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Nissen Curriculum Vitae 1 1 CURRICULUM VITAE LAURA BURNEY NISSEN June 26, 2013 Education Ph.D. 1997 Social Work, University of Denver M.S.W 1989 Social Work, University of Denver B.A. 1985 Psychology, Metropolitan State College of Denver Employment - Academic Appointments Professor, Graduate School of Social Work. Portland State University, Portland, Oregon. Appointment coincided with being designated as National Program Director of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation National Reclaiming Futures Initiative from 2000- 2012, also housed at Portland State University, Regional Research Institute. Reclaiming Futures is a 30-million dollar initiative operating currently in 29 sites in 17 states and tribal settings (www.reclaimingfutures.org). Currently serving as a Senior Advisor to this project @.10, concurrent with faculty responsibilities. Received tenure – Spring 2006. Assistant Professor, Department of Human Services. Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado. Director, Center for High Risk Youth Studies. August 1995 to April 2000. July 1995 to January 1992 (Part Time). Dissertation Beyond the Good Idea: Creativity and Innovation in Macro-Level Social Work Practice, 1997, Dr. Judy Bula, Chair Refereed Publications or Other Creative Achievements Books and Monographs Nissen, L.B., Physician’s Leadership on National Drug Policy Adolescent substance abuse: A public health priority. Providence, RI: PLNDP. Contributor. (Peer-reviewed monograph generated from November 2001 national meeting), 2002.

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Nissen Curriculum Vitae





June 26, 2013

Education Ph.D. 1997 Social Work, University of Denver M.S.W 1989 Social Work, University of Denver B.A. 1985 Psychology, Metropolitan State College of Denver

Employment - Academic Appointments Professor, Graduate School of Social Work. Portland State University, Portland, Oregon. Appointment coincided with being designated as National Program Director of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation National Reclaiming Futures Initiative from 2000-2012, also housed at Portland State University, Regional Research Institute. Reclaiming Futures is a 30-million dollar initiative operating currently in 29 sites in 17 states and tribal settings (www.reclaimingfutures.org). Currently serving as a Senior Advisor to this project @.10, concurrent with faculty responsibilities. Received tenure – Spring 2006. Assistant Professor, Department of Human Services. Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado. Director, Center for High Risk Youth Studies. August 1995 to April 2000. July 1995 to January 1992 (Part Time).


Beyond the Good Idea: Creativity and Innovation in Macro-Level Social Work Practice, 1997, Dr. Judy Bula, Chair

Refereed Publications or Other Creative Achievements

Books and Monographs Nissen, L.B., Physician’s Leadership on National Drug Policy Adolescent substance abuse: A public health priority. Providence, RI: PLNDP. Contributor. (Peer-reviewed monograph generated from November 2001 national meeting), 2002.

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Nissen, L. B., Vanderberg, J., Embree-Bever, J. & Mankey,J. Strategies for integrating substance abuse treatment and the juvenile justice system, A Practice Guide, Washington, DC: Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, 2000. Nissen L. B. Adolescent Substance Abuse, Denver, CO: Adolescent Health in Colorado. Colorado Dept. of Health and Environment, 2000. Bazemore, G. & Nissen, L. N. Building relationships, developing competency: Toward a restorative approach to offender reintegration in a balanced juvenile justice system. A practice monograph, Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Balanced and Restorative Justice Project, U.S. Dept. of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, 2000. Book Chapters Nissen, L. (In press.) The road ahead: Progressive possibilities and challenges for juvenile justice reform. In W.T. Church, D.W. Springer, & A.R. Roberts (Eds.) Juvenile Justice Sourcebook. New York: Oxford University Press. McBeath, B., Nissen, L., Goodluck, C., & Brennan, E. (In press.) The intersection of disparity reduction and social sustainability: Towards an integrated platform for practice and research. In J.Dillar, V.Dujon, & E. Brennan (Eds.) Social sustainability: A multilevel approach to social inclusion. New York: Routledge Publishing. Articles Nissen, L.B. (In press.) Organizational change models for more effective implementation of the CSWE EPAS: A review of the literature and an opportunity to maximize success for social work education. Journal of Social Work Education. Nissen, L.B., & Curry-Stevens, A. (2012) Evolving on purpose: Results of a qualitative study to explore a national youth service reform effort applying anti-oppressive practice frameworks in a collaborative training and action process. Action Research, 10(4), 406-431. Nissen, L.B. & Merrigan, D. (2011). Helping substance-involved young people in juvenile justice be successful: Conceptual and structural foundations of the Reclaiming Futures model. Children and Youth Service Review, 33(S1), 3-8. Nissen, L.B. & Merrigan, D. (2011) The development and evolution of the Reclaiming Futures model at the ten-year mark: Reflections and recommendations. Children and Youth Service Review, 33(S1), 9-15. Nissen, L.B. (2011). Community-directed engagement and positive youth development: Developing positive and progressive pathways between youth and their communities in Reclaiming Futures. Children and Youth Service Review, 33(S1), 23-38.

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Prichard, M., Nissen, L.B., Farrell, P., & Moore, M. (2011). Reclaiming Futures: Using communications to drive community and systems change. Children and Youth Service Review, 33(S1), 34-40. Curry-Stevens, A. & Nissen, L. (2011). Reclaiming Futures considers an anti-oppressive practice frame to enhance effectiveness in decreasing disparities. Children and Youth Service Review, 33(S1), 54-59. Nissen, L. & Pearce, J. (2011). Exploring the implementation of justice-based alcohol and drug intervention strategies with juvenile offenders: Reclaiming Futures, enhanced adolescent substance abuse treatment, and juvenile drug courts. Children & Youth Services Review, 33(S1), 560-565. Nissen, L.B. (2010). Boundary spanners revisited: A qualitative inquiry into cross-system reform through the experiences of youth service professionals. Qualitative Social Work, 9(3), 365-384. Nissen, L.B. & Kraft, M.K. (2007). The evolution of substance abuse treatment for youth in the juvenile justice system. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 7 (3), (51-71). Nissen, L.B. (2007). Reclaiming futures: Communities helping teens overcome drugs, alcohol and crime. A framework for community action. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. 39 (1), 51-58. Nissen, L.B., J. Butts, D. Merrigan, & M.K. Kraft (2006). The RWJF Reclaiming Futures initiative: Improving interventions for justice-involved youth. National Council for Juvenile and Family Court Judges Juvenile and Family Court Journal, 57, (4), 39-52. Nissen, L. (2006) Effective adolescent substance abuse treatment in juvenile justice settings: Practice and policy recommendations. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 23 (3), 298-315. Nissen, L.B. (2006) Bringing strength-based philosophy to life in juvenile justice settings: A primer for understanding the power of strengths in action. Reclaiming Children and Youth: A Journal of Strength-Based Interventions, 15 (1) 40-46. Mackin, J., Weller, J., Tarte, J., & Nissen, L. (2005). Breaking new ground in juvenile justice settings: Assessing for competencies in juvenile offenders. National Council for Juvenile and Family Court Judges Juvenile and Family Court Journal, 56 (2), pp.25-37. Nissen, L.B., Mackin, J.R., Weller, J.M., & Tarte, J.M. (2005). Identifying strengths as fuel for change: A conceptual and theoretical framework for the youth competency assessment. National Council for Juvenile and Family Court Judges Juvenile and Family Court Journal, 56 (1), pp. 1-16.

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Nissen, L.B., Merrigan, D., & Kraft, M.K. (2005). Moving mountains: A leadership lens in national substance abuse and juvenile justice reform. Child Welfare, 84 (2), pp. 123-140. Nissen, L. (2004). Reclaiming the futures of troubled teens with substance abuse problems in the juvenile justice system: Now more than ever. The Counselor, 5 (2), 69-75. Nissen, L.B., Hunt, S.R., Bullman, S. & Smith, D. (2004). Systems of care for adolescent substance abuse treatment: Background, principles and opportunities. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 36 (4), pp. 429-438. Molidor, C.E., Nissen, L.B., & Watkins, T. R. (2002). The development of theory and treatment with the substance abusing female juvenile offender. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, Vol. 19 (3), pp. 209-225. Bazemore, G., Nissen, L. B. & Dooley, M. (2000). Mobilizing Social Support and Building Relationships: Broadening Correctional and Rehabilitative Agendas. Corrections Management Quarterly. (4) 4, 10-21.

Book Reviews Nissen, L.B. (In press.) Review of book Leading change in multiple contexts: Concepts and practices in organizational, community, political, social, and global settings. Administration in Social Work. Nissen, L.B. (2007). Review of book Alcohol problems in adolescents and young adults: Epidemiology, neurobiology, prevention and treatment. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 7(3), 109-110.

Non-Refereed Publications or Other Creative Achievements Books Nissen, L.B. Alternative Routes: An Alcohol Diversion Curriculum. Minneapolis, MN: Hazelden Publishing, 2002. Nissen, L. B., Beginning benchmarks for alcohol and drug treatment networks in juvenile justice settings: An emerging Reclaiming Futures model. Practice monograph. Portland, OR: Portland State University, Regional Research Institute, 2000.

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Articles Nissen, L.B., Interpreting the Key Elements of Effective Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment Within a Juvenile Justice Setting. Washington, DC: Drug Strategies, 2003. Retrieved at: http://www.drugstrategies.com/teens/research.html

Presentations at Meetings/Lectures


“Looking Through the Lens of Recovery: Youth Addiction Photo Voice Pilot Research.” (Invited.) National Reclaiming Futures Leadership Institute, Asheville, NC, May 7, 2013. “Self-Care and Leadership Survival.” (Invited.). National Reclaiming Futures Leadership Institute, Asheville, NC, May 7, 2013.


“Using Organizational Change Models to Strengthen Efforts to Implement the 2008 EPAS,” Presentation (Peer-reviewed). 2012 Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Fall 2012, Washington, D.C.

“Family Engagement in Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment: Sharing Power and Promoting Success,” Solo presentation, May 9, 2012. (Invited). Reclaiming Futures Annual Leadership Institute, San Antonio, TX. “Evolving Community Interventions for Juvenile Justice Involved Youth,” Member of a panel presentation, April 10, 2012. (Peer-reviewed.) Joint Meeting of Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment Effectiveness, Washington, D.C. “Social Justice and Anti-Oppressive Practice Frameworks for Increased Equity and Engagement with Youth and Families of Color,” Solo presentation, April 10, 2012. (Peer-reviewed.) Joint Meeting of Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment Effectiveness, Washington, D.C.


“Reflections on a Rocket Ride: Leading a National Foundation-Funded Initiative.” Council on Social Work Education, Annual Program Meeting, October 30, 2011, Atlanta, GA. (Peer-reviewed.)

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“Introduction to Anti-Oppressive Practices.” OJJDP National Conference, October 13, 2011, National Harbor, Maryland. With Ann Curry-Stevens. (Invited.) “Positional Privilege and Social Work Practice: Emerging Practice Competencies in Anti-Oppressive Practice.” The Pedgagogy of Privilege: Transformational Education, Practice & Research Conference, University of Denver. With Ann Curry-Stevens, Ph.D. Denver, Colorado, August 16, 2011. (Peer-reviewed.)

“Leadership: Being an Outstanding Collaborative Leader,” Center for Juvenile Justice Reform. Juvenile Justice and Child Welfare: Multi-System Integration Certificate Program for Public Sector Leaders. With Wendy Whiting-Blome. Washington, DC, July 16, 2011. (Invited.) “Anti-Oppressive Practice in a National Juvenile Justice Reform Initiative: The Reclaiming Futures Experience,” National Association of Drug Court Professionals Annual Conference. Washington, D.C., July 17, 2011. (Invited.)

“Collaborative Leadership in a New Era,” Multnomah County Leadership Academy. Portland, Oregon, February 18, 2011. (Invited.)


“Communications 101 for Adolescent Treatment Service Providers, Youth, Family and Policymakers,” Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, Joint Meeting on Adolescent Treatment Effectiveness. With Mac Prichard. Baltimore, MD. December, 15, 2010. (Peer-reviewed.) “Advanced Anti-Oppressive Practice: Moving Beyond Cultural Competence – Advanced Skills and Competencies,” Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, Joint Meeting on Adolescent Treatment Effectiveness. With Ann Curry-Stevens. Baltimore, MD. December 15, 2010. (Peer-reviewed.) “Leadership for Cross-Organizational and System Innovation,” Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, Joint Meeting on Adolescent Substance Abuse. With Dan Merrigan. Baltimore, MD. December 15, 2010. (Peer-reviewed.) “Reclaiming Futures: More Treatment, Better Treatment, Beyond Treatment – Reflecting on a Decade of Success,” Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, Joint Meeting on Adolescent Treatment Effectiveness. With Charlotte McGuire, Jaime Martinez, and Yolanda Perez Logan. Baltimore, MD. December 14, 2010. (Peer-reviewed.) “Learning to Walk Our Talk: Reflections Along the Way in Teaching Anti-Oppressive Social Work Content,” Panel Presentation. Council on Social Work Education, 56th Annual Program Meeting. With Stephanie Wahab (Chair), Ben Anderson-Nathe, Pauline

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Jivanjee, Nocona Pewewardy, and Charlotte Goodluck. Portland, OR. October 17, 2010. (Invited.)

“Reclaiming Futures and Juvenile Drug Court: New Possibilities for Synergy and Impact.” National Association of Drug Court Professionals Annual Training Conference, Pre-Conference Workshop with Judge Bettina Borders, Pam Talbott, Gregg Roth, and Dennis Reilly. Boston, MA. June 1, 2010. (Peer-reviewed.)

“The Intersection of Social Sustainability and Disparity Reduction: Towards an Integrated Platform for Research and Practice.” Portland State University Social Sustainability Network. With Bowen McBeath (Chair), Eileen Brennan, and Charlotte Goodluck. Portland, Oregon. May 28, 2010. (Invited.) “Building Ecologies of Recovery Across Systems: Lessons from Reclaiming Futures.” Youth & Opiates: Trends and Interventions. Portland, Oregon. May 21, 2010. (Invited presentation.)


“Health Policies and Programs for Youth in the Juvenile Justice System: What Works?” Presentation to Grantmakers In Health National Association of Health Philanthropies, Fall Forum Issue Dialogue, Washington, D.C. November 6, 2009. (Invited presentation.)

“Initiative to Movement: Future Considerations for the National Reclaiming Futures Project,” National Webinar, Reclaiming Futures National Program Office, Portland, Oregon. October 13, 2009. (Invited.) “Anti-Oppressive Practice Frameworks for Adolescent Services in Reclaiming Futures,” National Webinar with Dr. Ann Curry-Stevens, Reclaiming Futures National Program Office, Portland, Oregon. September 10, 2009. (Invited.) “Strengths-Based Practice for a New Era in Juvenile Justice and Substance Abuse Reform,” National Webinar, Reclaiming Futures National Program Office, Portland, Oregon. July 9, 2009. (Invited.)

“Boundary Spanners: A Qualitative Inquiry into the Practices of Cross-System Reform Workers.” May 23, 2009. Fifth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. (Peer-reviewed presentation of research paper.)

“Considering an Anti-Oppressive Practice Lens for Work in Cross-System Reform,” with Dr. Ann Curry-Stevens. Reclaiming Futures Annual Grantee Meeting Workshops, May 12, 2009. New Orleans, LA. (Invited.)

“Reclaiming Futures,” April, 20, 2009. Portland State University Inaugural Celebration Lecture Series. Office of the University President. Portland, Oregon. (Invited Presentation.)

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“The Future of Social Work,” Panel presentation, National Association of Social Workers, Oregon Chapter, February 20, 2009. (Invited.)


“Transformational Leadership in Systems Reform,” June 23-24 and November 18, 2008. National Center for Juvenile Justice Reform, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. (Invited.) “Reclaiming Futures: Changing Communities One Teen at a Time.” Presentation with Judge Tony Capizzi. National Institute of Drug Abuse Annual Conference, June 3, 2009, Cincinnati, Ohio. (Invited.) “Reclaiming Futures: Changing Communities One Teen at a Time.” Charles Shireman Lecture, Portland State University, February 18, 2008. Presentation with Dr. Jeff Butts. (Invited.)


“Reclaiming Futures.” International College of Problems of Drug Dependency Meeting. Workshop, June 17, 2007. Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. (Peer-reviewed presentation)

“Reclaiming Futures of Youth in the Juvenile Justice System: Next Steps for National Dissemination.” National Association of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors Annual Meeting. Keynote Address, June 8, 2007. Burlington, Vermont. (Invited.)

“Reclaiming Futures of Youth in the Juvenile Justice System: Next Steps for National Dissemination.” Coalition for Juvenile Justice 2007 Annual Conference. Workshop. June 10, 2007. Washington, D.C. (Peer-reviewed.)


“Reclaiming the Futures of Youth in the Juvenile Justice System.” Workshop. October 17, 2006. Blending Addiction Science and Practice National Institute of Drug Abuse Conference. Seattle, Washington. (Peer-reviewed.)

“Reclaiming Futures: Communities Helping Teens Overcome Drugs, Alcohol and Crime.” Invited speaker at a congressional briefing sponsored by The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation in conjunction with the Addiction, Treatment and Recovery Caucus. March 15, 2006. U.S. Congress, Washington, D.C. (Invited.) “Reclaiming the Futures of Youth in the Juvenile Justice System.” Workshop. January 11, 2006. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Washington, D.C. (Invited presentation.)

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“Reclaiming Futures: New Developments in Juvenile Justice Innovation.” Workshop. July 25, 2005. American Probation and Parole Association National Conference. New York City, NY.

“Strength-Based Approaches to Assessment in Juvenile Justice Systems: An Emerging Model and Partnership. Reclaiming Futures and the Youth Competency Assessment.” Research Plenary Panel Member. June 24, 2005. Building on Family Strengths Conference, Research and Training Center on Family Support and Children’s Mental Health Conference, Portland, Oregon.

“Reclaiming Futures: Current Perspectives,” Plenary Presentation. April 21, 2005. Coalition for Juvenile Justice National Meeting, Washington, DC. “Six Steps to Reclaiming the Futures of Youth in the Juvenile Justice System.” Co-presenter with Judge Michael Anderegg. March 21, 2005. 2005 32nd Annual Conference on Juvenile Justice of the National Council for Juvenile and Family Court Judges, Orlando, Florida. (Peer-reviewed.) “Targeting Treatment to Young Adults.” Panel Chair. March 22, 2005. 2005 Joint Meeting on Adolescent Treatment Effectiveness, SAMHSA. Washington, DC. (Peer-reviewed.) “Reclaiming Futures,” Panel Chair. March 22, 2005. 2005 Joint Meeting on Adolescent Treatment Effectiveness, SAMHSA. Washington, DC. (Peer-reviewed.) “Strength-Based Treatment – Mutlicultural Approaches to Treatment.” Panelist. March 22, 2005. 2005 Meeting on Adolescent Treatment Effectiveness, SAMHSA. Washington, DC. (Peer-reviewed.)


“Reclaiming Futures: Notes from the Field Regarding Leadership, Reform and Systems Integration.” Keynote presentation. October 28, 2004. Meeting the Needs of Youth with Co-Occurring Disorders. Sacramento, CA. “Reclaiming Futures: Communities Helping Teens Overcome Drugs, Alcohol and Crime.” Workshop (Panel format) with Laura Nissen, Judge Patricia Clark and Judge Bud Martin. September 26, 2004. National TASC Conference. Alexandria, Virginia. “Reclaiming Futures: New Ways for Communities to Help Teens Caught in the Cycle of Drugs, Alcohol and Crime.” Solo workshop. July 26, 2004. American Probation and Parole Association 29th Annual Training Institute. Orlando, Florida.

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“Unveiling a New Strength-Based Assessment Tool – Implications for Practice.” Workshop (Panel format) with Juliette Mackin, Judy Weller, and Marin Jackson. July 20, 2004. National Council for Juvenile and Family Court Judges Annual Conference. Portland, Oregon. “Reclaiming Futures: Piloting Ways for System Reform and Community Solutions to Teens Involved with Drugs, Alcohol and Crime.” Solo workshop. June 25, 2004. National Center on Education, Disability and Juvenile Justice. Denver, Colorado. “Reclaiming Futures: Innovating Towards System Reform and Community Solutions to Teens Involved with Drugs, Alcohol and Crime.” Keynote presentation. June 11, 2004. Child Welfare League of America Midwest Regional Training Conference and National Juvenile Justice Symposium. Indianapolis, Indiana. “Reclaiming Futures: Communities Helping Teens Overcome Drugs, Alcohol and Crime.” Solo workshop. June 4, 2004. National Association of Drug Court Professionals 10th Annual Drug Court Training Conference. Milwaukee, WI. (Peer-reviewed.) “Reclaiming Futures: Communities Helping Teens Overcome Drugs, Alcohol and Crime.” Keynote presentation. Additionally: “Reclaiming Futures” workshops coordinated for grantees; presented by Reclaiming Futures’ Judge Michael Anderegg, Liz Smith and Kit Enniss, (Project Weave, Marquette, Michigan) and by Mark Wirschem and Margaret Tumulty, (Seattle, King County.) May 17-18, 2004. Delinquency, Crime and Substance Abuse: Developing a Juvenile Justice Treatment Model. Denver, Colorado. “Reclaiming Futures: Communities Helping Teens Overcome Drugs, Alcohol and Crime.” Workshop (Panel format) with Laura Nissen and Reclaiming Futures grantees Jeff Bidmon (Santa Cruz) and Thach Nyguen (Portland). May 12, 2004. National GAINS Center Conference. Las Vegas, NV. “Reclaiming Futures: Key Developmental Themes Moving Into Project Year Three.” Keynote presentation. May 6, 2004. Reclaiming Futures Annual Grantee Conference. San Francisco, CA. “Welcoming remarks and overview of Reclaiming Futures.” February 23, 2004. National CSAT Adolescent Portfolio Grantee Meeting. Baltimore, MD.

2003 “Strength-Based Approaches to Substance Abuse Treatment with Adolescents.” July 31, 2003. Institute of Addictions Studies. Portland, Oregon. “Reclaiming Futures: Judicial and Community Strategies to Help Communities Address Substance Abuse and Delinquency.” 30th Annual National Conference on Juvenile

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Justice. National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges. March 17, 2003. Philadelphia, PA.

2002 “New Opportunities for Addressing Substance Abuse in Juvenile Justice Systems: Integrated Treatment Networks,” at Making Children a National Priority: Child Welfare League of America National Conference 2002. March 7, 2002. Washington, DC. “Strength-based Perspectives and Substance Abuse Treatment Improvement in Justice Systems,” at the First Annual County of San Diego Juvenile Drug Court Conference, June 6, 2002. San Diego, California.


“What Can Be Done for Adolescents in the Juvenile Justice System?” at Adolescents and Substance Abuse: Risks, Treatment and the Juvenile Justice System. Physician Leadership on National Drug Policy. National Press Club. November 29, 2001. Washington, DC. “What Alcohol and Drug Treatment Could Be: The Combined Forces of Substance Abuse Treatment and Balanced and Restorative Justice,” at Justice Studies Association Conference, June 1, 2001. Norton, Massachusetts. “Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment: An Intentional Evolution and a New Cutting Edge,” at The National Association of Alcoholism and Addiction Counselors Conference, May 23, 2001. Portland, Oregon. “The Power of the Strengths Approach: From Theory to Practice,” with Nancy Middlebrook. At The National Association of Alcoholism and Addiction Counselors Conference, May 23, 2001. Portland, Oregon. “Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment: An Intentional Evolution and a New Cutting Edge,” at 2001 Family Strengths Conference, May 10, 2001, Portland, Oregon. "Overview of Reclaiming Futures," at Juvenile Justice Legislative and Funding Forum at Children's Defense Fund Conference, April 18-20, 2001, Washington, DC. "A New Approach to Integrating Substance Abuse Treatment with the Juvenile Justice System: Reclaiming Youth and Retooling Systems of Care", Reclaiming Futures Educational Conference March 29, 2001, Portland, OR. "Youth Development, Substance Abuse Treatment and Juvenile Justice," at Breakout Session at Oregon Youth Development Conference, February 8-9, 2001, Portland, OR.

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With Bridgett E. Jones, "History of the Juvenile Justice System & Strength-Based Practices," at Oregon Youth Development Conference, February 8-9, 2001, Portland, OR. "Overview of Reclaiming Futures," at Winter Training Institute of American Probation and Parole Association, January 7-10, 2001, Portland, OR.


“Introduction to Reclaiming Futures”, at breakout sessions at the Annual Conference of Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, December 12-14, 2000, Washington, DC. “Overview of Reclaiming Futures CFP”, at National TASC Conference October 22-25, 2000, Orlando, FL. “Methamphetamene and Youth”, at CSAT Methamphetamene Conference, September 11-12, 2000, Portland, OR. "The Power of the Strength-Based Approach in Working with Families with Substance Abuse Problems”, at The Oregon Institute of Addictions Studies, Lewis and Clark College, July 17-21, 2000 Portland, OR.

Honors, Grants and Fellowships Honors June 9-12, 2010 – Member of international delegation to visit China as the guests of the Chongqing Public Security Bureau (BPSB) and the Southwest University of Political Science and Law (SWUPL) supported by University of North Carolina China Center to consult on issues of substance abuse in the Chinese juvenile justice system. 2009 – Oregon Social Worker of the Year, Oregon Chapter, National Association of Social Workers 2008 – Nominated for CSWE Distinguished Recent Contributions in Social Work Education Award. 2006 - 2008 Appointed to Oregon Governor’s Advisory Committee for Alcohol and Drug Abuse Programs. 2006 – President’s Award, New England Association of Drug Court Professionals.

2000 – Named National Program Co-Director for Reclaiming Futures, an initiative of The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. (2002) Named sole Executive Director.

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1998 - Outstanding Asset Builder - Assets for Colorado Youth, A Search Institute/Colorado Trust Initiative 1998 - Nominee - Outstanding Professional Development Award - School of Professional Studies, The Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado. 1997 - The Denver Juvenile Justice Integrated Treatment Network (Including the Center for High Risk Youth Studies at Metropolitan State College of Denver as a full partner) was a finalist in the JFK School of Government, Harvard University Innovations in American Government Awards. Grants Post Tenure Review Faculty Development Grant: $3850 to complete research project “Youth Recovery: An Exploratory Inquiry Utilizing Photo Voice,” from Portland State University. Travel Award: $1500 to present paper “A Ride on a Rocket: Leading a National Foundation Funded Initiative” at the 2011 CSWE APM, from Portland State University. Principal Investigator: Reclaiming Futures, National Program Office Training and Development Grant #12, May 2011, $1,299,480 from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Principal Investigator: Reclaiming Futures National Program Office Training and Development Grant, November 2011, $240,000 from Johnson, Bassin & Shaw (OJJDP and CSAT Funding). Principal Investigator: Reclaiming Futures, National Program Office Training and Development Grant #11, May 2010, $1,675,140 from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Co-Principal Investigator on NIDA Grant Application with Dr. Todd Korthius at Oregon Health Sciences University: Expanding Routine HIV Screening for Youth Involved in Corrections, March, 2010 – Not funded. Principal Investigator: Reclaiming Futures, National Program Office Training and Development Grant #10, May 2009, $1,030,035.00 from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Principal Investigator: Reclaiming Futures, North Carolina Assessment/Technical Assistance Grant, October 2008, $916,792, from the Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust. Principal Investigator: Reclaiming Futures, National Program Office Training and Development Grant #9, May 2008, $1,435,730 from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

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Principal Investigator: Reclaiming Futures, Oregon Groundwork Grant, July 2007, $150,000 from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Principal Investigator: Reclaiming Futures, National Program Office Training and Development Grant #8, May 2007, $1,144,817 from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Principal Investigator: Reclaiming Futures, Communication and Dissemination Grant, September 2006, $437,500 from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Principal Investigator: Reclaiming Futures, National Program Office Training and Development Grant #7, May 2006, $1,306,035 from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Principal Investigator: Reclaiming Futures, National Program Office Training and Development Grant #6, May 2005, $1,264,090 from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Principal Investigator: Reclaiming Futures, National Program Office Training and Development Grant #6, May 2005, $1,220,938 from The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Principal Investigator: Reclaiming Futures, National Program Office Training and Development Grant #5, May 2004, $1,350,000 from The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Principal Investigator: Reclaiming Futures, National Program Office Training and Development Grant #4, May, 2003, $1,218,638 from The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Principal Investigator: Reclaiming Futures, National Center for Coaching and Development Grant, December 2002, $752,598 from The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Principal Investigator: Reclaiming Futures, National Leadership Program Meeting Grant, December 2002, $107,655 from The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Principal Investigator: Reclaiming Futures, National Program Office Training and Development Grant #3, May 2002, $1,401,425 from The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Principal Investigator: Reclaiming Futures, National Program Office Training and Development Grant #2, May, 2001, $1.235,312 from The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

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Principal Investigator: Reclaiming Futures, National Program Office Training and Development Grant #1, May, 2000, $997,374 from The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Other Research and Other Creative Achievements Approved IRB: Lifelong learning in social work exploration (July 2012) Approved IRB: Youth photo voice (May 2012) Approved IRB: RF AOP (March 2010) Approved IRB: Boundary Spanners (August 2005) Participated in “Globalization of Knowledge” Program conducted through Provost Reardon’s Office, May, 2005 representing the Graduate School of Social Work. Conducted GSSW student survey to assess satisfaction with alcohol and drug content coverage in MSW curriculum and presented results to Faculty Curriculum Committee. Winter, 2005. Created GSSW Web-based resource on state of the art substance abuse policy, research and practice resources. Spring, 2005. Featured in MTV “Choose or Lose” series in an election special produced to cover the topic of “mandatory sentencing laws.” Dr. Nissen featured as an expert speaker on the topic of drug abuse in the juvenile justice system and Reclaiming Futures featured as a national model. October 2004. Founding of “PSU/GSSW Writing Circle” to develop community and synergy among interested social work academic writers in the school, April 2001 – May 2002. Ongoing development and liaison with Reclaiming Futures project evaluation, June 2000-Present. Strengths in Non-reoffending Delinquent Populations - Understanding the Phenomenon of Success: A Qualitative Study. Funded by Colorado Division of Youth Corrections. Start Date February 1998.

Other Teaching, Mentoring and Curricular Achievements

Social Justice in Social Work Human Behavior in the Social Environment (Micro Theory) – Graduate level Human Behavior in the Social Environment (Macro Theory) – Undergraduate level Spirituality in Social Work – Graduate level

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Social Work and Addictions – Graduate level Introduction to Social Work Administration and Leadership – Graduate level Advanced Theories of Leadership – Graduate level Doctoral Advising/Committee Service

- Jean Kjellstrand (Committee member – completed Ph.D. Spring 2009) - Don Schweitzer (Committee member – completed Ph.D. Summer 2011) - Samantha Blanchard Dutton (Advisor, Committee member – completed Ph.D.

Summer 2012) - Peg Sandeen (Committee member – Completed Ph.D. Spring 2013) - Joseph DePhilippis (Committee member) - Meg Panicelli (Committee member) - Bahia Overton (Co-advisor)

Other Community Outreach Achievements

Donated time for professional training to Volunteers of America entitled “Building Youth

Recovery Networks as a State of the Art Strategy to Improve Adolescent Treatment Outcomes,” June 13, 2012.

Member, National Advisory Committee, National Council for Juvenile and Family Court

Judges Juvenile Drug Court Training and Technical Assistance Center, 2011 – Present.

Instructor, Multi-System Integration Certificate Program, Center for Juvenile Justice Reform, Georgetown University Public Policy Institute – 2008 – Present. Formed preliminary advocacy/learning collaborative group called “Oregon Youth

Recovery Learning Collaborative and Action Network,” June 2012. Participated in “Career Day” at Grant High School representing social work and Portland

State University, May, 2012. Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor CADC III – Certification Number 03-R-10,

Renewal Date: July 1, 2013 (Have been certified in Oregon since 2003, and prior to that was certified in the state of Colorado).

Participant, National Summit on Recovery from Substance Use Disorders, Jointly

sponsored by the White House Office for National Drug Control Policy and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C., September 14, 2010.

Co-Sponsored and organized Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment Summit in partnership with the Governor’s Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse Programs, Oregon Department of Human Services, and Oregon Prevention Education and Recovery Association. January 31, 2008, Salem, Oregon.

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Innovations in American Government 2007 Awards Program Reviewer, John F. Kennedy

School of Government, Harvard University. Organized requested presentation to Oregon State Legislature, Health and Human

Services Committee regarding Adolescent Treatment Needs and Successes in Oregon, May 2007.

Secured NIAAA Substance Abuse Training for Social Work Faculty Project for GSSW at

PSU. Training conducted spring of 2006. Delivered invited testimony to the Oregon State Legislature, Ways and Means Committee

on May 10, 2005 regarding the benefits of investing in alcohol and drug intervention and treatment services, especially when compared with rising corrections costs.

Cultivating potential evaluation and field placement relationship with Grantmakers of

Oregon and Southwest Washington, Portland, Oregon with the Graduate School of Social Work and the Regional Research Institute. Fall, 2005 - Present.

Represented The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Reclaiming Futures and Portland

State University at a White House meeting entitled: Bringing Evidence-Driven Policy to Crime and Substance Abuse Policy: A Recommended Federal Strategy. July 15, 2003.

Strength-Based Approaches to Increase Justice System Effectiveness. Marion County,

OR Sheriff’s Department Strengths Training, June 16-17, 2003. Led planning effort for multi-state leadership retreat for the Northwest Frontier Addiction

Technology Transfer Center membership during spring of 2003. Recruited and served as liaison during initial siting of RWJF’s national program office

“Developing Leaders to Reduce Substance Abuse” at Portland State University. Organized initial meetings with PSU representatives and provided inter-organizational support and consultation during start up phase. 2002-2003.

Served as National Advisory Committee Member to the Vera Institute of Justice

Adolescent Portable Treatment Program, New York City, NY. Participation in “Youth Competency Assessment” Instrument Development funded by

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and being developed by the Northwest Professional Research Consortium in Portland, Oregon, Fall, 2000 – Present.

Oregon Citizen’s Crime Commission Presentation – October 4, 2000

“Overview of Substance Abuse and Juvenile Justice”

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Portland Regional Drug Initiative Presentation– October 17, 2000 “Overview of Reclaiming Futures: Building Community Solutions to Substance Abuse and Delinquency” "The Power of the Strength-Based Approach in Substance Abuse and

Delinquency," Graduate School of Social Work Alumni Association, Portland State University, January 5, 2001, Portland, OR.

Portland State University, School of Extended Studies – February 2, 2001 “A Strength-Based Approach to Working With Substance Abusing Juvenile Offenders” Training Multnomah County Youth Services – March 6, 2001 “The Power of the Strengths Approach: Substance Abuse and Juvenile Justice” Training Washington County Crime Prevention Partnership – March 9, 2001 “Strength-Based Approaches” Training Oregon Judicial Department, Office of the State Court Administrator – May 7, 2001 “Strength-Based Approaches in Juvenile Drug Court” Training Oregon Program Evaluators Network – June 6, 2001 “The Power of the Strength-Based Approach: Focusing the Lens You Use in Program Evaluation” Training National Center for Juvenile Justice, Pittsburgh, PA – April 17, 2001

Attended a national planning meeting contributing to the development of a national survey for juvenile probation departments regarding their ideas about substance abuse among their caseload populations

Portland State University Commitment to Youth Project – Fall 2001-Present. Developed a resource guide to curriculum, research and other youth-related

activities across the PSU community. Supervised Mr. Bill Patrick, LCSW as staff to this effort.

Scholarly Works in Progress

Nissen, L.B. (In process). Preparing students for lifelong learning in social work: Clarifying terms and connecting to the 2008 EPAS. Nissen, L.B. (In process). Reflections on a rocket ride: Leading a national foundation funded initiative and implications for development of leaders in schools of social work. Nissen, L.B. & Dennis, M. (In process.) Preliminary analysis of data in early Reclaiming Futures and juvenile drug court partnerships.

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Nissen, L.B. (In process.) Can the tension between EBP’s and culturally relevant human services be resolved? Mapping the efforts of those who seek to do so and a call to action to social work to build capacity and create impact. Nissen, L.B. (In process). A social justice lens for substance abuse problems: Constructing an alternative discourse.

Significant Professional Development Activities

Participation in Social Determinants of Health: Solving Problems in Partnership Faculty Retreat and Colloquium at Portland State University, April 5, 2012. Participation in Bachelor of Social Work Program Directors Meeting, Portland, Oregon, March 15-18, 2012. Attendance at full Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meetings in 2010 (Portland, Oregon) and 2011 (Atlanta, GA). Attendance at Building a Culturally Competent Undoing Racism Agenda for Social Work Research and Practice with African Americans in Child Welfare, Justice, Health, Mental Health, and Educational Systems. Portland, Oregon. September 20, 2009. Attendance at Enacting Liberatory Social Work: Intersectionalities and Therapeutic Practices conference, Portland, Oregon. October 15, 2009. Attendance at Liberation-based Healing Conference, Portland, Oregon. October 16, 2009. Attendance at the 3rd International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, May 2-5, 2006. Completed two executive leadership training programs: Leadership on the Line: A Survival Guide for Leading Change. Cambridge Leadership Associates, Ron Hyphitz and Marty Linsky. November 21-22, 2002. New York City, NY. Center for Creative Leadership, Completion of Leadership Development Program, San Diego, CA – July 16-21, 2001

Governance and Service Activities for the University, College, Department University

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2009-2010; 2010-2011; 2011-2012 – PSU University Wide Professional Development and Travel Awards Committee (Elected) 2010-2011; 2009-2010 – Member of Pathways Transition Training Collaborative, RRI. 2009 – Provided a community forum on Reclaiming Futures as part of the Presidential Innaugural Lecture Series for new PSU President Wim Wievel. 2009 – Participated in PSU Photo campaign describing Reclaiming Futures and my faculty profile as a contributor to the “let knowledge serve the city” framework of our university. Spring, 2003 and 2004 – Hosted “PSU Umbrella Tour” visits with Portland Community Leaders interested in PSU programs. Focus on Reclaiming Futures. School MSW Curriculum Committee Chair and Social Service and Administrative Leadership Concentration Chair – 2009-2010; 2010-2011; 2011-2012 (Elected)

- Extensive additional duties during 2010-2012 associated with preparation to engage in reaccreditation activities associated with 2008 EPAS. This included leading completion of an extensive Policy and Procedure Handbook for the MSW curriculum committee, engaging in development of curriculum review infrastructure and consideration of various curriculum development options, designing and implementing both a pilot and complete “World Café” event in which over 180 community members, faculty and students participated in visioning and practical planning about future curriculum needs as well as the resulting coordination of data analysis from that event, organization and dissemination to MSW program members about 2008 EPAS including a rigorous literature review and “meeting captures” of all relevant new developments from 2010 and 2011 CSWE APM, as well as dissemination and coordination of all these activities throughout the larger school community.

BSW Program Committee – 2009-2010; 2010-2011; 2011-2012 (Appointed)

- This committee has involved assisting in several aspects of helping to support the launching of a newly formed BSW program and participating in various aspects of initial accreditation and then, transition to 2008 EPAS including utilization of an online e-portfolio system.

MSW Curriculum Committee Member as Social Service Administration and Leadership (SSAL) Concentration Chair– 2007-2008; 2008-2009 (Elected)

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- Includes a major revision to the SSAL curriculum (in 2009), extensive advising of potential and current SSAL students, outreach and communication to SSAL field faculty, and coordination among entire SSAL team throughout each school year.

SSW Communications Committee (Appointed) – 2011-2012 MSW Admissions Committee Member – 2006-2007 (Volunteer) Shireman Lecture Planning Committee – 2006-2007; 2007-2008; 2008-2009; 2009-2010; 2010-2011; 2011-2012 Summer, 2005 – Founded a GSSW Scholarship Fund. Spring, 2003 – Participated in PSU 40th Anniversary Celebration Planning Committee for the Graduate School of Social Work. Winter, 2003 – Organized GSSW Workshop on Native American history in Oregon – guest speaker: Dr. Tom Graham. Portland State University, other School of Social Work Committees Elected/Appointed to or significant service efforts (not mentioned above) between 2000 and 2012 include:

• Shireman Lecture Program Committee • RRI Director/Assoc. Dean for Research Search Committee • Faculty Affairs Committee • Doctoral Comprehensive Examination Committee • Faculty Senate • Human Behavior in the Social Environment Curriculum Subcommittee • MacDonald Scholarship Committee for GSSW • MSW Admissions Committee • Promotion and Tenure Committee

Professionally-Related Service

National Association of Social Workers (2004 – Present) Council on Social Work Education (2011- Present)

• Attended CSWE Site Reviewer Training to facilitate accreditation process in Fall of 2012 at CSWE APM, Washington, D.C.

Editorial Board, Journal of Psychoactive Drugs (2008 – Present)