katarzyna kuchnowska mcp application

Simplicity, experience, growth…

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AIESEC Mexico 2014-2015


Page 1: Katarzyna Kuchnowska MCP application

Simplicity, experience, growth…

Page 2: Katarzyna Kuchnowska MCP application

Katarzyna Kuchnowska

Place & Date of Birth:

Puck, 28.10.1990

Current role in AIESEC


Nationality: Polish



Skype: katekuchnowska

Email: [email protected]

Academic background

University of Warsaw, POLAND

Oct 2012 / now – Urban planning, Master

Oct 2009 / Oct 2012 – Journalism, Bachelor

Oct 2009 / June 2012 – Law, Local

Government and Regional Policy, Bachelor


Polish – Native

English – Excellent

German – Basic

Spanish – in progress

AIESEC experience

II.2010 – X.2010

iGCDP member


Raising 4 TNs and

delivery of them.

X.2010 –V.2011

iGCDP coordinator


Creating NGO project

with 10 realizations

V.2011 –V.2012


Working with 17 members OGX department

on realizing 89 exchanges.

IV.2012 –V.2012

MC OGX CEED, United States

Virtual team management to drive 27%

growth during summer recruitment.

VI.2012 –VI.2013

MC oGCDP Manager, Poland

Establishing brand new products in oGCDP

and creating recruitment based on Global

Citizen. Creation of platform for customer

service to ensure matching growth (54%).


MC iGCDP CEED, Tanzania

Providing education about iGCDP for VPs.

Creating and executing agenda for National

Induction Seminar and providing training at

East Africa Pioneer Conference.

VII.2013 - now

MC VP oGIP, Mexico

Creation of segments in oGIP. Implementing

cluster coaching and establishing

partnerships with Brazil, Colombia, India,

Poland and China.

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June 2013, GIP Summit, Bogota, Colombia


September 2012, AutCo, Poland,


November, 2012, National Induction

Seminar, Tanzania, AGENDA MANAGER

November 2012, 6th East African Pioneers

Conference, Zanzibar, Tanzania

January, 2013, NatCo, Poland

March, 2013, MuliTo, Poland

April 2013, GCDP Summit, Poland

July 2013, Everest , Mexico

October 2013, Apolo, Mexico



Being responsible, as MCVP oGCDP, for Global Citizen

creation in Poland gave me an unique chance to prove

myself I am able to drive change in whole organization.

Strategy based on shortening processes and providing IT

tools brought result: 54% of growth in matching!


I had an opportunity to lead several teams in my AIESEC

path. The most impactful one was being team leader for

NGO project (iGCDP). Not only, did we raise 10 new TN

forms and changed 10 lives, but also I inspired 4 of my

members to become team leaders for next term.


One year as LCVP OGX in of the biggest entity in Poland – University of Warsaw - made me understand how

important is to build perfect customer relation. Working on process optimization brought a huge growth in

our local chapter, but most importantly create an awesome culture of customer caring within my team.

There is two things which should be explained from the very beginning: Role of AIESEC in Mexico and role of

AIESEC in my life - to fully explain my motivation.

Role of AIESEC in Mexico Belief that AIESEC is an unique tool to develop leaders, who are needed in current reality of Mexico, makes me

confident to step once again out of my comfort zone. There is three great factors which make this entity so

valuable for me:

1. AIESEC in Mexico is full of young people with great aspirations, proper values and enormous potential.

2. Mexican economy is developing, which brings a lot of opportunities for AIESEC here

3. There is strong relevance of AIESEC in our country

Working with YOU on development of AIESEC to change CURRENT REALITY of Mexican society, having a

confidence of changing each AIESECer and each customer for better FUTURE of Mexico and understanding the

PAST by taking legacy of 51 terms, excites me. I had a pleasure to begin my journey with this country and with

your permission I want to continue it with all my commitment and heart. AIESEC Mexico is no longer yours

country but it became our for me. All of that make me confident to stand for AIESEC Mexico MCP


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Role of AIESEC in my life

AIESEC is a platform to learn how to become a great leader. For individuals with a passion for getting experience,

with an eagerness to live your inner and outer journey, with an awareness of orlds needs and willingness of

DOING instead of tr i g , there is no better place than here. I consider myself to be such an individual and

every day I feel privileged to be part of this organization. I constantly thankful of getting this experience in my

life. I want to fight for same experience for each young person, each customer, each company , each of

YOU because I believe that each single of us deserves it and together we can fight for better leaders and better


Never in my life, did I feel so ready to take any other country level up!

What will be your contribution and what do you expect to learn from the experience?

There is three things which I want to promise to AIESEC Mexico as

my contribution:

Firstly, because of my nature I extremely caring person.

Through my AIESEC experience I noticed that many failures are

made because of lack of attention and communication. I will be

the person who supports, shows interest and gives

advices if asked. MCP should be approachable for each single

members to simply take are and give heart for organization like


Secondly, I promise to bring purpose to AIESEC Mexico. The greatest organizations in the world have achieved

that position because of knowing WHY . People perform better while they truly understand

h behind their actions. I believe this is what we need as AIESEC Mexico and this is what I

offering you by applying.

Last but not least, MCP role is to stay last on the oard . I can honestly say that I will be the last to

quit no matter what challenges 2014/2015 brings. Giving you big picture and believe in people for sure will

help us to make AIESEC Mexico way for the right direction.

My expectations?

To grow a lot by all the activities, meetings, strategies, teams which I will have to manage. Driving organization

with such a huge potential as AIESEC Mexico will definitely help me to develop myself in both professional and

personal way.

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What is leadership for you? Describe one of your strengths in team management and provide

a specific example on how you have demonstrated this strength. How will this help you

become a great MCP?

Clarit of i d, ea s larit of passio . For me leadership is ability to focus on things which truly matters, while giving a space for team to develop

themselves. My style of leadership – participative - is based on respect and engagement. Planning and tracking

are one of my most important strengths – that is what brings larit of i d and make me

realize how passionate I can be. Leading MC team and LCPs commission demands huge self-organizing

skills and I believe that by leading my Global Citizen team back in Poland (consisted of 17 people) I proofed that I

can handle this.

Describe one of your weaknesses in team management. What have you been doing to

ensure this does not impact your year as MCP?

Sometimes I thinking in too long perspective which

stops me for taking actions o . Being self-aware of that makes

me confident about taking look at that, during MC selection

process. Ensuring balance of different perspectives in the closest

environment will help me to overcome that weakness.

What s the purpose of AIE“EC e isti g i Me i o? Wh does our jo atter?

OUR PURPOSE: brining self-aware leaders to change Mexico

AIESEC in Mexico is a powerful tool to overcome social challenges of country by changing

young, well-educated students into the agents of changes. We want to ensure the leadership development

in each of our customer to make him more ambitious and eager to bring positive impact.

I believe that AIESEC Mexico needs entrepreneurial attitude and skills development in

students to bring this country to the next level. By each of our program, but especially by our team leader and team member programs, we are brining

innovation, open-mindedness and cultural understanding. That is why AIESEC matters, that is why our job


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What is your vision for AIESEC in Mexico for the term 2013 – 2014?

There is two simple rules which I want AIESEC

Mexico to remember: let’s go back to

acting sustainably value and let’s do

not destroy to create. We cannot innovate

more if we want to reach the impact planned.

I believe the role of the term 2014-

2015 is to continue current direction

and strongly capitalize on this for 2015


To ensure that we can reach ambition 2015 and bring a necessary change for Mexico we need to growth

faster than before. We need to be sure that our customers are satisfied with the journey provided by

AIESEC and that we know how to celebrate our success. We need to unleash potential of our

organization by empowering members and understanding h behind. We need to be

sure that MC members are firstly MC tea and then fu tio al respo si le – to build a proper culture and

support for LCs.

Based on that let me introduce vision of AIESEC Mexico 2014/2015


AIESEC Mexico in known as a purpose-driven organization, which activates Mexican

leaders by delivering quality in each experience.

Members are enjoying their inner and outer journey thanks to simplicity of actions and

delivery of our promises.

Showcasing impact of AIESEC Mexico makes us the most recognized leadership

organization among our stakeholders.

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How can AIESEC in Mexico become more relevant in our country reality?

Provide specific examples / actions / strategies.

Simplicity – by reaching more customers through

our processes

AIESEC in Mexico is known as a usto er-

frie dl institution thanks to: integrated

information management system, improving our

customer service, shortening time of matching,

sales development program, break in expanding

in numbers of entities, increasing numbers of

member and retention rate in current chapters.

Experience – by development of our team

experiences and EwA program

AIESEC in Mexico is creating self aware leaders

thanks to: implementing members LEAD, product

development based on customer feedback,

answering social issues by GCDP experiences, all

entities growing in all programs by program-

based coaching.

Growth – by becoming the Mexican youth voice

through numbers of experiences delivered

AIESEC in Mexico is no longer the best kept

se ret thanks to: positioning, Public Relations

activities, connecting with other impact-driven

organization. capitalizing on Momentum,

development of Y2B.

Create a proposal for your National Strategy

that should cover the next points .

3.a Make a SWOT


MCB&NST – thicker middle management level in

national scale

increasing operational capacity of LC

faster and more efficient processes in exchange

product packaging

engaging LCs to the strategy creation (Steering

team, strategic teams)


increasing numbers of entities without providing

quality of experiences delivered by them

differences between knowledge of LCs with

physical contact with MC and without

personal development of members is shallow

low sales capacity

MC-LC relations are distant


capitalizing on Momentum (promotion and scale)

program based-coaching

showcasing impact

capitalizing on our reach

positioning in mass media


internal finances after Momentum

economic down in Mexico (only 2% of growth )

credibility in Universities by delivery in different

cities (especially ITESM)

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3.b The 3 main priorities for AIESEC in Mexico (National Drivers) based on the SWOT analysis. What concrete

strategies would you propose for each one and what results would you like to see in each of those priorities at

the end of your term.

Simplicity in


Positioning Quality in

each experience


Simplicity in implementation

Local committee conferences twice a year to create strong platform for

newbies and building identity in LCs

working with LCs on LC plans

transparency in finance

providing not only functional knowledge, but also team management one

shorter delivery of promise by usage of AIESEC Academy

more efficient sources of information thanks to IM manager in MC

quick actions for matching rate in exchange programs

RESULT: LCs are knowledgeable and willing to work with MC on the tools

already developed. Customers are satisfied by level of information and service

they receive.


Quality in each experience

implementation of member LEAD

implementing reward and recognition in each level of AIESEC experience

evolving LCP commission to the decisive body align to MC

creation of MCVP LCD and TXP to bring LC closer to MC and help them with management skills

iGIP focus for strong sustainability

RESULT: Members aware of their role in organization and development. We capitalize on the executive level to

be more efficient in delivery of experiences.



showcasing impact of AIESEC in Mexico

Alumni Manager and Y2B Manager and PR manager in MC structure to attend relevant events

positioning AIESEC brands in media

alliance with other organizations

keeping Universities relations

RESULT: By our reach and brand we become recognized in country. It enabled us to reach Ambition 2015.









TN sale


MCVP Finance

& governance (only Mexican)




















Manager *

* Managers are not the part of MC core team – they work closely only with MC not with LCs. To be defined if those are part or full time.

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3.c What do you see as the biggest challenge to accomplishing each of the national drivers? How as

MCP will you mitigate those risks?

For each term the biggest challenge is answering question how to make LCs aligned to National Dri ers? .

I believe that the bottleneck lies in the relationship between MC and LCP teams. We need to understand that LCPs

are like doors to our entities. Deep understanding and unity with MC team is the answer of the risk.

Making Presidents Functional Meetings with all MC members (as a national conference), improving communication

and having MCVP LCD as a final responsible for our local chapters are some of the solutions which I want to see

next term. We need to help local entities with their day-to-day operations to reach common goal and go into one


How should the planning process for the MC team look like?

Firstly: strategic plan

– when MC is

designing vision and

common drivers for


2nd ELD plan – as a core

of organization we need

to have specific

numerical goals for each

of our program.

Backward plan –

based on our goal we

need to make plan

how to align other

functions e.g. BD, IM.

Learning and dev. plan –

for ensuring that

national plan is

understood by local

chapter delivered.

In the context of the 13-14 year, rank in order of importance the key responsibilities of the MCP and

explain the reasons for your ranking.

1. MC Team Management

MC team is final responsible

for all actions

legality lies on MC team

MC should be role models

MCVPs based on national plan

create operations

2. Managing the LCP Board

LCPs are driving local strategy

and MCP should be engage in


LCPs are delivering results for


LCPs should be taken into

consideration while creating

strategy since they know local


3. Defining National Strategy

MCP brings big picture of

organization and take care of


facilitate MC team to create the

best functional solutions

define national focus and direct

whole Mexico towards this

4. Governance and accountability

MCP is responsible of sustainable

resources management

MCP takes care of transparency

and MC team should give example

5. International Representation in

the AIESEC network

MCP should promote country

with the responsibility and

u dersta di g here it is e tre el eeded

having Mexico as proactive

contributor to global strategies

being able to control changes by

participating in activities

6. External Representation

MCP should be visible on external

events as a final responsible

although whole MC team and

LCPs should have a chance to

represent AIESEC as a recognition

7. Account Management and Sales

only if necessary, MCP should not

be engage to sales operation

BD team ideally should be

responsible for that part and MCP

should participate only if demanded

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What is the current organizational culture of AIESEC in Mexico? What kind of 2 culture would you like to see in

AIESEC in Mexico? Please mention three (3) activities that you will do in order to foster this.

2013/2014 CULTURE


•results (for sake of results) oriented

• alterntive for carrier developement

2014/2015 CULTURE

•purpose driven cluture

•human delopment oriented

Believing in hat we are doi g and for ho

will bring us to the point of being united in

purpose . The first activity to foster that, would

be creation of culture building process.

I believe that the change starts on MC team days,

LCP meetings and by those entities downscaling

to local chapters.

Second thing is creation of networking platform during conferences – that s what builds strong beliefs. Last but

not least is ensuring that each MCVP knows what benefits his/her area brings and showcase it to all the level by

educating people. I want to achieve personal alignment towards culture so we can be sure that the change is

positive and permanent.

What role should AIESEC in Mexico play in the Global Network and Iberoamerica at the end of your

term? What would be the main role of the MCP 14-15 in the Global Plenary?

Taking into consideration MC term focus on 2014/2015 the role will be: main provider of GIP TNs. Currently our contribution in GCDP programs globally is 4% - with our commitment we can become 6% of global

realization on 2015. In GIP we are realizing 5,5% out of total AIESEC realizations. Why not setting goal as 7%?

We can totally do that and become top 5 countries in both GIP programs! I believe that as MCP you

should be a proactive contributor to make people believe that Mexico will grow like never before. To proudly

say Vi a Me i o and promote internationally our country as a perfect destiny for experience.

How would you describe the current relation between the LCs and the MC and what would you do about it?

What s the differe e et ee the a a LC should e a aged a d a MC should e a aged?

There is no better way to find out the answer of that question than ask current members. Here we go: MC

demands permanently actions from LC and very rarely gives follow up , MC is more structured and their

request are more spe ifi , MC is closer because of engaging members in MCB and NST i itiati e , Whole

MC team is focusing more in high performing LCs and only one MC member is helping the medium and small

o es , MC became more closer than before and respond faster , Iif LC does not accept MC ideas there is no

feedback. We simply do not implement it.

I believe that we can improve current relations by simple actions: LCP working closer with MCVP LCD and MCP,

program-based coaching to ensure that each coach CAN help his/her entities, continuing with MCB and NST

structures but making them even closer to MC and LC.

Putting a huge responsibility on LC development by MC is necessary for achieving ambition 2015. I believe that

we should work closer on current state, than evolving ideas which only slow down LC efficiency.

Implementation of current 13/14 strategies, answering local needs and capitalizing on what we have, seems to

be the best solutions to make LC grow sustainably and give MC strategic role.

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Blank Page Challenge. Propose what you see as 5 the biggest

questions facing AIESEC in Mexico today and propose your answers.

All of those questions can be answered by one phrase:

Investing in leadership

Let me explain it using simple flow:

How will we become ONE AIESEC in MEXICO?

How do we transform the country in purpose driven organization?

How to make MC role more enjoyable for MC team?

How do we improve MC – LC relations?

How do we provide inner journey in each experience?

All of that bring us to:


professional trainings

Working on



impact we create





Engaging in strategy


Empowered by



impact we create




MM & newbies

Feeling responsible

for experiences

Empowered by

Executive Board


impact we create


Having members who enjoy their experience

Having members who understand purpose

One Mexico, One Purpose

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An Executive Summary

„A leader is not someone who tells the rest what to do, but who through

inspiration and example lead first himself and then the rest to a common

goal, and Kasia has always showed me to be a leader and a great one. „

- Laura Martinez Esquivel, MCB/LCPe ULSA

„Kasia is a rare combination of professionalism, perfectionism and warm

heart. „

- Adrian Rybicki, LCVP ER 2011/2012, University of Warsaw

„She brings new perspectives and new way of thinking building on

culture and people around, and being able to gain their trust and get on

board with her.

- Joa a Żoł ierz, MCP Pola d

AIESEC is a platform to learn how to become a great leader. For individuals with a passion for getting experience, with an

eagerness to live your inner and outer journey, with an awareness of worlds’ needs and

willingness of DOING instead of tryi g , there is no better place than here. I consider myself to be such an

individual and every day I feel privileged to be part of this organization. I’ constantly thankful of getting this experience in

my life. I want to fight for same experience for each young person, each customer, each

company , each of YOU because I believe that each single of us deserves it and together we can fight for better

leaders and better tomorrow.

Never in my life, did I feel so ready to take any other country level up!


AIESEC Mexico in known as a purpose-driven organization, which activates Mexican leaders by delivering quality in

each experience.

Members are enjoying their inner and outer journey thanks to simplicity of actions and delivery of our promises.

Showcasing impact of AIESEC Mexico makes us the most recognized leadership organization among our stakeholders.

Simplicity in


Positioning Quality in

each experience

About me:

Katarzyna Kuchnowska / 28.10.1990 / Polish / MCVP oGIP Mexico

My motivation

My VISION for Mexico 2014/2015

investing in membership

showcasing impact

working on LC plans

being one AIESEC in Mexico

implementation of PR and IM

coaching based on program

building purpose-driven organization

iGIP focus

MC structure

implementation of Local committee


reaching 2015 goal!

Main activities – do ’t destroy to create – sustainability and

simplicity in each action

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Other files

My video

English certificate


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Saturday, 28.11.2013, Beijing


I confidently recommend Katarzyna Kuchnowska for the positions of Member Committee President in

Mexico 2014/15. I believe that I have a full right to do so, since in private I have known her for more

than 6 years now and we spend one year in EB AIESEC Warsaw University.

The ery first thi g you oti e he you eet Kasia is ho lika le she is. It is hardly possible to find a

person who did not fall for her from the very beginning. If you ask a question why it is so you can

name a couple of reasons. Unlimited optimism, never ending smile or the fact that she cares for the

others more than she cares for herself. As an MCP Kasia will be the person that will lead her team in

the times of distress and motivation by sharing her enthusiasm and sincere empathy.

The other important aspect of Kasia is how organized and up to the point she is. This character feature

combined with her experience gained during working in different cultures, make her the best

candidate to strike a happy medium. She is the person who can take what is best form Latin America’s energetic and open approach and combine with up to the point, strict Europe style.

What is worth to mention that the greatest tasks she has to face are the one she makes up on her own.

Believe it or not she used to be afraid to speak English, so she decided to go to US. She was a part time

MC member in Poland but she decided to totally restructure OGX in Poland, although no one expected

it from her. She wanted to make an AIESEC partnership with a new country, so she decided to go for

CEED to Tanzania. Stepping out of comfort zone is like a comfort for her, provided she had planned it

in advance, because she never makes important decisions without thinking it over beforehand.

The other reason why you should chose her, is that she is not Mexican. Currently my university group

consists of 21 different nations. It is unbelievable how more efficient are culturally diversified groups.

Different points of view, believes, ideas and backgrounds is a key to building a sustainable strategy. Do

not understand me wrong, I have some Mexican friends and I really adore them. Nevertheless, Kasia is

a rare combination of professionalism, perfectionism and warm heart. On one hand she will help to

build a positive image of the whole MC and on the other she will be the one to encourage the whole

team to realize its plans and implement innovations. Kasia is a woman of action not the words, when

she has an idea people follow her without hesitation and achieve high no matter what. For know I

a o ly say that…

Katarzyna Kuchnowska is a person you want to have as your leader.

Should you have any further questions, feel free to contact me via e mail. ([email protected])


Adrian Rybicki

Vice President External Relations.

EB 2011/2012. Warsaw University

EEndorsement letter

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Bogotá, November of 2013 To whom it may concern Ref: Endorsement letter for Kasia Kuchnowska in her bid to apply to MCP of AIESEC in Mexico for period 2014-2015. I want to express my support to Kasia Kuchnowska on her aspiration to become Member Committee President for AIESEC in Mexico for the period 2014-2015. I had the honor to meet her and work with Kasia few months ago when I decided to apply to MCB oGIP in Mexico. Kasia is a leader that pushes people to be better every day. She demonstrates every time commitment and hard work. Being in AIESEC Mexico as a MCVP oGIP of Outgoing GIP, she has demonstrated how this program can grow if there is a hard work. She is making the difference in oGIP and she is establishing a new way to work and grow in this program. Her overall thinking and knowledge of the national reality of Mexico make her a leader with the capacity to create innovative strategies aimed to the improvement of the processes and the delivery of better life experiences. Kasia is a responsible and dedicated person in all her actitivties. She works with ideas driving them to action. Due to her develop skills and competencies I have seen in all her activities, I’m sure that Kasia can execute and demonstrate an exceptional role as MCP of AIESEC in Mexico 2014-2015, that’s why I express all my support. Finally, I wish Kasia all the success in the process.



M. Alejandra Perdomo R.

VP oGIP AIESEC Javeriana, Colombia

MCB oGIP International Cooperation, AIESEC in Mexico

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AIESEC Santa Fe | Carlos Lazo #100 | Col. Santa Fe, Álvaro Obregón 01389 | Distrito

Federal México | www.aiesec.org.mx | [email protected]

The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

Friday, November 29th, 2013.

To AIESEC Mexico Local Plenary;

It is an honor and a true pleasure to endorse Mrs. Kasia Kuchnowska

application for MCP 2014-2015 of AIESEC in Mexico.

I have worked closely with Kasia for more than 6 months; she has been AIESEC Santa

Fe LC Coach. I have been witness of the support that she gave us during this time and

I have seen her commitment with organization. She shows in every moment her

leadership and her abilities to make AIESEC Mexico grow in a sustainable and

professional way.

I believe few are worthy of such position, and that the skills, knowledge and experience

required for this leadership position in AIESEC in Mexico, are the ones that Kasia has

shown in her AIESEC career. I am convinced that she will make an excellent job taking

the best decisions as an MCP.

I wish Kasia the best during this process and of course, I will be happy to make any

clarification or reassurance regarding this endorsement letter.


Local Committee President of AIESEC Santa Fe 2013

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AIESEC in Ethiopia

EiABC I 518 Lideta Area, Addis Ababa|Ethiopia I et.aiesec.org| +251- 930 098030 I

Addis Ababa, 29th November 2013

To AIESEC Mexico National Plenary


It’s with great pleasure and conviction that i hereby endorse Katarzyna Kuchnowska

as candidate for President of AIESEC Mexico 2014/15. I have known Katarzyna in my

first interactions with her starting from the 6th East African Congress Pioneers Congress

2012 as faci at the congress and a CEEDer of AIESEC in Tanzania. She appeared

young as me but more fired up as the executive team of AIESEC Poland 2012/13

when she was the national OGX Manager being the founder of Global Citizen in

AIESEC Poland. Second interaction was at when we were both applicants of AIESEC

Mexico National Team 2013/14 candidates as we shared a few personal touch

points thinking about the start of leadership journey in AIESEC Mexico.

Given the experience of leadership and the story of people development AIESEC

gives, Katarzyna has showed the part that was opening and respecting perspectives

with her current role as exchange responsible in both of her teams in AIESEC Poland

& Mexico. In her contribution as part of the current national team of AIESEC Mexico,

she has shared with me some of the amazing works in the GIP programme that has

seen AIESEC Mexico where it stands now for the past 5 months.

Something I believe in a lot in is about the culture of leadership that AIESEC builds

through its exchange experiences. I observed a focused personality in Katarzyna

and after getting closer to her and working together, I realized she is a distinguished

much more lively person demonstrating the warm reception this year’s AIESEC Mexico’s professional exchange growth and moreover on her own individual growth

and maturity.

T.E. Lawrence said “All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in

the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the

dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with

open eyes, to make them possible.”

Katarzyna is a day dreamer and lives the complete values of AIESEC which marks

the expected behaviour of all AIESECers. Hence I believe that AIESEC Mexico 1415

can still use people with the profile of Katarzyna Kuchnowska in its leadership

development experiences.

I are happy to endorse her as candidate for the role of AIESEC Mexico President for

term 2014/15.

Arnold Buoro,

National President

AIESEC in Ethiopia 2013-2014.

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Mexico City

November 28th , 2013

To whom it may concern:

I am pleased to indicate that I know Katarzyna Kuchnowska; I verify

and faithful attest her good qualities, both physical and mental skills,

as well as her high spirit of dedication to the work and vision of


This year, Katarzyna Kuchnowska has held the position, as MC VP oGIP

in Mexico; I have had a close collaboration with her and she

demonstrated commitment, initiative and ambition to grow as well as

team management. For her period as MC; she has provided

development and support for all AIESEC Mexico network and she has

proved very satisfactory results for Committees.

One of the greatest qualities of Katarzyna Kuchnowska, which for me

is basic in AIESEC is her ability to work in a team. On the other hand,

seek to do more and do it the best way to generate growth in the


After the above, in this new application for MCP in AIESEC Mexico, I

believe that she will be able to comply fully with the tasks that are

entrusted to her and that is the reason of my recommendation that I

gladly subscribe here.

Kind regards,

Jennifer Reyna Portugal MCB AIESEC México

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endorsement letter

Wrocław, Nov 30 2013

Endorsement Letter for Katarzyna Kuchnowska

To whom it may concern,

I am writing this letter to express my full support for Katarzyna Kuchnowska in her

decision to apply for Member Committee President of AIESEC in Mexico in 2014/2015 term.

It is my honor to write this letter endorsing Kasia to become the next MCP of AIESEC

Mexico, at the same time a big responsibility to, only in few lines, explain why I believe the

Mexican National Plenary should strongly consider her candidacy, despite traditions or different

nationality. If someone asked me how I would describe Kasia in one sentence, for sure it would

be “one of the strongest leaders I know, passionate and positive goal-achieving hard

worker”. Yet there is more to be written...

I’ve known Kasia for few years now, as we joined AIESEC in Poland in the same year of

2009. We spent the term 2012/2013 working together in one sub-team of the Polish MC when

I had a pleasure to be her team leader and get to know her better. Kasia is a very experienced

AIESECer, who have been successful on the national level in 4 different countries representing 4

different GNs - Poland, USA, Tanzania and now Mexico. These experiences even polished more

her ability to quickly adapt and draw conclusions through understanding people, superior

analytical skills and respecting the legacy of an entity. She brings new perspectives and new

way of thinking building on culture and people around, and being able to gain their trust and

get on board with her. What I admire a lot in her is her ability to make strong decisions even in

situations of uncertainty, which is a very desired trait for leaders nowadays. Last but not least,

writing about Kasia I think it couldn’t be complete if I didn’t mention her commitment and

stamina - even though her AIESEC path has definitely not been an easy one I have never seen

her giving up. And after few months of my MCP term I can say that commitment and persistence

are the basic characteristics any MCP simply must have to be a successful one, yet - not to be

found easily.

Taking into consideration all the above mentioned things, I fully support and recommend

Katarzyna to become the next leader of AIESEC in Mexico and wish her good luck in the

selection process! AIESEC Mexico can be proud and happy to have a candidate like her. Such

opportunity might not repeat itself in years from now.

Should you require any additional information, do not hesitate to contact me.

Joanna Żołnierz


AIESEC in Poland 2013/2014

Contact information:

E-mail address: [email protected]

Mobile No: +48 603 293 473

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México City, November 29, 2013

To whom it may concern,

It is my great pleasure and honour to endorse Katarzyna Kuchnowska for the position of MCP of

AIESEC in México, 2014/2015.

I met Kasia just before she started her role as MC VP oGIP, and start working with her as MCB in

July. Since the beginning, she impressed me with her passion, analytical thinking and wide

overview and understanding of the exchange areas.

As a leader, Kasia is constantly searching develop her members and improve the processes, her

strategic thinking and creativity have been shown in many situations during her current MC VP

position. I believe her determination, hard work and constantly challenging way of thinking will

assure the development and progress of AIESEC México.

Her personal strength has also helped her in becoming a great leader. Kasia possess a strong

motivation and will power enabling her to clearly drive herself towards personal and professional

goals, I believe that Kasia will be able to harness her personal energy to motivate not only her core

MC team but to share and drive this passion amongst LCPs.

A leader is not someone who tells the rest what to do, but who through inspiration and example

lead first himself and then the rest to a common goal, and Kasia has always showed me to be a

leader and a great one. For all this, I'm happy and proud to support her application as Member

Committee President of AIESEC in México 2014/2015.

Please be confident to contact me, I will be happy to clear any questions or ratifications of

this endorsement.

Laura Martinez Esquivel

Local Committe President 2014

AIESEC in La Salle

[email protected]

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Warsaw, November 30, 2013

Endorsement Letter for Katarzyna Kuchnowska

To Whom It May Concern,

With this letter I would like to endorse Katarzyna Kuchnowska, Member

Committee Vice President OGX GIP 2013/2014 of AIESEC Mexico, for the position

of Member Committee President of AIESEC Mexico 2014/2015.

I had a great pleasure to work with Kasia during the term 2012-2013 of

Member Committee AIESEC in Poland.

Katarzyna presents deep understanding of the organization and is very

devoted to AIESEC. Her attitude and process-thinking approach makes her

actions very valuable and accurate. She is also very ambitious, hard-working

person and a brand ambassador for the organization.

During daily work with Kasia at MC office I could noticed her huge passion,

engagement and big effort to make impact and develop GCDP area in Poland.

What I also noticed is Kasia's ambition, determination, responsibility and courage

in taking new challenges. AIESEC is not only about striving for excellent and

develop ourselves by new opportunities, but also about sharing this experiences

and creating impact on individuals, which makes Kasia incredible passionate

about this organization. What is more she is very open in social situations and

makes everyone feel comfortable. Through speeches during plenaries at the

conferences and also in personal conversations she proved that she never gives

up and she is always striving for the best results.

What makes Katarzyna suitable for leadership position in AIESEC in Mexico

is deep understanding of the organization but also knowledge about current

issues of AIESEC Mexico and global realities which all together created strong

ambition to make this situation better.

She strongly believes that through the people, who are taking

responsibilities in our organization, we can bring the impact in the communities

we live in.

All the above mentioned reasons are the ones that make us absolutely confident

that Katarzyna Kuchnowska is a perfect candidate for the position of Member

Committee President of AIESEC in Mexico in term 2014/2015.

If you have questions regarding Kasia or you need additional information, feel

free to contact me [email protected] or via phone 48 663 561 767.

Sincerely yours,

Martyna Hrankowska

Congress Committee President

Of EuroXpro 2014

Account Manager 12/13

Member Committee

AIESEC in Poland

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AIESEC en México | Av. Álvaro Obregón No. 124 col. Roma Norte, c.p. 06700 México, DF. Tel: +521 (55) 4194-5393 | www.aiesec.org.mx | [email protected]

Mexico City, November 27th, 2013

To AIESEC in Mexico‘s National Plenary,

I am glad to endorse Katarzyna Kuchnowska in her application for Member

Committee President of AIESEC in Mexico.

I see in Kasia great commitment to AIESEC in Mexico and she is constantly

working to make this a better entity. She has a vision to where AIESEC should

go and what it needs to grow. We have to start thinking as a corporation and she

has the knowledge to drive us there.

I believe Kasia really understands the needs of AIESEC in Mexico and she is

always looking for holistic solutions to the current problems. She knows how

we impact through our work in our society and because of that she understands

how we need to work in order to deliver life changing experiences to every

customer of AIESEC, which includes members as well. I am sure she has still

much to give to this entity.

As leader I know she cares about the experience of her team and she drives them

to work together to reach a common goal. When I worked with her as part of the

Steering Team, I so how she can drive a team to achieve fast and great results

through an efficient work culture.

I wish Kasia the best in the selection process. I will be happy to make any

clarification or reassurance regarding this endorsement.

Stefan Scharnagl Villarroel

President of AIESEC ITAM 2013

[email protected]

+521 55 4194 5393

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