k8 2015: kenshoo product update


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Post on 30-Jul-2015




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1. 2 2015 Kenshoo, Ltd. Confidential and Proprietary Information #K8Summit William Martin-Gill Senior Vice President, Product 2. Audiences Mobile Optimization 3. 44 2015 Kenshoo, Ltd. Confidential and Proprietary Information #K8Summit The Marketer Journey retain growengagediscover convert 4. 5 2015 Kenshoo, Ltd. Confidential and Proprietary Information Audiences 5. 66 2015 Kenshoo, Ltd. Confidential and Proprietary Information #K8Summit Leveraging Intent Further $$$ $ Identify highest value customers Targeteasily across channels and devices CHALLENGES 6. 7 2015 Kenshoo, Ltd. Confidential and Proprietary Information Who Are Your Customers ? YourBrand 7. 8 2015 Kenshoo, Ltd. Confidential and Proprietary Information #K8Summit A customers green light to engage Expressed intent is a direct signal that can drive actions and build customer LTV across channels and devices The Power of Intent 8. 9 2015 Kenshoo, Ltd. Confidential and Proprietary Information Resonate with potential customers by giving them what theyre looking for 9. 10 2015 Kenshoo, Ltd. Confidential and Proprietary Information #K8Summit Andrea Kaduk Intent-Driven Audiences Client 10. 1111 2015 Kenshoo, Ltd. Confidential and Proprietary Information #K8Summit Leveraging Intent Further $$$ $ Identify highest value customers Targeteasily across channels and devices Analyzeaudience performance Act on insights CHALLENGES 11. 1212 2015 Kenshoo, Ltd. Confidential and Proprietary Information #K8Summit Managing Your Audiences: Personas 12. 1313 2015 Kenshoo, Ltd. Confidential and Proprietary Information #K8Summit Personas 13. 1414 2015 Kenshoo, Ltd. Confidential and Proprietary Information #K8Summit Vs. Clicks CTR ROI 1,309 2% 2.3 1,525 3.4% 4.3 Clicks CTR ROI 14. 15 2015 Kenshoo, Ltd. Confidential and Proprietary Information Mobile 15. 16 2015 Kenshoo, Ltd. Confidential and Proprietary Information The Mobile Opportunity DID YOU KNOW? 77% of smartphone owners indicated that their phone made them feel happy. - PewInternet.org DID YOU KNOW? 1 in 3 babies have used a mobile device.. - Mediapost 16. 17 2015 Kenshoo, Ltd. Confidential and Proprietary Information The Thing About Mobile *Mediapost Erik Sass, April 28, 2015; Study by UC San Diego School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics DID YOU KNOW? 79% of smartphone users have their phone on or near them for all but two hours of their waking day. - AdWeek.com Mobile is more than just connectivity. than just an access point. Its the API to your customer. 17. 18 2015 Kenshoo, Ltd. Confidential and Proprietary Information Access to quality inventory in a diverse mobile landscape CHALLENGE 18. 19 2015 Kenshoo, Ltd. Confidential and Proprietary Information 89% of global mobile advertising is accessible through Kenshoo SOLUTION 19. 20 2015 Kenshoo, Ltd. Confidential and Proprietary Information How do I maximize my results on mobile? CHALLENGE 20. 21 2015 Kenshoo, Ltd. Confidential and Proprietary Information 182% in mobile app installs for Kenshoo clients driven by social advertising SOLUTION 21. 22 2015 Kenshoo, Ltd. Confidential and Proprietary Information #K8Summit Mobile Shopping on the Rise DID YOU KNOW? 48% of all Kenshoo retail paid search clicks during shopping season came from mobile devices - eMarketer 22. 23 2015 Kenshoo, Ltd. Confidential and Proprietary Information Whats New? KENSHOO MOBILE SOLUTIONS 23. 24 2015 Kenshoo, Ltd. Confidential and Proprietary Information Keep the conversation going at all touchpoints. 24. 25 2015 Kenshoo, Ltd. Confidential and Proprietary Information + 25. 26 2015 Kenshoo, Ltd. Confidential and Proprietary Information Stay top of mind, wherever they go. 26. 27 2015 Kenshoo, Ltd. Confidential and Proprietary Information Powered by AppNexus Access top inventory to reach your customers wherever they are. 27. 28 2015 Kenshoo, Ltd. Confidential and Proprietary Information Optimization 28. 29 2015 Kenshoo, Ltd. Confidential and Proprietary Information PERFORMANCE FLEXIBILITY 29. 3030 2015 Kenshoo, Ltd. Confidential and Proprietary Information #K8Summit PERFORMANCE FLEXIBILITY Shopping campaign portfolio optimization Improved handling of missing data Algorithmic modification of budget caps as well as bids KPO reasons for changes Performance report more graphical 30. 3131 2015 Kenshoo, Ltd. Confidential and Proprietary Information #K8Summit PERFORMANCE FLEXIBILITY Portfolio+ INTRODUCING 31. 32 2015 Kenshoo, Ltd. Confidential and Proprietary Information Portfolio Priority Keywords I have one budget, but some keywords need to maintain certain positions. Position Keywords I want to prioritize certain keywords due to seasonality. 32. 33 2015 Kenshoo, Ltd. Confidential and Proprietary Information Priority Keywords Position Keywords Portfolio+ Portfolio 33. 34 2015 Kenshoo, Ltd. Confidential and Proprietary Information Predictive Bidding Intra-day Optimization Performance Agility Intelligent Budget Re-Allocation Ad Level Bidding 34. 35 2015 Kenshoo, Ltd. Confidential and Proprietary Information Bid Modifiers (beta) State-of-the-art optimization Specific audiences. On specific devices. In specific geos. At specific times. NEW! 35. 3636 Social Optimization (beta) 36. 37 2015 Kenshoo, Ltd. Confidential and Proprietary Information #K8Summit Zac Moffat Social Optimization Beta 37. 3838 2015 Kenshoo, Ltd. Confidential and Proprietary Information #K8Summit Closing the Loop retain growengagediscover convert 38. 39 2015 Kenshoo, Ltd. Confidential and Proprietary Information Thank You