kentucky gazette (lexington, ky. : 1789). (lexington, ky...

Sacrcd to the MUSES. ELEGANT JMPROMTUM, Of Mr. Barlow, author of the " VU fion of Columbus," now in France French no more in stupid joy, THE the At with " Kin ' le Roi." A nobler wifli exiunds the mind, Let Justice lie land live Mankind. -- i ANECDOTE. Clergyman christening the chiid A of an humole cottager, asked the god father and god mother, what name it was to hive? 4 Wilhelmma Rofina,'' anfweied the mother WilnelldcviU" cried the lather " Rofim my ! chriftert the child Joan, in the name of," &c list of Letters In this Office. Benjamin Archer. B John Dowen. MaryBurch De- boiah BUinet 2. C 4 Captain Thomas Clay. Chaises .Colby, Mercer. Capt. Geoige CaW-we- ll Mercer. D James Densfotd Fayette. Margaret Duncan. . E Elizabeth Ellis. G . William Gray. David Graves Faj ' cue. II William Hopkins. John Henderfnr, " Lincoln Ench 01 Web Havden. lias Hitt Fayelte. Andrew Hues Fay-ttt- e. ' Capt. James Kennv Bourbon. Mtf' . fes Kedy. Milly Kindtid". L .Robert LocKhart, Miamf S'ephery G- - Letcher, Faj ette Levi Lee M . JohnM'Ferren. Archibald Mar' lull, Bouibon. Andrew M'C-'Il- ar Fa ette. Col. Gabriel Madifoo N William Neal. v p Panflj, Bourbon Rn6f. Pro. Meicer 2. Surah P"Or ditto1. Philip Philips. lohn:l'otter. J ' "Q John Quin. R Jajnes Richie, Fa ette. Edmund Thomas Ray. James Scott. John Sleet, I ineoln Thomas Sullengei. Woodfoid. a Steven . Richaid SteveHt. Rev Robert Stubbs. Samuel Scottf Mercer. James Thomas, Fayette. , Bennef Tijber, Mdy'sLick. Kenneth Thomp-fo- n 2. HoWel Fatunl. David Til-for- d Mercer. A 2 UV. Tofeph Undetwood, Nclfon 4 Jos Vance, Woodford .2 Edmund Vangh-an- ", 2. Lurence Verblike. W Williim Watson- - Robert W.illace', Favetre. Petei Willfon. Malconi Worley. Wall.eT. Henfy Wal- ter. Ben. Withers. James Watkins. James Wallace, Fayetie. Jacob WtTjdward: Benjamin Dod Wheeler, At 1 neetln of the Board of Ttuf. tees of Lexington, on Wednefeay the 23d day of November, 1711 that an eleaion for RESOLVED, the room of Robert Patterson be held by the flicrifF of coutny at the court house 111 Lexington on Sjtuiday the 311. of December next, and that this icfolve be publiflied in tie Kentucky Gi-zet- le. Bv order of the Boaid, JOHN BRADFORD, Chahman. J Intend to sell Ijnds, the pro; erty of John Craig to ihc highefl hid der at Woodfrrd aid Faece De- cember courts; also at Mason Janu-ai- y com t. ROBERT JOHNSON S T O LE N FROM the Gairifon at Fort on the vtght ef the 26A1 u't the following horses, viz two br hor-f- t: the piopeity is Col. Samuel Ht-d- Quarter Majltr Genual, the one a hight bay, a natural trotter, abiut $ yailold, and neatly 15 hai.ds h gt; Wli'.out any brand or confptci.tus natu- ral mark the cth:i a daik bav, pa- ces and trots alternately, moflly' it'll nea to (he former. 15 hands higi, aid eight to or fan culstAjX f,derab!e cf . -- 'J" " ft'UK nuif t t'CVfl- - petty cf Col. Daike One bay herfe belonging to Capt Strorg and one raj hoij,, the popitty of the United Sir.t'S, and branded eithei with a Jingle C, or with a cam.on mark on hit fiiulder. Ftom Jome ctrcumfiances thtrf is rea-Jc- n to conclude that they weie Jlolen by Whi'c Vrllnns, and that they aii taken ii to Jome of the Kentucky fettle-ment- s for Jale Any person or persons apprehendi-.- g the thief or tmets and ft curing them, so that tiy wiy be brought to luflice, Jhall rtcem Tvtnty dollars, aud an at - dtuon of l'en Dollarsjor every hprje re Ctwed and ictnrned to the Gamjen. SAftlCJELHODGDON, QM.G F01; ll'ajbinteui 03. 6, 17411. Two dollars reward. Ctrayed or flolen rrom the J fu'bfcnber in Lexington, 1 bay horfc near fifieen h.ind high, branded IE lias thirr mafte, and a lrge head ; also a bay mare about fourteen hattTS high, her msne hss on tlfe lest side has no brand ihat I lecollerd, has the diftempcr and runs at the nose , Whoever tahe-- s up fai-- i creatures and brings them to mr. Taylor Ta-ver- rr beeper in Lexington shall receive ihr aHove reward DAVID BLANCHARD, ItnTTTTTTTT iTrrtrTTilin fcni am Tiffnri lillWIUMf Wanted bv the fiibfcribers, TEEP Cattle and Prrfc, to1 he re. On soot; CafJ, and be Riven st zny of rheif ftoies either in this place, Danville, Baird's Town, Loiufvnle Madifuri Cqynhoufj or L'mcdone. They have now on hand at thefr differe'nt stores already men" tioned, a neat afJbrtmerrt or GOODS a Well calculated for this coun- try, which they are determined todtfpfiff of on the low est terms for cash or the already mentioned, ELLIOT & WILLIAMS., Pr S. They also want a quan-it- y of Corn and tow linen. Lmir.wi, Nov. 19, fcr FOR SALE ONE thyfaml acre of land the the forks of Licking, at or Mar A place known by the name of th: leg pcrid within sour miles of Bourbon cow; hsufi. Iht title of which has been adjuaged to Parmenas Brifcot by the Stipene Court of the DtJlriCl of Kentucky Also six hunarsd acres on the S'ilMt of tagie creek, by anatiju-dilatio- n as aforejaid Negroes, hor- ned cuttle, fbeep or good horl'es Mill be reieiied m payment, but a Special uarsoid, U(md quantity Barley articles ll'at UHIJ of the title yrtll only be giv- - X James Ttvyman, Attorney InfaQ for Permenas Brljcoe Woodford, OS. to, 1701. 3 31? iMUlu masc WANTED An APPRENTICE to the COPPER- - SMITH'S bufineis. AN 3ctive lad of about i years age, will be tiKeu an AP- PRENTICE to the above business. CHARLES WHITE. T Wifli to contract for a con- - to be delivered to me in Lexircg-fo- nf next fall Spring Bailey vo'!d be preferred. Alio a quantity of well cu red Hops. PETTO N SHORT. April 13", 1701. Two Dollars rcvard, STRA1ED fionthtfubfcriksr, Lexington, auotii the ijl of Jury hj), ajntil rian horje, 8 or & years oH, branded on the fieai fkotslder V and buttock II his a blaze in hts face, all his feet white and ts Junk in the Cicjl, had on a good bell f often td wit; a black leather Jlrop : ICioeir bungs Jaid harje to Mrs. M'Con-nell'- s Aill,fJrMl havi tht tbttt iciiad aid y Isaac Wilson. FORSALE CEVEN hundied acres of land, binding on licking on the lower side, below the mt ath of BafTk lick creek. Also a cover- ing horse, known by the name cf A G R A N B Y, Not long since importefl into this drftncl, perhaps not inferi- or in blood or fwiftnel's to any horse therein. ROBERT TODD. 00. 31, 1 7pr. Dn the 16th ofdecemb 1 afar will start incO-ib'-o'rehar- i go through the wifderr.efs " imiimni' 5 Irr Lcxing'on, an ENGLISH SCHOOL ti Sepf nrttfer the care of TRUSTEES VrUKt.E readintr, wrlrint; and A W ritnme'ic, aie taught in the nicft approved meihotJsf Merchant's Ac. counts furvyine, navigation, &. miy be taught in said fehoo is required by Thomas Steele-- . NB hfsniuhtfhCoolhascommcncetl the 7th of this Inflant IiMo ladjt- - WAK DEPARTMENT May 30, 1791. INFORMATION is hireby given ts of the Unite States, that the suns to Which they are entitled for six months of their anual ptnfion, from the 41) diy of Much, 1 791. and which will become due on tht 4tr day of September enftiing, will b4 paid on the Jaid day by the Cimn.iJJU oners of the Loans within the jlatet refpenively, under the usual regulati- ons, its. Every applications or payment mufi bt acc'impanlea tj the following vouci.erf. f. The certificate giien by thejlatt, fptctfylng that the person pojj-jftn- g thi fam' is infa'l an invalid, and aject. taining the sum to which asfuch he ft annually entitled. o.d. An affidavit, agreably to tht following sorm: " A, B. came before me, one of tht Jufictts of the county of in th fiiteof . and nadc oath that he it the same A. B. to whom the vriginat certificate in his pojjejfto'i was gwen, of which the following is a copy tlie te ghen bythejlatc to be recited) Thathejerved (regiment, corps " vijfel) at the time he was dijabled, orxJ that he now re sides in the and coun- ty of ad has resided there ftf the lafl yars, prcious to whieif he r'fided in ." In case an invalid flx.uld apply sat payment by an attorney, tue Jaid attor- ney, befcles the certificate and oat(f before recited, mufi produce a fpeciii letter of attorney agiecably to the ftU loving sotm: "I, A. B. of county of fiats of do hereby covjlitute an$ app oint C, D. of my'Jawful atttt? ncy, to recthe In my behalf of my pen,' fion for sir months, as an invalid of tht United States, from the fouith day ef M-.rc- h one thousand seen Uuudred an4 ninny one, and ending the jcurth tf September, of the same year. Signed and Jfaled ) h the presence cf i Witneffe. j Acknowledged before mt- - Applications of executors and'fidmlnU, ftmttirs mlljl he mrartfiiiiity jtitli I'gHf evidence of the refp civs offices, emA also of the time the inialidt died, ivhtfi, peufion they may claim . By command of the Prefidint ef 1 Unttca States, " II KNOX, Secretary of War, Tht Prlnltft of the refpeflive States, ere requefled to publifij the above Iri their re,ptaheni'spapeis,for thtjpact of two Mont'is. A PERSON who undeifisndt tht Rope naiung bufintfs may hear tf good tncoulager.eM by applying u thf ' Printer. i If'ISli to hah for the term ef nit4 1 year, the Dlfilllery and adjoining plantation, late the propeity of Mr J)kn Craig on Clear creek, Woodford cur.ty ; also the Mill on the plantation irheico'ithe fain Craig now refidtS pofjeffion of the dtjhllery to be given on the firfi day of September next of the adjoining plantation and Mill aforejatd on the firfi day of January following or -- artier, w'-t- h the conjent cf Mr. JohnCrnlg For teimsappfy to Mr IVihtam Morton, Merchant, iri' Lexingtsi. PETTO N SHORT. June 19, 1 -- pi. FOR SALE A LOT on the Seminary land, ciiu tainlng one hundred and forty' acres, foi which th: Trufiees will girt a leajr- - For terms apply to Mr. John By an leas the prtmljis', or the fubfert-bt- r. Isaac Wilson. I M. z?

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Page 1: Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY · the following horses, viz two br hor-f-t: the piopeity is Col. Samuel Ht-d-Quarter

Sacrcd to the MUSES.


Of Mr. Barlow, author of the " VUfion of Columbus," now in France

French no more in stupid joy,THE the At with " Kin' le Roi."A nobler wifli exiunds the mind,

Let Justice lie land live Mankind.--i

ANECDOTE.Clergyman christening the chiid

A of an humole cottager, asked

the god father and god mother, whatname it was to hive? 4 WilhelmmaRofina,'' anfweied the mother

WilnelldcviU" cried the lather

" Rofim my ! chriftert the child

Joan, in the name of," &c

list of Letters In this Office.

Benjamin Archer.B

John Dowen. MaryBurch De-

boiah BUinet 2.C 4

Captain Thomas Clay. Chaises.Colby, Mercer. Capt. Geoige CaW-we- ll


James Densfotd Fayette. Margaret

Duncan. .

EElizabeth Ellis.

G. William Gray. David Graves Faj 'cue.

IIWilliam Hopkins. John Henderfnr,


Lincoln Ench 01 Web Havden.lias Hitt Fayelte. Andrew Hues Fay-ttt- e.


Capt. James Kennv Bourbon. Mtf' .

fes Kedy. Milly Kindtid".

L.Robert LocKhart, Miamf S'ephery

G- - Letcher, Faj ette Levi Lee

M. JohnM'Ferren. Archibald Mar'lull, Bouibon. Andrew M'C-'Il- ar

Fa ette. Col. Gabriel Madifoo

NWilliam Neal.

v pPanflj, Bourbon Rn6f.

Pro. Meicer 2. Surah P"Or ditto1.

Philip Philips. lohn:l'otter.J ' "Q

John Quin.R

Jajnes Richie, Fa ette. EdmundThomas Ray.

James Scott. John Sleet, I ineolnThomas Sullengei. Woodfoid. a

Steven . Richaid SteveHt.Rev Robert Stubbs. Samuel ScottfMercer.

James Thomas, Fayette. , BennefTijber, Mdy'sLick. Kenneth Thomp-fo- n

2. HoWel Fatunl. David Til-for- d

Mercer. A 2UV.

Tofeph Undetwood, Nclfon 4 JosVance, Woodford .2 Edmund Vangh-an- ",

2. Lurence Verblike.

WWilliim Watson- - Robert W.illace',

Favetre. Petei Willfon. MalconiWorley. Wall.eT. Henfy Wal-ter. Ben. Withers. James Watkins.James Wallace, Fayetie. JacobWtTjdward: Benjamin Dod Wheeler,

At 1 neetln of the Board of Ttuf.tees of Lexington, on Wednefeaythe 23d day of November, 1711

that an eleaion forRESOLVED,the room of Robert

Patterson be held by the flicrifF ofcoutny at the court house 111

Lexington on Sjtuiday the 311. ofDecember next, and that this icfolvebe publiflied in tie Kentucky Gi-zet- le.

Bv order of the Boaid,JOHN BRADFORD, Chahman.

J Intend to sell Ijnds, the pro; ertyof John Craig to ihc highefl hid

der at Woodfrrd aid Faece De-cember courts; also at Mason Janu-ai- y


S T O L E NFROM the Gairifon at Fort

on the vtght ef the 26A1 u'tthe following horses, viz two br hor-f- t:

the piopeity is Col. Samuel Ht-d-

Quarter Majltr Genual, the onea hight bay, a natural trotter, abiut $yailold, and neatly 15 hai.ds h gt;Wli'.out any brand or confptci.tus natu-ral mark the cth:i a daik bav, pa-

ces and trots alternately, moflly' it'llnea to (he former. 15 hands higi, aideight to or fan culstAjX f,derab!e cf

. -- 'J" " ft'UK nuif t t'CVfl- -petty cf Col. Daike One bay herfebelonging to Capt Strorg and one rajhoij,, the popitty of the United Sir.t'S,and branded eithei with a Jingle C, orwith a cam.on mark on hit fiiulder.Ftom Jome ctrcumfiances thtrf is rea-Jc- n

to conclude that they weie Jlolenby Whi'c Vrllnns, and that they aiitaken ii to Jome of the Kentucky fettle-ment- s

for JaleAny person or persons apprehendi-.- g

the thief or tmets and ftcuring them,so that tiy wiy be brought to luflice,Jhall rtcem Tvtnty dollars, aud an at -dtuon of l'en Dollarsjor every hprje reCtwed and ictnrned to the Gamjen.

SAftlCJELHODGDON, QM.GF01; ll'ajbinteui 03. 6, 17411.

Two dollars reward.

Ctrayed or flolen rrom theJ fu'bfcnber in Lexington, 1

bay horfc near fifieen h.indhigh, branded IE lias thirrmafte, and a lrge head ; alsoa bay mare about fourteenhattTS high, her msne hss ontlfe lest side has no brand ihat Ilecollerd, has the diftempcr andruns at the nose , Whoevertahe-- s up fai-- i creatures andbrings them to mr. Taylor Ta-ver- rr

beeper in Lexington shallreceive ihr aHove reward


ItnTTTTTTTT iTrrtrTTilin fcni am Tiffnri lillWIUMf

Wanted bv the fiibfcribers,

TEEP Cattle and Prrfc, to1 he re.On soot; CafJ, and

be Riven st zny of rheifftoies either in this place, Danville,Baird's Town, Loiufvnle MadifuriCqynhoufj or L'mcdone.They have now on hand at thefr

differe'nt stores already men"tioned, a neat afJbrtmerrt or


Well calculated for this coun-try, which they are determinedtodtfpfiff of on the low est termsfor cash or the alreadymentioned,

ELLIOT & WILLIAMS.,Pr S. They also want a quan-it- y

of Corn and tow linen.Lmir.wi, Nov. 19, fcr

FOR SALEONE thyfaml acre of land

the the forks of Licking, at orMar A place known by the name of th:leg pcrid within sour miles of Bourboncow; hsufi. Iht title of which hasbeen adjuaged to Parmenas Brifcot bythe Stipene Court of the DtJlriCl ofKentucky Also six hunarsd acres onthe S'ilMt of tagie creek, by anatiju-dilatio- n

as aforejaid Negroes, hor-

ned cuttle, fbeep or good horl'es Mill bereieiied m payment, but a Special

uarsoid, U(md quantity Barley


ll'at UHIJ of the title yrtll only be giv--

X James Ttvyman,Attorney InfaQ for

Permenas BrljcoeWoodford, OS. to, 1701. 3 31?

iMUlu masc


SMITH'S bufineis.

AN 3ctive lad of about i yearsage, will be tiKeu an AP-

PRENTICE to the above business.CHARLES WHITE.

T Wifli to contract for a con- -

to be delivered to me in Lexircg-fo- nf

next fall Spring Baileyvo'!d be preferred.

Alio a quantity of well cured Hops.

PETTO N SHORT.April 13", 1701.

Two Dollars rcvard,

STRA1ED fionthtfubfcriksr,Lexington, auotii the ijl

of Jury hj), ajntil rian horje, 8 or &

years oH, branded on the fieai fkotslderV and buttock II his a blaze in hts

face, all his feet white and ts Junk inthe Cicjl, had on a good bell foften tdwit; a black leather Jlrop : ICioeirbungs Jaid harje to Mrs. M'Con-nell'- s

Aill,fJrMl havi tht tbttt iciiadaid y

Isaac Wilson.

FORSALECEVEN hundied acres of land,

binding on licking on thelower side, below the mt ath ofBafTk lick creek. Also a cover-ing horse, known by the name cf

A G R A N B Y,Not long since importefl intothis drftncl, perhaps not inferi-or in blood or fwiftnel's to anyhorse therein.

ROBERT TODD.00. 31, 1 7pr.

Dn the 16th ofdecemb 1 afarwill start incO-ib'-o'rehar-

i go through the wifderr.efs

" imiimni'

5 Irr Lcxing'on, an ENGLISH

SCHOOLti Sepf nrttfer the care of TRUSTEES

VrUKt.E readintr, wrlrint; and AW ritnme'ic, aie taught in the nicft

approved meihotJsf Merchant's Ac.counts furvyine, navigation, &. miybe taught in said fehoo is required by

Thomas Steele-- .

NB hfsniuhtfhCoolhascommcncetlthe 7th of this Inflant IiMo ladjt--


INFORMATION is hireby given tsof the Unite

States, that the suns to Which they areentitled for six months of their anualptnfion, from the 41) diy of Much,1 791. and which will become due on tht4tr day of September enftiing, will b4paid on the Jaid day by the Cimn.iJJUoners of the Loans within the jlatetrefpenively, under the usual regulati-ons, its.

Every applicationsor payment mufi btacc'impanlea tj the following vouci.erf.

f. The certificate giien by thejlatt,fptctfylng that the person pojj-jftn-g thifam' is infa'l an invalid, and aject.taining the sum to which asfuch he ftannually entitled.

o.d. An affidavit, agreably to thtfollowing sorm:

" A, B. came before me, one of thtJufictts of the county of in thfiiteof . and nadc oath that he itthe same A. B. to whom the vriginatcertificate in his pojjejfto'i was gwen, ofwhich the following is a copy tlie te

ghen bythejlatc to be recited)Thathejerved (regiment, corps "

vijfel) at the time he was dijabled, orxJ

that he now resides in the and coun-ty of ad has resided there ftfthe lafl yars, prcious to whieifhe r'fided in ."

In case an invalid flx.uld apply satpayment by an attorney, tue Jaid attor-ney, befcles the certificate and oat(fbefore recited, mufi produce a fpeciiiletter of attorney agiecably to the ftUloving sotm:

"I, A. B. of county offiats of do hereby covjlitute an$app oint C, D. of my'Jawful atttt?ncy, to recthe In my behalf of my pen,'fion for sir months, as an invalid of thtUnited States, from the fouith day efM-.rc- h one thousand seen Uuudred an4ninny one, and ending the jcurth tfSeptember, of the same year.Signed and Jfaled )

h the presence cf

i Witneffe. jAcknowledged before mt- -

Applications of executors and'fidmlnU,ftmttirs mlljl he mrartfiiiiity jtitli I'gHfevidence of the refp civs offices, emA

also of the time the inialidt died, ivhtfi,peufion they may claim .By command of the Prefidint ef 1

Unttca States, "

II KNOX,Secretary of War,

Tht Prlnltft of the refpeflive States,ere requefled to publifij the above Iritheir re,ptaheni'spapeis,for thtjpactof two Mont'is.

A PERSON who undeifisndt thtRope naiung bufintfs may hear tf

good tncoulager.eM by applying u thf'Printer.

i If'ISli to hah for the term ef nit41 year, the Dlfilllery and adjoiningplantation, late the propeity of MrJ)kn Craig on Clear creek, Woodfordcur.ty ; also the Mill on the plantationirheico'ithe fain Craig now refidtSpofjeffion of the dtjhllery to be givenon the firfi day of September nextof the adjoining plantation and Millaforejatd on the firfi day of Januaryfollowing or -- artier, w'-t-h the conjentcf Mr. JohnCrnlg For teimsappfyto Mr IVihtam Morton, Merchant, iri'Lexingtsi.

PETTO N SHORT.June 19, 1

-- pi.

FOR SALEA LOT on the Seminary land, ciiu

tainlng one hundred and forty'acres, foi which th: Trufiees will girta leajr- - For terms apply to Mr. JohnBy an leas the prtmljis', or the fubfert-bt- r.

Isaac Wilson. I
