kassel 11.09.2009 cluster-dialog germany-poland (cddp) final workshop barbara rogosz

Kassel 11.09.2009 Cluster-Dialog Germany-Poland (CDDP) Final Workshop Barbara Rogosz

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Page 1: Kassel 11.09.2009 Cluster-Dialog Germany-Poland (CDDP) Final Workshop Barbara Rogosz

Kassel 11.09.2009

Cluster-Dialog Germany-Poland (CDDP)Final Workshop

Barbara Rogosz

Page 2: Kassel 11.09.2009 Cluster-Dialog Germany-Poland (CDDP) Final Workshop Barbara Rogosz

• Cooperation between science and industry

• Development of innovation techniques of energy generation in mega- i nano-scale

• Education activities in power technologies

• Integration of universities, industry and local authorities

• Acceleration of knowledge transfer and innovation between industrial, business and science as well as acceleration of Silesian society development

• Communication platform

CLUSTER for power generation and energy utilization in mega- and nano-scale


E-mail: [email protected]

The Cluster was established in 2007 by the Wrocław University of Technology


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Cluster’s addressee benefits

Page 4: Kassel 11.09.2009 Cluster-Dialog Germany-Poland (CDDP) Final Workshop Barbara Rogosz

Members of the ClusterMembers of the Cluster

Wrocław University of Technology The Silesian University of Technology Warsaw University of Technology Opole University of Technology Municipality of Wrocław ABB Ltd. Warszawa- Ltd BIAP Ltd. Wrocław PGE BOT Turów Power Plant Energetyka Rokita Ltd. with head office in Brzegu Dolnym ENEA Kozienice PP KGHM POLSKA MIEDŹ S.A. With head office in Lubin KGHM CUPRUM ltd. Wrocław „POLTEGOR – INSTITUTE” – Mining Institute, Wrocław IASE Institute of Energy System , Ltd. Wrocław CHP-Południowo Zachodnia Grupa Energetyczna Ltd. Wrocław CHP-Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej Ltd., Jelenia Góra CHP-Wojewódzkie Przedsiębiorstwe Energetyki Cieplnej Ltd. ( CHP) Legnica Wrocławski Park Technologiczny, Wrocław MicroTech Ltd. Wrocław Vattenfall Heat Poland S.A. Warszawa VULCAN POWER Ltd., Wrocław ZBUS Combustion Ltd.- Głownie, Pl

Within the structure of the Cluster there are 16 industrial partners , 4 Universities and municipality of Wrocław

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Cluster’s organisation


Steering board


IndustrialpartnersResearch institutes



GR1 GR2 GRnGR3 GR4 GR5 GR6 GR7 GR = WorkGroup


Project’s liders

Page 6: Kassel 11.09.2009 Cluster-Dialog Germany-Poland (CDDP) Final Workshop Barbara Rogosz

The fields of potential cooperationThe fields of potential cooperation

• utilization of alternative energy sources : geothermal, photovoltaic, biomass, waste biomass

• Potential of solid and liquid biomass ; utilization of biomass and waste biomass to production

of high quality of fuel and energy

• Combustion of biomass in small and medium size boiler - optimization of burnout and

emission, certification and Co-combustion of biomass in existing Power &Heat Plants – with

high share of biomass

• Micro CHP (Micro combined heat and power)

• Lignite pre-treatment: UC gasification, Lignite pre-drying etc.

• Clean coal technology:

- Gasification of coal for hydrogen production

- Zero-emission technologies – oxy- fuel, capture technology of CO2 sequestration

and storage CO2 hydrates

• Waste management

• Audits, intelligent management of heat energy demand and supply

• Ceramic fuel cell

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„Poltegor Institute is a research and development unit with over 50 years history. Institute employees 76 persons:

2 professors, 18 doctors of technical and natural sciences, (58 employees with higher education)

Poltegor Institute interdisciplinary teams has access to 11 laboratories, 4 authorized including

„Poltegor-Institute” Institute of Opencast Mining

Laboratory for Research and Diagnostics of Machines and Devices

Laboratory for Chemical Research on Water

Laboratory for Research on Well Filters

Laboratory for Research on Rock Mass Seismic

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Mechatronical systems for technological processes control and enhancement of large machines exploitation safety

Infiltration biochemical preservation and rehabilitation of in-soil-water zones at municipal water intakes

Propositions of new bilateral cooperation projects

Underground and surface gasification of brown coal

Revitaization and development of brownfield and post-mining areas

Cooperation of renewable and conventional energy sources

Our current projects

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Mechatronical systems for technological processes control and enhancement of large machines exploitation safety

Interdisciplinary field of exploatronics in opencast mining

1. Mechatronical system of continuous diagnostics of effort of carrying structure and main mechanisms of machines

2. Complex system of fire hazards monitoring and signaling for basic machines

3. Mechatronical system of caterpillar conveyor steering

4. Mechatronical system of landslide monitoring

5. Mechatronical system of wheel excavator

Operational Programme - Infrastructure and Environment

I.3. Supporting  innovativeness

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Infiltration biochemical preservation and rehabilitation of in-soil-water zones at municipal water intakes

Diagram of hydrodynamic module for water purification in integrated sorption membranous process

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m a d e o f p o r o u s s t r u c t u r e s

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a n d s o r p t i o n s o l u t io n

Diagram of biochemical remediation of surface water in controlled hydro-dynamical system of infiltration

Application: in water intakes in public utility company; renaturalization of surface waters, secure storage, full availability of water reserves in case of contamination risk

Application: in health food production plants, (sorption-membranous layer is made of natural geological components)

Diagram of drainage system for intensive purification of contaminated

Application: on contaminated areas

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Underground gasification of brown coal

Technological diagram of experimental installation of underground brown coal gasification

Costs forecasts of energy production from underground gasification

natural gas: 2,0 do 5,0 Euro/GJ; hard coal: 1,5 do 1,8 Euro/GJ brown coal: 1,25 do 1,5 Euro/GJ

Technological diagram of experimental installation of underground brown coal gasification

Test stand for brown coal gasification and products influence on surrounding geological structures

• according to American research - 1,08-1,70 Euro/GJ• according to Russian research- 0,85 Euro/GJ

Synthesis gas and liquid fuel production according to Fisher-Tropsch technology (Linc Energy)

Prices are competitive in comparison with average costs of energy production from:

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“Scenariusze technologiczne rozwoju wydobycia i przetwórstwa węgla brunatnego”

Project co-financed by EU

Partners: - “Poltegor Institut”-coordinator

-Politechnika Wrocławska

- Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza, Kraków

- Państwowy Instytut Górniczy, Warszawa

- Główny Instytut Górnictwa, Katowice

- KGHM CUPRUM, Wrocław,

-Instytut Automatyki Systemów Energetycznych – Wrocław

- KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.

- BOT KWB Turów S.A.

- KWB Konin S.A.

- KWB Adamów S.A.


Total costs: 6 000 000 PLN

Time of realization 06.2006 – 05.2008; 24 months

Bio-technological Conversion of Sludge into Organic Fertilizers

(EU Program INCO-COPERNICUS) Partners : “Poltegor Institute”

- University of Horticulture and Food Industry. Department of Soil Sciences and Water Management, Hungary

- Study and Design Office of Villages Sanitation Ltd, Poland

- Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Norway

- Foundation for Technological and Industrial Research at the Norwegian Institute of Technology. Applied Chemistry, Norway

- Bundesforchungsanstat für Landwirtschaft. Institut für Technologie, Germany

- Nederlandse Organisatie voor Ntuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek. Institute of Environmental Sciences, Energy and Process Innovation, Netherlands

Costs- 92 219 Euro, (350 205 PLN + 387 000 PLN- Polish Government)

Time of realization- 42 months 1999-2002

Poltegor was coordinating projects co-financed by EU

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Hydrogen Oriented Underground Coal Gasification for Europe – HUGE

Research Programme of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel Coal RTD. Partners:- Central Mining Institute, Katowice, Poland- coordinator

Technische Universiteit, Nederlands Universitaet Stuttgart, Germany Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals, Czech Republic Institut Scientifique de Service Public, Belgium Kompania Węglowa S.A., Katowice, Poland BOT Górnictwo i Energetyka S.A., Poland “Poltegor-Institute, Poland UCG Partnership, Great Britain Politechnika Śląska, Poland National Mining University, Ukraine

Total costs- 3 150 000 Euro

Time of realization 07.2007 – 06.2010; 36 months

Currently Poltegor is participating in HUGE Project

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Revitaization and development of brownfield and post-mining areas(Submitted project proposals)

Landscape Vitalisation of former mining sites (LAVITA) Priority 2- Environment and risk prevention

Leading Partner: Aufbauwerk Region Leipzig GmbH- Germany Partners: - Municipality of Komló- Hungary

- DIADYMA - Waste Management of Western Macedonia S.A.-Greece

- Environmental Centre of Kozani - Prefectural Enterprise- Greece

- "Poltegor-Institute" Institute of Opencast Mining- Poland

- Burgas Municipality- Bulgaria

- EGW Development Company – Germany

- ELECTRIC POWER INDUSTRY OF SERBIA Head Department for Energy Production- Serbia

- Gorj County Council- Romania - LMBV international GmbH- Germany

- Region of Western Macedonia- Greece

Brownfield regeneration management for sustainable

regional development (BRM unit)

Priority 4 – „Enhancing Competitiveness and Attractiveness of Cities and Regions”

Leading Partner- Usti Region, Czech Republic

Partners - ERGO Umweltinstitut GmbH- Germany

- Aufbauwerk Region Leipzig GmbH- Germany

- The District of Leipzig- Germany

- „Poltegor-Instytut” Institute of Opencast Mining


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Cooperation of renewable and conventional energy sources

(Submitted project proposals)

Effective development of dispersed renewable energy in combination with conventional energy in Regions (ENERGYREGION)

Priority 3 – „Using our Environment Responsibly”

Leading Partner : „Poltegor-Instytut” Institute of Opencast Mining

Partners: - Brown Coal Research Institute j.s.c.- Czech Republic

- University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Austria

- Belluno Province- Italy

- E-zavod Institute for Comprehensive Development Solutions Slovenia

- Energy Club Environmental Association- Hungary

- Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia- Slovenia

- PORSENNA o.p.s.- Czech Republic

- Wrocław Technical University- Poland

- IASE Wrocław- Poland


Energy Efficiency and Renewables for Citizens

Priority 3 – „Using our Environment Responsibly”

Leading Partner: E-zavod Institute for Comprehensive Development Solutions- Slovenia

Partners: - Institute Golea - Institute for Economic and Environmental Policy University of Economics in Prague- Czech Republic

- SEVEn Energy, Ltd. – Czech Republic

- Udine Provincial Energy Agency- Italy

- Polish Foundation for Energy Efficiency- Poland

- “Poltegor-Institute” Institute of Opencast Mining- Poland

- Energy Agency Development and Service Public Company -Hungary

- Energetické centrum Bratislava- Slovakia

- Energy and Environmental Centre Allgaeu- Germany

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Effective development of dispersed renewable energy in combination with conventional energy in Regions (ENERGYREGION)

Identification of RES and presentation of possibilities of their utilization

Elaboration of set of information, know-how, new technologies and innovation

Elaboration of technology of cooperation between dispersed energy and regional power networks

Elaboration of prospective indicators of unit energy consumption reduction

Elaboration and presentation of tested models of development and monitoring of dispersed renewable and conventional energy

Presentation of recommendations of tested efficient technologies of sustainable development RES

Elaboration of innovative activities concerning connection of RES to regional power networks with utilization of FACTS tools

Elaboration of integrated technology of wind farms and water power plants and gas power plants

Elaboration of technology of optimal utilization of biomass by co-combustion in coal fired power plants.

WP-1 Project Management and Coordination

WP-2 Communication, Knowledge management and Dissemination

WP-3 Elaboration of knowledge transfer, know-how, and innovation for effective development of dispersed energy

WP-4 Vulnerability assessment

WP-5 Definition of RES and conventional dispersed energetic sources in Regions and their effective development

WP-6 Definition of level of effectiveness and energy consumption of main brands of production and service in

Regions as well as undertakings aimed at reduction of energy consumption


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