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Jyotish (Sanskrit: जयोतिष, IPA: [ɟjoːtiʂə]), also anglicized Jyotish and Jyotisha, is the Hindu system of astrology (alsoknown as Indian astrology, Hindu astrology, and of late, Vedic astrology). Traditionally, it has three branches:[1]

Actually the word Jyotish which belongs to the Vedangas. There are six Vedangas: Shiksha (phonetics), Kalpa(rituals), Vyakarana (grammar), Jyotishya (astronomy), Nirukta (etymology) and Chhandas (metrics). These arementioned in the Upanishads. Nirukta has explained as dhyotiti yat tat jyotihi jyotisham i.e. which enlightens us thattype of a flame a Jyoti that is Jyotish.

Branch English Definition

Siddhanta traditional Indian astronomy.

Samhita predicting important events based on analysis of astrological dynamics in a country's horoscope or general transit eventssuch as war, earthquakes, political events, financial positions, electional astrology; house and construction relatedmatters (Vāstu Shāstra), animals, portents, omens etc.



Hora Predictive astrology based on analysis of natal horoscopes and the moment a query is made.

The latter two are part of predictive astrology (Phalita). Conceptually, therefore, Indian astrology has two branches,Ganita (Siddhanta) and Phalita (Samhita plus Hora).The foundation of Jyotisha is the notion of bandhu of the Vedas or scriptures, which is the connection between themicrocosm and the macrocosm. The practice of Jyotisha primarily relies on the sidereal zodiac, which is differentfrom the tropical zodiac used in Western astrology in that an ayanamsa adjustment is made for the gradualprecession of the vernal equinox. Jyotisha includes several nuanced sub-systems of interpretation and prediction withelements not found in Hellenistic astrology, such as its system of lunar mansions (nakshatras).Astrology remains an important facet in the lives of many Hindus. In Hindu culture, newborns are traditionallynamed based on their jyotish charts, and jyotish concepts are pervasive in the organization of the calendar andholidays as well as in many areas of life, such as in making decisions made about marriage, opening a new business,and moving into a new home. To some extent, astrology even retains a position among the sciences of modernIndia.[2] Following a controversial judgement of the Andhra Pradesh High Court in 2001, some Indian universitieseven offer advanced degrees in astrology.[3]

HistoryThe term jyotiṣa in the sense of one of the Vedanga, the six auxiliary disciplines of Vedic religion, is used in theMundaka Upanishad and thus likely dates to Mauryan times. The Vedanga Jyotisha redacted by Lagadha dates to theMauryan period, with rules for tracking the motions of the Sun and the Moon.The documented history of Jyotishas see http:/ / www. astrowebindia. com/ visit/ OLD1. html begins with theinteraction of Indian and Hellenistic cultures in the Indo-Greek period. The oldest surviving treatises, such as theYavanajataka or the Brihat-Samhita, date to the early centuries CE. The oldest astrological treatise in Sanskrit is theYavanajataka ("Sayings of the Greeks"), a versification by Sphujidhvaja in 269/270 CE of a now lost translation of aGreek treatise by Yavanesvara during the 2nd century CE under the patronage of the Western Satrap Saka kingRudradaman I.[4]

The first named authors writing treatises on astronomy are from the 5th century CE, the date when the classicalperiod of Indian astronomy can be said to begin. Besides the theories of Aryabhata in the Aryabhatiya and the lostArya-siddhānta, there is the Pancha-Siddhāntika of Varahamihira.The main texts upon which classical Indian astrology is based are early medieval compilations, notably the Bṛhat Parāśara Horāśāstra, and Sārāvalī by Kalyāṇavarman. The Horashastra is a composite work of 71 chapters, of which the first part (chapters 1-51) dates to the 7th to early 8th centuries and the second part (chapters 52-71) to the later 8th century. The Sārāvalī likewise dates to around 800 CE.[5] English translations of these texts were published by N.N. Krishna Rau and V.B. Choudhari in 1963 and 1961, respectively. According to Late. Shri VPK Poduval,

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famous astrologer of South India, based at payyanur, kerala, Hora-shasthra is defined as "Demand of the second".Moreover Shri.Chithrabhanu K Poduval, young and able astrologer of present period, who too lives in payyanur,kerala explaines this as "Account of deeds" which is well informed in a persons horescope.Historically, the study of astrology in India was an important factor in the development of astronomy in the EarlyMiddle Ages.


VargasThere are sixteen varga (Sanskrit: varga, 'part, division'), or divisional, charts used in Jyotisha:[6]

Varga Divisor Chart Purpose

Rasi 1 D-1 Natal chart

Hora 2 D-2 Overall wealth

Drekkana 3 D-3 Siblings

Chaturtamsha 4 D-4 Properties

Trimshamsha 5 D-5 Morals, ethics, spiritual values

Saptamsha 7 D-7 Children

Navamsha 9 D-9 Spouse, Etc.

Dashamsha 10 D-10 Earning Career

Dwadashamsha 12 D-12 Parents, Grandparents

Shodhashamsha 16 D-16 Vehicles

Vimshamsha 20 D-20 Upasana-s, Sādhana-s

Chaturvimsha 24 D-24 Education (higher)

Saptavimshamsha 27 D-27 Vitality

Khavedamsha 40 D-40 Quality of life

Akshavedamsha 45 D-45 (From here on out,the birth time must be absolutely precise or the divisional chart is incorrect!!)

Shastiamsha 60 D-60 Used to differentiate between twins, etc., etc.

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Chart styles

There are two chart styles used in Jyotiṣa:

North Indian South Indian

valign="top" |

South Indian

Grahas – the planets

Graha (Devanagari: , Sanskrit: graha, 'seizing, laying hold of,holding'.)[7]

Nine grahas, or navagrahas, are used in Jyotisha:[8]

Sanskrit Name English Name Abbreviation Gender Guna

Surya (सरय) Sun Sy or Su M Sattva

Chandra (चदर) Moon Ch or Mo F Sattva

Mangala (मगल) Mars Ma M Tamas

Budha (बध) Mercury Bu or Me N Rajas

Brihaspati (बहसपति) Jupiter Gu or Ju M Sattva

Shukra (शकर) Venus Sk or Ve F Rajas

Shani (शनि) Saturn Sa M Tamas

Rahu (राह) North Lunar Node Ra M Tamas

Ketu (कत) South Lunar Node Ke M Tamas

Planets in maximum exaltation, mooltrikona (own sign), and debilitation, are:[9]

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Graha Exaltation Mooltrikona Debilitation Sign Rulership

Sun 10° Aries 4°-20° Leo 10° Libra Leo

Moon 3° Taurus 4°-20° Cancer 3° Scorpio Cancer

Mars 28° Capricorn 0°-12° Aries 28° Cancer Aries, Scorpio

Mercury 15° Virgo 16°-20° Virgo 15° Pisces Gemini, Virgo

Jupiter 5° Cancer 0°-10° Sagittarius 5° Capricorn Sagittarius, Pisces

Venus 27° Pisces 0°-15° Libra 27° Virgo Taurus, Libra

Saturn 20° Libra 0°-20° Aquarius 20° Aries Capricorn, Aquarius

Rahu and Ketu are exalted in Taurus/Scorpio and debilitated in Scorpio/Taurus respectively. They are also exalted inGemini and Virgo.The natural planetary relationships are:[10]

Graha Friends Neutral Enemies

Sun Moon, Mars, Jupiter Mercury Venus, Saturn

Moon Sun, Mercury Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn Mercury, Venus, Saturn

Mars Sun, Moon, Jupiter Venus, Saturn Mercury

Mercury Sun, Venus Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Moon

Jupiter Sun, Moon, Mars Saturn Mercury, Venus

Venus Mercury, Saturn Mars, Jupiter Sun, Moon

Saturn Venus, Mercury Jupiter Sun, Moon, Mars

Rahu, Ketu Mercury, Venus, Saturn Mars Sun, Moon, Jupiter

Rāshis – the zodiac signsRāshi (Sanskrit: rāśi, 'part'.) In Jyotisha, the zodiac is called kalpurusha, the eternal time that has no beginning orend. In the Vedas, the ecliptic is referred to as the Sudarshan Chakra, the wheel in the hand of Lord Vishnu, thecreator of the universe. The entire chakra is 360°, and is divided into 12 rāshis of 30° each, representing 12constellations that are the zodiac signs. The progression through the zodiac signs represents the cosmic evolution ofthe soul. Jyotisha uses the sidereal zodiac.[11]

Number Sanskrit Name Western/Greek Name Tattva (Element) Quality Ruling Planet

1 Meṣa (मष) "ram" Aries (Κριός "ram") Tejas (Fire) Cara (Movable) Mars

2 Vṛṣabha (वषभ) "bull" Taurus (Ταῦρος "bull") Prithivi (Earth) Sthira (Fixed) Venus

3 Mithuna (मिथन) "twins" Gemini (Δίδυμοι "twins") Vayu (Air) Dvisvabhava (Dual) Mercury

4 Karkaṭa (करकट) "crab" Cancer (Καρκίνος "crab") Jala (Water) Cara (Movable) Moon

5 Siṃha (सिह) "lion" Leo (Λέων "lion") Tejas (Fire) Sthira (Fixed) Sun

6 Kanyā (कनया) "girl" Virgo (Παρθένος "virgin") Prithivi (Earth) Dvisvabhava (Dual) Mercury

7 Tulā (तला) "balance" Libra (Ζυγός "balance") Vayu (Air) Cara (Movable) Venus

8 Vṛścika (वशचिक) "scorpion" Scorpio (Σκoρπιός "scorpion") Jala (Water) Sthira (Fixed) Mars

9 Dhanus (धनष) "bow" Sagittarius (Τοξότης "archer") Tejas (Fire) Dvisvabhava (Dual) Jupiter

10 Makara (मकर) "sea-monster" Capricorn (Αἰγόκερως "goat-horned") Prithivi (Earth) Cara (Movable) Saturn

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11 Kumbha (कमभ) "pitcher" Aquarius (Ὑδροχόος "water-pourer") Vayu (Air) Sthira (Fixed) Saturn

12 Mīna (मीन) "fish" Pisces (Ἰχθεῖς "fish") Jala (Water) Dvisvabhava (Dual) Jupiter

The zodiac signs in Jyotisha correspond to parts of the body:[12]

Sign Part of Body

Mesha (Aries) head

Vrisha (Taurus) mouth

Mithuna (Gemini) arms

Karka (Cancer) two sides

Simha (Leo) heart

Kanya (Virgo) digestive system

Tula (Libra) umbilical area

Vrikchika (Scorpio) generative organs

Dhanu (Sagittarius) thighs

Makara (Capricorn) knees

Kumbha (Aquarius) Lower part of legs

Meena (Pisces) feet

Bhāvas – the housesBhāva (Sanskrit: bhāva, 'division'.) In Jyotisha, the natal chart is the bhava chakra (Sanskrit: chakra, 'wheel'.) Thebhava chakra is the complete 360° circle of life, divided into houses, and represents our way of enacting theinfluences in the wheel. Each house has associated karaka (Sanskrit: karaka, 'significator') planets that can alter theinterpretation of a particular house.[13]

House Name Karakas Meanings

1 Lagna Sun outer personality, physique, health/well-being, hair, appearance

2 Dhana Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Sun,Moon

wealth, family relationships, eating habits, speech, eyesight, death

3 Sahaja Mars natural state, innate temperament, courage, valor, virility, younger siblings

4 Sukha Moon inner life, emotions, home, property education, mother

5 Putra Jupiter creativity, children, spiritual practices, punya

6 Ari Mars, Saturn acute illness, injury, openly known enemies, litigation, daily work, foreigners, service

7 Yuvati Venus, Jupiter business and personal relationships, marriage, spouse, war, fighting

8 Randhara Saturn length of life, physical death, mokṣa, chronic illness, deep and ancient traditions

9 Dharma Jupiter, Sun luck, fortune, spirituality, dharma, guru, father

10 Karma Mercury, Jupiter, Sun, Saturn dream fulfillment, knees and spine, current karmas, career, sky themes (being 12am/midheavens

11 Labha Jupiter gains, profits from work, ability to earn money, social contexts and organizations

12 Vyaya Saturn loss, intuition, imprisonment, feet, foreign travel, moksha

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NakshatrasNakshatra (Devanagari: नकषतर, Sanskrit: nakshatra, 'star', from naksha, 'approach', and tra, 'guard') or lunarmansion is one of the 27 divisions of the sky, identified by the prominent star(s) in them, used in Jyotisha.[14]

The 27 nakshatras cover 13°20’ of the ecliptic each. Each nakshatra is divided into quarters or padas of 3°20’:

# Name Location Ruler Pada 1 Pada 2 Pada 3 Pada 4

1 Ashvinī (अशविनी) 0 - 13°20' Aries Ketu च Chu च Che चो Cho ला La

2 Bharanī (भरणी) 13°20' - 26°40' Aries Venus ली Li ल Lu ल Le पो Lo

3 Krittikā (कततिका) 26°40' Aries - 10°00' Taurus Sun अ A ई I उ U ए E

4 Rohini (रोहिणी) 10°00' - 23°20' Taurus Moon ओ O वा Va/Ba वी Vi/Bi व Vu/Bu

5 Mrigashīrsha (मरगशीरषा) 23°20' Taurus - 6°40' Gemini Mars व Ve/Be वो Vo/Bo का Ka की Ke

6 Ārdrā (आरदरा) 6°40' - 20°00' Gemini Rahu क Ku घ Gha ङ Ng/Na छ Chha

7 Punarvasu (पनरवस) 20°00' Gemini - 3°20' Cancer Jupiter क Ke को Ko हा Ha ही Hi

8 Pushya (पषय) 3°20' - 16°20' Cancer Saturn ह Hu ह He हो Ho ड Da

9 Āshleshā (आशलषा) 16°40' Cancer - 0°00' Leo Mercury डी Di ड Du ड De डो Do

10 Maghā (मघा) 0°00' - 13°20' Leo Ketu मा Ma मी Mi म Mu म Me

11 Pūrva or Pūrva Phalgunī (परव फालगनी) 13°20' - 26°40' Leo Venus नो Mo टा Ta टी Ti ट Tu

12 Uttara or Uttara Phalgunī (उततर फालगनी) 26°40' Leo - 10°00' Virgo Sun ट Te टो To पा Pa पी Pi

13 Hasta (हसत) 10°00' - 23°20' Virgo Moon प Pu ष Sha ण Na ठ Tha

14 Chitrā (चितरा) 23°20' Virgo - 6°40' Libra Mars प Pe पो Po रा Ra री Ri

15 Svātī (सवाति) 6°40' - 20°00 Libra Rahu र Ru र Re रो Ro ता Ta

16 Vishākhā (विशाखा) 20°00' Libra - 3°20' Scorpio Jupiter ती Ti त Tu त Te तो To

17 Anurādhā (अनराधा) 3°20' - 16°40' Scorpio Saturn ना Na नी Ni न Nu न Ne

18 Jyeshtha (जयषठा) 16°40' Scorpio - 0°00' Sagittarius Mercury नो No या Ya यी Yi य Yu

19 Mūla (मल) 0°00' - 13°20' Sagittarius Ketu य Ye यो Yo भा Bha भी Bhi

20 Pūrva Ashādhā (परवाषाढा) 13°20' - 26°40' Sagittarius Venus भ Bhu धा Dha फा Bha/Pha ढा Dha

21 Uttara Ashādhā (उततराषाढा) 26°40' Sagittarius - 10°00' Capricorn Sun भ Bhe भो Bho जा Ja जी Ji

22 Shravana (शरवण) 10°00' - 23°20' Capricorn Moon खी Ju/Khi ख Je/Khu ख Jo/Khe खो Gha/Kho

23 Shravishthā (धनषठा) or Dhanistā 23°20' Capricorn - 6°40' Aquarius Mars गा Ga गी Gi ग Gu ग Ge

24 Shatabhishā (शतभिषा)or Shatataraka 6°40' - 20°00' Aquarius Rahu गो Go सा Sa सी Si स Su

25 Pūrva Bhādrapadā (परवभादरपदा) 20°00' Aquarius - 3°20' Pisces Jupiter स Se सो So दा Da दी Di

26 Uttara Bhādrapadā (उततरभादरपदा) 3°20' - 16°40' Pisces Saturn द Du थ Tha झ Jha ञ Da/Tra

27 Revatī (रवती) 16°40' - 30°00' Pisces Mercury द De दो Do च Cha ची Chi

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Daśā-s - the planetary periodsDasha (Devanagari: दशा, Sanskrit,daśā, 'planetary period'.) The dasha system shows which planets will be ruling atparticular times in Jyotisha. There are several dasha systems; however, the primary system used by astrologers is theVimshottari dasha system. The first maha dasha is determined by the position of the natal Moon. Each maha dasha isdivided into subperiods called bhuktis. Vimshottari dasha lengths are:[15]

Maha Dasha Length Bhuktis

Ketu 7 Years Ketu, Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury

Venus 20 Years Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu

Sun 6 Years Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu, Venus

Moon 10 Years Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu, Venus, Sun

Mars 7 Years Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu, Venus, Sun, Moon

Rahu 18 Years Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu, Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars

Jupiter 16 Years Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu, Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu

Saturn 19 Years Saturn, Mercury, Ketu, Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter

Mercury 17 Years Mercury, Ketu, Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn

Drishtis - the planetary aspectsDrishti (Sanskrit: drishti, 'sight'.) In Jyotisha, the aspect is to an entire sign, and grahas only cast forward aspects:[16]

Graha Houses

Sun 7th

Moon 7th

Mercury 7th

Venus 7th

Mars 4th, 7th, 8th

Jupiter 5th, 7th, 9th

Saturn 3rd, 7th, 10th

Rahu 5th,7th,9th, 12th

Ketu No aspect

Gocharas - the transitsGochara (Sanskrit: gochara, 'transit'.) In Jyotisha, a natal chart shows the actual positions of the grahas at themoment of birth. Since that moment, the grahas have continued to move around the zodiac, interacting with the natalchart grahas. This period of interaction is called gochara.[17]

The transit of planet signifies many things, including a money flow possibilities for an individual. Believe it ornot,there are specific Yanthras, like Dhana Aagaman Yanthra, which will give money flow at specific periods.According to Astrologer Shri.Chithrabhanu K Poduval of Poduval community of payyanur,kerala, thisyanthra-money flow gadget will deliver money exactly within a 27 day period, making flow for four quarters in ayears time. Share market watchers, and people who earn with luck demands this kind of yanthras. Here lies theimportance of Transit.

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Yogas - the planetary combinationsYoga (Sanskrit: yoga, 'union'.) In Jyotisha, yogas are planetary combinations placed in specific relationships to eachother.[18]

Kalasarpa Yoga If all planets (excepting Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) are 1-side of Rahu and Ketu, it becomesKala-Sarpa Yoga. Kala-Sarpa means "Black snake." Traditional astrology sees this as the harbinger of manymaladies—however, more recent interpretations view it in a different light. According to Barbara Pijan: Kala-SarpaYoga is a rather late accrual to the Jyotisha inventory of planetary yogas.

Historically, Rahu and Ketu gained prominence in the Jyotisha commentary literature starting around 600-800 C.E.-- long after the main body of literary classics were recorded. Therefore Kala-Sarpa Yoga is not listed in the hoaryclassical works such as Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra.

Since its medieval rise to popularity, however, Kala-Sarpa Yoga has captured the interests of practicing Jyotishi.Similar to the common but ridiculously over-simplified beliefs surrounding Kuja dosha ("mangalika") KSY isbelieved to entail many horrible & crippling consequences. According to ganitha Jyothisha shasthra explained bypoduval astrologers of Payanur, a small temple town of kerala, India, Kaala Sarpa Dosha parihara can be done bySarpa dosha Parihaara Pooja at an individuals house, with providing a Naaga Prathishta(Snake idol) to keep at sacredplace at individuals home. For more information about the same a person with Kaala Sarpa Dosha can consultShri.Chithrabhanu K Poduval (Astrologer and one and only Planetary Cause investigator available guiding about thiskind of Doshas.Kala-Sarpa Yoga is associated with dreadful experiences like suffering from poisons, relentless catastrophes, suddenand disastrous changes in every aspect of life, and every type of scandal. The victim may be homeless,unmarriageable, unemployable, or a pariah -- all due to this single excruciating planetary configuration.

In truth, few of these terrifying results will manifest. What the yoga does involve is a rather deep and complexpsychological compulsion to re-enact a past-life memory of being a human sacrifice.

This psycho-mental condition may lead to obsessive-compulsive behavior of giving over one's life force to the goalsand needs of others (including giving one's life for one's tribe or nation) -- until the native learns to consciouslycontrol it.

Dig bala - the directional strengthDig bala (Sanskrit: dig bala, 'directional strength'.) Graha-s gain strength when they are placed in specific cardinalhouses:[19]

House Grahas Direction

1st Jupiter, Mercury East

4th Venus, Moon North

7th Saturn West

10th Sun, Mars South

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Lagna – the ascendantLagna (Sanskrit: lagna, 'ascendant'.) Lagna is the first moment of contact between the soul and its new life on earthin Jyotisha.[20]

Atmakaraka - the soul significatorAtmakaraka (Sanskrit: atmakaraka, from atma, 'soul', and karaka, 'significator' .) Atmakaraka is the significator ofthe soul's desire in Jyotisha.[21]

Gandanta - the karmic knotGandanta (Sanskrit: gandanta, from gand, 'knot', and anta, 'end'.) Gandanta is a spiritual or karmic knot in Jyotisha.Gandanta describes the junction points in the natal chart where the solar and lunar zodiacs meet, and are directlyassociated with times of soul growth.[22]

Ayanamsa - the zodiac conversionAyanamsa (Sanskrit: ayanāṃsa , from ayana, 'movement', and aṃsa, 'component') is the longitudinal differencebetween the Tropical (Sayana) and Sidereal (Nirayana) zodiacs.[23]

Moudhya - the combustionMoudhya (Sanskrit: moudhya, 'combustion') is a planet that is in conjunction with the Sun. The degrees the planetsare considered combust are:[24]

Graha Degree

Moon 12

Mercury 13

Venus 9

Mars 17

Jupiter 11

Saturn 15

Sade sati - the critical transitSadi sati, the transit of Saturn over the natal Moon, is the most important transit in a birth chart and takesapproximately 7.5 years to complete. The transit begins when Saturn enters the house before the Moon, and endswhen Saturn departs the house after the Moon. The most intense phase is when Saturn is 2-3° on either side of theMoon. The beginning of the transit will give an indication of the issues to be addressed. Sade sati results in acomplete transformation, usually with a change in career or life direction.[25]

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PanchangamPanchangam (Sanskrit: pañcāṅgam, from panch, 'five' and anga, 'limbs'.) The panchangam is a Hindu astrologicalalmanac that follows traditional Indian cosmology, and presents important astronomical data in tabulated form.Panchangam means five limbs, or five lights that influence every day.[26]

In modern IndiaDavid Pingree notes that astrology and traditional medicine are the two traditional sciences that have survived best inmodern India, although both have been much transformed by their western counterparts.[27]

A number of Indian universities currently offer advanced degrees in Jyotisha, including Benaras HinduUniversity.[28]

InnovationsNew approaches developed by Hindu astrologers in the modern epoch include the following:• New Techniques of Predictions by the late Mr. H.R.S. Iyer. In the 1960s, H.R. Seshadri Iyer, introduced a

system including the yoga point, which became popular in the West.• Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes by Mr. V.K. Choudhry. In the early 1990s, Indian Vedic

Astrologer and Author, V.K. Choudhry introduced the Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes asimplified system of Jyotish (predictive astrology). The system, also known as "SA", helps those who are tryingto learn Jyotisha.

• Krishnamurti Paddhati by the late Mr. K. S. Krishnamurti. The system developed by Shri Krishnamurti ismainly based on the analysis of the stars (nakshatras), by sub-dividing the stars in the ratio of the dasha of theconcerned planets. The system is also known as "KP" and "sub theory".

ControversyIn the early 2000s, under the Bharatiya Janata Party led government, astrology became a topic of political contentionbetween the religious right and academic establishment, comparable to the "Creation science" debate in USeducation. The University Grants Commission and the Ministry of Human Resource Development of theGovernment decided to introduce "Jyotir Vigyan" (i.e. jyotir vijñāna) or "Vedic astrology" as a discipline of study inIndian universities, backed up by a decision by the Andhra Pradesh High Court, despite widespread protests from thescientific community in India and Indian scientists working abroad.[29] In September of the same year, the SupremeCourt of India issued a notice to the Ministry of Human Resource Development in reaction to a petition, stating thatthe introduction of astrology to university curricula is "a giant leap backwards, undermining whatever scientificcredibility the country has achieved so far".[30] In 2004, the Supreme Court dismissed a further petition, judging thatthe teaching of astrology does not qualify as promotion of religion.[31] In modern India

Relation between astrology and karmaCharles Keyes, professor emeritus at the University of Washington and E. Valentine Daniel, professor ofanthropology at Columbia University state that many Hindus believe that heavenly bodies, including the planets,have an influence throughout the life of a human being, and these planetary influences are the "fruit of karma." [32]

The Navagraha, planetary deities, are considered subordinate to Ishvara, i.e., the Supreme Being) and are believed bymany to assist in the administration of justice.[33] Thus, these planets can influence earthly life.[34]

Such planetary influences are believed by many to be measurable using astrological methods including Jyotiṣa, theHindu system of astrology.[35]

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See also• http:/ / www. srisivanadi. com/• http:/ / www. divinescripts. com/• Jyotiṣa resources• Bhrigu Samhita• Hindu calendar• Hindu cosmology• Hindu chronology• Nadi astrology• Electional Astrology- Vedic Muhurta• Phonetical astrology- Swar Shaastra• Planets in astrology• Tithi• Indian astronomy• History of astrology• List of numbers in Hindu scriptures

Notes[1] What is Jyotisha Astrology (http:/ / exploreastrology. co. uk/ JyotishaAstrology. html)[2] "In countries such as India, where only a small intellectual elite has been trained in Western physics, astrology manages to retain here and

there its position among the sciences." David Pingree and Robert Gilbert, "Astrology; Astrology In India; Astrology in modern times"Encyclopedia Britannica 2008

[3] Mohan Rao, Female foeticide: where do we go? Indian Journal of Medical Ethics Oct-Dec2001-9(4) (http:/ / www. issuesinmedicalethics.org/ 094co123. html); T. Jayaraman, A judicial blow, Frontline Volume 18 - Issue 12, Jun. 09 - 22, 2001 (http:/ / www. hinduonnet. com/thehindu/ fline/ fl1812/ 18120970. htm)

[4] Mc Evilley "The shape of ancient thought", p385 ("The Yavanajataka is the earliest surviving Sanskrit text in horoscopy, and constitute thebasis of all later Indian developments in horoscopy", himself quoting David Pingree "The Yavanajataka of Sphujidhvaja" p5)

[5] David Pingree, Jyotiḥśāstra (J. Gonda (Ed.) A History of Indian Literature, Vol VI Fasc 4), p.81[6] Sutton pp.61-64.[7] Sanskrit-English Dictionary by Monier-Williams, (c) 1899[8] Sutton pp.38-51.[9] Sutton p.21.[10] Sutton p.21.[11] Sutton p.74.[12] Charak, Dr. K.S. (1996). Essentials of Medical Astrology, Uma Publications, pp.5-6.[13] Sutton pp.93-167.[14] Sutton p.168.[15] Sutton p.211.[16] Sutton pp.26-27.[17] Sutton p.227.[18] Sutton p.265.[19] Sutton pp.25-26.[20] Sutton p.96.[21] Sutton p.326.[22] Sutton pp.61-64.[23] Sutton p.11.[24] Sutton p.33.[25] Sutton p.231-232.[26] Sutton, Komilla (2007). Personal Panchanga and the Five Sources of Light, The Wessex Astrologer Ltd, England, p.1.[27] David Pingree, review of G. Prakash, Science and the Imagination of Modern India, Journal of the American Oriental Society (2002), p. 154

f.[28] Department of Jyotish, Faculty of Sanskrit Vidya Dharma Vijnan Sankaya (http:/ / www. bhu. ac. in/ svdv/ departments. html)

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[29] T. Jayaraman, A judicial blow, Frontline Volume 18 - Issue 12, Jun. 09 - 22, 2001 (http:/ / www. hinduonnet. com/ thehindu/ fline/ fl1812/18120970. htm)

[30] Supreme Court questions 'Jyotir Vigyan', Times of India, 3 September 2001 (http:/ / timesofindia. indiatimes. com/ articleshow/1843762777. cms)

[31] Supreme Court: Teaching of astrology no promotion of religion (http:/ / judis. nic. in/ supremecourt/ qrydisp. asp?tfnm=26188); Introductionof Vedic astrology courses in universities upheld (http:/ / www. hindu. com/ 2004/ 05/ 06/ stories/ 2004050602931400. htm)

[32] Karma, an anthropological inquiry, pg. 134, at http:/ / books. google. com/ books?id=49GVZGD8d4oC& pg=PA132& dq=shani+ karma&lr=& cd=2#v=onepage& q=shani%20karma& f=false

[33] Karma, an anthropological inquiry, pg. 134, at http:/ / books. google. com/ books?id=49GVZGD8d4oC& pg=PA132& dq=shani+ karma&lr=& cd=2#v=onepage& q=shani%20karma& f=false

[34] Karma, an anthropological inquiry, pg. 134, at http:/ / books. google. com/ books?id=49GVZGD8d4oC& pg=PA132& dq=shani+ karma&lr=& cd=2#v=onepage& q=shani%20karma& f=false

[35] Karma, an anthropological inquiry, pgs. 133-134, at http:/ / books. google. com/ books?id=49GVZGD8d4oC& pg=PA132& dq=shani+karma& lr=& cd=2#v=onepage& q=shani%20karma& f=false

References• Sutton, Komilla (1999). The Essentials of Vedic Astrology, The Wessex Astrologer Ltd, England

BibliographyEncyclopedic treatments• Kim Plofker, "South Asian mathematics; The role of astronomy and astrology", Encyclopedia Britannica (online

edition, 2008)• David Pingree and Robert Gilbert, "Astrology; Astrology In India; Astrology in modern times", Encyclopedia

Britannica (online edition, 2008)• "Hindu Chronology", Encyclopædia Britannica Eleventh Edition (1911) (http:/ / www. 1911encyclopedia. org/

Hindu_Chronology)Academic literature• David Pingree, "Astronomy and Astrology in India and Iran", Isis - Journal of The History of Science Society

(1963), 229-246.• David Pingree, Jyotiḥśāstra in J. Gonda (ed.) A History of Indian Literature, Vol VI, Fasc 4, Otto Harrassowitz,

Wiesbaden (1981).• Ebenezer Burgess, "On the Origin of the Lunar Division of the Zodiac represented in the Nakshatra System of the

Hindus", Journal of the American Oriental Society (1866).• William D. Whitney, "On the Views of Biot and Weber Respecting the Relations of the Hindu and Chinese

Systems of Asterisms"", Journal of the American Oriental Society (1866).• Satish Chandra, "Religion and State in India and Search for Rationality", Social Scientist (2002).

External links• Jyotiṣa (http:/ / www. dmoz. org/ Society/ Religion_and_Spirituality/ Divination/ Astrology/ Vedic/ ) at the Open

Directory Project

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Article Sources and Contributors 14

Article Sources and ContributorsJyotiṣa Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?oldid=394036671 Contributors: ***Ria777, Abecedare, Albertindian2001, Alchemystical, Andres, Ansi-boy, Anupamjolly, Astrolinks,Astrologist, Astrosutraindia, Avecit, B00P, B9 hummingbird hovering, Babub, Balu.muthu, Bazj, Bhattji, BigrTex, Bill Thayer, Blake-, Bonvino108, BorgQueen, Brenont, Brian, Buddhipriya,Budfin, CALR, Can't sleep, clown will eat me, Chandraputra, Chintu26, Chris Brennan, Chris the speller, Closedmouth, Cminard, CraigWilliam, Crystallina, Curps, DBaba, DaGizza,Dangerous-Boy, Dbachmann, Deeptrivia, Diamantina, Discospinster, Dj thegreat, Dman727, Dr N D King, Draconis Neurocam, Drmies, Dublin2002, Dushyantgautam, Eduardo Corrêa,Ekabhishek, El C, ElfMage, Erkan Yilmaz, Eugen Simion 14, Favonian, Feezo, Fieldday-sunday, Freedomji, Frencheigh, Gaius Cornelius, Goatasaur, Goethean, GourangaUK, GregorB,Grenavitar, Gujaratiauthor, Gunjan Thakur, Gurukkal, Hadal, Halleana, Holy Ganga, HumphreyW, Hyacinth, INkubusse, IPSOS, Icairns, Imjoshig, Indu, Iridescent, Ism schism, Issyl0, Jackie,JakeVortex, Jbalagop, Jeff3000, Jiang, JoanneB, Josh Parris, Jossi, Kajasudhakarababu, Kar403, Karch, Kasi visvanath, Kess, Klmandan, LeaveSleaves, Ljhenshall, LordSimonofShropshire,Lotusocean, Lumos3, M.Imran, MER-C, Magioladitis, Makewa, MarcAurel, Materialscientist, MatthewVanitas, Maurice Carbonaro, Merope, Michaeltaft, Mike s, Minesweeper, MisfitToys,Mkweise, MrStalker, Mskadu, Mullickprashant, Nanakshahi chd, Naohiro19, Naroays, Natascha1, Nathanael Bar-Aur L., NaySay, Nazar, Nbb0ffice, Neelmack, Nehrams2020, Neves2882,Nharipra, Nvvchar, Odin 85th gen, Ofthe1780s, OnePt618, Pavi.N.Trisal, Pearle, Pedro Pamplona, Per Honor et Gloria, Ppalem, Priyanath, Protozoan, Quux, Raj2004, Rajendraprasadvyas,Ramayan, RandomCritic, Redtigerxyz, Remember the dot, RichardB, RichardF, Rjhanji, Rohiniranjan, Rrburke, Rudrasharman, Sahyogi, Samuel Grant, Samuella, SanjayPrabhakaran,Sarnamindia, Searchme, Secret, Sfacets, Shridharvk, Shruti14, Siha, Sonysimon, Spellmaster, Spidermedicine, Squell, Sreesog, Srkris, Stephenb, Stone, SunCreator, Super Supper, Tanweera,Tarun ce, Tbarron, Tbone762, The One True Fred, The Parting Glass, The Willows, Thunderboltz, Utcursch, Vajay31, Vasant85, Versageek, Vinay Jha, Viralmpandya4, Viriditas,Vivekanandbhardwaj, Vorpal blade, Vprashanth87, W!B:, Warrush, Wassermann, WereSpielChequers, WikHead, WilliamKF, Wkrocek, Wordup 10, Wykis, Xnuala, Xtifr, Xyzzyva, Zerokitsune,Zhandorr the Magnificent, 339 anonymous edits

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