keith thomas - history and anthropology', past & present 24 (1963), 3–24

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  • 8/20/2019 Keith Thomas - History and Anthropology', Past & Present 24 (1963), 3–24




    historians might profit from an acquaintance with anthropology.

    Professor Taw ney suggested as mu ch in his Inaugu ral Le cture at th e

    London School of Economics thirty years ago


      and it was not often

    that the advice of this most influential historian went unh eeded . T h at

    it did so in this case can probab ly b e attributed to the firmly em pirical

    tradition of British historical scholarship, whose reputation has long

    rested upon a rigorous command of the primary sources, a distaste

    for theory and speculation, and a proper aversion to the superficiality

    which a nodding acqu aintance with other disciplines frequently

    brings in its train . T he se qualities in all their streng th and weakness

    are best exemplified in th e presen t state of medieval studies — au ste re,

    disciplined and profoundly hostile to outside influence.

    To some extent, however, the anthropologists have themselves to

    blame for this sepa ration. Between the wars social anthro pology

    under Raddiffe-Brown was a very ambitious affair indeed and one

    whose aims were avowedly unh istorical. T he subject was defined

    as th e study of the phenom ena of culture by the same indu ctive

    m ethods tha t are in use in the natural sciences . Its basis was

    thou ght to be th e experimental m eth od and its object the discovery

    of sociological laws, generalizations about hum an society. Radcliffe-

    Brown declared categorically that history and anthropology were tw o

    quite different m ethods of dealing with the facts of cu ltu re and that

      there are many disadvantages in mixing the two subjects together

    and confusing them .


      His insistence upo n the need for generaliz-

    ation and his justifiably disparag ing references to the con jectural

    histor y of the ethn og rap her s' helped to give British anthropological

    studies a frankly anti-historical bias and to make the chances of

    co-operation between the two disciplines increasingly remote.

    In recent years, how ever, there has been a reaction, led by Rad diffe-

    Brown 's successor in th e Oxford Chair of Social Anthropology. In

    his Marett Lecture of 1950, Professor Evans-Pritchard asserted that

    the differences between the two subjects were those of technique

    rather than of aim, and he has subsequently done much to urge a new

    rapprochement  between them . I n practice, he says, social

    • The author of this article is not an anthropologist (as will be obvious to

    the attentive reader). H is interest in the subject was first aroused by Professor

    Evans-Pritchard's lecture,

      Anthropology and history,

      (Manchester, 1961) , but

    neither Professor Evans-Pritchard nor any other anthropologist is to be held

    responsible for any unwitting misinterpretations of their work.

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    anthropologists today generalize little more than historians do.


    Nowadays it is fashionable to regard the strength of British social

    anthropology as lying in the intensity and precision of its field-work,

    in the tradition of Malinowski, rather than in the formulation of

    general laws along the lines urged by Radcliffe-Brown. It is even

    said tha t no such laws have yet been discovered . N or , it is imp lied,

    are they ever likely to be.


      A social anthropologist today does not

    set out to produce sweeping generalizations about the whole of

    hum an society. H e is more likely to devote a lifetime to the

    specialized study of at m ost two or thr ee so cieties, a study in which he

    will be as much concerned as the historian with the uniqueness of fact

    and situation, a study which is likely to carry with it a certain degree

    of emo tional involve m ent,' and wh ich, in its intimac y of acquaintance,

    rem inds one of G. M . Yo ung's famous injunction to historians to

    go on reading until you can hear people talk ing . Some

    anthropologists have even engaged in straightforward pieces of

    historical writing, for example Evans-Pritchard's  The Sanusi of


      the story of the transfo rmation of a religious m ovem ent

    into a nationalist one over a period of some hundred years.


    At the same time there are some indications that historians are

    more inclined to seek generalizations tha n they used to be . The y do

    not ask universal questions or seek universal laws. B ut, for all their

    interest in the individual and the particular, they are more likely to

    believe tha t, in th e words of Professor Po stan , th e microscop ic

    problems of historical research are and should be made microcosmic

    — capable of reflecting worlds larger tha n the m selv es . ' Historical

    fashions change slowly, but there has been no lack of support for

    M r. E. H. Carr's recent statemen t that th e mo re sociological history

    becomes and the more historical sociology becomes, the better for

    bo th .


      Certainly it is m ore representative of opinion in the historical

    profession than was Tawney s almost identical assertion thirty years



    The whole tendency of recent work in both subjects has thus been

    such as to draw together what were always closely parallel lines of

    investigation. An thropologists are no longer exclusively concerned

    with primitive societies, any more than historians are solely concerned

    with advanced ones. N or are anthrop ologists necessarily engaged in

    the study of


     society at one mom ent of time r ather than over a period

    of years. Some of them study social change, notably the

      W ester niza tion of native societies. Ad m ittedly, the most

    characteristic form of anthropological explanation of an institution

    is to demonstrate its contribution to keeping a given society in

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    being, and this sort of functionalism often stands in the way of

    formulating intelligible theories of social change.


      Bu t it is also tru e

    tha t historians can sometimes be extremely static them selves. It is

    very hard , for exam ple, to extract any sense of movem ent an d change

    from the studies of eighteenth-century politics by the followers of Sir

    Lewis N am ier; the notion of th e eighteenth-cen tury political

    system with which the average undergra duate em erges is certainly

    as lacking in dynamic elements as the most austere anthropological

      s ys t em .


    ' A great deal of historical writing today is concerned less

    with a succession of events than with enduring relationships.


    * As

    for the argument that the anthropologist, unlike the historian, is

    concerned with the present, it should not be forgotten that the

    normal pattern of an anthropologist's career sees him spending the

    remainder of his  life writing up his memories of a society he visited in

    his you th. Eva ns-Pritcha rd, for exam ple, has until recently been

    publishing books about the Nuer, with whom he spent about a year

    between 1930 and 1936.


    * Such an act of reconstruction w ould

    seem to involve an effort of what is almost the historical imagination

    and there is clearly a sense in which the ethno grap hic pr es en t is

    comparable to the historic present.

    The basic difference between anthropology and history may

    therefore be fairly reduced to this, that in most cases



    anthropolog ist did once live in, or a t least visit, the society which he is

    describing, whereas the historian usually has to work exclusively from

    docum ents or archaeological rem ains. Th is distinction is hardly

    sufficient to justify our dismissing the two subjects as fundamentally

    different disciplines.

    If we make the initial assumption that anthropologists are engaged

    in a roughly similar activity to our own, it becomes easier to see what

    we m ight learn from them . In the first place, it is hard to deny th at

    modern social anthropology usually exemplifies greater discipline and

    precision of thought than is commonly found in historical writing of

    the interpretative kind. H ere , the old tradition that anthropology

    is a science has been of great advantage. Con tempo rary a nth ro -

    pological writing is frequently austere , even jagged, bu t it is seldom

    disfigured by the rhetoric and impressionism which is so frequently

    encountered in the work of leading practitioners of modern history

    (and whose origins may well lie in the educational tradition of

    encouraging history undergra duates to produ ce dogmatic and p ersonal

    interpretations on the basis of rapid reading in the secondary sources).

    It is true that the reader has usually to take largely on trust what the

    anthropologist says about another society, for there are few footnotes,

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    and sources may have to be disguised or suppressed;


    ' indeed the

    only objective test of


     m ono graph 's reliability seems to be tha t of its

    own intern al consistency. Yet, desp ite the reade r's inability to

    check sources and the writer's obvious readiness to arrive at

    theoretical conclusions on the basis of a single field-study,



    cannot escape the impression that anthropologists do not generalize

    lightly and that their conclusions rest upon a sound foundation of

    empirical fieldwork, beside which the selective use of incomplete

    evidence, upon which the writing of history must necessarily depend,

    appears flimsy in the extreme.


    * T h e studen t of contemporary

    anthropology is unlikely to encounter such a rhetorical

      tour de force

    as Professor Trevor-Roper's pamphlet on

      The Gentry;



     neither is he

    likely to meet many hypotheses put forward dogmatically as fact, and

    substantially discredited largely on the basis of already existing

    evidence within five years of their p ub lication . An thropological

    tastes change, and the element of subjectivism can never be entirely

    absent, but it seldom seems to get out of control.


      T he caution and

    unpretentiousness of most social anthropology may make for dull

    reading, particularly when combined with a susceptibility to jargon;

    but, at least, such qualities afford an agreeable contrast with the work

    of those many modern historians whose urge for self-expression and

    for reinforcing a personal view of the world is so often more apparent

    than a disinterested wish to find out w hat really happ ened in t i e past.

    It would, however, be rash to base the case for social anthropology

    upon so unpalatable an assumption as that of the alleged moral

    superiority of its practitioners. Inste ad, emph asis may be more

    profitably laid upon what would seem to be the most distinctive

    feature of anthropological explanation, namely that, in the words of

    Professor Fir th, how ever specialized be his study of kinship,

    witchcraft, chieftainship or social class, the anthropologist always

    makes it against a background of his conception of the social system

    to which it is related .


      T h e importance of the contribution made

    by an individual anthropologist is not measured by th e volume of new

    facts which he records, for that is mere ethnography, generally

    regarded as a much lower-level activity, bu t by the interp retation and

    interrelation of those facts. H e must attem pt not just a descriptive

    synthesis of events, bu t a theoretical integration of th e m , that is to

    say, he should aim at serious analysis rather than that random

    impressionism of which Macaulay*s Third Chapter provides the most

    famous example and some sections of the

      Oxford History of


    the most recen t. Anthrop ologists frequen tly take one small society

    and study it as a whole. T hu s Ev ans-Pritchard writes about many

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    different aspects of the Nuer — political and social structure, kinship

    and m arriage, religion. Bu t historians still specialize by subject-

    matter — economic history, legal history, military history — as the

    titles of their professional journals indicate. Fo r a historian to write

    about both eighteenth-century religion and eighteenth-century

    agriculture would be highly eccentric.

    The consequence for history of this specialization by subject-matter

    is that many of a topic's socially most important aspects go unnoticed.

    Fo r all the activity of W eber, Taw ney an d Ch ristopher Hill, the study

    of ecclesiastical history, for example, is still largely conducted in

    a vacuum, where liturgy, ritual, theology and church government are

    isolated from the influence of more secular preoccup ations. Similarly,

    the study of economic history is much concerned with proving or

    disproving current economic theories, to the consequent neglect of

    the social aspects of the su bj ec t. If, as a reaction to this segm ented

    approach to the facts of history, many historians now subscribe, if

    only implicitly, to a brand of vulgar Marxism, this may be taken to

    indicate less the seductive effects of tha t particular doctrine th an then-

    lack of acquaintance with any other theoretical attempts to effect that

    interrelation and mutual explanation of social facts which they would

    so mu ch like to see.  For such person s, the attraction of anthropology,

    whether functional , struc tura l or cu ltura l , is that it does

    constitute such an attempt to explain things in terms of each other,

    rather than treating them separately, like patients in a hospital.

    Marxism has had many beneficial effects, and the possibilities latent

    in the explanation of social facts by their relation to economic ones

    are by no means exhausted. But economic wants are themselves

    culturally determined, and it is only some form of anthropology which

    holds out the hope of providing that sociological explanation of

    economic life which the economic interpretation of social life has

    come to requ ire. One of the great anthropological lessons is that th e

    study of economics cannot be isolated from the study of society.

      In a primitive society there is no relationship which is of a purely

    economic character .

    If applied to church history, the conclusions of the anthropologist

    are just as interesting as are the suggestions of Marx, who, with

    M achiavelli, offered the only social interp reta tion of religious life with

    which most of


     are familiar. A calen dar, says Durk heim , expresses

    the rhythm of society's collective activities and assures their

    reg ula rity . Arm ed with this dictum , we can recognize that the

    hagiography of the Middle Ages was linked with the festivals of the

    Church year, which, in turn, closely reflected the rhythms of

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    agricultural life, as Mr. Homans, a sociologist turned historian, has

    quite definitively sh o w n . Conversely, the Pu ritan attack on saints'

    days and their emphasis on the Sabbath would seem to be connected

    with the new rhythm s of a comm ercial soc iety . One of the functions

    of ritual, says Radcliffe-Brown, is to maintain and reinforce the

    system of sentiments upon which society de pe nd s. Viewed from

    this angle, the feelings aroused by the various Protestant attacks upon

    Roman Catholic ceremonies at the Reformation become more

    intelligible. So do the Puritan objections to the churching of wo me n,

    when we recall Raddiffe-Brown's statement that taboos fix the social

    value of certain occ asio ns. T he knowledge which can be gained

    from the anthropologists concerning the importance of dancing as

    a bon d of com munity life tells us something about the possible

    implications of the Puritan attack on maypoles and Sabbath sports.

    Indeed so many new sidelights upon Puritanism appear when it is

    seen from this point of view that historians may yet come to regard

    its true significance as lying less in any support of capitalism, of

    which so muc h has been m ade , than in its implacable hostility to what

    can be seen to have been features of a more primitive society — not

    just community dancing, but ritual sports bordering on animal

    sacrifice (such as bear-baiting and bull-baiting), the attachment of

    magical qualities to certain places, instruments of worship or days

    of the year, taboos surro und ing wom en after childbirth, sexual orgies

    at key periods of the year (May M orning, M idsumm er and Christmas),

    ritual and ceremony generally.

    In addition to teaching this first and most essential lesson that

    historians should study topics in relation to society as a whole,

    anthropologists can also provide the inestimable advantage of direct

    experience of matters about wh ich historians have only read in b ooks.

    Such features of primitive society as witchcraft or the blood-feud form

    a large element of the anthropologist's daily concern, whereas for the

    historian they constitute relatively exotic m atter . N ot that the re are

    any obvious universal laws about witchcraft to be learned from

    anthropolog y, bu t, at least, some acquaintance w ith its findings w ould

    prevent historians from succumbing to the temptation of treating

    the practice as some extraordinary survival of unreason to be explained

    in Voltairean terms of priestly running and popular credulity.

    Instead, witch-beliefs can be closely related to the society in which

    they appea r. Eva ns-P ritchard's study of witchcraft am ong the

    Azande shows, among other things, that it can be a positive form of

    social cement, since, if we think bur neighbours may have mngirai

    power to do us physical harm, we are likely to take care not to offend

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    3 1

      Elsewhere , accusations of witchcraft a re norm ally levelled

    against those persons whose traits are condemned as anti-social, and

    a belief in witches thus becomes a sanction against undesirable social

    activity and helps to maintain th e curren t system of values. T his is

    not the sort of conclusion which the historian would be likely to

    come to w ithout external aid, for h e is not personally ac quainted with

    the circumstances which produce displaced aggression of this kind

    and has never observed the ways in which tensions in social relation-

    ships may resolve themselves in the form of witch-beliefs. Yet it is

    clear that the majority of persons accused of witchcraft in sixteenth-

    and seventeenth-cen tury E ngland were already regarded as em bodying

    values hostile to the com m unity in which they lived, by reason of their

    isolation, poverty or ugliness. For the m ost part they were old

    wom en — po or e, m ellenchollie, envious, mischevo us, ill-disposed,

    ill-dieted , as a contemporary described th e m — and they usually

    displayed a frank malevolence to the society in which they lived.

    Similarly, charges of witchcraft were usually made as an explanation

    for social or economic failure of some sort; they accounted for the

    failure of the crop s to grow , or of the cows to give milk. W as it only

    coincidence that the peak of the witch-scare in England occurred at

    the end of the Civil War when the consequent political and social

    instability bred unusual tensions and when the normal means of

    social control, notably the ecclesiastical courts, had collapsed


      W e

    are told on good authority that African beliefs about witches are

    startlingly like those of Shakespeare's d a y . It seems likely that

    the student of the one might learn something from the investigator

    of the other.

    Similarly, those interested in Anglo-Saxon society, where the

    historical study of kinship can hardly be avoided, might well learn

    something from anthropological analyses of the operation of the

    blood-feud in other societies, some of which suggest conclusions very

    different from those which historians have reached on more slender



    * Again, an anthropologist who knows abo ut initiation

    rites might well have something fresh to say to historians interested

    in the ceremonies surrounding baptism or confirmation, the order of

    knighthood, or the admission to medieval gilds or to academic

    de gr ee s. T h e majority of m odern anthropological studies have

    been concerned with the small, isolated community, and it is upon

    analogous historical com mu nities th at one w ould expect their findings

    to shed most light. In such a world where ties are personal rather

    than anonymous, and where the same individuals appear in a variety

    of social roles, social cohesion is greatly enhanced by the absence of

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    any conflict of values, such as those between work and church, or

    pare nts and em ployer, which a re a feature of larger indu strial societies.

    Such must have been the attributes of the medieval village, and

    anthropologists have frequently commented upon the resemblances

    between this sort of primitive society and that of rural Europe before

    the eighteenth ce nt ur y. T o reconstruct the texture of life in such

    a world seems a disproportionate burden to throw upon the unaided

    historical imagination, when there are rigorous and detailed accounts

    of such societies available today. Hard ly any medievalist has

    bothered to draw upon the results of anthropological field-work.

    Yet, ho w , asks Eva ns-P ritchard, can an Oxford don work himself

    into the mind of a serf of Louis the Pi ou s?

    3 7

      How indeed.

    In most cases he is unlikely to try, but will be content to study

    labour services and commutations, treating the serf as a convenient

    un it in economic histo ry, bu t no more. Yet anthropological studies

    of primitive mentality could provide valuable reinforcement for

    historians confronted by a paucity of evidence for the mental life of

    the lower reaches of the distant society they are studying . T he

    extremes of religious activity — trance and ecstasy — which were so

    comm on in the M iddle Ages and are so rare now , have been ob served

    by m odern students of primitive religion.


      W hile the anthropological

    study of the activities of modern Christian missions in Africa or New

    Guinea might throw some light upon the sources of Anglo-Saxon

    resistance to the Conversion, as well as upon some of the possible

    implications and motives of their surrender.


    Parallels between the historical experience of our society and the

    contemporary experience of more primitive societies can be endlessly

    add uce d. Some are superficial; some are not. All are worth

    investigating. W here can one find a better explanation of the D ivine

    Right of Kings than in Evans-Pritchard's analysis of the kingship of

    the Shilluk of Sudan?

    4 0

      W here is there a closer analogy with the

    medieval and Elizabethan world-picture than in the Tikopia

    conception of the future life, in which there are divisions of the

    heavens corresponding to the social divisions of the Tikopia

    themselves ?

    4 1

      T h e emphasis upon the binding force of oaths among

    the Kikuyu is reminiscent of seventeenth-century England, where the

    oath provided the sanction for almost every form of legal, official or

    ecclesiastical arrangement.


      T he Cargo cults of M elanesia are

    obviously analogous with such miUenarian movements as that of the

    Fifth M onarchy Men in England ;


    ' in this co nnec tion, M r. Worslcy*s

    interpretation of the ritual defiance of traditional taboos in Melanesia

    makes more intelligible the flouting of social and sexual conventions

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    by the Anabaptists or the Quakers.


      It is not surprising that

    historians like Professor Cohn or Mr. Hobsbawm felt impelled to

    employ anthropological findings in their study of such popular

    movements of protest.


    M uch can be learnt from anthropology which could be of service to

    economic history, where the assumptions on which Western

    economists normally operate are often quite inappropriate for the

    study of a primitive society.


      Accounts of traditionalized price

    systems in primitive economies may help us to understand why the

    price of monastic land after the Dissolution tended to remain

    stubb ornly at twenty years purcha se, despite the fluctuations of supply

    and demand.


      M onograph s on gift exchange in Polynesia may lead

    us to pay more attention to the giving and receiving of hospitality as

    a means of economic distribution, or to the lavish exchange of New

    Year gifts at the court of James I.

    4 8

      Studies of the social and legal

    effects of land hunger upon contemporary African countries can tell

    us something about why there was so much litigation in sixteenth-

    century England, as well as of the social effects of over-population in

    general .


    ' T h e M alayan hab it of avoiding prohib itions on usury by

    lending a sum less than that actually recorded as due to be repaid is

    strikingly reminiscent of accounting methods which are said to have

    been employed in fifteenth-century England.


      W hile, if de bt was

    a form of social cement among the Irish peasantry, it may well have

    once served the same purpose in rural England.'


    The historian interested in the industrialization of eighteenth-

    century England would be ill-advised to ignore the many analyses

    of the progress of underdeveloped countries to da y. T h e problem s

    involved in persuading Africans to adopt the rhythms of an industrial

    society in place of the more erratic pace of primitive life are almost

    exactly those which confronted Josiah Wedgwood when he

    endeavoured to convert the feckless, easy-going populace of

    Staffordshire into such machines . . . as cannot er r . T he

    preference for leisure over high wages, which stood in the way of the

    creation of a labour force in the early days of the Ind ustria l Revo lution,

    was presumably broken down only by the appearance of new wants

    amongst the labouring classes which provided the incentive for extra

    labour. Ho w were these wants crea ted? T h e answer is not easy

    to find in cur rent accounts of the early Ind ustrial Revo lution. But

    anthropological studies, such as those by Audrey Richards, of the

    Southern Bantu and of the Bemba of Northern Rhodesia, help to

    suggest some possible answ ers. Have any historians, for examp le,

    yet considered the connection between regular meals and regular

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    work, which she demonstrates to be all-important?


    * More

    generally, anthropologists can tell us a great deal about the impact of

    industrialization upon older ties of kinship and family, illuminating

    further the material contained in such accounts as Miss Pinchbeck's

    Women w orkers and the Industrial Revolution.



      W hile anyone who

    has wondered whether to follow up the isolated suggestions of Mr.

    S. A. Peyton an d Professor Rich concerning the m obility of labour in

    Tudor England may gain heart from modern discoveries of the great

    distances which African labourers will travel in search of

    e m p l o y m e n t .

    One great incentive for historians to read anthropology, therefore,

    is that the anthropologists can offer detailed analyses of phenomena

    roughly comparable to those which the historians are endeavouring

    to recon struct w ith a good deal less evidence. It m ay, however, be

    reasonably objected that historians are not all medievalists, studying

    relatively primitive societies or their break-up, and that it is only a

    minute part of English history which is occupied by blood-feuds,

    witchcraft or to tem ism . T o this the answer is that it would be

    wrong to give the impression that it is only as regards those features

    which Western society has or had in common with primitive society

    that the anthropologists have anything to teach us.

    For it is not only surface resemblances of the kind outlined above

    which make it desirable that some acquaintance with anthropology

    shou ld form part of the equ ipm ent of every historian. Inste ad, the

    real case for anthropology is twofold: first of all, that it can help to

    widen the present subject-matter of academic history; secondly, that

    it can provide us with the technique to deal, not only with this new

    subject-matter, but with some already familiar historical problems.

    As Ta w ney drily observed, the re is no reason why savages should

    have all the science .

    T o take th e second point first. An thropologists are notorious for

    adopting paradoxical explanations rather than common-sense ones.

    Some of these paradoxes might well be applied by historians with

    a view to re-scrutinizing the assumptions behind what is normally

    regarded as com mo n knowledge. M ost medieval historian s, for

    example, would point to the semi-elective character of the late Saxon

    and early Norman kingship, with its corollary of rebellions and

    succession wars, as a sign of weakness in the Anglo-Norman state.*


    But if they read Professor Gluckman's account of a comparable

    situation in South East Africa they would be confronted by the

    argument that, in a primitive society lacking an integrating network

    of communications and a single economic structure, it is essential

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    for the survival of that state that conflict should take the form of

    a contest for the control of centralized pow er, for the alternative would

    be local sepa ratism . In suc h a situation per iodic civil wars . . .

    strengthened the system by canalizing tendencies to segment, and by

    stating that the main goal of the leaders was the sacred kingship

    itself .*


      Lack of definition abou t the rules of succession make it

    possible for a weak contender to be eliminated and replaced without

    the collapse of the monarchy or the setting up of regional states.

      T h e very stru cture of kingship thru sts struggles between rival

    houses, and even civil war, on the nation; and it is an historical fact

    to state that these struggles kept component groups of the nation

    united in conflicting allegiance around the sacred kingship.

    Struggles over the succession kept the component groups united in

    conflict when othe r factors migh t have broken it dow n. A rebellion

    against a tyrant or an usurper is a rebellion in defence of the system

    of king ship . Sim ilarly, struggles between rival houses for th e

    succession help to avert class conflict. A prince can invite

    commoners to rebel and attack his kinsman king without invalidating

    his family's title. In this situation rulers fear rivals from th eir own

    ranks and not revolutionaries of lower status . . . Every rebellion

    therefore is a fight in defence of royalty and kingship and in this

    process the hostility of commoners against aristocrats is directed to

    maintain the rule of aristocrats, some of whom lead the commons in

    re vo lt . Th is seems to be a valuable comm entary, not only upon

    early English history or the Wars of the Roses, but also upon such

    Tudor risings as the Pilgrimage of Grace and such succession rules

    as those of the Ottom ans or Oriental despo ts. T he re are some pages

    in M r. Jolliffe's   Constitutional History  which come near to saying

    t h i s , but they do not go the whole way.

    For a second example of the value of peculiarly anthropological

    explanation we may take the study of history itself and the attitud e of

    men to claims to social or political authority founded upon the past.

    Ever since the pioneering theories of Malinowski, anthropologists

    have observed how myth in primitive society serves less as a

    historically accurate record of the past than as a validating ch ar te r

    for cu rrent relationsh ips. As those relationships alter, so do the

    myths, which are adapted and reshaped to suit changing needs.

    Thus the value of myths or legends to the historian lies in what they

    tell him about the society in which they were composed, not what he

    can learn from them about the distant past to which they purport to



    Acting on this principle, Mrs. Bohannan has shown that among the

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    Tiv of Northern Nigeria genealogies arc not to be regarded as

    historical accounts of the past so much as a summary of existing

    relation ships. W hen the relationships change so do the genealogies.

    In this way change can take place without society having to recognize

    tha t it has occu rred. Soc ial change can exist with a doc trine of

    social pe rm an en ce . Th is seems an exact description of why so

    many sixteenth-century Englishmen had pedigrees forged for

    th em se lv es , why Sir Rob ert Filmer found it necessary to argue that

    Charles I was in the direct line of descent from the sons of Noah, and

    why the early seventeenth-century House of Commons claimed to be

    exercising no more than the rights enjoyed by th eir fourteenth-century

    or even Anglo-Saxon ancestors. But, as M rs . Boh annan points ou t,

    a lineage system, like that of the T iv , can proba bly only survive in an

    illiterate society, since, once the genealogy upholding the

      status quo

    is put on record, it soon becomes impossible to change it without the

    accusation of forgery. Oral trad ition is infinitely mo re malleable fhun

    a written one, and popular education and the availability of public

    records will unseat a political system which claims to be based solely

    on tradition . Perhaps this explains why the seventeenth century

    saw the political argument based on historic rights give way to that

    based on natural rights.

    T he study of historiography from this point of


     holds out many

    possibilities. M r. Barnes has show n how an appe al to history was for

    the Ngo ni of N orth ern Rhodesia a means of ma intaining their separate

    existence at a time when cultural distinctions between groups were

    breaking d o w n . Similarly, the upsu rge of rom antic historical

    writing in the early nineteenth century can be interpreted as

    a reaction against the cosmopolitanism of the eighteenth. Such a

    connection between history and nationalism is familiar enough, but

    there has as yet been no systematic study of the whole range of

    European historiography in the light of such dicta as that of Professor

    Fortes tha t the political and social stru ctu re, including the principal

    political values of a people, directly shapes th e notions of time and of

    history that prevail among th e m . M em bers of the   Armales

    school of French history have made some passing remarks of great

    interest upon the medieval sense of time,


      but, with some notable

    exceptions, the examination of historical myths and narratives for

    the light they throw upon the society in which they were composed

    has only just begun.


      T h e same is tru e of the scientific study of

    folklore, children's stories and popular fiction, although it is obvious

    that the type of story which predominates at any one time can tell

    one m uch about the comm unity in which it is pop ular. Even today

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    H IST O R Y A N D A N T H R O P O L O G Y 1 5

    it might be said that the academic study of history still serves as

    a charter validating the assumptions of contemporary society, by

    re-interpreting the past in such a way as to find a place there for

    problems of economics, sex, class, or whatever our current anxieties

    may be.

    So much for the way in which anthropology can enhance our

    metho ds of historical explanation. As for the need to widen the

    subject-matter of history as it is studied and taught in the

    universities, a series of Inaugu ral Lec tures has made this a com m on-


     7 t

      It would be possible, bu t tediou s, to emb ark upon a catalogue

    of the wide range of social behaviour on w hich anthropological writing

    now exists, but which yet awaits its his tor ian . Some imp ortant

    instances, however, may be cited. Domestic and community

    relations form the very stuff of social anthropology and, for that

    matter, of most people's lives, but one would never deduce this from

    the subject-matter of most historical inquiry. Examination

    syllabuses, whatever the private interests of those who compile and

    administer them, still reflect the primacy of political history and

    a disposition to regard all other aspects of the subject as more or less

    peripheral or fring e . Yet

    How small, of all that human hearts endure

    That part which laws or kings can cause or cure.

    The study of the family in English history has simply not begun, and

    the historian who now attempts it without consulting the

    anthropologists ru ns th e risk of missing m any of the pro blem s, as well

    as having to forgo a whole vocabulary designed to cope with the

    description of different systems of m arriage, inheritance and descent.

    Most students approaching the marriages of the medieval aristocracy,

    for example, would be likely to assume that such loveless affairs must

    have been unstable. In fact, anthropologists have shown that the

    large-scale exchange of property accompanying a marriage is

    associated with a low rate of divorce, tho ug h, a dm ittedly, they disagree

    as to whether this is because such an exchange gives the kin an

    interest in maintaining the union, or because such an exchange would

    not occur in the first place unless the kinship structure made for the

    stability of marriages.


      As for the betrothal of children, which the

    historian is normally content to deprecate or to explain in terms of

    parental avarice, this unfamiliar practice may be partly related to

    society's disapproval of illegitimacy. T he re is a huge qua ntity of

    interesting work to be done on the fringes of family history and sexual

    m orality. Is it tru e, for exam ple, that rom antic love is the pr od uct

    of a poorly integrated society, in the way that the literary form of

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    tragedy is said to be?

    7 6

      I n any society , says Professor F irth ,

      th e structure of kinship is strongly supported by m or al ity . How

    many historians could offer an illustrated commentary upon this

    statement? And who knows anything about the relationship

    between the norms of sexual morality and the practice; for example,

    the working of incest prohibitions in a medieval village ?  Where

    can one find an explanation of why the number of prohibited degrees

    should have been so drastically reduced at the Reformation, or of

    why the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries should have witnessed

    a brisk discussion on the merits and d e-m erits of polygamy ?

    A nother obvious topic is the education of children. M ode rn

    pyschology has shown the connection between this and the formation

    of social and political attitudes; the popular writings of Margaret

    Mead are but the best-known anthropological treatment of the

    su bj ec t. Th ere is no shortage of historical material here , bu t it

    has never been properly studied, although the results would be most

    illum inating a nd m ight, among other thing s, throw a completely new

    light upon the origins of well-known religious or political movements.

    If there is anything in the F reu dian view tha t the origins of conscience

    are to be found in our earliest forms of instruction, then it may be

    that the beginnings of Puritanism are better studied at the level of

    family education than in sermons designed for adult audiences.

    Fr om the un ion of techniques derived from social anthropology a nd

    social pyschology there could arise a whole new world of historical

    investigation which might illuminate so much of what is most

    baffling and most crucial to hu m an existence. T he re would be the

    study of social attitudes to birth, adolescence and death, of the

    nervous and m ental life of society as reflected in d re am s, attitudes

    to pain,




      the treatment of animals, drunkenness, and the

    changing conceptions of sanity and in sa ni ty . Ne ither the Am erican

    study of social pysc holog y nor the historical investigation of the

    m ental life of societies pioneered by the F re nc h'


      have yet struck deep

    roots in this country. As a conseq uence , there are whole areas of

    human experience which have either not been studied historically at

    all or neve r interwoven with the fabric of social history. T her e is,

    for exam ple, the history of clothes, which has a chronology of its ow n,



      1800 as the great turning -poin t, when W estern Europe an

    man ceased to be the m ore gaudily dressed of the two se xe s. Or

    there is the history of art as a reflection of fundamental changes in

    human perception.


      Ho w mu ch is m ade intelligible when we

    recall Professor Firth's observation that a primitive artist reflects the

    social rather than the physical proportions of a subject. '


      Does this

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    explain why fifteenth-century women are usually portrayed as

    pregnant? Finally, there is the whole history of personal

    relationships. Have we not neglected E. M . Fo rster's characteristic

    observation that th e true history of the hum an race is the story of

    human affections ?

    It is perfectly true that not all these topics are much discussed by

    contemporary anthropologists, at least not by the British ones, who

    constitute a distinct school, with a prescribed system of training,



    and a sharply defined range of interests, both geographical and

    topical. T h e concern with Africa and w ith social structure ( the

    foundation of the whole social life of any continuing society '


    ) has

    prod uced what appears to the outsider as a dispropo rtionate em phasis

    on law, government and , above all, kinsh ip, with a consequent neglect

    of pyschology, technology and economics.'


      Anyone whose interest

    in the subject has been stimulated by such popular works as those of

    M argaret M ead or Ru th B en ed ict is likely to find his initial

    acquaintance with British social anthropology something of a


    But these are only questions of emphasis, and highly debatable

    ones too . W hat is m ore certain is that m odern social anthropology

    contains m uch from which the historian can learn. Serious structural

    analysis of remote societies can only be done well after the intensive

    field-work in which the anthropologist has observed for himself the

    inter-connections between social facts. T h e historian has so often

    to rely upon his imagination to trace links or deduce consequences

    which the anthrop ologist can see before his eyes. Is it too m uch to

    suppose that the historian who is familiar with the findings of the

    anthropologist is in a better position to ask intelligent questions of his

    material and m ore likely to come up w ith intelligent answ ers ?

    But it is not only the technique of the professional historian which

    is involved; there is also the broader educational question of what

    academic history should be abo ut. W hethe r one regards it as the

    serious analytic study of human society or whether we prefer to

    engage in the imaginative re-creation of past experience, the present

    circumscribed character of historical studies would seem equally

    unjustifiable. Fro m th e second poin t of view the case was given

    classic statement by Macaulay in his essay on

      Sir William Temple:

    Of that information for the sake of which alone it is worth while to study

    remote events, we find so m uch in the love letters which Mr. Courtenay has

    published [the letters of Dorothy Osborne], that we would gladly purchase

    equally interesting billets with ten times their weight in state-papers taken

    at random. To us it is surely as useful to know how the young ladies of

    England employed themselves a hundred and eighty years ago, how far

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    their minds were cultivated, what were their favourite studies, what degree

    of liberty was allowed them, what use they nude of that liberty, what

    accomplishments they most valued in men, and what proofs of tenderness

    delicacy permitted them to give to favoured suitors, as to know all about the

    seizure of Franche Com te and the treaty of Nim ue gen . T h e mutual

    relations of the two sexes seem to us to be at least as important as the mu tual

    relations of any two governments in the world."

    From the more austere view-point of the social scientist, the

    subject-matter of modern anthropology will be recognized as giving

    a better impression of what  Fhistoire intigrale  might be than do the

    pages of most historical journals.

    The justification of all historical study must ultimately be that it

    enhances our self-consciousness, enables us to see ourselves in

    perspective and helps us towards that greater freedom which comes

    from self-knowledge. T h e artificial limitation of the subjec t-m atter

    of m odern history is educationally a tragedy. It can only be a matter

    for regret that the university history schools of this country turn out

    men and women whose understanding and self-awareness in everyday

    m atters are seldom enhan ced by their historical studies . Th ey

    may realise that political and social structures change, but they have

    little conception of the evolution of human and family relationships

    or of the social factors which determ ine them . Yet the historical

    study of more immediate aspects of human experience would have

    been m ore likely to capture their im agination th an th e endless analysis

    of the gymnastics of m inor politicians. F . W. Maitland once

    remarked that anthropology must choose between being history and

    being nothing. As Professor Evans-Pritchard observes,*



    dictum must also be reversed.

    St. John s


      Oxford Keith Thomas



      R. H. T awney, " Th e study of economic history",  Economka,  xiii (1933).

    Ta wn ey had already shown his interest in the subject in his Preface to R. Firth ,

    Primitive Econom ics of the New Zealand M aori,  (London, 1929) .


      A. R. Radcliffe-Brown,  Structure and function in primitive society,  ( Lo ndo n ,


      pp. 122-3 ,154 ,186 n .  1 i

     M ethod in social anthropology,

      ed. M. N. Srinivas,

    (Chicago, 1058), pp. 7, 8.


     Rad cliffe-Brown,  Method in social anthropology,  pp. 5-6, 26-8 . In practice,

    Radcliffe-Brown's attitude to history was more sympathetic than his theory.

    See the editor's introduction to  Method in social anthropology,  p. jrii.


      The Marett Lecture is printed as "Social anthropology: past and present",

    Man,  i (1950). See also E . E. Evahs-Pritchard,  Anthropology and history,

    (Ma nchester, 1961). T he stateme nt quoted is on p. 2.

    'Evans-Pritchard, "Social anthropology: past and present", p. 120, and

    Social anthropology,  (London, 1951) , p. 117.

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    • "An anthropologist has failed unless, when he says goodbye to the natives,

    there is on both sides the sorrow of parting", Evans-Pritchard,  Social


      p. 79.


     (Oxfo rd, 1949). I. Schapera describes his  M arried life in an African tribe,

    (Lo ndo n, 1940), as "a social history" (p. 7). Other goo d examp les of historical

    writing by anthropologists are S. F. Nadel,

      A black Byzantium. The kingdom

    of the Nupe in Nigeria,

      (London, 1942) , pp. 69-146; E. R. Leach,


    systems of Highland Burma . . .

      , (Londo n, 1954) , pp. 22 7-63 ; J. A. Barnes,

    Politics in a changing society. A political history of the Fort Jam eson Ngo ni,

    (London, 1954) .


    - H- Gann,

      The birth of a plural society. The developm ent

    of Northern Rh odesia under the British South Africa Company, 1894-1914,

    (Manchester, 1958), is by a historian, but commissioned by anthropologists.

    The author in his preface and Professor M. Gluckman in his foreword both

    comment on the importance of anthropology for the study of African history.

    • M . M . Postan,  The h istorical metho d in social science . . .  , (Cam bridge,


      P. 32-

    • E. H. Carr,

      What is history ?,

     (Lon don , 1961) , p. 59.


     "T he future of history, and, in particular, of econom ic h istory, dep ends

    on its ability to acquire a more consciously sociological outlook", "The study

    of economic history", p. 19.


      See Mr. Leach's comments,  Political systems of Highland Burma,  pp. 4, 7,



     Cf. M iss L . S. Su therland's picture of the "intricate political m ach ine"

    which "Walpole ingeniously built up and Pelham painfully maintained", which

    suffered a "partial breakdown" with the fall of Newcastle, and "creaked

    dismally" under George III and his ministers, but was "working again" under

    Pitt. It wa s, she says, "a stable if inert political sys tem ". "T he East India

    Company in eighteenth-century polit ics",

      Econ. Hist. Rev.,

      xvii (1947), p. 17.

    " Evans-Pritchard'8 description of anthropologists as engaged in composing

    "integrative accounts of primitive peoples at a moment of time" ("Social

    anthropology: past and present", p. 122) is hard to distinguish from Postan's

    picture of historian s " weav ing . . . som e historical facts w ith other historical

    facts into a cloth of an epoch" ("Function and Dialectic in Economic History",


      Hist. Rev.,

      2nd ser., xiv  [1962],  p. 403) .

    1 1

      The Nuer . . . ,  (Oxford, 1940);  Kinship and marriage among the Nuer,

    (Oxford, 1951);  Nuer religion,  (Oxford, 1956).

    " T h o u g h not alL See, for example, the re-working of M alinowski's

    material by J. P. Singh Uberoi,  Politics of the Kula Ring,  (Manchester, 1962).

    l i

      As is admitted in Schapera,  Married life in an African tribe, p.  9.


    Cf.  E. Gellner, "Time and theory in social anthropology ,  Mind,  lxvii

    (1958), p. 185.

    " Th ere are important problems relating to the causes of econ om ic and

    social change to which anthropological fieldwork has seldom provided the

    answer: for example, matters relating to the size of population and its rate of


    " H. R. Trevor-Roper,  The gentry, 1540-164 0,  (Econom ic History Review

    Supplements, no. 1) n.d.  [ i953] -

    " T h i s may be wistful . Cf. the critic isms made by M r. E. R. Leach


    Eliya. A village in Ceylon

      . . . , [Cambridge,


      p. 9), who asserts that

    "case-history material in anthropological writings seldom reflects objective



      R. Firth,  Social anthropolog y as science and a s art,  (Du ned in, 1958) , p. 11.

    " Evans-Pritchard,

      Social anthropology, p.

      95 .


     Cf. the com me nts of O. R. Mc Gre gor, So m e research possibilities and

    historical materials for family and kinship study in Britain",

      British Journal of


      xii (1961).


      R. Firth, Primitive  economics  of the New Zealand Maori,  p. 482 . Th ere are

    some interesting criticisms of Marxism from an anthropological point of view

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    in R. Firth,

      Primitive Polynesian economy,

      (London, 1939) , pp. 361-364.

    " E. Durkheim,

      The elementary forms of the religious life,

      trans. J. W. Swain,

    (New York [Collier Books edn.J, 1961), p. 23.

    " G. C . Homans,

      English villagers of the thirteenth century,


    Mass., 1942), chapter 23.

    " I hop e to offer a detailed discu ssion of this point on another occasion. It

    is made by C. Hill ,

      The Century of Revolution, 1603-1714,

      (Edinburgh, 1961) ,

    pp.  84-5 .

    " A . R. Radclif fe-Brown,

      The Andaman Islanders,

      (Cambridge, 1933), pp.


    " Radcliffe-Brown,

      Structure and function in primitive society, p.


    " Radcliffe-Brown,

      T he Andaman Islanders,

      pp. 246-55; E. E. Evans-

    Pritchard, "The dance",


      i (1928); M. Hunter,

      Reaction to conquest.

    Effects of contact with Europeans on the Pondo of South Africa,

      (London, 1936) ,

    PP.   369-70 , 37576. Th ere is interesting medical material in E. L . Bockinan,

    Religious danc es in


     Christian Church and in popular medicine, trans. E. Classen ,

    (London, 1952) .

    " E. E. Evans-Pritchard,

      Witchcraft, o racles and magic amon g the Azande ,

    (Oxford, 1937) . P- " 7 -


      Quoted by K. M . Briggs,  Pale Hecate's team  . . . , (London, 1962), p. 13.


     M . Fortes in E . E . Evans-Pritchard  e t a ., T he institutions of primitive

    society,  (Ox ford, 1954), p. 88. Various interpretations of witchcraft are

    discussed by S. F. Nadel ,  Nupe religion, (Lon don , 1954) , pp. 201-6. O n magic

    as a remedy for various kinds of social frustration see B. Malinowski,  Magic,

    science, and religion and other essays,

      (Glencoe, 111., 1948), esp. pp. 60-1, and

    on witchhunting as displaced aggression see C. Kluckhohn and D. Leighton,

    The Navaho,

      (Camb ridge, Mas*., 1946), pp . 172-81. Th ere is a discussion of

    the relationship between witchcraft and economic circumstances in

    M. Gluckman,

      Custom and conflict in Africa,

      (Oxford , 1955), chapter 4. See

    also M. S. Marwick, "The Social context of Cewa witch beliefs",




    1 4

      On the b lood-feud as an instrument of cohesion see Gluck man ,


    and c onflict in Africa,

      chapter 1, esp. pp. 21 -2, where the fallacy, com m on amon g

    me diev alists, that the feud led to incessan t private warfare is exp osed . (T h e

    substance of this chapter is to be found in Professor Gluckman's article, "The

    peace in the feud",

      Past and Present,

      N o . 8 [1955)). H is observations do not

    seem to have been heeded by the latest historian of Anglo-Saxon society,

    H. R. Loyn,  Anglo-Saxon England and the Norman C onquest,  (London, 1962) ,

    pp.  206 , 294-7. Th ey were profitably employe d, how ever, by J. M . Wallace-

    Hadrill in his account of the frankish blood-feud,  The long-haired tangs and

    other studies in frankish history,

      (L ond on, 1962), pp. 121-47.

    •• Cf. M . E liade,

      Birth and rebirth . . . ,

      trans. W. R. Trask, (New York,

    1958). Anthropo logical theory is put to ingeniou s use by W . J. O ng , "La tin

    language study as a Renaissance puberty rite",

      Studies in Philology,

      lvi (1959).

    • 'E . g . R . H . Lo w ie ,  Social organization,  (London, 1950) , pp. 19-22;

    M . J . Herskovits ,  The econom ic life of primitive peoples,  (New York, 1940), p. 12.

    On some of the features said to be common to all peasant societies see

    R. Redfield,  Peasant society and culture . . . ,  (Chicago, 19 56), p. 108.

    • '

      Anthropology and history,

      pp. 13-14.

    " E. Norbeck,

      Religion in primitive society,

      (New York, 1961), chapter 6.

    " Cf. I. Schapera's com m ents o n the all-important role of the



    I. Schapera (ed.) ,

      T he Ba ntu-speaking tribes of S outh Africa . . .

      , (L ondo n,


    937)> P- 362. Th er e are som e interesting remarks on the results of Chr istian

    inf luence m M. Hunter,

      Reaction to conquest,

     p. 355.

    " E. E. Evans-Pritchard, 77K  divirte kingship of tht SM lluk of the Nilotic

    Sudan,  (Cambridge, 1948), p. 36.

    4 1

      R. Firth ,  Elements of social organization,  (Lon do n, 1951), p. 236 . Cf.

    E.  M. W. Til lyard,  The Elizabethan world picture,  (London, 1948) .

  • 8/20/2019 Keith Thomas - History and Anthropology', Past & Present 24 (1963), 3–24




      H. E. Lam bert ,  Kikuyu social and political institutions,  (London, 1956) ;

    some impression of the importance of oaths in seventeenth-century England

    can be gained from (R. Garnet),

      The book of oaths, and the several forms


    both antient and modem   . . . . ( L o nd o n, 1 64 9).


     S ee P. W orsley,

      The trumpet shall sound . . .

      , (Londo n, 195 7); K. Burridge,

    Mam bu. A Melanesian millennium,  (Londo n, i9 60 ) ; I. Leeson,  Bibliography

    of cargo cults and other nativistic movements in the South Pacific,

      (Sydney [South

    Pacif ic Commission] , 1952) .


      Tile trumpet shall sound, pp.  249-50.


      N . Coh n ,  The pursuit of the Millennium,  (London [Mercury Books

      edn . ] ,

    1962): E. J. Hobsbawm,

      Primitive rebels

      . . . , (Manchester, 1959).


      See Professor Firth's c om m ents,

      Primitive Polynesian economy,

      pp. 7,

    2 2 - 9 ,



      R. Thurnwald,  Econ omics in primitive comm unities, (Londo n, 1932), p. 264 ;

    Herskovits ,

      The econom ic life of primitive peoples,

      pp . 210-2; Fir th ,

      Elements of

    social organization,

      p. 134. Cf. H . J. Habakkuk, "T he market for mo nastic

    property, 1539-1560 ,

      Econ. Hist. Rev.,

      2nd ser.,


      (1958) , esp. p. 372.


      B. M ahnowski,  Argonauts of the Western Pacific  . . . , (Lo ndo n, 1922);

    M. Mauss ,

      The gift

    . . . , trans. I . Cunn ison, (Lon don , 1954). M r.T . H. Aston

    has drawn my attention to the discussion of "dark age" gift exchange by

    P. Grierson, "Commerce in the Dark Ages: a critique of the evidence",  Trans.

    Roy. Hist. Soc.,  5th ser., ix (1959), pp. 137-9.



      Elements of social organization,

      pp. 102-6.

    " R. Firth,

      Malay fishermen: their peasant economy,

      (London, 1946) , p. 169.

    Cf. K. B. McFarlane, "Loans to the Lancastrian Kings: the problem of

    inducement" ,  Cambridge Historical Journal,  ix (1947) , pp. 65-8.


      C. M . Arensberg,

      The Irish countryman. An anthropological study,

    (L on do n, 1937 ), pp . 170-6 . Cf. a rather different case of social bo nd s created

    by indebtedness in J. C. Holt,

      The Northerners. A study in the reign of King

    John,  (Oxford, 1961), pp. 72-7.


      There are useful bibliographical guides to this subject in Current Sociology,

    >>  4 ( 953)> i"> 1 (i954"


    955) and vi- 3 (1957) and in M. Mead (ed.),


    patterns and technical change, (N ew Y ork, 1955), pp. 333 f.


     Quo ted by N . M cKendrick, "Josiah W edgwo od and factory d iscipline",

    Historical Journal,  iv (1961) , p. 46.


     A. I. Richards,

      Hunger and work in a savage tribe . . . ,

      (London, 1932) ;

    Land, labour and diet in Northern Rhodesia

      . . . , (London, 1939).

    1 1

    1 .

      Pinchbeck,  Women workers and the Industrial Revolution,


    (Lon don, 1930). Cf. H. I. Ho gbin,  Transformation scene. The changing

    culture of a New Guinea village,

      (London, 1951) and

      Social Chan ge . . . ,

    (London, 1958) , pp. 168-73; Hunter,

      Reaction to conquest, p.

      4 80; W . W at son ,



      in a mon ey economy. A study of the Mam bwe people of Northern

    Rhodesia,  (Manchester, 1958) .


      S. A. Pey ton, " T he village population in the Tu do r lay subsidy rolls",

    Eng. Hist. Rev.,

      xxx (1915); E. E. Rich, "The population of Elizabethan

    England",  Econ. Hist. Rev.,  2nd ser., ii (1950). Cf. M . Rea d, "M igrant labour

    in Africa and its effects on tribal life",  International Labour Review,  x lv (1942) ;

    I. Schapera,

      Migrant labour and tribal life

      . . . , (Lo ndo n, 1947) , esp. p. 7 5 ;

    D .  Niddrie, "The road to work: a survey of the influence of transport on

    migrant labour in Central Africa",  The Rhodes-Livingstone Journal,  xv (1954) ,

    esp.  p. 36.


    ' O n totemism cf. G. L . Gom me,  Folklore as an historical science  . . . ,

    (London, 1908) , pp. 274-96.


      "The study of economic history", p. 20.

    " See G ellner*s com m ents, " Ti m e and theory in social a nthropo logy",




      E .g . H. W. C. Davis ,  England under the Norma ns and Angevtns, 1066-1372,

    (Lo nd on , 13th edn ., 1949), pp . 5-6. "S o long as social duties are envisaged

  • 8/20/2019 Keith Thomas - History and Anthropology', Past & Present 24 (1963), 3–24



    in the form of personal obligations, monarchy is the one practicable form of

    government, and it is better that the monarchy should be hereditary .

    Harold's failure was a result of his attempt to induce the nation to tamper with

    the principle of hereditary succession (p. 6); G. O. Sayles,

      The medieval

    foundations of England, (London, 2nd edn., 1950), p. 179: Indeed, it is unlikely

    that monarchy would have survived as the effective institution it was if it had

    been mainly elective, for this would have opened the way to such civil war and

    anarchy as was to come later in Stephen's reign .

      M. Gluckman, Rituals of rebellion in S.E. Africa, (Manchester, 1954), p. 25.


      pp. 25, 23-4. See also Gluckman,

      Custom and conflict in Africa,

    chapter 2, and P. M. Worsley, The analysis of rebellion and revolution in

    modern British social anthropology ,  Science and Society, xxv (1961). Professor

    Gluckman, whose analysis obviously owes much to Evans-Pritchard,  The

    Divine kingship of the Sfriltuk of the Nilotic Sudan,

      esp. pp. 37-8, stresses that,

    once the kingdom is integrated by a complex economy and more rapid

    communication, the ritual of rebellion is no longer safely enacted, for divergent

    class interests are likely to convert rebellion into revolution.


    J. E. A. Jolliffe,  The constitutional history of medieval England . . . ,

    (London, I937)> PP- 155-65 (on the ritual character of feudal rebellion). The

    medieval historian who seems to come nearest to Gluckman's notion of unity

    in conflict is, interestingly, W. Stubbs, The Constitutional history of England . . . ,

    (Oxford, 4th edn., 1883), voL i, pp. 319, 366 and 585.


     B. Malinowski, Myth in primitive pyschology , first published in 1926

    and reprinted in  Magic, science, and religion and other essays.  See also


      Kluckhohn, Myths and rituals: a general theory ,  Harvard Theological


      xxxv (1942); S. F. Nadel,

      A black Byzantium,

      p. 72; M. Fortes,


    dynamics of kinship among the Tallensi . . . , (London, 1945), pp. 21-7; R. Firth,

    History and traditions of Tikopia, (Wellington, N.Z., 1961), esp. chapters 1 and


      This is the principle animating Mr. M. I. Finley's

      The World of Odysseus,

    (London, 1956). Cf. his criticisms of continuing attempts by ancient

    historians to reconstruct history from orally transmitted materials in the face of

    what the anthropologists have repeatedly taught,

      New Statesman,

      6 July 1962,

    pp.  19-20.

    '• L. Bohannan, A genealogical charter,  Africa,  xxii (1952), p. 314.


     See, e.g., J. H. Round,

      Family origins and other studies,

      ed. W. Page,

    (London, 1930), pp. £-6.

      C. Hill,  Puntamsm and revolution . . . , (London, 1958), p. 75.

    • J. A. Barnes, History in a changing society ,  The Rhodes-Livingstone

    Journal,  xi (1951).


     The dynamics of


     among the Tallensi,

     p. xi.


      M. Bloch, Feudal society, trans. L. A. Manyon, (London, 1961), pp. 72-5.

    L.  Febvre,  Le probleme de I


     au XVI siicle. La religion de Rabelais,

    (Paris, 1942), pp. 426-34.


      Some of the possibilities in the study of historical myth are shown in

    Mr. Hill's investigation of The Norman Yoke ,  Puritanism and revolution,

    chapter 3. Mr. E. R. Leach's reminder  {Political systems of Highland Burma,

    chapter ix) that there may be rival versions of the same myth, reflecting

    contradictory claims by different social groups, might possibly help to resolve

    the lively controversy on the origins of Robin Hood (Past and Present, Nos. 14,

    18,  19 and 20). Instead of assuming that the real Robin Hood was the hero,

    cither of the gentry or the peasantry, one might reasonably conclude that (in

    different versions) he was both, as Mr. Holt suggests (No. 18 [1960], p. 99 and

    No.  19  [1961],  p. 18). It is common for ballads of aristocratic origin to be

    unconsciously adapted by the lower social groups who take them over, e.g.

    M. J. C. Hodgart, The ballads, (London, 1950), p. 102. Anthropologists might

    have much to say about the Robin Hood question. Apart from some raised

    eyebrows at Mr. Holt's talk of a good yarn (No. 18, p. 92) and at Mr. Keen's

    assertion that the memory of the common people is the longest on the earth

  • 8/20/2019 Keith Thomas - History and Anthropology', Past & Present 24 (1963), 3–24



    (The outlaws of medieval legend,  [London,


      p. 36), they would be

    sympathetic to the attempt to study the ballads as the embodiment of popular

    values and aspirations, while their belief in the connection between myth and

    ritual might lead them to devote more attention to the R obin H ood gam es,

    which Mr. Keen

      (op. at.,

      pp . 221-2 ) dismisses rather briefly. (M iss B riggs,

    how ever , argues that the gam es and ballads ran on different lin es ,


    Hecate's team,  p. 216.)

    " R. W . Southern,

      The shape and substance of academic history,


    1961) and J. S. Bromley,

      History and the younger generation,

      ( So ut ha m pt o n ,


    " A useful guide to the sort of questions asked by anthropologists is

    Notes and Oyurxes on anthropology,

      by a com mittee of the Royal An thropological

    Inst itute, (London, 6th edn. , 1951) .

    7 1

      M . Gluckm an in A. R. Raddiffe-Brown and D . Forde (eds .) ,


    systems of kinship and marriage,  (London , 1950) , pp. 190-3. Cf. M . Hunter,

    Reaction to conquest, p. 212.

    " Z. Barbu,  Problems of historical psychology,  (Lo ndo n, i96 0) , pp . 166 n,

    167-79. F

    O T a

      cruder theory of the social origins of one kind of tragedy see

    L .  Go ldm a nn,  Le dieu cachi. Etudes sur la vision tragique dans les Pensies de

    Pascal et dans le Thiatre de Racine,  these, (Paris, n.d. [1956]).


      Elements of social organization,

      p. 210.

    " Som e of the relevant texts are cited by A. O. Aldr idge, "Polygam y in early

    fiction: Henry Neville and Denis Veiras",

      Publications of the Modem Language

    Association of America,

      lxv (1950) and "Polygamy and Deism",

      The Journal of

    English and Germanic Philology,

      xlviii (1949).


      Coming of age in Samoa,

      (London, 1929) ;

      Growing up in New Guinea

      . . . ,

    (London, 1931); (with M. Wolfenstein [eds.] ) .

      Childhood in contemporary


      (Chicago , 1955). Th ere is an older general treatment in N . M iller,

    The child in primitive society,  (London, 1928), and a history of the study of

    primit ive childhood in O. F. Raum,

      Chaga childhood

      . . . , ( Lo nd on , 1940),

    pp .  1-54. P. Ar ies,  Centuries of childhood,  trans. R. Baldick, (London, 1962),

    is a recent historical study.

    " B. M alinowski,  Sex and repression in savage society,  (London, 1927) ,

    p p .  92-7; J . S. Lincoln,  T he dream in primitive cultures,  (London, 1935) ;

    E .  R . D o dds ,  The Greeks and the irrational,  (Berkeley and Lo s An gele s, 1951),

    chapter 4; G. D. Kelchner,  Dream s in O ld Norse literature and their affinities

    in folklore

      . . . , (Cam brid ge, 1935). Th er e is some inter esting material in

    P . Goodw in,

      The mystery ofdreames, historically discoursed

      . . .


      (London, 1658) .

    " M . Zborow ski, "Cultural comp onen ts m response to pain" ,  Journal of

    Social Issues, viii (1952) (a modern sociological study).

    "  A brief guide to the anthropological literature on this subject is provided

    by the footnotes to R. Firth, Suicide and risk-taking in Tiko pia so ciety" ,

    PysMatry,  xxiv (1961).

    1 1

    R. Linton,

      Culture and mental disorders,

      (Springfield, 111., 1956);

    M. Foucault ,  Folie et dtraium. Histoire de la fohe a Page classique,  these ,

    (Paris, 1961).

    " Particularly A. Kardiner,  The individual and his society . . . ,  ( N e w Y o rk ,

    1939) and  (et al.), The pyschological frontiers of society,  (New York, 1945) .

    • ' Urged by L. Febvre (e.g . Combats pour  /'histoire,  [Paris,

      1953] ,

      pp. 207-38) ,

    and exemplif ied by R. Mandrou,  Introduction a la Prance modeme. Essm de

    psychologie historique, 1500-1640,

      (Paris, 1961). Cf. A. Du pro nt, "Pr oblem es

    et method es d'une histoire de La psycho logie co llective",


      i 6



    (196 0 .

    •• O n w hich see J . C. Flugel ,  The pyschology of clothes,  (Lond on, 1930),

    p p .  110-3. Th ere are som e remarks on the implications of the subject b y

    H. J. Perkin in H. P. R. Finberg (ed.) ,

      Approach es to history. A symposium ,

    (London, 1962), pp. 69-70, and by R. Barthes, "Histoire et sociologie du

    vitement: quelques observat ions methodologiques",


      I 2


      annee (1957) .

  • 8/20/2019 Keith Thomas - History and Anthropology', Past & Present 24 (1963), 3–24



    Q. Bell,  On hitman finery,  (London, 1947)1 is largely an application of the

    theories of Thorstein Veblen.


     P. Francastel,

      Peinture et sodtti

      , . . . (Lyon, 1951).


    Elements of social organization,

      p. 175. On the comparable moral values

    of Victorian art and that of the New Zealand Maori see E. R. Leach in

    Evans-Pritchard,  The institutions of primitive society, p. 37.

      Quoted by Iris Origo in J. L. Clifford (ed.).

      Biography as an art . . . ,

    (London, 1962), p. 213.

    •• Briefly outlined by Evans-Pritchard, Social anthropology, p. 76.

    •• M. Fortes, The structure of unilineal descent groups ,  American

    Anthropologist, lv (1953)) p. 23.

    '' Though, as far as economics go, the work of Professor Firth constitutes

    an obvious exception. Mr. E. R. Leach makes some strong criticisms of the

    exaggerated emphasis laid on descent as the fundamental principle of social

    organization to the exclusion of more obvious economic considerations in  Pul

    Eliya. A village in Ceylon,  p. 301, and  Rethinking anthropology,  (London,

    1961), p. 122.


    R. Benedict,  Patterns of culture,  (London, [Routledge paperback

      edn.] ,

    1961) (first published in England in 1935).

      Lord Macaulay's Essays and Lays of Ancient Rome, (London, 1886), p. 424.


      Anthropology  and

     history, p. 20.


      of the

      Past  and

    Present Society will



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