kentucky gazette (lexington, ky. : 1809). (lexington, ky...

44. ,ttttntQ J3 W " True to his charge ' lie, comes, the Herald of a noisy world ; " News from all nations lumh'ring at Insist k." ,' UKICE!) STATKS'TUBASUKY ' The last annual report of the Secretary of the Treasury lias made its appearance. As u is tcolong for the limits of our paper, we pub- lish in sound numbers the following compen- dium ot it ; which, we believe, will present car readers with a fair view ofuts cuntents, divested of official" verbosity and teclmichal ties. The revenue of 1814, from all sources, - - - S 11,510,100 That of 181 S, was n sollows: . Customs, - - 35,043,000 Internal Duties,- -' - 863J)00 . , Direct Tax, - 5i7 ..'3,000. , Public Lands, ', 1,287 000 V-- ,.' - ;yoitaee;.ScSifl&Slfe. 2W,Wpi4&893.200 TlTe receipiso' 'theTTreasuryfSfjr the threi first quarters ouu id, were from the Customs, - 33,000,003 Internal Duties, - 4,1jO,OjO Direct las, nctt pro- ceeds . 2,700,000 l'ublic Lands, exclu- sive of Mississippi Territory, 1, 500,0 j0 Foslase, He, 500,000 33,650,00 J 1'lie revenue for 1816, however, Including llieUsi quarter of tlic year.MS at ; 46.900,000 1-- issues of vTreasury Notes durimr the year, amounted to 10,760,000 Cssh ill the Treasury at tlie , beginning otuie year, .uc.u- - i (13)106,0QG Notes received for tax, J v Slaking a total of 1,667,030 l'vim 1st January ioi", m pieniber Treaiiur)' disbursements: Civil, diplomatic! and miscellineoua'i"pcx- - : 2,359,000 lienses, -- , Wjlitary service, in- - & eluding an average ofll,212i503 -- Itaval 14,075:000 service, 2,ro7iDvO Interest .and reirafV , buvsement of pub "1 licdebtTS.OlO.OOOf 13,616,00032,762,000 " 2leimbursement of ( treasury notes ' $. 3,Gj6,OJ0, J .During the last quarter of theyear, the dis bursements are estimated as follows i F.or civil, diplomatic, "V and other expenses, - 750,000 Military service, 2.450.000 Naval service - 1,200,000 Pirtilirdebt. - 2.100 iOOO Treasury notes, - 13,GtLOJJ-19,5D0,C- OQ ' Leaving balance jn the, Won the is; day of Jairtfari, r f, 18,504.000 1817.of - - - ,.Q' winch balance the cashllis estimated at S 0,00 J.000 and the remainder in Treasury Notes . PUBLIC DEinj The debt contracled before r'n . war, amounts to - Tgl)7,494,020 The debt ice, - - 7,1,772,00 i 8109,266,C00 Ihe subscription to the bank' of ' the United States, has created debt of - - 7,000,000 And the Yazoo Stock a debt of 4,093,000 Hiit llie two latter debts require no provis ton as the first is an exchange for Hank Capi- - tal, which will produce a dividend greater than the interest payable on the stock and the lait ii .redeemable with ut interest, m the lands of the Mississippi territory , The Secretary calculates that the present mnkin fund will not extinguish the national debt before the Near lit ;, and recommends an additional appropriation of R2.OJ0 0 i(J an nually, in aid of the present sinking lund ot KS.QOO.OOO. which is now pledpred to the pay inentof the interest and redemption of the capital of the public debt. He proposes fur- ther, that whenever 6 per cent, stoek can be rmrchaaed at par, or 7 per cent stock can be purchased at 6 per cent, premium, itutgWOO- - 000 be appropriates io. uiai uujeci, oui oi any money in the .Treasury, n it otherw ie appropriated The operation of the fund, thus enlarged, will extinguish the-uh- ole public dibl in fourteen year. ; The revenue of the years 1815 and 1816, he jays, was much swelled by excessive importa tionof foreign merchaivl'ze, and he calculates that of tli" 1817 will fall, consije ri.Hi ie low tlie pemttnent annual expe'idilure,iucuaive "of tlie'addiu jii winch he prop aes ti be made to the sinking fund : but that deficiency he supposes will' be covered as well as.any other wiKctt rrjjy.occqr. by J he palancss which he esfimate'a will oe w the treasury on the liist "dais of January 1817 and lolB. The probable demand on the Treasury sir 1817, trie recrexary TjiiiuaLcs iunuwa : r.ivil. diDlomatic and miscellane- - ous, - ' - - S'.765,0;0 Jllilitary service, (including ar- - arrearaeeof Sl.515,00.) - 8.000.000 Navi service, (including 1,000,- - l;0d, for the increase ef the na- - 0 ;'"-- ',.., ' 3.986,000 .Public delrt,.' r -- . 8,000.000 521,75..,00 Deduct wir arrearages, 1.54J,.j0u 20,210,0 0 283,000 20,500,000 .To this add the um proposed in, aid of the siuking lunil, 3,000,000 The total expenditure will be '323,500.090 The receipts tor 1817 are estimated as lol.lows: 1?r'm 'custom!, 24,000,000 Internaltlutles, ... 2,9u0,000 DirectTax, (outstanding and re- ceivable p"er year) 2,000,000 Public Lands", ? ' 1,500,000 Posyige, kc. 250,000 30 650,600 Balance in, the Treasury the first day of 'the year, 10,000,000 Sil.65'J,TfcO The expenditure tor tins year, including the proposed addition to the sinking fund, and the .balance in -- .the Treasury n the first day of' Jdiiuiry, 1818, willbo' S'5 650,00 ;. Hie permanent exaenuiuire lor ine next veirs: the Secretary calculates at R23,500,. 'QPPi the'balance in the Treasury on the first Javjary,v18i9'at g8,40"),O.W on the fir3t oi Wuia lliZ'J, at nt,ozj,v, anu aittr mat period, ss exceeding Hie annual public expen- ditures, about $750,008, meantime re calcu- lates the Anal payment of the public debt will e effected in 14 yearS and that about $8,400,000 may be atmlied for the next sour years, to such objects of internal improvement or natural uelence, as Congress may direct. Louisviile, Jaiv. 13. - The lest this place on Friday last for On Saturday the Olh'er Evans ai rived from Pittsburgh, and yesterday departed fcr Natchez. E'nawTrrnnT. 17. On IVionday the 6th inst. the stockholders of the Hank ot Kentucky, proceeded to the elec- tion of six directors on their part, when the following gentlemen were elected M. I) Han-lu- Jons Bhow.t, DaMiCL Wkisioeii, A. J' MiTCHtu, Nat. HaiiT, and Jruis Poi't jt And on Monday the 14th instrpursuant to a resolution of took nlace for directors1 on the part of the state. .Tlis pillowinc; ceutlemen were 1 liE'jiiKF. M. Hian, WiLLts A. L.KK, ititUAmi TAiLcn,jr. Asnsnsox .Millt.t., I'etiiii Dud-ie- t and Vihiam GtiiARn. Robert Alexander was unanimously re elected President of the Bank.. John P' Tho- mas was also Treasufei"wilhout op position, and Geiard & Kendall, pi inters to the commonwealth. There iras an interesting debate on Tnes day last on the subject of amending the duel- ling law ; but not being present, we are not able to report it. The object as we under stand, was to relieve from its disabilities those who.Trom the peculiarity oi their situation", were induced to fight.while in the army during the late war. The House of Representatives have lesolycd m i final adjournment on Saturday, February 1st. The House of Representatives vesterdav passed thehijl appointing a Special Judge ti ttle Ueneral Uourt, with a salary. or 1200, who is also to act as a Circuit Judge in Kuyelte County. " s On yesterday the Senate approved of the nominations as Circuit .Indues of Messrs Broadnax and Saml. .M'Kee. The latter in pUceof Judge Barry, resigned. A hill is before the LeirisUure id aster aniTl amend the mode ofummon'mg juries. ' -- It is proposed als6 to construct turnpike road from Limestone to Lexington, and thence to Louisville, and to iiiipruve the navigitiui. of lire Kentucky river ' The legislature of Indiana adjourned on llie 3d inst. At the very close m their session, they incorporated John Bigelowand associates into a Canal Company to cut axanal.oii the Indiana side, around the tills Ot Ohio. T lie stock authorized is a million of dollars j oper aliou's to commence within one year, and to be completed in seven. J -- r ' of a letter from tM ffoh.'Stt D. Ifdrilin, to tlu: Editor of the .1rgiu. "WASniJpGTOS' CtTT. " Trip Senate have advised tlie ratification of the different Indian Treaties made this year They will no doubt be published shortly. Un- der them vre shi.ll be enacted to connect the settlements of the state of Tennessee with those of he Tombigbee. And on the other side 'n frm a settlement from Lake SI chigan around Chicauga to tlie Mississippi. I deem these Teatio important not only aj to the soil ac- quired, but ai othepo!iticilefi"ect it wtUkivc with tlie Indians in cuse of another war.' THOB THE WKSTERJI ClTJZfcS. it TO TUB EniTOIJ. 3 Washington, City, Jan. 4." Sin TIieTiousj of Jicp. has for a day i.r two pibt, been enga?;e4 in debate on a contested election between Itufus Easton.and John Scott. 'he return, delegate troin the Missouri Terri-- , tnry The contest seems to involve some im portant points, and wilt probably, take up con- siderable lime. Th question, in relation to J.he amendment proposed to the Constitution, will not, it is pre- sumed be acted on, till the members return from taking their holidays. The question, is deemed an important one, ion the final decision of which a full bruise is desirable I can tell you nothing certain as to what will be the result in respect $ the bill modi tying the Compensation L.w,1 It is stilt laid up tor the 13th of this monthj' Indeed is there' is anything done in it, suspect a final decis. ion will nyt be hid till towards the termina- tion iW'the session.- - t s You may judge from this letter, that i have very little ot'Tmportance to communicate. lour menu and ; , Obedient SejVant JOS.DKSIIA, ' Washinotos Citv, Jan. 4. TheSrJATE of the' United States has been summoned by the Kxecutive, to meet in thejr chanfber, in this city on the 4th of March next, the day aster the termination of the pre-se- Congress. . . ") The attention of the House of Representa tives, it will be seen, was principally occupied yesterday by the consideration 'of the proper mode of disposing of certain papers forwarded by Mr. wwin Lewi3, ot Mississippi, impeach- ing in the strongest terms, iheufficial conduct of Judge Toulmin, of that territory. The pa- pers were, it length, referred to the Judiciary Committee., i nis reierence, We are authori- zed by the course of debate to say, did not proceed from any impression unfavourable to Judge Toulmin, but from a nice and scrupu- lous regard to the right of the citizen to he heard by the House. We have little dmbt but the enquiry will result to the honor of Judge Toulmin, whose conduct, as an upright, intelligent and intrepid judge, stands justly too'high to be shaken by the assaults ot such enemies as have been created in the course of. the discharge of hU official dutiesi-- . J,'at. Int. of Jan. 3. VONGRESS. .A- - . ",..- - ..-..- . " HOUSE s - " Thursday, Dec 26 Theifollowing Message was receive! from the President iftheUiiited Sfates"; winch was read arid referred to the. committee on Foreign Relations: 1 To tlie Senate and Ifofts" of Representatives or Untied States.- - It is fonnd that ttie existing" Jaws liayc npt the efficacy necessary "to prevent violations of th nbliMtinii? of t i Tin ted SIMps. ia a n,. ' - n ' . .,. - ., . ,,, - other tinla1 Ti acts on the hiirh seas, by armed vessellcs, Julppcd wilhiu llie waters of tbe U States. . With a ew to maintain more efleciually the respect di tb the t.iws, to the char.iciCf anil o the lied mt and pacific relations of the U States, I commnid, to the consideration ot congress, ie expediency of such furlherlegis-sion- i tativepro as may be requisite for detain- - mg vesle HCtualtv ermippeil, or in a course ot equ"ipiiieii! with a Marlike force, within theju. risdtciion (the United States j or, as the case mav be, f. manders 4" such vessels, adequate securit a.srainst thltbuseof their armamehts,.with the exceptionlin sych pvovisions proper for the cases of vcsselles with Jhe defensive rmaments usual on distant and gerous jc ; and of a private com merce in 1 ihlarv store, permitted by our laws. ana whirl thp law of natinlis does not reouire the U.S.ulcs to prohibit, - ; JASIES ItADISON. 7scBKer'26,M816. - - "''. y On motion of tr. Johnson ofKv. the com- - raittcj on rftihtak' tffairs were instructed to enquire intil.the fkpedieney of autliorisiiig' the president ot the Vuted Stat& to establish a minUfjq.tfc' .nrsmaTarms at Nevport,oii Lick- ing river in the sl.itl of Kentucky. On motion of AlrAuirLson did committee on roads and canals wereVlirectcd to enquire into. 1 tlv eiieuieiiey-o- i granvnga sum oi money, hi he expended under theVlirecuon ot the presi dent of the United S'a's in removing the ob struction to the navigation of tlie Ohio river created by the falls near Eouisvilte, Kj . Sir Desha offered the tlloWni'; resolution ; liesvlvcd, As the lai.d .u'tidf Green river, now withmtlic limits ot tlidsute of Kentucky, was,jy tiie etSfe of , seta'ji.irt forttie purpose' of satisfying plaimi Sir revilulionary services; and pSrtnin,of whicii tind h is since, been'liy the jjcfieral government cid. d by trea-r.- y to the Ciuck:.s:iw tribe us Indians, by which vssion many of Ihereiolutioiiary o.itm's have been il.'pnverTof thebenefit arising from grants tor meritorious Rfjpes ihat (he pres.iten: i llie V. States he l'eTluesieiLio take the neceS f.ary steps to Iiae the Indian title to tlie l.mtl r. ii'gv.-uh- tbelftliits ot the state of Kentucky extinguished as soon as prnc'irable. T1 ' Pobto.x, Dec.l. jAlie from the .MeiU'errnnertn. Arrived at NViirpuc-ituibn- i? OiT.uitoy, ?nwf 4trTaTJTfjiin'Gibraliiir, wilh specie, sailcloth, ami wi lite-len- to .liicol) llarfeer ; ami 165 sea- men, dii'chajjfed from tlie U S frigate Ooi.stel-latio- uiitler conmund ofli.ut. Smith Sailed from O.braltar f orcniber 16 Sir. Tilffonian, of Plichulelpbia, has arrived in tlie Channcey, and proceeded for AVasljuig-ion- , with despatches "from commodore Chaun. cey, and Sir. Shaler. He informs us that tlie U. a. schooner Spark, captain Apcliolsoii, arr'iNeu .u Gibraltar about tlie lsl week in r ; tliat.the Java si!el for .Malaga on the H,b, and ,ifi3ttiie Washington, 74, ConsWution, capt. Crpu?, Peacock, Erie ami Hmnet, were to s;(l for the aime place on the 17th, wnerethey were?tb be met by the United States, coinmo dorc Shaw, tiu at Mahon, and proceeded tneitce tor Algiers, wiui tlie answer ot onrgov. errtment, carrp d out by the Spirk, to tlie pro. position r.f the Dey. Air. SJialer, was on board ;he Washington. Gapcain Gordon, lae comm.vulprof the Con stellation, died at Sless ma .universally regret- ted. ' ' About the 20th ult. hiside the Gulf, sell in with tlie brig Eliz i B ynton, of and for Uoston, mim St. ll,ir, totally dismrsted and in asink-mgsiar-- took off the captain and crew and liurni her Tlie brig ,I,mes Mnrdnek, from Bordeaux for Philadelphi i, was in sight at the tun- - AtCadru X.itvlt. ship William, for N'ew Voik, atx.ut Oie 20;'h,.ihe only American vtj&el t thf r- - Flour ut CmIi. , 9 dollars. About 20C0 liairels were sold at that price early in Novem- ber. I'he Dsy has rendered Algiers much more formidable than before tlie late attack. ' Oct 29, arrived at St. S dvailor. from tlw roast of Afr.ea, II Ii. SI sloop Comro, and Dorothea transport, winch vessels sailed from Eu-Li- d i." ! .rch last, for the purpose of ex-pl- lrg he river Congo, md is possible to gain the interior of'Afnca. I he .nterpnse h's been aliaiidrtn d n ouiseq'ience of tlie dea'h of the cntnniuider, J.'ll. 1'uckey, Esn with all heKc'i. otisii: geii.lenrrf;JnoUof ttife principal ufiicers, . ami many iue seaxien ; wno n.ul fallen yie tims to tlie rijjElth ness of the cl.mate. Accounts, frgmGefriiam, state, that their manufacrones are all in confujion. Enrlinrf has Jiiundaietl 'he,ontineol ,'SfliiSiiclia quan- - chirt articles ot 'German manufactory. The declare that this hostile invasion must be repelled, as llii manufacturing equality and commercial sreedom: is dangerous to their prosperity. t - I1USI AN CATTLE! LosDO.v, November 7. It is mentioned that there is a project of ler-- - ritonai excnange-peiwee- n uess and Bavaria, whicltTis to be discussed at Frankfort, tlie lat- ter to cede to the grand Duke ofllesse the prin. cipality of AschalJjMiburg, and tiie Grand l)uk. in return to give up tollavam his new provin. ces on the lest bank of the Hhinejjnctudinj; .Mayence. It is said that the Emperor Alexander, means to visit the, Polish capital in tlie month of Jtin' next, when it ij expected lie promised Consti- tution will becomnleted. and a l.r mllcl t gether. .AVltSt degree of liberty will be secured to the" Poles under the forth coming charter, remains to be ascertained ; but let us hope, for the credit of Alexmder"the Deliverer," that i' will be equalat least to that guaranteed by the institiitjnnsgranted to them by Bonaparte. Tlie latt?r'dfdTmore, during the short course of Ins rule; forTtne miss of the Polish People, than all ;,theiV.Kmgs, with the exception of the imforlu nate, Poniatowshi, had done. By one dash of .11s pen he crumbled tlie entire superstructure of the feudal law. He broke tlie chain which for several centuries, had hound the letr of the peasant to the sod ; and the humblest Pofijwe mean of course the inhabitant of the Diichrof Warsaw, was equal, in tlie eye of. the law, to the proudest Noble. ug89,)g 5niu. , COLONISATION OF FREE BLACKS. , ' .,Ylj?"!NOT0: ClTT, JiS. 1. At an adjourned meeting of the Citizens of Washington,. Georgetown and Alexandria, and many others, held in the Hall of tlie House of uepresetitatives ot the United Sla'es, on Satur- day tlie 28th day of December, 1316, for the purpose of receiving and considering, from the committees appointed to thaf duty at a previous .iv.,.11, luiisuioiuun mi tneoocieiy, :or amc i;.;, .1 l:.: r .... ,".i j iiwmkiiii: tiir: tnii it tiif i in uir- - i rfp nisi ii jtionatneace toward, belligerent parties anTtcobv in United Stat, by yidin lonial retreat on this or the continent of Africa ; and a memorial to Congress requesting, the sanction and of the general govern- ment in the object of tlie Institution aforesaid a Constitution was reported by the commit tee appointed for that purpose j and having been discussed and amended, was then unani. mously accepted by "the Sleeting, in thefullow uiir woras : , Article J. Tliis society shall be called "Thk AjinmcAW Sneivrr rou Coloxizino thrFbeb I(&osli: of ColO'i of the Uxitud States." Article II The object to which its attention is to be exclusively directed,- is to piomoteand execute a plan for colonizing (with their con sent) tlie tree people ot color, residing1 in our country, in Africa, or such other phce as Con gress shall deem most expedient. And the y shall act, to affect' this object, in e ration with, therreneral irovcrninent, and such of the states as mav adopt reeulatious iinon the subject. '.. ,f ' Article BTery citizen of the United Ststcs', w,ho shall subscribe these articles, and oe an annual cdntributor'ot one dollar to the funds of the Society? shall be a member, on pavjngHSum not less than thirty dollars, at one ctioscriptMi, Miall Oe a member lor life. IV The officers of this Societv shall be, a President, 13 V.-- e Presidents, a "Secre tary, a Treasurer, a ItecordtT, and a Board of Alinagers, composetl of the above named ofTi cers, and twelve members of the Societv. Tli'ev shall be annually elected by the memhefsof tile Society, at their annual meeting on new year's day (except when that happens to be the 3tb-ba'- and then the next davl and continue to disch-rs- r- their respective duties tilt others are ippomt d Artic'e Y.l shall ha duty of the President to as all meetings of tlie Society, and of the Board of Managers, and to call meeting of the Society aiirt of the U"ard, when he thinks necessary, or when reouired bv iiiv three members of th'Briard. ' ' Article VI Thf according it) senioruj, iiii I riiscliarge these duties in the absence of the President. Article VII Tue Seci-eNr- hill take mi- nutes of th- - proceedings, prepare and publish notices, and discharge such either duties ai the Board; or (lie President?, according to se- niority, (when the Board u not sitting) shall direct And the Recorder shall record the proceedings and the. names of the members, and discharge such es as may be re q'llrrdiirhirn. - , Article rill The Treasurer shall' receive and take charge of the funds of the Society, under such security as may be prescribed by the llotrd. of .Managers; keep the accounts, and exhibit a statement of receipts and expen ditures at every annual meeting, widdischaige such other duties as may be required of him! Article- - IX The Board of Managers shall meet on the first Mondiv in January, the first M'tulay in April, the fust .Monday m July, and the first M'jfiday in October, eveiy year, and at such other times as the President may di rect. They shall conduct the business of the Society, and take such measm-e- for effecting its object, as they shall think proper, or winch thai! be directed at the meetings of the Soci- - v i"jiiiiaic an annusi lcport o: tneir pro :edings They shall l,o sill ur all vacan. ctes occurring during the year, and make sucii s for their government as they must ., provided the same are uot re pugnaut ,o this constitution. ; Article X. Every Societv which shall h. firmed in the UnitedStates to aid in the ob. jenui uusatsaciation, and which shall coop crate with its funds lor the purposes thereof, u. me rutej and regulations of this Society, shall be cons idered.auxiliary thereto, and its ofheers shall be entitled to attend and vote at all meetings of ihe Society, and of the Board of Managers. I'he committee appointed for tS nnrnn t .m. ,u, .V fV having repoited a draft ot a memorial to Con- gress, discussion arose respecting the same hereupon it ww on mat inn. Resolved. That the committee appointed to prepare and present to Congress a memorial on the subject of this Association. h.,. ed to report the same w the annual meeting of the Society for its consideration. On mitiOn, it was also r.etoived. That the first election of officers of the siiciely shall be held on the first Wed-nesda- y in January ensuing; of which due notice Khali be given in the public prints in the D(strict of Columbia ; and that in the meanwhile a book shall be opened for receiving subscriptions to the constitution, at the read- ing rooms in Washington, Georgetown, and Alexandria, at the office of - the Intelli gencer, and with the Secretary of this meet- - ang. And the meeting adjournned. HCLAV, Chairman Taos.Douo'iiHTT, Sec'y. At a subsequent rr.cotiiijy the society pro- ceeded to the election of officers : The Hon BosaaoD Wasut.xa ro.i was unani- mously elected President, , VICE PRESIDENTS. U - ' Hon. V-t- . II. CnAwroRpfof-Georgia- . Hon. Hr.snx Cut, ofentucky Hon Wt. I'umrs, of .Massachusetts. Col. tU'iir IluTotiis, of New-Yor- Hon. Jons B. HowanD, 1 Hon. Samukl Skitii. C of Maryland. Hon. JUH-- J C. lUtlBEKT, S Joux Tailor, of aroluie, Esq. of Virginia. Gen. Ahprew Jaccs.ik, of Tennessee. KonzRT ItiLisiox, Esq. ) Uiciunii Uosh, Ksq. jot Pennsylvania. Gen. John SIasox, of tlie U. of Columbia. Itev Robert FmtEr, ot New Jersey. Elias Ii. Caldwell. Secretary IF. G I) lVortnington, Recording Secretary. David English, Treasuter. TJotonl? iMtfhfr til Ubaa?,Ta. A 1 r 1 n """""'1 ana uoaru ot Manairers be and thei are herh ;. ,.a ml riiiFPit til n,l . .... la - ...u.r,..u incsciii. memorial to Uon-- 1 press on thp ... snhirt nC . nln.,f .1. .1 ... j ...,,,,,, wiin ineir consent, the free people of c'olir of the United, in Sirica or eisewnere. . Mr.Clay having lest tlie chair,' , one ot the Vice Presidents presided as Pre sidrnt. Rcsolvd, unanimously, That-th- e thanks of the meeting be presented to Sir. Clay for the ability and attention with winch lie lias pre- sided as chairman of the meeting in organ- ising the siiciely. GEOt;nATHICALSKliTCHES fF THE MIS- SISSIPPI cOUNTKY.. FBOMTntST. STliPHEITs' nAIXTOS. The Mobile Ran. This bay 'connects itself "With the Gulf of .Mexico, in latitude ot about 30 15 N. and lon- gitude 10 45 W from Philadelphia. It is about thirty miles long from north to south, and about nine miles wide at tlie upper end, bit considerably wider near the mouih. On. , . . . ,.,.!,., ,1... ,1. f ,f i.'"-- . "".'"'- - .. mum. 0i tug )ay ls IMUplllllC i.l..i i. .1. ...i f J ' 'ffiTfiVZZ sandbar, extending several mile3 farther to '" westward it is about one mile wiu-- . me. channel of the ordinary coasting, trade from Orleans, or rathei the bayou St. John, to tlie Mobile Bay, is between Dauphtne Island anL the main land west of the bay ; but tlie pas3 is extremely shallow, not having ordinarily more than fmr or five feet water. A'csseU from Pcnsacola, tlie West Indies and other pla- ces, enter the bay between Oanphine Island and Stnbile Point, or tlie extremity of tlie main land on the eastern shore. Between Dauphine Island and Mobile Point, there are eighteen feet of water, and the channel U so near that you may tlnow a biscuit on shore from your ship. Proceeding up the bay, you find three fathoms of water about ten miles. Then you: have thir- teen feet for about eight miles further, or to within nine or ten miles of Dog river, which ia three leagues below the town of Alobile. From the place last mentioned below Dog river to the upper end of the bay, the depth of water is about twelve feet and a'half, except at the sliOal which extends across the bay, and is called the bar, over whlcti'yqu cannot calculate oh mora than eleven feetofwater. of the bay o the other tlie water is very shallow for a considerable distance from the shore. The bav appears well adapted to vessels of about 150 tons burthen ; but tlie cotton and lumber, which will become the staple articles of the country, would render vessels of'300 tolls more eligible. Such vessels, however, cannot be ad- vantageously employed, unless there be place of deposit which they can approach ; and as there is no place above Sfobile Point where a large vessel can get near the shore, it is proba- ble that this sandy ridije may at some suture) period become a considerable depot. The trade o'a country so estensive as that connected wit i'he water of the Mobile, embracing per-ha- p sift- - thousand square miles, must require mi-- 'i place of depnMt, which Will be connect- ed With W'th "he interior by means of s earn l.04r and base's. It is not probable indeed that u will hea place of muo- - population : as there .' it, 1 inav'r!Jun 80 mites of it in any direc-1-- n whkliSJi'jll invi.t air, considerable body of settlers. The .1f?ffe Ither Rises in the CliickasRw nation in between tlie 34'.h and "5.'i decree of north latitude, tnd about ihp 12 degree of longitude west - mi Philadelphia. Its bead waters are but a tew mil3 fiom llie Tennessee river It unites rhe Alabama about"nine miles north of ihfJ31stjlcgfte'of north latit'ude, and enters the bay of Mjbileat tlie distance of about two hiin&''ed,railes eaV of the Mississippi, in lati- tude ofabout SOdeg. 30min At p. esent in- deed, it is usually called the Tombigby ab e its junction wilh the Alahama ; but the old maps apply the' name of Slobile to the whole river, from tlie bay to its source. Alter its junction with the 'AUb.tma it forms a nuhle and majestic stream ; deep, but not rapid, and sew rivers afford a more beautiful scenery than tlie Slibile, at tlie elevated bluff wuere the mi- litary station, called Fort Stoddert, recently existed. But unfortuna.ely it wa, too fickla as its name imports, to retain its dign.ty ; and, two leagues bel.iw its junction with the Ma- nama, it divides its waters ; and one portit.n of them enters the bay on the western Sid-- , and. the oilier on the eastern. A subsequent divi- sion gives to eacli of these channels 2 moiithsj and wnilst tlie mouihs of llie western channel, are designated by the names of Slobile and Spanish river; th .se of the eastern aie called the Teiuawand Appalachee rivers Indeed the whole ot the eastern channel (rum its first from tlie jest of the river, is often de- signated by the name of the Tensaw river ; but certainly with no propriety, as H is no distinct iver at ail ; bui merely the eas'ern channel of he main SI. bile river. These d,ff.reni chan- nels are connected by intervening streams , the most remarkable of whch is called Liza.d'a Creek, and urites the western channel with rae eastern, or r. ther with sn offset with the eastern cnannel nivr called .Mobile river, but formerlythe bay u Matthieu. It i by the rn channel and L zard's creek, ant tlie bay .u Alatlhieu or SI .dole river, that vessels usually ascend the Mobile, especially when the wind is tavourable, as this n ule is mose duectthaa the mam western channel. Lizard's creek is about i.0 miles above the town us Mobile, and the distance itinugh it from the wesie'n chan- nel to .Middle river is about three miles As- ter getting up the hay, oyer what is called the bar, there is n- difficulty in ascendingilie Mo- bile by any of the channels. That which pass- - immediately oy ihe town ot Mobile, is not so deep as that at the mouth of the western channel, which is called Spanish river ; but; vessels frequently go up Spanish river into the main western channel, and then drop tlow 6 or 7 miles, to the town of Mi.bile. Is yon leavo the bay, and proceed up Spanish river and then, continue up the main western channel to Fort Stoddert, you will generauy lind from sour o five fathoms of water in the middle of the riv-e- r, and about twelve feet near the bank The shallowest part of the river ia only 17 feet of water. Tlie population from tlie town 01 Mo- bile to the junction of the Mobile, or Tombig. by,, with the Alabama, is very tnfl.i.g indeed -- , and the Inwness-ot-tu- land adjacent to the ri- ver for thirty miles above tlie town, with the indillereht quality of the high lands contigu- ous, forbid the expectation of any rapid increase of population. The high land ap- proaches the river at seven places in the space ot 40 miles, and at each of these places a fam- ily or two resides. The country behind is gen-eral- ly uninhabited. Tlie distances of tlie sev- eral bluffs or highlands near the river, are as follows : From Mobile to the Bayou St. Louis, 4 miles ; thence to Dubroci's blufl, 17 ; Chas-tang- s, or the old Fiench for', 6; Simon's biuIF 6 ; Bazil Chastang'j 3 i Cedar cieeka i Fort Stoddert, lis. AceusTA, (Geo.) Dec 19. .As an ... 'iden Vlf-t- rnntinliivt o,T,in--In- ot persons toithe Atlbamaj.agentleman direct, 'V ;,, I. fcour.try-.ipfomi- us, that, as he came in, lie met, in niuedays' travelling, I41 waggons, B02 carts, 10 stages, 44 gigs, 2 coach-e- s, 29 droves of cattle, 2r droves of Imgs, and 2 droves of sheep. These were all bound for the Alabama, and most ot'them for the Hugh borhood of Fort Claiborne, and lliey were all met.between a phec called Burnt Corn Spring, thirty milts ihis side of.the Alabama, iiul Fort Hawkins, which distance our Informant was nine days traj oiling ; and he observes, that, wuh. the wgojjsaiid caiis. there were generally prgty hrgefamilies. He'supposed, tha, from the numberof persons altogether, he should be. within bounds, to average twenty persons to a waggon, and 10 to acarl:,this,' including those who were on horseback, he supposes would b? within hounds, and'if so, the whole number of persons tnet would be three thousand eight hundred and for'y. Our informant, froinhU knowledge of the country, is of opinion that tho cprrcnt of emigration is such that considerable, inconvenience will be experienced b tiie ncv seitlcrS for wantof provisions, as he thinks the crops have not been equal to sucli an increased population, and he supposes a fev cargoes f' Uiee from portso tlialqui r, might afford auiiccepiabk lA-z-

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,ttttntQ J3W" True to his charge

' lie, comes, the Herald of a noisy world ;

" News from all nations lumh'ring at Insist k."

,' UKICE!) STATKS'TUBASUKY' The last annual report of the Secretary of

the Treasury lias made its appearance. As uis tcolong for the limits of our paper, we pub-

lish in sound numbers the following compen-dium ot it ; which, we believe, will presentcar readers with a fair view ofuts cuntents,divested of official" verbosity and teclmichalties.

The revenue of 1814, from all sources,- - - S 11,510,100

That of 181 S, was n sollows:. Customs, - - 35,043,000

Internal Duties,- -' - 863J)00 . ,Direct Tax, - 5i7 ..'3,000. ,

Public Lands, ', 1,287 000 V-- ,.'-

;yoitaee;.ScSifl&Slfe. 2W,Wpi4&893.200TlTe receipiso' 'theTTreasuryfSfjr the threi

first quarters ouu id, werefrom the Customs, - 33,000,003

Internal Duties, - 4,1jO,OjO

Direct las, nctt pro-

ceeds . 2,700,000

l'ublic Lands, exclu-

sive of MississippiTerritory, 1, 500,0 j0

Foslase, He, 500,000 33,650,00 J

1'lie revenue for 1816, however, IncludingllieUsi quarter of tlic year.MS

at ; 46.900,0001-- issues of vTreasury Notes

durimr the year, amounted to 10,760,000

Cssh ill the Treasury at tlie ,

beginning otuie year, .uc.u- - i (13)106,0QG

Notes received for tax, J v

Slaking a total of 1,667,030

l'vim 1st January ioi", m pieniberTreaiiur)' disbursements:Civil, diplomatic! and

miscellineoua'i"pcx- - :2,359,000lienses, -- ,

Wjlitary service, in- - &

eluding an averageofll,212i503 --


service, 2,ro7iDvO

Interest .and reirafV, buvsement of pub "1

licdebtTS.OlO.OOOf 13,616,00032,762,000" 2leimbursement of (

treasury notes' $.3,Gj6,OJ0, J

.During the last quarter of theyear, the disbursements are estimated as follows iF.or civil, diplomatic, "V

and other expenses, - 750,000Military service, 2.450.000Naval service - 1,200,000Pirtilirdebt. - 2.100 iOOO

Treasury notes, - 13,GtLOJJ-19,5D0,C- OQ

' Leaving balance jn the,

Won the is; day of Jairtfari,r f, 18,504.0001817.of - - -

,.Q' winch balance the cashllis estimated atS 0,00 J.000 and the remainder in TreasuryNotes

. PUBLIC DEinjThe debt contracled before r'n

. war, amounts to - Tgl)7,494,020The debt ice, - - 7,1,772,00


Ihe subscription to the bank' of' the United States, has created

debt of - - 7,000,000And the Yazoo Stock a debt of 4,093,000

Hiit llie two latter debts require no proviston as the first is an exchange for Hank Capi- -

tal, which will produce a dividend greaterthan the interest payable on the stock andthe lait ii .redeemable with ut interest, m

the lands of the Mississippi territory, The Secretary calculates that the presentmnkin fund will not extinguish the nationaldebt before the Near lit ;, and recommendsan additional appropriation of R2.OJ0 0 i(J annually, in aid of the present sinking lund otKS.QOO.OOO. which is now pledpred to the payinentof the interest and redemption of thecapital of the public debt. He proposes fur-

ther, that whenever 6 per cent, stoek can bermrchaaed at par, or 7 per cent stock can bepurchased at 6 per cent, premium, itutgWOO- -

000 be appropriates io. uiai uujeci, oui oiany money in the .Treasury, n it otherw ieappropriated The operation of the fund, thusenlarged, will extinguish the-uh- ole public diblin fourteen year.; The revenue of the years 1815 and 1816, hejays, was much swelled by excessive importationof foreign merchaivl'ze, and he calculatesthat of tli" 1817 will fall, consije ri.Hi ielow tlie pemttnent annual expe'idilure,iucuaive

"of tlie'addiu jii winch he prop aes ti be madeto the sinking fund : but that deficiency hesupposes will' be covered as well as.any otherwiKctt rrjjy.occqr. by J he palancss which heesfimate'a will oe w the treasury on the liist

"dais of January 1817 and lolB.The probable demand on the Treasury sir 1817,

trie recrexary TjiiiuaLcs iunuwa :

r.ivil. diDlomatic and miscellane- -

ous, - ' - - S'.765,0;0Jllilitary service, (including ar- -

arrearaeeof Sl.515,00.) - 8.000.000Navi service, (including 1,000,- -

l;0d, for the increase ef the na- -

0 ;'"-- ',.., ' 3.986,000.Public delrt,.' r --

. 8,000.000

521,75..,00Deduct wir arrearages, 1.54J,.j0u

20,210,0 0283,000

20,500,000.To this add the um proposed in,

aid of the siuking lunil, 3,000,000

The total expenditure will be '323,500.090The receipts tor 1817 are estimated as lol.lows:1?r'm 'custom!, 24,000,000Internaltlutles, ... 2,9u0,000DirectTax, (outstanding and re-

ceivable p"er year) 2,000,000Public Lands", ? ' 1,500,000Posyige, kc. 250,000

30 650,600Balance in, the Treasury the

first day of 'the year, 10,000,000

Sil.65'J,TfcOThe expenditure tor tins year, including

the proposed addition to the sinking fund, andthe .balance in --.the Treasury n the firstday of' Jdiiuiry, 1818, willbo' S'5 650,00 ;.

Hie permanent exaenuiuire lor ine nextveirs: the Secretary calculates at R23,500,.

'QPPi the'balance in the Treasury on the firstJavjary,v18i9'at g8,40"),O.W on the fir3t oiWuia lliZ'J, at nt,ozj,v, anu aittr mat

period, ss exceeding Hie annual public expen-ditures, about $750,008, meantime re calcu-lates the Anal payment of the public debt will

e effected in 14 yearS and that about$8,400,000 may be atmlied for the next souryears, to such objects of internal improvementor natural uelence, as Congress may direct.

Louisviile, Jaiv. 13.

- The lest this place onFriday last for On Saturdaythe Olh'er Evans ai rived from Pittsburgh,and yesterday departed fcr Natchez.

E'nawTrrnnT. 17.On IVionday the 6th inst. the stockholders of

the Hank ot Kentucky, proceeded to the elec-

tion of six directors on their part, when thefollowing gentlemen were elected M. I) Han-lu-

Jons Bhow.t, DaMiCL Wkisioeii, A. J'MiTCHtu, Nat. HaiiT, and Jruis Poi't jtAnd on Monday the 14th instrpursuant to aresolution of tooknlace for directors1 on the part of the state..Tlis pillowinc; ceutlemen were 1

liE'jiiKF. M. Hian, WiLLts A. L.KK, ititUAmiTAiLcn,jr. Asnsnsox .Millt.t., I'etiiii Dud-ie- t

and Vihiam GtiiARn.Robert Alexander was unanimously re

elected President of the Bank.. John P' Tho-mas was also Treasufei"wilhout opposition, and Geiard & Kendall, pi inters tothe commonwealth.

There iras an interesting debate on Tnesday last on the subject of amending the duel-

ling law ; but not being present, we are notable to report it. The object as we understand, was to relieve from its disabilities thosewho.Trom the peculiarity oi their situation",were induced to fight.while in the army duringthe late war.

The House of Representatives have lesolycdm i final adjournment on Saturday, February1st.

The House of Representatives vesterdavpassed thehijl appointing a Special Judge ti

ttle Ueneral Uourt, with a salary. or 1200,who is also to act as a Circuit Judge in KuyelteCounty. "


On yesterday the Senate approved of thenominations as Circuit .Indues of MessrsBroadnax and Saml. .M'Kee. The latter inpUceof Judge Barry, resigned.

A hill is before the LeirisUure id aster aniTlamend the mode ofummon'mg juries. '

-- It is proposed als6 to construct turnpikeroad from Limestone to Lexington, and thenceto Louisville, and to iiiipruve the navigitiui.of lire Kentucky river '

The legislature of Indiana adjourned on llie3d inst. At the very close m their session,they incorporated John Bigelowand associatesinto a Canal Company to cut axanal.oii theIndiana side, around the tills Ot Ohio. T liestock authorized is a million of dollars j operaliou's to commence within one year, and tobe completed in seven. J

-- r 'of a letter from tM ffoh.'Stt D. Ifdrilin,

to tlu: Editor of the .1rgiu."WASniJpGTOS' CtTT.

" Trip Senate have advised tlie ratification ofthe different Indian Treaties made this yearThey will no doubt be published shortly. Un-

der them vre shi.ll be enacted to connect thesettlements of the state of Tennessee with thoseof he Tombigbee. And on the other side 'nfrm a settlement from Lake SI chigan aroundChicauga to tlie Mississippi. I deem theseTeatio important not only aj to the soil ac-

quired, but ai othepo!iticilefi"ect it wtUkivcwith tlie Indians in cuse of another war.'



Washington, City, Jan. 4."

Sin TIieTiousj of Jicp. has for a day i.r twopibt, been enga?;e4 in debate on a contestedelection between Itufus Easton.and John Scott.'he return, delegate troin the Missouri Terri-- ,tnry The contest seems to involve some important points, and wilt probably, take up con-siderable lime.

Th question, in relation to J.he amendmentproposed to the Constitution, will not, it is pre-sumed be acted on, till the members returnfrom taking their holidays. The question,is deemed an important one, ion the finaldecision of which a full bruise is desirable

I can tell you nothing certain as to whatwill be the result in respect $ the bill moditying the Compensation L.w,1 It is stilt laidup tor the 13th of this monthj' Indeed is there'is anything done in it, suspect a final decis.ion will nyt be hid till towards the termina-tion iW'the session.- - t s

You may judge from this letter, that i havevery little ot'Tmportance to communicate.

lour menu and ;, Obedient SejVant


' Washinotos Citv, Jan. 4.

TheSrJATE of the' United States has beensummoned by the Kxecutive, to meet in thejrchanfber, in this city on the 4th of Marchnext, the day aster the termination of the pre-se-

Congress. . . ")

The attention of the House of Representatives, it will be seen, was principally occupiedyesterday by the consideration 'of the propermode of disposing of certain papers forwardedby Mr. wwin Lewi3, ot Mississippi, impeach-ing in the strongest terms, iheufficial conductof Judge Toulmin, of that territory. The pa-pers were, it length, referred to the JudiciaryCommittee., i nis reierence, We are authori-zed by the course of debate to say, did notproceed from any impression unfavourable toJudge Toulmin, but from a nice and scrupu-lous regard to the right of the citizen to heheard by the House. We have little dmbtbut the enquiry will result to the honor ofJudge Toulmin, whose conduct, as an upright,intelligent and intrepid judge, stands justlytoo'high to be shaken by the assaults ot suchenemies as have been created in the course of.the discharge of hU official dutiesi-- .

J,'at. Int. ofJan. 3.

VONGRESS..A- - . ",..- - ..-..-



s - " Thursday, Dec 26Theifollowing Message was receive! from

the President iftheUiiited Sfates"; winch wasread arid referred to the. committee on ForeignRelations: 1

To tlie Senate and Ifofts" of Representatives orUntied States.- -

It is fonnd that ttie existing" Jaws liayc nptthe efficacy necessary "to prevent violations ofth nbliMtinii? of t i Tin ted SIMps. ia a n,.' - n ' . .,. - ., . ,,, -

other tinla1 Ti acts on the hiirh seas, by armedvessellcs, Julppcd wilhiu llie waters of tbe UStates. .

With a ew to maintain more efleciually therespect di tb the t.iws, to the char.iciCf anilo the lied mt and pacific relations of the U

States, I commnid, to the consideration otcongress, ie expediency of such furlherlegis-sion- itativepro as may be requisite for detain- -

mg vesle HCtualtv ermippeil, or in a course otequ"ipiiieii! with a Marlike force, within theju.risdtciion (the United States j or, as the casemav be, f.manders 4" such vessels, adequate securita.srainst thltbuseof their armamehts,.with theexceptionlin sych pvovisions proper for thecases of vcsselles with Jhedefensive rmaments usual on distant andgerous jc ; and of a private commerce in 1 ihlarv store, permitted by our laws.ana whirl thp law of natinlis does not reouirethe U.S.ulcs to prohibit, -

; JASIES ItADISON.7scBKer'26,M816. - - "''. yOn motion of tr. Johnson ofKv. the com- -

raittcj on rftihtak' tffairs were instructed toenquire intil.the fkpedieney of autliorisiiig' thepresident ot the Vuted Stat& to establish aminUfjq.tfc' .nrsmaTarms at Nevport,oii Lick-ing river in the sl.itl of Kentucky.

On motion of AlrAuirLson did committee onroads and canals wereVlirectcd to enquire into. 1

tlv eiieuieiiey-o- i granvnga sum oi money, hihe expended under theVlirecuon ot the president of the United S'a's in removing the obstruction to the navigation of tlie Ohio rivercreated by the falls near Eouisvilte, Kj .

Sir Desha offered the tlloWni'; resolution ;liesvlvcd, As the lai.d .u'tidf Green river,

now withmtlic limits ot tlidsute of Kentucky,was,jy tiie etSfe of , seta'ji.irt forttiepurpose' of satisfying plaimi Sir revilulionaryservices; and pSrtnin,of whicii tind h is since,been'liy the jjcfieral government cid. d by trea-r.- y

to the Ciuck:.s:iw tribe us Indians, by whichvssion many of Ihereiolutioiiary o.itm's havebeen il.'pnverTof thebenefit arising from grantstor meritorious Rfjpes ihat (he pres.iten:

i llie V. States he l'eTluesieiLio take the neceSf.ary steps to Iiae the Indian title to tlie l.mtlr. ii'gv.-uh- tbelftliits ot the state of Kentuckyextinguished as soon as prnc'irable.


'Pobto.x, Dec.l.

jAlie from the .MeiU'errnnertn.Arrived at NViirpuc-ituibn- i? OiT.uitoy, ?nwf

4trTaTJTfjiin'Gibraliiir, wilh specie, sailcloth,ami wi lite-len- to .liicol) llarfeer ; ami 165 sea-men, dii'chajjfed from tlie U S frigate Ooi.stel-latio-

uiitler conmund ofli.ut. Smith Sailedfrom O.braltar forcniber 16

Sir. Tilffonian, of Plichulelpbia, has arrivedin tlie Channcey, and proceeded for AVasljuig-ion- ,

with despatches "from commodore Chaun.cey, and Sir. Shaler. He informs us that tlie U.a. schooner Spark, captain Apcliolsoii, arr'iNeu.u Gibraltar about tlie lsl week in r ;tliat.the Java si!el for .Malaga on the H,b,and ,ifi3ttiie Washington, 74, ConsWution,capt. Crpu?, Peacock, Erie ami Hmnet, were tos;(l for the aime place on the 17th, wneretheywere?tb be met by the United States, coinmodorc Shaw, tiu at Mahon, and proceededtneitce tor Algiers, wiui tlie answer ot onrgov.errtment, carrp d out by the Spirk, to tlie pro.position r.f the Dey. Air. SJialer, was on board;he Washington.

Gapcain Gordon, lae comm.vulprof the Constellation, died at Sless ma .universally regret-ted. '' About the 20th ult. hiside the Gulf, sell inwith tlie brig Eliz i B ynton, of and for Uoston,mim St. ll,ir, totally dismrsted and in asink-mgsiar--

took off the captain and crew andliurni her Tlie brig ,I,mes Mnrdnek, fromBordeaux for Philadelphi i, was in sight at thetun- -

AtCadru X.itvlt. ship William, for N'ewVoik, atx.ut Oie 20;'h,.ihe only American vtj&el tthf r- - Flour ut CmIi. , 9 dollars. About 20C0liairels were sold at that price early in Novem-ber.

I'he Dsy has rendered Algiers much moreformidable than before tlie late attack. '

Oct 29, arrived at St. S dvailor. from tlwroast of Afr.ea, II Ii. SI sloop Comro, andDorothea transport, winch vessels sailed fromEu-Li- d i." ! .rch last, for the purpose of ex-pl-

lrg he river Congo, md is possible to gainthe interior of'Afnca. I he .nterpnse h's beenaliaiidrtn d n ouiseq'ience of tlie dea'h of thecntnniuider, J.'ll. 1'uckey, Esn with all heKc'i.

otisii: geii.lenrrf;JnoUof ttife principal ufiicers,.ami many iue seaxien ; wno n.ul fallen yie

tims to tlie rijjElth ness of the cl.mate.

Accounts, frgmGefriiam, state, that theirmanufacrones are all in confujion. Enrlinrfhas Jiiundaietl 'he,ontineol ,'SfliiSiiclia quan- -

chirt articles ot 'German manufactory. declare that this hostile invasion mustbe repelled, as llii manufacturing equality andcommercial sreedom: is dangerous to theirprosperity. t -

I1USI AN CATTLE!LosDO.v, November 7.

It is mentioned that there is a project of ler---ritonai excnange-peiwee- n uess and Bavaria,whicltTis to be discussed at Frankfort, tlie lat-ter to cede to the grand Duke ofllesse the prin.cipality of AschalJjMiburg, and tiie Grand l) return to give up tollavam his new provin.ces on the lest bank of the Hhinejjnctudinj;.Mayence.

It is said that the Emperor Alexander, meansto visit the, Polish capital in tlie month of Jtin'next, when it ij expected lie promised Consti-tution will becomnleted. and a l.r mllcl t

gether. .AVltSt degree of liberty will be securedto the" Poles under the forth coming charter,remains to be ascertained ; but let us hope, forthe credit of Alexmder"the Deliverer," that i'will be equalat least to that guaranteed by theinstitiitjnnsgranted to them by Bonaparte. Tlielatt?r'dfdTmore, during the short course of Insrule; forTtne miss of the Polish People, than all

;,theiV.Kmgs, with the exception of the imforlunate, Poniatowshi, had done. By one dash of.11s pen he crumbled tlie entire superstructureof the feudal law. He broke tlie chain whichfor several centuries, had hound the letr of thepeasant to the sod ; and the humblest Pofijwemean of course the inhabitant of the DiichrofWarsaw, was equal, in tlie eye of. the law, tothe proudest Noble.

ug89,)g 5niu. ,


,' .,Ylj?"!NOT0: ClTT, JiS. 1.

At an adjourned meeting of the Citizens ofWashington,. Georgetown and Alexandria, andmany others, held in the Hall of tlie House ofuepresetitatives ot the United Sla'es, on Satur-day tlie 28th day of December, 1316, for thepurpose of receiving and considering, from thecommittees appointed to thaf duty at a previous.iv.,.11, luiisuioiuun mi tneoocieiy, :or amci;.;, .1 l:.: r .... ,".ij

iiwmkiiii: tiir: tnii it tiif i in uir- - i rfp nisiiijtionatneace toward, belligerent parties anTtcobv in United Stat, by yidin

lonial retreat on this or the continent of Africa ;and a memorial to Congress requesting, thesanction and of the general govern-ment in the object of tlie Institution aforesaid

a Constitution was reported by the committee appointed for that purpose j and havingbeen discussed and amended, was then unani.mously accepted by "the Sleeting, in thefullowuiir woras : ,

Article J. Tliis society shall be called "ThkAjinmcAW Sneivrr rou Coloxizino thrFbebI(&osli: of ColO'i of the Uxitud States."

Article II The object to which its attentionis to be exclusively directed,- is to piomoteandexecute a plan for colonizing (with their consent) tlie tree people ot color, residing1 in ourcountry, in Africa, or such other phce as Congress shall deem most expedient. And the y

shall act, to affect' this object, in e

ration with, therreneral irovcrninent, and suchof the states as mav adopt reeulatious iinon thesubject. '.. ,f


Article BTery citizen of the UnitedStstcs', w,ho shall subscribe these articles, andoe an annual cdntributor'ot one dollar to thefunds of the Society? shall be a member, onpavjngHSum not less than thirty dollars, atone ctioscriptMi, Miall Oe a member lor life.

IV The officers of this Societv shallbe, a President, 13 V.-- e Presidents, a "Secretary, a Treasurer, a ItecordtT, and a Board ofAlinagers, composetl of the above named ofTi

cers, and twelve members of the Societv. Tli'evshall be annually elected by the memhefsof tileSociety, at their annual meeting on new year'sday (except when that happens to be the 3tb-ba'-

and then the next davl and continue todisch-rs- r- their respective duties tilt others areippomt d

Artic'e Y.l shall ha duty of the Presidentto as all meetings of tlie Society, andof the Board of Managers, and to call meetingof the Society aiirt of the U"ard, when hethinks necessary, or when reouired bv iiivthree members of th'Briard. ' '

Article VI Thf accordingit) senioruj, iiii I riiscliarge these duties inthe absence of the President.

Article VII Tue Seci-eNr- hill take mi-

nutes of th- - proceedings, prepare and publishnotices, and discharge such either duties aithe Board; or (lie President?, according to se-niority, (when the Board u not sitting) shalldirect And the Recorder shall record theproceedings and the. names of the members,and discharge such es as may be req'llrrdiirhirn. -


Article rill The Treasurer shall' receiveand take charge of the funds of the Society,under such security as may be prescribed bythe llotrd. of .Managers; keep the accounts,and exhibit a statement of receipts and expenditures at every annual meeting, widdischaigesuch other duties as may be required of him!

Article-- IX The Board of Managers shallmeet on the first Mondiv in January, the firstM'tulay in April, the fust .Monday m July, andthe first M'jfiday in October, eveiy year, andat such other times as the President may direct. They shall conduct the business of theSociety, and take such measm-e- for effectingits object, as they shall think proper, or winchthai! be directed at the meetings of the Soci- -

v i"jiiiiaic an annusi lcport o: tneir pro:edings They shall l,o sill ur all vacan.

ctes occurring during the year, and make suciis for their government as they must

., provided the same are uot repugnaut ,o this constitution. ;

Article X. Every Societv which shall h.firmed in the UnitedStates to aid in the ob.jenui uusatsaciation, and which shall coopcrate with its funds lor the purposes thereof,

u. me rutej and regulations of thisSociety, shall be cons idered.auxiliary thereto,and its ofheers shall be entitled to attend andvote at all meetings of ihe Society, and of theBoard of Managers.

I'he committee appointed for tS nnrnnt .m. ,u, .V fVhaving repoited a draft ot a memorial to Con-gress, discussion arose respecting the same

hereupon it ww on mat inn.Resolved. That the committee appointed to

prepare and present to Congress a memorialon the subject of this Association. h.,.ed to report the same w the annual meetingof the Society for its consideration.

On mitiOn, it was alsor.etoived. That the first election of officers

of the siiciely shall be held on the first Wed-nesda- y

in January ensuing; of which due noticeKhali be given in the public prints in theD(strict of Columbia ; and that in themeanwhile a book shall be opened for receivingsubscriptions to the constitution, at the read-ing rooms in Washington, Georgetown, andAlexandria, at the office of - the Intelligencer, and with the Secretary of this meet- -ang.

And the meeting adjournned.HCLAV, Chairman

Taos.Douo'iiHTT, Sec'y.

At a subsequent rr.cotiiijy the society pro-ceeded to the election of officers :

The Hon BosaaoD Wasut.xa ro.i was unani-mously elected President, ,

VICE PRESIDENTS. U - 'Hon. V-t- . II. CnAwroRpfof-Georgia- .

Hon. Hr.snx Cut, ofentuckyHon Wt. I'umrs, of .Massachusetts.Col. tU'iir IluTotiis, of New-Yor-

Hon. Jons B. HowanD, 1Hon. Samukl Skitii. C of Maryland.Hon. JUH-- J C. lUtlBEKT, SJoux Tailor, of aroluie, Esq. of Virginia.Gen. Ahprew Jaccs.ik, of Tennessee.KonzRT ItiLisiox, Esq. )Uiciunii Uosh, Ksq. jot Pennsylvania.

Gen. John SIasox, of tlie U. of Columbia.Itev Robert FmtEr, ot New Jersey.Elias Ii. Caldwell. SecretaryIF. G I) lVortnington, Recording Secretary.David English, Treasuter.TJotonl? iMtfhfr til Ubaa?,Ta.A 1 r 1 n"""""'1 ana uoaru ot

Manairers be and thei are herh ;. ,.aml riiiFPit til n,l . .... la -...u.r,..u incsciii. memorial to Uon-- 1press on thp... snhirt nC. nln.,f .1. .1 ...j ...,,,,,, wiin ineirconsent, the free people of c'olir of the United, in Sirica or eisewnere. .Mr.Clay having lest tlie chair,' ,

one ot the Vice Presidents presided as Presidrnt.

Rcsolvd, unanimously, That-th- e thanks ofthe meeting be presented to Sir. Clay for theability and attention with winch lie lias pre-sided as chairman of the meeting in organ-ising the siiciely.



The Mobile Ran.This bay 'connects itself "With the Gulf of

.Mexico, in latitude ot about 30 15 N. and lon-gitude 10 45 W from Philadelphia. It isabout thirty miles long from north to south,and about nine miles wide at tlie upper end,bit considerably wider near the mouih. On., . . .,.,.!,., ,1... ,1. f ,fi.'"-- . "".'"'- -.. mum. 0i tug )ay ls IMUplllllCi.l..i i. .1. ...i f



sandbar, extending several mile3 farther to '"westward it is about one mile wiu-- . of the ordinary coasting, trade fromOrleans, or rathei the bayou St. John, to tlieMobile Bay, is between Dauphtne Island anLthe main land west of the bay ; but tlie pas3is extremely shallow, not having ordinarilymore than fmr or five feet water. A'csseUfrom Pcnsacola, tlie West Indies and other pla-

ces, enter the bay between Oanphine Island andStnbile Point, or tlie extremity of tlie mainland on the eastern shore. Between DauphineIsland and Mobile Point, there are eighteen feetof water, and the channel U so near that youmay tlnow a biscuit on shore from your ship.Proceeding up the bay, you find three fathomsof water about ten miles. Then you: have thir-teen feet for about eight miles further, or towithin nine or ten miles of Dog river, which iathree leagues below the town of Alobile. Fromthe place last mentioned below Dog river tothe upper end of the bay, the depth of water isabout twelve feet and a'half, except at the sliOalwhich extends across the bay, and is called thebar, over whlcti'yqu cannot calculate oh morathan eleven feetofwater. of thebay o the other tlie water is very shallow fora considerable distance from the shore. Thebav appears well adapted to vessels of about150 tons burthen ; but tlie cotton and lumber,which will become the staple articles of thecountry, would render vessels of'300 tolls moreeligible. Such vessels, however, cannot be ad-

vantageously employed, unless there be placeof deposit which they can approach ; and asthere is no place above Sfobile Point where alarge vessel can get near the shore, it is proba-ble that this sandy ridije may at some suture)period become a considerable depot. The tradeo'a country so estensive as that connectedwit i'he water of the Mobile, embracing per-ha- p

sift- - thousand square miles, must requiremi-- 'i place of depnMt, which Will be connect-ed With W'th "he interior by means of s earnl.04r and base's. It is not probable indeed thatu will hea place of muo- - population : as there.' it, 1 inav'r!Jun 80 mites of it in any direc-1-- n

whkliSJi'jll invi.t air, considerable body ofsettlers.

The .1f?ffe ItherRises in the CliickasRw nation in between

tlie 34'.h and "5.'i decree of north latitude,tnd about ihp 12 degree of longitude west- mi Philadelphia. Its bead waters are but a

tew mil3 fiom llie Tennessee river It rhe Alabama about"nine miles north ofihfJ31stjlcgfte'of north latit'ude, and entersthe bay of Mjbileat tlie distance of about twohiin&''ed,railes eaV of the Mississippi, in lati-tude ofabout SOdeg. 30min At p. esent in-

deed, it is usually called the Tombigby ab eits junction wilh the Alahama ; but the oldmaps apply the' name of Slobile to the wholeriver, from tlie bay to its source. Alter itsjunction with the 'AUb.tma it forms a nuhleand majestic stream ; deep, but not rapid, andsew rivers afford a more beautiful scenery thantlie Slibile, at tlie elevated bluff wuere the mi-litary station, called Fort Stoddert, recentlyexisted. But unfortuna.ely it wa, too ficklaas its name imports, to retain its dign.ty ; and,two leagues bel.iw its junction with the Ma-nama, it divides its waters ; and one portit.n ofthem enters the bay on the western Sid-- , and.the oilier on the eastern. A subsequent divi-sion gives to eacli of these channels 2 moiithsjand wnilst tlie mouihs of llie western channel,are designated by the names of Slobile andSpanish river; th .se of the eastern aie calledthe Teiuawand Appalachee rivers Indeed thewhole ot the eastern channel (rum its first

from tlie jest of the river, is often de-signated by the name of the Tensaw river ; butcertainly with no propriety, as H is no distinctiver at ail ; bui merely the eas'ern channel ofhe main SI. bile river. These d,ff.reni chan-

nels are connected by intervening streams , themost remarkable of whch is called Liza.d'aCreek, and urites the western channel withrae eastern, or r. ther with sn offset with theeastern cnannel nivr called .Mobile river, butformerlythe bay u Matthieu. It i by the rn

channel and L zard's creek, ant tlie bay .uAlatlhieu or SI .dole river, that vessels usuallyascend the Mobile, especially when the windis tavourable, as this n ule is mose duectthaathe mam western channel. Lizard's creek isabout i.0 miles above the town us Mobile, andthe distance itinugh it from the wesie'n chan-nel to .Middle river is about three miles As-

ter getting up the hay, oyer what is called thebar, there is n- difficulty in ascendingilie Mo-bile by any of the channels. That which pass- -

immediately oy ihe town ot Mobile, is notso deep as that at the mouth of the westernchannel, which is called Spanish river ; but;vessels frequently go up Spanish river into themain western channel, and then drop tlow 6or 7 miles, to the town of Mi.bile. Is yon leavothe bay, and proceed up Spanish river and then,continue up the main western channel to FortStoddert, you will generauy lind from sour ofive fathoms of water in the middle of the riv-e- r,

and about twelve feet near the bank Theshallowest part of the river ia only 17 feet ofwater. Tlie population from tlie town 01 Mo-bile to the junction of the Mobile, or,, with the Alabama, is very tnfl.i.g indeed --,and the Inwness-ot-tu- land adjacent to the ri-ver for thirty miles above tlie town, with theindillereht quality of the high lands contigu-ous, forbid the expectation of any rapidincrease of population. The high land ap-proaches the river at seven places in the spaceot 40 miles, and at each of these places a fam-ily or two resides. The country behind is gen-eral- ly

uninhabited. Tlie distances of tlie sev-eral bluffs or highlands near the river, are asfollows : From Mobile to the Bayou St. Louis,4 miles ; thence to Dubroci's blufl, 17 ; Chas-tang- s,

or the old Fiench for', 6; Simon's biuIF6 ; Bazil Chastang'j 3 i Cedar cieeka i FortStoddert, lis.

AceusTA, (Geo.) Dec 19.

.As an ... 'iden Vlf-t- rnntinliivt o,T,in--In-

ot persons toithe Atlbamaj.agentleman direct,'V ;,, I. fcour.try-.ipfomi- us, that, as hecame in, lie met, in niuedays' travelling, I41waggons, B02 carts, 10 stages, 44 gigs, 2 coach-e- s,

29 droves of cattle, 2r droves of Imgs, and2 droves of sheep. These were all bound forthe Alabama, and most ot'them for the Hughborhood of Fort Claiborne, and lliey were allmet.between a phec called Burnt Corn Spring,thirty milts ihis side of.the Alabama, iiul FortHawkins, which distance our Informant wasnine days traj oiling ; and he observes, that, wuh.the wgojjsaiid caiis. there were generallyprgty hrgefamilies. He'supposed, tha, fromthe numberofpersons altogether, he should be.within bounds, to average twenty persons to awaggon, and 10 to acarl:,this,' including thosewho were on horseback, he supposes would b?within hounds, and'if so, the whole number ofpersons tnet would be three thousand eighthundred and for'y. Our informant, froinhUknowledge of the country, is of opinion that thocprrcnt of emigration is such that considerable,inconvenience will be experienced b tiie ncvseitlcrS for wantof provisions, as he thinks thecrops have not been equal to sucli an increasedpopulation, and he supposes a fev cargoes f'

Uiee from portso tlialqui r,

might afford auiiccepiabk lA-z-