katy perry

Music Video Textual Analysis - Katy Perry – The One That Got Away ________________________________________________ Shot type and camera movement: This is an establishing shot that pans from the left hand side of the screen to the right. Analysis The use of the panning shot helps draw the audience attention to the opening setting of the music video. By having the opening shot to be a mundane setting it makes the audience question what the rest of the video is going to hold considering Katy Perry is known for her loud and elaborate music videos. The soft sound of the piano also helps add to the mundane setting and makes the audience question what is going to happen in the narrative. Once the shot cuts to a mid- shot of an older looking Katy we realise that we are going to see her reminisce over her life and ‘The one that got away’. By the beat being slowly introduced the audience becomes more engaged with the video as it starts to intrigue them into the music as well as the narrative. Music/lyrics No Lyrics only a soft piano tune that is then over layed with the beat of the song. Edit/transitions There are several cut shots from the pan at the start at the clip to when the older Katy is pouring her drink and the songs beat is introduced.

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Post on 13-Sep-2015




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Music Video Textual Analysis - Katy Perry The One That Got Away ________________________________________________

Shot type and camera movement:This is an establishing shot that pans from the left hand side of the screen to the right.Analysis

The use of the panning shot helps draw the audience attention to the opening setting of the music video. By having the opening shot to be a mundane setting it makes the audience question what the rest of the video is going to hold considering Katy Perry is known for her loud and elaborate music videos. The soft sound of the piano also helps add to the mundane setting and makes the audience question what is going to happen in the narrative. Once the shot cuts to a mid-shot of an older looking Katy we realise that we are going to see her reminisce over her life and The one that got away. By the beat being slowly introduced the audience becomes more engaged with the video as it starts to intrigue them into the music as well as the narrative.


No Lyrics only a soft piano tune that is then over layed with the beat of the song.Edit/transitions

There are several cut shots from the pan at the start at the clip to when the older Katy is pouring her drink and the songs beat is introduced.

Shot type and camera movement:A close up is used as we see another character washing something in the jar of water. Then when the shot cuts to a two shot of the main characters we can see that it starts to slowly zoom out so the audience can see the setting clearly.Analysis

In the previous shot with older Katy the lyrics start and we see her look off as we realise that she has started to think back on her life. Once the scene cuts to the jar of water it creates suspense for the audience as they are unsure of what they are about to be shown about her past life. In addition to this, unlike the previous shots there is a dull tint to the new setting. Creating a dream like effect. This indicates to the audience that these are her memories. In addition to this we can see that unlike her previous setting she is a lot more relaxed, this is shown through her mise-en-scene and body positioning. By the camera slowly zooming out we as the audience as slowly shown her old settings and how they contrast from her current life. It is typical of pop videos to show how relationships go wrong not only in the narrative but with the lyrics too. In this current shot the lyrics help aid the narrative as we can clearly see that the two characters are artistic and the lyrics mimic this as Katy sings about them having matching tattoos (permanent pieces of art that will be with them forever).


And on my eighteenth birthday, we got matching tattoos... Edit/transitions

Cut shot from the jar of water to the two shot.

Shot type and camera movement

A still long shotAnalysis

Once again we cut back to the present day of older Katy looking back on her life. Again cold colours are used to show how she feels (sad/emotionless) thinking back on the boy who can never be hers. The cold colours contrast to the warm effect used on the other setting. This allows the audience to understand the difference between her old life and her current life as she use to be happy and felt warm and safe with the other man. But now she is in an emotionless relationship and only has her memories to look back on.


In another life, I would be your girlEdit/transitions

A cut from the long shot to a close up on older Katys face to show her sadness when thinking back on her past.

Shot type and camera movement

Two shot of the two Katys sing the same lyrics about their lifes Analysis

By old Katy and young Katy sharing the frame it allows the audience to see the contrast between the to. In addition to this it allows them to visual see the difference time has caused on her appearance. The lyrics at this point also play on what the audience can visually see, as it says she cant go back in time but we as the audience can see how she looked when she was younger.During this shot, only older Katy sings and the younger one watches as if she is taking advice from her older self on the current situation happening in younger Katys life, in hope the actions she takes will change.


All this money cant buy me a time machineEdit/transitions

Shot type and camera movementAnalysis

A long shot is finally used when older Katy goes back to the place the boy from her younger life dies. This lets the audience see that she is at peace with the actions that took place when she was younger. In addition to this, there is now a warmer feel to the scene as warm colours from the sun set are used, a contrast from the greys in older Katys house. Showing that although she will remember the events they will no longer haunt her.


No lyrics just the sound of an old song on the car radioEdit/transitions