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  • 8/13/2019 Keep It Up-1 Adprof


    Keep it up,se utiliza cuando queremos animar a alguien a que contine haciendo algo que

    pensamos que es bueno.Ex. "-I've been working hard. I think I'm making progress.

    -Great. Keep it up."

    Believe it or not = "lo creas o no"

    Ex "-What did you do at the weekend, then?-Well, believe it or not, my boyfriend took me to New York as a surprise!

    -Wow! Lucky you."

    You should know= "deberas saberlo"

    Ex. "-What time did the party finish last night?-You should know - you were the last person to leave!"

    Might as well, para expresar acuerdo sobre una sugerencia o pregunta de realizar algo,

    normalmente cuando no se trata del plan original.

    Ex. "-We've been waiting for an hour. Shall we go for a drink?

    -Might as well - I don't think Jane will come now."

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    Don't even think about it,para avisar a alguien de que algo que quiere es imposible, o que

    nosotros no le ayudaremos a hacerlo.Ex1. "-Oh look. There's just one piece of cake left.

    -Don't even think about it. I'm keeping that for Sally. She hasn't had any yet.Ex2. "-Joe, I wonder if you could lend me a few pounds.

    -Don't even think about asking me for money. You still owe me 20 from

    last week!"

    Meaning what?,para pedir a alguien que aclare algo que acaba de decir. Tambin se puede

    usar para hacer un comentario negativo sobre algo que alguien dijo.

    Ex1. "-The house has all the advantages of a period property.-Meaning what? It's large and impressive?

    " Ex2. "-He said thanks for the invitation, but he's not mad.-Meaning what? That you must be mad to come with us?"

    No way!,para decir que estamos completamente en contra de una idea o sugerencia, o que

    rehusamos hacer algo.

    Ex. "-Can I borrow your digital camera tomorrow?-No way! Every time I lend you something you lose it!"

    I get it,para indicar que hemos entendido algo, normalmente en este justo momento.

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    Ex. "-I can never understand these instructions for making furniture.-No, they're terrible. Oh, I get it now - this long piece goes here, and that

    one goes there."

    Count me in / out= "cuenta conmigo / no cuentes conmigo"

    Ex1. "-We're having a picnic tomorrow. Are you interested?-Count me in! I love picnics."

    Ex2. "-I think we should complain to the director.-Count me out. I don't want to make him angry."

    It's just that ...= "es slo que...

    Ex. "-Don't you want to come to the party with me?-It's just that my ex-girlfriend is going to be there, and I don't want to see


    Because I said so,utilizamos esta expresin cuando alguien est cuestionando por qu el/ella

    debera hacer algo que nosotros queremos que haga. Los padres a menudo lo utilizan ("porque

    yo lo digo")

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    Ex. "-Go to bed now.-Why?-Because I said so."

    (He / She / It ) 's the business,para decir que alguien o algo es muy, muy bueno.

    Ex1. "-Jack's a pretty good DJ, isn't he?-Yes, he's the business. The best DJ I've heard in a long time."

    Ex2. "-Is this chilli sauce good? Is it hot?-Yes, careful - it's the business!"

    Get a grip,para decir a alguien que deje de procuparse sobre algo y se controle. A menudo es

    una respuesta a un momento de pnico.

    Ex. "-I'm so worried, everything might go wrong. It could be terrible!-It's only a game. Get a grip!"

    It's gone,para decir que acabamos de olvidar lo que bamos a decir.Ex. "-Do you know what the capital of Mongolia is?

    -Yes, yes I do. It's.. It's.. No, it's gone. Sorry."

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    Blah Blah Blah= "bla bla bla"Ex. "-What does it say about holidays in the contract?

    -OK. Rights and duties, blah, blah, blah here we are 'Holidays'. Workers

    are allowed.."

    As they say,cuando hemos utilizado un proverbio o dicho, para indicar que lo que acabamosde decir no es slo nuestra opinin.

    Ex. "-I don't know how you find going to gym enjoyable. Sweating, working

    with weights.-No pain, no gain, as they say!-I suppose so."

    For someone like me,cuando nos ponemos a nosotros mismos como ejemplo ("para alguien

    como yo")

    Ex. "-They say that that's a brilliant restaurant. Do you know it?-Yes, but I'm a student, so for someone like me it's just too expensive."

    Business as usual,para decir que las cosas estn igual, a pesar de que t puedas esperar que

    han cambiado.

    Ex. "-Is the school closed while they are painting it?-No, it's business as usual."

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    Bang up-to-date,para decir que algo est "a la ltima"

    Ex1. "-I check the news on the internet about four or five times a day.-Me too. In my job it's important to be bang up-to-date with what's


    " Ex2. "-I'm impressed by the office. All the equipment is bang up-to-date.-Yes. Everything looked very new."

    Still going strong,para decir que alguien est todava muy bien de salud, o que algo sigue


    Ex. "-How's your grandfather nowadays?-He's 95 but still going strong.-That's good."

    Here goes,se utiliza cuando vamos a comenzar algo, especialmente cuando es difcil o

    arriesgado. Algo as como: "all vamos"

    Ex. "-Your suit looks great, you've got your notes. Don't worry - you'll do fine

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    in the talk-Thanks. Here goes."

    Third time lucky= a la tercera va la vencida

    Ex. "-I've taken my driving test twice before. I failed both times.-Third time lucky.-I hope so."

    A big plus,para decir que algo es una gran ventaja.

    Ex. "-Why did you choose this English course in Bristol?-Well, it was great value for money, and there aren't many other schools in

    the area.-Yes, that's a big plus, isn't it. It means you can speak more English."

    It's hard work + ing,para decir que algo es difcil de hacer.

    Ex. "-You look exhausted. What have you been doing? Teaching?-Yes. It's hard work teaching the beginners."

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    Thanks a bunch,expresin que se usa irnicamente cuando no estamos muy contentos con

    algo (bunch = ramo, no hay traduccin literal de la expresin)

    Ex. "-Have you seen my sandwich?-Ah! I found one on the table so I threw it away. I thought you had

    finished.-Thanks a bunch! That was my lunch."

    I wish= ya me gustara

    Ex. "-You're all right. You've got a great job and can take as many holidays as

    you like.-I wish! I only get ten days in August most years."

    At this rate= a este paso

    Ex. "-The traffic's terrible! We haven't moved for 20 minutes.-Yes. At this rate we won't get to Birmingham until after midnight!"

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    Not likely!,para expresar que no queremos o que no nos gustara hacer algo.

    Ex. "-Would you like to go on a safari and sleep in the open where there might

    be lions?-Not lilkely! It sounds too risky and I prefer the comfort of a hotel."

    There's no getting around the fact that ...,para expresar que algo no puede ser negado, que

    es definitivamente verdad. Algo as como "no se puede negar que ..."Ex. "-I love London.

    -Yes, but there's no getting around the fact that it's expensive here."

    Go for it,para animar a alguien a que haga algo que quiere.

    Ex. "-There's only one piece of cake left - can I have it?-Go for it.


    Something along those lines,para expresar que la idea de la otra persona parece ser correcta.

    Ex. "-Did he try to make you buy it by reducing the price and offering you

    some free extras?-Yes, something along those lines."

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    See for yourself= mira/comprueba por ti mismo

    Ex. "-Bill's got a new car. It's a Rolls Royce!-Never!-Come and see for yourself. Look in the car park."

    That's life= as es la vida

    Ex. "-I worked hard, got the qualifications, found a good job - then the

    company went bust!-That's life!"

    That's a first,para decir que algo nunca ha pasado antes, y que estamos sorprendidos.

    Ex. "-Jim invited me for a drink on Saturday.-That's a first - he doesn't normally like going out."

    Where there's a will ...= donde hay voluntad... (...hay un camino)

    Ex. "-Do you think we can learn English?-Sure, where there's a will ..."

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    I'm not saying ...,se utiliza para suavizar algn punto negativo que estamos comentando.

    Ex. "I'm not saying that Jon is lazy, it's just that I never see him working.-I think he does a lot of work out of the office.

    -I see."

    Go with the flow,utilizamos esta expresin para indicar que preferimos seguir al grupo,

    evitando cualquier clase de problema.

    Ex. "-Everyone wants to go to the new bar on Park Street. What about you?-I'm happy with that. I'll go with the flow."

    I'm the one who,para especificar que yo soy la persona especial en algn sentido.Ex. "-We're going to London tomorrow. Why don't we leave before lunch?

    -Well, I'm the one who's driving, so I'd prefer to go later when there's less


    Around the clock,para decir que algo ha sido hecho durante todo el da, o que llevar el

    hacerlo 24 horas o ms. Es comn al referirnos que estaremos muy ocupados en el trabajo.

    Ex. "-You look busy.-You're right. I need to work round the clock to finish all this!"

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    If you must,se utiliza cuando sabemos que alguien puede hacer algo, pero preferiramos que

    no lo hiciera.

    Ex. "-Do you mind if I open the window - it's stuffy in here.-If you must. But I've got a cold, so just for 10 minutes."

    Deep down,para decir que muy dentro de nosotros, conocemos o sentimos algo que quiz no

    hemos admitido a otros o a nosotros mismos.

    Ex. "-I'm sorry you and Patrick have split up. You were together for years.-Thanks. But deep down I knew that he wasn't the right person for me."

    I'm easy,para decir que algo realmente no nos importa, es decir, que somos fciles decontentar.

    Ex. "-Which would you rather, tea or coffee?-Either. I'm easy."

    Or so,para indicar un nmero o cantidad aproximada.

    Ex. "-How much does a taxi to the station cost?-Ten pounds or so, I think."

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    On the (adjective) side,para decir que algo es demasiado barato/caro/etc. (se utiliza para

    intensificar el adjetivo)

    Ex. "-Do you like the blouse, madam?-No. It's on the small side. Do you have a larger one?"

    No need= no es necesario.Ex. "-Do you want a lift to the centre?

    -No need, thanks. My brother's coming to pick me up in a minute."

    Down the drain,para decir que alguien ha malgastado algo, normalmente tiempo, dinero o

    esfuerzo.Ex. "-You bought a new outfit specially - and now they have cancelled the

    wedding!-I know. That's 200 down the drain."

    the (noun) of a lifetime,para decir que algo fue muy, muy especial (normalmente positivo,

    aunque no siempre)Ex. "-They've offered me that job in New York. What should I do?

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    -You've got to take it. It's the opportunity of a lifetime."

    As a treat,para decir que alguien hace algo especial. Es comn en cuampleaos y ocasiones

    similares.Ex1. "-It's my birthday today.

    -Congratulations. Why don't I buy you lunch as a treat?"

    Ex2. "-I like your shoes. Are they new?-Yes. I bought them as a treat yesterday."

    Make it ...,para sugerir una hora diferente, u otra cantidad, etc. de lo que se ha sugerido

    anteriormente.Ex1. "-So, I'll see you at seven, then.

    -Make it half-past. That'll be better for me."

    You're on,para decir que estamos de acuerdo con una condicin que alguien ha propuesto.

    Ex. "-I tell you what, if you fix us something to eat, I'll pay for the cinema

    tickets.-You're on. Do you like chicken?"

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    A waste of time= una prdida de tiempo

    Ex. "-The service here is terrible. I'm going to complain to the manager.-It's a waste of time. That won't change anything."

    Up to a point= hasta cierto punto.

    Ex. "-Do you think the internet has changed the way you work?-Up to a point, yes. But I still have to go to face-to-face meetings."

    Day in, day out,para hablar de algo que es repetitivo, y probablemente negativo o aburrido.

    Ex. "-How are you getting on with your job?-Not so good. I do the same things day in, day out. It's very dull."

    That's news to me,para decir que no conocamos algo.

    Ex. "-We're closing early tomorrow.-That's news to me. Are you sure?

    -Yes. The boss just told us."

    For all I care,para expresar que algo no nos importa.

    Ex. "-Where's Sheila? Have you seen her?-She could be on the moon for all I care!"

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    My take on it,para dar nuestra opinin o punto de vista sobre algo.Ex. "-Why do you think the team is doing so badly?

    -Well, my take on it is that the players haven't played together long

    enough yet."

    In the space of + time expression,para decir que algo sucedi en un cierto periodo de


    Ex. "-The street's completely different now.-Yes. In the space of a year three new shops and a supermarket have


    A (good) sight more,para hablar de una cantidad muy grande de algo, ya sea fsico o no.

    Ex. "-How much did you pay for your MP3 player? 20? -It cost a sight more than that! It was over 150!"

    There's nothing to it,para decir que algo es fcil.Ex. "-You did a really good job organising the conference. It must have taken

    you ages.-No. There's nothing to it. I just had a very good team helping me."

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    It never crossed my mind= Ni se me haba pasado por la cabeza

    Ex. "-Weren't you worried about the parachute not opening when you jumped?-It never crossed my mind. I knew everything would be all right."

    A load of rubbish,para decir que algo no es verdad, o que es intil.Ex 1. "-People say that it always rains in England.

    -That's a load of rubbish. It rains about 10% of the time. That's all.

    " Ex 2."-Did you like the film?-No. It was a load of rubbish."

    I'm dreading it,para decir que estamos preocupados sobre algo, o para expresar que no

    queremos para nada que suceda.

    Ex. "-Why won't you be here tomorrow morning?-I've got to go to the dentist. I'm dreading it - I have to have 5 fillings.

    -Poor you!"

    Don't overdo it,para sugerir a alguien que no haga demasiadas veces, o demasiado tiempo,

    alguna cosa.Ex. "-What are your plans for the holidays?

    -I think I'm going to go to the gym every day to lose a bit of weight.-Don't overdo it - be careful."

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    I don't blame you,para mostrar simpata por lo que alguien ha hecho, dicho o pensado.

    Similar a "no te culpo".Ex. "-I was really upset when she said that.

    -I don't blame you! You worked really hard, I know."

    What's up?,para preguntar a alguien qu ha pasado.Ex. "-What's up? Are you crying?

    -No, it's nothing. Just a little worried about something, that's all.

    You bet!,para expresar que estamos muy entusiastas con algo, o para enfatizar algo.

    Ex. "-Are you coming to the match? It should be good.-You bet! I wouldn't miss it for anything."

    I've had enough= ya he tenido suficiente (fcil, no?)

    Ex. "-Mum, Jack doesn't let me watch the DVD!-I've had enough of your fighting! Be quiet both of you!"

    It strikes me,para introducir nuestra impresin u opinin sobre algo.

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    Ex1. "-I don't really like working in large groups where you don't know

    everyone.-It strikes me you would be happier working for a smaller company.

    " Ex2 "-Do you like Jeremy?-Yes, he strikes me as a very talented person."

    Full stop,expresin para dar nuestra opinin final sobre algo, o para expresar que no hay

    nada ms que decir sobre eso.

    Ex. "-Which sport do you prefer, basketball or volleyball?-I don't like sports full stop."

    Ex. "-Why don't you try some of this cheese? It's delicious.-I don't like cheese full stop!"

    Sleep on it,para decir que alguien no debera decidir algo ahora, sino tomar la decisin con

    calma, quiz al da siguiente. Algo as como "consultarlo con la almohada".

    Ex. "-So, do you want the job with the higher salary, or the one which is more

    interesting?-I don't know. I'm going to sleep on it."

    (That) figures,para decir que algo es lgico para nosotros, o para indicar que lo


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    Ex. "-He gave us each 30, but he gave Sally 100.-That figures. She was always his favourite."

    A pain,para decir que alguien o algo nos molesta mucho.

    Ex1. "-How are you getting on with Paul?-He's a real pain, actually. He never does what I say."

    Ex2. "-I can't stay long. I've got to prepare for a test tomorrow.-Tests are a real pain, aren't they! Good luck."

    The whole point,para remarcar la principal razn de algo.

    Ex. "-If we go to France, we'll have to speak French. -That's the whole point of going! To improve our French."

    How does that grab you?,para preguntar si alguien est interesado en algo, o para preguntar

    su opinin sobre algo.

    Ex. "-I want to go to the beach. How does that grab you?-Sounds like fun. When shall we go?"

    From now on= a partir de ahora

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    Ex. "-From now on you won't be allowed to answer personal emails at work.-Why not?

    -That's what the management have decided."

    Butterfingers!,se dice cuando a alguien se le cae algo sin querer.

    Ex. "-Harry, pass me that plate, please.-Here you are. Oh no! Butterfingers.-Sorry, I dropped it. I hope it wasn't valuable."

    In all likelihood,para decir que algo es probablemente verdad o que va a pasar.

    Ex. "-What will be the result of the talks?-In all likelihood, they'll decide to continue with the current situation."

    Give over!,para expresar que no nos creemos algo, o bien para mostrar que algo es una gran

    sorpresa para nosotros. Se podra traducir como "anda ya!"

    Ex. "-I saw Woody Allen in the city centre this morning. In fact I had a coffee

    with him?-With Woddy Allen! Give over!"

    Not to my knowledge= No que yo sepa

    Ex. "-Is there a bank around here?

    -Not to my knowledge. I think there's one nearer the centre, though."

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    On the brain,para decir que alguien est obsesionado con algo o siempre est pensando

    sobre algo. A menudo en un contexto negativo.

    Ex. "-I get so bored talking to Nigel. All he's interested in is football.-I know. He's got football on the brain."

    About time,para decir que pensamos que alguien debera haber hecho algo antes, o algo

    debera haber ocurrido antes (1). Es comn cuando alguien llega tarde (2).

    Ex 1. "-They've finally mended the pavement by the shops.-About time! It's been like that for years.

    " Ex 2. "-Here's Phil - he's coming around the corner now.-About time. I've been waiting for 20 minutes."

    Just this once= slo por esta vezEx. "-I know I did the wrong thing, but please don't report me. Just this once.

    -OK, I won't report you. But I don't want to see you doing it again."

    By all means,para dar permiso a alguien para hacer algo.

    Ex. "-Do you mind if I sit down? I'm exhausted.-By all means. Relax for a while."

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    I'll bear it in mind= lo tendr en cuenta

    Ex. "-If you go to that place, be careful with your bag, there are many

    pickpockets.-Thanks. I'll bear that in mind."

    I can't (verb) to save my life,para decir que definitivamente no podemos hacer algo.Ex. "-This is delicious. Did you make it yourself?

    -No. I can't cook to save my life. I bought this from the supermarket."

    Give it a rest,para pedir a alguien que deje de hablar sobre algo.

    Ex. "-It's got a great engine, and it's only done 65,000 miles. And...

    -Give it a rest! I'm not interested in your bike."

    It's not up to much,para decir que algo no es muy bueno.Ex. "-That's a nice looking camera. Is it digital?

    -Yes, but it's not up to much. I'm going to get a new one soon."

    What's with the + noun?,para pedir una explicacin sobre algo que podemos ver o


    Ex1. "-Hey. What's with the sad expression? Is something wrong?

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    -No worries, I've just had a bad day."

    Ex2. "-What's with the boring music? No-one's going to dance to this!-OK. We will talk to the DJ, then."

    I wouldn't say no,para decir que aceptamos a aceptaramos algo.

    Ex. "-Do you fancy coming with us tonight? We're going clubbing with friends.-I wouldn't say no. Sounds great.

    -Great! see you at ten, then."

    In the middle of nowhere,fcil.... "en el medio de ninguna parte".Ex. "-The hotel looks nice, but it's in the middle of nowhere. There won't be

    anything to do.-Maybe. But it'll be good for relaxing."

    Time will tell= el tiempo lo dir

    Ex. "-Do you think their marriage will last? They are terribly young! Time will tell, Isuppose. I hope so."

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    I'll take your word for it,para decir que confiamos en lo que nos dice alguien. A menudo se

    utiliza cuando no queremos hacer algo que pensamos es negativo.

    Ex. "-This is the worst cheesecake I've ever tasted. Here, you try some.No thanks. I'll takeyour word for it."

    It's the pits!,para decir que algo es terrible.

    Ex. "-This place is the pits. It's dark and dirty. I don't know how you can sleep here."

    I can't (verb) for the life of me,para decir que hay algo que no podemos


    Ex1. "-Come on. We're going. Are you ready?No. My keys. I can't remember for the lifeof me where I put them."

    Ex2. "-I can't understand for the life of me why they built that car park

    there.No. It's so ugly, and it spoils the view of the city."

    Join the club= Bienvenido(a) al club (para decir que estamos en la misma situacin que

    alguien, o la hemos tenido; especialmente para experiencias negativas) "

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    -I hate Christmas shopping.

    -Join the club. Everywhere is so crowded, you can't even move!"

    I'm all ears= soy todo odos (para decir que estamos dispuestos a escuchar, a menudo para

    asuntos de cotilleo)

    Ex. "-There are going to be big changes around here. I heard Ben talking to the

    director.-Really? I'm all ears."

    Anywhere/Anything/Anyone but,para decir que la persona, lugar o cosa de la que se est

    hablando es lo contrario de lo que queremos (1), o el contrario de la realidad (2).

    Ex(1). "-What do you like doing on holiday? Lying on a beach somewhere? Anything but! Ihate beaches. I prefer hiking in the mountains, or visiting museums."

    Ex(2). "-Did you have a good holiday?-Anything but! It was terrible from start to finish."

    Famous last words,utilizamos esta expresin despus de que alguien haya dicho algo muy

    positivo, para dar a entender que nosotros no estamos tan seguros de que sea tan positivo.

    Ex. "-I promise I'll send you the documents by Tuesday.

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    -Famous last words."

    To be honest,se utiliza esta expresin para introducir nuestra opinin real sobre algo, a

    menudo cuando se trata de algo negativo ("Para ser sincero")Ex. "-How's your new job?

    -To be honest, I'm finding it quite difficult at the moment."

    Right away,para decir que algo ocurrir inmediatamente. A menudo se dice cuando estamos

    de acuerdo en hacer algo inmediatamente.

    Ex. "-Can you find Paola's phone number for me, please?-Right away. Here it is."

    All in all= despus de todo

    Ex. "-All in all, it's been a good year, don't you think?-Yes. The first few months were difficult, but we had a great summer and


    There's a catch,para decir que detrs de una cosa positiva, hay una condicin difcil (algoque "tiene truco")

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    Ex. "-Mum said we could have a party in the flat this weekend.

    -That's great.-But there's a catch. We have to paint the kitchen first."

    It's not my style,cuando algo no es lo que usualmente hacemos o lo que nos suele gustar.

    Ex. "-These trousers look good. Do you like them?-Not really. They're not my style."

    That rings a bell,para decir que recordamos vagamente algo o a alguien, pero no estamos

    del todo seguros. Lo ms parecido en espaol sera: "me suena"

    Ex. "-I've been waiting for Sarah. Do you know where she is?-Didn't she tell us that she was going to be in Manchester this week?-Ah, that rings a bell. Thanks."

    Too good to be true,demasiado bueno para ser verdad...

    Ex. "-I got an email telling me I'd won the lottery.-I know. There are hundreds, and they're all spam.-I thought it was too good to be true."

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    Let's call it a day,expresin informal para decir que vamos a terminar alguna actividad.

    Ex. "-It's getting too dark to play now. I can hardly see the ball.-You're right. Let's call it a day.

    -See you tomorrow."

    As I was saying,como estaba diciendo

    Ex. "-When I was in New York last year, I...-I love New York, it's so exciting!

    -As I was saying, in New York I saw the most fantastic exhibition."

    Talk/Speak of the devil,algo as como: "Hablando del rey de Roma..."

    Ex. "-I was at a party and I met Karen and Richard.-Really? I haven't seen them for a while.

    -Talk of the devil! There they are, across the street!"

    I take it (all) back,para retractarnos de algo que dijimos anteriormente.

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    Ex. "-I can't believe you said that Bristol was boring!

    -I know. I take it all back. It's a great place with lots to see and do."

    Rather you than me,expresin para decir que preferiramos no hacer algo.

    Ex. "-Someone has got to tell the manager that his car has been damaged. -Rather you than me. He really loves that car. He's going to be angry."

    Silly me= "tonto de m"Ex. "-Did you take advantage of the discount you saw in Internet?

    -Silly me. I forgot!"

    Fair enough,para mostrar nuestro acuerdo a una condicin, a para decir que algo es


    Ex. "-You decide which restaurant to go to, and I'll choose the wine.-Fair enough."

    Poor you!,para decir que lo sentimos por alguien que est en una mala situacin.

    Ex. "-I've been in bed with 'flu for a week. I still feel awful.-Poor you. You should rest some more."

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    At the end ofthe day,para introducir una conclusin o resumir una posicin.

    Ex. "-We went into business to improve on the services other shops are

    offering.-OK, but at the end of the day, you are in business to make money.

    -Of course."

    Any luck/joy?,para preguntar si alguien se las ha apaado para hacer algo.

    Ex. "-You know we talked about trying to find someone to organise the party

    next week?-Yes, any joy?

    -Yes, actually. Sally has offered to do it for us."

    What I'm trying to say is. De manera parecida al espaol, esta expresin se utiliza para

    puntualizar el sentido real de lo que queremos decir.

    Ex. "-She's clever and she's really pretty.-Yes. I think Sue is really nice, too.-No, what I'm trying to say is I'd really like to be her boyfriend."

    I wouldn't go that far. Esta expresin se utiliza para mostrar que no estamos realmente de

    acuerdo con alguien.

    Ex. "-He's the rudest person I've ever met!

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    -I wouldn't go that far. It's just that today he was in a bad mood. Normally

    he's fine."

    It's the same old story,la misma historia de siempre...Ex. "-Why is Barbara crying?

    -It's the same old story. She's had another argument with her boyfriend."

    Nice one!,para indicar que aprobamos algo.Ex. "-Here's a drink for you, Peter.

    -Nice one! Thanks."

    I was gobsmacked,completamente sorprendido por algo o alguien.Ex. "-What happened when they told you you'd won the lottery?

    -I was gobsmacked! I couldn't believe it."

    Easy does it,esta expresin informal se utiliza cuando llevamos algo muy pesado o estamos

    haciendo algo difcil, como un aviso para ser cuidadosos.

    Ex. "-Where are we going to put the computer? It's heavy!- Here, on the desk. Easy does it - we don't want to scratch the wood."

    You star!,para decir que alguien ha hecho algo que nos gusta mucho. Puede ser una manera

    de decir "gracias".Ex. "-Here's a coffee and some croissants for you. I thought you would like

    them.-You star! That's great!!"

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    Even so...,esta expresin se usa para introducir algo que contrasta con el punto anterior y es

    ms fuerte que ese ltimo.

    Ex. "-I wanted to celebrate my exam results and have a party!-Yes, but even so, you should have told your neighbours about the noise."

    That's a bit much,para decir que alguien ha reaccionado de una manera exagerada ante algo.

    Ex. "-You never help me. You're so selfish! "-That's a bit much - I spent hours helping you with the accounts last


    Carry on regardless,para expresar que algo o alguien continuar, aunque se piense o


    Ex. "-Will they stop the match if it starts raining?-No, not in football. They'll carry on regardless."

    I'm not (feeling) 100%,creo que no necesita traduccin...

    Ex. "-Are you coming out tonight?

    -Sorry. Not tonight. I don't feel 100% today."

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    For good,para decir que algo ha llegado a su final para siempre.Ex. "-Would you like a cigarette?

    -No, I've given up. This time it's for good."

    Not if I can help it,para expresar que estamos totalmente en contra de una idea.

    Ex. "-Are you staying late tonight?-Not if I can help it. I want to go home and relax."

    I was really chuffed,para decir que nos sentimos muy felices sobre algo. Es comn con

    sentimientos de orgullo.

    Ex. "-I'm really chuffed I've won the competition for the best dancer.-Yes, you should be. You worked really hard to win."

    Too + adj/quantity for my liking,para dar un motivo de por qu no nos gusta algo.

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    Ex. "-Would you like to live in a city like London?-No. Too many people for my liking. It's too busy."

    That's easy for you to say,para ti es fcil de decir. Como esta es muy fcil, os dejo avosotros que pongis los ejemplos ;)

    And that sort of thing= y ese tipo de cosas

    Ex. "-What did they say during the meeting?-We need to increase productivity and that sort of thing."

    R&R is a North American term for "Rest & Relaxation"Ex: It's Sunday, time for R&R! ;)

    You name it,para resumir una lista de ejemplos.

    Ex. "-He travels a lot, doesn't he?-Yes. You name it, he's been there: Russia, Vietnam, Egipt, Peru, Brazil..."

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    I haven't got a clue,para decir que no tenemos ni idea sobre algo.Ex. "-Where's Sara now?

    -Sorry, I haven't got a clue. She never tells me anything."

    Tough,para decir que no a algo que otra persona quiere.

    Ex. "-Can we stay a bit longer? I don't want to go home yet.-Tough. I'm going now, so if you want a lift in my car, come now."

    One in a million,esta es fcil: Uno/a entre un milln.

    Ex. "-You're lucky to be with Cynthia. She's lovely!-Yes, she's one in a million."

    What sort of time do you call this?,esta expresin informal se utiliza cuando alguien ha

    llegado muy tarde.

    Ex. "-Hi. Sorry I'm late.-What sort of time do you call this? It's after midnight!-I know - we got lost on the way here."

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    Nice of you to ask / say,para agradecer a alguien el haber preguntado o dicho algo.

    Ex. "-We're having a picnic on Sunday. Would you want to come? I can't I'm afraid. I have aplan already. Nice of you to ask, though."

    So far, so good,esta expresin se utiliza para expresar que estamos felices por cmo se va

    desarrollando una situacin hasta el momento.

    Ex. "-How's the meeting going?-So far, so good - thought they haven't signed the contract yet."

    The thing is ...,para introducir un problema...

    Ex. "-Don't you like cake?-Yes, I do. The thing is, I'm on a diet!"

    The best/worst possible, para enfatizar una idea extremadamente positiva o negativa.

    Ex. "-What happened next?-The worst possible thing - my parents came back early!"

    That's a bit of a blow,para decir que algo es un problema o una decepcin.

    Ex. "-We can't do karaoke tonight because the machine's not working!-That's a bit of a blow. I was really looking forward to it."

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    I bet,para enfatizar el estar de acuerdo con algo o alguien.

    Ex. "-I wanted to buy tickets for the Rolling Stones, but I couldn't.-I bet you couldn't. They sold out weeks ago!"

    To be on the safe side,para decir que alguien debera hacer algo slo para asegurarse de que

    no habr problemas, normalmente por tiempo o cantidad.

    Ex1. "-How long will it take to drive to the airport?-20 minutes, but we should leave before, to be on the safe side."

    Ex2. "-Is it an expensive restaurant we're going to?-No, but I'm taking 50 to be on the safe side."

    Talk about + adjective / noun,esta expresin se usa coloquialmente para enfatizar una

    situacin o cualidad extrema de una persona.

    Ex. "-Talk about lucky! Jacquie played the lottery for the first time and won


    On a daily basis,para hablar de algo que ocurre todos los das.

    Ex. "-I love seafood, don't you?-Yes, but I wouldn't want to eat it on a daily basis."

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    You can say that again!,cuando estamos muy de acuerdo con algo.

    Ex. "-I was in Russia last January.-I suppose it was cold, wasn't it?

    -You can say that again! It was minus 22 degrees!!"

    Sabras traducir la expresin "part of the problem"a travs del siguiente ejemplo?

    Ex. "-Why don't more tourists visit Scotland in the winter? It's so beautiful.-Well, the weather is part of the problem. It is pretty cold. It's also quite


    That'll do,se trata de una expresin informal para decir a alguien que: -debera parar dehacer algo: "That'll do! Stop fighting, sit down and be quiet!", -o bien que algo es suficiente:"That'll do, thanks. Don't serve more soup, I'm not very hungry."

    Worse than useless= para decir que algo es absolutamente terrible.

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    Ex. "-What's the new goalkeeper like?-Worse than useless! He let in five goals last week!"

    For a change= para variar, para hacer algo diferente de lo habitual.

    Ex. "-Where are we going on holiday this year? To the beach?-No, I think we can travel abroad for a change."

    One ... at a time= cuando se quiere decir que hay que hacer una cosa (o actividad) cada vez,

    no todo al mismo tiempo.

    Ex. "-I want you to book the tickets, phone a taxi, organise the hotel and plan

    the meeting.-Ok, but I can only do one thing at a time."

    Can't complain= No me puedo quejar

    Ex. "-How was the exam?-Can't complain, I had studied just what they asked!"

    Descubre nuestra expresin de hoy con el siguient ejemplo!

    Ex. -"Just becausehe speaks English doesn't mean he is English.

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    -I know, he could be American, or South African, or from New Zealand for example."

    "Without so much as"= sin ms que un... para expresar una reaccin que no esperabas.

    Ex. "-Some people are so rude and ungrateful.- Why? What happened?

    - I helped that guy change a tyre, then he drove off without so much as a

    'thank you'!"

    "Just (you) try",expresin informal para avisar a alguien sobre las consecuencias negativas de

    algo que quiere hacer.

    Ex: "-I think I'm going to leave early today.-Just you try! It's my turn to leave early this week."

    "Give me a chance"= Dame un respiro.

    Ex: "-Have you finished the book yet?

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    -Give me a chance. You only gave it to me yesterday!"

    "Yummy"para expresar que algo nos parece delicioso.

    Ex. "- Susana and Ana are making traditional paella for the food party in

    school.- Yummy. I love Spanish food!"

    Better not",con traduccin literal (=mejor que no).

    Ex. "-Do you want another beer?-Better not, I'm driving."

    Puedes deducir del siguiente ejemplo que significa "in a right/proper state"?

    Ex. "- What happened to Julie? She's been crying all day. She's in a right state.- I know. I think her boyfriend left her last night."

    S, estar pasndolo muy mal

    La expresin "more often than not"significa "habitualmente no".

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    Ex. "- Do you normally go skiing during the Christmas holidays?

    - Yes, more often than not. Sometimes we just stay here and see the

    family, though."

    La expresin "Thanks but no thanks"se traducira como "Gracias pero no".Ex. '- We're going to the cinema. Do you want to come with us?

    - Thanks but no thanks. I've got something planned.

    La expresin "out of the blue"para expresar algo que sucedi por completa sorpresa.

    Ex. "- He's still in shock about the divorce.- Yes, apparently she just told him she was leaving him out of the blue."

    "Absolutely positive"= completamente seguro.

    Ex. "-Are you sure you had your keys with you when you left home this

    morning?-I'm absolutely positive. I remember putting them in my bag."

    "Make your mind up"= manera informal de animar a alguien a tomar una decisin rpida.

    Ex. "- I don't know whether to have the fish or the steak?

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    - Come on, make your mind up."

    La expresin "Put it this way"se traducira como "Digamos que..."

    Ex. - Was she rude to you?- Put it this way - if she was a man, I would have punched her.

    'If we treat people as they are, we make them worse. If we treat people as they ought to be, we

    help them become what they are capable of becoming.' - GoetheEntiendes la traduccin de esta cita y su moraleja?Si tratas a la gente como son,los haras peores. Si tratas a la gente como deberian ser,les auydaras

    a empezar a serlo

    "I can't wait".La traduccin podra hacerse literal, pero no la utilizamos en espaol. En inglsexpresa realmente cuando ests deseando que algo llegue/suceda ya.

    Ex. "I can't wait to finish my work and start the weekend!".

    Pon un ejemplo con "I can't wait" para expresar algo que t deseas...

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    "My dream date"para describir la cita perfecta.

    Ex. 'Imagine a night out with a film star in a top London restaurant. That's my dream date.Especially with someone like Hugh Grant.'

    "Look at it this way"= "Mirlo de esta manera".

    Ex. - Why do you want to start early tomorrow? We'll be tired!- Sure, but look at it this way - if we start early, we can finish early too.

    "Far from it" = "Para nada".

    Ex - I expect the lecture was boring, wasn't it?- Far from it - it was the best lecture we've had so far this term.

    "Same here"como una expresin ms informal de "I agree".

    Ex. "- I thought the film was brilliant, and the music was great too.- Same here."

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    "In a word, no".Sirve para hacer ms nfasis al dar una respuesta negativa:

    Ex. "-Did you enjoy your meal?-In a word, no. It was too hot, the vegetables were overcooked and the

    sauce was terrible."

    "One of these days"= "Un da de estos".

    Ex. '-I always park here and I never pay.-Be careful. One of these days you're going to have a problem."

    La expresin "You know who"para hablar sobre alguien sin mencionarle:

    Ex. "- I saw Elodie last night.- Was she alone? Or with someone?

    - She was with you know who. They're always together nowadays."

    "Don't ask me"= "Ni idea de lo que me preguntas".

    Ex. "- Where's Jackie?- Don't ask me. I don't see her often these days."

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    "Coming up"or "Coming right up"se traducira como "Ahora mismo". Se utiliza sobre todo

    en bares y restaurante despus de una peticin del cliente.

    Ex. "-Two coffees, please.

    - Coming right up.- Thanks."

    La expresin "All the same"como una manera ms informal de decir "Sin


    Ex. "-Come on, let's go and see the new film. It'll be fun.-Yes, I know. But all the same, I think I'm going to stay at home tonight."

    La expresin "stuff like that". Cmo la traduciras de acuerdo al siguiente ejemplo?

    Ex. "-What kind of music do you like? -Jazz, rock and stuff like that."

    "Nine out of ten"= "Con casi total seguridad".

    Ex. "- What do you do at the week-end?- Well, nine times out of ten we just stay at home and relax."

    La expresin "now, now"para calmar al oyente.

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    Ex.: "-If he says that one more time I'm going to hit him!

    -Now, now. Just relax. I'm sure he didn't intend to insult you."

    Amplia tu vocabulario! La prxima vez, en vez de decir "ok" a algo con lo que ests de

    acuerdo, di "Por m bien" = "Fine by me".

    Ex. "-Shall we order one large pizza and share it? It'll be cheaper.-Fine by me. I'm not too hungry."

    La expresin "the other way round"para indicar "justamente lo contrario".

    Ex. "-So you invited Karen to your party?-No, the other way round - she invited me to her party."

    "Roll on"se traducira como "estoy deseando que llegue... (un perodo de tiempo).

    Ex. "- Roll on the holidays.- Yes, I can't wait to go skiing."

    "It's not an option"para expresar algo a lo que no estamos dispuestos. "isn't" no se utiliza,

    sino que la contraccin es "'s not".

    Ex. "-Are you staying here for the holidays?-Staying here is not an option. I need to get away - anywhere is better

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    than here!"

    "It's/That's not on"para expresar algo que para el hablante no es admisible.

    Ex. "- Shut up and get me something to eat- Don't talk to me like that. It's not on."

    "Just think"para invitar al oyente a imaginar algo real o no. No tiene traduccin literal.

    Ex. "- Just think, this time tomorrow we'll be in Florida!- Yes, I can't wait."

    "You could always"para hacer sugerencias...

    Ex. "-I don't know what to do this weekend.-You could always come with me. I'm going to Liverpool with some friends."

    "Up for it"para aceptar una propuesta.

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    Cmo traduciras la expresin "the whole time"?

    Ex. "-Did you find your keys?-Yes, they were in my bag the whole time!"="todo el tiempo"

    By the way...= A propsito:

    Ex: - Is it Jane's birthday next week?- Yes, it is. By the way, she's split up with her boyfriend, so don't say

    anything about him."

    Ya vimos: "I get it",ahora lo contrario: "I just don't get it" = "No lo puedo entender".

    Ex. "-Francesca has decided not to do the exam.-I just don't get it. She's the best student in the class. She could pass it


    "Believe it or not"- literal!!!

    Ex. "-What did you do at the weekend, then?-Well, believe it or not, my boyfriend took me to New York as a surprise?

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    "You should know".El uso y traduccin de esta expresin es bastante literal.

    Ex. "-How do you say 'be quiet' in Spanish?-You should know - you lived in Spain for 6 months."

    "Might as well"sirve para expresar un plan que no era el original. Algo as como "puede valer"

    o "por qu no?".

    Ex. "-We've been waiting for an hour. Shall we go for a drink?- Might as well - I don't think Jane will come now."

    "Mind you"se traducira por "pero hay que tener en cuenta que..." Ex. "The hotel was terrible- small rooms, no facilities, no bar. Mind you, it was only 10 a night."

    La expresin "No way"para querer decir "Ni hablar".

    Ex. "-Can I borrow your digital camera tomorrow?-No way! Every time I lend you something, you lose it!"

    "I get it"= "Ya lo pillo" refirindose a entender algo...

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    Ex. "- Jeff said he was feeling tired so he isn't coming out with us tonight. - Oh, I get it!. Hewants to stay at home and watch the match on TV!."

    Because I said so"se traduce como "Porque yo lo digo/Porque me da la gana". Tpica frase de

    los padres a los nios o que utiliza el hablante para no dar explicaciones ante una pregunta.

    Ex. "-Go to bed now.- Why?- Because I said so."

    "To be the business"se utiliza para opinar que algo o alguien nos parece buensimo.

    Ex. "- Jack's a pretty good DJ, isn't he?- Yes, he's the business."

    "Whoops"se traduce como "Ups".

    Ex: '- Careful, there's ice on the path.- Whoops! I nearly slipped.'

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    La expresin "Here goes"se utiliza en un lenguage informal antes de decir algo arriesgado o

    sorprendente, traducindolo como "all va".

    Ex. '- Anne, there's something I want to ask to you.- Yes? What is it?

    - Here goes - will you marry me?'

    La experesin "Don't you dare(= "no te atrevas") se utiliza para advertir al oyente de que no

    haga algo.

    Ex.: '-There's only one chocolate left. Can I have it?- Don't you dare! I'm saving that for Molly.'

    Aprende a utilizar la expresin "A big plus"con el siguiente ejemplo:

    Ex '-The hotel's expensive, but it's got a great play area for children.- Yes, that's a big plus.'

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    Algo difcil de hacer puede expresarse como "It's hard work + ing".

    Ex: 'It's hard work doing the shopping when you've got three kids to control!'

    La expresin "It remains to be seense traduce como "Todava est por ver".

    Ex. 'It remains to be seen if I will see Michael this weekend'.

    "I wish"= Ojal

    Ex.1 ' I wish I could take some days off at work.'

    Ex.2 '- Are you taking some days off this month?- I wish! I have to finish an important project.'

    "At this rate"se traducira como "A este paso..."

    Ex. '-The traffic's terrible! We haven't moved for 20 minutes.- Yes. At this rate we won't get to Birmingham until after midnight.'

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    Por el ejemplo siguiente, intenta explicar el significado de la expresin "Notlikely!"

    Ex. '-Would you like to go on a safari and sleep in the open where there might

    be lions?-Not lilkely! It sounds too risky and I prefer the comfort of a hotel.'

    Habas odo alguna vez la expresin "Something along those lines?El hablante la utiliza

    para "ms o menos asentir" en respuesta al otro.

    Ex.: '-Are you meaning that you will find out his secret by flirting with him?

    -Yes, something along those lines...'

    "See for yourself"expresa algo que debe verse para creerse.

    Ex. -'Mery's got a new car. It's a Ferrari!-Never! - Come and see for yourself. Look in the car park.'

    Me encanta esta expresin: "Where there's a will, there's a way."que se traducira al espaol

    como "Querer es poder". Utilzala hoy en tu comunicacin en ingls y as no la olvidars!

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    La expresin That's a firstse traduce como "Es un comienzo" y expresa algo que no haba

    sucedido antes y sorprende al hablante.

    Ex. '- She arrived early today.- That's a first. She's always late'.

    La expresin How should I know?se traduce como "Por qu debera saberlo yo?"

    Ex. '-Is Alec coming back soon?

    -How should I know? I don't work in his department.'

    La expresin I'm not saying utiliza para suavizar algo negativo que viene a


    Ex. 'I'm not saying that Mary is lazy, it's just that I never see her working.'

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    The early bird catches the wormSe suele llamar cariosamente early bird a las personas

    madrugadoras y tambin a aquellas que llegan pronto a sus citas. En

    consecuencia, el proverbio the early bird catches the worm (el

    pjaro madrugador atrapa la lombriz) significa que el xito llega a los

    que se preparan y actan a tiempo. De esta forma, en ocasiones se

    suele utilizar como un consejo a otras personas, para advertirles que

    si quieren tener xito en la vida, deben tomar accin inmediatamente

    y no dejar las cosas para ms adelante. El mismo matiz tiene en

    castellano nuestro refrn a quien madruga, Dios le ayuda.La

    popular expresin apareci impresa por primera vez en 1670, en una

    coleccin de proverbios (A Collection of English Proverbs, John Ray).

    Fue transmitida por la tradicin oral y su origen es desconocido.

    Desde entonces, se pronuncia miles de veces cada da.Este proverbio

    tiene algunas divertidas segundas partes. Por ejemplo, aquella que
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    dice the early bird catches the worm, but it is the early worm that

    gets caught (el pjaro madrugador atrapa la lombriz pero es la

    lombriz madrugadora la que es atrapada). Tambin es popular otra

    versin the early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets

    the cheese (puede que el pjaro madrugador atrape la lombriz, peroel segundo ratn se queda con el queso). El significado de esta

    original expresin va en el sentido de ensalzar la paciencia como

    virtud. El primer ratn seguramente termine en la trampa, mientras

    que el segundo conseguir el queso porque la trampa ha sido ya

    ocupada por el pobre primer ratn. Es necesario actuar de acuerdo

    con la situacin, y a veces es mejor ser el primero, pero en otras

    ocasiones no.

    Otros refranes ingleses que tienen pjaros como protagonistas son

    por ejemplo, el que dice que ms vale pjaro en mano que ciento

    volando, en su versin britnica sera a bird in the hand is worth twoin the bush (vale ms un pjaro en mano que dos en un arbusto). Tambin podemos utilizar pjaros para decir que los opuestos seatraen. Para eso, emplearamos la expresin birds of a feather flock

    together, que traducido literalmente sera algo as como los pjaros

    con las mismas plumas vuelan juntos. Echando mano del refranero

    popular tambin podramos utilizar este proverbio para expresar la

    idea de que Dios los cra y ellos se juntan.

    All talk no actionEn ocasiones durante elaprendizaje de idiomas,a medida que se va

    avanzando en el conocimiento de la lengua elegida uno se va dando

    cuenta de forma casual de que hay muchas maneras de decir lo

    mismo. Sin embargo, todas son sutilmente diferentes. Pueden indicar

    un matiz ligeramente distinto, o revelar el estrato social, la edad o la

    educacin de la persona que la pronuncia. La eleccin de una u otra
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    expresin con el mismo significado nos puede incluso dar pistas del

    carcter y la personalidad de su dueo. Porque si nos paramos a

    pensar un poco, descubriremos que el lenguaje contiene mucha

    informacin, ms de la que observamos a simple vista.En el idioma ingls, sucede exactamente esto con la expresin all

    talk no action. Se utiliza para calificar un hecho que no responde a

    las expectativas anunciadas. En espaol diramos que es mucho

    ruido y pocas nueces. En ingls, hay una diversidad de opciones ms

    o menos coloquiales:

    All talk no action: quiz la ms comn, con un matiz un tantonegativo, igual que su versin en espaol. Una variante mucho

    ms coloquial que conserva el mismo significado sera all dick

    no fuck. Un ejemplo: John: Laura told me she is going to fight for her rights Peter: I dont believe it, shes all talk no action All mouth: muy similar a la anterior, pero en un sentido ms

    negativo est all mouth lo que en nuestro idioma se calificara

    como bocazas. Es de origen britnico, no muy comn en

    Estados Unidos. John: If you keep like this, Im going to kick you Peter: Shut up, you are all mouth All hat no cattle: es la versin en ingls americano. Muy

    ilustrativa, se usaba inicialmente para referirse a las personas

    que imitaban el estilo de los cowboys. Llevaban el sombrero,

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    pero no tenan experiencia manejando el ganado. Aqu diramos,

    que es mucho arroz para tan poco pollo.

    ATNA: el acrnimo de la expresin all talk no action, sepuede utilizar para referirse a una persona, especialmente del

    tipo que flirtean con otras sin pretender continuar ms all. Hay

    una expresin muy fea en espaol para referirse a lo mismo. En

    ambos idiomas se utiliza sobre todo en ambientes muy

    coloquiales, y generalmente entre gente joven. (Yes, we are

    dancing and she promises me a kiss, but the ATNA girl leaves

    without giving it to me.) Jabbler: con un matiz diferente est el jabbler, aquel que se

    pasa la vida explicando las cosas que va a hacer, pero luego

    nunca las hace. En espaol diramos que el jabbler tiene la

    cabeza llena de pjaros (He told me many times about his

    plans, but in the end hes a jabbler). Woofing: to woof(ladrar) es el verbo utilizado, junto con to

    jab(de ah se deriva jabbler) para definir la accin de

    anunciar que se van a hacer cosas que luego no se hacen. Es

    un verbo negativo, que indica que el que habla sabe que el otro

    no va a cumplir lo que anunci.Ahora que ya conoces estas expresiones puedes empezar a utilizarlaspero con cuidado, elige bien en funcin de tu audiencia y la situacin

    en la que te encuentres, ya sabes que las expresiones no son solo

    mensajes de contenido, sino que revelan quin eres.