k a. a. a. verdict 1 more judicial good...

JL 12 PAGES. j PAGES 1 TO 8. ESTABLISHED JULY S. ISM. VOL XXXV NO. 6114. HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1902. pRiCE FV CENTS. alaW.aK K A. A. .A. A. A. A. AAAAA4i.iAii...i.i VERDICT I 1 MORE JUDICIAL GOOD CHEER ALMOS T THE SAME COLLIER PROVIDES NEW CLUE Fresh Sensation In the Harbor Mystery. GARVIN MISSING FROM ALEXANDER Must Pay Honolulu Plantation Sum of $102,523. JURY AGREED IN EARLY EVENING Value of Leaehcld is More Than at First Trial But Improve- ment is Less. Is Said to Have Left Ship With Considerable Money Over a Week Ago. The Jury In the second 'trial of the rase of the United Slates vs. the Hno- - 1- -I . - . f . . - . Late last night a new and apparently important clue developed in the rase of the unknown white man found floating in the harbor last Sunday morning, and for the time being the iuiu 1 laiuauon company returned a vrnlict at 10:30 o'clock lam evening as- - I jijlnjf the value of the leasehold and improvements at $102,323. The finding of the Jury Is about $2300 les than that given at the first trial, which was J 103,000. and which Judge K:ee set aside as excessive, ordering a redaction of $30,000. which being- - re-fus- ed by defendant, he allowed a new trial. Notice of motion for a new trial a given both by the plaintiff and de- fendant, though Mr. Milverton appear-In- s; for the latter stated that the de- - V center of interest in the mystery switches from the white transport Warren to the grimy navy collier Al- exander, lying paraflel with the troop- ship at Navy wharf No. 1. It was brought to the notice of an Advertiser reporter last night that there was a good deal of talk going on among the sailors of the Alexander with reference to the alleged disap- pearance of one of the crew. The rnan who gave the information stated that last Sunday week one of the crew was paid off and left the collier in company with one of the ship's officers. He Is reported to have taken a considerable sum of money away with him, and is said not to have been seen or beard of since. The person volunteering the in- formation stated that it did not occur to him to connect the dead body of the man found floating In the harbor with the missing member of the crew Mndant's motion would hardly b t The finding of the second Jury Is pe- - t culiar. Upon the first trial the value X BIes You. McSwillegran, Bite Her Aerain. J Maxson Smith read a paper on the rrbr,SV'',al",ina"'lpem,on-K0HAL- A LAND COX Psychology of Vocations, and Prof. SCHOOL TEACHERS DFTlDINr. FIliVH of the leasehold was estimated at IS9.792 and cf the Improvements at $13,203. This Jury places a value of $3000 more upon the leasehold, or S94.00O. while its estimate of the value of the improve- ments is but $S323. or about $7000 less than that of the first Jury. The est!-- ! The tract and parcel of land herein Law read one on School Discipline, pre IS INCORPORATED pared by Rev. Alexander Mackintosh, the latter being too 111 to be present. above In this verdict referred to is sit- uated as follows, to wit: In the District of Ewa. In and about the Harbor of IVarl Lochs, sometimes railed IVarl Harbor, in the Inland of until he read in the papers that there was a star tattooed on the back of his Plans are on to ask the next legis Articles of Incorporation of the Ko- - The Mule Kicked. mate per acre upon the leasehold In lature for a fund to be known as the (Oahu. in the Territory and District of hala Land Company were Pled with In conclusion he advised the An amusing scene was witnessed yes-- I left hand ls approximately taiung into Hawaii, in the United States of Amer "Jiawalan Teachers" Retirement Fund." Treasurer Wright yesterday. The cap- - reporter, to interview First Assistant-Engine- er Bose of the Alexander, terday on Kewalo street, .In which a Japanese and a mule were the prin Hal stoc k of the corporation is but $10,- - j The matter was brought before the 000, but power Is given to increase to meeting of the Honolulu branch of the $3,000,000. The objects of the corpora- - Territorial Teachers' Association, held whom, he said might be able to shed some light on the subject. cipal actors. The mule was attached to a dump-ca- rt loaded with dirt. The About midnight an Advertiser repor tion are stated as follows: jlast night at the High School. Reports animal refused to budge when the Jap wanted him to start, and the latter be ter was despatched to the Alexander to seek out Mr. Bose and probe him have been received as to the manner in which such funds are started and 1. To buy. sell, lease, mortgage, loan on mortgage of lands or interests in labored the brute, the only response be account the entire 561 acres, arable and waste, while if the arable land alone U considered ths estimate is $276 per acre. Judge fc'IlUman opened the argument yesterday morning., and concluded at noon. Mr. Dunne finished shortly after 3 o'clock, and the Jury was immediately Instructed. At 7 o'clock no agreement having been reached Marshal Hendry took the Jury to dinner at the Hawaii- an Hotel. At 9:30 o'clock an agreement was announced, but it was over an hour before the attorneys could be brought Into court. The Jury was first called, and the verdict then handed t- - Clerk Maling. who read as follows: on the subject. The first assistant en- gineer had retired, but courteously ing a lowering of the ears, and an evil Ira. and is bounded and particularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the mauka or ast side of the right of way of the Oahu Land and Railway Compa- ny's railroad, east, magnetic, from the corner of that certain fish pond dam situate near the north end of Kuahua Island: (1) Thence east magnetic 7S0 feet to a point; (2) Thence south 22 20' east magnetic 2.S04 feet to a point: (3) Thence south 47' 31i west mag- netic 3.333 feet to a point; (4) Thence south 63' 04' west magnetic 6.270 feet to a point; 3 Thenre north 43' 421-- 3' west magnetic 2.6,6.6 feet to a point on the shore line: gleam appearing in the mule's eyes arose when he was notified of his visi lands, and In every other manner deal maintained in Massachusetts and Call-i- n lands, in the Hawaiian Islands, but fornla. The und is for teachers who more particularly, and until the busl- - ma' rea5ize from U when ther become ness and Interests of the corporation shall otherwise require, in the district disabled, ill or incapacitated. The plan of Kohala, on the Island of Hawaii. was outlined at the meeting by Prof. 2. To acquire and deal in water Ta. hhpkhn.irrf fallows? The The Jap finally reached the mule's tor. At first he said that as far as head In his essay at corporal punish- - he could recollect there was no man i ment. There was just one blow when I missing among the crew. He remarked something happened. The mule woke rights and interests pertaining thereto. i fund to be controlled by a board of that he had heard of a body being found in the harbor, but stated that he knew nothing of the details of. the i m.9 votl7ll u , aaauaaav v aa a a . up, gave a leap and jumped clean out of his harness, leaving the cart unbal works and all nines, waterways, ma- - trustees, consisting of the Superintend- - anced. The latter tipped over back United States of America. District of and other things incident en and Secretary of the Board of Edu affair, as he had been too busy to read enmery i inence iu lon im: mp snore line iu me wards, spilling the" load and the driv the papers. Hawaii. In the District Court of eastward and southward to the point the United States In and for the where the railroad first meets the thereto, and .to buy and sell water for irrigation and all other purposes. er upon the street. The author of the After a while, however, he refreshed District of Hawaii. , shore line. Kwa. or west, of Puuloa trouble ran for a short distance and 3. To engage in forestry work In all his memory and said that a week or then stopped and faced about. Per The United Mates of America. Plain- - Nation: thence following the mauka or branoha and departments ei- - tiffand Petitioner, vs. the Honolulu east side of said fisht of way of said E lands lands or on ther upon its o n Plantation Company, a Corporation. rajroad with ail Its tangents and so ago a man had been discharged sens who witnessed the affair state that the mule wore a broad, malicious cation, ex-offic- io members, and six teachers. The Territorial Treasurer Is to have charge of all moneys. The funds are to be obtained from a deduc- tion of $20 annu.-I- from members' salaries, grants from the legislature, donations, legacies. Interest, etc. The membership is open to all teach- - named Garvin, who had shipped at of others, tt aL, Defendant and Respondent. curves to the point of beginning (sav grin as he viewed the wreckage. 4. To engage In and perform, all man- - VERDICT. j ing and excepting the risht of way of Valparaiso and come from there to Honolulu via Norfolk, Va. He was known among the crew as "Cyclone," We, the Jury In the above entitled New Liberal Party. said railway situate and lying between ner or agricultural worn, ana io uU) w here course 3.above noted, crosses said and sell agricultural products, and the right of way, and where the shore line same to convert into manufactured LONDON, Feb. 28. Lord Rosebery and some called him "Honolulu," on account of his having told his ship- mates that his home was here. Since jers and others drawing regular salaries hold, j from the Education Department, pro- - has sanctioned the formation of a Lib products of agriculture. 5. To buy, sell, lease, own, maintain and operate such mills action, upon the issues framed in said action between the above named plain- tiff and petitioner, and the Honolulu Plantation Company, a corporation, defendant and respondent above nam- ed, find the following verdict, to wit: 1. We find that the above named man- - I vided they contribute $20 yearly for 30 eral League, of which he himself is president, and Mr. H. Asquith. Sir crosses said right or way aoout iW feet northward of course 3, which sec- tion of right of way Is not Included in this tract); containing 561.2 acres, more J or less. Dated Honolulu, Hawaii. March 11, 1902. A. BARNES. he left the ship the officer, as far as he could remember, had not seen him ufactories. machinery, carts and other vehicles, roads, railroads, trains, hous years, or $000. or a part of $600 at any time. A member retired or incapaci-- i tated may draw from the fund in any, Henry Fowler and Sir E4ward Grey nlaintiff and petitioner is entitled to again. Mr. Bose wanted to know if are vice presidents. The principle of es, stores, warehouses and other build-Irg- s and structures as may from time 4ave all the right, title, interest and amount proportionate to the sum paid the man had been buried, and eeemed the league is with the tate of said the Honolulu Plantation Foreman of said Jury. Mr. Dunne rose Immediately and on t.i time be necessary or convenient in in. Those who retire from the profes somewhat anxious at this point. He Vmpany, a corporation, said defend Liberal party on the lines of the Ches- terfield policy. It is thought that this conducting its business, and to make son shall be allowed to withdraw the ant and respondent, in and to the tract behalf of the government, noted excep said that the discharged member of the crew had done washing for hirn on the is not a seceding party. construct such containers and other amount they shall have paid in. tions on the ground that the verdict npMiancea as may from time to time) Prof. Law endorsed the proposit uasex.essive. and contrary to the evi- - ion voyage, and that he was of medium require. i heartily. He said that in Boston con- - Damon Will Be Referee. height, chunkily built and with a Ro and parcel of land Involved herein, and hereinafter more particularly describ- ed, condemned for the uses and pur- poses set out In the petition on file herein, and to take, hold and acquire aid tract and parcel of land and its appurtenances In fee simple absolute, for the public uses and purposes in said man nose. The color of his hair he S. E. Damon has been chosen referee of the Saturday polo match for the could not remember, nor could he state. C. To buy. sell and deal in goods. ; tributions to the fund were compulsory, wares, and merchandise, and If deemed ; There the teachers paid in $1S a year, useful to the purposes of th corpora- - anj jn san Francisco the annual dues tion. to own and conduct o:ie or more j were $13. In Boston only half the stores for the sale of such articles, as 'amount paid in could be withdrawn if well as to deal in Its own products. a teacher retired from the profession. San Franc isco series of concerts In a The car.Ua! stork shall be ten thou- - whether he had a tattoo mark on his hand. Mr. Bose regretted that the mates were not around, as he thought benefit of the McKlnley memorial fund. The teams are practicing each after- noon, and if the game comes up to standard shown at soine of the late practice games there will be fine sport for the crowds which are assured for that they might be able to furnish further information as to "Cyclone" dence and instructions of the court. He cave notice of intention to file a motion for new trial. Mr. F. W. Mil- verton. on behalf of the Honolulu Plan- tation Company, also excepted to the verdict, but stated that he did so to preserve the rights of the defendant until Manager L'.w had been commun- icated with. He believed, however, that the verdict was entirely satisfac- tory, and that the motion for a new-tria- l would not be made. Judce Estee then thanked the Jury- men for their earnest and careful at- tention .ind excused them for the term. The fine of $3.31 imjosd upon one of the jurors -- for being late was remitted. THE EARLY PROCEEDINGS. ' to aid the fund had brought in jij.wu tand dollars, divided into shares of ten ai)ditionaj dollars each, w ith the privilege of sub- - i Rodgers. secretary of the Board sequent extension to five million dol-j- of Education, favored the organization Garvin. the game. Tickets have been placed The police have been put in posses on sale, and ther will be a supply at all the leading stores. or such a rund. lie mougni me gov- ernment should pension all teachers sion of the above facts, and Deputy Sheriff Chillingworth will visit the Al lars. The corporate powers are vested in Admiral Kempff Goes Home. who had spent the best part of their lives in the training of children. There five directors, which for the first yea petition set out. 2. We find the value of all Improve- ments upon the property condemned in the above entitled action to be $S.S23. 3. We find the value of the property condemned In the above entitled action, to wit. the leasehold interest r--f said defendant, said the Honolulu Planta- tion Company, a corporation, in and to the tract and parrel of land con- demned herein, and hereinafter more particularly described, to be $34,000. in United States gold goin. i " 4. As to that part of the property . rordmned herein which constitutes only a portion of the larger tract, we find and assess the damages which wiil accrue to the portion not sought to be fondfmned by reason of Its severance from the jrtion sought t be con- - Tied. and the ronstructlon ft th- - l,'1tnivmnt In the manner ironos-,- l Rear Admiral Louis Kempff, who for exander the first thing this morning. The collier is scheduled to sail at 4 p. m. today, and the transport Warren at ,vere some here who had taught for 30 9r: J. Tl. Atherton. M. P. Robinson. two years past has been junior squad noon, fo that every minute will have A. N. Campbell. C. H. Atherton and P. L. Weaver. J. B. Atherton is presi- dent. C. H. Atherton secrenry. and A. years. There were '270 teachers in the Island, and they were not all paid th j best of salaries. The greater number jdid not have much of an opportunity to be utilized if the mystery is to be ron commander in the far East, i a passenger in the Peking for the States. Admiral Kempff will retire soon, and will be on furlough until that time. His cb-are- up before one or perhaps both of the vessels depart bearing with Campbell treasurer of the corpora-- , to keep a deposit In the banss. and a N f. .Hows: . fund of tnis nature wouu oe an m- - H..TV The stock is held as them the secret of the unknown man's Miss Felker. pnnc.pal m Ka- - vantage. death. successor at Manila will be Admiral Robley D. Evans, who w ill go out fr rn New York by way of the Suez canal. Upon the opening of court and of Judse Sllliman's argument to the Jury, there was a scene not down on the pro-pra- m. Mr. Dunne, on the day pre- vious, had occupied his time chiefly with a denunciation of the plantation m-- n wh. had testirb-- d f.-- r th- - defend- ant, and Mr. whn it came t his turn, replied in kind, lie sai l that the United States was not building The Alexander theory jieems to con Wm. R. Castle. 104 s?iai; Joseph B. Atherton. one share; Chris. H. Ather- ton. one shnre: Albert S. ilimpbell. on" share: Philip J. Weaver Jr.. one share; M.trk I. Robinson, one h.ire; Benja-r.ii- n I. Bnd. one share. On of the promoters of the company nect witn tne statement macie uy Waiter Terry cf the Warren that School, favored th estab- lishing of the fund. There were philan- thropists in Hawaii whom she thought vouM willingly contribute toward it. The regular program for the evening consisted of singing br the pupils of Kulihi-Waen- a school, an l a violin solo by Miss I. da Barber, both of which were heartily applauded. Dr. Arthur early last Thursday morning e ew 9'i l:h above named plaintiff and peti-?'f.e- r. to b nothing. I. An to that part of the property Icormned herein which constitutes I only a portion of a larger tract, we Baseball League Formed. The ll'"2 baseball league is formed. F. Chillingworth is president, and Lorrin Andrews, secretary and treas men acting suspiciously and beard th nival station for th benefit of Hi wall, but f-- if own gHd. and for the s;at,i yesterday that the new t on hrid nothing t d w Uh any Ko- - (Continued cn Page 4.) urer iun not soucht to b eondemned by th construction of the improvement hala d"itch scheme. (Contlnued on Page 4.) r

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Page 1: K A. A. A. VERDICT 1 MORE JUDICIAL GOOD CHEERevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/43170/1/1902031201.pdfIS INCORPORATED pared by Rev. Alexander Mackintosh, ... Reports animal


12 PAGES.j PAGES 1 TO 8.









Fresh SensationIn the Harbor




Must Pay HonoluluPlantation Sum

of $102,523.



Value of Leaehcld is More Thanat First Trial But Improve-

ment is Less.

Is Said to Have Left Ship With

Considerable Money Over

a Week Ago.

The Jury In the second 'trial of therase of the United Slates vs. the Hno- -1 - - I . - . f . . - .

Late last night a new and apparentlyimportant clue developed in the raseof the unknown white man foundfloating in the harbor last Sundaymorning, and for the time being the

iuiu 1 laiuauon company returned avrnlict at 10:30 o'clock lam evening as- - I

jijlnjf the value of the leasehold andimprovements at $102,323.

The finding of the Jury Is about $2300les than that given at the first trial,which was J 103,000. and which JudgeK:ee set aside as excessive, orderinga redaction of $30,000. which being- -

re-fus- ed

by defendant, he allowed a newtrial. Notice of motion for a new trial

a given both by the plaintiff and de-

fendant, though Mr. Milverton appear-In- s;

for the latter stated that the de- -V

center of interest in the mysteryswitches from the white transportWarren to the grimy navy collier Al-

exander, lying paraflel with the troop-ship at Navy wharf No. 1.

It was brought to the notice of anAdvertiser reporter last night thatthere was a good deal of talk going onamong the sailors of the Alexanderwith reference to the alleged disap-pearance of one of the crew. The rnanwho gave the information stated thatlast Sunday week one of the crew waspaid off and left the collier in companywith one of the ship's officers. He Isreported to have taken a considerablesum of money away with him, and issaid not to have been seen or beard ofsince. The person volunteering the in-

formation stated that it did not occurto him to connect the dead body ofthe man found floating In the harborwith the missing member of the crew

Mndant's motion would hardly b

t The finding of the second Jury Is pe--t culiar. Upon the first trial the value X BIes You. McSwillegran, Bite Her Aerain.

J Maxson Smith read a paper on therrbr,SV'',al",ina"'lpem,on-K0HAL- A LAND COX Psychology of Vocations, and Prof.SCHOOL TEACHERSDFTlDINr. FIliVH

of the leasehold was estimated at IS9.792and cf the Improvements at $13,203.This Jury places a value of $3000 moreupon the leasehold, or S94.00O. while itsestimate of the value of the improve-ments is but $S323. or about $7000 lessthan that of the first Jury. The est!-- !

The tract and parcel of land herein Law read one on School Discipline, preIS INCORPORATED pared by Rev. Alexander Mackintosh,

the latter being too 111 to be present.above In this verdict referred to is sit-uated as follows, to wit:

In the District of Ewa. In and aboutthe Harbor of IVarl Lochs, sometimesrailed IVarl Harbor, in the Inland of

until he read in the papers that therewas a star tattooed on the back of hisPlans are on to ask the next legisArticles of Incorporation of the Ko- - The Mule Kicked.mate per acre upon the leasehold In lature for a fund to be known as the(Oahu. in the Territory and District of hala Land Company were Pled with In conclusion he advised theAn amusing scene was witnessed yes-- I left handls approximately taiung into Hawaii, in the United States of Amer "Jiawalan Teachers" Retirement Fund."Treasurer Wright yesterday. The cap- - reporter, to interview First Assistant-Engine- er

Bose of the Alexander,terday on Kewalo street, .In which aJapanese and a mule were the prinHal stoc k of the corporation is but $10,- -

j The matter was brought before the000, but power Is given to increase to meeting of the Honolulu branch of the$3,000,000. The objects of the corpora- - Territorial Teachers' Association, held

whom, he said might be able to shedsome light on the subject.

cipal actors. The mule was attachedto a dump-ca- rt loaded with dirt. The

About midnight an Advertiser reportion are stated as follows: jlast night at the High School. Reports animal refused to budge when the Japwanted him to start, and the latter be

ter was despatched to the Alexanderto seek out Mr. Bose and probe him

have been received as to the mannerin which such funds are started and

1. To buy. sell, lease, mortgage, loanon mortgage of lands or interests in labored the brute, the only response be

account the entire 561 acres, arable andwaste, while if the arable land aloneU considered ths estimate is $276 peracre.

Judge fc'IlUman opened the argumentyesterday morning., and concluded atnoon. Mr. Dunne finished shortly after3 o'clock, and the Jury was immediatelyInstructed. At 7 o'clock no agreementhaving been reached Marshal Hendrytook the Jury to dinner at the Hawaii-an Hotel. At 9:30 o'clock an agreementwas announced, but it was over anhour before the attorneys could bebrought Into court. The Jury was firstcalled, and the verdict then handed t- -

Clerk Maling. who read as follows:

on the subject. The first assistant en-

gineer had retired, but courteouslying a lowering of the ears, and an evil

Ira. and is bounded and particularlydescribed as follows, to wit:

Beginning at a point on the maukaor ast side of the right of way ofthe Oahu Land and Railway Compa-ny's railroad, east, magnetic, from thecorner of that certain fish pond damsituate near the north end of KuahuaIsland:

(1) Thence east magnetic 7S0 feet toa point;

(2) Thence south 22 20' east magnetic2.S04 feet to a point:

(3) Thence south 47' 31i west mag-netic 3.333 feet to a point;(4) Thence south 63' 04' west magnetic

6.270 feet to a point;3 Thenre north 43' 421-- 3' west

magnetic 2.6,6.6 feet to a point on theshore line:

gleam appearing in the mule's eyes arose when he was notified of his visi

lands, and In every other manner deal maintained in Massachusetts and Call-i- n

lands, in the Hawaiian Islands, but fornla. The und is for teachers whomore particularly, and until the busl- -

ma' rea5ize from U when ther becomeness and Interests of the corporationshall otherwise require, in the district disabled, ill or incapacitated. The planof Kohala, on the Island of Hawaii. was outlined at the meeting by Prof.

2. To acquire and deal in water Ta. hhpkhn.irrf fallows? The

The Jap finally reached the mule's tor. At first he said that as far ashead In his essay at corporal punish- - he could recollect there was no man

iment. There was just one blow when I missing among the crew. He remarkedsomething happened. The mule wokerights and interests pertaining thereto.

i fund to be controlled by a board ofthat he had heard of a body beingfound in the harbor, but stated thathe knew nothing of the details of. the

i m.9 votl7ll u , aaauaaav v a a a a . up, gave a leap and jumped clean outof his harness, leaving the cart unbalworks and all nines, waterways, ma- - trustees, consisting of the Superintend- -anced. The latter tipped over backUnited States of America. District of and other things incident en and Secretary of the Board of Edu affair, as he had been too busy to readenmeryi inence iu lon im: mp snore line iu mewards, spilling the" load and the driv the papers.Hawaii. In the District Court of eastward and southward to the point

the United States In and for the where the railroad first meets thethereto, and .to buy and sell water forirrigation and all other purposes. er upon the street. The author of the After a while, however, he refreshedDistrict of Hawaii. , shore line. Kwa. or west, of Puuloa trouble ran for a short distance and3. To engage in forestry work In all his memory and said that a week orthen stopped and faced about. PerThe United Mates of America. Plain- - Nation: thence following the mauka or branoha and departments ei- -

tiffand Petitioner, vs. the Honolulu east side of said fisht of way of said E landslands or onther upon its o nPlantation Company, a Corporation. rajroad with ail Its tangents andso ago a man had been dischargedsens who witnessed the affair state

that the mule wore a broad, malicious

cation, ex-offic- io members, and sixteachers. The Territorial Treasurer Isto have charge of all moneys. Thefunds are to be obtained from a deduc-tion of $20 annu.-I- from members'salaries, grants from the legislature,donations, legacies. Interest, etc.

The membership is open to all teach- -

named Garvin, who had shipped atof others,tt aL, Defendant and Respondent. curves to the point of beginning (sav grin as he viewed the wreckage.4. To engage In and perform, all man- -VERDICT. j ing and excepting the risht of way of Valparaiso and come from there to

Honolulu via Norfolk, Va. He wasknown among the crew as "Cyclone,"We, the Jury In the above entitled New Liberal Party.said railway situate and lying between ner or agricultural worn, ana io uU)

w here course 3.above noted, crosses said and sell agricultural products, and theright of way, and where the shore line same to convert into manufactured LONDON, Feb. 28. Lord Rosebery and some called him "Honolulu," on

account of his having told his ship-mates that his home was here. Since

jers and others drawing regular salarieshold, j from the Education Department, pro- - has sanctioned the formation of a Libproducts of agriculture.

5. To buy, sell, lease, own,maintain and operate such mills

action, upon the issues framed in saidaction between the above named plain-tiff and petitioner, and the HonoluluPlantation Company, a corporation,defendant and respondent above nam-ed, find the following verdict, to wit:

1. We find that the above named

man- - I vided they contribute $20 yearly for 30 eral League, of which he himself ispresident, and Mr. H. Asquith. Sir

crosses said right or way aoout iWfeet northward of course 3, which sec-tion of right of way Is not Included inthis tract); containing 561.2 acres, more

J or less.Dated Honolulu, Hawaii. March 11,

1902. A. BARNES.

he left the ship the officer, as far ashe could remember, had not seen him

ufactories. machinery, carts and othervehicles, roads, railroads, trains, hous

years, or $000. or a part of $600 at anytime. A member retired or incapaci-- itated may draw from the fund in any,

Henry Fowler and Sir E4ward Greynlaintiff and petitioner is entitled to again. Mr. Bose wanted to know ifare vice presidents. The principle ofes, stores, warehouses and other build-Irg- s

and structures as may from time4ave all the right, title, interest and amount proportionate to the sum paid the man had been buried, and eeemedthe league is with thetate of said the Honolulu Plantation Foreman of said Jury.Mr. Dunne rose Immediately and on t.i time be necessary or convenient in in. Those who retire from the profes somewhat anxious at this point. HeVmpany, a corporation, said defend Liberal party on the lines of the Ches-

terfield policy. It is thought that thisconducting its business, and to make son shall be allowed to withdraw theant and respondent, in and to the tract behalf of the government, noted excep said that the discharged member of thecrew had done washing for hirn on theis not a seceding party.construct such containers and other amount they shall have paid in.tions on the ground that the verdict npMiancea as may from time to time) Prof. Law endorsed the proposituasex.essive. and contrary to the evi- - ion voyage, and that he was of mediumrequire. i heartily. He said that in Boston con- - Damon Will Be Referee. height, chunkily built and with a Ro

and parcel of land Involved herein, andhereinafter more particularly describ-ed, condemned for the uses and pur-poses set out In the petition on fileherein, and to take, hold and acquireaid tract and parcel of land and its

appurtenances In fee simple absolute,for the public uses and purposes in said

man nose. The color of his hair heS. E. Damon has been chosen refereeof the Saturday polo match for the could not remember, nor could he state.

C. To buy. sell and deal in goods. ; tributions to the fund were compulsory,wares, and merchandise, and If deemed ; There the teachers paid in $1S a year,useful to the purposes of th corpora- - anj jn san Francisco the annual duestion. to own and conduct o:ie or more j were $13. In Boston only half thestores for the sale of such articles, as 'amount paid in could be withdrawn ifwell as to deal in Its own products. a teacher retired from the profession.

San Franc isco series of concertsIn aThe car.Ua! stork shall be ten thou- -

whether he had a tattoo mark on hishand. Mr. Bose regretted that themates were not around, as he thought

benefit of the McKlnley memorial fund.The teams are practicing each after-noon, and if the game comes up tostandard shown at soine of the latepractice games there will be fine sportfor the crowds which are assured for

that they might be able to furnishfurther information as to "Cyclone"

dence and instructions of the court.He cave notice of intention to file amotion for new trial. Mr. F. W. Mil-

verton. on behalf of the Honolulu Plan-tation Company, also excepted to theverdict, but stated that he did so topreserve the rights of the defendantuntil Manager L'.w had been commun-icated with. He believed, however,that the verdict was entirely satisfac-tory, and that the motion for a new-tria- l

would not be made.Judce Estee then thanked the Jury-

men for their earnest and careful at-

tention .ind excused them for the term.The fine of $3.31 imjosd upon one ofthe jurors --for being late was remitted.


' to aid the fund had brought in jij.wutand dollars, divided into shares of ten ai)ditionajdollars each, w ith the privilege of sub- - i Rodgers. secretary of the Boardsequent extension to five million dol-j- of Education, favored the organization

Garvin.the game. Tickets have been placedThe police have been put in posseson sale, and ther will be a supply at

all the leading stores.or such a rund. lie mougni me gov-

ernment should pension all teacherssion of the above facts, and DeputySheriff Chillingworth will visit the Al

lars.The corporate powers are vested in Admiral Kempff Goes Home.who had spent the best part of their

lives in the training of children. Therefive directors, which for the first yea

petition set out.2. We find the value of all Improve-

ments upon the property condemnedin the above entitled action to be$S.S23.

3. We find the value of the propertycondemned In the above entitled action,to wit. the leasehold interest r--f saiddefendant, said the Honolulu Planta-tion Company, a corporation, in andto the tract and parrel of land con-demned herein, and hereinafter moreparticularly described, to be $34,000. inUnited States gold goin. i

" 4. As to that part of the property .

rordmned herein which constitutesonly a portion of the larger tract, wefind and assess the damages which wiilaccrue to the portion not sought to befondfmned by reason of Its severancefrom the jrtion sought t be con- -

Tied. and the ronstructlon ft th- -

l,'1tnivmnt In the manner ironos-,- l

Rear Admiral Louis Kempff, who forexander the first thing this morning.The collier is scheduled to sail at 4 p.m. today, and the transport Warren at,vere some here who had taught for 309r: J. Tl. Atherton. M. P. Robinson.

two years past has been junior squadnoon, fo that every minute will haveA. N. Campbell. C. H. Atherton and P.

L. Weaver. J. B. Atherton is presi-

dent. C. H. Atherton secrenry. and A.

years. There were '270 teachers in theIsland, and they were not all paid th

j best of salaries. The greater numberjdid not have much of an opportunity

to be utilized if the mystery is to beron commander in the far East, i apassenger in the Peking for the States.Admiral Kempff will retire soon, andwill be on furlough until that time. His

cb-are- up before one or perhaps bothof the vessels depart bearing withCampbell treasurer of the corpora-- , to keep a deposit In the banss. and aN

f. .Hows: . fund of tnis nature wouu oe an m- -H..TV The stock is held as them the secret of the unknown man's

Miss Felker. pnnc.pal m Ka- -vantage. death.successor at Manila will be AdmiralRobley D. Evans, who w ill go out fr rnNew York by way of the Suez canal.

Upon the opening of court and ofJudse Sllliman's argument to the Jury,there was a scene not down on the pro-pra- m.

Mr. Dunne, on the day pre-vious, had occupied his time chieflywith a denunciation of the plantationm-- n wh. had testirb-- d f.-- r th- - defend-ant, and Mr. whn it camet his turn, replied in kind, lie sai l

that the United States was not building

The Alexander theory jieems to conWm. R. Castle. 104 s?iai; Joseph B.

Atherton. one share; Chris. H. Ather-ton. one shnre: Albert S. ilimpbell. on"share: Philip J. Weaver Jr.. one share;M.trk I. Robinson, one h.ire; Benja-r.ii- n

I. Bnd. one share.On of the promoters of the company

nect witn tne statement macie uy

Waiter Terry cf the Warren that

School, favored th estab-lishing of the fund. There were philan-thropists in Hawaii whom she thoughtvouM willingly contribute toward it.

The regular program for the eveningconsisted of singing br the pupils ofKulihi-Waen- a school, an l a violin soloby Miss I. da Barber, both of whichwere heartily applauded. Dr. Arthur

early last Thursday morning e ew9'i l:h above named plaintiff and peti-?'f.e- r.

to b nothing.I. An to that part of the property

Icormned herein which constitutesI only a portion of a larger tract, we

Baseball League Formed.The ll'"2 baseball league is formed.

F. Chillingworth is president, andLorrin Andrews, secretary and treas

men acting suspiciously and beardth nival station for th benefit of Hiwall, but f-- if own gHd. and for the s;at,i yesterday that the new

t on hrid nothing t d w Uh any Ko- - (Continued cn Page 4.)ureriun not soucht to b eondemned byth construction of the improvement hala d"itch scheme.(Contlnued on Page 4.)


Page 2: K A. A. A. VERDICT 1 MORE JUDICIAL GOOD CHEERevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/43170/1/1902031201.pdfIS INCORPORATED pared by Rev. Alexander Mackintosh, ... Reports animal






CRITICThe Kuakoa Home Rula has againtaken up the discussion of the Gover-norship in earnest, and has the fol-

lowing in its lssue of Saturday last to

matters of State, and also advising himif the fact that the majority in theSenate and in the House of Represen-tatives were with the Home Rule par-ty, and that it was proper for him, the 1

say in that respect: ! executive, and the Legislature or law- -



From the time the Queen's govern- - maKers 10 tome mgeiner ana worn: inharmony in bringing about the admin-Dlace- dment was overthrown, and Dole was

at the head of the various forms t ration of the government of this WASHER'SBUiT-PfiO- SILENCED)CLARITA

The Columbia Chainless of today shows the highestdevelopment yet attained in bicycle building. Light runningHp-bi- ll or on the level ard fitted with the best coaster brakefor down grades. Cushion frame make it easy riding.

of government since then established Territory ror the best interests or theland controlled the ideas of governing Lahui. and for the progress and pros-- Ixvhich existed seems to be so instilled Parity of the country. His reply to the

OO vs.StraightFronts


unable two Senators was a refusal to be ad-it,in him that he is to depart from

although he la now ruling under vised by them and he further statedthe laws and constitution of the gov- - ,

that he intended to carry on the affairsernment of the United States of Amer- - of the. administration according to his

own views and ideas; and that he nev-Th- e

kind of government which he er wuld accept any words of advicegave us from the time he was placed from the Home Rulers to the end ofin power by the Thurston gang to ad- - session.minister its affairs as chief executive. ' Tms Pwer on tne le f the Lahui.carried on by the right of might and which sought to aid him. but. althoughforce; a" government by the bayonet. within his vested rights, it was turnedwhat ii.i the. sea then' it iv-a- aside, the Governor thus was only

J tie price, with choice of tirea, eaddle. pedals, etc.

this; this gang supplied itself with widening the breach between himself i

10.000 rifles and revolvers and 50.000 " i i"f .auui.cartridges: therefore. Dole's power was Another matter also came up in themaintained by force of arms; they appointment of government officials,numbered about 2.000. which is a very heads of departments, as provided bysmall minority of the population, but ' th( "rganie act of the Territory. "I?ywith this minority, their right to rule and with the advice and consent of thewas considered greater than the right I nat". he shall appoint." although

Sold for Cash or on Installments.

E. O. Hall & Son, Ltd.Eblers' Block, Fort Street.

I of those of the balance of the popula- - I n u,a name tnose which were ad- -vised by the Home Rulers would betion. which was 100.000 and over; for in tarried out, but he took matters in hisown hands and acted according to hisown views and judgment, as was donewith numerous other matters of thisnature. v

those years the people were arrestedfor expressing opinions and views inopposition to theirs. Therefore, theLahui was and has been intimidatedbv them, and are now actuallv afraidThis was the way the government was J Turning to Hilo, the Home Rulacarried on by Dole and those white- -skinned missionaries during those years " "

of oppression, which we, native sons.? Ve noticed m the Kveninpr Bulletinhad to endure with a great deal of the names of Senator J. T. Brown, ofpatience and hardship. j Hilo, and Representative W. li. Nai- -

Another matter worthy of notice dur-- lima and James Lewis, of the same

VOLTERS, VALDRON CO., Ltd.Bole Agents for Armour Packing Co.

has just received a shipment of

Armour's Hams and Bacona well as a fall line of CANNED GOODS,

and offer the same for sale.

place, signers of a petition supportingand approving the name of CircuitJudge Little as Dole's successor forGovernor; and that the said petitionwas sent to other Senators and Representatives of the Home Rule party inthat district to sign, but they stronglyrefused to support any such petition.

; and considered that it was an underIIONOLl'LC, II. 1QCEES STREET. handed and backbiting piece of busi-

ness, and also unbecoming the dignityof the party and policy of the Home

tng tnose years or tne uoie regime,that the eople did not have the freeright to the ballot, the right to exercisethis was restricted by a property quali-fication of $3,000. unencumbered, or ayearly income of $tQ0. Therefore, bythis reason, they were placed in thefull control of the law making powerof the country.

Hut from the time we became annex-ed to the present day. first. Dole wasappointed flovcrnnr, and is the chiefexecutive of this Territory; second, theunrestrained right of the suffrage, thusgiving this right to the rich and poor,alike. Therefore, the form of govern-ment has changed from the bayonetgovernment to that of a governmentfor the people, and to be ruled andregulated by the people.

Although our form of governmenthas been changed. Governor Dole's ad-ministration has not, and it is being

The old arguments against corsetsare now obsolete.

They've served their day and gener-

ation, and to their credit let it be added,have done good service, but the newSTRAIGHT FRONT robs them of allforce.

This new style follows the naturallines of the form in a word, hygienic

It's merits are obvious.

In contour nothing could be moregraceful, while it supports the abdomenand strengthens the back.

All the strain is thrown upon thehips and back muscles.

Best of all, it retires tight-lacin- g,

a barbarity on a par with Chinese foottoTture.

We carry all of the best makes andmodels of straight front corsets.

For some are better suited to yourform than others.

If you go by what we tell you,you'll get the kind that is BEST suitedto your form.

Rulers.The main objects and purposes men

tioned in the said petition are in direct conflict with the policy and plat

continued by him as it was under thebayonet government, such as is nowcarried on in Russia, by the Czar. Fromthe time the last Legislature was insession to the present day the doings

form adopted by the party of the La-hui, which Brown and Nailima wellknow.

j The petition was sent to PresidentRoosevelt, and also copies to bothHouses of Congress.

The souls of these two Hawaiiansare strange, indeed, ' as also theiractions in this matter, but they willbe remembered by the Lahui in fu-ture. They may outlive and escapethe force of the laws if they appearbefore Little. "You scratch my backand I will do likewise to you."

They are. not illiterate nor ignorantHawaiians, but the contrary; they aremen of standing, of education and fullof learning and knowledge. If they hadIx'en men so ignorant, unable to knowright from wrong, there might havebeen some cause for excuse and for-giveness, but they will be left for theLahui and the voters to weigh and tojudge in the near future. It is toobad!

of the administration of this youngTerritory were well known to the latedeceased President McKinley and toPresident Roosevelt.

Of the very best crash materialand in handsome colors.

The swellest line of robee intown. ' Prices from ' First, while the Legislature was in

session, the Governor directed Secre-tary Cooper to occupy a seat, to whichhe had no right, on the floor and inthe assembly of the House of Representatives.

Second Senators Kanuha and Ka- -lauokalani made an official visit to theGovernor at his home, to talk over


Upward. Many are displayedin our windows.


Full line of Bath Towels;prices 35c to $1.00 each.


has filed a motion to strike out thebill of exceptions in .the case of Terri-tory vs. Ah Moon, on the ground thatno notice of the same had been giventhe Territory.

Chief Justice Frear gave notice yes-terday that the Supreme Court wouldadjourn Thursday for the term.Attorney Can Practice Here No

Longer Supreme Court Ad-- ,

journs Tomorrow, IViarsh,Whitoey &THE KASH CO., Ltd.TWO STORES

Corner Hotel and Fort Sts., and Hotel St. and Bethel. M. E. Lennon, the attorney who ....LIMITED....served a term in Oahu prison for grosscheat, was disbarred from further prac- -ice in the Territorial courts by the

Supreme Court yesterday. AttorneyGeneral Dole went on the stand andii eh6 il laura Amu Ice &testified to an appeal made to him by

Rooms 508. 509. 510Staogenwatt BollJIng

All classes of Engineering Work solic-ited. Examinations. Surveys and Re-ports made for Waterworks, Steam andElectrical Construction; Plans and

Fainting: the Drlllehed."As clean as the driven snow," will

soon apply to the black, grim, somber-lookin- g

Drillshed. Painters beganworking on the roof of the structureyesterday with white paint, warrantedto make it cool in the sunshine, and ina week or so the entire building willbe completely covered. The trans-forming of the shed is due to an orderissued some time since by the UnitedStates Army Department that theDrillshed must be painted to conformwith the color of the old stone bar-racks. During the last ten days, whenthe troops of the transport Warrenwere camped out in the armory, themen complained much of the heat. Itis believed that the white chemicalpaint, said to be of a kind that willkeep the roof from heating, will domuch to remedy this defect.


Mr. Lennon to save him from disgrace.Ml CONSTRUCTION7 CO. and promising- - that he Intended to re- -urn to the States and become a good

M. R. COUNTERJeweler andSilversmith.

citizen of the community, and try tolive down his record here. He askedwhether or not it would be thought discourteous by the court If he failed to

8pciflcatIon and Estimates prepared, and construction superintended. In allbranches of engineering work. Contracts solicited for railroads, electric andrtMun. tunnel, bridges, buildings, highways, foundations, piers, wharves, etc

padal attention riven to examinations, valuations and reports of propertiesfor Investment purposes.

Frederick J. Amwxg, M. Am. Soc. C. E.,W. R. CASTLE. JR.. Sec'y and Treas. Engineer and Manager.

appear, and upon being told that Itwould not, said he would make no de-

fense. George Sea testified to the ser- -

Ice Delivered to any part of theCity.

Island orders promptly filled.

Hoffman & Mark ham.telephone Blue 8151. P. O. Box ftt.

Office: Kewalo.

ice made upon the defendant, andClerk George Lucas and Police Clerk


Fine Asssortment ofHawaiian Jewelry . .

Zablan testified as to the record In thecriminal case. Chief Justice Frear thentated that, the motion for disbarment New Scientific Treatment Kills DandIn tho Darkroom ruff Germs and Makes Hair Soft.would be granted, and the name of

Lennon was ordered stricken from thefile of practitioners In the Territory. It is an accepted fact, a proven fact.

that dandruff is a germ disease, and Itis also a demonstrated fact that New- -The case of Lilli vs. Carthy was ar

W. V. Ahana & Co.,LIMITED.

W. W. AHANA, Pres't and Manager.

Merchant Tailors,1038 Nuuanu Atiu.

Fort Street, Love B'ldg.tro's Herpicide kills the dandruff germ.gued In the Supreme Court during theday. Without dandruff falling hair will

Formal notice to advance the Kamalo stop, and thin hair will thicken. Her-picide not only kills the dandruff germ,but It also makes hair as soft as silk.

case on the calendar to March 14th wasgiven yesterday by plaintiffs. Defend

It Is the most delightful hair dressingants have given notice of motion to The Silent Barber Shoptrike the cause from the calendar, on

the ground that the clerk had not' beenmade. It cleanses the scalp from dand-ruff and keeps it clean and healthy.Itching and irritation are instantly re-lieved and permanently cured. At all

Will give you nice fitting clothesand for '

Less ZNCon.e3Tthan you can get them for elese- -

served with the notice. The matterAr Thoroughly Disinfected Befor


Arlington Hotel. Hotel Strtdruggists. There's nothing "just aswill be argued in the Supreme Court

today. I good." Take no substitute. Ask for where.Deputy Attorney General Cathcart I "Herplclde."Ji AI

The amateur photographer ha3 his needs fully suppliedat our store. Fresh plate?, film?, papers, solutions, etc.arrive ly every steamer. Our developing'and pritingyou will find to be the best and ourjpricea the lowest.Everything in the photographic line.

Electric Light and Telephone SystemsHonolulu Photo Supply Co. these plantations installed by


i . ...T - - - -

F .tt iff t: V

it.XslHtvltal Bneineer'


' Specifications and estimates furnished on electric work of every description.Efficient electricians furnished on short notice. x--


MILK. MILK. MILKMilk, Butter and Cream; the BEST sold in the islands.

Honolulu Dairymen's Assn.'Phone White 241. - . Office. SWitUn Ptt.

FRED PHILP & BRO. 62 "lniftrZV

Practical Harness Makers and Saddlers.Hwnees. Trunks and Valise?, Neatly and Promptly Repaired.

Thone Blue 2G51 T. O. Box 133.

PHONE MAIN 368 P. O. BOX 542 1"1 1. ---. . in it -- ...,. . .fc. ' ' t .n A- .'.w ' - . . V ' IK


Page 3: K A. A. A. VERDICT 1 MORE JUDICIAL GOOD CHEERevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/43170/1/1902031201.pdfIS INCORPORATED pared by Rev. Alexander Mackintosh, ... Reports animal




David Lawrence & 2o KONA MILLHTED

NOW READY m re iWOTFresh Havana Cigars,

ENGLISH TOBACCOS Could Be Grinding Advertisement Changed Mondays.Next Week if

nglo-Egyptl- on Clcorottoilalro, Necessary FALL IN THE


AWAITING ACTION Grand ProcessionAxWorkmen Have Had a Small Al-

lowance in Provisions

and Money.2 1 Vf


Firef it

B.jund for PACIFIC IMPORT CO, to attend ilrs week's

GREAT BARGAIN SALEIt will be a sale of unprecedented importance. You cannot afford to mies it. We haveruade some great reductions on these goods as anyone acquainted with the value ofmtteria's will know. The prices and goods will speak for themselves, come and 6ethem. Handsome display in windows.

MarineInformation from Kona yesterday, by

the Mauna Loa. tells of propress in themill and the general work of the Konaplantation, but the Indications are thatthere must be some action soon If theestate is to be saved. The workmenare all there and anxious to work, butthey will not be able to long hold outif their supplies are stopped.

Letters from Manager Cowan tell of

ilnerny Blook, fort Str


This company has excellent facilitiesfor the care of pruperty of women;also of 8U'h other pardons who are un-able or disinclined to look after itthemselves. . . . .

Hawaiian Trust Co., Ltd.923 Fort Street.

the receipt of the orders from the re-

ceiver, and the fact that under thatorder there may tie drawn for supplying:the wants of 12 men employed in car-ing for the live stock only. The workon the fitting of the mill for the takingoff of the cane this year, has progress-ed so well that if the cane could be cutand transported the mill could be work-ed next week. The men are said to beholding on so that they may be ableto participate in any harvesting of thecane. Some of the workmen on thevarious small contracts have had.nomoney for the past seven months, andthey are anxious to see something In

Fancy colored Pongee Foulardines 35c a yard, reduced to 25c a yard.Fancy colored Dotted Swiss Muslin, 20c a yard.White cotton 36-inch- es wide, 14 yards for $1.White cotton Towels, 3Sxl8, $1.50 a dozen.White cotton Towels, 33x16, 00c a dozen.New line of Eiderdown fancy dre33ing saques, $1, $1.50, $1 75, $2, $2.75.Skirts, lace tucked muslin, $2.50 each.Skirls, lace tucked musliD, $1.50 each.Skirts, hemstitched tucked muslin, $1, $1.35, $1.45.Skirts, lace witu 3 rows inserting, $2.50 each.Dropstitched fast black hosiery 15c a pair, 2 pairs for 25c.

the way of cash.The workmen on the plantation di-

rectly and indirectly number 1500, andare of opinion that they will be givensome chance to save the cane they have



grown, and so have refused to leavefor other estates.

There were more meetings of theshareholders yesterday, and thechances are that there will be some-

thing definite known before the nextsailing of the Mauna Loa. There Issome talk of a settlement of the receiv-

er's claims and an agreement to a BEAVER LUNCH ROOMSPHOTOGRAPHIC I

trusteeship, which would have the effeet of a receivership, if there are noclaims left outside the agreement

H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.Fort Street. Opposite "Wilder & tl:

FIRST-CLAS- S LUNCHES SERTB,With Tea, Coffee, Soda Water.Ginger Ale or Milk.

Open from 7 a. m. to 10 p. ra.Smokers Requisites a Specialty.

There were any number of personB eeen

Pongee Pilks, Fateens and Crepe3 of all colors and the bestquality. Finest quality of Linen Cloth and in all colors.Table Cloth?, all sizes. Silk Shawls. Embroidered Silk PianoCoyer. Cushion and Pillow Covers and Chair Tidie3. Silkand Linen Handkerchiefs. Chinese Silk dragon embroideredFlag, all sizes. Genuine Jade Stone Bracelets. GenuinePeatl, all sizes. CarTed Sandal Woid Glove and JewelryBoxes. Carved Ivory Ware. Carved Ivory and Sandal WoodFans. Fine Porcelain, Battan, Ebony and Bamboo Goods.Solid Chinese Silverware. Lacquered Ware, &c

PORTRAITSFine Assortment of ISLAND

VIEWS. Send for list.

r irst Class Work Guaranteed

Has Just ReceivedNew Lines of

Men's and Boys5Furnishing Goods

Hats, Ties, Underwearand Clothing.

Fort Street, near King.

yesterday by the managing sharehold-ers, but there has been no direct offerof the money to carry on the work un-

til the sugar is being sent forward.While the situation Is good, there

seems to be no disposition to undertakenew things on the part of old sugarhouses, and the situation remains with

Honolulu Iron Works Co.STEAM ENGINES

BOILERS. SUGAR MILLS. COOLERS, BRASS AND LEAD CASTINGSand machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attentionout material change. mi paid to ship's blacksmithing. Job workexecuted on shortest notice.A gentleman who has just returnedGoods Packed and Shipped to any Point



Hotel St. near Union.66-7- 2 N. King", Corner Smith St., Betwee

Nuuanu and Maunakea.MOTT-SMIT- II BLOCK,

Corner Fort and Hotel Street.

Hawaii Shinpo Sha

from Kona says that unless the off-

icials in Honolulu are in a position, toact with these men, supply them withfood, they will soon be entirely out ofsupplies, and will have no means ofobtaining any. The small storekeepersamong the Japanese have about ex-

hausted their supplies and credit onaccount of the condition of the eugarcompany's affairs.

"The Japanese are patient," he said.


D rossmakingf!?T!WI.J"1ll "!TLVt

Alo Dresses turned out on short notice atTHE PIONEER JAPANESE PRINT-ln- g

office. The publisher of HawaiiShinpo, the only dally Japanese paperpublished In the Territory of Hawaii.

C. SHIOZAWA, Proprietor.T. SOGA, Editor.


TOT KUON, Manager.Formerly manager New Orjtwnira

MISS L--'Phone Blue 291.P. O. Box 767.BEAUTIFY UNION STREET.

t.nuiiir AHvrtiwr fipiivpred hv carrier l Telephone Main 7. Restaurant. Best Board In the y.

Meals, 25 cents. Nuuanu, near Vtnjrw4

"and al lthey are asking is that theybe supplied with provisions until moneycan be raised. What hungry workmenmight do to obtain food for themselvesand their wives and children, is a greatguess."

6- - to any part of the city for 75 cents a Editorial and Printing Office Mau- -street.naKea b;., auuve rviug. x v. iuimonth.


We have prepared Special Fertilizer for Flowers, Fernsand Lawns. This Fertilizer is clean and without objectionableodor, and a trial will convince you that it will make your plantsand grass green and vigorous. Profit by the experience of thesugar plantations. They use large quantities of fertilizers withgreatly increased yields of sugar. Order a sample bag and we

wil deliver it at your door: 25-l- b for $1, 50-l- b for $1.75 andlOU-lbf- or $3.- -

r u ir vnRead the Dally Advertiser; 75 centsper month HILLCOLL to.lba


rtili:Hi LOTS FOR SALE.The Trustees of the Oahu College offer for sale at very lowa


Just' Telephone

For a case of the delicious and re-freshing product of the CaliforniaGrape Fruit. Atk for

You need it to tone up your system.

30c the Dozen.Delivered free to any address in

the city.

prices, and onTamra f. Morgan. President; Cecil I-- wn. Vice President:Charle. 1L Athcrton. Andltor; W. IL Uoogs. Treas-

urer and Manager.

K--u.sta- ,ce Co., X-td- ..


Firewood, Stove, Steam, Blacksmith's CoalAlso Black and White Sand. Telephone Main 295.

Special Attention Given to Praying.


- Telephone Main 71.


Consolidated SodaWorks Company, Ltd.

VERY FAVORABLE TERMS(One-thir- d cas-h- ; one-thir- d one year; one-thir- d two years' time,with interest at 6 per cent per annum) some very choice lota

at College Hills.' The

RAPID TRANSITCompany performs a twenty minute service through the property;the College has provided a splendid and abundant supply of artasianwater reaching over the entire tract, and the charges are reasonable.

Tnis U

A MOST HEALTHY LOCATIONand is entirely free from objectionable surroundings. No saloons,wash hoase, ivery stables, poi shops and other nuisances of likecharacter are allowed, and by all means is the most attractiveeuburban district near ITonolulm


A. A. MONTANO, Millinery and Dressmaking.

Wadnooday, March 12th. EOCStorn



Thoro ugbfcrea


WillaTaj Ranch

Everything new; latest in millinery creations; newest styles in gdrones for ladies ana conureu.

Hotel Street.-Arlineton Block. - S2 50Por Setting


BBBOrd'M can bo left at California Feed Co.'a

at Salter' Grocery.NEW QRPHEUM


KtHlKIVn MKKT MARKETAud lirorprv.

NcwTcnitory RestaurantJUST OPENED


a Persons desiring lots ia this locality will be able to securo full particulars in regard

to thise lots bv 4PPlvini? to Mr. P. 0. JONSS or Mr. JONATHAN SHAV at the oSce2 of the Trustees, No. 404 Judd Building.S P. C. JONES, Treasurer.

RESTAURANT1251 Fort Street



Prices Reasonable

FRUITS AND VEGETABLES.Beretania StrrCt, corner Alakea.

Thon- - Blue 2Z11.B nnoiiiiBBflBBSDBBBlral 23c Tickets. $4.50.

Everything Flrst-clai- s.BSBfllllflBBniBflaBBinDDBBBBIIBSDiiOHuii---- -

Page 4: K A. A. A. VERDICT 1 MORE JUDICIAL GOOD CHEERevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/43170/1/1902031201.pdfIS INCORPORATED pared by Rev. Alexander Mackintosh, ... Reports animal




R roistered Trademark

,SK3kC Commichau'sd ky LINEN-HOSIER- Y

William T. Ftead. an editor who siysthirgs without much regard to conven-

tional opinion at home, is telling Kng-la.n- .1

that she must become a part of-- the United States of the Knglish-spakln- g

world." or dwindle to anotherItelgium. In an article on ""The Ameri-canization of the World." he says:

"The advent of the United States of


(Continued from Page 1.1ilAKCH 1WKDNKSDAT. Hygienic'-fe-w'America as the greatest of world-pow- -

ers is the greatest political, social, arul heavy bdy fall into the vaterfrom the coal barge lying directly aft' Mr. Iiryn 1 building a fine hous at

Llnrnln. Neb. Kvidently he ep-c- t to kneJ,hL,ne:n Underclothingof th? Alexander's stern. If the deadman had been discharged from the colstay there.lier it is exceedingly probable that he

In the fingers, toes, arms, andother parts of the body, are jointsthat are inflamed and swollen byrheumatism that acid conditionof the blood which affects the mus-

cles also.' Sufferers dread to move, espe-

cially after sitting; or lying long,and their condition is commonlyworse in wet weather.

It has been a long time since we havebeen without Hood's Sarsaparilla. Myfather thinks he could not be without it.He has been troubled with rheumatismsince be was a boy, and Hood's Sarsapa-rilla Is the only medicine he can take thatwlU enable him to take his place in thefield. Miss Ada Dott. Sidney, Iowa.

Hood's Sarsaparillaand Pills

Remove the cause of rheumatismno outward application can.

Take them.

It is pleasinjc to know that, in viewf certain contlnKnoles. Hit Tonga

ould have found something to caus?him to visit his old vessel again, andthis errand very possibly may haveirisndrs are not far from the woods.


commercial phenomenon of our times.It is only when we liok at the mani-fold manifestations of the exuberantenergy of the United States, and theworld-wid- e influence which they areexerting upon the world in general, andthe Hritlsh empire in particular, thatwe realize how comparatively Insignifi-

cant are all th other events of ourtime."

After a rapid survey of the stridesAmerican id-a- ls have made in everydepartment of science, art and religionthe world over. Mr. Stead answers the

Hardens the Body and

Strengthens the Nerves.been fraught with unpleasantness toIrrigation dam mould have a hard ward some of his old companions,

tir aLaniUr.if the train In a The fact that the discharged man'swhere seven f of mater falls In six name is flarvin is also peculiarly sig-

nificant in view of the fact that inhe ixicket of the man found in tne

harbor was a handkerchief with theletter "!" embroidered in one coiner.

Many clues were offered to the pi.lifeytsterday. all of which petered out

H. HnGKFELD & COquestion. "What is the secret or American success? in part as rllows: Sole Agents for the"American success may be explained

I . ... T . l Territory or HawaiiIn m.my ways. A young and vigorous I nen.uiviMisuit-u-. io. now ever, are

race has been let loose among the in- - j as yet unexploded and may lead toe treasures of a vircln contl- - ! something. One of the soldiers on the yQA Genuine. Unless I

yY Bearing our Trade-Mar- k. Inent. Into that rare there has been Warren informed the police that apoured in Iavluh profusion the vital



energies of many other races chosenby a process of natural selection whicheliminated the weaker, the more timid.





th- - less adventurous spirits. Thisgreat amalgam of heterogeneous ener-gies constitutes a new composite race.

days. -

;eneral Funston l about to be Ini-

tiated Into the Order of Klk. That 1.he will be. If any ne can b- - found inthe herd to hM him with a stuffed club.The Job may be I- -t out.

ITncIe Ram will now try hi detectivekill upon the illW.lt distiller. As he

has sharp eyes ami i lonjr arm. andis backed by drastic lawn, the lot fthe swipes maker and the okolehaoman will not be a happy one.

The decision not to give any moreperial fiat Tate would seem to Indi-

cate that. In the recent past, the lec-tr- lc

light company h been playingfavorite. A letter which lately cameto our notice, stopped a sjwrial ratewhich wis under $4 and. by applyingthe legal fiat rate, raiwd it t over IS.

The equalization of the scale f pay-ment, which Is nor ordered, is fair toconsumers, although it achieves nosaving to those who have been payingall the traffic would bear. Their con-holati- on

Is that others will li.ve to dothe tamo. -

fThe attempt to convince the Gover-

nor that an extra session is needed toinsure the repair of storm damages on

roan named Gordon had been missingfrom the transput since she arrivedhere from San Francisco. He was ntwitn the ship when she started fromhere for Manila and put back for re-

pairs. He was a member of CompanyK. Fifteenth Infantry.

A sailor who deserted from the I?rit-Is- h

ship Peter Iredale. which sailedyesterday. Is also unaccounted for. Hisname is Arthur liloomtield. and his ap-pearance is said to very closely resem-ble that of the dead man. The utmostefforts of the police have so far failedto disclose Iiloomfield's whereabouts.

which found itself free to face all the 5 The New Prism ReflectorFor Incandescent Lamps.S

sproblems of the universe without anyof the restraints of prejudices, tradi


Ja a cheap but really afirst-clas- s, nicely fcented

Toilet Soap

tions, or ed Institutionsteawhich encumber the nations of the Old

World. Americans had no swaddlingclothes to cast. They sprang into life .

like Minerva from the brain of Jovewithout any need to rid themselves ofthe garments of infancy. They had also

Ethe immense advantage of an atmos-phere which in many parts of the con

-- 4

If it is illumination you want not decoration aloneyou should use a priem reflector. They are made undera scientific principle, from superior white glass and notonly increase the efficiency of your lights from fifty toone hundred per cent, but give a complete diffusion andconsequent softening of the light. The Prism Reflectorremoves all glare and the ligbt isboth hygienic andagreeable in quality. They are very beautiful in ap-

pearance; cat no shadow like ordinary reflectors. Inthree sizes 60c, 75o and $1.00. We have them at-

tached to-lano- ps in our office tor the purpose of shewingthem to visitors. . .

tinent was a perpetual exhilaration. 3All these, causes contribute to American success. They belong to the Ameri Highly iRccottmeBdcdcans as an Inalienable possession, norcan we by any possibility hope to share by Us.E 3them. They are as inseparable from


, (Continued from page 1.)

protection of the Pacific coast. As forthe distribution of money in the Isl-

ands, Silliman said that the UnitedStates was taking away a million anda quarter in customs duties annually,and spending very little of It here.Though loving the United States, whichwas his native country, he contendedthat it was an outrage on the part ofits representatives to attempt to takothis Pearl Harbor land without ade-quate compensation. The United Stateswas well able to pay for it, and th;people of t!re Territory should be treat- -


Hawaiian Electric Co.A Luxury for theBath. Bl

Hawaii, is worthy of its source. Howthe Home I'ule Legislature, with akahuna bill yet to pa.ss, with the actto repeal the quarantine laws of theUnited States still on the calendar, andwith the Are claims to pay, could Andtime and money to apply to the prob-lem of road building In Hawaii. 1 apuzzling question. Probably. If theLegislature did anything in the matter,it would be to pass siNCounty bill giv-ing Hawaii the chance to mend its ownhighways out of such moneys as a localHome Ilule road board might wish tospare from Its salaries and perquisites.

LIMITED.King Street, near Alakea.

ed with fairness, .which he contended.had n-i- t be-e- n the general policy of the a




the continent of America as the Fallsof Niagara or the Mississippi Valley."

The writer further discovers threeAmtlcan secrets which he deems ca-

pable of profitable export to Kngland.He enumerates them as education. In-

creased Incentives to production, anddemocracy. In each of these respectsAmerica surpasses Knglancl. the lattertaking the b-a- d only in municipal gov-

ernment. These considerations bringMr. Stead to his proposed merging ofthe two great branches of the Knglish-speakln- g

race. He says:"There lis lie fore the people of Great

Ilritaln a choice of two alternative-s-, Ifthey decide to merge the existence- - ofthe Kritish empire in the United Statesof the English-speakin- g world, theymay continue for all time to be an in-

tegral part of the greatest of all worldptiwers, supreme on sea nnd unassail-able on land, permanently deliveredfrom nil fear of hostile attack, andcapable of uielding irresistible influ-ence in all parts of ths planet. Thatis one alternative. The oth r is the





Silk, Cotton and Half Silk



acceptance of our supersession by the ,

central government toward this conn-- 1

try or its people, nor was It treating!the defendant in this case properly. Mr. j

Silliman was finally interrupted by theCourt, with the remark that he shoulddiscuss the case and not the United i

'States. Mr. Dunne chipped in that hecouldn't sit still and hear the UnitedSlates assailed in that manner. The J

argument finally proceeded withoutfurther interruption. j

The Jury was instructed, at the con- -j

elusion of Mr. Dunne's address, verymuch on the lines laid down in the firsttrial. Jud.sre ISstee described the con-- !denined prope-rty- , and the various leas- -es. by which it came into the posses- -sion of the defendant. The Jury wasInstructed that it could not considerthe "mere speculative or possible valueof sugar that mlsnt be produced in the ;

future on this land." j

All Improvements on the land, theCourt Instructed the jury, became the;property of the Hishop Estate upon the,termination of the lease. Instructionswere given also not to consider themill, pumping plants, or anything notupon the 561 acres to be condemned.Th-- written admission of the defend- -'

ant. in the form of tax returns, and.the statement filed with the Treasurer,'the Jury was also Instructed to con- - j

slder. The Jury was further Instructed: j

"It is also your duty to consider that:that this land is not now appropriatedto any valuable use, that .." Is not nowprodueiftg a crop." . j


:o:-3 Per Box of 3 Cakesa

Give It a Triala

United States as the center of gravityin the Knglish-speakin- g world, the lossone by on- - of our great colonies, andour ultimate reduction to the status ofan Knglish speaking Helgium.

"One or the other it must be. Whichidvill it be? Sddom has a more mo-merto- us

choice been presented to thecitizens of any country. It Is naturalthat Prillsh prid- - should revolt at theconclusion which is thus presented asthe result of a rapid survey of theforces governing the present inlltlcaland financial and Industrial situation.Hut pride and prejudice' are evil coun-selors. The question is not what wewould Itent like to do, but what Is the


Dry (itcris, Liquors and Spirits. Groceries of Japaneseand American Manufacture.

Waverley BlockHotel Street.

P. O. Box 917.Honolulu, H. I.

Hoi SisterDrug Co.


best possible In the ircum- -course J offor wharve8 alonf? tm? ,Inethe property, the Jury was Instructed

This is ESSo Fish Vsarn-to Ignore, on the ground that the Unit-ed States already owned those rlshtsby virtue of a treaty with King Kala-kau- a.

In conclusion the Court said:It will be seen by the terms of said

treaty of 1SS7 that the United StatesIh6n coon va1 t Via atpIuqK'o vlffot t r t Vl s

H H I B.DBB BlilBIIland-locke- d waters ef Pearl Harbor, '

stances? If It is admitted that thewhole trend of our time Is toward theunification of races of a common steckand common language: If it is furtheradmitted that such unification wouldcarry with, it incalculable advantagesin securing the Knglish speaking na-

tions from all danger either of a fratri-cidal conflict or of fore ign attack, whileenormously improving both their pros-IHri- ty

at home and the Influence whichthey can exercise abroad, it is dilficultto resist the e'one-lusio- that the objectis one well worthy of being made theultimate goal of the statesmen both ofthe United States and of the UnitedKingdom.

"The subject is not one upon whichpoliticians are likely to talk. Any ut-

terance in favor e)f coming together


It would appear that for once thegreat mass of the people are in entlrsaccord with some part of the anarch1st rentlment. While there Is probablyn hop for the passage of the Hoarincisure to provide an. inland for thequarantining of the reds of the UnitedStates, still there is such merit in theproposition that It des-.-rv- e a bvtt rlate than to die unsung.

Prominent anarchists, other thanvendors of beer, agree that In somesuch plan lies the supreme test of an-archy. They argue that If the theory

f anarchy is right then the Isolationof those who profess the belief wouldgive the very opportunity sought frthe teaching to the world of th? truthf the doctrine. They argue well and

wix ly that If the community f redscan govern Itself along the lines lai 1

down In the teachings of the Apostles,then the world may see fit' to embracethe doctrine.

Just as true Is it that the failure ofthe plan and theories of the anarch-ists would result In the breaking up ofthe cult and the making of the ma-jority, perhaps, of the men whose lifehas been given to the propaganda. Intogitotl citizens. It is safe to say. thatleaving out the Ignorant and unthink-ing of the class, there are many anarch-ists who come from the educated dam-es abroad, nnd whenever there Is anAmerican anarchist, not the mere rev-olutionary dreamer, the degeneratewho follows the mad appeal toprejudice, or the natural criminal whorag because It Is in his blood, butthe man whose thought has broughtthe belief that there Is too much law.here i sure to be found an educated

man.Therefore the scheme for the segre-

gation of the anarchists has somethingto commend u on the practical side,

out the chance that If the rab-id ones are gathered where there arero public men to kill, they may ki'.larh other, that the experiment willttle many questions for the world,

and therefore deserves encouragement.Hut Is It fair to blot the South Seas

trlth the presence of such a body ofmen. who might better be making coatsor digging ditches, where the resultsof their work may tx considered only-- t long range. Th reds were to stayIn th United States. Why not letIhem? There is pl.nty of territory

here the foot of the white man hasTit trodden. There U plenty morewhere it xntty never reach. The head-ing of th- - Colorado river, offering as ItW a fa'r chance for life along favor-.-M- e

conditions, never has been traceddefinitely, and Its plains might give a

hanco for a flourishing colony of reds.The country could be absolutely wellrnardel by soldl-r- s, and th- - Inmates

ould bs at peace. This would do at--tst for a starting of the scheme, and

development mlsht le well left tow. Tks quarantine mlht b-- a fchot- -:';n nn and the result might be th-;- T

rat.-- t amount of g.od. The realis the benefit from th- - taking

f the elss away from th-- ir fell wi.i d any plan having this obj-- vt should

I:- - glr thorough nf)iirrtinr.



and so while private parties may ownland bordering on these waters, thewaters themse-lve- s have belonged to theUrdtd States since the date of thattreaty.

I therefore instruct you. that inrcachia a verdict you are not to con-si- dt

r or place any value upon said in-

land waters as belonging: to the pri-vate parties now litigating with theUnited States government, because al-though the treaty made btwen theKingdom of Hawaii and the UnitedSt-ite- s of America in 1SS7. by whichPearl Harbor was ceded to the United





Phore Blue 1621. - 165 King St.under the American flag could so easily States did not in any way affect pri- -vate ownership in the lands frontingbe misrepresented by a political oppo- - tn haveon nnrbof ose partu.s no ? rPiaVhi??hyeBERGSTR0M MUSIC CO.

cairies the large&t and l et stock in Hono'ulu.8 FOR SALE

i . 'jmnatfi l, j. jv iFurniture and LeaseOf 20 Room Rooming

in hP MEADOWS MALTED MILK 40c ti'i rurnt


nent as an act or treason to tne union j interest other than that of every clti-Ja- ck

that men whose horizon is limit- - t zen of the United States in the sloughsthe ' an1 waters of IVarl Harbor, for theseed to next general election natu- -

inland waters are now and since 1nS7.tally refrain from expressing any opin- - J ,.av becn the I(roperty r,f the unitedion on the subject. Hut, privately, no states.one who moves in political or Journal- - Ir conclusion let me say to you thatistlc circles can ignore the fact that

' 'ht' "vUU V(? in,.thl case 13 v.er' con-- m

tlictii'.g. and commenting uponmary the strongest imperialists are 1n, testimony of any one witness. Iheart and soul in favor of seeing the Instruct you that in considering thel.rttlsh empire and the American re- - testimony of all the witnesses in thipubbc merge in the Knglish-speakln- g rntTSileVlo K'S'n,"United States of the world. This is .an or re ject such portions thereof as youideal splendid enough to fascinate the may believe to be false. If the state-imaginati- on

of all men. especially of j "ts of any one or more witnessesi are so unreasonable or improbable asthose who have proved susc eptible to . ,hat thoJr facpupn th(ky not rrrythe fascination of Imperial federation." j conviction of their truth to your minds.I ?ou are liberty to relect all or anv nart


Mcely furnished; er-man-

roomeis andbusiness : snug profitof $125 a month. . . .

Price $:2,750; TermsReasonable.

The ure?t made, no6Ugdr, i.o cream requir-ed; made instantly witha little hot water.



riTh- - rriminal who stands n. show In i5 " ''I Gentlemen of the Jury under theurai nuri 13 lilt? I cn iniei. pleadings in this cae, there is but one

Henryissue Involved the amount of the Juncompensation to be awarded to the de

Th Jui)5 explained while ago thath-- ha.l lo?t chirkens himself. A word aider's Orofendant for the taking of Its property. C rphcumBlockt- - the wise h.usbreakr would b to BWaterhouse&Co.x u iuul uif rriuit una i'r lilt? pi;im- -k.'. p away fnm the alide of virtue at tiff a verdict rnmmnlni; the leasehold

Onmmpiw'incr Murrfi l.jVH.'K.itmukl or thre may b a general interest of the defen-iant- . the HonoluluW" in and to the 561.Companyrour.dir.t up of burRlars in Oahu Jail, t

. , acre of land desired by th povern- -i nfnt; and you must And a verdict inI orrrlaln violins and mandolins, favor of the defendant for the amountn.nj.o.i exact. y like the wooden ones. of th comrwn

Stock, Bend and RealEtate Brokers.Fire Insurance Agents.


"w I willl sell all cf the stockin my store Regardless of Cost. This is the opportunity of a

. lifetime to obtain great bargains in every line.

Goo Kim, 116NuuanuSt.

are corned t have groatly Improve! ths testimony you shall dem Jut. Htoni'n. Their wMKht and liability to KSTFE Jnhr-Vs- X. sr. 3iss.IvntB-ou- s. ' Uarch 11 ' 3

Page 5: K A. A. A. VERDICT 1 MORE JUDICIAL GOOD CHEERevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/43170/1/1902031201.pdfIS INCORPORATED pared by Rev. Alexander Mackintosh, ... Reports animal

II .





" Diamond Head" Brand GasolineDISTILLATE IX DRUMS


Special Salefor two weeks of ZE3EOSiI3 .

New and Staple Goods Just Received

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you seen our Rat Traps?

AF100 S


Now Owned ByMrs. liiram Bing-

ham Junior.


Interesting Papers Read at Mat-

ing of the Woman's Board

of Missions.

Ore of the largest meetings in manymonths of the Woman's Hoard of Mis-sions was that held yesterday after-noon at Central Union church. About1't ladies were present, and the pro-pra- m

was filled with interesting: features. The chief topic was religiouswork in Porto Rico. Guam and thePhilippines, a large amount of data be-ing- given. The work of the local mis-sions among the Chinese. Japanese andPortuguese was. also related.

Mrs. C. M. Hyde presided at themeeting. In reading the Scriptures shecommented on Christians and the workwhich the Master called upon them toperform. She thought there was some-thing more for Christians to do thanmerely relieving distress, and. this wasto preach the Gospel to the poor. Thiswas an ago of magnificent philanthro-pies to consecrated work, but it wasthe ofTice of Christ to preach to thepoor, and in relieving miseries by greatgifts, the Word oi God should not beoverlooked. Christ must be preached toothers. People could only speak ofthose things which they had seen andheard. If the spring was within themthen the stream would flow. The onlyreligion that was worth anything toher was the one which made her wishto do something for others.

Mrs. Ooan read a tale by Ik Marvel,"The Story of a Silver Coffee Pot," thechief Interest in the same to Honolu-lan- s

being that the pot referred to isowned by Mrs. Hiram IJingham Jr.,and came to her as a family heirloom.This coffee pot. which became famousin history, was fashioned about a cen-

tury ago. It was in 1S13 that the potv as owned by the bride of a countryminister in southern New England.Hut in their simple life it was thoughtthat the beautiful coffee pot savoredtoo much of worldly luxury, and a planwas hit upon to send It to the Hoardof Missions, on condition that it befilled, under their auspices, with silverpieces. The pot was sent to tne noara.the result being that silver pieces filledit. to the amount of Jfitit), which wasdevoted to religious work.

Finally, .the urn came back into thefamily, and again it bubbled every dayat the breakfast table, and from itv as poured the morning beverage ofcoffee. As an heirloom it was givennext to the eldest daughter and wasused upon her table, the story of itsc harities lending it an unusual interest.Ii became valuable from its associa-tions with mission work, and some-times was kept in bank vaults. Atlength the coffee pot was borne off toPhiladelphia to a new board, and againits mission of receiving silver was car-ried on. In fact, several times duringthe century this unique coffer was usedto obtain money for mission work.

When the World's Fair was about tobe opened there came a request to Mrs.Hiram Hingham Jr.'s family to placethe coffee pot on exhibition, and it wass nt to Chicago and given space in theWoman's building. A modest placardtold its history. It attracted many.wh' not only admired its handsomeoutlines, bright surfaces and intrinsic,worth, but who were interested in its j

historical value. Kven then money vaioccasionally dropped into the urn. andwhen it was removed over $100 in silver was in it. It then went back j

t the t.il.Ie of h" irranddaushter. Sh"offered it as a gift to a relative on con-

dition that she fill it with silver formission work. The condition was ac-- jccpled with pleasure, and 475 silve r do!- -

L.r were placed therein. This wasns. d til aid in the building of a hos- - f

j ital overlooking the place where the(riginai owner played during ner giri-io,,- d.

In all about JlTm has been real-ized for mission work by this novel useof the urn.

Hcliious conditions in Porto Ricov ere told of by Mrs. McCuliy-Higgin- s.

v statements were made up fromthe published reports of those who had.con" over the field. The country wasslt-epe- d in Catholicism, but the peoplewere open to persuasion to attachI r.emei cs io om-- i i uuu m-- . nr wn.sidered that the outlook in Porto Ricowas hopeful.

Miss Mary Alexander read from amacazine an account oi religious. mo - ,

al and political life in Guam, which,also covered the mission work of theCastinos. who are well known in Hono-- ,lu'u. i

Mrs. A. M- - Smith of Punahou told of,the s of Protestant mission j

work in the Philippines, tne statisticshowine that all churches, except th "Episcopal, were now actively engine. 1

in mission work in many of the islands.An Episcopal bishop for the Philippineshad b-e- n appointed and the work un- -

d..te. The drawback in the Philippines,was the fri.tr system, and reforms wer j

jromised by the Catholic church among,the monastic orders. - f

Annua! Meeting of the Ohio!uud, nas Many


Mombers of the Buckeye Club metlast evening at the residence of C. H.Atherton. King street, elected officersfor the coming year, decided to cele-brate the birthday of Gen. IT. S. Grant,and listened to several songs by Mine.Genevra Johnstone-H.'sho- p. There wasan attendance of more than fifty mem-bers and friends, and the evening waspassed most pleasingly.

The business meeting cf the club w asthe first order, and while the nominat-ing committee, under the chairmanshipof P. M. Tond, was deliberating, thereport of the socretary-ireasur- er wasread. It showed a surplus of $V.6 overexpenses f r the year, while there hadbeen subscribed for the fund pledgedto the McKinley memorial, an addi-tional J13r. This leaves for the clubto raise a balance of $245. The officersreported and elected were: President.

C. Weedonr vice president, the Rev.W. I. Westervelt; secretary and treas-urer, W. E. Skinner; executive commit-tee. Miss Helle Johnston. Dr. Rogersand C. II. Atherton.

The point was made, that within thepast month there had been the celebra-tions of the birthdays of two greatmen, Washington and Lincoln, and thatnext month there will occur that of oneof Ohio's distinguished sons. Gen. U.S. Grant. The motion was that therebe a committee of three to arrange fora meeting in commemoration of the oc-

casion on April 27th. There was somecontroversy over the date, as it cameso close to the time of the May meet-ing, and after discussion a committeeof three, consisting of E. S. Gill,Joshua K. Hrown and John W. Franc-i-s, was appointed to arrange for themeeting, the second Tuesday in May.

There was a 'suggestion made thatthere should be no hanging back in themaking up of the sum pledged to theMcKinley memorial fund, and a com-mittee, made up of W. E. Skinner, Dr.Rogers and K. S. Gill, was appointedto canvass the members of the club forfunds. The passage of votes of thanksfor the retiring officers closed the busi-ness meeting of the club.

During the social session there weresongs by the Riwkeye quartet, andMadame Hishop sang several numbers,among them "Hurrah for Ohio," whichset the entire audience cheering.

Lycurgua to Wed.Demetrius Gregorovich Camaiinos

stated that the object of George LJcur-gu- s'

trip to Greece is matrimony.Demetrius says George is trying to findan Athenian maiden to preside over hisestablishment and "show the peoplesomething real in Grecian fancy goods."He has no particular one in mind, butis satisfied that when he appears be-

fore the archimandrate with his mar-riage license he will be accompanied bthe reigning belle of The Pyraeus. .


The Cauie Must be Removed, SameWay With Dandruff.

Kill the germ that causes dandruff,falling hair and baldness, you will haveno more dandruff, and your hair mustgrow luxuriantly. Herpicide not onlycontains the dandruff germ destroyer.but it is also a most delightful hairdressing for regular toilet use. Noother hair preparation is on thistifie basis of destroying the dandruffgerm than Newbro's Herpicide.



AT THE ADJOURNED ANNEALmeeting of Castle & Cooke. Ltd., heldMarch X. VM)Z. the following otficeiswere elected to serve for the ensuingyear:

J. H. Atherton. President.G. P. Castle. Vice President.E. D. Tenney. Secretary.W. A. Unwell, Treasurer.W. Ji. Castle. Auditor.

C. H. ATHERTON.Secretary- - pro tern, Castle & Cooke,

Ltd. em


THE FUNERAL OF OI'R LATEsister, Mary E. Evans, will be held thisi i- - ...aftornjtiin........ nt ' o'clock fltl '(h.'iiuj r - - - - - -

the residence of J. C Evans, 1M Kingstreet, McCulIy Tract. Members ofLeahi Chapter 2, O. E. S., and all vis-

iting members of the order are invitedto attend.

liy order of the Worthy Matron.NORA GALRRAITH.



Pl:IN'E.-- S KAWANANAKOA WILLhold at Puak-ilani- . Waikiki. a Hawaii-an reception day on Friday. Mac rh 14.

1'tOLV from " to 6 p. m. CI 1 4


ALL PERSONS OWING ACi'OENTSto th- - Austin Publishing Compunywlll please pay the same to Mr. E. A.Mott-Sir.it- h. at his office i'l the Stan-genwa- ld

building, before April 1. 6114



THE REGULAR ANNUAL MEET- -ir.g of the stockholders of the Inter-Islan- d

Steam Navigation Co., Ltd.,will be held at the office of the com-pany. Queen street, on Tuesday, Marchis. I 'JO::, at 10 o'clock a. in.

The stockbooks rjf the companv willbe closed to transfers from th l.'ith toth- - lsth instant, inclusive.

C. H. CLAPP. Secretary.Honolulu. March 4. 1 ?'. f!''5


THE POWER OF ATTORNEYh,retf. re given by me to W. G. Ash-le- v,

is hereby revoked.THOMAS c'HRIPTLET.Honolulu Hotel. Nuuanu St.

March 7. CI 11

Our IIo.e is o! thequality and guaranteed togive satisfaction.

The best at the lowestprice at Hopp's.


: Dining --RoomIt's a pleasure to look a,t ourhandsome stock of dining roonifurniture. We have some ele-

gant chairs, finished In eitheroak r mahogany, which wesell singly. If you need "awhole outfit our assortment of

Dining Tablesis most complete. We havethe chairs above mentioned. ilomatch our tables, and hftethe tables also in oak or ma-

hogany, as you prefer. Our

Side Boardswill match the other furnitureand we can lit up the roomcompletely and tastily.

! Don't Forgetthat our upholstering depart-- -

ment Is the finest equipped in

town. We have just receivedin this department a largo

- stock of


- for pillows, etc.



Corner King and LVthel Sts.



nsuranoe Agents,AGENTS FOR




S. W. McChesney & Son.



AeenU Honolulu Soap Worki Cnrpauy, Honolulu, and Tannery.

4 &5&r


F. J. LOWRET, President.A. B. WOOD. "Vice-Preside- nt.

J. A. GILMAN, Secretary and Trurer.

F. J. AMWBO. Auditor.CHAS. II. GILMAN. Manager.






$5,500PawaaLot 75x140.House of ten room?, viz.: four

bedrooms and sewing room on sec-ond floor; large reception hall, par-lor, dining room, kitchen, twobed rooms and bath on first floor;stable and servants' quarters. Elec-tric car line will pass within threeminutes of this property. Oall atonce on

Island Realty Co.LIMITED.

204 Judd Bnildir:g


For the wainscoting of theheme, the office und lodgerooms, there is no decorationthat will quite equal LincrustaWalton.

There Is not another place In, Honolulu where you have amore artistic stock to choosefrom,' and we find great pleas-- .ure in showing the patterns toour customers.

Ours-- are the finest GermanLincrustas, and you shouldcome to see them.

Lewers & CookeLIMITED.



Sold by all Druggists and at the UnionBarber Shop.


Sanitary Plumbing2nd

Sewer ConnectionsA SPECIALTY.


8etwn Rirfr St. and Railroad Depot.









8 Just Received

K AT 8

f E--W.

Jordan'sl8 8



TheNew England

Bakeryla loVo r;) with


Scotch Short Bread; Cake?, allsizes, prices and styles; Tiei justlike your mother used to make.

Cookie?, Macaroons, Lady Fing-ers. Cream Puffs.

Tons of Pure Candy from cheapgrade for children up to bettergrades. For 50c we cn furnishyou a box of Delicious Candies-wo- rth

a dollar elsewhere.

Don't ForgetNew England Bakery

HMsi $5"

. - --r f - V AMen Elect Heswi-- fith Uper.".n th

doctor and dru-ibi- h!t. now oM by

It rives a rtry "nf "'Jof electricity and la "f."1

from th-- undefined onlr. uAGENTS: NO "IS1;;1-- .

CO.. 20 Post Pt.. San Francisco. Sntfre to Hawaii on receipt m



Hotel St., Arlington Annex.Snt to A A. Monttno--

. Jlif.inery I .rlort.

Oceanic Gas &

Electrical Co.

is prepared to submit

attractive figure3 on


A line of High Grade

supplies may be found

at our Show Roo:ds

Magoon Block, Mer-cha- nt


The Oceanic Gas

and Electrical Co.


FIGUREIs what our newlvO'2 designs of

Aall Paporare doing. Come andsee them at

DC A I ?C Beretanla St.DuML O Near Emma.


Win. O. Irwin.. President and ManagerCUus Fpreekels.... First Vice-Preside- nt

W. M. Glffard.. .Second Vice-Preslde- r.t

II. M. Whitney Jr.. .Treasurer .end Sec.George W. Ross Auditor


Commission Agents


Oceanic Stesrmlro ConuanyOf San Francisco. Cal.

Y. YUEN TAItN. 172 Fort Street, near KukuL

PreMmaker. Ladle rndei w rr.Skirl. Ctiemlaea. K(e.

A larg line of ready-mad- e Mosquito

Neta always on hand.

Page 6: K A. A. A. VERDICT 1 MORE JUDICIAL GOOD CHEERevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/43170/1/1902031201.pdfIS INCORPORATED pared by Rev. Alexander Mackintosh, ... Reports animal




Auction . Sale1 L KJ f!

xOFlLlA I Rice PaddyRAO. GOES

Col. Cornwcll Getsthe Coveted


Come See Our StoreThe whole arrangement of our place phows eleanlines,

convenience and benuty. Canned and bottled goods arearranged so that the different brand cm be teen by oarcu.-toaur-s. A telephone order will insure a qnick deliveryof anything from our tore.

The following list tells of

Some of the Biscuits We Handle:Daintv Chip., (iinger Nut. Il'gh Tv-a-- , Saline

Snow Flakes, Noah's Arks, Reading biscuits, BeatsWater Crackers, Round Kuske. Lily of the Valley,Arrow Root, Jenny Lind, Holiday Mixed OyBter-ette- s,

Five O'clock Teas.



AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON.At the old Fishmarket wharf, near

foot of Maunakea street, I will sell atpublic auction, for account of whomit may concern.

Seven hundred and fifty bags, moreor less, of Rice Paddy, damaged bysalt water ex schooner Alice Kimballon voyage of importation, from Kauai;Elisen, master.



AUCTIONEER.Honolulu, March 1L 1902.

Wafers.Nabisco, Orange, Strawberry, Raspberry, Choco-

late, Cinder, Lemon, Vanilla, French, Butter,Uneda, Graham, &c.

PriceIbeliaeg ! Seems Small But Certain

Reservations AreMade.eeviag THIS DAY.

Ruction Sale LIMITBD.Through negotiations which "wereclosed yesterday prior to the departureof the Kinau. the Young Ilee Ranch ofMaui passed into the possession of W.H. Cornwell. The transaction includes

22 Tolephones--2- 4OF

Calabashes andCurios IMaebiaes !

something like 6000 acres of land, therebeing reserved from sale about 1000

acres of corn and potato lands, whichare the best of the arable portions ofthe estate.

The grazing lands, the timber and allthe animals on the property are includ

mm . JustON WEDNESDAY, MAR. 12,

AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.,

At my salesroom, 65 Queen street, Iwill sell ''at public auction,

Hand-mad- e Kou, Koa and Mllo Cala-bashes.

Hawaiian God, Hair Necklaces, KapaSticks, Fish Plates and Cuspidors.

f :M H M H H


ed in the transaction, and while theprice Is kept secret, the figures will beclose to $20,000 for the land transferred.The estate which ' Is added to theranches of Col. Cornwell adjoins thegrazing lands which were under hiscontrol, and extends his fields untilthey adjoin those of the Ulupalakuaranch.

The land's which are embraced in theYoung. Ilee ranch are those of the ahu-apu- aa

of Koanoulu, and as well oneand one-ha- lf shares In the Sniffen es-

tate. The major portion of the ranch13 fine grazing lands, but there Isenough timber on the tract to makethat feature of sufficient value to beconsidered. The lands adjoin the Kiheiplantation, and extend up to the moun-tain, giving all the water necessary for

THIS DAY. 13TALSOAuction Sale


California Hay!THE. Iron Material for Railroad Cars I

Vaokor 3 O Inohstock which range the piece.Leading House for

Sewing Machineson Wednesday, mar. 12


At my salesroom, 63 Queen street, Iwill sell at public auction,

100 bales of fine California HayJust received; In good order.

For sale in quantities to suit at lowest market prices by

H. Hackfeld & Co.,all"We carry the following in Drop Head andother styles: i irvnJAS. F. MORGAN,


The purchase of the Young Ilee ranchby Col. Cornwell carries out a planwhich has been in his mind for severalyears. In fact some three years ago

Jol. Cornwell made a trip to China forthe sole purpose of bliying the ranch.He and Young Ilee passed on the wayand when the latter arrived here theranch was purchased by Gear & Lans-ing, the price being $35,000. There werea number of propositions iwhich theowners tried to put through with ref-erence to this ranch. At one time therewas a proposal to form a great ranch,making the Young Ilee holding thenucleus, which would embrace theCornwell ranches, the Ulupalakua, theKahlklnul and the Haleakala estates.

The ranch was managed by Gear &

Lansing and passed Into the hands ofthe trustees of the firm last year. Thenegotiations were carried on by Messrs.Henry Waterhouse Company for Col.

Cornwell, and A. V. Gear and T. F.Lansing went down In the Kinau yes-

terday, followed by CoL Cornwell inthe Claudine, to survey the reservedlands, and to transfer "the main por-

tion of the estate later.

Metropolitan Meat Co., Ltd.

FRESH MEATS AND FISHBy Every Steamer from theCoast that has Cold Storage.


Here's a Chance toFurnish YourHouse, or to GetNew Pieces inPlace of the OldFurniture


AT 10 O'CLOCK A-- M.,

At my salesroom, 65 Queen street. Iwill sell at public auction, new Furni-ture, comprising

New Bedroom Sets,Bureaus, Tables, Chairs,Cane Seat Chairs.Refrigerators, and alsoA fine collection of Books.

Choice Beef, Veal, Mutton, Lamband Pork always on hand, also

Poultry, Salmon and Halibut.BARKED UP THEWRONG TREE

The Beautiful RuninngB. Eldredge Automatic

This is a Single Thread Machine mating whatis known as the elastic chain stitch. .

The stitch 13 a great deal stronger than anymade with a double thread and locks itselfwith the goods.

It is absolutely noiseles?, does three times thework of an ordinary machine and requires lessthan half the power to operate it.

The Standard RotaryShuttle

Spider Chain Stitch Attachment, two machinesin one; the only practical Drop Stand Machine

in the world that has a perpendicular lift anddrop.

The Weil-Know- n andReliable DomesticThe .New Domestic is a very fine machine

for family. use. Wo carry this in two, four,six drawers and in Drop Head Style.

FOR SALE ATThe Metropolitan Meat Co., King Street; Telephone 65.The Booth, Fishmarket; Telephone 379.

Central Market, Nnuanu 8treet; Telephone 10.JAS. P. MORGAN,. AUCTIONEER.

Revenue Collector Begins Prose-

cution for Violation ofLiquor Laws.

Internal Revenue Collector RoyChamberlain began hla first prosecu-tion In the Territory yesterday for vio-

lation of the revenue laws. ManuelCastanha and his son Frank had beentaken into custody by Sheriff Chilling-wort- h

on a charge of Illicit distilling,and were brought before Judge Dickeyfor trial.

The case there was, however, nolleprossed. a new charge having beenpreferred in the meantime before Com-

missioner Gill, a charge of violating

Japanese GoodsAmerican Goods

Auction SaleOF

Wocden Buildings


At the premises, 1050 Richards street,half way between Kins and Hotelstreets, I will sell at public auction theWooden Buildings and Outbuildings.Terms Cash, U. S. gold coin. Fifteendays removal.


2fevand CURIOS

CHITAthe United States revenue laws. Both Corner of Nuuanu and Hotel Streets.

:o:--"SEW GOODS received by every steamer from Japan.


xuen appeared yesterday before Com-

missioner Gill, and thiir trial was setfor Thursday. Bond was fixed in eachcase at $1000.

Though this Is the first criminalprosecution by internal revenue offi-

cials, it is by no means the first vio-lation of the law. In past cases therehas been a quiet settlement out ofcourt by the payment of the required

a9 ml WYi,"W"!!'f :,,m..t.m, mpror nA NICE COTTAGE

ON GARDEN LANE.Cash or Easy Terms Cpen all tlio Tear rc"u.:n.cL

Bartlett Springs Hotel,'license and the penalty imposed by

Parlor, Dining-Roo- m, two Bedrooms,Pantry, Kitchen and Bath.

Rent, 135 per month.

JAS. P. MORGAN65 Queen Street.

6tatute. The collector has discretion-ary power in the settlement of viola-tions c the liquor laws. In other casesbefore the Territorial courts, it gener-ally happened that the defendants hadfulfilled the requirements of the CnitedStates laws and taken out a license,while in some the evidence was thoughtto be insufficient for a successful pros-ecution. It is reported that there arefour or five times the number of Unit-ed tates licenses held in the Territorythan Territorial licenses. At the Inter-nal Revenue office yesterday it wasstated that the arrest meant no change

Erery Californian knows of the Health Giving qualities of the--

Famous Bartlett Springs WaterThis water is bottled and sold by all" dealers,

also at all Drug Stores.For Rent,L. S. KERR & e



TWO-STOR- T HOUSE In the McCarthy tract. Beretania street, between

of policy on the part of the department, LOVEJOY & CO.Sole Distributors for the Territory of IlawaiL

Piikol and keaumoku streets.

JAS. F. MORGAN,5 Queen Strset.

but that the Federal authorities werealways ready to prosecute violators ofthe Internal revenue laws when the ev-idence was deemed sufficient.

Page 7: K A. A. A. VERDICT 1 MORE JUDICIAL GOOD CHEERevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/43170/1/1902031201.pdfIS INCORPORATED pared by Rev. Alexander Mackintosh, ... Reports animal





Th lupld Transit Company Is con- -SUDDEN DEATH OF

MRS. J. C. EVANS ... A NEW . . .

HYGIENIC SHOE FOR WOMENShe Passes Away After a Short

Illness in GreatPain.

Why Throw $40 AwayBy paying $ 100 for a Typewriter when yo mm gpi aa up-to-da- te

strictly high grade machine

The Wellington Visible Writer for $60This machine is a revolution in Typewriters. One of

many endorsement given the Wellington Typewriter is aafollows :

"We make rh Mtmcat pottrely that tfcr abaolutely thbest. exeeUinar ail ethsra In simplicity, durability and accuracy. Ware using seviity-fl- v cf them In our Philadelphia and New Yorkstores. They have eur unqualKd endorsement

j (Signed): "JNO. WXM AUAKER."

Have you seen it? A neat Oxford tiemade of the eofteet kid, with elk hide Eoleand rubber heels; just the thing for housewear or for those who are on their feet agood deaL It is also, properlj, a shoe formisses.


i . li. :ornweu is r.-jn- io na-- :

purrhas'd the Younff Hee ranch onMaul.

l'rlr.ce!fl Kawananakoa will hold a"Hawaiian reception day on Fridayn xt. from 3 to 6 p. m.

Montana will have his Raster open-ing today. HI window display Is es-

pecially novel and picturesque.The Hawaiian Fiber Company la

considering plans for the erection of amill to manufacture the isal Intofiber.

The Tramways tracks on Nuuanustreet have been connected and therwitch laid, so that cars now make thetrip cl-a- n through.

Articles of Incorporation have teenfil-- d by the Laupahoehoe Itar injf Asso-'iatlo- n.

with a capital of H.lw. Thcorporation Is formel to conduct aracinir track at North Hilo.

Th troard of directors of the IlaplJTransit and Iand Company have au-thorized a contract with the ITnion OilCompany of San Francisco for fuel oilfor use at the fwer house of the

Mrs. i:ussl. wife of Senator Dr.Nicholas i:us-- . of Olaa. is among there-en- t arrivals from Hawaii. Mrs.l:ujw-- l will If the KU-s- t of Mr. andMrs. Fred Whitney. Kin str-et- . dur-ing h-- r stay In Honolulu.

Th-- Krand Jury will probably maVe.Its final reirt to Judue Oar tolayor tomorrow. The Jurymen have beenInvestigating the saloonH and 1 1 llel atr.itrht. without the aid of Itallirf Ney.and that gentleman feels very much

If you wish a neat looting shoe and onegives Fulid comfort, try a j.air. We have just received a shipment of these Typewriters and

will be pleased to give full particulars regarding same.that

Manufacturers' Shoe Co., Limited1057 FORT STREET.


lira. J. C Evan, wife of the capital-ist J. C. Kvan; who has b-- n Inter-t- J

In real tat anJ other venturesfcre for the pat four yam. dlel veryU'Jdenly at her home, the olj McCuIIy

homestead, yesterday afternoon. Mrs.Kvans has sufferel severely from kld-n- y

disease upon several occasions Inth pant, and the attack which endedfatally was first iv-r- e on Saturdayiaot. At 1 o'clock yesterday afternoonuraemle jlon!nr develo;d. and Mrs.Hans pasne) Into convulsions. Hrphysicians, Messrs. llrlert and Hum-ph rl. were In attendance, but she didnot rally, and died In a convulsion attri minutes past S o'clock.

Mr. Kvans was prominent In churchtnd society work, from hr comlnjr tothis city. Her former home had b-e- n

at New Whatcom. Washington. Shewas a native of the Western Keserve.f Ohio, and was M years of ape. Mrs.Kvann came with a number of lettrsand she had many friends here. Shewas soon distinguished for hr admir-able qualities, her brilliance In conver-sation and arjrument. and her devotiont the causes which she epou-d- . Mrs.Kvans was president of the Woman'sOuild of the Second Conjfrejratlon of?t. Andrew cathedral, and treasurer

of L4ahl Chapter. No. 2. Order of theKnstem Star, and in both capacitiesmade and held warm friends.

The funeral will take place this after-noon at 3 o'clock from the residence.No. 10 Kin treet. the McCullyhomestead. Pawaa.


' - - - t..- - ...j"---


aeirrleved at the slight.Rnelnt-e- r fA-re- . a tlmr assistant m 1 - I mpr

W --J? rrncof Public Works, departve.tf nl.--i v for Ihe Island of Hawaii. ttM-irl-n an Invatlrntlnn of the renal

REDUCTIONneeded by reason of t h damage doneby the recent heavy rains. The mostImperative Improvements win be madeat once.

A rum ir was about th streets atmidnight that four hacks had beenstopped by a white man at differentpoints on Nuuanu street, and attemptsmade to hold up the drivers. Inquiry.t the police station showed that noreports of such attempts had ben re ALEt

X PRETTY -LETTER LIST.ceived there. l

The gospel of the Central I'nion S H O XM I IM OUft of letter remaining In pwtofilc

uncalled for up to March 9. 1002:

Adams. Mrs Lulu Kelly. JohnOFOF

Church will - raised again today onthe platform ofT Fort above Hotelstreet, and services resumed tomorrowevening. Hew William Morris Kincaldwill be In charge of the meeting. Ser-vices will also be held on Friday andSaturday evenings. The Li!lingham

i miu I nr&Ufnl fit titmnrrow

cAnderson. T

TaroeoaIs a prepared food wade entirelyfrom taro by a unique processwhich preserves all the raluablenouriehing qualities of the root. ItU highly concentrated, thoroughlyeooked and ready for immediateut-e-. Unlike artificial food om-pound- s,

Tarocna will keep in anyclimate for years after beingopened. It is prepared under themost hygienic conditions and iscompletely Eteriliied. Taroena iseesentially a pure, wholesome,natural food and i eupplying aloDg felt want.

TaroenaIs rich in the phosphates. It is awonderful nerve tonic and nervefibre builder. It is the beet ofbrain foods. Business men whohave overworked, and suffer fromloss of sleep and appetite, nervous-nes- p,

headache and a general pros-tration of the nervous system, willpromptly improve on a diet, ofTaroena. Physicians who haveprescribed Tarcena in cases of thisdercription, have been both delight-ed and astonished with the rapidrecovery of their patients.

TaroenaIs absolutely unlike all other in-

valid foodj in this important essen-

tial; it contains, placed there bynature, a digestive ferment peculiarin iteplf. In no other way, than

Infants' and

Children'sni'nlnf'tt Til--- 1 i n IT

Knox. HenryKnowlton. Willis TIawton. i: III,u a.. Hattio

. WmMrl-an- , KvaMansfield. Willie SNot ley. I FI'ierce. SamIUrdy. Itobt KKapp, J.hn

M-rl- JohnIlryan. Mrs W KMi-ow- Km MaryI'urstrom. Mrs HCharman.M rn

I.ydUTrew. Mr AKniclish. J KKsser. IuIaOraRfC. Olln T

T. F. Selgwlck. assistant directoryofthe Agricultural Station, departed

for Maui, where h will remalitf(r two weeks to conduct a series of Dresses Black

HOSIERY(Mttato exierlments. He tixik along itthe 'forty-liv- e varieties of seed pota- - Ifc And in fact anything JOUtoes, and all will be planted at Kula.

will be constantly 1 1 A-Sanberic. JohnHarry. II II

Hathaway. Mrs L. M Scan Ion. J II where their growth may iieeu iui ti ic.

--tc little ones,

)eMisses' and

Children's Underwear


observed. A stu-l- of ntato blight will!t-- particularly male.



The Territorial Band Will Flay atThomas Square.

PART I.Overture. "Yelva" Rt-issig-

Fantasia. "The Osmanll" FetrasSelectln. "Norma" IielllnlSongs .

in) Talama."tb) "One, Two. Three. Four,"

t Miss I. Keliiaa.(c) "Pill Aoao."id) "Maul ;irl."

Mrs. N. Alapal.PART II.

"ornet S..lo. "Ion t P.e ross" ZellerMr. Charles Kreuter.

Selection. "I-- i I'erichole" OffenbachWaltz. "Iirma" GrossmanMazurka, "leaves of Autumn". Passaro

"The Star Spangled P.anner."








Harrison. II W Spauldlng. K 1

Hall. Kmma St. Clair. MrsHarrison. II Steele. Susan JHoughtaillng. Mrs TThomas. MrHutchinson. Katy Werner. Mrs MamieHumphries. II Windrow. DickJohnson. Mrs Min- - Wine. Henry

rti Wright. Mrs R


Call at eHal's and see the handsomewall papers.

Hay and household furniture sale to-

day at Morgan's.Handsome dining-roo- m furniture at

'j. Hopp & Co. See ad.A.cottage on fSarden Iane Is offered

for rent br James F. Morgan.Madame Kane Is showing th latest

styles In millinery at Mrs. Hanna's.A two-stor-y hous on I.unalilo street

I offered for rent by Castle & Lons-dale.

A navy blue laprobe. with Initials "M.C," has been lost. Itewanl at Adver-tiser office.

Three dollar and fifty cents buys anIron bed at Coyne Furniture Companydurfnjr the sale.

A gold leaf-pi- n. with ruby setting,has ben lost. Reward if returned torom 7. Model block,"hire Jfc Perkins mako a specialty of

baby photography. S- - display of.mnlM at their Studio.

by the pret-en- c of a natural fer--

ment, can tne wonaenui uigesuun-it- y

of 'J aroena be explained.Shirt Waists Made to Order t

fil. BRflSCH & CO..Telephone 187 .


For ChildrenRibbed Black Cotton Hose .35c CAppair, sale price 3 pairs forBlack Cotton Hose, shaped legs QEf25c pair, sale price 2 pairs for JLdKJKs

Black Lisle Hose in Plain, Drop-stitch- ed

and Lace 50c pair, sale Cl Ofprice 3 pairs for vpi.Vv

For LadiesBlack Lisle Hose. Plain, Drop-stitch- ed

and Lace 50c pair, 1 gH&

sale price 3 pairs for

For MenPlain Black Lisle Hose 35c (1 f)fpair, sale price 4 pairs for piw w

Hobron DrugCompany.

Sole AgentsIF'crt and. ZKZingr- -

11 w.n'in.',iL,.'g



Oponing TRADE s-- 7



ASiMarch loth. 14lh and 15th


OFFICE SUNDRIESWe will show the rarest crea-tions yet seen in Honolulu ofth new spring and summerHats and Itonnets. The designs,patterns and materials are very-ric-

and beautiful.Telephone us and we will deliver and put on your

ribbon without extra charge.A pecial assortment of CHIL-DREN'S TRIMMER HATS willbe shown, and the latest novelties in COME IX AND SEE THE

Ladies' Neckwear rUnderwood Typewrite

Anyone desiring n g-n- out d.- -r posi-

tion shoul.l consult our clas.silied u ls.Only rustlers need apply.

All the amateur photographer's needsfor the darkroom supplied by the Ho-

nolulu I'hoto Supply Company.ooU work, durability, simplicity and

.peed, are the four pillars of strengthwhich support the Remington typewrlt- -

"nemember. our Raster mlHinery..penlng takes place Thursday. r 'laand Saturday. Sachs lry Cl-- Com-

pany.The Hawaiian News Company nave

received the popular new"iU advertisement In thMlist in their

Tarty advertises, today for a light .

two-seat- ed rig. suitable forSee ourpreferred.use. Canopy top

classified ads.at Oedge Cot t ig- -.

W. I Fletcher,Richard street, has Just rclginew lot of choice piUeskirts. Olve Mm a call.

Kvery one Is cordially Inylted to thenJgrand millinery opening ay

rest of this week at Miss Hawle3parlors In Hoston block.

Rice paddy damaged by salt waterb Jan.will be soil today at auction

Sale will take place atF. Morgan.th old Flshmarket wharr.

If you are Interested in "a?a;Ia"curios calabashes, etc.. do not

auctionattend the sale at Morgan',room today at ! o

Five dollars reward will be given tobooks

the flmler of three memorandumcontaining Insurance table-dum- s.

etc. See ad for particulars.containing pa-

per,handbagA Japans thebutof no value to any one

owner, was lost on Richan "tjjtt.thisReward if finder returns toOrders taken for tyr writ ins b;

attention.the Austin Pub- -owingAll persons

as foon aspayments hts oRUe In lh0atK. A. Mott-Smit- h

Stsingenwald building.electrical l"T'Owens,Guy

has e.U'.pped morePlantations with modern mn,,ffahnV,'ng and telephone syother person on the Ilantfs.vertlsemer.t on Pay


obtained from C.Tickets may be

ChllHnsworth. V . F.C. F.I. D.llun.Krving. L. II. Dee. Thomas

Hughes. J. C.t;uy Livingston. J- - A.

Quinn, Charles McGonagle.

FORKv'ery one Is cordially Invitedand we hope to see you there.


DRYCO.iN.S. Sachs'

ii ZEea,rsc3L 6s hotter Co., Xtd..

Phone Main 317. Cor. Hotel and Union Sts.FORT STREET.

NOMETffliHave just opened a new and fine line of

Adjourned Annual Meeting.


THE ADJOURNED ANNUALmeeting of the stockholders of th OlaaSupar Co.. Ltd.. w ill be held In A sem-M- v

Hall, over the ofllees of tast.e &

Cooke. Ltd.. corner of King and lteth-e- lstreets. Honolulu, on Friday, March

ii f" at 2 p. m.ELMER E. PAXTON.

Treasurer Olaa Susar Co.. Ltd.Honolulu. March 6. 1002.


AI L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMSapaint the AU5tin Publlshlns Com-

pany will please present the same cer-ti:- W

at the office of Andrew s. I eters.ndrade. Stangenwald buildinjr.

sX Phone White 3371. P. Q. Box 083. j


t Bamboo Screens All Sizes, jILK G0OS




Corner King and Liliba Streets.Ifore April 1. 1902. p

The above goods have just been opened and are of

the latest patterns.ANDREWS. J't-it-u- a

DRADE. .Attorneys for the Austin

lishing Company.

Page 8: K A. A. A. VERDICT 1 MORE JUDICIAL GOOD CHEERevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/43170/1/1902031201.pdfIS INCORPORATED pared by Rev. Alexander Mackintosh, ... Reports animal




i hnsmcm-nnsrrnna- n rniva commercial Adveniscr Honolulu, March 11, 1902.Albert Haas


Entered at the rstofflce at Honolulu,II. T.. Second-claj- s Matter.

Bid A.kJIAMK OF STOCK TalCapital

Mall Steamsliip Company. Issued Every Morning Except Sundayby the



HAWAIIAN GAZETTE COMPANY.Von Holt Block No. 65 South King St. 100





60.0C0 stocK and bond brokerA. XV. FEAKSoN Business Manager.r. 8rewer Jk CoN. Sachs' Dry Goods

lo.. LtdL. li. Korr Co., Ltd....

rv v- - -!. running; In eo-rn- irtth th CANADIAN42'SUBSCRIPTION RATES:PACIFIC I'..tl.

Iot the United States (Including; Hawaii Efqae

EwaTerritory): Membor of Honolulu Stock ExchangeS mocths 12 00 Haw. AgriculttiraH'o. 270

5.000 01.mo.u ; -

j,s,:,: ti u" ;

'J.O t'.' v. ".0

7"4i.l'fl ;

Hhw. 1 0111. a bug. coC montLa 4 001 year 8 00 Hr. Sugar Co

ZD-- c cat IE3Iorol"ULl"d.- -rn rc about the dates hlovr tMted. 1s:

ri BrNban- -. for Vic-Fro- m Victoria, and VaneonTer. . O,tofia an 1 Vanuvr. II. C: r BtUUp. and Sydn.yr


oaA ' Z ........1....APRII. ACRANGI APRIL 12


Aavertlalng rates on application.


U. S. A. T. Warren, Barnesoa, SanFrancisco, February 26.

U. S. collier Alexander, Nickels. Nor-folk, February 19.

U. S. S. Iroquois, Rodman.MERCHANTMEN.

(This list does not Include coasters.)A. J. Fuller, Am. sp., Haskell, Sydney,

February 23.City of Peking. Smith, Yokohama,

March 11.Albert. Am. bk.. Griffiths, San Fran-

cisco, March" 10.Coronado. Am. bkt.. Potter. San Fran-

cisco, March 1.Ellen A. Read, Br. sp., McQuarrie, Ma-

nila, March 3.James II. Bruce, Am. schr., Miller,

Grays Harbor. March 11.Kaiulani. Am. bk.. Dabel, San . Fran-

cisco. February 28.King Cyrus. Am. schr., Johnson, New-

castle, March 11.Laurel. 3r. schr. yacht, Burnette. Van-

couver," March 1.Mary S .Foster, Am. schr., Thompson,

Port Ludlow. March 9.Mary L. Cushing, Am. ep., Mitchell,

Newcastle, February 21.Mohican. Am. bk., Kelley, San Fran-

cisco, February LOlympia, Am. bk., Evans, San Fran-- ;

cisco, March 11.Rosamond, Am. schr., Johnson, San

Francisco, March 7.R. P. Rithet. Am. bk.. McPhail. San

Francisco, March T.

1U0 i


HouoinuHonokaaH'tikuKahuku ..,Kihei Plan. Co., L'd..KipahuluKoioa .1McBryde Sug. Co. L'd.Oahu'Sugar CoOiiomeaOokalaUlaa Sugar Co. Ltd.

Ass'ble I'aid UpOlowalu

i 40- :

. 125i 1.'

1871-2- 1-- 5

Hi... 100

as,....:4 8'- -

U: 13' i- -- jl10: ....


Ordera for the purchase or sale s

STOCKS AND BONDS carefully aapromptly executed.

Loans negotiated.

OFFICE:Stangenwald Buildlngr, Room No. 4tl

Fourth. Floor.P. O. Box 390. HONOLULU.

5iW W5Kl.0i 0


3,5tH),(K,03.600.' 00l.ooo.roo


2,50 '.0(10150.000



Th winter tervlc Is now running dally BETWEEN' VANCOUVER ANDMONTREAL, makln the run without change. The Anest railway service In

U world. t . :


From and after Jan. 1, 1901.OUTWARD.

Daily Dally Dally Daily DallyStations. ex. ex.

Sun. Bun.a,m. a-i-n. a.m. p.m. p.m.

1'aauhau Sugar I'lan- -


tat ton CoPariticPaiaI'epeekeoPioneer

Tbrotirh tickets Isaaed frona Honolulu to Canada, ucnro

For freight and passage and all general Infors atloa. p!y U

TtoaH! Davi83 fi Co., Ltd.. Getfl AgtsTHE ONLY DIRECT LIKE167s.







7:19 9:15 11:05 5:15 5:10Honolulu .62

340160;.....6 JO

:10Pearl CityEwa Mill


8:03 1:43 11:408:32 10:08 12:09.... 10:5.... 11:53.... 12:33

Pioneer Mill Co. As..Waialua Agr. CoWailukuWaimanaloVVaimca

Steamship Co'a

Wilder S. S. CoInter-Islan- d S. S. Co.

Mist ELLA SEOf 1)

Walanae .Waialua .Kahuku .hip Co. iS. G. Wilder. Am. bkt., Jackson. San FXS& is100 100


.OUO VI IFrancisco. March 1.XV. H. Dimond. Am. bkt., Hanson, SanINWARD.

Francisco, March 6.bio:TI iro250.CO0 J S3 .?-if- Vr H--Haw'n Electric Co...Hon. K. T. & X. Co..Mutual Tel. CoO. K. Jfc L. Co



39,0002,000,010 "80The fine papesgr steamers f ttla line will arrive aad leere this port


Per steamer Mikahala, March 11,

from Kauai ports G. N. Wilcox, Mr.and Mrs. A. S. Wilcox and son, Mrs.

W lMTtioor: - Bonds

Dally Dally Daily DailyStations. ex. ex.

Sua. Sua. p.m. p.m.Kahuku 5:35 .... 2:06

Walalua 6:lt .... 2:50

Walanae . T:l .... 8:53Ewa-M- Hl 5:68 7:45 1:05 4:22Pearl City 6:16 8:CS 1:80 42Honolulu SX9 8:85 2.-0-5 6:26G. P. DENISON. F. C. SMITH.

Superintends t, G. P. &. T. A.


ALAMEDA MAR. 1Haw. Govt. 5 p. e.

a rtire. Mrs. T. J. Kiner. C. A. Rice. ; Ililo Jt. R. C0.-- j. e. . 100XV. H. Hailing. Mrs. J. M. Lydgate. H'-n- . It. T. A L. Co.. . t w T " Tn . n rtl I D P. C . . . ....VENTUR. MAR. 28

ALAMEDA APRIL 6 10)Ciun fill, luum. xj. xv. Jaiiuuicui, Kv Pl'n i w f




SIERRA APRIL 16 O. K & L. I 104ALAMEDA APRIL 261 Loy, Chan Foo, Duck Joy. Miss Maiia.

I.METEOROLOGICAL RECORD.O.thii Pl'11 6 p. cOlaa 6. p. 1:Waialua Ag, Co. 6 p. c.

By the Government Survey, Published




and 3 deck passengers.For Mauna Loa and City of Peking

arrivals, see page 10.Departed.

Per steamer Kinau, March 11, forHllo C. Sawano, Mrs. H. E. Paxton

Every Monday.SALES.

Afternoon Session One hundred Ewaand child . Mrs. C. II. Ramsey, three (S. 30), J23.25.

md nurse; G. XV. Moore and J E5?tveen Boardschildren )ne hundred Ewa,$22wife, F. A. Greenwood, C. XV. Earle,

Dr. E. W. Young. E. P. Williams, CarlS. Smith, It. Le Boutillier, Horace J. Principal Eastern Points

rs KBAKOM. THKaX. x z.

'r 5 - a.m "3 m S3 9

T31 l i SO PS 65 71 01 V. 5V'SO IS SO 05 64 74 " M 4

Vt 10 ! 5 74 .2IS-1- 0

4:30 10 29 7 63 71 &J7410R30 ll 2J 5 IVi 7S 1 fiO ?9 86a0 02(7 6 73 HOW'Z'.M Vi 30 01 67 73 I 70 '.7 4


Is eotinetlon with the calling of the above steamers, the Agent areto tMur, to Intending passengers. Coupon Through Tickets by any ST 6 7 Craft, Thos. C. Howell. Mrs. E. Dege- - Classified Advertisements.

rmOJroad. from San Franrtreo to all points n the united States, and fromHew York by any tteamst! Lne.to all European ports. ,

JXE 15- -6

NK A 7KE 5-- 7

E .5-- 7



tan, IT. A. Kohler, O. O. Koliler, Miss J.Lamed. Miss C. C. Phelps, Miss F.Hadlich. Miss A. Anderson, E. Ariole,O. P. Benton. K. Kobayashi. E. B.Sturges, 11. M. lJoies, John XV. Fernsand wife, Henry Kohler and wife, Mrs.Triester and son, K. Yamamura, wife


Three Trains Daily fromSAN FRANCISCO.

Two Trains Daily fromPORTLAND.

N 4- -5

1 HUSTLER, to sell books; good inducements. 200 Judd building. 6114Barometer corrected to 22 V. and sea

;ind bov. Miss F. CI. Moore. Miss E. M.level, and for standard gravity of Lat 45. THE QUICKEST TIME BT MA-N-T7 This correction Id .OS for HonoluluRr. Bender. H. L. Williams, H. Moore. A. j PLAIN typewriting done with neat-- V

r,osp. A Hnnel.erer. Mrs. Dr. Nott. ns, celerity and style; authorsWm . Q. IRWI c ti v. sirppnt it it Ttfr- - nmi wif manuscript a specialty. P. O. boxTIDES, SUN AND MOON. 6114



F. Gun- -- V5 .miss li. uacigaiupi, airs. j.I J- - ?

-- LIMITEDGeneral A'cratits Oceanic S. S. Co. ther. W. C. Peacock, J. G. Rothwell, !A LIGHT two-seat- ed rig. suitable for3S ' L "5!. country use; must have room forJohn XV. Ferris and wife; for Mahu- - New and Modern Equipment.packages; canopy top. Address P. O. Double Drawing1 Room Palacekona Palmer Woods, Mrs. Leong Yee;

for Kawaihae Dr. Walters and wife.c box 342. 6114

H. D. Gehr, Miss L. Wilhelm; for Maa- - Ir Buffet Smoking and Library Cars.p.m a m. p m.l iSetaa.m Ft.Mon..Co, 10 4 05 1 5! 4 25 10 12 10 32 0 13 6 CS 7 03Pacific laea Rev. XV. Ault. T. F. Lansing; for KOOM and board with prrvate family, Free Reailning chair Cars

Laupahoehoe W. T. Schmidt; for Ka- - for man and wife; must be first- - Ordinary Sleeping Cars. ."

class; best references furnished C.unakakal-- C. S. Holloway. Dlnlng Car8, Mea a ,a earte.Tf ctonmor CMniirlinv Marrh 11. for t- -, .Au ertiser. t114 D. W. G. a-

r in. I la. in.' I

Tue ll 5o5J 1 V 4 40 10 50 11 11 12 OS 8 02HITCHCOCK.x ri siraiii:! viauuiu:, . .ed..'i2 ft SO, 1.61 5 V0 1' m S 11 6 00, 9 02 K;ihulul T. M. "Dotte. Mrs. E. H.I r m 1 Montgomery 8t

San Francisco, Cstf.Wodehouse, Mr. Green. A. C. Alexan- - YOUNG lady who attends school to6 4: 1 0 12 03 0 12 B 10 6.09 10 fS7 43, 1.0; 6 42 1.20 W 0 09 11 06 Afro K Marnw anrt rlamrlifpr. IJr. iwi.ii ;li hkiii uuuacnum iu, irei

Thnr.frid..Fat... Pratt. Georce Kanahoe. Mrs. Hunting- - ooara ana loaging. Appiy . n...9 Oo' l. 7 5" l.S?' 2 426 096. 10 a.mbun.. 10 15 1 6. 9 It' 2 W 4 14 6 OS 6.10: 0 08

11 l" 1 7 11 4V 4 10 5 41 S 07 6 101 I 0

ton. Miss H. Aho, R. Sukigara, J. Fuji- - Advertiser. biwyoshi; for liana Rev. S. Imai; for La- - j

haira-.l- l. T Hayselden and wife; for POSITIONS WANTED. To RentCo. Hon..Occidental & Oriental S.S.and Toyo Risen Kaisha.

First quarter of the moon on the 16that 11:43 a. m. 1W mtoamfr V. Ct. Hall. March 11. u- -

fr.r ICaiia! rnrt.-- 0. ShorkPnwuld. Miss ' ry PUOUC. AOQress f. V. OOX 3U.Times of the tide are taken from the 6109Xfn.i I1aa 1a., TT TAnKAflT TlQO T. 1 J T ' I

United States Coast and Geodetic Sur-vey tables. T"W"0 STOBTKoebele, Stutai, Taroka, J. M. Coul- -

FOR RENT.The tides at Kahulul and HIlo occur son. A. Knignt. cjoi. z.. s. spauiaing,A. XV. Dow. A. G.Correa and wife. Mrs.

sTtUDra of the abore compn!es will call at Honolula mnd 1t tkl port

tm mr about the dates below mentioned: 4 Hamamoto, S. Fujamoto. O. M. At-- PUNCHBOWL SLOPE; house. 4 largerooms, kitchen: pleasant view; rentwood. Miss Mary Perry, A. D. Mc- -moderate. "Waratah," 2 Summit

about one hour earlier than at Honolulu.Hawaiian standard time Is 10 hours SO

minutes slower than Oreenwlch time, bei-

ng- that of the meridian of 157 degrees 30minutes. The time whistle-- blows at 1:30p. m., which Is the same as Greenwich, 0

On Lunalilo StreetTOR CHINA AND JAPAN. FOR BAN FRANCISCO. Road, corner Emma and School. 5113Bryde. Choy Sin. Lee Perry. A. G. M.Robertson, A. Weill and friend, XV. XV.

Bicker. NEAR KEW ALO STREET..MARCH 12nHXT MARCH 12 PEKING , Per City of Peking. March 11, from A cottage on Piikoi street,

third house from King. Apply tohours 0 minutes. Sun moon are forCOPTIC MARCH 2 GAELIC MARCH K. l,:i local ume ior ine group.w-- t, - r 1 nr uaDrit unvoirnwi in dti John Walker, 1028 Piikoi street. 6112Hongkong and Yokohama For Hono-lulu Dr. T. T. Alexander: for SanVrflnolopnl T? U'plrh MJ5. M (' Four bedrooms, Electric

Lighting; Stable toAccommodate Two Horses.

Winn, Dr. H. C. Wyman. E. S. Larue, j NICELY furnished house, withGHIPP1NU INTELLIGENCE servants' quarters. 'A. J.,"


O. B. Hunt. P. P. Gould, Rear AdmiralAdvertiser. 6111L. Kempff, U. S. N.; Mrs. H. C. Wy- -

innn 11 I'.rnnlrpT Mnlnr C. CI. Prpn- -WEATHER BUREAU.

HONOLULU. Alexander St., Marchdergrast. II. St. John Knight. E. Guy, ) HELEN'S COURT Large sunny S a tVlon-tK- i

rooms; mosquito proof; all modern11. 1902: conveniences. Mrs. J. Duggan, pro-

prietor. Rents reasonable. 6109Tor treoeral Information apply to P . M. 8, B. Co.

COTTAGE in Palama, near Rapid CASTLE & LAHSDALE

J. D. Prior.Booked to Depart.

Per. S. S. City of Peking. March 12.for San Francisco W. 11. Phillips, Mr.Smith, E. II. Andrews, J. M. MacLof-ftrt- y,

S. A. Knapp. J. W. Mason, Wil-liam E. Sauer, Paul Hafer and wife.A. Johnson, wife and Infant; T.Knowles, L. L. Bliss Jr., G. Persaus.

Transit Line. Apply to C. F. Peter-son, 15 Kaahumanu street. 6107

Mean Temperature 69.Minimum Temperature 63.Maximum Temperature 78.Barometer at 9 p. m. 30.01; steady.Rainfall. 24 hours up to 9 a. m. 0.Mean Dew Point for the Day 64.7.Mean Relative Humidity S5.Winds Southeast. 1 to 0: weather

Real Estate, Insurance,Investments.OFFICES FOR RENT.H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd. Per S. S. Peru, March 12. for the ;

Particulars of jas. steiner, 116 Hotel lelepnone 0 Main. 506 and 507part cloudy to clear. Orient Mrs. J. S. Minor, Mrs. L. IICollins. XV. 11. Corbin. L. R. Tuttle.

Per S. S. Aorangi, March 12, for Vanstreet. 6102Forecast for Today Calms and lipht Stangenwald Bldg.A Q ESI ?M T . airs; mostly fair, but indications point

to more unsettled weather. couver and Victoria Mr. and Mrs. G. : IN BREWER building. Queen street.The Hawaiian RealtyCURTIS J. LYONS.

Territorial Meteorologist.-


C. Coulson and child, Airred ueuot, I on reasonable terms. Apply to C.Mrs. Thin. Mrs. J. N. Schaefer, R. La- - Brewer & Co., Ltd.mont, John Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. .

Litherland and child. Master O. C. I CfD CM ri.itherland. H. S. Tuttle. Mrs. 11. S. rur oALCor n tawPi & Maturity Co., Ltd.TION. March 11. 10 p. m. Weatherfl cloudy; wind light.b1. Real Estate Brokers, Insurance

Agents.riev York to Honolulu v.a Pacific Coast

ELEGANT furniture, new, consistingof 1 parlor, 2 bedroom, 1 dining-roo- m

set. dishes and kitchen utensils, com-plete. Address "C. W.," this office.


BLACK sand and filling material,cheap. Leave order, room 36, Camp-bell block. P. O. box 71. 6109

ARRIVED.Tuesday, March 11.

Str. Mikahala, Gregory, from Nawili-wil- i.Koloa and Hanamaulu; 6.05 a. m.

Sip. Kaiulani, from Aki's landing;' THE SPLENDID NE XV STEEL STEAMER3i B. 8. AMERICAN. 0 tons. tJ sail about March IS

2. Act as Guardians, Administrators,and Trustees of Estates.

3. Expert Accountants, Appraisers ofLands.

Tuttle. P. Neilson. J. Hennen, A. T.Tardine, D. C. Little. Mr. and Mrs. JohnThomas. Mr. and Mrs. George II. Yale,R. Vincent, K. M. Gitt. F. II. Ferry.John Scott. James Burnett, T. Haller,George Anderson, J. S. Walker.

SAIL TODAY.S. S. City of Peking, for San Fran-

cisco; 3 p. m. i


f B. S. NEVA DAN. to nail about April 15 J V1:M P-- m- -

t. my or I'eKing, smitn, rrom theOrient: 6 p. m.

Str. Mauna Loa. Simerson. from La- -ONE 14-in- ch condenser, 10 inches in

diameter, and iron frame for same,can be Feen at this office. 6109

4. Loans made on approved security.5. Issue Interest-bearin- g, gold Invest-

ment certificates. The best installment

i B. 8. Ilawail.m. to sail about May 15S. HTAUKS. 3.000 tons, from San Franclfco for Honolulu, sail about Feb-ruarySB. 1.

. Trelsht received at Company wha rf. Forty-secon- d street. South Brook-- ltra, at all tinea.haina. Maalaea, Kona and Kau porta; I

10 a. m. iFOLMER & SCHWING 8 x 10 long Investment proposition on the market

camera; 3o-in.- cn jeatn- - , muay.i ii . . - .

Am. bk. Olympic, Evans, 21 daysfrm San Francisco; 2:30 p. m.

Str. Niihau. V. Thompson, from I lo-rn,k a a and Kukuihaele; 12.10 p. m..Am. schr. James ll. I?ruce, F. Miller,

L'C days from Grays Harbnr: 11 a. m.

STOCK ANDIor further particulars, arply to

H. rt CKF6LO & CO.. LTD.C P. MORSE. General Freight AcenL AGENTS. HONOLULU.

For further particulars, apply at taecompany's office, 3 and 4 Mclntyrebuilding, Honolulu.

lie Hawaiian Realty & Maturity Co., Ltd.

uchuws; reversioie, aouDie-swm- gback; rising, falling and slidingfront; top and side made to open foruse as a short focus camera;. levelfi'ider. one plate-hold- er and tripod;also, a Bausch & Lamb teloscopiclens for use with above camera. Canbe seen at Advertiser office. 6105.

BOND BROKERSAm. schr. King Cyrus, Johnson, 60 j

aays rrom Newcastle; 12 m.

SEATTLE & TACOMA AN ? x 10 rectilinear lens; no name;with Bausch & Lamb iris diaphragmshutter. For particulars and price,call at this office.

Money Advanced onSngar Securities.

DEPARTED.Tuesday. March It.

Am. Pchr. W. 11. Marston. Curtis, forSan Francisco: 11 a. m.

Str. Walaleale. Piltz. for Walmeaand Elfele: 4 p. m.

Str. James Makee, Tullett, for Ana-ho- la

and Kllauea; 4 p. m.

BSS88 88S!8-S!S-S-3S-3!388S-8i

CIIA8. BUEWEU & GO'S.a KEW YORK LINEa Ship I. F. Chapman8 Sailing from 88


April I, 1902For freight ratesa apply to g;

ONE 6x8 Bausch & Lamb Rapid Uni-versal len3. vrith iris diaphragm. Canbe seen at this office.Schr. Kawailani. Moses, for Koo'a

to HONOLULU.8. 8. OREGONIAN, C.f-0-0 TONS, to Sail March 25.S. a CAL1F0HNIAN, C000 T0NJ, to Sail April 20.


Fur farther pirticulars apply toH. Hackfold & Co., Ltd.I. MOUSK, IJii-r;- tl t. AuHt,

921 Fort StreetTel. Min 1S8.

LOST.ONE la probe; navy blue; initials "M.

C.." in red silk. Return to this of-fice; a suitable reward. 6114 B JX1A. URKWKR & CO. as

Vi 27 Kilby St., Boeton. gt,


ports; 5 p. m.Str. Lehua. Napala, for Maul and

Molokal ports; 5 p. m.I'r. sp. IVtt-- r Iredale, Lawrence, for

Royal lioa.ls; 7 a. m.; in ballast.Am. bk. Sonoma. Stansland, for the

Sound, in ballast.Str. ClauJir.e. Parker, for Maul ports;

5 p. m.Str. KIr.nu. Freeman, for Hllo ar.dway p..rts; 12 m.Str. W. --.. Ha!!. S. Thompson, for

A GOLD leaf-pi- n with a ruby setting.IilMITED, HONOLULU.nu:Muuutu uy six small pearls. Re-

ward for return to room 7, Model

THE MELROSE.1(41-143- 2 KING ST.

Pleasant Rooms, with excellent Tablemd Service. Moderate Prices.

Tel 3f,H nhi.

S3 ?2 !2 -- j 2 X X f3 X x 5 - 5 --j r B:I loc k.GLOBE NAVIGATION COIPANY'S. 6114

SEATTLE-IIOXOL'JL- rj ROUTE. Kauai p. v. A JAPANESE handbag on Richardstrret. lftwffn the F:shmarket andromr-- r of Kincr. Finder rewardedii Tamo I? returned to this office KinConneetlntr (IlfCt. without tnr'f r vHJ, it,, n v


A guaranteed cure for all NervousDUE TODAY.C. P. R, n. Lo.,m rte. cf freight from ,U ,.,rrn ',V: 'rtortVlt ! .?:2 0T!CEtl-n- a.

I T C T. M-:- -i from Sin FranS T i rtr-- o t 1si March!!) clsio. AVT TOmiv r'J''A 1 'T-!a('-ft'a 'tret--t and loss of Memory. ProstrtI.LU.K.V. fromSoattl Aprll P. S. .CT. -- vrt. frnm JM, P'lf S.'i o! 7" thr' France ratj

. " hi uv.irr!. I,. m 11 f,!'; ' 'i.MiiMu irM-'i.Ml- ". either !n pern rr bv lttr r .,'

, tu V V " ue Pai1 - - - hjjuu per JiSXIloro'ul-J- .

Ar-.rrV-T ItAWVTTVN r,, ' vHh - H.itti- - E. Trr:,W. ma- - I

e" iir Vrl CHf to S B- - FOR SALE BTBt c Conp.iny. SattT. XVnh : I W. RoVhr "VMk!V ' m T:,rE' from BrJsban? tror, of the Pa I vat 'on Army w,,,-- . 10, 1905. 611vrr.,.c,.. acd astal, of aboVe ral;roa 2, trt1 fr MakaweM.

-- re.t ! A WINGED -- M' ebem"0N0I;LU C0HIMNVpinvV jiiOij.u. COog if 1;:ft th, -- ry. Ike".acl 1 To whom all orrlfr

"V I should be addressed.

i 1

Page 9: K A. A. A. VERDICT 1 MORE JUDICIAL GOOD CHEERevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/43170/1/1902031201.pdfIS INCORPORATED pared by Rev. Alexander Mackintosh, ... Reports animal


iwierM12 PAGES.PAGES 9 TO 12.

"" i s-,- ra 4








Stangenwald Bldg. Tel. Main C.


Builders. Office, 2d floor. Elite build-ing. Hotel street: sketches anl cor-rect estimates furnished at shrt no-

tice; Tel. 220; P. O. box 771.

Titles Extend to ATTOKNKYVLTLE A. DICKEY. King and Betnei

Sts.; Tel. Main 312.

Transport TroopsQuit Camp

Warren.Low Water

Mark.yf f&w' iiA W C. n. HEM EN WAt Office. 406 Judd

building; Telephone 314 Main.

FRED W. MILVERTON. Rooms 302-3- 04

Stangenwald block; Tel. Mala 335.

PETERSON & MATTHEWM AN. P.,0. box 3C5; 15 Kaahumanu St.CANVAS HOMES


quantity.and sells Coffee in anyRoom 4, Spreckels' block.


Supreme Court Consisting of Gal-brait- h,

Gear and Fitch RulesAgainst the Territory,

Neither the Territory nor the United

Scenes at the Drillshed When theHEALTHY BLOODThe blood Is the source of strength.

If you are weak you need a. medicine totone up your stomach and make plentyof rich red blood. The medicine toda this Is Hoetetter's Stomach Bitters.It will not shock the system, and Itcures INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA.

ciiiiiorojiisT.DR. W. R. BOGLE. Office, rgo

block. Hotel and Union Sts.

Order Came to PackKnapsacks.

CONTRACT OHS."Camp Warren" was deserted yesterWM. T. PATY. Contractor ana Aiuua- -

day afternoon by the troops of the Fifteenth Infantry who have occupied

er. stone and office fitting; brick,wood, or stone building: shop. HotelSt.. near barracks; res., 1641 Anapunl.


FEVER AND AGUE. A fairtrial will convince you of Its value.


tents on the parade ground at the drillshed for the past few days. After DENTISTS.


Dr. P. M. Kixey, who hnn niocsed"l Surgeon Gonial Van Rcypen. w;is the favorite

sampling the delights and sorrows of'tent life for the brief period and ob-

taining just the glimmering of what isbefore them In the Philippines, the

phyRiriaii .t I ;urKiiiJ-y- . umi Im nmviinf Tiient a.s S'.trccoti gv:i"v:il was the wish ofboth the l;t prf F:-i- it and Mrs. lr. Uixt-- at born in Cnlpeper, Ya., July 11,ISO:?, and h:;s been in the navy over years. troops were ordered yesterday morning

States has title to the lands of Hawaiibetween high water and low watermark, if it had been conveyed to otherparties by persons holding' title priorto annexation. I the ruling of the Su-preme Court in the case of Territoryvs. Llliuokalani and John II. Wilson,as made yesterday. The points decid-ed are of much interest, in that thereare similar cases affected.'

The Circuit Court. Judge Humphreys',is reversed, the opinion having beenwritten by Judge Gear, acting Justice,and concurred in by Justice Galbraith.Justice Perry was also disqualified, andhis place had been tilled by ThomasFitch, who also filed a separate con-curring opinion, in which he went intothe question more fully.

The case at point Involved the rightof John II. Wilson, who held certainlands at Waiklkl, by leases from the


No More Dread0FI,,LDental ChairNew York Dental Parlors



rooms 2 and 14; office hours, 9 to 4.

ALBERT B. CLARK, D.D.S. Bereta-ni-a

and Mjller; office hours, 9 to 4.

DR. DERBY. Mott-Smit- h bldg.. cor.Fort and Hotel Sts.; office hours. 2

to 4.

M. E. GROSSMAN, D.D.S. Alakea St.,three doors above Masonic Temple,Honolulu; office hours, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

DR. GEO. II. HTJDDY. Mclntyre bldg.,rooms 1 and 2; 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.

DR. A. C. WALL, DR. O. E. WALL.Office hours, 8 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Lovebldg.. Fort St.; Tel. 434.

J .M. WHITNEY, M.D., D.D.S. Bostonbldg.. Fort St., above May & Co's;hours, 9 to 5; Tel. Main 277.


to pack up their knapsacks, haver-sacks, blankets and trinkets, and pre-

pare for the return to the transport,which is now said to be in fairly goodtrim for the resumption of the voyageto Manila.

More enthusiasm was exhibited whenthe order reached the camp than waspossible during the first week whenthe heavy rainfalls made life a dismalburden. With shouts, joshing and ageneral scurrying from tent to tent,the soldiers began their preparations.None of them had an over-abundan- ce

of the luxuries of life, and some had

in the matter. Ellis grasped Cooley bythe collar and they wrangled for a

Talesmen when wanted in the Cir-

cuit Courts are now being hauled inton, to remove sand at low water , time. Cooley breaking away. Just atn

'AH examinations are free. We willtelJ you In advance exactly what yourwork will cost.

the presence by main forc. and s heinis time me paie, intellectual counte- -

the bailiff wants a man and neglects nance ot jUtlffe Humphreys was di

HO PT5DREIER. Contracting ana

1 . 1 , .W.tn I, 1 , . nanacoittau EMIL T.Consulting Electrical Engineer; plansand estimates; Magoon building.

point. Judge Humphreys sustainedthe attorney general, overruling a de-

murrer, and granting an Injunction re-

straining the removal of the sand. Hisdecision is reversed Uy the SupremeCourt, and he Is directed to sustain thedemurrer and dismiss the bill of com-print.

The syllabus says:A royal patent issued In 1S66 by

V to land covered by themahele of ISIS, which describes theseaward boundary line as "along thesea at low water mark" conveys theland lying between high and low wa-ter mark.

te notify him a.s to the authority un-'cern- ed in the opening of the doorway,dcr which the officer is acting, and the md Ellis loosed his victim and rushed

u to tle ir- - After salaaming therenecessity for his appearance, there is was a hurried conversation and backoften a struggle which, while it lasts. came tne balfr wUh a rush and la,,3will try the mettle of the bailiff. This violent hands on Cooley, who had bywas the case yesterday when Ititllff this time passed across the front of

the building toward the opera house.Sumner Ellis wanted men for the Mc- -There was a wrestling match, which

Carthy jury, and went out after them wag worth the price of admission, thewith determination and a strong arm. spectators being the jurist, the observ- -

During the morning A. E. Cooley, ' er. who afterward took a hand, and a

required by the government. Blanketswere quickly rolled and covered withponchos. The old blue uniforms andblue woolen shirts were donned, whilethe new khaki uniforms and cambricshirts recently given out were careful-ly folded up and stowed away In theknapsacks. There were some who had

JAS. S. McKEE. Electrical, Mechanic-al and Consulting Engineer; office,rooms 11 and 12, Progress block.

GUY OWENS. Room 6, Mclntyrebuilding. Fort St. Phone Main 8.

Plantation work a specialty.


BRIDGE WORK. PER TOOTH .. 5.MBET OP TEETH 6.W few outsiders. The observer, a irienaSILVER FILLING M

1Teeth extracted without pain.W una the best materials teeth, ENGINEERS.

ARTHUR C. ALEXANDER. Survey! more than one shirt, and one pair of j

of Cooley, here got Into the play, andthiw the men apart.

He asked what was the matter, andthen Ellis explained that he was a bail-iff of the courts, and was seeking tales

fold, rubber, etc.. and all work Is fullr socks, and several of the knapsacks

ticket agent at the O. R, & L. depot,having transacted some business atthe Survey Bureau. was passingaround the Executive building on hisway to his office. When he had reach-ed the front of the building he heardhis name called and looking around saw

guaranteed to D? entirely sausiaciorjart work that should not prove satistmrtnrr will be attended to free of

The resolution of the Privy Councilof August 29. 1S50. did not have theeffect of a law, as the Privy Councilhad no authority to enact laws.

The words "koe nae ke kuleana o nakanaka." or in their English equiva-lent therein, "reserving, however, thepeople's kuleana therein." mean a res-ervation of the house lots, taro patchesor gardens of natives within the boun-daries of the land.

The sole question upon which the

or and Engineer, 409 Judd bldg.; P.O. box 732,

CATTON. NEILL. & CO., LTD. Engi-neers. Electricians and Boilermakers,Honolulu. '

men. At this explanation Cooley saidthat put a different phase upon thematter, and so he and his observingfriend went into the building, the juristapproaching him Ellis, whom Cooley

the' talking away with approving nods.had known only as an employe of, . . ,. , and the incident appeared closed.

charge.All our Instruments are thoroughly

sterilized, and every napkin antisepticHours: I a. m. to I p. m.; Sundays,

f a. m. to 12 m.

Rtom 4. Elite Building. Hotel St.Ladies in attendance.

ranroau Deiore ne weni into pontics.

bulged out like miniature balloons. Al-

though haversacks are generally in-

tended for the packing away of food,many owners did not disdain to usethem as receptacles for soiled socks,shoe blacking, razors, oranges, hand-kerchiefs and the like.--

"Whar's dat shirt I done hung outon de tent las' night?" inquired an un-

bleached American soldier. "Some-body's done stole it suah."

"Aw, I guess you'se was out hikingto pipe off somebody else's shirt andcopped yer own. Blackle; that's why

RISDON IRON WORKS. Engineersand builders of Pumping and SugarMachinery and complete powerplants; office, room 12, Spreckels'block; Tel. 194.

Cooley was taken as a juryman, anaallowed to depart after a time. Heaccording to the Supremecase hinged, came flnJ ga,d .

Court, was whether Kamehameha Vey was wanted in the court of Judge went on his way, but made a stop at

had the power to convey the land bethe District Court to swear out a sum

E. TAPPAN TANATT. Civil and ElecGear. He was asked for his reasons,for his authority, but none was shownor any explanation given, and Mr.Cooley. saying thai he was buy. and

mons for Ellis, 'charging him with as-

sault and battery.Mr. Cooley was seen yesterday at hi3

desk in the depot, but refused to dis-cuss the occurrence, saying that as a

tween high and low water mark. Onthis point the court says:

"While It is claimed that Kameha-meha V was a constitutional monarch,it seems that he was little embarrrass-e- d

by constitutional restrictions. Byhis own authority he abrogated the

trical Engineer; office, 1313 WilderAve.; Tel. Blue 3441.

JAMES T. TAYLOR, M. Am. Soc. C. E.Consulting Hydraulic Engineer; S0

Judd bldg., Honolulu; P. O. box 799.that he thought there should be some you've only got one." Blackle got lit-

tle sympathy for his alleged loss.A squad of prisoners in brown suits

who had been policing the camp, drop

process when a citizen was wanted In juror he was not desirous of makingcourt, started away. any comments of the matter, but thatconstitution of the kingdom that was

What happened is told by an observ- - facts would come out in the hearing ENGRAVERS.adopted by Kamehameha III In 1Sj2, ped their brooms and slowly walkedto his own er. who came up later and took a hand before Judge Wilcoxand promulgated a new one Rut w. BEAKBANE. Card Engraving andaway in the direction of the ship

nvtiiL--. Aucust 24. 1RC4. Such a mon Stamping; room 3, Elite building.a watchful corporal saw the maneuver.Wavng his and3 and shouting. "Corn- -arch certanly possessed the usual pow- -

INSURANCE.conceded to constl- -t ers of sovereignty mere, you fellers, come back yere and j

Telephone OrdersRING US UP.

Tour "cair will be answeredby an experienced young clerk,to whom you will give your or-

der, and from whom It will bereceived by efficient salesmen.

Our Telephone Order Depart-ment has grown wonderfully-d- ue

In all probability to theaccuracy and dispatch In whichorders coming through this de-

partment have been handled.Tour orders receive the same

prompt atent!on as those giv-

en over our counters.

the THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCEdon't get so fresh," he arousedI tutional rulers, and had the right toconvey the land between high and low-- CO. OF NEW YORK.

S. B. ROSE, Agent, Honolulu.


idlers.'Say, Corpor'l, d'ye tlnk yer flagging

a freight train here in Honolulu? Gonftr- - 'orvi xi-t- a hav'nnt and ac' like a

j Sore Throat1

i and jLd't- - kaSN Is ,jer." w ere the joshing comments, but COOK'S MUSIC SCHOOL. Love bldg.,

Fort St. Its methods are the resultthe prisoners came back and sweptof 30 years' experience in teaching..

more dirt.The prisoners were treated to such

comments as: "Say, guardhouse, yeh oks like a Irish second girl widout adust-pan- ;" "Say. pard, if ye ain't keer- -


Office, 243 Beretania ave.;. telephoneBlue S21.

BronchialTroubles ful ye'll get a leetle dust in de officers'

eyes:" "Sa.v, Mollie, when did ye learn DR W. HOFFMANN. Beretania St.,

water mark, to the defendant's grant-or."

The court further holds that thePrivy Council had no right to enactlaws and that the legislative power wasin the House of Nobles and the Houseof Representatives. In concluding Itsopinion the court says:

The Attorney General further con-

tends that as the royal patent andaward contained the words "koe naeke kuleana o na kanaka," this re-

served to the people all the rights be-

low high water mark and not express-ly recognized as private rights, andthat this reserved all rights exceptingthe rishts to fish and the right to re-

move coral rock. He states that theKing was "authorized by the law andby the land commission award to issuethe royal patent reserving, however,the people's kuleana therein. The peo-

ple's kuleana was the land betweenhigh water mark and the low watermark, which Kamehameha had no au-

thority to alienate."Bv reference to the statutes of 1.4 --

4$ vol. 2. pages Sl-9- 4. it will be seenthM th crants are to be made "sub

opposite Hawaiian Hotel. Hours, 9 to11 a. m.: 1 to 3. and 7 to 8 p. ,ra.Phone White 4S1.

to chambermaid, eh?" One or tneprisoners watched his chance and drop-

ped a banana peel on the curbing. He1 . . 1 1 1 i ti a moment later.


1060 FORT ST. of seeing one of the' officers fall, with DR. T. MIT AM c'' u""H.IJU IClt iuic t

and 6 to 8 p. ih., except8 to 10 a. m.,Sundays.240 Three Telephones 24--

a thud.During this time most of the bays In

blue worked in their tents and grad

A sore throat is the begin-ning ofa dangerous ailmentit is the beginning of an ail-

ment that will end in deathunless it is checked in thebeginning, and there is onlyone medicine that will checka sore throat, only one medi-cine that you can take to getimmediate relief and preventa serious illness, and that

ually all emerged into the open air. jug- - w a ROGERS, M.D. Eye, Ear, Noseging their weighty knapsacks, naver- - and Throat; 1146 Alakea St.sacks, canteens and accoutrements, j

Arms were stacked in available places Dj j UCHIDA. Physician and BurWill Make Your Clothes

Look Like Newin company alignment, luJiTuiiucmadeposited in regular lines. tne Digarmy wagon and drays drawn by the

geon: office, Beretania, between Fortand Nuuanu streets; office hours, 8 to12 a. m., 7 to 8 p. m.; Tel. 1211 White,

E. C. WATERHOUPE. Office, cornerMiller and Beretania Sts.; residence,l.uOS Thurston Ave.; hours, 10-1- 2 a. m..

frisky army mules came into the camp,ject to the private rights of the ten- -. - 1 n wwl 1 Till the officers' baggage was loaciea mants, if tnere oe any ou mr io". -- v.

on page fc5. In a definite statement o:th" public rights to which the Krant is and sent to tne transport unun ui.

the sides of the tents were thrown up. telephone Offloe,2-- 3, 7:30-- 8 p.exposing a clean sweep irom euw White 3492; residence. Blue 2841.

ubj-ct- . showing mai ine urua iwvnae ke kuleana o na kanaka." have no

end of the camp, the straw pallets wereremoved, and shortly after noon every- -reference to such public rignis. out can

only have reference to the house lots VOCAL INSTRUCTION.. 1.thine- was In readiness ror ine mrc:iand taro natcnes an.i garuen i ten During the wait ANNIS MONTAGUE TURNER. "Mlg- -back to the transportants living on land within the bounda

. r.r , tract cranted. non, iv- -i uereiania at.We are of the opinion that the words

is Dr. Halpruncr's Wonderful Medicine, a medicine that is

prescribed and compourded to cure sore throat, and cure it atonce; a medicine that will cure it, because it is made right, made toact on the afflicted parts. It will drive out the pain and allay theinflammation.

Inflammation is the cause of nearly all our troubles, and Halpruner s

drives out inflammation! like water puts out fire.

If you have a sore throat send to your druggist and get a bottle ofHalpruncr's Wonderful Medicine and rub it into the throat and chestwell rub it until the throat burns, unril you know the medicine haspenetrated deeply, and then take a couple of tea?poonfu!s in a glass ofrr.iik or waer every two or three hours, and it will be only a short

matter of time until your sore throat will disappear entirely.In bronchial troubles more continuous treatments are required, but

it will eventually pive voa the cure you seek.AH druggits"sell Ha'prur.er's Wonderful Pain Remover oc and

l a bottle the 51 s:.e contains three times the quantity of the smail

size. But demand the genuine


Eagle Cleaning and Tyeiiig Worts.

Fort SL. Opposite Star block.

,....,tt.,i have a well understood mean

for the order to move, craps was a fav-

orite pastime wherever any shade couldhe found. By 3 o'clock the last detach-ment had taken tip the march, and"Camp Warren" was only a desertedvillage of Sibley tents.

Oahu Tailoring Co.Merohant Tailors.in.-- ns used in conveyances within this

... on.i that thev. as well as.u , cxiuivalent Tes rving. how- -

ih neoole's kuleana therein ifmean the reservation of the house lots

Suits made to Order, cleaning. Re-

pairing and pressing"; corner Bere-

tania & Emma ?ts., Honolulu. T. H.and taro patches or gardens oi nameslying within the boundaries of the

f rinf fit . 5 FOR FRZEThe order overruling the demurrer of

irLOSue cri

If in Bad HumorDROP INTO THE

HONOLULUBOWLING PARLORSand chuck a few lignum vltae balls atour teoptns.


defendants Is reversed, ana tne causeremanded with directions to the trial

demurrer and or-

dercourt t sustain the

the Mil dismissed.In the concurring opinion of Mr.

Fitch, he says that the riht of bath-

ing is not a risht recognized by the

im D INFANTS'mprux ersI have used Dr. Ha'pruner's Pain Remover for several years and

find it the be;t thipg I ever tried for sore throat. No. GIG.pivernnu-nt- . ami tnat mere coui-- j

COTTON BROS. & CO.obstructlon or nai.aii-i- i i

MRS. M. H. PARKER, 1148 Sutter St.," San rranciico, ai. Ill HONOLULU LODGE No. 616. B. P.O r', will met In their new hall, on"GINEERS AND Uww v--v

28 California St., S. Ual. 2Hi pruTicr M?d. CoTRACTORS. every

allowance of such a privilege. He fur-

ther h lJj that where lines have r."tbeen established by the Secretary ofWar. the riparian owners' r!?ht t re

Miller ami rtuiua nevi,Friday evening.-- ? ffiNC:iPlana mnA TTattmates fumfched tor all By order of the E. R.

11. D. COUZENS.... Secretary.' of Contracting Work. claim extends to the line of i raction

navigation.Boston Block. Honolulu.

Page 10: K A. A. A. VERDICT 1 MORE JUDICIAL GOOD CHEERevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/43170/1/1902031201.pdfIS INCORPORATED pared by Rev. Alexander Mackintosh, ... Reports animal



ONT.NEWS OF THE WAT By "Coronado" Six CarriagesBy " Wilder" Nine Wagons



City of Peking Arrives With OneDay's Later Dispatches An

Admiral on Board.H-- 2,


Gar Load

of the





Ice Boxesjust received per S.

8. "Eureka," directfrom the factory atFond du Lac, Wis.


' Vehicle i


supply i



t m -

iThe bark Olympic. Captain T. H. Evans, which arrived yesterday from

San Francisco, after a trip of 21 days.

No les than five steamers were look-

ed for yesterday the Peru and Meadefrom San Francisco, the Aorangl fromSydney, the City of Peking from theOrient and the transport Egbert fromManila. The first of the bunch to ar-

rive was the Peking, which was whist-led shortly after 4 o'clock, but did notdock until three hours later.

The steamer left Hongkong on Feb-ruary 19. and Yokohama. March 1,

making a very good trip. For the firstthtee days out from Yokohama theweather was dirty, but then it mod-

erated, and for the last week headwinds were the only complaint.

For the first time in months thenew of the outer world came viaJapan. The Sonoma, the last mail ves-

sel to arrive here, brought newspaperfiles dated February 2S. The Pekinghad on board Yokohama papers ofMarch 1. containing foreign dispatchesof the previous day.

The Peking brought 600 tons offreight for this port and eighteen pack-ages of mail. Her passenger list wasan unusually Fmall one, containingonly fourteen names. Dr. T. T. Alex-

ander was the solitary passenger forHonolulu. Among the through passen-gers are Hear Admiral I Kempff. U.S. X.. and Major C. CI. Prendergrast, aHrltish army officer returning homefrom India. Hear Admiral Kempff Isreturning from the Asiatic station,where h has been serving until, histime being expired, he was recently re-

lieved by Hear Admiral Wilde.The Peking's list of through passen-

gers Is as follows:A. It. "Welch. Miss M. C. Winn. Dr.

II. C. Wyman. K. S. Lane. O. D. Hunt.II. It. Clould. Rear Admiral I.. Kempff,U. S. N.: Mrs. H. C. Wyman. R. Cireat- -


Has Been the Sport of a HealthyHoodoo Her Chapter of



Olympic, Jas. Bruce fend KingCyrus Make Por- t- Equal

Number Sail.

Fef. Iterators at $10.50and Upwards.

Ice Boxes at $8.50 andUpwards.

These goods are so welland favorably known thatfurther comment is un-necesea- ry.

We are Felling them onthe tetallment plan,nith very easy terms.

Call and Fee the largeassortment.We are ehowing thirty-- ,three different style?.


Beret2nia St., Near Foit.Yesterday was an unusually busy day

along the waterfront, and the list ofarrivals and departures totalled upalmost unprecedented large. Threedeep water vessels arrived, the schoon-er King Cyrus, from Newcastle; thebald headed schooner James II. Bruce,from Gray's Harbor, and the barkOlympic, from San Francisco.

The James H. Bruce, Captain Miller,was first to arrive, getting in at 11 a. m.She made the run from Gray's Harbor

The transport Warren will, it wasstated last night, depart for Manilatoday about noon. Yesterday her mailwas transferred from the postoffice,and her troops broke camp at the Drill-she- d

and slept on board the vessel.The transport has evidently been the

sport of a healthy hoodoo since shearrived here two weeks ago. She cameinto the harbor leaking badly from acrack in her stern gland packing. Twoor three days later she sailed for Ma-

nila and put back minus a propeller

IVIade to Orderrex. Major C. G. Prendergrast. H. St.John Knight. K. Guy. J. I. Prior.

Goods dellrered to all partsof the city and! suburbs free ofcharge.

FOR LADIES OR GENTLE-MEN ON SHORT NOTICE.AT3The Peking will sail at 3 p. m. to

in 26 days, bringing a load of lumber,day f.r San Francisco, ordinary mailclosing at 2 o'clock. which she will discharge at Allen and b!ad. When the screw was fixed the

Robinson's wharf. Closely following chief engineer resigned and his sue- -

But Not Babbits.If intending Importers of wild ani

W.W. Dimoiid&Co,

LIMITED,0-U-- Kins . Street. Honolulu.

mals or birds desirous of obtaining apermit to bring strange beasts IntoHawaii will call at the ofllce of theCollector of Customs they will be fur

the Bruce qame the American schoonerKing Cyrus, Captain Johnson, CO daysfrom Newcastle. She brought 110S tonsof coal, and dropped her anchor in thestream.

About 3 o'clock in the afternoon thebark Olympic, Captain Evans, 21 daysfrom San Francisco, entered the har-bor. She has a cargo of general mer-chandise and will discharge at theBrewer wharf.

For the three arrivals there was acorresponding number of departures.The British ship Peter Iredale, CaptainLawrence, left for Royal Roads in themorning In ballast, and the Americanschooner W. H. Marston. Captain Cur

nished with application blanks whichIOOOOOOOOOCOOOO are now being Issued for the first time.

cessor discovered a burnt-ou- t boiler.Then the ship's officers and the armyofficers got at loggerheads and a boardof encjulry was appointed.

Finally, last Sunday morning, thedc-a- d body of an unknown man wasfound floating at the Warren's stern,and it is more than suspected that thesecret of his death is closely guardedby some person or persons on boardthe transport. It is to be hoped thatwhen the Warren leaves the harbor shewill drop her hoodoo when she dis-

charges the pilot.


Heretofore the applications have taken

The FactoryIs under the management of a competent manwbo has had jears ol experience in one of thelargest establishments of its kind in Japan.

The LadiesAre especially invited to inspect our sfork. We

also carry a fine line of JAPANESE GOODS

which are imported direct from Japan

erbal form. The application blanksARABIC; filled out are returnable to Inof Wild Animals and Birds

Bryan, of the' Bishop Museum. On theform must be stated whether the ani-

mals or birds are to be liberated orkept in captivity, and whether import

Is for Coollrg Iron Rcofs tis, also left in the morning with a cargo of sugar for San Francisco. In theafternoon the American bark Sonoma.

ed for propagation, exhibition or other Captain Stansland. got away for thepurposen. mnd in ballast.

Today the American bark Mohican,Is Cheap and Everlasting,Captain Kelly, is expected to sail forSan Francisco, with a cargo of sugar.OPERA HOUSE An accident occurred yesterday

morning: near the Marine Railway,wtilch came near ending the life of anold white man named Henry Devoll.

Just now every sailing vessel whichdeparts for the coast takes its full complement of passengers, indeed, on some

Devoll, who is about eigrhty-nv- e HOTELSTKEET.

of the recent departures passages navebeen booked before the vessel actually

Saturday Evening

March 15years of a?e, nas. ior tne pasi nueeiiyears, dwelt in a little house situatedarrived here. This is undoubtedly on

account ot' the refusal of the Oceanic between the Marine Railway and the

Why suffer from the heat when

it can be remedied for a trifl-

ing cost? We guarantee our

work. For estimates and fur-

ther particulars apply to....

Steamship Company to carry steerage Aloha boathouse. The house, which isowned by James Lyle, is situated onpassengers. For the payment of an

additional ten dollars over and aboveGrand Production the water's edge, and at low tide isleft standing high and dry.the amount charged for a steerage

ticket on a steamship, a first cabinOF A SERIES OF INTERESTING IN Yesterday morning the old man madecan be secured on a sailing vessel.GOOD

VALUE inCIDENTS IN up his minu to snni nis uweiung io amore desirable location, and accordArdent Hawaiian History

for Toiletor Bath.

CakeCalifornia Feed Go. ISLAND STEAAERS

MAKE THINGS HUMingly started the preliminary work.While partially underneath the struc E3Adapted for the stage by the Hawaii

Ponoi Dramatic Company, to be preQueen and Nuuanu Streets. EBL.U EH BELL--, lfl.sented in English by Native HawallansMW wOONEV2MONEY

ture, the underpinning gave way andthe shack tumbled over on its ancientowner. Some men who witnessed theoccurrence, hastened to the spot anddragged the unfortunate man from un-

der the fallen timbers. Mr. Lyle. who

on Saturday evening, will be produceda melodrama' in two acts, entitled

iTha Lady of the TwilightKew Scenes! New Costumes! New Songs!

was near by. telephoned for the patrolwagon, which quickly arrived and tookto victim of the accident to Queen'sHospital. .A musical interlude by the Company.

3 for 25 centsHONOLULU DRUG CO.

926 Fort Street.A. II. OTIS. OTTO A. BIERBACH.

Mr. Devoirs left hand was very Daa-i- y

cut and his body severely crushed.Last night he was said to be restingPART II.

LANDING OF LONO AND HIS easily, and unless he has sustained inDEATH. Characters by the Company.

A scene of realistic accuracy has beenternal injuries, will probably recover.


The City of Peking brought 4:0

specially designed and painted forthse representations.3

The hum of industry was very muchin evidence along the Wilder and Inter-Islan- d

wharves yesterday, and It wascome and go all day long. t

Soon after 6 a. m. the Mikahala ar-

rived from Kauai ports with 4.800 bagsof sugar, 100 bags of paial, 10 bags ofcoffee and 22 packages of sundries.She reported the Ke Au Hou discharg-ing at Kilauea. The following sugarwas left on Kauai when the Mikahalasailed:

K. S. M.. S00; V. K-- . 200; Mak.. 20.800;

G. ami It., 4.200; McB.. 24.000; K. P..3.f.00; II. M., 7.245; P. L.. 2. SCI; K. SCo.. 11.000.

The Mauna Loa arrived from Lahal-n- a,

Maalaea. Kona and Kau ports at10 a. m.. with 7.0!S bags of sugar, 51

bags of coffee. 127 bags of taro. 104

bundles of bananas, 21 kegs. 1 bundleof goat skins, 2S head of cattle and 151

packages of sundries. She brought thefollowing passengers:

S. E. Lucas. C. Doyle. H. Matsuda.H. R. Hanna. Mrs. M. Ashberry, F. B.Maefarlane. R. E. Maynard. Master W.

to be had at Wall, Nichols & Co.Prices: 51.00. 7oc. R0e.

YOUR ORDERIs whit we want. Just a telephone message to theBrewery, Main 341, for a case of

ft TONrtD o



The Iwalani, from Makawe'.i, shouldarrive today.

A big party left for Kilauea on theKinau yesterday.

The P.ritish steamer Strathgyle isdue here from Hongkong.

The bark Mohican sails for SanFrancisco today, the Warren for Ma-

nila, and the City of Peking for theCoast.

W H Phillips, formerly chief engi-

neer of the transport Warren, will re-

turn to San Francisco on the City ofPeking today.

The steamer Maui is "one side out"at the Wilder wharf for the purpose ofbeing painted. She came off the MarineRailway yesterday.

Seven hundred and fifty bags of the j

damaged paddy of the Alice Kimball's :

cargo will be sold at the old Fih- - '

market wharf at noon today. '

The Peru on this run inaugurates themonthly service to Manila, which th j

Pacific Mail, Oriental and Occidental i

Company and Toyo Kisen Kaisha will

! Smith. Manuel Andra. Miss Minnie An- - It won't be the last order we get from you. You will

find it the best tonic and a delightful beverage.i dra. Miss Lucy Andra. Miss Mary Andra. C. H. Aki. Mrs. C. H. Aki, C. 11.

Hewitt. Miss M. Morris, Mrs. JamesMonholen. Mrs. M. Medeiros. C. K.Farden. Yo Lee. and ;2 on dec k.

The Mauna Loa's arrival yesterdaycaused considerable surprise, as shewas not expected until today on ac-

count of her late departure.Ah,.ut noon the Niihau returned from

Hoffschlaeger Co.,


29 King St., near Btthd.


Every Inch one pushes offbeyond the normal distance oftwelve Inches, after eye failurebegins, means an Inch of dan-ger.

Ninety-nin- e persons out of ahundred may do it safely; youmay be the one who can't.

Those having the best eyeswhen old age come? will bethose who heed the first callfor help.Eye Examined; Glasses fitted.

Honokaa and Kukuihaele. with 2,3i'4bans of sugar. Purser Kaae reportedth. Not-a- u loading sugar at Honokaa A.T.... . .maintain.Sh hrwi " 000 batrs on board when theNiihau left, ar.d will clean out the P.DIRECT FROM NSW YuRK. M. There has been plenty of rain i

Ialonir the Hamakua coast.Nw 5tripe,i and figured fancy Pique The Waialeale sailed for W aimca ana

El. at 4 p. m.; the James Makee f"r n----3

'HvonAnahola and Kilauea at 4 " ni.; tl)?for ladles' Skirts. New lin- - of Em-broidered Swisses. Very pretty all- - a nay

From the reports of the dealers In ;

this city, we think no proprietary med-icine has a larger sale than Pam-Kil- l- j

er. Its valuable, properties as a speedycure for pain cannot fail to be gen- - ;

eiMlly appreciated, in case of accld-n- t, !

or sudden attack of dyssentery. diarr-- j

hoea, cholera morbus. Montreal Star. (

Avoid substitutes, there is but oneFain-Kille- r. Perry Davis. Price 25cents and 50 cents. I

Lfhua for Mol.rkal at 5 p. m .; the Clau- -L N. Sanford,Manuf'c'urlrg Op'lchn,

Boston Uuitdfnp. Fort Street.

!ine for Maui ports at r p. in.; the W4i-e- r Embroidery.W. L. FLETCHER G. Hall f r Kauai ports at 5 p. m.. and

the Kinau for Hilo and way ports atGedge Cottage. Richards and Hotel Sts. HONOLULUnoon. The schooner Kawailanl a;so QUEEN STREETgot away for Koolau ports at 5 p. m.P. O. Box 363. Tel. 521 Blue.

Page 11: K A. A. A. VERDICT 1 MORE JUDICIAL GOOD CHEERevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/43170/1/1902031201.pdfIS INCORPORATED pared by Rev. Alexander Mackintosh, ... Reports animal



THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU. MARCH 12, 1902. 11. r ..masonic rues were said under the diBISHOP & CO., BiflKERS

KSTAJILISIIKI) ix 185s.rection of Worshipful Master WallaceR. Farrington. The hall was filled withBank o7 Hawaii ACCOUNTS andsJiasons and the friends of the deeeas.ed. the latter largely Hawallans. AfterLIMITED. gazing upon the face of their departed

of theoromer the Masons filed out of the halland a squad of eight police entered andraised the casket, bearing it down the

Incorporated under the LawsTerritory of Hawaii. SATISFACTORY

Banking Department.Transact business la all departments

of banking.OoMecllons carefully attended to.

AREJILE0 staircase to the hearse, and then act-ed as the guard of honor to the hearse.


Patf-U- p Capital . . $600.00"Exchange bought and sold. The honorary pallbearers were PrinceDavid Kawananakoa, Attorney General

Reserve 50.000Uniivijcd Profits . . 163,000 uoie. Dr. Charles B. Cooper. SenatorHumphreys StillCommercial and Travelers' Letters of. D. Kalauokalanl. Hon. J. O. Carter and

Clarence M. White.trreoii issued 00 the Dank of California WAS'HTana r.. i. iCothschild & Sons. London. The procession was formed with theOFFICERS AND DIRECTORS.(.orresponaents: Tbe Bank of Callfor- - Lodge le Progres in the lead. Worshlp- -nla. Commercial Banking Co. of M- - Cooke President

Looking forBonds.

rui Master Farrington attended bynev. Ltd. Ininn I C. Jones Vice President Fred Whitney and O. E. White, follow11. cooKe Cashier ed by the pallbearers in a wawnptto.r. C. Atberton Assistant Cashier tne hearse with its police guard, andH. Waterhouse, F. W. Macfarlane,

E. D. Tenney. J. A. McCandless andat the rear a long line of carriages. The

LOTS IN KING STREETTRACT, fiom $1,400 to $1,250a lot, formerly known as G. N.Wilcox's premises.

Drafts and cable transfers on China Hawaiian Band played the Dead Marchw. tL. Atberton. ITana j4paa mrougn tne Hongkong and in Saul during the period when the casBISHOP ESTATE ket was being brought down to theiKua( Mnmng corporation andChartered Bank of India. Australia and Commercial and Savings De hearse, and until it had reached Bere- -

tania street. The band went tothepartments. HAS M'BRYDE v v ,?Nuuanu cemetery In wagonettes, play-ing again at the grave.

to allStrict attention givenbranches of Banking.

TWENTY LOTS IN MANOA.VAIjLEY, formerly Moutano'sWILL DIBCU33 BUSINES?. 9 9 9Annual Rport Showing Business

Interest allowed on term deposits atthe following rates per annum, vis:Seven days notice, at 2 per cent.Three months, at 3 per cent.Six months, at 2V4 per cent.Twelve months, at 4 per cent.

Trac $2,500 a lot.Young Men'r Research Ciub to Takelull Boiljin? Fort Street for Year and Work of theKamthamthi Schools. Up Financial Questions.

The next meeting of the Young Men'sHawaii Land Co. Research Club will be of even greaterFOUR HUNDRED LOTS INPursu'ni? his former policy in reean interest than the last one, if the plansLIMITED.

Trust Department."Act as trustees under mortgages. 'Manage estates, real and personal.Collect rents and dividends.Valuable papers, wills, bonds, etc.,

received for safe keeping.Accountant Department.

for the discussions are carried out along ouato trust investments in plantation KA1ULANI TRACT, from $200the lines which are already In pros to $250 a lot.bond.. Judge Humphreys yesterday

morning sent out demands by letter for pect. The club will enter the generalfield of business this time, and willreports from the trustees of the liishop give Its evening to the consideration of$100,000for corporations and priAuditors

vat firms. Museum, the C. R. Bishop trust, and the financial status of the Territory.Capital StockCapital, paid up S5S.0S0 the estate of B. P. Bishop. The follow and what may be expected from theBooks examined and reported on. FIFTY LOTS IN KEKIO-

resources or the country in the near Iing is a copy of the form of letters: WATCHfuture. There will be only two adThe Circuit Court, Honolulu. March dresses upon the occasion. The first T RACT, opposite Makee Island

$600 a lot.11. 1502.OFFICERS: will be by Mr. J. B. Atberton. who willMessrs. S. B. Dole. W. F. Alien. W talk of the financial conditions In theW. C. AchI President and Manager O. Smith, II. Holmes. S. M. Damon. J Territory at the present time. The othU. K. Nakulna Vice-Preside-nt

btaiements or anrairs prepared.Trustees on bankrupt or Insolvent es-

tates.Office, 524 Bethel street.

Savings Department.Deposits received and interest allow-

ed at 44 per cent per annum. In ac-cordance with rules and regulations,copies of which may be obtained onapplication.

Insurance Department.

o. carter and A. W. Carter, trusteesJ. Makalnal Treasurer of the Bernlce Pauahi Bishop Museum

er will be by Mr. R. W. Shingle, whowill discuss the prospects for the youngbusiness man. The meeting will beTrust, Honolulu. T H.:Enoch Johnson Secretary WORK,Gentlemen: The records of this held on Friday evening. March 21st, at ONE HUNDRED LOTS INa J. Holt Auditor court show that your last account as the residence of the Rev. W. M. Kin- -

trustees of-wh- is known as the l'.er cald, on Thurston avenue. KAPIOLANI TRACT, at $500nice Pauahi Bishop Museum Trust was

t 8 6filed In this court on December ISth a lot.Agents for FIRE. MARINE. LIFE, ST. PATRICK'S SAY BANQUET.ana KJIPLOTERS" LIABOARD OF DIRECTORS:

Jonah Kumalae. S. M- - Kanakanul,J. M. Kea.

ir01. covering the year ending withOctober 12th. 1900. You are hereby di-

rected to file your account as trusteeBILITY INSURANCE COMPANIES.Insurance office, 924 Bethel street. Tickets may be obtained from C. J.

McCarthy. C. --F. Chlllingworth. W. F.of said trust for the year ending Octo 'NUFF SAIDErving, L. H. Dee, Thomas I. Dillon,ber 12th. 1901. Immediately.Guy Livingston. J. A. Hughes, J. C.The above company will buy. lease.

it sell lands In all parts of the Ha- - Quinn. Charles McGonagle.Hi i in. "Very respectfully,"A. S. HUMPHREYS.

"First Judge."walian Islands, and also has bouses Inthe city of Honolulu for rent. For furtLer particulars apply to

limx c no J he annual accounts of the trusteesunder the will of the late Bernlce I.Tie TcMama Specie Bail 7 JTM W 11IIBishop were filed for the year ending E. F.LIMITED. June SOth. yesterday afternoon, show- - 8 ill AC

OFFICERS.II. P. Baldwin PresidentJ. B. Castle First Vice-Preside- nt

W. M. Alexander.Second Vice-Preside- nt

J. P. Cooke TreasurerW. O-- Smith Secretary

ling the total rWeints for the year to Elihave been $2S"..040.SS and the disburse 8Subscribed Capi'al Tea 2,C00,0C0 menu $23.907. 4 S. leaving a balance forGeorge R-- Carter Auditor plid UD CaDllll Yen 18.CC0.000 the l'f .133.40. The rcMrt show s

I WCHIAKinvestments in the bonds looked down & CompanyRestned Fend - Ten 8,510,000 upon by Humphreys.Sugar Factors Accompanying the financial statetnent are reports of the various prin ISjGAEi Estatecipals of the Kamehameha schools.Commission Merchants; HEAD OFFICE: YOKOHAMA.

INTEREST ALLOWED. which were endowed by the deceasedThe trustees report having continued

filling in the swamp lands of the estateOn fixed deposit for 12 months, 4 per BGARDf&AN LOTScent per annum. and speak also of the contemplatederection of a wharf at Kakaako. A re-Io- rt

is made also of fencing lands forOn fixed deposit for 6 months, 3!i per

Campbsll Elock, Fort StreetUN FRANCISCO. HONOLULU.

cent per annum.he preservation of the forests. Forest Thrum'sOn fixed deposit for 3 months. 3 per

fires have damaged the properties of tht NEW YORK.

AGENTS FORHawaiian CommercL.1 and Sugar Co.,Haiku Sugar Company,Fata Plantation Company,Nablku Sugar Company,Klbel Plantation Company,Hawaiian Sugar Company,Kahulul Railroad Company, andA. and B. Line,Edward May.Emily F. Whitney.


cent per annum.The bank buys and receives for col- - estate at Kohala. Hawaii. There is a

report also 4f the investigations of EnIctlon Bills of Exchange, Issues Draft? gineer Tuttle into the water conditionsand Letters of Credit, and transacts a ftof Waipio and Honokan valleys on S. GrinbaaQ S Co.general banking business.Window Display



Hawaii. The cost of running theSchools fur the year was $ 1500 and $ir00 LIMITED.JU3.2r.O. slisrhtly in excess of tbeBranch of Yokohama Specie Bank.

New Republic building, Honolulu. H. TW. B. Flint- -

T H K FIIIST amount spent the previous : r. H EACH !thi amount $27.17$ is credited to per

Wm. G. Irwin.Claus Spreckels. manent improvements. The list of invtsttnents 'f the estate shows S'l'-'it- t inOahu Railway bonds and Jll.S'rt of thiflniiiii SOLE AGENTS FORClam Spreckels & Co., Bankers.

HONOLULU, H. T.amount is in McBryde Su.sar Company


Halanca on time.!xuls, BLANCHE BATES 5oCharles Dyke, principal of the KameOF HAWAII, LTD. CIGAR.li a r.nh a Schools, made a ler.glny re3AN FRANCISCO AGENTS THENEVADA NATIONAL BANK OF8 AN FRANCISCO.

WILL E. FISHER.Lfenl Estate Agent and


Capital. 12:0.000.00.

President Cecil BrownVice-Preside- nt M. I. Uob'.nsonCashier W. G. Cooper)


Cor. Merchant and Alufcpa Sts.3AN FRANCISCO The Nevadatlonal Bank of San Francl?co.

CONDON The Union Bank of COMPANY, of Toronto. Ontario.

port upon that He sjeaks ofthe success of the plan or concentrat-ing the business offices, and says thattwo hundn 1 dollars a month has beensaved by that method. The ttal reg-istration for the period was 11". Themilitary iriranization is commended, aswHI as te work' of the band, anil thefucccss of the athletic features now in-

troduced is pointed out. T!'.- - religiouspart of tho education of the boys has

Special attention given to conalgn- -Principal Ot?c: Corner Fort andKing streets. aaeats of Coffee and Rice.

don. Ltd.NEW YORK American Exchange Na-

tional Bank.CHICAGO Merchants' National Bar.k.PAT? IB rrdit l.vnnnala.


nmr.IV Drpudener Rank. I If OfSAVINGS DEPOSITS received andInterest allowed for yearly deposits atthe rate of 4i per cent per annum. ALSO THE

HONGKONG AND YOKOHAMAHongkong and Shanghai BankingCorporation.


not been anil this instructionis also highly The workin the manual training department vahighly sati factory, as it was als inagricultural ilfi-art:- nt. The principalsuggests also that the water supply isinsutlicient, and there is great danger

Rules and regulations furnished upnHawaiian Annual

Contains aeries of twelve neatlysound views of Hawaiian scenery andubjeets. All mounted on gray paper.

from f.re. r'cotum-ntlin- g that H'ctrilights ie installed.

Miss Alice Knapp. principal of the

Bring BabyWith You

We make a specialty ofbaby photography andwe claim we can securethe most natural andcharacteristic pictures.Come to see our newptutlio-- lt is the hand-

some? t and mo-- t completein the city and bringbal with you.



VICTORIA AND VANCOUVER Bankof British North America.

rm a General Barms wm Business

Deposits Received, Loans made onApproved Security. Commercial andTravelers' credits Issued, Bills of Ex-change Bought and Sold.


tad in book form. Each book a gem.For 1902,

handiest reliable refer-ence dook 01 nanaiioii In-

formation extant. Price, 75cper copy, or S5c each, by

Juat the thing to send East.preparatory department, submits a j

carefully prepared report upon that)braw'j of work. I

Miss Ida M. Pop principal of the J

School for Girls, tcports that there is a mail. Alao publish and have for sale, tasGolden Rule Bazaar Hawaiian Paael Calendars for 1902.Knia:vl fr trained teachers and forr--y TT"T T" S?-r- - j nurses anions Hawaiian women, anil !


?Y J-JA- 4AJ V- - J suggests that should of- - j'150 IIOTKIj fiT. LIMITED.Queen Street. Honolulu, H. L

f red Hawaiian girl to bi-in- i trained j

nurses, as some among; them have a;special aptitude for this work. Larger.'School equipment is also needed. J

An inventory ..f the e;ate is tiled j

with the report, showing the property j

t almost exclusively f realestate on every island of th- - group.

AGENTS FORHawaiian Agricultural Company, Ono-me- a

Sugar Company. Honomu SugarCompany. Wailuku Sugar Company.

ak Sugar Company, Ookala Sugar

"The Argonauts." by Eliza Orzeszko.Oloff and His Wife." by Maxim Gor-

ky."French Revolution and Religious Re-

form." by Sloane."Toma Gordyeeff." by Maxim Gorky."Sch'ey and Santiago." by Graham."Stephen Calivarl." by Julian Sturgis."Fables for the Fair," by Josephine

Dodge Daskam.

Rice & PerkinsIMIOTOG HAPIIEK!?,

Oregon Block, c r. of Unionand Hotel Sts.

There is a cash balance on hand of $jm.1C:;.-- reported.Plantation Company. Haleakala

Ranch Company. Kapapala Ranch-Planter- s'

Line and Shipping Company,

J. J. WILLIAMS,Fort Street. Photographer.

When You Want a RigRING UP THE

Livery, Boardingand Sales ....



San Francisco Packets. Chas. WewerA Co's Line of Boston Packets.

Agents Boston Board of Underwriters.Agents for Philadelphia Board of Un-

derwriters.Standard Oil Company.


1053 Fort Street.


Commission FsrchantsBUGAR FACTO ES.


fhs Ev a Plantition Company.The Waialua Agricultural Co., Lt.The Kohala Sugar Company.The Walmea Sugar Mill Company.The Fulton Iron Works, St. Louis, Ma,The Standard Oil Company.The George F. Blake Steam Pumps.Wotcn't Centrifugals.The New England Mutual Life Insur-

ance Company, of Boston.The Aetna Fire Insurance Company,

Hartford. Conn.rh Alllanc Assurance Company, of


"The Rights of Man." by Dr. LymanAbbott.

"Mackinac and Lake Stories."Sir Richard Calmady." by Mtlet."Cardigan." by Chambers."Laxaare." by Catherwood.The Cavalier." by Cable.The Strenuous Life." by Theodore

Roosevelt.These are a few of the many Popular

Full Masonic Rites Said Over Re-

mains of the HawaiianBrother.

f the pre;tiet Kater Ii t hu1 lionm-l-

ill this wet k at the pnrlors i

Miss N. F. Hawley;Boston. Block.

rge E.Bishop.W. F.Water- -

LIST OF OFFICERS:C M. Cooke. President; G

Robertson. Manager; E. F.Treasurer and Secretary; Col.Allen. Auditor: P. C. Jones. H.bouse. G- - R. Carter. Directors.

Books to be found on our shelves.

13 HOTEL ST. Stable Phone. 109 Main.Hack Stand, Phones 219 and 72.

C. H. BELL1NA.Honolulu Notion Store

Fumral services over the remains ofWilliam Ai:M were h-- M aft-err.o- on

at in the Masonic Te:np!- -.

iimler the auspices of l,.nl;- - i'rort-s- .

A. F. & A. M. The .askt containingWingWoGhan&GoGeneral Gentlemen"

and Shoes,Merchandise.Good?. BootsFurnishing

lamented Ha- - ' School Supplies. Stationery, etc.the h;i'.l about

the mortal body of tliwaiian wa borne into3 o Io. k. a-- tl cover 1

lloral emblems and th

Ars Yen Insured Jpnst Accidsr.t?

The Travelers Accident Tsnrarce Co..of Hartfori, is tho lar?osi in the world




I Fook Sing Wo Co.FOOK TAI. Manaeer.

Drfsmaklng. Ladies' ar.d Children'sUnderwear. Mosquito Nets, all J";from 50 to 10 inches long, made r

bt material. .li: Nuuanu Ave., near Love a Bakery.

with iauiifultrestles upon



Transact General Banking and Ex-

change business.




Fort St.. Opposite Club Stables.


R. SUSUMAGO.Photographer and Fine Portrait Work.


which it rested were bankedwlth offerings from Ui" Haw .lii.'r.s w hoattended in !are numbers. -

Ibony Furniture,Clgara and Tobaccoa,


Chlneae and Japanese TetaCrockery, Mattings,

Vases, Camphorwoci Trunks,Rattan Chairs.


110-2- 1J Nuuanu StrseC

orFlanking the casket at the f.the platf.. rm of the

-e W.fe

A. C. LOVE-I- NA'Ji-n- t for tl.r Trrt ilnrjf llntrttii.

403 Judd Building.

rsh'j'fu! MasterfTor.il kahilis,

ti.'-j- ! erfect. Thet vtne lo Finely Finished Pictures. King and i

Maunakea streets (up-etalrs- ). iwhich j i ev:ite 1 a h-- n


Page 12: K A. A. A. VERDICT 1 MORE JUDICIAL GOOD CHEERevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/43170/1/1902031201.pdfIS INCORPORATED pared by Rev. Alexander Mackintosh, ... Reports animal

-- t -




President. Chas. F. Herriek Carriage Company, Ltd. Manner.

We can Supply yau" with all Kindsw

Suitable For Hny ' Business Need.

The w2ons iro fiuaranteed as to quality, acd price3, v. e believe, are coi-siderab- ly

below those usually quoted for the prude of woik we bundle. Wehave Buggies, unejs, Runabouts and Farm Wagons, too all high inquality and low in price. You should not miss seeing them. BUCKBOARD.

llllm fi train fh! 5

'5John S- - Andradecr

l Tti- Livery and Boarding Stables I I! HI. Q. iiiiiilg UUAccuracy and DispatchNEW POUT



Tins i the mDtto of the Mail Ord.--r Lc p.artrcent of Cali-

fornia's l.irf-- t store. Shopping by nriil. has lecorr.e, throughour splendid system, as easy and a!rr.;)t us satisfactory asby personal visit to the store. Twice u y-a-

r we a verylarge and profusely illustrated General Cata! ue called "1 hehmporiin Econornist' which describes the new fashions;rives the lowest retail ,

Have in Stock andOffer for SaleCITY


OLJilDiNQ Randprices f-- r everything toeat, drink, wear or use;lells how to order goods;how to send ironey; cjvesaccurate shopping infor-mation, etc. Send for afree copy of t.'i? Summer

CanMisdemeanorsBe Heard by



tila;C fl O C rt i aZTZV u a r. a a n I--t5rHI'Phone

Main 30 1lOOt -- 112 Dime edition of FZTzZzZZ; rfrJ "mTTff-rii- n






upon receiving your

Senator Kahilina's Wife Gels No

order no labor is spned toselect from our immense stock the exact artie'e wanted, andthe good.--, are shipped to you the same day I a . rder is re-

ceived, if possible. Our customers interests we malce ourown. If not already familiar with our methods, a trial orderwill convince you that it pays to trade with "the big store."

Save rioneyOn iron Beadsteds

Alimony Bailiff Elf is Mas

Trcublc With Juror. REFINED SUGARS.Cube and Granulated.

PAINT OILS,Lueol and Linseed.



: 1


Elastic SectionReed's PatentCovering:.


w as not arcued before the jury was I

sworn yesterday, but will be presented I



INDURINE,Water-proo- f Cold Water Paint,inside and outflJe, in white andcolors.



Unprecedented bargains oa these goods at ourstore.

Sea display in onr windows with prices plaint"marked. Tuink of it:


Judpe Humphreys filed a written de-- jcision yesterday. denying the motion fora new trial in the divorce case of Su-

san Kahilina vs. Senator Kahilina, butsetting aside the alimony of $1000 pre-viously allowed the wife. The courtholds that the wife did contribute tothe personal expenses of the household."This is by no means unusual," saysthe court. "When the income of thehusband is not sufficient to maintainthe wife in the style in which she wish-es to live, and she makes a contribu-- (tion to the common fund, she does notthereby acquire the status of a cred--


Another now point was raisel be-

fore J ml fro l"bins"n yesterday in thetrial of tl;e case of Territory vs. Chas.Malaia, charge J with assault.

Ju'iy-- : Kaulukou, the defendant's at-t'"rn-

noveil to quash the indictmentui th? pround that the prand jury hailno rii;ht to consider a misdemeanor,a.s this is, and wjiich is properly triablebefore a District magistrate. Mr.Matl.ewnian contended that the grandjury wan an arm of the Circuit Court,and that the Circuit Court had thesame jurisdiction as did the Districtnrasristrate, consequently the indict-ment was valid. Mr. Douthitt arguedth:'t Judye Humphreys had held in asimilar case that the grand Jury hadpowt-- r to hear misdemeanors, to whichstatement Mr. Kaulukou hotly objectedas beins a highly improper attempt toInfluence the Court's opinion. JudgeIIoMnson took the matter under ad-

visement, holding- - that while he a.t firsttook the defendant's view of the case,h; would postpone his decision untilthis afternoon. As the defendant hasthree more charges of a more seriouscharacter pending against him, his re-

lease would be of little value.TltOUM.KS Kjr" JURORS.

Crimp McCarthy is being given asecond hearing for the assault he isalleged to have committed upon KatieAkai. Kxtreme difficulty was met insecuring a jury, as the twelve men whoheard the first case are disqualified,atid many of the remaining membersof the panel had already heard consid-erable f the case.


SAN FRANCISCO. CAUCO.,Bays a handsome Iron Bed.


Coyne Furniture Co- - Ltd.Progress Block. Fort and Beretania Streets.

itor of the husband."The court further holds that the in BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS,

PHILADELPHIA, PA.come of the husband is shown to be;

NEWPopular Books

The very latest and most pou-ul- ar

Books of this season. Werecommend, knowing that theywill please.

AudreyBy MARY JOHNSON, authorof "To Have and to Hold."

At LargoBy E. W. HORNUNG.

The Secret OrchardBy A. & E. CASTLE.

The lining-- Passu nBy H. VAN DYKE.

Life on the StageBy CLARA MORRIS.


The Porti n of LaborBy MARY E. WILKINS.

Marietta a MM of VeniceBy F. MARION CRAWFORD.

The CavalierBy GEO. W. CABLE.

Sir Kichard CalmalyBy LUCAS MALET.

Many Others.

about $300 less than that of the wife,and therefore in view of all the cir JEWELL UNIVERSAL MILL CO.,

Manufacturers of National CaneShredder, New York.

cumstances, the decree is modified, andjthe award of $1000 alimony to the wife,is set aside. I


San Francisco. Cak.Appeals wto jutru uoui t. w:Court yesterday in the following cases: j

Harris Bros. & Co. vs. Tarn Fong. Le- -j

peka Ageau vs. Gus Cordes, Kong Fhuiivs. T. J. Fitzpatrick, and Lewers &A Morning Stimulant

With No ReactionCooke vs. J. "W. Redhouse.

A. S. Mahaulu was yesterday licensedby Judge Humphreys to rractiee inthe District Courts of the Territory.

During the examination of Jurors wI

IJudge CJear htld that sleepiness is nota crime, and angered Attorney I?itting





PahvKifte IS B5 1.LIMITED.

OHLANDT & CO.,San Francisco. Cal.


Make their drinks from water jrcdn4by the

Barn steadPurifying Stilland flavor with the best extracts pro-curable on this planet, as well as beingsweetened with the finest cane sugar.Distilled water for drinking purposespassed through the "Palatable Attatb-m- e

," which makes It like fresfcspring wsitor; drlivered to all parti !the city la tLrv demijohns.

Ring Up 270for till fclt-cT- a cZ Soda and Mineral Wa-ter;. DreweJ Cinger Bor a specialty.Our patrons are cordially Invited tseall and Inspect the work on Sheri-dan street, oft King street.

Many people have learned the value of aninternal bath in lha rnorninjr, but many morewill be delighted when they have felt the men-

tal poit-- and physical exhilaration whichcome- - with the practice of slowly aipping oneor two glares of

WHITE ROCK WATERimmediately on ari-in- :. Thn HiinulMing prop-

erties of this water are g. It enlivensthe brain and sharpens the faculties for theduties of thj coming day.

ForCutsBurnsBruises Cramps

DiarrhoeaAtl BowelComplaints

2 U Is ft rare, e and fpi:W remedy.

There a ONLY ONE


Wino and Liquor DealersWAVfrley Blocs. BETHEL ST.Pain-Kitte- v !

Perry Davis.8 A Two sizes, 2r. am! fOc.

greatly thereby. When the name of G.A. Lni; was called th" loungers at thect-ur- t room door burst into laughter,and the causj for whieh was not dis-ilii- S'

l uruil Lon cam- - into the courtr-- om rubbinir his eyes. He had beenKk---I ing on a courh jut outside thecourt room, but l:iiting thought It wasS'.methi'i.T vors- -

"I obj to a sitting- in thiscase in that condition," said Mr. i:it-tin- r.

"What condition?" iniuired th- -

'Th cMidition h- - is in," r- -j ihd i;it-tiri- g.

angrily."I m't s.-- e anything' tv!f" mntt'T with

Mr. Iyinjr," r tot ted the court, while :h.Jur."r lo.k-- d v. on at tiie ait-r-ny- .

"Then if h- - co-ir- t j continu-ed M' r.itlinr. '1 rh.ill-ng- e the Juror

ri to- - LT'i in I th.ii i- i- li.is j:ist b Ti

awaker.-- d fio.n an in brf.. t J .! !. at; Ji no.v in t-.l condition."

Judu-- ' C, .ir g.iv- - tli- - .itt-rn- -.'

:i to iu-s- ti m t':i- - jun r n tliatcharge.

"Have y .ii not b- -. n tirinkir.g: tldsmorning?" Hitting aL I.

'"I have not." re;0il Ty.r..- -.

"W- - ie you not Just si ping outsidethe' "

"Yu needn't anivi-- r that question."interposed the court; "sleeping isn'tclinic in this court."

The c urt d-n- i-d th chal'eni:- -.

The j an-- w:.s exhausted long be-fore the full jury was ed. andtalesm-- n wer- - drawn from the by-standers. Just aft-- r no..n a full Juryw.ii . ur-!. '.vh.-- It wa discoveredthat ir.e of the jurors wasn't a citizenof the and TViiliff Kllis wass nt i."t ti:e strvt in a s ari h fora:iotl-.- r talesman. There his trouble- -

W. C. Peacoc Co., Ltd.. Acents. tHE HAWAIIANO SOUVENIR

SPLAYINGK. ISOSHIiVIA CARDSKir.j: Street, i.ext to Ca?tle fc Cvoke.

Tflerhone Main 39R. P. O. Box 820.

HawaiianJapanese Ballasting Co.

OfHce:1018 Smith St., r.ear King.

Corking FnrDished and Setat 28:Per Lineal Foot



Stanley and GolfFrom 50c to 75c.

The Keystone WatcCase Co., Philadelphia,U. S. A. EsUbllshed 1851

America's oldest ndlargest watch factory.

Anywhere In town, according to thegovernment siK?eifications.

Have arrived.They are beauties.Appropriate as prizes for

card games.Suitable as glft to friends

and relatives In distant parts.Each pack contains fifty-thr- ee

half-ton- e engravings ofthe choicest view of Honolulu,Hilo and the principal pointsof Interest in the Islands.Rack design of Kamehamehastatue In colors; edfrc-- a In gold.Double enamel purfac, of thevery best finish. Large in-dexes make them suitable forall card frames. Telescopecases stamped In sold. Thesecards are manufactured by thUnited Ptatf-- s Playing CarlCompany, who have Fpared nopi Ins in makintr tht-- thfinest FcerJe pack of carC- - ever

CONCRETE WORK puaranteed. andlone at a very lew price. ,

WHITE SAND Foil from Jl.SO t3'KW SPRING GOODSFor sale by the

watch dealers In Ha-

waiian Islands.J1.75 pvr cubic yar.l. delivered.and ir.v o've l A. D. C 'i-- v.h c:;r. nr."'.v,v ."s t.--" i). ?pp ial low j.ric In CRUSHED.1IT. '. J Iflt.in V - . . t . . . . . . . ...

RC'CK of nil praxes froi Nc. 1 to No.Af;. r C .! . n sar..l .! a: 1 :J .;n,::y It J...r - th b-- It Mill r.v voU Pt. vi't th: t re bvf..rc n..V! c ai.v n t t..w - M

eiS'e-- . iu r- -.

rn in .u aVirion

haiiria.-- :j"! ! v. , to t: - j- - i or rock yan-I- .

COMMON DRAY. J"..Vt i..r da v.I.AIMJi: DRAY. !'--

,.-r day.

'.:t a '.v.irr.i:!!J 5 G O E A Sy,

Fancy and Staple Croceries.Beretania and Emma Sts.

Telephone Blue 2312.

li Retail Price $1 0D Per Pack.I t f T Ti:A'v.. Jars-- ' rrii-r- t ..f V.n h il.-.i.l- x. All ..,.. .l-k 1

in . I ti.st. U , :.ty. 1 ::i , ur v. i i. .'. w . ALL KINDS OF i a.a

T- I- tri..i!Ti. - f - i

e M car- -Ti. X.

: ; ".. .i s. i

I "I

a ' '! . ;.

by ti! LIII .r. t. fP! (MAI. SAI.1. (IK MlN'ii l!TiT- !r- - 1 ii , f t;;.-:- , H.,'f 1! :t:. ; ri- - , thr. r a" V.Ya!J, Nichols Go.


; a . . ,tA. H1

Jnsi Rrceived Fx Alameda.Snow llake Asparagus. Melrose Peas.

P'nolas and Oilves. Shredded WheatBiscuit, Corn beef hash. Fancy crackersar:j candy of all kinds.

St rOCjrOfJ MTOCk s m mm. mm M

St . noar Cf totrtnli. --1 1 W UGccdyear Hubber Co.

R. K. P2ASE. PrejMert,Xi rronr:ec. Cal.. U.b.At :