kentucky gazette (lexington, ky. : 1789). (lexington, ky...

SACKED TO THE MUSES'. hnpi vniptv, iy'a 'GetitJimtyi to v of Misses, ttt.btts.wer M an 'ardent invitation to. Tea ;',. " ' , '. .'- -' ...'pMfclNAL. I triot.VKjfm of all mankind LeafiL.-p.le- Ting to the female mindj And let them call tt'ie what they Ism not dilpofed to take it ill. . It is a fa&V'I JCvasby nature, A moftjunfafcienatirig creature,-An- d have this ,so improved-- , As ne'er to ve or be beloved. . I've wander'd in-th- e thorny maze Of science, from my infant'daya;' And through arabili'oh.tb'be wise,. 1 have almoit.rea,a 'Wittny. eyes, Immers-'- in fcienc'es'ab.ftnifei Half out of date', and ' .'Who could alltime an easy air, And intermingle with the Fair- - J Z Will', talent outof nifir, 'rif''1 Twelve hours each day empl'oy'd iri' reading, Where Was the time to'Iea'r'n gb'Qd breed !ng - .'. Immured with books both day and night,'" w h;fr mortal min, could grow polite And who Vith a pedantic air;, Would vcnturelo moieftthe Fair. . Hence' fqded beauty and ill .nature, Infer that " I'm a woman hater-;- " - A charge extremely hard to prove On me, whti neither hat'e nor love, But yt lincercly wish the good, . Of all cofiipos'd of flcfli and blood.' I thiilk fom6 where 'in Fables oldj A ftofy apropos is told, , About a Wolf, a six age creature, Who. tried to lay alide his nature, Mimicking each politer art, And learning compliments by hear'tj With polith'd company would keep? i ,: fr ? ; And oiler d to gallant a lheep, . . Th'e'flieep well, bredj .. And complimented what he said . " I owll good sir you're very TciniL; " And wduld'ho doubt Sm'ufe 'my 'mind, " But nuift jnform yoii (with, your leave) " You very muchyourfelf deceive, " Your, presence sir can-neve- r please, ""Your abl'eric'e .will at last give.ea.fe, ".Your lovfe, I must by "diftan'ce 'me.afufe, " The farther off.-th- e more pleafur'e," From this I've learned, with ftudiqus care, ' . ' ',,.-- ' One w'ay at leail, to'plea'fe-th- fair, . And will pur'fue thatiur'eit way, Which is' to keep myself away.. -- BcgiTW'"- . , ' ' ANECDOTE.. Some gentlemen coming outof.ata-ver- n pretty merry, a link buy cried, have a light, gentlemen: .Light yourlelt to the devil, you dog, says one of tlfe "com- pany. Bk-f- s you, master, replied the boy, can find the &ey in the dark ? shall i light your bdnour there P LAND FOR SALE. AM authorised by gentlemen of in Philadelphia, to sell a- - bout one hundred and eighthy thousand acres of LAND,, in different part's of this slate -- same of it MILITARY LANDS' south of Green river The payment will be made easy. I will take a small part in LAbri, the ballance in HORSES, FLOUR, HEMP orTOBAGQO.; or allow a credit for three fourths of the purchase moneys pay-'.ab- le in one, two and three yearsv-- A. de? Miction of the BAND, and particulars ifthe terais may be had by applying to ttie in Lexington-.- ' Thbs. BMey: December adth, i860. FORTY DOLLARS REWARD. AN-A- AY From the rvibfcTilrer, li ving: at Mann's Lick about the iStli December lafta Negfo Tnan hamed HARRY, about 25 years of age, upwards of fife feet high, very litcely, active anofwell G made, has a. variety of cloathing with -- him, among which is the following. A new green broad cloth coat, fwanfdown jacket,gingham do. white fliirts,newleathi ler overalls, castor hat, a riew grey linfey Jiunting-fliir- t, old cloth dVeralls, ftoang new shoes, &c. &c. Any person who will fefure theabrjve negrb in any Jail, so that I fret him acainw mail receive TWENTY-FI.V- E DOLLARS reward, po the above reward Sf brought home, raid by me.- tf , JAMES F, MOORE. BLANKS OF VARIOUS KIHDS', Ma be had ar thi' ofiice. FRESH SUPPLY. J J MACBEAN 6? POYZE'R, Have just received from "Jee SfCo's Fa-jiij-- y and Medicine' WAie-House- :, Baitimorc, a LargcrSupply of the'htost Gelcbrted . J MEDICIN'ES: . 9 Afj,Price 1 dollar per pac&'etf Hamilton's Worm De'ih-o'jii'n- g :. L'oz'aiises, ; Which hive. vitlun two. years .past, eiveffi relies tp upwartfi ti- - flrfTY rHOOSlb I'fertSONS; p: Qii vgeSj in venous aangeruus cunipiamn, ariiui from;Hvq.rmV and from fotituefi for obltnictiob inthe' ftowa'ch and bowels. ' 'A. peculiar excellence of this remedy is, it? betnp; suited to .every age, and conftitutiortt cgntaifii bQt Vvhat'is(fJerTeftiv'innocit," and is so rhild W.lU)p'eration,-t(ia- t t cahhot iii ure the mod deh- - fyt' ftjrtrt.inV tr tii lnAfrptl infant rtT a wppli iailJlipuld nojWiflriM.exift in the body butiwill 'dwe'(s'o.F whirteveris soul or pffenfive, and ihereby '.precritUhe production ofiworms and many fatal j.dllbrdert. Description of Worms, and the symptoms by ivvtca toey are known. Worms which infelt tne human body, orexhieily. '.Of fdur'kih'ds, viz. the Teres or large roundworm tne Aieanues, or lmali mw woim,ana jaitly, tne iTteilia,ar tape worin,J"ocaUediromitsrefcmblance to tape ; this is otten many yards Jong, and is Jull ot jomti It is molt hurttul, and molt difficult to cure. Among tlte 'fyraptoMS attending worms are, breath, elpecially ill tle inofrting Bad and corrupted gums Itching ip the noie and about, the seat Convulsions and epileptic sits, and some-tim- privation of speech Starting and grinding' ot the teeth in sleep Irregular appetite, sometimes loathing food, and lonietinies voracious Pmging, with fluny and foetid Aopls Vomiting Large and hard belly l'ains and iicknefs at the stomach Pains thighs, with loftneis "oTJfpi-rit- s Slow sever, with llnall and irregular pulse A dry cough Excellive thiift Sometirrfet pile and unhealthy countenance, and sometimes the lace bloated and fluflicd Persons affliCted with any of the above.Iymptoms, mould have immediate recdurfe to HAIVHL l'.ON's WORM DESTItOVlNG LOZENGES, whichhave been coiiitantly attended with success in all com- plaints iunilar to those above described. Children generally take this medicine with eager-nes- s, having a pleasing appearance, and an agreea- ble talte. We mall give occasionally, an recount ot cures, felecledTrom a number of persons 111 this (late. Price 1 dollar and 50 centss per Bottle, The Genuine Persian Lotion, Ear Cleansing and Cleaning the, 'FACE Of all Scorbutic and other Eruptions particu- larly Freckles", Pimples, Pits aster the Small-Po- Inflamatory Itednefs, Scurfs, letters, Ring-Worm- Prickley Heat, Premature Wrinkles, S:c. &c. llendcrin the skin delicately clear and soft, improving the complexion, feltoring and the blbo'm of youth. Price 1 dollar and 5b cents, .per lottle, "f Church's Cough Drop's, rFor the, cure of COUGHS, COLDS, ASTMAHS y CONSUMPTIONS, Price 1 dollar' and 50 'cents per 'o'ttle, Infallible Ague &. Fever Drops, For the cure vs Agues, remittent dndin- - ttrmittent Fevers. . Thoufandj' can testify of their being c'u're'd by these drops, aster the bark and every other medi- cine has proved ineffectual; and not one in a hun- dred has had occasion to take more than one, and numbers not half a bottle. These drops are particularly recommended to the inhabitants of low marshy countries, where the worst sort of agues generally prevail, which unless early attended to and speedily removed, injures the constitution exceedinelv. and brines on dropfies. putrid severs, and a variety of complaints, of the moit dangerous and alarming nature. Many other medicines are daily offered to the public for the pure of this disorder,' which, upon trial have bee sound either dangerous or useless. The bark is the usual remedy made use of, but being a very naufc-ou- s medicine, and seldom .taken in sufficient quanti-ty,- it very often sails; and children, and thole who have weak itomachs,are frequently lost for vant of a more easy and pleasant remedy. Price 7 5 cents per 60X, The Sovereign Ointment for the Itch, Which is 'warranted an infallible remedy at one application, and may be used with the molt perfect safety by pregnant women, Or on infants a week old, not containing a particle of mercury, or any dangerous ingredient whatever, and is not accom- panied with that tormenting smart, which attends the application of other remedies. PREVENTION BETTER THAN CURE. For the prevention and cure of Billions hill"? I'lllimlnnt Ft?y'r. re rinrtivn'vidpn ' - ." ..,. -- , .- - . ....v......... -- .... I y, li (Price 1 dollar per box,) KT3r. Harm's Anti-Biliou- s Pills, Which hrfv bfeeh attended with a tlegreeof fuc- - t?efs highly gratifyhtg to the investor's feelings, in several parts of ths West Indies, and the southern of the United States, particularly in Baltimore, Peteriburg, Richmond. Norfolk, Edenton, Wil mington, Charleston, and Savannah. The teftimo nyof a number of persons in each or the above pla ces can be adduced, who have reafonto believe that a timely use of this salutary remedy, has under Provi'dence, preserved their liveswhen In the mod alarming circumstances. The'operation of these pills is pere&Iy 'mild,! as to be uled with safety by persons in every fitua-tion- , ana or every age. They are excellently adapted to carry olf fuper-fluuu- s bile, and prevent it's moibid secretions to restore and amend the appetite to produce a free perfpiraUqn, and theveby prevent colds, which are often of fatal consequences-- A dote never farts to remove a cold, is taken on its first apperaance. They are celebrated for removing habitual coftive-nef- ! fickncTs at the stomach, and severe head ache in-- i ouitht to he taken bvall persons ba a cliahgc ol f lini u. - o Price-- iiolhrm'io 'cent's 'sir pottle, ri,l)e Genuine- - Lilencej The G'eniiitle Excrad, df-"Mu- f Ldl.V, , ..4- - Fnr fh'e Cnre of illheuMatiftm 'Goiiti f Pilfv. Sprains, White Swelling, 'gtc.'and lias 'pevform'ed.l more cures'in inc aDovccompiainis,iiian an ;j UU1C( IHCUlbJHCCYCl UClUICJllUUCUUtlb. 4I . 'Prtc'c 1 dollar and 50 cents per i6x, , Tit. Hamilton's Klixer. r A sovereign retriedyfbr Col(li,-dbflina- te Coughs, ;linina3, JUU upuai.iuig uuiiiuiupiiuns,' anu ING COUGH. 'Pride a dollars, Indian Vegetable bpecific, For the Cure of a Ceftain'DIiea'fe. Trice 2 dollars, Hamilton's Grand Restorative.- - Is recom'meiJded 'as an invaluable .medicine for the- - friecdy rehel and permdnent cure of the various complaints which result fiom diffipated pleasures, juVinile indifcre-tions- residence in climates unfa v'orable to the cdnftitution, the immoderate use Of niercury the difeales pecular to females at a 6f life ) bad lyings in, fcc. Trice 50 cents, The Damask Lip Salve, An elegant and pleasant preparation for chopped and sore lips, anderery blemish and inconvenience occasioned by Colds, Severs, &c. fpeedyreftorlnga beautiiul rosy cblor, and delicate softness to the lips. Price 7-- 5 cents per box, Th& Reflorative Powder for the Teeth and Gums, Ttiis'eiceflent preparation comforts and strength ens the gums, preserves "the enamel from decay, and tleanfes ilnd whitens the teeth, abfotbing all that acrlmonibus slime andfoulnefs, whic'i suffered to ac- cumulate rleVer sails to injure and finally ruinthem. H Price 50 Cents, Dr. Harm's True and Genuine German Corn Plailler, Ah infallible remeiiy for Corns, speedily them root and branch, Without givingpain. - Price 1 dollar per lottk. Dr. Hahn's Genuine Eye Wa- ter, Afovereign remedy for all diseases of th'e eyes, whether the efTeft of natural weakness or of acci- dent, speedily removing infiammations, derlunious of rheume, dulhefs, itching, and films en the eyes, never failingto cure those mal.idies wliichfrequent-l- succeed the small-'po- measles, and severs, and wonderfully strengthening a weak sight, hundred's have experienced its excellent "Virtues, when nearly deprived of ight. Price 75 Cents, Tooth-Ach- e Drops, The onljr 'remedy yet discovered which 'gives immediate and listing relies in the Tfioft feVere -- I Price 1 dollar, The Anodyne Elixer, i tor the 'cure 'of every kind of rIead.Ache,&c. tic sere. N. B. There medicines are Totds atmve, by ap- pointment, and no where else in Kentucky. Also may be had as above, Hooper's Female Pill's, Anderson's Scot's do. Britifli Oil, Godfrey's Cordial, Dr. James's Fever Powder, Turlington's Balfom, Daffy's Elixer, &c &c &c. Lexington, 3d April. fi Akxamkr Parker, HAS just imported, and now opening his Store, opposite the Court-Hous- e, in Lexington, a Very Ikrge and elegant aflbrtment of MERCHANDIZE, Consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Sta- tionary, Hard, Queens, China and Glass Ware, which he will sell on the mofi re- duced prices for Cafii. N. B. In the above aflbrtment there is Cut Nails of every size, Saw-Mi- ll Cranks-- , Boulting-Cloth- s, and a large quantity of Coarse Muslin, aflbrted, which will be foldbyhe bale or piece, lower than usual. Lexington, April so, 1801. - A. ft iv tbiis of good Merchantable ft HEMP wanted, for which a getierons price will be given. Good wages will be given to five or six JOURNEYMEN ROPE-MAKER- S. ' PETER JANUARY; Take Notice. A EL thdfe indebted to the fubferiber, citner by bond, nbte, or book account, are eartleftly rcrmefted to come forward and Tattle their refpeft ive balances, on or before the Gist day of July next, with mr. Robert A. Gatswood, whois. duly athor- - iled 16 recive arm Teccmt tor the same IV. iiUa-t)- i Lt.cjy. ' ' ' trotter so Sc&tt. HAVE jiiTc; rece.ived'.v'aridvhbw for4ale. it tlieir Store, in Lex- - inlgtonva:x:on)p!ete afi'ortment of " Z : MEKCHAHpPZ-K- , y Well fuitedtbthe preferit and approach- ing seasons,. of- Dry Gooxjs G.roce'ri'es, Ojieeri's aild GlafsWare-,Ear-I.r.o'rf- , .Steel, Irripofted .. Callings,- Niils, W'indow-Glaf- s, floulting-Clqths- ; suited ror'M'erc'htuit. gr "'CJbtintry Aroiik- lilce Wise a' 'supply of Mann's 'Lick-Salt- , all of 'which will' be fcfld-a- t thejr usual iow pri- ce's for Gafli. , ."."-Lexington- , April jibj 18qi. T ' FO'R SALE, HE Property lately occupie'd in. this town, by m. Aithur Thomplon, and at prelent wr Mr. Dellum, consisting of Two New Two Story frame:. HOUSES, .. Neatly finifiiej, large and convenient Cellars, a large frarrfs Stable and Kitchen, gobd Smoke Houfr, and ThrefeLo'ts belonging to the above premises. Also two hundred acrts of GOOD gUAUTIED LAND, lying bn the 'h'eid of Salt Kiver, 'ab'out this town; tiie title elca-- r of 'every kind ofdifpute; the' Land is 'we' II watered, but en- tirely lihlnibl-Ovgd- A liberal credit will be given, for the payment, and the whole amount will be in 'Pddnce .The terms will be made known by application toMeflrs.Coch?ane.&:-Thurlby,Tner-chants- , of Philadelphia, .or the fubferiber, in Dan ville. ' - J. 'BItlNEY. Danville, 9th February, 1801 JJtp STRAYED or STOLEN. FltOM'the fiiTircriHerlivihgjn MaTcm'couirtyKe'h Iht rtth inft. a ba'y Hdrfe, about S years old, 14 hands 3 inches 'hfglT, wellmade. paces, trots, and racks well, lias a nicVcL: tail, whicli ho tarries very high, and when pacing goes very 'widfc behind. He "has a brand on the hear Pireh. but I xl'6 not recollect what it was & fomfc rarg'e'faddle'msi'kV. Is he is rmt'ftolen I eitpccl he will m'akt 'for Leii ington,as mr. JolnCIaV, and'a'mr. 'Nilfon ihL'e;. ington riwn'd him forde tfmt. Is ftolen,ahy perfoh appreHeriding tlie thief ahtl fecurirlghimin'ga'olftiall Ue'ehtitldl to TEN'DOL-LAU- S REWARD, and for file horTe alrine f fVE DOLLARS, when 'delivered'to rrie'br mr. Jephth'4 Dudley in Lekihgtoh. William StUbblefietd. Mafcm C'ohh'ty, 26th'April, 1801. ' For :sale. ' A TAN YARD, WITH a 'fniall Hock 'and materials carrying it on : with about! thirty or forty acres cleared, lying in Woodford county, ten miles fron the court horifeyeighteenfroni Lexington, and about 'a mile a'nd i 'quar- ter frdm the Kentucky river, within hal a mile of Fromans iron works, grift-miH- L and saw-mi- ll ; there is a gdbd wagg&ft road from thence 'to the river; trr-- ? "s eight vats, lime ckc. with i"go6cl 'Tniil-hou- fe, two good xabbins, and a neV? sailing spring, with a fall of abbut ao feet ; 'the situation for convenience o water, and barck, is superior to any I have seen in the Rate, those inclining to purchase Will please apply to me on tho premises, or to David or Thomas, Reid, Lexington. . .tf William reid. to rent, THE PLACE WHEREON I NOW 1IVE, AT tht cTdffihg o'l main Eaile creek, fifteen from GedrgetoWir, on the road to Cin- cinnati. There is a gbod hewed log Iiaufc, fifty feet longyfo-u- good ftoffe lire places, a 'good log fta-(b- le and barn, goad kitchen, with a number of atSbut thirty-si- acres of cleared lancf, ten of which is meadow, two graft lots joining the house. The advantageous situation of tht place sot a publfc hftufe-f- c range fo'rftock, known. PolTefflon cafi be had immediattl) tHe terms m'SJ' be known byapplying to Tnr. wirteh fefq. GtOrg'e. town or tottfe fubfe'ribe'r in fra'rikfort. tf. fohh Hunttr. N. "B. Any perfo'nireTiting immediately, tan ba furniuYcd quantity of winter vegetables. DAVID RElD, SADDLER, RESPECTFULLY inPMis the puttie, thafjiehsis from the corner of Mlin and the hou'felorrrletlybccupled'bymr. J. I'e w , oppafite the Prelbyterlan mt'e ting hotife, where he ho lives, and intends carrying oft his bufiriefs as usual, he flatters himself from his unremitting at- tention to Gufineft, and the opportunity W has riarl of acquinnBageneralknowledgeof irj'ftill toUoirJ nis fiiare of the public efleem. i tf . . Lexington, Feb. 16th 4800. N. B. An Apprentice wanted D. R. ROBERT SANDERS inTfffm'i tfrpublicy fhafalj whoput marts t'b rvialrerly 'the lea- - son, who do not require pkiinre aVe'fp be 'charged 'dri- ly .tehty dollacs eath fcrth inter Cft till Ihe 1 5th of ( Oftober-rrext- , is the money is no't'paid wlthinWe season. April 4'tTr, r8o(. 'C'dAtU 'MMMg. " "'HE fnbrrrihprff b fmra PKilnr11niiii . I inform trieirfnVnoi in paftTulir.ahd.'thtpao-H- c in general, that thy have jolt commenced tliB .various branches of COACH k COAQH HAR NESS M AJCING, PAINTING &1TRIVIMING, op- psfite mr. David Stout's Lime-St- ftfeet, aftdnSa'r 'mefl'rs. "Baftrffpafia Nancarrow's Factory, where those whotlidfe to emolov therii. maVhave their work done at the (horref! notice, the most teafono - Die price, anu cue neauit manner. Richar.d Asbton, Jobn'W.' Stout. LtxiKgffs, A 141b, t'8oi- - 6ff BLANK BOOKS, Of any dc:cr;bioiu mny be hffd itt tite Off:e? on the shortest iicti's,

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hnpi vniptv, iy'a 'GetitJimtyi tov of Misses, ttt.btts.wer M an 'ardent

invitation to. Tea ;',. " ',

'. .'- -'


I triot.VKjfm of all mankindLeafiL.-p.le- Ting to the female mindjAnd let them call tt'ie what theyIsm not dilpofed to take it ill. .

It is a fa&V'I JCvasby nature,A moftjunfafcienatirig creature,-An-d

have this ,so improved-- ,

As ne'er to ve or be beloved. .

I've wander'd in-th- e thorny mazeOf science, from my infant'daya;'And through arabili'oh.tb'be wise,.1 have almoit.rea,a 'Wittny. eyes,

Immers-'- in fcienc'es'ab.ftnifeiHalf out of date', and '

.'Who could alltime an easy air,And intermingle with the Fair--





outof nifir,


Twelve hours each day empl'oy'd iri'reading,

Where Was the time to'Iea'r'n gb'Qd breed!ng - .'.Immured with books both day and night,'"

w h;fr mortal min, could grow politeAnd who Vith a pedantic air;,

Would vcnturelo moieftthe Fair. .

Hence' fqded beauty and ill .nature,Infer that " I'm a woman hater-;- " -

A charge extremely hard to proveOn me, whti neither hat'e nor love,But yt lincercly wish the good, .

Of all cofiipos'd of flcfli and blood.'

I thiilk fom6 where 'in Fables oldjA ftofy apropos is told, ,About a Wolf, a six age creature,Who. tried to lay alide his nature,Mimicking each politer art,And learning compliments by hear'tjWith polith'd company would keep?

i ,:




And oiler d to gallant a lheep, . .

Th'e'flieep well, bredj ..And complimented what he said .

" I owll good sir you're very TciniL;

" And wduld'ho doubt Sm'ufe 'my 'mind," But nuift jnform yoii (with, your leave)" You very muchyourfelf deceive," Your, presence sir can-neve- r please,""Your abl'eric'e .will at last give.ea.fe,".Your lovfe, I must by "diftan'ce 'me.afufe," The farther off.-th- e more pleafur'e,"

From this I've learned, with ftudiquscare, '

.' ',,.-- '

One w'ay at leail, to'plea'fe-th- fair, .

And will pur'fue thatiur'eit way,Which is' to keep myself away..

-- BcgiTW'"- . ,


Some gentlemen coming outof.ata-ver- n

pretty merry, a link buy cried, havea light, gentlemen: .Light yourlelt tothe devil, you dog, says one of tlfe "com-

pany. Bk-f- s you, master, replied the boy,can find the &ey in the dark ? shall i

light your bdnour there P

LAND FOR SALE.AM authorised by gentlemen of

in Philadelphia, to sell a- -

bout one hundred and eighthy thousandacres of

LAND,,in different part's of this slate --same of itMILITARY LANDS' south of Greenriver The payment will be made easy.

I will take a small part in LAbri, theballance in HORSES, FLOUR, HEMPorTOBAGQO.; or allow a credit forthree fourths of the purchase moneys pay-'.ab- le

in one, two and three yearsv-- A. de?

Miction of the BAND, and particularsifthe terais may be had by applying tottie in Lexington-.- '

Thbs. BMey:December adth, i860.

FORTY DOLLARS REWARD.AN-A- AY From the rvibfcTilrer, li

ving: at Mann's Lick about the iStliDecember lafta Negfo Tnan hamed

HARRY,about 25 years of age, upwards of fife

feet high, very litcely, active anofwellG made, has a. variety of cloathing with

-- him, among which is the following. Anew green broad cloth coat, fwanfdownjacket,gingham do. white fliirts,newleathiler overalls, castor hat, a riew grey linfeyJiunting-fliir- t, old cloth dVeralls, ftoangnew shoes, &c. &c. Any person whowill fefure theabrjve negrb in any Jail,so that I fret him acainw mail receiveTWENTY-FI.V- E DOLLARS reward,po the above reward Sf brought home,raid by me.-



Ma be had ar thi' ofiice.


MACBEAN 6? POYZE'R,Have just receivedfrom "Jee SfCo's Fa-jiij-- y

and Medicine' WAie-House- :,

Baitimorc, a LargcrSupply of the'htostGelcbrted .

J MEDICIN'ES: .9Afj,Price 1 dollar per pac&'etf

Hamilton's Worm De'ih-o'jii'n- g

:. L'oz'aiises, ;

Which hive. vitlun two. years .past, eiveffi reliestp upwartfi ti--

flrfTY rHOOSlb I'fertSONS;p: Qii vgeSj in venous aangeruus cunipiamn, ariiuifrom;Hvq.rmV and from fotituefi for obltnictiob inthe'ftowa'ch and bowels. '

'A. peculiar excellence of this remedy is, it? betnp;suited to .every age, and conftitutiortt cgntaifii

bQt Vvhat'is(fJerTeftiv'innocit," and is so rhildW.lU)p'eration,-t(ia- t t cahhot iii ure the mod deh- -

fyt' ftjrtrt.inV tr tii lnAfrptl infant rtT a wppliiailJlipuld nojWiflriM.exift in the body butiwill

'dwe'(s'o.F whirteveris soul or pffenfive, and ihereby'.precritUhe production ofiworms and many fatalj.dllbrdert.

Description of Worms, and the symptomsby ivvtca toey are known.

Worms which infelt tne human body, orexhieily.'.Of fdur'kih'ds, viz. the Teres or large roundwormtne Aieanues, or lmali mw woim,ana jaitly, tneiTteilia,ar tape worin,J"ocaUediromitsrefcmblanceto tape ; this is otten many yards Jong, and is Jullot jomti It is molt hurttul, and molt difficult tocure.

Among tlte 'fyraptoMS attending worms are,breath, elpecially ill tle inofrting Bad

and corrupted gums Itching ip the noie and about,the seat Convulsions and epileptic sits, and some-tim-

privation of speech Starting and grinding'ot the teeth in sleep Irregular appetite, sometimesloathing food, and lonietinies voracious Pmging,with fluny and foetid Aopls Vomiting Large andhard belly l'ains and iicknefs at the stomachPains thighs, with loftneis "oTJfpi-rit- s

Slow sever, with llnall and irregular pulseA dry cough Excellive thiift Sometirrfet pileand unhealthy countenance, and sometimes the lacebloated and fluflicd

Persons affliCted with any of the above.Iymptoms,mould have immediate recdurfe to HAIVHL l'.ON'sWORM DESTItOVlNG LOZENGES, whichhavebeen coiiitantly attended with success in all com-

plaints iunilar to those above described.Children generally take this medicine with eager-nes- s,

having a pleasing appearance, and an agreea-ble talte.

We mall give occasionally, an recount ot cures,felecledTrom a number of persons 111 this (late.

Price 1 dollar and 50 centss per Bottle,

The Genuine Persian Lotion,Ear Cleansing and Cleaning the, 'FACE

Of all Scorbutic and other Eruptions particu-larly Freckles", Pimples, Pits aster the Small-Po-

Inflamatory Itednefs, Scurfs, letters, Ring-Worm-

Prickley Heat, Premature Wrinkles,S:c. &c. llendcrin the skin delicately clear andsoft, improving the complexion, feltoring and

the blbo'm of youth.

Price 1 dollar and 5b cents, .per lottle,"f Church's Cough Drop's,


Price 1 dollar' and 50 'cents per 'o'ttle,

Infallible Ague &. Fever Drops,For the cure vs Agues, remittent dndin--

ttrmittent Fevers.. Thoufandj' can testify of their being c'u're'd bythese drops, aster the bark and every other medi-cine has proved ineffectual; and not one in a hun-dred has had occasion to take more than one, andnumbers not half a bottle.

These drops are particularly recommended to theinhabitants of low marshy countries, where theworst sort of agues generally prevail, which unlessearly attended to and speedily removed, injures theconstitution exceedinelv. and brines on dropfies.putrid severs, and a variety of complaints, of themoit dangerous and alarming nature. Many othermedicines are daily offered to the public for thepure of this disorder,' which, upon trial have beesound either dangerous or useless. The bark is theusual remedy made use of, but being a very naufc-ou- s

medicine, and seldom .taken in sufficient quanti-ty,- it

very often sails; and children, and thole whohave weak itomachs,are frequently lost for vantof a more easy and pleasant remedy.

Price 7 5 cents per 60X,

The Sovereign Ointment for theItch,

Which is 'warranted an infallible remedy at oneapplication, and may be used with the molt perfectsafety by pregnant women, Or on infants a weekold, not containing a particle of mercury, or anydangerous ingredient whatever, and is not accom-panied with that tormenting smart, which attendsthe application of other remedies.

PREVENTION BETTER THAN CURE.For the prevention and cure of Billions

hill"? I'lllimlnnt Ft?y'r. re rinrtivn'vidpn' - ." ..,. -- , .- - . ....v......... -- ....I

y, li (Price 1 dollar per box,)KT3r. Harm's Anti-Biliou- s Pills,

Which hrfv bfeeh attended with a tlegreeof fuc- -

t?efs highly gratifyhtg to the investor's feelings, inseveral parts of ths West Indies, and the southernof the United States, particularly in Baltimore,Peteriburg, Richmond. Norfolk, Edenton, Wilmington, Charleston, and Savannah. The teftimonyof a number of persons in each or the above places can be adduced, who have reafonto believe thata timely use of this salutary remedy, has underProvi'dence, preserved their liveswhen In the modalarming circumstances.

The'operation of these pills is pere&Iy 'mild,!as to be uled with safety by persons in every fitua-tion- ,

ana or every age.They are excellently adapted to carry olf fuper-fluuu- s

bile, and prevent it's moibid secretions torestore and amend the appetite to produce a freeperfpiraUqn, and theveby prevent colds, which areoften of fatal consequences-- A dote never farts toremove a cold, is taken on its first apperaance.They are celebrated for removing habitual coftive-nef- !

fickncTs at the stomach, and severe head achein-- i ouitht to he taken bvall persons ba a cliahgc

ol f lini u.

- oPrice-- iiolhrm'io 'cent's 'sir pottle,

ri,l)e Genuine-- Lilencej

The G'eniiitle Excrad, df-"Mu- f

Ldl.V, ,..4-


Fnr fh'e Cnre of illheuMatiftm 'Goiitif Pilfv.Sprains, White Swelling, 'gtc.'and lias 'pevform'ed.lmore cures'in inc aDovccompiainis,iiian an ;jUU1C( IHCUlbJHCCYCl UClUICJllUUCUUtlb.

4I .

'Prtc'c 1 dollar and 50 cents per i6x, ,

Tit. Hamilton's Klixer.r A sovereign retriedyfbr Col(li,-dbflina- te Coughs,

;linina3, JUU upuai.iuig uuiiiuiupiiuns,' anu


'Pride a dollars,Indian Vegetable bpecific,

For the Cure of a Ceftain'DIiea'fe.

Trice 2 dollars,Hamilton's Grand Restorative.- -

Is recom'meiJded 'as an invaluable .medicine forthe- - friecdy rehel and permdnent cure of the variouscomplaints which result fiom diffipated pleasures,juVinile indifcre-tions- residence in climates unfav'orable to the cdnftitution, the immoderate use Of

niercury the difeales pecular to females at a6f life ) bad lyings in, fcc.

Trice 50 cents,The Damask Lip Salve,

An elegant and pleasant preparation for choppedand sore lips, anderery blemish and inconvenienceoccasioned by Colds, Severs, &c. fpeedyreftorlngabeautiiul rosy cblor, and delicate softness to the lips.

Price 7-- 5 cents per box,Th& Reflorative Powder for the

Teeth and Gums,Ttiis'eiceflent preparation comforts and strength

ens the gums, preserves "the enamel from decay,and tleanfes ilnd whitens the teeth, abfotbing all thatacrlmonibus slime andfoulnefs, whic'i suffered to ac-

cumulate rleVer sails to injure and finally ruinthem.

H Price 50 Cents,Dr. Harm's True and Genuine

German Corn Plailler,Ah infallible remeiiy for Corns, speedily

them root and branch, Without givingpain.

- Price 1 dollar per lottk.Dr. Hahn's Genuine Eye Wa-

ter,Afovereign remedy for all diseases of th'e eyes,

whether the efTeft of natural weakness or of acci-dent, speedily removing infiammations, derluniousof rheume, dulhefs, itching, and films en the eyes,never failingto cure those mal.idies wliichfrequent-l-

succeed the small-'po- measles, and severs, andwonderfully strengthening a weak sight, hundred'shave experienced its excellent "Virtues, when nearlydeprived of ight.

Price 75 Cents,Tooth-Ach- e Drops,

The onljr 'remedy yet discovered which 'givesimmediate and listing relies in the Tfioft feVere

--I Price 1 dollar,The Anodyne Elixer, i

tor the 'cure 'of every kind of rIead.Ache,&c.tic sere.

N. B. There medicines are Totds atmve, by ap-pointment, and no where else in Kentucky.

Also may be had as above,Hooper's Female Pill's,Anderson's Scot's do.Britifli Oil,Godfrey's Cordial,Dr. James's Fever Powder,Turlington's Balfom,Daffy's Elixer, &c &c &c.

Lexington, 3d April.

fi Akxamkr Parker,

HAS just imported, and now openinghis Store, opposite the Court-Hous- e,

in Lexington, a Very Ikrge andelegant aflbrtment of

MERCHANDIZE,Consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Sta-

tionary, Hard, Queens, China and GlassWare, which he will sell on the mofi re-

duced prices for Cafii.N. B. In the above aflbrtment there is

Cut Nails of every size, Saw-Mi- ll Cranks-- ,

Boulting-Cloth- s, and a large quantity ofCoarse Muslin, aflbrted, which will befoldbyhe bale or piece, lower than usual.

Lexington, April so, 1801. -

A.ft iv tbiis of good Merchantable

ft HEMPwanted, for which a getierons pricewill be given.

Good wages will be given to fiveorsix JOURNEYMEN ROPE-MAKER- S.


Take Notice.AEL thdfe indebted to the fubferiber, citner by

bond, nbte, or book account, are eartleftlyrcrmefted to come forward and Tattle their refpeftive balances, on or before the Gist day of July next,with mr. Robert A. Gatswood, whois. duly athor- -iled 16 recive arm Teccmt tor the same

IV. iiUa-t)- i Lt.cjy.

' ' ' trotter so Sc&tt.

HAVE jiiTc; rece.ived'.v'aridvhbwfor4ale. it tlieir Store, in Lex- -

inlgtonva:x:on)p!ete afi'ortment of" Z

: MEKCHAHpPZ-K- , yWell fuitedtbthe preferit and approach-ing seasons,. of- Dry GooxjsG.roce'ri'es, Ojieeri's aild GlafsWare-,Ear-I.r.o'rf-


.Steel, Irripofted .. Callings,- Niils,W'indow-Glaf- s, floulting-Clqths- ; suitedror'M'erc'htuit. gr "'CJbtintry Aroiik- lilceWise a' 'supply of Mann's 'Lick-Salt- , all of'which will' be fcfld-a- t thejr usual iow pri-ce's for Gafli. ,

."."-Lexington- ,

April jibj 18qi.


FO'R SALE,HE Property lately occupie'd in. this town, bym. Aithur Thomplon, and at prelent wr

Mr. Dellum, consisting of Two New Two Story

frame:.HOUSES, ..Neatly finifiiej, large and convenient Cellars, alarge frarrfs Stable and Kitchen, gobd Smoke Houfr,and ThrefeLo'ts belonging to the above premises.Also two hundred acrts of GOOD gUAUTIEDLAND, lying bn the 'h'eid of Salt Kiver, 'ab'out

this town; tiie title elca-- r of 'everykind ofdifpute; the' Land is 'we' II watered, but en-

tirely lihlnibl-Ovgd- A liberal credit will be given,for the payment, and the whole amount will be

in 'Pddnce .The terms will be made knownby application toMeflrs.Coch?ane.&:-Thurlby,Tner-chants- ,

of Philadelphia, .or the fubferiber, in Danville.

' - J. 'BItlNEY.Danville, 9th February, 1801 JJtp

STRAYED or STOLEN.FltOM'the fiiTircriHerlivihgjn MaTcm'couirtyKe'h

Iht rtth inft. a ba'y Hdrfe, about Syears old, 14 hands 3 inches 'hfglT, wellmade. paces,trots, and racks well, lias a nicVcL: tail, whicli hotarries very high, and when pacing goes very 'widfcbehind. He "has a brand on the hear Pireh. but I xl'6

not recollect what it was & fomfc rarg'e'faddle'msi'kV.Is he is rmt'ftolen I eitpccl he will m'akt 'for Leii

ington,as mr. JolnCIaV, and'a'mr. 'Nilfon ihL'e;.ington riwn'd him forde tfmt.

Is ftolen,ahy perfoh appreHeriding tlie thief ahtlfecurirlghimin'ga'olftiall Ue'ehtitldl to TEN'DOL-LAU- S

REWARD, and for file horTe alrine f fVEDOLLARS, when 'delivered'to rrie'br mr. Jephth'4Dudley in Lekihgtoh.

William StUbblefietd.Mafcm C'ohh'ty, 26th'April, 1801.

'For :sale. '

A TAN YARD,WITH a 'fniall Hock 'and materials

carrying it on : with about!thirty or forty acrescleared, lying in Woodford county, tenmiles fron the court horifeyeighteenfroniLexington, and about 'a mile a'nd i 'quar-ter frdm the Kentucky river, within hala mile of Fromans iron works, grift-miH- L

and saw-mi- ll ; there is a gdbd wagg&ftroad from thence 'to the river; trr-- ? "seight vats, lime ckc. with i"go6cl 'Tniil-hou- fe,

two good xabbins, and a neV?sailing spring, with a fall of abbut aofeet ; 'the situation for convenience owater, and barck, is superior to any Ihave seen in the Rate, those inclining topurchase Will please apply to me on thopremises, or to David or Thomas, Reid,Lexington.

. .tf William rent,


AT tht cTdffihg o'l main Eaile creek, fifteenfrom GedrgetoWir, on the road to Cin-

cinnati. There is a gbod hewed log Iiaufc, fiftyfeet longyfo-u- good ftoffe lire places, a 'good log fta-(b- le

and barn, goad kitchen, with a number ofatSbut thirty-si- acres of cleared lancf,

ten of which is meadow, two graft lots joining thehouse. The advantageous situation of tht place sota publfc hftufe-f- c range fo'rftock, known.PolTefflon cafi be had immediattl) tHe terms m'SJ'be known byapplying to Tnr. wirteh fefq. GtOrg' or tottfe fubfe'ribe'r in fra'rikfort.

tf. fohh Hunttr.N. "B. Any perfo'nireTiting immediately, tan ba

furniuYcd quantity of winter vegetables.


RESPECTFULLY inPMis the puttie, thafjiehsisfrom the corner of Mlin and the hou'felorrrletlybccupled'bymr. J.I'e w , oppafite the Prelbyterlan mt'e ting hotife, wherehe ho lives, and intends carrying oft his bufiriefs asusual, he flatters himself from his unremitting at-tention to Gufineft, and the opportunity W has riarlof acquinnBageneralknowledgeof irj'ftill toUoirJnis fiiare of the public efleem.

i tf . . Lexington, Feb. 16th 4800.N. B. An Apprentice wanted D. R.

ROBERT SANDERS inTfffm'i tfrpublicy fhafaljwhoput marts t'b rvialrerly 'the lea--

son, who do not require pkiinre aVe'fp be 'charged 'dri-ly .tehty dollacs eath fcrth inter Cft till Ihe 1 5th of (Oftober-rrext- , is the money is no't'paid wlthinWeseason.

April 4'tTr, r8o(.

'C'dAtU 'MMMg." "'HE fnbrrrihprffb fmra PKilnr11niiii

. I inform trieirfnVnoi in paftTulir.ahd.'thtpao-H- c

in general, that thy have jolt commenced tliB


psfite mr. David Stout's Lime-St- ftfeet, aftdnSa'r'mefl'rs. "Baftrffpafia Nancarrow's Factory, wherethose whotlidfe to emolov therii. maVhave theirwork done at the (horref! notice, the most teafono -

Die price, anu cue neauit manner.Richar.d Asbton,Jobn'W.' Stout.

LtxiKgffs, A 141b, t'8oi- - 6ffBLANK BOOKS,

Of any dc:cr;bioiu mny be hffd itt titeOff:e? on the shortest iicti's,