kentucky gazette (lexington, ky. : 1789). (lexington, ky...

Tzi wvtnmxsvmjwvmuii.iarmJiiTXz2zisKt CO N G 11 t S S. Saturday, December 12. , This day the fcnateof the Unit- ed States waited on the President with the fallowing addiefs, in an- swer to his Speech to both houses ot- t ongrefs, at the opening of the " i'eiiion. 'To the President of the United States. i,.IR'., J It is with peculiar SatisSaclion I that we are informed, by your speech to Loth houses ofcongrefs, that the long and expensive war in which we have been engaged with thelndiansnotth welt of the Ohio, is in a situation to be finally termi- nated ; and though we view with' concern the danger of auinterrup-tio- n of the peace so lecently con- cluded with the Creeks, we in- - dulge the hope, that the measures' you hae adopted to prevent the lame, is followed by thoSe legisla- tive provisions that juilice and ' humanity equally demand, will , Succeed in laying the foundation . of a laffihg peace with the Indian - tribes on the Southern as well as ( the Weitern Frontieis. The confirmation of our treaty cwith Morocco, and the adjustment . of a treaty of peace with Algiers, - in, conSequence of whicli our cap-- . i tive fellow citizens shall be deli- vered from slavery, are events that will prove no less interesting to the 1 public humanity, than they w ill be ; important in extending and se- - curing the navigation and com- - merce of our country. , As a just and equitable conclufi- - on of our depending negotiations with Spain, will effentially advance the interelt of both nations and thereby chirifh and that harmony and good understanding which we have at all time? delired to maintain, it will afford as leal -- pleasure to receive an early confir- -' mation of our expectations on tins - .fubjeft. i 'I he interefling profpeft of our affiirs with regard totheloieign powers, between whom and the , Ignited States controveifiei have subsisted, is not more" Satisfactory, .than the leview of our internal situation; is fiomrhe former we idcrive an expectation of the thecaufesof exter--If- al discord, that have heretolore -- endangered our tarnquility, and ;on terms confiltent with our nati- onal honor and safety, 'in thelat-;ter- - we'dtfeover those n'imeions & wide-Sprea- d tokens of prosperity, which in so peculiar a manner happy country. Circumstances thus every way . .anfpicious demand our gratitude land fincerc acknowledgements to .Almighty God, and xequire that rV, e fhbuld unite our efforts in imi-rtati- of your enlightened, linn, i-an- d persevering example, to efta-"blif- h and preserve the peace, free-- ' dm, and profpciity of our coun- try. The objects- - which you have to the notice of the Jegiflature, will, in the course of the feifion receive our careful at- tention, and with a true zeal for the public welfare, we hall cheer- fully in eveiy measure that (hall appear to us bell calcu- lated to promote the same. JOHN AD4MS, Vice-Pre-lide- nt of the United States, and President of - the Senate. 'Tp which the President was pleased to wake the following reply ; . f Genti, . With real pleasure I receive your address, recognizing the profpeious situation of our public affairs . and giving aflurances of your careful attention to the ob- jects demanding legislative confi-derati- : and that with a true jseal for the public welfare, you will cheerfully in every ipeafurc which mall appear to you belt calculated to promote the" same, ' - f Bin I derive peculiar Satisfacti- on from join concurrence wnh me in the expieffion of gratitude to Almighty God, which a review of the auspicious circumstances that diftingiiifli our happy country, have excited : & I ti nit that the sincerity of our acknowledgments will be evidenced by a union ofcffoitsto eflablifh and piefeive Its peace, freedom and prosperity. GO: WASHINGTON. Lexington, 'January 23. Tumult in London. On the 29th of October at least 200,000 people lined the Mall, pa-lad- e, Parliament ltreet, &c. while the king was palling to and from tho parliament houle. He was vi- olently hilled, hooted and groan- ed at, with the cries of No Aing No Pitt No Wa, Lc. the whole way ; and when opposite the ord- nance office, a ball broke one of his cartiage windows, supposed to . be sired from a house adjoining the ordnance office. Qnhis return the luffing, groans, and cries were repeated. In palling tin ough, the pail:, the horf'e guai'ds kept the croud at a dillance, until his ina-jef- ly alighted, when a 'conlidera-bl- e tumult took place, 'lhe mob followed the slate coach as it pall- ed empt) tnfin St. James's to the .Mevvs, and to pelted it with Hones" Sec. asalmoft intiicly to demolish it So gi cat a croud wa ne- ver known before, not even at a coronation. Fiointhe London Gazette, October - 31, I79S- - Downing Street,. Oct. i7o. The tatification of the Treaty of Amity, Commerce and Navigation, between his Majefly and the Uni-te- d States of Ameiica, signed 10th Nov. Jaft, were this day exchang- ed by Lord Grenville,his majcflj's principal fecretaiy of State foi Foi-eig- n Affairs with U illiam Allen DiasEfq Charge des AiFaiis fiom the United States. . The following is an eftinaatc made at Llojd'sof the lofsfuftain-e- d by the capture of the fliips by the French, under convoy of the F01 titude, from Gibraltar, accor- ding to the Jill 1 ceived bytlie last l.ifbon mail. 2 J mips from Smyrna and Leghorn, valued in the a- - verageat 20,oool. 500,000 5 rich ships of the a- - bove, excecdingthe a- - v erage, 100,000 8 flnps at S,oool 64,000 '7 tianfports. with Sundry articles teturned, at 3,oool. 21,000 Cenfeur man of war 2,oaoo 705,000 N. B. The Lily, one of tne mips taken from Leghorn, had on boaul nearly three hundred bales of silk, was the richest ship in the sleet and worth 120,000 Total, .825,000 Between the hours of tin ee and six this morning, the whole of the buildings of the late Chiiftopher Kifer, deceased, on High ltreet in. this town, were confumtd by sire. 'IhE SUBSCRIBER, Who lives in the house lately ocv cupiedbyrtlr. Walter Taylor, will keep PRIVATE TAINMENT For Gentlemen. Pie will also take a sew Genteel BOARDERS. Waller Baylor. N. B. Particular attention will be paid to Hoi fes. January 1 5. WAN 1 ,D, iM APPREN nrp TO THE.. COPPERSMITH'S TRADF? Apply to the fubicrilir r. xi:.i. ItreevLexinsten. t v - fcN.r GUTHRIE,. SFLLING OFF, (Oh terms highly advantageous to the PURCHASER.) r-5- -1 H E fubfciiber intending to Ol ci nit the mercantilp-'hfifiiier- s - S vill Ailyok,.hyJXhOLESJLE, of "a well thofcartw general 'afloit-incn- t of MEW&H AND 1ZE,-considerab- lower than the usual pri- ces, for part Cash, and a cretlit of three, six. and nine months for the balance. ' LI. FORREST. Lexington, next door to Mr. Leavj 's. SOLD OFF. THE fubrcriber having sold off Merchandize, and intend- ing for Philadelphia and moi e in a ihort time, leguclls all' his house (the lower end of Alain flreet) and pay theirrelpeclive ba lances. He wants a good STAND for a STORE, on Main flreet, to get pofleffion as eaily in Apiil nexc as polhble. r or Sale, one hundi ed and ffxty'-feve- n acres of firfl rate Milaaiy LAND, adjoining the lands of ft. brahain Hite jun.on Goose cieek, in fefteilbn county. '1 his land as well as the neighboi hood, is as well wateied as any pait of Ken- tucky. For teims apply to the fubfenber in Lexingron. I will he at Jefferson February com t WILLIAM WEST- - Lexington, January 23. TAKEN up by the fubfenber on Boggs's fork in Fayette county, one bay silly, one vear old lall fpiintr. about twelve nnrl t half A hands high, a flar and snip, in the fl sorehead, neither docked noi bian- - ieu, apprailed to 7I. igs. xl-f- o one bay filley, one year old last spring, about twelve hands high, blaze face, neither docked nor branded, off hind soot white; to sour pounds ten fhil-- k ingSf Owen Winn. Sept t. 179,1;. g. Quelle lotice. IS heieby given, that the heire ofAndtew Hannah, deceased, claims a pieemption of icco acres of land as affignee of Georcre Smith, in Madison county, on sfl. ver ci eek, at St. Afops ford and on Ahe weit side of said creek, any flperfon claiming land that w ill in fany wise interfere with the above claim, are notified to attend at the said ford, on the 29th day of Fe- bruary, at which time and place I fliall proceed to take the depofiti-on- s of a number of witnelles to perpetuate teflimony refpeiflino-th- several calls in said Smith't certificate, with the cominilfioneis, agieeable to a law of this slate in that case made and provided. William Hen'y. P S. I shall have the above laml Surveyed agreeable to entry on the Succeeding day. y. i--j Public Notice, rP ail perSons whom it may I concern, that 1 shall attend with the commifiioners, appoint- ed by the county court of Bour- - kbon, on iaturdaythe thirteenth day next, at the improve ment 01 mexandei Buchanan, on or wheie a former improvement was made by Joseph RobinSon, on Gill's creek, now known by the name of Green cretk, waters of Licking, near a Cove spring in the center of said Buchanan's preemption of 400 acies, in Bour- bon county, to take the depolitions of witneflefs to peipetuate teflimo- ny and do any other business as the law directs concerning thepiov-in- g of Said improvement. Seraiah Stratton, AfT. of Nathanial Evans, All', of Alexander Buchannan. Jan. 20, 1796. 3(H FOR SJLE FOR CM TVO LIKELY U, ffiniaborn SLAVES: jf A man and his wise. Enquire of 4 the l'rinter. sw - rf'i w Then 'was a Rac&jnade be- - twetn Capt. Simeon Bijord oj Woo-- . , ford and myfelj of Bout hn county. Btiferd was to,run h:s jtud known by the tfatne.oj HJggfl, again J for 1000 doltais. Bumpardjitt uiue by a mere accident, tho very jorti.?te for Capt. Bujord that he did' ". has finte bantnM tiny hoife tn K ,1. tucky. Now is the gentleman will be as good as his word, I cat; beat h:s sine horse Mogul for 500 weight for age, jour mile heats, in any tin-- e that is reafonahJe for me to put vy horse in 01 der, at the Lexington com J ' LEONARD CLAlBORhE' January 1 5, 1 796. 45 ii Ml mm ii Mr. Claieorne : It has been five months since your Hoife hjmere accident iamed htmfelj : And I have been told he is as well as tver : amlstwo month, I think, a reasonable tithe to put htm m ordei But for jeartwo mouths i not enough, I will give you till the JaJ of AJarch. Now Jir, come down, entei into writing with me, "to ru.i U Jifaj. Blackburn's, or at Lexi,gtcji course is it can he had, on the Ufl Thurjday in Match, for two or tine hundred pounds, the sour mi,e h.ds, or a dtftance-wetghj- cr age. a d in so doing you villi very much obat Tom humble Servant, SIMEON Mlf.r,isr January 22, 1796. r . o 1 ou will enter into writing with me in two wetks from this dat;f or J f all not run my Horse till next fail,tj at all The Subfa iBers HAVE on hand, a handsome of Tv L R C H t W -- D IS h, which they will sell en v e-- ry moderate teims lor cadi aid country produce'. 1 hole whopltaie to cieal v.ith ihem as lar as six or eight poinds, shall have a confi-deiab- le abatement fiom the cum. 11 on letail pi ice. They will alio difpoSe of t? sir Tan-Yar- d and Stock on hand, cm-filli- ng of about foui hundred l,ics and one bundled cotd of Chefnuc and Black Oak La 1 ; the.e u a good bark-mil- l and a ntw rar ed cttrryingfliop 44 by 1 6,w ith 3 Toon.s and a commodious lofr. Theieis also a good dwelling-houS- e, v i'h other neceflary buildings, and 350 acres of Chefnut-oa- k land wiJiii, 6 miles of the pien jfes. All those mdtlted to them, by bond, note 01 book account, to make payment before the full day of March, otl)ervufe they will be under the .dilagieea-bl- e neceflit of putting their ac- counts into the hands of a proper' omcer lor collection. - PHIL. & MATTHIAS BUSH. Harrodfburgh, Januaiy 10. TorTale The F A Ji M ' . ON w hich I now 1 efide, six miles- - s Lexington, on Curds I A conlidei able ci edit will be ' given for halt the pi rchafe money, the title indisputable, being amil-itai- y claim. Gabriel Madison." January 12. tf UNAWAY from thefubfCriber . . uii uh. 1 in ujiiani, a rseoTo man named CUFFEY, about five feet eight inches high, w'ell made, about thirty years of age; had on when he went away, a Hi iped cloth. coat andoverallsofthcfmne kind he also took with him a bag, Llan" Let and sundry other cloa.hs which was a blue Negro cotton hunting skirt , heisreniaik-ablyion- d of playing the fiiddle. Also anegro woman named NAN-NY- , had on when she went away a blue negro cotton short gown and blanker, abonr nineteen years of age. Whoever will take up the Said negroes, and deliver them to me, or secure them in Lexington jail, fliall receive EIGHT DOL- - ' LARRS rewaid, by me living " on Cane run. George Bryan, Jan. 22, 1796. ). load. ) aS V; .'

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Tzi wvtnmxsvmjwvmuii.iarmJiiTXz2zisKt

CO N G 11 t S S.

Saturday, December 12. ,

This day the fcnateof the Unit-ed States waited on the Presidentwith the fallowing addiefs, in an-swer to his Speech to both housesot- t ongrefs, at the opening of the "


'To the President of the United States.i,.IR'.,J It is with peculiar SatisSaclion

I that we are informed, by yourspeech to Loth houses ofcongrefs,that the long and expensive war inwhich we have been engaged withthelndiansnotth welt of the Ohio,is in a situation to be finally termi-nated ; and though we view with'concern the danger of auinterrup-tio- n

of the peace so lecently con-cluded with the Creeks, we in- -dulge the hope, that the measures'you hae adopted to prevent thelame, is followed by thoSe legisla-tive provisions that juilice and

' humanity equally demand, will, Succeed in laying the foundation

. of a laffihg peace with the Indian- tribes on the Southern as well as( the Weitern Frontieis.

The confirmation of our treatycwith Morocco, and the adjustment. of a treaty of peace with Algiers,- in, conSequence of whicli our cap-- .i tive fellow citizens shall be deli-

vered from slavery, are events thatwill prove no less interesting to the

1 public humanity, than they w ill be; important in extending and se- -

curing the navigation and com- -merce of our country., As a just and equitable conclufi- -on of our depending negotiationswith Spain, will effentially advancethe interelt of both nations andthereby chirifh and thatharmony and good understandingwhich we have at all time? deliredto maintain, it will afford as leal

-- pleasure to receive an early confir- -'

mation of our expectations on tins- .fubjeft.i 'I he interefling profpeft of our

affiirs with regard totheloieignpowers, between whom and the

, Ignited States controveifiei havesubsisted, is not more" Satisfactory,

.than the leview of our internalsituation; is fiomrhe former we

idcrive an expectation of thethecaufesof exter--If- al

discord, that have heretolore-- endangered our tarnquility, and;on terms confiltent with our nati-onal honor and safety, 'in thelat-;ter- -

we'dtfeover those n'imeions &wide-Sprea- d tokens of prosperity,which in so peculiar a manner

happy country.Circumstances thus every way

. .anfpicious demand our gratitudeland fincerc acknowledgements to.Almighty God, and xequire thatrV, e fhbuld unite our efforts in imi-rtati-

of your enlightened, linn,i-an- d persevering example, to efta-"blif- h

and preserve the peace, free-- 'dm, and profpciity of our coun-try.

The objects- - which you haveto the notice of the

Jegiflature, will, in the course ofthe feifion receive our careful at-tention, and with a true zeal forthe public welfare, we hall cheer-fully in eveiy measurethat (hall appear to us bell calcu-lated to promote the same.

JOHN AD4MS, Vice-Pre-lide- nt

of the UnitedStates, and President of- the Senate.

'Tp which the President was pleasedto wake the following reply ;

. f Genti,

. With real pleasure I receiveyour address, recognizing theprofpeious situation of our publicaffairs . and giving aflurances ofyour careful attention to the ob-jects demanding legislative confi-derati-

: and that with a truejseal for the public welfare, youwill cheerfully in everyipeafurc which mall appear toyou belt calculated to promote the"same, ' - f

Bin I derive peculiar Satisfacti-on from join concurrence wnh mein the expieffion of gratitude toAlmighty God, which a review ofthe auspicious circumstances thatdiftingiiifli our happy country, haveexcited : & I ti nit that the sincerityof our acknowledgments will beevidenced by a union ofcffoitstoeflablifh and piefeive Its peace,freedom and prosperity.


Lexington, 'January 23.Tumult in London.

On the 29th of October at least200,000 people lined the Mall, pa-lad- e,

Parliament ltreet, &c. whilethe king was palling to and fromtho parliament houle. He was vi-

olently hilled, hooted and groan-ed at, with the cries of No AingNo Pitt No Wa, Lc. the wholeway ; and when opposite the ord-nance office, a ball broke one ofhis cartiage windows, supposed to

. be sired from a house adjoiningthe ordnance office. Qnhis returnthe luffing, groans, and cries wererepeated. In palling tin ough, thepail:, the horf'e guai'ds kept thecroud at a dillance, until his ina-jef- ly

alighted, when a 'conlidera-bl- e

tumult took place, 'lhe mobfollowed the slate coach as it pall-ed empt) tnfin St. James's to the.Mevvs, and to pelted it with Hones"Sec. asalmoft intiicly to demolishit So gi cat a croud wa ne-ver known before, not even at acoronation.

Fiointhe London Gazette, October- 31, I79S- -

Downing Street,. Oct. i7o.The tatification of the Treaty ofAmity, Commerce and Navigation,between his Majefly and the Uni-te- d

States of Ameiica, signed 10thNov. Jaft, were this day exchang-ed by Lord Grenville,his majcflj'sprincipal fecretaiy of State foi Foi-eig- n

Affairs with U illiam AllenDiasEfq Charge des AiFaiis fiomthe United States. .

The following is an eftinaatcmade at Llojd'sof the lofsfuftain-e- d

by the capture of the fliips bythe French, under convoy of theF01 titude, from Gibraltar, accor-ding to the Jill 1 ceived bytlielast l.ifbon mail.2 J mips from Smyrna and

Leghorn, valued in the a- -

verageat 20,oool. 500,0005 rich ships of the a- -

bove, excecdingthe a- -v erage, 100,000

8 flnps at S,oool 64,000'7 tianfports. with Sundry

articles teturned, at3,oool. 21,000Cenfeur man of war 2,oaoo

705,000N. B. The Lily, one oftne mips taken fromLeghorn, had on boaulnearly three hundredbales of silk, was therichest ship in the sleetand worth 120,000

Total, .825,000

Between the hours of tin ee andsix this morning, the whole of thebuildings of the late ChiiftopherKifer, deceased, on High ltreet in.this town, were confumtd by sire.

'IhE SUBSCRIBER,Who lives in the house lately ocv

cupiedbyrtlr. Walter Taylor, willkeep


For Gentlemen. Pie will alsotake a sew Genteel BOARDERS.

Waller Baylor.N. B. Particular attention will

be paid to Hoi fes.January 1 5.


Apply to the fubicrilir r. xi:.i.ItreevLexinsten. t v

- fcN.r GUTHRIE,.

SFLLING OFF,(Oh terms highly advantageous to the


r-5- -1 H E fubfciiber intending toOl ci nit the mercantilp-'hfifiiier- s -S

vill Ailyok,.hyJXhOLESJLE, of"a well thofcartw general 'afloit-incn- t

of MEW&H AND 1ZE,-considerab-

lower than the usual pri-ces, for part Cash, and a cretlit ofthree, six. and nine months forthe balance. '

LI. FORREST.Lexington, next door to Mr. Leavj 's.


THE fubrcriber having sold offMerchandize, and intend-

ing for Philadelphia andmoi e in a ihort time, leguclls all'

his house (the lower end of Alainflreet) and pay theirrelpeclive balances.

He wants a good STAND for aSTORE, on Main flreet, to getpofleffion as eaily in Apiil nexc aspolhble.

r or Sale, one hundi ed and ffxty'-feve- n

acres of firfl rate MilaaiyLAND, adjoining the lands of ft.brahain Hite jun.on Goose cieek,in fefteilbn county. '1 his land aswell as the neighboi hood, is aswell wateied as any pait of Ken-tucky. For teims apply to thefubfenber in Lexingron. I will heat Jefferson February com t


Lexington, January 23.

TAKEN up by the fubfenberon Boggs's fork in Fayette county,one bay silly, one vear old lallfpiintr. about twelve nnrl t half

A hands high, a flar and snip, in thefl sorehead, neither docked noi bian- -

ieu, apprailed to 7I. igs. xl-f- o

one bay filley, one year old lastspring, about twelve hands high,blaze face, neither docked norbranded, off hind soot white;

to sour pounds ten fhil-- kingSf Owen Winn.

Sept t. 179,1;. g.Quelle lotice.

IS heieby given, that the heireofAndtew Hannah, deceased,claims a pieemption of icco acresof land as affignee of GeorcreSmith, in Madison county, on sfl.ver ci eek, at St. Afops ford and on

Ahe weit side of said creek, anyflperfon claiming land that w ill infany wise interfere with the aboveclaim, are notified to attend at thesaid ford, on the 29th day of Fe-bruary, at which time and place Ifliall proceed to take the depofiti-on- s

of a number of witnelles toperpetuate teflimony refpeiflino-th-

several calls in said Smith'tcertificate, with the cominilfioneis,agieeable to a law of this slate inthat case made and provided.

William Hen'y.P S. I shall have the above laml

Surveyed agreeable to entry on theSucceeding day. y. i--j

Public Notice,rP ail perSons whom it mayI concern, that 1 shall attendwith the commifiioners, appoint-ed by the county court of Bour- -

kbon,on iaturdaythe thirteenth day

next, at the improvement 01 mexandei Buchanan, onor wheie a former improvementwas made by Joseph RobinSon, onGill's creek, now known by thename of Green cretk, waters ofLicking, near a Cove spring inthe center of said Buchanan'spreemption of 400 acies, in Bour-bon county, to take the depolitionsof witneflefs to peipetuate teflimo-ny and do any other business as thelaw directs concerning thepiov-in- g

of Said improvement.Seraiah Stratton, AfT. ofNathanial Evans, All', ofAlexander Buchannan.

Jan. 20, 1796. 3(H


jf A man and his wise. Enquire of4 the l'rinter. sw- rf'i


Then 'was a Rac&jnade be--twetn Capt. Simeon Bijord oj Woo-- .

, ford and myfelj of Bout hn county.Btiferd was to,run h:s jtud known bythe tfatne.oj HJggfl, again Jfor 1000 doltais. Bumpardjitt uiueby a mere accident, tho very jorti.?tefor Capt. Bujord that he did' ".has finte bantnM tiny hoife tn K ,1.tucky. Now is the gentleman will beas good as his word, I cat; beat h:ssine horse Mogul for 500 weightfor age, jour mile heats, in any tin-- e

that is reafonahJe for me to put vyhorse in 01 der, at the Lexington comJ' LEONARD CLAlBORhE'January 1 5, 1 796. 45

ii Ml mm ii

Mr. Claieorne :

It has been five months sinceyour Hoife hjmere accident iamedhtmfelj : And I have been told he isas well as tver : amlstwo month, Ithink, a reasonable tithe to put htmm ordei But for jeartwo mouths inot enough, I will give you till theJaJ of AJarch. Now Jir, come down,entei into writing with me, "to ru.i UJifaj. Blackburn's, or at Lexi,gtcjicourse is it can he had, on the UflThurjday in Match, for two or tinehundred pounds, the sour mi,e h.ds,or a dtftance-wetghj- cr age. a din so doing you villi very much obat

Tom humble Servant,SIMEON Mlf.r,isr

January 22, 1796.r . o 1 ou will enter into writing

with me in two wetks from this dat;for Jf all not run my Horse till nextfail,tj at all

The Subfa iBers

HAVE on hand, a handsomeof Tv L R C H t W --

D I S h, which they will sell en v e-- ry

moderate teims lor cadi aidcountry produce'. 1 hole whopltaieto cieal v.ith ihem as lar as six oreight poinds, shall have a confi-deiab- le

abatement fiom the cum.11 on letail pi ice.

They will alio difpoSe of t? sirTan-Yar- d and Stock on hand, cm-filli- ng

of about foui hundred l,icsand one bundled cotd of Chefnucand Black Oak La 1 ; the.e u agood bark-mil- l and a ntw rar edcttrryingfliop 44 by 1 6,w ith 3 Toon.sand a commodious lofr. Theieisalso a good dwelling-houS- e, v i'hother neceflary buildings, and 350acres of Chefnut-oa- k land wiJiii, 6miles of the pien jfes.

All those mdtlted to them, bybond, note 01 book account,

to make payment beforethe full day of March, otl)ervufethey will be under the .dilagieea-bl- e

neceflit of putting their ac-counts into the hands of a proper'omcer lor collection.

- PHIL. & MATTHIAS BUSH.Harrodfburgh, Januaiy 10.

TorTaleThe F A Ji M '


ON w hich I now 1 efide, six miles- - sLexington, on Curds I

A conlidei able ci edit will be '

given for halt the pi rchafe money,the title indisputable, being amil-itai- y

claim.Gabriel Madison."

January 12. tfUNAWAY from thefubfCriber

. . uii uh. 1 in ujiiani, a rseoToman named CUFFEY, about fivefeet eight inches high, w'ell made,about thirty years of age; had onwhen he went away, a Hi iped cloth.coat andoverallsofthcfmne kindhe also took with him a bag, Llan"Let and sundry other cloa.hs

which was a blue Negrocotton hunting skirt , heisreniaik-ablyion- d

of playing the fiiddle.Also anegro woman named NAN-NY- ,

had on when she went awaya blue negro cotton short gownand blanker, abonr nineteen yearsof age. Whoever will take up theSaid negroes, and deliver them tome, or secure them in Lexingtonjail, fliall receive EIGHT DOL- - 'LARRS rewaid, by me living "

on Cane run.George Bryan,

Jan. 22, 1796.





