juniata sentinel and republican.. (mifflintown, pa.) 1899...

SENTINEL REPUBLICAN MIFFLIN TO WN. PA. WEDNESDAY SEP. 6, 1899. B.F.SCHWEIEB, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. EFVBLIC4X COrSTT TICKET. COUNTY TREASURER, John F. Ehrenzeller. PROTHONOTARY, Stiles K. Boden. OOTJXTY COMMISSIONERS. M. R. Beashore, J. W. Hostetler. DISTRICT ATTORNEY. George L. Hower. ' COUNTY AUDITORS. W. N. Keister, David K. TJlrich. The wheat crop in India is 16, 500.000 bushels smaller than that of 1898. The SDanUb war has given Auier Scans a better opinion of the Span iard than was entertained before tbe war, but at tbe same time it has less- ened his good opinion of the people of Cuba and the Philhpiue islands. COURT PROCEEDINGS. The regular term of Court con Ten ed on --Vondav, the 4th inst., with Judges Lvods, Swart z and Sterrett upon tbe bench. Tbe Constables made their quar terlj- - retnrns. Tbe Grand Jury was called, charg ed and sworn- - Constable Unas. AlcUurmick was appointed to wait upon the Grand Jury, and Constables Arnold and Duiqiq vcre appointed to wait upon tbe Court. The constable from Fermanagh township, reported the roads in Slim Valley in bad shape aud a number of index boards down. Constable from Turbett reported the birth of a bastard child, and the constable from Milford reported in dex boards missing Forest tires were reported by the constables from Delaware and Tus-caror- a townships. The returns were placed in the hands of the District Attorney for investigation. Willerforce Scbweyer, Esq , filed his report as auditor in the estate of John B. Woodward, late of Tuscarora township, deceased. ' Samuel Lapp was granted a license to act as a detective. j In the estate of Alexander Bogps, deceased, R. H. Patterson, John R Vaughan, and Geo. Fleisher, were appointed appraisers and inquest awarded to value real estate of said decedent. Id the estate of Robert Furner, de ceased, appraisers were appointed to eet apart for the widow the property of decedent, it not exceeding three hundred dollars in value. , v- - af. on petiti-"- " 'quest T was "awarded" to determine whether or hot Catherine Love is compos mentis or not. Said inquest to be held Saturday, September 16, 1899, in the Orphans Court room. B. F. Burchfield. Esq, was ap- pointed guardian ad litem of fiarj and Walter Boggs, minor children of Gilson H. Boggs. deceased. In the estate of Peter W. Swarte, deceased, return to order of said de- cedent's real estate made. Said real estate sold to Samuel K. Swartz, for 1,491. Catherine Longacre was appointed gurdian of Mary Ellen Longacre, minor child of Isaac Longacre, de- ceased. Geo. L. Hower was appointed guar dian of George w. stoner, a minor child of Sarah C. Stoner, deceased. Dr. W. II. Banks was appointed guardian of Jesse C. and Florence M. McCool. minor children of William McCool, deceased. In the estate of William Henry Trout, deceased, appraisers were ap- pointed to set apart decedents estate to the widow Catherine Trout, said estate not exceeding three hundred dollars in value. Iu the estate of Elizabeth Klinger, deceased, a citation was awarded up on John Klinger, o e of the executors of said decedent, to show cause why he should not file his account in said estate. Appeal of the directors of the poor of Lancaster county. From an order of removal of Baldwin Pyle,a pauper from the poor district of Monroe township to the said poor district of Lancaster county, filed in open Court, and John J. Patterson, Jr., was ap- pointed a commissioner to take testi- mony. B. F. Burchfield, Esq , filed his re- port ah auditor in the estate of John Aicaael, deceased. He also filed his report as auditor in the estate of N. JL OkesoD, deceased. In the estate of Matthias Gemberl-in- g, deceased, order for sale of dece- dent's real estate made. In the estate of Solomon Seiber, late of Delaware township, deceased, order to sell decedent's real estate made. Wellington Smitu was appointed guardian of Amos G Storffer, minor child of Amos Stouffer, deceased. John Stouffer, as executor of Amos Stouffer, deceased, was ruled to show cause why he should not give bond as uch executor. In the estate of Jacob Frank, late of tb borough of Patterson, deceas d, petition of Charles Doughman, a grand son ol said decedent, waa pre sented, praying tbe Court to order to oe paid to the petitioner certain oione j s which were coming to the petitioner out of decedent s estate. and which on account of absence of petitioner were paid into Court. Af tor being identified to the satisfac tion of the Court the money was cr tiered to be paid to him. E. O. Meloy and Jacob Anghey were appointed auditors in .Milford township, the first to fill a vacancy caused by the resignation of Charles Meloy, and the second to fill a vacancy caused by the death of John A Robi-ao- n. In the assisrned estate of J. F. Hock sn berry, the assignor was ordered to aMhinMw In tnidaatriffnaa. all oroDsr- - ty real and personal remaining in his hands unsold. The directors of the poor of Hunt-ncrd- on oountv were awarded a rale on the overseers of the poor of Mil- - ford township, to show cause why said township should not pay costs ; and ehsreres incurred by Huntingdon county in taking care of iresaie ana Annie Carter, who are alleged to oe charges upon Milford poor district. Subpoena in divorce was awarded in the case of David M. Fogleman vs. Annie B. Fogleman. A rale was granted upon the school directors of .Milford township, to show cause why they should not be removed from office and others be appointed in their stead. The reason the rule was granted is that the inhabitants of the northeast- ern end of the township complained that they were without proper Mommodatione for their childr a. some of whom bad to travel two and one-hal- f miles to the nearest school Muddy Run and that the directors had neglected to provide them the accommodations tbey beluved they were entitled to Upon petition to the Court of Common Pleas setting forth the facts Judge Lyons in vacation appoints 1 Wellington Smith, an r of schools for Milford township, to as certain tbe facta and report tbem to the Court. Mr. Smith ea inspector made an elaborate reoort. finding "that the directors of Milford township have refused, neglected or failed, without valid oaue for such refusal, neglect or failure on tbeirpart to provide and maintain Bmtahle aud adtnuate ac commodations for the school children of the district of Milford township as tbe law r quires R. W. Patron, Esq , of Lewistown, was admitted to practice in tne sev eral courts of Juniata county. George L. Hower was appointed guardian of Bertha, Laura, and Maud Stonar. mmor children ol oar ah Catherine Stoner. Commonwealth vs. Chas. T. 8 eber, charge, fornication and bastardy. Prosecutrix. Annie L. Fry. Settled bv the parlies. Commonwealth vs. John Peck. Charge, assault and battery. Prose eutor, H B Lafferty. Not a true bill and tbe prosecutor sentenced to pay tbe ccsts. Commonwealth vs. uiiam and Chas. Carl. CLarc. cutting timber without consent of owner. Prostcu tor, W. II. Zetf ers Settled by tbe parties. Commonweal to vs. s P. Itobison. Charge, threats. Prosecutrix, Mrs. 8. P. Robison. Settled. CommonvveaUh vs. Oscar Marsha II Charge, adultery Prosecutor, Poilp Bishop Case continued because witnesses for Commonwealth sre quarantined on Water street, in tbis town, where diphtheria is prevalent. Com. vs. AHrt A. Mealman. Charge, trespass and cutting timber on lands of auotber. Prosecutor Joseph It. Palm. A true bill aud case. Settled. Com vs. George W. Dobbs. ' Charge, Fornication aud Bastardy, Prosecutrix, Bessie Rambler. Child not belnp horn thHe was i"" "' Fornication and bastardy. Prosecutrix; r. Emma George.'-No- t a true bill and county to pay the costs. '. Com. vs. John Watts. Charge, forn ication and bastardy. Prosecutor Daisy L. Sliottsberger. A true bill. Bench warrant issued to bring defendeut into Court. Com. vs Robert Palm. Charge, Lar ceny of timber. Herbert Meaiman, Prosecutor. Not a true bill and pros ecutor to pay the costs. Com. vs. W. Elmer Harris. Charge non support of his wife Annie Harris, who was tbe prosecutrix. Tried and defendant discharged. Costs put upon the prosecutrix. Com. vs. A. J. Fisher. Charge, forn ication and bastard-- . Prosecutrix Mary E. Burns Settled by the parties. Com. vs. Clinton Varner. Charge, seduction and fornication and bastardy, Prosecutrix. Jennie Varner. Case con tinued. The case that occupied the boardsall afternoou Monday was that of the Com nioiiwealth vs. Augustus Schropp. Mr. SchroPD was chanted upon ath of James 1). Williams with assault aud battery; carrying deadly weapons, and with wontonly pointing a revolver at the pnsecutor. From the evidence it seems the de- fendant and his wife were at one time on the stage in the cajmcity of actor aud actress, i They then became profession al musicians and tiring of that drifted into Juniata county where they are now fanning and raising poultry. The pros ecutor and defendant at tbe time of the trouble lived neighbors in Fermanagh township and had had trouble over the trespassing of prosecutor's cattle on de fendant's land Tbe consequences was bad blood between the neighbors. Tbe defendant and his wife when on tlie staud gave evidence of their stage training. Mrs. Schropp was partk-- larly bright and smooth upon the staud and her repartee to questions of Com monwealth counsel on cross examina tion was entertaining to the audience, who are not often treated to an eloen- - tionarv entertainment iu the court room. The evidence showed defen dants had penned up 12 sheep belong ing to prosecutor and which were found tresitassinir on defendant's land. De fendant notified prosecutor to come and set his sheep and pay the damages, When the prosecutor came he demand ed six dollars before he would allow the sheep to leave. An altercation follow ed, and while the evidence was very contradictory, it was not denied that defendant bit tbe prosecutor a stinging blow at the base of his right ear, the de- fendant contending that he struck the prosecutor while the latter was trying to get into the stable where tbe sheep were locked up, and the prosecutor claiming be was hit while his back was turned aud he was iu the act of leav ing defendant's property in pursuance of an order to leave. After tbe prosecu- tor received the blow, he announced his intention of whipping the defend ant and made an effort to take, off his coat, when the defendant drew a revol ver, and in tbe language of Mrs. Schropp -- flourished it in the ah-,-" but did not point it at tbe prosecutor, who Immediately left tbe defendant's prop erty at the sight of the revolver apd af terwards recovered his sheep by writ of replevin. Tbe jury found tbe defend ant guilty of assault ami battery and currying concealed deadly weapons Mr. Schropp was sentenced to pay., a fine of 910 and the costs of prosecution. In the estate of Ralph EDobba, late of Tuscarora township, deceased, order to sell decedent's real estate granted. Mary A. Cart vs. J. W. Carl, No. 41, September term, 1899. Feigned issue. Sheriff's interpleader. Settled. James A. McMullin vs. Sarah B Moore and Benjamin Moore No. 19, December term, 1896. Assumpsit; Plea "Non Assumpsit." Settled. John Reader vs. Emanuel Reader, defendant, and Smith Kelley, Garnish- ee, N6. 9, February 'term, 1899. For- eign attachment Assumpsit; Plea; "Non Assumpsit." Settled. A Soldier's license to hawk, peddle and vendue was granted to W. W. Landis. Samuel K. Zeiders waa appointed mi- nority inspector of elections iu Green- wood township to fill vacancy caused by removal from tbe district of Lucien W. Wilemaif. D. W. Beashore waa granted a license to peddle. Reports of viewers laying out a road in Tuscarora township, beginning at a joint on public road at Calvin Palm's land and ending in public road near Ir win McGaughey's house. The report of .viewers vacating public road leading from Mifflin town to Green Lane in Fermanagh township, confirm- ed. On Tuesday morning the court took up the case of the Com. vs. James A. McMullin of Lack Twp. McMullin was charged with attempting to Influ ence Cyrus Jacobs a grand juror at tbe February term of Court. At that term of court a case M as pre- sented to the Grand Jury in which John Clark of Lack was the prosecutor and a man named Lauigau was the defend- ant. Juror Jacobs received a letter signed by John Wilson of Lack Twp., urging him to use his influence with his fel- low jurors to have the case against I.aii-iga- n ignored and the costs put upon tbe prosecutor. Mr. Jacobs called the attention of the court to tbe letter. An investigation was instituted. John Wilson whose name was signed to the letter, denied that he wrote it, claimed it was a forg- - ery and bad McMullin arrested charged witn emnracery ana iorRery. i w wiiw iicseis wiu oe soici aunng ine con-were framed and the grand jury at the I tinuanee of the Exposition and wi!l April term found true bills in both cases. The commonwealth put up a strong caxe against McMullin although it was entirely circumstantial and the defense onsited almost entirely in an attempt to show that the defendant McMullin was unable to write. The case went to the jury on this Wednesday morn- ing. At 2.30 p m., the jury rendered a verdict, "not guilty, but pay tbe costs." The Sheriff's deeds were acknowl edged. Court has adjourue d. A BURD3D TALENI.-Ever- y person Ess some special fac- - ultppwnlch if properly . developed . will - rt A 1 L1 .oome pronciem in mat tugmiuu. Hm not God given a talent or tai nts to everyone? Unto one he gave five talents, to another two. and to another one; "Ti f very man accord- - ins to his several ability. God bas created every person for some pur- - pose, but woe to tbem who bnry their talent or talents in idleness. In my travels I bad an opportuni ty to speak with a man, which sug- gested' the above title. Hearing of him among some of his neighbors I went to see him one evening. He greeted me very friendly and invited me in By bis appearance one wouia suppose him to be among those who seem to be unnoticed in tbe wona. He lives all alone, being a bachelor, in a large stone house. Entering the house I found no carpet on tbe floor, but to my surprise tbe one side of the room was almost filled from floor to ceiling with books, magazines and papers. He is a graduate in civil en- gineering from one of the colleges in Philadelphia, and served as a naval officer for many years, but now lives a retired life. Any literary man would enjoy spending hours inspecting the var- ious old books. Some dated from the ninth century and the most pop- ular magazines in print with others now almost unknown all carefully arranged and preserved. In other rooms be showed me many ol nis oldest books, which be had btored sway. On the floors of these rooms were numerous daily and weekly pa- pers neatly arranged from the date received. Some of these papers are so old that time has faded the print almost beyond one's power to read them. Having spent some time in showing one bis collection of books and papers, I enquired about his manner of living, since his appear anoe showed signs of delicate health. We then entered another room where I was shown enoagh canned fruit to last any ordinary family many years. By this I knew his principal diet was fruit. He attends bis own garden, does bis own noose work, which some women would be ashamed to compete with only for tbe want of carpet, and cans most of his fruit In education and knowledge of all tbe great modern subjects in life, he is equal to many ol our great men. His conversation is very forcible aod glows with power of clearness in the explanation of any difficult subject. With all bis education and weaun ne seems to be satisfied that it was all given for self gratification and makes no effort to use it lor tbe beneni ot mankind. I questioned him as to the responsibility resting upon one so talented, bat be gave me no satis- factory answer 'and cared little to speak further of it. As I left this man the parable of the talents given by Christ in the twenty-fift- h chapter of Matthew flash- - ea across my mina. In such thought and prayerful meditation I send tbis little descrip tion forth on its message of warning to some wayfaring man, who may be following tbe example of this man. Sketches bt thi Wat. TO CALIFORNIA VIA THE MIDLAND ROUTE. Every Friday night tt 10 35 p. m , a through Tourist Oar for San Fran cisco, carrying first and second-cls- st Dassengers, leaves tbe Cbicairo. Mil' waukee & St Paul Paul Railway Union passenger Station, Chicago, via Omaha, Colorado Springs aod Salt Lake City (with stop-ov- er priv- ileges at Salt Lake City), for all points in Colorado. DUD, jnevaaa and Califoruia. The Tourist Car berth rata from Chicago to San Francisco is only $6.00, and the sleeping car berths should be reserved a few days in ad vanoe of departure of train. Through tickets and sleeping car accommodations can be secured from any agent in the east or by applying at the Chicago. Milwaukee St St. Paul Depot or City Ticket Offices in Chicago. Send for our free illustrated Cali- fornia folders. Address Geo. H. Heafford, General Passenger Agent, Chicago. Ill . or John R. Pott, Dis trict Passenger Agent, Williamsport, Pa. NATIONAL EXPORT EXPOSI-TION- , PHILADELPHIA.- - REDUCED SATES VIA YrMHLAlVAHlA BAILSOAO. The National Export Exposition, which opens at Philadelphia on Sep tember 14 and continues until Nov ember 30. will be the most interest ing and important event occurring in Philadelphia since the Centennial Exhibition of 1876. In addition to its valuable commercial exhibits it will present many features oi popu- lar interest and amusement Tbe United 8tates Marine Band, Sousa's Band, tbe Banda Rosss, Iones' Band, Damrosch's Orchestra, and other cel. ebrated bands will furnish music al- ternately, and a Midway Plaisauce, equal if not superior to the famous Worlds Fair Midway at Chicago, and comprising a Chinese village, a Chinese Theatre, acrobats and ens. touts; an Oriental Village, London Ghost Show, Hagenbeck's Wild Ani roal Show, Barney Castle, and many other unique presentations, 'will furnish abundant and diversified amusement. Arrangements bave al- so been made for Mandolin, Gnitar, and Bar jo Concerts, and for a grand chorus from the German singing so- cieties. For this occasion tbe Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excur sion tickets from all points on its line to Philadelphia and return, at rate of fare and a third for tbe round trip plus price of admission. These be good for return passage until No- vember 30. For ppecifie rates and additional information apply to nearest ticket ageut- - sl5. A COMEDY OF BLUNDERS. t Ttitittltt One Mnn More A boat Horse M II r Klew Before. This Cass avenue tvs!d-i:- knows Attout as uilicb of horses as he loes of the technic of tlcr limninj-- . but a few weeks axo lie paid jt'.tlO for a ?100 horse and since lliat lias looked upon biuiself as nn equine authority. Sun- day afternoou fcs ."iis iu the luiy win- dow cnjo.vlu;; his morning paper and a clpar. Hearing a cllekety-cllckety-clic- k on the asphalt, be looked out. glared, dropped bis tapcr and eye- glasses and dashed out as though he were going to pull a lira alarm. . "HI. there! Stop, that teemr he shouted. "Halt!" And all tbe prome-nade- rs on tbe block obeyed, but tbe horse trotted along. "Ten dollars to tbe man who brings me that horse dead or alive!" whooped the cltlsen, now too much excited to be lucid. "That Infernal liveryman bas hired him out, and me paying tbe highest price for his keep. I'll show blra! Ten dollars. Head or alive." In Itlcuard III voice, "for that horse!" A lusty bicycler grasped tbe situation and two minutes later bad caught the bit of tbe bone. Tbe man In tbe buggy protested, swore and threatened, but the grinning wheelman trotted the whole outfit back to the excited cltiaen. "Unhitch blmr he shouted. "Home- body will pay big money for this! Call a patrol wagon. What's your name!" Then tbe cltiaen turned pale and gasped: "Three white feet! My horse bas but two, and he's smaller. My mistake, gentlemen and ladles," for there was a crowd now. "Beg pardon." And he started for the house. But tbe man In the buggy Jumped up and wanted to flght. Tbe bicyclist de- manded bis $10, aud the crowd Jeered. A policeman came In time to referee. Tbe wheelman got his $10, the real owner of the horse accepted a humble apology, and the liveryman raised the board tbe next day. Detroit Free Press. TRAPDOOR SPIDERS. Tfeo Corloos Seats Tbat The Imaje-fto- vo Ineoets Coooiraet. A curious species of Insect Is the trapdoor spider, whose uest consists of a tube excavated in the earth to the depth of six or eight Inches. It Is al- ways lined with silk, and it Is cloaed with an ingeniously constructed door. One sort of door closes Into the nest like a cork In a bottle, another Is as thin as a piece of paper. In all cases tbe door opens outward, and when tbe nest is placed, as It usu; ally Is, on a sloping bank. It opens up- ward, so that there Is no fear of its gaping. The object of the trapdoor Is to conceal the nest, and consequently It Is always made to resemble the gen- eral surface of tbe ground. Sometimes, however, sn enemy attempts to open the door, and then the Inmate braces Its legs against the sides of the nest and holds It as fast as possible. Still other spiders have Inner doors besides outer, so tbat If their first de- fense be carried they may have anoth- er behind which to retreat. More cari- ous still Is the Ingenuity of tbe branch trapdoor-th- at Is to say, a door tbat opens from tbe main tunnel of the nest Into a side branch, which tbe stranger could discover, since there is nothing to distinguish It from any oth- er part of the main nest. So, then. If an enemy should effect an entrance the lawful occupant of the nest can quietly slip Into the side branch, close 'tbe door and there remain In security while the Intruder wonders what has become of ber. Our Animal Friends. Tsmt ThrsBras: fleaelache Would qnlckly leave yon, il tou ased Dr. Kiss's New LU e Pil'n . Thousands of sufferers bave proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. Taey make pore blood and tronr nerves aod build np your health. Easy to take. Try tbem. Only 26c, Money back if not eared. Sold by M. P. Crawford, Druggist. NIAGARA FALLS EXCURSIONS. LOW BATE VACATION TBIPB VIA PENHSTL VAKU BAtLHOAD September 7 and SI and October, S and 19 are the dates of the remain- - ig Pennsylvania Railroad popular ten day excursions to Niagara Falls from Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington, and intermediate points. return ... Mxmlar train, exclo- - days, will no soiu v"-- " B". . . u. Waahinif rTnXpoinor-tn- . DeUwan. vi; $1125 from $9.60 from J?8 Anbury and namsuuxg, WUkesberre; 5 75 from Waiiamsport; and at proportionate rates from other points. A stop will be allowed st Buffalo Roch- ester. tOanandaigna, and Watkina within tbe limit returning. A special train u - 7 l ;il tut ran ears sua aay ooauuoo with each excursion. An extra charge will be made for parlor car seats. :A tnnriat amnt and chaperon will accompany eachexcur- - . . . j- - 4; in tho Thnn sand Islands (Alexandria Bay) will be SOia irom xiwwmww - ... - ai.mlar 7 ana Wlin exeurniuuo wi j" - . . i TT .L nnl ,,W Kl 21, good to return w Cansndaigaa via Syracuse within five a. f k cn Tickets for a side trip to Toronto :n ..M t Niagara Falls for VI. WSSa ww r-- 00 on September 23. In connection it. t KantamhAr 7. tlCfc' ets will be sold to Toronto and re-tur- at reduced rates account Tor onto Fair. t.. ntiamnblnta civinir full inform ation and hotels, and for time of connecting trains, apply to nearest - . -- AAw Ann. W licaet age" w Agent, Broad Street Station, Phila- delphia. 5. Could not express the rapture of Aaaia v. Swineer. at 1125 Howard strM, Phila delphia, Pa., when aba found uiu ir. King's Sew viscevery ior uvHinn had completely cared ber of a hacking coDgn last lor aiany yean uoa uwo burden. All other remedies and doctors conld give ber no help, bat she mts of this Royal Care "It soon removea mo poia in mv chest and I can now sleep aoandly, something I can scarcely remember doing before. I feel like sounding Hs.praiaea throughout tbe Universe." 80 will every one who tries Or. King's New Discovery tor any trouble of the Throat, Chest or Lang. Price 50c slid si. Trial aotues free at V. P. Crawford' Drug Store; every bottle guaranteed. A CAT THAT FISHES. The editor has a black tabby cat, that is a rarety in the feline family. Upon a number of occasions the edi tor and members of his family, found large cat-fis- h near tbe pig stye, where tabby has a family of joung kittens At first tbe supposition on our part was tbat the cat bad stolen the fish from some of tbe neighbors, but diligent inquiry failed to give us any light on tbe subject, while tbe frequency of tbe occurence led us to the conclusion that she caught the fish by some means or other, and when on Monday morning we found cat and kittens regaling, themselves oS a large green bull-fro- g, we were more convinced than ever, that our theory was correct. We at once made inquiry and learned from Charles I Miller that he frequently ssw a black cat up at the old basin, which is beta? filled no and which contains a number of fish. .There is no donbt bat that puss sits on the bank and watches until a fish comes out in the shallow water, when she pounces down on it and carries it home to her little family. Selins- - grove Tribane. the Grave A itartlint Incident, ot which Mr. Jon Oliver, of Philadelphia, was the subject, is narrated by him aa follows: I waa in a moat dread'fa condition. My akin waa aL sut yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, paia contios lly in back and sides, no appe-it- e cradually growing weaker day by day. Three physicians bad given me np. Portnnately, a friend advised trying Klec'ric Bitters. aad to my great joy aad surprise, the first bottle a decided improve ment. I continued their naa Tor three weeks, and am aew a well man. I know tbey saved my life, aad robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try tbem Only 60c, guaranteed, at M. P. Crawfori's Drag Store. HIPrLINTOWN JBll!f Mil KRIS MIFFLINTOWN. SEP. 6, 1899 W beat . ..... ..... new sac, old 66 Corn in ear 40 Oats, new 20 Rv ... 15 Ck" tirseod . .... .... .. $2 toS2.60 Batter 16 Egg 14 Ham 10 Shoulder............ 13 Lard. ........ . ... Sides 7 Timothv seed........ 61.40 Flaxseed 00 Bran. ......... ......... cv Chop, ....86c to 90c Middlinga 90 Ground lu n Bait.... 76 AmericanSalt.... .. ......... 60c Philadelphia Markets, September 2, 1899. Wheat 72c: Corn 36c; Oats 28c; Live chickens 7 to 12c; eggs 16cts; butter 13 to 22c; potatoes SOcts a b.; sweet potatoes 25 to 30c ts a basket; Pennsylvania tobacco fillers 8 to 12c -- 14 to 18c; wrappers 40 to 60cte; Pennsylvania wool 2G to 30cte; broom corn 4 to 7c; coffee 9 to 21c a lb. DIED. Mobaritt. On the 2nd inst, at the home of her grand parents Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Fame, AnnaMorarity. aged 5 years of diphtheria. Interment in tbe Presbyterian cemeterv on Sunday. Swales On the 31st ult , at Alex ico, Mrs. Swales, sged 69' years, of consumption and dropsy. Swabtx On the 30th ult, in Mil- ford township, Mrs. Wm. Swsrlz, ag- ed 44 years, 4 months and 10 days, of consumption. A husband and 4 children survive the seemingly un- timely taking away of the mother. LEGJL ADVERTISING : 3ROTHON6TARY'S NOTICE. NotU is herebv (riven that the lot lowinn account has been filed in tbe Prothonotary's Office of Juniata eoun-t- v. and the same will be presented tor confirmation and allowance to tbe Court of Common Pleas or said county, on Tuesday the 19th day of September, A. D.r 1899, when and where all per- sons interested may attend if they think proper: Ttu first and final account of C W Graybill and 8. S. GraybUI, ajalgnees in trust for the benefit of the creditors of C. S-- Graybill or Monroe township. W. H. Zstdbrs. Prothonotary's Office, Protbo notary Mifflintown, Pa. Aug 19, 1899. .J K. arises. J-V- , - ATTORNEYS w,mL - AT - LAW, WirrXJNTOwTI. PA. OmoO- - Mala street. ta f!a deaeeofLonlsB. JTSm Bridge street. aad Ooaveyaactag prowf y attended to. WILBERFOKCE BnWBTeS. Attorney-t-L- w. aarCollectionB and all legal busi ness promptly attended to. nmiaP OFFICE IN CUUttT nwo MxaAWfoa,.aAawnt stxaawroa. TXB. D. at. OBAWroiui , have formed a I-- f of Medicine aod Office at ow siana, our - atlffllntowa, Pa. One or Dots " tbenTwUI be found at their office at an nines, unless otherwise proreionlly en- gaged. April 1st. 1896. J P.DERR, PatACTICAIj DEWTIST. Graduate of the Philadelphia Dental College. Offioe at old established lo- cation, Bridge Street, opposite Court House, Jtfifiuntown, Pa. 35- - Crown and Bridge work; Painless Extraction. All work guaranteed. PENNSYLVANIA. RAJLE0AD- - Schednle in Effect May 21, 1899. WESTWARD. Wav Passenger, leaves Philadelphia st 4 80 a. m; Harrisburg 8 00 a. m; Duncannon 8 So a. m; New Port 9 05 a. in; Millerstown l a. m; uurwom 9 21 a. m; ThompHontown 9 26 a. m; Van Dvke 33 a. m; Tuscarora 9 36 a. m; Mexico 9 40 a. m; Port Royal 9 44 a. in- - Mifflin 9 50 a. m: Deubolm 9 53 a. m: Lewistown 10 13 a. in; McVeytown 10 38 a. ra; Newton Hamilton 11 00 a. t iTnin,, 11 nft a. tti : Huntine- - don 11 32 p. m; Tyrone 12 20 p. m; Al-too- na 1 00 p. m: Pittsburg S SO p. m. Mail leaves Philadelphia at 7 00 a. in; Harrisburg at 11 4 a. ra; Aiimiu 1 11 m; Iewistown 1 30 p. m; Hunting-o- n 2 29 p. m; Tyrone 3. 12 p. m; Al-too- 3 4.1 n. m: Pittsbunr 8 40 p. m. Altoona Accommodation leaves Har risburg at 5 00 p. m; Duncannon o 34 p. m; Newport 6 02 p. m; Millerstown 6 11 p. in; Thompsoiitown 6 21 p. m; Tuscarora 6 30 p. m: Mexi-- 6 38 p. m; Port Royal 6 38 p. m; Mifflin 6 43 p. m; Deubolm 6 49 p. iu; Lewistown 7 07 p. m; McVevtown 7 30 p. m; Newton Hamilton 7 50 Tt. m: Huntingdon 8 20 p. n Tyrone 9 02 p. m; Altoona 9 35 p. m. Pacific Express leaves Philadelphia at 11 20 p. m; Harrisburg ai a w a. m. MaryHville 3 14 . ni. Duiicatinon 3 29 a. m. Newport 3 52 a m. Port Royal 4 25 a. ni. Miftiin 4.80 a. m. Lewistown 4 52 a in. Newton Haniiltou 5 33 a. in. Huntingdon 6 03 a. m. Petersburg 6 19 a. m. Tvntne6 52 a. m. Altoona "40 a. m. Pittsburg 12 10 a. ni. Ovster Express leaves Philadelphia at 435 p, ra. Harrisburg at 10 20 p. m. Newport 11 0f p. in. Mifflin 11 40 p. m. Lewistown 11 08 p. m.; Huntingdon 12 55 a. ra. Tyrone 1 32 a. ni. Altoona 2 00 a. in. Pittsburg 5 30 a. m. Fast Line leaves Philadelphia at 12 25 p. m. Harrisburg 3 45 p. ni. Duncan-no- n 4 10 p. m. Newport 4 30 p. m. Mif- flin 5 02 p. m. Lewistown 5 22 p. m. Mount Union 6 03 p. m. Huutingdou 6. 22 p. m. Tyrone 6 59 p. m. Altoona 7 35 p. m. Pittsburg 11 30 p. m. -- EASTWARD. Altoona Accommodation leaves Al- toona at 4 40 a. m. Tyrone 5 01 a. m. Petersburg o 25 a. in. Huntingdon 5 37 a. in. Newton Hamilton 6 01 a. m. Mc- Veytown 6 17 a. ni. lewistown 6 38 a. ra. Mifflin 6 58 a. ni. Port Royal 7 02 a. m. Tbompsoutown 7 17 a. m. Millers- town 7 26 a. ni. Newport 7 85 a. ni. Duncannon 8 00 a. m. Harrisburg 8 32 a. iu. Sea Sliore leaves Pittsburg at 2 50 a. m. Altoona 7 15 a. m. Tvronc 7 48 a. m. Huntingdon 8 SO a. m. McVeytown 9 15 a. 111. Ijewistown 9 35 a. m. Mifflin 955 n, i. 1 ...-.- , 1 ft id ... 'riw.t.i , ... ' . . It . ..III . . i .1.1 luwn iu n n. 111. .iiiiierstow 11 iu a. ni. Newport 1132 a. ni. Duncannon 10 54 a. 111. Marysville 11 07 a. m. Harris burg 11 25 a.m. Philadelphia 3 00 p. ra. Main Line Express leaves Pittsburg at 8 00 a. 111. Altoona 11 40 a. ni. Tyrone 12 03 p. 111. Huntingdon 12 35 p. m. Lewistown 1 33 p. m. Mifflin 1 50 p. m. Harrisburg 8 10 p. m. Baltimore 6 00 p. m. Washington 7 15 p. in. Philadelphia 6 23 p. ni. ail leaves Altoona at 'l 0o p. m. Ty- rone 235 p. ni. Huntingdon 3 17 p. m. Newton Hamilton 3 47 p. in. McVey- town 4 20 p. ni. Ijewistown 4 33 p. 4 55 p. 111. Port Royal 5 00 p. m. Mexico 5 20 p. m. Thompsontowii 5 18 rm. Millerstowii 5 28 p. ni. Newport p. m. Duncannon 6 08 p. m. Har- risburg 6 45 p. m. Mail Express leaves Pittsburg at 12 45 p. m. Altoona 5 50 p. ni- - Tyrone 6 20 p. m. Huntingdon 7 00 p. 111. KcVey-tow- n 7 44 p. 111. 1ewistown 8 06 p. m. Mifflin 8 26 p. m. Port Royal 8 31 p m. Millerstown 8 57 p. m. Newport 9 05 p. m. Duncaunon 9 29 p. ra. Harrisburg 10 00 p m. Philadelphia Express leaves Pitts- burg at 4 80 p. ra. Altoona 9 05 n. m. Tyrone 9 83 p. m. Huutingdou 10 12 p. iu. Mount Union 10 32 p. m. Lewis-tow- n 11 16 p. m. Afittiin n 37 p.m. Har- risburg 1 00 a. m. Philadelphia 4 80. At Lewistown Junction. For Sun-bur- y 7 50 a. m. and 3 40 p. ra. week- days. or Jniroy 1 So, 11 45 a. m. and 3 00 p. ra week-day- s. At Tyrone. For Clearfield and Cur-wensvi- lle 8 20 a. m. 3 20 and 7 20 p. m. week-day- s. . For Bellefonte and Ib llav a. m. 12 30 aud 7 15 p. ra. week-day- s. For further informatum annlv Ticket Agents, or Thomas E. Watt. rassenger Agent, Western Division. Corner Fifth Avmiw Sn.irt.AiJ Street, Pittsburg. J.li.HUl;HIJNHON, J. R. WOOD, ueuvrai Mn g r. uenerai f ass'r Agt. Tho FARQUHAR JO ''TATlHT VARIABLE rawmoa "eed MUtt mmt m.m. ... JT--f r nasv sn Mm ix 1 ttih r,,., , , . ..AicAgce, l.d SO YEARS axilla 1 I Tnaoc Ma am a hvamkm la srokaMr Mtwitable. rotnaanicZ Uom Mrictlr maitaaUIIuKibnnk an eSSSl y.ft V2' afmT tor mmnng pmtMullr Sctntic Jirtiicia Alulimiilf SI liSrt w My. l.nwi kU( mi irnmin ymramL rSSTm 1 1 n. ""tZrsT, New Stock of AT ' h 0 0 0 0 Spring Clothing GENTS FURNISHING GOODS. ffHATS, FCRNrrrji, GLASSWARE, QUEENS WARE. JKIeyers, Big Stores, Men's and Boy's New Spring Suits, These Hen's suits are triclly all wool and we have them in all tu, and we bave them in single and double breasted at $4 C2. Now m fall into line and secure one of these Pine Imported Dregs SniU, in all shades and colors, and made perfect to equal merchant tailor prices. Wortfc $18, for only $12. These Frock and Sack 8aits have them in nil sizes and styles, snd we guarantee to give you a per. feet fit at $6.50. Ton can take yourpick and fit from 372 fine dran soils, which are made in Sacks and Cutaways, we have them in all shades. Suits worth $12 we sell now at $8.75. We start tbe lWi department from $1 87 to $8.50. The assortment includes hundredi of doable and single breasted suits. Many of these suits being an wool and they are all in the LATEST 8PRINO PATTERNS in brown, plaids, checks and plain colors. These are all well made and trimmed, and run in age from 10 to 19. Immense assortment to select from. Our Children's Department. The largest display of Boys' pants in Juniata County, and they are all made of strong material. The sizes run from 3 to 16, and sell from 18c. to 50c. 300 Children's Suits, sizes from 3 to 16, at 90b. 265 splended Vested Suits, at $1.25, would be cheap at tbe regular price of $2. 567 Children's Suite, in Double Breasted and other styles. Tour choice at $2 38. 375 Children's Suits, this is a grand line strictly, ell wool, Double Breasted at $3 88, whioh should be 5. A grand new line of Spring Hate and Caps and Gents Fr ni thing Good, of the greatest vslues ever offered, A car load of Trunks snd Satchels at low prices. FUB1MITURE. Themoet marvelous showing of up to date Furniture ever attemp- ted. Everything new in design, no old stock Nothing but tbe very best makes by the best manufacturers with such forsightedness that we o ffer "Beautiful Furniture at just ote half the regular value. We just received end unpacked the grandest design of new and upon date Furniture. Our three floors are packed to the utmost e- xtent for your inspection. A grand select ion of Parlor SuHp, Fphol. tered Rockets. Conches, Lonnges, Sofas, Extension Tables. Hall Backi, Side Boards, Bed Room Suits in numerous styles. Office, Dining Room and Kitchen Chairs, Spring Mattresses, Cote, Cribs and Cradles. In fact everything kept in a first class Furniture store. Ferd Meyers, TnBOarora Valley Railroad. SCHEDULE HI ERECT MOIIDAT, JfTNE. 20, 1898. SnITTTIItP. STATIONS. No.1 No.3 DAILY, EXCEPT SClfDAT. A. M. P. M. Blair's Mills Lv. 7 25 I 45 Waterloo. 7 31 1 51 Leonard' Grove 7 37 1 57 Ross Farm 7 45 2 05 Perulack 7 52 2 12 East Waterford 8 05 2 25 Heckman 8 17 2 37 Honey Grove. 8222 42 FortBigham 8 302 50 Wsrble 8 39 2 59 Pleasant View 844304 Seven Pines 8 52 3 12 Spruce Hill 8 55 3 15 Graham's 9 03 3 23 Stewart 9 063 26 Freedom 9 093 29 Turbett 9 12 3 32 Old Port 9 18 3 38 Port Royal. . . ; Ar. 9 25 3 45 Tratni Nos. 1 aad 2 connect at Port Royal with Way Paaseajrer aad Seashore Express on P. S. R., aad Noa. aad 4 with Mail east WESTWARD. 8 STATIONS. a 3 No.2Na4 DAILY, EXCEPT SUHDAT. A. M. IP. M. Port Koyal 0.0 10 205 05 Old Port 1.3 10 2715 12 Turbett 2.8 10 335 18 Freedom. 3.7 10 36i5 21 Stewart 4.4 10 39 5 24 Graham's. 5.0 10 42 27 Spruce Hill 6.3 10 50 35 Seven Pines..... .'. 7.2 10 53 38 Pleasant View 9.0 11 01 5 46 Warble. 10.0 11 06 51 Fort Bigham. ...... 12.0 11 15 6 00 Honey Grove... 14.0 11 23 6 08 necennan.. 15.1 11 28 6 13 East Waterford!"..! 17.5 11 6 25 Pernlaek 20.5 11 63 6 38 Boas Farm. 22.0 12 00 6 45 Leonard's Grove!!! 24.0 12 08 6 53 Waterloo.. 25.6112 6 59 niaws Mills. A. 27.0 12 20 7 05 T..I. . W m . . -j-- " 77-,"T- B coe M Blair's Yalta aa RK .7 . . " - --- oii, j.inea. . MOOBHEAD, 9m T. & MOOBHEAD, 4 eaa yai ai oi: KOCMIO MKO. CO Chleaco, 111. Sara. L7S. lallli . sjs 0 () () 00 115 ami 117, Bridge Street. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. wERHT COUVTT RAILROAD. Tbe following acbedale went Into efftd Nov. 18, 1896, aad tbe traiM will be ma foUows-- - ibl a. m Leave Arrive Lifi It 9 00" Daacaanoa 7 64 1 S 4S8 908 llDf Mill 7 41 IS 4 89 909 Snlphnr Sprlogi 74 IU S41 9 11 CormanSidins 7 41 111 4 46 9 14 Montebello Park 7 41 2I 4 46 916 Weaver 7 40 ! II 4 61 9 19 Roddy 7M !H 4 64 922 Hoffman In III 4 66 9 24 Rover 711 2 4 69 9 2T Hthannv 7 28 209 6 10 10 43 Bloomfleld 7 23 1 41 6 16 9 49 Treacle 7 09 IM 6 21 9 64 Nellnon 7 04 111 6 24 9 67 Dum'e 7 01 1 6 27 10 06 Klliolnbnrg 616 IS 6 82 10 07 BerDbeial'i 611 IX 6 84 1017 Groon Pwk 6 48 111 6 87 10 80 HoDtnur June (!) Ill 6 02 10 36 Laodisbnrf 6 28 I M p. m a. m Arrive Leave a. f B Traia leave Bloomfleld at .6I a. , and arrive! at Landiabnrg at 6.21 a. a Train leaves Landiabnrg at 6.08 p. mn mi arrive at Bloomfleld at 6.40 p. m. All sUtiona marked () are flag aUtieii, at wtalcfc traiaa will come to a lull atop aicaal. Csas. H. SaiLSf, 8. B. Bags, PreeideBt. SbbU AND SHBRMAN'S TAL NEWPORT Company. Time of naaarnirer train, in effect 00 MofAtTi Stay 181b, 1896. STATIONS. Weat- - Bait- - i ward. wart. l.!L -- L r a ! a a a ' ' Newport 6 05 10 85 8 80 Buffalo Bridge 6 0819 38 8 27 II f Juniata Furnace . . . 6 1210 42 823 II Wahneta 6 15 1045 820 II 8ylvaa 6 2510 62 816 II Watr Ping 6 22 1101 811 II Bloomfleld Jnnct'n. 6 81,11 09 808 II i Valley Road 6 89 1109 8 00 IB : Blliottaborg 661 1121 T I f Green Park 6 54 1124 7 40 II !. Loyaville 7 06 11 86 8 J Fort Robeson 7 ll'll 4 72 1" Center 7 15 11 46 7 If if : Ciana'a Ron 7 2H1 61 T Anderaonbnrg 7 2711 67 7W IB Blaia .. . 7 36il2 05 7 08 i . Mount Pleasant . . . 7 411211 lf New Germant'n ... 7 46112 166W l; D. 6RINO, Preaident l C. K. Hnuaa, General Ageal. FARQUHAR Variable- - Friction Feod SAl? MILL ana Ijax Center Crank bp IUpM, aocurale, mrong wul lmpl. w "J-JS- ? s"i Hill, ,1 mrnUlr. MLTll -- a A wondcrnil tocww" W.rfTlatlwfajf J ( ' . . ' ', J I j

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Page 1: Juniata sentinel and Republican.. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1899 ...chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86053634/1899-09-06/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · sentinel republican mifflin town. pa. wednesday








M. R. Beashore,J. W. Hostetler.



David K. TJlrich.

The wheat crop in India is 16,500.000 bushels smaller than thatof 1898.

The SDanUb war has given AuierScans a better opinion of the Spaniard than was entertained before tbewar, but at tbe same time it has less-ened his good opinion of the peopleof Cuba and the Philhpiue islands.

COURT PROCEEDINGS.The regular term of Court con Ten

ed on --Vondav, the 4th inst., withJudges Lvods, Swart z and Sterrettupon tbe bench.

Tbe Constables made their quarterlj-- retnrns.

Tbe Grand Jury was called, charged and sworn- -

Constable Unas. AlcUurmick wasappointed to wait upon the GrandJury, and Constables Arnold andDuiqiq vcre appointed to wait upontbe Court.

The constable from Fermanaghtownship, reported the roads in SlimValley in bad shape aud a number ofindex boards down.

Constable from Turbett reportedthe birth of a bastard child, and theconstable from Milford reported index boards missing

Forest tires were reported by theconstables from Delaware and Tus-caror- a

townships. The returns wereplaced in the hands of the DistrictAttorney for investigation.

Willerforce Scbweyer, Esq , filedhis report as auditor in the estate ofJohn B. Woodward, late of Tuscaroratownship, deceased. '

Samuel Lapp was granted a licenseto act as a detective. j

In the estate of Alexander Bogps,deceased, R. H. Patterson, John RVaughan, and Geo. Fleisher, wereappointed appraisers and inquestawarded to value real estate of saiddecedent.

Id the estate of Robert Furner, deceased, appraisers were appointed toeet apart for the widow the propertyof decedent, it not exceeding threehundred dollars in value. ,

v- - af.on petiti-"- "

'quest T was "awarded" to determinewhether or hot Catherine Love iscompos mentis or not. Said inquestto be held Saturday, September 16,1899, in the Orphans Court room.

B. F. Burchfield. Esq, was ap-

pointed guardian ad litem of fiarjand Walter Boggs, minor children ofGilson H. Boggs. deceased.

In the estate of Peter W. Swarte,deceased, return to order of said de-

cedent's real estate made. Said realestate sold to Samuel K. Swartz, for

1,491.Catherine Longacre was appointed

gurdian of Mary Ellen Longacre,minor child of Isaac Longacre, de-

ceased.Geo. L. Hower was appointed guar

dian of George w. stoner, a minorchild of Sarah C. Stoner, deceased.

Dr. W. II. Banks was appointedguardian of Jesse C. and Florence M.McCool. minor children of WilliamMcCool, deceased.

In the estate of William HenryTrout, deceased, appraisers were ap-

pointed to set apart decedents estateto the widow Catherine Trout, saidestate not exceeding three hundreddollars in value.

Iu the estate of Elizabeth Klinger,deceased, a citation was awarded upon John Klinger, o e of the executorsof said decedent, to show cause whyhe should not file his account in saidestate.

Appeal of the directors of the poorof Lancaster county. From an orderof removal of Baldwin Pyle,a pauperfrom the poor district of Monroetownship to the said poor district ofLancaster county, filed in open Court,and John J. Patterson, Jr., was ap-pointed a commissioner to take testi-mony.

B. F. Burchfield, Esq , filed his re-port ah auditor in the estate of JohnAicaael, deceased. He also filed hisreport as auditor in the estate of N.JL OkesoD, deceased.

In the estate of Matthias Gemberl-in- g,

deceased, order for sale of dece-dent's real estate made.

In the estate of Solomon Seiber,late of Delaware township, deceased,order to sell decedent's real estatemade.

Wellington Smitu was appointedguardian of Amos G Storffer, minorchild of Amos Stouffer, deceased.

John Stouffer, as executor of AmosStouffer, deceased, was ruled to showcause why he should not give bond as

uch executor.In the estate of Jacob Frank, late

of tb borough of Patterson, deceasd, petition of Charles Doughman, a

grand son ol said decedent, waa presented, praying tbe Court to order tooe paid to the petitioner certainoione j s which were coming to thepetitioner out of decedent s estate.and which on account of absence ofpetitioner were paid into Court. Aftor being identified to the satisfaction of the Court the money was crtiered to be paid to him.

E. O. Meloy and Jacob Angheywere appointed auditors in .Milfordtownship, the first to fill a vacancycaused by the resignation of CharlesMeloy, and the second to fill a vacancycaused by the death of John A Robi-ao- n.

In the assisrned estate of J. F. Hocksn berry, the assignor was ordered toaMhinMw In tnidaatriffnaa. all oroDsr- -

ty real and personal remaining in his

hands unsold.The directors of the poor of Hunt-ncrd- on

oountv were awarded a raleon the overseers of the poor of Mil- -

ford township, to show cause whysaid township should not pay costs ;

and ehsreres incurred by Huntingdoncounty in taking care of iresaie anaAnnie Carter, who are alleged to oecharges upon Milford poor district.

Subpoena in divorce was awardedin the case of David M. Fogleman vs.Annie B. Fogleman.

A rale was granted upon theschool directors of .Milford township,to show cause why they should notbe removed from office and others beappointed in their stead.

The reason the rule was granted isthat the inhabitants of the northeast-ern end of the township complainedthat they were without properMommodatione for their childr a.

some of whom bad to travel two andone-hal- f miles to the nearest schoolMuddy Run and that the directorshad neglected to provide them theaccommodations tbey beluved theywere entitled to

Upon petition to the Court ofCommon Pleas setting forth the factsJudge Lyons in vacation appoints 1

Wellington Smith, an r ofschools for Milford township, to ascertain tbe facta and report tbem tothe Court.

Mr. Smith ea inspector made anelaborate reoort. finding "that thedirectors of Milford township haverefused, neglected or failed, withoutvalid oaue for such refusal, neglector failure on tbeirpart to provide andmaintain Bmtahle aud adtnuate accommodations for the school childrenof the district of Milford township astbe law r quires

R. W. Patron, Esq , of Lewistown,was admitted to practice in tne several courts of Juniata county.

George L. Hower was appointedguardian of Bertha, Laura, and MaudStonar. mmor children ol oar ahCatherine Stoner.

Commonwealth vs. Chas. T. 8 eber,charge, fornication and bastardy.Prosecutrix. Annie L. Fry. Settledbv the parlies.

Commonwealth vs. John Peck.Charge, assault and battery. Proseeutor, H B Lafferty. Not a truebill and tbe prosecutor sentenced topay tbe ccsts.

Commonwealth vs. uiiam andChas. Carl. CLarc. cutting timberwithout consent of owner. Prostcutor, W. II. Zetf ers Settled by tbeparties.

Commonweal to vs. s P. Itobison.Charge, threats. Prosecutrix, Mrs.8. P. Robison. Settled.

CommonvveaUh vs. Oscar Marsha II

Charge, adultery Prosecutor, PoilpBishop Case continued becausewitnesses for Commonwealth srequarantined on Water street, in tbistown, where diphtheria is prevalent.

Com. vs. AHrt A. Mealman. Charge,trespass and cutting timber on lands ofauotber. Prosecutor Joseph It. Palm.A true bill aud case. Settled.

Com vs. George W. Dobbs. ' Charge,Fornication aud Bastardy, Prosecutrix,Bessie Rambler. Child not belnp horn

thHe was i"" "'

Fornication and bastardy. Prosecutrix; r.Emma George.'-No- t a true bill andcounty to pay the costs. '.

Com. vs. John Watts. Charge, fornication and bastardy. Prosecutor DaisyL. Sliottsberger. A true bill. Benchwarrant issued to bring defendeut intoCourt.

Com. vs Robert Palm. Charge, Larceny of timber. Herbert Meaiman,Prosecutor. Not a true bill and prosecutor to pay the costs.

Com. vs. W. Elmer Harris. Chargenon support of his wife Annie Harris,who was tbe prosecutrix. Tried anddefendant discharged. Costs put uponthe prosecutrix.

Com. vs. A. J. Fisher. Charge, fornication and bastard-- . Prosecutrix MaryE. Burns Settled by the parties.

Com. vs. Clinton Varner. Charge,seduction and fornication and bastardy,Prosecutrix. Jennie Varner. Case continued.

The case that occupied the boardsallafternoou Monday was that of the Comnioiiwealth vs. Augustus Schropp. Mr.

SchroPD was chanted upon ath ofJames 1). Williams with assault audbattery; carrying deadlyweapons, and with wontonly pointinga revolver at the pnsecutor.

From the evidence it seems the de-

fendant and his wife were at one timeon the stage in the cajmcity of actor audactress, i They then became professional musicians and tiring of that driftedinto Juniata county where they are nowfanning and raising poultry. The prosecutor and defendant at tbe time of thetrouble lived neighbors in Fermanaghtownship and had had trouble over thetrespassing of prosecutor's cattle on defendant's land Tbe consequenceswas bad blood between the neighbors.

Tbe defendant and his wife when ontlie staud gave evidence of their stagetraining. Mrs. Schropp was partk--

larly bright and smooth upon the staudand her repartee to questions of Commonwealth counsel on cross examination was entertaining to the audience,who are not often treated to an eloen- -

tionarv entertainment iu the courtroom. The evidence showed defendants had penned up 12 sheep belonging to prosecutor and which were foundtresitassinir on defendant's land. Defendant notified prosecutor to come andset his sheep and pay the damages,When the prosecutor came he demanded six dollars before he would allow thesheep to leave. An altercation followed, and while the evidence was verycontradictory, it was not denied thatdefendant bit tbe prosecutor a stingingblow at the base of his right ear, the de-

fendant contending that he struck theprosecutor while the latter was tryingto get into the stable where tbe sheepwere locked up, and the prosecutorclaiming be was hit while his back wasturned aud he was iu the act of leaving defendant's property in pursuanceof an order to leave. After tbe prosecu-

tor received the blow, he announcedhis intention of whipping the defendant and made an effort to take, off hiscoat, when the defendant drew a revolver, and in tbe language of Mrs.Schropp --flourished it in the ah-,-" butdid not point it at tbe prosecutor, whoImmediately left tbe defendant's property at the sight of the revolver apd afterwards recovered his sheep by writof replevin. Tbe jury found tbe defendant guilty of assault ami battery and

currying concealed deadly weaponsMr. Schropp was sentenced to pay., afine of 910 and the costs of prosecution.

In the estate of Ralph EDobba, lateof Tuscarora township, deceased, orderto sell decedent's real estate granted.

Mary A. Cart vs. J. W. Carl, No. 41,September term, 1899. Feigned issue.Sheriff's interpleader. Settled.

James A. McMullin vs. Sarah BMoore and Benjamin Moore No. 19,

December term, 1896. Assumpsit; Plea"Non Assumpsit." Settled.

John Reader vs. Emanuel Reader,defendant, and Smith Kelley, Garnish-ee, N6. 9, February 'term, 1899. For-eign attachment Assumpsit; Plea;"Non Assumpsit." Settled.

A Soldier's license to hawk, peddleand vendue was granted to W. W.Landis.

Samuel K. Zeiders waa appointed mi-

nority inspector of elections iu Green-wood township to fill vacancy causedby removal from tbe district of LucienW. Wilemaif.

D. W. Beashore waa granted a licenseto peddle.

Reports of viewers laying out a roadin Tuscarora township, beginning at ajoint on public road at Calvin Palm'sland and ending in public road near Irwin McGaughey's house.

The report of .viewers vacating publicroad leading from Mifflin town to GreenLane in Fermanagh township, confirm-ed.

On Tuesday morning the court tookup the case of the Com. vs. James A.McMullin of Lack Twp. McMullinwas charged with attempting to Influence Cyrus Jacobs a grand juror at tbeFebruary term of Court.

At that term of court a case M as pre-

sented to the Grand Jury in which JohnClark of Lack was the prosecutor and aman named Lauigau was the defend-ant.

Juror Jacobs received a letter signedby John Wilson of Lack Twp., urginghim to use his influence with his fel-

low jurors to have the case against I.aii-iga- n

ignored and the costs put upon tbeprosecutor.

Mr. Jacobs called the attention of thecourt to tbe letter. An investigationwas instituted. John Wilson whosename was signed to the letter, deniedthat he wrote it, claimed it was a forg- -

ery and bad McMullin arrested chargedwitn emnracery ana iorRery. i w wiiw iicseis wiu oe soici aunng ine con-were

framed and the grand jury at the I tinuanee of the Exposition and wi!lApril term found true bills in both cases.

The commonwealth put up a strongcaxe against McMullin although it wasentirely circumstantial and the defenseonsited almost entirely in an attempt

to show that the defendant McMullinwas unable to write. The case wentto the jury on this Wednesday morn-ing.

At 2.30 p m., the jury rendered averdict, "not guilty, but pay tbe costs."

The Sheriff's deeds were acknowledged.

Court has adjourue d.


person Ess some special fac- -

ultppwnlch if properly.

developed. will- rt A 1 L 1.oome pronciem in mat tugmiuu.

Hm not God given a talent or taints to everyone? Unto one he gave

five talents, to another two. and toanother one; "Ti fvery man accord- -

ins to his several ability. God bascreated every person for some pur- -

pose, but woe to tbem who bnrytheir talent or talents in idleness.

In my travels I bad an opportunity to speak with a man, which sug-gested' the above title. Hearing ofhim among some of his neighbors Iwent to see him one evening. Hegreeted me very friendly and invitedme in By bis appearance one wouiasuppose him to be among those whoseem to be unnoticed in tbe wona.He lives all alone, being a bachelor,in a large stone house. Entering thehouse I found no carpet on tbe floor,but to my surprise tbe one side ofthe room was almost filled from floorto ceiling with books, magazines andpapers. He is a graduate in civil en-

gineering from one of the colleges inPhiladelphia, and served as a navalofficer for many years, but now livesa retired life.

Any literary man would enjoyspending hours inspecting the var-ious old books. Some dated fromthe ninth century and the most pop-ular magazines in print with othersnow almost unknown all carefullyarranged and preserved. In otherrooms be showed me many ol nisoldest books, which be had btoredsway. On the floors of these roomswere numerous daily and weekly pa-

pers neatly arranged from the datereceived. Some of these papers areso old that time has faded the printalmost beyond one's power to readthem. Having spent some time inshowing one bis collection of booksand papers, I enquired about hismanner of living, since his appearanoe showed signs of delicate health.We then entered another roomwhere I was shown enoagh cannedfruit to last any ordinary familymany years. By this I knew hisprincipal diet was fruit. He attendsbis own garden, does bis own noosework, which some women would beashamed to compete with only fortbe want of carpet, and cans most ofhis fruit

In education and knowledge of alltbe great modern subjects in life, heis equal to many ol our great men.His conversation is very forcible aodglows with power of clearness in theexplanation of any difficult subject.With all bis education and weaun neseems to be satisfied that it was allgiven for self gratification and makesno effort to use it lor tbe beneni otmankind. I questioned him as tothe responsibility resting upon oneso talented, bat be gave me no satis-factory answer 'and cared little tospeak further of it.

As I left this man the parable ofthe talents given by Christ in thetwenty-fift- h chapter of Matthew flash- -

ea across my mina.In such thought and prayerful

meditation I send tbis little description forth on its message of warningto some wayfaring man, who may befollowing tbe example of this man.

Sketches bt thi Wat.

TO CALIFORNIAVIA THE MIDLAND ROUTE.Every Friday night tt 10 35 p. m ,

a through Tourist Oar for San Francisco, carrying first and second-cls-st

Dassengers, leaves tbe Cbicairo. Mil'waukee & St Paul Paul RailwayUnion passenger Station, Chicago,

via Omaha, Colorado Springs aodSalt Lake City (with stop-ov- er priv-ileges at Salt Lake City), for allpoints in Colorado. DUD, jnevaaaand Califoruia.

The Tourist Car berth rata fromChicago to San Francisco is only$6.00, and the sleeping car berthsshould be reserved a few days in advanoe of departure of train.

Through tickets and sleeping caraccommodations can be secured fromany agent in the east or by applyingat the Chicago. Milwaukee St St.Paul Depot or City Ticket Offices inChicago.

Send for our free illustrated Cali-

fornia folders. Address Geo. H.Heafford, General Passenger Agent,Chicago. Ill . or John R. Pott, District Passenger Agent, Williamsport,Pa.




The National Export Exposition,which opens at Philadelphia on September 14 and continues until November 30. will be the most interesting and important event occurring inPhiladelphia since the CentennialExhibition of 1876. In addition toits valuable commercial exhibits itwill present many features oi popu-lar interest and amusement TbeUnited 8tates Marine Band, Sousa'sBand, tbe Banda Rosss, Iones' Band,Damrosch's Orchestra, and other cel.ebrated bands will furnish music al-

ternately, and a Midway Plaisauce,equal if not superior to the famousWorlds Fair Midway at Chicago,and comprising a Chinese village,a Chinese Theatre, acrobats and ens.touts; an Oriental Village, LondonGhost Show, Hagenbeck's Wild Aniroal Show, Barney Castle, and manyother unique presentations, 'willfurnish abundant and diversifiedamusement. Arrangements bave al-

so been made for Mandolin, Gnitar,and Bar jo Concerts, and for a grandchorus from the German singing so-

cieties.For this occasion tbe Pennsylvania

Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets from all points on itsline to Philadelphia and return, atrate of fare and a third for tbe roundtrip plus price of admission. These

be good for return passage until No-

vember 30.For ppecifie rates and additional

information apply to nearest ticketageut- - sl5.


t Ttitittltt One Mnn More A boatHorse M II r Klew Before.

This Cass avenue tvs!d-i:- knowsAttout as uilicb of horses as he loes ofthe technic of tlcr limninj-- . but afew weeks axo lie paid jt'.tlO for a ?100horse and since lliat lias looked uponbiuiself as nn equine authority. Sun-day afternoou fcs ."iis iu the luiy win-dow cnjo.vlu;; his morning paper and aclpar. Hearing a cllekety-cllckety-clic- k

on the asphalt, be looked out.glared, dropped bis tapcr and eye-glasses and dashed out as though hewere going to pull a lira alarm.

. "HI. there! Stop, that teemr heshouted. "Halt!" And all tbe prome-nade- rs

on tbe block obeyed, but tbehorse trotted along. "Ten dollars totbe man who brings me that horsedead or alive!" whooped the cltlsen,now too much excited to be lucid."That Infernal liveryman bas hiredhim out, and me paying tbe highestprice for his keep. I'll show blra! Tendollars. Head or alive." In Itlcuard IIIvoice, "for that horse!"

A lusty bicycler grasped tbe situationand two minutes later bad caught thebit of tbe bone. Tbe man In tbe buggyprotested, swore and threatened, butthe grinning wheelman trotted thewhole outfit back to the excited cltiaen.

"Unhitch blmr he shouted. "Home-body will pay big money for this! Calla patrol wagon. What's your name!"

Then tbe cltiaen turned pale andgasped:

"Three white feet! My horse bas buttwo, and he's smaller. My mistake,gentlemen and ladles," for there was acrowd now. "Beg pardon." And hestarted for the house.

But tbe man In the buggy Jumped upand wanted to flght. Tbe bicyclist de-

manded bis $10, aud the crowd Jeered.A policeman came In time to referee.Tbe wheelman got his $10, the realowner of the horse accepted a humbleapology, and the liveryman raised theboard tbe next day. Detroit FreePress.


Tfeo Corloos Seats Tbat The Imaje-fto- vo

Ineoets Coooiraet.A curious species of Insect Is the

trapdoor spider, whose uest consists ofa tube excavated in the earth to thedepth of six or eight Inches. It Is al-

ways lined with silk, and it Is cloaedwith an ingeniously constructed door.One sort of door closes Into the nestlike a cork In a bottle, another Is asthin as a piece of paper.

In all cases tbe door opens outward,and when tbe nest is placed, as It usu;ally Is, on a sloping bank. It opens up-ward, so that there Is no fear of itsgaping. The object of the trapdoor Isto conceal the nest, and consequentlyIt Is always made to resemble the gen-

eral surface of tbe ground. Sometimes,however, sn enemy attempts to openthe door, and then the Inmate bracesIts legs against the sides of the nestand holds It as fast as possible.

Still other spiders have Inner doorsbesides outer, so tbat If their first de-fense be carried they may have anoth-er behind which to retreat. More cari-ous still Is the Ingenuity of tbe branchtrapdoor-th- at Is to say, a door tbatopens from tbe main tunnel of thenest Into a side branch, which tbestranger could discover, since there isnothing to distinguish It from any oth-er part of the main nest. So, then. Ifan enemy should effect an entrancethe lawful occupant of the nest canquietly slip Into the side branch, close'tbe door and there remain In securitywhile the Intruder wonders what hasbecome of ber. Our Animal Friends.

Tsmt ThrsBras: fleaelacheWould qnlckly leave yon, il tou ased

Dr. Kiss's New LU e Pil'n . Thousands ofsufferers bave proved their matchless meritfor Sick and Nervous Headaches. Taeymake pore blood and tronr nerves aodbuild np your health. Easy to take. Trytbem. Only 26c, Money back if noteared. Sold by M. P. Crawford, Druggist.



September 7 and SI and October,S and 19 are the dates of the remain--

ig Pennsylvania Railroad popularten day excursions to Niagara Fallsfrom Philadelphia, Baltimore and

Washington, and intermediate points.return... Mxmlar train, exclo- -

days, will no soiu v"-- "B". . . u. WaahinifrTnXpoinor-tn-


vi; $1125 from$9.60 fromJ?8Anbury and

namsuuxg,WUkesberre; 5 75 from

Waiiamsport; and at proportionaterates from other points. A stop

will be allowed st Buffalo Roch-

ester. tOanandaigna, and Watkinawithin tbe limit returning.

A special train u- 7 l ;il tut ranears sua aay ooauuoo

with each excursion. An extra chargewill be made for parlor car seats.

:A tnnriat amnt andchaperon will accompany eachexcur- -

. . . j- - 4; in tho Thnn

sand Islands (Alexandria Bay) will beSOia irom xiwwmww -

... - ai.mlar 7 anaWlin exeurniuuo wi j" -

. .i TT .L nnl ,,W Kl21, good to return wCansndaigaa via Syracuse within five

a. f k cn

Tickets for a side trip to Toronto:n ..M t Niagara Falls for VI.

WSSa ww r--

00 on September 23. In connectionit. t KantamhAr 7. tlCfc'

ets will be sold to Toronto and re-tur-

at reduced rates account Toronto Fair.

t.. ntiamnblnta civinir full information and hotels, and for time ofconnecting trains, apply to nearest

- . -- AAw Ann. Wlicaet age" w

Agent, Broad Street Station, Phila-delphia. 5.

Could not express the rapture of Aaaiav. Swineer. at 1125 Howard strM, Philadelphia, Pa., when aba found uiu ir.King's Sew viscevery ior uvHinnhad completely cared ber of a hackingcoDgn last lor aiany yean uoa uwoburden. All other remedies and doctorsconld give ber no help, bat she mts of thisRoyal Care "It soon removea mo poia inmv chest and I can now sleep aoandly,something I can scarcely remember doingbefore. I feel like sounding Hs.praiaeathroughout tbe Universe." 80 will everyone who tries Or. King's New Discoverytor any trouble of the Throat, Chest orLang. Price 50c slid si. Trial aotuesfree at V. P. Crawford' Drug Store; everybottle guaranteed.

A CAT THAT FISHES.The editor has a black tabby cat,

that is a rarety in the feline family.Upon a number of occasions the editor and members of his family,found large cat-fis- h near tbe pig stye,where tabby has a family of joungkittens At first tbe supposition onour part was tbat the cat bad stolenthe fish from some of tbe neighbors,but diligent inquiry failed to giveus any light on tbe subject, while tbefrequency of tbe occurence led us tothe conclusion that she caught thefish by some means or other, andwhen on Monday morning we foundcat and kittens regaling, themselvesoS a large green bull-fro- g, we weremore convinced than ever, that ourtheory was correct. We at oncemade inquiry and learned fromCharles I Miller that he frequentlyssw a black cat up at the old basin,which is beta? filled no and whichcontains a number of fish. .There isno donbt bat that puss sits on thebank and watches until a fish comesout in the shallow water, when shepounces down on it and carries ithome to her little family. Selins- -

grove Tribane.

the GraveA itartlint Incident, ot which Mr. Jon

Oliver, of Philadelphia, was the subject, isnarrated by him aa follows: I waa in amoat dread'fa condition. My akin waa aLsut yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated,paia contios lly in back and sides, noappe-it-

e cradually growing weaker dayby day. Three physicians bad given menp. Portnnately, a friend advised tryingKlec'ric Bitters. aad to my great joy aad

surprise, the first bottle a decided improvement. I continued their naa Tor threeweeks, and am aew a well man. I knowtbey saved my life, aad robbed the graveof another victim." No one should fail totry tbem Only 60c, guaranteed, at M. P.Crawfori's Drag Store.


MIFFLINTOWN. SEP. 6, 1899W beat . ..... ..... new sac, old 66Corn in ear 40Oats, new 20Rv ... 15Ck" tirseod . .... .... .. $2 toS2.60Batter 16Egg 14Ham 10Shoulder............ 13Lard. ........ . ...Sides 7Timothv seed........ 61.40Flaxseed 00Bran. ......... ......... cvChop, ....86c to 90cMiddlinga 90Ground lu n Bait.... 76AmericanSalt.... .. ......... 60c

Philadelphia Markets,September 2, 1899.

Wheat 72c: Corn 36c; Oats 28c;Live chickens 7 to 12c; eggs 16cts;butter 13 to 22c; potatoes SOcts a b.;sweet potatoes 25 to 30c ts a basket;Pennsylvania tobacco fillers 8 to 12c--14 to 18c; wrappers 40 to 60cte;Pennsylvania wool 2G to 30cte; broomcorn 4 to 7c; coffee 9 to 21c a lb.


Mobaritt. On the 2nd inst, atthe home of her grand parents Mr.and Mrs. A. B. Fame, AnnaMorarity.aged 5 years of diphtheria. Intermentin tbe Presbyterian cemeterv onSunday.

Swales On the 31st ult , at Alexico, Mrs. Swales, sged 69' years, ofconsumption and dropsy.

Swabtx On the 30th ult, in Mil-

ford township, Mrs. Wm. Swsrlz, ag-

ed 44 years, 4 months and 10 days,of consumption. A husband and 4children survive the seemingly un-

timely taking away of the mother.



NotU is herebv (riven that the lotlowinn account has been filed in tbeProthonotary's Office of Juniata eoun-t- v.

and the same will be presented torconfirmation and allowance to tbeCourt of Common Pleas or said county,on Tuesday the 19th day of September,A. D.r 1899, when and where all per-sons interested may attend if theythink proper:

Ttu first and final account of C WGraybill and 8. S. GraybUI, ajalgneesin trust for the benefit of the creditorsof C. S-- Graybill or Monroe township.

W. H. Zstdbrs.Prothonotary's Office, ProtbonotaryMifflintown, Pa.

Aug 19, 1899.


K. arises. J-V-, -



OmoO-- Mala street. ta f!adeaeeofLonlsB. JTSmBridge street.

aad Ooaveyaactag prowf

y attended to.

WILBERFOKCE BnWBTeS.Attorney-t-L- w.

aarCollectionB and all legal busi

ness promptly attended to.nmiaP

OFFICE IN CUUttT nwoMxaAWfoa,.aAawnt stxaawroa.

TXB. D. at. OBAWroiui ,

have formed a I-- fof Medicine aodOffice at ow siana, our -

atlffllntowa, Pa. One or Dots" tbenTwUI be found at their office at an

nines, unless otherwise proreionlly en-

gaged.April 1st. 1896.


PatACTICAIj DEWTIST.Graduate of the Philadelphia Dental

College. Offioe at old established lo-

cation, Bridge Street, opposite CourtHouse, Jtfifiuntown, Pa.

35- - Crown and Bridge work;Painless Extraction.

All work guaranteed.


Schednle in Effect May 21,1899.

WESTWARD.Wav Passenger, leaves Philadelphia

st 4 80 a. m; Harrisburg 8 00 a. m;Duncannon 8 So a. m; New Port 9 05a. in; Millerstown l a. m; uurwom9 21 a. m; ThompHontown 9 26 a. m;Van Dvke 33 a. m; Tuscarora 9 36 a.m; Mexico 9 40 a. m; Port Royal 9 44 a.in- - Mifflin 9 50 a. m: Deubolm 9 53 a.m: Lewistown 10 13 a. in; McVeytown10 38 a. ra; Newton Hamilton 11 00 a.

t iTnin,, 11 nft a. tti : Huntine- -

don 11 32 p. m; Tyrone 12 20 p. m; Al-too- na

1 00 p. m: Pittsburg S SO p. m.Mail leaves Philadelphia at 7 00 a. in;

Harrisburg at 11 4 a. ra; Aiimiu 1 11

m; Iewistown 1 30 p. m; Hunting-o- n

2 29 p. m; Tyrone 3. 12 p. m; Al-too-

3 4.1 n. m: Pittsbunr 8 40 p. m.Altoona Accommodation leaves Har

risburg at 5 00 p. m; Duncannon o 34p. m; Newport 6 02 p. m; Millerstown6 11 p. in; Thompsoiitown 6 21 p. m;Tuscarora 6 30 p. m: Mexi-- 6 38 p. m;Port Royal 6 38 p. m; Mifflin 6 43 p. m;Deubolm 6 49 p. iu; Lewistown 7 07 p.m; McVevtown 7 30 p. m; NewtonHamilton 7 50 Tt. m: Huntingdon 8 20p. n Tyrone 9 02 p. m; Altoona 9 35p. m.

Pacific Express leaves Philadelphiaat 11 20 p. m; Harrisburg ai a w a. m.MaryHville 3 14 . ni. Duiicatinon 3 29a. m. Newport 3 52 a m. Port Royal4 25 a. ni. Miftiin 4.80 a. m. Lewistown4 52 a in. Newton Haniiltou 5 33 a. in.Huntingdon 6 03 a. m. Petersburg 6 19a. m. Tvntne6 52 a. m. Altoona "40 a.m. Pittsburg 12 10 a. ni.

Ovster Express leaves Philadelphiaat 435 p, ra. Harrisburg at 10 20 p. m.Newport 11 0f p. in. Mifflin 11 40 p. m.Lewistown 11 08 p. m.; Huntingdon 1255 a. ra. Tyrone 1 32 a. ni. Altoona 2 00a. in. Pittsburg 5 30 a. m.

Fast Line leaves Philadelphia at 1225 p. m. Harrisburg 3 45 p. ni. Duncan-no- n

4 10 p. m. Newport 4 30 p. m. Mif-flin 5 02 p. m. Lewistown 5 22 p. m.Mount Union 6 03 p. m. Huutingdou6. 22 p. m. Tyrone 6 59 p. m. Altoona7 35 p. m. Pittsburg 11 30 p. m. --

EASTWARD.Altoona Accommodation leaves Al-

toona at 4 40 a. m. Tyrone 5 01 a. m.Petersburg o 25 a. in. Huntingdon 5 37a. in. Newton Hamilton 6 01 a. m. Mc-Veytown 6 17 a. ni. lewistown 6 38 a.ra. Mifflin 6 58 a. ni. Port Royal 7 02 a.m. Tbompsoutown 7 17 a. m. Millers-town 7 26 a. ni. Newport 7 85 a. ni.Duncannon 8 00 a. m. Harrisburg 8 32a. iu.

Sea Sliore leaves Pittsburg at 2 50 a.m. Altoona 7 15 a. m. Tvronc 7 48 a. m.Huntingdon 8 SO a. m. McVeytown 9 15a. 111. Ijewistown 9 35 a. m. Mifflin 955

n, i. 1 ...-.-, 1 ft id ... 'riw.t.i , ...' . . It . ..III . . i .1.1luwn iu n n. 111. .iiiiierstow 11 iu a.ni. Newport 1132 a. ni. Duncannon 1054 a. 111. Marysville 11 07 a. m. Harrisburg 11 25 a.m. Philadelphia 3 00 p. ra.

Main Line Express leaves Pittsburgat 8 00 a. 111. Altoona 11 40 a. ni. Tyrone12 03 p. 111. Huntingdon 12 35 p. m.Lewistown 1 33 p. m. Mifflin 1 50 p. m.Harrisburg 8 10 p. m. Baltimore 6 00 p.m. Washington 7 15 p. in. Philadelphia6 23 p. ni.

ail leaves Altoona at 'l 0o p. m. Ty-rone 235 p. ni. Huntingdon 3 17 p. m.Newton Hamilton 3 47 p. in. McVey-town 4 20 p. ni. Ijewistown 4 33 p.

4 55 p. 111. Port Royal 5 00 p. m.Mexico 5 20 p. m. Thompsontowii 5 18

rm. Millerstowii 5 28 p. ni. Newportp. m. Duncannon 6 08 p. m. Har-

risburg 6 45 p. m.Mail Express leaves Pittsburg at 12 45

p. m. Altoona 5 50 p. ni- - Tyrone 6 20p. m. Huntingdon 7 00 p. 111. KcVey-tow- n

7 44 p. 111. 1ewistown 8 06 p. m.Mifflin 8 26 p. m. Port Royal 8 31 p m.Millerstown 8 57 p. m. Newport 9 05 p.m. Duncaunon 9 29 p. ra. Harrisburg10 00 p m.

Philadelphia Express leaves Pitts-burg at 4 80 p. ra. Altoona 9 05 n. m.Tyrone 9 83 p. m. Huutingdou 10 12 p.iu. Mount Union 10 32 p. m. Lewis-tow- n

11 16 p. m. Afittiin n 37 p.m. Har-risburg 1 00 a. m. Philadelphia 4 80.

At Lewistown Junction. For Sun-bur- y7 50 a. m. and 3 40 p. ra. week-

days.or Jniroy 1 So, 11 45 a. m. and 3 00

p. ra week-day- s.

At Tyrone. For Clearfield and Cur-wensvi-lle

8 20 a. m. 3 20 and 7 20 p. m.week-day- s. .

For Bellefonte and Ib llava. m. 12 30 aud 7 15 p. ra. week-day- s.

For further informatum annlvTicket Agents, or Thomas E. Watt.rassenger Agent, Western Division.Corner Fifth Avmiw Sn.irt.AiJStreet, Pittsburg.J.li.HUl;HIJNHON, J. R. WOOD,ueuvrai Mn g r. uenerai fass'r Agt.


rawmoa "eed

MUtt mmt m.m. ... JT--f r

nasv sn Mm ix 1 ttih r,,., , , .

..AicAgce,l.d SO YEARS

axilla1 ITnaoc Ma am a

hvamkm la srokaMr Mtwitable. rotnaanicZUom Mrictlr maitaaUIIuKibnnk an eSSSly.ft V2' afmT tor mmnng pmtMullr

Sctntic JirtiiciaAlulimiilf SI liSrt w My. l.nwikU( mi irnmin ymramL rSSTm

1 1 n. ""tZrsT,

New Stock of

AT ' h

0 0 0 0

Spring Clothing


JKIeyers, Big Stores,

Men's and Boy's New Spring Suits,

These Hen's suits are triclly all wool and we have them in all tu,and we bave them in single and double breasted at $4 C2. Now mfall into line and secure one of these Pine Imported Dregs SniU, inall shades and colors, and made perfect to equal merchant tailorprices. Wortfc $18, for only $12. These Frock and Sack 8aitshave them in nil sizes and styles, snd we guarantee to give you a per.

feet fit at $6.50. Ton can take yourpick and fit from 372 fine dransoils, which are made in Sacks and Cutaways, we have them in allshades. Suits worth $12 we sell now at $8.75. We start tbe lWidepartment from $1 87 to $8.50. The assortment includes hundrediof doable and single breasted suits. Many of these suits being an

wool and they are all in the LATEST 8PRINO PATTERNS in

brown, plaids, checks and plain colors. These are all well made andtrimmed, and run in age from 10 to 19. Immense assortment to

select from.

Our Children's Department.The largest display of Boys' pants in Juniata County, and they are

all made of strong material. The sizes run from 3 to 16, and sell

from 18c. to 50c. 300 Children's Suits, sizes from 3 to 16, at 90b.

265 splended Vested Suits, at $1.25, would be cheap at tbe regularprice of $2. 567 Children's Suite, in Double Breasted and otherstyles. Tour choice at $2 38. 375 Children's Suits, this is a grandline strictly, ell wool, Double Breasted at $3 88, whioh should be 5.

A grand new line of Spring Hate and Caps and Gents Frni thing Good, of the greatest vslues ever offered, A car load

of Trunks snd Satchels at low prices.

FUB1MITURE.Themoet marvelous showing of up to date Furniture ever attemp-

ted. Everything new in design, no old stock Nothing but tbe very

best makes by the best manufacturers with such forsightedness that

we o ffer "Beautiful Furniture at just ote half the regular value.

We just received end unpacked the grandest design of new and

upon date Furniture. Our three floors are packed to the utmost e-

xtent for your inspection. A grand select ion of Parlor SuHp, Fphol.

tered Rockets. Conches, Lonnges, Sofas, Extension Tables. Hall Backi,

Side Boards, Bed Room Suits in numerous styles. Office, Dining Room

and Kitchen Chairs, Spring Mattresses, Cote, Cribs and Cradles. In

fact everything kept in a first class Furniture store.

Ferd Meyers,TnBOarora Valley Railroad.





A. M. P. M.

Blair's Mills Lv. 7 25 I 45Waterloo. 7 31 1 51Leonard' Grove 7 37 1 57Ross Farm 7 45 2 05Perulack 7 52 2 12East Waterford 8 05 2 25Heckman 8 17 2 37Honey Grove. 8222 42FortBigham 8 302 50Wsrble 8 39 2 59Pleasant View 844304Seven Pines 8 52 3 12Spruce Hill 8 55 3 15Graham's 9 03 3 23Stewart 9 063 26Freedom 9 093 29Turbett 9 12 3 32Old Port 9 18 3 38Port Royal. . . ; Ar. 9 25 3 45

Tratni Nos. 1 aad 2 connect at Port Royalwith Way Paaseajrer aad Seashore Expresson P. S. R., aad Noa. aad 4 with Mail east


8STATIONS. a3 No.2Na4


A. M. IP. M.Port Koyal 0.0 10 205 05Old Port 1.3 10 2715 12Turbett 2.8 10 335 18Freedom. 3.7 10 36i5 21Stewart 4.4 10 39 5 24Graham's. 5.0 10 42 27Spruce Hill 6.3 10 50 35Seven Pines..... .'. 7.2 10 53 38Pleasant View 9.0 11 01 5 46Warble. 10.0 11 06 51Fort Bigham. ...... 12.0 11 15 6 00Honey Grove... 14.0 11 23 6 08necennan.. 15.1 11 28 6 13East Waterford!"..! 17.5 11 6 25Pernlaek 20.5 11 63 6 38Boas Farm. 22.0 12 00 6 45Leonard's Grove!!! 24.0 12 08 6 53Waterloo.. 25.6112 6 59niaws Mills. A. 27.0 12 20 7 05

T..I. . W m . .-j-- " 77-,"T-B coe M Blair's

Yalta aa RK .7 . . "- --- oii, j.inea.



eaa yaiai oi:

KOCMIO MKO. CO Chleaco, 111.

Sara.L7S. lallli . sjs

0 () () 00

115 ami 117,

Bridge Street.



Tbe following acbedale went Into efftd

Nov. 18, 1896, aad tbe traiM will be mafoUows-- -

ibl a. m Leave Arrive LifiIt 9 00" Daacaanoa 7 64 1 S4S8 908 llDf Mill 7 41 IS4 89 909 Snlphnr Sprlogi 7 4 IUS41 9 11 CormanSidins 7 41 1114 46 9 14 Montebello Park 7 41 2I4 46 916 Weaver 7 40 ! II4 61 9 19 Roddy 7M !H4 64 922 Hoffman In III4 66 9 24 Rover 711 2

4 69 9 2T Hthannv 7 28 209

6 10 10 43 Bloomfleld 7 23 1 41

6 16 9 49 Treacle 7 09 IM6 21 9 64 Nellnon 7 04 111

6 24 9 67 Dum'e 7 01 1

6 27 10 06 Klliolnbnrg 616 IS6 82 10 07 BerDbeial'i 611 IX6 84 1017 Groon Pwk 6 48 111

6 87 10 80 HoDtnur June (!) Ill6 02 10 36 Laodisbnrf 6 28 I M

p. m a. m Arrive Leave a. f B

Traia leave Bloomfleld at .6I a. ,and arrive! at Landiabnrg at 6.21 a. aTrain leaves Landiabnrg at 6.08 p. mn miarrive at Bloomfleld at 6.40 p. m.

All sUtiona marked () are flag aUtieii,at wtalcfc traiaa will come to a lull atop


Csas. H. SaiLSf, 8. B. Bags,PreeideBt. SbbU

AND SHBRMAN'S TALNEWPORT Company. Timeof naaarnirer train, in effect 00 MofAtTi

Stay 181b, 1896.

STATIONS. Weat- - Bait-- i

ward. wart.

l.!L --L

r a ! a a a ' '

Newport 6 05 10 85 8 80

Buffalo Bridge 6 0819 38 8 27 II fJuniata Furnace . . . 6 1210 42 823 IIWahneta 6 15 1045 820 II8ylvaa 6 2510 62 816 IIWatr Ping 6 22 1101 811 IIBloomfleld Jnnct'n. 6 81,11 09 808 II i

Valley Road 6 89 1109 8 00 IB :

Blliottaborg 661 1121 T I f

Green Park 6 54 1124 7 40 II !.Loyaville 7 06 11 86 8 JFort Robeson 7 ll'll 4 72 1"Center 7 15 11 46 7 If if :

Ciana'a Ron 7 2H1 61 T

Anderaonbnrg 7 2711 67 7 W IBBlaia .. . 7 36il2 05 7 08 i .

Mount Pleasant . . . 7 411211 lfNew Germant'n ... 7 46112 166W l;D. 6RINO, Preaident l

C. K. Hnuaa, General Ageal.

FARQUHARVariable- - Friction Feod

SAl? MILLana

Ijax Center Crank bpIUpM, aocurale, mrong wul lmpl.

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