k i- r aingitig jun - university of...

VOL XXV NO Published Twice WeekMonday and Thursday GAINESVILLE FLORIDA MUXDAY JIAKlJI i i m ONE DOLLAR A u ti1 YEA K i- r aingitig jun P > > MINE EXPLOSION KILLS MANY MEN About Two Ehundrod Fifty Were in Mine ALL BUT 12 ARE ACCOUNTED Were Known To Be Dead TwentyFive Injured and From to SeventyFive Are MiMing Falrniount V Va March 23 Ten men are known to be dead twenty five Injured and tram twentylive to crentytlvu missing and believed t be deed as the result of an explosion of gns in the shaft of tho Century Coal company a Century a small nilnli town situated miles ninth of Fair mont on Burlington unit IlucUI an- on branch of the llullimore and Ohio The explosion tools place at on Thursday afternoon but owing to tie wins being put out of com- mission by high winds details are lack- ing and tilt names of the victims six of whom are known to be were not secured The Cea ury Wrist which i Wan d by Shaw Hros of liltlmuie Md ne of largest i era lions In northern st Virginia Over 2 i men urc emplo ed dully in tit shaft and hud tlt exilosl m born an hour earlier the loss of life would hive appalling As It was there were burn tew rr nnlnitu In the shaft the main hotly ol the nlnes having work f r tit diy The giant fan xvhWt liirnishes nlr tie slaft was pa tally wioc ed the from ol the exjiloloii bur was reiiiifd InrnedlaN I Kiel xvlih In ai I1 i ir aftt r ru ncclileiit Sup rita tend tit Lilies ard Lad u relief riang In the mint Later Report from the Disaster Fatni unt V Vn Mch 21 Il U le lieved tliit the niiinhir of dead as the- re int of I he explosion Thurs lay In the mint of the Century Coal company f i mites below lure will not exceed tens Of this number six were for- eigners Not over seventylive mrn were In the mint at the time or the vx- plosion and the latest rei ort from the scene state tint all hilt twelve of these have been accounted for Guests Fled from Flames March 21 Cues of the Hun Kuroncan hotel were driven from heir rooms ratty Friday by a lire which started on lirsl nor of the hotel Pnalde to leave the building by the main exit owing to the lire IOCIIK the stallvay the gt were to seek wifely by way of the tire escapes Included In the guests was a company of six zouaves from Indianapolis With the exception of a few pcnrche nil escaped uninjured The property luau IB small Among those who canto down the fire escapes were 11 women bare footed and scan- tily clad The hotel building Is one of the oldest In the city It Is owned by Chief Justice Fuller of the supreme court of the Inlted States Governor Pattison Resting Easily Coltimiid 0 March 21 Jovernor- Pattlaon spent n comfortable night and was re sling easily Friday mornln The governor Is weak however nail the tear I that he may not have the strength to sustain the alarming pp Ils that attend his Illness The physicians attending tit governor still fall to explain the exact nature of his Illness Founders Day Exercises Held New Orkatu March 21 The annua founders days extrcises of Tulane titi- lvcrsity were held Friday Dr John H Kinlcy president of the college ol the city of New York delivered h- oralun to the student body and guest In Tulan President Kdwlr- Cralghead for the university delivernl three honorary dgrt s Football Barred for FiveYears March I The trtmt i o he Nonhw Miern Fnlrslty rill d tn ibilish luterwtlUHeltf f V Lea at tlic ual criiy fur Lire jt FOR- M ill rllImul I tell I fort I I I I been I for b Chic the Ink- Ing these r Chi bin It t Wen Twnty Five R a the Iin t I giir k hula ndtnt I quit I s Its Cl shed I I t r I I I i M > > > ¬ ¬ = + HADDOOK KILLS BURRELL BUSH Fatal Shooting Affray Occurs in the County of Jones Macon March 21A shoot ins affray occurred In rindlock Station Thursday morning In which HurrHI Hush a mast tilt years of a e wa klllnl by Aloiuo Haddock Both of the men had weapons anti It In said Haddock mounted the sta- tion platform Just as tin Georgia train was pulling in and after warning Hush to defend opened tlrt Hush tell dead wlhout having used Ills volver Haddock went to Clinton where he surrendered to Sheriff Kther Craft excitement prevailed ativuig the parties ultnesMng the tragedy A sister if Haddock witnessed the af fair Mush v a the s ngiiiT fur the Georgia i ii Till two men lead ijuarreled cnMy in iiiornlng and i- tdlpito Mrloui pn portions even lefire he hlins wiie t prii s art prnjiii nt unit tl affair la lulled general r gret Had diKk I a VMIIII nuts Huh ha two datiiin rs ai l cons The dltllciiltx In weti tvo turn arose over UK m rrlavt of Kdward- iii li a son ut the ni4it to d afh tend ir HaIlHl a of Adol plus Haddok lusMc Maylleld formed the cTefii ri In Macon the day brire An iMirly rnnnii claiming to be the muidlnii of the girl was pn si n at tin c ii ny N- iipictilon s ralsil a tit lime is to nay diiT or f ellns Te girl Is nn orphan uivig her im n A I d hu I ad nek Is NCperltitendcBt of Stimn Pau f in a HndiNk and Is pritintM The peip w ddi d re- In Micnn IMvnrd Itnli having been n lure for some time ll dock If prioner hiln snrnn- direil hlRisli iti Shorlff ICiiiernlie No- llCII Rr llfli DUEL CAUSES NEGROS DEATH Attacked White Men wtlh KiHe anti Was Killed lairiUK Marrli I iarll- 1iiiiMiiiiiH n iii K d jn raJn v as hot and nliiuoi JnJiitly tUJiMl at t i rail roa l const rnrtlon caitijt if Kd and I Jordan ultoiti a tutt wo of this Iluctf It 1 nut kiuvn vuior tin shut which killed the negro was firtilliy IM Jordan or y Cliaris Jordan as tlu- negros li Hth rant IninxlhttHy after nn oxfltini hurtle liitwifn ciiimliis- r rnii i with a vvlnchistt on one side and the Ionian brothers armed with pNtols on tho other IM loriiin who was In his boggy at tl y iltne empilid six fhumiers of his revolxi r and Jordan shut a niimltiT f ttnios Juidan had Ju t did from hit liui t wlun the shooting itc cut rid Serlots Freight Wreck Cblcnao Mircli UClrluN of tho- lakeihurt and Michigan Southern have received reports of II Ions freight reik which occurred early Friday inornlni a hill Three freight trains were Involvoil An at hound train with a number of curs of live Mock stopped for water and was run Into hy a second train Ins many curs and Killing a crta num her of Some of the wnikeil rata were thrown over onto hound track and werr run Into a third frHsht train It l ropor 1 that live employs were injured The wreck Is one of till tuna morions fruit n JinancJiil rirdH lnt tLat has txpcrlvnrtil in sums tine Two Hurt In Collision Columbus Ca March A the first section ol tit Critral of Jieor hi freight train No 3s IJrmln nm and CollllilblH Its hj e l prejftra- lory to l wl a trestle mar idwaer Ala Thur d morning a 7 oclock I ho second secilon t i trait ti ihar of Conductor HI ks- vor1 end Knsin r DavU nn Into It The ialino e of tho m rfl in kntxKcd of ie k at i id f t trestle Lien Injure I err Comlufui J T llo i rt of thft sclm ran kft hand tadly mahed and ln In- Jureff Mapiiwu K H lkiir v il tlj- Uruls about rite ki li for several Moth inua eels ta r lei lialll1ll1 t lot paves I lIt > t Cia arcs h C hurl hart t0 hen h tit read I crossing cut < r j first anal IHJtr Wt 00 lull tbt 1111 C iutabua Gas In- stantly hints tf salf deft > l Itt a Itt t fir d the hut sir herself t r art Iii sLr rrst t 1 1 rail- road lrttniI bogs feel lo rs Iii d first rat erne Ilea sa ht riulrs uadlyy rtu r < > > > > > > < > > > < > > > < > > < > < > + I j STORMS CAUSED EG LIFE LOSS Along The Coast Of The Now England WINTER AT SEA WAS SEVERE- i EightyFive Lives and FiftyFour Ships Were Lost During the Big Storms of the Past seven of the Wrecked Vessels Were Sailing Craft Iloston March Kiuhtyfive tins W lust toll M ships wIn wrecked the COM ot Nw Knulatiit and the marlntluie pnnintoji during tit past wlntir tie s asm up to tin present inotiUi wa c in carat i fly Loud nn tin iioie at it wits uae of lilt ex- siVuity particularly lu waters Of Hie vi is vncli 7 sail matt Vine tt n hl ii and liarpfs eotiiiileie the SMps IIIK the Iirittii lint lead IV ol olhi- inii i tots of ciafi amitnt l ot Ameilcati u lstll There is al- a hjirinhMtiB id Ceynnu Tile worst UlsixUM wn fe found r ol th Siiiiner ISrlili Ki5 eff- ihl on March llh It is sMnuiiivt that Ht least Is rnl jut hldy 2i liven were Ins The curter Henris piii will tir vrr ln Unoxx veiai lull t u lied as IUIIIIK tie cnv nri t 11 i i liiive desciiil ioi tit i iali 1 Drown In River Vv fti all iach Jl cv ol- ih nl IIIK i i Mit H I t of in ii i i v ilonht to tV riy liy CopTir- v H FJ i jiitt u r f thi- ti Thr IIK It it T i l- if jr Mlf for a tow of AI iiit I mil tfip rher sie C ir lots J iiiickin a hole In h r ihv filial r dily and SIDJ III wat r Tin oiUcrs nid Y- rl Jail narriw rni avid hour ot leeK hutil wljuse naiiH are nn known liovi d Thuw who w r ii iiiiinifI i i etifvl into iu- hi lt c nlfi In the IIIK The e- vus an d at JlV t I T Mai 21 Vonl rccclv- ii hero t i tit Vlci- liie Indmii who aru oii ht b nuiiiLioiif possi i the lUnols rlur on the nlct follow IIIK the tight and art headi d for cr a wild ritiiinin is cijutrr- v of Stti tied uiiiodt 11 wlh full Clu rikies 1- 1piov iriii Ilu uiiVawt av n Inrp tart Mailml DarMiieii ltte Thor dy moved M Itmi tit Spavin axv to He Illinois river Girl Criminally Assaulted VlmkT Ca March Ll II I Vei- derford not of Jim Vanderf Tl n n jti Carl Ia late Thursday it is charged erlmlnfilly n aiiltc ilio year old taushter of VISHain II d ton It Is eJiaririd he met tin girl In I he wood on her hoots Vander ford is a rnartied man having a wife and two clolili n The loiniiiiinltv N- Knatly exdtid ovir IhP matter A of 2i turn arrested Xandeifird- anJ landed In the jail at law reticexllle General Wood Sustained Manila Mr U 21 The Am rlcin Spanish an I press of this city In in rectnt battle of Mount Tan iisiln Major ventral Uifi tit charm of Ulllat v men und hlMrrn of the Moro duriii the i on xiMch they claim wa iinavoldnUlr They are unanimous In their prffsioua river t at- niatiier in xviiich th unforiiaae- rurrtrir mUnpreieuti porttnn of h tres In Aiiierlra Woman Svallcwed Poison Kokonn Ivl March 21 Pri- Hirtitnv Mr J ii ffi n l or l l6 sriu It pr tl rti ran u il- mift l afar tw f H I I WinterThirty n Oil a the Ire lilt I I 01 all anl In 1 it t I a I fling I to to r unit rr bin i I of Hue for Mcrntiins 11111 all Iii bIn rill I I s t ruin I nruJ1u Ill I fir Ih L fl olIJ I le Ui 111 r had Mot II f r a t 1 Must r s Ittl of prnttuuc fight list i Suedllt Lesslt isle 1 t nee Negroes situ 1 hot w lull I tl dtp < Ire sure salt t Outtaws Oak Jilt hi 4 a ittls aft I way posse tilt s lit again out rlaw x hat barn aa a- i f4 i tir n ra her fsnc a r ah 3I a eI I i Y > > < > > + > > > > > > > > > < < > < > + < PARTY OF LA3GFI TO TAKE FIELD Workmen Will Tale Grievances Before American People W rhln tuti Minh 21 Th oii cu tint Council of the Fclera terse if Ijtior some time Thiir day ritsslni th reiillf of Irffcl- il nt Ui e fli and Speaker Cannon to the hill of vances pr sonted to them and lo Mnsldent 1ro Teni Vryv of tiu senate regarding legislation nf- ftHln labor Infcrests- Mr said that the conclud- ing in the memorial meant lxnctly what It pal That l If eons press falls to remedy the grievances th onanlatlon will aiipeal direct to tie p DpIe In irhor writs he t ald theKederit- lon ot lihor wilt nest the Held of luijltlcs nUll urI or aniel la ior to men of their own choosing mid butt a crnnien- tThtie will the tlMiiuat- ciitineil alit In tin he further discussions of h the niemtirs of the vhom iim rks ot tle- inesldini and Mr Cannon liave mali a lmiresslon ale inm ts Insists the ci nnclt- In the iijardlni the ftalcmcnU- Mf firth In the iiill of crlevnncc iluf It t a alnittliiit iro it of te iv jiiile and iitit the condition ol allnirs in tn hilmr world ls the hv t prooS ol JAILED FOR Brunswick Man Said To Have Det Woman Flninswlrk 5a March 21 11 n Slinw a iKiilrrinttker at the shops of lite Atlantic and Itirmln ham railroad ha In in idacril In jail charged with miirdi rltiK ills wife who died at hT- hniiie In Hits cly Thursday noon Mrs Shaw died after an Illness Inst- tni wine Sunday The family earn KtatuiiH hurt coming front Vi tvo iiiotiMiH ago and only- a few tiliiiiit were at the hcilslile lur tot ilt NMimanK lliiiess This morn tog loxvcver a mimljer of ladles went to till hunts to dress the corpse and marks bronchi firth suspicion The hcslcind who also claimed to- he III had very little lo about the hrulhes and the ease was reported to the offictr and afor n short thin Shaw wan arrested and Is held for wilemurder It ls tlal tit man fof drunk Sunday and at his wlfr uniu n Ifnlly- nnd had been UnKiMliiK hetwern life and since that time httslinml di nled that he bra her hut adtnlicd that he was drunk and said he mklit have hit her while under the f vhlsky tho of holly the woman watt Lost Fortune Found Itlrmln ham Ala March 21 Thfl negro tter In the onntr Urothen shoe store on Main watt about to pitch the Hwccplngx from the store Into the rear alley when Police Officer J M Norwood reached down Into the pile of ruhhlsh and picked up an envelope front which hu proceeded In draw greenback bank check and other ne Kottable papers to the value of v JI2 The money and papers were the property of Dr J A II Hikes of Iron City Ca who spent the early part of the week hero and theta trav- eled on to Nev Orleans before he dis- covered that his fortune carried In an envelope way mlssln Then he no tlflil the local police of his lugs Hi was tint that he had lost the pa- pers In this city hut an a matter of caution lie asked that search be made Noted Pilot Dead Cincinnati March 21 Captain E J Smith who for fiO years one of the leading river pilots between Cincinnati- and New Orleans Is dead at his home In N tv Purr Ky after a long illness Captain Smith also participated In many naval battles In the lower Jl- slh lnpl il IK the civil wat was wi i amonx river nnd shl ping ri n Body Murico MirrJ Feet xi S March SI Thtirs day af rr ffl a ut M oelock an ut- itfu on llie a illl of I A IUI it HI from this city ei li- kflSltiK Mr lt f i ear ilil Uv fnally InJurtnR a n ro TJ lalr wu harried a Itiitxir f t nr was horriiilr manytcil Ill grit firs luau 1 11 right pr tI- t 11 h Th rom nIt 111 HIll I Ill a 1 and ri Iii I I ln I tin t Anu r spent d paragraph fleet pees run huts n d ell is i uttl till ii ills WFC MURDER P has say Invest ign raid drat milt net 1 heitltu sure was tub F i sin < > < > > > < > > > < AVALANCHE KILLS HALF DOZEN MEN Casualty In A Wining District Of Colored PIONEER PROSPECTOR IS KILLED Slides Dewn en the Camp Crushes the Life Out cf tin Mon Relief Party from Granite HM Gene to the Rescue Granite March enor IIIOIIH now elide cattle down last even tug In the Wtntield and Clear Creek mining district killing It Is reported at least halt u dazen men Among dead U Harry Wlaebora Ute pioneer in nMctur and mining man of ClufTie county A clief party was organized here by lawns hull and hrt gone to tho scene of Iii illMtM r Tit nevus id the slide was brought to town by It courier MARSHAL KILLS OLLIE GENTRY Claims MS CauM of tht Hiuhanan Mnrci 14 While arr- esting Ollly Sentry City Marshal D V Parry shut and killed It Is said that Gentry Wits standing IB front of a store on the public square when Harry saute up to arrest him for some ullegtd oftense and that refused to go with hint tarry claims that Jontry attempted to draw a knife on him Two shots were by the marshal the first phut going over Sentry head sad the second pencilatlng ills heart Sentry ran to the store of Rare 0k- SOIIH where he died lna few mlautec The deceased In u Mm of V A Oetf try the livery mnn here and U a nephew of Harrys wife S A Shelnut Hheriff of Harralson county Immediately arrested Barry and lodged him In jail Whitecap Victim Sues Torturers irunby Mast March XI Thlrtee residents of this place have served by writs sworn out by S Grimn also of Granny bringing aa action for 10000 damsgoa agalast them This action In the outgrowth el- tho socalled whltecaplng Incldeat of last month whoa a crowd of mea tured Griffith alaced a rope aromd his neck and led him to the town of Soulhwick It Is said ho was also horsowiiippcd and told If he to Liranby he would be tarred and feathered Srlffln alleged that one of his ribs was broken anti that ta- Hiiflcrvd other Injurlca Saved Girl from Death Chicago March 21 A dispatch to the Tribune from Kvansvllle lad says that as Mattel Reeves was about to cross the tracks of the Bis Foer rail- road on her way to school Thursday nlie saw a little girl staadlag oa track evidently trying to get her foot unfastened from a frog Miss Reere saw a trala comlag The child began to scream cad struggled desperately but could herself MB Reeves hurriedly drew a peakalfe from her pocket sad slit childs shoe and Jerked her away from the track Just aa the eaciae bore down oa her Forty Cows Burned Madison March 21 R R Jones of Rostwick who owes the largest dairy farm la this sectloa of Georgia lost his barn with a great q aatlt of food and forty head of nlkh cows hy fire The cows that were burred were some of the finest breed la the country Mr Jones had jest got hi dairy In good working order There was no Insurance on the cows or build- Ings The dairy building which was some distance from the escaped the It Is thought the lire waa caused by aa Incendiary Night Watchman Murdered Rochester N V March 21 Hank burglar murdered Edward a constable and night watchmrn at So early Friday Ho had cnxht tli men trying to rob Kafe til the bjt Snow IAn lire t ever the Cia bar dos the of 4 a tM fi and uhf flue r Seif Defense Des Ga Gentry Gentry I x f been Willis a sap ret- urned ti the r passenger aot free flamed tloJui r 1rr 5 > > > =

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Published Twice WeekMonday and ThursdayGAINESVILLE FLORIDA MUXDAY JIAKlJI i i m ONE DOLLAR A




aingitig junP




About Two Ehundrod FiftyWere in Mine


Were Known To Be Dead

TwentyFive Injured and Fromto SeventyFive Are


Falrniount V Va March 23 Tenmen are known to be dead twentyfive Injured and tram twentylive tocrentytlvu missing and believed t

be deed as the result of an explosionof gns in the shaft of tho Century Coalcompany a Century a small nilnlitown situated miles ninth of Fairmont on Burlington unit IlucUI an-

on branch of the llullimore and Ohio

The explosion tools place at onThursday afternoon but owing to tie

wins being put out of com-

mission by high winds details are lack-

ing and tilt names of the victims sixof whom are known to bewere not secured

The Cea ury Wrist which i Wan d

by Shaw Hros of liltlmuie Mdne of largest i era

lions In northern st Virginia Over2 i men urc emplo ed dully in titshaft and hud tlt exilosl m born anhour earlier the loss of life would hive

appallingAs It was there were burn tew rr

nnlnitu In the shaft the main hotly olthe nlnes having work f r titdiy The giant fan xvhWt liirnishesnlr tie slaft was pa tally wioced the from ol the exjiloloii burwas reiiiifd InrnedlaN I Kiel xvlihIn ai I1 i ir aftt r ru ncclileiit Sup rita

tend tit Lilies ard Lad u relief riangIn the mint

Later Report from the DisasterFatni unt V Vn Mch 21 Il U le

lieved tliit the niiinhir of dead as the-

re int of I he explosion Thurs lay In

the mint of the Century Coal companyf i mites below lure will not exceedtens Of this number six were for-

eigners Not over seventylive mrnwere In the mint at the time or the vx-

plosion and the latest reiort from thescene state tint all hilt twelve of

these have been accounted for

Guests Fled from FlamesMarch 21 Cues of the

Hun Kuroncan hotel were driven fromheir rooms ratty Friday by a lirewhich started on lirsl nor of thehotel Pnalde to leave the buildingby the main exit owing to the lireIOCIIK the stallvay the gt were

to seek wifely by way of thetire escapes Included In the guestswas a company of six zouaves fromIndianapolis With the exception of afew pcnrche nil escaped uninjuredThe property luau IB small Amongthose who canto down the fire escapeswere 11 women bare footed and scan-

tily clad The hotel building Is oneof the oldest In the city It Is ownedby Chief Justice Fuller of the supremecourt of the Inlted States

Governor Pattison Resting EasilyColtimiid 0 March 21 Jovernor-

Pattlaon spent n comfortable night andwas re sling easily Friday mornln Thegovernor Is weak however nail thetear I that he may not have thestrength to sustain the alarming

pp Ils that attend his Illness Thephysicians attending tit governor stillfall to explain the exact nature of hisIllness

Founders Day Exercises HeldNew Orkatu March 21 The annua

founders days extrcises of Tulane titi-lvcrsity were held Friday Dr JohnH Kinlcy president of the college ol

the city of New York delivered h-

oralun to the student body and guestIn Tulan President Kdwlr-Cralghead for the university delivernlthree honorary dgrts

Football Barred for FiveYearsMarch I The trtmt i o

he Nonhw Miern Fnlrsltyrill d tn ibilish luterwtlUHeltf f V

Lea at tlic ual criiy fur Lire jt


















these r

Chibin It



Twnty FiveR

a the





hula ndtntI

quit I



Cl shed

















Fatal Shooting Affray Occurs in theCounty of Jones

Macon March 21A shoot insaffray occurred In rindlock StationThursday morning In which HurrHIHush a mast tilt years of a e wa

klllnl by Aloiuo HaddockBoth of the men had weapons anti

It In said Haddock mounted the sta-tion platform Just as tin Georgia trainwas pulling in and after warning Hushto defend opened tlrt Hushtell dead wlhout having used Illsvolver Haddock went to Clintonwhere he surrendered to Sheriff Kther

Craft excitement prevailed ativuigthe parties ultnesMng the tragedyA sister if Haddock witnessed the affair Mush v a the s ngiiiT furthe Georgia i i i Till two men leadijuarreled cnMy in iiiornlng and i-tdlpito Mrloui pn portionseven lefire he hlins wiie

t prii s art prnjiii nt unit tlaffair la lulled general r gret HaddiKk I a VMIIII nuts Huh ha twodatiiin rs ai l cons

The dltllciiltx In weti tvo turnarose over UK m rrlavt of Kdward-iii li a son ut the ni4it to d afhtend ir HaIlHl a of Adolplus Haddok lusMc Maylleldformed the cTefii ri In Macon the daybrire An iMirly rnnnii claiming

to be the muidlnii of the girlwas pn si n at tin c ii ny N-iipictilon s ralsil a tit lime is tonay diiT or f ellns Te girl Isnn orphan uivig her im n

A I d hu I ad nek Is NCperltitendcBtof Stimn Pau f in a HndiNk andIs pritintM The peip w ddi d re-

In Micnn IMvnrd Itnli havingbeen n lure for some timell dock If prioner hiln snrnn-direil hlRisli iti Shorlff ICiiiernlie No-

llCII Rr llfli


Attacked White Men wtlh KiHe antiWas Killed

lairiUK Marrli I iarll-1iiiiMiiiiiH n iii K d jn raJn v as hotand nliiuoi JnJiitly tUJiMl at t i railroa l const rnrtlon caitijt if Kd and

I Jordan ultoiti a tutt wo ofthis Iluctf

It 1 nut kiuvn vuior tin shutwhich killed the negro was firtilliy IM

Jordan or y Cliaris Jordan as tlu-

negros li Hth rant IninxlhttHy afternn oxfltini hurtle liitwifn ciiimliis-r rnii i with a vvlnchistt on one sideand the Ionian brothers armed withpNtols on tho other

IM loriiin who was In his boggyat tl y iltne empilid six fhumiers ofhis revolxi r and Jordan shuta niimltiT f ttnios

Juidan had Ju t didfrom hit liui t wlun the shooting itc

cut rid

Serlots Freight WreckCblcnao Mircli UClrluN of tho-

lakeihurt and Michigan Southernhave received reports of II Ions

freight reik which occurred earlyFriday inornlni a hill Threefreight trains were Involvoil An athound train with a number of curs oflive Mock stopped for water and wasrun Into hy a second trainIns many curs and Killing a crta numher of Some of the wnikeilrata were thrown over ontohound track and werr run Into a

third frHsht train It l ropor 1

that live employs were injured Thewreck Is one of till tuna morions fruitn JinancJiil rirdH lnt tLat hastxpcrlvnrtil in sums tine

Two Hurt In CollisionColumbus Ca March A the

first section ol tit Critral of Jieor hi

freight train No 3s IJrmln nm andCollllilblH Its hj e l prejftra-lory to l wl a trestle maridwaer Ala Thur d morning a7 oclock I ho second secilon t i

trait ti ihar of Conductor HI ks-

vor1 end Knsin r DavU nn Into It

The ialino e of tho m rfl inkntxKcd of ie k at i id f t

trestle Lien Injure I err ComlufuiJ T llo i rt of thft sclm rankft hand tadly mahed and ln In-

Jureff Mapiiwu K H lkiir v il tlj-

Uruls about rite ki li

for several Moth

inua eels ta


lei lialll1ll1

t lot








C hurl


t0 hen








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lull tbt 1111

C iutabua




hints tf

salf deft

> l Itt

a Itt tfir d






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rsIii d

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Ileasa ht riulrs uadlyy rtu r









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Along The Coast Of The Now




EightyFive Lives and FiftyFour ShipsWere Lost During the Big Storms ofthe Past seven of theWrecked Vessels Were Sailing CraftIloston March Kiuhtyfive tins

W lust toll M ships wIn wreckedthe COM ot Nw Knulatiit and

the marlntluie pnnintoji during titpast wlntir

tie s asm up to tin presentinotiUi wa c in carat i fly Loud nn tin

iioie at it wits uae of lilt ex-

siVuity particularly lu waters

Of Hie vi is vncli 7 sailmatt Vine tt n hl ii and

liarpfs eotiiiileie the SMpsIIIK the Iirittii lint lead IV ol olhi-inii i tots of ciafi amitntl ot Ameilcati u lstll There is al-

a hjirinhMtiB id Ceynnu

Tile worst UlsixUM wn fe found rol th Siiiiner ISrlili Ki5 eff-

ihl on March llh Itis sMnuiiivt that Ht least Is rnl juthldy 2i liven were Ins The curterHenris piii will tir vrr ln Unoxx

veiai lull t u lied as IUIIIIKtie cnv nri t 11 i i liiive desciiil

ioi tit i iali 1

Drown In RiverVv fti all iach Jl cv ol-

ih nl IIIK i i Mit H I t

of in ii i i

v ilonht to tV riy liy CopTir-v H FJ i jiitt u r f thi-

ti Thr IIK It it T i l-

if jr Mlf for a tow ofAI iiit I mil tfip rher sie

C ir lots J iiiickin a hole In h r

ihv filial r dily and SIDJIII wat r Tin oiUcrs nid Y-

rl Jail narriw rni avid hour otleeK hutil wljuse naiiH are nn

known liovi d Thuw who w rii iiiiinifI i i etifvl into iu-

hi lt c nlfi In the IIIK The e-

vus an d at JlV t

I T Mai 21 Vonl rccclv-ii hero t i tit Vlci-liie Indmii who aruoii ht b nuiiiLioiif possi i

the lUnols rlur on the nlct followIIIK the tight and art headi d forcr a wild ritiiinin is cijutrr-v of Stti tied uiiiodt 11

wlh full Clu rikies 1-

1piov iriii Ilu uiiVawt av n Inrptart Mailml DarMiieii ltte Thordy moved M Itmi tit Spavinaxv to He Illinois river

Girl Criminally AssaultedVlmkT Ca March Ll II I Vei-

derford not of Jim Vanderf Tl n n jtiCarl Ia late Thursday it

is charged erlmlnfilly n aiiltc ilioyear old taushter of VISHain II d

ton It Is eJiaririd he met tin girl InI he wood on her hoots Vanderford is a rnartied man having a wifeand two clolili n The loiniiiiinltv N-

Knatly exdtid ovir IhP matter A

of 2i turn arrested Xandeifird-anJ landed In the jail at lawreticexllle

General Wood SustainedManila Mr U 21 The Am rlcin

Spanish an I press of this cityIn in rectnt battle ofMount Tan iisiln Major ventralUifi tit charm of Ulllat v

men und hlMrrn of the Moro

duriii the i on xiMch they claimwa iinavoldnUlr They are unanimousIn their prffsioua river t at-

niatiier in xviiich th unforiiaae-rurrtrir mUnpreieutiporttnn of h tres In Aiiierlra

Woman Svallcwed PoisonKokonn Ivl March 21 Pri-

Hirtitnv Mr J ii ffi n

l or l l6 sriu It prtl rti ran u il-

mift l afar tw f H









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Jilt hi 4






s lit

againout rlaw


hat barn



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Workmen Will Tale Grievances BeforeAmerican People

W rhln tuti Minh 21 Th oii cutint Council of the Fcleraterse if Ijtior some time Thiirday ritsslni th reiillf of Irffcl-il nt Ui e fli and Speaker Cannon tothe hill of vances pr sonted tothem and lo Mnsldent 1ro Teni Vryvof tiu senate regarding legislation nf-

ftHln labor Infcrests-Mr said that the conclud-

ing in the memorial meantlxnctly what It pal That l If eonspress falls to remedy the grievancesth onanlatlon will aiipeal direct totie p DpIe

In irhor writs he t ald theKederit-lon ot lihor wilt nest the Held ofluijltlcs nUll urI or aniel la ior to

men of their own choosing midbutt a

crnnien-tThtie will

the tlMiiuat-ciitineil alit

In tin

he further discussions ofh the niemtirs of the

vhom iim rks ot tle-inesldini and Mr Cannon liave malia lmiresslon

ale inm ts Insists the ci nnclt-In the iijardlni the ftalcmcnU-Mf firth In the iiill of crlevnncc ilufIt t a alnittliiit iro it of te iv

jiiile and iitit the conditionol allnirs in tn hilmr world ls the hv tprooS ol


Brunswick Man Said To Have DetWoman

Flninswlrk 5a March 21 11 nSlinw a iKiilrrinttker at the shops oflite Atlantic and Itirmln ham railroadha In in idacril In jail charged withmiirdi rltiK ills wife who died at hT-hniiie In Hits cly Thursday noon

Mrs Shaw died after an Illness Inst-

tni wine Sunday The familyearn KtatuiiH hurt coming frontVi tvo iiiotiMiH ago and only-

a few tiliiiiit were at the hcilslile lurtot ilt NMimanK lliiiess This morntog loxvcver a mimljer of ladles wentto till hunts to dress the corpse andmarks bronchi firth suspicion

The hcslcind who also claimed to-

he III had very little lo about thehrulhes and the ease was reported tothe offictr and afor n shortthin Shaw wan arrested and Is held forwilemurder

It ls tlal tit man fof drunkSunday and at his wlfr uniu n Ifnlly-nnd had been UnKiMliiK hetwernlife and since that timehttslinml di nled that he bra her hutadtnlicd that he was drunk and saidhe mklit have hit her while under the

f vhlsky thoof holly the woman watt

Lost Fortune FoundItlrmln ham Ala March 21 Thfl

negro tter In the onntr Urothenshoe store on Main watt about to pitchthe Hwccplngx from the store Into therear alley when Police Officer J M

Norwood reached down Into the pile ofruhhlsh and picked up an envelopefront which hu proceeded In drawgreenback bank check and other neKottable papers to the value ofv JI2 The money and papers werethe property of Dr J A II Hikes ofIron City Ca who spent the earlypart of the week hero and theta trav-eled on to Nev Orleans before he dis-covered that his fortune carried In anenvelope way mlssln Then he notlflil the local police of his lugs Hiwas tint that he had lost the pa-

pers In this city hut an a matter ofcaution lie asked that search be made

Noted Pilot DeadCincinnati March 21 Captain E J

Smith who for fiO years one of theleading river pilots between Cincinnati-and New Orleans Is dead at his homeIn N tv Purr Ky after a long illnessCaptain Smith also participated Inmany naval battles In the lower Jl-

slh lnpl il IK the civil wat waswi i amonx river nnd shlping ri n

Body Murico MirrJ Feetxi S March SI Thtirs

day af rr ffl a ut M oelock an ut-itfu on llie a illl of I A IUI

it HI from this city ei li-

kflSltiK Mr lt f i ear ilil Uvfnally InJurtnR a n ro TJ lalrwu harried a Itiitxir f t nr

was horriiilr manytcil



firs luau 1



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Anu r



fleetpees run huts


d ellis

i uttl till ii ills


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> >



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Casualty In A Wining DistrictOf Colored


Slides Dewn en the Camp

Crushes the Life Out cf tin Mon

Relief Party from Granite HM Gene

to the Rescue

Granite March enorIIIOIIH now elide cattle down last eventug In the Wtntield and Clear Creekmining district killing It Is reportedat least halt u dazen men

Among dead U Harry WlaeboraUte pioneer in nMctur and miningman of ClufTie county

A clief party was organized here bylawns hull and hrt gone to tho sceneof Iii illMtM r

Tit nevus id the slide was brought totown by It courier


Claims MS CauM of tht

Hiuhanan Mnrci 14 While arr-esting Ollly Sentry City Marshal D

V Parry shut and killed ItIs said that Gentry Wits standing IBfront of a store on the public squarewhen Harry saute up to arrest him forsome ullegtd oftense and thatrefused to go with hint

tarry claims that Jontry attemptedto draw a knife on him Two shotswere by the marshal the firstphut going over Sentry head sad thesecond pencilatlng ills heart

Sentry ran to the store of Rare 0k-

SOIIH where he died lna few mlautecThe deceased In u Mm of V A Oetf

try the livery mnn here and U anephew of Harrys wife

S A Shelnut Hheriff of Harralsoncounty Immediately arrested Barryand lodged him In jail

Whitecap Victim Sues Torturersirunby Mast March XI Thlrtee

residents of this place haveserved by writs sworn out by

S Grimn also of Granny bringing aaaction for 10000 damsgoa agalastthem This action In the outgrowth el-tho socalled whltecaplng Incldeat oflast month whoa a crowd of meatured Griffith alaced a rope aromdhis neck and led him to the town ofSoulhwick It Is said ho was alsohorsowiiippcd and told If he

to Liranby he would be tarredand feathered Srlffln alleged thatone of his ribs was broken anti that ta-Hiiflcrvd other Injurlca

Saved Girl from DeathChicago March 21 A dispatch to

the Tribune from Kvansvllle lad saysthat as Mattel Reeves was about tocross the tracks of the Bis Foer rail-road on her way to school Thursdaynlie saw a little girl staadlag oatrack evidently trying to get her footunfastened from a frog Miss Reeresaw a trala comlag Thechild began to scream cad struggleddesperately but could herselfMB Reeves hurriedly drew a peakalfefrom her pocket sad slit childsshoe and Jerked her away from thetrack Just aa the eaciae bore down oaher

Forty Cows BurnedMadison March 21 R R Jones

of Rostwick who owes the largestdairy farm la this sectloa of Georgialost his barn with a great q aatltof food and forty head of nlkh cowshy fire The cows that were burredwere some of the finest breed la thecountry Mr Jones had jest got hidairy In good working order Therewas no Insurance on the cows or build-Ings The dairy building which wassome distance from the escapedthe It Is thought the lire waacaused by aa Incendiary

Night Watchman MurderedRochester N V March 21 Hank

burglar murdered Edward aconstable and night watchmrn at So

early Friday Ho had cnxht tlimen trying to rob Kafe til the bjt


















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