kashmir insight sep 2015


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Kashmir Insight Sep 2015


  • arrest or illegal detention in Srinagar on August 20. The detained leaders included Syed Ali Gilani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, Shabbir Ahmed Shah, Muhammad Yas in Mal ik , Muhammad Yousuf Naqash and Hilal Ahmed War. Those who were put under house arrest included Muhammad Ashraf Sehrai, Zafar Akbar Butt, Ayaz Akbar, Raja Merajuddin Kalwal and Syed Saleem Gi lani . However, except Syed Ali Gilani, all other leaders were released after few hours. The arrests were made after Pakistan extended an invitation to the Hurriyet leaders to meet Sartaj Aziz during a reception, which was scheduled to be hosted by the Pakistani High Commission in New Delhi in his honour on August 24.Indian police had arrested senior H u r r i y e t l e a d e r a n d t h e Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Democratic Freedom Party, Shabbir Ahmed Shah, along with his party leaders, Muhammad Abdullah Tari and Zamir Ahmed Sheikh, from the airport in New Delhi on August 22 soon after they landed there for their proposed meeting with Sartaj Aziz.On the other hand, Hurriyet leaders terming the intransigent attitude of India that led to the cancellation of National Security

    Adviser-level talks between the two countries as unfortunate said that New Delhi was not sincere in resolving the Kashmir dispute peacefully. They also hailed the stance taken by Pakistan on the Kashmir dispute to consult the Hurriyet leader-ship before talks with India.The veteran Hurriyet leader, Syed Ali Gilani, in a media interview in Srinagar said that the cancellation of talks had vindicated the stand of Hurriyet leadership that India did not want settlement of the Kashmir dispute through peaceful means of negotiations. Once again Government of India has backtracked from the dialogue process by showing its rigid approach. If they were sincere to move forward with peace

    process then proposed meeting of Hurriyet leaders with Pakistans NSA should not have bothered them, he said, adding, We will continue our struggle for right to self-determination, irrespective of what India does.Syed Ali Gilani in another interview said that the case of the Kashmiri people was very strong and if Pakistan continued to pursue it, India would find itself constrained to accept the ground realities over the dispute.The Al l Part ies Hurr iyet Conference Chairman, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, described the cancellation of talks as a major setback to the peace process. We wanted to serve as a bridge between the two countries, but it is unfortunate that we were taken (by India) as enemies and not friends. It is a setback to the peace process. Indian govern-ment has made an irrelevant excuse to back off from the talks, he stated.The Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front Chairman, Muhammad Yasin Malik, in a statement said that cancellation of talks was not a surprise. Whether India and Pakistan talk or not talk, Kashmiris will continue with their legitimate struggle till the achievement of

    Pakistan on August 22, 2015, announced to call off the National Security Adviser level talks with India, after Indias stubborn approach on the Kashmir dispute.The Indian External Affairs Minister , Sushma Swaraj , addressing a press conference on the day said that Kashmir dispute would not be discussed during the meeting between the

    Pakistan Prime Ministers Adviser on National Security and Foreign Affairs, Sartaj Aziz, and his Indian counterpart, Ajit Doval. She said that Sartaj Aziz would be welcomed for the talks only if he did not meet Kashmiri Hurriyet leaders.Sushma Swaraj said that no third party (in a reference to the Hurriyet leaders) should be involved in the talks and only terror would be on the agenda. The fact of the matter is that the Kashmiris are the basic party to the Kashmir dispute and inclusion of their genuine leadership in the talks between Pakistan and India is imperative

    to make the dialogue process successful.She had fixed midnight as deadline for Pakistan to decide if it would accept Indian precondi-tions for talks or not. Earlier on August 18, India had said that the scheduled meeting between National Security Advisers would only discuss issues related to terrorism and no other topic would come under discus-

    sion.Pakistan Foreign Office in a statement made it clear that the preconditions set by India were unacceptable. It said that after analysing Sushma Swarajs press conference, the high officials of Pakistan Foreign Office "have come to the conclusion that the talks between Sartaj Aziz and Ajit Doval would not serve any purpose if conducted on the basis of the preconditions laid down by the Indian Foreign Minister.The Foreign Office said that Pakistan would not hold the talks if Kashmir was not included in the agenda and Sartaj Aziz was not allowed to meet Hurriyet

    leaders.The statement said that meetings between Pakistani high officials and Hurriyet leaders had been a long-standing practice. It would be inappropriate for India to now i m p o s e t h e c o n d i t i o n o f changing this practice, it added.Earlier, during his media interaction Sartaj Aziz said that Indian precondition to oust Kashmiris as third stakeholder in the Kashmir dispute had finally sealed the fate of Pak-India NSA-level talks. He said that he was disappointed that India had virtually cancelled the talks.He pointed out that last year also, India had unilaterally called off the talks between the Foreign Secretaries of the two countries scheduled to be he ld in Islamabad on August 25 after meetings in New Delhi between Pakistani High Commissioner, Abdul Basit, and Hurriyet leaders.I expect that global think tanks and foreign policy experts will carefully ponder over this important question: Is it conceiv-able that a country like India will cancel the first ministerial interaction between the two countries since Mr Modis take over, on such flimsy grounds, especially when the main purpose of the meeting was to reduce tensions on the Line of Control and restore trust by addressing each others concerns regarding terrorist activities through sitting across the table rather than through the media, he said.Earlier, Indian authorities had created a drama by placing Hurriyet leaders under house




    Indian stubbornness leads to cancellation of Pak-India talksIndian stubbornness leads to cancellation of Pak-India talksHurriyet leaders hail Pakistans stand on Kashmir disputeHurriyet leaders hail Pakistans stand on Kashmir dispute

  • arrest or illegal detention in Srinagar on August 20. The detained leaders included Syed Ali Gilani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, Shabbir Ahmed Shah, Muhammad Yas in Mal ik , Muhammad Yousuf Naqash and Hilal Ahmed War. Those who were put under house arrest included Muhammad Ashraf Sehrai, Zafar Akbar Butt, Ayaz Akbar, Raja Merajuddin Kalwal and Syed Saleem Gi lani . However, except Syed Ali Gilani, all other leaders were released after few hours. The arrests were made after Pakistan extended an invitation to the Hurriyet leaders to meet Sartaj Aziz during a reception, which was scheduled to be hosted by the Pakistani High Commission in New Delhi in his honour on August 24.Indian police had arrested senior H u r r i y e t l e a d e r a n d t h e Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Democratic Freedom Party, Shabbir Ahmed Shah, along with his party leaders, Muhammad Abdullah Tari and Zamir Ahmed Sheikh, from the airport in New Delhi on August 22 soon after they landed there for their proposed meeting with Sartaj Aziz.On the other hand, Hurriyet leaders terming the intransigent attitude of India that led to the cancellation of National Security

    Adviser-level talks between the two countries as unfortunate said that New Delhi was not sincere in resolving the Kashmir dispute peacefully. They also hailed the stance taken by Pakistan on the Kashmir dispute to consult the Hurriyet leader-ship before talks with India.The veteran Hurriyet leader, Syed Ali Gilani, in a media interview in Srinagar said that the cancellation of talks had vindicated the stand of Hurriyet leadership that India did not want settlement of the Kashmir dispute through peaceful means of negotiations. Once again Government of India has backtracked from the dialogue process by showing its rigid approach. If they were sincere to move forward with peace

    process then proposed meeting of Hurriyet leaders with Pakistans NSA should not have bothered them, he said, adding, We will continue our struggle for right to self-determination, irrespective of what India does.Syed Ali Gilani in another interview said that the case of the Kashmiri people was very strong and if Pakistan continued to pursue it, India would find itself constrained to accept the ground realities over the dispute.The Al l Part ies Hurr iyet Conference Chairman, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, described the cancellation of talks as a major setback to the peace process. We wanted to serve as a bridge between the two countries, but it is unfortunate that we were taken (by India) as enemies and not friends. It is a setback to the peace process. Indian govern-ment has made an irrelevant excuse to back off from the talks, he stated.The Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front Chairman, Muhammad Yasin Malik, in a statement said that cancellation of talks was not a surprise. Whether India and Pakistan talk or not talk, Kashmiris will continue with their legitimate struggle till the achievement of

    Pakistan on August 22, 2015, announced to call off the National Security Adviser level talks with India, after Indias stubborn approach on the Kashmir dispute.The Indian External Affairs Minister , Sushma Swaraj , addressing a press conference on the day said that Kashmir dispute would not be discussed during the meeting between the

    Pakistan Prime Ministers Adviser on National Security and Foreign Affairs, Sartaj Aziz, and his Indian counterpart, Ajit Doval. She said that Sartaj Aziz would be welcomed for the talks only if he did not meet Kashmiri Hurriyet leaders.Sushma Swaraj said that no third party (in a reference to the Hurriyet leaders) should be involved in the talks and only terror would be on the agenda. The fact of the matter is that the Kashmiris are the basic party to the Kashmir dispute and inclusion of their genuine leadership in the talks between Pakistan and India is imperative

    to make the dialogue process successful.She had fixed midnight as deadline for Pakistan to decide if it would accept Indian precondi-tions for talks or not. Earlier on August 18, India had said that the scheduled meeting between National Security Advisers would only discuss issues related to terrorism and no other topic would come under discus-

    sion.Pakistan Foreign Office in a statement made it clear that the preconditions set by India were unacceptable. It said that after analysing Sushma Swarajs press conference, the high officials of Pakistan Foreign Office "have come to the conclusion that the talks between Sartaj Aziz and Ajit Doval would not serve any purpose if conducted on the basis of the preconditions laid down by the Indian Foreign Minister.The Foreign Office said that Pakistan would not hold the talks if Kashmir was not included in the agenda and Sartaj Aziz was not allowed to meet Hurriyet

    leaders.The statement said that meetings between Pakistani high officials and Hurriyet leaders had been a long-standing practice. It would be inappropriate for India to now i m p o s e t h e c o n d i t i o n o f changing this practice, it added.Earlier, during his media interaction Sartaj Aziz said that Indian precondition to oust Kashmiris as third stakeholder in the Kashmir dispute had finally sealed the fate of Pak-India NSA-level talks. He said that he was disappointed that India had virtually cancelled the talks.He pointed out that last year also, India had unilaterally called off the talks between the Foreign Secretaries of the two countries scheduled to be he ld in Islamabad on August 25 after meetings in New Delhi between Pakistani High Commissioner, Abdul Basit, and Hurriyet leaders.I expect that global think tanks and foreign policy experts will carefully ponder over this important question: Is it conceiv-able that a country like India will cancel the first ministerial interaction between the two countries since Mr Modis take over, on such flimsy grounds, especially when the main purpose of the meeting was to reduce tensions on the Line of Control and restore trust by addressing each others concerns regarding terrorist activities through sitting across the table rather than through the media, he said.Earlier, Indian authorities had created a drama by placing Hurriyet leaders under house




    Indian stubbornness leads to cancellation of Pak-India talksIndian stubbornness leads to cancellation of Pak-India talksHurriyet leaders hail Pakistans stand on Kashmir disputeHurriyet leaders hail Pakistans stand on Kashmir dispute

  • their freedom, he said.Senior Hurriyet leader, Shabbir Ahmed Shah, addressing a press conference in Srinagar on his return from New Delhi said that Kashmiris were the prime party to the Kashmir dispute, which could not be resolved without the involvement of Hurriyet leadership in the dialogue process. By not agreeing to have a peaceful dialogue on Kashmir, India has repeated its rigid approach on Kashmir, he added.O t h e r r e s i s t a n c e l e a d e r s including Agha Syed Hassan Al-M o o s v i A l - S a f v i , A a s i y a Andrabi, Nayeem Ahmed Khan, Zafar Akbar Butt, Muhammad Farooq Rehmani, Professor Nazir Ahmed Shawl and Ali Raza Syed also hailed Pakistan for not succumbing to unjustified Indian pressure. They said that Pakistans moral, political and diplomatic support to the Kashmir cause had always been a source of inspiration for the

    Kashmiri people and hoped that this support would continue till the settlement of the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the Kashmiris aspirations.Secretary General of World Kashmir Awareness, Dr Ghulam Nabi Fai, addressing a gathering in Springfield, Virginia, said that the Kashmiris firmly believed that the only way to achieve a peaceful and lasting solution to

    the Kashmir dispute was through dialogue and negotia-tions. He said that there could be no solution to the Kashmir conflict without the participation of the Kashmiri leadership in any process to settle it. He main-tained that Kashmir was an internat ional ly-recognised dispute that needed to be resolved through dialogue process.



    The US has said that Jammu and Kashmir is a disputed territory and it is for the governments of India and Pakistan to resolve the dispute.Peter R Lavoy, Special Assistant to the President and senior Director for South Asian Affairs at the National Security Council of the White House, in an interview on August 21, 2015, said, Jammu and Kashmir is a disputed territory. I think it is up to them (Pakistan and India) to address these issues together. I expect that they probably will.Peter R Lavoy maintained that there was no change in Americas position on Jammu and Kashmir. We do acknowledge that this is

    a contested territory, a contested border between India and Pakistan. There is no change in the US policy on that issue, he said in response to a question.We support peaceful engage-ment to resolve all kinds of issues territorial issues or other issues, he added.Meanwhile, the Chief Patron of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front-R, Barrister Abdul Majeed Tramboo, in a statement issued in Srinagar hailed the US s t a t e m e n t r e g a r d i n g t h e disputed nature of Jammu and Kashmir.He called for the intervention of international community for

    settlement of the Kashmir dispute. He said that it was the responsibility of the world community to take notice of the brutalities being perpetrated by Indian troops in occupied Kashmir.

    US acknowledges disputed status of Kashmir US acknowledges disputed status of Kashmir

  • enforced disappear-ances in occupied Kashmir had been struggling for justice for the past over two decades. In most cases of custodial disap-pearances, investiga-tions have either been fudged or not been done properly and probes have just been a n e y e w a s h , s h e stated.The right to justice flows through the right to know. Denying people information about the whereabouts of their loved ones and forcing them to sign fake affidavits regarding their custody is a gross violation of the right to know and has spawned a culture of impunity in Kashmir, she added.Parveena Ahangar reiterated the APDPs demand that India should ratify the International Convention against Enforced Disappearances and set up an independent judicial commis-sion to conduct a fair probe into the custodial disappearances.APHC leader, Javaid Ahmed Mir, in his address said that besides 10,000 enforced disap-

    pearances, illegal detentions, forced labour, destruction of property and other forms of human r ights v io la t ions remained a common practice in occupied Kashmir.The participants of another sit-in organised at Amrikadal in Srinagar said that the interna-tional community should fulfill its responsibility and hold India accountable for human rights violations particularly enforced disappearances in the occupied territory.A protest demonstration led by renowned human r ights defender, Muhammad Ahsan Untoo, at Press Enclave in Srinagar, was participated by children and relatives of the

    d i s a p p e a r e d p e r s o n s . Addressing the protesters, Muhammad Ahsan Untoo urged the world community to help in tracing the disappeared Kashmiris as it had turned into a human tragedy now.On the other hand, emotions ran high at the screening of a documentary Khoon Di Barav (Blood leaves its trail) highlighting sufferings of the relatives of Kashmiris who have been subjected to enforced disappearance by the Indian forces.People raised pro-freedom and anti-India slogans during the screening of the 90-minute documentary at Hotel Lalla Rukh in Srinagar. Produced by filmmaker, Iffat Fatima, the documentary brought some to tears and others to the point of rage as case after case the film showed what the families of disappeared persons had gone through during the past over two decades.The documentary started with Shameema, whose husband was taken away by the Indian forces personnel never to be r e t u r n e d . I n t h e d r e a m Shameema, who according to Fatima, is still below 40, refuses

    In occupied Kashmir, the Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons (APDP) organised a sit-in protest at Pratap Park in Srinagar on International Day of the Disappeared Persons on August 30, 2015, to draw worlds attention towards the plight of the families of the thousands of Kashmiris who have been subjected to custodial disap-

    pearance by Indian troops and police during the last twenty six years. The sit-in was attended by the relatives of disappeared, students, social activists and pro-freedom leaders including the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front Chairman, Muhammad Yasin Malik, and the All Part ies Hurriyet Conference leader, Javaid Ahmed Mir.The protesters carrying the pictures of their disappeared loved ones appealed to the international community to put pressure on India to reveal the

    whereabouts of the Kashmiris who went missing in the custody of Indian forces personnel.Muhammad Yasin Mal ik addressing the protesters said that India and its stooges in occupied Kashmir had broken all the records of oppression and human rights violations in the territory. He said that brutal killings of Kashmiris, destruc-

    tion of property, attacks on the chastity of women, discovery of thousands of unmarked graves, arrest and torture of innocent people, a blanket ban on peaceful political activities and above all the custodial disap-pearance of more than ten thousand people were all glaring examples of human rights violations in occupied Kashmir. He said that when the w o r l d w a s o b s e r v i n g International Day of the Disappeared Persons, the relatives of more than ten t h o u s a n d d i s a p p e a r e d

    Kashmiris were waiting for their return.The JKLF Chief said that because of the forced disappear-ances thousands of Kashmiri women were named as half-widows and the children of the disappeared did not know whether they were orphans or otherwise. The parents of these disappeared ones are in constant search for them and this psychological trauma has ruined these families, he added.Muhammad Yasin Mal ik deplored that the world community had failed to fulfill its obligations regarding the Kashmiris. Our human rights are being violated on a routine basis but no one is bothered. More than ten thousand Kashmiris remain disappeared but international community is unconcerned, he maintained.The JKLF Chairman said that even today thousands of innocent Kashmiris were languishing in jails while police stations and interrogation centres were filled with thou-sands of political prisoners and young boys.Speaking on the occasion, the A P D P l e a d e r , P a r v e e n a A h a n g a r , s a i d t h a t t h e International Day of the Disappeared Persons was observed every year across the globe to commemorate the struggle against enforced disappearances. She pointed out that the families and relatives of the victims of




    Demos in IOK mark International Day of Disappeared PersonsDemos in IOK mark International Day of Disappeared PersonsOver 10,000 Kashmiris subjected to custodial disappearance since 1989Over 10,000 Kashmiris subjected to custodial disappearance since 1989

  • enforced disappear-ances in occupied Kashmir had been struggling for justice for the past over two decades. In most cases of custodial disap-pearances, investiga-tions have either been fudged or not been done properly and probes have just been a n e y e w a s h , s h e stated.The right to justice flows through the right to know. Denying people information about the whereabouts of their loved ones and forcing them to sign fake affidavits regarding their custody is a gross violation of the right to know and has spawned a culture of impunity in Kashmir, she added.Parveena Ahangar reiterated the APDPs demand that India should ratify the International Convention against Enforced Disappearances and set up an independent judicial commis-sion to conduct a fair probe into the custodial disappearances.APHC leader, Javaid Ahmed Mir, in his address said that besides 10,000 enforced disap-

    pearances, illegal detentions, forced labour, destruction of property and other forms of human r ights v io la t ions remained a common practice in occupied Kashmir.The participants of another sit-in organised at Amrikadal in Srinagar said that the interna-tional community should fulfill its responsibility and hold India accountable for human rights violations particularly enforced disappearances in the occupied territory.A protest demonstration led by renowned human r ights defender, Muhammad Ahsan Untoo, at Press Enclave in Srinagar, was participated by children and relatives of the

    d i s a p p e a r e d p e r s o n s . Addressing the protesters, Muhammad Ahsan Untoo urged the world community to help in tracing the disappeared Kashmiris as it had turned into a human tragedy now.On the other hand, emotions ran high at the screening of a documentary Khoon Di Barav (Blood leaves its trail) highlighting sufferings of the relatives of Kashmiris who have been subjected to enforced disappearance by the Indian forces.People raised pro-freedom and anti-India slogans during the screening of the 90-minute documentary at Hotel Lalla Rukh in Srinagar. Produced by filmmaker, Iffat Fatima, the documentary brought some to tears and others to the point of rage as case after case the film showed what the families of disappeared persons had gone through during the past over two decades.The documentary started with Shameema, whose husband was taken away by the Indian forces personnel never to be r e t u r n e d . I n t h e d r e a m Shameema, who according to Fatima, is still below 40, refuses

    In occupied Kashmir, the Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons (APDP) organised a sit-in protest at Pratap Park in Srinagar on International Day of the Disappeared Persons on August 30, 2015, to draw worlds attention towards the plight of the families of the thousands of Kashmiris who have been subjected to custodial disap-

    pearance by Indian troops and police during the last twenty six years. The sit-in was attended by the relatives of disappeared, students, social activists and pro-freedom leaders including the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front Chairman, Muhammad Yasin Malik, and the All Part ies Hurriyet Conference leader, Javaid Ahmed Mir.The protesters carrying the pictures of their disappeared loved ones appealed to the international community to put pressure on India to reveal the

    whereabouts of the Kashmiris who went missing in the custody of Indian forces personnel.Muhammad Yasin Mal ik addressing the protesters said that India and its stooges in occupied Kashmir had broken all the records of oppression and human rights violations in the territory. He said that brutal killings of Kashmiris, destruc-

    tion of property, attacks on the chastity of women, discovery of thousands of unmarked graves, arrest and torture of innocent people, a blanket ban on peaceful political activities and above all the custodial disap-pearance of more than ten thousand people were all glaring examples of human rights violations in occupied Kashmir. He said that when the w o r l d w a s o b s e r v i n g International Day of the Disappeared Persons, the relatives of more than ten t h o u s a n d d i s a p p e a r e d

    Kashmiris were waiting for their return.The JKLF Chief said that because of the forced disappear-ances thousands of Kashmiri women were named as half-widows and the children of the disappeared did not know whether they were orphans or otherwise. The parents of these disappeared ones are in constant search for them and this psychological trauma has ruined these families, he added.Muhammad Yasin Mal ik deplored that the world community had failed to fulfill its obligations regarding the Kashmiris. Our human rights are being violated on a routine basis but no one is bothered. More than ten thousand Kashmiris remain disappeared but international community is unconcerned, he maintained.The JKLF Chairman said that even today thousands of innocent Kashmiris were languishing in jails while police stations and interrogation centres were filled with thou-sands of political prisoners and young boys.Speaking on the occasion, the A P D P l e a d e r , P a r v e e n a A h a n g a r , s a i d t h a t t h e International Day of the Disappeared Persons was observed every year across the globe to commemorate the struggle against enforced disappearances. She pointed out that the families and relatives of the victims of




    Demos in IOK mark International Day of Disappeared PersonsDemos in IOK mark International Day of Disappeared PersonsOver 10,000 Kashmiris subjected to custodial disappearance since 1989Over 10,000 Kashmiris subjected to custodial disappearance since 1989

  • to recognise her husband asking him to go for blood test to prove his identity. The documentary follows the similar journey of the families who have gone through the tragedy. The documentary, which took Fatima nine years to make, has painstakingly documented the entire history of the cases of disappeared persons and how Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons was formed.Fatima told the audience that she had to f a c e a number of obstacles in filming the d o c u m e n-tary as at one point h e r c r e w w a s d e t a i n e d and footage was deleted b y t h e f o r c e s personnel. I n m a n y shots troops can be seen asking the cameraman to stop shooting.We have collectively gone through the tragedy and with this movie my objective is to relive and witness the trauma once again, said Fatima.Capturing the essence of famed Kashmiri dark humour, the film gives glimpses of how resilient people have braved the tough times. In one shot when Hajra Begum is asked by a neighbour about the gathering, she informs him that actually there is an offer today that he who gets

    killed will get Rs one lakh as compensation.Those who attended the screening included noted poet, Zareef Ahmed Zareef, producer and actor, Aamir Bashir, author, Mirza Waheed, and members of the civil society.The women wing of Jammu and Kashmir Salvation Movement and Voice of Victims, a local human rights forum, held a demonstration at Press Colony in Srinagar to press for the demand of the whereabouts of

    the disappeared Kashmiris.The VoV Executive Director, Abdul Qadeer, talking to media said that families of the missing Kashmiris were suffering from trauma. Indian government is deliberately punishing the families of disappeared by not disclosing their whereabouts, he deplored.He urged India to repeal the black laws that gave unbridled powers to Indian forces personnel to commit gross human rights violations in the

    territory with impunity. He emphasised that withdrawal of the troops from occupied Kashmir was a prerequisite for improvement in the human rights situation in the territory.On the other hand, a report released by the Research Section of Kashmir Media Service on the occasion of the International Day of Disappeared Persons, revealed that over ten thousand Kashmiris had vanished in the custody after they were picked up by the troops and police

    during the past twenty six years. The report maintained t h a t thousands of unnamed graves had b e e n discovered i n t h e t e r r i t o r y a n d t h e h u m a n r i g h t s a c t i v i s t s feared that t h e s e g r a v e s

    could be of the disappeared Kashmiris.Meanwhile, the All Parties Hurriyet Conference Chairman, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, and o t h e r H u r r i y e t l e a d e r s including Hakeem Abdur Rasheed, Muhammad Yousuf Naqash, Syed Bashir Andrabi, Zafar Akbar Butt and Bilal Siddiqi in their statements urged the international human rights organisations to help trace whereabouts of thousands of disappeared Kashmiris.



  • 03-08-2015 Srinagar03-08-2015 Srinagar 07-08-2015 Pulwama07-08-2015 Pulwama07-08-2015 Srinagar07-08-2015 Srinagar

    12-08-2015 Pulwama12-08-2015 Pulwama 14-08-2015 Srinagar14-08-2015 Srinagar 15-08-2015 Srinagar15-08-2015 Srinagar

    15-08-2015 Kulgam15-08-2015 Kulgam 21-08-2015 Srinagar21-08-2015 Srinagar 23-08-2015 Srinagar23-08-2015 Srinagar

  • India is using every repressive tactic to suppress the Kashmiris' just struggle for securing their inal ienable r ight to se l f -determination. Under the black laws it has given its troops and police personnel a free hand in occupied Kashmir to commit with impunity all kinds of atrocities against the Kashmiri people to intimidate them into submission. Arrests, murders, e x t r a - j u d i c i a l k i l l i n g s , d e s t r u c t i o n o f p r o p e r t y , molestation of women and siege and search operations by Indian forces are order of the day in the territory that have made the lives of its inhabitants a hell.The recent killing of an innocent civilian, Bilal Ahmed Butt, in the unprovoked firing of the personnel of Indian Border Security Force on peaceful protesters in Malangpora area of Pulwama district is a glaring example of Indian state terrorism in occupied Kashmir.International human rights bodies have been demanding repeal of these draconian laws from the occupied territory, but India is not paying heed to such pleas.The world community must take cognisance of India's brutal actions in occupied Kashmir and impress upon it to settle the Kashmir dispute by giving the Kashmiri people an opportunity t o d e c i d e t h e i r f a t e b y themselves.Following are the details of human rights violations by Indian troops and police in occupied Kashmir during the month of August.

    August 9: Indian troops killed two youth during a violent military operation in Keran area of Kupwara.Indian National Investigation Agency (NIA) arrested a civilian, Maqsood Ahmed Wani, and his son, Asif Wani, from Islamabad town.August 10: Indian police beat up the employees of Public Health Engineering (PHE) Department during their demonstration at Pratap Park in Srinagar.August 11: Indian troops killed three youth, Showkat Ahmad Lone, Gulzar Ahmad Butt and Bilal Ahmad Butt, during a siege a n d s e a r c h o p e r a t i o n i n Pulwama.August 12: Indian police arrested the JKLF Chairman, Muhammad Yasin Malik, and other Hurriyet leaders from Srinagar when they tried to go to Pulwama to meet the families of the martyred youth. The authorities placed Hurriyet leaders, Syed Ali Gilani, Shabbir Ahmed Shah, Nayeem Ahmed Khan and Zafar

    Akbar Butt, under house arrest to prevent them from visiting Pulwama.Indian police arrested two brothers, Jamal Din and Abdul Kareem, from Kishtwar.August 13: At least 11 people were injured in a grenade e x p l o s i o n i n a m o s q u e compound in Shopian.

    T h e p u p p e t a u t h o r i t i e s c o n t i n u e d t o p l a c e u n d e r house arres t , Syed Ali Gilani, Shabbir Ahmed S h a h , M u h a m m a d Ashraf Sehrai, Nayeem Ahmed K h a n , Z a f a r Akbar Butt and Engineer Hilal Ahmed War while Muhammad Yasin Malik and Hakeem Abdur Rasheed under illegal detention.A u g u s t 1 4 : T h e p u p p e t authorities imposed curfew in several areas of Srinagar and deployed Indian troops and police personnel in strength in all major towns to prevent people from staging pro-Pakistan and pro-freedom demonstrations.Hurriyet leaders including Syed Ali Gilani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, Shabbir Ahmed Shah, Muhammad Yas in Mal ik , M a u l a n a A b b a s A n s a r i ,

    M u h a m m a d Ashraf Sehra i , Yasmeen Ra ja , Nayeem Ahmed Khan, Hakeem Abdur Rasheed, Zafar Akbar Butt, Hilal Ahmed War, Masroor Abbas and Ayaz Akbar were put under house arrest and illegal detention to stop them from

    leading the demonstrations.Indian police beat up and injured six persons in Srinagar.A u g u s t 1 5 : T h e p u p p e t authorities continued to impose curfew in several areas of Srinagar and put Hurriyet leaders including Syed Ali Gilani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq,

    S h a b b i r A h m e d S h a h , Muhammad Yas in Mal ik , M a u l a n a A b b a s A n s a r i , Muhammad Ashraf Sehrai, Yasmeen Raja, Nayeem Ahmed Khan, Hakeem Abdur Rasheed, Zafar Akbar Butt, Hilal Ahmed War and Masroor Abbas under house arrest and illegal detention to prevent them from leading anti-India demonstrations on India's Independence Day.August 17: Indian troops arrested a civilian, Liaqat Hussain, for making telephone calls to Pakistan from Mendhar area of Poonch.A u g u s t 1 9 : T h e p u p p e t authorities put under house detention Hurriyet leaders including Syed Ali Gilani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and Maulana Abbas Ansari in Srinagar ahead of their proposed meeting in New Delhi with Pakistan Prime Minister 's Adviser on National Security and Foreign Affairs, Sartaj Aziz.August 20: The occupation authorities launched a fresh wave of raids and crackdowns on Hurriyet leaders particularly after Pakistan invited them to meet Sartaj Aziz during his scheduled visit to India.The author i t i es de ta ined Hurriyet leaders including Syed Ali Gilani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, Shabbir Ahmed Shah, Muhammad Yas in Mal ik , M a u l a n a A b b a s A n s a r i ,

    August 1: Indian police arrested scores of youth from different a r e a s o f B a r a m u l l a a n d Pulwama.The police beat up and injured several protesters and arrested 18 others in Jammu.August 2: The police arrested a doctor settled in the UK, Dr Shahid Ahmed Baba, his brother, cousin and maternal uncle from Chadoora in Budgam.August 3: Indian police arrested s e v e n y o u t h from Budgam.August 4: A c i v i l i a n , R a j K u m a r , w a s killed and two o t h e r s i n c l u d i n g a woman were c r i t i c a l l y injured after they were hit by a fast moving vehicle of Indian Army near Samroli in Udhampur.Indian police arrested dozens of civilians including activists of Tehreek-e-Hurriyet Jammu and Kashmir from Shopian and Kupwara.August 5: The personnel of Indian Border Security Force killed two youth and arrested another at Samroli on Srinagar-Jammu Highway in Udhampur.Indian Army's fast moving vehicle hit and injured three civilians in Langate area of Handwara.Several teachers were injured after Indian police used brute force on them when they tried to march towards the Civi l

    Secretariat at Lal Chowk in Srinagar against anti-people policies of the puppet regime.The authorities booked an illegally detained Hurriyet activist, Saboor Ahmed Malla, under black law, Public Safety Act.August 6: Indian troops killed a youth, Talib Hussain Shah, during a siege and search opera t ion a t Kakpora in Pulwama.Indian police beat up a dozen Rehbar-e-Taleeem teachers and arrested several others in Srinagar during their protest.The police arrested two youth from Lower Munda area on Srinagar-Jammu Highway.

    August 7 : Indian t roops destroyed residential houses of civilians during a siege and search operation at Kakapora in Pulwama. Dozens of people were injured in the troops' action.Indian police arrested over a dozen leaders and activists of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front after subjecting them to brute force near Press Enclave in Srinagar during a rally against the stepped up Indian state terrorism in occupied Kashmir.August 8: An Indian Army vehicle hit and killed a civilian, Ghulam Rasool Thoker, at Balsoo Yaripora in Kulgam.The police arrested eight people from Pulwama and Kulgam.


    Human Rights Situation Human Rights Situation

    Compiled by Raies Ahmed Mir

  • India is using every repressive tactic to suppress the Kashmiris' just struggle for securing their inal ienable r ight to se l f -determination. Under the black laws it has given its troops and police personnel a free hand in occupied Kashmir to commit with impunity all kinds of atrocities against the Kashmiri people to intimidate them into submission. Arrests, murders, e x t r a - j u d i c i a l k i l l i n g s , d e s t r u c t i o n o f p r o p e r t y , molestation of women and siege and search operations by Indian forces are order of the day in the territory that have made the lives of its inhabitants a hell.The recent killing of an innocent civilian, Bilal Ahmed Butt, in the unprovoked firing of the personnel of Indian Border Security Force on peaceful protesters in Malangpora area of Pulwama district is a glaring example of Indian state terrorism in occupied Kashmir.International human rights bodies have been demanding repeal of these draconian laws from the occupied territory, but India is not paying heed to such pleas.The world community must take cognisance of India's brutal actions in occupied Kashmir and impress upon it to settle the Kashmir dispute by giving the Kashmiri people an opportunity t o d e c i d e t h e i r f a t e b y themselves.Following are the details of human rights violations by Indian troops and police in occupied Kashmir during the month of August.

    August 9: Indian troops killed two youth during a violent military operation in Keran area of Kupwara.Indian National Investigation Agency (NIA) arrested a civilian, Maqsood Ahmed Wani, and his son, Asif Wani, from Islamabad town.August 10: Indian police beat up the employees of Public Health Engineering (PHE) Department during their demonstration at Pratap Park in Srinagar.August 11: Indian troops killed three youth, Showkat Ahmad Lone, Gulzar Ahmad Butt and Bilal Ahmad Butt, during a siege a n d s e a r c h o p e r a t i o n i n Pulwama.August 12: Indian police arrested the JKLF Chairman, Muhammad Yasin Malik, and other Hurriyet leaders from Srinagar when they tried to go to Pulwama to meet the families of the martyred youth. The authorities placed Hurriyet leaders, Syed Ali Gilani, Shabbir Ahmed Shah, Nayeem Ahmed Khan and Zafar

    Akbar Butt, under house arrest to prevent them from visiting Pulwama.Indian police arrested two brothers, Jamal Din and Abdul Kareem, from Kishtwar.August 13: At least 11 people were injured in a grenade e x p l o s i o n i n a m o s q u e compound in Shopian.

    T h e p u p p e t a u t h o r i t i e s c o n t i n u e d t o p l a c e u n d e r house arres t , Syed Ali Gilani, Shabbir Ahmed S h a h , M u h a m m a d Ashraf Sehrai, Nayeem Ahmed K h a n , Z a f a r Akbar Butt and Engineer Hilal Ahmed War while Muhammad Yasin Malik and Hakeem Abdur Rasheed under illegal detention.A u g u s t 1 4 : T h e p u p p e t authorities imposed curfew in several areas of Srinagar and deployed Indian troops and police personnel in strength in all major towns to prevent people from staging pro-Pakistan and pro-freedom demonstrations.Hurriyet leaders including Syed Ali Gilani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, Shabbir Ahmed Shah, Muhammad Yas in Mal ik , M a u l a n a A b b a s A n s a r i ,

    M u h a m m a d Ashraf Sehra i , Yasmeen Ra ja , Nayeem Ahmed Khan, Hakeem Abdur Rasheed, Zafar Akbar Butt, Hilal Ahmed War, Masroor Abbas and Ayaz Akbar were put under house arrest and illegal detention to stop them from

    leading the demonstrations.Indian police beat up and injured six persons in Srinagar.A u g u s t 1 5 : T h e p u p p e t authorities continued to impose curfew in several areas of Srinagar and put Hurriyet leaders including Syed Ali Gilani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq,

    S h a b b i r A h m e d S h a h , Muhammad Yas in Mal ik , M a u l a n a A b b a s A n s a r i , Muhammad Ashraf Sehrai, Yasmeen Raja, Nayeem Ahmed Khan, Hakeem Abdur Rasheed, Zafar Akbar Butt, Hilal Ahmed War and Masroor Abbas under house arrest and illegal detention to prevent them from leading anti-India demonstrations on India's Independence Day.August 17: Indian troops arrested a civilian, Liaqat Hussain, for making telephone calls to Pakistan from Mendhar area of Poonch.A u g u s t 1 9 : T h e p u p p e t authorities put under house detention Hurriyet leaders including Syed Ali Gilani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and Maulana Abbas Ansari in Srinagar ahead of their proposed meeting in New Delhi with Pakistan Prime Minister 's Adviser on National Security and Foreign Affairs, Sartaj Aziz.August 20: The occupation authorities launched a fresh wave of raids and crackdowns on Hurriyet leaders particularly after Pakistan invited them to meet Sartaj Aziz during his scheduled visit to India.The author i t i es de ta ined Hurriyet leaders including Syed Ali Gilani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, Shabbir Ahmed Shah, Muhammad Yas in Mal ik , M a u l a n a A b b a s A n s a r i ,

    August 1: Indian police arrested scores of youth from different a r e a s o f B a r a m u l l a a n d Pulwama.The police beat up and injured several protesters and arrested 18 others in Jammu.August 2: The police arrested a doctor settled in the UK, Dr Shahid Ahmed Baba, his brother, cousin and maternal uncle from Chadoora in Budgam.August 3: Indian police arrested s e v e n y o u t h from Budgam.August 4: A c i v i l i a n , R a j K u m a r , w a s killed and two o t h e r s i n c l u d i n g a woman were c r i t i c a l l y injured after they were hit by a fast moving vehicle of Indian Army near Samroli in Udhampur.Indian police arrested dozens of civilians including activists of Tehreek-e-Hurriyet Jammu and Kashmir from Shopian and Kupwara.August 5: The personnel of Indian Border Security Force killed two youth and arrested another at Samroli on Srinagar-Jammu Highway in Udhampur.Indian Army's fast moving vehicle hit and injured three civilians in Langate area of Handwara.Several teachers were injured after Indian police used brute force on them when they tried to march towards the Civi l

    Secretariat at Lal Chowk in Srinagar against anti-people policies of the puppet regime.The authorities booked an illegally detained Hurriyet activist, Saboor Ahmed Malla, under black law, Public Safety Act.August 6: Indian troops killed a youth, Talib Hussain Shah, during a siege and search opera t ion a t Kakpora in Pulwama.Indian police beat up a dozen Rehbar-e-Taleeem teachers and arrested several others in Srinagar during their protest.The police arrested two youth from Lower Munda area on Srinagar-Jammu Highway.

    August 7 : Indian t roops destroyed residential houses of civilians during a siege and search operation at Kakapora in Pulwama. Dozens of people were injured in the troops' action.Indian police arrested over a dozen leaders and activists of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front after subjecting them to brute force near Press Enclave in Srinagar during a rally against the stepped up Indian state terrorism in occupied Kashmir.August 8: An Indian Army vehicle hit and killed a civilian, Ghulam Rasool Thoker, at Balsoo Yaripora in Kulgam.The police arrested eight people from Pulwama and Kulgam.


    Human Rights Situation Human Rights Situation

    Compiled by Raies Ahmed Mir

  • Muhammad Ashraf Sehrai, Zafar Akbar Butt, Ayaz Akbar, Raja Meraj-ud-Din Kalwal, Syed Saleem Gilani, Muhammad Yousuf Naqash and Hilal Ahmed War in their houses and police stations. The leaders, however, were later released except Syed Ali Gilani.Indian police also conducted raids on the residences of Aasiya Andrabi, Nayeem Ahmed Khan and Javaid Ahmed Mir and harassed the inmates. Indian policemen barged into a

    house and misbehaved with women in Parimpora area of Srinagar.August 21: Fourteen persons were injured after Indian police used brute force and fired pellets on protesters at Khudwani in Kulgam.The authorities placed Hurriyet leaders, Syed Ali Gilani and Shabbir Ahmed Shah, under house arrest in Srinagar and arrested Mukhtar Ahmed Waza and Syed Bashir Andrabi from Is lamabad and Pulwama, respectively.Indian police arrested a dozen youth from Srinagar, Kulgam and Handwara areas.T h e I n d i a n N a t i o n a l Investigation Agency (NIA) arrested three more persons including a truck driver from Pulwama.

    August 22: Indian police arrested the Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Democratic Freedom Party, Shabbir Ahmed Shah, along with party leaders, Muhammad Abdullah Tari and Zamir Ahmed Sheikh, from New Delhi airport when they landed there for their meeting with Sartaj Aziz.Syed Ali Gilani and other Hurriyet leaders continued to remain under house arrest while Tehreek-e-Hurriyet leader, Mir Hafeezullah, was lodged in a

    p o l i c e station in Islamabad town.S e v e r a l people were i n j u r e d w h e n t h e police used brute force a g a i n s t p e a c e f u l demonstrato r s w h o w e r e

    protesting against arrest of innocent youth at Khudwani in Kulgam.August 23: Indian troops killed three youth during violent m i l i t a r y o p e r a t i o n s i n Zachaldara and Krumhura areas of Handwara.Many people were injured when Indian police resorted to heavy teargas shelling and water cannon on Tehreek-e-Hurriyet activists who were staging a sit-in protest at Hyderpora Chowk in Srinagar against the puppet authorit ies ' action of not allowing the party to hold a convention on its founding day.August 24: Over a dozen people were wounded after the police fired bullets and teargas shells when people were protesting against molestation of a girl by an

    Indian policeman near Rajpora Chowk in Pulwama.August 25: Indian armed agents killed a lecturer, Javaid Ahmed Khan, at a private college in Awantipora.Several more people were injured after Indian police fired teargas shells to quell protests against molestation of a girl in Pulwama.August 26: Indian troops killed two youth during a violent military operation at Lachipora in Uri area of Baramulla.August 27: Indian troops killed two youth in Hamam and Markote areas of Rafiabad d u r i n g v i o l e n t m i l i t a r y operations.Seven persons were injured after Indian police used force on protesters at Qamarwani in Srinagar.August 28: Indian police arrested the JKLF Chairman Muhammad Yasin Malik, from his residence and continued to place Hurriyet leaders, Syed Ali Gilani and Shabbir Ahmed Shah, under house detention in Srinagar. Yasin Malik was scheduled to address a public gathering in Bandipora and Shabbir Ahmed Shah in Pulwama. The leaders were not even allowed to offer Juma prayers.Indian police took into custody several JKLF leaders and activists when they were on their way to Bandipora town. People staged demonstrat ions in Bandipora against the arrest of Yasin Malik. The police arrested more liberation leaders and activists after the protests.A youth, Sajjad Ahmed Mir, was injured when the personnel of Indian Central Reserve Police Force opened fire on peaceful demonstrators at Saraf Kadal Chowk in Srinagar.


    Human Rights Situation

  • the funerals of the youth paid glowing tributes to the martyred. He denounced the use of brute force by Indian police against the peaceful protesters. He said that the sacrifices of Kashmiri martyrs would not be allowed to go waste and their mission would be accomplished at all costs.The Al l Part ies Hurr iyet Conference Chairman, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, addressing a public gathering in Srinagar said that India could not suppress the ongoing Kashmir liberation movement through military might. He said that the trigger-happy Indian troops were committing grave human rights violations due to invoking of draconian laws in the occupied territory.He said that the killing of innocent Kashmiris would stop only when the Kashmir dispute was resolved in accordance with the aspirations of the Kashmiri people.Senior Hurriyet leader, Shabbir Ahmed Shah, in a statement paying glowing tributes to the killed youth said that the mission

    of the Kashmiri martyrs would be taken to its logical conclusion at all costs. He said that amicable settlement of the Kashmir dispute could bring peace in the entire South Asian region.Hurriyet leaders including Muhammad Yasin Malik, Aasiya Andrabi, Nayeem Ahmed Khan, Zafar Akbar Butt, Muhammad Shafi Reshi and Abdul Majeed Tramboo in their statements condemned the brutal killing of innocent youth and said that Indian brutalities against the freedom-loving Kashmiris should serve as an eye-opener for global human rights organisa-tions. They maintained that the

    oppressive tactics of India could not subdue the freedom senti-ment of the Kashmiri people.Hurriyet leaders, Muhammad Yousuf Naqash, Hakeem Abdul Rasheed, Syed Bashir Andrabi, S h a b b i r A h m e d D a r , Muhammad Iqbal Mir, Bilal Ahmed Siddiqi, Muhammad Ahsan Untoo and others visited the families of the martyred youth and expressed solidarity with them. Addressing gather-ings on their visits, the leaders said that by resorting to the targeted killing of innocent youth, India would never s u c c e e d t o s u p p r e s s t h e Kashmiris resolve for freedom from its illegal occupation.On the other hand, Abdul Ahad, the father of martyred Bilal Ahmed Butt, said that his son was killed in cold-blood. On the fateful day, he left home to discuss some issue related to purchase of sand with a customer, but didnt return home, Abdul Ahad said. My son was killed in cold-blood and I know the culprits will not be punished because he was a poor man and an ordinary civilian, he added.

    In occupied Kashmir, Indian troops in their brutal act of state terrorism martyred a civilian in cold blood at Malangpora in Awantipora area of Pulwama district on August 11, 2015.The 23-year-old civilian, Bilal Ahmed Butt, was shot at and critically injured after Indian Border Security Force (BSF) personnel opened fire on peaceful demonstrators who were protesting against the killing of two youth by the troops in the nearby Ratnipora area. He was shifted to a hospital in Srinagar where he succumbed to his injuries.The killings triggered forceful anti - India demonstrat ions followed by clashes between protesters and Indian police p e r s o n n e l i n R a t n i p o r a , K a k a p o r a , S a m b o o r a , Padgampora, Lajoora, Trich, Nadoo, Lajoora Narwa, Pahoo, Rakh Lajoora and Lelahar areas of the district. Pakistani flags were raised at many places on the

    o c c a s i o n . I n d i a n f o r c e s personnel resorted to lathi-charge and teargas shelling at many places, injuring several people.C o m p l e t e s h u t d o w n w a s observed in Pulwama district on August 12 against the killings. Call for the strike was given by the veteran Hurriyet leader, Syed Ali Gilani. All shops and busi-ness establishments remained closed while transport was off the roads across the district.

    Despite heavy deployment of Indian troops and police, people took to the streets in several villages of the district to register their protest against the brutal killings. Indian police and troops used excessive force to disperse the protesters, injuring many more people.The puppet authorities placed Syed Ali Gilani and other resistance leaders including S h a b b i r A h m e d S h a h , Muhammad Ashraf Sehrai, Nayeem Ahmed Khan, Zafar Akbar Butt and Engineer Hilal Ahmed War under house arrest while Muhammad Yasin Malik, Hakeem Abdur Rasheed, Javaid Ahmed Mir and other leaders and activists were lodged in different police stations of the territory. The detentions were made to prevent the leaders from v i s i t i n g P u l w a m a a n d expressing solidarity with the families of the martyred youth.Syed Ali Gilani telephonically addressing the participants of




    Hurriyet leaders condemn killing of youth in PulwamaHurriyet leaders condemn killing of youth in PulwamaVow to take martyrs mission to its logical conclusionVow to take martyrs mission to its logical conclusion

  • the funerals of the youth paid glowing tributes to the martyred. He denounced the use of brute force by Indian police against the peaceful protesters. He said that the sacrifices of Kashmiri martyrs would not be allowed to go waste and their mission would be accomplished at all costs.The Al l Part ies Hurr iyet Conference Chairman, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, addressing a public gathering in Srinagar said that India could not suppress the ongoing Kashmir liberation movement through military might. He said that the trigger-happy Indian troops were committing grave human rights violations due to invoking of draconian laws in the occupied territory.He said that the killing of innocent Kashmiris would stop only when the Kashmir dispute was resolved in accordance with the aspirations of the Kashmiri people.Senior Hurriyet leader, Shabbir Ahmed Shah, in a statement paying glowing tributes to the killed youth said that the mission

    of the Kashmiri martyrs would be taken to its logical conclusion at all costs. He said that amicable settlement of the Kashmir dispute could bring peace in the entire South Asian region.Hurriyet leaders including Muhammad Yasin Malik, Aasiya Andrabi, Nayeem Ahmed Khan, Zafar Akbar Butt, Muhammad Shafi Reshi and Abdul Majeed Tramboo in their statements condemned the brutal killing of innocent youth and said that Indian brutalities against the freedom-loving Kashmiris should serve as an eye-opener for global human rights organisa-tions. They maintained that the

    oppressive tactics of India could not subdue the freedom senti-ment of the Kashmiri people.Hurriyet leaders, Muhammad Yousuf Naqash, Hakeem Abdul Rasheed, Syed Bashir Andrabi, S h a b b i r A h m e d D a r , Muhammad Iqbal Mir, Bilal Ahmed Siddiqi, Muhammad Ahsan Untoo and others visited the families of the martyred youth and expressed solidarity with them. Addressing gather-ings on their visits, the leaders said that by resorting to the targeted killing of innocent youth, India would never s u c c e e d t o s u p p r e s s t h e Kashmiris resolve for freedom from its illegal occupation.On the other hand, Abdul Ahad, the father of martyred Bilal Ahmed Butt, said that his son was killed in cold-blood. On the fateful day, he left home to discuss some issue related to purchase of sand with a customer, but didnt return home, Abdul Ahad said. My son was killed in cold-blood and I know the culprits will not be punished because he was a poor man and an ordinary civilian, he added.

    In occupied Kashmir, Indian troops in their brutal act of state terrorism martyred a civilian in cold blood at Malangpora in Awantipora area of Pulwama district on August 11, 2015.The 23-year-old civilian, Bilal Ahmed Butt, was shot at and critically injured after Indian Border Security Force (BSF) personnel opened fire on peaceful demonstrators who were protesting against the killing of two youth by the troops in the nearby Ratnipora area. He was shifted to a hospital in Srinagar where he succumbed to his injuries.The killings triggered forceful anti - India demonstrat ions followed by clashes between protesters and Indian police p e r s o n n e l i n R a t n i p o r a , K a k a p o r a , S a m b o o r a , Padgampora, Lajoora, Trich, Nadoo, Lajoora Narwa, Pahoo, Rakh Lajoora and Lelahar areas of the district. Pakistani flags were raised at many places on the

    o c c a s i o n . I n d i a n f o r c e s personnel resorted to lathi-charge and teargas shelling at many places, injuring several people.C o m p l e t e s h u t d o w n w a s observed in Pulwama district on August 12 against the killings. Call for the strike was given by the veteran Hurriyet leader, Syed Ali Gilani. All shops and busi-ness establishments remained closed while transport was off the roads across the district.

    Despite heavy deployment of Indian troops and police, people took to the streets in several villages of the district to register their protest against the brutal killings. Indian police and troops used excessive force to disperse the protesters, injuring many more people.The puppet authorities placed Syed Ali Gilani and other resistance leaders including S h a b b i r A h m e d S h a h , Muhammad Ashraf Sehrai, Nayeem Ahmed Khan, Zafar Akbar Butt and Engineer Hilal Ahmed War under house arrest while Muhammad Yasin Malik, Hakeem Abdur Rasheed, Javaid Ahmed Mir and other leaders and activists were lodged in different police stations of the territory. The detentions were made to prevent the leaders from v i s i t i n g P u l w a m a a n d expressing solidarity with the families of the martyred youth.Syed Ali Gilani telephonically addressing the participants of




    Hurriyet leaders condemn killing of youth in PulwamaHurriyet leaders condemn killing of youth in PulwamaVow to take martyrs mission to its logical conclusionVow to take martyrs mission to its logical conclusion

  • people through military might, adding that the Indian leader-ship had to accept the reality that coercion and military occupa-t ion could not force the Kashmiris to abdicate their political aspirations.Senior Hurriyet leader, Shabbir Ahmed Shah, in his statement said that Sheikh Aziz was among the pioneers of Kashmir libera-tion movement and a legendary martyr whose contribution for the Kashmir cause would be written in golden words. Shaheed Sheikh Abdul Aziz will always be remembered for his unflinching contribution to the struggle of Kashmir, he added.The Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front, Muhammad Yasin Malik, in a statement while paying rich tributes to Sheikh Abdul Aziz described him as a thorough gentleman, freedom-lover and selfless leader who sacrificed his life for freedom of Kashmir.O t h e r H u r r i y e t l e a d e r s including Aasiya Andrabi, Yasmeen Raja, Zafar Akbar Butt, Javaid Ahmed Mir, Zamruda Habib, Farida Bahenji, Farooq

    Ahmed Dar , Muhammad Farooq Rehmani, Professor Nazir Ahmed Shawl, Barrister Abdul Majeed Tramboo and Mrs Shameem Shawl in their state-ments said that Sheikh Abdul Aziz was a symbol of resistance and he sacrificed his life for the noble cause for which he lived. They said that the Kashmiris would not allow the sacrifices rendered by their martyrs to go waste and would continue their struggle till complete freedom from the Indian bondage.Speakers at two different seminars held at Kashmir House and National Press Club in Islamabad in the memory of

    martyred Sheikh Abdul Aziz paying tributes to him pledged that the Kashmiris ongoing movement for securing the right to self-determination would be taken to its logical conclusion, against all odds.The events chaired by the President of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Sardar Muhammad Yaqub Khan, were organised by Hurriyet leaders of AJK to pay homage to Sheikh Aziz.Those who participated in the event held at Kashmir House included AJK Minister, Abdul M a j i d K h a n , G h u l a m Muhammad Safi, Mehmood Ahmed Saghar, Muhammad Farooq Rehmani, Noor-ul-Bari, Sardar Amjad Yousuf Khan, Altaf Hussain Wani, Ishtiaq Hameed, Engineer Mushtaq Mehmood, Tufail Altaf Butt and Sheikh Muhammad Yaqoob.The participants of the function organised at National Press Club included Ali Muhammad Khan, Syed Yousuf Naseem, Khalid Aftab Sulehri, Ijaz Rehmani, Abdul Hameed Lone, Pervez Ahmed Shah, Saleem Haroon, Hassan Al-Bana, Mir Tahir Masood and Muhammad Shafi Dar.

    Kashmiris on both sides of the Line of Control paid glowing tributes to prominent martyred Hurriyet leader, Sheikh Abdul Aziz, on his 7th martyrdom anniversary on August 11, 2015.August 11 brings sad memories to ones mind as on this day in 2008 one of the most devoted and dedicated freedom fighters of Kashmir and a frontline leader o f A l l P a r t i e s H u r r i y e t Conference (APHC), Sheikh Abdul Aziz, was mercilessly gunned down by the ruthless Indian troops in Uri area of Baramulla district when he was leading a march towards Muzaffarabad against the economical blockade of the Kashmir Valley by Hindu

    extremists of J a m m u region. The march was in p r o t e s t against the blocking of S r i n a g a r -J a m m u Highway by Hindu zealots to punish the Kashmiris for disallowing t h e i l l e g a l transfer of a large chunk o f l a n d t o Delhi-based S h r i A m a r n a t h Shrine Board that manages

    the annual Amarnath Yatra in occupied Kashmir.A delegation of All Parties Hurriyet Conference comprising Muhammad Musaddiq Adil, Javaid Ahmed Mir, Engineer Hilal Ahmed War and others visited the Martyrs Graveyard at Eidgah in Srinagar and paid homage to Sheikh Aziz.Jammu and Kashmir Peoples League (JKPL) organised a funct ion at the Martyrs Graveyard to eulogise the services of its former Chairman. The function was attended by a number of Hurriyet leaders and activists including Nayeem Ahmed Khan, Hakeem Abdul Rasheed, Muhammad Yousuf

    N a q a s h , S h a k e e l A h m e d Bakhshi, Ghulam Ahmed Khan Sopori, Shabbir Ahmed Dar, Mir Muhammad Iqbal, Mukhtar Ahmed Sofi, Zahoor Ahmed Sheikh, Engineer Farooq Ahmed Khan, Nisar Ahmed Rather, Ghulam Ahmed Nagoo and Syed Saleem Gilani. Special prayers for the martyrs were offered on the occasion.The veteran Kashmiri Hurriyet leader, Syed Ali Gilani, who was under house detention in Srinagar, in a statement said that the best way to pay tributes to Sheikh Abdul Aziz was to carry forward his mission to its logical conclusion. He reiterated that the Kashmiri people would cont inue the i r l iberat ion struggle till last Indian Army man left occupied Kashmir.The Chairman of All Parties Hurriyet Conference, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, who was also placed under house arrest, in a statement said that Sheikh Abdul Aziz spent his whole life seeking the right to self-determination for the Kashmiris and at the end sacrificed his life for the cause. He said that Sheikh Aziz occupied unique distinc-tion for his contribution in the ongoing freedom movement. The Mirwaiz said that the commitment and resolve shown by Sheikh Aziz during his lifetime for the freedom struggle was exemplary. He stated that India could not suppress the freedom struggle of Kashmiri




    Glowing tributes paid to Sheikh Abdul Aziz

    Glowing tributes paid to Sheikh Abdul Aziz

  • people through military might, adding that the Indian leader-ship had to accept the reality that coercion and military occupa-t ion could not force the Kashmiris to abdicate their political aspirations.Senior Hurriyet leader, Shabbir Ahmed Shah, in his statement said that Sheikh Aziz was among the pioneers of Kashmir libera-tion movement and a legendary martyr whose contribution for the Kashmir cause would be written in golden words. Shaheed Sheikh Abdul Aziz will always be remembered for his unflinching contribution to the struggle of Kashmir, he added.The Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front, Muhammad Yasin Malik, in a statement while paying rich tributes to Sheikh Abdul Aziz described him as a thorough gentleman, freedom-lover and selfless leader who sacrificed his life for freedom of Kashmir.O t h e r H u r r i y e t l e a d e r s including Aasiya Andrabi, Yasmeen Raja, Zafar Akbar Butt, Javaid Ahmed Mir, Zamruda Habib, Farida Bahenji, Farooq

    Ahmed Dar , Muhammad Farooq Rehmani, Professor Nazir Ahmed Shawl, Barrister Abdul Majeed Tramboo and Mrs Shameem Shawl in their state-ments said that Sheikh Abdul Aziz was a symbol of resistance and he sacrificed his life for the noble cause for which he lived. They said that the Kashmiris would not allow the sacrifices rendered by their martyrs to go waste and would continue their struggle till complete freedom from the Indian bondage.Speakers at two different seminars held at Kashmir House and National Press Club in Islamabad in the memory of

    martyred Sheikh Abdul Aziz paying tributes to him pledged that the Kashmiris ongoing movement for securing the right to self-determination would be taken to its logical conclusion, against all odds.The events chaired by the President of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Sardar Muhammad Yaqub Khan, were organised by Hurriyet leaders of AJK to pay homage to Sheikh Aziz.Those who participated in the event held at Kashmir House included AJK Minister, Abdul M a j i d K h a n , G h u l a m Muhammad Safi, Mehmood Ahmed Saghar, Muhammad Farooq Rehmani, Noor-ul-Bari, Sardar Amjad Yousuf Khan, Altaf Hussain Wani, Ishtiaq Hameed, Engineer Mushtaq Mehmood, Tufail Altaf Butt and Sheikh Muhammad Yaqoob.The participants of the function organised at National Press Club included Ali Muhammad Khan, Syed Yousuf Naseem, Khalid Aftab Sulehri, Ijaz Rehmani, Abdul Hameed Lone, Pervez Ahmed Shah, Saleem Haroon, Hassan Al-Bana, Mir Tahir Masood and Muhammad Shafi Dar.

    Kashmiris on both sides of the Line of Control paid glowing tributes to prominent martyred Hurriyet leader, Sheikh Abdul Aziz, on his 7th martyrdom anniversary on August 11, 2015.August 11 brings sad memories to ones mind as on this day in 2008 one of the most devoted and dedicated freedom fighters of Kashmir and a frontline leader o f A l l P a r t i e s H u r r i y e t Conference (APHC), Sheikh Abdul Aziz, was mercilessly gunned down by the ruthless Indian troops in Uri area of Baramulla district when he was leading a march towards Muzaffarabad against the economical blockade of the Kashmir Valley by Hindu

    extremists of J a m m u region. The march was in p r o t e s t against the blocking of S r i n a g a r -J a m m u Highway by Hindu zealots to punish the Kashmiris for disallowing t h e i l l e g a l transfer of a large chunk o f l a n d t o Delhi-based S h r i A m a r n a t h Shrine Board that manages

    the annual Amarnath Yatra in occupied Kashmir.A delegation of All Parties Hurriyet Conference comprising Muhammad Musaddiq Adil, Javaid Ahmed Mir, Engineer Hilal Ahmed War and others visited the Martyrs Graveyard at Eidgah in Srinagar and paid homage to Sheikh Aziz.Jammu and Kashmir Peoples League (JKPL) organised a funct ion at the Martyrs Graveyard to eulogise the services of its former Chairman. The function was attended by a number of Hurriyet leaders and activists including Nayeem Ahmed Khan, Hakeem Abdul Rasheed, Muhammad Yousuf

    N a q a s h , S h a k e e l A h m e d Bakhshi, Ghulam Ahmed Khan Sopori, Shabbir Ahmed Dar, Mir Muhammad Iqbal, Mukhtar Ahmed Sofi, Zahoor Ahmed Sheikh, Engineer Farooq Ahmed Khan, Nisar Ahmed Rather, Ghulam Ahmed Nagoo and Syed Saleem Gilani. Special prayers for the martyrs were offered on the occasion.The veteran Kashmiri Hurriyet leader, Syed Ali Gilani, who was under house detention in Srinagar, in a statement said that the best way to pay tributes to Sheikh Abdul Aziz was to carry forward his mission to its logical conclusion. He reiterated that the Kashmiri people would cont inue the i r l iberat ion struggle till last Indian Army man left occupied Kashmir.The Chairman of All Parties Hurriyet Conference, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, who was also placed under house arrest, in a statement said that Sheikh Abdul Aziz spent his whole life seeking the right to self-determination for the Kashmiris and at the end sacrificed his life for the cause. He said that Sheikh Aziz occupied unique distinc-tion for his contribution in the ongoing freedom movement. The Mirwaiz said that the commitment and resolve shown by Sheikh Aziz during his lifetime for the freedom struggle was exemplary. He stated that India could not suppress the freedom struggle of Kashmiri




    Glowing tributes paid to Sheikh Abdul Aziz

    Glowing tributes paid to Sheikh Abdul Aziz

  • Report



  • Report



  • ink blots to be ignored than as human beings to be respected. I n d i a n G o v e r n m e n t h a s betrayed most of its high-minded ideals in Kashmir that marked its entry into the family of nations after long years under the British Raj: shocking human rights violations, including more than 100,000 killings in the last two decades alone, torture, rape, muti lat ions, arson, plunder, abductions, arbitrary detentions, and draconian punishment for the exercise of peaceful political dissent; and, contempt for international law and binding self-determination resolutions of the United Nations Security Council. Indeed, India's gruesome record in Kashmir is far worse than the records of the F e d e r a t e d R e p u b l i c o f Y u g o s l a v i a i n K o s o v o , Indonesia in East Timor, and Russia in Chechnya, all of which provoked international outrage and more. But not a word has been uttered by the world powers to bring the human rights violations in Kashmir to an end. The studied unconcern by the United Nations in Kashmir has given a sense of total impunity to India. It has

    also created the impression that the United Nations is invidi-ously selective about the application of the principles of human rights and democracy.All experts of South Asia discount the United States hopes that the dispute over Kashmir could be settled through bilateral peaceful talks between India and Pakistan. They recount the litany of failed bilateral efforts between New Delhi and Islamabad. At the same time, the people of Kashmir have steadfastly mainlined that talks between the three parties, India, Pakistan and the Kashmiris, are the only

    way to resolve the Kashmir issue. We hope that the leader-ship of India and Pakistan recognise that there can be no settlement of the Kashmir dispute without the active and full participation of the people of Jammu and Kashmir living on both sides of the Ceasefire Line.We urge the United States to resist the temptation to jettison its traditional foreign policy championing democracy and human rights in the case of Kashmir for in the name of big power politics or economic opportunities in India. Down that road lies a troublesome blow to international law and amity. A promising first step towards a just and peaceful settlement of the Kashmir tragedy would be the recogni-tion by the United States, Pakistan and India of the leadership of the people of Kashmir as an equal partner in any future negotiations to settle the Kashmir dispute.(Dr Fai is the Secretary General of World Kashmir Awareness and can be reached at: 1-202-607-6435 OR [email protected])

    The people of Jammu and Kashmir on both sides of the cease-fire line and worldwide observed the 69th anniversary of Indias Independence Day as a Black Day because of Indias failure to honour its pledges that it has given to the people of Jammu and Kashmir at the United Nations. This year, the Kashmiri leadership had summoned all Kashmiris all over the world to demonstrate

    on August 15, as a symbol of their unity and harmony. Their unity in mourning demon-strated their will to resist India's illegal occupation and defiance of the United Nations Security Council resolutions mandating a self-determination plebiscite for the 18 million people of Jammu and Kashmir.It is a historical fact that the dispute over the status of Jammu and Kashmir can be settled only in accordance with the will of the people which can be ascertained through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite, interna-tionally supervised. This was the common ground taken by

    both India and Pakistan. It was supported without any dissent by the United Nations Security Council - and prominently championed by the United States, Britain and France. The United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan (UNCIP) resolution of August 13, 1948, and other resolutions of the Security Council state clearly that the Government of India and the Government of Pakistan

    reaffirm t h e i r w i s h that the f u t u r e status of the state o f J a m m u a n d Kashmir shall be d e t e r-mined in a c c o r-

    dance with the will of the people.These are not resolutions in the routine sense of the term. Their provisions were negotiated in detail by the UNCIP and it was only after the consent o f b o t h Governmen t s w a s explicit ly o b t a i n e d that they w e r e endorsed b y t h e S e c u r i t y C o u n c i l .

    They thus constitute a binding and solemn international agreement about the settlement of the Kashmir dispute.India has defied United Nations Security Council resolutions for more than 69 years because she knows Kashmiris will never vote in her favor. The irony of the fate is that even President Obama wants to see India the member of the Security Council whose resolutions have been blatantly violated by India right from 1948.It is beyond any doubt that for more than half a century, India has treated Kashmiris more like




    Why do Kashmiris observe August 15 as Black Day?Why do Kashmiris observe August 15 as Black Day?Dr Ghulam Nabi FaiDr Ghulam Nabi Fai

  • ink blots to be ignored than as human beings to be respected. I n d i a n G o v e r n m e n t h a s betrayed most of its high-minded ideals in Kashmir that marked its entry into the family of nations after long years under the British Raj: shocking human rights violations, including more than 100,000 killings in the last two decades alone, torture, rape, muti lat ions, arson, plunder, abductions, arbitrary detentions, and draconian punishment for the exercise of peaceful political dissent; and, contempt for international law and binding self-determination resolutions of the United Nations Security Council. Indeed, India's gruesome record in Kashmir is far worse than the records of the F e d e r a t e d R e p u b l i c o f Y u g o s l a v i a i n K o s o v o , Indonesia in East Timor, and Russia in Chechnya, all of which provoked international outrage and more. But not a word has been uttered by the world powers to bring the human rights violations in Kashmir to an end. The studied unconcern by the United Nations in Kashmir has given a sense of total impunity to India. It has

    also created the impression that the United Nations is invidi-ously selective about the application of the principles of human rights and democracy.All experts of South Asia discount the United States hopes that the dispute over Kashmir could be settled through bilateral peaceful talks between India and Pakistan. They recount the litany of failed bilateral efforts between New Delhi and Islamabad. At the same time, the people of Kashmir have steadfastly mainlined that talks between the three parties, India, Pakistan and the Kashmiris, are the only

    way to resolve the Kashmir issue. We hope that the leader-ship of India and Pakistan recognise that there can be no settlement of the Kashmir dispute without the active and full participation of the people of Jammu and Kashmir living on both sides of the Ceasefire Line.We urge the United States to resist the temptation to jettison its traditional foreign policy championing democracy and human rights in the case of Kashmir for in the name of big power politics or economic opportunities in India. Down that road lies a troublesome blow to international law and amity. A promising first step towards a just and peaceful settlement of the Kashmir tragedy would be the recogni-tion by the United States, Pakistan and India of the leadership of the people of Kashmir as an equal partner in any future negotiations to settle the Kashmir dispute.(Dr Fai is the Secretary General of World Kashmir Awareness and can be reached at: 1-202-607-6435 OR [email protected])

    The people of Jammu and Kashmir on both sides of the cease-fire line and worldwide observed the 69th anniversary of Indias Independence Day as a Black Day because of Indias failure to honour its pledges that it has given to the people of Jammu and Kashmir at the United Nations. This year, the Kashmiri leadership had summoned all Kashmiris all over the world to demonstrate

    on August 15, as a symbol of their unity and harmony. Their unity in mourning demon-strated their will to resist India's illegal occupation and defiance of the United Nations Security Council resolutions mandating a self-determination plebiscite for the 18 million people of Jammu and Kashmir.It is a historical fact that the dispute over the status of Jammu and Kashmir can be settled only in accordance with the will of the people which can be ascertained through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite, interna-tionally supervised. This was the common ground taken by

    both India and Pakistan. It was supported without any dissent by the United Nations Security Council - and prominently championed by the United States, Britain and France. The United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan (UNCIP) resolution of August 13, 1948, and other resolutions of the Security Council state clearly that the Government of India and the Government of Pakistan

    reaffirm t h e i r w i s h that the f u t u r e status of the state o f J a m m u a n d Kashmir shall be d e t e r-mined in a c c o r-

    dance with the will of the people.These are not resolutions in the routine sense of the term. Their provisions were negotiated in detail by the UNCIP and it was only after the consent o f b o t h Governmen t s w a s explicit ly o b t a i n e d that they w e r e endorsed b y t h e S e c u r i t y C o u n c i l .

    They thus constitute a binding and solemn international agreement about the settlement of the Kashmir dispute.India has defied United Nations Security Council resolutions for more than 69 years because she knows Kashmiris will never vote in her favor. The irony of the fate is that even President Obama wants to see India the member of the Security Council whose resolutions have been blatantly violated by India right from 1948.It is beyond any doubt that for more than half a century, India has treated Kashmiris more like




    Why do Kashmiris observe August 15 as Black Day?Why do Kashmiris observe August 15 as Black Day?Dr Ghulam Nabi FaiDr Ghulam Nabi Fai

  • dead 22 Kashmiris, one after the other, outside the Central Jail in Srinagar. They had gathered to show solidarity with one, Abdul Qadeer, who was being tried in the jail for persuading people to defy the Dogra rule.In occupied Kashmir, the day is marked by total shutdown by the

    people and stringent restrictions in all major cities and towns by the puppet authorities. The authorities place the All Parties Hurriyet Conference Chairman, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, Syed Ali Gilani, Agha Syed Hassan Al-Moosvi Al-Safvi, Muhammad Yasin Malik, Shabbir Ahmed Shah, Nayeem Ahmed Khan and other Hurriyet leaders under house arrest to prevent them from leading the march. Indian police arrest several Hurriyet leaders and activists including Yasmeen Raja, Mukhtar Ahmed Waza, Zafar Akbar Butt , Muhammad Yousuf Naqash, Syed Bashir Andrabi, Javed Ahmed Mir and Abdul Ahad

    draconian laws from occupied Kashmir. The AJK chapter of the forum led by Syed Ali Gilani in its meeting chaired by Convener, Ghulam Muhammad Safi, says that the mission of Kashmiri martyrs will be accomplished at all costs.British Kashmiris assemble in London to observe Martyrs' Day and pay glowing tributes to the martyrs of July 13, 1931. A d d r e s s i n g t h e m e e t i n g speakers including Professor Nazir Ahmed Shawl, Barrister Abdul Majeed Tramboo and Mahmood Riyaz reaffirm the Kashmiris' resolve to continue the mission of their martyrs till complete success.A former officer of Indian home ministry discloses that a member of the secret service team accuses the then governments of orchestrating the terror attack on Parliament in 2001 and the Mumbai massacre in 2008. Indian media reports that R V S Mani, who as home ministry under-secretary signs the affidavits submitted in court in a fake encounter case, says that Satish Verma, until recently a part of the CBI-SIT probe team, has told him that both the terror attacks have been carried out

    w i t h t h e o b j e c t i v e o f strengthening the counter-terror legislation.July 15: In New Delhi, prominent Indian human rights activist, Gautam Navlakha, talking to mediamen says that the habitual use of force by India to curb the people in occupied Kashmir will only fuel anger which can explode any time. He says that the Kashmiris are denied all basic rights and are being forcibly lodged into cages. Gautam Navlakha says that Indian authorities are treating common people of Kashmir as cattle who are being tamed by means of restrictions, curfew and military might. He maintains that holding

    of elections in occupied Kashmir will be a futile exercise till the Kashmir dispute is resolved.A court in Kolkata awards life sentence to two Kashmiris, Sheikh Imran and Sheikh Farhat, in a fake case against them. The families as well as the lawyer of the innocent youth express d i s s a t i s f a c t i o n o v e r t h e judgment. The youth were arrested by Indian police from Srinagar on December 19, 2003, and later taken to Kolkata where false case was lodged against them.July 16: In New Delhi, an Indian political party, the Welfare Party of India, asks the Government of India to come clean on the Parliament and Mumbai attacks following confession by a former home ministry official that these terror a t tacks have been orchestrated by the government. The Welfare Party General Secretary, S Q R Ilyas, in an interview says that an Indian Minister during a meeting with a d e l e g a t i o n o f M a j l i s - e -Mushawarat, an umbrella body of Muslim organisations, has revealed that the Parliament attack is fake and a drama.

    2013July 8: Speakers at a seminar in Srinagar deplore that Indian troops are massacring innocent Kashmiris due to the invoking of draconian laws in the occupied territory. They appeal to the world community to play an effective role in settling the Kashmir dispute. The seminar is organised by International Forum for Justice Jammu and Kashmir and the speakers include Muhammad Yasin Malik, Shabbir Ahmed Shah, Muhammad Ahsan Untoo, Javaid Ahmed Mir, Muhammad Yousuf Naqash and Abdul Majeed Zargar.July 10: The London-based h u m a n r i g h t s w a t c h d o g , Amnesty International, calls for an end to the practice of keeping the people particularly the youth in unlawful detentions by the police in occupied Kashmir in defiance of judicial orders for their release. The Amnesty International in a statement posted on its website demands repeal of draconian law, Public Safety Act, from the occupied territory.July 13: Kashmiris on both sides of the Line of Control and the world over observe Kashmir Martyrs' Day to convey to the international community that India has failed to subdue the Kashmiri people by the use of brute force and they are determined to continue their liberation struggle, against all odds. It was on this day in 1931 that the Dogra forces had shot

    Parra and lodge them in different police stations.All routes leading towards Srinagar city are barricaded to stop people from marching towards the Martyrs' Graveyard at Naqshband Sahib, where the martyrs of 1931 are buried. Call for the march has been given by Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and Syed Ali Gilani. They along with other Hurriyet leaders pay glowing tributes to the Kashmiri martyrs. Syed Ali Gilani in a statement says that observance of the strike shows that the people of Kashmir

    have not forgotten their martyrs. He says that the ongoing f r e e d o m m o v e m e n t w i l l continue till a single Indian soldier is present in occupied Kashmir.In Islamabad, speakers at a seminar organised by the AJK chapter of All Parties Hurriyet Conference and presided over by the Convener, Syed Yousuf Naseem, say that the ongoing l i b e r a t i o n m o v e m e n t i s continuation of the struggle started by the martyrs of 13th July 1931. A resolution passed on the occasion demands release of illegally detained Hurriyet leaders, end to human rights v io la t ions and repea l o f

    A chronological account of developments on Kashmir (109)KMS Research Desk

    ChronologyChronology Chronology


    Compiled by: Showkat AliTo be continued...

  • dead 22 Kashmiris, one after the other, outside the Central Jail in Srinagar. They had gathered to show solidarity with one, Abdul Qadeer, who was being tried in the jail for persuading people to defy the Dogra rule.In occupied Kashmir, the day is marked by total shutdown by the

    people and stringent restrictions in all major cities and towns by the puppet authorities. The authorities place the All Parties Hurriyet Conference Chairman, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, Syed Ali Gilani, Agha Syed Hassan Al-Moosvi Al-Safvi, Muhammad Yasin Malik, Shabbir Ahmed Shah, Nayeem Ahmed Khan and other Hurriyet leaders under house arrest to prevent them from leading the march. Indian police arrest several Hurriyet leaders and activists including Yasmeen Raja, Mukhtar Ahmed Waza, Zafar Akbar Butt , Muhammad Yousuf Naqash, Syed Bashir Andrabi, Javed Ahmed Mir and Abdul Ahad

    draconian laws from occupied Kashmir. The AJK chapter of the forum led by Syed Ali Gilani in its meeting chaired by Convener, Ghulam Muhammad Safi, says that the mission of Kashmiri martyrs will be accomplished at all costs.British Kashmiris assemble in London to observe Martyrs' Day and pay glowing tributes to the martyrs of July 13, 1931. A d d r e s s i n g t h e m e e t i n g speakers including Professor Nazir Ahmed Shawl, Barrister Abdul Majeed Tramboo and Mahmood Riyaz reaffirm the Kashmiris' resolve to continue the mission of their martyrs till complete success.A former officer of Indian home ministry discloses that a member of the secret service team accuses the then governments of orchestrating the terror