keeping christ pre-eminent -  · web viewthe ordination and installation service...

(presbuteros) – Greek word meaning elder, often used of a O c t o b e L o c h R a v e What Is a Presbyterian? What is the PCA? Keeping Christ Pre- eminent In All Things Inside this issue: October 2019 marks the 502 nd anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, which began when Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses on the church door in Wittenberg on October 31, 1517. October is also the month when we’re offering a New Member’s Class on three consecutive Sundays after worship (the 13 th , 20 th , and 27 th ). Perhaps this month is a good one to remind us all who we are! My participation in two installation services (worship services where a new pastor is installed in a particular church) in the past two months also has influenced my desire to write this article. What a bless- ing to serve on the commission charged with installing Rev. Mark Tippin at Valley PCA and then to attend the ordination and installation service at Redeemer PCA in Kingsville where all presbyters were invited to join in the laying on of hands to their new pastor, Justin Estrada. May God bless our sister PCA churches! What Is a Presbyterian? Presbyterian refers to a type of church polity or government, to a church that is governed by elders. It is also a representative form of government in that the elders (ruling and teach- ing) are elected by and/or from the congregation. I as the Pastor of LRPC am a Teaching Elder (TE), called to minister here by the congre- gation who voted at a special meeting seven plus years ago. And every year members of the congregation have the privilege of voting to elect godly men to be Ruling Elders (RE) and serve on the Session (the Board which has spiritual oversight—shepherds the congregation). We believe the Bible teaches the plurality and parity of the eldership, that is, there ought to be more than one elder over each local congregation and each elder has equal voice and vote (this structure helps protect from spiritual abuses of authority and lessens the danger of doctrinal drift). In other words, the pastor is not the pope! Presbyterians are also connectional —we desire to show the visible unity of the Body of Christ as best we can in this fallen world. So instead of independent, autonomous congregations, our church is con- nected to other PCA churches in our geographical region and beyond. Did you know that there are 37 PCA churches in the Baltimore and Annapolis region? Chesapeake Presbytery meets 5 times a year, rotating our meetings to each of our churches. This regional gathering is comprised of representatives from each congregation, both teaching and ruling elders. Then once a year our entire denomination gathers at our General Session Speaks 3-4 A Letter from Josh Stenger 5 E & O Article 6 Mission Possible 7 Women’s Conference 8-9 Women’s Ministries 9 Note From the Liebermann s 10 Thank You Letter 11 Additional Announcements 12 Celebrations 13

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Page 1: Keeping Christ Pre-eminent -  · Web viewthe ordination and installation service at Redeemer PCA in Kingsville where all presbyters were invited to join in the laying

(presbuteros) – Greek word meaning elder, often used of a church officer, a presbyter.

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L o c h R a v e n P r e s s

What Is a Presbyterian? What is the PCA?


Christ Pre-


In All Things

Inside this issue:

October 2019 marks the 502nd anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, which began whenMartin Luther nailed his 95 Theses on the church door in Wittenberg on October 31, 1517. October is also the month when we’re offering a New Member’s Class on three consecutive Sundays after worship (the 13th, 20th, and 27th). Perhaps this month is a good one to remind us all who we are!

My participation in two installation services (worship services where a new pastor is installed in a particular church) in the past two months also has influenced my desire to write this article. What a bless- ing to serve on the commission charged with installing Rev. Mark Tippin at Valley PCA and then to attendthe ordination and installation service at Redeemer PCA in Kingsville where all presbyters were invited to join in the laying on of hands to their new pastor, Justin Estrada. May God bless our sister PCA churches!

What Is a Presbyterian?

Presbyterian refers to a type of church polity or government, to a church that is governed by elders. It is also a representative form of government in that theelders (ruling and teach- ing) are elected by and/orfrom the congregation. I as the Pastor of LRPC am aTeaching Elder (TE), called to minister here by the congre-gation who voted at a special meeting seven plusyears ago. And every year members of the congregation have the privilege of voting to elect godly men to be Ruling Elders (RE) and serve on the Session (the Board which has spiritual oversight—shepherds the congregation). We believe the Bible teaches the plurality and parity of the eldership, that is, there ought to be more than one elder over each local congregation and each elder has equal voice and vote (this structure helps protect from spiritual abuses of authority and lessens the danger of doctrinal drift). In other words, the pastor is not the pope!

Presbyterians are also connectional—we desire to show the visible unity of the Body of Christ as best we can in this fallen world. So instead of independent, autonomous congregations, our church is con- nected to other PCA churches in our geographical region and beyond. Did you know that there are 37 PCA churches in the Baltimore and Annapolis region? Chesapeake Presbytery meets 5 times a year, rotating our meetings to each of our churches. This regional gathering is comprised of representatives from each congregation, both teaching and ruling elders. Then once a year our entire denomination gathers at our General Assembly when every congregation can send elders as commissioners to serve on committees and vote on whatever is before the Assembly. Each of these larger gatherings of the Church include worship as well as work and are open to all members. Being connected also means that we are accountable to others. Just as the Session has oversight over a particular congregation and is responsible for the spiritual health, for the government and discipline of that local church, the Presbytery has jurisdiction over “the ministers, Sessions, and churches within a prescribed district, and the General Assembly over such matters that con- cern the whole Church.” This important aspect of our polity allows for necessary review of the records and decisions of the lower courts (i.e., Sessions and Presbyterys) as well as the protection of the right to appeal a judgment to the higher court when necessary.

What Is the PCA?

The Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), although a relatively young denomination (1973), traces its roots to the recovery of the Gospel at the time of the Reformation, specifically in Switzerland under theleadership of John Calvin (1509-1564) then to Scotland through the ministry of John Knox (1513-1572). So, we are Presbyterian in our ecclesiology (church government), and Biblical (or Gospel-Centered) in our es- sence. The Reformers understood themselves to be protesting (hence we are Protestant) abuses in the larger church and recovering what the Bible taught about salvation. The PCA is Reformed; we rejoice in and celebrate the “5 Solas” of the Reformation: Scripture Alone, Grace Alone, Faith Alone, Christ Alone, ToGod Alone be the Glory! page 1

Session Speaks 3-4

A Letter from Josh Stenger


E & O Article 6

Mission Possible 7

Women’s Conference


Women’s Ministries


Note From the Liebermanns


Thank You Letter 11



Celebrations/ Open House Sunday Thank You


Calendar 14

Page 2: Keeping Christ Pre-eminent -  · Web viewthe ordination and installation service at Redeemer PCA in Kingsville where all presbyters were invited to join in the laying

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Mt. 28:18-20 ESV)

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Special Events

Mark Your Calendars

Sunday, October 6at 6 p.m.

Hymn Sing

Sundays, October 13, 20, and27 at 12:15 p.m.

New Member Class

Saturday, October 19at 9:00 a.m.

Fall Work Day

Saturday, October 26Harvest Fest

Sunday, October 27At 7:00 p.m.

Reformation Service at LRPC

Stay tuned for moredetails!

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A century after Calvin and Knox the theology of these Reformers was thoroughly debated and compre- hensively written down for English-speaking churches by the Westminster Assembly (1643-1648). Since several Scottish Presbyterian Commissioners were part of the Assembly, the Scottish Church adopted (after careful study) those documents as a good and true doctrinal statement. This is our heritage, thus the PCA, as a Confessional Church, holds the Westminster Confession of Faith together with the Larger and Shorter Catechisms as our doctri- nal standards—subject to and subordinate to the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. Every ordained officer has affirmed this ordination vow: “Do you sincerely receive and adopt the Confession of Faith and the Cat- echisms of this Church, as containing the system of doctrine taught in the Holy Scriptures . . . .” Members havetheir own vow to affirm (which deals with salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone to the glory of God), but they do not have to agree with our confessional standards, still I would seriously encourage everyone to read and study the Confession and Catechisms. However, LRPC and your leaders are held to a standard andthat fact should encourage you! Another aspect of our Biblical heritage is that we are Missional—that is, we take seriously the Great Commission of Jesus Christ our Lord!The mis- sion of our churchis to make disciplesfrom every nationwhich means that weevange- lize (the evangel is“Good News”) the non-believer around us, we partner with mission organizations that are also committed toproclaiming the Gospel, and we support the sending of missionaries around the world. But we don’t just stop the work of making disciples when a non-believer becomes (by the grace of God) a believer! Discipleship is a lifelong endeavor, so LRPC wants to nurture and grow believers to maturity and see them multiply as believers (that’s us!) share who God is and what God has done—as we witness to those around us! We witness in word and deed; we love God with everything we are, and we love our neighbor as ourselves (see Mark 12:28-31). As one of our mis- sionaries said at our last Missions Conference, citing Matthew 9:35-38, Loch Raven Presbyterian Church in Ameri- ca should endeavor to be like Jesus and obey Him as our hearts are transformed by the Holy Spirit (we have com- passion on the lost), our hands are active showing the love of Christ (we help and serve those around us), andwe’re on our knees in prayer to our loving heavenly Father (“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” (Mt. 9:37f ESV)).

The motto of the PCA sums it up: “True to the Scriptures, the Reformed faith, and the Great Commission of Jesus Christ”.

May God continue to revive and reform us,

Pastor David

p.s. I’d encourage anyone to look through On Being Presbyterian: Our Beliefs, Practices, and Stories by Sean Lu- cas and The Doctrines of Grace: Rediscovering the Evangelical Gospel by James Boice and Philip Ryken.

If you are interested in looking at them in print form, you can borrow the booklet, Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses, edited by Stephen J. Nichols. Nichols also has a good biography: Martin Luther: A Guided Tour of His Life and Thought. You can also check out this blog article: five-theses-what-you-may-not-know-why-they-matter-today/ See the excellent book, How Jesus Runs the Church by Guy Prentiss Waters.Those men who are members in good standing must meet the spiritual qualifications set forward in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1; they are nominated and then examined in accordance with our Book of Church Order (chapter 24) before they stand for election at our annual congregational meeting in January.The elders are charged with the government and discipline of the church, thus there certainly may be matters that are sensitive and so guests would be excused during that time of deliberation.The Book of Church Order of the PCA, 11-4.For a very good and readable book on this see The Case for Traditional Protestantism: The Solas of the Refor- mation by Terry L. Johnson.Allow me to commend The Fortress Edition with Historical Introduction by Dr. David Calhoun and ESV proof texts. See the Preface to the Book of Church Order III. “The Constitution Defined”.The Book of Church Order of the PCA, 24-6.

Page 3: Keeping Christ Pre-eminent -  · Web viewthe ordination and installation service at Redeemer PCA in Kingsville where all presbyters were invited to join in the laying

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Session Speaks - October 2019Dear Congregation,

The session met at our regularly scheduled monthly meeting, on Monday September 16 th at 7pm. A quorum was present. Each ministry committee provided updates and items for discussion, as fol- lows:


The child-adult safety & protection committee is currently forming and will have their first meeting in the coming month, to create church policy & procedures in order to protect the youth which come un- der our care. Various other policies are actively being reviewed, and if necessary, revised.

Treasurer’s Report:

Josh Stenger presented the financial report through August 2019. To-date, offerings have exceeded to- tal expenses by about $7,000. Several ideas were presented with what to do with the surplus funds, and session ultimately decided to not do anything at this time. If no needs arise during the remainder of the year, the funds will go back into savings to help replenish what was used to pay off the balance of the bank loan.

Christian Ed:

The committee is pleased to report that the new elective Sunday school class on the book of Revelation is going very well. Also, the growing number of infants and toddlers in our church family has necessitat- ed the switch from the nursery room to the much larger youth room at the end of the hall.

Discipleship / In-reach:

ESOL classes will begin on Tuesday, September 24th. To-date, over 35 people have registered to take the English classes, with more registrants applying each day. Please pray that the people who come into our doors would hear the Gospel each Tuesday, and that they would find the love of Christ within our midst.

A new Wednesday afternoon bible study led by our own George Schafer has begun on 9/18/2019. Any- one who is interested in attending please speak with Nadim Warsal or George Schafer.

Evangelism / Outreach:

The good news team will meet again soon to review how things have been going, and to discuss what could be improved. The open-house Sunday went very well, with over 5 new visitors in-attendance.


The missions conference went very well on September 21st and 22nd. A request for funding of $200 per month was made by a Nepalese seminary student (also an ESOL student here), to help fund a church plant back in his home country. He is currently studying at the Metro Baltimore Seminary of the PCA and will return to Nepal when his studies have concluded.

Page 4: Keeping Christ Pre-eminent -  · Web viewthe ordination and installation service at Redeemer PCA in Kingsville where all presbyters were invited to join in the laying

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Session Speaks - October 2019 (cont’d)Nominating:

Letters from the committee have gone out to those who are being nominated. Please pray that they would consider serving in these important positions within the body of Christ.


Please be in prayer for Bill & Edie. Please also continue to pray for Ken & Lee.

A new prayer (and hymn sing!) opportunity is available on the 2nd and 4th Sunday afternoon of eachmonth at the church. Please see Jeff Oskamp if you are interested in joining.


Please continue to pray for Pastor Milligan, as he continues to meet with and counsel many people each week. Please also do not hesitate to contact your shepherding elder if you would like prayer or guidance. We are here to serve you, our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Worship & Music:

New projector bulbs were installed this past week, so that the song lyrics could be displayed on both walls again. Also, work on the church sound system continues, as well as the platform area behind the pulpit. We appreciate your prayer and patience during this time of work, as it will take some time to complete.

We also are continuing to seek singers for the Choir! You do not have to be a good singer to participate! Please see Melissa or email the church with your availability for one (or more) of the available choir sessions. We still need several slots filled to reach our goal of 3 singers for each part.

Youth Ministry:

Praise God that Brea Duty has been accepted into a PCA program which will certify her as Children’s Ministry Director! Please pray that she will learn valuable skills to bring back to our church.

Finance committee:

The finance committee would like us to begin to think about putting aside funding to save towards demolishing the church house. The building has asbestos which will need to be safely removed, in addition to the tear-down. Please be in prayer about how you might support this important work in the future.The church will solicit price quotes from various sources. The first quote we received was for roughly$80,000.


Page 5: Keeping Christ Pre-eminent -  · Web viewthe ordination and installation service at Redeemer PCA in Kingsville where all presbyters were invited to join in the laying

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What’s Your Excuse?Clearly God could reach people without us, but instead He has chosen to work through us. In fact, He seems to go out of His way to find the most unlikely candidates to accomplish His divine purposes.

Think of Moses, who, when called by God to speak for Him, essentially said, “I can’t. I have a speech impediment!” (see Exodus 4:10). When called by God to speak, Jeremiah felt he was too young (see Jeremiah 1:6). Think of those who God used who had challenges and failures in life: Noah got drunk, Abraham was old, Jacob was a liar, and David had an affair. Peter denied Christ, the disciples fell asleep while praying, Timothy had an ulcer, and Lazarus was dead!

Again, I ask, what’s your excuse?You might say, “I’m not qualified. I’m not gifted or talented.” Do you want to know

a little secret? You are just the person God is looking for. He likes to use people that are not necessarily self-confident. Why? Because when God does something amazing through them, He is the one who gets the glory, as He should. Paul wrote, “We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from our- selves” (2 Cor. 4:7 NLT).

No, you may not feel qualified, but God is not looking for ability as much as He islooking for availability. God does not call the qualified; He qualifies the called.

There have been so many times that I have felt drained and exhausted both physically and mentally. I have even felt like my spiritual gas tank was close to empty. But then, when I started to share the gospel with someone, or stopped thinking about myself and focused on another’s needs and shared some truth from God’s Word, I was replenished in every way. I started on empty and ended on full. Proverbs 11:15 tells us that “Those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed” (NLT).

God has not blessed you with all the messages you have heard in church or have read in books over the years so that you can hoard it all to yourself. Like the TV pro- grams that show the lifestyle of what they call “hoarders”, sometimes as Christians we can be the same way --- hoarding all that God has given to us, and not sharing it with others. So, let’s get this idea out of our heads that sharing our faith is something we cannot do and something that is miserable to engage in. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Greg Laurie, Tell Someone – You can Share the Good News, B & H Publishing Group, Nashville, Tennessee, pp. 13-15. Edited by Chuck Holzman, Evangelism and Outreach Committee, LRPC.

Page 6: Keeping Christ Pre-eminent -  · Web viewthe ordination and installation service at Redeemer PCA in Kingsville where all presbyters were invited to join in the laying

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Women’s Conference 2019

“NO FEAR!”The Details:Doors open at 8:15 a.m.Please join us for coffee, tea and a delicious array of scones, presented by “Tea By Two.”Conference begins at 9:00 a.m.Pre-conference registration includes a box lunch from McShane’s. A limited number of box lunches will be available for those who register at the door. There are also eating establishments nearby.Conference will conclude at 3:30 p.m.

The Location:Mt Zion Church – In the Tent 1643 Churchville RoadBel Air, Maryland 21015

Questions:Call 410-836-7444 orEmail [email protected]

Directions (from Interstate 95):1. Take Exit 80, Route 543 North, towards

Churchville2. Continue on Route 543 for about 6 miles3. Turn right onto Route 22 (Churchville Rd.)4. Mt Zion Church will be immediately on

the right. Look for the large white tents!

Mt Zion Church, Bel Air MD

Saturday, November 2nd

Keynote Speakers:

TRACEY TIERNANTracey is a musician, radio personality and an in- sightful speaker. Many of us start each day with Tracey, as she wakes us up, makes us laugh, en- courages us and helps us focus on the Lord. Lis- tening to her morning radio show on 95.1 SHINE – FM is a delight. Tracey has been a professional musician since she was 16 years old, and upon re- committing her life to Jesus, began using her musi- cal talents to bless Him. Throughout the years, Tracey has been a dynamic part of our women’s conference. We are thrilled to welcome her back once again.

NIKKI LERNERNikki is a cultural coach and gifted musician whose primary instrument is her voice. Bridging divides between people of different cultures through mu- sic and conversation is Nikki’s passion. Nikki has produced three recording projects and has also co- authored a book. In addition, to be an artist and songwriter, Nikki is a sought after speaker. We are happy to have Nikki join us again for the second year, and we look forward to the inspiration she brings.

Please see next page for the registration form.

Page 7: Keeping Christ Pre-eminent -  · Web viewthe ordination and installation service at Redeemer PCA in Kingsville where all presbyters were invited to join in the laying

Women in the ChurchCircle Meetings 2019

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REGISTRATION (Cost: $25)Name:




How did you hear about this conference?

Please check your lunch preference below:

Chicken Caesar Wrap

Turkey Bacon Wrap

Veggie Wrap

Gluten Free Option

$25 payment is due in full with registration

Registration Deadline: October 28th

Register online at


Mail in completed registration form with check made payable to: Mt Zion Church

Page 8: Keeping Christ Pre-eminent -  · Web viewthe ordination and installation service at Redeemer PCA in Kingsville where all presbyters were invited to join in the laying

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“So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and espe- cially to those who are of the household of faith.” (Galatians 6:10)

Since the day of our first visit and to our final weeks we’ve seen this scripture lived out in the hearts of our “family” at LRPC. From Pastor Da- vid to our mature leaders and even to the little ones who now thankfully fill our congregation we have always felt the warm welcoming love of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. What a joy it has been for both of us to have ministered to all of you just as you have done for us through these past five plus years. It is with heavy yet joyful hearts as we move on tothe next chapter of our lives we want to praise the Lord for all the love you have shown to Jana and me. We have been truly blessed to have been a part of the LRPC Family! We will take you with us in our heartswherever we go. We hope to see you again, either whenever we can visit or when we meet again in our eternal home. Thank you! Thank you!And praise the Lord!

Rick Liebermann

Page 9: Keeping Christ Pre-eminent -  · Web viewthe ordination and installation service at Redeemer PCA in Kingsville where all presbyters were invited to join in the laying

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Dear Loch Raven PCA,

Psalm 139:13 reminds us that God is at work in the womb, lovingly forming each and every one of us. God is doing what only God can do - creating a life - a person in His image for his glory. The congre- gation of Loch Raven Presbyterian Church, through their generous support of the Center for Pregnancy Concerns’ Baby Bottle Cam- paign, has acknowledged and embraced the will of God for every baby in the womb - to be born and have the opportunity to knowJesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

The proceeds from the Baby Bottle Campaign, $805.05, play asignificant role in equipping us to meet the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of women at the crucial point of decision-making: to go forward with or to terminate the pregnancy. It is only through the kindness of churches such as yours that our doors remain open, doing this vital work.

With sincere appreciation,

Doris C. Bowen

CPC Baby Bottle Campaign Coordinator

Page 10: Keeping Christ Pre-eminent -  · Web viewthe ordination and installation service at Redeemer PCA in Kingsville where all presbyters were invited to join in the laying

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Many visitors find their way to our Church via an online Internet search that finds in- formation about who we are and what we believe from information posted on our Loch Raven Presbyterian Church Website and/or Facebook Page. Would you like to help us keep our online information current, relevant, and up-to-date, in the role of an Editor/ Administrative Assistant? On the job training will be provided.

For more info. Contact, Deanna M. Crockett-Bowman, Sue Milligan, Nancy Barnes or Keith Wawrzyniak

Fall Harvest Party 2019

Please plan ahead for the upcoming Fall Harvest Party and Chili Cook-Off on Saturday, October 26th. More details will be forthcoming, however this is a great opportunity to invite family and friends for a fun evening of games and activities for ALL ages, and of course some good food!

Also, as in years past, members have been very supportive of supplying items needed for the event including bags of candy for the children, and food items for the evening, like hot dogs, rolls and SMORES, and we would appreciate your help again this year.Look for bulletin announcements and eblasts that will explain what and how we can use your help to make this a wonderful evening for everyone!

Page 11: Keeping Christ Pre-eminent -  · Web viewthe ordination and installation service at Redeemer PCA in Kingsville where all presbyters were invited to join in the laying

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Celebrations...October Birthdays:Carol Morrison (2nd), Rita Krause (3rd), Austin Kenly (4th), Amanda Demeusy (8th), Nick Pagani (8th), Sandy Magsamen and Brenda Mangels (9th), Barbara Reed (11th),Louisa Smith (12th), Jack Royce (13th), Marie Gray (24th),Debbie Sisson (27th), Liz Sweeney (30th)

October Anniversaries:Brian and Gina Sheets (October 9, 2011) Justin and Patti Palmisano (October 17, 1975) Jack and Eileen Royce (October 20, 1979)*If your name is missing from the list, please contact Elaine Eaton and let her know.

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October 2019

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9:30 a.m. - Sunday School11:00 a.m. - Worship Service

PRAYER MEETINGSSundays at 9:00 a.m. Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m.

LLoch Raven Presbyterian Church exists to glorify God and to protect, pursue and proclaim

the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Rev. W. David Milligan


Ms. Melissa Goetschius

Music Director

Mrs. Cheryl Pace


Mr. Joshua Stenger

Church Treasurer

Mr. Karl Mangels

Asst. Treasurer


Email: [email protected]

Website: www.lochraven

Office Phone: 410-661-5777

Fax: 410-661-0065

Church Office Hours Tuesdays 9 AM - 2 PM

Wednesdays and Thursdays9 AM-1:30 PM

Fridays 9 AM - 1 PMThe office is closed on Mondays.

Ms. Nancy Barnes Administrative Assistant

Loch Raven Presbyterian Church 9318 Old Harford Road Baltimore, MD 21234