kentucky gazette and general advertiser. (lexington, ky...

-- f -- v B H71 8& iH, gg jj. AND GENERAL ADVERTISER-- , ..- tnmaccawbTiwBwwft.'pmM Fjugjm'iwiiwmmiti.n.imw wjn;i,iai.jmimBmMMiTO VOL. XVIL-J- S0. 903. BY DANIEL BRADFORD, LEXINGTON. TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1804. fcHaCnKXKSCSB3 TERMS O'F THE GAZETTE. This" paper is published weekly, at i;vo dollars per annum, paid in ad-jau- ti Thofc who write to the Editor, rauft pay the pollSge of their letters. To Lease. 3, VALUABLE FARM, in Mercer countvon Salt ri- - ver, about one mile and halt abore Maj. Buchanan's mill, on the. road leading1 fciankfort to Harrodfburgh with, about 100 acres of Cleared Land, a good Dwelling House and pther. Conve- nient BuiUmtjs, a large apple and Peach Orcluid, Meadow and Pallure ; the whole in good repair. ; James Maccoun. Lexington, March 14, 18Q3. . WO UOllarS IteZVarCL t,, , ,. , - . ' run apprenenaing tne reuow who (topped the Post-ride- r, this nior- - unit:, .luuui y w t,iwiw, iwii.1. iiiua this side of Paris, K. and took from is- - THE MAIL. , HE is supposed to bt about 25 years old. 5 feet' 7 or 8 finches hjgh and ender made ; had on a blae cloth coat, cotton'o'veralls and black hat. i . In behal ' is the Pod Matter General, JOHN jdRDAN Jun. P. M. Lexington, K. Lexington, K. Nov. 3d, 11803. FOR SALE, A MERCHANT MILh. SAW MILL, and DISULLERT, Situate on the waters of Silver ereck, in Madison county, about fi. mil.. ;1 from the court-hous- e, and ten miles1 from the Kentucky river, to which is annexed 140 acres' of LAND. The ltreSm and seat are equal to.any in the ffate, and the mills and distil lery in prime order. For terms ap- ply to the fubferiber on the premi- ses. . ROBERT PORTER. Madison county - Oct. lit, 1803. J TVjOTICE is hereby" gtven, to tTie - friends of literature, that he BOURBON' ACADEMY, Adjacent to the town of .Paris,- - in the county of Bourbon, will be open-- . ed under the direction o(f the truf-tee- s academy, on the first day is January 1804, where the En-koIif- Latin and Greek languages, gjjT'be taught by grammar, 'an'd re- duced to practice, in rrading and writing: those ihnjliuees nr'operlv. Also the Arts and Sciences, the art of Speaking' &C. The Situation; is elijjilie and healthy. Boarding can be'had convenient, and on reaSona-bl- e terms. The.greattft attention will be paid'tc-- . the morals andin-ftrucho- n of the pupils, committed to tne caie ot J The Public's .1 j Humble fenrant:. R0BER7 W. FiNLY.4 jMov. ' fM v 23, 1003. 3W Z MEDICAL SOCIETY. 'JMIGSE wlio write to tbe'Lexing-J- r ton Medical Society are, requef- - '.e,d to pay the postage of all commu- - litcat.ons so made: ' ' " "' Bv order of the "Society. , QSigiKd) R: DAVIDSON, Sec. Dec. 17th, 1803. Yy HERE AS Thomas Steele, for- me ly schoolmaster in Levington u uvidur the necelhty of giving pub - , iio notice tnat he is determined to g)ay no Jebts that Ins or :inay be ,' contracted in 111s name, by any per V2j or peffons whatsoever : but ht :s determiiletl to pay all just debt: that hirafelf Has or may dontradt. pd, 3. RAGS. cents per pound of it lred weight', given for clean cotton rags, at Charlefs's omce, Lexington. 1211 B A t'e .v copies lot the IEVISED LXWS Of Kentucky, iiely bound and lettered, ma; be lnd at this otHce. it iKNERAL INSTRUCTOR "May hkewjfc ls had. ?3g?Wl'g lJTL,lttMll'Tar.TWirrM!TTFrPra g. (L .. ADVERTISEMENT. Whereas, I am legally authorized by power ot attorney, granted b John Wilson of Philadelphia, and dated the 15th of September, 1803. to make leases of two tracts of land, entered, Surveyed and patented in the name of Thomas Franklin, lying ujjuh luc waters ui iventucsy river ; the one containing, by l'urvey dated tha ;uk!ay of Augult, 1784, 1 16,650 acfes-r-th- e other, bv lurvev dated the tft,of the same month and year, containing 108,344 acres, to iuch persons as mav be defironq of hurt ling on such lands, and unon fufeii terms as are nmittecl by the lam pow- er of attorney. Therefore I here by give notice, that application cau be made tome in Lexington, where I UM I I riA T'&lJtT 1 A nrvonKI n " lw u.l agicciiuiy cu ttle Powers in,11?e velted as relates to the making of such deeds and he re aired Bv virtue of the powers verted in me, I hereby forewarn all persons from cutting timber, working falt-pet- re caves, salt-wat- er Springs, coal nines or minerals ot any delcription, tvithhur thev are authorifed bv fne- - cisl contract; or in any manner tref-pVlinc- the above lands, as anv perfbn offending herein, will beprof- - L rt .3YU fj n - .1 j.cuicu wiLij nie utinpit rigor or tne law: JOHN M. jBOGGS. Lexington, 15th Oct, 1803. , '. BLTJB DYING. ,; Sfl' HE SUBSCRIBER. . CvM IIES to .inform the riublic. that he continues to carry 'on the BLUE DYING, on Main Cross Street, between Mr. Adam Weber's and Mr. Myers's; where he will dye Uotton, Lipen ifnd Wool, with a warm dye Cotton deepefl blue, at 4f6 per pound Woolat is 6 per puuuu, which ne wut warrant to oe equal to any dye in the town of Lex- ington, i., , TA.COB BOSHART. Lexingto'n, juiie 25, 1803. stf -- NEGROES FOR SALE, , r FBR file for Cafli,a Negro Man,' bout 30 years ot age, ltout, active, and is a oond lvjcraner. Also. his wise, abou trZ5' yetirs 6f age,' who is a good lioule lervant, with her child of 1 1 months. They can' be well recommended as valuable, honest. (laves. For'Darticulars-annlv't- the fubferiber, living in Bourbon county, 4 miles from Paris. JOHNSOPER. 'X'HE partnerdiib of Trotter avT - Scott, was on the 14th ult. diK solved bv mutual cdnfent. All those indebted by either bond. note, or book'account.'aretrenuefted ro rifntp iiimediate payment to George Trot- - "ter ten.-wh- o wilMettle all the those 'who will not avail tHemfelveS "of this notice, WjlL. cohipel us to the disagreeable neceffity of commencing suits vith' out respect to' persons GEo. t: ROTTFR fpn ' ALEx. 'crriTT a OOUH. i Lex. 26th Dec. 1803, -- j S" LEWIS SANDERS- - Wants to purcbas Clean Merchan-- ) ,.,. table , c- - HEMP For. exhortation. Delivered at "any-o- f the wa'rehoufas between Clav'ela'nd's'and the mouth of the ICencucky., Also wanted,, a Few hqglheads CROP TOBAXCO. 6 Lexington, 27th Dec? 1603. Fresh 'Goods." ' I ""HE fubferiber has juftrecieved. vJL at his liore. oPDolite the mar fitt houfc, Lexington, a general as-- .tibrtment of Dry Goods; Hardware r . " o niV. t .' .i roteries esc. c. wnicn he. wii U lifpofe of. oil the mod reafonahl e terms, for pafli or approved pro'duc :e ot the country. D. C. DEAN 1 Lexingtbn,'Decem. 26, 180-?- : - t Jtlst PMisLed, . . - And for faI at the office ol"r'..e Kentuck Gaette. i An Account LOUISIANA; H I5eing an Aburact of Documents in thepffij es of vtbc Djpactincn bt State and 0PU1S Freafury. Blank Deeds, On Parchrfcer,: and Paper for fsle Seitz & Johnson, At their Store in Lexington, hive received a veryextenfive Cargo of Cheap and well aYforted Merchandise,. Consisting of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, . IRON-MONGER- CUTLERY, . J SADDLERY. I'ATIONARY, HAI JAPAN'D, in TTAT w I il, fitioclCERy, r ENS'Sc I CHI J HA rTER'S TRIMMINGS ,jnvi? STfTTTPS - - GERMA4N and CRAWLEY S PEEL, - , VICES, ANVILS,-- - v NAIL-b- , BAR IRON, &c. &c. ' -- Unlimited pains havin?" been ta ken to select the above affortmenti from the. Vendues, principally of Baltimore and Philadelnhia. n' fers either WHOLESALE or RE-- J I AIL. mavdenend on fprtinnr mm-l- i greater bargains than have been here- tofore sold in this. Mate. 15th August,-1803- . FOR SALE. C JPhe Valuable Stallion. SILVER HEET.S. WHICH flood nr Mr , -- - " r ""'u,"u lryants, Jeffamine county, the past acqui .,,, .lt. wvLitu yo anui mares. The THE SJJBSClBER, horse jrood, be feenbvrp-Wl7lLL-"contin- ference the Stud Book for thei, Trot- - dr , iner&'Scot-H- e verj-gene-- . V.f.VIrrt .r., i.r.... v -- c ...M uii WCil UUAUU and lecunty One op two peldirisa u u' J t. , '? V. - uu.u uc icLcivcu1 in nana 11 ' tea Dy the purchaler ' .Ml TAYLOR. ABguft7tli;803. - :tf; ,, J, - h'l I I i L',. nI II I I 1 ' U ''.xiv uuvuii,4r:r':.r. l l TVT .1 . .it. 1.1 . vxuivjr aecii;.ea rne m.ercan- - tielmfiiipf:-- . rifrfrmQ . - . ur...Altn .n1.A iV .w4ut n.aNc-ipccu- y ,itt emenfs. ' hrh - w?ll .. fx.n . Knth .. imnnfl f hpm . inH r(l- - Mil .w ..v v.w.t ij. books are kept at ilc;reofl Lewis oanuers. - '' ' - NDT-rfK-- 1 , ," .' , Jti tfoe oj John Edwards. ' (A. BANKRUPT."! ' ' WHEREAS a Commiffion of sounded unon the of Congress of .the United" States, on the ,Ath dav of A- - n r r n. v - "" o uu""i merchant, he bee'h de- - clared a' ; he is hereby re - nuifoI tr. 'V.;.v.Cir A. - ,lu..v. ..i.., iwmui iu u e . ...4. .1 iIl. . .. . ill Lexinp-ton- . . wV.u, 1.I1VII ilUU where his creditors are come their debts at thefecond sitting rhp his animation, perlons indebted said bankrupt, or who have ot effects are to deli- - same tb L:ir. rt.n . .' uiiiiiuucib aijnoml. 1 . - ""'""1 ( . - jecemoer, 1003. 12 h i, u.. r . j c?. t upu)i(u'iuouuienanu,1 living'near Hafriron's one a .p twoyears j . . . '"5" iu acinars. p. C. C. oa.6, c ag5gtrcCMSr-w!gregMjoi.i.- . ., 1tl ILj BRISTLES WANTED. One (hilling and three pence pound Will be given in cafli. for clean, well combed HOC'sBRIS- - . rT.17 k u .,...ji. .uu, y ,,i1(-- luuiLuucu ai ins 1 inn nr ...... rr.0 f ;..r. n:'' wv.. L man. Liiuib urCEC M BRUSH MAk'lNr , ' . w . . .. . n Kiri- - -- ..,.;.. 1 A -J- - M. hj laiiuuj 111.11 ir. r iiT J may be Supplied with all kinds nf.Kl)TKH!,q " Ui. ...u.n.r.i at a price than any heretofore eves sold in Kentur.. ky, and of a better quality than any . " "" -- M" Wi t,uJ ;oui.i- - tizen to encourase this manufacture'. H,. . A,n :.. - ... WINDSOR CHAIR & WHEEL making as ulual. . . ROBERT HOLMES. Lexington, Oct. 17th, 1803. CASH, r, ' " ) GOOD Will BARLEY. ' Delivered my Brew House in Lexington. r' - ' ' - GEORGE A. WEBER, . Baier &? Brewer. Oct. 29, . . 3W NEW MUSIC. WILLIAM SMITH, FROM HEW!fERSEr. IAS just brought Kentucky, deposited with the Printer hereof, for Sale, SACRED MUSIC, on a new greatly improved that commonly, made of, and riotes particularly diMinguiffed, so that'th: learner can recollect them without difficulty, bv which the knowledge of music is eafdy red, .and the duty of the teacher, greatly lightened V A ,.... - -- - 1U1SKCHAN ,K. " . ; ' uci,wceii : : ,100 pedigree of-th- is is and mav bnfinefs in ihp to nouiejateiy occupied by year 1803, tp,the Subscriber, has juSt received,' Clarke county On or 'two ye'ars and now opening alarge, crprhr twill :..: 1 i:,l r,A ...n "- - VIV1IIV UUIlUjili uuu 4.UU1 illJCUL Ul u.iu r inrlpbrpd ....... t .. .. h the SECOND case act pafled has rurronil.V to ; fittinsr- - to terthe whom ... Clarke v wnff pah?, "I'lajicn 1 1803. th nerfon retail, for. 1803. plan. use ?tU?r S'T the prelentTajid, ijproachingf season ; a'confiderable p'rt of wl'H'being pnrchafed with ;'.rv- - ',u'u" pril i8oo,entitled"AnAatoeflah-iWA- L bankrupcrsvrequirc-dtorrtfifl- i Secytothe-Cifthi'r- ' . PTin U ud .ilmitn a utinn itmi ' , Inm iliiii I. !.... l. - tcuus., uul wcuu,uiiuC, Given Whatever. . . . - . .. . I .H rt"" lll'l - H W lnl , . "t-"- - " -- " "-- , Lcx. 26th Deh! 1 80 jT1 l . ,. , . , . !' ' - ' .' - .. - . ry'EsTEKDAY Mormns,on my plantation, 3 abot tfireet miles.iroAi' Lexington, a ;ifnan'S'raddIert,ridlCr-lA1te- 4nd cUffnfe. 'Tils saddle i skirted, bound Hvitli' gren.pliifli, jvnhirou stirrups the bridle is lacrb, the broke: at tto ioint arid' tfed withal(lrln", The ""'win bavehi, pro f??!,1"' the' rb !ber a"d " - kichardson. Pccm 24th,i8o3 ,. , "., v NG IMArEUlA uvii. .. . : '', ' i...r..i..r , r jwnypeRlon may know onnvhat term's ' 'PV - wmHK . to me in 'bprinefield." wLifU'm (Wnn rMlftint ,.A T. 1 Jj. "- - ..t,. ila i .f-h.- -- "avc u ,.. .rit. Innl. AlfA ". n . N- - perlon haimg purchared of l.w RUUll tk.. iv ty f p an unitorm lvltem obankrupt-'w- H f l sMJgj;s.lwaL acquaintea rv thrnno-hnii- r rbc TTnWprl StntA. 'K-1.- AVitn tQe,i aiimngSind Curryin coun- - and bankrupt IJ.nn' ft and Je!' a A'litarf Warrant for make a full difrnvprv and So acres bml, oc iind eu,ufih to let or his e htfi antl sttpr: mHni u,m t... ! . to pre- pared to prove and affignefis last fnid ei- - All any navor but the' com-- 1 r lUALffCIS, igtn i a .t iji.ii Mills, rn old hands V,f?ft, ,nn.,;f.l Hat lii; HOG's per m:.. gtven at to and the arduous r. t'mtn u lr bieis JMARgyis ...:n.. ecss U.j A N . To Sell prices for. 370frttre$ at the Indim cref L, bn river, branch rivei. -- 2295 acres, at thfc motulv of Holly creek, theKcn- - tinky rjver, about Hyles above its thrte " ' acres the North fork ot'K .f tle river. - l ,1 1. .. t.- - .. ol Uren loo in r. WW, poles For information apply t jw anv.uiiiiK iuuiiiho ntntnc- - ky "ver' Plvran tr.e mouth ot HixkiiMn creek. L,,ir;evi":,ni;fe..a,':ra,ich ot ir. JSntV about much,lower difclofurelof cttfk.hrandiesof , MILITARY LANDS. For Sale, TIV' val"able tr:cts ofiriLL, TARYLAND,fiu,ate6ntht,n;: 1 hm Hfof r ni. . . ' "" "" u'u 'i about c lilhes DelOW .lmIUn- - .,l i- - "!1. 17V '59 perches to the , u .. 111,1 j I iir .1 ...In .1 ... w i.ia jic irnfi- - 11.. n r. . . uic Tiiuin ..j.l 'V nn-i- c iidi;is containing a ria, ,... . o ,u ' b- - tu uen. John JNev.,1 ' TZlV'h r. -- niel.Mo.guj. trac is r veVbcTon f?, fi7'de ,LtA I" fieiC. Ien uPnd .. "..v'v'Li ,4"u nmoered. 1 he r"?7 ivUl be fl,ewn b' J" nathan or Pft - who iu-.- i. on lands. "u"u"' I will fi.II on a long Credit, on t being paid annualhfor iurther information enquire fa.Des Mornfon, in Lexington, Kentuikv, who is m pdlfeffion of a draught surveys, or the fubl Icnber ' 111 Pittibvrgh. " PRESLEY NEVILL. uct. b, 1803. WILLIAM ROSS, - BV7 & SHOE JUKZR, TTAS on hand a aifoitment J-J- - ofBbOTS& SHOES, u' h he intends selling at . ( top Boots, . Black top do. Three Quarter do. r t.t iF 73 foxed. Half do. 5, is foxed 5 53 Mens lined & bound Shoes, 2 Mens' kip-iki- n do. . T coarse do. - r Womens' biippt,rg from 1 to 1 25 Sm?y Shoes according-- At these low prrces,ndt"fs'f need be expeaed He s to lc 1 at tlieSi .' prices' through h. p rrmri. rvr 1 np wii-..- , .w .t.IVj4 'P.... .i . --.. wo or inree AfPKfcR ri E Vted to,the-aboy- e bufinf3 in, nt- - ' ' aetj' c ',. . -- .'.- "' ' ,j"' EwIS . SANDERS .. K Co hoVP U J T w x- - . by. mutu?i conieiit.' a 7.,u,a vu their copartnerttiip, Ptrfous i.ijf ' .i .. r. .1 '. ..r. ... " " "" '"" i" icrut't 1 ro . .. .. - make immediate TJSVffiehi 10 L-i- s o... . . ,,..1. lr-- , . ... ... 'r 111111 11. ri v wnr , ' ... .- " V IJJ Ul Uliv belong; .Any , petfon having- - ,!e- - firtftdf ftgsitilt laid firm. ' Si. des red t0 SlW rfL' SauJers-fo- r pa meilt ' " Lf'WIS OANUirs, i.i i Lexington',' elf 1 03. rT' H'E flattering encixr-agerrent A that t'e lub'- - : itlci h,is tpen- - encSedSi'icljis'.rwuimKijpe'iitntin hs l...n i :. j 1 , y.l"tti'es, nap nuuma',mm ti r large enp.genieirtd to'rnMin-j- e the n.jj-.- . - t.- ajm . . . ' s 1 i"',re n nis owr, accourt at ' ne I une vctPfrom the hanfli 6fhis ve. d f. ,.i. h :.rc .1, ., . . . . '' ... i remrn .. . loitriem ariciUie . nub 11 t not belacking'on'his part, any 'trail S- - trv .or attehtiop to U b,ufii eTs ,ard tb convince them' that their confidence is not . 'LEWIS "SANDERS. D. S,- - vfiiiajj trices e acrrAiiod iTon ns f ,c ,- - . i. .flriMffiM? th, H..z.',::r. ,c" H '.7, .: r T U. . ' "L ,,x l" ttg'C Vyer5i:rruir, uirif-trtrerel-t pi'J mnuiPv "wj. - : -- U"ruittnd apjroCcrt leci.i ties ul - re r,'ueiid fKr thi paymci.t c( the i,itei uJ "fiir tre pricipjls J - ?a e i., r ,d 'Uj, Dllcrs f()r thl. h ,f F 1 irt Ute ot'icr lialf "(hjll be iu' rive Priffterm Lckliiiron. to j R ib , Tt has been awarded and Hiued-again- ll OUljneisv.-n- o wunes .tpom in part- - audyith-- mind hiy-l.- i itnh-Joh- n Edwards, late of Bourbon nerfliip,Will be, thcperfmi Suitable. Hi- - of the bd tl1f ht? has u rei- - - ty, k.j-- .. .1--- choose the the his not mail D ri'ontj. be "" mirt, .;, $ AIR' SPECULATION f)N VALtlABtE, Six- - or Eibt iWrtnt tlie'Ohio, in i "oiirifl,inft settlement. "l '2200 acles nlo.n ,e J,? 'c of the ruerV Kifltjftia, ne ,r r eJrnWort,wtr,amc -- ranti of ttte'frau ,t Vn, n,, ' Will be fu!u even h at morale ihoutTior Ked of Kentucky 9 on ;is fT acres 918 further biiibot l.' 11 of large Brown 75 Mens' L,nr.,irr.ii. 'c Rope.3 Jf- - K Cra ldok in I 1)0' 1. Ilow.i d 111 F rh' iod, Ma.4'. " Ci , it or t '"il.iim J'jrh ( 'a Ve c U' - ' ( tf I

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Page 1: Kentucky gazette and general advertiser. (Lexington, KY · Lexington, K. Nov. 3d, 11803. FOR SALE, A MERCHANT MILh. SAW MILL, and DISULLERT,


--vB H718& iH,

gg jj.


tnmaccawbTiwBwwft.'pmM Fjugjm'iwiiwmmiti.n.imw wjn;i,iai.jmimBmMMiTO




This" paper is published weekly, ati;vo dollars per annum, paid in ad-jau- ti

Thofc who write to the Editor, rauftpay the pollSge of their letters.

To Lease.3, VALUABLE FARM,in Mercer countvon Salt ri- -

ver, about one mile and halt abore Maj.Buchanan's mill, on the. road leading1

fciankfort to Harrodfburgh with,about 100 acres of Cleared Land, agood Dwelling House and pther. Conve-

nient BuiUmtjs, a large apple and PeachOrcluid, Meadow and Pallure ; thewhole in good repair. ;

James Maccoun.Lexington, March 14, 18Q3.


WO UOllarS IteZVarCLt,, , ,. , - . 'run apprenenaing tne reuow

who (topped the Post-ride- r, this nior--

unit:, .luuui y w t,iwiw, iwii.1. iiiuathis side of Paris, K. and took fromis--


HE is supposed to bt about 25years old. 5 feet' 7 or 8 finches hjghand ender made ; had on a blaecloth coat, cotton'o'veralls and blackhat. i .

In behal ' is the Pod Matter General,JOHN jdRDAN Jun. P. M.

Lexington, K.Lexington, K. Nov. 3d, 11803.



Situate on the waters of Silverereck, in Madison county, about ;1 from the court-hous- e, and tenmiles1 from the Kentucky river, towhich is annexed 140 acres' of

LAND.The ltreSm and seat are equal to.anyin the ffate, and the mills and distillery in prime order. For terms ap-

ply to the fubferiber on the premi-ses. .

ROBERT PORTER.Madison county -Oct. lit, 1803. JTVjOTICE is hereby" gtven, to tTie

- friends of literature, that heBOURBON' ACADEMY,

Adjacent to the town of .Paris,- - inthe county of Bourbon, will be open-- .ed under the direction o(f the truf-tee-s academy, on the first dayis January 1804, where the En-koIif-

Latin and Greek languages,gjjT'be taught by grammar, 'an'd re-

duced to practice, in rrading andwriting: those ihnjliuees nr'operlv.Also the Arts and Sciences, the artof Speaking' &C. The Situation; iselijjilie and healthy. Boarding canbe'had convenient, and on reaSona-bl- e

terms. The.greattft attentionwill be paid'tc-- . the morals andin-ftrucho- n

of the pupils, committed totne caie ot J

The Public's .1 jHumble fenrant:.

R0BER7 W. FiNLY.4jMov. ' fM v23, 1003. 3W


'JMIGSE wlio write to tbe'Lexing-J- r

ton Medical Society are, requef- -

'.e,d to pay the postage of all commu- -

litcat.ons so made: ' ' " "'Bv order of the "Society. ,

QSigiKd) R: DAVIDSON, Sec.Dec. 17th, 1803.

Yy HERE AS Thomas Steele, for-me ly schoolmaster in Levington

u uvidur the necelhty of giving pub -

, iio notice tnat he is determined tog)ay no Jebts that Ins or :inay be,'contracted in 111s name, by any perV2j or peffons whatsoever : but ht:s determiiletl to pay all just debt:that hirafelf Has or may dontradt.

pd, 3.

RAGS.cents per pound of it

lred weight', given for cleancotton rags, at Charlefs'somce, Lexington. 1211


A t'e .v copies lot theIEVISED LXWS

Of Kentucky,iiely bound and lettered, ma;be lnd at this otHce.

it iKNERAL INSTRUCTOR"May hkewjfc ls had.

?3g?Wl'g lJTL,lttMll'Tar.TWirrM!TTFrPra g. (L ..

ADVERTISEMENT.Whereas, I am legally authorized

by power ot attorney, granted bJohn Wilson of Philadelphia, anddated the 15th of September, make leases of two tracts of land,entered, Surveyed and patented inthe name of Thomas Franklin, lyingujjuh luc waters ui iventucsy river ;

the one containing, by l'urvey datedtha ;uk!ay of Augult, 1784, 1 16,650acfes-r-th- e other, bv lurvev datedthe tft,of the same month and year,containing 108,344 acres, to iuchpersons as mav be defironq of hurtling on such lands, and unon fufeii

terms as are nmittecl by the lam pow-er of attorney. Therefore I hereby give notice, that application caube made tome in Lexington, whereI UM I I riA T'&lJtT 1 A nrvonKI n" lw u.l agicciiuiy cuttle Powers in,11?e velted as relatesto the making of such deeds and

he re airedBv virtue of the powers verted in

me, I hereby forewarn all personsfrom cutting timber, working falt-pet-


caves, salt-wat- er Springs, coalnines or minerals ot any delcription,tvithhur thev are authorifed bv fne- -

cisl contract; or in any manner tref-pVlinc-

the above lands, as anvperfbn offending herein, will beprof- -L rt .3YU fj n - .1j.cuicu wiLij nie utinpit rigor or tnelaw:

JOHN M. jBOGGS.Lexington, 15th Oct, 1803. , '.


CvM IIES to .inform the riublic.that he continues to carry 'on theBLUE DYING, on Main CrossStreet, between Mr. Adam Weber'sand Mr. Myers's; where he will dyeUotton, Lipen ifnd Wool, with awarm dye Cotton deepefl blue, at4f6 per pound Woolat is6 perpuuuu, which ne wut warrant to oeequal to any dye in the town of Lex-ington, i., ,

TA.COB BOSHART.Lexingto'n, juiie 25, 1803. stf


rFBR file for Cafli,a Negro Man,'bout 30 years ot age, ltout, active,

and is a oond lvjcraner. Also. hiswise, abou trZ5' yetirs 6f age,' who isa good lioule lervant, with her childof 1 1 months. They can' be wellrecommended as valuable, honest.(laves. For'Darticulars-annlv't- thefubferiber, living in Bourbon county,4 miles from Paris.


'X'HE partnerdiib of Trotter avT- Scott, was on the 14th ult. diK

solved bv mutual cdnfent. All thoseindebted by either bond. note, orbook'account.'aretrenuefted ro rifntp

iiimediate payment to George Trot- -

"ter ten.-wh- o wilMettle all thethose 'who will

not avail tHemfelveS "of this notice,WjlL. cohipel us to the disagreeableneceffity of commencing suits vith'out respect to' persons

GEo. t:ROTTFR fpn

' ALEx. 'crriTTa OOUH. iLex. 26th Dec. 1803,

-- jS"


Wants to purcbas Clean Merchan-- )

,.,. table,

c- - HEMP For. exhortation.Delivered at "any-o- f the wa'rehoufasbetween Clav'ela'nd's'and the mouthof the ICencucky., Also wanted,, aFew hqglheads CROP TOBAXCO.

6 Lexington, 27th Dec? 1603.

Fresh 'Goods."' I ""HE fubferiber has juftrecieved.vJL at his liore. oPDolite the marfitt houfc, Lexington, a general as--

.tibrtment of Dry Goods; Hardwarer . " o niV. t .' .iroteries esc. c. wnicn he. wiiUlifpofe of. oil the mod reafonahl eterms, for pafli or approved pro'duc :eot the country.

D. C. DEAN 1

Lexingtbn,'Decem. 26, 180-?- :

- t Jtlst PMisLed, . . -

And for faI at the office ol"r'..e KentuckGaette. i

An Account

LOUISIANA; HI5eing an Aburact of Documents in thepffij

es of vtbc Djpactincn bt State and 0PU1SFreafury.

Blank Deeds,On Parchrfcer,: and Paper for fsle

Seitz & Johnson,At their Store in Lexington, hive

received a veryextenfive Cargoof Cheap and well aYforted

Merchandise,.Consisting of










BAR IRON, &c. &c. ' --

Unlimited pains havin?" been taken to select the above affortmentifrom the. Vendues, principally ofBaltimore and Philadelnhia. n' either WHOLESALE or RE-- JI AIL. mavdenend on fprtinnr mm-l- i

greater bargains than have been here-tofore sold in this. Mate.

15th August,-1803- .

FOR SALE.C JPhe Valuable Stallion.

SILVER HEET.S.WHICH flood nr Mr, -- - " r ""'u,"ulryants, Jeffamine county, the past


.,,, .lt. wvLitu yo anuimares. The THE SJJBSClBER,

horse jrood, be feenbvrp-Wl7lLL-"contin-

ference the Stud Book for thei, Trot--dr , iner&'Scot-H- e


V.f.VIrrt .r., i.r.... v -- c...M uii WCil UUAUUand lecunty One op two peldirisau u' J t. , '? V. -

uu.u uc icLcivcu1 in nana 11 'tea Dy the purchaler

' .Ml TAYLOR.ABguft7tli;803. -

:tf; ,, J,-h'l I I i L',. nI II I I 1 ' U''.xiv uuvuii,4r:r':.r.l l TVT .1 . .it. 1.1 .vxuivjr aecii;.ea rne m.ercan- -

tielmfiiipf:-- . rifrfrmQ. - .

ur...Altn .n1.AiV .w4ut n.aNc-ipccu- y

,itt emenfs. ' hrh- w?ll.. fx.n. Knth..imnnfl f hpm . inH r(l-- Mil.w ..v v.w.t ij.

books are kept at ilc;reofl Lewisoanuers. - '' ' -

NDT-rfK-- 1

, ," .' ,

Jti tfoe oj John Edwards. '(A. BANKRUPT."! ' '

WHEREAS a Commiffion ofsounded unon

the of Congress of .the United"States, on the ,Ath dav of A- -

n r r n.

v - ""o uu""i

merchant, he bee'h de- -

clared a' ; he is hereby re -nuifoI tr. 'V.;.v.Cir A. -,lu..v. ..i.., iwmui iu u e. ...4. .1 iIl.

. .. .

ill Lexinp-ton- .

. wV.u, 1.I1VII ilUUwhere his creditors are come

their debts atthefecond sitting


animation, perlons indebtedsaid bankrupt, or who have

ot effects are to deli- -same tb

L:ir. rt.n . .'uiiiiiuucib aijnoml.

1 . -""'""1 (. -

jecemoer, 1003.12 h i, u.. r . j c?. tupu)i(u'iuouuienanu,1

living'near Hafriron'sonea .p

twoyears j. . .

'"5" iu acinars.p. C. C.

oa.6, c

ag5gtrcCMSr-w!gregMjoi.i.- . ., 1tl ILj


One (hilling and three pencepound Will be given in cafli. forclean, well combed HOC'sBRIS- -.rT.17 k u .,...ji..uu, y ,,i1(-- luuiLuucu ai ins 1 inn

nr...... rr.0 f ;..r. n:''wv.. L man. Liiuib urCEC

M BRUSH MAk'lNr , '. w .

. ...

n Kiri- - -- ..,.;.. 1 A -J- -M. hj laiiuuj 111.11 ir. r iiTJmay be Supplied with all kindsnf.Kl)TKH!,q " Ui. ...u.n.r.i

at a price thanany heretofore eves sold in, and of a better quality than any

. " "" -- M" Wi t,uJ ;oui.i- -

tizen to encourase this manufacture'.H,. . A,n :.. - ...WINDSOR CHAIR & WHEELmaking as ulual. . .

ROBERT HOLMES.Lexington, Oct. 17th, 1803.

CASH, r, ' ")GOODWill


Delivered my Brew House inLexington. r' - ' '


Baier &? Brewer.Oct. 29, . . 3W



IAS just brought Kentucky,deposited with the Printer

hereof, for Sale,SACRED MUSIC,

on a new greatly improved

that commonly, made of, andriotes particularly diMinguiffed, so

that'th: learner can recollect themwithout difficulty, bv which theknowledge of music is eafdyred, .and the duty of theteacher, greatly lightened


A ,.... - -- -1U1SKCHAN ,K." . ; '

uci,wceii : :

,100 pedigree of-th-is

is and mav bnfinefs in ihpto nouiejateiy occupied by

year 1803, tp,the Subscriber, has juSt received,'Clarke county On or 'two ye'ars and now opening alarge,crprhr twill :..: 1 i:,l r,A ...n"- - VIV1IIV UUIlUjili uuu 4.UU1 illJCUL Ul


inrlpbrpd....... t ..

.. h






to; fittinsr- -


terthe whom



v wnffpah?,

"I'lajicn 1









?tU?r S'T the prelentTajid,ijproachingf season ; a'confiderablep'rt of wl'H'being pnrchafed with

;'.rv- - ',u'u"

pril i8oo,entitled"AnAatoeflah-iWA- L

bankrupcrsvrequirc-dtorrtfifl- i

Secytothe-Cifthi'r- '

. PTin U ud .ilmitn a utinn itmi ',

Inm iliiii I. !.... l.- tcuus., uul wcuu,uiiuC,Given Whatever. . .

. - . .. .I .H rt"" lll'l - H W lnl, . "t-"- - " -- " "-- ,

Lcx. 26th Deh! 1 80 jT1 l.,. , . , .!' ' - ' .'- .. -.

ry'EsTEKDAY Mormns,on my plantation,3 abot tfireet miles.iroAi' Lexington, a

;ifnan'S'raddIert,ridlCr-lA1te- 4nd cUffnfe.'Tils saddle i skirted, bound Hvitli'gren.pliifli, jvnhirou stirrups the bridle islacrb, the broke: at tto ioint arid' tfedwithal(lrln", The ""'win bavehi, pro

f??!,1"' the' rb !ber a"d"

- kichardson.Pccm 24th,i8o3 ,. , "., v

NG IMArEUlA uvii... . :

'', 'i...r..i..r , r

jwnypeRlon may know onnvhat term's '

'PV - wmHK . to me in 'bprinefield."wLifU'm (Wnn rMlftint ,.A T. 1 Jj."-- ..t,. ila i.f-h.- -- "avc u,...rit. Innl. AlfA ". n. N- - perlon haimg purchared of

l.w RUUll tk.. iv

ty f

p an unitorm lvltem obankrupt-'w- Hf

l sMJgj;s.lwaL acquaintearv thrnno-hnii- r rbc TTnWprl StntA. 'K-1.- AVitn tQe,i aiimngSind Curryin

coun- -


IJ.nn' ft

andJe!' a A'litarf Warrant formake a full difrnvprv and So acres

bml, oc iind eu,ufih to letor his e htfi antl sttpr: mHni u,m t... ! .

to pre-pared to prove and

affignefislast fnid

ei- -


navorbut the' com-- 1


igtnia .tiji.iiMills,

rnold hands

V,f?ft, ,nn.,;f.lHat











t'mtn u






U.j A N.

To Sell prices for.370frttre$ at the Indim cref L,

bn river, branch rivei.-- 2295 acres, at thfc motulv of Holly creek,

theKcn- -tinky rjver, about Hyles above its thrte

" ' acres the North fork ot'K .f

tle river. - l,1 1. .. t.- - ..

ol Urenloo in r. WW, poles

For information apply t

jw anv.uiiiiK iuuiiiho ntntnc- -

ky "ver' Plvran tr.e mouth ot HixkiiMncreek.

L,,ir;evi":,ni;fe..a,':ra,ich ot








For Sale,TIV' val"able tr:cts ofiriLL,

TARYLAND,fiu,ate6ntht,n;:1 hm Hfof r ni. .

. '"" "" u'u 'i about c lilhesDelOW .lmIUn- - .,l i- -

"!1. 17V '59 perches to the, u ..111,1 j I iir .1 ...In .1... w i.ia jic irnfi- - 11.. n

r. .. uicTiiuin ..j.l 'Vnn-i- c iidi;is containing aria, ,... . o ,u

' b- - tu uen. John JNev.,1

'TZlV'h r. -- niel.Mo.guj.trac is r veVbcTon f?, fi7'de

,LtA I" fieiC. Ien uPnd.. "..v'v'Li ,4"u nmoered. 1 he

r"?7 ivUl be fl,ewn b' J"nathan or Pft -

who iu-.-i. on lands. "u"u"'I will fi.II on a long Credit, on t

being paid annualhforiurther information enquire fa.DesMornfon, in Lexington, Kentuikv,who is m pdlfeffion of a draught

surveys, or the fublIcnber '111 Pittibvrgh. "

PRESLEY NEVILL.uct. b, 1803.

WILLIAM ROSS,- BV7 & SHOE JUKZR,TTAS on hand a aifoitmentJ-J- - ofBbOTS& SHOES, u' hhe intends selling at

. (top Boots, .

Black top do.Three Quarter do. r t.t iF 73

foxed.Half do. 5, is foxed 5 53Mens lined & bound Shoes, 2

Mens' kip-iki- n do. . T

coarse do. - r

Womens' biippt,rg from 1 to 1 25Sm?y Shoes according--At these low prrces,ndt"fs'f need

be expeaed He s to lc 1 attlieSi.'prices' through h.p rrmri. rvr

1 np wii-..- ,.w .t.IVj4'P.... .i . --..wo or inree AfPKfcR ri E

Vted to,the-aboy-e bufinf3 in, nt- -' ' aetj' c

',. . -- .'.- "' '

,j"' EwIS.


K Co hoVPU J T w


by. mutu?i conieiit.' a 7.,u,avutheir copartnerttiip, Ptrfous i.ijf '.i .. r. .1 '. ..r. ...

" " "" '"" i" icrut't 1 ro. .. .. -

make immediate TJSVffiehi 10 L-i- s

o.... . , ,

, .... ...'r111111 11. riv wnr

, ' ... . -" V IJJ Ul Ulivbelong; .Any , petfon having- - ,!e- -firtftdf ftgsitilt laid firm.' Si. des redt0 SlW rfL' SauJers-fo- r pa meilt' " Lf'WIS OANUirs,

i.i iLexington',' elf 1


rT' H'E flattering encixr-agerrent

A that t'e lub'- - : itlci h,is tpen- -encSedSi'icljis'.rwuimKijpe'iitntin h sl...n i :. j 1 ,

y.l"tti'es, nap nuuma',mm ti rlarge enp.genieirtd to'rnMin-j- e then.jj-.-. - t.- ajm . . . ' s 1

i"',re n nis owr, accourt at ' ne I une

vctPfrom the hanfli 6fhis ve. df. ,.i. h :.rc .1, ., .

. . . '' ... iremrn.. .loitriem ariciUie .nub 11 t

not belacking'on'his part, any 'trail S--

trv .or attehtiop to U b,ufii eTs ,ardtb convince them' that their

confidence is not. 'LEWIS "SANDERS.

D. S,- -

vfiiiajj trices e

acrrAiiod iTon ns f ,c ,- - . i..flriMffiM? th, H..z.',::r. ,c" H

'.7, .: r T U. . ' "L ,,x l" ttg'CVyer5i:rruir, uirif-trtrerel-t pi'J mnuiPv"wj. - :-- U"ruittnd apjroCcrt leci.i ties ul - rer,'ueiid fKr thi paymci.t c( the i,itei uJ

"fiir tre pricipjls J -

?a e i., r ,d'Uj, Dllcrs f()r thl. h ,f F

1 irtUte ot'icr lialf "(hjll be iu'rive Priffterm Lckliiiron. toj R ib


has been awarded and Hiued-again- ll OUljneisv.-n-o wunes .tpom in part- - audyith-- mind hiy-l.- i itnh-Joh- nEdwards, late of Bourbon nerfliip,Will be, thcperfmi Suitable. Hi-- of the bd tl1f ht? has u rei- - -





thehis not


D ri'ontj.





Six-- or EibtiWrtnt tlie'Ohio, in i "oiirifl,inft settlement. "l'2200 acles nlo.n ,e J,? 'c of the ruerVKifltjftia, ne ,r r eJrnWort,wtr,amc --rantiof ttte'frau ,t Vn, n,, '

Will be fu!u even h

at moraleihoutTior

Ked of Kentucky



;is fTacres 918












Jf- -


Cra ldok in I 1)0' 1. Ilow.i d 111 F rh' iod, Ma.4'. " Ci , itor t '"il.iim J'jrh ( 'a Ve c U' - '( tf