k circle quiz

K-Circle Quiz 22 nd March, 2008 Anupam Rohan

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K-Circle Quiz

22nd March, 2008



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Who’s the connect?

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• This word in Spanish literally means “arrival”and refers to a significant biological phenomenon.What’s the good word?

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• Shah Jahan fancied himself practically a reincarnation of ______, having supposedly been born,during the conjunction of Venus and Jupiter, leading him to assume the title of 'Second Lord of the Auspicious Conjunction' (Sahib-i-qirani Mani).

• Who was the first Lord?

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Identify the structure.

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Identify the structure.

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• Abul Fazl in the Akbar Nama, traces Akbar’s ancestry from Adam in 52 generations, listing 5 Biblical Prophets. However, Akbar’s spiritual authority is ascribed to his descent from Alanquwa, a Mongol Princess, a woman of utmost purity, from whose forehead shone the ‘lights of theosophy’ and the ‘divine secrets’.

• Abul Fazl attributes what miraculous deed to her?

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• Who is the author of this letter?

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• "500 guests from the United States and Europe feasted on 50 pounds of caviar, 600 bottles of Champagne and other gourmet delights around a swimming pool scented with 200 gallons of eau de Cologne." The couple intended to have another marriage ceremony in India, but the plan was cancelled because ______’s pregnancy had become too obvious.

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• Hydroquinones and hydrogen peroxide ,are stored in a reservoir that through a controlled valve onto a thick-walled reaction chamber. This chamber contains catalysts such as catalases and peroxidases. When the contents of the reservoir are forced into the reaction chamber, the catalases and peroxidases rapidly break down the hydrogen peroxide and catalyze the oxidation of the hydroquinones into p-quinones.These reactions release free oxygen and generate enough heat to bring the mixture to the boiling point and vaporize about a fifth of it. Under pressure of the released gasses, the valve is forced closed, and the chemicals are expelled explosively through openings. What am I talking about?

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• Fortunio Liceti, was an Italian scientist who studied at the University of Bologna, graduating with doctorates in philosophy and medicine. He then took a position of chair at the University of Pisa. He later returned to Bologna and then to Padova. In 1616 he published De Monstruorum Natura in which he gave medical reasons behind __________. This happens to be first reported instance of providing medical reason behind ____________.

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Etymology for which word

c.1710, from French for "sutler's shop," from Italian for"wine cellar, vault." Perhaps another of the many meanings, now obsolete, that were applied to the Latin word for "corner" in this case, perhaps "corner for storage." From 1870 it acquired another meaning and most of us recognize this word through this meaning.

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Long Connect 1

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• The _______ is a kind of dormitory where unmarried men and women freely establish sexual relations. This is sanctioned by the tribe and is an integral part of Muria society.There is an intriguing legend behind the origin of the custom. It is said that Lingo Pen is a Phallic deity and founder of the Muria _______. In the mythological accounts of the Murias, Lingo Pen is all-powerful. No witch or ghost can invade the atmosphere of the ______ because of his invisible presence. Since Lingo is also the God of love, sin has no place within the _______’s boundary. Dr Verrier Elwin, who has studied the system of _____ in detail, there are two types of ______. In the older type, the boys and girls pair off in a somewhat permanent relationship that lasts until marriage.

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• The Dongba or Tomba script is a writing system used by the Bon priests of the Naxi people. In the Naxi language it is called 'stone records'. It is about a thousand years old. The script is used solely as an aid to the interpretation of ritual texts during ceremonies, it is reputated to have more than 2000 symbols in 20,000 religious scriptures. What is so special about this script?

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What’s the good word?• Its a term used in heraldry for the shield displayed

in a coat of arms.• In medicine, refers to the male or female

distribution of pubic hair.• It’s a plate on the stern of a ship inscribed with the

ship's name.• In plumbing, the term used for any back-plate,

ornamental or otherwise (usually round) used to cover a gap between a penetrating pipe or control valve, and the finished wall surface from which it protrudes.

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• ________ is a term in Classical Arabic used to address non-Arab Muslims. In the second half of the seventh century, the _______ were considered a second class in Arabian society beneath free tribesmen. The term gained prominence in the centuries following the Arab Muslims conquests in the 7th century ,when many non-Arabs such as Persians, Egyptians, and Turks entered Islam. These new Muslim converts were treated as second class citizens by the ruling Arab elite, until the end of the Umayyad dynasty. We Indians know and use this term for a totally different reason/meaning.

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• In optics, a _______is the envelope of light rays reflected or refracted by a curved surface or object, or the projection of that envelope of rays on another surface. _____ can also refer to the curve to which light rays are tangent, defining a boundary of an envelope of rays as a curve of concentrated light. Therefore in the image to the right, the _______ can be the patches of light or their bright edges.

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• A ________ is very much a giant succulent, with about 75% water content in it's "wood".

• ________ have no growth rings, and leave behind no fossils. When one dies, the "wood" dries out rapidly and the entire organism collapses into a heap of what looks like damp sawdust.

• Elephants, strip their bark to get moisture during dry seasons.

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• What has been blacked out?

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• As the hot gases rise from lower levels to higher levels, eddies form and converge. As cooler gas falls back, the Coriolis force causes swirling motion across a region that may be many kilometers in diameter. These eddies can last for a long time, because there is no solid surface to provide friction and because colder cloud tops above the eddy allow little energy to escape by radiation. Once formed, such eddies are free to move, merging with or affecting the behavior of other storm systems in the atmosphere. What am I talking about?

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• They were four brothers who lived during the early 19th century. While they excelled in the art of __________, they have also authored a number of Tana varnams and Kritis. The brothers Chinnayya, Ponnayya Sivanandam and Vadivelu were employed in the courts of the Maratha king Serfoji II at Thanjavur and later moved on to Travancore. What is their claim to fame?

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• In ancient Hebrew there is a conspicuous absence of notations for vowels in the scripts that they use. Thus the ancient Canaanite god Moloch (malek in Hebrew) to whom human sacrifices were offered is written as XXXX in the letters of this language. The Sanskrit speaking Indian Aryan culture found the language of the Middle Eastern Semites incomprehensible and the absence of vowels suggestive of a more primitive culture. Thus the Aryan chauvinists coined a derogatory word from their god by calling them YYYYY by adding a few vowels to their word. What is YYYY?

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• In their origins _____ led a gentle,pastoral way of

life and were descendents of “nguni” people who were supposedly very law-abiding.But in early 19th century under the aegis of Shaka the chief of ______ they became fierce warriors . Europeans who had witnessed the rise of Shaka sought some explanation for it which denied a spontaneous cause.He introduced a new weapon (a kind of stabbing spear). He formed “age regiments” of men born in same years.This led to a fall in birth rate as these men were separated from their potential brides. The rise of ______ affected thousands.By 1824 thousands had been killed and most of surrounding states had been incorporated into _______ nation. What am I talking about?

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Who on what?

• “Against all the odds known to man, a team with a 33 year old part time actor as captain, a semi-retired 35 year old as his doubles partner and one top class singles player who was not, even then, ranked in world’s top 30 had managed to……..

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• Shams-ul-Umra was a title conferred by the Nizam on Abul Fateh Khan Tegh Jung who founded the ______ nobility during the Nizam II Mir Nizam Ali Khan . He was entrusted with the security and defense of the state which subsequently became the hereditary function of _____ nobles. For maintainance of troops the ______ were granted jagirs all over the state . Who?

• (All blanks are same)

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Long Connect-2

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What was the innovation?

• In 17th century during a battle pikemen and musketeers could not occupy the same space,while their weapons complemented each other , they could not do the same work. The battles of the Thirty Year’s War were in consequence confused and messy affairs. Gustav Adolphus a soldier king was killed because he rode his horse into a static struggle between musketeers and cavalrymen.Hence, something came about.

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• Dimmock vs Secretary of State for Education and Skills was a case heard in September-October 2007 in the High Court of Justice of England and Wales, concerning the permissibility of the Government providing ____________ to English state schools as a teaching aid. The case was brought by Stewart Dimmock, a lorry driver and school governor from Kent, England, a father of two sons who attend a state school. Dimmock has twice stood as a local election candidate for the New Party and received backing for the case from Viscount Monckton, the author of the New Party's manifesto.Monckton has received funding from a Washington based think tank of which he is

chief policy adviser, the Science and Public Policy Institute (SPPI), to create a film "Apocalypse No" which will parody

______________ .

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• Malassezia (formerly known as Pityrosporum) is a genus of related fungi, classified as yeasts, naturally found on the skin surfaces of many animals and humans.Malassezia were originally identified by the French scientist Louis-Charles Malassez in the late 19th century, hence their proper current name.These investigations show that in humans the species causing most skin disease, including the most common cause of __________ and seborrhoeic dermatitis is M. globosa (its genome was sequenced recently)

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• They were motivated by newspaper accounts of a Berlin family that had died when a seal in their refrigerator ruptured, leaking toxic fumes throughout their home. Theorizing that a device without moving parts would eliminate the potential for seal failure, XXXX and Szilard explored practical applications for different refrigeration cycles. They devised a single pressure thermally driven refrigeration cycle which uses butane, ammonia, and water. In the refrigerator ammonia acts as an inert gas to lower the partial pressure over the refrigerant, butane, and water later provides separation by absorbing the ammonia. Identify XXX

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• SENSEX is based on globally accepted construction and review methodology. First compiled in 1986, SENSEX is a basket of __________constituent stocks representing a sample of large, liquid and representative companies. The base year of SENSEX is 1978-79 and the base value is 100. The Index was initially calculated based on the "Full Market Capitalization" methodology but was shifted to the free-float methodology with effect from September 1, 2003. How many stocks are represented by BSE?

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• It was invented in 1875, and on March 7, 1876 the U. S. Patent Office granted a Patent Number 174,465 regarding the device. However, XXXX was not the first, however to invent of apply for a patent for the device. Antonio Meucci invented the first of the kind in 1871 and in fact, sued XXXX for infringement. But since Meucci was too poor to hire a lawyer and in declining health and ended up losing the court case. Elisha Gray also filed for a patent for the device literally hours after XXXX submitted his patent application. XXXX fought off several lawsuits, refined his invention and in 1877 formed a company of his own.Device and the inventor.

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Which molecule?

• Its a member of the vanilloid family, binds to a receptor called the vanilloid receptor subtype 1 (VR1). First cloned in 1997, VR1 is an ion channel-type receptor. VR1, which can also be stimulated with heat and physical abrasion, permits cations to pass through the cell membrane and into the cell when activated. The resulting depolarization of the neuron stimulates it to signal the brain.

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Name the person• Avantgarde-composer George Antheil, a son of

German immigrants and neighbor of _______ , had experimented with automated control of instruments. Together, they submitted the idea of a Secret Communication System in June 1941. On 11 August 1942 U.S. Patent 2,292,387 was granted to them. This early version of frequency hopping used a piano roll to change between 88 frequencies and was intended to make radio-guided torpedoes harder for enemies to detect or jam.The idea was impractical and ahead of its time and mechanical technology.

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Name the author and the book.

• This book was published in 1962.The book stated that uncontrolled pesticide use led to the deaths of not only animals, especially birds, but also humans. Its title was meant to evoke a spring season in which no bird songs could be heard, because they had all died from pesticides. Its title was inspired by a poem by John Keats, "La Belle Dame sans Merci", which contained the lines "The sedge is withered from the lake, And no birds sing."

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Which number ?

• Tetractys was a revered number for Pythagoras and his followers. The Tetractys symbolized the four elements — earth, air, fire, and water.Using Tetractys,organization of the space could be represented in zero dimension,one dimension, two dimension, three dimension.

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Connect the picture to the video

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What word connects the two?

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Etymology of which phrase?

• The First Council of Nicaea in 325, was the first Ecumenical council of the early Christian church. One of the heresies addressed by the early church fathers was the Arian controversy, a Christological dispute over the substance of Jesus. The Arians, who followed the teachings of Arius, believed that Jesus was of similar, but not the same, substance as God - they were distinctly different. The Greek word for this kind of substance is “homoiousians”. On the other side, those led by St. Alexander (who eventually won out) thought that the Son and the Father were of the same substance, or “homoousian”.

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What connects them?

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Fill in the blank!Zeehaal-e miskeen makun taghaful,duraye naina banaye batiyan;ki taab-e hijran nadaram ay jaan,na leho kaahe lagaye chhatiyan.

Shaban-e hijran daraz chun zulfwa roz-e waslat cho umr kotah;Sakhi piya ko jo main na dekhunto kaise kaatun andheri ratiyan.

Yakayak az dil do chashm-e jadoobasad farebam baburd taskin;Kise pari hai jo jaa sunaavepiyare pi ko hamaari batiyan.

Cho shama sozan cho zarra hairanhamesha giryan be ishq aan meh;Na neend naina na ang chainaNa aap aaven na bhejen patiyan.

Bahaqq-e roz-e wisal-e dilbarki daad mara ghareeb _______;Sapet man ke waraaye raakhunjo jaaye paaon piya ke khatiyan.

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• Atash Dadgah, Atash Adaran, and Atash Behram: Types of what?

• In India, Behram is found only in Udvada, Surat, and Mumbai.

• Of the Dadgah, there is one in Secunderabad!

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• Punjabi is officially written with the Gurmukhi script in India.– What's the Pakistani equivalent?

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• Jacques Auguste Simon Collin de Plancy (1793-1887) was a French occultist, demonologist and writer; he published several works on cultism and demonology. followed the tradition of many previous demonologists of cataloguing demons by name and title of nobility. In 1818 his best known work, Dictionnaire Infernal, was published.

________ is a feminine demon whom the Indians fear and thus offer great honors. She has four arms and holds a small bowl in her left hand and a three-pronged fork in her right. During processions, she was drawn on a chariot in great splendor and sometimes her fanatics would throw themselves under her wheels. Usually goats were sacrificed to her. During sickness or other dangers, she could be found among those who took an oath to her.