kennedy and the cold war section 19.1. the 1960 election issues left over from eisenhower: sputnik...

Download Kennedy and the Cold War Section 19.1. The 1960 Election  Issues left over from Eisenhower:  Sputnik I and Laika  U2 incident  Race Issues (Montgomery

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  • Kennedy and the Cold War Section 19.1
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  • The 1960 Election Issues left over from Eisenhower: Sputnik I and Laika U2 incident Race Issues (Montgomery Bus Boycott, Birmingham, Selma, etc.) And 22 nd Amendment didnt let Eisenhower run again
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  • The Candidates JFK and Nixon square off for the presidency Both are young (JFK 1917, Nixon - 1913) Both served in the Navy in WWII Both elected in 1946 and JFK to the Senate in 1950 Both anti-Communist
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  • Senator JOHN F. KENNEDY (D) Came from a wealthy Massachusetts family Roman Catholic (concerned Protestants) Young and Charismatic (43) Advocated a stronger stance towards Soviets Emphasized stronger military and science programs Played on the plight of the poor & African- Americans
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  • Assets Kennedys Family
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  • Problems for Kennedy His family wealthy father an appeaser in WWII Money supports him Daddy had money in Hollywood, Whiskey, stock market, manager of a shipyard His age (43) says his energy is a plus but experience His faith Irish Catholic; said he would be a president who is Catholic not a Catholic president
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  • Vice President RICHARD NIXON (R) Came from a modest, working class California family Raised a Quaker (no drinking, dancing, swearingpeople thought he was too conservative) Linked to the Eisenhower administration Seen as resistant to change and uncool in the new times)
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  • The Sweaty Debates Mr. Miser First televised debates JFK wins the image war Tanned and makeup Nixon wins among those who listened on radio Looked sick and pale
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  • The Civil Rights Issue As MLK in jail in Birmingham (1956 after bus boycott) JFK sends Robert F. Kennedy to help MLK Nixon worked behind the scenes (felt it was inappropriate to act) JFK wins the black vote
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  • The Actual Election 68,835,000 votes cast JFK wins by 119,000 Hold on a minute Did Chicago mob throw the election? Nixon refuses to challenge the outcome
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  • Kennedy = 49.7%; Nixon = 49.6%
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  • The Inauguration Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You, Ask What you Can Do For Your Country!!!
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  • A Different Kind of White House Informal White House Advisors Young, well-educated, experts (friends not government people) Cabinet More experienced, well versed in the history of the government
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  • New Cold War Strategies Claimed Eisenhower allowed a missile gap to happen and that USSR was winning Eisenhower cautioned against militarism as the tail that wags the dog Also claimed Eisenhower had relied on nuclear forces to much Conventional forces were unprepared
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  • JFKs Flexible Response Move away from massive retaliation and brinksmanship Build up special forces and conventional weapons to fight non- nuclear wars and provide non-nuclear deterrent Is war more likely?
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  • Dealing with more Image Issues Soviets claim to Asia, India, South America, and Africa that capitalism caused their poverty The US is the CAPTALIST state
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  • Americas Soft Power JFK wanted to improve US image in 3 rd World THIRD WORLD countries that remained non- aligned with either NATO (First World) or the Communist Bloc (Second World) Peace Corps 1961 worked Sent young Americans to do economic and social development work (2-year tours) Alliance for Progress made to change Soviet and Cuban influence In essence, Marshall Plan for Latin America $20 billion in assistance and asked Latin Americans govts to provide $80 billion in investment Didnt work
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  • The Post War Divide At Potsdam, Truman, Stalin, and Attlee set out the principles of the Allied Control Council Germanys complete disarmament and demilitarization Destruction of war potential Rigid control of industry Decentralization of the political and economic structure Germany was divided into four economic zones that were supposed to work together to eventually reunite the country of Germany
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  • The Trouble with Berlin Berlin sat in the middle of Eastern Germany, 200 miles from the East and West Germany border It became a place for Eastern Germans to flee to in order to find work or even to make it to West Germany Of the two Berlins, West was more prosperous, more economically strong
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  • The Monster 13 August 1961 shock workers shut off the border between East and West Berlin using barbed wire 16 Aug the barbed wire was replaced by concrete The final wall was 4 m (13 ft) high and 111 m (364 ft) long 300 watch towers with orders to shoot on sight 190 people were killed on the eastern side of the Wall
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  • Get along with the voicesor get out
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  • Life under Castro the real reason the US is not too fond of him 1960 Castro nationalized all US- businesses Oil refineries, factories, and casinos US enacted embargo
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  • Dealing with a Communist Cuba (hintthey dont do it well) CIA plans attempts on Castros life Ex: Exploding cigars, fungal infected diving suits, mafia hits, ballpoint hypodermic syringe, the list goes on) Begs the question: Was Cuba behind the JFK assassination?
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  • CIA Invasion Cuban exiles trained by CIA to invade Cuba and overthrow Castro US would then announce its support and aid the rebels JFK gives the go ahead
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  • Bay of Pigs Invasion (like I said, not well) April 1961 1,400 Cuban exiles trained by the CIA landed near the Bay of Pigs to overthrow Castro Old US bombers piloted by Cuban exiles used to destroy Cubas air force Castro alerted by air strikes and exiles given no more air support 1,300 were captured and in 1962 Castro freed them for medical supplies and baby food (worth $52 million)
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  • Kennedys Greatest Failure
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  • Results of Bay of Pigs Castro strengthens ties to Khrushchev for protection Communism inches closer to the US mainland
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  • Cuban Missile Crisis (theyre like children really..) Aug 1962 the first rumors about Soviet missiles in Cuba began to surface in the US press Soviet ambassadors denied the missiles 14 Oct 1962 U-2 spy planes find the missiles
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  • Kennedy knew they could not invade Cuba but needed to get rid of the missiles without any concessions Decided to blockade Cuba USSR said that was illegal and that they would test it USSR sent ships toward the blockade but turned back at the last moment Khrushchev sent a letter to Kennedy appealing to reason and trust to prevent a war The Tensions Continue to Rise
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  • Yay! Something done right! Global thermal nuclear war averted Nukes taken out of Cuba in exchange for the removal of the Turkey nukes US public thinks JFK won
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  • Dtente Policy of Brezhnev Relaxation of cold war tensions Step back from war A Hot Line was installed Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (1963) ended above ground testing