keller jane the virgin - vm221- 222 fall '17 · chapter seventy two written by gabrielle...

JANE THE VIRGIN Chapter Seventy Two Written by Gabrielle Keller

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Chapter Seventy Two

Written by

Gabrielle Keller

Character list: Jane Rafael Mateo Xiomara Rogelio Adam Petra Petra’s Twins Magda Anezka Alyona Dr. Nurse

A white screen. Bright white. Camera PULLS BACK and Fades. Latin Lover Narrator begins to speak:

Latin Lover Narrator Before Jane Gloriana Villanueva lived her life

through Telenovela romances, she was read fairytales of princes and princesses where she was told love conquers all.

Camera WIDENS TO REVEAL: Young jane being tucked away in bed with Alba by her side reading a bedtime story

Jane:Read one more Abuela please

Alba:Okay just one more Mija.

Alba strokes Jane’s hair lovingly and begins to tell a story

Alba:One time, a long time ago

a Princess named Analise was poisoned by her evil stepmother who wanted to marry Analises prince. Analise hadforgotten all about her prince. Well, the prince

found out what her stepmother had done and went to find Princess Analise up in her tower. At first, Analise couldn’tremember who he was, but she knew she loved him, and with true love’s kiss her memory came back and she and the prince lived

happily ever after.

Jane:But abuela, how did she know she loved

him if she couldn’t remember him

Alba:Ah that’s a good question Jane,that’s because true love conquers

all obstacles. It’s just that powerful

Jane:I hope I feel love like that one day Abuela

Alba: Oh mija, of course you will, and it will be the most beautiful thing

you’ve ever felt. Now it’s time for bed

Jane:Goodnight Abuela

Alba:Goodnight Jane

Latin Lover Narrator:And just like that, Jane believed in true love.

However, many years passed and Jane began to doubtthe magical fairy tale ending she was promised

so long ago

Fade to:


Jane is seen running around exhausted and frustrated chasing Mateo through the playground who has covered himself in dirt

JaneMateo! Mateo come back here!

Mateo runs away laughing and Jane is getting angrier and angrier Cut to: Rafael talking and laughing on his phoneCut back to: Jane running through the playground


Jane screams his name and runs into the monkey bars head first and falls down unconscious

Rafael finally notices and hangs up and rushes over to Jane, Mateo also realizes something is wrong and starts running toward his mother instead of away from.

They stand over Jane who slowly opens her eyes

RafaelJane, Jane are you okay?

JaneYeah I’m fine, do I know you from somewhere?

Rafael and Mateo look at each other, clearly worried

Latin Lover Narrator:Uh oh

typed on screen: Jane the Virgin, then Virgin is crossed out and a Amnesia Patient, is written in it’s place

Fade out

Fade in


Petra is brushing her daughters hair when her phone rings. She picks it up

PetraHey, when are you coming by to see the girls?

RAFAEL, stands outside of the hospital, on the phone, worried, looking back towards Jane in the room

RafaelYeah that’s what I called to talk to

you about

PetraDon’t tell me you can’t make it, did

Jane ask you to stay

Latin Lover Narrator:Meow

RafaelActually she probably wants nothingto do with me right now. We’re at

the hospital and she seems to have trouble remembering who I am

Petra looks shocked and somewhat happy

Petra (smirks)Oh, that must be terrible

Latin Lover Narrator:

What is that look all about?

RafaelYeah so I think I’m gonna stayhere for a while to see if I can

jog something in her memory

Petra I understand, tell her I hope

she feels better

RafaelNot sure that’ll mean much now, but I’ll

let her know

PetraOkay talk to you soon

Petra picks up her girls and dances.

PetraDid you hear that girls? Jane doesn’t remember who your daddy is, just that he’s some hotel owner who kissed her once. How would you like it if your mommy and daddy didn’t have problems


Latin Lover Narrator:Ah that’s what it was about, I thought it’d be worse

Petra hangs up the phone and it rings again, she quickly picks it up without looking, assuming Rafael forgot to say something


AlyonaPetra, darling


AlyonaI need your help, someone is after me, and soon will be after



Why are you calling me? You’re obnoxiously living three doors down from me

AlyonaMagda isn’t who you think she is

PetraWhat are you going on about? Don’t pretend you have amnesia too

AlyonaYou are in danger Petra, unless you help me

PetraWhy would I ever help you

AlyonaWe will talk soon, tell no one I called

Alyona hangs upLatin Lover Narrator:

Hmm, what is Magda planning?


Xiomara and Rogelio are being flirty and dancing around the kitchen when Alba and her boyfriend Jorge, walk in

XiomaraOhh mama, getting so touchy in front of the big guy. What

would jesus say?

AlbaOh Xiomara you’re so childish

Alba backs away from Jorge, now uncomfortable. Jorge notices, Xiomara and Rogelio don’t. The phone rings

Xiomara (goes to get phone)Oh maybe it’s the bank getting back to me about my loan

Rogelio (to Alba)Xo wants to franchise her studio

AlbaAh isn’t it a little soon?

Latin Lover Narrator:It should be noted that what Alba meant by this was “Isn’t her

business failing” but you know, in a nicer way

RogelioNo, no, she’s feeling quite confident in this

Latin Lover Narrator:It should be noted that what Rogelio meant by this was “She has

no idea what she’s doing"

XiomaraOh my god, Jane’s in the hospital

RogelioWhat happened? Is she okay?

AlbaOh Lord

XiomaraI don’t know but Rafael made it sound serious

RogelioLet’s go right now, my car is so big and spacious and has heated

seats in the front and the back… so we can all fit in there

Latin Lover Narrator:It should be noted that what Rogelio meant by this is that he

has a big, you know

A picture of a penis is drawn in chalk over the screenINT. OUTSIDE JANE’S HOSPITAL ROOM. DAY

XiomaraRafael! Where is she what’s wrong

RafaelPhysically, she’s fine she just hit her head

Rafael takes a pauseLatin Lover Narrator:That didn’t sound right

RafaelI mean she isn’t injured really on her body, just, in her head,

She just, doesn’t really remember me, or mateo, or the last seven years of her life

XiomaraWhat? How is that possible

Latin Lover Narrator:Were you not listening women, she hit her head!

RafaelThe doctor says it sounds like she went to a safe place

in her head, I guess before all the drama happened. She was actually asking for you and Alba

RogelioShe didn’t ask for me? I’m mean I’m

her father, she wouldn’t forget me, right? I mean look at me, who could forget me?

Latin Lover Narrator:Stop making this about you Rogelio, our sweet jane has lost her


Rafael and Xiomara share a look

XiomaraI don’t think so honey…

AlbaCan we see her?

RafaelYeah go on in

Alba, Xiomara, and Rogelio begin to go in when Xiomara stops Rogelio

XiomaraMaybe it’s best if you don’t

go in right away

RogelioDon’t be ridiculous, I’m sure the second

she see’s me she’ll know who I am, I’m prettyunforgettable.

XiomaraI know you are honey

RogelioSweetheart I’m sure the second she see’s me she’ll remember me,

she simply loves me too much

XiomaraOkay if you say so

RogelioI see it now! Brave father saves daughter of memory loss and also happens to be the biggest telenovela star the world has

even see


RogelioOkay, you’re right let’s let it happen first

The three of them enter the room and Jane lights up

JaneMom! I’m so happy you’re here

XiomaraHi honey how are you feeling? What happened?

AlbaOh mija are you okay?

JaneI don’t know I just know I hit my head and

that guy out there and his kid helped me and stayed with me. Ma, I think that’s the guy from the golf course I worked at last

summer, you know

XiomaraYeah it’s definitely him


Jane wearily looks at her father who is staring at her with a hopeful smile. Jane’s weirded out

JaneWho is that guy you brought with you?

Did you bring someone from the bar to the hospital with you? Moooom

Rogelio looks disappointed

Xiomara No honey. We need to talk

Fade to BlackFade in

Int. HOSPTIAL. CONTINIOUSXiomara has just finished catching Jane up on her life, and she is in disbelief.

Jane (starts laughing)Are you messing with me?

Are you, are you in on this? Mom I mean it’s funny but come on I hit my

head I didn’t turn into an idiot

RogelioShe’s telling the truth Jane

Jane (half laugh)Mom?

XiomaraI’m sorry Janie

JaneYou’re telling me I’m a 28 year mom?


JaneBut I’ve never had sex!

Latin Lover Narrator:That sounds familiar

JaneHow did I have a kid?

XiomaraWell, you have had Sex, I mean that’s not how you got pregnant.

You were artificially inseminated, and then had sex with another guy-

JaneI had sex and I don’t even remember it, with him?

XiomaraWell actually no not with him, with well, you were married to

someone else, and that didn’t work but

JaneOkay just stop, I need time to process this. So, you meanthat guy is father and that, right there, that’s my kid


JaneIsn’t he the jerk from the hotel who gave me my

first kiss


JaneAnd I ended up with his kid?


JaneI need to lie down

Xiomara You already are

JaneI need to lie down, somewhere else


Okay Jane we can take you home

RogelioYes “home”

JaneWait I don’t understand how you factor into all this

RogelioYou really don’t remember me?

JaneUh uh

Latin Lover Narrator:I guess Rogelio isn’t her knight and shining armor after all


Petra knocks on Magdas door furious

MagdaCan I help you?

Petra walks in angryPetra

What kind of game are you playing mother?

MagdaBesides the obvious I don’t know what you mean

PetraWhy are you calling me and asking for help? Did you hit your

head too?

MagdaI know you won’t believe me but I have no idea what you’re

talking about

PetraLet me see your phone


Petra and her mother struggle for the phone. Petra looks at her previous calls

Magda Give it back or I’ll go after it with my hook

PetraHere, I’ll find out what you’re up to

Petra throws it at Magda who tries to catch it with her hook by accident

PetraYou know, you might want to try your other hand for that

Latin Lover Narrator:Good one Petra

Petra leaves the room and walks down the hallway. She receives a text message that reads “Do not tell Magda I contacted you, she will kill both of us” Petra shocked runs back to her room

Latin Lover Narrator:We don’t even know you are!


Twin daughterWhere are you going mama

PetraWe’re just gonna go on a little vacation

It’ll be lots of fun!

DaughterIs daddy coming with us?

PetraOhh no this is purely a girls trip in fact

let’s not even tell daddy we’re going somewherebecause we won’t want him to come in on our girls

time right?


PetraCome on girls let’s pack some of your clothes

INT. JANE’S HOUSE. DAYAlba and Jorge are sitting on the couch holds hands

AlbaI’m so worried about my Jane

JorgeShe’ll be alright Alba

AlbaI’m just worried she’ll forget all of the

beautiful memories she’s made

JorgeJust like all the beautiful memories I hope we make


AlbaJorge there’s a time and place that will all happen

Jorge looks nervous, as if he’s hiding something from Alba. He nods at her.

JorgeLet’s pray for her

Alba and Jorge close their eyes and silently pray for Jane. The frame passes into the kitchen door where Jane, Xiomara, Rafael, Rogelio, and Mateo enter.Jane goes looks around at the pictures and notices the differences in her home. She sit’s down from dizziness. Rafael and Mateo enter the living room, leaving the three of them in the kitchen.

JaneI still don’t believe this is my life now

XiomaraI know it’s gonna take some getting used to. But you actually

really love your life.

JaneHow? How could I love a life where I’m a single mother to

someone else’s child who also has

two children with another woman? I don’t think I’d ever choose this life mom, I feel like it was thrown at me

XiomaraI know honey, but the love you have for everybody,me, Rafael, Mateo, Rogelio. It’s so strong that

it makes you happy

Jane (looks off to Rogelio)Yeah you still never mentionedhow he fits into all this?

XiomaraJane… this is your father, Rogelio.

He came back into our lives a few years ago and we’re happily married

JaneMy father?

You married the man who left us and never looked back are you kidding me mom?

XiomaraNo Janie he never knew about us

JaneDidn’t he ask you to get rid of me?

How could you marry someone who didn’t want me

XiomaraJane you’re father loves you very much

RogelioIt’s true sweetheart, I only came back into Xiomara’s

life so I could be with you. I love you so muchJane and we’re so very close. Here, let us embrace

JaneNo, I don’t know you. I can’t do this

Jane runs upstairs to her room and a worried Xiomara follows

XiomaraJane wait let’s talk about this


No everything feels so strange it’s like I woke up in someone else’s life. Someone’s life I don’t want

Jane goes upstairs and locks her room. Xiomara sighs defeated.

INT. JANE’S KITCHEN. NIGHTRogelio and Xiomara are drinking on the kitchen counter. Rogelio is worried

RogelioDid Jane always hate me before I came back into her life?

Latin Lover Narrator:Yes

XiomaraNo of course not, she just has a lot to take in right now

and it’s easy for her to be angry. She’s in the mindset of young twenty one year old and she has no memory of who you truly are.

RogelioI guess you’re right

XiomaraI’m worried her memory may never come back. I mean what

if she hates this life so much that it stops her from embracing it

RogelioMaybe we just need to show Jane how truly

amazing her life is so she can’t help but love it!

XiomaraYeah that’s an idea. But nothing to crazy Rogelio we don’t want

to overwhelm her

RogelioYes completely I understand

XiomaraThat means no parties over 500 people, you know what, not even

close to that, no parties at all

RogelioTrust me Xo I know how to make her life seem irresistible

INT. HOTEL BEDROOM. NIGHT Rafael and Petra are sitting on the couch. He caught her before she left and they are discussing Jane

PetraI can’t believe that happened to Jane. I couldn’t imagine

waking up a widowed single mother

RafaelWe haven’t told her yet, trying to slow down the shocks.

PetraRaf I need to tell you something


What is it?

PetraI decided to take the girls on a mini vacation. We just

need to get out of the hotel room

RafaelOkay, for how long?

PetraI’m not sure, could be a while

RafaelPetra what’s going on?

PetraNothing I just need a change of scenery

RafaelPetra I know you and I know you wouldn’t just leave the Marbella

especially in a time like this, seriously what’s happening?

PetraOkay, you’re gonna think I’m crazy but, I think my mother is

crazier than ever and is plotting to kill me

RafaelWhat? what happened?


I got a call from my mom saying she needed help. It was very cryptic. So I went to talk to her and she claimed she never

called. Then I got this text

Petra shows Rafael the anonymous text

PetraI think she’s trying to play me, but I’m not sure

RafaelPetra it’s probably just someone trying to mess with you

They know you’re worth and might just want your money. And if it is one of your mother’s crazy schemes we’ll figure it out like we always do, but running away is probably exactly what she

wants. To get you away from the Marbella

PetraYeah you’re probably right I’m just paranoid

Rafael Yeah I’m sure. Okay, why don’t you relax, I’ll put the girls to

bed and head on out

PetraOkay, thank you

Rafael No problem

Rafael walks away and Petra sits on the couch looking somewhat relieved but there’s still some worry in her face


Petra is laying in her bed trying to sleep when she receives a text message from an anonymous source.

Text Reads: We know you have your mother’s location. Either give it to us or you’re daughters are going to be sorry they were ever born

Petra, Petrified, turns on the light and stares at the phone.

Latin Lover Narrator:Not the twins!


INT. JANE’s BEDROOM. DAYXiomara enters Jane’s room with a plate of grilled cheeses, something she knows will comfort Jane, Jane smiles at her entrance

XiomaraGood morning

JaneHey mom, thank you

Xiomaraof course, so how are you feeling?

JaneI’m feeling okay

Xiomara looks at Jane anxiously

JaneI still don’t remember anything though

XiomaraRight, what’s the last thing you do remember

JaneI remember, graduating high school, starting classes, working as

a waitress at the hotel

XiomaraDo you remember Rafael

JaneYeah, but only meeting him when I worked at the country club, he

was my first kiss, and was a jerk…

Jane looks at a picture of her and Michael

JaneI also don’t remember who that is

XiomaraThat, is Michael. He was someone you loved dearly, he married you even after everything with the baby, and you were happy for

a while, but he was a cop, and got hurt, he didn’t make it, and you were really upset for a while, but you persevered through it

and remembered him and all the good things he brought you.

JaneSo not only am I a baby mama, but I’m a widowed baby mama

My life is worse than I thought

XiomaraBaby Mama?

JaneIsn’t that what it’s called

Xiomara No I think that’s something different, you’re just a mother

JaneRight, and I didn’t even choose to be one

Xiomara looks disappointed


Xiomara comes down the stairs to see Rafael and Mateo playing with Mateos toys. Rafael looks at Xiomara with hopeful eyes, and Xiomara shakes her head at him, confirming she still doesn’t remember

MateoWhere’s mom?

RafaelShe’s not feeling too good bud

MateoI want to see her!

RafaelIt’s not the best idea right now, I’m sorry

Mateo ScreamsRafael

Hey buddy it’s okay she’ll come see you soon

Xiomara and Rafael exchange a sad glance, Mateo runs off to play with his toys

Rafael Maybe I should take her out to try to jog her memory

XiomaraI’d work on trying to get her to like you first

RafaelWhat do you mean?

XiomaraNot all of her memories of you are gone, she clearly remembers

meeting you

RafaelUgh, that’s great, did you tell her I changed?

XiomaraI think that’s something she needs to see first to believe.

Rafael nods in agreement

EXT. PARK. DAYAlba and Jorge are walking through the park hand in hand

JorgeAlba, we need to talk

AlbaIs everything okay?

JorgeNot really, and I feel awful. I know how much you are going through right now with Jane, but I feel dishonest keeping

something from you

Latin Lover Narrator:Oh no

AlbaI agree, we should have no secrets


I’ve been sick for some time, I’m not sure how long I have, or how short I have. I just know I want to spend the time I do have

with you

Latin Lover Narrator:Jorge!

AlbaWhy wouldn’t you tell me this?

JorgeI didn’t know how close we would get

AlbaI should have known about this. I already lost one man I loved,

and now I’m going to be forced to loose anoth.

Latin Lover Narrator:Another what Alba? Another man you love?

Alba cuts herself off realizing they haven’t exchanged “I love you’s” yet

AlbaI have to go, I have a lot to process right now

Latin Lover Narrator:That was a let down

INT. HOTEL BEDROOM. DAYPetra is furiously packing and pacing on the phone

Petra (on phone)Yes tell me if anyone suspicious walks by

You know, hoodie, blonde hair, shortYes you know what I mean just be extra careful today okay?

Petra hears a knock on the door, she walks slowly toward it and peers through the peephole but doesn’t see anyone. She opens the door and see’s Magda standing there with a big smile

Magda (happily)PETRA!

EXT. DOWNTOWN. DAYJane and Rafael are walking down the street while Jane is inquiring about her life

JaneSo I work in a publishing company?

RafaelYou used to, now you’ve just finished a book actually

JaneI thought I was going to be a teacher

Rafael You were for a while, but then you decided to be brave, and


JaneYou remember that?

Rafael Of course I do

JanePlease, I probably had to remind you of who I was when we met

after I got inseminated with your kid

RafaelNo of course not

Latin Lover Narrator:Actually

Flashback to when Rafael thought Jane was a stripper

Latin Lover Narrator:But I guess that’s irrelevant here

JaneWhere did we meet again, again?

Rafael When I bought the hotel you worked at

JaneAnd you recognized me?

RafaelNot at, I mean, it took a minute but yeah I did

JaneAh, right

RafaelAnd then you know we became very special to each other

JaneWe’re only in each others lives because I had your baby

RafaelNo, I don’t believe that’s true. Jane we truly loved each other once, I swear it was real and powerful and I still care for you

because of who you are, not because you’re the mother of my child, although you’re a great one at that

Jane blushes Latin Lover Narrator:What was that look?

JaneThanks, I still can’t believe I’m a mother I mean, I look at Mateo and I don’t remember him being my child, how does a good

mom forget that?

Rafael It’ll come back to you Jane, you love him too much for it not


INT. JANE’S LIVING ROOM. DAYA clearly distraught Xiomara hangs up the phone

XiomaraThe bank denied my loan

RogelioOh xo, I’m sorry, maybe you just need to work up this first business and then the bank will see how fabulous it is and

they’ll have to invest

XiomaraOr maybe you could help me out with a small loan to help the bank notice, oh please Ro help out your damsel in distress

Xiomara bats her eyelashesRogelio

Of course anything for you love

XiomaraAhh thank you! I will pay back every cent though, this is just

to get the franchise going

Rogelio Of course, I’m not worried about that

Latin Lover Narrator:What Rogelio meant by that was “I’m not worried about loosing

the money because I have tons”

XiomaraIs there is something you’re worried about


XiomaraYou don’t think I’ll succeed

RogelioOh no my love it has nothing to do with you, It’s Jane. I don’t have many memories to show Jane, like me at her school dances or shows. Nothing to show her to prove I’ve been a part of her life

because I haven’t been a part of her whole life

XiomaraI’m sorry honey that’s my fault, not yours. Jane will remember, and she’ll remember how amazing you are and how much she loves


RogelioHow do you know?

XiomaraBecause I know Jane, and I know her heart. What her brain

doesn’t remember, her heart will

Rogelio and Xiomara smile at each other, feeling a bit more comforted than before

RogelioI believe you. Okay I have to go drop off some papers are

Darci’s but I’ll be back for dinner


Okay, have fun

Xiomara looks defeated, like her perfect husband and wife moment was ripped from her by another woman


DarciI want the Cherubini Crib in Silver Gilding, The Stokke Xplory 3 in 1 stroller, and the Thule Chariot Sapling Elite Child Carrior

Rogelio Darci did you just look up the most expensive baby items

DarciDo you want our child to have faulty equipment?

RogelioWell no

DarciIs it because this child is mine and not Xiomara’s that you

think our baby doesn’t deserve the best of everything

RogelioOf course not but the prices you’re giving me are expensive

DarciI’m sorry our child is inconvenient for you

Rogelio Are you having one of your woman mood swings


You’ve got to be kidding me

RogelioI’m sorry I didn’t mean, I meant, are you feeling okay?

DarciI’m fine, I’d be better if I had a livable house for me and my

child to live in. I don’t want her to be a loser


My child would never be a loser

DarciIf she continues to live in this house she will

Rogelio Well what do we do

DarciYou’re rich, aren’t you Mr. Sexy Telenovela Star. Can’t you pay

for your child to have a house to live in

RogelioYou expect me to buy a house for you

DarciNot for me, for your baby

RogelioYou’re crazy I don’t have that kind of money

DarciYou have savings

Rogelio Yes but I’m using that to invest in Xo’s business

DarciWow, I thought you were a good father. You’re choosing Xiomara over your child. No wonder Jane doesn’t remember you. Your

children aren’t a priority for you

Rogelio is shocked at this, and looks like he is about to cry

INT. HOTEL BEDROOM. DAYMagda is back in shot, Petra stands there, petrified, and flames the door is Magdas face. She runs to her cabinet and takes some anxiety pills and breathes heavily. She whispers to herself

PetraIt’s not real, she’s in prison, you saw it

Latin Lover Narrator:Yes keep telling yourself that Petra

Petra breathes heavily again and goes back to the door and opens it. At first she doesn’t see Alyona, then she walks back into frame

AlyonaSo I take it you’re not happy to see me. Please darling let me

in, I’m not who you think I am


Petra and Alyona are sitting on a couch, Petra is in shock.

PetraHow did you get out? I saw you, in prison

AlyonaMagdas in prison?

Petra is clearly confused

AlyonaI already told you I’m not who you think I am. I am not Magda.

Are those your daughters?




AlyonaI guess it runs in the family

Latin Lover Narrator:Oh I see!

PetraAre you my mothers sister?

AlyonaI’m not only Magdas sister dear, I’m your actual mother

Latin Lover Narrator:

Wow! Not only a twin reveal but a birth mother reveal! There are too many classic telenovela twists here to keep up with!


JaneYou’re a lot different than I thought you’d be

RafaelWell I’ve changed a lot over the years, and a lot of that is

attributed to you Jane

JaneOh, that’s really too sweet

RafaelIt’s not though. You showed me your heart, and you brought out the best person I could be. I think you do that with everyone in

your life

JaneI don’t understand how I could forget someone who seems to be so

special in my life

Latin Lover Narrator:Could Rafael be her prince charming? What about Adam? What about

Petra? This is getting juicy

RafaelWell, maybe you’re more special to me than I am to you

JaneI don’t think that. I don’t believe my feelings for you ever truly left, not completely at least… Why didn’t we work out?

RafaelWell, there was Michael of course, but before that, it wasn’t

that we didn’t feel for each other, we just had different approaches to raising a kid and how to live our lifestyle. I was

more about money back then and you were more down to earth.

JaneWell you look pretty earthy to me

Jane points to his beard and hippie shirt


Haha what do you mean, this? Yeah I guess I’ve cut back a little bit. I actually am living with you guys for a while, there’s a lot of family drama going on with the hotel and right now I

can’t run it

JaneWell this must be humbling to you. Living in a latina christian


RafaelIndeed it is

Rafael and Jane smile at each other and have a romantic gushy face on

Latin Lover Narrator:Oh so cute! Maybe Jafael is the answer to Jane’s problems!