kairos 'women of courage' dr congo delegation


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Post on 01-Jul-2015




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From June 16-29, Canadian Church leaders and delegates will participate in a KAIROS-led delegation to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The DRC represents one of the world’s worst human rights and humanitarian crises, with shocking levels of gender-based violence. Leadership from Canadian churches, through representation on this delegation, is moved to respond, to witness what is happening on the ground in the DRC, to accompany partners and to demonstrate solidarity. The delegation also seeks to deepen the understanding of the human rights and environmental impact of resource extraction on communities in the eastern DRC, in particular the impact on the already appalling reality faced by women. The delegation will not only raise awareness among Canadian church constituencies, the Canadian public and the Canadian government about the human rights situation, violence against women and the impact of resource extraction, it also will make concrete recommendation to Canadians and to the Government of Canada on how to address this egregious situation.


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Please join us in learning about the work of partners in the Democratic Republic of Congo; join us in praying for them and in supporting their decades-long commitment to end the terrible violence that has gripped the DRC and its neighbours.

Bukavu, on the shores of Lake Kivu in the eastern DRC

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The Democratic Republic of Congo 5 million war deaths

since 1994-the most in any conflict since WWII

At least 250,000 women and children have survived sexual violence

Enormous mineral wealth that has fuelled internal conflict and violence from outside

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Why a delegation?

We hear very little about the DRC in the mainstream media. Communications are poor. Many Canadian churches don’t have partners in the country. The KAIROS delegation will learn directly about conditions in the country.

Hearing from partners- from those living with the consequences of violence and resource extraction day to day- is one of the main goals of the delegation. They will witness to these partners’ stories on their return.

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Why a delegation? (continued)

The DRC is home to one of the world’s worst human rights and humanitarian crises, with shocking levels of gender-based violence. Leadership from Canadian churches, through representation on this delegation, is moved to respond, to witness what is happening on the ground in the DRC, to accompany partners and to demonstrate solidarity.

The delegation also wants to deepen the understanding of the human rights and environmental impact of resource extraction on communities in the eastern DRC, in particular the impact on the already appalling reality faced by women.

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Why “Women of Courage”? The delegation is a vital

part of the Wo m e n o f Co ura g e program, which is rooted in KAIROS’ commitment to gender justice and our history of working with women’s organizations and movements on issues related to human rights and violence against women, particularly in the context of conflict.

This program also provides opportunities for partners from the Global South to visit Canada to raise awareness about their work with women in defending human rights and building peace, and to meet with women leaders and human rights defenders here, particularly Indigenous and migrant women.

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What happens after delegates return? Canadian federal

policy can play a helpful role in the DRC: IF Canadians are informed about the day to day realities of Congolese and, guided by these stories, speak to our government.

Every delegate is committed to hearing these stories and witnessing to them when back in Canada. They will make presentations to Canadian groups, Members of Parliament and other decision-makers.

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Meet the delegation membersFrom Canada: Danielle Dubuc: Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) Mary-Ellen Francoeur, Sisters of Service : Canadian Religious

Conference Peter Lamont: Presbyterian Church in Canada Mungul Made (Marie-Claude) Manga: United Church of Canada Amelia Torrie: United Church of Canada

From partners in the region: Chantal Bilulu: Héritiers de la Justice Monica W. Njoroge: Fellowship of Christian Council and Churches in

the Great Lakes and Horn of Africa (FECCLAHA) Perpétue Kankindi: Burundian Council of Churches

KAIROS staff: Jim Davis and Ian Thomson


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The work of KAIROS and our member churches relies on global partnerships. Here you’ll meet one such partner.

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Héritiers de la justice office, Bukavu

Héritiers de la justice (Heirs of Justice, or HJ), has been a KAIROS partner for 8 years. Their focus: An end to the violence that has gripped their nation; an end to the impunity that allows perpetrators to get away with murder.

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Maurice Namwira, current director.

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Pascal Kabungulu, former director- assassinated because of his work.

HJ’s work carries much risk. From government forces to militias, many groups do not like their work. Threats and violence are a day to day concern. Yet they refuse to fall silent or cease their work.

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Voices of Women

Violence has had a particularly devastating impact on women. Staff member Chantal Bilulu said to Canadians in 2011: “Until you break the silence, you can’t stop the violence.”

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What does Héritiers do?

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Héritiers de la justice offers the communitylegal counselling, helping people stand up for their rights.

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Family counselling

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Facing trauma

Héritiers de la justice also offers trauma counselling. Living with the physical and spiritual fallout of trauma is a reality for many Congolese.

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Women who have survived rape- Panzi hospital. HJ offers counselling to survivors and accompaniment if they choose to name the perpetrators in court.

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Training for members of the police force.

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HJ runs 21 Comités de Mediation et Défense (Outreach posts)

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...and Peace Programs in 1000 schools

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And a legal clinic. The project goal:

To help women to combat sexual violence. “If you have been raped, to remain silent is to kill you slowly from the inside.” –Chantal Bilulu

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Speaking out despite the risks

Planning, flipcharts, workshops=

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Maurice Namwira at work

Canadian donations help HJ with everything from the day to day staffing of the office to community counselling and a health clinic. Your support has helped address the government’s cessation of CIDA funding in 2009.

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Located directly across Lake Kivu from densely-populated Rwanda, the aftermath of the 1994 Rwandan genocide washed up in Eastern Congo in the form of armed groups fleeing retribution- or deciding to keep fighting.

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The DRC could be wealthy. 70% of the world’s coltan is found here. Coltan is used as a signal booster in virtually every cellphone in the world. Mineral sales fuel armed groups.

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The DRC is vast and has long struggled to recover from long and vicious colonization under the Belgians. Here people are waiting to vote in the 2005 elections.

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An election observer at work.

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Women walking to the polls in 2005, to vote for a national government for the first time in their lives.

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Men displaying the inked fingers and thumbs which prove they voted.

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Women are bearing the brunt of violence that dehumanizes everyone- men, women and children alike.

Sexual violence is a deadly tactic used by many armed groups, both official and paramilitary, Congolese and Rwandan, among others. Yet women are refusing to be silent.

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Street children in Bukavu. Violence breeds trauma and poverty, and all three pull apart families and communities. Many street kids are orphans.

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Bukavu. Poverty and poor infrastructure are constant realities. There is no land route between the eastern and western Congo. Transportation is scarce and difficult.

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The DRC is beautiful, its people resilient and skilled, and its potential enormous. But violence, impunity and poverty are equally enormous barriers. What does solidarity look like for us?

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Principles which guide KAIROS’ partnerships:

We m us t fo llo w the le a d o f o ur p a rtne rs . We c a n a nd s ho uld s up p o rt lo c a l a nd re g io na l p a rtne rs who wo rk fro m the ir live d e x p e rie nc e .

Tho s e p a rtne rs will the n d e ve lo p the ir o wn wo rk o n the g ro und . The ir a na ly s is s ho uld s ha p e ho w we the n a ddre s s o ur o wn c o nte x t.

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What can we do?

Ca na d ia ns , o ur c o m p a nie s a nd o ur g o ve rnm e nt m us t be a wa re o f the ne g a tive im p a c t o f re s o urc e e x tra c tio n o p e ra tio ns o n c o m m unitie s a nd a c o untry d e a ling with tra um a , m a ny a rm e d g ro up s , p o litic a l ins ta bility , a nd p o ve rty . And we m us t a c t a c c o rd ing ly .

O ve rs e a s a id thro ug h CIDA a nd a c c o unta bility fo r m ining c o m p a nie s o p e ra ting in a c o nflic t z o ne a re two p a ths fo r Ca na da to ta ke .

Lo c a lly , we c a n le a rn a bo ut the c urre nt s itua tio n in the DR Co ng o , which unfo ld s fa r fro m the he a dline s . We c a n p ra y . We c a n s up p o rt p a rtne rs thro ug h o ur churche s a nd KAIRO S.

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Thank you

Your support has enabled both HJ’s work and KAIROS’ public witness.

For example: In October 2011, HJ staff member Chantal Bilulu crossed Canada, speaking at public events and advocacy meetings, and connecting with other communities facing high rates of gender violence, including Indigenous and migrant worker communities. Together they shared their stories and strategies and included hundreds of people in the conversation.

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Chantal and Penelakut First Nation member and activist Jill Harris on Jill’s traditional territory, October 2011.

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Chantal to Canadians:

“… . it’ s v ita l tha t wo m e n no t s ta y ina c tive , no t s ubm it da y a fte r da y , no r (jus t) c ro s s o ur a rm s . O n the c o ntra ry , we m us t s ta nd up , a c t, a nd d e no unc e . Le t’ s bre a k the s ile nc e , c la im ing ba ck fro m tho s e who ho ld p o we r the us e o f d ive rs e le g a l ins trum e nts tha t p ro te c t the rig hts o f wo m e n. In s o d o ing , we c a n cha ng e the s itua tio n o f wo m e n thro ug ho ut the wo rld .

Le t a ll wo m e n o f a ll the wo rld ta ke the ir c o ura g e in ha nd to c o ntinue the s trug g le , this s trug g le tha t inc lud e s a ll o f us . To ke e p o urs e lve s s ile nt is to kill o urs e lve s little by little . Ma y we be c o ura g e o us . ”CHANTAL MAYANGA BILULU, Women and children’s program coordinator, Héritiers de la Justice

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In Vancouver, Chantal was graciously presented with a BC Citizen’s Award to honour her work. HJ needs the support and solidarity of Canadian decision-makers and citizens.

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Chantal being interviewed by Radio-Canada about her work while at the Montreal Lake First Nation health centre during the Women of Courage visit, October 2011.

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Montreal Lk, SK: Chantal with Women of Courage Cree participants Yolanda (L), Theresa (R) and KAIROS staff Rachel (middle) who went to Colombia to participate in anti-violence work with KAIROS’ partner the Organizacion femenina popular.

Supporting South to South connections and relationships between marginalised communities are major priorities for KAIROS.

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With thanks for your support and hope for continued collaboration....

More information is always available at www.kairoscanada.org, on our Facebook page and at [email protected]

We welcome your participation in workshops and events. Let us know what interests you.

Our Women of Courage and resource extraction work will continue to include the DR Congo and our partners.

KAIROS no longer receives government funding, and your support makes a difference to our partners.

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We invite your prayers for our partners, for the delegates and for the peoples of the D.R. Congo

Please download our prayer powerpoint and use it in worship or personal reflections.

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The Anglican Church of Canada, the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Canadian Religious Conference, Christian Reformed Church in North America (Canada Corporation), the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, the Mennonite Central Committee Canada, the Presbyterian Church in Canada, the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund, Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), and the United Church of Canada.

KAIROS founding members
