kent hovind seminar slides - part 2a garden of eden.pdf

Download Kent Hovind Seminar Slides - Part 2a Garden of Eden.pdf

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Post on 02-Dec-2015




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Creation Science Evangelism was started in 1989 by Dr. Kent Hovind (a high-school science teacher for 15 years). This ministry exists to support and proclaim the truth of God's Word, demonstrating the perfect harmony of the Biblical record with factual science and history.Additionally, CSE sets out to demonstrate the fallacies and deceptions of modern evolutionary thinking. We believe the Bible is literally true and scientifically accurate. We believe the earth was created in six literal, 24-hour days, about 6000 years ago. We believe dinosaurs have always lived with man. They were called "dragons" throughout most of human history. Noah took them on the ark (probably juveniles--just be sure to get a pink one and a blue one!). After the Flood, people killed most of them. There are probably a few small ones still alive today in remote parts of the world. See our video, Dinosaurs and the Bible for much more on the topic.“Evolutionism is a religious worldview not supported by science, Scripture, popular opinion, or common sense. The exclusive teaching of this dangerous, mind-altering philosophy in tax-supported schools, parks, museums, etc. is a clear violation of the First Amendment.”- Dr. Kent Hovind