kedron yr7 environment for learning plc pp


Upload: mrdeshylton

Post on 30-Jul-2015




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1. A Case for Change? 2. We need to talk about middle schooling ! Independence ! Self-direction ! Engagement ! Connectedness ! Risk taking ! Effective use of learning spaces 3. Environment for Learning = Physical Spaces? overall, changes to the physical environment of schools are unlikely to have a direct effect on learning. Education Endowment Fund 2015 4. Environment for Learning there is some evidence supporting the impact of co-design, or involving potential beneficiaries in taking responsibility for learning spaces and changing their behaviours as they adapt to new settings. Education Endowment Fund 2015 QUT 2008 5. Teachers need to work together with students and the school community to develop learning spaces that are: Intentionally designed and co-created with students Designed to maximise student access to and ownership of the learning environment Versatile and allow for multiple use concurrently and consecutively Maintained continuously by both staff and students Future proofed to enable space to be revised and modified Able to support multiple types of learning activities Zoned for sound and activity Designed for people, not for ephemeral technologies Information rich and technologically reliable Connection enabled, inside and outside of the learning context/concept/space Connected to the outdoors. 6. Meet 7 White 7. Co-designing the space 8. Practice TransformationPractice Transformation NEW PRACTICE EXISTING PRACTICE EVALUATION DILEMMA 9. Pedagogical Tool: Genius Bar 10. Padlet Blog 7 White