kentucky gazette (lexington, ky. : 1809). (lexington, ky...

m 4 I H il- - - ua inw i' mmg '"rwaaJ , iwiKBwaviuj jatttyioijn hum .jjk"u.' !mvrr'miMWfji?T- - ?? itvxjt g 'fryTr v -- ' - - M.1 - . W Voluj&e XXII, 3 rl ' LEXINGTON, K. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 180?. N'jme'hr 1252. hmus-i- rmntxi w PUBLISHED WEEKLY, BY THOMAS SMITH) AT DANIEL EKADFORU'S. OLD STAND.- - Cj" CONDITIONS. Two Dollars pera'n-Hu- paid in advance; or Three Dollars to be paid at the expiration of the year. 4 All letters addressed to thd Editor must be postpaid otherwise' tlicy will notbeattended to. PRICES CURRENT AT- LEXINGTON. HEMP pcrcwt 6 Dolls. - YARNS do. ... 9 , SALT rerburh.. --' 2 JOSEPH'H.VWILTON ffAVEISS, Auohey, will relume vs practice He resides in Lexing- ton. All letters must be postpaid. !e ; . , Feb'y. 15th, 1809. Charles Humphreys PRACTICES Law hi the Fayette and Tessa- - rircourts. Mav, 1809. Wanted to contract, tor.uie thousand bushels Stone Coals, .., delivered at this place Apply to ?.. . L I. .. ." D-.- .I. Lexington Nov. 28 1808.- - .,'-,- , , '6081 'qisiaunf 'uo53uix7 aiuilKip '1Wa"u,K l1UE'!!!llU;,P:l!'hI J.J ?no jas 0 spu. 111 i jo auo s,'A(iif jo ipoi3,",) i bU WJJ.HIU U UJIIl U( IKlH'Jlll JSUll JSrfllU'ill unooou j:t-- q '.$ - ' ? G men and MnX trHAVE received, and hre no,w npeifStttr tn'tbe store house Of Maj. AleXantTer barker, opposite the court honiea' of . MERGHANDlZb, which thiy are disposed o sellon reasonable terms. Cash given for HEMP- - '' ' . .Lexinefxi. Frbrnarv. 1800. h fl 4 .Stolen , ON the niirlit'otthe iiih inst-wt- , from mv pas ture Jut. within the? bounds of the tow not" Lex'ng- - ton, a bay HJRSE, ahoutlfiftefii jniihall'handi six wars obl.rruck7linilbpbbed. no marks recollected Ample compensation will bejmade thase who will bring h'ljTi 10 James B. January'. June 20lh, 1809. ' - BLUE DYING ., Next (Soar to Patterson B.iiu's Hat Manti. faftory, on Main Streetiiu . f ' Harb Cra-vfor- d . rcy For CASH I 'will-sel- l COSSACK' BOOTS at "Six Dollarapair. j H. Ci Lexington, April 29J 1809; 'Ct tf A likely young.; Njegro Woman for ? '"km SHE is an excellentlliare Servant. t.nquire f the Printer. , LexingtonAuRiifl 19 J1809. '" W.H, D,optor,'3aijes Oyt,ort- - , WILL pjaftice lJHYSls: in Lexington ,and,it's neixbbourb'iod ; he kecif. hisfhop on Main treet, nearly oppofitejtie CQurjJiqufe; where he 1 astor ia:e an exennve hock 01 , , GHHUINE MEDICINES: together with a compt-t- afHirtmenl of SUR GSOM s INSaUUENTa, made' aster ttieiatefl ano niou approveu moafis. Foi Sale THE T!I jhV I now lit, ns 90.1 eres, on David's f irk of Elithorn, in Fayette cuun-- j ty ; sine water and wi-.- l) imnroed. f.irth pa; apply tothebscnb-i- - on the premises. fovjz,xorers.t Np ice. cl V .END sLirlinri jo B iltimnre nh'the 20tlr6'f. o( Jr net. Auv nqrson wishing any business t aiyacnxl in that citv", cm have it done on the sst moderate ternisi smd to theil sutisuctioo S,i V'cicnt security.Wiiij be given to those genfle-11K.- 1 who may choosejto emplov me. ' N B. I sail' returnj h the "wav of Piftsburgh own die river, sonWmfiOin DerSmbei; noxt. tf. SUGENT . 7 jiwAov'Av: r 4A'EISER'S qaSiiyiNGSllOPts rrmSvcd to ins New uncic rious:on tne conictviien: u oldC mrt Hiuiae'ibrrrtrlv strofl, opposite""' Archi- - bdd L'irni's??in35laait!-cct- , and Patterson Bain's on JUain streu! Lexingtori" Sept. j",. tS09 M tick: .. VhLL be sold a public niletion oh Tuesday tli24tV inst. at the muse ot Joseph L,s ,lecei- - 'si d, ne- r Il'dl's tav rn, all his Personal P;-p- g ns .i Carriage and two Mrtth Horses. u V.'. ". some well bred Marcs, tweb'e- or sit. to M.lch C iv s, and oth.-- r Stock and articles too' m1, u. toin-r-- t. Twel e months credit will bf jfivcn. piovided the purcha'sergivu bohd with ap provpcl eruriu. , . m . , - . f Vile to rommence rtt ten o cuciv. A. ivi. where dueattfiv'-dir- will be pihtl bv DRLILAII CASE, .( GEORGE CiSE, 5 Donibon coitnty, Oct. 5, 1809.' 1.- - Taken up by Peter Gatewood, living on Gan I'tt eoniitv. one macK ivi ue, soon unun nbout thir.teen'or fourteen yeais old, about" fifteen lir.nds otic inch higjihrahded on the, near shou'ddi and buttock thus C, severl small saddle spots 01 her hack ; appraised to fifty dollars ''John Tiompson. , 13th, 8o9. - ' ' TAKEN ,UPby PnssiUer Raindels, living on Slate Creelc, neahVMvers' mill, in Montgomery County, a bay'M,areAl4 hands one inch high, her lest bind soot wVvte. has a small star in her sorehead branded on the-nea- r shoulder tlitls K. eight ears o',d, appaised to 3 25. ,. ,, Joseph Henssley. July 2511,1809. "' The Subscriber, Mating obtained a First Rate Workman, h novi prepared to carry on the WATCH MAKING & REPAIRING, IN ADDITION TO THE Gold anil Silver Smith ttusiness, Arid will viarrant hisork to be veil executed. ;j- - Orders from a distance will be strictly at- tended to and those who are pleased to savour 11m with their custom, will find his shop opposite he Lexington Bi anch Bank. ' GEORGE SULLIVAN. Jxington, Sept. a8th, 1809. y L Maccoun, Tilford, 8c Co HAve receivea an assortment of RITTEN IIOUSE's improved SUMVETOR's-COMPA- S SES, prices from g27 to S-1- PLATTING IN STRUMLNTS in cases, GUNTER's SCALES, SURVEYORS CHAINS, PROTRACTOhS, and STEEL JOINT DIVIDERS. TheflM ave l.kewise received a quantity, of best PKIN ITN IKK. Lexington, May 22d, 1809. i MACCOUH, T1LFOKD, & to. ' ' iil AVE this da received from PtilaJe'phia the fJloviiug VALUABLE BOOKS. Chapman's Select Speeches, Forensick and Par liamentary ; a Translation of the Bible from the Septuagent, by Charles Thompson, late secreiaryj to tlie I'.ittirri'Atcnt ..,.. t i I nur-'- e ThAnlfi.n h.w-u- ...v. w.uwiikj. juwna v.w.ui-1- - cal Dictionary , Campbell', Lectures .. "on Church ' i i History. .townicins . . t.- - i ai:urA.tliis,ceiebratedl!.ssay i, ,... , Miracles s, i s rnystoiorfv , nippons Hvmns, a new edition, with a supplement ""- - " ' ""TivivuumiiuivMUiH iruuu btTvaills. a t . n n . . i ji- - - . ' . r. -- IW.J 1... .. hnlr. lanrtli ' im t XIW a"din "" witI! l?l 3l ffi; .hVrt v i ri nim n w-- n in iviii ? sb iv.i ..- - o.1-;- -- i.......u..u-- u. j m - . lender r.rTccah.-ili- f timf nF ti.t ,!., v., uie ol or 101 a varietv of other ....." ir.r'.,." ."'.. '.'' '" ."' nfl,;nt nViPm mavbe khowlibv a ..'.-- ? . ... ingtlie improvements intlie 14th London edition;,""" u.'K'elu"';ryj r- i .... ........ ,i.. i,:.rfi.ji.... ,,, i 't(lt1artmcntofhishiisines! icieiiiouuc; me ijiscauieo , ceieDraieu Novel, by Mrs- - Roche; ZollikufTe.'s 'tl'Pf thus presumes to nnuwp'a PflPtiw. Armtrmi'a lir.ilH . ThnVnnV Hoeticitl Works; Newton on the Phropliecics; j Hfeid'if Essays; Duncan's Dispensatory ; St. Pie.-re'- tddies of Natwe, a new edition with numerous original notes and illuslrati'ins, bj B. S. Barton, - JVf. D.Sandels'sSelctSermonij'vicarof VVake- - field in French ; . B.'iggs's Cookery ; Mysteries us Uiioipiio;unnqrcnot the Abbey ; franklin s Works Dwiglu's edition , of Ur.' VVatls's .Psalms and , lymnsTi Village Dialogues ; 1I0. sermons; Coxes American Dispensatory j Bark's Miscellaneous- - Works; Perrin's Grammar; Pomej's French Spelling Bo,gk ; The L.ivers of La Veridee, a new Novel ; Gas9 Journal of Lewis &c Clarke's Voy. ages; Brown's concoidmce; Matlam Suel Holstein; the Lifeof Fox; St. Clair,.or the Heiress of Desmond.; Scott's Lay of the Last Minstrel; Petrarch's Poems; Lay of an' Irish Harp, or Metrical Fragments, by Miss OireVtin; Accums'Analyssis Minerals ; do Chemistij ; ot Belgrade, a new Novel, translated C. 1.. Iir. I I.. .'... tK-- . i' Jt111.11 u v jciiiiuiis ; ijuii vuxuiie ; NmartVHora-:e- j Fuller's Gospel its own Witness; David's Psahnc. with Ilrnwn's Notes : TVir'tVr Bibles wiih and without Psalms: Horrors n' St Domingo, in Letters a written Col. iJtllbs: 3,ib6 balls I'fatt's best Sewing Cbttdn Burr; Cowper's ; Materia Med-car'- pieces Strpts l unacrwood on uie ureases 01 unuuren; Chanira is Literature ; Cleik's Mhgpzine ;. Barrow's Lec tures ; Vo'.ney s Hums St. Cuiid ; Bo. naparte's Campaigns ; History of Chili, by the Abbe Molina ; Smith's Letters to Iielsham ; Gil. he's Greece ; Coxe's Medical Dictionary ; Hen-nin- g and MunfoidsiRepoils Kd on Exchange ; ,lo- - on Awards ;' Graydon's Digest; The whole proceedings in the case Olmstead anil others, Kiltenhouse's executrires with the act Legislature of Pennslvani and other mat- ters relative to this important subject, collected ami (trraiiged by R. Peters, jun. The Voi!d a nevv Com ity, in live acts, pertormed at JJrurj L me 1 hea-r- e, and published in London in 1808 : Blind Bov amili drama in two acts, performed at the Thea-- I '.re Royal, Coient Garden, 111 1808 f" Jonathan' Postfree ; the Man of the World ; Adelgitha, &..) Stci They have noWbii hand extensive collec-- l tirin ns Ront-- and Smtinnprv. vi! be sold vvriteete or Jhe HiilaBfiphia'wHr NsitJr York nrices" : and'in sreneraltviihout clArfrinL for carriage. Alo in'the"piess and will be published YA a to risque Grammar T,vvent,ietli ,K ditiun. . Lexingtgg, June Win 1809. A ''"' J?tD. MaccouiL H ave for sale at the most letfucttl prices, bv wholesale or retail an .extensive assortment of MK'RCHANDIZE, wliich thcv"are now opening, suitable (or he spring a'nd slimmer seasons, which vvereroarefidly. selected ini Philadelphia, and pur. chastd on unusually low terms. aLii eight pipes of genuine and very superibrtqirality Jlladeira Writ, K fiilv boxes ot best Spanish Sera. Tliev are as usual ilomlieir'nail.iniiniifactbiy with a. general assortment of Out and JProvtht Nails. v. ; '. ' ,.' . Lein?tonjApiil25th, 1809 JJojtluli tv uit'b.",Tavern, v.- - 'faington, Ky ot(Maintrce, corner cf Liflttstone street, lateh nccubledb) Mr. ff. IVtUon. J. l'OST-LETHWAI- T has returned to his old staniT, where every excruon .siirji ue usvu io ac-- , rornodatc those who please'to call oih'im. jyiaairtry.aci, tsog. TH H M V A L tffhe subscriber takes this oppor' unity. re turning his most gralc'iil acknowledgements his uiriuis ami uie iiooiic in yriit-ra- i :ui nit j,icai tiu rouiagtmtnt he harf.ejfperi'etietT during Ins resi deuce in this lace, andiinlonn'them tliat he lias removedhis cabinet work bhop, the lot on Main street adjoining Mr, Humnrevi's, wheie all oideis vi!lbepunctuallvexecutt.d b"y the publfcs humble i . - t iervani. " Rube-'- l Wilson Pork ami .Beet' Wanted. . I will lirfWrpn. hv tli snbsciiber. dunn winter, for hundred large - i. - ' . about . ... tluuc .. . w. .jorn'fiittencd HOGS, weighing aouibs. earn ana pvvards also, for 180 largestallert lih.CVH6 He will allow a liberal ricc to any person whovill deliver two "tunflied tat Hogs toot, afrort Adams or ruew- - ' "wP fames Morrison. Lexington, adi iyppt. 16094. . 6 fRoe out'of'n.a'iturtf in Woodford T F.. . 1 1 el .J nl.l'nnJ nKmif 1 J haitdshTgh, a little white Indus sorehead, mane and bark.-wi- t I b ackmaric-alongtheoac- oone, ne is troublesome to mares jwhoever will bring him to me in Lexington, shall be paid lor his ble and charges. v" ' H. CRAWFORD ro Snoitsmeh. E Uichmond Totkev Club Raees will com- - .efdn Thursday the 26th day of October next ; reeAforanv horse, mare or gelding, the fust two days ; and the third day only lor coltsantt nines two old to run. The fust day's purse will three fifths of the whole subscription the heat 3 miles. The second day's w'll be the balance of the subscription the heats j miles. The third cTay's purse will be the entrance mo-)Te- y of the precceding days the. heat 1 mile The horses are io start precisely at 12 o'clock, and carry weights as loljowsjj. 5 Aged horses 130 pounds? 6 years old 120 5 years old 110 4 years old 100 3 years old 86 2 years old a catch rider. The horses must be entered the secretary? of the club, by name, by sufls"et of tliedayprecee - ding.ilyjday for which they arc ..entered, or pay I Is ...l. 11 . lOUOie, attne polls. fV ' Any person not a member can run a, horse by paving double entrance. Archibald Sec'y. Richmond, K. Sept. 30th, 1806. 3 .".rCfiCii; The Kentucky Hotel. HE Subscriber has leased of Mr lleiirv Clav. fora term of jears, thatvaluable stand for a Tavern, in the town of Lexington, formerly known bj the name of Travellers' Hall, where he has opened a Hotel under.the above stile. '1 lie situation of this property, on the pub ir square, directly opposite the North East front of the court lmuse, and in rhoren-treo- f business, gives it ptciliar advantages. Great expense be-- incurred in repairs and improve-nierits.jftn- d m pointed space, conv ( and cum-fo- i t the apartments of the. house are surpassed by none. A new stable has been erected on the back pat-co- i uie inivvniciine ventures to pronounce i mc iie-s- i in he state, which will be under tile dulc su pcrintendanre of Mr William T. Ilaiitonf h lioc v. - ftfftw, m ..:!, 1 - conta!n,"'.,",lu"c.,r,c,'u",,,","uet,V.,t',ln!lt,rom ,l,e attention wliich he mejns nersnn?ilK. in .;.. "' muit. - Cut hbert Banks Lexington, Jan 1st, 1809." 7g 'VC TJT-T- JTC ff , , ,' , ' x ! JUV5r.v .' an 'Hf "e Sanders, ; lJpkilges VJerChar.(H2e, VIZ : irj rieces.assoileu 7.-- 0 Prints, ip casetj 21 chta ' dilto ' 9 8 Supufm'e a3 auto f urmtures, assorted 4 dilJoFinniture Checks - , 36 thtto Gingham - 4() tlittp"-- Cotton FlatlllasJIn imitation of Ger. ' ' ' Man ( .40 ditto 7 8 Blifck Cambr'reks - 281 dlttoM,4 and 6A' Plain Camhrick Vuslins j J80 dMlo'SbJxiing-Mul'i- n ' I ;21 (Mtoassiykdgoodandcheapn3(ttFaricyJlus, . hns ' 13 tlo'z. djtto ''handsome K clieap Muslin Shawls J4elegantt Miisfin vvoiked Dresses or Robes Irtr , M 117.,!,. ...: -- I....11-. .! i a Liiew. ' I, .v- - .....n, ronagehich he "tblicit.1 de of iiiMH II . ai years 1upac.t1.3u vv MiMtuaiuiy, cilicny low pneeu '.(jilmfnt of 40 d.ttp Twilled Nankfens" , . V) Mdras. Cambric and Piillitat. and Ttandnonfi J by Lady, lo Iir Task Murray's TMst of ,hc an u of to be with lias m Fa - Handkei chief.' and RaicVloha dillo 10 dilto 9-- and 5-- Cotton Huckabacks, fof table surh I'Jfn e Cow cloths, istc Kc. , ; Alrarf 4i"ees, .AlLoemg Duugnvvti. 4 ditto black patent Lace , the most teims,v will be sold unusually doz rrjer's, misses' and child's. Hose1,'1 low for cash assorted " 'f "' , ' '' 30V1 Se?t. 18C9. ' 2dcnfLadies,'Silfc'cliltr - 12 doz. .Cotton Gloves, 8 gross narrow intl 4 cross hi oad Bindmrc j 16 2-- doz. assni ted fashionable doton Sbavyls j 17 hale. India Muslins, hurrahs, Baftas, Cossacs, Matnoodies,' Sannalis,' &c Stv.'' " l'bale Madras Handkerchiefs, i$ pieces,' and 1 ale India Cheek, 95 pieces . r i 2 cases 7-- Dimities, 27 and 29 pieces t 1 bale good 6-- Cloths,- - assuruu .! 1 bale ditto Coalings ' '' 1 case 30 pieces, and I case 40 pieces Cotton Checks SbcJxes best London Pirns, full papers B L2, 4,4 2 & 5ib- - a'i.P:l:ets. - "JfhUW-- ; G001 rnafket apdjxJJI bfrtol!lnantagotermsto Ilhe cliaserW-to-b- e sold at Philadelphia fair pri- - U. . J,exiagtim,4in jv: 18097 M Notice Is? EKVISOR's OFFICE Is now kept i"n,Main flf dmn"but one to Samuel Ayres, and diiecl.y opposite Gn. llobert Todd s. foiecb Supervisor. Lexington, July 1, 1809. wilt Weil mv HOUSE & LOTS ."",. - and Water streets, torether-o- r seperate- - o . . - i t s, . . .. ly.lorparvcas, iian.i; a ;o,u uoe.iu v,,, ,,c- - nuuea, uaiancc. 1 nc uumi: nvimunra, - itil IT II J o togs cuinu, ivwurrwrn. an . in fw weeks, Guihritl'.s. Anthmeiiqand Murray's (ces,'lv adding a jsmall comrritssibn cover fron) the London etan(l ' stipplied on is purse Woodsf "V its Uso( a Stable, gnrl Ci,mge HnQ. lite siiuation on . Hityh'stw-pt- . , is rrmirtsb . v' nleflsant llcalthv. . ; ...b.. - - " J!!' WrtgS"tb Lexington. July - aSth, 1809. '' I Hjt ' 'j7Qti S "LE 5Ul, .containing about two hundred acres, aliT MtimlAii rn Montir'e mill tvi1 1 Why aimmvu un "vi'ij t. i.uu ivmj vv., (Ps norlh.eastwardly.f'-o- On it is a new Brick Dwelling- House, feet bv fifty, divided ilitTkCiiur rooilts on a fioor, with a cellar underthe wtffie house, divided Hitocoiiveni- - nt apaitmen's ; all "completely finished "also a! sufiicielKV oi' other' usetul out Urm houses, orch- - ards, meadclws, pastur.'.ge, &c all in good repair, This farm has 6n it a plenty a&xcelkiit waterthat never Uiis mere is.pgtiertiniau 01 sam tract in wcodlan d of excellent timber that has never been culled 1. Out Uriels ofgaodqualityinan ap - pmvea part, w. i PMJ" Mill A.I1S2U. illl lUlluiil pal liuuv-- u 9, 4fl IV "". subscriber on the premises. d. i?". Tompkins, loth Sept. 1809. tf syjcragtlVEii LiiintiH ia)T lERi., jiiGmsln pjuzes, .. of Ten Thdusand Dollars, AGOING ONLY POR THREE DOLLARS ! THE? Tickets of this Lottery, the scheme of which is consideied oneof the best and richest that . .... . - Mil 1. ,r -- .... Has rs.en piiDiiMieo lor many win 011 n ei, nesda'j tle twentieth of September, be Three Dol- lars and n Hj'.f. fhey may now be had for the moderate price of Three Dollars. ,'Recollect that the 'drawing takes place on the ninth of October. A sew Tickets ye,t for sale at the XS The above Lottery will.posit.vely commence uraw ing on me yn or wciooer. BONNETS- - M. UCAS, respectfully informs her ctisto- - mers, the ladies of Lexington andils.vicinjty, with the country in general, ilutshe liasrec.eived.i large elegant assortment' of pl3ln'apd"fijjilred Strum Bonnets is Madison Hats wh'ch she will open this day Lexington, 16th September, 1809. 'LjKK! UP by Dsvid CafTcll. on of Sputh Rlkhnrn, a brolt&rj I'UD HORSE COLT, supposed to be oitfrcar old last fprine. ahout 12 hien. heavy mane and tail, no brand per ceivable appraised by Richard Gray and IViClLllUi UUU1CI LU lime uuiiflt. iiv, TOHN PARKER, t. p. AugufI tftr 1809. THE SUBSCRIBER. i2 ? disposed of his farm seven miles cast of jn, will sell at public sale, attliat place on jSaturdi 28th October, 1809, all ,1ns,. stock of s $f i2 month'!, credit, bond andapjiroved .,,..1.,. ill. ..nnl A ..a tF t h t. l,.cf in iW cl.,1. JSCl-l- l 11. WC l. .Wl.. uv... 1..1. .iw. apreaa lioyansi ana uragon colts. The sale to commence at rlo clock. Jos: J'airjclL 10th JOct'r, J803.- - td THANIEL PRENTISS J1AKE Boots C- - Shoes, in the house lately oc cupied by Messrs- Fishell &. Gallatin, ncaily op- posite Mr. Bradford's offire,-i- n a manner as makes it the interest of the public to gie him a poi tion of their patronage. Shocniacers can be supplier! iih Lasts, lloot-uee- s, &c. 8cc- - N.B. A lad of respec'able connections;-wante- as an apprentire. Valuable Property For Sale. LOT OP GROUND, lyintr on Main-Cros- s rectin thistnvii, extendinj' one hunched and thir feet six inches, on said.street, and back one ,eet- - lllcre 1S " the lnl a oa Unck -- table, Coach House, House and Granerv A 'V fif'i'i ri ni .in f, to. c. reasonable 73 Cotton Levliiftni. xt abridged, oharges;' Lington thuty hands Speculator, Also a linen upwurus 01 uuieeiunroij, lotaml lanufic- - hranches PB'y'iff ., Uearge Anrlertnn CCT Should the abovprope.ty not be sold intwo uunuiiia " "- - - - Lexington, October 11. 1308. lror Sale x 5 IEU AL likely, joung NEGROES, for cash ruon snort cieilit, with approver! notes in town Enquire at ill m office. otise and Lot lor Sale, TTsJl town of Lexington, onMsinrstreet three (ISV' )elow the Gazette office, and at present ic- - cijSd by Mr. Loftus Noel. For terms apph to John Furgusori: qaycUe county, Oct, 9. S JNEW-GOODS- . - . 5 THOMAS D. 0 Jl'IJyGS, 11 AS receivedin addition to his former stock of sMerchantdfze and is now opening a large as- - DRY GOODS, Snitah'e forthe 'riresenf arid apnroathimr tcason wh". TEAS of the best quality, viz. best Gunpovvl der, Imefial Vfiuiig Hjson, Hyon Chulon, Hy-- i win' and, Congo will) an assortihen of GUs A FRESH SUPPLY Of St LIVE AND SO VJfJYT k FAMILY RECKIVbD A&D FOR SALF B.Y SCOTT,'Ell It CO. ' LEXINGTON. Lee's- - 'Wotrri- - Destroying ,l.o2enges. This' medicine is 'tipefiorto any ever offered tq the public, being innocent and mild, certain and efficacious in its operations. 'Should no worms ex-if- t in lie body, it will, without pain or prtping, u"'"c "" "' ""' .""' 1.1 nr. and tnerehv nronuctionl y ' ' . ; , ',.; , - - oi wmiiii nim limn; i'i uuuiuhj. - 4ir A, ...... einrl 4t l.I.i r. . M Y M.JeJfc" WrMMIHaiJw. J" ' recblnlncnded ...Lee-':?- ! .nti-Biliou- Pills, Preparedjby Richard Lee iir Son, Baltimore. Persons w'illii'g to purchase this valuable medi cine, are reqt)i.l!cd to be particular Pi enquiring for LEE s pills, prit upln wooden bux- es,ihavlng on the odifide wiapper, the signature of Rfctarf. Lee an,t' .Son this is i.eteUjry, as there are pills qf the same name , 1 lie operation of these pills is perfectly milti, jii un iu uc uitru Willi laiciv iij uwuni in every l' and 0,"f.v""r e- are n.tnfe.1 In rru tT C. a .tv.i ... . .' ... ..,... ptiiiuDU5 ope, auu nrevenc nioruiu iecrecipnc.. " ,0 rf aore and amtnd the apnetlte-piod- mea T.el iia,,,ti. Jmj .i,t, ,.., -- i, ...1,11, kvuiiii-iiivii- . iu viiv.iv.wj uiv,iv.iii ,i'u iiv.ii tlften.dfftKlf,.onfe15.nee! Hose richer sail nof5fickels ,he aomach and severe j - .' - lacne and otjgnt to be taken by all perlous on a change o. climate. 7 hey Vrave been reinaikably efEcaciousin preventing and curing ctiforders attendant ortlonp, Voyages, and (Ilouldle procured and carefully . ... ... r " "T" " - 1 - y IrP T ' LCC S HlXir, A J sovereign remedy for Colds, obstinate Covglu, Catarrhs, Asthmas, StrfThtoaU, ctna'.abhroac- ; Cimtumt.nmm. T hients taAo mo, i. Children'nffiicted with the jrhoebiw-Cuuir- h Tins difcoverv is of the first magnitude, ai it affords immediate relies, checks the progrels, a id in a fliort time, entirely removei the niotVerue.fdif order to which children are liable the El.xir 15 so perfectly agreeable, and the dose fo'frrt'all,' that .ritt - dlfficltvariresintakinr'it. ' lLee's. Genuine Fsbence and Extract of Mustard. A fafe1 and effectual remedy for acute and chf 0. nic Rheumatifni, Gout, Palsy, Lumbago, Nnmb-nel's- , White-Swellin- Chilblains and Sprains, Bruife"s, Pains in the Face and Neck, &c. ' Lee's Grdnd Restorative proves b"y long experience to be unequalled in the cure of Nervous Unorders, Conlumptions, z,ow- - Inefs of Spiuts, Inward Weakness, &c. Jaenty thousand cures haze been performed by Lee's Sovereign Ointment lorthe Itcli which is wartanffdan infallible remedy by one ap plication, wftljo'ut mercury of 'any other perni. cious ingredients; being entirely a vegetable pre. paration. Asrue and Fever Drops, Ifor'the cure of Agues, Remittent andlntermi tent Fever. . , Jt Persian Lotion, ' , celebrated for of Ringworms, Tetters, ar.d.U' Eruptions of the Skin, Tendering it soft ano,lmoatn, ., 'r'k Lee's Genuine Eye-Water- y an effeftual remedy forall diseases of the Eyes. Tooth- - Ache Drops,. which give immedaite relies, Lee's Corn P.hiigtq, H Damask Lip Salve. Restorative Powder ,- - for the Teeth and Gums. The Anodyne Elixir, foi the Cure of every liiidof Head-Ache- .' Indian Vegetable Specific, a certain and nevcr.failing ruie for Veerial com- plaints." The mildness ot" ilie Vegetable Specific is equal to its furpriling emcacy ; its operation is I 10 jjentie tnat itisgiventn Venena( patients in a ftafeo'f pregnancy, with the utmost safety, W.iTrtthe Med'tcine'is given a Bill of Directions, and 6n' ttieontfrde wrapper, the signature ns ' Ri Lee and Son,'! is particular atter.tinn is not paid to the signature, it is probable that difappoiiitmcnt will be the confequeace. PtemI.ablVB4teet-l-Uo.- -y unck Jm - tYenlove.coM ifr.kenon fiift chen,: Harry,, and House, Bncl;., f . tf aearanc . , Two and Elustra i Pates fflftn3 & flux Ireali g Machine-TH- sV&fttiujtrri; have onrcha-e- d tle rtetit for th state 6Skstituckv of Thorf-a-s C boon's Patent fov a mafiiiix, for breaking .'leijip and Ha. Pne of tho'-'- maclrivtjj isnovv in operation on Mhddox Fisher's fdrui. 'It ar this i.iit- . irl. sound admirably to ansvvtlhe pui'Ose foi w.nci it Was intended- ,' A machine wilH two HXeKl-- is voi-R d by one horse with ease, andt.rtquires sii lu!trli toylVm it. One of the great tdvantagi s eft1 is m chine is, that it can Ire attended by ', 'ns".e:.d 6T,mcp, and that a woman of boy ean U un di able the quantity of hemp Hat, which the m sti.ble-bodied nun Could do in the same time w ill u com- mon hand-brea- farther account of the machii e is dftmedun-necessar- as it is presumed th .ttln di sirouii of purchasing rights, will "Vish to sadsf tliemstrt s b) seeing it in optrat,on. Individual riglns at twerty dollirs, 1 rights for whole coutities, may be,rocure!J . p lo either ifi' the subscribci s. ' Maddox Fi' 'jer, ,'. Joseph Bo f well, , ' Jjavid Suttpn, i.Joon Fhltr, - .. ; Geo. Laws. HAVING been called upon to state fur opini ons of a machine fur hemp and flax, which we saw 111 open.ticn on Mr. Maddux tisher's trm, we hesitate- - not to declare that we v te w it as an im portant acquisition to our state, and therefore re- commend it lo the attention of everv iUimerv-h- culuvates either fiemp or ftax. The cots suction of the machine is simple and does not upper likely to getoutoi order, vve suppose luat one ci those- - machines having; two bteaks and moved with ejsc by one iiorse, might be built fui abmit 30 or 40fs. Sj)Ve liaveoio hesitation in stating U;-- t hemp 111.1$ bo orosien 111 inucii greater quantities wth tl. same labour, and with ease to the LSinds fmpl.-yed- , .md that much delay, severe-labou- r, aid tti ,der-b- ie expence might to iitmn raises Lv the erection of these, machines. T T B rr. Win. IT. WWrjr, C O, le, Bvshrod Bosviell, it R.Barrl Le'xingloHJAprii 8th, 1809. THE SUBSCRIBER. ng about o move his rope walk to W;ncbes. ter,'eightcen 'miles ttity from Ltxington wl.err lie menu- uuiiviMjuii ms business inuie exiensiv c tnn before he bjfsleave to inform his customers, and puichasers of all kinds ofcordagt thituglout the states Out lie will be in complete readness for business by the 1st of December next and those thst maty please to savor him with tht.ii- - business 111 that line, may rely upon the strictest alunt'um being paid, andthejr work warranted vvelldont , us well as the greatest punctuality observed in s. He aiso pledges hinist'i, tb.,t .'.s, prices ihall be equally low .s evei-- , and the u it,s of pn -- mentmade as easy as possible. He fuiiher will open in Winchester, the center paitol n one cilun. try for tobacco, by the 1st of Nnu-mbii- - nass, a handsome assoi.ment of FALL j. , . , . 1 . 1.. ..... GOODS, udno iiioiiDt out a pjentvor tooarco wiy oiler .t s.;e ; or- - dei-- s from purchasers of that ai tide wih l he punc- tually received DAVID DODoE. August 22, 1809; . JOHNSON Sc WARNEK, Hm just rctqyed'p-o- London an assent. merit of REEVES' BEST WATER COLOURS, IN BOXES, . Of one, lino, tbi'ee, and sour revs : ' ALSO. lit StN'CLi: CAKrS. A variety '(? inferior Cblodrs in drop-.- , cakes. &e. tii.xesfrdm 37 t 2 to S 1 75 cents p r Common" LedM Jnk Stand, Loggerheatl and small pewter do, 5.b,iny do. of different "puterns, Xignum Vitsc Boies, Japan, do. do. Glass," do. do- - Wise's Patent Steel Pens, India Rubber, Best lycad pencils, Pounce BoSeJ and Pounce, Camel-Hai- r Pencils, CpjJbskkC various sizes andpatterng, Parclftnent, Sealing Wax Wafers, fr tTirirl"HA.VE AtSO FOR SALE littell's Kentucky law. A variety of Po:ht Memorandum Boo s, a gener- al assoitmcnt of Blank Bonis of the best quality, Paper oPalt kinds conAtanilv on hand. J. C3" W. HAVE 'JUST fUi'Lia.lED, Murray's' English Reader, Introduction, jg- - , tD do, jr Gnunmtr, large and smill, Spelling Book, Exercises and Key, r' And many otheruseful School Books. Just Published, and for Sale as ab .tte, JOHNSON AND WARNER'S KENTUCKY ALMANAC . Tor 1810. iCountry Mfrchants are rpqiiett-t- l to ti. sit sire sti re. They will cfertainlv find it l(n ,r uner- - est to get their books and Statiomry at in preference to importing them from PhiUik iphia, New-Yor- k or Baltimore: Lexington, Ky. Sept. "6 1709. CircuVtt'Stt.Septrtn'-e- r Term, 8oo. - Compl'ts. aganst ilium Trimble's heirs, def'ts IN.CHNCERY. The defendant', IL.bpn Evans and wise, no' hiving enteied their a; pe.v ance lierein agreeable to law and the nil s 0 t'us court, 'and it appeat-iu- to the satisffiPt.on c f tl.u court that they rc not inhabitants of ill's c 111- - m on wealth on the motion of th' con pi'tnnts. by their coi(nsel, it is ordeud ih'at the sa cl s rl'UippeXr here on the tliiyd day of ci.r next March term, and answering compllinai.i'-- , b;il That a ropy of thin order lv instrtcd in the Ken tucky Gazette fiVr efgtfj weeks, successiv v ! . A copv teste, ' ,. JAMES X'NDERSON, d c c r c. TAKOf i lr by Jeremiah V ilfin, i ,V or id- - f(il county; living near the Kei.tuckJ" Kiver, fi- : miHSTiiufi ine court-house- , one Sorrel Maie-wii- n loSpTail, wi th a stair, and bLzi- - on her now, fi" yearsiilc!, tourteei teninclies h'gh, app: a.s"1 - 50 dollars hekite me, this the 31st day of Ji.'y, '8J9, by aamuei itouzieanu wm. Afhiey. M Wftl kis, j ?. EttiNGimrioN. THKiarticular request i a numbu is'- - izensiil'i.eiii'gton, i U ti rivj dufotice, that he irte,id3 opniit ar etiiii sclfool, on Monday 'ncSOlhinst : a'mli. his i:s' ai endeavors tot' ndpr slisf.iclmn shall I a assiduouslv tv.miird hi- - thv. B. Kannegan, Oct. i7th, IC&3.

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- ua inw i' mmg '"rwaaJ, iwiKBwaviuj jatttyioijn hum .jjk"u.' !mvrr'miMWfji?T- - ?? itvxjt g 'fryTrv -- ' - -M.1 - . W

Voluj&e XXII, 3 rl 'LEXINGTON, K. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 180?. N'jme'hr 1252.

hmus-i- rmntxi w


Cj" CONDITIONS. Two Dollars pera'n-Hu-

paid in advance; or Three Dollars tobe paid at the expiration of the year. 4

All letters addressed to thd Editor must bepostpaid otherwise' tlicy will notbeattended to.

PRICES CURRENT AT- LEXINGTON.HEMP pcrcwt 6 Dolls. -YARNS do. ... 9 ,SALT rerburh.. --' 2

JOSEPH'H.VWILTON ffAVEISS, Auohey,will relume vs practice He resides in Lexing-ton. All letters must be postpaid. !e

; . , Feb'y. 15th, 1809.

Charles HumphreysPRACTICES Law hi the Fayette and Tessa- -

rircourts. Mav, 1809.

Wanted to contract, tor.uie thousand bushels

Stone Coals, ..,delivered at this place Apply to

?.. . L I. .. ." D-.- .I.

Lexington Nov. 28 1808.- - .,'-,- ,,

'6081 'qisiaunf 'uo53uix7aiuilKip

'1Wa"u,K l1UE'!!!llU;,P:l!'hI J.J ?no jas 0 spu.111 i jo auo s,'A(iif jo ipoi3,",) i

bU WJJ.HIU U UJIIl U( IKlH'Jlll JSUll JSrfllU'illunooou j:t--

q '.$ - '

? G men and MnXtrHAVE received, and hre no,w npeifStttr tn'tbe

store house Of Maj. AleXantTer barker, oppositethe court honiea' of .

MERGHANDlZb,which thiy are disposed o sellon reasonableterms. Cash given for HEMP- - ''

' . .Lexinefxi. Frbrnarv. 1800.




.Stolen ,

ON the niirlit'otthe iiih inst-wt- , from mv pasture Jut. within the? bounds of the tow not" Lex'ng- -

ton, a bay HJRSE, ahoutlfiftefii jniihall'handisix wars obl.rruck7linilbpbbed. no marks

recollected Ample compensation will bejmadethase who will bring h'ljTi 10

James B. January'.June 20lh, 1809. ' -


Next (Soar to Patterson B.iiu's Hat Manti.faftory, on Main Streetiiu

. f ' Harb Cra-vfor- d .

rcy For CASH I 'will-sel-l COSSACK'

BOOTS at "Six Dollarapair. j H. CiLexington, April 29J 1809; 'Ct tf

A likely young.; Njegro Woman for


'"kmSHE is an excellentlliare Servant. t.nquire

f the Printer. ,

LexingtonAuRiifl 19 J1809. '" W.H,

D,optor,'3aijes Oyt,ort- - ,

WILL pjaftice lJHYSls: in Lexington ,and,it'sneixbbourb'iod ; he kecif. hisfhop on Main treet,nearly oppofitejtie CQurjJiqufe; where he 1 astoria:e an exennve hock 01 , ,

GHHUINE MEDICINES:together with a compt-t- afHirtmenl of SURGSOM s INSaUUENTa, made' aster ttieiateflano niou approveu moafis.

Foi SaleTHE T!I jhV I now lit, ns 90.1

eres, on David's f irk of Elithorn, in Fayette cuun-- jty ; sine water and wi-.- l) imnroed. f.irthpa; apply tothebscnb-i- - on the premises.


Np ice. cl

V .END sLirlinri jo B iltimnre nh'the 20tlr6'f.o( Jr net. Auv nqrson wishing any businesst aiyacnxl in that citv", cm have it done on the

sst moderate ternisi smd to theil sutisuctiooS,i V'cicnt security.Wiiij be given to those genfle-11K.- 1

who may choosejto emplov me. '

N B. I sail' returnj h the "wav of Piftsburghown die river, sonWmfiOin DerSmbei; noxt.

tf. SUGENT .

7 jiwAov'Av: r4A'EISER'S qaSiiyiNGSllOPts rrmSvcd toins New uncic rious:on tne conictviien: u

oldC mrt Hiuiae'ibrrrtrlv strofl, opposite""' Archi- -

bdd L'irni's??in35laait!-cct- , and Patterson Bain'son JUain streu!

Lexingtori" Sept. j",. tS09

M tick: ..

VhLL be sold a public niletion oh Tuesdaytli24tV inst. at the muse ot Joseph L,s ,lecei- -

'si d, ne- r Il'dl's tav rn, all his Personal P;-p-

g ns .i Carriage and two Mrtth Horses.u V.'. ". some well bred Marcs, tweb'e- or sit.

to M.lch C iv s, and oth.-- r Stock and articles too'm1, u. toin-r-- t. Twel e months credit will bf

jfivcn. piovided the purcha'sergivu bohd with approvpcl eruriu. ,

. m . , -. f Vile to rommence rtt ten o cuciv. A. ivi.

where dueattfiv'-dir- will be pihtl bvDRLILAII CASE, .( CiSE, 5

Donibon coitnty, Oct. 5, 1809.' 1.--

Taken up by Peter Gatewood, living on GanI'tt eoniitv. one macK ivi ue, soon unun

nbout thir.teen'or fourteen yeais old, about" fifteenlir.nds otic inch higjihrahded on the, near shou'ddi

and buttock thus C, severl small saddle spots 01

her hack ; appraised to fifty dollars''John Tiompson. ,

13th, 8o9. - '

' TAKEN ,UPby PnssiUer Raindels, living on

Slate Creelc, neahVMvers' mill, in MontgomeryCounty, a bay'M,areAl4 hands one inch high, herlest bind soot wVvte. has a small star in her sorehead

branded on the-nea- r shoulder tlitls K. eight ears

o',d, appaised to 3 25.,. ,, Joseph Henssley.

July 2511,1809. "'

The Subscriber,Mating obtained a First Rate Workman, h novi

prepared to carry on the


Gold anil Silver Smith ttusiness,Arid will viarrant hisork to be veil executed.;j-- Orders from a distance will be strictly at-

tended to and those who are pleased to savour

11m with their custom, will find his shop opposite

he Lexington Bi anch Bank. '

GEORGE SULLIVAN.Jxington, Sept. a8th, 1809.


L Maccoun, Tilford, 8c CoHAve receivea an assortment of RITTEN



TheflM ave l.kewise received a quantity, of bestPKIN ITN IKK.

Lexington, May 22d, 1809.

i MACCOUH, T1LFOKD, & to. ' '

iil AVE this da received from PtilaJe'phia thefJloviiug VALUABLE BOOKS.

Chapman's Select Speeches, Forensick and Parliamentary ; a Translation of the Bible from theSeptuagent, by Charles Thompson, late secreiaryjto tlie I'.ittirri'Atcnt..,.. t i I nur-'- e ThAnlfi.nh.w-u- ...v. w.uwiikj. juwna v.w.ui-1- -

cal Dictionary , Campbell', Lectures.."on Church '

i iHistory..townicins. . t.- - i

ai:urA.tliis,ceiebratedl!.ssayi, ,... ,Miracles s, i s rnystoiorfv , nippons

Hvmns, a new edition, with a supplement

""- - " ' ""TivivuumiiuivMUiH iruuu btTvaills. at . n n . . i ji-- - . ' . r. -- IW.J 1... .. hnlr. lanrtli ' imt XIW a"din "" witI! l?l 3l ffi; .hVrtv i ri nim n w-- n in iviii ? sb iv.i ..- -

o.1-;--- i.......u..u-- u. j m - .lender r.rTccah.-ili- f timf nF ti.t ,!., v., uie ol or 101 a varietv of other

....." ir.r'.,." ."'.. '.'' '" ."' nfl,;nt nViPm mavbe khowlibv a

..'.-- ? . ...ingtlie improvements intlie 14th London edition;,""" u.'K'elu"';ryj

r- i .... ........ ,i.. i,:.rfi.ji.... ,,, i 't(lt1artmcntofhishiisines!; me ijiscauieo , ceieDraieuNovel, by Mrs- - Roche; ZollikufTe.'s 'tl'Pf thus presumes tonnuwp'a PflPtiw. Armtrmi'a lir.ilH . ThnVnnVHoeticitl Works; Newton on the Phropliecics; j

Hfeid'if Essays; Duncan's Dispensatory ; St. Pie.-re'-

tddies of Natwe, a new edition with numerousoriginal notes and illuslrati'ins, bj B. S. Barton, -

JVf. D.Sandels'sSelctSermonij'vicarof VVake- -

field in French ; . B.'iggs's Cookery ; Mysteries usUiioipiio;unnqrcnot the Abbey ; franklin s WorksDwiglu's edition , of Ur.' VVatls's .Psalms and ,

lymnsTi Village Dialogues ; 1I0. sermons; CoxesAmerican Dispensatory j Bark's Miscellaneous- -

Works; Perrin's Grammar; Pomej's FrenchSpelling Bo,gk ; The L.ivers of La Veridee, a newNovel ; Gas9 Journal of Lewis &c Clarke's Voy.ages; Brown's concoidmce; Matlam

Suel Holstein; the Lifeof Fox; St. Clair,.orthe Heiress of Desmond.; Scott's Lay of the LastMinstrel; Petrarch's Poems; Lay of an' IrishHarp, or Metrical Fragments, by Miss OireVtin;Accums'Analyssis Minerals ; do Chemistij ;

ot Belgrade, a new Novel, translatedC. 1.. Iir. I I.. .'...tK--

. i' Jt111.11 u v jciiiiuiis ; ijuii vuxuiie ;NmartVHora-:e- j Fuller's Gospel its own Witness;David's Psahnc. with Ilrnwn's Notes : TVir'tVrBibles wiih and without Psalms: Horrors n' StDomingo, in Letters a written Col. iJtllbs: 3,ib6 balls I'fatt's best Sewing CbttdnBurr; Cowper's ; Materia Med-car'- pieces Strpts lunacrwood on uie ureases 01 unuuren; Chanirais Literature ; Cleik's Mhgpzine ;. Barrow's Lectures ; Vo'.ney s Hums St. Cuiid ; Bo.naparte's Campaigns ; History of Chili, by theAbbe Molina ; Smith's Letters to Iielsham ; Gil.he's Greece ; Coxe's Medical Dictionary ; Hen-nin- g

and MunfoidsiRepoils Kd on Exchange ;,lo- - on Awards ;' Graydon's Digest; The wholeproceedings in the case Olmstead anil others,

Kiltenhouse's executrires with the actLegislature of Pennslvani and other mat-

ters relative to this important subject, collected ami(trraiiged by R. Peters, jun. The Voi!d a nevv Com

ity, in live acts, pertormed at JJrurj L me 1 hea-r- e,

and published in London in 1808 : Blind Bovamili drama in two acts, performed at the Thea-- I'.re Royal, Coient Garden, 111 1808 f" Jonathan'Postfree ; the Man of the World ; Adelgitha, &..)Stci They have noWbii hand extensive collec-- ltirin ns Ront-- and Smtinnprv. vi! be soldvvriteete or Jhe HiilaBfiphia'wHr NsitJrYork nrices" : and'in sreneraltviihout clArfrinL forcarriage. Alo in'the"piess and will be published


a to risqueGrammar T,vvent,ietli ,K

ditiun. .Lexingtgg, June Win 1809.

A ''"' J?tD. MaccouiLH ave for sale at the most letfucttl prices, bv

wholesale or retail an .extensive assortment ofMK'RCHANDIZE, wliich thcv"are now opening,suitable (or he spring a'nd slimmer seasons, whichvvereroarefidly. selected ini Philadelphia, and pur.chastd on unusually low terms. aLii eight pipesof genuine and very superibrtqirality JlladeiraWrit, K fiilv boxes ot best Spanish Sera. Tlievare as usual ilomlieir'nail.iniiniifactbiywith a. general assortment of Out and JProvthtNails. v. ; '. ' ,.' .

Lein?tonjApiil25th, 1809

JJojtluli tv uit'b.",Tavern, v.- -

'faington, Ky ot(Maintrce, corner cfLiflttstonestreet, lateh nccubledb) Mr. ff. IVtUon.

J. l'OST-LETHWAI-T has returned to his old

staniT, where every excruon .siirji ue usvu io ac-- ,

rornodatc those who please'to call oih'im.jyiaairtry.aci, tsog.

TH H M V A Ltffhe subscriber takes this oppor' unity. returning his most gralc'iil acknowledgements hisuiriuis ami uie iiooiic in yriit-ra- i :ui nit j,icai tiurouiagtmtnt he harf.ejfperi'etietT during Ins resideuce in this lace, andiinlonn'them tliat he liasremovedhis cabinet work bhop, the lot on Mainstreet adjoining Mr, Humnrevi's, wheie all oideisvi!lbepunctuallvexecutt.d b"y the publfcs humble

i .- t

iervani." Rube-'- l Wilson

Pork ami .Beet' Wanted. .I will lirfWrpn. hv tli snbsciiber. dunnwinter, for hundred large

- i. - ' .about

. ... tluuc .. . w..jorn'fiittencd HOGS, weighing aouibs. earn ana

pvvards also, for 180 largestallert lih.CVH6He will allow a liberal

ricc to any person whovill deliver two"tunflied tat Hogs toot, afrort Adams or ruew- -

' "wP fames Morrison.Lexington, adi iyppt. 16094. . 6

fRoe out'of'n.a'iturtf in WoodfordT F.. . 1 1 el .J nl.l'nnJ nKmif 1 J

haitdshTgh, a little white Indus sorehead, mane andbark.-wi- t I b ackmaric-alongtheoac- oone,

ne is troublesome to mares jwhoever will bringhim to me in Lexington, shall be paid lor hisble and charges. v"

' H. CRAWFORDro Snoitsmeh.

E Uichmond Totkev Club Raees will com- -

.efdn Thursday the 26th day of October next ;

reeAforanv horse, mare or gelding, the fust twodays ; and the third day only lor coltsantt nines

two old to run.The fust day's purse will three fifths of the

whole subscription the heat 3 miles.The second day's w'll be the balance of

the subscription the heats j miles.The third cTay's purse will be the entrance mo-)Te- y

of the precceding days the. heat 1 mileThe horses are io start precisely at 12 o'clock,

and carry weights as loljowsjj. 5

Aged horses 130 pounds?6 years old 1205 years old 1104 years old 1003 years old 862 years old a catch rider.

The horses must be entered the secretary?of the club, by name, by sufls"et of tliedayprecee -

ding.ilyjday for which they arc ..entered, or payI Is ...l. 11

.lOUOie, attne polls. fV'

Any person not a member can run a, horse bypaving double entrance.

Archibald Sec'y.Richmond, K. Sept. 30th, 1806. 3


The Kentucky Hotel.HE Subscriber has leased of Mr lleiirv Clav.

fora term of jears, thatvaluable stand for a Tavern,in the town of Lexington, formerly known bj thename of Travellers' Hall, where he has opened aHotel under.the above stile. '1 lie situation of thisproperty, on the pub ir square, directly opposite theNorth East front of the court lmuse, and in rhoren-treo- f

business, gives it ptciliar advantages. Greatexpense be-- incurred in repairs and improve-nierits.jftn- d

m pointed space, conv ( and cum-fo- it the apartments of the. house are surpassed by

none. A new stable has been erected on the backpat-co- i uie inivvniciine ventures to pronounce imc iie-s- i in he state, which will be under tiledulc su pcrintendanre of Mr William T. Ilaiitonfh lioc v. -ftfftw, m ..:!, 1 -

conta!n,"'.,",lu"c.,r,c,'u",,,","uet,V.,t',ln!lt,rom ,l,eattention wliich he mejns nersnn?ilK. in .;..

"' muit.- Cut hbert Banks

Lexington, Jan 1st, 1809."7g 'VC TJT-T- JTCff , , ,' , ' x !

JUV5r.v .'an 'Hf "e Sanders,

; lJpkilges VJerChar.(H2e, VIZ :irj rieces.assoileu 7.--0 Prints, ip casetj21 chta ' dilto ' 9 8 Supufm'ea3 auto f urmtures, assorted

4 dilJoFinniture Checks - ,

36 thtto Gingham -4() tlittp"-- Cotton FlatlllasJIn imitation of Ger.

' ' 'Man(

.40 ditto 7 8 Blifck Cambr'reks -

281 dlttoM,4 and 6A' Plain Camhrick Vuslins j

J80 dMlo'SbJxiing-Mul'i- n ' I

;21 (Mtoassiykdgoodandcheapn3(ttFaricyJlus,. hns '

13 tlo'z. djtto ''handsome K clieap Muslin ShawlsJ4elegantt Miisfin vvoiked Dresses or RobesIrtr , M 117.,!,. ...: -- I....11-. .!

i a Liiew. ' I, .v- - .....n,ronagehich he "tblicit.1








1upac.t1.3u vv MiMtuaiuiy, cilicny low pneeu '.(jilmfnt of40 d.ttp Twilled Nankfens" , . V)

Mdras. Cambric and Piillitat. and Ttandnonfi J

by Lady, lo IirTask Murray's TMst









- Handkei chief.' and RaicVloha dillo

10 dilto 9-- and 5-- Cotton Huckabacks, fof table





cloths, istc Kc. , ; Alrarf 4i"ees, .AlLoemg Duugnvvti.4 ditto black patent Lace , the most teims,v will be sold unusually

doz rrjer's, misses' and child's. Hose1,'1 low for cashassorted " 'f "' , ' '' 30V1 Se?t. 18C9. '

2dcnfLadies,'Silfc'cliltr -

12 doz. .Cotton Gloves, 8 gross narrow intl 4cross hi oad Bindmrc


16 2-- doz. assni ted fashionable doton Sbavyls j17 hale. India Muslins, hurrahs, Baftas, Cossacs,

Matnoodies,' Sannalis,' &c Stv.'' "

l'bale Madras Handkerchiefs, i$ pieces,' and 1

ale India Cheek, 95 pieces .r i

2 cases 7-- Dimities, 27 and 29 pieces t1 bale good 6-- Cloths,-- assuruu

.!1 bale ditto Coalings ' ''1 case 30 pieces, and I case 40 pieces Cotton

ChecksSbcJxes best London Pirns, full papers B L2, 4,4

2 & 5ib- - a'i.P:l:ets.- "JfhUW-- ; G001

rnafket apdjxJJI bfrtol!lnantagotermstoIlhe cliaserW-to-b- e sold at Philadelphia fair pri- -

U. . J,exiagtim,4in jv: 18097M Notice

Is? EKVISOR's OFFICE Is now kept i"n,Mainflf dmn"but one to Samuel Ayres, and

diiecl.y opposite Gn. llobert Todd s.foiecb Supervisor.

Lexington, July 1, 1809.

wilt Weil mv HOUSE & LOTS."",. -and Water streets, torether-o- r seperate- -

o . . - i t s, . ., iian.i; a ;o,u uoe.iu v,,, ,,c- -

nuuea, uaiancc. 1 nc uumi: nvimunra,- itil IT II Jo togs cuinu, ivwurrwrn. an .

in fw weeks, Guihritl'.s. Anthmeiiqand Murray's (ces,'lv adding a jsmall comrritssibn coverfron) the London etan(l '







itsUso( a

Stable, gnrl Ci,mge HnQ. lite siiuation on .

Hityh'stw-pt- . , is rrmirtsb .v' nleflsant llcalthv.. ;

...b.. - -

" J!!' WrtgS"tbLexington. July

-aSth, 1809. '' I

Hjt ' 'j7Qti S "LE5Ul, .containing about two hundred acres,

aliT MtimlAii rn Montir'e mill tvi1 1Why aimmvu un "vi'ij t. i.uu ivmj vv.,(Ps norlh.eastwardly.f'-o-

On it is a new Brick Dwelling- House, feetbv fifty, divided ilitTkCiiur rooilts on a fioor, with acellar underthe wtffie house, divided Hitocoiiveni- -

nt apaitmen's ; all "completely finished "also a!sufiicielKV oi' other' usetul out Urm houses, orch- -

ards, meadclws, pastur.'.ge, &c all in good repair,This farm has 6n it a plenty a&xcelkiit waterthatnever Uiis mere is.pgtiertiniau 01 sam tractin wcodland of excellent timber that has neverbeen culled1. Out Uriels ofgaodqualityinan ap -

pmvea part, w. i PMJ"Mill A.I1S2U. illl lUlluiil pal liuuv-- u 9, 4fl I V "".subscriber on the premises.

d. i?". Tompkins,loth Sept. 1809. tf

syjcragtlVEii LiiintiH ia)T lERi.,jiiGmsln pjuzes, ..


THE? Tickets of this Lottery, the scheme of

which is consideied oneof the best and richest that. .... .- Mil 1. ,r --....Has rs.en piiDiiMieo lor many win 011 n ei,nesda'j tle twentieth of September, be Three Dol-

lars and n Hj'.f. fhey may now be had for themoderate price of Three Dollars. ,'Recollect thatthe 'drawing takes place on the ninth of October.A sew Tickets ye,t for sale at theXS The above Lottery will.posit.vely commence

uraw ing on me yn or wciooer.


M. UCAS, respectfully informs her ctisto- -

mers, the ladies of Lexington andils.vicinjty, withthe country in general, ilutshe liasrec.eived.i large

elegant assortment' of pl3ln'apd"fijjilredStrum Bonnets is Madison Hats

wh'ch she will open this dayLexington, 16th September, 1809.

'LjKK! UP by Dsvid CafTcll. onof Sputh Rlkhnrn, a

brolt&rj I'UD HORSE COLT, supposed tobe oitfrcar old last fprine. ahout 12hien. heavy mane and tail, no brand perceivable appraised by Richard Gray andIViClLllUi UUU1CI LU lime uuiiflt. iiv,

TOHN PARKER, t. p.AugufI tftr 1809.

THE SUBSCRIBER.i2 ? disposed of his farm seven miles cast of

jn, will sell at public sale, attliat place onjSaturdi 28th October, 1809, all ,1ns,. stock of

s $f i2 month'!, credit, bond andapjiroved.,,..1.,. ill. ..nnl A ..a tF t h t. l,.cf in iW cl.,1.

JSCl-l- l 11. WC l. .Wl.. uv... 1..1. .iw.apreaa lioyansi ana uragon

colts. The sale to commence at rlo clock.Jos: J'airjclL

10th JOct'r, J803.- - td

THANIEL PRENTISSJ1AKE Boots C-- Shoes, in the house lately oc

cupied by Messrs- Fishell &. Gallatin, ncaily op-

posite Mr. Bradford's offire,-i- n a manner asmakes it the interest of the public to gie him a

poi tion of their patronage. Shocniacers can besupplier! iih Lasts, lloot-uee- s, &c. 8cc- -

N.B. A lad of respec'able connections;-wante-

as an apprentire.

Valuable Property For Sale.LOT OP GROUND, lyintr on Main-Cros- s

rectin thistnvii, extendinj' one hunched and thirfeet six inches, on said.street, and back one

,eet- - lllcre 1S " the lnl a oa Unck-- table, Coach House, House and Granerv


'Vfif'i'i ri ni .in




reasonable73 Cotton



abridged, oharges;'




Also a linen upwurus 01 uuieeiunroij,lotaml

lanufic- -


., Uearge AnrlertnnCCT Should the abovprope.ty not be sold intwo

uunuiiia " "-- - -

Lexington, October 11. 1308.

lror Sale x

5 IEU AL likely, joung NEGROES, for cashruon snort cieilit, with approver! notes in townEnquire at ill m office.

otise and Lot lor Sale,TTsJl town of Lexington, onMsinrstreet three

(ISV' )elow the Gazette office, and at present ic- -

cijSd by Mr. Loftus Noel. For terms apphto

John Furgusori:qaycUe county, Oct, 9. S


- .

5 THOMAS D. 0 Jl'IJyGS,11 AS receivedin addition to his former stock

of sMerchantdfze and is now opening a large as- -

DRY GOODS,Snitah'e forthe 'riresenf arid apnroathimr tcasonwh". TEAS of the best quality, viz. best Gunpovvlder, Imefial Vfiuiig Hjson, Hyon Chulon, Hy-- iwin' and, Congo will) an assortihen of GUs




Lee's- -'Wotrri- - Destroying ,l.o2enges.This' medicine is 'tipefiorto any ever offered tq

the public, being innocent and mild, certain andefficacious in its operations. 'Should no worms ex-if- t

in lie body, it will, without pain or prtping,u"'"c "" "' ""'.""' 1.1nr. and tnerehv nronuctionly ' ' . ; , ',.; ,

- -oi wmiiii nim limn; i'i uuuiuhj.

- 4ir A, ...... einrl 4t l.I.i r. .M Y M.JeJfc" WrMMIHaiJw.J" ' recblnlncnded...Lee-':?- ! .nti-Biliou- Pills,

Preparedjby Richard Lee iir Son, Baltimore.Persons w'illii'g to purchase this valuable medi

cine, are reqt)i.l!cd to be particular Pi enquiringfor LEE s pills, prit upln wooden bux-es,ihavlng on the odifide wiapper, the signature ofRfctarf. Lee an,t' .Son this is i.eteUjry, as thereare pills qf the same name, 1 lie operation of these pills is perfectly milti,jii un iu uc uitru Willi laiciv iij uwuni in every

l' and 0,"f.v""r e-

are n.tnfe.1 In rru tT C.a .tv.i ... . .' ... ..,...

ptiiiuDU5 ope, auu nrevenc nioruiu iecrecipnc..",0 rf aore and amtnd the apnetlte-piod- mea T.eliia,,,ti. Jmj .i,t, ,.., -- i, ...1,11,

kvuiiii-iiivii- . iu viiv.iv.wj uiv,iv.iii ,i'u iiv.iitlften.dfftKlf,.onfe15.nee! Hose richer sail

nof5fickels ,he aomach and severe j- .' -

lacne and otjgnt to be taken by all perlous on achange o. climate.

7 hey Vrave been reinaikably efEcaciousinpreventing and curing ctiforders attendant ortlonp,Voyages, and (Ilouldle procured and carefully

. ... ...r " "T" " - 1 - yIrP T '

LCC S HlXir, A

J sovereign remedy for Colds, obstinate Covglu,Catarrhs, Asthmas, StrfThtoaU, ctna'.abhroac-; Cimtumt.nmm. T hients taAo mo, i.Children'nffiicted with the jrhoebiw-Cuuir- h

Tins difcoverv is of the first magnitude, ai itaffords immediate relies, checks the progrels, a idin a fliort time, entirely removei the niotVerue.fdiforder to which children are liable the El.xir 15

so perfectly agreeable, and the dose fo'frrt'all,' that.ritt -dlfficltvariresintakinr'it. '

lLee's. Genuine Fsbence and Extractof Mustard.

A fafe1 and effectual remedy for acute and chf 0.nic Rheumatifni, Gout, Palsy, Lumbago, Nnmb-nel's- ,

White-Swellin- Chilblains and Sprains,Bruife"s, Pains in the Face and Neck, &c. '

Lee's Grdnd Restorativeproves b"y long experience to be unequalled in thecure of Nervous Unorders, Conlumptions, z,ow- -

Inefs of Spiuts, Inward Weakness, &c.Jaenty thousand cures haze been performed by

Lee's Sovereign Ointment lorthe Itcliwhich is wartanffdan infallible remedy by one application, wftljo'ut mercury of 'any other perni.cious ingredients; being entirely a vegetable pre.paration.

Asrue and Fever Drops,Ifor'the cure of Agues, Remittent andlntermi

tent Fever. . , JtPersian Lotion, '


celebrated for of Ringworms, Tetters,ar.d.U' Eruptions of the Skin, Tendering it softano,lmoatn, ., 'r'kLee's Genuine Eye-Water- y

an effeftual remedy forall diseases of the Eyes.Tooth- - Ache Drops,.

which give immedaite relies,

Lee's Corn P.hiigtq, H

Damask Lip Salve.Restorative Powder ,-


for the Teeth and Gums.The Anodyne Elixir,

foi the Cure of every liiidof Head-Ache- .'

Indian Vegetable Specific,a certain and nevcr.failing ruie for Veerial com-plaints." The mildness ot" ilie Vegetable Specificis equal to its furpriling emcacy ; its operation is I

10 jjentie tnat itisgiventn Venena( patients in aftafeo'f pregnancy, with the utmost safety,

W.iTrtthe Med'tcine'is given a Bill of Directions,and 6n' ttieontfrde wrapper, the signature ns ' RiLee and Son,'! is particular atter.tinn is not paidto the signature, it is probable that difappoiiitmcntwill be the confequeace.

PtemI.ablVB4teet-l-Uo.- -y unck Jm - tYenlove.coM ifr.kenon fiiftchen,: Harry,, and House, Bncl;., f .

tfaearanc. ,



i Pates fflftn3 & flux Ireali g Machine-TH-

sV&fttiujtrri; have onrcha-e- d tle rtetit forth state 6Skstituckv of Thorf-a-s C boon's Patentfov a mafiiiix, for breaking .'leijip and Ha.

Pne of tho'-'- maclrivtjj isnovv in operation onMhddox Fisher's fdrui. 'It ar this i.iit- . irl.

sound admirably to ansvvtlhe pui'Ose foi w.nciit Was intended- ,'

A machine wilH two HXeKl-- is voi-R d by onehorse with ease, andt.rtquires sii lu!trli toylVmit. One of the great tdvantagi s eft1 is m chine is,that it can Ire attended by ', 'ns".e:.d6T,mcp, and that a woman of boy ean U un di ablethe quantity of hemp Hat, which the m sti.ble-bodied

nun Could do in the same time w ill u com-mon hand-brea-

farther account of the machii e is dftmedun-necessar-

as it is presumed th .ttln di sirouii ofpurchasing rights, will "Vish to sadsf tliemstrt sb) seeing it in optrat,on.

Individual riglns at twerty dollirs, 1 rights forwhole coutities, may be,rocure!J . p loeither ifi' the subscribci s.

' Maddox Fi' 'jer,,'. Joseph Bo f well,

,' Jjavid Suttpn,

i.Joon Fhltr,- .. ; Geo. Laws.

HAVING been called upon to state fur opinions of a machine fur hemp and flax, whichwe saw 111 open.ticn on Mr. Maddux tisher's trm,we hesitate- - not to declare that we v te w it as an important acquisition to our state, and therefore re-

commend it lo the attention of everv iUimerv-h-culuvates either fiemp or ftax. The cots suctionof the machine is simple and does not upper likelyto getoutoi order, vve suppose luat one ci those- -

machines having; two bteaks and moved with ejscby one iiorse, might be built fui abmit 30 or 40fs.Sj)Ve liaveoio hesitation in stating U;--

t hemp 111.1$ boorosien 111 inucii greater quantities wth tl. samelabour, and with ease to the LSinds fmpl.-yed- , .mdthat much delay, severe-labou-

r, aid tti ,der-b- ie

expence might to iitmn raises Lv theerection of these, machines.

T T B rr.Win. IT. WWrjr,

C O, le,Bvshrod Bosviell,

it R.BarrlLe'xingloHJAprii 8th, 1809.

THE about o move his rope walk to W;ncbes.

ter,'eightcen 'miles ttity from Ltxington wl.err liemenu- uuiiviMjuii ms business inuie exiensiv c tnn

before he bjfsleave to inform his customers, andpuichasers of all kinds ofcordagt thituglout thestates Out lie will be in complete readness forbusiness by the 1st of December next and thosethst maty please to savor him with tht.ii- - business111 that line, may rely upon the strictest alunt'umbeing paid, andthejr work warranted vvelldont , uswell as the greatest punctuality observed in s.

He aiso pledges hinist'i, tb.,t .'.s, pricesihall be equally low .s evei--

, and the u it,s of pn --

mentmade as easy as possible. He fuiiher willopen in Winchester, the center paitol n one cilun.try for tobacco, by the 1st of Nnu-mbii- - nass, ahandsome assoi.ment of FALLj. , . , . 1 . 1.. .....GOODS, udno

iiioiiDt out a pjentvor tooarco wiy oiler .t s.;e ; or- -dei-- s from purchasers of that ai tide wihl he punc-tually received

DAVID DODoE.August 22, 1809; .

JOHNSON Sc WARNEK,Hm just rctqyed'p-o- London an assent.


IN BOXES,. Of one, lino, tbi'ee, and sour revs :

' ALSO. lit StN'CLi: CAKrS.A variety '(? inferior Cblodrs in drop-.- , cakes. &e.

tii.xesfrdm 37 t 2 to S 1 75 cents p rCommon" LedM Jnk Stand,Loggerheatl and small pewter do,5.b,iny do. of different "puterns,Xignum Vitsc Boies,Japan, do. do.Glass," do. do- -

Wise's Patent Steel Pens,India Rubber,Best lycad pencils,Pounce BoSeJ and Pounce,Camel-Hai- r Pencils,CpjJbskkC various sizes andpatterng,Parclftnent, Sealing Wax Wafers, fr


littell's Kentucky law.A variety of Po:ht Memorandum Boo s, a gener-al assoitmcnt of Blank Bonis of the best quality,Paper oPalt kinds conAtanilv on hand.

J. C3" W. HAVE 'JUST fUi'Lia.lED,Murray's' English Reader,


- , tD do,

jr Gnunmtr, large and smill,Spelling Book, Exercises and Key,r' And many otheruseful School Books.

Just Published, and for Sale as ab .tte,JOHNSON AND WARNER'S KENTUCKY

ALMANAC. Tor 1810.

iCountry Mfrchants are rpqiiett-t- l to ti.sit sire sti re. They will cfertainlv find it l(n ,r uner--

est to get their books and Statiomry atin preference to importing them from PhiUik iphia,New-Yor- k or Baltimore:

Lexington, Ky. Sept. "6 1709.

CircuVtt'Stt.Septrtn'-e- r Term, 8oo.- Compl'ts. aganst iliumTrimble's heirs, def'ts

IN.CHNCERY. The defendant', IL.bpnEvans and wise, no' hiving enteied their a; pe.vance lierein agreeable to law and the nil s 0 t'uscourt, 'and it appeat-iu- to the satisffiPt.on c f tl.ucourt that they rc not inhabitants of ill's c 111- -

m on wealth on the motion of th' con pi' their coi(nsel, it is ordeud ih'at the sa cl s

rl'UippeXr here on the tliiyd day of ci.r nextMarch term, and answering compllinai.i'-- , b;ilThat a ropy of thin order lv instrtcd in the Kentucky Gazette fiVr efgtfj weeks, successiv v ! .

A copv teste, '

,. JAMES X'NDERSON, d c c r c.

TAKOf i lr by Jeremiah V ilfin, i ,V or id- -

f(il county; living near the Kei.tuckJ" Kiver, fi- :

miHSTiiufi ine court-house- , one Sorrel Maie-wii- n

loSpTail, wi th a stair, and bLzi- - on her now, fi"yearsiilc!, tourteei teninclies h'gh, app: a.s"1 - 50dollars hekite me, this the 31st day of Ji.'y, '8J9, byaamuei itouzieanu wm. Afhiey.

M Wftl kis, j ?.

EttiNGimrioN.THKiarticular request i a numbu is'- -

izensiil'i.eiii'gton, i U ti rivjdufotice, that he irte,id3 opniit ar etiiiisclfool, on Monday 'ncSOlhinst : a'mli. his i:s'ai endeavors tot' ndpr slisf.iclmn shall I aassiduouslv tv.miird hi- -

thv. B. Kannegan,Oct. i7th, IC&3.