jurisdiction of different courts


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JURISDICTION OF DIFFERENT COURTSIt is the power and the authority of a court to hear, try and decide a case. jurisdiction

"Sec. 17 Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction over cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers, and consuls; and original and exclusive jurisdiction in petitions for the issuance of writs of certiorari, prohibition and mandamus against the Court of Appeals.Jurisdiction of the Supreme CourtTHE JUDICIARY ACT OF 1948 as amended REPUBLIC ACT No. 5440 REPUBLIC ACT No. 5440AN ACT AMENDING SECTIONS NINE AND SEVENTEEN OF THE JUDICIARY ACT OF 1948.

5"The Supreme Court shall further have exclusive jurisdiction to review, revise, reverse, modify or affirm on certiorari as the law or rules of court may provide, final judgments and decrees of inferior courts as herein provided, in

"(1) All cases in which the constitutionality or validity of any treaty, law, ordinance, or executive order or regulation is in question;

"(2) All cases involving the legality of any tax, impost, assessment or toil, or any penalty imposed in relation thereto;

"(3) All cases in which the jurisdiction of any inferior court is in issue;

"(4) All other cases in which only errors or questions of law are involved: Provided, however, That if, in addition to constitutional, tax or jurisdictional questions, the cases mentioned in the three next preceding paragraphs also involve questions of fact or mixed questions of fact and law, the aggrieved party shall appeal to the Court of Appeals; and the final judgment or decision of the latter may be reviewed, revised, reversed, modified or affirmed by the Supreme Court on writ of certiorari; and

"(5) Final awards, judgments, decisions, or orders of the Commission on Elections, Court of Tax Appeals, Court of Industrial Relations, the Public Service Commission and the Workmen's Compensation Commission."

1. ORIGINAL jurisdiction to issue writs of mandamus, prohibition, certiorari, habeas corpus, and quo warranto, and auxiliary writs or processes, whether or not in aid of its appellate jurisdiction (concurrent with SC and RTCs)

2. EXCLUSIVE original jurisdiction over actions for annulment of judgments of RTCs.

3. EXCLUSIVE appellate jurisdiction over all final judgments, decisions, resolutions, orders or awards of RTCs and quasi-judicial agencies, bodies, or commissions, except those which fall within the appellate jurisdiction of the SC, namely:a. COMELEC;b. Commission on Audit;c. Sandiganbayan.

Jurisdiction of the Court of AppealsA. ORIGINAL Violations of: Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act; Where one or more of the accused are officials occupying the following positions in the government, whether in a permanent, acting or interim capacity, at the time of the commission of the offense:

Jurisdiction of the SandiganbayanOfficials of executive branch occupying positions classified as Grade 27 or higher, specifically including:

Provincial governors, vice-governors, members of the sangguniang panlalawigan and provincial treasurers, assessors, engineers and other provincial department heads;

City mayors, vice-mayors, members of the sangguniang panlungsod, city treasurers, assessors, engineers and other city department heads;

Officials of the diplomatic service occupying the position of consul and higher;

Philippine army and air force colonels, naval captains, and all officers of higher rank;

Officers of the Philippine National Police while occupying the position of provincial director and those holding the rank of senior superintendent or higher;

City and provincial prosecutors and their assistants, and officials and prosecutors in the Office of the Ombudsman and special prosecutor;Presidents, directors or trustees, or managers of government-owned or controlled corporations, state universities or educational institutions or foundations;

Members of Congress and officials thereof classified as Grade 27 or higherMembers of the Judiciary, without prejudice to the provisions of the Constitution (on impeachment)Chairmen and members of the Constitutional Commissions, without prejudice to the provisions of the Constitution

All other national and local officials classified as Grade 27 or higher; orEXCLUSIVE APPELLATE JURISDICTION over:

Decisions of the Collector of Internal Revenue in cases involving disputed assessments, refunds of taxes, fees or other charges, penalties imposed in relation thereto, or other matters arising under the NIRC;

Decisions of the Commissioner of Customs in cases involving liability for customs duties, fees or other money charges; seizure, detention or release of property affected; fines, forfeitures, or other matters arising penalties imposed in relation thereto; and other matters arising under the Customs Law; and

Decisions of provincial or city Boards of Assessment Appeals in cases involving the assessment and taxation of real property or other matters arising under the Assessment Law.

Jurisdiction of The Court of Tax Appeals

Section 19. Jurisdiction in civil cases. Regional Trial Courts shall exercise exclusive original jurisdiction:

A. Civil Cases Cases where the subject of the litigation is incapable of pecuniary estimation;

Involving the title to, or possession of, real property, or any interest therein, where the assessed value of the property involved exceeds P20,000/ P50,000, except actions for forcible entry and unlawful detainer;

Jurisdiction of the Regional Trial Court All actions in admiralty and maritime jurisdiction where the demand or claim exceeds P200,000/P400,000; Probate proceedings, both testate and intestate, where the gross value of the estate P200,000/P400,000;

In all actions involving the contract of marriage and marital relations; In all cases not within the exclusive jurisdiction of any court, tribunal, person or body exercising jurisdiction; In all civil actions and special proceedings falling within the exclusive original jurisdiction of a Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court and of the Court of Agrarian Relations as now provided by law; and In all other cases in which the demand, exclusive of interest, damages of whatever kind, attorney's fees, litigation expenses, and costs or the value of the property in controversy exceeds P200,000/P400,000;

B. CRIMINAL CASES 1. EXCLUSIVEcases not within the exclusive jurisdiction of any court, tribunal or bodyOffenses punishable with imprisonment of more than 6 yearsIrrespective of fineOffenses not falling within the exclusive jurisdiction of SandiganbayanNone of the accused is occupying a position corresponding to salary grade 27 and higher Only penalty provided by law is a fine exceeding 4KJurisdiction to impose the maximum and most serious penalty imposable for an offense forming part of the complex crime

Section 21. Original jurisdiction in other cases. Regional Trial Courts shall exercise original jurisdiction:

(1) In the issuance of writs of certiorari, prohibition, mandamus, quo warranto, habeas corpus and injunction which may be enforced in any part of their respective regions; and

(2) In actions affecting ambassadors and other public ministers and consuls.

Section 22. Appellate jurisdiction. Regional Trial Courts shall exercise appellate jurisdiction over all cases decided by Metropolitan Trial Courts, Municipal Trial Courts, and Municipal Circuit Trial Courts in their respective territorial jurisdictions. Such cases shall be decided on the basis of the entire record of the proceedings had in the court of origin and such memoranda and/or briefs as may be submitted by the parties or required by the Regional Trial Courts. The decision of the Regional Trial Courts in such cases shall be appealable by petition for review to theCourt of Appeals which may give it due course only when the petition shows prima facie that the lower court has committed an error of fact or law that will warrant a reversal or modification of the decision or judgment sought to be reviewed.

Section 23. Special jurisdiction to try special cases. The Supreme Court may designate certain branches of the Regional Trial Courts to handle exclusively criminal cases, juvenile and domestic relations cases, agrarian cases, urban land reform cases which do not fall under the jurisdiction of quasi-judicial bodies and agencies, and/or such other special cases as the Supreme Court may determine in the interest of a speedy and efficient administration of justice.

Section 24. Special Rules of Procedure. Whenever a Regional Trial Court takes cognizance of juvenile and domestic relation cases and/or agrarian cases, the special rules of procedure applicable under present laws to such cases shall continue to be applied, unless subsequently amended by law or by rules of court promulgated by the Supreme Court.

Family Courts shall have exclusive original jurisdiction to hear and decide the following cases:Criminal cases where:

One or more of the accused is below eighteen (18) years of age but not less than nine (9) years of age, OR

One or more of the victims is a minor at the time of the commission of the offense.

Petitions for guardianship, custody of children, habeas corpus in relation to the latter;

Petitions for adoption of children and the revocation thereof;

Jurisdiction of the Family Courts (R.A. 8369)One or more of the victims is a minor at the time of the commission of the offense.

Petitions for guardianship, custody of children, habeas corpus in relation to the latter;

Petitions for adoption of children and the revocation thereof;

Complaints [for]:Annulment of marriage Declaration of nullity of marriage Those relating to marital status and property relations of: Husband and wife OR Those living together under different status and agreements, AND Petitions for dissolution of conjugal partnership of gains; Petitions for support and/or acknowledgment;Summary judicial proceedings brought under the provisions of the "Family Code of the Philippines";

Petitions for: Declaration of status of children as Abandoned Dependent OR Neglected children Voluntary or involuntary commitment of children; The suspension, termination, or restoration of parental authority and other cases cognizable under "Child and Youth Welfare Code", Executive Order No. 56, (Series of 1986), and other related laws;

Petitions for the constitution of the family home;

Cases against minors cognizable under the Dangerous Drugs Act, as amended;Violations of Republic Act No. 7610, otherwise known as the "Special Protection of Children Against Child Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act," as amended by Republic Act No. 7658; and

Cases of domestic violence against:Women Acts of gender based violence that results, or are likely to result in physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women; and other forms of physical abuse such as battering or threats and coercion which violate a woman's personhood, integrity and freedom of movement; AND

Children Includes the commission of all forms of abuse, neglect, cruelty, exploitation, violence, and discrimination and all other conditions prejudicial to their development.

Jurisdiction of the METROPOLITAN TRIAL COURTS (MeTC), MUNICIPAL TRIAL COURTS (MTC),AND MUNICIPAL CIRCUIT TRIAL COURTS (MCTC)Jurisdiction of the Municipal Trial Courts, Metropolitan Trial Courts and the Municipal Circuit Trial Courts

A. EXCLUSIVE ORIGINAL 1. Civil CasesCivil actions and probate proceedings, testate and intestate, including the grant of provisional remedies where the demand, exclusive of interest, damages, attorneys fees and costs, does not exceed P100,000/200,000.Exclusive original jurisdiction over cases of forcible entry and unlawful detainer; issue of ownership resolved only to determine issue of possession. After lapse of 1 year, MTC loses jurisdiction, and case becomes one for recovery of possession de jure (accion publicicana), although MTC may still have jurisdiction if value of property does not exceed P20,000/50,000. Actions involving personal property valued at not more than P100,000/200,000.Actions involving title or possession of real property where the assessed value does not exceed P20,000/50,000.

2. Criminal Cases

* Violations of city or municipal ordinances.

* All offenses punishable with not more than 4 years 2 mos 1 day imprisonment, irrespective of fine.

* All offenses punishable by only a fine of not more than P4,000.

* Offenses involving damage to property through criminal negligence.

3. Election Cases Offense of failure to register or failure to vote. Election contests for barangay offices.

B. DELEGATED JURISDICTION in cadastral and land registration cases covering: 1. Lots where there is no controversy or opposition; OR 2. Contested lots the value of which does not exceed P100,000. decisions of the MTC in these cases are appealable to the CA

Summary Procedure Cases ApplicableA. Civil Cases All cases of forcible entry and unlawful detainer irrespective of amount of damages or unpaid rentals; without question of ownership; attorneys fees not exceeding P20,000 if quieting of ownership; resolved to determine question of possession. Other civil cases EXCEPT probate proceedings, where the total amount of the claim does not exceed P10,000, exclusive of interest and cost.

B. Criminal cases*Violation of traffic laws, rules, regulations*Violation of rental laws*Violations of city or municipality ordinances*All other criminal cases where the penalty does not exceed 6 months or a fine of P1000 or both, irrespective of other imposable penalties or of the amount of civil liability*Damage to property through criminal negligence where the fine does not exceed P10,000.

Jurisdiction of the Katarungang Pambarangay (Under the Local Government Code of 1991)

1. No complaint, petition, action or proceeding involving any matter within the authority of the lupon shall be filed or instituted directly in court or any other government office for adjudication, unless:

There has been a confrontation between the parties before the lupon chairman or pangkat, AND

That no conciliation or settlement has been reached as certified by the lupon/pangkat secretary as attested to by lupon chairman or pangkat chairman, or unless such settlement has been repudiated by the parties thereto

Jurisdiction of the Katarungang Pambarangay (Under the Local Government Code of 1991)2. Disputes subject to Conciliation Requirement: All disputes between parties actually residing in the same city or municipality HOWEVER, the court in which non-criminal cases not falling within the authority of the Lupon may, at any time before trial, refer the case to the lupon for amicable settlement.3. Exceptions to Conciliation Requirement (SC Circular 14-93) Where one party is the government, or any subdivision or instrumentality thereof; Where one party is a public officer or employee, and the dispute relates to the performance of his official functions; Where the dispute involves real properties located in different cities and municipalities, unless the parties thereto agree to submit their difference to amicable settlement by an appropriate Lupon; Any complaint by or against corporations, partnerships or juridical entities, since only individuals shall be parties to Barangay conciliation proceedings either as complainants or respondents (Sec. 1, Rule VI, Katarungang Pambarangay Rules);

Disputes involving parties who actually reside in barangays of different cities or municipalities, EXCEPT:* Where such barangay units adjoin each other, AND* The parties thereto agree to submit their differences to amicable settlement by an appropriate Lupon; Offenses for which the law prescribes a maximum penalty of imprisonment exceeding one (1) year or a fine over five thousand pesos (P5,000.00); Offenses where there is no private offended party; Disputes where urgent legal action is necessary to prevent injustice from being committed or further continued, specifically the following:

* Criminal cases where accused is under police custody or detention; * Petitions for habeas corpus by a person illegally deprived of his rightful custody over another or a person illegally deprived of his liberty or one acting in his behalf;* Actions coupled with provisional remedies such as preliminary injunction, attachment, delivery of personal property and support during the pendency of the action; AND* Actions which may be barred by the Statute of Limitations. Any class of disputes which the President may determine in the interest of justice or upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Justice; Where the dispute arises from the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law (CARL) (Sections. 46 & 47, R.A. 6657); Labor disputes or controversies arising from employer-employee relations (Montoya vs. Escayo, et al., 171 SCRA 442; Art. 226, Labor Code, as amended, which grants original and exclusive jurisdiction over conciliation and mediation of disputes, grievances or problems to certain offices of the Department of Labor and Employment); Actions to annul judgment upon a compromise, which may be filed directly in court.

SituationVenueParties reside in same barangayThat barangayParties reside in different barangaysBarangay where respondent, or any of the respondents, actually resides, at the option of the complainantDisputes involving real property or interest thereinBarangay where property is situatedDisputes arising at the workplace where the contending parties are employed, or at the institution where such parties are enrolled for studyBarangay where such workplace or institution is located * Venue of proceedings: