junior membership program handbook v8

Junior Membership Program Handbook Created by Shawn J. Flanagan, MEd, EMTP for Newark-Arcadia Volunteer Ambulance in 2007 Version 8, prepared February, 2013

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Junior Membership Program Handbook

Created by Shawn J. Flanagan, MEd, EMTP for Newark-Arcadia Volunteer Ambulance in 2007

Version 8, prepared February, 2013


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I. Philosophy The Newark EMS Junior Member is a critical part of the future of Newark EMS. This program was enhanced to better introduce interested young people to the rewards and opportunities available to EMS providers: professional and volunteer. By using discussions, activities, drills, learning exercises, team building workshops, and EMS experience, the NEWARK EMS Junior Membership program seeks to: -encourage interest in EMS -educate young people in the realities and rewards of public service -engage in the national pursuit of volunteerism among our youth -evolve Newark EMS with the changing needs of EMS in the 21st Century As volunteers, the membership of Newark EMS is committed to its dedication to serve the public in times of need. The foundation of all volunteer organizations is also based on strong senses of belonging and friendship. Many volunteers also characterize their membership as being one of enjoyment and so, the Newark EMS Junior Membership program dedicates itself to being an institution of learning and experiential growth and of enjoyable community sense for the development of new and lasting friendships.

II. Training Paperwork A.) This handbook is considered a supplement to the Standard Operating Guidelines (SOGs) of Newark-Arcadia Volunteer Ambulance, Inc./Newark-Arcadia Emergency Medical Services (Newark EMS) - as Junior Members, familiarity with the SOGs is essential

– full knowledge and understanding of the SOGs is not expected as part of the experiential exercises will involve explorations of the SOGs -Junior Members should be familiar with the NEWARK EMS Training Manual

B.) Required Forms are always available in the Training/Meeting Room and are maintained by the Junior Membership Program -Junior Members are encouraged to carry forms with them, in their binders or folders at all times for record tracking purposes

-the following forms are to be completed during training activities: Junior Member Shift Log Sheets Junior Membership Hours/Points Tracking Sheets Learning Achievements Workbook

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III. Positions This handbook details the positions essential to the Junior Membership program. Refer to the By-Laws, Standard Operating Guidelines, the Junior Membership Rank and Promotion Workbook, and the Newark EMS Training Manual for a complete listing of positions within the organization

A.) Junior Membership Supervisor Requirements:

-appointed by the Chief of E.M.S. -Have been a Cleared Crew Chief or Driver at Newark EMS for a minimum of 6

months -be a Field Training Officer -exceptions can be granted for individuals with extensive educational

background subject to the approval of the Training Department

Responsibilities -Maintain Crew Chief, Driver, and FTO requirements and responsibilities -Plan and execute Junior Membership Activities and Meetings -Be available to Junior Members for guidance, shift work, calls and experience -Make themselves available for Junior Membership Service and Activities

Rank Insignia -may wear a rank insignia of Command Sergeant Major

B.) Junior Member Initiate Requirements:

-Be 14 years of age -Have parental permission -Attend ALL Junior Membership functions unless excused -Maintain acceptable academic standards to the satisfaction of the Junior Membership Supervisor

Responsibilities: -Maintain and Complete appropriate paperwork for progression to clearance as a Junior Member -Work towards clearance as a Junior Member by completion of the Big Brother/Big Sister Pre-Requisite Checklist for Junior Members - the Junior Membership Supervisor, or their designee, and Junior Members with 2nd Accolades may serve as the Big Brother/Big Sisters -Initiate work may be completed in a group setting by the Master Junior Member Supervisor or individually with an assigned Big Brother/Sister

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C.) Junior Member Requirements:

-have been an active Junior Member Initiate for at least six months -have attended 85% of Junior Membership meetings -have earned an average of 20 points on Uniform Checks -have earned 200 points in the program -completed: 1.) BLS for the Healthcare Professional 2.) First Aid 3.) NIMS 700 4.) Bloodborne Pathogens, HIPAA, and other Workplace Trainings as

required by the Training Department -completed the Clearance Learning Achievement

Responsibilities: -Maintain and Complete paperwork for Junior Member Program -Accept and become familiar with the SOGs of NEWARK EMS -Complete eighteen (18) hours /month or fifty-four (54) hours/quarter

-Attend duty shifts and Junior Membership Activities -Accept and operate under direction and discretion of the FTOs

D.) Junior Member Leader refer to the Rank and Promotion Workbook

E.) Head Junior Member refer to the Rank and Promotion Workbook

IV. Uniforms and Equipment A.) All Junior Members are required to wear their uniform during: -any scheduled shift, prime or back-up, aboard the ambulance -any public or base oriented Junior Membership Activities -unless waived by the Junior Membership Supervisor -any event where uniform wear has been requested by the Chief of E.M.S. or the Junior Membership Supervisor

B.) No Junior Member may wear their uniform outside of Newark EMS activities unless the Junior Membership Supervisor or the Chief of E.M.S. has given permission

-the identification tag is considered part of the uniform and should not be used or displayed when not authorized -items purchased by Junior Members and clearly indicate them as Junior Members may be worn independent of these requirements

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C.) Uniform 1.) Shirt - Newark EMS issued white with navy blue epaulets uniform shirt -NEWARK EMS patch on the left shoulder -nothing may be worn on the right shoulder except a NYS CFR patch

2.) Pants – navy blue pants -jeans are not permitted (unless awaiting pants ordering) -NEWARK EMS will provide one (1) pair of navy blue EMS style pants

3.) Footwear –black shoes or boots are required -open toe shoes, sneakers, and skater shoes are not allowed -shoes must be supportive in nature -black or navy blue crew socks will be worn covering ankles and legs

4.) ID Tag – Newark EMS issued ID Tag must be worn while in uniform -attached to the right shoulder epaulet

5.) Coat – Newark EMS issued coats will be provided for duty shifts

6.) Newark EMS will provide a Junior Member’s ID Tag, shirt, pants, patches, and coat (for wear on duty shifts only) -Junior Members should be prepared to supply their own footwear -a black belt, and a watch are strongly suggested but not provided by Newark EMS -Junior Members who cannot supply any part of their uniform components

should see the Junior Membership Supervisor for guidance

7.) Collar Rank Insignia and other adornments -Junior Members may only wear rank insignia as earned and issued by the Junior Membership Supervisor -Accolade pins and Learning Achievement ribbons are worn on the left side of the

shirt, above the pocket epaulet -no badges may be worn by Junior Members

-any jewelry worn may not be “dangling” in nature -if earrings are worn, only one per ear are allowed -no facial piercings are permitted while in uniform

D.) Equipment -Junior Members will be issued a Junior Membership Folder and a door entry fob on admission -Junior Members can be issued other equipment at the discretion of the Junior Membership Supervisor -Issued equipment may be checked by FTOs at any time -Issued equipment may be taken from any Junior Member at any time by the Junior Membership Supervisor or their designee

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V. Membership Maintenance A.) All Junior Members are required to maintain the 54 hours/3 months, minimum 6 hours per month. This can be achieved by: -working primary or back-up duty shifts -attending Junior Membership meetings and evolutions -attending General Membership meetings and meetings of the Board of Directors -engaging in service to the Agency (i.e. cleaning, babysitting, marches) -participating in Junior Membership Activities -completing take-home projects / reading CME articles -attending classes at Newark EMS or as offered by other agencies -participating in general Newark EMS Membership and Staff Activities

B.) A Junior Member may submit to the Junior Membership Supervisor a project idea to earn hours

C.) Junior Members who fail to maintain their hours must submit a letter explaining the reason they did not meet hours requirements to the Junior Membership Supervisor before the last day of the month

D.) If no letter is submitted, or the reason is unsatisfactory to the Junior Membership Supervisor, the matter will be referred to the Operations Staff for action VI.) Junior Membership Standing A.) Junior Members will earn points for all activities completed and will be reflected by Rank and Promotion

B.) Earned points and achieving progress will earn Junior Members accolades VII. Duty Shifts Hours earned go towards membership maintenance Points are earned for the shift- 1/hr; and for calls taken ~5 pts/call A.) Junior Members may only ride aboard the ambulance under the direction of an FTO with their scheduled crew -primary or back-up shift will count equally -Junior Members may scramble with permission of the FTO on the scramble

B.) Junior Members may ride: -from 1600 hrs until 2030 hrs on school nights

-from 0700 hrs until 2100 hrs on weekends, school holidays and vacations -this does not include ½ days during examination weeks unless special permission is granted by the Junior Membership Supervisor

Special Note: Junior Members from other school districts must submit their school schedule to the Junior Membership Supervisor

-the same rules will apply to all other school districts schedules -the Junior Member Supervisor may extend hours on a case-by-case basis

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C.) Junior Members may not ride on overnights shifts at Newark EMS

D.) Junior Members sign up with FTOs on assignment by the Junior Membership Supervisor for prime duty shifts - Junior Members who sign up to work with an FTO who is acting as a driver are expected to help with ALL aspects of driver operation; Junior Members who sign up to work with an FTO who is acting as a Medic or ALS Technician are expected to help with ALL aspects of medical care provision

E.) If a Junior Member can not make their scheduled shift, they must notify the Junior Membership Supervisor and the on-duty FTO that they will not be coming BEFORE the start of the shift. -the Junior Membership Supervisor may offer to contact the FTO and relieve the Junior Member of further obligation

I.) These restrictions may be eased by the Junior Membership Supervisor for course completion requirements or special needs in consultation with parents VIII. Junior Membership Meetings and Evolutions Hours earned go towards membership maintenance – 1½ hours Points are earned for the meeting: 5 pts for the meeting attendance, 5 pts for proper uniform wear additional points can be earned during the evolutions A.) Junior Membership Meetings will be held weekly. Junior Members are expected to attend all Junior Membership Meetings.

-additional meetings may be held for special events or opportunities -if unable to attend, Junior Members must notify the Supervisor before the

meeting and schedule time for make-up

B.) Announcements and Sharing of Events and Calls will be discussed during the meeting, followed by information presentation and an evolution (training exercise) -attendance at and participation throughout is required to earn points

C.) Points can be earned during evolutions by following directions, participating in the exercises, showing cooperation, and demonstrating effective teamwork skills

D.) Any Junior Member who cannot attend the weekly meetings must contact the Junior Membership Supervisor or their designee before the meeting is scheduled to begin -repeated failures to notify the Master Junior Master Supervisor or their designee before the meeting is scheduled to begin may result in disciplinary action

E.) Parents are invited to attend Junior Membership Meetings and Evolutions as part of a Parental Support Program in an effort to maintain 2-deep leadership support -Junior Members will earn 5 points per Parental Volunteer Sign-Up

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IX. Junior Membership Activities Hours earned go towards membership maintenance Points are earned for the activity; usually 10-20 points A.) Junior Members are expected to make every effort to participate in scheduled Junior Membership Activities B.) At least one (1) Junior Membership Activity will be scheduled per quarter C.) Most Junior Membership Activities will be public service events D.) Parades are considered Junior Membership Activities X. Take-Home Projects/CME Articles Hours earned go towards membership maintenance ~ 1 - 2 hours each Points are earned as determined by the Junior Membership Supervisor A.) Junior Members will be given take-home projects to complete for hours earned credit and standings points -these can take the form of research projects, homework assignments, Continuing Medical Education (CME) article readings/quizzes and other projects as created by the Junior Membership Supervisor

-most will be worth ~ 2 hours of credit each but hours can be changed to accommodate actual time spent on the project or reading

B.) A Junior Member may submit to the Junior Membership Supervisor a project idea to earn hours and points - earned hours will be agreed upon before the project is undertaken -other Junior Members must be allowed to participate if possible due to the nature of the project XI. Continuing Education Classes Hours earned go towards membership maintenance ~ length of class at least 10 Points are earned for any given program A.) Members may take any class offered by NEWARK EMS or FLREMS.

-some classes may be restricted due to availability or topic

XII. NEWARK EMS Service Hours earned go towards membership maintenance ~ length of service Points are earned for the duration of the service- at least 2/hr A.) Junior Members may offer their services to the agency and receive credit for that service. B.) Examples of NEWARK EMS Service might include, but isn’t limited to: -babysitting for Staff Members at the base while on duty or at meetings -washing the ambulances -cleaning, painting, or other household activities -lawn care or other landscape work

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XIII. Becoming a CFR Hours earned go towards membership maintenance ~ length of class 350 Points are earned for course completion and certification A.) Junior Members may sign-up to become a NYS Certified First Responder by following NEWARK EMS and FLREMS registration procedures

-upcoming classes will be announced at Junior Membership meetings -NYS requires class participants to be at least 16 years of age by the end of the month in which they are scheduled to take the written certification

examination B.) Members who require a student leave of absence must follow guidelines set down in the SOGs of NEWARK EMS -Junior Members may not use class-scheduled ride-time towards their hours requirements or points earnings XIV. Becoming an EMT-Basic Hours earned go towards membership maintenance ~ length of class 750 Points are earned for course completion and certification -EMT school completion will most likely result in promotion from Junior Member to Full Member and Technician/Crew Chief Trainee A.) Junior Members may sign-up to become a NYS Emergency Medical Technician - Basic by following NEWARK EMS and FLREMS registration procedures

-upcoming classes will be announced at Junior Membership meetings -NYS requires class participants to be at least 18 years of age by the end of the month in which they are scheduled to take the written certification


B.) Members who require a student leave of absence must follow guidelines set down in the SOGs of NEWARK EMS -Junior Members may not use class-scheduled ride-time towards their hours requirements or points earnings

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XV. Ambulance Calls no guideline or policy can be expected to cover all aspects of what a Junior Member may encounter, Junior Members should rely on their Junior Member Supervisor for guidance and support General A.) Junior Members will respond to any dispatched calls with their on-duty crew -Junior Members may opt to refrain from going on the call but will not receive points for that call

B.) The FTO will decide if the Junior Member may enter the scene and may decide to send the Junior Member off scene under extreme or strenuous conditions -if sent off scene, the Junior Member should stand by the ambulance to assist the crew as needed on their exit from the scene

- if the scene is considered dangerous, the Junior Member should stay with the Junior Member Supervisor for guidance and protection

-there is no set standard for which calls or dispatch criteria Junior Members should be excluded from – the FTO will make the best decision possible and the Junior Member must follow those directions -questions and concerns can be brought up to the Master Junior Member Supervisor AFTER the call is completed C.) Junior Members may perform certain skills as they have been trained to during the program and will keep track of them on their Program Training Record -Junior Members may refrain from using those skills if they feel uncomfortable or

unsure of themselves and continue to seek assistance -the Crew Chief and/or FTO must be informed of this inability or unwillingness to

perform such a skill as soon as the feeling arises i.e. Junior Members should not try to fumble their way through something, if

it can’t be done, tell someone! -Junior Members should inform the FTO why the unwillingness/inability exists and

ask for help AFTER the call -if such inability repeatedly comes up, the Junior Membership Supervisor should be

notified so that remediation may be undertaken

D.) If a Junior Member goes on a strenuous conditions call: -parents and the Junior Membership Supervisor will be notified by phone or in person by the FTO of the nature of the call and the current affect of the Junior Member -HIPPA regulations must be adhered to in all discussions

-NEWARK EMS will provide opportunity for Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD) if needed

-the FTO will attend the CISD with the Junior Member -the crew may choose to attend also

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-if an experience is exceptionally strenuous or at the discretion of the FTO, the Junior Membership Supervisor should be notified and arrangements for counseling through the Newark High School will be arranged

E.) Following any ambulance call, Junior Members must complete a Junior Member Call Completion Sheet or Junior Membership Journal entry -these sheets must be turned into the Junior Membership Supervisor F.) Junior Members are required to stay and work with the Junior Member Supervisor that they signed up with or are assigned to at the start of the shift -Junior Members will make all efforts to help the entire crew and other crews from NEWARK EMS while at the hospital or at the base

Medical A.) Junior Members may only provide patient care under the following guidelines: -Junior Members may only assist with care up to the level of their recognized and certified training and ability as recorded in their Program Training Record -Junior Members must act under the direction of the Crew Chief and the FTO -the Crew Chief may direct care actions to the Junior Member with the permission of the FTO

B.) Junior Members who are NYS Certified First Responders may perform all skills included in their training program under the direction of the Crew Chief

Driving A.) Junior Members may not drive the ambulances or fly-car under any conditions or for any reason -this includes members with Permits or Licenses

B.) If seated in the passenger cab seat, Junior Members may assist the driver with siren/horn functions and intersection clearance under their direction and discretion Radio Operations A.) Junior Members may use the radio to place the ambulance back in service with the permission of the Crew Chief and the FTO

B.) Once radio operations training has been undertaken, Junior Members may use the radio under the direction of their FTO

C.) Junior Members may not carry radios while on duty unless given to them by their FTO

D.) Junior Members may not use radios or scanners to respond to calls

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XVI. First Response General A.) Junior Members may not use Green Lights on personal or parental vehicles

B.) Personally owned radios and scanners are not authorized by Newark EMS for use on school property during school hours. -communication with 9-1-1 must be made by phone and acting in the role of a trained citizen/Good Samaritan C.) Junior Members may present themselves as certified in First Aid and/or CPR when faced with a medical emergency on off-duty times but may not use their status as a Junior Member of NEWARK EMS to encourage a patient to allow them to provide assistance

Non-CFR Junior Members A.) Non-CFR Junior Members may not respond to calls or any scenes unless on duty

CFR Certified Junior Members A.) CFR Certified Junior Members may not respond to calls or any scenes unless a call for assistance is made by the Crew Chief on the call

B.) CFR Certified Junior Members who encounter persons in need of assistance may present themselves as New York State First Responders and may render assistance up to their level of training and certification -once the ambulance crew arrives, the CFR Certified Junior Member may further assist and accompany the crew at the discretion of the Crew Chief regardless of whether or not that Crew Chief is a Junior Member Supervisor

C.) CFR Certified Junior Members may sign-up to cover events as scheduled by the Chief of E.M.S. -radio communications will be limited to Responder to Ambulance for updates, directional support, and inquiries about patient condition -once the ambulance crew arrives, the CFR Certified Junior Member may further assist the crew at the discretion of the Crew Chief but must remain at the event to provide coverage as scheduled unless needed by the Crew Chief on the ambulance XVII. Status Change to Full Membership A.) Junior Members shall be permitted to apply to the Chief of E.M.S. upon their 18th birthday for transfer to Volunteer Staff status - a Letter of Intent must be submitted to Chief of E.M.S. -Junior Members may defer their application to Full Membership to coincide with their graduation from High School

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B.) If the Junior Member had achieved the rank of Junior Member with 3rd Accolades, they shall be entitled to be promoted directly to Technician and may immediately commence appropriate Full membership Training (Driver/Crew Chief) -if the Member held a lower accolades, they must complete Observer Training as if they were a new member of the Corps.

D.) If the Member remains enrolled in High School, the following limitations shall be imposed on the Member: -they must leave the base by 10pm, 2200 hrs, on school nights -they may serve one (1) overnight per week on non-school nights -they may not work any shift longer than twelve (12) hours and must take off at least twelve (12) hours between shifts greater than eight (8) hours

E.) The Director of Training shall be entitled to monitor and advise the Member on their academics. The Chief of E.M.S. shall have the authority to respond to incidents involving the Member and their decisions in High School, especially those which may reflect poorly on NEWARK EMS. XVIII. Discipline A.) Junior Members are expected to present themselves as upstanding members of their communities

-proper appearance and behavior are expected at all times -the Junior Membership Supervisor reserves the right to respond to confirmed

reports by school officials and parents and to provide guidance and enforce consequences as deemed appropriate

B.) Junior Members are responsible to their on duty FTO, the duty officer, and the Junior Membership Supervisor

C.) Any disciplinary action must be handled in a constructive and positive manner using a progressive action model -FTOs who engage a Junior Member in disciplinary action must inform the Junior Membership Supervisor

- the Junior Membership Supervisor will elevate the incident and/or report the incident to the Operations Staff as need, requested, or required by the Chief of

E.M.S. - the Junior Membership Supervisor will be responsible for enforcing

consequences as decided on by the Chief of E.M.S.

D.) Imposed consequences may range from warnings, demerits, suspensions from the program, suspensions as a Junior Member, and suspension with recommendation for expulsion to the Board of Directors -all FTOs shall have the power to issue demerits for actions by Junior Members -subject to approval by the Junior Membership Supervisor

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IXX. Academics A.) Junior Members will place their academics above responsibilities to Newark EMS

B.) The Junior Membership Supervisor reserves the right to inspect Report Cards when issued on a quarterly basis -this review may result in requirements by the program for Junior Members to bring selected materials to shifts for review/use during down time

C.) All Junior Members must bring homework, reading, and other academic assignments during the school year so that they may be completed during down time at Newark EMS Base -Junior Member Supervisors may direct Junior Members to complete homework or work on CME articles while on duty at Newark EMS Base -failure to bring any work for completion during down time may be construed as being unprepared for duty or the shift and may result in disciplinary action. XX. Fraternization A.) Junior Members are expected to use good sense and judgment with regards to fraternization while a member of Newark EMS

B.) Fraternization within the Junior Membership ranks: -Junior Members are at liberty to date or “hang out” with anyone within the ranks of the Junior Membership -personal displays of affection (PDAs) while: on duty, in uniform, present at Newark EMS Base, or engaged in any Newark EMS sponsored activity is strictly prohibited -Junior Members found engaged in PDAs will be granted one (1) written warning on the first offense and recommended to the Chief of E.M.S. for action by the Junior Membership Supervisor on the second offense.

C.) Fraternization between Junior Members and Full, Observer, or Supportive, Members aged 18 and over: -Junior Members are at liberty to “hang out” in group settings with anyone from within the ranks of the Newark-Arcadia Volunteer Ambulance Corps -Junior Members may not “date” or romantically engage in a relationship with a Member aged 18 and over

D.) Any members found in violation of this policy or the procedure will be suspended immediately per the by-laws as committing an act affecting the safety of a patient or a member of the Corporation and the Chief of E.M.S. shall recommend to the Board of Directors for expulsion from the Corps for both members on charges of insubordination and conduct prejudicial to the interests of the Corporation.

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XXI. Smoking and Alcohol A.) Junior Members are strictly prohibited from smoking and/or consuming alcohol while in Newark EMS uniform, while at Newark EMS Base, or while in attendance at any Newark EMS function -Junior Members found in violation of this procedure will be subject to one (1) written warning to be placed in their file on the first offense and recommended to the Officer’s Council for removal by the Junior Membership Supervisor on the second offense. B.) Junior Members reported to the Junior Membership Supervisor for smoking and/or consuming alcohol in any other capacity may be investigated and subject to disciplinary action based on suspicion of conduct prejudicial to the interests of the Corporation.

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Junior Membership Program Shawn J. Flanagan, MEd, CCEMTP – Supervisor Tammy K. Hand, EMTB – Assistant Supervisor

Joseph K. Verkey – Head Junior Member


Attendance and Accountability Policies in effect: 9/1/12

In response to increasing reports of Junior Members not taking advantage of their time on duty, the steady state of absenteeism at meetings, and the lack of follow-up after excused absences the following procedures will be placed into effect: 1.) No Call/No Show at Weekly Meetings -Junior Members who cannot make the weekly meetings must communicate such to the Junior Membership Supervisor or his designee. The notification must be by text message, written, or phone communication i.e. “please tell Flan I can’t come” via a 3rd party – is not acceptable; “I can’t come for the next 3 weeks” – is not acceptable; -communication must be made DIRECTLY and INDIVIDUALLY to the Junior Membership Supervisor or his designee 1st occurrence – 1 demerit further occurrences – 2 demerits and communication with parents initiated and -if rig cleared – suspended from rig rides for 2 months -if an initiate – recommendation made to the Chief for removal from the program -exceptions may be made to the policy above but only with written explanation from parents and majority approval of the Junior Membership Leadership body 2.) No Show/No Follow-Up from Weekly Meetings -Junior Members who cannot make the weekly meetings must arrange to pick-up information missed from the Junior Membership Supervisor or his designee. Absentees must meet briefly with the Junior Membership Supervisor, or his designee, on the Thursday or Friday following the meeting. The ONLY acceptable excuse for not coming as required will be absence from school on both of those days. Information must still be picked up. -if no papers or forms are required to be completed, then phone calls may be substituted for in-person meetings but the responsibility is on the Junior Member to make-up missed information 1st occurrence – 1 demerit further occurrences – 1 demerit and communication with parents initiated and -if rig cleared – suspended from rig rides for 1 month -exceptions may be made to the policy above but only with written explanation from parents and majority approval of the Junior Membership Leadership body

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3.) Duty Shift Logs -Junior Members will use and submit for review a Shift Log that will detail the activities they completed during a scheduled rig ride at Newark-Arcadia EMS. The log will allow for: -recording of time spent on training, discussions, homework, activities, downtime, and meals -an overall review and summary by the FTO regarding time on the rigs and at base for that shift -space for call descriptions and skills learned and performed -Junior Members are required to complete a Shift Log for EVERY shift that is worked -failure to complete Shift Log will result in demerits each occurrence – 2 demerits -exceptions may be made to the policy above but only with written explanation from FTO and the Junior Member and majority approval of the Junior Membership Leadership body

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Junior Membership Program Shawn J. Flanagan, MEd, CCEMTP – Supervisor Tammy K. Hand, EMTB – Assistant Supervisor

Joseph K. Verkey – Head Junior Member


Demerits System in effect: 9/2012 updated 1/2013

Newark-Arcadia EMS recognizes the need for its Junior Members to occasionally miss meetings, events, and engage in adolescent lapses in judgment and decision-making. However, it is critically important for Junior Members to develop the skills needed to become effect leaders in the EMS field. Every Junior Member will begin an allotment with zero (0) demerits. Junior Members will incur demerits for varied instances that would reflect poorly on them if they were employees. Initiate Junior Members will be allowed a maximum of 5 demerits Junior Members who are rig-cleared for less than 1 year will be allowed a maximum of 8 demerits Junior Members who are rig-cleared for more than 1 year will be allowed a maximum of 10 demerits Demerits will remain on the Junior Member’s record for one (1) year after its occurrence Point Scale: 1.) any number of demerits will result in counseling with the Junior Membership Leadership or the Supervisor and may require parental involvement 2.) ½ (3,4,5) of allowed maximum demerits on record – counseling with parental involvement 3.) ¾ (4,6,7) of allowed maximum demerits on record – program suspension with counseling and parental involvement 4.) once the allowed maximum demerits has been reached, the Junior Member will be recommended to the Chief for expulsion from the agency Demerit Examples: 1A)No Call/No Show at Weekly Meetings: 1st occurrence - 1 demerit; further occurrences - 2 demerits 1B)No Show/No Follow-Up from Weekly Meetings:1 demerit -without communication/reasonable explanation 1C)Arriving late to/Leaving early from Weekly Meetings without notice: ½ demerit 1D)Improper uniform for meetings: ¼ demerit ~ 1 demerit depending on what is improper -without communication/reasonable explanation 2A)No Call/No Show for Duty Shift: 4 demerits 2B)Calling in for a shift less than 48 hours in advance: 2 demerits -without parental communication 3A)Failing to complete a Shift Log: 2 demerits 3B)Poor summary from FTOs or behavior issues on shift: demerits as determined by Leadership 4A)Failure to respond to communications from the Junior Member Supervisor: ½ demerit LIST TO BE EXPANDED…

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Junior Membership Program Shawn J. Flanagan, MEd, CCEMTP – Supervisor Tammy K. Hand, EMTB – Assistant Supervisor

Joseph K. Verkey – Head Junior Member

Shift Spot Check/Stop-In Forms Policy I. Purpose Junior Member Leadership will “stop down” to the base, at their discretion and freedom

and check on the work being done towards the practical intentions of the Junior Membership Program.

II. Procedures A.) The following personnel will be permitted to complete Spot Check Forms: Junior Membership Supervisor Assistant Junior Membership Supervisors Head Junior Member Junior Member Leader B.) The Junior Membership Supervisor will keep the leadership apprised of scheduled

shifts at Newark-Arcadia EMS. As schedules permit, qualified personnel can stop down during any shift and perform a Spot Check by completing the form and turning them in to the Junior Membership Supervisor.

III.) Results Information obtained from these checks will be used to identify areas of development and

opportunity for Junior Members and FTO’s as well as the overall program. IV.) Credit The Head Junior Member and Junior Member Leaders can earn 25 points for every spot

check completed. The Junior Membership Supervisor and Assistant Junior Membership Supervisors can record their time for a spot check as Volunteer Hours.

Junior Members who receive a Perfect Spot Check can earn 5 points added to their shift tally. Junior Members who receive significant or repeated “No’s” marked on their Spot Checks will receive demerits and may face additional consequences including suspension or removal from shift qualification.
