kelly kobbe tall

Fame is what I use to describe Alex Jinkinson. He is young in age and is striving to achieve his goals. Hard work and patience is what you need to achieve fame, and Alex is do- ing this exactly. Alex is a young man of age 21 born the small town of Sheldon Iowa. Alex loves singing and he wants it all. Alex started off with singing lessons at age ten with his instruc- tor Lewis Gruis of Sheldon Iowa. He sang at church, foot- ball games, funerals and even weddings. He has an act for talent that is bound to get his name out there. Accomplish- ment is what Alex desires. As Alex got older, he was privileged to sing at a Vi- kings football game in 2011. Although it wasn’t the Steel- ers, he said “it was still cool to sing for a pro football team.” His first song released was titled, “I’ll Write You A Song.” I was privileged to see behind the scene footage. I got to see how many people it took to put a music video together and how even in the worst weather condition you can still make it work. “Push hard and give it your all and you will fullfill your dreams”

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Post on 12-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Kelly Kobbe Tall

By: Kelly Kobbe

Fame is what I use to describe Alex Jinkinson. He is young in age and is striving to achieve his goals. Hard work and patience is what you need to achieve fame, and Alex is do-ing this exactly. Alex is a young man of age 21 born the small town of Sheldon Iowa. Alex loves singing and he wants it all. Alex started off with singing lessons at age ten with his instruc-tor Lewis Gruis of Sheldon Iowa. He sang at church, foot-ball games, funerals and even weddings. He has an act for talent that is bound to get his name out there. Accomplish-ment is what Alex desires. As Alex got older, he was privileged to sing at a Vi-kings football game in 2011. Although it wasn’t the Steel-ers, he said “it was still cool to sing for a pro football team.” His first song released was titled, “I’ll Write You A Song.” I was privileged to see behind the scene footage. I got to see how many people it took to put a music video together and how even in the worst weather condition you can still make it work.

“Push hard and give it your all and you will fullfill your dreams”

Small Town Talent

Page 2: Kelly Kobbe Tall

“Push hard and give it your all and you will fullfill

your dreams”








He has met many famous pop stars, his fa-vorite was Aaron Carter. The best advice Aaron gave him was, “never give up on your dreams.” Dreams are something peo-ple wish for and want to achieve. I felt like this advice can be very useful to any human being. Alex enjoys doing other activities be-sides singing. He loves playing piano, going to football games, fishing at his dad’s pond, going out with friends to the lakes and being with his family. He says the only hard part about this career would be being away from family for long periods of time. As Alex an-swers this question he gets quiet. I asked him whats wrong ? He answered with “ I feel like I have missed out on so many family events like birthdays and holidays.” Alex flies home as much as he can. He had a break for 2 1/2 weeks so while he was down in Sheldon I was glad I was able to meet with him. In a couple more years Alex plans on being on the top hits he wants to fulfill his fu-ture and compete with the best, it gives him a thrill and ambition. Every step Alex takes he gets closer and closer to his dream. He hasn’t given up on his dreams, these things take time. Just as it takes time for you and me to fulfill and accomplish our dreams and goals in life. My favorite quote is “ if your dreams don’t scare you they aren’t big enough.” This can be related to anyone, dreams, and goals shouldn’t be something so simple it doesn’t give you a little challenge. If you want some-

thing so bad in life you will do anything to achieve it, this is what i consider to be a great goal or dream. Alex’s dream is to have it all, his dream does scare him once and awhile but he will do anything to push forward and complete his dream!

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Kelly Kobbe is a transfer student at STI. “I strive to suceed and i push hard to achieve.” Someday she wishes to be working as a

commercial advertiser. She can’t wait to show others the talents she holds.

Photos taken by Hannah Jinkinson

“Push hard and give it your all and you will fullfill

your dreams”

Alex’s performance in his hometow

n on September 14, 2013

Talent is explained in so many ways, sometimes it’s known as a gift someone has. An example for alex would be singing. For teachers it would be the knowledge they pos-ses to teach younger men and woman. When I asked Alex what his definition of talent was, he told me, “ talent is the capacity for achievement or success.” Some people say it’s where you are born that makes you who you are today. This isn’t true because even if you grow up in a small hick town with nothing to do you can still achieve your dreams. As long as you push hard and give it your all, you will succeed. A few weeks passed after I talked with Alex and he already had to get ready to per-form a live concert. He texted me to let me know that a friend had video taped the whole performance for me. It was very interesting and I wanted to watch more. I remember hear-ing and listening to Alex in high school albeit then I didn’t know he had so much potential and drive to push himself so hard to achieve this much in life. When I watched that video it made me realize that I want to achieve my dreams too. I want to show people my talent. I want people to know who Kelly Kobbe is. When I compared me and Alex’s dreams and wishes, they were both pretty similar, his was just based around music and mine was and still is based around

design. This doesn’t mean they were different it means we both want something so bad in life we will try our best to achieve it. Even if others don’t believe we are good at something we wont let them influence us. Even if we fall sometimes, we will never let that keep us down. We will always stand back up and push ourselves harder to be ourselves and the person we want to be in todays society.