kentucky gazette (lexington, ky. : 1789). (lexington, ky...

fisnam m jjwjam.aon A LONDON, October 20, Ennefcorthy, in the county of Wex- ford, is reported but we hope 'without foundption, to be now in the hands of the rebels. October, 21. The Dublin mail ofthe 1 7th arrived this morning. Early on Thursday morning, a de- tachment ofthe Duke.of Ti ork's high-lander- s, commanded by major Mere, ditb, sell in with Holt and his party, at a village near the Glen, of Finmal. The darkness of the morning favour- ed the escape ofthe rebels, all except 17, who were killed, and one wound- ed. The emperor pf Morocco it appears is now actually at war with the Han-feati- c league. 1 he French papers say that his ciuifersliave lately captured three vellcls one from Bremen, a from Hamburgh, and a third bearing l'i ufiian colours. '1 he Paris papers, ofthe 13th (late, that Buonaparte, had lest a garrison of 6000 men in Cairo, and aster ha- ving defeated the Arabs in several acuons, had taknn Suez, on the Red sea. That he had added 15,000 Ara-bia.1- 1 cavalry, and several thousand Jlanialuke infantry to his army. That he pi fl'eflcd himself of Syria ; and that the Seignor, and the Divan, had cxpreiisd the higeil giatification at his success. . Advices were yellerday received jht the admiralty oilice, from vice admi- ral iir Richard Onflow, giving an ac- count of ins having effected a landing o the l'etel jfland, taken puileiliou of ir and tlien I'ecured the command of the Texel river. .The safe and ca- pacious biv which thisifland atfords to o ir (hipping, will render it a valuable aequifition. FRXNKFOKt. Otftobfr 27. Tt is very .certain that from the l 7th to he lotfh, 12,000 Auliiians have niiici$d' partly' through Bregingen, in o'jjjKSrauhuiiden. 'I his, however, wis not-und- taken until the regency of oraubunden had, according to ex-- i r treaties., demanded , the affilt-af.e- e of Auliria t3 proteel i:s indepen- dence by a deputation to the imperi al'rfiilcnt, Von Kronthrul. Byan aft sinned by him, Anltria promilles that the will withdraw her troops which were rqnelted by the ttundner. According to veport from Feld Kirch the French; entered Graubun-l- i en on the 1 ot IffThe people oppo-fe- d them. On both sides there were a greatjrfauy killed and wounded, cd.' Jhe French .retreated, and the AuflThs marched 12,000 men into Graubundsn from the environs ofFcld Kerch. LINDAU, October 20. , We have this' moment received the mas 'hat the ' Aultrians, yellerday tre 19'h took p'otleffion of Chut, an'd now a' e advancing moie into Grau' bandert. . his is a fvtdl ; buritis not known whether the Fveficb' had like wise advjnec" t iwardsjrfiat pla-ce- . t is Taid ihar thp latter. sell Ifark wtth-- o it siring a grin ;iit on the other f,de a Is rong copa is collecting at SbaiFhiufen, ji the iullrian troops in our neighbourhood were obliged to make fwgf"" marches )ellerday at noon. ftp? same is repotted from Bergen. RAVTAD r, October 2f. THe-kfc- rr befineeflej-dayjt.hetrI.c- o loured fla,g was sly ing at the tow er or" the minilter of Strafburgb, to an- nounce that Bnompirte had iince the Irh of Augulr conq tered all Kgypt th u the army ot the Beys and Ma- - xnelukcs were totally defeated 'SEML7N, Odobcr 12, The fortune of war has not yet de- ferred. the rebel PdiTivvan Ojjlou ; he has extricated himself fi omtlfe Han-gero- fituari'in in ivhichcne grasi By onier ot the foteTrtiieijirKi(ri army acting, a llorm Widdtn, September was command o tohen a combined! ebels, was to tile 25th of. executed under the don Pacha, of Na- - er Pachas, with their At the commencement tlis Turkish comnxndet gamed some advantages ; so much so. that he took some s , but hi success was'rhf fliort duraiion. fallawan Ogb.u was pre-pa- - ed for tire a'jatk, and has project- ed wines nartfim from he city as fooa as his opponents liadieac&ed the spot thathe wiflied,underanioit hea- vy cannonade he sprung liii mines and made such a terrible flaugbter and cuntufion amonglt the aflailants, that the arnjy which blockaded him, was notable to form in three days. About 2000 were lest dead, and a great num- ber more horridly wounded ; which created great confusion in the camp. Even now they cannot give a regular of their loss, as the dilperfed men have not yet returned. On this occafionthe 31ft, attack was replied. We mull now wait the iflue. PHILADELPA1A, January 17. J IN SENATE, -- OF THE UNITED STATES. , January jo, 1799. United States, p.,William Blount. On motion by Mr. Stockton, fecon-de- d by Mr. Ross. That VV illiam Blount was an officer, ofthe United States within the mean- ing of the conllitution ofthe United States, and, therefore liable to by the house of reprefenta-tives- . That as the articles of impeach- ment charge him vith high crimes and mifJeineanors supposed to have been committed while he was senator of the United States his plea ought tcr usiover-ruieu- , f he Yeas and Nays weie as follow. YEAS 1 Meffrs. Chipman, DaveOpoi t.Goodi hue, Latimer, Livermofe, Liofd', I atjjt, Ross, Sedgwick, Stockton, TracuTv NAYS. M:jjrs. Anderson, Bingham, Blood-wort- Brown, Softer, Gunn, Green, Hillhoufe, Howard, Langdun, Marjhall, Martin, 'Mafoil, Read.; 14, So it was carried in the negative, and the plea will of course be allow- ed, and the defendant dtfeharged. Lexington, February 21. Departed this life on the 7tb. inft. Betty bledfoe, wise ofthe rev. Joseph Bleafoe, aster a fliort ilnefs, and was rjuVied on the 9th, attended by her iiiendsand a large number of refpccT-abl- e persons j a dilcourfe was deli-vere- d fuirable to,lhe occafiin frojj Romans, filth chapter and lall verse, "that as sin hath reignfd anto dea'h even so might grace icigti through rigiiccoumeis unto eternal lite by le- fts chrill our Lord." The editor havinir been callprf nn m declare "that the notice in his lalt paper, no47 refpeifting committee men, was not inserted by the direction or at the rcqUefl of the meeting at) Bryan," thinks, it his duty to say, tlia'. it was handed to him by a gentleman (in his own hand wiitingj who he be- lieves was present at the meeting, but witjinntany other official appearance, as Coming from the meeting, than what is contained in the nnhlirtiMn,, rttfelf, the whole of the niannfci int hi . r . . . r- - living oeen printed As the apprmching conventioijjgivev rise o the difculfion of nolitic:il nnr tlinns. in. which almoff eyery citizet intrteltate teels liitnlelt.' and as the most refile7fabl jnterefted ; citizens differ in fentiment,m0linany impor- tant political fubjeJbJIt is but jufl,to give each side xf .even ouefHon'sn p qualopjiortunity of supporting their opinions,; ior which ptirpole, one page of tnirpaper fliall unnl the meetingof the conventi on, yut no moretnan two columns to suuu ifuw u, aiij ijutiuun di TV V 1 10111 iorgooa:nrg- - on a ther : all nolitical nieces mtendet rn annear in this naper to be dcDofiri ,in the olHce at lead sour days before die day ot publication. THE EDITOR. W A NT E D AS an an affillant in a Wholesale Hard Ware Stoie, a Young Man of abilities, and reputation ;'iione other need apply. Enquire of the printer hereof; Jufi Publifked, And for sale at this office, and at the ofhee the GuAStftAH ok Frke-do- Frankfort, Price f$, ALL the laws (of a general hdltirt) whreh palled at the lalt lehlorffof the general airembly of this icommon-wealt- Lexington, 16. r MEETING ofthe fiibfcribers for A, anew,Fire Engine will be held, evening at 6 o'clock at the house of capt. Henry Marfliall, in or- der to form themfelvesinto a sire cdm-pan- y, & for purposes at which time the attendance of every fubferi ber is pai ticularly requefled. NOTICE, THErev'd Joseph Bledfoc negroes to be equally dif posed of among his children, among which are feveial very likely, and but onejold .The laid children by a majo- rity present, have concluded toexpole said negroes to public sale, for ready cam, on the firil day of March next, at the plantation ot the said bledfoe, in Garrard county. 2t February nth 1799 rt 'Hi, fubferiber hereby informs the J. public that he will keep con-ftantl- y on hand, excellent lime, at his lime house, about half a' mile from Lexington, at col. Patterfons quarry at tod halt penny per bufiiel, giving tenTjuinels tor every Tumdreu i,,irf r he will have two or three hundred bushels ready by the lall April j he has now on hand five hundred bufliels of excellent lime, for which he will take 9d per bufiiel giving the above allowance No lime delivered with- out an order. ' He alio informs the nubile that he will carry on" the well digging bufi- - ucis, aauiuai, ms pi ices are 2 ana oct per soot, through earth, is a cavity, or as far as a cavity extends in a lock, 9per toot, ijper loot for the firlt three feet aster, and 18per soot-a- s tar asthewellis continued, 2 per soot for walling, boarding, laln.ieis, pow- der, Innihs woik, &c. sound by the ovvnei ofthe well. J. R. SILUV' Patterson's quarry near Lexington, 7 Febfuary 181I1, 1799. tlP6 5 A Valuable Mill Seat I FOR SALE, npOG ETHER with fifty acres of LAND, tying on Silver creek, in Madison county. The land is situated be low the junction of Taylors fork with the main creek six miles from the Kentucky riv- er half a mile above the mill lately built by K. &i G Smart there is ten feet ul dead sill, &a good fituition lor a dam, by which the fall may be increased to 16 or l8teet the title indifpu-tabl- e. The above u a valuable object for any person or persons inclining the export buGnefs, as there is fuifiuent water to'drive two pair of tones, during the greatest drougflt in iumnicr. M is.liKevvile an excellent seat for a DIS- - riLLEKY, with over head'wateB a house built for that purpose, thirty feet by twenty. Excellent Itune (or buildinj, with'outjuarrymg for particulars, apply to y" WILLIAM TOD. Lexington, Feb. 12th, 179?. tf N- - B. He has also for file, THREE LOTS in PortwilUam,at the mouth of Kentucky, No 99, 200, and 201. GEORGE NICHOLAS rjURi'OSES from this time, to attend ttie X Court of Appeals, the Federal Court and tkeaJJijtrict Courts at Frankfort, Lexington, rdwlwid Walhirczton, constantly, as an As- - rONEY. He will also, when his attendance. 11 tnofe cou-t- s vvillptrmit it. go occaConilly, to any othei court in the (rate. Those who incline to put their bor,rrefs intohis hands, may beaffured thit it lhallbe attended to vvnfi as great, attention and dlliger-'e- , as he luscv er giventny business committed to his care. nSncuigtfii, February 8th, 1 799. HOUSES &LOIS FOK SALE, 111 "luOUNT.STERLING. ON one of which low, is a TAN tht-oog- which ruiw eonitant ft t earn of water; trgether, with a good flock of Hides and 13rtrM VJ. .. . . . MA - l"fL """'"incy win De low hen there is matter offered on theio- - confiderablcref1 ptl ty and ca(b, good of Feb, other of die haul lots will be iold hiijjleTqn together. t or terms apply tuMtlie fubferiber on the premifeg. "v PETER tllOUTMAN. Februtry 13, 179?. 3t tf. FIVE DOLLARS REWARD. r STHAYED from my house at Georgetown, very large, the hair where the head'piece of the brrdto lies on the too of his heUdTcat. lonir. and ltands ' J?P a final! l2rop .op uie knee ol luj near sore leg, ana cdick vMnoeawncn rocno oranaasresoi lected, &od alf round. The above reward will tie given for delivering hini in Georgetown, and. all reasonable expences paid by ', ELIJAH GRAIG. February tub, 1799. 31 X FEW COPIES OF PHILANTHROPOS , On Ngrt Slavery, Price 33 fr sale at this office. NOTICE, THAT conimiflioners appointed by county court of Mason, will meet on the 19th of March next, ac the beginning of an entry of 1500 ot land, made in the name of James Ditkey, about 6 or 7 miles from .May's lick, on the dividing ridge between the North fotk of Licking and main Licking; then and there to take the depositions of sundry wic-nefl- es and perpetuate their tellimony, touching the calls in said entry, and do such other acts as may be deemed necedary and agreeably to law. f3t JAMES DiCKEY. To Mejf. Ajlttt Waives, Richard haws, WaiKer Hawet, Thomas Buckner ir Eliza his wije, Richard Buckntr' is Charhtte his wif e, Robert Buckner ir ftlarj his wije, hsirs tf Samuel Hawet deceajid.-- ' TAKE NOTICE, THAT on t.tfe i8rh day of March, nest, we fliall take the depositions of Daniel Boone, Joseph "Scholl and Sep- timus Davis, at the Ash tree called for iu tl .n,ry of Ilenrjf Miller, of 4OOO acres, Handing tiy the lide ot the the Limestone 'road, about sis mile . from the Blue licks, towards Mil- - lcrfbuig, between the hours of 10 in the morning and 5 in the after- noon, to be read in evidence in thb snit in l hanceiy,whereinfwearecom. plainants and joo defendants, depen- ding in the Diitrhft court Jie'd in Pari, Samuel Miller, John Lewis, and Rachel his wije, James Miller, JVm. Miller, Hannah Mtllert ' Martha Miller, and Henry Miller, Heirs of Henry Miller dec. Lexington, February it, 1799. 4fr - V GEtfKrtOTjS price will be given Jfi lor a quantity Of good well dried j, (r 1 N N k t BY the fubferiber In thk phce, und OTHOV EEATTY U Co. in Krankloit, from thlstirKft forward, until the middle of "vlarcr net C. EEA TTY. Lexington, Jannsry lefj 1 799, tf up by the fublcriber, liy- - 1ns in Montgomery county . three miles from Six's mill, on the Sumcrfetroad, a black horse sour yearp old next spring, fourteeruand a half hands high, sour white feetjfetnd legjt alnioll to thekneei, a fiaiand white, nofc, afmall streak in his face, shod before, no brand perceivable, apprais- ed to isl.ios. JOHN LYEL. February 2d, J 799. " ' a Just Imported, And nofc Of ening, at the comer of Main and Cross ftre?ts, oppofits old court house. a a variety of articles, to the prelentf and approathing fcafon, vi. An airortment of dry gools, Hardwaie ilr cuttlerv, Sadirons, hoes scythes , and hcie, Crockery and glass waiei, Japanned do. y A general afTortment of tin do. Pewter diflies and plates. Superfine ' post ajii! common paper, School bibles and taments, Spelhtjg boolm, DilwOrth's alliflant. JjtlairT Rlnnldlwnk5. ..-- , Kherry bounce, Porter, " hjAvjres, . Teas, izailte, ana Chocorate, Pepper, s3 L"af, white & brow Sugars, Alfpice, cinnamon gingvr &c Allum, coppers:, ar-- nntti, A sew hundred of ex cellent logwood. Jesuit's bak, Glauber's (iff! Copper tea kettles, jTwo large and oner ft small fi"l, igheet ironS; nitlrodsy Naflr grfloQrmgbradSy from 3.1- - so 1 id Window glass, 7 by 1 8by to, 9by ir, te" by is, A variety of faddlery, Saddles, faddlc bags vvhips-an- bridles of cVery description. Also a sew exCtllenl double and iuigle trigger nfleguns. AH of which will l difnofed of extrer.iel) low for cafli. by the pnblie's humble fcrvamt, rsArtlAN JjURHOWS. Lexington, March 8, 1 79 J A generotii pike will be givor' for eonii try fugai , . Five Dollars Rfivatd. tyAS-flole- orbrokeout of my fla-- W .blein Lexington, on Thursday mght, the 29thDecember last, a hke-- r lyNforrel maic 14 and a half hands- - high, 7 or 8 years old, with a small Itaranct snip, both hind legs white, bianded thus W. on the near er and buttock, but not very pbtn, liertaij pietty bunchy, has the ap' pearance of being worked. Wh vcr will deliver said maieto me flialf receive tiie above reward and realon-- ' able chal ires. H. M'lLVAINv

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fisnam m jjwjam.aon


LONDON, October 20,Ennefcorthy, in the county of Wex-

ford, is reported but we hope 'withoutfoundption, to be now in the hands ofthe rebels.

October, 21.The Dublin mail ofthe 1 7th arrived

this morning.Early on Thursday morning, a de-

tachment ofthe Duke.of Ti ork's high-lander- s,

commanded by major Mere,ditb, sell in with Holt and his party,at a village near the Glen, of Finmal.The darkness of the morning favour-ed the escape ofthe rebels, all except17, who were killed, and one wound-ed.

The emperor pf Morocco it appearsis now actually at war with the Han-feati- c

league. 1 he French papers saythat his ciuifersliave lately capturedthree vellcls one from Bremen, a

from Hamburgh, and a thirdbearing l'i ufiian colours.

'1 he Paris papers, ofthe 13th (late,that Buonaparte, had lest a garrisonof 6000 men in Cairo, and aster ha-

ving defeated the Arabs in severalacuons, had taknn Suez, on the Redsea. That he had added 15,000 Ara-bia.1- 1

cavalry, and several thousandJlanialuke infantry to his army. Thathe pi fl'eflcd himself of Syria ; andthat the Seignor, and the Divan, hadcxpreiisd the higeil giatification at hissuccess. .

Advices were yellerday received jhtthe admiralty oilice, from vice admi-

ral iir Richard Onflow, giving an ac-

count of ins having effected a landingo the l'etel jfland, taken puileiliouof ir and tlien I'ecured the commandof the Texel river. .The safe and ca-

pacious biv which thisifland atfords too ir (hipping, will render it a valuableaequifition.

FRXNKFOKt. Otftobfr 27.Tt is very .certain that from the l 7th

to he lotfh, 12,000 Auliiians haveniiici$d' partly' through Bregingen,in o'jjjKSrauhuiiden. 'I his, however,wis not-und- taken until the regencyof oraubunden had, according to ex-- i

r treaties., demanded , the affilt-af.e- e

of Auliria t3 proteel i:s indepen-dence by a deputation to the imperial'rfiilcnt, Von Kronthrul. Byan aftsinned by him, Anltria promilles thatthe will withdraw her troops whichwere rqnelted by the ttundner.

According to veport from FeldKirch the French; entered Graubun-l- i

en on the 1 ot IffThe people oppo-fe- d

them. On both sides there werea greatjrfauy killed and wounded,cd.' Jhe French .retreated, and theAuflThs marched 12,000 men intoGraubundsn from the environs ofFcldKerch.

LINDAU, October 20. ,

We have this' moment received themas 'hat the ' Aultrians, yellerdaytre 19'h took p'otleffion of Chut, an'd

now a' e advancing moie into Grau'bandert. . his is a fvtdl ; buritis notknown whether the Fveficb' had likewise advjnec" t iwardsjrfiat pla-ce- . tis Taid ihar thp latter. sell Ifark wtth-- o

it siring a grin ;iit on the otherf,de a Is rong copa is collecting atSbaiFhiufen, ji the iullrian troopsin our neighbourhood were obliged tomake fwgf"" marches )ellerday atnoon. ftp? same is repotted fromBergen.

RAVTAD r, October 2f.THe-kfc- rr befineeflej-dayjt.hetrI.c- o

loured fla,g was sly ing at the tow er or"

the minilter of Strafburgb, to an-

nounce that Bnompirte had iince theIrh of Augulr conq tered all Kgypt

th u the army ot the Beys and Ma- -

xnelukcs were totally defeated

'SEML7N, Odobcr 12,The fortune of war has not yet de-

ferred. the rebel PdiTivvan Ojjlou ; hehas extricated himself fi omtlfe Han-gero-

fituari'in in ivhichcne grasiBy onier ot the foteTrtiieijirKi(ri

army acting, allorm Widdtn,September wascommand otohen acombined!

ebels, was totile 25th of.

executed under thedon Pacha, of Na- -

er Pachas, with their

At the commencement tlis Turkishcomnxndet gamed some advantages ;

so much so. that he took some s

, but hi success was'rhf fliortduraiion. fallawan Ogb.u was pre-pa- -

ed for tire a'jatk, and has project-ed wines nartfim from he city asfooa as his opponents liadieac&ed the

spot thathe wiflied,underanioit hea-

vy cannonade he sprung liii mines andmade such a terrible flaugbter andcuntufion amonglt the aflailants, thatthe arnjy which blockaded him, wasnotable to form in three days. About2000 were lest dead, and a great num-ber more horridly wounded ; whichcreated great confusion in the camp.Even now they cannot give a regular

of their loss, as the dilperfedmen have not yet returned. On thisoccafionthe 31ft, attack was replied.We mull now wait the iflue.



January jo, 1799.United States, p.,William Blount.

On motion by Mr. Stockton, fecon-de- d

by Mr. Ross.That VV illiam Blount was an officer,

ofthe United States within the mean-ing of the conllitution ofthe UnitedStates, and, therefore liable to

by the house of reprefenta-tives- .That as the articles of impeach-

ment charge him vith high crimesand mifJeineanors supposed to havebeen committed while he was senatorof the United States his plea ought tcrusiover-ruieu- ,

f he Yeas and Nays weie as follow.YEAS 1

Meffrs. Chipman, DaveOpoi t.Goodihue, Latimer, Livermofe, Liofd', I atjjt,Ross, Sedgwick, Stockton, TracuTv

NAYS.M:jjrs. Anderson, Bingham, Blood-wort-

Brown, Softer, Gunn, Green,Hillhoufe, Howard, Langdun, Marjhall,Martin, 'Mafoil, Read.; 14,

So it was carried in the negative,and the plea will of course be allow-ed, and the defendant dtfeharged.

Lexington, February 21.

Departed this life on the 7tb. inft.Betty bledfoe, wise ofthe rev. JosephBleafoe, aster a fliort ilnefs, and wasrjuVied on the 9th, attended by heriiiendsand a large number of refpccT-abl- e

persons j a dilcourfe was deli-vere- d

fuirable to,lhe occafiin frojjRomans, filth chapter and lall verse,"that as sin hath reignfd anto dea'heven so might grace icigti throughrigiiccoumeis unto eternal lite by le-fts chrill our Lord."

The editor havinir been callprf nn mdeclare "that the notice in his laltpaper, no47 refpeifting committeemen, was not inserted by the directionor at the rcqUefl of the meeting at)Bryan," thinks, it his duty to say, tlia'.it was handed to him by a gentleman(in his own hand wiitingj who he be-

lieves was present at the meeting, butwitjinntany other official appearance,as Coming from the meeting, thanwhat is contained in the nnhlirtiMn,,

rttfelf, the whole of the niannfci int hi .r . . . r- -

living oeen printed

As the apprmching conventioijjgivevrise o the difculfion of nolitic:il nnrtlinns. in. which almoff eyery citizetintrteltate teels liitnlelt.'and as the most refile7fabl

jnterefted ;

citizensdiffer in fentiment,m0linany impor-tant political fubjeJbJIt is but jufl,togive each side xf .even ouefHon'sn p

qualopjiortunity of supporting theiropinions,; ior which ptirpole, onepage of tnirpaper fliall

unnl the meetingof the convention, yut no moretnan two columns tosuuu ifuw u, aiij ijutiuun diTV V 1 10111 iorgooa:nrg- -

on ather : all nolitical nieces mtendet rnannear in this naper to be dcDofiri

,in the olHce at lead sour days beforedie day ot publication.



AS an an affillant in a WholesaleHard Ware Stoie, a Young Man

of abilities, and reputation;'iione other need apply. Enquire ofthe printer hereof;

Jufi Publifked,And for sale at this office, and at the

ofhee the GuAStftAH ok Frke-do-

Frankfort,Price f$,

ALL the laws (of a general hdltirt)whreh palled at the lalt lehlorffof thegeneral airembly of this icommon-wealt-

Lexington, 16.


MEETING ofthe fiibfcribers forA, anew,Fire Engine will be held,evening at 6 o'clock at the

house ofcapt. Henry Marfliall, in or-der to form themfelvesinto a sire cdm-pan- y,

& for purposes at whichtime the attendance of every fubferiber is pai ticularly requefled.


THErev'd Joseph Bledfocnegroes to be equally dif

posed of among his children, amongwhich are feveial very likely, and butonejold .The laid children by a majo-rity present, have concluded toexpolesaid negroes to public sale, for readycam, on the firil day of March next,at the plantation ot the said bledfoe,in Garrard county.

2t February nth 1799

rt 'Hi, fubferiber hereby informs theJ. public that he will keep con-ftantl- y

on hand, excellent lime, at hislime house, about half a' mile fromLexington, at col. Patterfons quarryat tod halt penny per bufiiel, givingtenTjuinels tor every Tumdreu i,,irf rhe will have two or three hundredbushels ready by the lall April j hehas now on hand five hundred buflielsof excellent lime, for which he willtake 9d per bufiiel giving the aboveallowance No lime delivered with-out an order.' He alio informs the nubile that hewill carry on" the well digging bufi- -

ucis, aauiuai, ms pi ices are 2 ana octper soot, through earth, is a cavity,or as far as a cavity extends in a lock,9per toot, ijper loot for the firltthree feet aster, and 18per soot-a- s tarasthewellis continued, 2 per sootfor walling, boarding, laln.ieis, pow-der, Innihs woik, &c. sound by theovvnei ofthe well.

J. R. SILUV'Patterson's quarry near Lexington, 7Febfuary 181I1, 1799. tlP6 5

A Valuable Mill SeatI FOR SALE,

npOG ETHER with fiftyacres of LAND, tying on Silver creek,

in Madison county. The land is situated below the junction of Taylors fork with themain creek six miles from the Kentucky riv-er half a mile above the mill lately built by K.&i G Smart there is ten feet ul dead sill, & agood fituition lor a dam, by which the fall maybe increased to 16 or l8teet the title indifpu-tabl- e.

The above u a valuable object for anyperson or persons inclining the export buGnefs,as there is fuifiuent water to'drive two pair oftones, during the greatest drougflt in iumnicr.

M is.liKevvile an excellent seat for a DIS- -riLLEKY, with over head'wateB a house

built for that purpose, thirty feet by twenty.Excellent Itune (or buildinj, with'outjuarrymgfor particulars, apply to y"

WILLIAM TOD.Lexington, Feb. 12th, 179?. tf

N- - B. He has also for file, THREE LOTSin PortwilUam,at the mouth of Kentucky, No99, 200, and 201.

GEORGE NICHOLASrjURi'OSES from this time, to attend ttieX Court of Appeals, the Federal Court andtkeaJJijtrict Courts at Frankfort, Lexington,rdwlwid Walhirczton, constantly, as an As--rONEY. He will also, when his attendance.

11 tnofe cou-t- s vvillptrmit it. go occaConilly,to any othei court in the (rate. Those whoincline to put their bor,rrefs intohis hands,may beaffured thit it lhallbe attended to vvnfi

as great, attention and dlliger-'e- , as he luscver giventny business committed to his care.

nSncuigtfii, February 8th, 1 799.


ON one of which low, is a TANtht-oog- which ruiw

eonitant ft t earn of water; trgether,with a good flock of Hides and 13rtrM

VJ. .. . . . MA - l"fL"""'"incy win De lowhen there is matter offered on theio- - confiderablcref1ptl ty and ca(b,






die haul lots will be iold hiijjleTqntogether. t or terms apply tuMtliefubferiber on the premifeg. "v

PETER tllOUTMAN.Februtry 13, 179?. 3t tf.


STHAYED from my house at Georgetown,very large, the hair

where the head'piece of the brrdto lies on thetoo of his heUdTcat. lonir. and ltands

' J?P a final! l2rop .op uie knee ol luj near sore leg,ana cdick vMnoeawncn rocno oranaasresoilected, &od alf round. The above rewardwill tie given for delivering hini in Georgetown,and. all reasonable expences paid by

', ELIJAH GRAIG.February tub, 1799. 31



On Ngrt Slavery,

Price 33 fr sale at this office.


THAT conimiflioners appointed bycounty court of Mason, will

meet on the 19th of March next, acthe beginning of an entry of 1500

ot land, made in the name ofJames Ditkey, about 6 or 7 miles from.May's lick, on the dividing ridgebetween the North fotk of Lickingand main Licking; then and thereto take the depositions of sundry wic-nefl- es

and perpetuate their tellimony,touching the calls in said entry, anddo such other acts as may be deemednecedary and agreeably to law.


To Mejf. Ajlttt Waives, Richard haws,WaiKer Hawet, Thomas Buckner irEliza his wije, Richard Buckntr' isCharhtte his wif e, Robert Buckner irftlarj his wije, hsirs tf Samuel Hawetdeceajid.-- '

TAKE NOTICE,THAT on t.tfe i8rh day of March,

nest, we fliall take the depositions ofDaniel Boone, Joseph "Scholl and Sep-timus Davis, at the Ash tree called foriu tl .n,ry of Ilenrjf Miller, of 4OOOacres, Handing tiy the lide ot thethe Limestone 'road, about sis mile .

from the Blue licks, towards Mil- -lcrfbuig, between the hours of 10in the morning and 5 in the after-noon, to be read in evidence in thbsnit in l hanceiy,whereinfwearecom.plainants and joo defendants, depen-ding in the Diitrhft court Jie'd in Pari,

Samuel Miller,John Lewis, andRachel his wije,James Miller,JVm. Miller,Hannah Mtllert

' Martha Miller,and Henry Miller,

Heirs of Henry Miller dec.Lexington, February it, 1799. 4fr



GEtfKrtOTjS price will be given Jfi

lor a quantity Of good well dried j,

(r 1 N N k tBY the fubferiber In thk phce, und OTHOV

EEATTY U Co. in Krankloit, from thlstirKftforward, until the middle of "vlarcr net

C. EEA TTY.Lexington, Jannsry lefj 1 799, tf

up by the fublcriber, liy- -1ns in Montgomery county


three miles from Six's mill, on theSumcrfetroad, a black horse sour yearpold next spring, fourteeruand a halfhands high, sour white feetjfetnd legjtalnioll to thekneei, a fiaiand white,nofc, afmall streak in his face, shodbefore, no brand perceivable, apprais-ed to isl.ios.

JOHN LYEL.February 2d, J 799.

" ' a

Just Imported,And nofc Of ening, at the comer of Main and

Cross ftre?ts, oppofits old court house. aa variety of articles, to the prelentfand approathing fcafon, vi.

An airortment of drygools,

Hardwaie ilr cuttlerv,Sadirons, hoes scythes, and hcie,

Crockery and glass

waiei,Japanned do. yA general afTortment

of tin do.Pewter diflies

and plates.Superfine ' post ajii!

common paper,School bibles and

taments,Spelhtjg boolm,DilwOrth's alliflant.

JjtlairTRlnnldlwnk5...-- ,

Kherry bounce,Porter, "

hjAvjres,. Teas, izailte, ana



L"af, white & browSugars,

Alfpice, cinnamongingvr &c

Allum, coppers:, ar--nntti,

A sew hundred of excellent logwood.

Jesuit's bak,Glauber's (iff!Copper tea kettles,jTwo large and oner

ft small fi"l,igheet ironS; nitlrodsyNaflr grfloQrmgbradSy

from 3.1- - so 1 idWindow glass, 7 by 1

8by to, 9by ir, te"by is,

A variety of faddlery,Saddles, faddlc bags

vvhips-an- bridles ofcVery description.

Also a sew exCtllenldouble and iuigletrigger nfleguns.

AH of which will l difnofed of extrer.iel) lowfor cafli. by the pnblie's humble fcrvamt,

rsArtlAN JjURHOWS.Lexington, March 8, 1 79

J A generotii pike will be givor' for eoniitry fugai , .

Five Dollars Rfivatd.tyAS-flole- orbrokeout of my fla-- W

.blein Lexington, on Thursdaymght, the 29thDecember last, a hke-- r

lyNforrel maic 14 and a half hands- -

high, 7 or 8 years old, with a smallItaranct snip, both hind legs white,bianded thus W. on the near er

and buttock, but not very pbtn,liertaij pietty bunchy, has the ap'pearance of being worked. Whvcr will deliver said maieto me flialfreceive tiie above reward and realon-- 'able chal ires.