juniper networks m40 bgp layer 3 mpls vpn scalability test report

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  • 8/16/2019 Juniper Networks M40 BGP Layer 3 MPLS VPN Scalability Test Report




    Juniper Networks M40 BGP Layer 3 MPLS VPNScalability Test Report 

    Tony Dann, Arnaud Gibier, David Hay, Stuart Prevost

    Futures Testbed

    April 11th 2002 

    Permission is given for this publication to be reproduced provided it is reproduced in its entirety and that a similarcondition, including these conditions, is included in the reproduction. Reproduction of parts of this publication ispermitted provided the source is clearly acknowledged. For further details, please contact the publisher.

    Neither party shall make any announcement concerning the use of the BT Service or use the other’s name forexternal promotional or marketing purposes without the other Party’s prior written agreement

    BTexact Technologies maintains that all reasonable care and skill has been used in the compilation of thispublication. However, BTexact Technologies shall not be under any liability for loss or damage (includingconsequential loss) whatsoever or howsoever arising as a result of the use of this publication by the reader, hisservants, agents or any third party.

  • 8/16/2019 Juniper Networks M40 BGP Layer 3 MPLS VPN Scalability Test Report


  • 8/16/2019 Juniper Networks M40 BGP Layer 3 MPLS VPN Scalability Test Report



    Released Issue 1: 11th Apr 2002 Page 3 of 24 


    Executive Summary...................................................................................................4 

    2  Introduction ...............................................................................................................5 

    3  Test Methodology ......................................................................................................6 

    3.1  Testing Topology ......................................................................................................6  3.2   Router Configuration.................................................................................................7  3.3  Testing process........................................................................................................7  

    3.4  Version control .........................................................................................................8  

    4  VPN Scalability Test Results......................................................................................9 4.1  Test Case 1 - Routes per VRF...................................................................................9 


    Test Case 2 - Routes per VRF plus filter and counter......... ......... ........ ......... ........ ..... 10  

    4.3  Test Case 3 - Routes per VRF plus filter, counter and policer. ......... ........ ......... ........ . 11 

    5  Network Scenario Test ............................................................................................. 14 

    5.1  Test Topology. ....................................................................................................... 14 5.2   Test Results........................................................................................................... 15  

    6  Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 18 

    7  References............................................................................................................... 18 

    8  Appendix A – Detailed Test Results.............. ......... ........ ......... ........ ......... ........ ........ 19 

    9  Appendix B – Juniper Hardware ..............................................................................23 

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    Released Issue 1: 11th Apr 2002 Page 4 of 24

    1 Executive Summary

    Network and service providers are currently deploying large national networks to support next

    generation IP services targeted at high revenue generating business markets. Delivery of IP-

    VPNs capable of enriched multimedia content is a key objective. To do this, carriers requireservice edge routers that are scaleable, reliable and stable.

    The latest generation of IP virtual private network (IP VPN) services are based upon MPLStechnology, following the RFC2547 IETF solution. Carriers appreciate the benefits of this

    technology but need to be convinced that vendor implementations of the solution can scale asthe number of customers and size of customer networks increases. The Virtual Routing andForwarding (VRF) tables used to build MPLS VPNs increase in size in proportion to the

    number of sites within a VPN. The number of VRF instances on a device increases with thenumber of VPNs. There is therefore a need to ensure that memory management within arouter is handled in a stable and reliable manner as the number and size of VRF instances


    This report presents the results and analysis on the testing of the Layer 3 MPLS VPNscalability undertaken by BTexact Technologies for Juniper Networks. The aim of the testingwas to define the scalability characteristics of the M40 router with regard to the number ofroutes that can be held in a VRF table versus the number of VRFs configured on the router.

    The results show that the M40 provides a very stable platform for the scaling of VRFs. Whenthe limit of the M40 is reached and more routes are being advertised than can be stored in the

    routing table error messages are generated by the router but no instability, traffic loss orincrease in latency for the existing traffic occurs. Such stability is one vital consideration foroperators deploying the device to support MPLS VPNs.

    This report shows that when using BGP to insert routes into each VRF, approximately 450,000routes can be stored by the M40 router. These routes can be split almost linearly across the

    VRFs, for example if 1000 VRFs are configured it was proved that each could holdapproximately 440 routes with no errors or instability in the M40. Similar linear results werefound using OSPF, RIP or Static protocols to insert the routes into the VRF. This behaviour is

    important to carriers as they seek to deploy scalable networks to support MPLS virtual privatenetworks. The limitation of 450,000 routes gives a balance to the number of VRF instancesand the size of individual VPN membership that is suitable for the current deployment of

    services. We believe this value will satisfy the scalability requirements for a single MPLS PErouter for the next few years.

    It is very important that the edge MPLS node can support the required classification, policingand accounting for each end VPN customer, so that service differentiation can be effected inlarge scale. The addition of policers, counters and filters is shown to have a minimal impact on

    the number of routes and traffic latency figures.

    It is also important that carriers can expect stability with scalability under operational

    conditions, not just in isolated assessments of performance. The scalability results were shownto be unchanged when the M40 is placed under a heavy processor load supporting 50 MP-IBGP sessions, 50 MPLS LSPs and connected to an OSPF grid of 50 simulated routers

    The overall conclusion of this evaluation programme is that in a test environment, as detailedin this report, the M40 router proves to be a highly scalable and stable platform in relation tothe scalability of its VRF routing tables.

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    Released Issue 1: 11th Apr 2002 Page 5 of 24

    2 Introduction

    The layer 3 MPLS VPN scalability testing was performed by BTexact Technologies at its

    independent test facility located at Adastral Park in the UK. The results presented in this

    report were tested during the period February 11th

     to March 8th


    The tests were performed to satisfy the requirements agreed between BTexact Technologiesand Juniper Networks[1]. The main aim of these tests was to verify the maximum number ofroutes that could be held in a VRF on the M40 router. This is one important consideration to

    carriers as they deploy edge routers to support the latest generation of IP services forbusiness. Any network solution must scale linearly as the number of customers, and the sizeof customer networks, increases. The device behaviour must include graceful, reliable and

    predictable performance as the network becomes overloaded.

    Three different test scenarios were defined as follows:

    Test Case 1:

    Initially a baseline set of tests was performed which determined the number of routes whichcould be held in a VRF table relative to the number of VRFs that were configured on the

    router. Four different protocols were used to put the routes into the routing table to determinewhether or not the number of routes that could be held was related to the protocol being used.

    Test Case 2:

    Once the baseline set of tests has been performed the configuration on the router was altered

    so that each VRF had a firewall filter and a counter on its outgoing interface. Once thisconfiguration had been established a subset of the baseline tests was performed to evaluatewhether or not the addition of filters and counters has an impact on the number of routes that

    can be held per VRF. This subset of tests was performed with 5, 10 and 15 filter statementsand counters per VRF. The filters were defined in such a way that when there were N VRFsand M terms in each firewall filter, MxN unique counters were created on the packet forwarding


    Test Case 3:

    The third set of tests involved altering the configuration again by adding a policer to each VRFin addition to the filter and counter added in test case 2. Once this was established a similar

    subset of tests to test case 2 was performed.

    In addition to the three scenarios defined above a final scenario was tested to verify the results

    from the previous cases when the router was subject to typical parameters that may be seen ina deployed VPN network:

    Network Scenario Test:

    This test ran used exactly the same configurations as Test Case 3 with each VRF subject to afilter, counter and policer but the router being tested was also configured to run OSPF, supportMPLS LSPs and maintain VPN MP-IBGP sessions.

    In all of the test cases the number of routes that could be put into the VRF was recorded in

    addition to the latency of one traffic stream across the router.

    In all test cases Agilent RouterTesters were used to generate the routes to be inserted into theVRFs and also to measure the latency of the traffic across the test configuration.

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    Released Issue 1: 11th Apr 2002 Page 6 of 24

    3 Test Methodology

    This sections details the Juniper Networks M Series routers that were used to perform the

    scalability testing and also the test equipment used. Firstly the test topology is defined and

    then the process that was used to perform the tests is detailed. This includes how the routerconfigurations were generated and also the iterative process that was used to obtain the


     Also included in this section are any limitations that were discovered during the testing period.

    This includes limitations on both the routers and the test equipment.

    3.1 Testing Topology

    Figure 1 shows the topology that was used to perform the testing for the first three test cases.

    The topology used for the Network Scenario test is detailed in section 5. The M40 is the routerunder test and is a PE router in the BGP Layer 3 MPLS VPN model. A Gigabit Ethernet (GE)

    port on the M40 is split into a number of VLANs (sub-interfaces) each one of which goes to asimulated CE router. The M20 router acts as the CE routers in that it inserts routes into theVLANs and hence into the VRFs on the M40. The routes themselves are injected into the M20via an E-BGP session to the RouterTester and then redistributed into every VLAN.

    Figure 1 – VPN Scalability testing configuration

    The advantage of using the M20 to redistribute the routes is that when n VRFs are defined the

    routing table on the M20 only needs to hold 1/nth

     of the total number of routes held by the M40.Hence it is guaranteed that the M40 will be router which is stressed and not the M20. Theconsequence of this method is that exactly the same routes are put in each VRF on the M40.

    However as RFC 2547 allows overlapping addresses for the case that two sites in differentVPNs are using the same private addresses this provides a good test. Additionally, as this is ascalability test the composition of the routes is not a critical factor.

    The original and ideal scenario would be to use a GE port on the RouterTester straight into the

    M40 and inject the routes directly. However although 4 ports of GE were available on theRouterTester the current limitations of these ports is that only a total of approximately 25

    Juniper M40

    GE Link1 VLAN per CE

    Upto 1000 CEs

    E-BGP Routes from RT

    Juniper M20

    Traffic Flow

    Simulated CE Routers PE Router  




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    Released Issue 1: 11th Apr 2002 Page 7 of 24

    OSPF sessions could be configured per port. Similar limitations are found when using BGP. It

    should also be noted that the RouterTester software does not currently support RIP. Toachieve the target of 1000 VRFs this would mean that 40 ports of GE would be required on theRouterTester and hence on the M40. This was not considered a practical solution and no

    workaround for these limitations was found during the timescales of the testing.

    3.2 Router Configuration

    The configurations for the router were generated using PERL scripts that were modelled on a

    basic outline provided by Juniper Networks. For each test two configuration files wererequired, one for the PE and one for the CE router. Prior to the commencement of each testfirstly a baseline configuration would be loaded onto the M20 and M40 and then the PERL

    generated configuration files would be merged onto the relevant router. All of the PERL scriptsused were saved and hence can be used to repeat any of the testing as required.

    The configurations for the static route cases were very large as they contained all of the routesfor the VRFs. Hence the ‘set system compress-configuration file’ command was used to

    reduce their size.

    3.3 Testing process

    Once the configurations had been loaded and committed onto the two routers a TCL scriptwas used to control the RouterTester. This script enabled the user to insert a baseline set of

    routes and then to slowly add more until the limit of the M40 was found. The last stable valuewas recorded and also the step size of the number of routes being added to give the errorrange. For the total period of testing a single traffic stream was passed across the router by

    the RouterTester and monitored for anomalies while the routes were being injected. Thisstream ran at approximately 20% load of 64 byte packets on the OC-48 port that is equivalentto 416 Mbit/s (or approximately 50% load on the GE link).

     A number of indicators were used to determine when the M40 has reached its limitation:

    • Routes in the routing forwarding table when not fully populated (‘show route

    forwarding table summary ’)

    • ‘monitor start messages’ – gives the SCB errors on the telnet login

    • Free kernel memory and system messages on the SCB card. The system message

    seen on the SCB card when no more routes can be added is as follows:“Feb 27 14:53:18 M40-PE scb RT: Failed prefix add IPv4:152 - memory)”

    The following graph shows how the used memory increase linearly with routes being addeduntil it reaches 100% (results from the OSPF test case 1 with 500 CEs). With no routes the

    free memory is 28% and with no VRFs configured was found to be 18%.

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    Released Issue 1: 11th Apr 2002 Page 8 of 24

    Used Kernel Memory vs Routes Added







    0 500 1000

    No. of Routes

       U  s  e   d   M  e  m  o  r  y

    SCB Used Kernel

    Memory (%)


    Figure 2 – Used Kernel Memory increase with added routes

    Once it was determined that the M40 has reached its limitation then the maximum number ofroutes that could be stored in the router without errors or instability was recorded. In addition

    the step size was recorded which is the value that was added to the stable routes when thelimitation of the M40 was reached. The average latency of the traffic going through the routerwas also recorded at this time.

    For test case 3 the policer was tested to ensure that it would limit the traffic but themeasurements were made without any traffic limitations.

    3.4 Version control

    Juniper Router:

    JUNOS Version Number – The original JUNOS version under test was 5.1R2.4 as stated in byJuniper Networks in their testing requirements document [1]. This image was found to support700 BGP VRFs. Following discussion with Juniper Networks a new image was obtained (5.1-

    20020207-Y49638) which allowed 1000 BGP VRFs to be created on the M40. All testsbeyond this were performed with this new JUNOS image.

    The changes incorporated in the new version obtained are due to be released by JuniperNetworks in the next JUNOS maintenance release 5.1R4 due April 2002.

     Appendix B contains the outputs of the ‘show chassis routing-engine’ and the ‘show chassishardware detail ’ for both the M40 and M20 used for testing.

     Agilent RouterTester:

    The RouterTester version used for all of the testing was, which is the latest buildfrom Agilent.

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    Released Issue 1: 11th Apr 2002 Page 9 of 24

    4 VPN Scalability Test Results

    This section presents the results from the three test cases. The full test result tables are

    detailed in Appendix A.

    It should be noted that all latency values quoted in this section is the total latency for the

    packet across the test configuration i.e. across both the M20 and M40 routers.

    4.1 Test Case 1 - Routes per VRF

    The following graph shows the maximum number of routes that can be held in a VRF given the

    number of VRFs that have been configured on the router.

    Figure 3 – Graph of maximum number of routes held by VRFs

    It can be seen from these results that the protocol that is used to put the routes into the VRF is


    The next graph shows the latency values for the traffic across the test configuration.

    Routes per VRF for given Protocols












    25 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

    No. of VRFs

       N  o .  o   f   R  o  u   t  e  s





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    Released Issue 1: 11th Apr 2002 Page 10 of 24

    Packet Latency vs No. of VRFs











    25 50 75 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

    No. of VRFs

       L  a   t  e  n  c  y   (  u  s   )






    Figure 4 – Graph of Latency vs No. of VRFs

    From the above graph it can be seen that as the number of VRFs is increased then the latencyvalues actually decrease. This is an expected behaviour as the number of routes in the VRFrouting tables decreases as the number of VRFs is increased. Therefore the lookup time

    required by the router to find the destination for the traffic packet will be less.

    It can also be seen that there is no significant difference in latency for the protocols with the

    exception of when static routing is used. In this case the latency is consistently about 1microsecond less. This difference is most likely accounted for by the fact that in the resultsshown above different prefixes were used for testing the static case (/24 was used) than for

    the other protocols (/30 was used).

    4.2 Test Case 2 - Routes per VRF plus filter and counter

    This test case measures the impact of the presence of firewall filters and counters on the

    number of routes that can be held in a VRF. In this test a multi-term filter was configured oneach of the 500 VRF interfaces with each term containing a counter. The filters wereconfigured in such a way that for M terms in a filter 500xM unique counters would be created

    on the forwarding engine. The results of the tests are shown in the following graph.

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    Released Issue 1: 11th Apr 2002 Page 11 of 24

    Routes per VRF for 500 configured VRFs

    (with filter and counter)








    0 5 10 15

    No. of terms in filter

       N  o .  o   f   R  o  u   t  e  s






    Figure 5 – Graph of Routes per VRF vs Filter terms for 500 configured VRFs each withfilter and counter.

    From this graph it can be seen that the addition of the filters causes a slight drop in the number

    of routes that can be held in the VRF routing table. For 15 terms per filter the number ofroutes that can be stored is reduced by the order of 5-6%. In this case there would be 15x500unique counters configured on the forwarding engine.

    The following graph shows how the latency varies as the number of terms in the filter isincreased.

    Latency for 500 configured VRFs(with filter and counter)







    0 5 10 15

    No. of terms in filter 

       L  a   t  e  n  c  y   (  u  s   )






    Figure 6 – Graph of Latency vs Filter terms for 500 configured VRFs each with filter andcounter.

    From this graph an increase in latency is seen as the number of terms in the filter is increased.However for up to 15 terms in the filter this is of the order of less than 1 microsecond and is

    not considered a significant impact on the traffic.

    4.3 Test Case 3 - Routes per VRF plus filter, counter and policer.

    This final section of tests repeats the previous section but a policer is added onto each

    interface which would limit the traffic if it exceeded a set value.

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    Released Issue 1: 11th Apr 2002 Page 12 of 24

    The following graph shows the effect on the number of routes that can be held in each VRFwhen there is a filter each containing a single policer and in addition one counter per term onthe VRF instance.

    Routes per VRF for 500 configured VRFs

    (with filter, counter and policer)









    0 5 10 15

    No. of terms in filter 

       N  o .  o   f   R  o  u   t  e  s






    Figure 7 – Graph of Routes per VRF vs. Filter terms for 500 configured VRFs each withfilter, counter and policer.

    By comparing this graph to the one in the previous section it can be seen that adding a policerhas no additional impact to the addition of the filter and counter.

    The following graph shows how the latency varies as the number of terms in the filter is


    Latency for 500 configured VRFs

    (with filter, counter and policer)







    0 5 10 15

    No. of terms in filter 

       L  a   t  e  n  c  y   (  u  s   )






    Figure 8 - Graph of Latency vs Filter terms for 500 configured VRFs each with filter,counter and policer.

     Again by comparing this graph to the one in the previous section it can be seen that adding apolicer has no significant additional impact to the addition of the filter and counter.

    Examination of the results shows that an increase of approximately 0.2 microseconds in

    incurred with the addition of a policer.

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    Released Issue 1: 11th Apr 2002 Page 13 of 24

     After this testing additional counters were added onto the interfaces that directly connected to

    the RouterTester ports and the following table shows the latency values that were measured.

    Description Latency (us)

    One counter (Case 3) 15.04

     Additional counter on M40 input only 15.36

     Additional counter on M20 output only 15.68

    Table 1 – Latency values with additional counters

    From the results it can be seen that the addition of just a counter to an interface addsapproximately 0.32 microseconds to the latency of a stream passing through that interfaceunder the test conditions as described in section 3.3.

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    Released Issue 1: 11th Apr 2002 Page 14 of 24

    5 Network Scenario Test

    This section details the modifications made to the test topology to enable the network scenario

    test and the results that were obtained from these tests. The full results are listed in Appendix


    5.1 Test Topology.

    The following diagram shows the general principle behind the layer 3 VPN network. The CErouters run an routing protocol session to a PE router to advertise the routes from its privatenetwork. These routes are then passed across the providers core network using MP-IBGP to

    all other PEs which are connected to a CE within the same VPN. The diagram also showshow the Agilent RouterTester can be used to simulate both the CE and the provider network.

    Figure 9 – BGP Layer 3 MPLS VPN network

    The current version of RouterTester is only able to support one MP-IBGP session per OC48port and so this was solely used to simulate a 50 router P network. One of these simulatedrouters was configured as a PE router to send traffic into the VPNs and across the network.

     Additionally an MPLS LSP (using RSVP) was configured between the M40 under test andeach every simulated router. Another port on the M40 was then connected to an M160 andsub-interfaces were used to configure 50 MP-IBGP sessions to simulate connection to other

    PEs. This is all illustrated in the following diagram.


    CEProvider Core




    IBGP Session

     Agilent POS



    RouterTester  Device Under Test

    Routing Protocol


    Routing Protocol


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    Released Issue 1: 11th Apr 2002 Page 15 of 24

    Figure 10 – Network Scenario Testing configuration

    The outcome of this configuration is that in addition to the previous tests the M40 being testednow has to also support the following:

    • 50 MP-IBGP sessions

    • 50 MPLS RSVP LSPs

    • OSPF connection to a grid of 50 routers

    5.2 Test Results

    Once this topology had been configured the methodology of testing was exactly the same asthe previous tests. Test Case 3 was repeated for 500 BGP CEs and the following graph show

    the number of routes that the M40 was able to hold compared to that originally recorded inTest Case 3.

    During the testing the following error messages were seen on the telnet session being used tointerrogate the M40:

    “Mar 7 12:12:30 M40-PE rpd[545]: RPD_OS_MEMHIGH: using 807932 kB of memory, 113

    percent of available”

    This did not affect the performance of the router which continued to forward traffic andparticipate in the routing protocols. All that is being indicated by this message is that therouting engine is temporarily paging to the hard disk to circumvent a shortage of physical


    Juniper M40

    GE Link1 VLAN per CE

    Upto 1000 CEs

    E-BGP Routes from RT

    Juniper M20

    Traffic Flow

    Simulated CE Routers





    0.0 0.1

    1.0 1.1

    4.0 4.1 4.10



    Simulated PE

    OC48 Link

    50 Subinterfaces50 MP-IBGP sessions

    RouterTester simulated OSPF grid

    (50 routers)

    Simulated Provider Network

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    Released Issue 1: 11th Apr 2002 Page 16 of 24

    Routes per VRF for 500 configured VRFs

    (with filter, counter and policer)








    0 5 10 15

    No. of terms in filter 

       N  o .  o   f   R  o  u   t  e  s

    Case 3

    Network Scenario


    Figure 11 – Graph of Routes per VRF for 500BGP CEs for the Networks Test scenario vsCase 3.

    The next graph show how the latency differs between the results measured for Case 3 and the

    results measured under the Network Test Scenario.

    Latency for 500 configured VRFs

    (with filter, counter and policer)






    0 5 10 15

    No. of terms in filter 

       L  a   t  e  n  c  y   (  u  s   )

    Case 3

    Network Scenario


    Figure 12 - Graph of Latency vs Filter Terms for 500BGP CEs for the Networks Test

    scenario vs Case 3.

    The conclusion that is reached from these results is that even under significant additional load

    the number of routes that can be held in a VRF is not significantly changed.

    The one major difference between the Network Scenario test and the previous testing was

    found to be the time taken to install the routes into the VRFs. This is illustrated in the followinggraph which shows the average and maximum latency values firstly for installing 100 routesper VRF (50,000 routes in total) without any MP-IBGP sessions and then also with 50 MP-

    IBGP sessions configured to the M160. It was found that by monitoring the maximum latencyof all the packets crossing the VPN network gave a very good indication of the time taken forroutes to be installed into VRFs. The RouterTester was set to sample every second and give

    the average value of the latency of all of the packets in that sample and also give the

    maximum value for that one second sample.

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    Released Issue 1: 11th Apr 2002 Page 17 of 24

    Latency variation during route injection for 500

    CEs with VPN I-BGPs (100 routes)








    1 26 51 76 101 126 151 176 201 226 251

    Time (secs)

       L  a   t  e  n  c  y   (  u  s   )

     Average Latency

    Max Latency 50 MP-IBGPs

    Max Latency 0 MP-IBGPs


    Figure 13 – Graph of Latency variation with and without MP-IBGP sessions

     As can be seen from the graph the average latency is constant over the whole test periodindicating that only a very small number of packets are being affected by the increase in load

    on the processors during the installation of the routes. The major point to be noted from this is

    that when the M40 has to support 50 MP-IBGP sessions the time taken to install routes canincrease by a factor of three or four.

    In conclusion it can be seen from the results in this section that although the M40 has toperform much more processing under the Network Test Scenario the number of routes which

    can be held by the VRFs and hence the scalability figures remain unchanged.

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    Released Issue 1: 11th Apr 2002 Page 18 of 24

    6 Conclusion

     A service provider must consider many factors when selecting a platform to support MPLS

    VPN services. BTexact Technologies has a great deal of experience in the assessment and

    evaluation of technology, and believes that issues such as equipment stability, scalability andraw performance are very important factors in selection of a suitable platform.. The big issue

    facing network operators today is how to achieve the return on investment from IP servicesthat they once enjoyed from voice services. Platform cost is a big factor and IP-VPNs allow thecost of the infrastructure to be shared by a number of customers. It is therefore vital that the

    platform deployed can support a large number of customers, and can support customers withboth large and small network requirements

    From the test results shown in this report it can be concluded that the M40 router is capable ofscaling up to the hardware limitations of the router with no instability or traffic loss seen.

    When using BGP to insert the routes into the VRFs, approximately 450,000 routes can bestored by the M40 router. These can be split almost linearly across the VRFs, for example if

    1000 VRFs are configured it was proved that each could hold approximately 440 routes withno errors or instability in the M40. Similar linear results were seen for the other protocolstested.

    When using a single VRF with BGP or Static routes many more routes can be added into therouting table in comparison to OSPF and RIP as would be expected. For 25+ VRFs on theM40 there is no difference between the BGP, RIP, OSPF or Static routes in relation to adding

    routes into the routing table.

    The addition to each PE-CE interface of a 15 term filter with each term containing a counter

    causes approximately a 5-6% drop in the number of routes which can be held in the VRFrouting table and causes a slight increase in the latency across the test configuration (lessthan 1 microsecond). Note that the total number of counters invoked was 15xN where N is the

    number of VRFs.

    The addition of a policer has no significant additional impact on the results obtained when

    using just a filter and counter.

    Finally it has been shown that even with the increased processing load of supporting 50 MP-

    IBGP sessions, 50 MPLS RSVP LSPs and connected to a 50 router OSPF grid the scalabilityfigures for the M40 remain unchanged.

    7 References

    [1] Testing Requirements, BGP L3 MPLS VPN Scalability Independent Testing at BT

    Futures Labs, Gary Tate.

  • 8/16/2019 Juniper Networks M40 BGP Layer 3 MPLS VPN Scalability Test Report



    Released Issue 1: 11th Apr 2002 Page 19 of 24

    8 Appendix A – Detailed Test Results

    Test Case 1 – Maximum number of routes per VRF

    Protocol BGP:

    No. of VRFs No of Routes Error Margin (+) Latency (us)

    25 17900 100 15.32

    50 9000 100 15.16

    75 5900 100 15.13

    100 4400 100 15.07

    200 2200 50 15.06

    300 1400 100 15.06

    400 1050 25 14.95

    500 830 10 14.92

    600 680 20 14.93

    700 560 20 14.87

    800 490 20 14.98

    900 440 20 15.01

    1000 440 20 14.66

    Protocol OSPF

    No. of VRFs No of Routes Error Margin(+) Latency (us)

    25 15000 1000 15.33

    50 9200 100 15.39

    75 5500 100 15.36100 4200 100 15.39

    200 2000 100 15.36

    300 1250 100 15.32

    400 1000 100 15.32

    500 800 10 15.12

    600 660 10 15.12

    700 550 10 15.12

    800 470 10 15.02

    900 410 10 15.02

    1000 350 50 14.87

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    Released Issue 1: 11th Apr 2002 Page 20 of 24

    Protocol RIP

    No. of VRFs No of Routes Error Margin(+) Latency (us)

    25 15000 1000 15.33

    50 8700 100 15.3975 5800 100 15.39

    100 4200 100 15.37

    200 2100 100 15.2

    300 1400 100 15.19

    400 1000 100 15.24

    500 810 10 15.08

    600 660 10 15.08

    700 550 10 15.08

    800 470 10 14.92

    900 410 10 14.92

    1000 350 50 14.72

    Protocol Static

    No. of VRFs No of Routes Error Margin(+) Latency (us)

    25 17000 1000 14.41

    50 8600 100 14.41

    75 5700 100 14.41

    100 4300 100 14.41

    200 2100 100 14.4

    300 1400 100 14.25

    400 1000 100 14.25

    500 820 10 14.25600 700 10 14.25

    700 600 10 14.25

    800 520 10 14.25

    900 460 10 14.24

    1000 410 10 14.25

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    Released Issue 1: 11th Apr 2002 Page 21 of 24

    Test Case 2 – Adding Firewall filters and counters

    Protocol No. of terms No. of Routes Error (+) Latency

    BGP 0 830 10 14.92

    5 800 10 15.5510 780 10 15.65

    15 780 10 15.73

    RIP 0 810 10 15.08

    5 800 10 15.76

    10 780 10 15.81

    15 780 10 15.91

    OSPF 0 800 10 15.12

    5 790 10 15.75

    10 770 10 15.82

    15 770 10 15.87

    Static 0 820 10 14.25

    5 790 10 14.87

    10 780 10 14.87

    15 780 10 15.04

    Test Case 3 – Adding Firewall filters, counters and policers for 500 configured VRFs

    Protocol No. of terms No. of Routes Error (+) Latency

    BGP 0 830 10 14.92

    5 790 10 15.7110 780 10 15.82

    15 780 10 15.88

    RIP 0 810 10 15.08

    5 790 10 15.93

    10 780 10 16.03

    15 770 10 16.09

    OSPF 0 800 10 15.12

    5 770 10 15.93

    10 760 10 16.03

    15 760 10 16.09

    Static 0 820 10 14.25

    5 780 10 15.04

    10 770 10 15.04

    15 770 10 15.2

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    Released Issue 1: 11th Apr 2002 Page 22 of 24

    Network Test Scenario – Test Case 3 plus 50 MP-IBGP sessions, 50 LSPs and OSPF

    Protocol No. of terms No. of Routes Error (+) Latency

    BGP 0 810 10 14.67

    5 780 10 15.610 770 10 15.62

    15 770 10 15.65

  • 8/16/2019 Juniper Networks M40 BGP Layer 3 MPLS VPN Scalability Test Report



    Released Issue 1: 11th Apr 2002 Page 23 of 24

    9 Appendix B – Juniper Hardware

    M20 Hardware:

    lab@platinum> show chassis hardware detail

    Hardware inventory:Item Version Part number Serial number DescriptionChassis 53572 M20

    Backplane REV 09 710-001517 AY3257Power supply A REV 05 740-001465 002901 ACPower supply B REV 05 740-001465 002631 AC

    DisplayHost 0 REV 04 740-003239 9001026655Host 0 33000007c8452401 Present

    SSB slot 0 REV 01 710-001951 AS8087 Internet Processor IISSRAM bank 0 REV 02 710-001385 341516 2 Mbytes

    SSRAM bank 1 REV 02 710-001385 340794 2 MbytesSSRAM bank 2 REV 02 710-001385 341149 2 MbytesSSRAM bank 3 REV 02 710-001385 340395 2 Mbytes

    SSB slot 1 N/A N/A N/A backup

    FPC 2 REV 03 710-003308 BB4648 E-FPCSSRAM REV 02 710-001385 240455 2 MbytesSDRAM bank 0 REV 04 710-000099 354090 64 Mbytes

    SDRAM bank 1 REV 04 710-000099 354148 64 MbytesPIC 0 REV 06 750-002558 BB4379 1x OC-48 SONET, SMSR

    FPC 3 REV 03 710-003308 BB4612 E-FPC

    SSRAM REV 02 710-001385 354703 2 MbytesSDRAM bank 0 REV 04 710-000099 354153 64 MbytesSDRAM bank 1 REV 04 710-000099 354147 64 Mbytes

    PIC 0 REV 06 750-002558 BB4328 1x OC-48 SONET, SMSR

    lab@platinum> show chassis routing-engine

    Routing Engine status:Slot 0:Current state Master

    Election priority Master (default)Temperature 33 degrees C / 91 degrees FDRAM 768 Mbytes

    CPU utilization:User 0 percentBackground 0 percent

    Kernel 0 percent

    Interrupt 0 percentIdle 100 percent

    Serial ID 33000007c8452401Start time 2001-11-12 11:36:51 UTCUptime 85 days, 22 hours, 46 minutes, 4 seconds

    Load averages: 1 minute 5 minute 15 minute0.00 0.00 0.00

    Routing Engine status:

    Slot 1:Current state Empty


  • 8/16/2019 Juniper Networks M40 BGP Layer 3 MPLS VPN Scalability Test Report



    M40 Hardware:

    lab@ap1cor1> show chassis hardware detailHardware inventory:

    Item Version Part number Serial number DescriptionChassis 00158 M40Backplane REV 08 710-000073 AA2133

    Power supply A Rev A1 740-000235 000157 DCPower supply B Rev 03 740-000234 000702 ACMaxicab REV 08 710-000229 AS0060

    Minicab REV 04 710-001739 AR0842Display REV 07 710-000150 AA5133Host REV 04 740-003239 9001026631

    Host 44000007c8646501 PresentSCB REV 02 710-001838 AN0469 Internet Processor II

    SSRAM bank 0 REV 02 710-001385 339903 2 Mbytes

    SSRAM bank 1 REV 02 710-001385 339976 2 MbytesSSRAM bank 2 REV 02 710-001385 339918 2 MbytesSSRAM bank 3 REV 02 710-001385 339998 2 Mbytes

    FPC 2 REV 09 710-000175 AA4809SSRAM REV 01 710-000077 100315 1 MbyteSDRAM bank 0 REV 01 710-000099 100789 64 Mbytes

    SDRAM bank 1 REV 01 710-000099 100782 64 MbytesPIC 0 REV 02 750-000613 AA3176 1x OC-12 SONET, SMIRPIC 1 REV 04 750-000603 AA4278 4x OC-3 SONET, SMIR

    PIC 2 REV 05 750-000614 AA3212 1x OC-12 ATM, SMIRPIC 3 REV 02 750-002785 AN3262 1x G/E, 1000 BASE-SX

    FPC 4 REV 03 710-003308 BB4633 E-FPCSSRAM REV 02 710-001385 354384 2 Mbytes

    SDRAM bank 0 REV 04 710-000099 354966 64 MbytesSDRAM bank 1 REV 04 710-000099 354942 64 MbytesPIC 0 REV 04 750-000612 AP6237 2x OC-3 ATM, MM

    PIC 1 REV 02 750-002785 AL9714 1x G/E, 1000 BASE-SXPIC 3 REV 07 750-002303 AN8432 4x F/E, 100 BASE-TX

    FPC 6 REV 01 710-001197 AA8631

    SSRAM REV 01 710-000077 100965 1 MbyteSDRAM bank 0 REV 01 710-000099 501390 64 MbytesSDRAM bank 1 REV 01 710-000099 501391 64 Mbytes

    PIC 0 REV 03 750-000617 AA4545 1x OC-48 SONET, SMIR

    lab@ap1cor1> show chassis routing-engine

    Routing Engine status:Temperature 34 degrees C / 93 degrees FDRAM 768 Mbytes

    CPU utilization:User 0 percentBackground 0 percent

    Kernel 0 percentInterrupt 0 percentIdle 100 percent

    Start time 2002-02-01 16:50:17 UTCUptime 4 days, 17 hours, 36 minutes, 17 secondsLoad averages: 1 minute 5 minute 15 minute

    0.03 0.01 0.00
