kentucky gazette (lexington, ky. : 1789). (lexington, ky...

I IIAVC FOR SALE, At very low rates, all the HOUSES ? LO'l S FORMERLY the pi ope tv of Mjj John Hynes, put of t mfc building, are elegant, and well fiuiated ioi asroiu-n- rivvtKN, adjoining t i.J p ibbc ground, and on Maui ftrect the houle foi a lAVLis- - has lev en rooms, one ol which is a large Ia!l rou.n, tliutv six by twenty i'eet, with two fiie places; sour large sire places in the other rooms ; a kitcnen witn t vo rooms, and a sire place in eac ; llables, &c i he otntr oudduigs are of brick, and adj vn tne public ground, facing tne com t house, two story high; tluee tenements tenty teet square; a (mall kitchen annexed to each ot them; a lot well situated, fixty.fii ieet facing the court-liouf- ana adjoining Maj. Duncan ; and eight acres Lv out lots. The pioperty may be divided so as to tfuit the purchasers. I iurt ler inform those inclined Vrpo pui chase, thatlhe (lore houfc and counting room fUnding at the carne., o'i Mini itreet, are two large well hnifhid rooms, with each a lire place. I have alio tor sale, Six thousand acres of Land, Beginning within lels than two miles of Mount Ster- ling, (whare the com; houfc of Montgomery Hands) and running tnroug'i as rich and teltile'oody of la..cU as any in t.iat county there is teveral disputes in this land, but it will oe sound to be very special in the entrys, calling lor natuial and artificial bounda ries. John Breckinridge efii has the old patents, entries, i'c. in his hands, to mveftigate the titles, and I think it will be lound that there is no entries so special on any Dart of the land. I will notbe li- able ior any loi. of Ian 1, on W aainft tnoie claiming by, Irom, 01 u'ider hk, but I wnl .ell so low as to im-.- e it an ol et wort the attention of any person inclinable to pui chale It is uuntcefi'ry to say any thing mo-- e aboat the land 01 otner property, as I expect those inclined to puicliale will wnU to see it. The liml c in be (hewn t am by Col. fames M'Mil lin, ot M'ntgomeiv countv, and inv ion, Amos hd wa. Js will ihew tne prop Try in i in. 1 have alio tor sale, 6 jj a. i e ol land, of t e fii it qui'ity, in Ballitt cnai ty, will u l. J, t i. tuk liidifp'itable S x miles fiom Siu'ict'., and Mum' licks, 500, a part ot the uiio ti i t, liuW sold re Mr. I'horn'bunow, who uas Kitied on t.i- - fune " anJ can lliew the land le gav.. me 15OJ dullai., calh, and thinks it a goo baiim I have also ior lale, 30-1- 0 acrcj 01 ealt ruer ant: Chaplains fork, adjoining the tiactol lo ver M'Alee nation the owner ol can !hew t ie md, wit, some other luiall tracts in L. ncoin mil luuh ties, all of wnicn is ol inKiiui .jual.ty. I wnl lei this low. I have also for sale a valinb'.e plantation, on-a- a hall m.les irom 1 rankiort, well improved, conllant fpnngs on it, a goaj appi; and pcaji orcu ard, a hojre lit lor the iceeption ol a family ; the lanJs are ol the first quality 111 the Hate, and can br fcen by application to Mr down, who lives on th pi ice ; the title is mdifputable. This p! ice is (noil valuable for its nsarnel to a good market, and the Kentucky river. I alio will tell my place of residence, tour mile' from Pans tneie js on it elegit buildings, lou' hundred apple trcv s, all beginning to six lun.lieJ peaci two hundred and ten aci,. ot c'eired land, 32 ol which is in uuttoin meadow ; tne tar n is wi.ll divided .mo soul fields of p acre each; is .1 birn 01 it that will hold ijj -'h ol teat n tl .- - ilraw, a la-;- e liable, new corn houlw, nd a1 oner uleful houles in good or der the lituatio.i O.- - ..d h.vllhv, and lprings ol w iter lorcon'.laucy and c jolnef., e ual to any in the slue the- - dwelling noble ha nine looms we'l in lined, lome ot winch are Tiieie is up varcl . oftuur hundred acic .11 tne tiacr; the title mdilpu table, all of tie fir.t quality. Ten negroes will be sold with the place, and molt ot the ltock on it ; those negroes having comiex.Oiio 1 the neighborhood. I do not Willi to lem ve t..ein I have two ot"ci small phees in the vicinity ol that place, undei rent, I will sell alio; thev aie fint rue Lnd, con taining about 150 acres each ; the titles good. I have iho foi 6ooo acres of land 111 Hem ing county, moitly ot the hr!t qu ilitj, lixteen mile from Waliingtoii, 111 Male ', and about twelve miles fioni tbe Ohio liver. Thde lsno tntues more Ipe m v.... Utuil uivt. ,.. .. - -- - j - juuhuJLDWtt. h are levcial intetierenccs I will only give such title i as is tested n me, without any recourse to me or mine, in caie me iai:u iujuiu ut iwa , uu vvnicn eon dition the land Ihall be lold so low as to make it an object worthy the attent.on of the purchaser; oth- - erwife will (ell tor two tnirds its value, and refund the nionev 111 case tfc land is loll. I have some military lands nortruveft of the Ohio ion Red Oak, lourtecn rules fiom Wafiiington I will sell some below Green river. Also a final tract of valuable land neai Washington, in Mafo county, with an ovcrlhot mill, that may go with, or separate from the land I will also sell near about three thousand pounds worth of MERgHANDIZi., well afibrted, with groceries and iron, exactly at firfl coll and good d;brs in notes and settled accounts, tohe amount of at lealt 7000 dollars, at twelve and a halfpercent. dileount I havs.a temporary claim in a grist and saw mill in Uouibon, ttfiH also sill. Wheat, floui, and tooacco, will be taken in ment for one third of all the aforesaid property, (except the Weflwood eflate near Paris, 111 Bourbon cjountv) iorthe other two thirds, money, negroes, joung, healtny, and unincumbered with children; and in part military lands on Mrait, sled Oalc, or Eagle creek, northwest of the Ohio river. Wheaf, will leceiveatmylbn Hadeu Edwards's mills near Frankfort, and at my mills near Limelloncin Ma-so- n county. I will also take some prooortions of propel t for the property previoufiy advertised in l'a ris, and near "miaU mountain; the sales of which is committed to William Clark efq. of Boufbon, and my loa Amos Edwards. Mr. Bradford, My loiTes the two pal! feafims in the trade down the river, amounts to at lealt 8ooo dollars, and weic fmy debtors generous enough to make exertions to Cpay me, I (hould feel no cmbarrafment in the pay fment ol those who have ciedited me ; but as not'.i- - L ,0 'VIU UO UtlL eOllipUlllOII, V liiW iimuv 't fvaiting on process, I am determined to make every B ffacrifice to aid me m payment of the finall lums I 17WC, ailVl LU lllllUA lui lii. ...fv... v. k porting produce on a larger feale than I hitheito have done, it being the only natural, permanent way (of commerce this country can go into, as mod; oth rs are calculated to impoveulh and drain us ol mo & pay ISlliM Ai'y person or persons inclinable to pui chase any art or the whole of the foregoinj property, may be aTured that ene terms man oc very mouerair, nui.n is 'ihall be made known upon appl'C-atio- n to tne sub C 1.A a aT.Aimra in lln..lKtl1 Ol 111 icrioer at qis piaec ui itiiuw.. ... w. .., -- . ... jj,Vafhinton,where is bafinrs engages him alternatel f he t ahfent- - when application is nade it e fier felace, a sew lines being lest with Amos Edwards Sn Paris, or David S- - Erodenck, in Wnfiungtou, an Lifwcr ihall be immediately given by the fublcriber. J John TLd-Jiar- fen. 2j 01 iiouiuon I KERliBY give notice to my friends andcultomeis that I have received themeuidiiiL Ipiomiied to let them know when I eld receive it. Doot. Pi TT. Tr.ISLER. & Jeflauiine county . H?Tfniiay 14 1S00. iw rTAKJ N j cern; a.ije rui a I . old, abcUc 1 jl. praiftd to lyl Oil It V ' Ap?J7 breAvery, is 12) 3 ii;i liv the fiibfcriber id Iller-n- t v , iicai tlie mouth oi 5ii iw- - ii r.c, about leven :et ober 19 1799. Eerjamin ANTED IMMEDlAiELY, A QUANTITY OK BARLEY & HOPS. t Gioige Aiiderton'i (lore, 01 Holmes's Lixington, Septum' tr 23V, 1799. rAKEN up by the fublcriber, living in on the waters of pry run, a for-r- el stud oolt, rding two o'd, a small star and Imp, fomp white on offlund fojfapprailcd to 31. 4'' fL, Simon Key. TRESH GOODS. t&i&t&i&i THE SUBSCRIBER., - r jnfi received Phil id!pim, and is now f opening iale, in brick houle, lately oc- cupied by Mr. Haie, a hanJiomc, and very ge- neral alLrtmcnt of MEKCIIANDIZE, Among icbicb are tbe following articles! Mipeifine cloth:, r'trie ca n e do. - la me's and Coatings, ,l.t., . el.ets,Tliickfets,('or- - duiovs and V ulhans, Hair Plulh llutfs, tSiou md WJnte Infh L ne , Cah -- s andcoaile muf hns, J ironet do. .'lain, ftuped and tarn bored do. and Jaconet band kerchiefs, Palh.onable Ribbons, Familv &: fehool Budes, Tt'llaments and spelling buol.s, Jictionanes, Mo.fe's L'nlverfal Geo Riahv 2 vols. Jo Ailleiicando I vol. )o do and Umveila! abridged, taunten'j em'nll' , eott's G eter, ii ler do, CUtt'i Lciuus, idii'im'. and Mi h'Far- - ierv, Jopeer Tea Kettles, Loudon I'ewtcr, Weavers', sweep ng and scrubbing brullies, TV April nine arches high .p years his TAS Irom for the and :ioo!: 2a Daniel Cloh furniture Wr tn g paer, Slates, Qaf Is and Wafers, Girth, Iprtng and flrain- - nig Weos, Plated and tinned flir rt p irons. Do 15'id'e Bitts, and b iw n.taie, A general afloitmentof -- Cuttlery, Deilc and bureau furni- - tire, Carper tc is' Adze, ScfewALgers. Hand, paimel, dove lil, 1 ill), lock and key I ole fiws jV P'tr, mill and crojejit do. Crow'e Itcele Sheet i. on arfTlad Nails Teas, Coifce anJCbo col ite, 1 Loaf, White, and Mufcovdo ga. s, Pepper and fpiccs, Ainotto Uofin, Euiiuliiue, Copperas and Logwood, Cotton, Wool and Hat tors' Caids. Alio, a sew excellent double and trig ger'J Kifle Guns. All which will lold at rtducd prices for J tQ tictuj only. tO 'N. BURR OWES. N. B. N Burrows rcques tuore indebted, to come f rwd.rd and ike pnmei.t, o dole their by jriving their notes. No iurt her notice will be given. ti I WILL Sl.LL Oil III. XT, "IT5 HE ))!acc whe:e I row lie, lituate at J. Iotks of V, is le cicek, fifteen miles from Georgetown, 011 the Cincinnati toad, as good a country ftind 1 i AvcrtN, as any in this itate. parfculai deleripMon of place and im provemci.ts 13 unnecelfiry, as the person inclining ir n A. A. a ,1a cn nJ do fu be tne fii tie purchase or rent, would lee t leoremile's. How- - ver, tor inlormation, fiiouuc 01 Uut u weiligei, Frankfort, J. Hiuitti, in Georgetown, or the fuoftriber, 011 the pren'iles The terms will be made cafy such articles as will liuMhe s market, will anlwerdor the.gteifef part RICHA11D M.iTO. December ift, 1799- - JUST RECEIVED, And now opening for sale, a large and genera! aort1, ment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, t 4 HARD andB.-dsaiUV- rd, WARE, EkN's WARE, he. which wall bcMoM vtiy low for Calh; but no crcdi need be expected. A George Tcgarden. A T AVERN. TT'IIE fubf-rib- er begs leave to inform - his friends and the public in general, that he has opened TAVERN at the sign of the cheaf of Wheit, just back of the court He is svith everv necc.Tarv which may tend to accommodate those who may call upon him 3ttf Thomas Tibbatts. Lexington, January ift, 1799 N. B. Travelleis can alwas befurnillied svith tiavelling biscuits, bacon buns, v nifon do. dried bees, bees tongues, cheele' &c. Kt. 7W I O SALE. ICflVE HUNDRED acres of land on 2. the watcii ofilate, or LulbulgruJ, in Claike county Also 295 acres near the above. 433 acre-so- Gicen mei, about 16 miles from Lincoln couit houle About epoacre Big Brnli (reeie, Greene Aooutipo acres on and 11 ai tlie oad tr mi Hir rodibnra,, to Franktort, ne ir Griy Horse Mill Foi terms apply to thelubienber, in Jellaminc coun- - Samuel WDi-jcl- L 91I1, 1799' jear Irons, rlavaima single rcaJj Capt. county tf Just .received, and for sale by GRA1KGLR & V HE LAN, At the lloie latelv occupied by Mi. Robert Barr the following articles, VIZ ' Young Hyfon, . I AUum and Madder. Hyfon, ( pj I Pis, Hylon Skin, L f m Ouecns' ware. jjooe-a- , j . j madeira Coflee, Loaf sugar Pepper, Copperas. -- S. ' 1'ort Superfine Clotlfs, rnnts, Hosiery, uSstl: -2; French Brendv. best kinds. I Ladies' & Gentlemen's fa&ionabieliats. The above goods will be sold by whole sale for CASH. W Grainger. Lexington, Augnft ij, 1799. tf' "MET ALIO RHEUMATIC RINGS. " O EDWARD WEST OK High ftrect Lexington, refpscfullyjiotifies public, that he has discovered an effecru ai cure for the Uheumatifni, Rheumatic fains and Cramps, by means of Metahc Rings, ol a paiticu-la- r conpolition. The lollowing certificates of the benefits already derived fiom the use ot his rims, he Matters himself will be the best es idence ol thtir utilityand as they can be obtained at a lmall expence, will recommend them to the afflifted Apply as above. Lexington, December nth, 1799. I do ceitify, that I have had the rheumatism in both my aims, till they were much swelled ; I tried different kind of medicine, to no efTecl; I then ap plied to Edward Well, tor mme ot his rheumatic uugs aner weann' t,.em a lhort rime I wtic .,, wreiy rcjeaKrt 1 om both the pain and iivelling, and ,.'" .. pciireuy ,vL.. uivcn undei j an . . eVg Patty Cod, hand I do herebv certify that my wise has been much athieted itn puns, as is .lie svould have the uc ol ilti and bv ims, ueanng two rings made v V ttl ird West, f.n ili.ii- n,.rcr. . to U p. 1! -- -- iXj ui 6 1799- - - iv, t apca. I co cert f ind Jlfw is Clar c.l my this lost unaer my Hand th.s !ard Cave, ibout miles from Lexington. Hnt I 'me Ind the rheumatic pains ui tit ft Tin tr Mi yy 13 elC tfl 'JII,ln..l.l .. II v no lh i n t to v n t t1 Pflf .ei ik ti biiu uuiu IC aoors I then annltPri row r,!te( ,i n one oi'Im rheumatic nnrr. ndi on 10 t time. I was ml iy it u . and I cu I e.teve is will nfiAi. j . - . j , . r Irom - Kkjbi j Luii; jiil;. uauci ii hand tins 2Qth ' vi , w.y lUVk,iJiCJ J William I do hereby cprtify that I had pains in my arms, id I do believe by a ring I have got fiom Well, lhe goc clear of the pains. Mi rlv William Ross. Lexington December 4th, 1799. 0 I do hereby cerMfy that my wise-- has been much afflifted with th- - rheumatic pains, and byall appear-mc- e would have lost tie u.e of her limbs, and by veanng to rings made lv Edward West, for that purpose, (he appears perfeetly well. Given wider my hand this ith day of ueei tbor, 1799. JGP Isaoc Barr. jfj about 6 mires 11 est fiom Lexington. I do certify tut my wise hath had the rheuma-tif- in one ot h- -r .ml was very helpless with it for a long time ; and I applied to Mr Edward Welt, tor loire ol r.s rheui.utic rings, which ap pears to have greatly relieved her, and I bel.evc iUperfecH cuie her. Given undei my hand this "HI Vijr ui uveiiiiuui, J U(l 11 J t ... Az . 1 iab Iligtrifis. about s miles nearly north I do certify that 1 have had the rheumatism in my knee till 't was much swelled I then applied to d West, for one of his rheumatic bands, and bv using it two weeks, I was perfectly well Given un dei my hand this 6th day of December, 1 799. Benjamin Bee er, 2J about 6 miles from Lexington- - I do hereby certifv that I have becnagi-tc- with iheuinatic pains for nine years, and by wearing a ring made bv Mr. Edward West, for that t; t have been entirely well these six months. Given under my hand this 7th day of December, 1799. j5 Lexington. from'Lexinoton. John Cock, Lexington. County, fct. This day perfonallv appeared, Edward WeM, of High (Ireel, in Lexington, silversmith, hefore me, a juftiqe ol the peace for the county aforelaid, and made oath that he received the foregoing certificates ol the several persons whose names arc thereunder written, & that" lie believes the contents thereof ft be true. Given under my hand and seal this I ill day of December, 1799. 5 Kenny. Fayette y. Maccoun, (seal.) I hereby certify that for several yoars last past, I have been much affl'fted with a rheumatism Mr. Edward West of Lexington complimented me with one of his rheumatic rings, which t have generally worn, ind h3ve been entirely free from all symptoms of that complaint eve' since Given under my hand this 17th December, 1799. 6 j esse Williams, Boarbon County. N. T!. All those who have used of my rings, are reqnefted to forward to me certificates of their ef fcfts, as fnon as cot vement, and oblige fT Their humble 'servant, v? E. West. Lexington, December 1 2th, 1799- - s UISCRII'TIONS for this piper, a two dollars at the lollowing port offices, viz. in Frankfort Mr. Daniel Bradford in Hairodibunh, bv Mr Geore Mirt in Danville, bv Mr. Josiah Moore at Biirilftown, by Mr. James E.Winn and at Willi ingtoi. by Mr. E. Harris ailio are also furiiifiiei, with the accounts of those whose papers have been lodged in then refpeftive offices, and are hereby to UeCivc paymaat. JOHN BI-D- F ItD. .Jirei.rygiicifqrefaarf-mMsKHgyfEa- BY LAST EVENING' MAIL. LONDON, OtSlober ai. - At a late hour lait night, Paris papers wiie ieteivea in a regular lenes, to tlie lojthinlh the contents of which Vve have rfbt time to detail, ind can only say in ge- neral, they confirm the former accounts Jlated in several papers of the 8th, thar. auwarrow had been defeated, with the loss often thousand prifoncrs, and two thousand waunded : the number of slain is not ascertained. He is said to have retreated with the remainder of his army, in the Giifon country. A rumor, was also prevalent, that the Aarchduke .Charles had been defeated with considerable loss. October 23. From tbe Morning Cbnonicle. The tenor of the difpauhes brought by the melTenger which arm ed on Monday, from the Texel, tranfpiredyefterday'. A. convention took place on the Ji6th inft. between his royal highness the,t3we of York, and Gen. Brune, by which ait for fourteen days was agreed on, upon terms which have been differently stated By one account it is said to be by the Duke of York, that in order to save the effusion of human blood, 8800 of the French prisoners now in this coun- try, together with all the prisoners made by the allied armies in Holland, ihall be delivered up to the French and Dutch, provided no opposition fliall be given to the evacuation of the Helder point An- other account states the piice to be only 5000 men ; and another says that the French demand the reiloration of the Dutch fliips. We do not give either of these reports as genuine They are pro-Dab- ly nothing more than the conieclureu of the ' iblic on the nature and extrnf- ns (Hie terms ; but as to the facl itself, of a comprpmife having taken place, it is by minilters. Telegropb communication by the line of Strasburg to, tbe French Direclory. " Odl. 5. Six in the evening, Suarrow is entering the canton ot Glaris, and at- tacking Lecourbe. On my side lam clofe-l- y surrounding hinf. "6. Sujrrow defeated Ten thou- fand Ruffian prifoncrs a decisive vic-or- y. BALTIMORE, December 23. This morning, 'arrived fliip Perfcver-enc- e, Norman, in 8 weeks from the Downs, and 41 days from land to land, To capt. Thorndike Crure, a paffenger in the above ship, the Editor of the Ame- rican is indebted for a file of London pa- pers, down to the 24fh Oclober, 6 da"s later than any Europian news on the Continent the most important contents of which are hastily laid before the public. -- Captain Chase informs, th at on the 28th October, spoke the ihip Union, Porter, of Ealtimore, from Hamburg to Sunainamj lest Hamburg on the 20th. Capt. Porter, informed, that the day before he sailed, OFFICIEL ACCOUNTS were reced- ed, and red to the populace, that ther Duke of York had been fevercly and com-pleat- ly beaten ; that all the Anglo-Ruffia- in his army, had laid down their arms, and surrendered themselves prisoners of war. Capt Porter did not learn whether the Duke himfqlf was taken prisoner, but gave capt. C. positive affurences that the above information was correct. American. THE FOREIGN NEWS Received by capt. Chase, in the Perfe-veranc- e, is in every refpeit interelting. An attentive perusal of the files of Lon-do- T prints, down to the 24111 October, re- ceived by no other editor i'i Baltimore, enables me to acquaint my readers, un- conditionally, that the Btitifh and An- - orln-- illTI.inQ hnvc pnfprpl inrn n ficrypn- - ment with the Batavian Republic, to t - filiate xiouujiu. 1 ne convenu'in was tiignad on the 18th October, allowing iix weeks for the complete embarkation of the invaders. Several tranlports had ar- rived in England with sick and wounded, which fecmed to be the firlt object of re- moval ; a sleet of transports were getting out of RajnTgate, (on the 23d) as fait as poflible, to proceed to the Texel, to take off the remainder of the troops. The Britifli prints appear to be deeply chop-falle- n at thedifafters which have befalleri the pious bishop of Ofna'oourg, in Hol- land ; and in order to appcafe the refent-me- nt oT the nation, the mrniftry hav; di- vided the spoils of the Dutch sleet, which .vas taken poileflion of as the property of thj Stadtholder, among the the sailors of admiral Mitchell's sleet. Thus ''when rosjues fall out, honest men come to tncir ight." An article of the 23d, fuvs " the Stadtholder "who was-Jatel- y afubjectof tdm. ration, has now become an object of ths e;ccratioa of the populace. Ibid hi I- - ' J

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Page 1: Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY · ties, all of wnicn is ol inKiiui .jual.ty. I wnl lei this low. I have also

I IIAVC FOR SALE,At very low rates, all the


FORMERLY the pi ope tv of Mjj John Hynes,put of t mfc building, are elegant,

and well fiuiated ioi asroiu-n- rivvtKN, adjoiningt i.J p ibbc ground, and on Maui ftrect the houlefoi a lAVLis- - has lev en rooms, one ol which isa large Ia!l rou.n, tliutv six by twenty i'eet, withtwo fiie places; sour large sire places in the otherrooms ; a kitcnen witn t vo rooms, and a sire placein eac ; llables, &c i he otntr oudduigs are ofbrick, and adj vn tne public ground, facing tne com thouse, two story high; tluee tenements tenty teetsquare; a (mall kitchen annexed to each ot them;a lot well situated, fixty.fii ieet facing the court-liouf-

ana adjoining Maj. Duncan ; and eight acresLv out lots. The pioperty may be divided so as totfuit the purchasers. I iurt ler inform those inclined

Vrpo pui chase, thatlhe (lore houfc and counting roomfUnding at the carne., o'i Mini itreet, are two largewell hnifhid rooms, with each a lire place.

I have alio tor sale,

Six thousand acres of Land,Beginning within lels than two miles of Mount Ster-ling, (whare the com; houfc of Montgomery Hands)and running tnroug'i as rich and teltile'oody of la..cU

as any in t.iat county there is teveral disputes inthis land, but it will oe sound to be very special inthe entrys, calling lor natuial and artificial bounda

ries. John Breckinridge efii has the old patents,entries, i'c. in his hands, to mveftigate the titles,and I think it will be lound that there is no entriesso special on any Dart of the land. I will notbe li-

able ior any loi. of Ian 1, on W aainft tnoie claimingby, Irom, 01 u'ider hk, but I wnl .ell so low as toim-.- e it an ol et wort the attention of any personinclinable to pui chale It is uuntcefi'ry to say anything mo-- e aboat the land 01 otner property, as I

expect those inclined to puicliale will wnU to see it.The liml c in be (hewn t am by Col. fames M'Millin, ot M'ntgomeiv countv, and inv ion, Amos hdwa. Js will ihew tne prop Try in i in.

1 have alio tor sale, 6j j a. i e ol land, of t e fii itqui'ity, in Ballitt cnai ty, will u l. J, t i. tukliidifp'itable S x miles fiom Siu'ict'., and Mum'licks, 500, a part ot the uiio ti i t, liuW sold re

Mr. I'horn'bunow, who uas Kitied on t.i- - fune" anJ can lliew the land le gav.. me 15OJ dullai.,

calh, and thinks it a goo baiimI have also ior lale, 30-1- 0 acrcj 01 ealt ruer ant:

Chaplains fork, adjoining the tiactol lo ver M'Aleenation the owner ol can !hew t ie md, wit,some other luiall tracts in L. ncoin mil luuhties, all of wnicn is ol inKiiui .jual.ty. I wnl leithis low.

I have also for sale a valinb'.e plantation, on-a-

a hall m.les irom 1 rankiort, well improved,conllant fpnngs on it, a goaj appi; and pcaji orcuard, a hojre lit lor the iceeption ol a family ; thelanJs are ol the first quality 111 the Hate, and can br

fcen by application to Mr down, who lives on thpi ice ; the title is mdifputable. This p! ice is (noilvaluable for its nsarnel to a good market, and the

Kentucky river.I alio will tell my place of residence, tour mile'

from Pans tneie js on it elegit buildings, lou'hundred apple trcv s, all beginning to lun.lieJ peaci two hundred and ten aci,.ot c'eired land, 32 ol which is in uuttoin meadow ;

tne tar n is wi.ll divided .mo soul fields of p acreeach; is .1 birn 01 it that will hold ijj

-'h ol teat n tl .-- ilraw, a la-;- e liable, new

corn houlw, nd a1 oner uleful houles in good order the lituatio.i O.- - ..d h.vllhv, and lprings olw iter lorcon'.laucy and c jolnef., e ual to any in theslue the-- dwelling noble ha nine looms we'l inlined, lome ot winch are Tiieie is up varcl .

oftuur hundred acic .11 tne tiacr; the title mdilputable, all of tie fir.t quality. Ten negroes will besold with the place, and molt ot the ltock on it ;those negroes having comiex.Oiio 1 the neighborhood.I do not Willi to lem ve t..ein I have two ot"cismall phees in the vicinity ol that place, undeirent, I will sell alio; thev aie fint rue Lnd, containing about 150 acres each ; the titles good.

I have iho foi 6ooo acres of land 111 Heming county, moitly ot the hr!t qu ilitj, lixteen milefrom Waliingtoii, 111 Male ', and about twelve milesfioni tbe Ohio liver. Thde lsno tntues more Ipe

m v.... Utuil uivt. ,.. .. - -- - j - juuhuJLDWtt.h are levcial intetierenccs I will only give such titlei as is tested n me, without any recourse to me or

mine, in caie me iai:u iujuiu ut iwa , uu vvnicn eondition the land Ihall be lold so low as to make it anobject worthy the attent.on of the purchaser; oth- -

erwife will (ell tor two tnirds its value, and refundthe nionev 111 case tfc land is loll.

I have some military lands nortruveft of the Ohioion Red Oak, lourtecn rules fiom WafiiingtonI will sell some below Green river. Also a finaltract of valuable land neai Washington, in Mafocounty, with an ovcrlhot mill, that may go with,or separate from the land

I will also sell near about three thousand poundsworth of MERgHANDIZi., well afibrted, withgroceries and iron, exactly at firfl coll and goodd;brs in notes and settled accounts, tohe amountof at lealt 7000 dollars, at twelve and a halfpercent.dileount I havs.a temporary claim in a grist andsaw mill in Uouibon, ttfiH also sill.

Wheat, floui, and tooacco, will be taken inment for one third of all the aforesaid property,(except the Weflwood eflate near Paris, 111 Bourboncjountv) iorthe other two thirds, money, negroes,joung, healtny, and unincumbered with children;and in part military lands on Mrait, sled Oalc, orEagle creek, northwest of the Ohio river. Wheaf,

will leceiveatmylbn Hadeu Edwards's mills nearFrankfort, and at my mills near Limelloncin Ma-so- n

county. I will also take some prooortions ofpropel t for the property previoufiy advertised in l'aris, and near "miaU mountain; the sales of whichis committed to William Clark efq. of Boufbon,and my loa Amos Edwards.

Mr. Bradford,My loiTes the two pal! feafims in the trade down

the river, amounts to at lealt 8ooo dollars, and weicfmy debtors generous enough to make exertions toCpay me, I (hould feel no cmbarrafment in the payfment ol those who have ciedited me ; but as not'.i- -

L,0 'VIU UO UtlL eOllipUlllOII, V liiW iimuv't fvaiting on process, I am determined to make everyB ffacrifice to aid me m payment of the finall lums I

17WC, ailVl LU lllllUA lui lii. ...fv... v. k

porting produce on a larger feale than I hitheitohave done, it being the only natural, permanent way(of commerce this country can go into, as mod; oth

rs are calculated to impoveulh and drain us ol mo




Ai'y person or persons inclinable to pui chase any

art or the whole of the foregoinj property, may be

aTured that ene terms man oc very mouerair, nui.nis 'ihall be made known upon appl'C-atio-n to tne sub

C 1.A a aT.Aimra in lln..lKtl1 Ol 111

icrioer at qis piaec ui itiiuw.. ... w. .., -- . ...jj,Vafhinton,where is bafinrs engages him alternatel

f he t ahfent- - when application is nade it e fierfelace, a sew lines being lest with Amos EdwardsSn Paris, or David S- - Erodenck, in Wnfiungtou, anLifwcr ihall be immediately given by the fublcriber.

J John TLd-Jiar- fen.2j 01 iiouiuon

I KERliBY give notice to my friendsandcultomeis that I have received

themeuidiiiL Ipiomiied to let them knowwhen I eld receive it.

Doot. Pi TT. Tr.ISLER.& Jeflauiine county .

H?Tfniiay 14 1S00. iw

rTAKJ Nj cern;

a.ije rui a I .

old, abcUc 1 jl.praiftd to lyl



' Ap?J7breAvery,




ii;i liv the fiibfcriber id Iller-n- tv , iicai tlie mouth oi 5ii iw- -

ii r.c, about leven:et

ober 19 1799.Eerjamin


BARLEY & HOPS.t Gioige Aiiderton'i (lore, 01 Holmes's

Lixington, Septum' tr 23V, 1799.

rAKEN up by the fublcriber, living inon the waters of pry run, a for-r- el

stud oolt, rding two o'd, a small star andImp, fomp white on offlund fojfapprailcd to 31.

4'' fL, Simon Key.

TRESH GOODS.t&i&t&i&i

THE SUBSCRIBER., -r jnfi received Phil id!pim, and is nowf opening iale, in brick houle, lately oc-

cupied by Mr. Haie, a hanJiomc, and very ge-

neral alLrtmcnt of

MEKCIIANDIZE,Among icbicb are tbe following articles!Mipeifine cloth:,r'trie ca n e do.

- la me's and Coatings,,l.t.,

. el.ets,Tliickfets,('or- -

duiovs and V ulhans,Hair Plulh llutfs,tSiou md WJnte Infh

L ne ,Cah -- s andcoaile muf

hns,J ironet do.

.'lain, ftuped and tarnbored do.

and Jaconet bandkerchiefs,

Palh.onable Ribbons,Familv &: fehool Budes,Tt'llaments and spelling

buol.s,Jictionanes,Mo.fe's L'nlverfal Geo

Riahv 2 vols.Jo Ailleiicando I vol.)o do and Umveila!

abridged,taunten'j em'nll' ,eott's G eter,ii ler do,CUtt'i Lciuus,

idii'im'. and Mi h'Far- -

ierv,Jopeer Tea Kettles,Loudon I'ewtcr,Weavers', sweep ng and

scrubbing brullies,



nine arches high .p


TAS Iromfor the





Cloh furnitureWr tn g paer,Slates,Qaf Is and Wafers,Girth, Iprtng and flrain- -

nig Weos,Plated and tinned flir

rt p irons.Do 15'id'e Bitts, and

b iw n.taie,A general afloitmentof

--Cuttlery,Deilc and bureau furni- -

tire,Carper tc is' Adze,ScfewALgers.Hand, paimel, dove lil,

1 ill), lock and key I olefiws jV

P'tr, mill and crojejit do.Crow'e ItceleSheet i. on arfTladNailsTeas, Coifce anJCbo

col ite, 1

Loaf, White,and Mufcovdoga. s,

Pepper and fpiccs,Ainotto Uofin,Euiiuliiue, Copperas and

Logwood,Cotton, Wool and Hat

tors' Caids.Alio, a sew excellentdouble and trigger'J Kifle Guns.

All which will lold at rtducd prices for

J tQ tictuj only.


N. B. N Burrows rcques tuore indebted, tocome f rwd.rd and ike pnmei.t, o dole their

by jriving their notes. No iurt her noticewill be given. ti

I WILL Sl.LL Oil III. XT,"IT5 HE ))!acc whe:e I row lie, lituate atJ. Iotks of V, is le cicek, fifteen miles from

Georgetown, 011 the Cincinnati toad, as good acountry ftind 1 i AvcrtN, as any in this itate.

parfculai deleripMon of place and improvemci.ts 13 unnecelfiry, as the person inclining













purchase or rent, would lee t leoremile's. How- -

ver, tor inlormation, fiiouuc 01 Uut u weiligei,Frankfort, J. Hiuitti, in Georgetown, or

the fuoftriber, 011 the pren'iles The terms willbe made cafy such articles as will liuMhe s

market, will anlwerdor the.gteifef partRICHA11D M.iTO.

December ift, 1799- -

JUST RECEIVED,And now opening for sale, a large and genera! aort1,


t 4 HARD

andB.-dsaiUV- rd,

WARE,EkN's WARE, he.

which wall bcMoM vtiy low for Calh; but no crcdineed be expected. A

George Tcgarden.

A T A V E R N.

TT'IIE fubf-rib-er begs leave to inform- his friends and the public in general, that he

has opened

TAVERNat the sign of the cheaf of Wheit, just back of thecourt He is svith everv necc.Tarvwhich may tend to accommodate those who may callupon him

3ttf Thomas Tibbatts.Lexington, January ift, 1799

N. B. Travelleis can alwas befurnillied svithtiavelling biscuits, bacon buns, v nifon do. driedbees, bees tongues, cheele' &c. Kt.

7W I O SALE.ICflVE HUNDRED acres of land on2. the watcii ofilate, or LulbulgruJ, in Claikecounty

Also 295 acres near the above.433 acre-so- Gicen mei, about 16 miles from

Lincoln couit houleAbout epoacre Big Brnli (reeie, GreeneAooutipo acres on and 11 ai tlie oad tr mi Hir

rodibnra,, to Franktort, ne ir Griy Horse MillFoi terms apply to thelubienber, in Jellaminc coun- -

Samuel WDi-jcl- L

91I1, 1799'









Just .received, and for sale byGRA1KGLR & V HE LAN,

At the lloie latelv occupied by Mi. Robert Barrthe following articles, VIZ '

Young Hyfon, . I AUum and Madder.Hyfon, ( pj I Pis,Hylon Skin, L f m Ouecns' ware.jjooe-a- , j . j madeiraCoflee,Loaf sugarPepper,Copperas.

--S. ' 1'ort

Superfine Clotlfs,rnnts,Hosiery,



French kinds.I Ladies' & Gentlemen's

fa&ionabieliats.The above goods will be sold by whole sale for


W Grainger.Lexington, Augnft ij, 1799. tf'



OK High ftrect Lexington, refpscfullyjiotifiespublic, that he has discovered an effecru

ai cure for the Uheumatifni, Rheumatic fains andCramps, by means of Metahc Rings, ol a paiticu-la- r

conpolition. The lollowing certificates of thebenefits already derived fiom the use ot his rims, heMatters himself will be the best es idence ol thtirutilityand as they can be obtained at a lmallexpence, will recommend them to the affliftedApply as above.

Lexington, December nth, 1799.

I do ceitify, that I have had the rheumatism inboth my aims, till they were much swelled ; I trieddifferent kind of medicine, to no efTecl; I then applied to Edward Well, tor mme ot his rheumaticuugs aner weann' t,.em a lhort rime I wtic .,,wreiy rcjeaKrt 1 om both the pain and iivelling, and,.'" .. pciireuy ,vL.. uivcn undeij an . .

eVg Patty Cod,


I do herebv certify that my wise has been muchathieted itn puns, as is .lie svould have theuc ol ilti and bvims, ueanng two rings made

v V ttl ird West, f.n ili.ii- n,.rcr. .

to U p. 1!

-- -- iXj ui


1799- -

- iv, t apca.

I co cert f




Clar c.l

my this


unaer my Hand th.s

!ard Cave,ibout milesfrom Lexington.

Hnt I 'me Ind the rheumatic painsui tit ft Tin tr




elC tfl 'JII,ln..l.l .. II

v no lh i n tto

v n


t1 Pflf.ei ik ti

biiu uuiu ICaoors I then annltPri

row r,!te( ,i n one oi'Im rheumatic nnrr.ndi


10 t time. I was ml iyit u . and I cu I e.teve is will nfiAi.

j . - .




r Irom- Kkjbi j Luii; jiil;.

uauci ii hand tins 2Qth ' vi ,w.y lUVk,iJiCJ J


I do hereby cprtify that I had pains in my arms,id I do believe by a ring I have got fiomWell, lhe goc clear of the pains.Mi


William Ross.Lexington December 4th, 1799.

0I do hereby cerMfy that my wise-- has been muchafflifted with th- - rheumatic pains, and byall appear-mc- ewould have lost tie u.e of her limbs, and byveanng to rings made lv Edward West, for thatpurpose, (he appears perfeetly well. Given widermy hand this ith day of ueei tbor, 1799.

JGP Isaoc Barr.jfj about 6 mires 11 est fiom Lexington.

I do certify tut my wise hath had the rheuma-tif-in one ot h- -r .ml was very helpless with

it for a long time ; and I applied to Mr EdwardWelt, tor loire ol r.s rheui.utic rings, which appears to have greatly relieved her, and I bel.evc

iUperfecH cuie her. Given undei my hand this"HI Vijr ui uveiiiiuui, J U(l





Az . 1 iab Iligtrifis.about s miles nearly north

I do certify that 1 have had the rheumatism in myknee till 't was much swelled I then applied to d

West, for one of his rheumatic bands, and bvusing it two weeks, I was perfectly well Given undei my hand this 6th day of December, 1 799.

Benjamin Bee er,2J about 6 miles from Lexington- -

I do hereby certifv that I have becnagi-tc- withiheuinatic pains for nine years, and by wearing aring made bv Mr. Edward West, for that t;

t have been entirely well these six months. Givenunder my hand this 7th day of December, 1799.




John Cock, Lexington.

County, fct.This day perfonallv appeared, Edward WeM, of

High (Ireel, in Lexington, silversmith, hefore me, ajuftiqe ol the peace for the county aforelaid, andmade oath that he received the foregoing certificatesol the several persons whose names arc thereunderwritten, & that" lie believes the contents thereof ftbe true. Given under my hand and seal this I illday of December, 1799.




y. Maccoun, (seal.)

I hereby certify that for several yoars last past, Ihave been much affl'fted with a rheumatism Mr.Edward West of Lexington complimented me withone of his rheumatic rings, which t have generallyworn, ind h3ve been entirely free from all symptomsof that complaint eve' since Given under my handthis 17th December, 1799.

6 j esse Williams,Boarbon County.

N. T!. All those who have used of my rings, arereqnefted to forward to me certificates of their effcfts, as fnon as cot vement, and oblige

fT Their humble 'servant,v? E. West.

Lexington, December 1 2th, 1799- -

sUISCRII'TIONS for this piper, a two dollars

at the lollowing port offices, viz. in FrankfortMr. Daniel Bradford in Hairodibunh, bv MrGeore Mirt in Danville, bv Mr. Josiah Mooreat Biirilftown, by Mr. James E.Winn and at Williingtoi. by Mr. E. Harris ailio are also furiiifiiei,

with the accounts of those whose papers have beenlodged in then refpeftive offices, and are hereby

to UeCivc paymaat.JOHN BI-D-

F ItD.



LONDON, OtSlober ai.- At a late hour lait night, Paris paperswiie ieteivea in a regular lenes, to tlielojthinlh the contents of which Vve haverfbt time to detail, ind can only say in ge-

neral, they confirm the former accountsJlated in several papers of the 8th, thar.auwarrow had been defeated, with theloss often thousand prifoncrs, and twothousand waunded : the number of slainis not ascertained. He is said to haveretreated with the remainder of his army,in the Giifon country.

A rumor, was also prevalent, that theAarchduke .Charles had been defeatedwith considerable loss.

October 23.From tbe Morning Cbnonicle.

The tenor of the difpauhes brought bythe melTenger which arm ed on Monday,from the Texel, tranfpiredyefterday'. A.convention took place on the Ji6th inft.between his royal highness the,t3we ofYork, and Gen. Brune, by which ait

for fourteen days was agreed on,upon terms which have been differentlystated By one account it is said to be

by the Duke of York, that in orderto save the effusion of human blood, 8800of the French prisoners now in this coun-try, together with all the prisoners madeby the allied armies in Holland, ihall bedelivered up to the French and Dutch,provided no opposition fliall be given tothe evacuation of the Helder point An-other account states the piice to be only5000 men ; and another says that theFrench demand the reiloration of theDutch fliips. We do not give either ofthese reports as genuine They are pro-Dab- ly

nothing more than the conieclureuof the ' iblic on the nature and extrnf- ns

(Hie terms ; but as to the facl itself, of acomprpmife having taken place, it is

by minilters.

Telegropb communication by the line ofStrasburg to, tbe French Direclory.

" Odl. 5. Six in the evening, Suarrowis entering the canton ot Glaris, and at-tacking Lecourbe. On my side lam clofe-l- y

surrounding hinf."6. Sujrrow defeated Ten thou-

fand Ruffian prifoncrs a decisive vic-or- y.

BALTIMORE, December 23.This morning, 'arrived fliip Perfcver-enc- e,

Norman, in 8 weeks from theDowns, and 41 days from land to land,

To capt. Thorndike Crure, a paffengerin the above ship, the Editor of the Ame-rican is indebted for a file of London pa-

pers, down to the 24fh Oclober, 6 da"slater than any Europian news on theContinent the most important contentsof which are hastily laid before the public.

--Captain Chase informs, th at on the 28thOctober, spoke the ihip Union, Porter, ofEaltimore, from Hamburg to Sunainamjlest Hamburg on the 20th. Capt. Porter,informed, that the day before he sailed,OFFICIEL ACCOUNTS were reced-ed, and red to the populace, that therDuke of York had been fevercly and com-pleat- ly

beaten ; that all the Anglo-Ruffia-

in his army, had laid down their arms,and surrendered themselves prisoners ofwar. Capt Porter did not learn whetherthe Duke himfqlf was taken prisoner, butgave capt. C. positive affurences that theabove information was correct.


THE FOREIGN NEWSReceived by capt. Chase, in the Perfe-veranc- e,

is in every refpeit interelting.An attentive perusal of the files of Lon-do- T

prints, down to the 24111 October, re-

ceived by no other editor i'i Baltimore,enables me to acquaint my readers, un-

conditionally, that the Btitifh and An- -orln-- illTI.inQ hnvc pnfprpl inrn n ficrypn- -ment with the Batavian Republic, to t -filiate xiouujiu. 1 ne convenu'in wastiignad on the 18th October, allowing iixweeks for the complete embarkation ofthe invaders. Several tranlports had ar-

rived in England with sick and wounded,which fecmed to be the firlt object of re-

moval ; a sleet of transports were gettingout of RajnTgate, (on the 23d) as fait aspoflible, to proceed to the Texel, to takeoff the remainder of the troops. TheBritifli prints appear to be deeply chop-falle- n

at thedifafters which have befallerithe pious bishop of Ofna'oourg, in Hol-land ; and in order to appcafe the refent-me- nt

oT the nation, the mrniftry hav; di-

vided the spoils of the Dutch sleet, which.vas taken poileflion of as the property ofthj Stadtholder, among the the sailors ofadmiral Mitchell's sleet. Thus ''whenrosjues fall out, honest men come to tnciright." An article of the 23d, fuvs " the

Stadtholder "who was-Jatel- y afubjectoftdm. ration, has now become an object ofths e;ccratioa of the populace. Ibid


I- -

' J