kendriya vidyalaya sangathan chandigarh region … · pond. he observed it under a microscope....

KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN CHANDIGARH REGION SESSION- 2016-17 SUBJECT-SCIENCE CLASS- IX TIME ALLOWED: 3 HOURS M.M: 90 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS i) The question paper comprises of two sections, A and B. You are to attempt both sections. ii) All questions are compulsory. iii) There is no choice in Questions. All questions of section A and all questions of section B are to be attempted separately. iv) Question numbers 1 to 3 in section A are one mark questions. These are to be answered in one word or one sentence. v) Question number 4 to 6 are two mark questions and are to be answered in about 30 words each. vi) Question numbers 7 to 18 are three mark questions and are to be answered in 50 words each. vii) Question number 19 to 22 are five mark questions and are to be answered in about 70 words each. viii) Question number 23 and 24 are based on OTBA and are five mark questions. ix) Question number 25 to 33 in section B are multiple choice questions based on practical skills and carry one mark each. You are to choose one most appropriate response out of the four provided to you. Question no. 34 to 36 carry two marks each. SECTION A 1. What is the audible range of human ear? 2. Write chemical formulas of water and ammonia. 3. Why fungi are called heterotrophic? 4. a)What is the another name given to the buoyancy? b) Name the factor which affects buoyancy? 5. Define potential energy and draw an expression for it. 6. Write electronic configuration of elements Potassium(Z=19) and Nitrogen(Z=7) and also write their number of valence electrons . 7. The description of atomic particles of two elements X and Y is given below

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Page 1: KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN CHANDIGARH REGION … · pond. He observed it under a microscope. Identify the specimen a) Nostoc b) Spirogyra c) Sargarsum d) Sphagnum 29. If we want


SESSION- 2016-17



i) The question paper comprises of two sections, A and B. You are to attempt both sections.

ii) All questions are compulsory.

iii) There is no choice in Questions. All questions of section A and all questions of section B are to be attempted separately.

iv) Question numbers 1 to 3 in section A are one mark questions. These are to be

answered in one word or one sentence.

v) Question number 4 to 6 are two mark questions and are to be answered in about 30 words each.

vi) Question numbers 7 to 18 are three mark questions and are to be answered in 50

words each.

vii) Question number 19 to 22 are five mark questions and are to be answered in about 70 words each.

viii) Question number 23 and 24 are based on OTBA and are five mark questions.

ix) Question number 25 to 33 in section B are multiple choice questions based on

practical skills and carry one mark each. You are to choose one most appropriate

response out of the four provided to you. Question no. 34 to 36 carry two marks each.


1. What is the audible range of human ear? 2. Write chemical formulas of water and ammonia.

3. Why fungi are called heterotrophic?

4. a)What is the another name given to the buoyancy?

b) Name the factor which affects buoyancy?

5. Define potential energy and draw an expression for it.

6. Write electronic configuration of elements Potassium(Z=19) and Nitrogen(Z=7) and

also write their number of valence electrons .

7. The description of atomic particles of two elements X and Y is given below

Page 2: KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN CHANDIGARH REGION … · pond. He observed it under a microscope. Identify the specimen a) Nostoc b) Spirogyra c) Sargarsum d) Sphagnum 29. If we want

Protons neutrons electrons

X 8 8 8

Y 8 9 8

(i) What is the atomic number of Y?

(ii) What is the mass number of X?

(iii) What is the relation between X and Y?

(iv) Which element/elements do they represent?

(v) Write the electronic configuration of X?

(vi) Write the cation/anion formed by the element 8. State in tabular form the causal organism and mode of transmission of following


a)Cholera b)Malaria c)Rabies

9. (a) Which phylum is called as amphibian of plant kingdom?

(b) Write two specific characteristics of this phylum.

(c) Name two organisms belonging to this phylum.

10. The volume of a 500 g sealed packet is 350 cm3. Will the packet float or sink in water

if the density of water is 1 g cm−3

? What will be the mass of the water displaced by

this packet? 11. (a) Draw a diagram depicting low pitched sound and high pitched sound.

(b) Explain any two applications of a SONAR.

12. Number of protons, neutrons and electrons in the four specimens A, B, C and D

are :

Specimens No of protons No of neutrons No of electrons

A 6 6 6

B 7 7 7

C 6 8 6

D 9 10 10

Page 3: KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN CHANDIGARH REGION … · pond. He observed it under a microscope. Identify the specimen a) Nostoc b) Spirogyra c) Sargarsum d) Sphagnum 29. If we want

Tell which of them are:

(a) Isotopes

(b) Isobars .Why? 13. Write two points of difference between amphibians and reptiles. Give one example of

each. 14. Give reasons for the following:

a) School bags have broad straps.

b) It is easier to cut an apple with sharp edge of knife.

c) A mug appears lighter inside water.

15. Narender was suffering with cold and cough and was running high temperature. His

mother took him to a doctor. The doctor examined the chest and back of Narender

with the help of a device ‘stethoscope’. While examining with stethoscope doctor

asked Narender to take longer breathings. After examining Narender the doctor

prescribed some drugs. By regular use of these drugs Narender was normal within

four days. But he could not understand the purpose of being examined by the use of

stethoscope. His cousin Mukesh, explained to him the exact purpose of stethoscope

and its action.

Now answer the following questions:

(i) What is stethoscope? What is its use?

(ii) How does a stethoscope work?

(iii) What quality was shown by Narender and what by Mukesh?

16. a) What is energy?

b) Explain kinds of mechanical energy with suitable example. 17. State any three postulates of Dalton’s atomic theory. 18. (a) State the law of conservation of energy.

(b) Name the type of energy possessed by stretched slinky, flowing water,

stretched rubber band and a speeding car.

19. i) Explain, how HIV-AIDS virus affects and damages our body?

ii) Write any three ways by which this microbe spreads.

Page 4: KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN CHANDIGARH REGION … · pond. He observed it under a microscope. Identify the specimen a) Nostoc b) Spirogyra c) Sargarsum d) Sphagnum 29. If we want


i) What is molecular formula ? State with example what information can be

derived from a molecular formula .

ii) Write the names of the compounds represented by the following formulas:

a) Mg(NO3)2

b) K2SO4

c )Ca3N2

21. A man whose mass is 50 kg climbs up 30 steps of a stair in 30 s. If each step is 20 cm

high, calculate the power used in climbing stairs

22. i)List any two benefits of classification.

ii) What is Binomial nomenclature? Who has given Binomial nomenclature?

iii) Write scientific names of Man and Mango.


23. Suggest the innovative solutions to control the effect of solid waste on soil, water and air.


24. i) Explain strategies for effective waste management. (3)

ii)What is the role of rag pickers in solid waste management? (2)


Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

25. A spring balance

(a) Can measure weight.

(b) Is used to determine density.

(c) May not be used to determine mass as well as weight.

(d) Is used to measure mass only.

26. During the experiment on measurement of loss in weight of solid in tap water and salty

solution, the maximum loss in weight of the body is observed when –

a) it just touches the surface of the liquid

b) it is completely immersed in the liquid

c) it is partially immersed in the liquid

Page 5: KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN CHANDIGARH REGION … · pond. He observed it under a microscope. Identify the specimen a) Nostoc b) Spirogyra c) Sargarsum d) Sphagnum 29. If we want

d) no difference in loss in weight in above three case

27. The exoskeleton of cockroach is made up of:

(a) Cartilage

(b) Calcium and phosphorous

(c) Chitin

(d) Cellulose

28. A boy brought a free floating, bright green, silky mass from the surface of a fresh water

pond. He observed it under a microscope. Identify the specimen

a) Nostoc

b) Spirogyra

c) Sargarsum

d) Sphagnum

29. If we want to determine the volume of a solid by immersing it in water, the solid should


(a) Any solid

(b) Heavier than water

(c) Insoluble in water

(d) Heavier than water and insoluble in it 30. Which part is wrongly labeled in the sketch of agaricus?

a) Mycelium b) Stipe c) Gill d) annulus

Page 6: KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN CHANDIGARH REGION … · pond. He observed it under a microscope. Identify the specimen a) Nostoc b) Spirogyra c) Sargarsum d) Sphagnum 29. If we want

30. Cockroaches are able to detect odour with the help of :

(a) Eyes (b) nostrils

(c)spiracles (d) antennae

31. The number value 6.022 × 1023

is also called

(a) Dalton Number

(b) Avogadro’s number

(c) Atomic Number

(d) Mass Number 32. In order to make an object float, its weight should be equal to

(a) Atmospheric pressure

(b) up thrust acting on it

( c) density

(d) Weight of liquid 33. (i) Expand ORS.

(ii) it is given in:

a) diarrhoea

b) measles

c) typhoid

d) tetanus 34. Three students performed the experiment on verifying the laws of reflection of sound

using a tuning fork as a source of sound. Their experimental set up is shown in figures P,

Q, and R. In which of the following set ups, will the sound of the vibrating tuning fork be

heard the most and why?

a) fig. P b) fig. Q c) both P and Q d) fig. R

35. (i)What is Reverberation?

Page 7: KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN CHANDIGARH REGION … · pond. He observed it under a microscope. Identify the specimen a) Nostoc b) Spirogyra c) Sargarsum d) Sphagnum 29. If we want

36. (ii)Reverberation produced in large auditoriums is due to :

(a) Reflection of sound by windows.

(b) Absorption of sound by walls.

(c) Reflection of sound by walls and ceiling.

(d) Absorption of sound by floor.

Page 8: KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN CHANDIGARH REGION … · pond. He observed it under a microscope. Identify the specimen a) Nostoc b) Spirogyra c) Sargarsum d) Sphagnum 29. If we want


Science (086/090) Class – IX

Page 9: KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN CHANDIGARH REGION … · pond. He observed it under a microscope. Identify the specimen a) Nostoc b) Spirogyra c) Sargarsum d) Sphagnum 29. If we want
Page 10: KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN CHANDIGARH REGION … · pond. He observed it under a microscope. Identify the specimen a) Nostoc b) Spirogyra c) Sargarsum d) Sphagnum 29. If we want
Page 11: KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN CHANDIGARH REGION … · pond. He observed it under a microscope. Identify the specimen a) Nostoc b) Spirogyra c) Sargarsum d) Sphagnum 29. If we want
Page 12: KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN CHANDIGARH REGION … · pond. He observed it under a microscope. Identify the specimen a) Nostoc b) Spirogyra c) Sargarsum d) Sphagnum 29. If we want
Page 13: KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN CHANDIGARH REGION … · pond. He observed it under a microscope. Identify the specimen a) Nostoc b) Spirogyra c) Sargarsum d) Sphagnum 29. If we want
Page 14: KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN CHANDIGARH REGION … · pond. He observed it under a microscope. Identify the specimen a) Nostoc b) Spirogyra c) Sargarsum d) Sphagnum 29. If we want