j»%z john aiorao brodhead - rockcastlelibrary.org filemullins.jr., and mr.muiiins in xenia, ... and...

Low cost Boatowners Insurance from Stats Farm protects boat, motor, trailer on tho water or on the road. Can cover liability losses, too. See me. Word hoa been received by W.R. Durban of the death of a former brother- in-law, Samuel Maiden, 80, of Dayton, Ohio. He leaves one son, William of Eaton, Ohio, three daughters, Mrs. Juaoita. Garrett of Xenia, Ohio, Mrs. Helen Price and Miss Mary Maiden of Dayton, Ohio. One daughter, Matty, preceded him in death in .1967. Our sympathy is ex- tended to flie family. Our sympathy is also offered to the family of The PimiiiJ no ei>« C. Aaferfclri; P.blUh.rs Parllna M. Aafericln; Editor I*M4H WKr. Pr.»» J » % z U l t w M t Aiorao BRODHEAD D L anfret after Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ste- wart and Sandra of Miamis- burg, Ohio visited her sis- • " t « , Mrs; Mitchell Bus set I and Mr. Bussell lost week. Other visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Bussell were Mr. and Mrs. George Lee of East Bernstadt. Mrs. N ell Coffey, daughter of Mr. . and Mrs. Bussell who has been sick is re- ported improving. Mrs. Del ia Saylor visited her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Mullins.Jr., and Mr.Muiiins in Xenia, Ohio last week. Mr. Coit Brock who had a heart attack. end was a r.zAMim}!- County Baptist Hospital has returned to his home. Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Sha'fer end granddaughter, Pamela Jo Huff of Trenton, Ohio, andMr. andMrs. Bill Cheeks and children of Columbus, Indiana, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs.Charley Singleton. They visited '/ith their daughter and lister, Mrs. Cletus Parsons and family at Cartersville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.Guy Roberts. Jr., and children of Irvine were'here Sunday; and his mother returned home with them for a few days visit. Hr. and Mis. Richaid Cheatham and Pat visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.D. Cheatham in Columbia Sunday. Mr. Edgar Howard and Mr. Rick Collett were in Van- dalia and Dayton, Ohio over the week end. Miss Linda Howard who has been visit- ing relativ.es there for a 1 week returned home with them. and Mts. Byron M. and son, are here completing his Naval service in Pensacola, Fla., with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.B. Owens. Mrs. Everett F. Watson, and Mis. Dwight Whitehead were in Somerset Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Bussell Bryan and Cathy are visiting relatives in Louisville. Mrs. Virgil Martin returned from Louisville Sunday where she visited relatives for a few days. . Mis. Maiy Bowling is sick at .the home of her son, Hr. and Mrs. ErnestBowling. , Mr. and Mrs. B.C. Riddle spent Sunday in Somerset with Mr. and Mrs. Hart>M Vanhook and children. Mr. Wilson Green who has been a patient- ln,Garrari Memorial Hospital has re- turned home much improved. Mr. andllrs. EddieMorgan and Mr. and Mrs. Billy Ray Eaton of Richmond spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Scott and Carolyn. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Adems and children visited his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Charles ' Proctor and Mr. and Mrs. James Maynus at West Chester, Ohio over the week end. Mr. Henry Barnett is a p.atient in the Berea Hos- pital. Week end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Albright were Mrs.OrbinBiock and daugh- ter, Terry, of Clarksville, Tenn., Jimmy Albright and Phillip cames of Crab Orchaid, and Mrs. Paul Gevevon and daughter, Alice, of Grassy * Creek Mr. and Mrs. Byron^JL-aws and daughter, Genoa, of West Liberty, Mrs. "jewel Albright and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gray of Brodhead. Tuesday visitors of Mr. Old Mrs. Albright were J.T. Burton, Ernest Hughes of Brodhead and Walter Arney of Somerset, Miss Rinda Blown and Mrs. Ambrose Albright and Albert Albright, «dl of Brodhead. Raymond Sargent, son of Mr. And Mts. Cecil Sargent M bade home much better, after spending two weeks lb the University Medical Ctnter«t Lexington. • Mr. aod Mm. Walter Adams and family attended the Frazier Reunion held in Estill County Sunday. Recent giests of Mr. and Mis.Walter Adams were his" sisters, Mr. and Mts. Elton Bell and family of Lincoln Park, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Letcher Blanton and family of Gary , Ind- Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Albright and Steve were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ambuigey and James Rodney of Gainesville, Fla.; Mfo, Warren Albright, Ben, Jeff and Beth of Birmingham, Ala.; Miss Lou Ann Kane, of SeaU^ ;> 3V*h;. Mr.- ,«td Mrs. Richard Kane, Richaid, Billy, and Herbert of Bur- bank, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Majors, Steve and Davidof Florence, Ky..Mis. Paul Crowley and Danny Craig of Dayton, Ohio. OTTAWA Mis. Robert Snodgrass has returned from a visit with her sisters, Mrs. Ruth Prather and Miss Lotura Lewis at WindGeld, Kansas. She also visited her brothers, Leo- and Dwight Lewis and families in Coffeyville, Kansas and Chandler, Arizona. She was gone for a month. We are sorry to report Mr. Claude Shacklefoid bring in the Danville Hospital. We wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs.Larry Shafer i and Gregg and Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Lawrence and Wendell of Cincinnati. Ohio were week end guests -of- Mr. and- Mrs.-Virgil Lawrence and Mark. Masters Roy Wayne Wright, Michael* Adam?. Dee Larry, and Alvin Hamm left for Levi Jack- son State Park for a week of camp. Mrs. Frankie Brown was called to Cincinnati, Ohio, last week due to the death of her half-sister. Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Allen and Tami Dee of Williams- burg spent last week end with Bro, and Mrs. J.D. Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Simp- son and family of Cincin- nati, Ohio are visiting Mrs. Bettie Farris and Mis. Nancy Burdine. Mr. and Mrs. ElzleLas- well, Mr. aid Mrs. T.G. Laswdl and Jeffery and Mrs. Hannah Laswell visited Mr. and Mis. G.B. Howard and other relatives . in Larrell Saturday and Hannah stayed for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Goodner and family and Mrs.Dovie Cromer of Dayton, Ohio visited Mr. R.T. Laswell and other relatives at the first of the «e ek. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bullock are the proud parents of a baby boy bom June 23 at the Somerset City Hospital. He has been named Dale* Gregoiy. He is welcomed home by two sisters, Kimfcerly and Kathy. Delia Mae Wilmot would like to thank Mrs. Bucilh Lawrence for sending in her news while sh'e was at camp last week. Hugh Byrd. Mrs. Mae Gann of Conway - visited Mis. Hattie Anglin one day ftiis week. Mr. and Mrs. William Smith of Sand Gtp and Mts. Hazel Luns: fold of Berea visited Mrs. Hattie Anglin Fdday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Chasteen and daughters of Berea visited his brother, John Heniy Chasteen and Mis. Chasteen Monday. Other recent ' visitors were his daughters, Mrs. Phobe Isaacs - and children and . Mrs._ Marie Cole and chil- dren o{. Cynthiana and Carl Duiham and Hattie Anglin. Mr. Chasteen hgs a bad eye. We wish 'him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mis. James Ed- ward Durham and four children visited W.R. Dur- ham Monday. -Mrs. Stella Anglin and Oliver of Berea' visited them Thursday-. Jay Baker, visited them ^ F riday. Infuse remember to pray for our servicemen in the ^ Armed Forces. From this:* area are: Heniy Burdine. Junior Isaacs and Larry Hunt. Please find your , to some church jihat- . worships God in spirit and V-uth. this ne*t Lcid's Day which is Sunday. Nancy Durham celebrated her 41st birthday Thursday. Mrs. Hattie Anglin visited in Walton recently wiBi her chiIdren. THE MOUNT VERNON SIGNAL THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1968 PAGE FIVE OUTDOOR SERVICES— The Christian Churches of the county banded to- gether last sundry evening to enjoy a potluck dinner ond outside service at the Churches'- Camp near Brodhead: Bro. Larry Johnson,, former pastor at the Wildie Christian Church, presented the evening sermon. Youth camp began at the site last Sunday and the regularly scheduled evening ser- vices will beheld there lor the next two weeks. RECC Membership Meeting To Be Held Friday Night, July 5 The Jackson County Rural Electric Cooperative's ann- ual membership meeting will be held Priday.July S, 1968 at the Jackson County High School Audi- torium. The manager, Mr. Luther Fanner has extend- ed an. invitation to the public to attend the meet- ing. The theme of this year's will be "Service for Tomorrow's Needs." The meeting will include a brief business session during which reports on'thft fin- ancial conditions .and oct- fviffes of tfie'RECC Will be presented by the Co- operative President, Mr. L.H- Sparks, the Manager Mr. Luther Farmer, and the Secretary-Treasurer Mr. Farris Morris. In Addi- tion, three new directors will be elected to the Cooperative Boaid of Directors by the members attending the ne eting. A beauty contest will be held to select Miss jack- son County RECC of 1968. The winner of this contest will represent the Coopera- tive in the statewide roral electrification beauty pageant which will be held at die State Fair*in Louis- ville in August. -The winner of the Miss Kentucky RECC title will represent the state in the national finals which will be held at the national convention of the ' National Rural Electric Coaperativi< Association in Atlantic City, New Jersey, next February. Participat- ing in the local contest will be: Estill County Miss Wanda Kay Lairbert, of Irvine, Kentucky Owsley County Miss Shaion Gayle Chad- well, of Route 2, Boone- ville, Kentucky Laurel County Miss Judy Ann Johnson, of Route 2, London, Ken- tucky; Miss Lenda Sue Gilbert, of Route 4, Lon- don, Kentucky; Miss Sharon Bruner, of Bush, Kentucky. Clay County M)ssjimmie Joanne Smith", of Route 3, Manchester, 'Kentucky; Miss Sophia Carol Hlbbard, of Route 4, Manchester, Kentucky; Miss Darlene Runion, of Manchester, Kentucky,Miss Margaret Lee Woods, of Route 2, Manchester, Ken- tucky; Miss Loretta Grubb, of Route 3, Manchester, Kentucky. Following the business session and beauty con- test, a full program of entertainment will be pre- sented. Featured on this year's program will be the counby and western music stars of the "Barbara Allen Show," the illusionary magic of Josef Smiley and { the hilarious Pictured above are the Barbora Allen Singers. This group will be featured as port of the entertainment at the JACK- SON COUNTY RECC Annual Meeting on July 5, at The Jackson County High School, McKee, Kentucky. The Barbara Allen Singers are presently ranked as one of the finest country ond western singing groups in the notion. Also oppearing on the JACKSON COUNTY RECC Annuol Meeting entertainment schedule this year is Josof Smiley, a master magician who will ornate his audience with mony illusionary feats. The entertainment will be rounded out with copers* and comedy by San the Chjmponiee. Som will perform o unique oct which includes acrobatics, roller skating and inpersonations, to name just a few of his favor- ites. antics of Sam the Chimp- anzee. Manager Luther Farmer pronises that there will be something to interest and entertain everyone. The Old Tunnel Mill, near Dwarf, still grinds mountain corn. Arlington was known as the Confederate "Gibraltar of the West" during the Civil War. Trenches used during the war may still be seen along with- a huge anchor • and chain used to block the Mississippi to Union forces. Mobile Home Social Security News The number of poor people in the country de- creased by more than 9 million from 1959 to 1966, notes Mo! lie' Orshansky in a report on the latest Social Security Adminis- tration study on poverty and low income. In ''The Shape of Poverty in 1966," Miss Orshansky reports that although the number of persons living in poverty declined from 38.9 million to 29.7 million in the period from 1959 through -1966, <*a larger proportion of the ooor in 1966 were persons whose earning capacity was Unit- ed by age, family respons- ibilities, race discrimi- nation, or other factors. Significantly 9.1 million persons were counted poor in 1966 although the fani- ly breadwinner worked throughout the year. Over a third of all children growing up poor in 1966 were in families of men who did work through the year * but couldn't earn enough to support them. While many were rising above the poverty line during these "seven years of plenty." the number of near poor those whose incomes are just .barely aSotfe the poverty threshold showed only a small decline, from 15.8 million in 1959 to 15-2 million in 1966. Without public income- maintenance programs. Miss Orshansky reports, the number of poor house- holds in 1965 would have been 15.9 million instead of 11.2 million. The social security program itself, she points out, was re- sponsible for keeping at least 3VJ million house- holds above th£ poverty Yet families headed by a man who works but is unable to make sufficient income can normally find "nt> avenue of aid," since public programs are mainly geared to serve those who cannot work at all or are temporarily out of a job. It is clear that new programs or extensions of existing ones will be needed to lift these , families of bread winners with limited earning cif>acity above the poverty line, the article concludes. For imny now receiving help from public programs, escape from poverty can come only with increased payments. Copiesof Miss Orshansky's report, which also appeared in the Social Security Bulletin, for March 1968. are available from the Office of Research and Statistics, Social Security Administration,R oom 5628 HEW South Building, Washington. D.C. 20201. HAND CARVED—One of the attractions at the American Saddle Horse Museum, located at Spiodle- top Farm near Lexington, is this antique cart and horse from a large country house in Kelvedon, East Anglia, England. The entire item is hand-carved, and the handle at the rear is fashioned from ivory. DON'T MISS OUR BIG SUMMER SALE ON NEW MOBILE HOMES THIS THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, JUNE 27 and 28. SBE THE "FUNTASTIC" DADDY MOBILE. LIVE .ENTERTAINMENT AND PRIZES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY. LIVE, IN PERSON, JIMMY FOWLER M Th# Man of' a 100 Voices and 1,000 Faces." JASPER & JASPER MOBILE HOME SALES 2 MILES SOUTH OF SOM- ERSET ON U.S V Ph. 678-543? LISTEN EVERYDAY TO 1VRV K 1460 On Your Dial 6:30 a.m. 8:45p.m.

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Low cost Boatowners Insurance

from Stats Farm protects boat, motor, trailer on tho water or on the road. Can cover liability losses, too. See me.

Word hoa b e e n received by W.R. Durban of t h e death of a former brother-in-law, Samuel Maiden, 80, of Dayton, Ohio. He l eaves o n e son , William of Ea ton , Ohio, th ree daughters , Mrs. Juaoi ta . Garrett of Xenia , Ohio, Mrs. Helen P r i c e and Miss Mary Maiden of Dayton, Ohio . One daughter , Matty, preceded him in death in

.1967. Our sympathy i s ex-tended t o flie fami ly .

O u r sympathy i s a l s o offered to t h e family of

The PimiiiJ no ei>« C. Aaferfclri; P.blUh.rs

Parllna M. Aafericln; Editor I * M 4 H W K r . P r .»» J » % z U l t w M t


DL an fret after

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ste-wart and Sandra of Miamis-burg, Ohio vis i ted her s i s -

• " t « , Mrs; Mitchell Bus set I and Mr. Busse l l lost week. Other v i s i to r s of Mr. and Mrs. Busse l l were Mr. and Mrs. George Lee of Eas t Berns t ad t .

Mrs. N ell Coffey , daughter of Mr. . and Mrs. B u s s e l l who has been s ick is re-ported improving.

Mrs. Del ia Saylor visi ted her daughter , Mrs. Lloyd Mul l in s . J r . , and Mr.Muiiins in Xenia, Ohio l a s t week.

Mr. Coit Brock who had a hear t a t t a c k . end was a

r.zAMim}!-County Bap t i s t Hospi ta l h a s returned to h i s home.

Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Sha'fer end granddaughter , Pamela J o Huff of Trenton, Ohio, andMr. andMrs . Bi l l Cheeks and chi ldren of Columbus, Indiana, a r e v is i t ing their paren ts , Mr. and Mrs.Charley Singleton. T h e y vis i ted ' / i t h their daughter and l i s t e r , Mrs. C le tu s P a r s o n s and family at Car te r sv i l l e Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs .Guy Rober t s . J r . , and children of Irvine w e r e ' h e r e Sunday; and h i s mother returned home with them for a few d a y s visi t . H r . and Mis. Richaid Cheatham and Pat v is i ted h i s pa ren t s , Mr. and Mrs. C.D. Cheatham in Columbia Sunday.

Mr. Edgar Howard and Mr. Rick Col le t t were in Van-dal ia and Dayton, Ohio over the week end. Miss Linda Howard who h a s been v is i t -ing relativ.es there for a 1

week returned home with them.

and Mts. Byron M. and s o n , a re h e r e

completing h i s Naval s e r v i c e in P e n s a c o l a , Fla . , with h i s paren ts , Mr. and Mrs. C .B . Owens.

Mrs. Evere t t F . Watson, and Mis. Dwight Whitehead were in Somerset Monday on bus iness .

Mr. and Mrs. Bi l ly Busse l l Bryan and Cathy are v i s i t ing r e l a t i v e s in Louisv i l l e . Mrs. Virgil Martin returned

from L o u i s v i l l e Sunday where she v i s i t e d re la t ives for a few d a y s . . Mis. Maiy Bowling i s s i ck a t . the home of h e r s o n ,

H r . and Mrs. Ernes tBowl ing . , Mr. and Mrs. B .C . Ridd le spen t Sunday in Somerset with Mr. and Mrs. Hart>M Vanhook and chi ldren.

Mr. Wilson Green who h a s been a patient- l n ,Ga r r a r i Memorial Hospital ha s re-turned home much improved.

Mr. a n d l l r s . EddieMorgan and Mr. and Mrs. Bi l ly Ray Ea ton of Richmond spent Sunday with the i r paren ts ,

Mr. and Mrs. T e d Scott and Carolyn.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Adems and chi ldren vis i ted h i s s i s t e r , Mr. and Mrs. C h a r l e s

' Proctor and Mr. and Mrs. J a m e s Maynus a t West C h e s t e r , Ohio over the week end.

Mr. Henry Barnett i s a p.atient in the Berea Hos-p i t a l .

Week end vis i tors of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Albright were Mrs .OrbinBiock and daugh-ter , Ter ry , of C la rksv i l l e , T e n n . , Jimmy Albright and P h i l l i p c a m e s o f Crab Orchaid, and Mrs. Pau l Gevevon and daughter , Al ice , of G r a s s y * Creek Mr. and Mrs. Byron^JL-aws and daughter, Genoa, of West L iber ty , Mrs. " j e w e l Albright and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gray of Brodhead. T u e s d a y v i s i t o r s of Mr.

Old Mrs. Albright w e r e J . T . Burton, E r n e s t Hughes of

Brodhead and Walter Arney of Somerset , Miss Rinda Blown and Mrs. Ambrose Albright and Albert Albright, «dl of Brodhead .

Raymond Sargent , s o n of Mr. And Mts. Cec i l Sargent M bade home much be t te r , af ter spending two weeks l b the Universi ty Medical C t n t e r « t Lexington. • Mr. aod Mm. Walter Adams

and family at tended the Frazier Reunion held in E s t i l l County Sunday.

Recen t g i e s t s of Mr. and Mis.Walter Adams were h i s " s i s t e r s , Mr. and Mts.

El ton Bell and family of L inco ln P a r k , Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Le tche r Blanton and family of Gary , Ind-

Recent gues t s of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Albright and S teve were Mr. and Mrs. J im Ambuigey and J a m e s Rodney of G a i n e s v i l l e , F l a . ; Mfo, Warren Albright, Ben, J e f f and Beth of Birmingham, Ala . ; Miss Lou Ann Kane , of S e a U ^ ; > 3 V * h ; . Mr.- , « td Mrs. Richard Kane, R icha id , Bi l ly , and Herbert of Bur-bank, Ca l i f . ; Mr. and Mrs. C la rence Majors, S teve and Davidof F l o r e n c e , Ky. .Mis . Paul Crowley and Danny Cra ig of Dayton, Ohio.


Mis. Robert Snodgrass has returned from a vis i t with her s i s t e r s , Mrs. Ruth Pra ther and Miss Lotura L e w i s at WindGeld, Kansas . She a l so vis i ted her b ro thers , Leo- and Dwight L e w i s and families in Cof feyv i l l e , K a n s a s and Chandler , Arizona. She was gone for a month.

We a r e sorry to report Mr. Claude Shacklefoid b r ing in t h e Danvil le Hospi ta l . We wish him a speedy recovery.

Mr. and Mrs.Larry Shafer i and Gregg and Mr. and

Mrs. Car los Lawrence and Wendell of Cincinnat i . Ohio were week end g u e s t s

- o f - Mr. and- Mrs.-Virgil Lawrence and Mark. Masters Roy Wayne

Wright, Michae l* Adam?. Dee Lar ry , and Alvin Hamm left for Levi J ack -son S t a t e Pa rk for a week of camp.

Mrs. F r a n k i e Brown was ca l led to Cinc inna t i , Ohio, las t week due t o t h e death of her h a l f - s i s t e r .

Mr. and Mrs. J . C . Allen and Tami Dee of Williams-burg spen t l a s t week end with Bro, and Mrs. J .D . Al len . Mr. and Mrs . Tom Simp-

son and family of Cincin-na t i , Ohio a r e v is i t ing Mrs. B e t t i e Farr is and Mis. Nancy Burdine.

Mr. and Mrs. E l z l e L a s -wel l , Mr. a id Mrs. T . G . L a s w d l and Je f fe ry and Mrs. Hannah Laswel l v is i ted Mr. a n d Mis. G.B. Howard and o ther r e l a t ives

. in Larrel l Saturday and Hannah s tayed for a v i s i t .

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Goodner and family and Mrs.Dovie Cromer of Dayton, Ohio vis i ted Mr. R . T . Laswel l and o ther r e l a t i v e s at the f i rs t of the «e ek .

Mr. and Mrs . Ray Bul lock a r e the proud pa ren t s of a baby boy bom J u n e 23 at the Somerset City Hospi ta l . He h a s been named Dale* Gregoiy. He i s welcomed home by two s i s t e r s , Kimfcerly and Kathy.

Del ia Mae Wilmot would l i ke t o thank Mrs. B u c i l h Lawrence for send ing in her news while sh'e was a t camp l a s t week.

Hugh Byrd. Mrs. Mae Gann of Conway -

visi ted Mis. Ha t t i e Anglin o n e day ftiis week. Mr. and Mrs. William Smith of Sand G t p and Mts. Hazel L u n s : fold of Berea v i s i t ed Mrs. H a t t i e Anglin F d d a y .

Mr. and Mrs. Charl ie Chas t een and daughters of Berea v i s i t ed h i s brother, John Heniy Chas t een and Mis. Chasteen Monday. Other recent ' v is i tors were h i s daugh te r s , Mrs. P h o b e I s a a c s - and children and . Mrs._ Marie C o l e and chil-dren o{. Cynthiana and Carl Duiham and Hat t ie Anglin. Mr. Chas t een hgs a bad eye. We wish 'him a speedy recovery.

Mr. and Mis. James Ed-ward Durham and four chi ldren vis i ted W.R. Dur-ham Monday. -Mrs. S te l l a Anglin and Oliver of Berea' v is i ted them Thursday-.

J a y Baker , v is i ted them ^ F riday. Infuse remember to pray for our servicemen in the

^ Armed F o r c e s . From this:* area are: Heniy Burdine. Junior I s a a c s and Larry Hunt. P l e a s e find your

, to some church j i h a t - . worships God in spiri t and V-uth. t h i s ne*t L c i d ' s Day which is Sunday.

Nancy Durham ce lebra ted her 41s t birthday Thur sday .

Mrs. H a t t i e Anglin visi ted in Walton recently wiBi h e r ch i Id r en .


OUTDOOR SERVICES— The Christian Churches of the county banded to-gether last sundry evening to enjoy a potluck dinner ond outside service at the Churches'- Camp near Brodhead: Bro. Larry Johnson,, former pastor

at the Wildie Christian Church, presented the evening sermon. Youth camp began at the site last Sunday and the regularly scheduled evening ser-vices w i l l beheld there lor the next two weeks.

RECC Membership Meeting To Be Held Friday Night, July 5

The J a c k s o n County Rural E l e c t r i c Coope ra t i ve ' s ann-ual membership meet ing will b e held Pr iday .Ju ly S, 1968 at t h e J a c k s o n County High School Audi-torium. T h e manager, Mr. Luther Fanner h a s extend-ed a n . invitat ion to the public to attend t h e meet-ing.

T h e theme of t h i s y e a r ' s will be " S e r v i c e for Tomorrow's N e e d s . " T h e meet ing will include a brief b u s i n e s s s e s s i o n during which reports o n ' t h f t fin-ancial cond i t i ons .and oc t -f v i f f e s of t f i e ' R E C C Will be presented by the Co-operat ive P r e s i d e n t , Mr. L.H- Sparks, the Manager Mr. Luther Farmer , and the Secretary-Treasurer Mr. Fa r r i s Morris. In Addi-t ion, th ree new d i r e c t o r s will be e lected t o the Coopera t ive Boaid of Directors by the members a t tending the ne e t ing .

A beauty contes t will be held to s e l e c t Miss j a c k -son County R E C C of 1968. T h e winner of this contes t will r ep re sen t t h e Coopera-t ive in the s t a t e w i d e roral e lec t r i f i ca t ion beauty pageant which will be held a t d ie S t a t e Fa i r* in Louis-v i l l e in Augus t . -The winner of the Miss Kentucky R E C C t i t l e will r epresen t the s t a t e in t h e nat ional f ina l s which will be held at the nat ional convention of the ' National Rural E lec t r i c Coaperativi< Assoc ia t ion in Atlant ic Ci ty , New J e r s e y , next February . Pa r t i c ipa t -ing in t h e local contes t will be:

Es t i l l County Miss Wanda Kay Lairbert,

of Irvine, Kentucky Owsley County

Miss Shaion Gayle Chad-wel l , of Rou te 2 , Boone-v i l l e , Kentucky Laure l County

Miss Judy Ann J o h n s o n , of Route 2 , London, Ken-tucky; Miss Lenda Sue Gilber t , of Route 4, Lon-don , Kentucky; Miss Sharon Bruner , of B u s h , Kentucky. Clay County

M ) s s j i m m i e J o a n n e Smith", of Rou te 3 , Manchester ,

' K e n t u c k y ; Miss Sophia Carol Hlbbard , of Route 4 , Manchester , Kentucky; Miss Dar l ene Runion, of Manchester , Kentucky,Miss Margaret L e e Woods, of Rou te 2 , Manchester , Ken-tucky; Miss Loretta Grubb, of Rou te 3 , Manches te r , Kentucky.

Fo l lowing t h e b u s i n e s s s e s s i o n and beauty con-t e s t , a fu l l program of enter ta inment will be pre-sen ted . Fea tured on th i s y e a r ' s program will b e the counby and western music s t a r s of t h e " B a r b a r a Al len S h o w , " t h e i l lus ionary magic of J o s e f Smiley and

{ t h e h i lar ious

Pictured above are the Barbora Allen Singers. This group w i l l be featured as port of the entertainment at the JACK-SON COUNTY RECC Annual Meeting on July 5, at The Jackson County High School, McKee, Kentucky. The Barbara Al len Singers are presently ranked as one of the f inest country ond western singing groups in the notion.

Also oppearing on the JACKSON COUNTY RECC Annuol Meeting entertainment schedule this year is Josof Smiley, a master magician who w i l l ornate his audience with mony i l lusionary feats. The entertainment w i l l be rounded out with copers* and comedy by San the Chjmponiee. Som wi l l perform o unique oct which includes acrobatics, roller skating and inpersonations, to name just a few of his favor-i t e s .

an t ics of Sam the Chimp-anzee .

Manager Luther Farmer p r o n i s e s that t h e r e will b e someth ing to in teres t and en te r t a in everyone.

T h e Old Tunnel Mill, near Dwarf, s t i l l gr inds mountain corn.

Arlington was known a s the Confedera te "Gibra l t a r of t h e W e s t " during t h e Civil War. T r e n c h e s used during t h e war may s t i l l b e seen along with- a huge anchor

• and chain used to block the M i s s i s s i p p i to Union forces .

Mobile Home

Social Security News

The number of poor peop le in the country de-c r e a s e d by more than 9 million from 1959 to 1966, no te s Mo! lie' Orshansky in a report on the l a t e s t Social Security Adminis-trat ion s tudy on poverty and low income.

I n ' ' T h e Shape of Poverty in 1 9 6 6 , " Miss Orshansky repor ts that although the number of pe r sons l iving in poverty dec l ined from 38 .9 million to 29.7 mill ion in the period from 1959 through - 1 9 6 6 , <*a larger proportion of t h e ooor in

1966 were persons whose earn ing capac i ty was Unit-ed by age, family respons-ib i l i t ies , r ace discrimi-nat ion, or other factors.

Signif icant ly 9.1 million pe r sons were counted poor in 1966 although the fani-ly breadwinner worked throughout t h e year . Over a third of all chi ldren growing up poor in 1966 were in families of men who did work through the year * but couldn ' t earn enough to support them.

While many were r i s ing above t h e poverty l ine during t h e s e " s e v e n years of p l e n t y . " the number of near poor — t h o s e whose incomes are jus t .barely aSotfe t h e pover ty th resho ld — showed only a small dec l ine , from 15.8 million in 1959 to 15-2 million in 1966. Without publ ic income-

maintenance programs. Miss Orshansky reports , the number of poor house-ho lds in 1965 would have been 15.9 million ins tead of 11.2 mil l ion. T h e soc i a l secur i ty program i t s e l f , she points out , was re-spons ib l e for keeping at least 3VJ million house-holds above t h £ poverty

Yet families headed by a man who works but i s unable to make suf f ic ien t income can normally find "nt> avenue of a i d , " s i n c e public programs a r e mainly geared to s e r v e t h o s e who cannot work at all or are

temporarily out of a job. It is c l ea r that new

programs or ex tens ions of ex i s t ing o n e s will be needed to l if t these

, families of bread winners with limited earning cif>acity above the poverty line, the art icle conc ludes . For imny now receiving help from public programs, e s c a p e from poverty can

come only with increased payments .

Cop ie so f Miss Orshansky ' s report, which a l so appeared in t h e Social Security Bul le t in , for March 1968. a re ava i l ab le from t h e Of f i ce of Research and S t a t i s t i c s , Social Security Administrat ion,R oom 5628 HEW South Bui lding,

Washington. D.C. 20201.

H A N D C A R V E D — O n e of t h e a t t r a c t i o n s a t t h e A m e r i c a n S a d d l e H o r s e M u s e u m , l o c a t e d a t S p i o d l e -t o p F a r m n e a r L e x i n g t o n , is t h i s a n t i q u e c a r t a n d h o r s e f r o m a l a r g e c o u n t r y h o u s e in K e l v e d o n , E a s t A n g l i a , E n g l a n d . T h e e n t i r e i t e m is h a n d - c a r v e d , a n d t h e h a n d l e a t t h e r e a r is f a s h i o n e d f r o m i v o r y .




LIVE, IN PERSON, JIMMY FOWLER MTh# Man of' a 100 Voices and 1,000 Faces."



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