k marchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · capitan • ' • • • . • , ....

·. ' 0 . '. ,, "' . , .. ' ' ' .. ' . ::: : : -:;:::: . :: of tlla tlli'ISlbii!S In tbc world 111 under N In ""' uJrcrutt C!lctory 11t tho l'h!ludelpht 11 DDV1 ::yor4. Bee tiona of tho huge ern!t nrc eJilppe4 to rot, N. J .. to be assembled In tl•o bnnanr bl11lt to bouao tho !Zll-2. whtcl) dreeendcd In Clomefl In Enc:tnnd n nco. More th1m n bUIIon nuu nnd neveml million rlveto vtll !be nPCd tlurl,lls of tbo stunt dlrll!lblo. Tbo photosmph ohcmoa 11 oc:<'t1on of tho alrehtp, belntt 011t tbo f!letoey. ' S .. k M . . PEDlGREfi HUN.T JN BRITAIN , m oc American Vloltol'll Aro Eooor co NQ. tlvco to Know About Ttcelr Old C t Ancootore. an us om London.-"AIIlo;;- tho koeueut In· t"! qulriE!I Into tl1etr pcdlgr(:e-nnd i."l'UD- 1 o.logy <llc•cr llctoro \Yllll 011 Jl(lllUinr o..a ' A Recorda Show That Such Cere· I that nuw Ia hnowu.. oue uueh mnr- It lo at tblo mnny of tho jrt.ngo 111 te!JOrted In the orl'bt,·ee of 110\T vlllltlilG tbl.a country," monies Were Common In tbc Town or I!'J"'cno:lnlllp, Knox l..,un. ll:l)'U Se<'rotnry· Fothllralll of tho So- lalrly 'Colonial Times. lY. ortgi"'!IIJ lulown llO Mct1UUNIOI1 cloty or o .. nenloatatn. BlllldY Harbor). It ID aloo "Tho d113 o! 'tollfd ID one or "tbo ron lnatnocca In MAine bJ.D. pnuL What tllo mOllem AJnorlcnn lo FRE en nnooM OF w·FE'S DEBT tory when! Oll'l'nnlai)G \VQ.II tllhen of aookJ.oa lD tho ti-utb nboul hill foro- w lJ l ,J tho l•rovlalon of tho IIHY thnt In n benrn, bael!Wlll'd (tellCI'llUII:I by " •• OF -f,CCINI>at\GI;l:Q JHi C Q R 0 OF THE oF rave.NTs AT l-tOfi1B.ANP At:lf\OAD. . . I " . FROM Att SO.O RCES SAVINGO, 'Qlll NG9, ACHIEVE- MENTS, ElUFFERINGS'. HOPES AND OF MANI<INP, ' ' l> WEijTERN ·, Tbc entire b\}Jllm•ss dlstrl<·t uf llu son, Mont., ln. MJ....oulu •·ounty, wus destroyed by 1lro "hlC'h 11turtud in t hu Huson Comvanl'ij slur<>. The tomJ 15 cstbuututl n\ :S:.IJ,OUO to 13100.000. l!'our men.lYCI;f,l l.clled uutl sll. "efll Injured when 11' Nu•·thern !'tu lflt: l>llB· Bl!nger truln, \\'CBtbuund, cullldl'tl ltt•ud· uo wltb u swllch ••ut;IDo ul l'urkw111ur. tour mllep enot of \\ 1111h. AI least tlu1.C ut the th•utl nntl nil or the Injured wero trulnu ... n. ' Glnd)'D Walton. moll1111 vkturoJ ttel!!l .Qt l..oG -1\ng,•lt•>i, l'UU!Wd the nr- fl!!lt ot ber- mnnug••r, Allllll Ale.11npll&lr, un u. chnr;;o ot, .-utb\llltlt;ment Miss Wulton c:bmocea· h1u1 tnllcll lo acl·ount tQt: $l,lll10 uho litlld abe bncl turned over to' lei"' Cor lht> l'u•·•·luu«• uC hondo. A ].oB AnW!lc!l r111n of u !turll<'Y6 "'"' flL•rved nolle13 o! "llbdru" nl !rum the dl..oft:llun ol llffll. l'Ltru l'bllltJI!l. Indict· t.'<llur tbO "lwnuuci DIUrder" ut lUI1111 .AlbCrUI Mo.mdo'l' 11. No rettllOil WUJI UIVl'JI toil tho I oW)Cnl' ucUuu. R<•JI• ot ""' t>uhll<· dt•Ct•ndo.•r n otll<'e rl..'l'CDllf ' "" r ... rrl'll with Mu. l'blliiJ•D. " ,. {I . .. ' ' . ' I . , ' •, . ' "' " . ' . ' I '\ ' ' ' Greek on tho ljllufe front .wr.ro put nt Jllol'll thun. nt)l); men, In dlspntclles from Ath@O to Most of tlto Orl!ek losses wero In wounded. '.l.'l1e Oreek lusses l!lnce tbe opening ut the 1..'111\lpalpn 11re esUmMcd' In utfJ. clal lld\'ires l"eL'I!Jved In l'nrbl from AU• "' 50.000. or tllC1Je l!'i,(l()t). rc,lre- Rcut prlsunem nnd . tbe klllllll ttnd WIJun.dqd, Mtmy persona bllvb l!cen killed nnd wounded IU 11 terrttlc nQW outbreak o; ln Dublln. trresulnrq w¢rq dlsperlled' llJU<.'ll1n(l guns nttCl" ...-io- tent streot fighting. A. host>ltul wns bom"ed IIJid u wumun wound!UI. 'l'lte llelclcshuuk Is f>rlll>Urlng to· Is· sue puver notes of hulf million mnrk llellll\llllltltlo(l:! w \)1' rtll\d.Y lll Dl•Ct.:IU· tier, lt wus ll'!lrD!ljJ In Uorlht; 'thll pur- ot thiH IHMllf' Ia tu meet the hu·ge mnn()_r P'IYWl'nttl fa 111ng due 11t tile end of In u<"rurtlnnl'o with tbe Wn!lhtngtun nuvul Ulfl'et•mo•nl tho udm1rqlty bus or- <lt•rctl six lurge nhlpo ecruppod, Th••y nro tile buttlo crulscro lJon 11nd l'rlut·ess und tho butllcshlp:l Orlo, Monurl'Ji, l'onquercr on11 nil umons the moot fuwom wurtthlpa In the llr!lli!b ntny. Compll'IC ri!IUI"CO ID the pro- hiUIIIon t•lebllll'lto In show tlul! 930.11.".:1 bulloto W<"ro polled ugulnst 1•rohlllltlon nod IJ01,Uli3 In tuvor or the prut>Osttl. More tlluo 60 per •·ent or I ht1 l•ltJ<•Iurnlll voted 'l'ho queotlon or 1•ruhlbltlon In Swell<'n lu now rt•I!Urdcd 1111 dt•u!l Cur n generation. Till' lll uhurrum !eatJ vul, C'CI!!brnllnJl the flr111 month of tllo Mobnmmedttn )cur, J>liii!R'\1 quleUy at l'ul9UitU. At 'J'<'IInlpnru, however,· !l to\\'n "uuout 1\rt•nty 111lh•s Crocu ts<'rluuo rlotlnjl und dnllh<•lf bclwc<•n lllndua mul N.uhn mutcllunn d<lflll!l thu of tl 111 ulltnntUCthtu lllun "hen lllndua looted the Ltmwur. 1'11U Mull llnur I' l'l"""nnll. "hll:l' run ''"hurq ul ""' mouth of thu \'nnutzo rh·er \vhllo en .. ' ' ' c '• ' ' U. S. BUREAU OF fi1ARKETS WMh!ngton, D. 0. . " C.hoto, \YhQat mc.rli•l 1111rrow nnd obowD old)' lrncllonal prh o chllnso tor tho Coru u.dvunu.:d 3c on bullh1b ctu" tl'lpurta. Uc.a1anns vrt'dDUr1) Q.n.d llquldu.tlun rur oznl ut p,unt.b.. J••oroil{u d.,t.nu.nd 1 t>:1»u1 t'!d t$11)\V. 4. 'urn nn.rrvw bu\ til rn 1lvt Wt<llthcr t:ohlU1i.I'Ue VYtJr '.urn '"nd ot ht.•u.t IUt"tt.•UbUlg. l 'luctiUl) 1>1 ln ("hlt..U.H,U cat:t.b lUll I b,.ut Su. 2 l't'tl \\o'lDlor $1.0D. 2 har t1 w llll.l•r \\heal. $I. tJl: No. D IHI cu111, ti3t... No. :l ) uHoW t:tlll•. tih.. No. S v. h,lltl uutu, 30c A'V-.:r .. ta.1m Vtlcu. Nu. 3 tnh .. t d curn lo Ct.:Utral lvwa. 60c. ._ "'"'alUti tuturo Chh•ttgo Ut"" t1ntlH3f w tihat. $J.Ol1.. t'hh:a.su l>uccluht.•l b'lb,c. .AltnluH.ipvUa Uac..,mbcr .• $1.0! '4: KnnDIL<! L'Hya l>Hombor wbe11t. l>e•·• mbor wheal, \t,c. J•"rulta Dbd \ eat!'tDblea. New J't•rBo)' pott\I.<Jea. HutJlu•d Nu 1 $1.16 to ,1 . .aG .per 100 puunde 1 $1.60 lu C:lhcln1u1l1, lu ll.Lu (. o. b. north a.nd euutb. polllta. Ulonle. Uc tu Sc Ob In ell)' tnnrkota. 'lOc to 1&c 1. o. b 11urlh Jtno•'Y lUJlnto. Mnluo CobblctaL. Uorl\un &1 86 Ia S I. tO MhmeeullL. Mldtlgo.n CLnd \\'lacun.aln round whl\{'11, &l.f»o l'ln· c.nd 1'11\uburuh. UOc to $1.10 C'.nr lot etllc:s C'hlcA.to l.Unnf."tlota. a.nd Nebra.oli.A ea.rl)' Uhluo. lo j I lu lho Middle W••o\. Culo>o.do "" ld11hu Wbllo U.U lu 11 60 1>11111\tt· cubl>lora, oOol lu 8Cc f u b ohll,l· l,lnlf P''lnta. lJ(\flt)acbuocttd ft!ltOw lrtl ubo UPion.a Wcnlt ln liua.lun Al Dll pt1r OO•puu11\1 noel<, NQ\t. l;ool\ nnd mtdtllo w catttrtl } olluw \"C\fJbUoa n•vaUy e 1 tO lo ·u,76, 'lop ot tJ> !l;qw Y'orl1 nd Vtulellco 1\ ln. fli,U to ta p"r ba.rr.. l. Ohi•·nliu rQ'o down 2ao "' U.bO w u. tA orn )'t'IUo'" a.nd rod 1: Tli \u f3.50 ln tnld·\.'1 t!ctlOrll dUu:s... t'atlturnla. bu»tqd 02 tu f3 Nt•w \' urlL. Al•c.•tlnl\ .an.lOll t .. hh .{\•·•' and UcDton. U .. l)!'l lu J>.!o.at..·a u vc. 1'--'hea. h:l alJ.a<ott and bu..shs•l bQ.p lt.ot.•. •lca.dy Now \ o'l;k, l'llt..buru'h to &Z. 1a. l'f""., 1van4> "'"' t. "'""d' l'bJIMolt>ltl tt,_ U. 1G 10 •• Mkhttstl11 Blbcrlaft, Vl to no In loculloU ""''" lllllD. <..'olorndu _!<>a\clouJ>"o, lint ol4lllll>.rdo • 411•. n•oouy II !u I<> ll M. Uu,wo Jl CGIIturntn ol»d< 1 lo Ul nuuu:.a D.how \" luntJ: lcbhcnn c. bflDlpluna nne! b!lf••r"' D :so to Uc per 4•QU!1f\ b<>Dk<•l In ru>d• wcatorn '&tlco. ' CollObo " . . RAILS AND w,. bu> auol S•·nd ua your Jnqulrlo!l 'I'll" Ucoan "' .. tul clt Alacblncr)' Co. l'frlc<•• 13th & J..nrlolt>r Sid, c.ncl Y<>rdo lot tu 3rd on l..ullmur, DcnvCJI' Winter Garments Dyed Now Much Cheaper . The Modal 'Glanners and Dyers BROAD\f'lAV. lnrurmnllnn r.;lndlJ tun>labetl wltboQb fPllt. 1\•lcltvP tlllf flnll DboYO. r-::=::a, _;;;:... . ,::_::: ..... :::..;:..;; .-=::.:..:: -::::;::. - - -==-;=y Tax Roc:clpto Fall Off. WutJlolns:HtD. t luv t'rlllll\'al tux ro- f.,ll nff. '"""' !bun $46,000.000 In JUI), 1111 t<>lll\lliM•d With tht• CIUIUU tuoatlc ln»l j ,.,... nt:l'Ordlng tn tbo nr Ot•d t•uiiO<'llOQD I& PU<'d hy \h" lnh•rnul bur<•aiL Jo'or the.> 1nonth lax t't>lh>t•!luuo lotulcd 3\Utl."''ill,'I'7U, '"' uauln•l I:.O'UH3,!!\7 Jtlll, 1\r.ll. · I ' .... ' 0 . ' •' l • ' r ' ' \. . ' , ' . .I , ' communlt)· ubcro tborc> rl"aldcd nPIIh· S"nPrntllm. One bundred un<l l'laltty·ab: Cl'llnt•uo lhlns In ncu r Mu.wtJun. tuouluu und !..ower Cilllf• ·• nlu hu' o been or- dered deporteQ b> )Juslcun tcd.,rul nu- lllorttles Dllll rcuull of t'luobl'l'.l bet n ecn rh·nt (..'hlncl!U fu• tloO..O, In which D\'\'• cr11l wcl'1l!s11lCtl, '" o.-onlll•l! to lnfonoo- tloo rudYCil Ot lullltcr;r bcucltlUtll'tOrll nt MCltlctlU, ruulc tu lrJ atilt unround. Oil<' hundred und thlny eobln t•nwa•n· c<'ru lu1 "' lot..,n lun•h•d at by tuu,, &he !.W t1\eeru1:U ro- mulnlnu un bourd. It Ill gcnorniiJ bo- ll••• ell 1 be """"' Ctmnot IJo roOoatcd ror OO''l!ral dU) n. rJput Cttllun prited ll(!Cilnod J'JI pulnla durtnu the '" Qak., NfiW" Yorlt. futuro cuut ra.tOlD 'Ue-: Unc4 l D6 putuLo.. cc.,\t.tD t luood a.\ I() t.D:c per "'"und Now l'orh tutu"' contnu.u cluocd Gl :o ht;. ln.·unlt' and IHufll IU1l'O llJIIOUDUntf ln 5:!1J. H:l IIIli tlurtnu llw lllOIIIh ltlO\Vod n dL"frctuoe (1£ $!l,f!.JK.OOO, nunamr"d with July Jii'<H ouu. while rnlntu t!U••FI tr7 1,<100 tlo>< lined by ,m,:r;:..,ciUII Oho Woro Onl)' o Oltout. but mont Often Rellovod by Hopp)' rJnn Ouylng Troucsonu. cr rulnloter nor lllllg11l1rnte o mnu noel "They aro ptlrtlculurly In tromon wbo bnfQ'ro Trlt· tho ne\? nctll ror read tho mcrrtn(lO &tJrviC<" to that btu! rccontly bello 'up, tho cncll otbc: .end .n IIlllJTinco dcpoo.!Uoo boolw of lho old CQUJ1& o.Gl'C!CmCDt beccmo l<l\'l'f1111$' \:rcd\1l'd.. TbJll bOll 1\0t )'o1 IX!Cll properly <:!:• .1'4lll'rletl. Themaollf.._ p!olr.td. tor l.n m:my tbo r«-- Snrla n mnrrtoso portorml!d 1n ot tho cccteiifontlcnt and common 1112. nnd tbo rcCW1l on tbo town llltr rourtD nnil tho eonrt at ehnnear7 boollll : OJ"' not ret open to public tn.opo«Jon. "'crt!llroto-Tbl<t wlll7 «rt!C3 nil "'no rllllt'l!l1ltlDD 6r boollJ) Ia •vbmn It COlleartlll t.bllt W. UltHlll i(;t tbC!J oro not c:ao ltm l)t C.O..'llc:l bQ.Ih boon duly pl)bl!nllC!d !Uld dLlto:m. Ttw very wonla IIVO!:t:ll to Hnnru:ili Tboni::JO ot Mltl.ltmcook. tho noll tbo ultnC!llDlt'l to "(BI'd) WADSWOlt'l'lL old dlupUWI nro prc,.ervo4. thnt tbo "clerk M..dunroo'll Attftl 10 lfilli 1 'f'7'il. GDtllr.nt.ll' volro of llni''O llDCIIlltOl"ll m!l)' 0 v bo hrord dotrn tho C'Ctlturll':ll." , Tho mniD work of tlw oodcll' Ia U10 prcp:!J'tltlo!J of tho hU&O rorn:OU!lntod lnac%. wll.lcb olr'o:lt'ly ccngUtutC!ll t1 ol mo'ro UlnD 2.000.000 b:lptll!ml7, cmd doatho, othC!r bto. aravhlcnl detolln In nmcy WILLING' TO TAKE A CHANCE - Son Ull.-Cnrl6 n:lUc:tcrt trtlll flllhlnu 011 Ulo beocb l:lcro. A man cnmo op and him a trbUo. llill ma.n: "l"m o dWUt)' flab wonltn. I tlllnil I'll put 1ou tn !.'lit f01' SO do.yo tor llnhlns ul th 11 net. wbld1 Ill c.anlllllt tbo Ina." "Ba. be I" t:!lld C.nrlo. wordll to tbnt cllcet. dnyu In jnU Ill ootbloa to loo(:b at, n tmld tho moo. "Ain't I the bird lhot lmomJ ItT fil. qutrro Carlo. ·l't:l dmna o llte 11trettb at !Jno Qtlcntlo ned om Cgl!lna b1 vermiG:Ilon. .. "() !" thO fPI!l WtlrdCI. nlld ccn- tented lltllll!(l\f" 'lrltb ecn!lsmtma tho eM. Ac;ed Wcman Worb G\:trdan. 0.--Mnl. Wlll!J:Im Ru=It. m'Jo La yrorn of nod In tbo V(Jat cro4 ot the tm71l, bno o gnrdeo l"tmllllltlna of bolf on acn> of lond wblcll b fllled -attll veaetnbtOn. ouch tuJ. vototoe9o rom, '*eW. enrrobl. and ltlllt\Y ldJldg of nowem. 'rbl!J wbtcb Ill kept lo (;lte()Uont . " ulitli)e, lJl uorltlid ootely b7 Urn. Rtm- Mrs. rlllen at 4 o'clock rm:rt mol'DIDa nnd worlrll In ha: a;:ar. den JIICY.lt ot each dtly. 0 Pennsytvan1a Has Soft Coal' Reserves to Last 200 Years - ltm'rl$111\1'11· - Prnmsylvonta'o blttttldnollil '1!0:11 11elda contAW llhoi1·1dilll Gt ros eol'Otnf)tQ• tlnl. to mll<it no 11tmcin® ·ct m& tnt 200 1M Yat<J, of cotl$'liiilt'tllr.l, tbe ltato \lepatt• melU• ,Qf tnwrnnt tm• fn Cltt4inG l)Ub1(0 it$ nllllllfa o( n rei;Cllt GUNOV (;! tho burt:ltl of tOjroZh\p.hlc ctnlt Dilrvey. \ Tllo lill.Jill11 n'9!Uinblo 1!1 teD t1uUl provlr.$ ll:ltll!llitil:4 \7tltcb Mli tJI'ue1l.l' 111\t nmaunt J'!icuvilr• ohiO' dt nf tcrun 'lli,1lOOJ)i)I}.OOO cMri to;)lj,, , illtt:J bU'UIIl fUc'tltJ ;1epollftl1 ilt c. (lt wilfeb 11il.000 l\dVQ. ln!at W®tl.l fna nn:uezt l<t t!:{}, t®il " .• Glou U. Prlcu , nd Ul'l•Vl!1' l.'. Todd. Cedcrul prolllb\tl• " 11G1Jtl\1'. wero kllll.'l.l by l'hllllp Warr•lll. nn Indian, In n fl!lht nt Now Urund Jtonde, Ual· lcllo Ol'f'•on. Wori"•.D \'ljlJI \'luQDd• ' and nrrolltOd. 'rhll fluut foUo'l'fcil .a tnlcl on a clan.,., hull wh"t'll \\ urrCil nod {)lhcrn \'\'C)'() m•ld to hn • o hewn drink· lb"' Alrn. CJnru H.. SharltJ Wlllbutn. :l8 y«tra old. "u• orn'Dicd In O:Jltluull. l'ullt., on a r<-qucut fruos 1.-\cattlo, wbc111 abo •• \'I'Onted In <'Onnc•<tlon u!\th tbo cJ"""' of I <'nllllnOd llot:hbrun, wc:lllhy t"l'llf•·•l real Clltnlo dt•nlcr. Uochbrua'o 1 ... o1y WD11 found ID blo. ked otJ:• rc ""'"' Det>. ::1, lulil : ror. 1Jru. Wlnb••n• declined to dlCCUaD tllo altair. tl!lhble In ,., GO of a Uv<> u·tro bo had arnuvw 'n a co:ll mlt:o nenr ('J('f)- lum. Wnl:h . J ltobcrttoQ onk!recl bla con, ""'bO bnol bc(!ll wottdng <>lib him, to Ill• r·fCort.n to him ll'llt tho con ahuu ·I lo:w l!la IUP. A Clt'l' lbo con bod bto<·rt "l!t'touii!y bumrnl 1u hlo endcnv!lro t" r encuo lllll fnll1t>r hr ro11 Cor l•clp nn 1 In thirtY mluutcn ouc- MWI!cd In I .. lng tho curnnl toroed Off, Tllll (nil <'1" dJt'(] tfJOD Oftl'rtt'Drd. li.('l;Qilh"<"' .. r tho putlonn 1 hunu of tho CO!lDtn .unounttng lo 52fl,i1N1,000,· 000 on Jun.- u1. oJunrcd ao tn-.·Tttaru• of l;ll2:l,OOO,(l{JI> "• er tho 111uy :; <'llll, n ml nn udvan"" .. r Slll3.!JOO.OOO otcr Juno :ro, l!l21, nn ·•rdlna to "an unuiJBl8 of retunlll for r "" lnJ:l: bonk t'nll lll.!lDl'tl by «'..()mplr• r of lho CUrrt'llry (.."rru- tnH,er. Twcnt)'·Ovo bocllcu huvo bct!ll recov· crrd from tho coni pit In "lilt· II fortY lllt'll u ero cntmntnul by un ot Whllo llunn, Enc.tnnd. Uenvy taUo of nne! lim vret;t'lll'O ot usucll KU13 are l•nulp(')'lna 'hleeUo equudls and It la tc:uvd tbo (ll\.ll'Ul huvtl tu llu m:nlcd, no wnlJ tltu cnGil Wlwl1 131J '-Wor'llotn were 10111 lu u Dclllhborlnu wlnu In IIllO OEUERAL T11rot> pollee orn .. rra tJt MnriC!I!l, Ill .• ,,.cro undct arreat and Kllcrttt Martin 8.-hniJllJCf of Sl. ('lulr <'OUDI)' wo..a ron· clU<'llDII on lnnnll&<>tlon Into tho rntnl rtbuolltl$ of Ml'lt 1• o Tu1hlll at Mn rllon. Mrtl. Tot hill "'no ohul In tho bark und lnlltuntl) hilled whllo ttdtnu In nn outotnvt.llt• "lth hl'r huebond. 'fho entire Dlnff or lhc L'blrD(lO Hlult Sl'bo<>l Nt'\'\ II, a publlcnUun do- 'ol"d tu thv lutl'l"l'"'" of llls;ll IU'huol " t'1'0 un ntrlllo l't!«'D 117, •lulmlng tllt'lr dowondu for pay wcro IGllul't'd by tho lalt>rm'bOIIUlllc (•ubllllb- lllll l :om pony, which lg 110ld w bo JCrJ J. Carlin. n'«'ntly oat of bleb ccbool. Abnonnnll)' "n rm weather baD f'tlucod t'<lnlltdcrnblo damnao to tbo ;-.; rbroolm t'()m t'rop, ncrordlnS to tho we<>lllsr crop aumfUllry t"s:su<Jd bJ lhCI wrothl!r borcau nt Unl'Oln and <'t>D- l'Urrt>d In b)' tro vpllng vcu or 101'111 bnnldng lnlltllutlollll, \Tho htiVO been malt\nii n !llln<'Y of tllo llll uo- tlon. JcmCil 1'. l.arhiO. lrluh ll'ndcr, ond formct AB!:t>mblzntntl llenjumln F. Oil· Jo", who <\'QJ'O eOnvlt'ted two yean DGO nf <:rtmiDlll nooreht o.nd \?bo tu>vo h<'l'D out ® o ccrtlficuto of rc;lCUnablo doubt, \>'CI"' ordcretl rctnrncd td SLna Jlr\t:nn to (llllnh tbo r<:!111tdodlll' ot 'hPlJ' of from, to lctl 0 gdu1n 1•.-• "'· CCCl't'tni"J of tho nnvy, Antbrneltc m)n<'I'A nnd operororn. wllo ball ,,.., n In Ban t•nuH111t-o tor hn• Ina IWtJI<'d thPir IK"'f!rnl ''·'! nn ldll \'l'D1 homo rrurn I nftt>1' moro tbnn five UJonthn of contro- tbo Orlen•, ' •• returnt>d to Wnohlnu I •ero;, <'fCQrt will bo modo to ton. I "tart prodnctlun of t'nol 1UI COUll Clll Tbe Sl'Tl"'' t•nRJ;t!d Ulo admlniGtro I pt>l'Jilhl<' Uon nntl <• " bill, d.,.., Tu·o mFll. n woman nlld an 11lfnllt tlgiJed tn r•. nlut.c tb., t>rlffi of '""' ""r" klll..d In tlntl durlng tho • • min[; t71.nler, tbrough the : whrn on ontomobllo 10 wbleb ttlC>!I' .nr:c of embn nod J>r1or1ty ord••ra \T@te rtdlng w0.11 lltntl'k by tho "Stock· by 1,., lntci'IJttllo l'ommereo tnn Oy••r" of tho Sontbern Paclfle COmmllllllnn r'cmpanJ. Mm Unrd• rtij, wife of the l'tenldent, lloy b. Oan'eg, m;. who l!bOt l)nd ID IU OJld un•ler 010 ('lire of Dr. Saw· kllh.•tl hln father, J. w; anrvll)', an lo- '$C't, the pbyulrlnn. flh•• hn11 I!UroTI('e broker of KtiWI!lo City, Mo., boon confin•·•l to f.be White lluuu" fnr nftm- he bad dlsrhnrgl'd l>I.I'il Uoh!n tl. cevernl dop nl!r Ulnej;S 111 clt'twrllwd ' llto'1c, o young vteno1fl\1(!har, wlll iUI an ottm .. nt nlll.tber alarmlna nor Rerl- uln•n n prPIImlnory lt(!orlna Sept. 23. uoo und ,.1.,. 1" l'!lil)ticted· to bo uv ailll Mt-tmwlllle JB bololl JU!Id ln. Jnll. 1lbl)ut coon 011ney retained hto unenmtlonnl utU• Vnrt of cloe problbltlon n:rv;r muy ttldll. lia. &UiJpprtl It \'l'i:lll lndlcutqd. recently Mcven ('Dr rep:llnncn, rvn:nu:v, em· Ill (d.Odnl OpuutJon of tho played, burned to deuth, tlln mm ot nln•· sul.ml:u1ne elllllllml. ot11· tTerc lnJ!Ir;OO ue"crcly and pro110rty l!ll!II.Q:-"'3tlnmlrd. \1(Jllli1 coat neatly Gl.- ot \"{llll wtol)l:/!1 by fite.IU wr.r,IJIJ'II a , '"' r nfiillJ woe oJ>aerte-d tbtlt l'ltUbUl'l;b \li a bunllllouw fti .tho T.blr- J;J»no dlceulllltun ol tllo tleth bttee1 :vuTd11 of -ibe ·Pdnn.u,ft'IQJl\u [ 1 hnr.c:iUfo tumlna boelt to nnd lflrcfilfb Ulo bnlld· C<Klllt l[llYrd i;llmo ot t11jl llhl£10 oll- Inc w1tb lneredlblo tp<!e4. Nc:1tlt 1111 UJJJl.lld rur ceo tCMIIco nantnat rum tho bodlt>o weto Cb!lrtt:d boyond 1'-Ceol:• amutmters. llltton. · JU:mour nnd G'9mpnny ond tbo li'owl·' ltei'llll ot lllll.Jot Vroll£!ilclt G:oblcr ol m! 'olilpnuy, uo owJJcl"'l ct tho Clavelnnd. Ohio, doomndcd In po- ';Mlt;Uetoe Rh>dt t'!ltdo nt .f{uos::m City, tUlona contolnlog npptoltlmnwly ltlW.,. ord.eied .f() dcBIIlt Ctom CCl'• n<tMCII: 'fllo nuntt of tho Plltltlorui ld toln lllleged dlculminntory tho c:llmm• tbo flt:bt · ttltb IO; otdPr cls;t1Cil by $ccrlltt1ey or tho l1ov-clona li'CilemtloB of Lnbl>r llltldo lJUbliC ovllr tho ''oven C\li;p'' llPllct ln:IUUUt• svPctftti m:ad'l} of ntcd In tity •. of tho tJt eM· Tbo tcdernl tii'ildo ctlt#!lhtr:!ilbn lolled I \cr. MQcb.cl \YC)lll< t>'Uh C'CCCll,lh equal to or •llubt\)' 111 er.c""o .. t tlo· Uu1llltf llllltlO<l lo cmmct!IG\o DcodlL .... ,.,. qua.li\J hGJ olu" r.Olo. t,•ouutry lua.clht(ll) 11Gb\. l.luu\o<l No I tlanolhJ Now \'vrl1 till. t'blla.doiPbla. liP, l'lt111buausr l'bl· fQ(IO $l 111\flllCtJ.I>OIIO 011. Ill l.r.>uiO 016, tuqanpnto 160 r.u. l>oo I Glfcnr.., ••= 60. Nu l pra.&ru·. lll .LA.Juu "'""'"" 1 ao F..... S. brnn qu.,te<l tl7 r.u t'l'ol<cttlo, IDlloU l'bllCJ.<hlphln. Wtnlot t>rru>. t!L l,..uuta. t.uor ahurt.o. ItO t:'L l,.•tUa. l'"oU.uQ oHcl roce1l 'Qculs cw•d to-Nor, ao ycr tnOD-,, tiD bla:lllPhl"' JJD J\\· lBO\.Q.. WnaO.d u .. a.l o•u. .. u :.o\'1 \ •di:l. ••o t,t ... t••1 te«t, lllO.Dtt Gud wbJlo J'lvm.Jny J;.., n (!b&(!Aa;o ""'"' l'rodaou. Duttor fnllfkGl t• rr1l (:Jualna prtcc•. ot.of'b buU4l'f Yorb >h·, ("Q.6U 01 'Qt't J.•hUnd• 1 lo'hlet. DO l.i;'. haa1on l"rtO:D d.\ W \c• ·notn prtnaa.r7 c.hCC'C"oo mo.rkot.• 1 ""' JOe, Ito ... "• doublo C:D.I.Jiloo .. o. J't)Utll( Amot,{oa 10«'.. .;o aqwuo pnnu:t LIYV lltoorla ood &loata.. Cbh:cg"O pth.,• Uoao. h•P tD ln. bul" or 114•o... te Go w IV 30. ond Sood 'b;,crt •l•cNt, f'/ 00 t.u 'liJ..bU. bulc-h6t bnd ba tora. J.J 1L t.o fl fcnrdC\' •t••••. U bo to 11. llabt cr.od modlUt;D ht \'co. I • alvoo._ f l1 W flll.t.o, fe>llllmb•, 111 11> '" r.,.,d. IDS lo.C>bll, lo Unlb, 7£4rlh>IIO. ll,.ll& to UO.VG. Ia. I ow ca. U to IS. a of a£Uatom "holt!aalc h-cah IDCG\ p1'iCC!A WlliCJ IOIDQV lUll lrrtoUUI6J dutiOif thO 'IYO!rl<. llcof rlfttl A\ ,U bltshor o.nd pork tutroe II to 01 blshtr, YcAI •l•Mll to II lo\\'c>r . ltUnba otCAdr nncl mu\lon Dt!rnd7 to fl.GO lorror. Uccf rnnG Cr<>m nnn to 81 biD hM rs:nnora.lh Dt"tldf t71lh anmc b-oavr atQoa tl Lo J2 loCJer I.Amt• muuoo cna oorll ln,no at(!Qijy. whht• ptcnha waro G.Oe tower at oomo nuuh.e\.A- u<>ud nrl>do mr<>h Uvol H6 tu tU. "'""''· .JG to lJUnbo. U3 1o UT. multon. 011 w 6o tttrht t><>tll hln&. w loin.. un w o:o -- -- DCrl\ Ell lL\UIUVT'!J. ('.attl•. Oond b-Qnf ategof'• •nld a.t It 60 a.n" Va.lr to "uud stoaro wh2 frum IG 1G to J'. f!nmn aood kUHnu ('OWG woro •ot a.t ttl IUl neuro... Ooca c-owa 'C!Je.ro ,oUtnc trorn t4 6() \o qu 1>nd fnlr <o"' o trorn 14 lo 14 &o c:-owa qutJtcod at $1 Go and lowor. Oo<:>o u<>OO ce>JY"'I oqld a.l l1 tuld U.JG llOd ci>Jd "' 17 >10. <Juo<l toodllllll otcoro C.<!ro lto,tlrd .. t to t1 11.nd cbol« onc:o 11!. n.aG nnd !>labor. li''lllr to<!dcro t:GI'<I cwl4 hom ct llttto ovor U to JI\.CO o .. utl dl.ndl"n a.ro lb 00 to tG l!G. Uu<>d lllock .:o«JJ nro from ll 10 \o cCJ:iJ'-·Ill CU:d\l>"llf a.tl<l lbc p!c>IDOI sn "'l..ld lo<?<li'. • • IlCea. P<>l'ltora pnld tbG 'top prlco. Vll, for t"bolco Dutft>t beet bona. Tho noll\ blahoat prlu or Uta <IllY, U.IG, paid by CitY but('h(!fQ, l.lu\lt U 11111011 rull{fod from fG to Jl.10, 0()0 llaM hogu "'""' prlcod OQ,60 up, mlsa:t't good bo!T>I nt $7.60 lo ta.G0 1 me<Jtum Mlll!'llta U 60 \o $7 ano tlco.vv Oil lo fUO. ll.ou&Jb tbr<W#oulo vttlro n \ t\lo aowo ocJlhlll' 11t tDlliD on<! O!l.1tl 1 ana DtniP $4,00 Aocl U.1o, &rOOO pl&ra wtrr(i I!Uid ll\ AOoi A (O'\V br-ouabL prt(oo· lltiJ' \.tab"r Uia!l (bat. . .. p. Fnlr lnmba nrc quotc>d ot Oll GO lb 8 U; cbotco too dora. 819 to J1$.ll0, o.nd tnlr to aood reoci!lna l11mUa rand" trum ' U.D6 to f12. .FGir ""'"" oro $4.GO tu (; .vbllo -aomS onca oro <fUotoo at IG o' cr..Go or .c. lltllo bottar f<>r tho cholco onoa.. ---·---- DCXVIlU SVOAil QCOTATI,pna. &Ioc:>af<lllti>1'CI"'u l'rlt"• IJa:ot • • •.•..••.• , • .. · · .• •. •. • . f1,tJG (!n.t1a ••. , . • . . . • • • , • • • . •. ".,. 1.CG \\'bolaolef'a l'rf<'o, lle(lt , , • , • • . .••. · · • ... · - .• •• .• $1.CO <!A no ••••••••..•...••.•.•...•• " • • .. o.o5 ISE'I'AL &lARltmtJ. tColornllo aolUoll'lont prlC(lll.) t · tror<'ll:l1J... .'Ia ·•·•·•···••••••• .14. _ .. , .................. o.co Cjf' o . .all ....... •.. • 6.oG o.o<J .. oor u!lt\.. .. a.oo u 4.01> •n•••F; .. Tcu.<'ll nn dlallllod n(llrltn oHI{n><rflt• Ina $:!.1i&l.tiUIJ fur lhu 1nunlb. llL-cllnod by at;nlll•l July, ltr.!l: IJlla• ...:>llnn.-oUII toll'n. aurla nil tlon nnd nmuDI•mcntiJ, ncaountlrut to $-lll,olia.OUO, foil ntf bJ 4' .. '1,117,000, \vhlll• tubarl'O IDS<'.II 1.\211.· llllQ,IJilO r"Oc<'loo an of !):),.. 'i12.1QJ W• nan lull\ nut montb latl c:.... -::::::> \\a t o."P thnuc.o.nda. Lot Uo help ru'• \\"rUo ,,,, roln1outta. r; a _ GfH.1 Coloroclo RoD<lG laacol ThoOD of Untl1. lltJUYet', - lt<Pdl:l In <-.•lurndtt tlfll Ill) cood all tl10 f'tlCidn In tbt• EOGtt:!l'n llolull, dl'l'lnred 11r Urorao l' &bU• ln<lf"k<>r. a lnl'lnlwr or tho (}t)ntcr no- , .. r, <'lub l>r N<-humnrh"r bun JuGI r<·tui"nl'd from n 1,(J(JI).mllr nutomobllo lriJ> thr<ttl.:h ll<••Pnta"n ot atoll'll. and h" &.'lid tbot nllrr rldlll{l IJYI!r till' n•ado or tile othtJr c:tntca llo <IG<1do<l I hot (':<tlorndu rondJI Wt'M:I !4D<ld "l modo bclll'r time> trovenna uver l'olnrntiP Jhon I did In nny (lf UICJ F..:IAII'fll tful\1.>"-" llr !:Jehu• tuoclu.>r tluld. "' f.toffllt RoAd 1;1uct Rodu::o ), llfClriniA ur lhP Ut•II\Pr c. Holt (Moffat) ltnllroad hll' v bN'Il ortlorc<( b:V the l'nbllt· l'llllli<>R Alnll to <'ftN•t fr<>li<bl rotc rr,Jinl'llonl)( on lntruotoll• Ahlpll>I'DIII Dllll Dhlpm(OJ)rlJV Itt Dt•D9t'T In lumplns willa til" 110M '""'''rOI \?N>lt!> CltlO ltll' IDII)nl(UIP ( .. JIDIIIPfr<> ('ommll'lllO nn tnu•r•lntl' llhj]liiii'Ots. Membt>fll 0 thP 81nlr romml,..lon nnllfil"<l th<> mll4. l'fllll3 In fill' With lhf' t''OIIIWIJ::iloll fiJV' mol nnlln! nf lho rnll'!l nn U<ofore twpt. 17. ,.., WORLD WH!lAT CROPO GHORT. Flourc::dcr Unltqd Gtatll11 Ohow Gllctae • Onllno lh \'cor. WnJ>blnaton -Tbl' ttorld'n whrot l•rodartlun lhht yc:tr a-Ill be 1<'#111 lbttn H Wlln lmtt )'Por, but. urc:ltt:!1' thnn the Jln>-war llc:' ... oordlnu to o11tlmntoo anode public b.1 tim fhottdrtmcnr of Ado• pi E'stlmotca untl roni!!tl(l;l r"pa'I'U from reportinG IUdll'ttto n illlld tbta )'ear of 3.0l{),IZ(t),000 blUibolll, romparPil wtua tl}c production lli.lit J'f'llr of 3.0ii9,f.OO,OOO. on!l the 100().13 , avEJ'llge M bul1bf'IA. nil !l:tfd crop eon41Uonn. wcro tC'I• Broblo nnd would tbo nntlon tbto yMr, l'ltmlnaUnl! tho Dt't!<l ot lmllt)rt• Pel Nearly all Ruropenn trtea, however, reported decrtl:llll!l1, 'Ula totul Europmm prodtlcllon bclna mated nt l,tOO,Olli.OOO buAheta. oom• ', · pcrl!d with t.ro!).U.O,OOO In \()!11 tmd ' l t11o l)r&wnr nveraac of l.lf1U,W7 1 000. lh'ltl&h 1Mia nntt Jopnn oro to prodnro n!12.M'MOO hllnbotl1t <a;o• pored wttb lnst Y.I!QI." un(\' tho prt>-wnr ot STn.&21,000. Ftnmos Threaten Chrenao .raltt Olllecc;o.oo:-(luer;w· trom n ncnrbt to. tol ttod lnto tho Cllil\' JW1e@$ In tfio county J:lll \70fo tbto"lll in1P a p:iSltll b? n tl:ro dN\tt®c<l tt. rour-atorY brtcli b'UllllWtt' JUJi: f:ilHh ·ot tllo downtl)W!l 'thl! tnc; l:1 corn nan•• a tonnal (!oiJJplntlll. tllt1t tho l'ltilpotcd tit lM tnarufl!, j 4 •• ,.. .. ltl '[o11itl011 til tflo lal.'lln lhClt IC CCi1• C.IJ'J41l 'clrk, t, I(IQ, .... ,., .. l!, ton .... .... , ... ,, ' fltltno,Q tbr«Ytttl:PM lf..aftC'Ut41l.l11g bullrJ. at \\'t.'st tttti::!o:cm±) t!fi'ffl!!, but wcro tlnoll? :tl®U'UC'J. bl!UII, ..... "tl•ot"'"' .... ,..,... ... ,.. .... o"' '4tli, tlo. ll. toll ....... •., '" "' - ->+''" , ..... , .... ,.,. " '&OUQ!l_li f'lQo. l, tlttl• • • ••• . ' ' ' tUl<l:ti• mroua t, liWi•+• ..... '*t-,.r('l'r.-4t')' 1- '-,.:... •li <li <f AtJ!.." .. J: . )._, ---- ' ' - Itt- fly \4, 1. l!Jlt lllakn.. t'lt I ' I

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,.,,._~u.s .. ~~r{Jest '

. ::: : ~ ~:": : -:;:::: ::::~: . :: ;::~

Oo~> of tlla ttligc~t tlli'ISlbii!S In tbc world 111 under N ae~tnu:,Uon In ""' uJrcrutt C!lctory 11t tho l'h!ludelpht11 DDV1 ::yor4. Bee tiona of tho huge ern!t nrc eJilppe4 to ~ltebn rot, N. J .. to be assembled In tl•o bnnanr bl11lt to bouao tho !Zll-2. whtcl) dreeendcd In Clomefl In Enc:tnnd n y~r nco. More th1m n bUIIon nuu nnd neveml million rlveto vtll !be nPCd tlurl,lls tb~onntrucUon of tbo stunt dlrll!lblo. Tbo photosmph ohcmoa 11 oc:<'t1on of tho alrehtp, belntt ~cmblcd 011t tbo f!letoey.

' • •

S .. k M . . PEDlGREfi HUN.T JN BRITAIN , m oc ~ arrtag.~ American Vloltol'll Aro Eooor co NQ. tlvco to Know About Ttcelr

Old C t Ancootore. an us om London.-"AIIlo;;- tho koeueut In· t"! qulriE!I Into tl1etr pcdlgr(:e-nnd i."l'UD-

1 o.logy <llc•cr llctoro \Yllll 011 Jl(lllUinr o..a

' A

Recorda Show That Such Cere· I that nuw Ia ~~> hnowu.. oue uueh mnr- It lo at tblo moJnen·-{1~ mnny of tho ~ jrt.ngo 111 te!JOrted In the orl'bt,·ee of Amerlc:p~o 110\T vlllltlilG tbl.a country,"

monies Were Common In tbc Town or I!'J"'cno:lnlllp, Knox l..,un. ll:l)'U Se<'rotnry· Fothllralll of tho So-lalrly 'Colonial Times. lY. ortgi"'!IIJ lulown llO Mct1UUNIOI1 cloty or o .. nenloatatn. •

(al~:nlfylog BlllldY Harbor). It ID aloo "Tho d113 o! 'tollfd l>edl~ ID one or "tbo ron lnatnocca In MAine bJ.D. pnuL What tllo mOllem AJnorlcnn lo

FREen nnooM OF w·FE'S DEBT tory when! Oll'l'nnlai)G \VQ.II tllhen of aookJ.oa lD tho ti-utb nboul hill foro­w lJ l ,J tho l•rovlalon of tho IIHY thnt In n benrn, t~ bael!Wlll'd (tellCI'llUII:I by




-f,CCINI>at\GI;l:Q JHi C Q R 0 OF THE

PRQa-a.~as. oF rave.NTs AT

l-tOfi1B.ANP At:lf\OAD. . .

I " .




' ' l> WEijTERN .~ ·, Tbc entire b\}Jllm•ss dlstrl<·t uf llu

son, Mont., ln. MJ....oulu •·ounty, wus destroyed by 1lro "hlC'h 11turtud in t hu Huson ~lercantllc Comvanl'ij slur<>. The tomJ 15 cstbuututl n\ :S:.IJ,OUO to 13100.000.

l!'our men.lYCI;f,l l.clled uutl sll. "efll Injured when 11' Nu•·thern !'tu lflt: l>llB· Bl!nger truln, \\'CBtbuund, cullldl'tl ltt•ud· uo wltb u swllch ••ut;IDo ul l'urkw111ur. tour mllep enot of ~->pokunc, \\ 1111h. AI least tlu1.C ut the th•utl nntl nil or the Injured wero trulnu ... n.

' Glnd)'D Walton. moll1111 vkturoJ ut.~ ttel!!l .Qt l..oG -1\ng,•lt•>i, l'UU!Wd the nr­fl!!lt ot ber- mnnug••r, Allllll Ale.11npll&lr, un u. chnr;;o ot, .-utb\llltlt;ment Miss Wulton c:bmocea· Al••1tUl~r h1u1 tnllcll lo acl·ount tQt: $l,lll10 uho litlld abe bncl turned over to' lei"' Cor lht> l'u•·•·luu«• uC ('~1\-tulo. hondo.

A ].oB AnW!lc!l r111n of u !turll<'Y6 "'"' flL•rved nolle13 o! "llbdru" nl !rum the dl..oft:llun ol llffll. l'Ltru l'bllltJI!l. Indict· t.'<llur tbO .t:.U:'.C~ll•·•l "lwnuuci DIUrder" ut lUI1111 .AlbCrUI Mo.mdo'l' 11. No rettllOil WUJI UIVl'JI toil tho I oW)Cnl' ucUuu. R<•JI•

ro~t·ntntlvell ot ""' t>uhll<· dt•Ct•ndo.•r n otll<'e rl..'l'CDllf ' "" r ... rrl'll with Mu. l'blliiJ•D.

" ,.


. li'O~GN

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•, . ' ·~ "' "

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Greek ~unities on tho AJ;~.ato~ ljllufe front .wr.ro put nt Jllol'll thun. t.~ nt)l); men, In dlspntclles from Ath@O to LonUon~ Most of tlto Orl!ek losses wero In wounded.

'.l.'l1e Oreek lusses l!lnce tbe opening ut the 1..'111\lpalpn 11re esUmMcd' In utfJ. clal lld\'ires l"eL'I!Jved In l'nrbl from AU• ~or11 "' 50.000. or tllC1Je l!'i,(l()t). rc,lre­Rcut prlsunem nnd . tbe remulnde~r klllllll ttnd WIJun.dqd,

Mtmy persona bllvb l!cen killed nnd wounded IU 11 terrttlc nQW outbreak o; n~tltln~r ln Dublln. trresulnrq w¢rq dlsperlled' ~~lth llJU<.'ll1n(l guns nttCl" ...-io­tent streot fighting. A. host>ltul wns bom"ed IIJid u wumun wound!UI.

'l'lte llelclcshuuk Is f>rlll>Urlng to· Is· sue puver notes of hulf million mnrk llellll\llllltltlo(l:! w \)1' rtll\d.Y lll Dl•Ct.:IU· tier, lt wus ll'!lrD!ljJ In Uorlht; 'thll pur­l•o:~o ot thiH IHMllf' Ia tu meet the hu·ge mnn()_r P'IYWl'nttl fa 111ng due 11t tile end of th~t l~<'nr. •

In u<"rurtlnnl'o with tbe Wn!lhtngtun nuvul Ulfl'et•mo•nl tho udm1rqlty bus or­<lt•rctl six lurge cu~lltnl nhlpo ecruppod, Th••y nro tile buttlo crulscro lJon 11nd l'rlut·ess lt~&JII, und tho butllcshlp:l Orlo, Monurl'Ji, l'onquercr on11 l~u. nil umons the moot fuwom wurtthlpa In the llr!lli!b ntny.

Compll'IC ri!IUI"CO ID the rl'~I!DI pro­hiUIIIon t•lebllll'lto In swed~n show tlul! 930.11.".:1 bulloto W<"ro polled ugulnst 1•rohlllltlon nod IJ01,Uli3 In tuvor or the prut>Osttl. More tlluo 60 per •·ent or I ht1 l•ltJ<•Iurnlll voted 'l'ho queotlon or 1•ruhlbltlon In Swell<'n lu now rt•I!Urdcd 1111 dt•u!l Cur n generation.

Till' lll uhurrum !eatJ vul, C'CI!!brnllnJl the flr111 month of tllo Mobnmmedttn )cur, J>liii!R'\1 quleUy at l'ul9UitU. At 'J'<'IInlpnru, however,· !l to\\'n "uuout 1\rt•nty 111lh•s Crocu Cul~ultn, ts<'rluuo rlotlnjl und dnllh<•lf bclwc<•n lllndua mul N.uhn mutcllunn uc~;prred d<lflll!l thu t·t~uruu of tl 111 ulltnntUCthtu prt~<·••tl•

lllun "hen lllndua looted the Ltmwur. 1'11U l'urlfl~ Mull llnur I' rC:Ud~nt

l'l"""nnll. "hll:l' run ''"hurq ul ""' mouth of thu \'nnutzo rh·er \vhllo en

.. '

' '


'• • • ' '

U. S. BUREAU OF fi1ARKETS WMh!ngton, D. 0.

. " C.hoto,

\YhQat mc.rli•l 1111rrow nnd obowD old)' lrncllonal prh o chllnso tor tho W~4i'l(. Coru u.dvunu.:d 3c on bullh1b ctu" tl'lpurta. Uc.a1anns vrt'dDUr1) Q.n.d llquldu.tlun rur oznl ut p,unt.b.. J••oroil{u d.,t.nu.nd 1 t>:1»u1 t'!d t$11)\V. 4. 'urn nn.rrvw bu\ til rn 1lvt Wt<llthcr t:ohlU1i.I'Ue VYtJr '.urn ~ll '"nd r~porttJ ot ht.•u.t du.ma.~o~o IUt"tt.•UbUlg. l 'luctiUl) 1>1 h-4..•~ ln ("hlt..U.H,U cat:t.b lUll I b,.ut Su. 2 l't'tl \\o'lDlor W~lt<lll $1.0D. ,f\~ 2 har t1 w llll.l•r \\heal. $I. tJl: No. D IHI ~'-·d cu111, ti3t... No. :l ) uHoW t:tlll•. tih.. No. S v. h,lltl uutu, 30c A'V-.:r .. 1.\-~u ta.1m Vtlcu. Nu. 3 tnh .. t d curn lo Ct.:Utral lvwa. 60c. ._ "'"'alUti tuturo {H-Ic.ct;~ Chh•ttgo Ut"" t1ntlH3f w tihat. $J.Ol1.. t'hh:a.su l>uccluht.•l ~orn.. b'lb,c. .AltnluH.ipvUa Uac..,mbcr \\'b~tll .• $1.0! '4: KnnDIL<! L'Hya l>Hombor wbe11t. 9~\'J''• Wtnbtp~,. l>e•·• mbor wheal, ~~ \t,c.

J•"rulta Dbd \ eat!'tDblea. New J't•rBo)' pott\I.<Jea. HutJlu•d Nu 1

~obbh,ra. moe~lly $1.16 to ,1 . .aG .per 100 puunde1 $1.60 lu $1.6~ C:lhcln1u1l1, 9~c lu ll.Lu (. o. b. north a.nd euutb. Jor~too.)' polllta. Ulonle. Uc tu Sc Ob In ell)' tnnrkota. 'lOc to 1&c 1. o. b 11urlh Jtno•'Y lUJlnto. Mnluo lrt~th CobblctaL. Uorl\un &1 86 Ia S I. tO MhmeeullL. Mldtlgo.n CLnd \\'lacun.aln round whl\{'11, &l.f»o l'ln· ~lnnnll c.nd 1'11\uburuh. UOc to $1.10 C'.nr lot etllc:s C'hlcA.to l.Unnf."tlota. a.nd Nebra.oli.A ea.rl)' Uhluo. 7~<1 lo j I ~0 lu lho Middle W••o\. Culo>o.do "" ld11hu Wbllo Vtulttll~o1. U.U lu 11 60 1>11111\tt· •o~n cubl>lora, oOol lu 8Cc f u b ohll,l· l,lnlf P''lnta. lJ(\flt)acbuocttd ft!ltOw lrtl ubo UPion.a Wcnlt ln liua.lun Al Dll pt1r

OO•puu11\1 noel<, NQ\t. l;ool\ nnd mtdtllo w catttrtl } olluw \"C\fJbUoa n•vaUy e 1 tO lo ·u,76, 'lop ot ~3.:0:~ tJ> DoD~<>Il !l;qw Y'orl1 ~>Pplt!ll, nd Vtulellco 1\ 31~ ln. fli,U to ta ~0 p"r ba.rr .. l. Ohi•·nliu rQ'o down 2ao "' U.bO w u. tA lltld·w.,~l· orn )'t'IUo'" a.nd rod v~rtuUt.•rs. 1: Tli \u f3.50 ln tnld·\.'1 t!ctlOrll dUu:s... t'atlturnla. bu»tqd Or.a.v~n~tolun, 02 ~\ tu f3 ~o Nt•w \' urlL. Al•c.•tlnl\ .an.lOll t .. hh .{\•·•' and UcDton. U .. l)!'l lu ta.o~. J>.!o.at..·a u vc. 1'--'hea. h:l b~yt.no, alJ.a<ott and bu..shs•l bQ.p lt.ot.•. •lca.dy Now \ o'l;k, l'llt..buru'h $~ to &Z. 1a. l'f""., 1van4> "'"' t. "'""d' l'bJIMolt>ltl tt,_ U. 1G 10 •• ~0 Mkhttstl11 Blbcrlaft, Vl ~~ to ~ll no In loculloU ""''" lllllD. <..'olorndu _!<>a\clouJ>"o, o~>ln<un lint ol4lllll>.rdo • 411•. n•oouy II !u I<>

ll• M. Uu,wo Jl CGIIturntn ol»d< 1 t~ lo Ul ~~ nuuu:.a D.how \" ~Gk luntJ: lcbhcnn c. bflDlpluna nne! b!lf••r"' D l:.l~Jl)t.

:so to Uc per 4•QU!1f\ b<>Dk<•l In ru>d• wcatorn '&tlco. '


" . .

MAGIIIt~ERY, RAILS AND w,. bu> auol •~II. S•·nd ua your Jnqulrlo!l 'I'll" Ucoan "' ~t .. tul clt Alacblncr)' Co. l'frlc<•• 13th & J..nrlolt>r Sid, Wu~!IOUD() c.ncl Y<>rdo lot tu 3rd on l..ullmur, DcnvCJI'

Winter Garments Dyed Now Much Cheaper

. The Modal 'Glanners and Dyers


l:•ua"~"·~lf tPQUft:~A~~;:;dn;a lnrurmnllnn r.;lndlJ tun>labetl wltboQb fPllt. 1\•lcltvP tlllf flnll DboYO. r-::=::a, _;;;:... . ,::_:::.....:::..;:..;; .-=::.:..:: -::::;::. - - -==-;=y

Tax Roc:clpto Fall Off. WutJlolns:HtD. t luv t'rlllll\'al tux ro­

~elpt• f.,ll nff. '"""' !bun $46,000.000 In JUI), 1111 t<>lll\lliM•d With tht• CIUIUU

tuoatlc ln»l j ,.,... nt:l'Ordlng tn tbo

ct~lt•IIH!lll nr olu~~~ Ot•d t•uiiO<'llOQD I&

PU<'d hy \h" lnh•rnul """'""~ bur<•aiL Jo'or the.> 1nonth lax t't>lh>t•!luuo lotulcd 3\Utl."''ill,'I'7U, '"' uauln•l ~ I:.O'UH3,!!\7 dllrln~: Jtlll, 1\r.ll.

" ' ·'

' I '


~ .... '



. ' I •' '

l • • ' r '

' \. . '



' .

.I ,,


communlt)· ubcro tborc> rl"aldcd nPIIh· S"nPrntllm.

One bundred un<l l'laltty·ab: Cl'llnt•uo lhlns In u~d ncu r Mu.wtJun. tuouluu und !..ower Cilllf• ·• nlu hu' o been or­dered deporteQ b> )Juslcun tcd.,rul nu­lllorttles Dllll rcuull of t'luobl'l'.l bet n ecn rh·nt (..'hlncl!U fu• tloO..O, In which D\'\'• cr11l wcl'1l!s11lCtl, '" o.-onlll•l! to lnfonoo­tloo rudYCil Ot lullltcr;r bcucltlUtll'tOrll nt MCltlctlU,

ruulc tu llun~:llong lrJ atilt unround. Oil<' hundred und thlny eobln t•nwa•n· c<'ru lu1 "' lot..,n lun•h•d at Shnn~thul by tuu,, &he !.W t1\eeru1:U llUU::CDQ~ra ro­mulnlnu un bourd. It Ill gcnorniiJ bo­ll••• ell 1 be • """"' Ctmnot IJo roOoatcd ror OO''l!ral dU) n.

rJput Cttllun prited ll(!Cilnod J'JI pulnla durtnu the '" Qak., NfiW" Yorlt. Ut'tou.~r futuro cuut ra.tOlD 'Ue-: Unc4 l D6 putuLo.. tl~ut cc.,\t.tD t luood a.\ I() t.D:c per "'"und Now l'orh Ut;lo~r tutu"' contnu.u cluocd Gl :o ht;.

ln.·unlt' and IHufll IU1l'O llJIIOUDUntf ln 5:!1J. H:l IIIli tlurtnu llw lllOIIIh ltlO\Vod

n dL"frctuoe (1£ $!l,f!.JK.OOO, nunamr"d with July • Jii'<H ouu. while rnlntu t!U••FI nu~<n•;;utlnu ~~ tr7 1,<100 tlo>< lined by ,m,:r;:..,ciUII

• •

Oomoumt~~ Oho Woro Onl)' o Oltout. but NC!:~:l)' O!IJe~!lm!;>lltra­

mont Often Rellovod by Hopp)' rJnn Ouylng Troucsonu.

cr rulnloter nor lllllg11l1rnte o mnu noel "They aro ptlrtlculurly tn~etl In tromon wbo oppe-...~ bnfQ'ro Trlt· tho ne\? nctll ror c;mcalol:lec.l~nreb nc::~J:O, read tho mcrrtn(lO &tJrviC<" to that btu! rccontly bello o~nod 'up, tho cncll otbc: .end nl~t~~cd .n IIlllJTinco dcpoo.!Uoo boolw of lho old CQUJ1& o.Gl'C!CmCDt beccmo l<l\'l'f1111$' \:rcd\1l'd.. TbJll bOll 1\0t )'o1 IX!Cll properly <:!:•

.1'4lll'rletl. Themaollf.._ p!olr.td. tor l.n m:my ln!ltnn~ tbo r«--Snrla n mnrrtoso ~nu portorml!d 1n ~ ot tho cccteiifontlcnt and common

1112. nnd tbo rcCW1l on tbo • town llltr rourtD nnil tho eonrt at ehnnear7 boollll ~odD : OJ"' not ret open to public tn.opo«Jon.

"'crt!llroto-Tbl<t wlll7 «rt!C3 nil "'no rllllt'l!l1ltlDD 6r tb~ boollJ) Ia •vbmn It COlleartlll t.bllt W. UltHlll i(;t tbt~t tbC!J oro not c:ao ltm l)t C.O..'llc:l M~uncoc'k bQ.Ih boon duly pl)bl!nllC!d !Uld dLlto:m. Ttw very wonla IIVO!:t:ll to Hnnru:ili Tboni::JO ot Mltl.ltmcook. tho pnrUc:~ noll tbo ultnC!llDlt'l to tbc~o

"(BI'd) SEDA~ WADSWOlt'l'lL old dlupUWI nro prc,.ervo4. ~ thnt tbo "clerk M..dunroo'll Attftl 10 lfilli 1 'f'7'il. GDtllr.nt.ll' volro of llni''O llDCIIlltOl"ll m!l)'

0 v

bo hrord dotrn tho C'Ctlturll':ll." , Tho mniD work of tlw oodcll' Ia U10 prcp:!J'tltlo!J of tho hU&O rorn:OU!lntod lnac%. wll.lcb olr'o:lt'ly ccngUtutC!ll t1 ~ttl ol mo'ro UlnD 2.000.000 b:lptll!ml7, m:1rrl!1ac:~ cmd doatho, ~lth othC!r bto. ~

aravhlcnl detolln In nmcy en~


-Son ~ndn. Ull.-Cnrl6 n:lUc:tcrt

trtlll flllhlnu 011 Ulo beocb l:lcro. A man cnmo op and m:~tthed him a trbUo.

llill ma.n: "l"m o dWUt)' flab wonltn. I tlllnil

I'll put 1ou tn !.'lit f01' SO do.yo tor llnhlns ul th 11 net. wbld1 Ill c.anlllllt tbo Ina."

"Ba. be I" t:!lld C.nrlo. ~ wordll to tbnt cllcet. • "T~ dnyu In jnU Ill ootbloa to loo(:b at, n tmld tho moo.

"Ain't I the bird lhot lmomJ ItT fil. qutrro Carlo. ·l't:l dmna o llte 11trettb at !Jno Qtlcntlo pl1~:J ned om Cgl!lna b1 ~nl vermiG:Ilon. ..

"() !" rt::~ld thO fPI!l WtlrdCI. nlld ccn­tented lltllll!(l\f" 'lrltb ecn!lsmtma tho eM.

Ac;ed Wcman Worb G\:trdan. ~utdroU. 0.--Mnl. Wlll!J:Im Ru=It.

m'Jo La elat~ven yrorn of ~e. nod Uv~ In tbo V(Jat cro4 ot the tm71l, bno o gnrdeo l"tmllllltlna of bolf on acn> of lond wblcll b fllled -attll veaetnbtOn. ouch tuJ. vototoe9o rom, '*eW. enrrobl. b~ and ltlllt\Y ldJldg of nowem. 'rbl!J ~?no wbtcb Ill kept lo (;lte()Uont . " ulitli)e, lJl uorltlid ootely b7 Urn. Rtm-~:.· Mrs. n~u rlllen at 4 o'clock rm:rt mol'DIDa nnd worlrll In ha: a;:ar. den JIICY.lt ot each dtly.


Pennsytvan1a Has Soft Coal' Reserves to Last 200 Years -ltm'rl$111\1'11· - Prnmsylvonta'o blttttldnollil '1!0:11 11elda contAW ~.soo;ooo llhoi1·1dilll Gt ros eol'Otnf)tQ• tlnl. ~otlah to mll<it no 11tmcin® ·ct m& tnt 200 "re~ ·n~ 1M ~JW~t Yat<J, of cotl$'liiilt'tllr.l, tbe ltato \lepatt• melU• ,Qf tnwrnnt ~ab'g tm• noW)~il fn Cltt4inG l)Ub1(0 it$ nllllllfa o( n rei;Cllt GUNOV (;! tho burt:ltl of tOjroZh\p.hlc ctnlt cecttl~ Dilrvey. • \

Tllo lill.Jill11 n'9!Uinblo 1!1 teD t1uUl provlr.$ ll:ltll!llitil:4 \7tltcb Mli tJI'ue1l.l' 111\t nmaunt J'!icuvilr• ohiO' dt nf tcrun 'lli,1lOOJ)i)I}.OOO cMri to;)lj,, ,

'.1:~ ml'~'>'l!:t illtt:J ~G ~lnnt bU'UIIl fUc'tltJ ;1epollftl1 ilt '1~9,.. ~ c. (lt wilfeb :G.G%~1" 11il.000 l\dVQ. ln!at 1\iJn~tt. W®tl.l

fna nn:uezt uvoU~1l1a l<t t!:{}, t®il ~ll:t:ttt!L



Glou U. Prlcu , nd Ul'l•Vl!1' l.'. Todd. Cedcrul prolllb\tl• " 11G1Jtl\1'. wero kllll.'l.l by l'hllllp Warr•lll. nn Indian, In n fl!lht nt Now Urund Jtonde, ne:~r Ual· lcllo Ol'f'•on. Wori"•.D \'ljlJI \'luQDd• ' and lnt~r nrrolltOd. 'rhll fluut foUo'l'fcil .a tnlcl on a clan.,., hull wh"t'll \\ urrCil nod {)lhcrn \'\'C)'() m•ld to hn • o hewn drink· lb"'

Alrn. CJnru H.. SharltJ Wlllbutn. :l8 y«tra old. "u• orn'Dicd In O:Jltluull. l'ullt., on a r<-qucut fruos 1.-\cattlo, wbc111 abo •• \'I'Onted In <'Onnc•<tlon u!\th tbo cJ"""' of I <'nllllnOd llot:hbrun, wc:lllhy t"l'llf•·•l real Clltnlo dt•nlcr. Uochbrua'o 1 ... o1y WD11 found ID blo. I~ ked otJ:• rc ""'"' Det>. ::1, lulil : ror. 1Jru. Wlnb••n• declined to dlCCUaD tllo altair.

tl!lhble In ,., GO of a Uv<> u·tro bo had arnuvw 'n a co:ll mlt:o nenr ('J('f)­

lum. Wnl:h . J ltobcrttoQ onk!recl bla con, ""'bO bnol bc(!ll wottdng <>lib him, to ~::u:c Ill• r·fCort.n to ~TO him ll'llt tho con ahuu ·I lo:w l!la IUP. A Clt'l' lbo con bod bto<·rt "l!t'touii!y bumrnl 1 u hlo endcnv!lro t" r encuo lllll fnll1t>r hr ro11 Cor l•clp nn 1 In thirtY mluutcn ouc­MWI!cd In I .. • lng tho curnnl toroed Off, Tllll (nil <'1" dJt'(] tfJOD Oftl'rtt'Drd.

\xl.!U!HINOTOl~ li.('l;Qilh"<"' .. r tho putlonn 1 hunu of

tho CO!lDtn .unounttng lo 52fl,i1N1,000,· 000 on Jun.- u1. oJunrcd ao tn-.·Tttaru• of l;ll2:l,OOO,(l{JI> "• er tho 111uy :; <'llll, n ml nn udvan"" .. r Slll3.!JOO.OOO otcr Juno :ro, l!l21, nn ·•rdlna to "an unuiJBl8 of retunlll for r "" lnJ:l: bonk t'nll lll.!lDl'tl by «'..()mplr• ~ • r of lho CUrrt'llry (.."rru­tnH,er.

Twcnt)'·Ovo bocllcu huvo bct!ll recov· crrd from tho coni pit In "lilt· II fortY lllt'll u ero cntmntnul by un e~~:vlll:llua ot Whllo llunn, Enc.tnnd. Uenvy taUo of rot.l~ nne! lim vret;t'lll'O ot usucll KU13 are l•nulp(')'lna 'hleeUo equudls and It la tc:uvd tbo (ll\.ll'Ul huvtl tu llu m:nlcd, no wnlJ tltu cnGil Wlwl1 131J '-Wor'llotn were 10111 lu u Dclllhborlnu wlnu In IIllO

• OEUERAL T11rot> pollee orn .. rra tJt MnriC!I!l, Ill .•

,,.cro undct arreat and Kllcrttt Martin 8.-hniJllJCf of Sl. ('lulr <'OUDI)' wo..a ron· clU<'llDII on lnnnll&<>tlon Into tho rntnl rtbuolltl$ of Ml'lt 1• o Tu1hlll at Mn rllon. Mrtl. Tot hill "'no ohul In tho bark und lnlltuntl) hilled whllo ttdtnu In nn outotnvt.llt• "lth hl'r huebond.

'fho entire Dlnff or lhc L'blrD(lO Hlult Sl'bo<>l Nt'\'\ II, a publlcnUun do­'ol"d tu thv lutl'l"l'"'" of llls;ll IU'huol JIIU<l~Dlll, " t'1'0 un ntrlllo l't!«'D 117, •lulmlng tllt'lr dowondu for pay wcro IGllul't'd by tho lalt>rm'bOIIUlllc (•ubllllb­lllll l :om pony, which lg 110ld w bo JCrJ J. Carlin. n'«'ntly oat of bleb ccbool.

Abnonnnll)' "n rm weather baD f'tlucod t'<lnlltdcrnblo damnao to tbo ;-.; rbroolm t'()m t'rop, ncrordlnS to tho we<>lllsr crop aumfUllry t"s:su<Jd bJ lhCI wrothl!r borcau nt Unl'Oln and <'t>D­

l'Urrt>d In b)' tro vpllng r<'t>n•~WnttlU vcu or 101'111 bnnldng lnlltllutlollll, \Tho htiVO been malt\nii n !llln<'Y of tllo llll uo­tlon.

JcmCil 1'. l.arhiO. lrluh ll'ndcr, ond formct AB!:t>mblzntntl llenjumln F. Oil· Jo", who <\'QJ'O eOnvlt'ted two yean DGO nf <:rtmiDlll nooreht o.nd \?bo tu>vo h<'l'D out ® o ccrtlficuto of rc;lCUnablo doubt, \>'CI"' ordcretl rctnrncd td SLna ~ln~:t Jlr\t:nn to (llllnh tbo r<:!111tdodlll' ot 'hPlJ' a~nlcncen of from, fl~ to lctl )PO~


gdu1n 1•.-• "'· CCCl't'tni"J of tho nnvy, Antbrneltc m)n<'I'A nnd operororn. wllo ball ,,.., n In Ban t•nuH111t-o tor hn• Ina IWtJI<'d thPir tvu~te d11feren~ IK"'f!rnl ''·'! • nn ldll \'l'D1 homo rrurn I nftt>1' moro tbnn five UJonthn of contro­tbo Orlen•, ' •• returnt>d to Wnohlnu I •ero;, e~el')' <'fCQrt will bo modo to ton. I "tart prodnctlun of t'nol 1UI COUll Clll

Tbe Sl'Tl"'' t•nRJ;t!d Ulo admlniGtro I pt>l'Jilhl<' Uon nntl <• " Jlrofil<'<>~'lnu bill, d.,.., Tu·o mFll. n woman nlld an 11lfnllt tlgiJed tn r•. nlut.c tb., t>rlffi of '""' ""r" klll..d In tlntl Lo~ Calif~ durlng tho • • min[; t71.nler, tbrough the : whrn on ontomobllo 10 wbleb ttlC>!I' .nr:c of embn ·~uC!I nod J>r1or1ty ord••ra \T@te rtdlng w0.11 lltntl'k by tho "Stock· I!!Stl~ by • 1,., lntci'IJttllo l'ommereo tnn Oy••r" of tho Sontbern Paclfle COmmllllllnn r'cmpanJ.

Mm Unrd• rtij, wife of the l'tenldent, lloy b. Oan'eg, m;. who l!bOt l)nd ID IU OJld un•ler 010 ('lire of Dr. Saw· kllh.•tl hln father, J. w; anrvll)', an lo­'$C't, the fn~<~ily pbyulrlnn. flh•• hn11 I!UroTI('e broker of KtiWI!lo City, Mo., boon confin•·•l to f.be White lluuu" fnr nftm- he bad dlsrhnrgl'd l>I.I'il Uoh!n tl. cevernl dop nl!r Ulnej;S 111 clt'twrllwd ' llto'1c, o young vteno1fl\1(!har, wlll ~w· iUI an ottm .. nt nlll.tber alarmlna nor Rerl- uln•n n prPIImlnory lt(!orlna Sept. 23. uoo und ,.1.,. 1" l'!lil)ticted· to bo uv ailll Mt-tmwlllle Ou~~ JB bololl JU!Id ln. Jnll. 1lbl)ut coon 011ney retained hto unenmtlonnl utU•

Vnrt of cloe problbltlon n:rv;r muy ttldll. lia. &UiJpprtl It \'l'i:lll lndlcutqd. recently Mcven ('Dr rep:llnncn, rvn:nu:v, em· Ill (d.Odnl •P•arfc~D. OpuutJon of tho played, ~nre burned to deuth, tlln mm .a~:c.t ot nln•· sul.ml:u1ne elllllllml. ot11· tTerc lnJ!Ir;OO ue"crcly and pro110rty l!ll!II.Q:-"'3tlnmlrd. \1(Jllli1 coat neatly Gl.- lo~:l ot ~.000 \"{llll wtol)l:/!1 by fite.IU wr.r,IJIJ'II a , '"' r nfiillJ woe oJ>aerte-d tbtlt l'ltUbUl'l;b \li a bunllllouw fti .tho T.blr-

~~~~[~b~in~:~~:nllown J;J»no dlceulllltun ol tllo tleth bttee1 :vuTd11 of -ibe ·Pdnn.u,ft'IQJl\u [ 1 hnr.c:iUfo tumlna boelt to l'lltlro:~d nnd IIW~j)t lflrcfilfb Ulo bnlld·

C<Klllt l[llYrd i;llmo ot t11jl llhl£10 oll- Inc w1tb lneredlblo tp<!e4. Nc:1tlt 1111 UJJJl.lld rur ceo tCMIIco nantnat rum tho bodlt>o weto Cb!lrtt:d boyond 1'-Ceol:• amutmters. ~, • llltton.

· JU:mour nnd G'9mpnny ond tbo li'owl·' ltei'llll ot lllll.Jot Vroll£!ilclt G:oblcr ol m! .Pokkln~: • 'olilpnuy, uo owJJcl"'l ct tho Clavelnnd. Ohio, ~no doomndcd In po­';Mlt;Uetoe Rh>dt t'!ltdo nt .f{uos::m City, tUlona contolnlog npptoltlmnwly ~.000 ltlW.,. wer~ ord.eied .f() dcBIIlt Ctom CCl'• n<tMCII: 'fllo nuntt of tho Plltltlorui ld toln lllleged dlculminntory pructl~ tho c:llmm• o~ tbo ti.ll)l'b~o flt:bt · ttltb IO; otdPr cls;t1Cil by $ccrlltt1ey or tho l1ov-clona li'CilemtloB of Lnbl>r

\VntJq~, llltldo lJUbliC ~ ovllr tho ''oven C\li;p'' llPllct ln:IUUUt• svPctftti ~lion m:ad'l} of ntcd In tity det~ntflli011tn. •.

of tho ~~~It tJt eM· Tbo tcdernl tii'ildo ctlt#!lhtr:!ilbn lolled

I \cr. MQcb.cl ll~Dota.IIJ \YC)lll< t>'Uh C'CCCll,lh

equal to or •llubt\)' 111 er.c""o .. t tlo· m~:.nd. Uu1llltf llllltlO<l lo cmmct!IG\o DcodlL ....,.,. qua.li\J hGJ olu" r.Olo. t,•ouutry lua.clht(ll) ffPurt~d 11Gb\. l.luu\o<l No I tlanolhJ Now \'vrl1 till. t'blla.doiPbla. liP, l'lt111buausr J~O. l'bl· fQ(IO $l ~. 111\flllCtJ.I>OIIO 011. Ill l.r.>uiO 016, tuqanpnto 160 r.u. l>oo I Glfcnr.., ~lonll'bh ••= 60. Nu l pra.&ru·. lll .LA.Juu

u~. "'""'"" 1 ao F.....S.

tfp~lnts brnn qu.,te<l tl7 r.u t'l'ol<cttlo, IDlloU l'bllCJ.<hlphln. Wtnlot t>rru>. OU.~II t!L l,..uuta. t.uor ahurt.o. ItO t:'L l,.•tUa. l'"oU.uQ oHcl roce1l 'Qculs cw•d to-Nor, ao ycr ~OQl tnOD-,, tiD bla:lllPhl"' JJD J\\· lBO\.Q.. WnaO.d u .. a.l o•u. .. u :.o\'1 \ •di:l. ••o t.~h.cuco t,t ... t••1 te«t, lllO.Dtt Gud wbJlo J'lvm.Jny J;.., n (!b&(!Aa;o

""'"' l'rodaou. Duttor fnllfkGl t• rr1l (:Jualna prtcc•.

0~ ot.of'b buU4l'f 'o~ Yorb >h·, ~."ht ("Q.6U 01 'Qt't J.•hUnd• 1 lo'hlet. DO l.i;'. haa1on DO\~

l"rtO:D d.\ W \c• ·notn prtnaa.r7 c.hCC'C"oo mo.rkot.• T~ 1 ""' JOe, c!a.l••~• Ito ... "• doublo C:D.I.Jiloo .. o. J't)Utll( Amot,{oa 10«'.. lon~born• .;o \\~. aqwuo pnnu:t ~~I>"·

LIYV lltoorla ood &loata.. Cbh:cg"O pth.,• Uoao. h•P tD ln.

bul" or 114•o ... te Go w IV 30. m~aiUQ ond Sood 'b;,crt •l•cNt, f'/ 00 t.u 'liJ..bU. bulc-h6t co~o bnd ba tora. J.J 1L t.o fl ~~ fcnrdC\' •t••••. U bo to 11. llabt cr.od modlUt;D ~ola ht \'co. I • alvoo._ f l1 W flll.t.o, fe>llllmb•, 111 11> '" ~~~.•~ r.,.,d. IDS lo.C>bll, $11.~0 lo Unlb, 7£4rlh>IIO. ll,.ll& to UO.VG. Ia. I ow ca. U to IS. a ~oYatnorato of a£Uatom "holt!aalc h-cah

IDCG\ p1'iCC!A WlliCJ IOIDQV lUll lrrtoUUI6J dutiOif thO 'IYO!rl<. llcof rlfttl A\ ,U bltshor o.nd pork tutroe II to 01 blshtr, YcAI •l•Mll to II lo\\'c>r . ltUnba otCAdr nncl mu\lon Dt!rnd7 to fl.GO lorror. Uccf rnnG ~ Cr<>m nnn to 81 biD hM v~ul rs:nnora.lh Dt"tldf t71lh anmc b-oavr atQoa tl Lo J2 loCJer I.Amt• muuoo cna oorll ln,no at(!Qijy. whht• ptcnha waro G.Oe tower at oomo nuuh.e\.A- ••••~o• u<>ud nrl>do mr<>h Uvol H6 tu tU. "'""''· .JG to t~o. lJUnbo. U3 1o UT. multon. 011 w II~ 6o tttrht t><>tll hln&. u~ w 4~1; l'l~V)' loin.. un w o:o -- -- -~·

DCrl\ Ell lL\UIUVT'!J.

('.attl•. Oond b-Qnf ategof'• •nld a.t It 60 a.n"

Oi-~0 Va.lr to "uud stoaro wh2 frum IG 1G to J'. f!nmn aood kUHnu ('OWG woro •ot a.t ttl ~0. IUl unu.a~l neuro... Ooca c-owa 'C!Je.ro ,oUtnc trorn t4 6() \o qu 1>nd fnlr <o"' o trorn 14 lo 14 &o Jd~d.tum c:-owa wC~te qutJtcod at $1 Go and lowor. Oo<:>o u<>OO ce>JY"'I oqld a.l l1 tuld U.JG llOd yrru'lfnP.~ ci>Jd "' 17 >10. <Juo<l toodllllll otcoro C.<!ro lto,tlrd .. t tG~60 to t1 11.nd cbol« onc:o 11!. n.aG nnd !>labor. li''lllr to<!dcro t:GI'<I cwl4 hom ct llttto ovor U to JI\.CO o .. utl dl.ndl"n a.ro lb 00 to tG l!G. Uu<>d lllock .:o«JJ nro wolllo~t from ll 10 \o t•1~~<Ur cCJ:iJ'-·Ill CU:d\l>"llf a.tl<l lbc p!c>IDOI 4<~Cll> sn "'l..ld lo<?<li'. • •

IlCea. P<>l'ltora pnld tbG 'top prlco. Vll,

for t"bolco Dutft>t beet • bona. Tho noll\ blahoat prlu or Uta <IllY, \T~ U.IG, paid by CitY but('h(!fQ, l.lu\lt U 11111011 rull{fod from fG to Jl.10, 0()0 llaM we111~1 hogu "'""' prlcod ~t OQ,60 up, mlsa:t't good bo!T>I nt $7.60 lo ta.G01 me<Jtum Mlll!'llta U 60 \o $7 ~OJ: ano tlco.vv ~::~olt;h\8 Oil lo fUO. ll.ou&Jb b~a.vt tbr<W#oulo vttlro n \ t\lo stron~:cr1 aowo ocJlhlll' 11t tDlliD on<! O!l.1tl1 ana DtniP $4,00 Aocl U.1o, Vc~ &rOOO pl&ra wtrr(i I!Uid ll\ $1.~(1 AOoi ~~~~ A (O'\V br-ouabL prt(oo· lltiJ' \.tab"r Uia!l (bat.

. ·~ .. p. Fnlr lnmba nrc quotc>d ot Oll GO lb

8 U; cbotco too dora. 819 to J1$.ll0, o.nd tnlr to aood reoci!lna l11mUa rand" trum


U.D6 to f12. .FGir ""'"" oro $4.GO tu (; .vbllo -aomS onca oro <fUotoo at IG o' cr..Go or .c. lltllo bottar f<>r tho cholco

onoa.. ---·----DCXVIlU SVOAil QCOTATI,pna.

&Ioc:>af<lllti>1'CI"'u l'rlt"• IJa:ot • • •.•..••.• , • .. · · .• •. • •. • . f1,tJG (!n.t1a ••. , . • . . . • • • , • • • . • •. ".,. 1.CG

• \\'bolaolef'a l'rf<'o, lle(lt , , • , • • . .••. · · • ... · - .• • •• • .• $1.CO <!A no ••••••••..•...••.•.•...•• " • • .. o.o5

• ISE'I'AL &lARltmtJ.

tColornllo aolUoll'lont prlC(lll.)

tAmorlc:Afl)'~ t · .!HI~ tror<'ll:l1J... .'Ia

·•·•·•···••••••• .lJ\~0 .14. _ .. , .................. o.co Cjf' o . .all ·~iioioii;' ....... ~.. • .. • 6.oG <:.~ o.o<J .. oor u!lt\.. • .. a.oo u 4.01>

•n•••F; .. •

Tcu.<'ll nn dlallllod n(llrltn oHI{n><rflt• Ina $:!.1i&l.tiUIJ fur lhu 1nunlb. llL-cllnod by ~.!.Hli.UOO at;nlll•l July, ltr.!l: IJlla• ...:>llnn.-oUII toll'n. aurla nil trunt~purua; tlon nnd nmuDI•mcntiJ, ncaountlrut to $-lll,olia.OUO, foil ntf bJ 4' .. '1,117,000, \vhlll• tubarl'O IDS<'.II a.:arr~:tnllnR 1.\211.· llllQ,IJilO r"Oc<'loo an lot~ of !):),.. 'i12.1QJ W• nan lull\ nut ~ame montb latl Y•~nr c:.... ~ .;:::::.::--~ ~-::=:- -::::::>

\\a t o."P holpt~d thnuc.o.nda. Lot Uo help ru'• \\"rUo ,,,, roln1outta.

2M!~ ~~;w;.ut1!/rdJ~·· r; (~!ra a _ GfH.1 ('"'ur~lln""' ()~~y ~~

Coloroclo RoD<lG laacol ThoOD of Untl1. lltJUYet', - lt<Pdl:l In <-.•lurndtt tlfll Ill)

cood all tl10 f'tlCidn In tbt• EOGtt:!l'n llolull, dl'l'lnred 11r Urorao l' &bU• ln<lf"k<>r. a lnl'lnlwr or tho (}t)ntcr no-, .. r, <'lub l>r N<-humnrh"r bun JuGI r<·tui"nl'd from n 1,(J(JI).mllr nutomobllo lriJ> thr<ttl.:h ll<••Pnta"n ot th~ l~cttorn atoll'll. and h" &.'lid tbot nllrr rldlll{l IJYI!r till' n•ado or tile othtJr c:tntca llo <IG<1do<l I hot (':<tlorndu rondJI Wt'M:I !4D<ld "l modo bclll'r time> trovenna uver l'olnrntiP rtt:~¢1 Jhon I did In nny (lf UICJ F..:IAII'fll tful\1.>"-" llr !:Jehu•

tuoclu.>r tluld. "' ~it

f.toffllt RoAd 1;1uct Rodu::o note~ ), llfClriniA ur lhP Ut•II\Pr c. Holt l.all.~t!

(Moffat) ltnllroad hll' v bN'Il ortlorc<( b:V the ~'"'" l'nbllt· l'llllli<>R Commtcy~ Alnll to <'ftN•t fr<>li<bl rotc rr,Jinl'llonl)( on lntruotoll• Ahlpll>I'DIII Dllll Dhlpm(OJ)rlJV Itt Dt•D9t'T In lumplns willa til" redu~' 110M dcrn~nt!Pd '""'''rOI \?N>lt!> CltlO b~ ltll' IDII)nl(UIP ( .. JIDIIIPfr<> ('ommll'lllO nn tnu•r•lntl' llhj]liiii'Ots. Membt>fll 0 thP 81nlr romml,..lon nnllfil"<l th<> mll4. l'fllll3 In fill' With lhf' t''OIIIWIJ::iloll fiJV' mol nnlln! nf lho rednR~tl rnll'!l nn o~ U<ofore twpt. 17. ~ ,..,


Flourc::dcr Unltqd Gtatll11 Ohow Gllctae • Onllno lh \'cor.

WnJ>blnaton -Tbl' ttorld'n whrot l•rodartlun lhht yc:tr a-Ill be 1<'#111 lbttn H Wlln lmtt )'Por, but. ronMd~rnlll!l urc:ltt:!1' thnn the Jln>-war ~vt:tb~ llc:' ... oordlnu to o11tlmntoo anode public b.1 tim fhottdrtmcnr of Aflrl<'l'ltlur~ Ado• pi E'stlmotca untl roni!!tl(l;l r"pa'I'U from reportinG ('{)Untrt~ IUdll'ttto n illlld tbta )'ear of 3.0l{),IZ(t),000 blUibolll, romparPil wtua tl}c production lli.lit J'f'llr of 3.0ii9,f.OO,OOO. on!l the 100().13 , avEJ'llge M 2.SOO~<J:'>3,000 bul1bf'IA.

~~~tn,r;om nil coo~US recotdl~ nu~mla !l:tfd crop eon41Uonn. wcro tC'I• Broblo nnd would rc~ tbo nntlon tbto yMr, l'ltmlnaUnl! tho Dt't!<l ot lmllt)rt• Pel ,,.b~t. Nearly all Ruropenn ~-mm· trtea, however, reported decrtl:llll!l1, 'Ula totul Europmm prodtlcllon bclna (l.t;~ mated nt l,tOO,Olli.OOO buAheta. oom• ', · pcrl!d with t.ro!).U.O,OOO In \()!11 tmd

' l

t11o l)r&wnr nveraac of l.lf1U,W71000. lh'ltl&h 1Mia nntt Jopnn oro eX}l~etuil to prodnro n!12.M'MOO hllnbotl1t <a;o• pored wttb ~.OOt.OOO lnst Y.I!QI." un(\' tho prt>-wnr n~el'ttliO ot STn.&21,000.

Ftnmos Threaten Chrenao .raltt Olllecc;o.oo:-(luer;w· trom n ncnrbt to.

tol ttod lnto tho llll'tle~ Cllil\' JW1e@$ In tfio county J:lll \70fo tbto"lll in1P a p:iSltll b? n tl:ro t'?ht~lt dN\tt®c<l tt. rour-atorY brtcli b'UllllWtt' JUJi: f:ilHh ·ot tllo downtl)W!l l)ulitti~r.f ~lJ:>fdtt. 'thl!

tnc; l:1 corn nan•• a tonnal (!oiJJplntlll. d1r,lltlil~ tllt1t tho l'ltilpotcd mar:c~ tit lM tnarufl!, j 4 •• ,.. ..

ltl '[o11itl011 til tflo lal.'lln lhClt IC CCi1• C.IJ'J41l 'clrk, ~o. t, I(IQ, .... ,., • .. ~Jtllll\ ~ .!'~o. l!, ton .... ~ .... , ... ,,

' fltltno,Q tbr«Ytttl:PM lf..aftC'Ut41l.l11g bullrJ. lt~~ at \\'t.'st tttti::!o:cm±) C~e:tk t!fi'ffl!!, but wcro tlnoll? :tl®U'UC'J. 'l'ti~ bl!UII,

..... "tl•ot"'"' .... ""'"'~'"' ,..,... ... ,.. .... o"' l.lou~li '4tli, tlo. ll. toll ....... •., '" "' ~ ~,. - ->+''" ,.....,....,.,. " lJ~CIIl1~ '&OUQ!l_li f'lQo. l, tlttl• • • ••• •

. '

' '

tUl<l:ti• mroua t::;~~~·ns,l~a. t, liWi•+• ..... '*t-,.r('l'r.-4t')' ~A -'f.'~!• '~ 1- '-,.:... •li <li <f • AtJ!.." .. J: ~-41 . )._, ----

' • -·

• • ' • • -

Itt- i'l~ttlf~~ fly tli~ \4, 1. l!Jlt lllakn.. t'lt I

:n~~ e~...,. ' I •

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Auitirn 25t1i .. t922:-;· .. ,:.] , 1'': 1 • • I

T ~ Qtii: Frie1tds~ and .Patrons: . • • . .,. • r-·

c on~~ account of ~ exf·lting·· cotttfitions we feel.Jobliged to .. -sell for~casli<~·oNt Y until Jur.:~-..

th·eJ! -notice •.. - • • •

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Es~blished 1892 .. • •-w ,.


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counts So. •


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• •tH81Hata .. eataeataaaeaeaeaeaeat•n••. L'~

• CITY ~-GARAGE . • •

Equipped· to turn j)qt efficient work by ·

EXPERT MECHANIC --At.-ReasoJtable Prices-··

' # .. • •

Olla, Gna ahcf Genufiie ""Ford Acccnsoriea. Author~ Fo1d • • •

Agents SERVlCE ~AR 1\ Y.AlLABLE Ace\jllene''W et~lilng A S}\eelality

Witt Sears .,..... . . .


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Purs\Pl\, 4P.ld fll~· . . . . . . r. . I' . . i ·~~ Q.

. . . _ . ·lib~·· ;v~k•r n~ ;·· ~ · to D ~~:: · • · .. ·.:~ear.: .. ·, . ·.· ., . .. "'en" l.' "'~ v:. ~mt~, "'1 .·. '· . . · . . ~ s.n.a ~ .U«iGmt · : -' ·· ··• • ~ · · Pul!)~·I'Q aQI!t 0 ,,.nen. R' in behdl! ott tile soldtl!ra

I ! I •

· · • ·• • •·11'-. _:.;.._:.;....:..........:..............;.;~------- Bonus Bill, made an ol~ue-ot . · . Wm n. UJG~um. Edlto&- l p!1ea,.,)n lhc :ftoo~<of the Se®t~


.. T


I I I .

I ! ' t ' I . I

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' I!:Nlll(ld. M Gtc9~d> ~lllb~t-milu m11ttet August 25th,, QuoUurr • ·~u·~b 11)10 ut tliQ·POQt~,>ttlco at . from tho Ooogreasioqal • N. :.~ •• unde.r tll~A()~ llf !14urub ard Record, S.enntor Bursuan sntd:

"In my judgement, the ~hlef

U ,~ fNTS .¥)bje< of this bUI is to refund to . ANNO Nua.M . . tho service inen that which Con-: • · gre~>s. wrengfuUy·wit~llwld £1i'Ql»

For County .School Supt. them to prqvlde fot· o.·just restl· Wb nrenuthorized to announce tution of that wlllch honestly

Afrs. Louise Coe, Democratic OIJd·equitabl~·is due thorn under llominee tot• thu omce of County · 1 . f • b d

• So).c•ol Superiateudent of Lin· . l't1 es of JUStice, arr P Y nn coin county. n squa.t-e dedt. I cnnnot 11gre$ F' C Cl k with too injerp:>etation of t)le

or ounty cr opponent$ or this legislntion. th1,1t. '>:0.· n·.tthorir:ed to tbe propoaod settlement.ot pay.

RtiJ(Jb M. 1'J·eut, Democratic m~aidl uh:>uld,..bo considered in nomiuee for re·cloctlun . to the tb~nature o.l.a gift or tltn& It is ofiice of County Clel'lc of ·· 001111ty. q.natt~mpt to cbeatlCln patriotism,

lO<f!ubstltute patriotism. of. tlu!-1 lt""or Assessor soul felft"tltat ot the dollar, or to

I hereby n11nouu~c my cnndl· commcrclnllzo the Iovt:)ty tluqy !ol' tho nomlnntlon of the Ainerlaanittm. '!~J"'so"premlses otlli-e uf At~sessor subject to tho ar,o tullle, faulty and entirely deela~lon of the ReLmbllco.n Con· ' vtfntion. · untenable \n the f(\CQ ofrooordcd

Hoht Hurt. lttcbJ;' '

r· t .



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Its Utility. a~d·· Economy AppeaL to Business M~

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•' . '•


l ~

Tit~. Cabriolet It .fills a special neo<l Alv nlt-wentbe,.r, in· dM<ltinl tl·anaiJO;rtatlon. It is hleal for btJslness and profeselonal men, who urse n cnr much fu• thell· dally nilalrs Not large, It bas the lnrge· car's soldhlne85, comfol't and tecUng of security. Steers enslly~.wroo and pa.rlrs h\ amnii npncc, nlmUI~. handy and rellabl'e. Hils big carrying space In rear.dcclr. Ii. coiittnucs the ooonomy of its low first cost. in cxcet>tlonallrecdom from a-cpnlr needs, and st\VIngsc iu oil, fuel and th-es. The Cnbt•lolet tills a speclnl nood lor nil weuthcr Individual trnnanol'tatlon .


,, . • - ...... ,. • Dealers- ---

.. i

. ' .. 'f, ·~ . 10'

; • ' I •

• . .

.t' .

.. 4 . .'' . " . '*" .ll ....

' ..... . . . . ; .... . . .

• . f

Croceries. Hard·ware. Ford-Parts{. : : ·:

m • ;

• ' . . ~·. -.

Iilllttifs nnd ~ . .. ...

.. .-.. ~. ~ ' ..

It JllCt\SCS JJS to please


·capitan Mercantile co· ..

' •

Our Customers Can Bank By Mail

Mall us the ncceasnl';l7 p~pcrs accompanied, by n.noto OJtplanatloo. We wUl oond drofts, pine<! cheolrs to your credit on O.C' co ant, rec\.lvo payments on not<!a nnd an~ . tJWor o.ll requcst!l tor ln!ormo.tlon antl counaol. •

An~ lluarnena except ctl:lbfng of ohc:!cErs wlllcb you trtUUincll here lu person cnn bo ho.udlcd tarougb the mo.Ua.

, .

.. •


f 1

' I ' ... •

. '


. , •

,• l j

• ' , I

I . '

Page 4: k Marchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · capitan • ' • • • . • , . .. • • • ' • ' ... • ' . ' , • . , • ,• , ' . ' • .,

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11 -' ., J) I, " " tl l i j

' '

. \.

' . " J }j "I J il



• •

• • •

• r:


4 ... " ,<

r " " ) . _.. .

' -

I'm tel~lng you "Chew it after

every meal"

Tlu~ Perfect Gum Made of purest matcrials-

Ln modern, sanltary, nun-Ut factories­

No expcnac oparcd to make lt wholesome and full of flavor-

Wax-wrapped and eealed to heep it good 1

WRIGLEY'S iD bound to

beat that ~n be made I

It's good-and good for you

aiding digestion whitening teeth

be the


clearing breath t:;:;:;:;:p-~~'

&)()thing to over· wrl>ught nerves nnd n ueneral plcli-me-up.

-- -

Might H••• Ocon AeeodcniOI Ooe•oty to Aid Dlrd Otud)l, l ••U Dl" 11 II ,,r IU) ~~~~t'lil IHt on f'f 11alrt)' thfUUU1Utl tlullUfll ht1A tJOOD fO

• .,aa .. 11 · " • t•l "''' tiJ tho• ~ utlunnl AJJwrlntlon ol \\h)' nul,. ~' ar1•·•\ , ..... r•Uhu Atldul••fll t4-w jc~lltq1 I•• be ucc.d, ln nhl 1 "''1''" 11 lnl•••rtnH,.If It \\ftll n••l lua lt~JI'hfTI'a nn•1 lHlJIIt" lo tlu~ Ptlld)

•'·•AhC.I uiT I"' ITIIcl hlr·l~ 1'1'il<'hl?rq who tom t tn "''lllrlfi 1u fi'IHtit thot u Alwu-A) '"'''• tlr~ tu bC' lll"•o (ftlV mnt&Jrlnl tc

Cttl•lr P•\d••ht"fl uf tlJuUszhl oncl tsl•l•lh"D- I hdl1 thPIIl tn thdr work. MnrtJ lliDD

111111 .. n your p:ll1r1 to '"'""'' "'"""'" I 700JIOIJ • hlldn'11 oro alrtoad7 enrolle( .,, r .. ur lin~· ""'II ) loU 'leldg IIO'I'UI f- In IWb• ... l• lhrool!lu•ul tbo l'oltct tour ntttTtul•fD 1•1 rtn n••· In tt7u tn 1 t=&halcSJ!Ii t~nd ("unod.-... 'fbo hE'n•lttllnttflrt Alon .... • 1·•11 •u• ,,,..,lr•l · lllrmlntlllllnll nf lh• ••••rod<JIItJo loIn Nil~ Y<~rll ('IIJ' o\ ~:•• ""'"''" 1'"1"''"' )t.,..t,nnka \f nundno. - -

Juat mbi Alabutlno with wator c:o!d or hot and o.pply t.o ant lotcrint Ita• fac:o. Tho ante re.ult b beautifully tinted walla in onetly !h' c:clru- vou wlah.

Alahastlno ca~ In an •taodud cc!~ra and thcso lnlsnnix to form count-leu otbr;ra ao that Jour decm&tins taste mn be ac.c.uratdy foDowed.

·------- .

of Kalsomlne or

pro:ll'(.im In trm l!tn 1\t llJ<t .,1\1\l~i \lW\'«1, btl:>ltl oM hall l1ad a bu~tc~fm t\) tblrlf t:Aht-~ tb~qturt~ tit ttro em;:~:. tr!lda 41~11ltQ nM tho tllJt\1 \l\l¢.~tltl~ ot \mill) lii'i,.S:.t«<•fiur.,..;'l NnU\'IJ)l\ :OilQUlQ3

/i'rom All Over

New.Mexicti and AriZona

Jteporttl renclJin," Cl\rrlzlt.o ll~nte tllllt Miguel lllontoyq, u Htf1rek~Mr At JW.• benlQn, wn11 ubot nnd Wl~ll ol,l ~ti~· otreetll or Uul town. ,

IJ'I(;ure11 rel•~tly wmp1le4 fry · thii. city trciUiurcr J,ihowiJ th;t;fA1bl)qllel'!J~~ hun llf>llnl ovllr hnlt ll ll\Ulloll '!1P lUI ptlvlng tJin<·e the y~llt 1910. · ' -

Due tn ttw Hhnm!ZC of' 1!1,1111 lit tt1e big turMcllll ut l'llehlo, Colo., IIJI\U®,n; CUll Ul)('ntllJlnH Ul tbt! lJQJ.JtQQ JJilllllfP:~I;I neur KJh·er <Jit> hnve lJ<ren I!WIIV\ia.' ~

.- ·--- -

' ·'

,. .

-~ ,. ..

. " -' -' -

' ' ·, ' . ' ·'· ~ J -- ' . .., '

. ... . ~ . ' - -•rtu.• reco,•ery of ~1,40,000 wQ;:Ut pt

nou•u nnd hoods, lll!lU~U by tbe detunct llunk ot l'bUI•nlt to eredltor bnnlm 1D 1"'' An,.;cleu, by the pu)l 111ent of $~1,000 In cnsh, 111111 been unnouul·ed by An·

'· . ( '" llCi,

tJtew Unumert', l'r., t'el'elver: t', ,J, Kunper of SwiD!k. C'olo., ~hlef

nl£rll•UitUdlll !or tilt' Holly l:lugar CI!T· l"'ru tlon. rl'~umrQclldoo nt 11 ult'etlng of bUKIDt•!UI m;n ut l.ns t 'rul.'ea that Bilgnr b<11-•t dewonutrullon l>laUitlng be .-on­tlnucd 1 o the Mt'>lllln V oil<!)' ncx t sen· wn. ~

l'luno oro beinG mnde Cnr the eXI!ll• ,·nllon of tho Aztec rulllll IJOUtb of l•'nrwln!lton, pfU't or the worl! to be dune by t.11c University of Denver. An 1llllo r®d wjll be mudc to the rulno und Hh:teen men und two tt•runo \'1111 be ulltld In ll•o work.

1•'. C. !41(llnr.UII, Jr., who wu11 given n beurtng In tho rourt of Judgu !kbuuer ut Oullup, S. M., Willi uuaeoucd n fine of 6100 und couto und tltlDteneild to nerve ninety du) & In tho county jnll. but tbo jail ntmh•nt•e wno uuDpended. Tbc l•hurge of rnrrylnll n deadly wen­p<ul WilD ntcd by tho illutrtct utturoey.

l'ollce on hnlh nldl'll ot tho lntcrna· Uonul Uno ut !liogulen nro ooar~hiiiB tor Juun N. Deltfdtn. ('ft.r treuuurer of NuuoJt!ll, Sonom, who lo reported to buvo dl11npvear.•d fullowtnc Utu I'C('cnt dlo~:ovl!ry ol un nlleroed nbortnt~o of Gl,· 4!1'2.:t:\ In blo n•·eountA. lt \vaa rl'pur~­tld In tbo tlonorn town that tho abort· U(l'C WQJI bl'llt•vt•d to bo QD JIIS}l lUI 1/..:U,· 000.

'l'bo tlls fUtutnl!llllun WUI follow Plo­trkt Ju•lgo llnrry 1'. Owcn'.o dcl'lclon In rct;urd '" h'!lrboru' pny, J. El Hulnt. IllS commln•lun rhulrmlm, ntulc<l when tile ro1olllhmlt;n tuuk Ul• till! Torrnncc cuonr.y M'IHJI>I budset. Crulcr tbo d& t'ldun the hlgbc.ct pay tbllt <'1111 bo ctv· (lQ o tuncl•or In one, two ur tbre>o.room rum! ~Whunl lo t\110 a mootb ror ntne month.._

Tt1o &oil! utrllio n•purtl'd trum tho Unltod VPrdo Extmwlon mlnu, ncnr Jllrome, Artz., tcr\'ntlr, contlnnen to bo a tot•lc of loterrnt In tllc Vcrclo dlDlrll't. Wbllc no otnlt'ruent of the Clttlml of tho find hau bt!<ltl 1;\vl'!l out na yet, It la l!l'a<'tlraUy ecrtnln, It 111 ll-"lld, th11t lito dC'1mt:1t wltl pro~o ot t;rmt valCC!, •rltb the oro arowlna ncber !Ill tho drlrt Ill Dtl\'unM!d.

Uu.v. two 1!'>-> t'Or old slrt rhumn tlr('d or '"nvcmt lifo nnd loft tile lnllll­rullr>n throut:b tbo• window nt n1~tltt, )tJintnl u t1rt'UA Dhowln:: Ul rn I'IUIO. nnd '"'TO teawucd In J•tnrMl. WM told nl n l•fcllnllnBr.Y ht'tlriDII t:l•c>n tlccun· • uno J;~:~tul~, pan o" n••r ot ll111 clr-• u... ut l,n11 ('rtt<'C'11. Tbe rlrt·ll!l milD "WI lll'ltl un n $5,000 l"'n•l un n l.'barao ur lllllnrtJllbU, pendlna 1 he ouu•otne of th.- lwnrlnu. U'hlrh llJ to he rc>nnmcll ahnrtiJ

1'bt> nlrlllo of tbo Cnlted MID11 Wurh• rro ut Amcrka \"rbl('h hnu bcl'n In et­f""t nt Unllup. N. M.. lllnro April 1, hna h~n rnlllld off by tl•e ofOdaJo of thl' tllntrtct ht'lldqunrti!TD nt Pueblo. l 'olo. 1'bo ffi(!D Wl'rtl IUIUTn<'IE'd to "re­tom to worll wbnrll"er they ~ ob­tuln It," Nnny ot t11o mlnctD, It Ill e:t ltl, hn wr modo orrnt~ac:om~u to ao lu I'OIUC! of the C'IUitPrD Aliil(';ll Wbl!I'O tho Ollllrtllom ha•o llllillrd t'GntroctD will• tho onion

Deolgn Popp~Valvo ln no l'flurt tu O'll .. r<·tHnP the fnulbl

cornmon to tho Sto~nol11rd typt'H of llnll-motlon vulve J.r<•nrs unt1,!l on fq,. <~nuotlvt>ll, nn I tall" n ••n~:Jn(>(>r luur delliJ,'Ilt'cl u ni'W ~CJ• r rlml, In trials, llna ubown murh:etl •·•·nn11my of coni nnd water fur the I"'"'"' dC\'Piollecl, HIIJR no llhmtrntctl urtlt'll• In Po(JUlar Ahdmult'll Mot.:nzlne In the now D)'llll'm fiOI'1\"t \111' •·• nrc uued to Dl'oltl tho fuultn ot hoth the 114t nlldc mJvil nod thll platun Vllh'e, Al)mn­tnu••u rlult11cd 111'1' tlout no utrnngulu· llun or lht' llll!tlm J>1 • urM and more et· te('tlve uor of tll~ I'"""''' ot t'lrpltll.!llon of thc:o utrnm to pO"Mihl~>.

. "


Ladies LetCuticura Keep Your Skin

Fresh ~od Young " Su,n., Olsl-U.:la:!liOC. Tab.&

,.nt,l'ctlcn of ... 0 town of notbroutt. G . \rl:., rrum oOt.d \TOt<>f11 ot tho Uttlo ra l'lolorndn rlvt'1' hno llllldO DC<"ea:J:JQ' nn.o

op(ll'<lpr\ntlon whleh \'\111 IOM'f'll.ce tax• ~...:,~ "" 1n"re thnn 10 prr «'111. ln ocrord- p C>U1

no"" wltll the ~ttolr tnw, In rrocb ('11~:1. ·If YOUR .. 't,..,; .. ••cutt'"r-,;;,;-rhc:o town nothol'ltiPII hnvo (Ullx(t) tho "'"'"'"' .,. a

8~andVI(:dl:lubf:l ~toto Tnx ('omml1:10lon for no c..-nerqt:n• ·d:!::Jb !:;>1 p~ y;::t

<')' nptlroprlnUo» ot l,l!!ll,OOO. VETERINARIAN t!:r~ !3t~ o:l::t"r..:r;'.:a:t'!j'1 .\('{'Ontlntr to Q l't'()Dtl ~\'eD Out bY =Ltt=•d

~ tho pn~ttoftlro offl('lolu r:u~to thirty Gf· The CUtter lalrotlf69' ftl'ea In New ~tmro will conn !In dis- -n.W:'J~fbl znu:,,p,...• ronlllltll't\. 'rh~ tiDt fOlllml!: l'lctcro ~187"~«!:~~--~~ta In R~rnnllllo t'OtmtY : Tmcllella In ~· tron county; [;'Clllt ln Cbnv~A rotulty: •'X:ntllr VaUo1 Antl Wtat E\:1 PQ.l:O ln Dtmn An;~ rount}l : nulQ and Swnrm tn Ornnt rount.v: lln!lo In Oundnlnpo

W. N. U-. !)lttVEil, NO.

oounry : Kina aud ll<!'l\1~ tn ~ roun- . - Wo · • ll"nro Ill Uncotn roUUtJ: ntncon· 'n1ltl~ Mni~Utr, -t 'tli'l\'a wtno ttt Ce­

''"'~~ tn lUn Arr01n rount1 ~ ncn~:~~n. mnn(l tl•a b:itl.d ()f yonr ®u(llltC!t • .:1Cll'rl1'.1lO. t~onnll nllll Vn11oy. Vtow In Vntll~1U ,\"¥'Jl«t diJ )l'IU. tuc~ • .nun<:unlt couurs 1 Cu~o tlntoc:1r sn )'Olt ~"Ountt- · •

- -LANDLORD WANTED TOO MUCH Under tho Cln;ummncoo, Few rtren

. Cpuld Have l:loen Expe~cd to Carl')' Out Thrent. '


CHANGEQ HE~ MJNO SUDPENLY &moll Runawily f!Ni!lnbly Ht~d- <lopeS

~·str," snlll u colore<j. mnn wflo <ln· fteocons for. .Witl!~r~wlng · Olr · tercd en ·pollee otntl()Q, "1 cnmc here Jcetllma to ,Go~ng Homo, to tell ')'OU dn t I wua gwtne to I!Uicllle." · • .

'IJi'or wluJ.t reMon ?" n!!ked the. !lei<~ Geneva, ace three, ho.d ru~ 11wny· ~j:.At tbO !lts!t- ~. vllllt her o.u~t, WhO -llv~ l!C.:ru~:~ iM

"'Beltan& dr:t\' wns no mo• joys nt DIY' street. 'l'he qnnt -vftttmllzlnJ: ucch!ent.s. boullo. · Am lt !lgin de low to ln whlcll f!l{tlr~ lltU1!1cblldrcn and Cl'll· tnto do river?'' · • tqz:nolllleD. ll)eturC4 lliO lltt\o. Girl. • ·

"No, not exactly," wtio tho rep1r. 'then tho 'nilflt nbnounced. }lor luten· "Dut If fOU get out OW\In t})nt 1o 1-•1••" Of tllfdnl; tho t'Utlll\VIlf bomo C~glllnllt tllc lnw, nnd you nll!o get vety once (111 u vuntsbmcut. All ontr~at1119 wet, IUld upt to euteh eold. over: !1\-~ro 1n vnlp, tho Uttlo GUest wno going Y,ou had best find oom9 empty lO stny, nnd n~Uy her n'llut plclted bouso nnd oboot rourselt." Mr up,~her burden atrenuout~IY Oll•

·~c:1, air, dnt nm de wuy," uns\Vered jceUog, nm! otartecl to tho door, There tho colllred .mnn. . tho little' cttl !law her CAther jll3t lenv•

Elo went out to return In an hour Ina hl11 homo en tbe trnll or tho Cu.-to MY: c'lthc. · ,

"You cee, I didn't tiUklde utter nll. Genevn•u lltrldcnl: crlco or obJection I round do empty house und also touna died nwoY nu plto maroruerca, "1-t 4o lnndlord d11r, nod lte wonted $'15 n mJJflt bolT)' bocl.t."-Exchlln&e. -monUl rent nod llolO extrm fur holdln' --=-· -----qn lnqocat." • Gold Producltlon In Ruealn.

"'.l'bo n~t:ID trtldc delegntloD rcportn

to ''Johll'." tJald OJd Mqn, thOur;littuuy,

"l don•t npprovn.of you runnlntr nrounc! nlcntll, with nil ldndrJ of ll!1ppel'1J-anc! !Urts. Why don't' yon nottltt dm'lll lUlc! ~:o \Yitll 11oroll parUcPlnr ulrl?" "'l'llnt'a lt. <lnjl!' 11utd tho 1!113. blithely, ''tblll ntn't any or 'I'm w ''ery pu.rtlcul!ll tllece llu.l'll."-IDcllmnnd 'l'IIDct~-DI& f>otcl\.

The Cutleura Tonct Trio. Ro.vmg c:lcarod )'OtU' ol:dQ lteep It d(!!lf by · maldna Catlcura )'Onr every-day toUot l)reyo.rntlono. "n1G Soap to cicruulo tUrd -pm1fy, tho Olntml'nt to ccotli:J ont1 llctll, tbp ~('Din to powder nn4 vcr·

thC\l Slb.crtn produced during Uto fil'llt No Extremity. four montbo of tho Pfl!lllent year over "Well, do ·ton wont u meal bndiJ·

· fomt!. .1{o tollct toblo Ia ~mplctQ wltbout ~Adverttnemont.

10 jlo.jda (BO.l pound per pobd) o! gold coo""'' to worlt ror Ur' netortUDt; to U1o Englncerfng nod Min- ..... ll•" Jouruul·l'.rcl<!l of Nuw York. Tltln "rtn lnllt hungry, mum, not dl!ape~

" 11to.''--Life. qunntlt,: Ia llvo tlmea C'l'cntcr than lite =~==:::====::::====~ total outvut for 1021. Gold 111 \VOrth npproxlllldwlr a W,!WO per vood co uuu the totnl vn!un h1 ln'l2.€00 or ot an =•

• Tho Traitor, ' • nunl riltQ Pt ouly u Uttlo more tbtm QCDr&tJtto-MAbcl 18 un 11Jtnlt:Uva ~.000. Thill ~tnpar~ \\'tt)l u nrc~ 1

ptrl, lnn't lll1c? • · clucUoo ot $22,()00.000 In 1010 nln~ Oore-Yl'll. but you <'lln't truc;t t.cr. whlclrUmo thll pufuut hllll tolleo lltt!rull·l Ge11rscttc-No? • Uy until thin sllttlJt revlvnl. 'l'bc t:oltl C"..ora-No. Wo c:lflll OUt nt the II$Ddlc:~to IUlD CUCCOOded tn rt'lltartlhiJ

nlct <Club on bou:tht lmlc.ttcrb~om n t Um m>4\ rutnco at ID!!.Ia.tuvlJlllk. Alcvnn· . ttd rotno tunc, but no o)l() 1\ad tho droo;~lt, lfnnovll!t ootJ Ynnthnot.o.Jglnlllr, -norvo w wear •en out on tbo cotirtQ. wblc:'b ~lU: J!Ul'llrc an output of nQI1 leo:~ ~~o cot tQG<.<thct anli osrctd to ~o tMn tllrio p!IOOo montbl~. aut ltl lthlcl!ctbOI:!tt!N liD at tbo c:uno • • umo on o. e!l'ltnln SllndnJ-!l:ltet$ In llaml><,."•• ,.ot. tmow. And tbcl-atucll: to Ulo aar~mcnt t'Xct!'Pt r.tnbel. Ocom~to-D!lcl:od out. did abo 1 Oom-No, 11ho mmc out In berll tho

&y bl:!fore.-ltan!>:ln Ulty mar.

Vcuno f.'lan of t:Hi=rlmlnotton. My Qmt compllmeut \'rOD &lVCD roo

by a llttlo nowr:ho;v. Uo WDll wmnu tao about blo cfhoul tonebl!t' and cttl: "You lalow, tlllll to tho·l1tnd of u wom­CUI obc Ill.."

"l)on!t yt)l'l 1;11ean lncly f' 1 fnWl" • mptmL

"No l I mcoli \OOWCUI," bll t1ntmo<'I'Ctl. !Ulll «mn. wltb all tlio pbliOJ:Oplty of cloven )'c:il'l) ole:!, p.tltlt!d : "NIJW, )'ou IU'o n lady ; ~hb'o n l':omnn. .Anyone can ·bo a woman, but not cveryono ml) ba n lady, nnd thot'a t'tht!t you nl'(!."'7 Exchange.

At tho Drink. "Call I forti thlll lltrrofll 't~ "You ltln on a bOI'l:l!. liD! fOUl' Clll'


·c;oui;Jn'\ Otool Hla Thunder. l;Utle AtkhpeJ hnd ~ on o vWt

to blo a'rt:Jntlluutlltn', '11"ho bod not b~ •

Vl'l')' ~n\11, • 11111 tnther bad como to tnko blm bo,we UJI<I Mlchnel, nn be U\111 Jcnv· lnr:, felt tbnt be must bo pollte •

So llo too'!:Cld up c t hllf t:r!lndmotbl'r imd t::lld 1

"Good-by, urnnny. I am no trorTY you have be€!n nt I"

.. And I'm t;l)rry, tool" bb fo.thet' put ln. ~ldmel felt lbnJ th19 lel:1lt'tled tlll'l

merit or bid nml!lrk. So he t!on­t1nacd':

"But my @lf1 1l1 much bigger tllllll blo corn. arnnprl"

• Just .Normlll tor' Him. A "nervbun btt!:ll:doi1n" often me:lllll

Jlllllmlt:v. but ~hen 11 nucnlnn CllvlcU!It. alroW IOC!Ull'~ bt)a. l1 ''JmrVOtl!l bl'~· do\Til" ubnt la hill C(llldiUoa'I-·Loulll•~ \'lno· courlet'".l'oprr.nl. -

• • • Willi~ Did Hl• OC$1:.'

An for the mnn mto U~l'!l on ~ '.No:$er-WIUI~ wbo \7na O,.'l'llllU~ llt~ bo'o nua,v from lilOllliG n- Gtmd Vllllla-Pl~1lil~, t(lQfUao, 1m WilD the Gc:lL • ' " . t:Jt\u \"iM "m:V~\:1 lM ~MOl;k-dlU.


Sandl),•a\ rounty : ct\(lrt)' Vn1<Y, t'nrft 'to~ ~~UI~ll~ 'hnn!i ll1r. lt:J t1lo liprlnWJ, 'l'c-c.•hltl'o Tr\Uillo tn &u ~I· pilw of my ~U~t~~. . , . • , aurol cuunty 1 l.'oJunqno tn sorotro Fntltc.,.....!!)Jf -1.i:tilfl tnsa!tmoo lG o·n•'l <'OUnty; f'.n11t \'low. Ql1ntl, Mttnl!tmn. 1 blll:ll'nbto. Ucn~<<':\ll. n p!\tlelilt1!ls:L lltno"w"lhl tWd Vntno)' tn 'l'tlrmnro · l'outl!+ 1Un~~n~> ~~oroU1f. ll-ll'. .1 rounts~ l•utt(!n;;)O. In t!rtlou county, ttb0\'1 nothl!lU ut z,'out q!irl,l~ nndi!!l · &1lt~Jtftt nnd !t~11M In Vnlt~nclll fnr 11 :til.llliltht. l!J),nijiiio 111M . ('(IUUty. lmto bt•en it'>lltiY ot any ·

1>~. \\", "(), R!$1,\,1111 .CQ. r.-nn tmut nod li11i:t ilUeii.t<:\ t~J '\fllll!ll 1' Floii'f.'i\c•t:-• .Atl!!<i bg Mlllll ttnth• 1 .qnt ijlcy. j,'tint:ilt Ul;i~J

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