 7th and 8th graders are invited to attend Confirmation Camp as a class during the week of July 15 - 20. Please let Joyce or Phil know if your youth will at-tend.

Men’s Weekly Bible Study – Men’s Bible Study every Saturday morning, 7am at the Bethany Home Activity Center.

Submitted by Joyce Peterson, Christian Ed Director, 227 2201, [email protected]

Page 10: June 2018 THE NEXT BIG STEP - blclindsborg.orgblclindsborg.org/beacon/2018-06.pdf · Mary Parker, Steve Gustafson, Bill Buschbom, Carrie Nelson, Ken Branch, Erica Kruckenberg, Krista



Our church library committee has been sorting through the shelves in order to elimi-

nate worn or out of date books. One of the questionable books was The Response of

the Church in Changing Japan, edited by Charles H. Germany. Because of its narrow

appeal, our committee suggested Verneda Bowman and I should evaluate it since we

both spent years in Japan and could decide if it should be discarded or kept.

I took it to Verneda during her recent hospitalization. As she recuperated, she read it and felt it was

worthwhile and interesting. So the book will be kept.

Recently when I stopped in the church library, I noticed a book protruding off of one end of a shelf

that looked interesting. As I looked for a card to sign, I saw that it had belonged at one time to Betha-

ny College’s Library. After noticing the title, The Singing Wilderness, by Sigurd F. Olson, illustrated

by Frances Lee Jaques, I knew immediately this was a book for me!

What a wonderful surprise this book was! Set in an area around Hibbing, Minnesota, it brought back

wonderful vacation memories during the 40s and 50s with my family--swimming and fishing in lakes

and being outdoors, our encounters with various people, wild critters, “the call of the loon, the quack

of the mallard and the swing of the night hawk through the evening sky”, and my only sighting of the

Northern Lights.

I really enjoyed the author’s descriptions of his time with various people, animals and aspects of na-

ture as well as his frequent references to how his attitude towards natural things was formed by his

initial contact as a child and the impact those experiences had on the rest of his life. The illustrations

are a delight. The “Bio” in a later edition states that in his time this author was highly honored in his


In my opinion this book is a wonderful read, because it moves us out of our overly busy complicated

lives into another time and place, a simpler existence.

Nancy Lundblad


God’s Good Creation

We will end our Vacation Bible School week with a joint wor-

ship service with the Bethany and Messiah congregations.

This will be held on June 3 in the North Park at 9:30 am, be

sure to bring your own lawn chairs. The kids will sing and

share with you what they have learned during the week. The

worship service will end with coffee, juice, and snacks. In case

of inclement weather the service and fellowship time will be

held at Messiah Church.


Page 11: June 2018 THE NEXT BIG STEP - blclindsborg.orgblclindsborg.org/beacon/2018-06.pdf · Mary Parker, Steve Gustafson, Bill Buschbom, Carrie Nelson, Ken Branch, Erica Kruckenberg, Krista


New address, email or phone number?

If you have changed your address, email or phone number

please let the church office know.

Call 785-227-2167 or email [email protected]

Thanks for helping us keep our records up to date!

January 22, 1904 The building committee decided the picture to the r ight of the

altar should be “Christ’s Ascension”, to the left “Lazarus Awakening” and the small pic-

ture within the altar, “Mary oiling the Feet of Jesus”. The window above the altar,

“Christ in Bethany”. This was the last meeting with Dr. Swensson before he passed.

May 24, 1904 Author ized the church treasurer to pay Birger Sandzen $200 for the

altar picture according to Dr. Swensson’s determination.

June 21, 1904 Elected Dr. Alfred Bergin to be the Pastor of Bethany Church.

December 30, 1904 The summary of costs accumulated for Dr. Swensson’s funeral

were $485.51. Mrs. Swensson was paid for the fireplace that Dr. Swensson had placed

in the parsonage as a gift from Mr. Oakleaf.

July 1, 1905 There was a suggestion to sell the church in Johnstown, Kansas

(est.1880). In September of 1905 the Johnstown Lutheran Church members agreed to

pay $100 each to keep it open for as long as possible.

January 1906 The church voted to install electr ic lights in the parsonage for $215

and in the parsonage stable for $450.18. The parsonage received a new chicken house

and a few improvements round the property for $209.85.

January 1907 Pastor repor ted fir st confirmands in English were four out of the 50


January 1908 A new heating boiler was installed for the parsonage by John

Holmberg for $245. Pastor reported 11 confirmands in English and 48 in Swedish.


Page 12: June 2018 THE NEXT BIG STEP - blclindsborg.orgblclindsborg.org/beacon/2018-06.pdf · Mary Parker, Steve Gustafson, Bill Buschbom, Carrie Nelson, Ken Branch, Erica Kruckenberg, Krista



Lynette Jones; December 10, 1935 to March 14, 2018

Funeral services were held on Saturday, April 28, 2018. Memorial contributions may be

sent to Bethany Church, Lindsborg Senior Center or to the family for expenses.

Evan L. Jones (Lenny); April 29, 1971 to April 26, 2018

Funeral services were held on Saturday, May 19, 2018. Memorial contributions may be

sent to the Banner Jones care and education fund.

Alice Mathilda Gottneid; June 2, 1919 to May 25, 2018

Funeral services were held on Friday, June 1 2018 at Bethany Home. Memorial contribu-

tions may be made to the Global Health Ministries or to Bethany Home.

On Sunday May, 6 five young members were confirmed.

Trayton Miller, Ava Brunsell, Haven Lysell,

Avery VanDerWege and Drew Nelson.

Smoky Valley Graduation took place on Wednesday,

May 6, 2018. Congratulations to Reilly Mader, Carter

Couchman and Morgan VanDerWege!

Kaitlyn Amelia Stula was baptized on Sunday, May 27,

2018. Her parents are Matt and Michelle Stula and

her sponsors are Daniel and Darcy Leech.

Troy and Eric Harding transferred membership to St. John’s Lutheran Church, Salina KS

Matthew, Ava and Huck Toll transferred membership to Messiah Lutheran Church.

Bernie, Robyn and Toby Johnson transferred membership to Assaria Lutheran Church.

Jill Nolde transferred membership to BLC from Moundridge Kansas

Danny Blaha transferred membership to BLC from Valley Center, Kansas

Page 13: June 2018 THE NEXT BIG STEP - blclindsborg.orgblclindsborg.org/beacon/2018-06.pdf · Mary Parker, Steve Gustafson, Bill Buschbom, Carrie Nelson, Ken Branch, Erica Kruckenberg, Krista


Page 14: June 2018 THE NEXT BIG STEP - blclindsborg.orgblclindsborg.org/beacon/2018-06.pdf · Mary Parker, Steve Gustafson, Bill Buschbom, Carrie Nelson, Ken Branch, Erica Kruckenberg, Krista



June 3 VBS Program, North Park

June 10 Drew Nelson & Nicholas Dreier

June 17 Ayla Smith-Bolin & Ava Brunsell

June 24 Drew Jones &

Caleb Gustus


Anna & Leland Erickson

Communion Ushers

Steve Gustafson, Krista Harris,

Merle Larson, Ericka Lysell

Sunday Ushers June 3 8:00 am Mike & Barb Losik;

10:30 am Eric & Erica Kruckenberg, Dan & Katie Hawkinson,

Karl & Wanda Esping

June 10 8:00 am Jolene Reese & Ervalene Johnson

10:30 am Mark & Nancy Lysell, Daryl & Marie Shields, Matt &

Karen Clark

June 17 8:00 am Ron & Jan Michael

10:30 am Ron Rolander, Dan Norden, Brandon Nelson, Bruce

Harding, Alan Leaf

June 24 8:00 am Jim & Cindy Copple

10:30 am Nate Woodard, Warren Webster, Shannon Everhart,

Joel Woodard, and Merle & Terri Nelson

Altar Guild

Nancy Lundblad &

Maurine Johnson

Offering Transfer

8 am - Marlin Johnson & Josh Nelson

10:30 am - Carrie Nelson & Terri Nelson

Page 15: June 2018 THE NEXT BIG STEP - blclindsborg.orgblclindsborg.org/beacon/2018-06.pdf · Mary Parker, Steve Gustafson, Bill Buschbom, Carrie Nelson, Ken Branch, Erica Kruckenberg, Krista


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thurs Fri Sat

1 10 am Svenska





8 am Worship/


9 :30 am VBS Program

in the North Park

10:15 am coffee &

snacks, North park

4 10 am Forum Com-


11 am Staff Meeting

6:30 pm Executive


7:00 pm Boy Scouts

5 4:30 pm Out-

reach Committee

6 2:00 pm HS Bells

7 12 pm W/ELCA

6:30 pm Ste-

phen Ministry


10 am Svenska




10 8 am Worship

9 am Forum: 55th An-

niversary Ordination

9 am Adult Bible Study

9:45 am Coffee

10:30 am Worship

6:30 pm Old Fashioned

Fun, The old Mill


11 am Staff Meeting

6 pm Finance Com-


7 pm Property Com-


7 pm Boy Scouts

12 2:30 pm Library


13 2:00 pm HS Bells

7:00 pm Christian

Education Commit-


8:00 pm Church


14 9:00 am Piece


7:00 pm TACOL,



10 am Svenska





8 am Worship/


9 am Forum

9 am Adult Bible Study

9:45 am Coffee

10:30 am Worship/


3:00 pm Midsummers


18 11 am Staff meeting

7 pm Boy scouts

19 1: 30 pm Visita-

tion Committee

20 9:30 am Sarah


7:00 pm Miriam

Circle, Mim John-

son’s home.


9:30 am Naomi

Circle, Kitchen

2:00 pm Rebec-

ca Circle, at Jen-

ny Landgren’s

6 pm Stephen

Ministry, MLR

22 10 am Svenska




24 8 am Worship

9 am Forum

9 am Adult Bible Study

9:45 am Coffee

10:30 am Worship

11:30 am Potluck

25 9 am Handy Man/

Kitchen Cleaning

11 am Staff Meeting

7 pm Boy Scouts

26 27 28

29 10 am Svenska




Synod Assembly, June 7-9 at Bethany College


Page 16: June 2018 THE NEXT BIG STEP - blclindsborg.orgblclindsborg.org/beacon/2018-06.pdf · Mary Parker, Steve Gustafson, Bill Buschbom, Carrie Nelson, Ken Branch, Erica Kruckenberg, Krista



320 N MAIN








THE BETHANY BEACON A monthly publication of Bethany Lutheran Church, Lindsborg, KS 67456

Church: (785) 227-2167 [email protected]

VISIT US AT OUR WEBSITE: http://blclindsborg.org

Bethany Church Staff

Rev. Loren Mai Pastor Home (785) 227-2807 [email protected] Phil Hett Pastoral Intern Cell (620)212-3931 [email protected] Melanie Barnett Administrative Assistant [email protected] Butch Gibson Building Manager Joyce Peterson Christian Ed [email protected] Genevieve Bishop Organist [email protected] Leah Ann Anderson Men’s Choir [email protected] Steve Gustafson Chancel Choir [email protected] Lori Nelson Children’s Choir [email protected] Miriam Strasen Bell Choir [email protected] Carolyn Gibson Financial Secretary [email protected]

Bethany Church Council

Amy Roraback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .227-8430

Brandie Nelson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 785-577-8324

Carrie Nelson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 785-643-6148

Erica Kruckenberg . . . . . . . . . . . . .214-693-6903

Mary Parker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .227-2623

Ericka Lysell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .785-822-8619

Krista Harris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .214-808-9729

Ken Branch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 785-906-0465

Terri Nelson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 785-667-4045

Josh Nelson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227-2555

Steve Gustafson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 620-755-2497

Kathey Bengtson (Sec.) . . . . . . . . 620-242-7560

Matt Stula (Treas.) . . . . . . . . . . . . 913-485-0444

Merle Larson (Pres.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .227-7046

Marlin Johnson (V.P.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .227-3920

Pastor Bill Buschbom . . . . . . . . . . 620-504-6104

Pastor Loren Mai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227-2807



