karate stances

7/18/2019 Karate Stances http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/karate-stances-56d59f605c10b 1/14 KARATE STANCES KOKUTSU DACHI (BACK STANCE)

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English Class about Karate.


Page 1: Karate Stances

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‘The Awkward Stance’ By SLan!ey

Kokutsu Dachi, (back stance)especially whe"tart learnin karate, is o!ten consi"ere" ancu#berso#e an" i#practical stance$ E%en ao! trainin #any karateka rear" Kokutsu Dtheir slowest, weakest an" #ost unstable st

!ack" the stron, penetratin hip #o%e#en&enkutsu "achi, or the i##o%able, roote" !ekiba "achi$ 'owe%er, #" kokutsu "achi de"t#re#ain releate" to a stance we learn to para"ins or only apply in kata

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Doe" not the uniue way in which the hips arteach us bo"y #echanics, %ital to the #a*i#isbo"y+s eciency An" why #" #t that instructoKaawa sensei an" -saka sensei %ake their k

"achi look unbelie%ably soli" an" power!ul (Aphoto e*a#ples are le!t le !orwar" Kokutsu "#ust frst !ook  at the stance in situ$ The frst aob%ious #istake "t$dent" %ake is weiht "is'ow #any ti#es ha%e you hear" your instruct./01 o! your weiht on the back le an" 201 !ront3 4ut how #any people actually do this$ ha'e the /0620 ratio your riht shoul"er, hip, !oot #ust be in one co#plete line$ As soon as broken you lose per!ect weiht "istribution$

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;e use these !or#s to talk about the re"ent=


>7ER4? @ s6es in thir" person


She always !orets her purse$ (Repeate" actions)

 ou "eak  Enlish$ (!act)

Do you "eak  Enlish

 ou do not "eak  Enlish$

USE 2 Fa


USE 4 No

USE " Sc

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USE , *eeated Act#on"

5 !ay tennis$

She doe" not !ay tennis$

Doe" he !ay tennis

 The train !ea'e" e%ery #ornin at B A8$

 The train doe" not !ea'e at A8$

;hen doe" the train usually !ea'e She always -oret" her purse$

'e ne%er -oret" his wallet$

E%ery twel%e #onths, the Earth c#rc!e" the Sun$

Doe" the Sun c#rc!e the Earth

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USE . act" or /enera!#0at#o

Cats !#ke #ilk$

4ir"s do not !#ke #ilk$

Do pis !#ke #ilk

Cali!ornia #" in A#erica$

Cali!ornia #" not in the nite" Kin"o#$

;in"ows are #a"e o! lass$

;in"ows are not #a"e o! woo"$

New ork #" a s#all city$ IT IS NOT IMPORTANT THAT THIS F


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USE 1 Sched$!ed E'ent" #n tNear $t$re


 The train !ea'e" toniht at 98$

 The bus doe" not arr#'e at FF A8, it arr#'e" at FF 98$

;hen do we 2oard the plane

 The party "tart" at B o+clock$

;hen doe" class 2e#n to#orrow

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USE 3 Now (Non4Cont#n$o$"5er2")

5 a% here now$

She #" not here now$

'e need" help riht now$

'e doe" not need help now$

'e ha" his passport in his han"$

Do you ha'e your passport with you

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7ER4SS589:E 9AST O*+

>7ER4@e"? or irreular %erbs


 ou ca!!ed Debbie$

D#d you ca!! Debbie

 ou d#d not ca!! Debbie$






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USE , Co%!eted Act#on #n t6a"t

se the Si#ple 9ast to e*press the i"ea that an action starte" an" fnisti#e in the past$ So#eti#es, the speaker #ay not actually #ention thebut they "o ha%e one specifc ti#e in #in"$


5 "aw a #o%ie yester"ay$

5 d#dn7t "ee a play yester"ay$

:ast year, 5 tra'e!ed to Gapan$

:ast year, 5 d#dn7t tra'e! to Korea$

D#d you ha'e "inner last niht

She wa"hed her car$

'e d#dn7t wa"h his car$

USE . A Ser#e" o- Co%!et

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USE . A Ser#e" o- Co%!eteAct#on"

;e use the Si#ple 9ast to list a series o! co#plete" action These actions happen Fst, Hn", 2r", Ith, an" so on$


5 8n#"hed work, wa!ked to the beach, an" -o$nd a nice p

'e arr#'ed !ro# the airport at B=00, checked into the hotan" %et the others at F0=00$

D#d you add Jour, o$r in the #ilk, an" then add the e

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USE 1 D$rat#on #n 6a"t

 The Si#ple 9ast can be use" with a "uration which starts an" past$ A "uration is a loner action o!ten in"icate" by e*pressiotwo years, !or f%e #inutes, all "ay, all year, etc$


5 !#'ed in 4ra&il !or two years$

Shauna "t$d#ed Gapanese !or f%e years$

 They "at at the beach all "ay$

 They d#d not "tay at the party the entire ti#e$

;e ta!ked on the phone !or thirty #inutes$

A= 'ow lon d#d you wa#t !or the#4= ;e wa#ted !or one hour$

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USE 3 Ha2#t" #n the 6a"t

 The Si#ple 9ast can also be use" to "escribe a habit which stopast$ 5t can ha%e the sa#e #eanin as use" to$ To #ake it cltalkin about a habit, we o!ten a"" e*pressions such as= alwayusually, ne%er, when 5 was a chil", when 5 was youner, etc$


5 "t$d#ed Lrench when 5 was a chil"$

'e !ayed the %iolin$

'e d#dn7t !ay the piano$

D#d you !ay a #usical instru#ent when you were a ki"

She worked at the #o%ie theater a!ter school$

 They ne%er went to school, they always "k#ed class$

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 The Si#ple 9ast can also be use" to "escribe past !acts orenerali&ations which are no loner true$ As in SE I abo%the Si#ple 9ast is uite si#ilar to the e*pression use" to$


She wa" shy as a chil", but now she is %ery outoin$

'e d#dn7t !#ke to#atoes be!ore$

D#d you !#'e in Te*as when you were a ki"

9eople a#d #uch #ore to #ake cell phone calls in the pa