karuna reiki

http://www.reikispirit.net/ church/sym.library.index.html Karuna Reiki Karuna Reiki Reiki is a system derived from Tibetan Usui Reiki, Raku Kai Reiki and the Reiki Johra. It is therefore a basing system in Western Reiki Takata's teachings. This system was developed by William L. Rand collaboration with other masters of Reiki, which it says, inspired by Sai Baba, received a series of symbols together to create and register the Karuna Reiki ®. It has a system very similar to Reiki attunements Usui Tibetan with some variations. They say its creators, Karuna Reiki energy has a different from Usui Reiki, more intense, direct and powerful. It is certainly normal for this system a distinct sense that the Usui Reiki, as working with other symbols of the energy vibration changes. Remember that when you invoke a command that cause you to channel this energy in tune with the vibration of that symbol, and therefore, the virtues and duties of the symbol is manifested through the energy. Karuna is a Sanskrit word which means "compassion", we can find meaning as "action that is undertaken to reduce the suffering of others" or as "compassionate action." Many often confuse punishment with compassion. The penalty is a negative feeling and

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Karuna ReikiKaruna Reiki Reiki is a system derived from Tibetan Usui Reiki, Raku Kai Reiki and the Reiki Johra. It is therefore a basing system in Western Reiki Takata's teachings. This system was developed by William L. Rand collaboration with other masters of Reiki, which it says, inspired by Sai Baba, received a series of symbols together to create and register the Karuna Reiki ®. It has a system very similar to Reiki attunements Usui Tibetan with some variations.

They say its creators, Karuna Reiki energy has a different from Usui Reiki, more intense, direct and powerful. It is certainly normal for this system a distinct sense that the Usui Reiki, as working with other symbols of the energy vibration changes. Remember that when you invoke a command that cause you to channel this energy in tune with the vibration of that symbol, and therefore, the virtues and duties of the symbol is manifested through the energy.

Karuna is a Sanskrit word which means "compassion", we can find meaning as "action that is undertaken to reduce the suffering of others" or as "compassionate action." Many often confuse punishment with compassion. The penalty is a negative feeling and has no high, deep base is fear. Through the penalty can be manipulated very easily. By contrast, compassion requires a high degree of developmental level. Compassion is born of a true union with the whole, in which one feels that is interconnected to everything and we are all part of the macro body.

Karuna Reiki focuses on working with Mara, what could be called the "dark side." Within us there is some good and bad, to put it in some way. At bottom, the bad part is illusory, but until we truly realize this, the poor can seize us and cause much suffering, both ourselves and others. This system of Reiki is a special emphasis on working to dissolve this "dark side", and to develop true compassion for others.

To make Karuna Reiki, you must have made at least the second level of Reiki. But its creator William L. Rand, should be made to the third level and have practiced with the Dai-Koo-Myo

Usui to absorb vibration. This system usually consists of two levels: Master Practitioner and Karuna Karuna. Between the two levels explains all the symbols of the system and receive all of them through two initiations.

Karuna Reiki session is basically performing the hand positions to learn in Usui Reiki and in each position to apply all the symbols of Karuna. To expedite this process there is the method of the brackets.

Technique of the Bracket

This method is to create a kind of bracket with all the symbols inside, so that when you invoke the symbol that bracket, it drags everybody else. This technique can do with the Zonar and the Dai-Koo-Myo Usui. Explain this technique to do it with the symbols of Karuna, but we can do it with other symbols. Previously, before the session the patient will make the following preparations:

Open the bracket. Choose the symbol that will act as braces, usually using Zonar or Dai-Koo-Myo Usui. We left palm face up and draw right on the hand symbol, we introduce and knocked three times on the palm. Mentally repeated three times: "I am creating a bracket symbols."

Insert symbols. Then we will draw each symbol, repeating his name three times to activate it and hitting the hand three times to enter.

Close the bracket. Once you have entered all the symbols, re-enter the command we used to bracket the Zonar or Dai-Koo-Myo.

Repeat this process on the other hand, opening the bracket, inserting all the symbols and closing the clasp.

Now we have the hook set, every time we use it only be necessary to invoke the command with which we created the bracket and this will drag everyone else.

Karuna Reiki Practitioner Level Symbols

Zonar. Karma works and issues related to past lives. It helps us to recover the painful memories of past traumas to heal in the present. It works similarly to the Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen, to break through the barriers of time and distance. To draw, first draw the Z, then the infinite in the center repeating three times.

Halu. This symbol helps us see where we are not looking. Clear the illusion and mindsets that we have established ourselves as self-denial or self-deception. Can also be used to stop attacks such as energy or protection. Be careful when using it as protection and insulates us much of our environment.

Harth. This command works the emotional and sentimental. We can use it to work with bad habits and to heal relationships. It symbolizes the heart. Returns will to live and to undertake new projects. It also helps to develop compassion.

Rama-Mara. Used to open the chakras of the soles of the feet and thus promote the curly to the land. Work harmonizing the lower chakras and everything related to the world of matter. It helps to play with his feet on the ground to address all material issues in a more healthy and conscious. Can also be used to clear negative energy from places and homes.

Ganesh. It is a symbol of good fortune. Attracts to us the luck and success, both material and spiritual. Is aligned with the figure of the Hindu god Ganesh, the elephant god, who represents wisdom and prudence.

Gnosa. This command works the connection to our higher self. Raises the energy from lower to higher centers, resulting in an increase in our consciousness. Represents spiritual knowledge.

Kriya-Chokurei. With this symbol we work to achieve our goals, putting the power of the universe to achieve them. Can be used to protect and promote other symbols, placing the symbol to promote between the two Cho-Ku-Rei.

Lava. Helps to free us from the constraints to which we subject others, especially the "how we should be." Lava helps us find ourselves and undo the illusion that others would have us believe.

Shanti. It is a symbol that produces a great calm. It helps us bring our dream if we have recurring nightmares. It is also used to free ourselves from past traumas and brings harmony and balance.

Ved-Ganga. This symbol is aligned with the figure of Ganga, the goddess of the Ganges. Legend has it that the goddess had the ability to purify everything it touched. It is therefore a symbol that helps us to purify people, objects and places.

Hosanna. This is also a symbol of protection and to cleanse negative energies. Is aligned with the figure of the ascended master Saint Germain.

Motor-Zanon. This symbol is used for exorcism, that is, freeing the patient from entities or persons disembodied thought. It is a symbol that produces a change in polarity of the energy of the patient in order to force the authorities to leave the body.

Swástica. It is a symbol of success and achievement. Attracts us the ability to accomplish what we set and the energy required to do so. It is a very ancient symbol that can be found in Buddhist and Hindu representatives.

Johre. Comes from a Japanese symbol called the set Johra, which means White Light. This command invokes some entities called Elohim. Serves as protection against energy attacks, but also can be used to release locks. It is also useful in cases in which an entity is engaged in the patient.






Symbols of Karuna Reiki Master

Moses. It is a symbol associated with spiritual ascent, representing the transformation from human to divine. Develop the purity, consistency, integrity and willingness to go forward in our evolutionary path to enlightenment. It was found engraved on the tomb of Aaron, Moses' brother, Jordan. It is also said of him that was used by the Knights Templar.

Nanak. It is a symbol of Sikh origin, and its meaning is God. Especially working with purity of heart, helps us to tune into this chakra to develop simplicity.

Om. Is the symbol that represents the primordial sound of the universe, from which all things were created. Means "God is infinite." Works especially the crown chakra increasing its frequency of vibration. It helps us connect with the divine. It also purifies, seals and protects the aura.

Shree Vishnu. It represents the Hindu gods Vishnu and Lakshmi. Pronounced Sri Vishnu. Works especially our feminine awakening creativity and intuition. It is also a symbol of protection away from the evils and ignorance. Can be used to undo energy work.

Shivoham. This command mirrors the Hindu god Shiva. Its meaning is "I am Shiva." In Hinduism, Shiva is the god who destroys the universe. Believe Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva keeps it destroys it. In this area Shivoham helps to destroy the negativity and illusion that may be on us. Work masculine energy.

Hor. This symbol is of Egyptian origin, and was used as protection. It represents the god Ra, god of the sun soothe aching limbs and joints. He is said to prolong life. We can use it to connect with the sun and cosmic directly receive information sent to us.

Some regard Reiki symbols as sacred and secret. They are simply symbols. The sacredness lives in their energy.

Each symbol holds an energy, represents a truth, and can be used to invoke its meaning; thus, its effect.

It is important to know that Usui Sensei did not begin attuning others to Reiki with symbols. He initially taught the individual five principles and unique energies each symbol represented. Thus, if one understands the energy, the symbols themselves were not needed to invoke their power.

The following are illustrations of Usui and Karuna Reiki Symbols. These symbols are used in Reiki treatments as well as attunements. Each offers a message. Meditate, play, explore.

Cho Ku Rei

The first of the Usui symbols is commonly known as The Power Symbol. Pronounced in Japanese as Cho- Koo- Ray, it is learned in Reiki levels 1 & 2. It means Put all the power of the Universe here and is most often drawn by the practitioner’s dominant hand on each of his/her palms before sending treatment. Additionally, it is often drawn on the recipient’s Crown Chakra before a session thoroughly begins.  It can be placed wherever the practitioner feels whether on him/herself or the recipient.

Drawing it, imagining it or chanting it three times can invoke Cho Ku Rei. 

  Sei Hei Ki

This the second symbol used in Usui Reiki. It is taught in Reiki level 2 is most commonly known as The Emotional Symbol. It is pronounced Say- Hay- Kee. It means God and humanity become one. It is most often used when there is an emotional release or build up in the recipient.

Invoke Sei Hei Ki the same way as Cho Ku Rei.

 Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

This is Usui Reiki Distant Healing Symbol. It is taught in level 2 and means May the Buddha in me connect to the Buddha in you to promote harmony and peace. Pronounced Hon- Sha- Zee- Show- Nen, it travels unhindered through time and space. It is most often used in distant healings and attunements and is perhaps the jewel of understanding Reiki.

Invoke Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen the same way as Sei Hei Ki.


Usui Master Symbol Dai Ko Myo

The Usui Master symbol, Dai Ko Myo is taught and given in the Master Level. This is the last symbol Usui used in attunements. Like it’s Tibetan sister, it heals the spiritual state of the recipient and connects the individual with his/her greatest potential. It means Great Being of the Universe Shine on Me.

Invoke Dai Ko Myo the same as Hon Sho Ze Sho Nen.


Tibetan Dai Ko Myo or Dumo

This beautiful and powerful symbol was not originally taught in Usui Reiki Ryoho. However, the symbol gained so much popularity; it became systematic to include it in attunements. Pronounced Dye- Ko- Myo or Doomo, it connects the body and the mind in order to grow spiritually. Dumo is used whenever the practitioner feels and often in every session.

Invoke Dumo by either drawing, imagining or chanting its name three times.

Karuna Reiki Symbols


Pronounced "Zoe Nar", this symbol means "infinity" or eternity. It is thought to work with our cells deep memories from both this life and the past. Zonar helps us release Karma, create clarity and open our hearts to compassion. Our awareness broadens while Zonar opens dimensions of the Universe. In Karuna Ki, Zonar connects us to loving compassionate energy.


Halu, pronounced "Hay Lou" means love, truth, and beauty. It can also mean harmony. A deeper ray of healing, Halu includes the symbol of Zonar and heals at very deep karmic and causal levels. We use Halu to break negative patterns while restoring natural balance in our lives.


Harth is the main symbol in Karuna Ki Reiki. Like Halu, it means love, truth, beauty, harmony and balance and represents infinite compassion. Harth restores our love of life as it is used to heal issues of the heart.



Rama, interchangeable with "Ram" or "God" means abiding joy. Rama connects us to Gaia, Earth energy, and clears our lower six chakras. Rama is used to clear negative energy, create determination and revive a person's chi.


Pronounced, "Know Sa", the word comes from Gnosis meaning mystical and spiritual knowledge acquired through feeling and prophecies from God. Gnosa helps release our higher self to communicate more clearly in every day life. As it increases awareness it uplifts consciousness creating a direct connection with God. Like Harth, Gnosa is a primary symbol in Karuna Reiki.



Pronounced "Kree Yah", it means perfect balance and action. The Law of Kriya is that of physical manifestation. Thought to help to heal the human race. Kriya balances energy, raises awareness and transforms thought into action.



Pronounced "Ee-Ah-Vah", it balances the four elements. When drawing the four small loops, say "Earth" with the first, "Water" with the second, "Wind or Air" with the third, and "Fire" with the fourth. Iava dispels illusion, conditionings and untruths. Iava aids in acting in the moment from a place of truth rather than re-acting to circumstances. It also helps heal the Earth.


Pronounced, "Shawn-Tee", it means peace. Shanti helps heal the past and make way for the present. We use Shanty to send peace to the past, free our attachments and heal. It releases fear, anger, hurt while soothing the aura.


Pronounced, "do moe", it represents the swirling heat of the Kundalini. Also known as Tibetan Master Symbol or Tibetan Dai Ko Mio, it is the heat felt over the spine as the Kundalini awakens. This heat is the unification of the body and the mind. Dumo ignites this fire in the root chakra, pulls negative energy and disease from the body and releases it. Dumo heals on the deepest of levels.

Usui Dai Ko Myo

The Usui Master Symbol means "Great Being of the Universe Shine on Me". It can also mean "great shining light". It is a Zen expression for one's own true nature or Buddha-nature. Used at the highest level of healing, it expounds the thought that our spiritual body is a template for our physical body. Thus, when we are ill, the dis-ease formed originally in our spiritual bodies. Dai Ko Myo cleanses these bodies and heals our spirit. In Karuna Ki, Usui Dai Ko Myo is used to represent the total connection to compassion of the divine source.

Tibetan Fire Serpent

This sleeping serpent awakens during an attunement. It opens the central channel of Kundalini fire. Depending on how it is used, it can either ground energy into the lower chakras or push energy upwards into the higher chakras without allowing it to release through the Crown chakra. The Fire Serpent connects and opens all chakras allowing balance and harmony.



Pronounced "Ah uu mm", it is a Sanskrit symbol, the sacred sound of the Universe. It represents All of creation working together as one unit. Think "As above So below", "All opposites are identical in nature only different in degree". We are one and the understanding of such a concept- the integrity of All life leads us greater understanding, better choices, happier life. Om cleans, stabilizes and seals the aura. It brings in light, purifies, protects and connects us with God. It represents creation, preservation and destruction. Om opens the crown chakra and if drawn above the head opens a pathway to God and higher consciousness.


Raku is used in attunements, not in individual healings. It helps lift negative energy while taking the initiate into awareness. Raku activates the Hara Line, bringing Reiki energy in through the chi channels, and last settling in the Hara. It is used at the end of attunements in both Usui and Karuna Reiki attunements. Last, it is used to separate the Master from the initiate after the attunement is complete.



The purpose of the symbol Cho-Ku-Rei is to increase the flow of Reiki energy through the practitioner, and thus increase the healing.   It is used in nearly every healing situation.   It is important to keep this purpose of increasing power firmly in mind though.  

While Essential and Traditional Reiki use the same symbol to represent Cho-Ku-Rei, the two schools of Reiki draw them in opposite directions.   Essential Reiki draws the symbol clockwise while Traditional Reiki draws it counterclockwise.   This makes the individual Reiki user's esoteric belief's around spirals critical in determining which version will be the more effective.  

Many people, like the Wiccans, associate clockwise motion and spirals with an increase in power and counterclockwise with a decrease in power.   Others, like many North American Indian tribes, associate sun wise (clockwise) with good (Medicine) and anti-sun wise (counterclockwise) with bad (Medicine).   Yet others associate one direction with 'normal' and the other with 'contrary' with no good or bad orientation implied.   Another group thinks the earth's hemispheres you are in important in determining the effect of spirals.   That is, within the Northern hemisphere, clockwise is generally associated with an increase in power and, within the southern hemisphere, the reverse is true, with counterclockwise being the direction of increased power.  

If you are uncertain of your own beliefs in this area or have a strong sense of adventure, the Reikifire Ministry recommends you experiment with both versions and see which boosts your energy more effectively.   This will give you a clearer idea of your beliefs around spirals and their use and power -- and how you can use them most effectively.  

There is another consideration.   In some cases, increasing power may NOT be the shortest route to healing.   It may be that a decrease in power would be more appropriate.   Diane Stein, in her book Essential Reiki, refers to one healing, involving cancer, where her guides directed her to decrease energy (that is, use the counterclockwise Cho-Ku-Rei).   If I understand correctly what she says, she is referring to decreasing the energy of the cancer rather than decreasing the energy of the healing.   This is a good example of using Reiki in a tightly focused manner over multiple Reiki sessions.  

It also points our the wisdom of taking nothing for granted and always asking for guidance in your healing work.  

Cho-Ku-Rei is also used to increase or restore the life force and thus the nutritional value of food, to increase the potency of medication and/or reduce the side effects.   Essentially in any situation where a strong increase or decrease in energy, it is appropriate to invoke the Cho-Ku-Rei

The healing focus of the Cho-Ku-Rei is the physical body.  

Cho-Ku-Rei Doubled

Cho-Ku-Rei Doubled

Doubled Cho-Ku-Reis are used for manifestation.   Conscious manifestation is a complex subject beyond the immediate purpose of this page.   So I will stop with this admonition, Be thoughtful in your asking, for you will receive what you request.  





Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen has four related and overlapping uses.  

First, it sends Reiki through space and thus is used in all distant healing.  

Second, it sends Reiki through time and thus is used in all past and future life healings.  

Third, it works primarily on the mental body (the conscious rather than the unconscious mind)

Forth, it a door to the Akashic Records and thus used for identifying and releasing Karmic debts

Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen has been translated in a variety of ways, including: No past, no present, no future Open the book of life and now read

Namaste - The Goddess in me salutes the Goddess in you

The colours will vary as required, IF you don't try to force them into what you think might be best.      Colours beyond the normal spectrum frequently occur; thus, these colours are difficult, if not impossible, to describe.  

The healing focus of the Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen is on the mental body.

Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen Doubled

Essential Reiki Version Doubled

Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen doubled is used to heal future lives.      The Essential Reiki version is shown, but any version may be doubled.      For other information review the primary




The Sei-He-Ki is perhaps used for more purposes and more situations than any other Reiki symbol.   In addition to being used in nearly every conceivable healing situation, which might possibly include an emotional component, Sei-He-Ki is used for cleansing and purification, protection, to

clear negative energy, to release spirit attachments and in distant healing.   It can be used to purify food and medications, and, when used with Cho-Ko-Rei, can clear crystals and boost the healing properties of medicine.   Sei-He-Ki useful in treating addictions to reduce or eliminate cravings. And it can be used to reduce negative behaviours and attitudes rooted in current life situations.   For example, it can often help smooth the path of troubled teens.

Sei-He-Ki's powerful cleansing and protection abilities make it ideal for cleaning and blessing individual rooms and complete homes and buildings.   Use it both to clear locales of the negative energies resulting for current life arguments and events as well as those from the long agos, including the release of spirits and thought creatures which have become attached to places and things.   Counsellors, for example, can use it to clear their counselling rooms after every session.

Sei-He-Ki can also be used to clear energy blockages, release sprit attachments and to repair tears in the aura.

The healing focus of the Sei-He-Ki is on the emotional body.

Sei-He-Ki Doubled

Sei-He-Ki DoubledAnd Inverted

A.J. Mackenzie Clay, an Australian Reiki Master, has written several challenging books, including The Challenge to Teach Reiki and One Step Forward for Reiki.   And, while a review of these books is beyond the scope of this page, the Reikifire Ministry does recommend all of Clay's books for those willing to challenge their understanding of Reiki symbols.

Clay does have an intriguing idea concerning the Sei-He-Ki.   Among other attributes, he says Sei-He-Ki, doubled and inverted as shown above, aids in the integration of the left and right brain hemispheres.   What is interesting about this idea is that Japanese, like other peoples speaking non-linear languages, do not show any evidence of what most westerners have mistakenly come to think of as the classic, biologically rooted left brain, right brain split.   Thus Usui sensi would never have sought a cure for the left-right brain split because it does not exist among Japanese speakers. It only appears among the speakers of linear languages.








Dai-Ko-Myo has multiple purposes.   First it is used to pass attunements.   Second it is a powerful healing symbol, perhaps the most powerful currently available to us.   Third, it can be used to cleanse and charge crystals and other objects.  

This page only discusses the modern version of Dai-Ko-Myo, a double spiral, combined with the Raku.   But all the forms have the same purpose and Reikifire Ministry clergy are encouraged to use the symbol they are most comfortable with.   Feel free to experiment, but don't get caught up in debating which is correct, for it is likely none of them are actually 'right.   ' (See the discussion on the Library Index page)

Discussion is also limited, at least for now, to usage as taught in Reiki - Teachings from the Heart.   Again, all clergy are encouraged to use the methods they are most comfortable with -- and to experiment with other methods as well.   You will learn best about the symbols by using them and

letting your Reiki guides teach you.   It is likely that no single method is best for every situation.  

Because the modern form is a double spiral, all clergy using the modern version should review the comments on spirals found in the discussion of the symbol Cho-Ku-Rei.  

The Dai-Ko-Myo is the first symbol used when passing attunements.   It is usually visualized over the crown chakra prior to drawing any of the other symbols.   In Essential Reiki, it is also drawn into the palms of both hands and, for Level III attunements, also drawn into the crown chakra.  

This symbol can also be used to cleanse and charge crystals and to charge medications during their manufacture.  

The Dai-Ko-Myo greatly increases the healing effects of all forms of Reiki Healing.   Therefore, this symbol is generally used with every healing, whether hands-on or distant, individual or group, or aimed at a person, thing or situation.   Use it often, you will be amazed at the results.  

The healing focus of the Dai-Ko-Myo is the spiritual body.  




Raku is curently only used during attunements, during which it has two functions.   First, it facilitates opening up the new healer's energy channels, allow him to handle far larger flows of chi and other fundamental energies.   Second, it is used to separate the auras of the attuning master and the new healer.  

It seems likely there are other uses for Raku and the Reikifire Ministry encourages everyone to meditate on Raku and report any new information.  

Karuna Reiki SymbolsHalu

Halu supports healing in the following areas:

Unconscious patternsHalu helps break undesirable patterns, frees us from delusions and negative ego thinking. Moves us towards self acceptance and integrity on all levels. Supports us in claiming our personal power by taking responsibility for our thoughts, words and actions.

Bringing light to the dark side or healing the shadow selfLooking at this from a duality point of view, there is light and dark, good and bad, etc. Within the duality, there are opposites. It is either/or. By raising our consciousness we move out of duality into Oneness. Darkness is merely the

absence of light. Halu helps us shine light into those dark corners of ourselves.

Sexual and physical abuse issuesAn abuse situation is always a co-creation. On one side there is the abuser, on the other side the victim. It can be very traumatic and painful to move through those feelings of being victimized. Halu together with Zonar helps us look at our issues, bring all feelings to the light in order to heal.

Psychic and psychological attackWe cannot be attacked unless we perceive ourselves as weak. If we find ourselves attacked we have allowed it at some level. Halu helps us reclaim our personal power and strength. The best way to deal with a psychic or psychological attack is to bless the energies that are being sent and direct them back to the sender. Remember what we send out is coming back to us tenfold.

Halu is said to be able to activate a healing beam much like a laser beam, which can be directed specifically for intensive healing.

Halu is usually used with Zonar.

Karuna Reiki SymbolsHarth

Harth for all issues of the heart (emotionally and physically).

Where blocks have been removed and fear has been uprooted,use Harth to fill the created space with compassionate love.

Harth supports healing in the following areas:

RelationshipsThe majority of people still enters a relationship on a trade basis instead on coming from unconditional love. Seeing a lack they search to fill this lack with the other person. In an example it goes somewhat like this: I trade you for giving me status and you trade me for giving you admiration. Or some other things for that matter. Based on the expectation in fulfilling "the trade contract" things mostly fall apart sooner or later, because one or the other fails to to be true to the contract. It is an impossible setup from the beginning. Only love will last, unconditional love. Love that puts no demands onto the other person.. Halu helps us maintain a relationship and heal it, ultimately by surrendering it to God. In doing that we let go of control completely. The relationship may experience a healing and uplifting or it may not. Know that we come together in a relationship to learn from one another as much as we can. When no more learning is possible at a given time, the relationship will dissolve. Each person moves on on their own path. We do not own one another.

ChangeTo enhance any change you wish to apply in your life, you can use the symbol harth. Envision your situation and what you wish to replace it with, by mind intent, then send harth to the situation. Be creative. You are the director the producer and the actor in the movie called "your life". Do whatever you choose to do, and enjoy your creation!

AddictionsHarth can also be applied to any addiction for healing. Addictions could be seen as searching. But as it goes when ego or our lower self is in charge it comes to: seek - but do not find. Only by surrendering our lives to God our creator will we find ourselves. Our answers are within not without. By directing our thoughts within we come to discover our endless source of love.

Compassionate actionCompassionate action comes from an open heart. Harth helps us doing just that. The compassionate heart knows only love. It sees the sacredness and oneness of all life forms, every person, plant and animal, and treats them accordingly with reverence and unconditional love.

Contacting Light Beings, Angels, Ascended MastersAsk for a blessing from the Higher Realms, your favourite Ascended Master, Angel or Light Being. You can send harth to the chosen being and ask for a special blessing. Enjoy the energies that you are receiving. Avalokiteshvara,

Kuan Yin and Mother Mary will joyfully help you build your love body.

Reiki is also termed "The Art of Inviting Happiness". Use harth for everything that you desire in your live, increasing the love that surrounds you.

Karuna Reiki SymbolsRama

Rama supports healing in the following areas:

Lower chakrasRama is an excellent symbol for grounding. You can even draw it onto the feet should the need arise, to bring a person "down to earth". This technique will also move any blockages out the feet and has the potential to release pain. Rama helps in the healing of issues of the lower chakras such as willpower, survival, family identity (1st chakra). Establishing boundaries, issues about money and sexuality (2nd chakra).

Clearing the mindRama visualized on the soles of the feet helps clear the mind, by means of allowing earth energy to soothe the whole being. It feels great after a long working day. The congested energies can be directed to Mother Earth in order to

be recycled. Don't forget to thank Mother Earth.

Clearing a room/houseYou can prepare/clear your healing space or any other room by putting Rama in the center of the room and/or the four corners. This will allow any negative energies to flow away. It will ground the room and divine energy from above will flow into the room. You can also visualize Rama in the center of the room and focus your mind intent to having the space cleared of any energy which if of less than divine perfection. This greatly enhances your healing work and is helpful for all uses of that particular room, as there will be an abundance of divine love and light.

Harmonizes the chakrasRama brings about a balancing of the chakras and their properties.

Enhancing determination and completionPower alone won't work. Compassion and love alone won't work either. Rama helps us to take compassionate loving action and enhances our ability to make decisions, in alignment with Spirit I might add - and not to comfort our egos!

Material goals and their manifestationRama is said to act like a healing magnet. It connects us with our higher consciousness. Archangel Michael's presence has been observed when we create for the highest good of all. Through thought, creative intention, with the addition of our excitement and joy, involving our physical being, we have massive power to manifest what we desire.

Completes a sessionIt happens frequently that a person leaves the body during a healing session. Rama can be used to bring them gently back, grounding them and allowing any insights they might have received to come into consciousness.

Karuna Reiki SymbolsZonar

Zonar is good to use at the beginning of a session to prepare for deep healing. It is said to work as a psychological and spiritual anaesthetic, reducing and/or eliminating emotional pain.

Zonar supports healing in the following areas:

Cellular levelOur cells carry knowledge and memory. Hurtful and traumatic experiences can be stored over lifetimes in our cellular memory. Zonar helps loosen up and induce the healing of those issues at the cellular level. Combined with the Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen Zonar can be used to amplify the energy for distant healing.

Past life issuesOur today life is sometimes influenced by events from a past life, bringing about all kinds of difficulties for us to deal with. Phobias, addictions, difficult relationships etc. Apply Zonar together with the Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen directed to the event in a specific past live, to heal the cause, core, effect and memory of such an event.

Child abuseStill very much in the darkness is the issue of child abuse. Issues of shame and unworthiness run deep in the subconscious mind. Zonar helps release those deeply denied and suppressed traumatic experiences and ignites the healing process.

Contacting Archangel GabrielArchangel Gabriel and and his female counterpart Hope work with the energies of the 4th Ray. Zonar can be used to call upon Archangel Gabriel for help. You might also ask to be given the information most needed in order to bring those issues that you are currently working on to the light and heal them."....... We are here to remind you that you are creators. We come to you at

this most important time in the evolution of your planet, a time of unity of Soul and Spirit in the physical body through the Light and the Power of your being. We encourage you to stand in the Power of One, as the individual Light that you are, to create a new vision for your world, a new Heaven on Earth through your individual expression of unconditional love for yourselves and one another. We challenge you to act upon life as creators rather than having life act upon you. Remember always as you are able to love one another" (Archangel Michael channelled by Ron Baker)

Being a spiritual anaesthetic, Zonar prepares for healing on a deeper level. The symbol to continue this deepened healing is Halu.

Karuna Reiki SymbolsGnosa

Gnosa clears the mind and increases the connection with the Higher Self.

Gnosa supports healing in the following areas:

Connecting with the Higher SelfGnosa helps us to highten our awareness and connect with our Higher Self. Due to this it has the potential to bring about very deep healing. It frequently reveals insights that lead to understanding the causing factor of a painful situation. By

applying the appropriate changes in our lives, deep healing can take place.

Improves learning abilityIt helps us to open our mind to new concepts and to inquire deeper into spiritual truth, beyond faith. According to W. Rand it helps to learn physical activities more easily, such as sports, dancing, martial arts: even the playing of musical instruments. It is also said to be a great help for studying and taking tests.

CommunicationGnosa clears our minds which further improves our communication skills, both verbal and written. Use it for your studies, projects and research - it will help you find the best Resources and will improve your understanding of the material.

CreativityWith the help of Gnosa our connection with our Higher Self improves, our mind is clearer our intuition and connectedness with Beings of the Higher Realms deepens. Gnosa increases the creativity and our life is greatly enhanced by our growing awareness.

Gnosa works well with Rama helping the Higher Self to manifest on the physical plane.

Karuna Reiki SymbolsKriya

Kriya supports healing in the following areas:

GroundingVisualize each side of the symbol going down each leg. Place the upper part in your hips with the spirals in your feet. This will create a strong connection to the earth and pull your consciousness more fully into your body. It is also said to lead you along your path in a very practical way.

ManifestationsKriya can be used for manifestation. Write what you desire to manifest on a piece of paper in the form of an affirmation or a prayer. Be clear about what you ask for and add that this be true as long as it is in alignment with God's will. You can use this method for anything you desire to manifest in your life. Then empower your manifestation every day by mind intent, see it energized with your enthusiasm and joy. You also may want to visualize the Kriya when you "charge" your affirmation/prayer.

Light-Switch-Huna is a great technique to add to all of your prayer and manifestations !

Setting PrioritiesIn all decisions we have a choice. Kriya helps us set our personal priorities and preferences, and it supports us in the releasing of any attachment we still hold.

Healing the human familyKriya is wonderful for healing the human family. See all people harmoniously live together, joyfully joined, happily laughing, hugging or holding hands. Imagine God's children playing in a beautiful garden called Gaia.

Karuna Reiki SymbolsIava

Iava supports healing in the following areas:

Iava helps us clarify our reality Not all of us might be thrilled about this thought, but we do create our own reality. Accepting this thought, there is no way around taking charge of our life. Iava is supportive in this endeavour, as is can be very difficult to live our truth; particularly when those ones around us think we're missing a piece. So Iava helps us establish healthy boundaries, setting our goals, and build up the persistence and discipline to follow our path, regardless of other people's opinions. We can still lovingly honour those who have a different point of view. There is no need for agreement, acceptance will suffice - diversity is beautiful.

Moving from co-dependency to interconnectednessWe are not responsible for other people, their feelings, emotions, or their happiness. The sole responsibility we have is for ourselves, how we feel about ourselves, and how we react, or better yet, how we choose to respond to others or the various events in our lives. We cannot make anybody happy or sad. To believe we can is acting from co-dependency. Iava helps us in recognizing the interdependence or Oneness of our being.

Seeing the OnenessIava helps us understand that we are truly all one. That another person's expression is also a part of ourselves. Love knows no separation. It is only the ego that would have us believe that we are separate from each other, that one person is superior or inferior to another.

EmpoweringIava helps us take action to fulfill our divine calling and feeds our excitement and joy in our service work. When I say service work I mean whatever you are doing right now. Teaching children, cleaning windows, working in an office.

Don't forget that you are a healer in God's service.

Healing Mother EarthBeing an earth healing energy, Iava has the potential to connect us deeply with Nature. Trees, Flowers, Rivers, Mountains, Clouds etc. teach us many lessons should we just start to pay attention and listen. They teach us about beauty, humility, reverence and respect. Nature Spirits and Devas are happy to share their wisdom with us. You can for instance ask a tree for help. The tree carries the spirit of honesty. As you would do with all Nature Spirits, approach it lovingly with respect and reverence, coming from your heart (not your head).

Interconnectedness"The spiritual aspect of healing involves tapping into the deeper levels of being, where our innate intelligence resides. As we connect to our inner rhythms and greater sense of wholeness, we begin to experience the rhythms, wholeness, and interconnectedness around us, which eventually expands to include the entire human and planetary community."

Quoted from The Deva's Handbook

Iava works well with Harth to help overcome addictions.

Karuna Reiki SymbolsShanti

Shanti supports healing in the following areas:

Peace of MindWhen peace of mind becomes your only goal, you simply flow with the wave of life. Iava helps to surf this wave in harmony and balance. "What we are today comes from thoughts of yesterday and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow. Our life is the creation of our mind." (Buddha)

InsomniaShanti brings peace and releases fear, therefore it is very efficient in helping overcome insomnia and restlessness including nightmares.

Release of fear and panicShanti is wonderful to use when fear or panic attacks distress us. Even for chronic fatigue it is been known to help. Shanti induces a soothing calmness, helping us to let go of worries about things of the past or those things we imagine yet to happen.

Brings about best effectsShanti combined with Rama or Kriya helps realize the goals we envision with ease and grace, gently and effortlessly.

ClairvoyanceShanti also has the potential of increasing our clairvoyance. Meditate with the point of Shanti going into the third eye. Maintaining this single-pointed focus will clear the third eye chakra and enhance clairvoyance.

Karuna Reiki SymbolsOm

Karuna Reiki SymbolsTibetan Fire Serpent

(Raku Variant)

Karuna Reiki SymbolsDumo or Tibetan Master Symbol

(Variant of Esential Reiki's Dai Ko Myo or Master Symbol)

Dumo represents the sacred flame or Kundalini. It unifies mind and body working with the creative fire of the base chakra. It is said to pull negative energy and disease out of the body, a room or a situation and releases it. Dumo is also thought to bring about spiritual growth. The Tibetan Master Symbol is used in the attunement process, together with the Violet Breath Technique.

Violet Breath TechniqueDraw in a deep cleansing breath, imagining it as white light coming down through the Crown Chakra. With your tongue at the roof of your palate, bring it down the front of the body via Dantien to the Hui Yin point, and back up the spine to the center of the head. Imagine this becoming white mist and filling the head.

Visualize the white mist turning blue, see it swirling as it rotates clockwise, see it transmute and become a violet mist. Within the Violet Mist, envision Dumo (Tibetan Master Symbol) or the Usui Master symbol if you desire. Breathe the Master symbol and Violet Light into the student's crown chakra, {exhale directly toward the crown}. Imagine the symbol moving into the appropriate Chakra, as you chant the secret name of the Master symbol three times.

Seichim ReikiAngel Wings

Realization of Potential Information on the use of this symbol, and any alternative drawings would be


Seichim ReikiCho-Ku-Ret

Inanimate Object Power Symbol Information on the use of this symbol, and any alternative drawings would be


Seichim ReikiHigh-Low-God

Align Higher, Lower, and God Aspects of Self Information on the use of this symbol, and any alternative drawings would be


Seichim ReikiEefchay

Alternate names include: Ift Chei; eeftchay; EeeeeftChay; eeeeftchay.

Usage includes encouraging 'Divine Sight' or spiritual guidance from the 'Higher Self.' This is also called 'Endless Inner Sight

Additional information on the use of this symbol, and any alternative d rawings would be appreciated.

Seichim ReikiMale/Female Balance

Name variants includ: Everlasting Flower; Yin-Yang Balance; Everlasting Flower of Enlightment; Male/Female balance

Uses include to balancing the male-female / yin-yang energy; but it can also be used to balance anything, i.e., male-female, yin-yang, left-right, up-down, etc.

Additional Information on the use of this symbol, and any alternative drawings would be appreciated.

Kagami Reiki SymbolsDi Ku Lien

Brings Protection

Kagami Reiki SymbolsHom

Brings Unconditional Love from Heaven to Earth.

Kagami Reiki SymbolsHon Sen

No Cause & Effect, Cleans Karma

Kagami Reiki SymbolsHon Sen Ne

Calls Kindred Spirits

Kagami Reiki SymbolsHon Sha Lien

Brings Physical and Spiritual Integration

Kagami Reiki SymbolsSei Ji

Releases Emotional Cause of Excess Weight

Kagami Reiki SymbolsSei Rei Ki

Brings Abundance

Kagami Reiki SymbolsTaika

Takes you to beginning of the Distortion.

Fire Clover

This symbol, channeled by Mark Brown and several other powerful reikimages/reikimasters, is essentially an ankh with an infinity symbol around the crossbar. Assists in emotional healings of wounds caused by romantic entanglements and "broken hearts". It also seems to have a strong sexual energy, useful for healing specific sexual ailments or problems, possibly also fertility issues. It's use is still experimental and feedback is always appreciated from successful or unsuccessful experiments.

Fire Clover is used with the generous permission of the copyright holder and Reiki High Priest, Barton Wendel.

Channelled Reiki SymbolMountain Flame

Sudden release of energy from a "solid foundation"

Channeled by Silverna.


Mountain Flame is used with the generous permission of the copyright holder and Reiki High Priest, Barton Wendel.

Psychic Cleanse

Helps cleanse the mind of psychic junk. Clears the thoughts.

Feels like a wash of energy, flowing water in the mind.

Channeled by Silverna.

Psychic Cleanse is used with the generous permission of the copyright holder and Reiki High Priest, Barton Wendel.


Feels like a stronger version of Emotional Clearing (Sei-He-Ki)

Basically helps your spirit heal, bring you closer to spirit, etc..

Channeled by Barton Wendel while receiving a Reiki Session.

Se-Re-Sin is used with the generous permission of the copyright holder and Reiki High Priest, Barton Wendel.

Se-Ta-Na and Se-Ta-Na Doubled

Helps restore eyesight. (Not an instaneous, I can SEE cure)

Helps you have the sight and wisdom of what you want to know, what to do, etc...

See into the spiritual realm, astral travel(not sure yet), see glimpses of a possible future, see whatever you want to "see".

Doubled can work both eyes at same time.

May feel the energy moving in the back of your eyes.

Channeled by Barton Wendel while receiving a Reiki Session to help eyesight.

Se-Ta-Na and the Doubled Se-Ta-Na are used with the generouspermission of the copyright holder and Reiki High Priest, Barton Wendel.


Transcendence, Distance Healing, Gateway, Past Life healing, Emotional Release,

"Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen 2"(works similar)

Channeled by Barton Wendel

Transcendence is used with the generous permission of the copyright holder and Reiki High Priest, Barton Wendel.

True Form

To help you see the "True Form" of a being.

To Help see the true self of a person...ie..not acting like themselves

If you are "otherkind", feel that your spirit is not human, if you feel that you were xxxx in past life,or want to see the "true form" of another.

(Draw symbol on self to see other peoples true form, or close eyes/use mirror to see your own.....or draw on another person so that they may see)

Channeled by Barton Wendel in a Reiki Grid with help of Geoffrey Wendel.

True Form is used with the generous permission of the copyright holder and Reiki High Priest, Barton Wendel.

True Memory

Helps you remember what you need to know. Basic memory thing, like a persons name all the way up to remembering your life purpose.

Past life memory.

Remembering why you are here or why a person should stay here (if they are

giving up on life).

Channeled by Geoffrey Wendel.

True Memory is used with the generous permission of the copyright holder and Reiki High Priest, Barton Wendel.

Wa-Ka-Su and Wa-Ka-Su Doubled

To Change Attitude, perception. Clears the mind and mood. To see things in a new light. To add light (literally and figuratively) to a view. (It felt like the room

got brighter) Put hand in air with palm facing down and fingers open. Drag whole hand up and around to draw symbol. More noticeable when drawn

doubled, use both hands at same time. Channeled by James Tucker.

Wa-Ka-Su and Wa-Ka-Su Doubled are used with the generous permission of the copyright holder and Reiki High Priest, Barton Wendel.

Auric Egg

Channeled by K'sitew

This Reiki Symbol, the Auric Egg, with a single object within a single loop, is the simplest of the gatherer class of symbols. It is also one of the more powerful.

It serves several purposes. First, as a diagnostic, it indicates extreme separation, such as might be the case with an autistic child or a comatose person. It may also be indicative of a problem situation or source which which is well entrenched and likely to take multiple sessions to work though.

It can be used to strengthen personal boundaries where they are missing or weak.

It can also be used as a type of shield. That is, when one wants to be undisturbed, for example to study or meditate, this symbol will cause folk to ignore you. It is also useful in situations where many strong and conflicting emotions exist. Use it to avoid getting caught up in panic and/or mob hysteria. Using it is the Reiki equivalent of using the Auric Egg exercise in Betty Shine's book, Mind Magic. And it is closely related to the shamanic cloak of invisibility.

The primary healing focus of this symbol is the mental body.

Barred Cho-Ku-Rei

Channeled by K'sitew

The Barred Cho-Ku-Rei appeared while healing a stone bruised heel. The symbol appeared and entered the heel at the point of injury. The healing was instantaneous!

It is unknown if this symbol is for bruises generally, feet generally or some other, more obscure, purpose. I encourage you to try it and report your experiences.

Please note the spiral is counter-clockwise, but with the handle to the right. This is a different Cho-Ku-Rei from the Cho-Ku-Rei used by either Essential Reiki and Traditional Reiki.


Channeled by K'sitew

Gatherer is one example of an entire class of Reiki symbols whose common elements are shown here as the ball and string.   The one and two sphere variants will be added as separate pages at a later time, as they have special meanings and usages.  

The three lobe (or more) variants generally have the purpose and effect of bringing together the items represented by the spheres.   The 'string' as it were, tying together the spheres.   (See Severer) One example would be to use gatherer to heal a family and its relationships with one lobe for each family member.   Gatherer can be used similarly for team building or healing in a work or other setting where coordination and good will among various folk is important.   Again, use one lobe for each person.  

The spheres are, in essence, wild cards, the value of which is determined by the user.   They can be replaced by different shapes, symbols, colours, or whatever the user can imagine, with each item representing something different.   Used in this way, gatherer can be used to manifest, create projects requiring multiple elements, etc.  

This is a complex class of symbols with many variables.   For example, is the centre open or closed? Is an open centre filled or empty? Is any particular loop filled or empty? Are the loops oriented out, like flower petals, or in towards the centre?

The ministry strongly recommends using this class of symbols under guidance until you have considerable experience with it.  

Gatherer is almost always seen in motion.   The string undulating much like a rope floating on water and the spheres (or other symbols) floating (bobbing) within the loops.   The colours can vary considerably.  


Channeled by K'sitew

Severer breaks, cuts, and severs relationships among people, karma, and dimensions.   It may be capable of severing relationships among other classes of items as well.  

Severer is primarily used to ease the transitions of birth and death, making both less difficult and or less painful.   However, it can also be used to break the karmic ties between people, particularly people currently within a family relationship.   It can help parents release their children to the world, and it can help in cases of divorce, child custody problems, and similar situations where there is great difficulty in 'letting go' by one or more of the various parties.  

In action severer appears to fly through inner space spinning like a saw blade, cutting the cords of relationship.   (See Gatherer)

Severer's colour is best described as one of the unearthly ones.  

Severer is definitely a multi-dimensional symbol.  


Channeled by K'sitew

Scrubber purifies the various etheric bodies, but particularly the light body.   It appears to scrub and clean away all darkness, leaving the light body a lustrous golden colour.  

In appearance, each ribbon is quite long, six to eighth feet, and in constant motion, giving the appearance of dark metallic mylar strips moving in a very gentle breeze.   The colours are unearthly, shimmering, mostly dark to the eyes, but with shining highlights.  

In action the ribbons enter via the crown and flow through the entire body, exiting through the hands, feet and root chakra.  

This is a very high level Reiki symbol not yet fully understood in its purpose or effects.  

Strand of Spirals

Channeled by K'sitew This symbol appeared while treating a stiff neck and painful upper back. The difficulty was on the left side of the neck and back. A column consisting of hundreds of small, dime size spirals, both clockwise and counterclockwise in orientation, appeared and entered the body just to the left of the spine where the spine and skull meet. The spirals continued down the left side of the body, finally disappearing at the base of the spine.

Initially,e.g., at the time of treatment, about every 40th or 50th spiral entered on the right side of the spine instead of the left, and travelled down the right side of the spine, again disappearing at the base of the spine.

Healing was not instantaneous. However the strand of spirals continued to appear and flow down the sides of spine spontaneously for over a week, even though no additional treatment was given. As time passed, an increasing number of spirals moved to the right side of the spine. When healing was complete, just before the spirals disappeared, about 50% of the spirals were moving alone each side of the spine.

While the spirals were in a distinct column or strand, the column was not rigid, but fluid. Individual spirals were not in close alignment and each spiral had it own motion. Some tilted along various axis, some rotated, although very slowly. The general appearance was relaxed and all motion leisurely.

The healing focus of The Strand of Spirals appears to be the physical body. It has the feel of addressing alignment problems, and thus might be useful not only with spinal problems,but with broken bones, dislocated joints and similar difficuties.

We Are One

Channelled by K'sitew

We Are One is one of the Gatherer class of symbols. It is a modern replacement for the Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen. It is related to the Hindu Namaste, and A Course in Miracles's "Holy Instant" and "Holy Encounter".

I desire this holy instant for myself, that I may share it with my brother, whom I love. It is not possible that I can have it without him, or he without me. Yet it is wholly possible for us to share it now. And so I choose this instant as the one to offer to the Holy Spirit, that his blessing may descend on us, and keep us both in peace. (ACIM T18.V.7.3-6)

We Are One can be used anywhere Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen might be used. It is especially powerful when used immediately before sending Distant healing, a Distant Attunement, or praying for another. With this usage, imagine you are one of the spheres and the person you are helping is the other.

We Are One is also useful in all uniting ceremonies, like weddings. In these cases, use the names of the two folks being united as the two spheres.

We Are One is also useful in healing damaged, but not broken, relationships.

Wagle Reiki SymbolBiru Kai

This symbol is used to increase or create love.

Wagle Reiki SymbolChi Hai

This symbol is used to insure the success of new ventures.

Wagle Reiki SymbolFuru Pyo Sho

This symbol is used to improve meditation.

Wagle Reiki SymbolHang Seng Dor

This symbol is used to remove blockages & difficulties. It can also be placed on the the walls of houses, offices etc.

Wagle Reiki SymbolJai Jin

This symbol is used for self expression.

Wagle Reiki SymbolJin So Gen

This symbol is used to create or increase peace within the family. Also see gatherer.

Wagle Reiki SymbolKai Sei Chen

This symbol is used to remove depression.

Wagle Reiki SymbolKi Yin Chi

This symbol is used to create or increase prosperity. It can also be Placed to the walls of houses, offices etc. Consider using Ki Yin Chi (for prosperity), Zen Kai

Jo (for abundance) and Mil Qu Zoo (eliminating scarcity) together.

Wagle Reiki SymbolMichi Ka Ro

This symbol is used to create or increase harmony.

Wagle Reiki SymbolMil Qu Zoo

This symbol is used to remove scarcity. It can also be Placed to the walls of houses, offices etc. Consider using Ki Yin Chi (for prosperity), Zen Kai Jo (for

abundance) and Mil Qu Zoo (eliminating scarcity) together.

Wagle Reiki SymbolSanye Meldu

This symbol is used to create or increase peace.

Wagle Reiki SymbolSenz Tan

This symbol is used to achieve victory.

Wagle Reiki SymbolTse Ne Dong

This symbol is used to create happiness and smoothness. It can also be Placed to the walls of houses, offices etc.

Wagle Reiki SymbolYoshi Te

This symbol is used to improve Relationships. See Gatherer as well.

Wagle Reiki SymbolZen Kai Jo

This symbol is used to create or increase abundance. It can also be placed on the walls of houses, offices etc. Consider using Ki Yin Chi (for prosperity), Zen Kai

Jo (for abundance) and Mil Qu Zoo (eliminating scarcity) together.