jython 2.7 and techniques for integrating with java - frank wierzbicki

Jython 2.7 Update Frank Wierzbicki Wednesday, May 9, 2012

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Jython 2.7 is scheduled to release by July 15. Frank will talk about the new features for Jython 2.7 and plans for Jython 3.x. He will also spend some time talking about techniques for integrating Jython with Java. Jython 2.7 release is sponsored by Adconion


Page 1: Jython 2.7 and techniques for integrating with Java - Frank Wierzbicki

Jython 2.7 UpdateFrank Wierzbicki

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Page 2: Jython 2.7 and techniques for integrating with Java - Frank Wierzbicki

Why use Jython?

• Massive amounts of Java code out there

• Some really useful Java libs

• Great JVM ecosystem

• But we’d all rather be writing Python code, right?

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Page 3: Jython 2.7 and techniques for integrating with Java - Frank Wierzbicki


• Jython 2.7 is progresing well

• bytearray and io are the last missing big features

• 2.7 Unit test compliance

• 684 failing tests out of 10786 (~6%)

• Most of these are due to bytearray/io

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Page 4: Jython 2.7 and techniques for integrating with Java - Frank Wierzbicki


• Jython 2.7 work is being sponsored by Adconion. (Thanks!)

• Jython 2.7 alpha should be out this month

• The target for a production release is July 15 - which happens to be the final day of my contract to get Jython to 2.7 :)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Page 5: Jython 2.7 and techniques for integrating with Java - Frank Wierzbicki

Why is Adconion sponsoring Jython?• Adconion is a hybrid Java/Python shop

based out of LA

• They use Python version 2.7 and Jython 2.5

• They have internal Django apps that access Java libraries

• The 2.5/2.7 differences are a pain

• They’d like to give back to the community

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

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• Major apps

• Implementations - CPython, PyPy

• Other Java dynamic languages - JRuby

• Tooling support

• Java Virtual Machine development

• Academic research - gradual typing

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

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• Abstract Base Classes

• Bytearray

• __format__

• OrderedDict

• lots of Lib updates

• See CPython 2.6/2.7 what’s new for more

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Page 8: Jython 2.7 and techniques for integrating with Java - Frank Wierzbicki

Not in Jython 2.7

• multiprocessing

• buffer (so far never has been in Jython)

• memoryview (though there is a start, we’ll see)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Page 9: Jython 2.7 and techniques for integrating with Java - Frank Wierzbicki

Java Platform

• Starting to (optionally) use invokedynamic

• Everything is compiled to Java Bytecode

• Use a choice of Java garbage collectors

• Always uses Java native threads

• All cores are used

java.util.concurrentnot interpretedno GIL

-J for setting options like one of 20 or so GCsheap sizeetc

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

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Java Integration

• Jython integrates well with Java

• Jython makes calling into Java look like standard Python code

• Java classes and interfaces can be subclassed from Jython

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

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builtin Java interfaces

• Jython’s list implements Java List<Object>

• Jython’s dict implements Map and ConcurrentMap

• Jython’s set implements Java Set

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Page 12: Jython 2.7 and techniques for integrating with Java - Frank Wierzbicki

//Java interfacepackage org.acme;

public interface MyInterface { public List strList();}

#From Python in file “acme.py”from org.acme import MyInterface

class pyobject(MyInterface): def strList(self): return [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’]

//From JavaPythonInterpreter interpreter = new PythonInterpreter ();interpreter.exec ("from acme import pyobject");MyInterface pythonObject = interpreter.get ("pyobject");

List pywords = pythonObject.strList()for (Object o : pyList){  String string = ((PyObject)o).__toJava__(String.class); //Do something with the now Java native strings.}

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

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• For a more sophisticated approach to calling into Python code from Java in Jython see the PlyJy project

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Page 14: Jython 2.7 and techniques for integrating with Java - Frank Wierzbicki

import org.plyjy.factory.JythonObjectFactory; JythonObjectFactory factory = JythonObjectFactory.getInstance();MyInterface pythonObject = (MyInterface) factory.createObject( MyInterface.class, "acme.pyobject");

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Page 15: Jython 2.7 and techniques for integrating with Java - Frank Wierzbicki

Jython package cache

[frank jython]$ ./dist/bin/jython*sys-package-mgr*: processing new jar, '/home/frank/hg/jython/jython/dist/jython-dev.jar'*sys-package-mgr*: processing new jar, '/home/frank/hg/jython/jython/dist/javalib/antlr-2.7.7.jar'*sys-package-mgr*: processing new jar, '/home/frank/hg/jython/jython/dist/javalib/antlr-3.1.3.jar'*sys-package-mgr*: processing new jar, '/home/frank/hg/jython/jython/dist/javalib/antlr-runtime-3.1.3.jar'*sys-package-mgr*: processing new jar, '/home/frank/hg/jython/jython/dist/javalib/asm-4.0.jar'*sys-package-mgr*: processing new jar, '/home/frank/hg/jython/jython/dist/javalib/asm-commons-4.0.jar'


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

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Java package cache

• Goes through all jars and classes and figures out Java package contents

• enables “from java.foo import *”

• Java does not have a package.getClasses()

• If cache is disabled “from java import *” will not work from Jython

• * import for pure python still works

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

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• zxJDBC implements DB-API

• integrated into Jython’s core

• A crucial piece for SQLAlchemy, Pyramid and Django support.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

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• Modjy implements WSGI for Jython

• Acts as a bridge to Java Servlets

• integrated into Jython’s core

• Pyramid and Django support

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

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Working apps

• SQLAlchemy

• Pyramid, DJango

• setuptools, ez_install, distribute

• virtualenv

• pip

• many more pure python apps

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

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• Get ez_setup.py

• run “jython ez_setup.py”

• In Jython’s bin directory will be an ez_install that runs from Jython

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Page 21: Jython 2.7 and techniques for integrating with Java - Frank Wierzbicki

Install Django

• Get 1.3+ Django - run “jython setup.py install”

• From http://django-jython.googlecode.com get django-jython-1.3.tar.gz, untar it and run “jython setup.py install”

• see the django-jython project on googlecode.com for more detail

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

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Deploy Django

• run “jython manage.py war --include-java-libs=jdbcdriver.jar”

• This will produce a “war file”

• Copy this war file to the auto-deploy directory for most application servers (like Tomcat, Jetty or Glassfish)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

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war format for doj|-- WEB-INF

| |-- lib | `-- lib-python | |-- Lib | |-- django | |-- doj | `-- mysite `-- media

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

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Pyramid on Jython

• jython ez_install pyramid

• Note that you should not try to use Chameleon with Jython - use Mako for templates.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Page 25: Jython 2.7 and techniques for integrating with Java - Frank Wierzbicki

Creating an executable Jar

• Make a copy of jython.jar

• copy Lib/ into jython.jar

• copy a __run__.py file into new jar

• in the future it will be a __main__.py to fit with the new CPython convention as of 2.6/3.0

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Page 26: Jython 2.7 and techniques for integrating with Java - Frank Wierzbicki

Add Jython install stuff to a new jar

$ cd $JYTHON_HOME$ cp jython.jar app.jar$ zip -r app.jar Lib

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

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Add modules and paths to the jar file

$ cd $MY_APP_DIRECTORY$ zip app.jar *.py# Add path to additional jar file.$ jar ufm myapp.jar othermanifest.mf#Where, othermanifest.mf contains the following:Class-Path: ./otherjar.jar

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

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Add runner file, and run!

$ zip myapp.jar __run__.py#in 2.7/3.x$ zip myapp.jar __main__.py$ java org.python.util.jython -jar app.jar

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

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Jython 3000

• We already have a Jython 3 branch

• It has a nearly complete parser

• Not much else yet

• Can’t wait to delete old style classes and fake str suppot!

• I’d like to target 3.3 and support only JDK7 or above (maybe even JDK8 if it takes long)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Page 30: Jython 2.7 and techniques for integrating with Java - Frank Wierzbicki

Jython 3 changes?

• All of the same changes as Python3

• unicode for all strings

• no old style classes

• new metaclass syntax

• many iterators instead of lists

• much more

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

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Jython specific changes

• Better way to call into Jython? Project Lambda maybe?

• Default to not scan packages?

• Get rid of swing specific helper functions

• Remove Lib gunk

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Page 32: Jython 2.7 and techniques for integrating with Java - Frank Wierzbicki

Jython/CPython collaboration

• Break out the CPython standard Lib into a shared Lib - merge all of Jython’s customizations into CPython Lib

• Share CPython’s 3.3 import implementation

• PEP 420 implicit namespace packages for Java packages

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Where to Find Out More

• http://www.jython.org

• http://wiki.python.org/jython

• http://fwierzbicki.blogspot.com

• Twitter: fwierzbicki

[email protected]

Wednesday, May 9, 2012