kentucky gazette (lexington, ky. : 1789). (lexington, ky...

7 ( I i 0 -"--I ? 1 Gecrce Sp:art, CLOCK k WA'i CH MA- KER, From Eritit. the back of the jail , thinks AT k nectilary to acquaint the public, that he intends cairyingcn the above bufiuefs in all its vauons branches ; ihofe who are iileafcd lo savor hiin witll their cuHom, ma depend upon its being done with punttuality and dif-pat- He has a iiear allortment of thiitten inch plain double moon andfeoonds from the center, t eight day and thirty hour Clocks ; Lke-wii- a sew Gold and Silver atches, which will be sold upon leafonable terms. 6v $6 i o be lend lo tne higheil bidder, TN Georgetown, an February X comt day next cnlumg, lovalu-abl- e unimproved IN LO"" S; part of . the propei ty of" Ldwaid V elt dec. six months credit v ill be giv- - en thcpurchufeis, by giving bond and approved ictuiity. Edward West, for l nomas Martin December lR. G Clrk, Al tie Etuh hcvjt lately oicp id by lr. Mai I It, ut t1 coi i r 'J uan iund Limij 'ii. j'l, Has just Otened an Assort-ni.N- i oi GOODS, An ' 'vfo'-t- j at e, and ktoi.d Broad Cloths, FINE do. ..:i iped ai d plain Coatings, Fne SwaufdWn Vtlt tVc.ns, Caiumer, Callicoes, Fine, Ihiped and Jaccontt Muslin, Scai let Caulirials, A'anthellei Stuffs, islanders, IlaiJ V arc, including a vai kty of cleoftiit Luckles. The above Coods will be sold at prices iiiuth'lovNc-- r than ufi-al- , the p'opnetor propolinn to quit buii-nef- s. tt N. B. hen for sale. . Mr. Bradford, JT has becli reported that I have quit my tiade, by which mean's I have lost foilie otmybtlt cuitoin ; pieafe to infoini the public thro' yorr p'per, that I tairy it on in all its vaiio is b' antes, where ihofe who pU to ftiv c with their cultrm 1'iav depend o 1 having theii wo kdoncinthe heft manner aud on the fhorteit notice. Chai les Sumption. Llackfmith. N. H. All 'hose indebted to me arc reqi.e'led to make immediate payment, for the natme of my bu- llae's will not admit of any further ind .Io,ente. c. s. Uh Doll at s Kc wa cl. away fiom the lublcniier RAN ing in Scott counry, a Ne- - , gro ira'1 named 'es, about twenty. two vcar: old, about five feet five inches l.irh, round full vifaae, otr a black coinpk'xio.i , had on vihsu lie went away vvoolingoveralls and h coat which was died a lead color hut has worn white, the fieeveswas pieced fiom the elbow down to the wtiil, and a Hriped jacket, the (liinps roes round the body. He - - 1 isveiybtoadacrofs the fhouldcrs . and thick made. . - Thomas Dtdey Dec. 18. " Taken up by the fubferiber pn south Elkhom near Dougher- ty's mill, Scott count , a bay filley, !, pp vears old next fprinrf, near 14. hands high, bianded on the hiw', near moulder and buttock ID a small liar in her sorehead, tiots ; J app.aifedto 4I. 10S -- ! 1 ; 71: vnas Lvi Kjtacr. Octber 1. Ten Dollars Reward, T Oft, on the wateis of Cedar JL cicek, in Woodford county, a-- . Lout the 15th of November ; Mare, seven yeais old last Ipring, about sour feet tori inches Ingh, bianded on the near buttock lb has a blaze face and both lund feet --white. Any pcrfon taking up said mare and securing her so that I get her, shall receive the a- -, hove re"w aid, paid by the fubferi-he- r living in Scott County, near Shannon's mill. I Iw , Benjamin FinnelL A Large Company win start from the crab orchard on the 10th of January, 79jn Whereas I did on the 30th day of July J 794 give my obliga- tions to Jeicd Hume, to thiny one pounds six hilling' and threepence which he hail to capt. Win. Arnold of Harribu county, "and as laid Hume did nevci make any fatisfaetion to me according to conn act ; tins is theiefore to torewajn ary peifon or pei k ns from deiling for said oblig iens, a--s 1 am ltfolved not to pay iliein oil till 1 1 eteive value for the faaie ae oidirg to contia:t. I a on Grojean. - i .u.t.v up b the f bfciiLLi 0.1 i Salt river, in eicei tOi.n'y, ne?r w here the 1 oad leading from kela-iev'- s se tf to kmchaloe's ciollts said liver, an ii.n gray "Koiie, fovr veais old, tiiii-tee- n h ind high Lrandcd on the near ihouldcr thus TS, appraised to jl. Saviuel Adams. Sep.-- . NOTICE. TrMb: lived At Danville on the fu It diy of Ja- nuary next, all the N E G ROES to the estate of EJELOiNGING C hultiinde-ceafe- d, conliftingof likely fellow s, wenches, boys and guN, among hich is an exceeding good c?r-pem- It is expected u)l tl.ofe who hired negroes far this year villi Lepiepared to difchatge Vat ir bonps and rctmn the negroes cluathed agiecaLle to ccntiaL't. ii. Wccltolkjun. Acreiu . up O) the luoKnoei, I on the river Ohio 111 S' rtt county, a bay Hoife with a b.dd face, some laddie fpt ts, (ho I Leloie, about fourteen hands an la half hight eight )eais 1 Id, appraised to fifty dallais. Ilo a bay Marc sour jeais eld, ?bo t fourteen hands dnee inches high, shod befoi e, appraised to eighty dollais , ncithei has any hi and that can be made cvt. John Brown. December 8- - t I O be lold, a Home oc Lot Sitvatcd in : a central pait of the town, also everal valuable unim- - proved Lots, for terms apply to the fbfcribeis. Jj. Duke, F. Ridgely. Lexington. Decerrtber iqth , tf WAlILU, An APPRENTICE tithe Coppersmith's Bllfinefs , fn of about fourteen years AL,t ac, under good character, will be taken, and no other need spply to CHARLES WIIITF J LexinfTtnii. epfmhr ? Taken up by the lublcn- - ber, living near Lexinirton, on the waters of Hickman, a two year old! ciear sorrel il one colt, neither docked nor branded, appraised to 10I. Walter Bughtman. Odtober 14. f FOR SaLE, I400 Acres of LAND, jN the wateis of Tates and Sil- - vcr creek, adjoining the lands of Benjamin 0v.inn and Chnlto-ph- er livine. 1400 Acics adjoining the above, on lajlois foik of Silver creek. 1400 Acres on Paint l'tk on the trate fiom Boonfboiqngh to Lo- gan's ilation, adjoining John Ma-j- o, , A llliam Kirtly and Joftph Craig's land. . joqo Acres on the North fork of Rockcdllle, 011 the uacc leading fiom Bcjoiifboiough to the liazle Patch. 1000 Acres adjoining, including the tiucc. 000 Acres, lying on the Divid- - ing dtidge, on tht . tract leading iibni Looiifborough to Logan's, IictwTTen the fords of Tates and Silver creek. . 2000 Acies on the waters of Ot- ter creek, adjoining jofeph felp's settlement and pi eempcioii, anO Bowles' preemption. . , , , 2000 Acres on the wateis afSil-ve- r. and Jiluddy treek, adjoining Samuel ifliil afiignec of V ebber. 500 Acics adjoining Hancock's settlement and n. . 11,000 Acre's 011 the south" side of 1 eimc (ke river, in the land laid ajait lor the late American aimy. 4000 Acies on Station Camp cie.k, ntar tftill's Hation. , t 1000 .cres lying. Qn main Mhd-d- y cietk, above Clew's picemp-tio- u. t , 1250 Acres lying on Silver and f ration Camp cieeks, adjoining 1 uttrel's pietmption. I he ahoe Lands were all loca- ted by Gittu Clay tfq. of fjadifon aun y in ihe name of William i ajo, in the ytais 1,80, 1781) who tdn mew and gite all neqef-lai- y luf orn ation 10 any persons ludir.'ble to ptachafe. 1000 itres Militaty Land gran- ted 111 the name of John Ronyee, en the wateis of Giavt ci eek a blanch of Green liver, adjoining Robei t Heall's furvcy, w ithin the Gitci, Rivet fetilemtnts. icoo Acies giamtil to Henry Lee t'q. on d wan ant iffued the . 15th Coluber 1779 and furvcyedin 17M, ut Nelson county onthe wa-teis- ot i.Iill cieeknear Bairdflov.n, wheicon aie several fcttlements alieady iinpioied. Matthew Mai ton elq. cai. fhew this land. 21 00 Acies Military Land, gran- ted to capr. bner Criimfojon Green river jicai the fording of Cumber land tiace. Capt. Abraham Chap- lain can give further information, located by him. &000" Acies granted to Jocob Rubfoinen, near the mouth of main Licking, located by illiani Kennedy efq. of Mejcer county, and surveyed under his diiecftion. 10,000 Aires furicyed for Ja- cob Rubfamen, on the wateis of Slate ci eek, located and surveyed under the diieclion of said ken nedy. ' 20(55 2-- 3 Acres military land, gi anted to lieut. William Smith, on Gi een liver. The above Lands will be sold on low teims for cam or produce, and the terms made cafy to the purchasers. lCJiHN r yi-ux- . June 12, 1794 tf Four Dollars Reward. ' Sttatd a sew wee! s ajjo from Mr. William Grant's fen. on litile Iso-.t- Elkhorn ; a sorrel MARE and Mare CCLT. The mare is about el. ven or twelve yeais old, cieit fallen occasioned by the fiflu-l- a, branded on the near moulder" andbultock IL and on the off moul- der and buttock qi. W hoever de- li- ers said mare and colt to the fub- feriber in Georgetown, fliall re- ceive the above rcvvaid. James Lemon. Kov. 2S. tf Nail Mamtfrf'orj,, in leyltg ion. The fubfcribis It"v'ijt r,n h-n- a gcneial al our tnt oi al, Bids aial Sput v 11 tt il u em at thelolitv irj, ict . v it ki 12U. 2od. f ni 1 00 ii g 1 adt a iy4 p! . ib. bj tht qi 21 111 y ci lot lb ci more, 01 by tta 1 a.t 16 e do. at 16 by the q. ..n it. (.1 ft bv ie-tai- l. 6d do at 1, sc bj the qnanti-)- y 01 iyi& by letail. 4d. co nd fpiigsrs at 26 A number of Journeymen f ail-0- 1 s wiinrtd, to w tier gtnei oi s v es wilt be g'uen in C zl i hey would vifh ..llo 10 talc a lev ,K cyu i ojsoi aLout ioi 1 j jeaisol aie apj-rn- i es for thiec pr lot r ytar, a ti cj tan agree with rtien owners, or ti,iy would give caflj ioi fLth at ealon-abl- e prices. , ' , 1'HOMAti Hart Ik Son. flO bbL OF EN 1 lii. TAINMENT. fulfcibeis rcfpeilfilly ! inform hen fi Sends ail he JJL public, that they have his da opened a Uoufe of N.Trk-TaI.nME- N r in Lexingtcn, at ti e corner of Back and . hoi c Stiees. and next door to Capt. M'f ys Billiard rable, v hcie they Lore by afliduity 3iid aittntion to bufn eis, to merit the patr. naj,e of a itne-ron- s piiblic. J he il.oi'cft of may always te had there, wnh un.eel usage ? nd ,n.odriac charges. , SeieC't companies 11 ?,y beatcomcdaitd wiihpiivate rorr s, and dinnei or furipe on the Ii 01 notice 1 he g eatell cae will be taken of gentlemen s hoi fts. lien, b itz G.i aid, Rebetca Evaas. Nov. 20. N. B. Gcne-ou- s wagei f ill he g'ven for an afLive, indui'rio1 s bojaridiil i K.OT ThR v 0OTT, At thxtr S70i r in Lexingion, - cend dbor above I tjrj. Love j - fcrent' Tav:rn, in t' : hotij- - pr- - mtny occupied b JtjcJ- - .".levaii- - dei Scott ir Co. Hate jujl Opened and new tor icle A neat and veiy genet ai y6J- - Jbrtwent of MERCHANDISE, Well fuitsd foi tin pnfent and en fumg f.Jo.i, Which they aie detenrii e I to sell on the moil educed pi lies of any Goods yet ofiered for lale in this place. tf T 'vn ton, D c 6 C-- U P ER S Are wanting, to make sour barrels at mr.i.c? . Laiii7,.'s 11 i.l, near 1 odiCs se. ry, on the wat s of 1 leai cieek ..pplicati 11 to Le made to the ful.'tri e-- , or to 11 r. L alii me at his houle, v. here the 11 en will be hi ariled n Pciieioi.s p i e will be paid to the 1 an Is by t e morth, or ly ihe "jnel. v o-- tilnber rnd othc maerids ae o beJiad in gieat plenty 011 the ij-o- l. Andrew Har-;- . Lemgton,Dcc 5. tf FOR SALE, TWO TRAC1S OF L A N P, X ART of my militiry right, 01s containing one thouland icres, ly- ing 011 Green liver, about 5 miks above the mouth of Big Bandit : the other containing 1 ;oo aups, lying on boyd'- - cieek,,n branch cf Big Barren. Also, a tract of d, in Woodford county, contain-- r 4 50 acres, lying be. v cert Rowe's run and Glen s ci eef , on the Kentucky river, and about me miles, by water, above Fiankk 11. For terms, apply to illlam Mor- ton efq. Lexington, or to me, i: Woodford. GEO : MU 1'kR. 5 A 5 ?s X.

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Page 1: Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY · land tiace. Capt. Abraham Chap-lain can give further information, located







Gecrce Sp:art,CLOCK k WA'i CH MA-

KER,From Eritit.the back of the jail , thinksATk nectilary to acquaint the

public, that he intends cairyingcnthe above bufiuefs in all its vauonsbranches ; ihofe who are iileafcdlo savor hiin witll their cuHom,ma depend upon its beingdone with punttuality and dif-pat-

He has a iiear allortmentof thiitten inch plain doublemoon andfeoonds from the center,

t eight day and thirty hour Clocks ;Lke-wii- a sew Gold and Silver

atches, which will be sold uponleafonable terms. 6v $6

i o be lend lo tne higheilbidder,

TN Georgetown, an FebruaryX comt day next cnlumg, lovalu-abl- e

unimproved IN LO"" S; part of .

the propei ty of" Ldwaid V elt dec.six months credit v ill be giv- -

en thcpurchufeis, by giving bondand approved ictuiity.

Edward West, forl nomas Martin

December lR.

G Clrk,Al tie Etuh hcvjt lately oicp id by

lr. Mai I It, ut t1 coi i r 'J uaniund Limij 'ii. j'l,

Has just Otened an Assort-ni.N- i

oiGOODS,An ' 'vfo'-t- j at e,and ktoi.d Broad Cloths,FINE do.

..:i iped ai d plain Coatings,Fne SwaufdWn Vtlt tVc.ns,Caiumer,Callicoes,Fine, Ihiped and Jaccontt Muslin,Scai let Caulirials,A'anthellei Stuffs,islanders,IlaiJ V arc, including a vai kty of

cleoftiit Luckles.The above Coods will be sold at

prices iiiuth'lovNc--r than ufi-al- , thep'opnetor propolinn to quit buii-nef- s.

ttN. B. hen for sale. .

Mr. Bradford,JT has becli reported that I have

quit my tiade, by which mean'sI have lost foilie otmybtlt cuitoin ;

pieafe to infoini the public thro'yorr p'per, that I tairy it on inall its vaiio is b' antes, where ihofewho pU to ftiv c with theircultrm 1'iav depend o 1 havingtheii wo kdoncinthe heft manneraud on the fhorteit notice.

Chai les Sumption.Llackfmith.

N. H. All 'hose indebted to mearc reqi.e'led to make immediatepayment, for the natme of my bu-

llae's will not admit of any furtherind .Io,ente.

c. s.Uh Dollat s Kc wa cl.

away fiom the lublcniierRAN ing in Scott counry, a Ne- - ,

gro ira'1 named 'es, about twenty.two vcar: old, about five feet fiveinches l.irh, round full vifaae, otra black coinpk'xio.i , had on vihsulie went away vvoolingoveralls andh coat which was died a lead colorhut has worn white, the fieeveswaspieced fiom the elbow down to thewtiil, and a Hriped jacket, the(liinps roes round the body. He- -1

isveiybtoadacrofs the fhouldcrs .

and thick made. . -

Thomas DtdeyDec. 18. "

Taken up by the fubferiberpn south Elkhom near Dougher-

ty's mill, Scott count , a bay filley,!, pp vears old next fprinrf, near

14. hands high, bianded on thehiw', near moulder and buttock ID

a small liar in her sorehead, tiots ; Japp.aifedto 4I. 10S

-- !1 ;71: vnas Lvi Kjtacr.

Octber 1.

Ten Dollars Reward,T Oft, on the wateis of CedarJL cicek, in Woodford county, a-- .

Lout the 15th of November ;

Mare, seven yeais old lastIpring, about sour feet tori inchesIngh, bianded on the near buttocklb has a blaze face and both lundfeet --white. Any pcrfon takingup said mare and securing her so

that I get her, shall receive the a- -,

hove re"w aid, paid by the fubferi-he- r

living in Scott County, nearShannon's mill.

IIw , Benjamin FinnelL

A Large Company winstart from the crab orchardon the 10th of January,79jn

Whereas I did on the 30thday of July J 794 give my obliga-tions to Jeicd Hume, ainoijn.ingto thiny one pounds six hilling'and threepence which he hail

to capt. Win. Arnold ofHarribu county, "and as laid Humedid nevci make any fatisfaetion tome according to conn act ; tins istheiefore to torewajn ary peifonor pei k ns from deiling for saidoblig iens, a--s 1 am ltfolved not topay iliein oil till 1 1 eteive value forthe faaie ae oidirg to contia:t.

I a on Grojean. -

i .u.t.v up b the f bfciiLLi 0.1

i Salt river, in eicei tOi.n'y,ne?r w here the 1 oad leading fromkela-iev'- s se tf to kmchaloe'sciollts said liver, an ii.n gray"Koiie, fovr veais old, tiiii-tee- n

h ind high Lrandcd on thenear ihouldcr thus TS, appraisedto jl.

Saviuel Adams.Sep.-- .

NOTICE.TrMb: lived

At Danville on the fu It diy of Ja-nuary next, all the

N E G ROESto the estate ofEJELOiNGING

C hultiinde-ceafe- d,

conliftingof likely fellow s,wenches, boys and guN, among

hich is an exceeding good c?r-pem-

It is expected u)l tl.ofewho hired negroes far this yearvilli Lepiepared to difchatge Vat irbonps and rctmn the negroescluathed agiecaLle to ccntiaL't.

ii. Wccltolkjun.Acreiu

. up O) the luoKnoei,I on the river Ohio 111

S' rtt county, a bay Hoife with ab.dd face, some laddie fpt ts, (ho I

Leloie, about fourteen hands an lahalf hight eight )eais 1 Id,appraised to fifty dallais. Iloa bay Marc sour jeais eld, ?bo tfourteen hands dnee inches high,shod befoi e, appraised to eightydollais , ncithei has any hi and thatcan be made cvt.

John Brown.December 8- - tI O be lold, a Home oc Lot

Sitvatcd in :a central pait of thetown, also everal valuable unim- -

proved Lots, for terms apply tothe fbfcribeis.

Jj. Duke,F. Ridgely.

Lexington. Decerrtber iqth , tfWAlILU,

An APPRENTICE titheCoppersmith's Bllfinefs, fn of about fourteen yearsAL,t ac, under good character,

will be taken, and no other needspply to

CHARLES WIIITF JLexinfTtnii. epfmhr ?

Taken up by the lublcn- -ber, living near Lexinirton, on thewaters of Hickman, a two year old!

ciear sorrel il one colt, neitherdocked nor branded, appraised to10I. Walter Bughtman.Odtober 14. f

FOR SaLE,I400 Acres of LAND,

jN the wateis of Tates and Sil- -

vcr creek, adjoining the landsof Benjamin 0v.inn and Chnlto-ph- er

livine.1400 Acics adjoining the above,

on lajlois foik of Silver creek.1400 Acres on Paint l'tk on the

trate fiom Boonfboiqngh to Lo-

gan's ilation, adjoining John Ma-j- o,

, A llliam Kirtly and JoftphCraig's land. .

joqo Acres on the North forkof Rockcdllle, 011 the uacc leadingfiom Bcjoiifboiough to the liazlePatch.

1000 Acres adjoining, includingthe tiucc.

000 Acres, lying on the Divid- -

ing dtidge, on tht . tract leadingiibni Looiifborough to Logan's,IictwTTen the fords of Tates andSilver creek.. 2000 Acies on the waters of Ot-

ter creek, adjoining jofeph felp'ssettlement and pi eempcioii, anOBowles' preemption. . , , ,

2000 Acres on the wateis afSil-ve- r.

and Jiluddy treek, adjoiningSamuel ifliil afiignec of V ebber.

500 Acics adjoining llli.vinHancock's settlement and n.


11,000 Acre's 011 the south" sideof 1 eimc (ke river, in the land laidajait lor the late American aimy.

4000 Acies on Station Campcie.k, ntar tftill's Hation. , t

1000 .cres lying. Qn main Mhd-d- y

cietk, above Clew's picemp-tio- u.

t ,

1250 Acres lying on Silver andf ration Camp cieeks, adjoining1 uttrel's pietmption.

I he ahoe Lands were all loca-

ted by Gittu Clay tfq. of fjadifonaun y in ihe name of Williami ajo, in the ytais 1,80, 1781)who tdn mew and gite all neqef-lai-y

luf orn ation 10 any personsludir.'ble to ptachafe.

1000 itres Militaty Land gran-ted 111 the name of John Ronyee,en the wateis of Giavt ci eek ablanch of Green liver, adjoiningRobei t Heall's furvcy, w ithin theGitci, Rivet fetilemtnts.

icoo Acies giamtil to HenryLee t'q. on d wan ant iffued the .

15th Coluber 1779 and furvcyedin17M, ut Nelson county onthe wa-teis- ot

i.Iill cieeknear Bairdflov.n,wheicon aie several fcttlementsalieady iinpioied. Matthew Maiton elq. cai. fhew this land.

21 00 Acies Military Land, gran-ted to capr. bner Criimfojon Greenriver jicai the fording of Cumberland tiace. Capt. Abraham Chap-

lain can give further information,located by him.

&000" Acies granted to JocobRubfoinen, near the mouth ofmain Licking, located by illianiKennedy efq. of Mejcer county,and surveyed under his diiecftion.

10,000 Aires furicyed for Ja-cob Rubfamen, on the wateis ofSlate ci eek, located and surveyedunder the diieclion of said kennedy. '

20(55 2-- 3 Acres military land,gi anted to lieut. William Smith,on Gi een liver.

The above Lands will be soldon low teims for cam or produce,and the terms made cafy to thepurchasers.

lCJiHN r yi-ux- .June 12, 1794 tf

Four Dollars Reward.' Sttatd a sew wee! s ajjo from

Mr. William Grant's fen. on litileIso-.t- Elkhorn ; a sorrel MAREand Mare CCLT. The mare isabout el. ven or twelve yeais old,cieit fallen occasioned by the fiflu-l- a,

branded on the near moulder"andbultock IL and on the off moul-

der and buttock qi. W hoever de-

li- ers said mare and colt to the fub-

feriber in Georgetown, fliall re-

ceive the above rcvvaid.

James Lemon.Kov. 2S. tf

Nail Mamtfrf'orj,, in leyltgion.

The fubfcribis It"v'ijt r,nh-n- a gcneial al our tnt oi al,Bids aial Sput v 11 tt il u emat thelolitv irj, ict . v it ki12U. 2od. f ni 1 00 ii g 1 adt a iy4p! . ib. bj tht qi 21 111 y ci lot lb cimore, 01 by tta 1 a.t 16 e 16 by the q. ..n it. (.1 ft bv ie-tai- l.

6d do at 1, sc bj the qnanti-)- y

01 iyi& by letail. 4d. co ndfpiigsrs at 26

A number of Journeymen f ail-0- 1s wiinrtd, to w tier gtnei oi s v es

wilt be g'uen in C zl i heywould vifh ..llo 10 talc a lev

,K cyu i ojsoi aLoutioi 1 j jeaisol aie apj-rn- i esfor thiec pr lot r ytar, a ti cj tanagree with rtien owners, or ti,iywould give caflj ioi fLth at ealon-abl- e

prices. , ',

1'HOMAti Hart Ik Son.flO bbL OF EN 1 lii.

TAINMENT.fulfcibeis rcfpeilfilly

! inform hen fi Sends ail heJJL public, that they have his

da opened a Uoufe of N.Trk-TaI.nME- N

r in Lexingtcn, at ti ecorner of Back and . hoi c Stiees.and next door to Capt. M'f y sBilliard rable, v hcie they Lore byafliduity 3iid aittntion to bufn eis,to merit the patr. naj,e of a itne-ron- s

piiblic. J he il.oi'cft ofmay always te had there,

wnh un.eel usage ? nd ,n.odriaccharges. , SeieC't companies 11 ?,ybeatcomcdaitd wiihpiivate rorr s,and dinnei or furipe on the Ii 01

notice 1 he g eatell cae willbe taken of gentlemen s hoi fts.

lien, b itz G.i aid,Rebetca Evaas.

Nov. 20.N. B. Gcne-ou- s wagei f ill

he g'ven for an afLive, indui'rio1 sbojaridiil

i K.OT ThR v 0OTT,At thxtr S70i r in Lexingion, -

cend dbor above I tjrj. Love j- fcrent' Tav:rn, in t' : hotij- - pr- -

mtny occupied b JtjcJ- - .".levaii- -

dei Scott ir Co.Hate jujl Opened and new tor icleA neat and veiy genet ai y6J- -


Well fuitsd foi tin pnfent and enfumg f.Jo.i,

Which they aie detenrii e I

to sell on the moil educed pi liesof any Goods yet ofiered for lalein this place.

tf T 'vn ton, D c 6

C-- U P E R SAre wanting, to make sour

barrels at mr.i.c? . Laiii7,.'s 11 i.l,near 1 odiCs se. ry, on the wat sof 1 leai cieek ..pplicati 11 to Le

made to the ful.'tri e--, or to 11 r.

L alii me at his houle, v. here the 11 enwill be hi ariled n Pciieioi.s p i ewill be paid to the 1 an Is by t emorth, or ly ihe "jnel. v o--

tilnber rnd othc maerids ae obeJiad in gieat plenty 011 the ij-o-l.

Andrew Har-;- .

Lemgton,Dcc 5. tfFOR SALE,


L A N P,X ART of my militiry right, 01scontaining one thouland icres, ly-

ing 011 Green liver, about 5 miksabove the mouth of Big Bandit :

the other containing 1 ;oo aups,lying on boyd'- - cieek,,n branch cfBig Barren. Also, a tract of d,

in Woodford county, contain-- r 450 acres, lying be. v cert

Rowe's run and Glen s ci eef , onthe Kentucky river, and about memiles, by water, above Fiankk 11.For terms, apply to illlam Mor-

ton efq. Lexington, or to me, i:Woodford.

GEO : MU 1'kR.




