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ThP. c1P.cision of tèP. II ,ooo G.w.c ... wo rkr-r-s on MP.rsysi::l.P. nQ>t -w <0. ccu.py th,..,r, :fact(!riP.s as n pirotest ncainst nassiv~ rPdunùancir>s f0i10wing on the G.~.c. -A.~.I.-E .. R. n"rp=!r nust eon- as a prof0un.c~ c1issa- · p:,intn(."lnt tc·r,...voluti6na:tir>S in' :Sritain. This a.et could hav" profoundly influ,.,nc"à brth th0s0 who took part and tho co ur-s» c~f futurP ind.ustria1 action in B:ri tain.As on" of th."' stPwrds put i t"WP. intP.nd. to · fient with both bands now" .

At thP sanq ti:::i,=, thn · c1r.>cision ccn--e as' a GJ"PO.t - . r,-,li,=,f to thr GOVPI'Il~Pnt which is suppqrting. thnse . nP.rg"rs(Wr.-dr;,,,wood B,=,nn connPndPd th"' workers on th~ir G(..•0d sPnse) , th0 right wing prP.ss-th,.. Daiiy w.xprr-!SS . was horrifi"'d ut this • prepostP.rous sch0nP.1 ,and. to Arncl-:.1 We-instock,~Julti-,1illie-nair"' hc-p.d cf· G.T<'!.C., who ,en th,-, c"1..ay aft""r thr c1Pcisic'n. announc=d furthAr rP.c1un::lanciqs in his rnpirP.

.• THE ROLE OF TH.~ STP.WARDS • A full d0:-:i:1.0ntary ,::,;1 · th"' rol"' of th" Shop St"'wnrds

Action Cc·::mi t.t"'P. of th,-, factorir-is is net pnssiblA at this s.tn5r-,;how0v,=,r,cPrtuin points can bP nadi::,.ThPir c1r.>vct"ion te th'"' wcrke>rS caua» eanno f bP. c1enüid, the anount of wsrk thpy put into organizing th(.> practical ,:t,..,ta:ils of thr- occupation d~s..,rv,=,, crP.c1i t~And thP.y will. suffrr for thP.ir actions-nPn lik"" J'.Jck StPwart chairoan of th(.\ Action Conni ttP.e will unckubtAdl.y ·bô blacklistnd on M~rsysidn for SOOP. tioP. •

.,. . RoWPVPr,th~y can bP criticisnd;aftPr thP first n0et~ ing o:f 2,000 wcrk,,,rs which fnvr., its approval t'"' th~ · occupo:ti·:m, thP st,.,,wards carri""d en wi th th""' plan wi thout r,.,gular contact: with thr-- naaa .-,f t.hr-- workP.rs involvAd. On> of th""' dfmnnds of thP : n P.etinc which :rP.jP.Ctf.'ld tht=! .-· occupation was,;;,.control OVPr shop st0wnrds,a SP.ntionnt we nust. P.DtdorsP.The> whol."' plan was in a way 'Utopian• ... Ln thr. SP.nSP that i t is io.p,..,ssible:- tn draw up a blur>­ ,pri:p.t in advanc» for profound actdr-ns ·1.iko factory ,. takP-()Vr>rs. Thr->SA outbursts (,f workAliS Sr-!lf-activi ty oust fcllow fron th,., logic of th,., lPVPl of th0 struggie and consciousnP.ss-no onP. 1plann.Pc1'th("\ occupations in FrancP. for PXa~plr-!.Obviously thn MArsysidr> w~rkP.rS WP.rP not: sufficir-mtly conscâ ous tr, takP this action-on. the c1ay of th"' first rP.dundanciP.S thP.y night WP.11 bP.. ThP. ·. wholn affair has brou[:;ht factory takP.-OVP.rs fron thP. rP.aln of fantasy to thr,, rAalo of p'.Jssibility,anc1 is thus net a conplP.tP d~fPat.

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In a ci ty wherP. tbP majori ty of rriilJrs and facto ries have no,t sefm a strikt") since the Genr~raJL StrikA of 1926, tbe nPw-:found wil:h.ingness of SP.ction·s of. thP. wo·rkin.g­ c.l.ass in Aberdeen to·· take industrial action is a· devel­ opraP.nt to bP.. WeJi.CO:c:tPd by l"P.VôltitionariPS o ...

The past 12 montes have SP.en:-· .a walk-out in the dispatch dApa:rtmi:int .. at StonAywood, thP, strikP.S at EJŒis .·­ &: Mcl!Iardy's and Cordiners,thA IO-week trawl. st:irike,a. walk-out at !J?'iriP. ApplAton' s Arivi:!.lO·P"' factbry, and· more rP.cPn.tly th"" ·shpot-mf'ltalwork,,.rs strikP at various ·f±rms and th"" cur rent AnginP.ers strik:P at MugiPeioss PapAr fillb. ' '

Al.togPtbP.r over 1,5.50 P""Opln,haVr-> bPôn involved in th""sA disputAs,in which approxo 420,000 raan-hours baVP. bPPn lost in. production. TbP. following articlf'». ~dll fü,al briAfly wii;h thP noab rPc,.,nt.of tb"'sA struggles.


I I I J 5f)BfJf-/JJfl(EJ Tb:P shPAt-oPtal industry is no t . a yr:,ry iopor­

tant on= in Ab,:,rd,.,.,,n, wi th about 250 oPn ~r,:iplo.yr-,d in a variPty of smal1 workshops PI!lploying.fow pAople9thP. bigg,=,st bPing ~tr->rpriSP with OVPF 50 men.Although ShP.P* OP.tal WOFkPrS ar= :e.P~Fœally quâ t= nilitant-thP.y discàn­ tinUPd th"' poli t~cal ..._PVY to thP Ji.abour party-th,:,· industry in Abi::>rdP'°n .aas bP.r->n gr->ni:=œally troublP-:frP-A.


ThP. · d.isput,,., b-gan wi th. th,:, dPcision of abouf IOO OP.n in thP -p.n t0rprisP, Wavr--rlfÏ.y and :BalgovmiP. corrpanâ AS

, ·,to ban ya:rd-work, müding and. ~~mposn othP.r r~strictio:ris ân pUTSUit Of a wagP. dPDand fO,r a .f:5 a W"Pk riSP.. t,o_ bring thPir wa.g"'s· up · to th:~ 1AVP1 paid in othp.r districts ThP. nanagemerrt s rPpl:iu·,d to this by lo.cking thr-> n,:,n out, alrJ:d th,e:, Strik,e:, WaS d~clarPd Officialo .

ThP. Scoittis];! arpa SPCrPtary of ·.th~· N .u. S .M .. W. cane to AbPrdP.r>n to :hc:>gotiatP. witlll thP· nanagPOr-!:Q.,t,and the strikP. was oa.LLad off,. aftP.r two WPr->ks. Th0 producti vi ty dPal nPgotdair-?d(with the b·lP.ssing of th"' DA·pt. of F.op­ loynent and Pr.oduètivity)gavP only thr.,. lowPr_.paid work­ ,.,rs tb~. full .C5, iri PXchangP fox. coqp1·'1t0 flnxi. bi1i ty, aboliti,on of tPa-b:rPaks, and agrPPOP.nt ·to ~o·1:'k. with ·

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hP.avier T.lr.>tals. ' .

Thr> strik0 was a conv-ntaonaï, one, wi th thP workP.rs p1ay;ing a passiv"" ro·lP,and control b~ing· in thP bands of th" Union official.s. Th,:, dr.,al nAgotiatP.d is highly m1s.atisfactory,and s"'VPI'Ply·limi:hs thP ability of. the wo:irki:>rs to strugglP in ·th"' :futurP.


Wbil~ thr.> strik,=, its~lf is' a hopr.,:fu.J. dPVP!Opnent, i t nuaf b1=1 po ârrbod ouf tbat th,=. only wa.., to, SP.CW!"P. victor-y is for th"' workArs to control a strikP. thP.a­ ~i:>1V,PS through ,.,l"'ctr.>d strikP connf ttAt->S.

lfJU{j)&JfDSS Th.P. 6,000 papPrwork"'rs in. Ab,::,rdA-"'n,dornant fo·r

so long,aro hr-e;inning to .stir.ThP MugiPnoss disputA, following o·n thet at StonP.ywood ;1.ast ypar and PiriP, ApplPton • s, tPstifiPs to this. ··

Mugii=>i:1oss P.T.:1ploys ovP.r !000 pr.,opl.P., in candi tiens which arP g"'nr.>rally accPpt"'d as th"' worst in thP. ind­ ust:ry.Only thP P.nginP.P.rs ans sparks arP. in tradPS unions and thPSP. havA. gr->nP.rally bP.ttP,r condi·tions.

On thi:> 6th. of SP.ptP.nbP.r 60 fittPrs and natP.s bannnd OVP.rtiriP ovp,r a bonus disputP.. ThPn. on thi:> P.V'Aning of tb.i=> 9th. thP.y WP.nt on strikP at the- rp,fusa~ of t·hP. nanàgP.nont'to discuss th"" nnttP.r. R. PiriP.,thPir shop­ sti=>wo.rd,statPd tbat n'-"'gotintions on tbis pointhad bP.r->n dragging on for ovr-,r ninP. non.ths , ··

UndP.r.th" prPSAnt syston,th""' i:>n~~nPi=>TS p,arn. far lPss. bonus th.an thr.> nncb:inists.At I/7fd an ho-ur,-t·hey Parn just ovr.>r ~3 a WP.Pk,whiln onchinists can earn twicP thnii ru:ioun.t in a good wi:-Pk.Syapathy for the strikPrs,wbo havP bP~n pick~ting thr.> Mill,is gPnoral, and[ th"'rP is sons fppli,ng .· t~at. if thP ,.,~gin":"Ats .·win, tbi:> othr.-r workPrs will put iri a clai1:1 of tf:ti:,,.k·· 'o~m •

. ThP rJanagPnPnt prP.diétably d=nounced thr.> :strikP, as •unc9nstitution,.'"1.l1 ,and Wo.rburton,~h,... nill rianagPr,app­ P.alPd for a rPturn to wo·rk.Aècording to a :nachinist, in th"' first fortnight of .thP strike.- production in. thi:- Dill fP.11 d:râstica:iiJ.y;and_ th,=,_strikP WO.S·O.lSQ tinP.d

. WP.l.l; thi:> nill was 'duP to . cl.ose fo·r ovi=>rhauls. and rApairs ·which aro 110-t bPing dons ~

MAanwhi].p, • Curly' Thon, tbP cormunâa-s" arAa seéretaI7 of thP AEF announcnd thF.t thP I'.lP.n had offic"ial backâng'

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backing, and announcad his 'wiili:ngn.Pss to rlP."'t thP raanag -P.t1Ant to s,:,.:-k a soJLution. Thoo,how-=-vPr, who· ionortalisAd hinsPlf at on= work0rs l:lPr->ting. by sayibg tbat bP. cou'Idn t stay long. as hP had to buy his r:io:t;h:P Il'S nPssages, soon show,.-,,d -, what his baokâng was wo.rth,whi::>n on tbP I9th. o:f SeptP.mbAr,h-=-·joinPd in with ttP.--;nan.agPaP.nt in recomn­ Pndi:hg a· rr->turn to y;ork .pi::>nd"ing: nAgotiatio·ns.

ThP nr->n h"'l.d a DPPting that day and unanâmoue Iy , · ri:--affi:rn.Pd thi=>ir docisioli ta. con+fnu» thP strike.

·.On.th~ '25th. · thoy '~gàin ·r.:-j,,,ctod Thon' s strong·. TPCOr.1ci611dation that. th"Y sfiould TPt'urn to wo rk 'until th"' pTpPT pÎ'OCodUr"' WaS ,:,,:xhaUStP.d1 But tho DP,j'UStifi­ ably fpd up with 'procPdureiagai:n rr.ijPCtP.d this advicA.


This strikP,snall though it i·s,has n:ow Lae ted ÔVPi' thrPP WPt=!ks,and is thus tho nost inportantdispute in tbo pap=r industry in AbnrdPAn sincP thP. war. ·

: '.Cho e:f:f'P.ct of th"' strikn. on production in thP Mill _ has bPP.n grpat, but no r= inportant is th"' r->:ff Pct o,Jli otht:)r Mill work,,,rs in· th.i=- ci ty .A prP.CP.dPn t has n:oM . bPPl1 r.i~tablishP.d that whon u=n hav» a justifiabl"A · grievafiCP. , thoy tako C011e:ictiVP and rP.SO}UtP action instP.ad o'.! ,as pr.e:iviously ,nP.rP.ly grunb1ing.

As with. ,thP- shoe:,i;-r.:ir-tal strik,,,,anoth,=,r inportant 1P.sson· is that th"' DP.n rrus t control thPiI" strikPs thP.n­ SPlVP.s .• An: PlPCtPâ. s·trikr;_' connt tteP, wi tfl n,:,gotiating dP.lPgat"'s subjP.ct to instant r,=,call by th"" nen, is the kPy to vi c to.ry ,1: h',e,lp~ dt=>VP.lop th"' wo rk=r-s abili ty to col1."oti V"'lY nanag= thr.-ir own affai rs. I .ir.

- 00

,_ about .. D1Jrse/ve~) AbPFdeen t Soli dari ty' group , which has. bPP.n 'in

existancP for about a ypar now and has grown tR its · prP.èPnt sizr-:i of II r.lP.DbPrs,consists of nanue.L 1·white calJLar workPrs and .stud""nts.WP. ·havr:> be=n actiVP. .in , ~ocal industry f'or sonR· .tdm~, P.SpPcially in the:> papP.r 1

iiills and du ring thr-> trawl strikA .Our La tP.st actn vfty waè · ~elling, · 300. of thP first P.di tion ,of our- .naga:sine -this our se..;ond i=>di ti-on .consisting of thP sane nunbsr-; Our nost abbitious projP.ct,.a panphlAt: on the Gernan RFwolution, i s schPdUlPd to a pp Par r->arly nP.xt yP.·ar.

: !

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---------- . ~· T:&e xommunHitische Arbei ter partei. Deutschland· (::.A.P .DJ

orig,~natecl in a s:pli t in the German comunist party at the se_Q.ond c ongress in Heid.elberg in october I9I9. Tri.e· c1aj ori ty of· the conru.nist pf.:.l"ty ,.-rnre expe Ll.ed for their o:9position to parliSJinentary and Tr2.de -trm on acti vety t and, founded a new yarty , the K.A.P .D. .

Tho i:hterveiw be l.ow ià v1i th a found.er · member · of the !-C.A.P.D., who was aotivo .in t.ho (!Grriian Rev6lution, and t.s part of the mate rial '.W plan t o use j_ · t~::. J..'::tu:: i : · · a phamp Le t on the stru,.:mlos fo:.: 1.-~0RIŒLS COTT}TCILS in the German Revolution.

The r-o Levance oi the stru.:;glo in Germany in I9I8~23 has becn·hoightened by the ·rise of the S.D.S. and the recont wavo of unoffioal strilrns in the coal at.o o L and shi:p build.ing t.nduat r-Lo s •. s in Franco and rtal~r tho quostiol}. of workers counct Ls t s now be i.ng duba t oû , ·

This discussf-011 be tvo cn Rudi J>~.tschlce and ]3ornhcrd Reichenbach ;t.oo1c :pln.Ç3e in June r969

RUdi : Assuming your ana'l.yat s .:-,f society was valid. at the time · · whe ro do you locate ym.n.· fnib1rcs? · ·

:B.R .. : A valid social analysis t s one thing,. imr.üementing it in realit;y t s anot.hc r mat t e r , o no should distin0~ish be twe e n the theortos -of ··t1rn ~~.A.P.D.and the prr.ct Lse through vrh i.ch it a.tem:9te'Çl to imploment them although the two ara obv;i.ously interrelnted. TJJ.) to r923 we based our-so Ive a on the revo iut t onurv n.ctiv1ty of tho wor1üng c Las s wh t ch .ias 1;,idos:pread. throughout ŒCrmany in t he wake of the coâ.Lapso of the :-1:aisor rogime,

. its politioal, social, nconomic and id.ealogical insti tt1.tions, but f'r-om uhc a.0foc.t of the March r92I and later 1923 Lnsur-r-e ct.t ona i t becamo ovident th=-~t

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·' ., ·/~' :, • . . . • • ! • j~

whuroas during·,pariods of -polft-~œ"l - co'.l.lJtpso, · 'anâ 1 eoonomic misEJry tho _wor]dng olass oxhibits indoi,ondont rovolutionary init;ià~ivc and .re.adinos~_' to sacrifioo a lot :for thü crcat Lo n of a· now social ordor· .it. does not sustain _thi~ typo of acti vi ty during _t}:lo J.)rO,;_ longod pnr~od's .botY!oo-ti one political/economiè crisis to tho noxt. · . · ' · .

RU-di :You said you had certain do1,1bts concorning r:rarx, s thoory, could you olaborato?

B.R. :170, who considorod oursolvus as 7;arxists at tho timo, laid too muoh strass on the. 11obj.cotivu ·conditions" as i:rnli as on tho rolo of t~e matio r'Lu'l, rri:i..sor;/. rro undèrostirrmtod thu rolu of tho· indi viduals.·, 1:Jhich- in oortuin oondi tions- cun bo comc thu ûo o ï sâ V.J factor

. r thirùt" that r.1arx•s strosi:: on t ho main motivation · ·. ' · f'o:r rcivolutionary acti vity La not ahmys anû ovo,r·;,r-. whoro va Lâ d , ".:J~oruas his _socit'i.logicul insights still uro. .

Rudi :At tl:lo t imo ~rou actod as an oxt.ra :parlio.montary o.pposition, do you considor tih t s ossuntial?

B.R. :Yos. Bci-co.usv this ·-.:è,ucntus po op'Lo to act on thoir · ovin poli tical ini t inti vo, indop .. .nâarrt ly of o.riy ropr:>sontuti vos.

Rudi:For you ut thu timu,; this uxprossud itsolf not .moroly . us 0xtro.-parlic.muntb.ry opp oa L tion but us anti­ J.)àrliamontrœy opposition. Did Jrou oonsidur it ~ss- o rrt â.a.L thnt thJ ".JOr1r.ing class shoulà. strugglu ugain- st tih o :parlinrnuntnr~r institutons? ·

J3 .R.: Dvfina.tlJr. you must ro mombor tho.t dur:ing. I9I8 thoro ,;ms an actruc'L ruvolt.ion::i.ry situc.tion in (!rumanJr. Any :pnrtc.1-::ing ·1.n :parlinmontnry ao't i vit y was consià.circ.:à. as butr:::.yal, · buc:i.us,) tho..t pnr-Lâr.me rrt , amonge't ·

- o t ho r- things, wa s ho Ld, r,JS]_)onsiblu. for ·.tho. \;c.r. . nuring I9I9 nlmost nll thd 10ft politics "too1c p'l'ace 1.Jithin nho "l:Jorlwrs c ouncâ Ls , not in thd tr•:.d.J unions or pl":'..rlic-.mont. Thes;) --;.1or.J concsiously, oxt ra and, a.nti-pn.rlif!.muntr~ry· institut ions. I_Lihù troub).ù. wris that in th,.:so .counci Ls tho aocû a'L democrr·ts uor0 in mn.jority. This ,;,ns vury much due to thoir ins.ist0nco on oconornistic r..::th_ir t han politié.ml, und r,Jformistic rnth.Jr t hnn r-ovo In.t f onar'y d.omanâs , rt La thu$O fr-.ctors thnt mr-.du us doubt bho indupundant rovolutionary' initiutivu of uh o elri.Sfi The socinl democ rrvt s did not .impos0 thnir Vdi':.1s, thûir mr..j ority r\Jfluctud th() ui 11'. r:if t ho broncl · mass· of v10r]r.ors insido thu councils.~. and th~-t u~(hi' clur~rig such .n rovoluti:Jm~r~r si tunt ion. · · ~:-

'5 •.

Th() conditions i·n (l.orfa::m;y- di:(:E.:.irvd co~s1Q.orbly :fr.Qm t hosc of RUssin. RUSG in. .",::ir.lï.)-rgud from conturios of· uuto-crntic ru.Lo nnci tho_..-vh.blcu soêtàl ··cy.t~oophn:r,o ,1:1.s

~ ..

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·rms rip0 :for a fundam,:nitLl chango . o;f poli tioc;l inst·:l;tutions o. trr.dition of· govurmont by o Lcct cd ro:prosunto.tiv0s, tn su oh oirour.i~.tr~nous it, .. La muoh hr.rfüir t o ne omp Lf sh o. poli tior-.1 ro volut:î.on bo cnuao · i t · nppuar-s as coo rcd on ngninst domocrut ï.c -::}liy ro pz-o sont at i vv·~, ·wSr-.;ovor, a.ftur o.11 tho yoo.rs o:f a Rightust m..1.jorit~r in pn.rlü1.münt tho victory. of 't no soèio.l d.imocr-nt s apponz-od ns · n. doci si vo iJ'iotôry for nho loft. rt if; t.ruo th:1.t t ho dooisivo aronn of tho strugglo :for poli ticc.l pôùor uns rJithin tho wor-ko rs c ounct ï,s but, t ho rx1.sons mo nt t oncd ù/1.r:J-ior, o.ny ao't t on ngaf nat t hç oluctod govurn­ mo rrt rn.1~ out of tho .quostiqn ospociully .wh LLo thos.:.i in g ovo r-nmçnt .haâ a mnj-')rit:r .insido .tho o ounc t La ,

RU.di :Hô~:,' t1r._ny r0v·.)lutionnr;v p~rt ios oxistud thon? . :13.R.:In r92Q thl:.)riJ ·-:uro fivo parties nspiring t o acho ï.vo socinl

-Lsm by ro:volu.ti_on, o.11 o:f t hom defining· t hornao Lvue as :-rc.rxist~ Apnrt fr'.)r.1 thâs thore uuro· var-â ous Ano.rchist

: gfç>Up_s. ~ho: ..__,·orlc.ing c ï.ass ':Jf'.S t orn by t ho 1.1'1G.tuu1, .s,~r.ifo of tihcac- orgo.:niso.tions and did non oxhd.b I t unifîod notion vis.;;.n-v-ie'· tiho Bourgeotse. . . . .

Rudi:Y!hnt e ou Ld- yo"ti. tell uu nb out tihe I92L insurrection? B .R .. :At tiho t Lno I \!US· in RtJ.ssin ,: as. .un obao rvo-r .on bohf.1..1:f of

· ·.: . the ,.·'.\.1::.P.D-~··· i-Îli thu aoas t ori of, the 3r,(l r~!.torno.ti::innl. . '. Thu' Giii~i:lhri" è'ommu.Iiist · pc..rtJr o~ùtt out. oppnly: o.gninst. thnt

. ·"frisur;rootio:iJ. whor-o ae our pU~ty O.~tfvoly suppor-tod it. LO'nin.'.:'d1..1ëlnroêl: "th(/ ii1Surroct·i·-On· •7AdV~lrituristn ,.,ot o.ft ... ir-

•'t ·• • • ) .... • · t- 1 r.J '·:mrél.~ p,:ul·:r;·:,·vi,"· #1u,s0crot.rr1>t •of· .. tih«: part;y· who ':.f'.i.3 ro- sponsibl'P ·c:ffà:r i"ÔS policy 'JUS 'dism;ïss,:d. for nrs fn;iluro ·to suji>ort' itf._-' ~! Ho" t/t:.Ë{}ruplacoct. by c.lnra z~tkin, who irtciêtJntly ~. '~:O~rinuüd t o ·c~ri:-.y .. ont· tho pol:i:ti:co.l Li.n., of p.::.ul r,.-l_Vi. 'A; :~,_iJ r-son •;iris· d:isrriissod, tiho .. p');liodos ·.~ mad nod

. tTOr.J ovJ· r, ibath I,\Jiiin · and ·Trotsky ondorSiud· .!Zutkins p,olicios o

Rudi:Do yàu. bo Loâve ·thàt thJ'ru ·-:Jas.• ia'!iy cormoctd on bo twoo n the nov occnomt c :poliey of:, !,unin in· I92t .evn.d the poLt cy of thu 3rd rntorndtional tm·Jal'.'ds tho ··n:·.rch r-9Br··:insurrootion?

B.R. :Th~1rJ was no dire1ot eo nncct fon , H ·,1·,ovor ono can discorn s omo cornncn undorlying faot ors. Th·.... n.-,:: .P. vas oonsifü)r;J.:·. bJr L· rn.n as a fortifcn.tion o:f tho p'.)litical r0volution in n,;_ssiu; ho consi.~orod thut. rovol.ution as a pr-oeo s a whâ eh had alrDad.y t.:}rfilinat:J.d •. T.!i,: B·ilshoviks oxpo eüod a rovolutian in p·,storn ~~1.ropo·. · -Th:fs--f'ail·Jd to ooourr •.. This croutod an _aobiguous rolntionship bo twco n. thorn, as a ruling party anë, tb'.o ··cf-.pftnlist:. ro·gÏMû in E11.rop,Y; 01'1. ~ho . one ;:ll:nnd thoy want oû ncrrsa'l intor-st:-i.to rolàti~0:i:iËf wn1cJY·--.:-;,-t1ti1..1t-·ensuro p;J.'.lOdful boro.urs on th...i 1:·J1Jst, ~n t ho . othu:t hanâ :&h·.J rovol­ ut ionh.ry struggl.o :insido t h.ia., c ourrt r-Lo a i_.rnnk,.inod thoso rugimos. 011co t h.. disil).usion·:·.rr:i.th th.:.: rov0lution i~ tho

· wost. siik'·in-~· thDy .bogan to · oonsidur tho rciv0lutiona.ry movo­ mo nt s in_tho ~JtJst. m..'1.inly as nn''auxillory,-to··,.1 o:f .Rû.ssian ·toroign :p;jli"btcs. ··Thts nttituüo of thû B·-·J.shuvik politiciuns t.ormrds t h.: · rcvolut t onnry movcrscntra . in tiho \7ust;· did .not start

.· \'Ji th s'i;;- tin; but -~1:ï th L , ru n and Trot.sky back in I 92I • •.. ·-. il .. B .. i:imsP.riï aftr~r institLd:-f.tins{linf J.) - . .

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.. , ..

8 ·, ( .. ·

m1d:i:':.could you:.doscrib,.; th.i·notual nctivitJ, of thp , .. :r ·/·" councf Ls vt a-u-vt s thu TY,Ü'.)ns and p~rtios Lo okoû · ·.

. lilW? . . • . . . . .' . B.R. ;Indupondnnt. conci re baacd on i'aètorL1s rri.thor on .... ·

.· Tn.'.·.c:.',.1s, · c..s \JO.S oor:mon oarliur, nppourod spontan- . · :;,.~fdusly nll/·.ovor a.ormn.n;y. T.1üs. wns to n c9nsidi.1rt1.blo., oxt crrt a: .rusult :Jf t hc oc ononi e .oh-ios, whon .n ··, . fnc·tor:r cano ·,t9 r.i. s~~.ndsti~l duo to .Lack 0f.t110l .: , ..

. or r~'."J nnturinls thûr::i · . .-JK_s· ne-one .t o türri no ho Lp • .' .G1v1:rin.r:iqnt, pr.rtids~· unf cna, co.pitnlists· coti:l~ do :~· ...... .- n 1thii1g t.o s o'l, V(i .tih.: bas t o 'pr-ob Ic ns of trn.m"po:rto.tion. ,_. rriw r.11.torin.ls, fUi.11 o't O;. 1t RJSOluti onc , ~rd.ors/ . '·' ddol"irnt:toiis·,dvon po.p.Jr nonoy , wo ro of littlo usa. ,· ... TJ!:·.c1 .. .:r· sueh o i rounet ancos tho f(;Ct()ry ,crorlwrs,.,rioüld . ;.' ···.-·,, ·:.· for::1 f'.. fnct,1:r;ay o ounct r and sot out no ao rvo th;.,so ; ..

. bas te pre>bhl'r.\G Qjr tihomao Lvo G. ·~r9 of th0 X.A. P .:p. ·· .. , · ~ . ·: be Lo tvod thnt t ho trnditionnl rrro.duS-Uï:ions woi-o an · · ~

· · obs~.o.oln f'or tho .cront t on of n .. ;non ·so.ciot·y·~ n:nd that. · ·th~ rn Ln thing wris to onccurago tho nork<Jrs to tnk::J

. . dir·.1Ct action, Lndopnndarrt of tih o untoaa , · .Rüdi :·r.rhJr did. tho "':.A.P.D. · disbnnd in I923? · :i:f~R •. ~1~hon t·}:J.O ne.rob. I92I insurr,)ction failcid, anû lutor t:tlso

: .t. · thu.:, ono in r923, only a fow hundrad aoti vists ror.1..r.1.inod · · ·în .: f;h.J party, .0!':i.f~innlly su: wo ro n pnrty of .industril:'.l

r.ûlito.nts, nith 8rily vory fou pa.id funciïio·nnriüs· •. .. .:7h,Jn tho direct aqtivity of thu indu~t,r~P-1- r.ri:litnnts

diud d owri our pnrty s i mp Ly c:Jn.sna. to oxt at , IL vas not n mat t o r of ta.king o. po l.Lt t caL ras')lution; whcn our mi Lî.t ant rrorkoz-a conaoû t o bo act t vo a Ll, tho.t wns loft to do waa t o acknowfodgo thnt ·fnot and dr:-,.;;1 tho c onc Lusd on , 1,k tiho youngor nctivists, dooidod to ont or ot ho r poli ticn.l paz-t t.is , simply bo cauao this :70.S tho only p Lnco who r-o '.JO e ou Lâ mo.rt polit icnlly re mi ndoù voz-koz-a and .try t o 1.1in thon ovo r ,



vol 6 J\'TO t just out~

contents inoludo- ulster;

Fards r:qnhwnh, the J\T.m pro lot

-nrin.t. I od post pnid fron

H. Rnssal,53A,wos~moroln.nd

Rond,Br,1r.üey ,Kent.


No 6 j~st out. contents

includo co~trqotion news,

rslington,critiquo of thJ

Conrrru11ist pn.rt y. rod f:r;-oa

A. Mann, 79 ,Balfour Rd,L.;ndon.

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·• .... / if;i.!EJJ-JiS

9,., J-Jè!!YS

W.o ·are: coritin:uing OUI'· rr.:,port on tf!nants act_$:'7'ity.;in·· Ab;ordP,P.llll, b-P@lrt in·. thr::- last issuP wi th an accourrt of the t0riants ooanï, ttP.P in Bolland str:P.P.t, by TA.printing thA :followine; itP?J ·which appoar=d in th,.,. '~v·Pntng ~:tprAss•. · ( 20/9/69 J ~rt shows th"' vicious tacticts to'· '.'efhich· land- . loJids wi.11 · ·rr-so:ët · wbPn tr-ma.n ts b"'gin to strtigg~A · :for . · · dpcont conditions.Our noxt issu"' will contain an account of how to bPst us» thP RPnts Tribunal.,.:

ABBRDEEN LANDIORD BAD WINDOWS R~MOVF.D. "An A.bA°rdPen J..23.ndl.ord,who renqved.windows in his-prop­

erty iri. an attPnpt to fo:tcP bis tPna.nts to· l.PaVP. was :finPd .t25 at AbPrde"'ri ShPrrif Court yr->StP·rday .PrPviously A.lbP:rt MacDo:p.a1.d( 56), bulidP.r ,Cos$& Gottago ,Dr:>n Road,· had ·dr->n:iP-d . thp char-ge p but yr.>StP.rday by lP.ttP.r hn adnâ t.tPd .tbP.· ac+s .. wbich werP dP.signPd to intPr°!l'ArA wi th tht:=! p,P.a.c'"' and cootort of thP tP.nants. ·

. OnP tP.nant had lt::>asPd a f"lat Jt.ast Januacy,co.ns .-isting of a roon and boxroon at .t3 a WPekoThP. t~nant approachPd thr-> Ri:>nt T:iribunal and had his rr:>nt rAd~c~d to I? /IO ·.·on FPbruary 20 MacDonald infor:,(.)d th~ tP.nant · t~t )lP would hav» to 1P.avr.>9giving hâ.n 2~ days to gP_t out._1h,:, tPnant.again appro ach=d tho Tribunal·who tol.d hin to ignor"' this, as his tonancy was a=cur= fo·r . 6 nontbs.

On May I9 two :·.10n can- and said thr->y WAli""" goirig to ronovo his winc:1.ow for TPpair;noatti:>npt was oadP to cove r tho hol" lof't.Anothi'=>":;, ·tonan:t · also h:ail-· his .. window rPnOVPd .:Beth co:-~plainr-,d to MacDonald, but hr.> c·lbsP.d thP. door and rp,fus0d to discu~3·. th"' 1:1attPr. T~PY thon wp,nt to tho police .On.:> tPnant ~<,·:.a nad a . six Wi=>Pk old son nad suff PrP.d fron sP.vr:>rP. colèl." · · - ·



. .

. wo·RKERS CO·NTROL Tl1P oonc-spf of alionation is band f=d around.with··

ccmsidP.ra,bl9 vaguPn,.,ss and lack of clarity by :.1arxists, rr->volutionariPs, 'social çritias•.,a.nd _sundry so cdo Io-­ giets and psychologists alik<">oFor thP tr::3ditiona1·1P.ft stil1 waiting for thP nr:>xt i final' cri sis _·_of èap_i talisn thi:- ic1Pa app--ar-s · of li ttlA inporta:ncP., al tbc-ugh ·. di·t should .,. • ... ..,t J • '·11-- - .. n"" .,' . .• • . ,

. ""'

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10 .. bP apparPnt by now that for th'"' fors1=>,:,alt>,1P future intp.r -nat:tonal capi tal.isr:1 will b·P. abl.P to conf'ân» i ts Pcononic crisr.:>s with:im cr.:>rtain lioits.:But if capita]is~ ca.n. nain­ tain an ,:,cononic stabili ty O·f sorts tbP aan« çannot be said otf thP social crisis;thus for lib0rtarian socialists thP concPp.t of alienation is of fundan,mtal i~1portance and liPS at tblP v"ry roots of th:P social criais of the systPD. This artic fl is an ati!;nnpt .to outlinr-> thP prob­ lP::.is of work in :rrPlation to ~a;P.:i,,talisn and .socia1~SÎ:Ie



An i::}t;iortant asp-c t of alinnation is th"' rnlatio,n­ shi:p g,,f th,:, wo rk=r to what hn ac.tuaJ!.ly pr-oducoe .UndP.r th'-'. wag'-' contract t!l"' workr-i:r surronfü,,rs thP pr-oduc t of bis' labour· to tho capâ tal.ist so tbat th"' product is no lorrg,:,r bis own,hr> Jniâs no control ovr:ir what hP sp,:,nds · his nhti:r·,,:, lif ~ producing(Anyon"" who thinks a wag= is e fair "'xchang"" has nPVPr workP~ in a faètory).Th"" workAr · is not onl.y alionati=,d frm:1 his product,but frOD thr-> actual proc.P.SS of production i tsAlf o

Wo r.k i s · DPaningJLP.SS in tha t th" wo rk Pi' · lias to wo rk si._:·.1ply 'in· orfü,r to SUJ1'ViV0.,it boCODe>S :J.i::>ri:'>iy a r1c-ans tb an .,.,nd. Work und Pr · capi talisn is li tPrally ':forcP.d l.abour• d,:,v.oid. o.f an.y oppo.rtuni ty :for th" workPr to P.X~rcisn h:i'..s: init'iativ"' or c,r1=>ativity.As :far as th"' boss is .conc,:,:imP.c1 thP.. workP.r is son,.,tbing attachod. to thr-> r->nd of· a naehân= though not nParl.y so i1:1porta:h t · b,=;causP hP' s nuch bhPap..:. ""r to rPp1ac"" o ThP wo·rkr-,r is :rP.garè.,.,c1 as a rJPJrP. conüodi ty' ~o b"' bough.t and sold on th ... capitalist ::iarkPt.


liow"'v'"'r i t: would obviously br> falsP. to inaginP. the rA workr->r passivPly accr.-pting lb:is ro·l" in this totalJLy • dAhuoanisocl. dofini tio.n of wo rk .Ho r,-,aliSPS only too woll th" PXploitation and ali~nation inh~rnnt in his situation and for this rr->ason. th,.., factory is al.ways on th" b:rink of industrial strifeo In ân attn~pt to prP- vent this t~"' nanagsnsrrt . t:riea to con and :'lanipulafa:~ th.P workf'r by throwing hi,n E.ùpS such as fringp b,:,nnfits,.. allowing hin to· sit on cr•n:JittPP.S (advis9ry cf c,,ursP.), pa:bticipation schP.:Jr->S, r->tc .Sr·nP bcur-geo i e sociclcg:ilists would not e1ren dP.ny thP. dnhunanising naturP. of nodern .work but claio· that this is dnt"rninr->d by the v"'ry

naturr-> 0:f C'Ul" tPcruiologyoHoWPVe.r,thP.y wculd add,by way oî consolaticn for b,:,ing rPduc~d te the- st~tus cf a zo:ibiP 8 hour-s a day, that thP workr--r is frëe · 0utsidP. o:f tbP factory te· r->njoy th"' ~igh standar,d io:t 1iying"of .. our aff1uPnt society.The.basic fnuit of this solution to work ali"~tion is that· it ignorPS th"' int~rrP.lation of such PSSPntial ·:sphr->l"PS '()f hunan aètivity às wo·rk .and

• ; 1 . . •,' ,,, • \ r \ • ·,

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.rr, lP.iSUI"P, and th.P Ways Îh. Whl..Ch t~o quali 'ty · ()f wo rk . l3.ff':"C°t?. -th"': q~a.,lity ·cf 1~i~ur~-~I;rntodays so~call"d.. ·aff- · l:µ,..,rit S,ÇÇ,~~.ty '.witifi.t_s t:r->lat~v:-.:.~'.hiëli. ;:Ii._i:>v,:,.ls pf' ccne-

;~::1~.:!?.id'n by·:w-:ra.""k0r.S:,th'-' .workr,:r ~s :àl~_0.na-t,,,d· m consunp­ :'ti;:\?l. 'as .WP'1l::âS WOFk •b;:-sêaUS·~ hfs Wàn-ts ·-8!'"'-_; t-rr.>atPd :·.

a ·• . ···••-' ••. ,.· • '!.. ··. . . . . .'•. ·"· · ,~:r~;i.t-rai;ily;·anc\: bri:'.atnt1 ·artif.icially tbr~ugh . .aè.v,-,rtis-- .,..-.~-'iti~~Ji~~~a:J;:i=>d. Ç0ll'S'Un~ti"o'l1 haa bP -n t3.pt'ly d),SCI'Ï bP.d as . '' · · .. ·- .... '~;Ji~~- .. J.ila~~P~~tion of thÂ' .. _-~G~SUF.:11"'"~:· to buy •-.a:r.i.d to

o:ri,r.,.~·~f'0 . to 'bllyÏrl((, bP..0,~Sii..,J:r{ OUr' · 1"C0h0:;1ic· systeD 'ti),il1GS .d~n~nÇ,:.:tc b· :b··œ·ht1.:,rr: a.uc.tiop llf"·eds .. i::16::fre ',. . CCI1S1:ll:1Pr.é,~~t:.::bP.Caus~·.: .'..s!i;T ;•,_;.... "thii;}kê tb'P. CO'.nSUJ.'..li=>r. llèP.dS · thP. 'th°ii;l.Ga.P,l'.'QC1uced·11.(r,f •. Ka:;:ni;.i,;:[:: : ;irx'isri {}, ~thics ._:;E>I9) .. . .. . . . . . . . \~

-:.:: .. ~ ~. : ; • •' . ;r •· •



:- ... r ., ;-,!~, ... :..:...., · . .-... . . . ·.

'': · .. · ':I · ·wrJ°li1J" \·,d<-:>ct · sc;:ùitioné 'ba~e:a.. ··;n lRis-µ~e ,aut~i:1a­ tion ,"éi;c., OPcausq ·=ijliAi:i tPc~oJl.CJ"giqâ.l. ',d~tArr~ini""su inp­ liPS tbat. thi8:re .is -no way::in whicn.'.thè. ·:w.:c~rker.:can. il;.1p-rOVP. hf s. ·1ot al wou.l.d ·suco'lst•: tha't t~f-: l)Jr'.Î:-lP. factor in thi=> alii::>nation. of thP: wr)rkAr is no t thP-"-·-nattirA of wo rk itsP_1f, but thP. -.:irPlaticin of ·'th.r--. w:-::irkP;i' · tt-\' bis work. TakP th~ {'XO.:]plr-," c,f à no to r :'al.PChanic·, w.ho b.y ··a1] dP.fin­ i tions is thc/ouchly al;î.tna.tf':'d: i:n w--:i::tk )>ut wh~,. .n~vP.r­ thn_ lPSS :P,Djoys Sp-,..,nd·ip.!f ~l.l. his spar'è ti:·1~ . w,::i:rp!Jl6 on hi:s car unhind:e:rèd by ·bo·#s, or fnr"'n~;,.,.qQ(}~Illt.this

SUf:CP.S.t tha,t @.J!.~~na-fàc,n, :J:.snt · an '._intrinsid f P,atur:.A of WOrk as SUCij.,bu{t Ï'athP:!1" -,:;f th~ authcritària!!c. J?OW:P..:zr~. . strnctutP of :·.1.od"'rn in::!.ustry and ··so.c.iety-;·th"'rP.t'\orp./ .tlle : f'il'.st sts.p towards a solution·. te, ·thi=> probl·;;,:.1 o:f a.li""n~_-,: atiou li_,..s in. ·th"' tctal PP.~:i:'Ganiz~tic.lf:l: o,.:f. so_CiAty •... ·

' 1.!" •. : Th~ ~xa~·1pl"' cf th~ rr-cbanâ c jày'·b,0 chall"nt;r.>d · as b7,inc. untypical and th""rr.:,lftèrp irr"'lr.:.vant · to nuch ··o:r ·. nod è-rn -fyrd:niol0cy~It:u~s~ h'"'."?-d~1ittPc1 that. to_çl.ay: fpw pFod-Ùcts arP nad» · by i.ncl:ividu.als; "a proc1uct can bA ·. riadr- ·'tC-C1.ay 0Illy if th0 Opcora,tÏC'llS Of a {;rPat pan.y : iimdividu~.l.$· ar o put t(>Gr-th"r anc1. intPgratP.d in.to a: .: patt.~rrii.,I~: is this pattê:r-n ·whi'cb is p,roc1uctive ,lio\t · ...... tfut,,,-··irlçl.ividùa,I"(Arbstre:ht:· NLR IO .P20 J. \

• • • • 1 • • •

, . ..·, . ·. BOWP.VP.Jr, aft.P.r a r~voiutionary chariîg~ "hi' the .. ' organ.izatiolrn of w,)rk-. has occur-rod, th,,, pattèrn o:f procl- ·. · .uc tâon ·b:Pca::10s incrr.;-"a:sin.cly sc,cialisr.:>d, a shift 'in. onph­ a$iS · f.ro'j .. ·individua1· te: croup proc1uct wil]. c,ccurT,so . that -th'"' 'individua1.··dr:œ:iv0s satisfaction no t frein the COIJ.pC'HPl'lt ·:E]r }?F0dUCr->S,bUt f.:rt'é'l his rr.>lati0n to thi:> GJ:OUp prcduc't , · ,. · . ·:': ... : .· ., . ·

··A rP.vo1.utionary.·'chahé';".~.i11:-'1ioc1al. ·or-c;a.nization ·r so tha t w0 rk.iti.c;( and. l:ÂisurA) · : .::'· ·::--·co~di tLm.s . arP. a:on- :· trol1:P.d by· thr-i· ,wQrkr:œ-.s thr->DS(ÜVP.·s in.v:ol.vPS· à·.'.change in tnP funda::lplltal rplO.ti0flS of production; Î t ÏS not

.. : .... /'

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. 12. . .. It · is noë P.nougb,nP.rely to change propr-,rty rêlations

to end al.iP.riation . in WOrk as SODA revolutionaries WOU.ld ···havm us believe .In -Bri tain. the pubJJ.ic owhersh~p SACtor ·accounts fer 32% of. the natio:p.al.,gross f~xed ~nwèstoent

. but does anyone seriosly that work for,say,~ .railwayoan is nore satisfying and neaning:fu.l afternationali~at:ï:.ôn? ThP. revolutionary answ:er.lies in thP.. t~ansforriation of powP.r.not in 4 ts tran.sfer fron one set cf' bosses to another.This transf'ornati0n has bP.cin achinvr->q.;if only · teopôrarily,in thP. revolutionary upsurgas wpiè~ have . occurred in the industrialisP.d cruntriP.S for alnost as long as th"l w0rking èlass has bpPn in P.Xistance:.:

"In thesP. upsurgr->s thP working-èlass has rep- eatP.dly p:lacPd. beforr-i ;oankind thA. wholP quP.st­

ioi. of a n,:,w f'om,..èf. ederal organization.·And to this quPstiqn_ i t has repPatPdly · provifü:id i ts own answer.ThP. Oonrnma o.f I87I, thP. sàviP.t·s of 1905 and I9I7, thP Russian factory ccnrd tiiA0P.S of 1919-20, thP Ital.ian fact0ry connt ttP.eS of I920, the coun.cils SP.t up by thr.:i Spanish workt!'!rS in 1936-7 ,and thr.- Hungar-Lan workPrs courre i.ls of . 1956. werP. at on» and thP san« tinr-J o r-gans o:f. strugsl.P against thP rulinc-class and its statfl -anè. nPw forns 0f orca,nd.zatic:n basf=id on princip, -lP.s radically oppoasd to thosA c .. f · bourgeois sociP.ty"( • Sol.ic1ari ty• Vol5 No .12 ) . .

HoWPVPr thP strugglP is n.ot confinPd to thPse periodic rP.voluti::.nary uplh:oavals; in thP P.Vioryday lif P of the -· factory thP working class is cc,nstantly challP.nging the hiP.r~rchy of authority,en.croach.ingon the sacred prP­ rogativP.S o:f nanagP:onn.t and attP.npting-to inpos,=, its own control. on tllo work situation.This is rAflP.CtPc1 in the fact that bPtwopn 1940 and !960 the proportion ot strikPS concnrnfng wag"' nattPrs(oth"'r th.an clr:-nands for incrPasP·s)workinc arrangPDr->nts,rul,::,s and dieciplinP. rosp froi:i on.r->-thirc1. to three-quartPrs of thP total.BP.t­ W"'Pn 1956 &9 cnly 32~ of strikPs W'-'r"" · clirPctly about nonPy ,.21% concP.rned · disoissals, 20% c1isnisst·.:ts of' stew­ ards and DPDbPrs(disciplinary) and~ OVPT rP.dundanciP.s. (SourcP.;K .. coatP.s 'Towa:rds sc,cialisn P304)ThPSP fic;ur0s rPfUtP th~ allcigation·that th"' class îs only ihtPrP.StPd in.splfish gain and succ"'sts that it is col'.l!.Stantly att­ P.npting to PXPrt as conplntp a control as is possiblP OVP.r work and working cœnc1i tiç;,ns.Th"' struG01P. appP.arP,d to bP about to P.IltP.r a nPw pbas~ o~ MersysiêP.,with the propoaaâ of thP G~C workPrs · to occupy and nm the fact­ oriP.s and excludf' thie:<mm.ap7nePi,t~F.'V!P.nts on MÀrsyside show tbat thP first stPJJ' tcwards workP,l!"S control and a o~aDdngfil work prccess nust bA th,,, construction. by the workP.rs·of a strcng an.cl denocratic job orcanizaticn.


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V\CTO·RY or ··D.EFEAT ·, ., '

TbP AbP.rde,.,.n Trawl Str,ike endr->d on Tuesday thA 19th. ~ugust after 6~·~ays duri~g which IIO boats WPre tied up and IIOO P.n Wifl'ItP out.DeâJ?i tP tho att,:,mpts of thP. union to force a rPturn to work{ thPSP. includ,,,_.d two SP.crt=it ballo:ts) the mPn :remain"'d firm.and dt:.adiock wa:s rP.achP.d~


T·im,:, and agaân thA various ownnr-s forecas~ doom for ~lo:P. in.dustry in AbP.rdeAn, threat"'ning that unlPSS the men wAnt back immPdiatP.ly,many boats would rAmain tiP.d up aftpr'thP. strikA{of course,~his didnt happt:.n).WhAn the m,=sn gavP. .the se N.:eatings th,=, attPntion thPy dl~sp,rv,=,d, the ownPrs tried strânger m,=,thods of brPaking th,=, strike. ·

In the sixth wer->k one of the.owners,John Lewis, bribPd a crew to takA a boat to sea.This was done undPr grP.at sp·crecy and po LLc« p:noitection,and th,::, boat, thP _, Mount Loyal' sailP.d :from a ship repair yard ownsd · ·by .. .hn Lewis at dawn one morning.Thn "Strathelliot". o·wnP.d by Brucns St ores aleo sailP.d with a brib,=,d crP.w ônP·mor­ ning in an eff ert to break t:hn str:ike.

On hearing of the sailed boats,the men broke off negotiations and demanded that thq boats return immed­ i.atPly and thPir catches bo soûd for char:i,ty.The own­ Prs. denied tbat tbAy had bribed thn·cr~ws'and c1aimed that th,::,_mPn had come forward in a d~1,,,gation asking to bP. allowPd to sail.

The Union under prASSUre blacked thn two boats from e_Vr>~ port in :Bri tain. The OWJ;lP.FS. trir--d ·1.0 gr->t part of tbP. catcn ï'rom onA boat sol.data small mo.rkP.t north of AbPrdP.en by snnding thn fish to mark'-'t by road without a co~signmPn~· notP.

The narbour authoriti"'s,howAVAT,WPrr.> sus·picious,and fparing troublP r'P.fus0.d to allow :th"' fish to bA sold. AftAr this fai1ur,:,,both thP boats r~turn."'d to Ab,:,rdeP.n and tbP co.tch~s WPrP sold for charity.


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I4 .. TH"P. ,l[l\.RKE1r PIC:mTS

Although only IO~ ,::,f. tri&,.~l;h· usuù.lly .li\·nclud in . Aborddon wns lrmdocl d.uring bho stri1w, ît rrrts su:fficiont t() r..ll6'J7. sono of tho fish morohnnts to· r.10ot aomo of thoir 0rd.ors. 1'\TµC:t· li tt-10 fish was .boing Landcd camo :fr0!"'.1 smnll inshôr0 soâ no 'no t · borrt s wht ch', ._boing shrvr« o-.-Jnoh "by tho crow , wo ro nut out on striko. Thü tr~v:l;_ir mo n docïd·Jcl o.t a m.".SS r::oc~ting to pickot tho r,,':'.rlt0t in an o.ttmnpt to eut off ovo n this r.1Dn.gro supply t :::i the ncr-cnant s , Tho y fQrmnd a· :pickvting 001:1t,i ttco and. :)rgf>.J;lisvd. buao s · t () transp-'Jrt t hc men d'.1Wn to th0 fish ori.rk~~, nt 3.r..m. If tb:oro. ym.s nny doubt i"h tiho o.moz-s r.iinds .. of =tn.o 0nthe1lsiasm ·in the strilw ·;1hi;ch nho no n rota.-inuà. cJ"v.011":i.nt··) it·s· .sovcrrth · . . ... 1 • •. . wook , ·it · :tE.st have boo n dispo,llod by t ho IOO ! .o n who turnod. up to ;piolcnt the- r.11:'l.rk8t· p~rtors cl'icièt"'â. no t ta w0rlc but thr, so ï no n rt no n (n'1t·,ël_ individualists} un­ Load.id th••ir 'J\"Jn bout s und.rr p·"'lic·• pr--,tr;ctir:m. D·!_~pito s0v··rn.l scufflos thn· fish nns lr,,,nà.Dcl '."..S usua'l, und it was cbvfous thnt thn pâ ckrt s 1,-.r:1ulq. havo · te' bo s t r-o ngo r ,

. . . \

or- thn f Jllm·1ing ~~ .nô..rty (IIth 1,.,ugust) 300 no n turn:Jd up f"lr piok:::it dut y o no qunrtor of nll th9 trn:r.1lnrr.10n in .Ab0rdC!·::-n. or.co agru n t ho psrt:1r!:J wcnt h cno and tho s,:-1inc -nottors tri,1à. t) Land th(J catch but this tir:i.~' 1:;ho police :pr::itocti »n ,;ms not o ncugh , T1w fo\"1 boxo s Ji' fish lc.ncl:iët uor:: o.11 tl'lr:::mn bnclt int ') the: hr.trb::.,ur and. the soi no· net men sa.ile:ël., c omp'l.o to ~-1i th. fish, ·f·,~r p· ·torhana. thirt;y mi los nway. Tho mon lccpt the nnrJcqt e Loacd and fîr a who'l,o wcok n1 fish 1:ras: La ndcd at Ab.:rdoo n . (:>r1bably f0r th•"") first . · timc in a e oup l,n ,1f th'.)usèi.ncl ·yanrs).

The: fish r.iurohimts r1,:r..:i hi t vor"Jr bna.1, by this und on tho Friday Jf tho.t _wook thoy nnnouncoû thnt on the following r-.nnëlny (I8tl1 August) fish yi"ould. bo Landoê, aDspitu tho piclt(1ts. ~xtrc~ p·Jlico woz-o clrnftc:à. d n from as fn.r: A,1/Jny as nu11c1n-~ sixt~r .L'ti-lcis' mmy anë, nt 3 a s m, thor:J.·-vJoro r5o in bh o rs1.rkot hroo.. cr~-.rd. cont r-o'l, barrinrs s-:-ictionoà. ~ff n. po rt t on o:f tho na .. rkot and bohd nd, thoso: sovcn soi no not buatia worc, tioa. 'up nt t ho quay , T}1:: pioltots nunoo rs Lnc ro asod to. 300 nnd .tho tvJ'J urdo n of:ficnls wôrci mobboû and. n.lr.iost physicn.lly tihr-own :)Ut of tho · markot. ~v·:}ntually tho pickct co raru ttiJ/) was o.110,;.1oë!Jthrough tiho bo.rriors t) tnlk Vfi th th~ so i.no ro t cr-owa , ·As +no tir.n · for un'l.oadâ ng approachoü , tho sr1i110 net· b oab s · one by ono caat :::>ff fror.i the quay and. sa.ilud agat n for p(itorhoad amia. choors and, jnors fron_ t ho piclc~t.

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' .. ,"li ,..

- THE SETTLl!:r.ii!I!NT

With no pr-oapo ct of fish b(Ji,ng Land.od or of tho strik:1 w.iakcnf ng the! ownor-s wor,, forc,·ia. to gi va th,1 1-:-1<:n thoir ;~3 a day wht oh haû by 11or1 bocomo tiho t!l.c'1.j or r~bjocti vo of tho str:fJt(hL .Th,· :·•on wo r-o g:nvun thoir ;e3 a day and tt . :e30' n yonr a'l Lowanco · fnr protoctivü clot~ing in roturn for 111.n:oductivity o.gro,:•1;1onts". Th:•su ngr,.1omonts .fall into two cat ogor-Io s , tho agroorao nts t ho mon agrooa.. to anë the r.groo · -ro nts · tho ·men nover. horrrd of. ··

Tho men ngrcorl t '1 s·niq,ing l:Ti t hout a thirC.. ungincor whf.ch no ans thn.t the tun · othcir .Jnginor.!rs must ëlo tv1,:ilvo hour shifts wh fLo at ao a , T!1oy a'l so agr-o oû tha.t the cooka shou.Ld wor-k on the è.ock in bo tvoo n the propo.ro.t Lon of fo,)cl Tho d.isaa.v~ntc.gos of t.ho first t·) thu ongi:llvcrs Ls obvt ous and. als 0 h ow f'i t can a œn bo t,, 11) )lt c..ftcr tiho s."..fot;y cli' a b orrt nftor 5 •r 6 dnys of two lvo heur shifts?. Ft<;d nt son is novor gooc1 and YJith tho o ock hav Lng :t ;) apo nû tir.10 on ûo elt v10rk _it t s no't lil:::o ly tr) i:.;.pr'JVO.

·" Thoru i:1(ir.-::! oft.•:ï.1 agr:!;11:hints whâ ch thu urncn mnüo and

t ho mon novo r ho arû , I-J,) uruo n , it Yifl..S 2..gr;:;uël., -n0uld. bo olig:i,.blo for hâ s r7/- par èlny i!1CrC!P.Su u .. nï.o as 0r until ho haô, tur> YCJP;rs s.,irViC(! Yvith)ut suapo ne i.on , (11.fish:1rrianrs rucord f')ll ')\YS hü~ fr·)n 0mpl0y~r ta Dr:1ployur in a b o ok t ho vo nt t on of \'Jhich I s m!c,Jssnry by 1m-J) suspr.insion from a b orrt cari o orno about as r-oau'l.t of b:.:dng lnto far tiho s::i.iling timo n"..lcing the borrt lini t on f1)r a numbo r of ot.ho r potty offcnco. Tho ownoz-s havo · now c.lso tho right to fï·m mon for auch auapo ndoû d.nys anû sinon th,i s:ittolr.innt this ha s boo n bc.clcd0,toë1... u:.in sig?J.ing on aftnr tho strik0 founcl thonS'.Jlvos bo I ng . fin1ù. for auapc nsâ o ns of t n ro o morrth a bo r oro ,

' .

• o


S~Jvornl Pui•ks n.ftr:ir tih.: strikri was ovo r , th:-i r.i:-•n f ounô, ano'tho r- na.gr,·ior1ontH tht}yrC. novo r ngrc:oc:· t o , ·1r:->:;1l:'ir~·1n arc pn.icl n bas Le rf'.t0 plus i:. bonus ovo r a oor-t at n profit a clny wbioh ,thu crrt ch nalœ s , :i?rior t·n th.:.i · strikci tho no n woro · givcn c.. fall-bnck bnnua if th(! orrt ch d.iù.nt mako ('11::-ugh pr'Jfit f'.Jr tho bonus te bo pnyab'Lo , A 'f,)rtnight ~:ft;Jr th-cl striko · finishvd. aovo r-a'L b oat s foü.nù. thur.1solvos in this po s Lt Lo n but ro co tvo d no fnll-bnck. roo mo n ·rc:fusod t:) saâ L until the natter haü boon cl:.i[lro(~ up und suv::rnl bont s wo ro tiod up. Tho ouncz-s u1~.c.,.Jrst:1·)rl froù tho o.gr,1c1r:10nt tha.t fnll-b~ck bonus hnd boo n abo Lf ahcû , tiho union unûc rat o oô, thn.t i t wns sti 11 t '.1 bu nogotic.tuë'.. and thu mo n know not hf ng abcut it. Aftùr tho orrnor-s ngrci-.!l?tO!lt to d.iS9:i!f:!~---~_h0 m.";.ttor ui th the union, t ho mon s::i..ilod. but it a s urüilwly thoy \'Jill have much suco ss .nov th,·: pro s suro Hf off tho r

ori1pl'.)yors. ''hon tho b'l.ln.:r:00 shd,,t is ,nd.dod. up ï't t s diffioul t tio suo hm; nuch th.::.!' uo n hrwo bo.nofi tcd fror.i

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thoir ni no vro oka o n s t rf.ko ,


Tho Ab0rd."c..1on trnnl _s.trilto 1,:ms, thon, n :partial vict:)ry. If. t.no rn.n hr.C. concluotod. th.:.!ir ovn nogotic.tio11-s,. and po rhaps picl,::i.1toa.. th, 1:1nrI~0t ;.1arlio.r tiho st.riJc,J wcul.ô. havo boo n a ~or·: c "'.lr1:pl:,to vi ot r,ry. Tho uni on ,.-rn,s: ·Sn_'.:1H to bo a gr:1nt n.1.1~"'" of tiho or.1:r;,loyors who n thi)y got int ·J él.f:fficuJ.tios through taotionl., · b Lunûe.ra , Th·.1 strikc.• wi 11, howovor , show to oth:'r Xt')rkors in Ab:,rd.''on tiho po"'.70r thoy hnvo who n ,th.!y èh0os:·· t o net ind.ust­ rin.lly wi th mi li:tnncy nnc1 ë'.::;t -1rr.ri.nr.. tien.

N.R. 0000000·

j ., .. , ..

SCOTTI8H 80I,ID.fl...RI'.~·y GR01JPS.

AB "':RD"Wi N P. R·.JY., 3 Sincl::tir RC>r.d., 1ill~RD~H.

GL/,.J GO".T

~DI~:r'3URGH T. rJ ,.,oioy, I4 .. , -.~""' "D"""'·•C!t"'11 stri•;°'t ·: · .• ,;;>V .• • .1. .._ •.11 1 ,.. . 1 . :~clinburgll 8.


T}1.:i tJur..ning of s ocf.a Lf.sm - p~ul c~rd.nn - . roa, Hungnry I95 6 - And.y Anl,1rs en - 4/I.

P'..lris M'1Y J968 - I/4.

socinlism or B~rburism - IOd..

-Vl>.uxhrùl - Kon Tfnllor- - IOcl.

;•rhn.t Hnppnr:ni:.. nt Fards -- :r.c,1n 17,~11,·1r 8 Zrnio St:'..t:t'.)11 - I/-.: ·


Th·) sorrt o nc.: on png,' 8 b(!ginningt rn<L"'pohd.o..nt c our.câ Ls r shouï.d O')nti':mn r bna.id on f~.ctr;,rius · r~th:.!r trhan on trn.è1.r1s t