keeping our environment & wallets green bottled water is wasteful engl-2010 psa project brenda...

Keeping Our Environment & Wallets Green Bottled Water is Wasteful ENGL-2010 PSA PROJECT BRENDA VILLA JOSE GASCA ROBIN HOWARD ASI PILIVI

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Page 1: Keeping Our Environment & Wallets Green Bottled Water is Wasteful ENGL-2010 PSA PROJECT BRENDA VILLA JOSE GASCA ROBIN HOWARD ASI PILIVI

Keeping Our Environment& Wallets Green

Bottled Water is Wasteful






Page 2: Keeping Our Environment & Wallets Green Bottled Water is Wasteful ENGL-2010 PSA PROJECT BRENDA VILLA JOSE GASCA ROBIN HOWARD ASI PILIVI

Health Aspect Our Bodies are 80% water, being hydrated is a matter of life and death. People assume bottles water is healthier, but 25 percent or more of bottled water is really just tap water in a

bottle When water is stored in hot or warm temperatures, or used over a long period of time,

plastic leaches chemicals into your water accourding to scientists.

BPA – Bisphenol A or BPA an estrogen-mimicking chemical linked to serious health issues including:

Learning and behavioral problems and Altered immune system function

Early puberty in girls and fertility problems, Diabetes and obesity

Decreased sperm count, as well as Prostate and breast cancer

Phthalates -- are widely used in the United States to make plastics and are endocrine-disrupting chemicals linked to a wide range of developmental and reproductive effects

Alternative - Tansport filtered water from home to ensure a safe supply on the go. Using a glass or steel bottle instead will bypass the risks associated with carrying water in plastic.

Page 3: Keeping Our Environment & Wallets Green Bottled Water is Wasteful ENGL-2010 PSA PROJECT BRENDA VILLA JOSE GASCA ROBIN HOWARD ASI PILIVI

Environmental Impact Production of bottled water wastes fossil fuels.

It takes three units of tap water to produce one unit of bottled water.

Most of the plastic bottles are not recycled and end up in landfills and bodies of water.

The PET plastic, used to make the bottles, photodegrades.

Page 4: Keeping Our Environment & Wallets Green Bottled Water is Wasteful ENGL-2010 PSA PROJECT BRENDA VILLA JOSE GASCA ROBIN HOWARD ASI PILIVI

Financial Impact< Average number of plastic bottles used per person annually in the U.S. -- 167

< Annual spending on bottled water in the U.S. --- $11.8 billion

< Total number of bottles sold annually --- 30 billion

< Total number of cases of water sold in the U.S. annually -- 2.6 billion

< Global sales revenue from bottled water --- $60 billion

< Average cost of one bottle of water -- $1.45

< Total cost of monthly water bills if tap water cost the same as the cheapest water bottle -- $9,000

Page 5: Keeping Our Environment & Wallets Green Bottled Water is Wasteful ENGL-2010 PSA PROJECT BRENDA VILLA JOSE GASCA ROBIN HOWARD ASI PILIVI

Great Taste Less Waste

Bottled water is by far the most expensive way to get your H20

Filters (most refrigerators have one available, faucet mounted filters)

Stainless Steel containers

Glass Containers

Page 6: Keeping Our Environment & Wallets Green Bottled Water is Wasteful ENGL-2010 PSA PROJECT BRENDA VILLA JOSE GASCA ROBIN HOWARD ASI PILIVI


Blue gold.Dir.Sam Bozzo.Distributed by PBS Home Video,2009..

Nielsen, Jennifer." Nutrition and Healthy eating."Tap water vs bottles water: Which is better? .N.P.,12 March.2012.web.27 July 24 <>