kentucky gazette (lexington, ky. : 1809). (lexington, ky...

s &x TOB THE KKNTtJCKY OAZETTE. ,. ? i To 3SIss "ft The 'exercise of whose benevolence and hu manity orfa recent occasion, lias restored tin unfortunate widow and her offsprings to nanninesa. these lines are most respect- - .sully and most humbly inscribed, by one who begs permission to admire her plnlan- - thropic disposition. Lady, accept the effusions of a swain, Who tunes his lyre in praise of her who gave Itelfcf and succour still'd the rankling pain, 'And saved an infant from an early grave' Tis mine the part thy charity to sing ; To ling the goodness of thy tender heart, Who still'd the sorrows stay'd stern hun- - ger's sting, s And bade the infants sufferings far depart. A care worn parent and Vier offspring three, Owe all their blessings to thy bounteous hand! Teg !,gcne"rous lady, they alone to thee pwc all the comforts that they now com- - inan'd. t . To thee, O Lady, shall my humble lyre, (Bc ever tuned and chaunt thy goodly name; Aad O, may my devoted muse aspire, - .To place thy actions on the scrawl of same, Think not that 1 from sinister motives write : Or, that I wish the world's applause to gain; Hay, nay ! believe me, gratitude indites 'Each word and accent of my feeble strain Let me admire 'thy beau ty and thy grace, .And tell ftie world thaf tliou art good most ,rare, . "Protection's 'pictured on thy beaming face, And thou art lady noblest of themV. EDGAR. "EDGARt' regrets that the poetical effu sions signed " C" Y LAD," should have he'en 'attributed to him, and beg leave to as. Sure tlie editors, that he is not the vriter,of any other articles than those which appear oyer the signature of Edgar. lie tlocs not Snake this remark from a consciousness of su periority :, on the contrary, he confesses that tie productions of the C y Lad arc dc cidedly superior to his writings But as the writings bf the C y Lad arc said tq be questionable as to their originality, he deems jLuSHLrmnrflner Jo make this remark, lie does hot charge the writer in question-wit- h piagairism, but sp'caks merely on the authori-t- y ' r the "TINEGAR CRUET" Nashville Female Academy. Sixth session of the Nashville Temale TUG commenced on Monday tnc Tth instant the Reverend William Hume, superuueuuaiu, .miss riiii:ipai iiisli uu tress, aided by Miss 1'erringlon, Miss Childs, SlisS Sterns, and Mis3 Carle. The Trustees have the pleasure to state, that at no time since the establishment of the Seminary, liave its advantages been so great, pr its prospects so flattering. The proficien- cy of the pupils is the best test of the tea- chers ability: the most satisfactory evidence in this respect was furnished at the last exam-inatio- n Nor was it their correct tuition al. ne, for which the teachers of the last session de- serve the thanks of the Trustees and of the public: the good order and discipline which marked its progress were no less beneficial in their effects ; no less creditable to those frofn wh'om'they emanated, and by w hom they tvere maintained. - Near the close of the last session the trus- tees Were so fortunate as to procure the bffthe Reverend Mr Hume in the The institution has alscbeefligreatly benefited by the acquisition of Miss Ferrington, of Boston, Massachusetts; vEoconYmehced her duties with the present Session. Sr l he. experience' and accomplishments of thefinstr,uctresscs, the piety and learning of one supenntendant, cannot ion to secure the "confidence of parents and guardians. -- i The following branches will be taught : "Reading, Writing, English Grammar, Arith-'rneti- c, Composition, History, Geography, An-""- ent and modern with the use of the Globes, Rhetnrick, Logic, Moral Philosophy, Natural arxLal Tiroidcry, Tambouring Rug woik, Lc. &c JJprawing and fainting, in their various bran- ches, powers, I'nlit, Figures, Perspective, jaintings on Velvet, Satin and Wood ; and in imitation of Inlaying and Bronze. To these ..Jusic will be. added, as soon as a suitable teacher of Music can he procured. The trustees have aleady resolved that r.s testimonials of their literary merit and pre hensions, they will give Diplomas to such Young Laooes as snail complete the prescribe cd course' bf studies. wing of the Academy is finished 30Qinupil8 can now be accommodated. The additio.nal room by tins attained, will enable iihe. ..trustees' to receive more students than uaveyct auenu. The Reverend Mr. IJarrison arid Lady charge of the A gfiouse. From tlicir qualifications, and excr- etions to accommodate, it is confidently believ-.e- d tjiat.they wjll give satisfaction .q.irThe Stewards-Hous- e is more than everin-,4pec.te- d byhe trustees. "J he Young Ladies luV'honboard there are immediately under the m eye! olitue,. teachers, subject to particular re- gulations prescribed for their go ernment. ' .' ".A copy) Attest, JOHN P ERWIN, Scc'y. 26, 1820 6 Woodford county. Scl: "rpAKENup by William Powell of said covin. tv. lKSnc near Mortonville, a DARK BAY FILLEYsupposed to be two years old next ' ipring,, witli afevy white hairs in'her sorehead, no brands perceivable appraised to gicf be sore metnis num jsovemuer, lHiy. JL1&.". V. J DWIDSON.fp.wc riJA! up' in r'avette county, by tjanmtl ,on Maible crcelc, one SORltrx MARE, about IH hands hich. suDnosed tnlw. a 8tar in tlle sorehea- d- appraised to gJQUlU 5th dav of October, 18lT. 4 'A. YOUNG. Malt TArniors. ITi EOHGE WOOD, has now for sale, at the IvJT lexixgtoj,- - .xjiu juir.tvLiir, Yortcv anu. Kfecr, And will in a short time, have PALE BEER ready for market, all brew ed in the most cele- brated London mode, as taught him by Rich- ard Flowers, esq. of Albion, Illinois, during his stay in this place. Draft Porter, g8 per barrel Bottled do. per dftzen Beer ' 7 per barrel Do. '3J per half barrel Do. . 75 cents per Jar of 3 gallons i deliv erdd at the Brewery Pale Ale, 9 per barrel ' Do. 2 per dozen. The Jars will be sound well adantcd for small families, they arc constructed so as to draw oil thcliquorwitliacrane. CASH will be paid for BARLEY at the highest price. 'Mr. Flowers acquired his kdowledgc of Brewinjr, Brewery. London. and was atterwards long extensively engaged in the trade. Lexington New Brewery, Dec. 27 53tf T'vxVAic Jsotcc. THE subscriber will give for HOGS, either gross or neat, at Leestovn, on tnc Kentucky mer, a liberal price. lie will give 50 Cents per Bushel for WHEAT 40 Cents per Gallon for WHISKEY; and One Dollar per Bushel for PEAS or BEANS, delivered at the above place. JAMES JOHNSON. Great Crossings, Dec. 1819 49tf Kentucky, Jessamine Circuit, Set. OCTOBER TJuliM, 1813. Peter Smith and Elizabeth his w ife, late Eliza-bes- Shanklin, and Wm. Shanklin Compls, Atrainst Mngdalin Shanklin, John Shanklin, Solomnn Hornback and Mary his wise, late Mary Shanklin, Rowland Hughes & Jane his wise, late Jane Shanklin, Robert Shanklin, Celia Shanklin;Hannah Shankhn,Catharine Slunk, lin and George Shanklin Defendants. S IN CHANCERY. Magdalin Shanklin, guardian and mother of t,eiia olianMin, llannali snanklm, ;atlianne Shanklin, and George Shanklin, infants and heirs of Robt. Shanklin, dec d. I'eMttiners. Against, Peter Smith and Elizabeth his wise, lajc Elira-bet- h Shanklin, Solomnn Ilornb'ack and Man' his wise, late Marv Shanklin, Rowland Hughes and Jane his wise, late Jane Shank lin, and Kobcrt blianklin. IJ.'feiidante. OS TET1T103 rOtt SALE OF A PAUT Or TI1E DE AL 1.STATE OF IlOnT. SlIASKLtV, DEC'n. TninS day came the complainants and peti-1- 1 tioncib by their attorney, and the defend- ants, Rowland Hughes and Jane his wise, not having entered their appcarance'herein to law and the rules of this court, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the com t, that they are not inhabitants of this common wealth ; On motion ot the complainants bv their attornev. it is considered bv the court. that unless the said absent'defendants do ap- pear here on or before the firbtdaj of the next April term of this courtjnd answer the com- plainant's bills, the samoSljall be taken as cup- - icsbuu auiiibL ilium, miu il js uiruier order- ed, that a copy of this order be inserted in some authorised newspaper of this common- wealth, for tuocallender months in success ion. A copv Atlestc. WAN!,. B. PUICEJ.p-.j.c- . Clarke Circuit, Set : JixuAnr SnciAL Ciusceut Trnsi, 1820. .laile; Downey, Complainant, Against i C Lv- - Cmxcrnv. Lcroy Cole &c. Defendants, 3 fyilE defendant, Lcroy Cole, by his attornej this day produced' his answer anil cross bill herein, which is ordered to be filed ; and it appearing to the court, that the defendant,, Mary Johnson, is not an inhabitant of this com monwealth, and not liawnir entered her an. pearance herein agrceablv to law and the rules 01 this court : it is therefore ordered, that un- less the said defendant do appear here on or ' before the first day of our next March term. and answer the complainant's bill herein, and also the cross bill of the defendant, Lerov. Cole, the same will be taken for confessed her. And it is further ordered, that a copv ot this order be inserted 111 some au-- i thorised newspaper printed in this state for two months successively. A copy. Teste, JOHN MARTIN, Jr. d.c.c.c.c. UX3 S. II. Clarke Circuit, scl : Jaxuaiit Srr.ciiL Ciuscrnr Tiiur. 1820. Robert Kincaid, Complainant, T Against C Is Ciiasceiit. Garland Overton, Defendant, S ON the motion of. the complainant by his counsel, and it appearing to the court, that the defendant is not an 'inhabi tant of this commonwealth, and not having en tered his appearance herein agreeably to law and the rules of this court : it is therefore or- dered, that unless the said defendant do ap-pe- here on or before the first day of our next March term, and answer the complain- ant's bill herein, the same will be taken for confessed. And it is further ordered, that a copy of this order be inserted in some author- ised newspaper printed in this state for two months successively. A copy. Teste, JOHN MARTIN, Jr. d.c c.c c. 4al3-S- . II. State of Kentucky : IMYCTTll CIUCUIT, SCT.t Febiiuiit Tmim, 1820, 11th dat. Benjamin Tyler and Susannah") his wise, la'te Susannah Shore, I Campllnants, .Xn Chdncery Against j Richard Shore's heirs, . J ' plUS day came 'the complainants aforesaid by their counsel, and it appearing) the satisfaction of the court, that the defendants. William llcndrick and bally his wise, John Cridcr dud Polly hu-- wise, James Stephens and Tamy his wise, and John Shore, are no inha- bitants of this commonwealth, and they to enter their appearance herein to law and the ntlvs of this court : on the motion of the complainants by their counsel, it is ordered, that unless the said de- fendants, William llcndrick and wise, John Crider and wise, James Stephens and wise, and John Shore, do appear here 011 or before the first day of the next June Term, and an swer the complainant s bill herein, the will be taken for confessed at unst them : and it is further ordered, that a copy of this order ce inserted in some authorised newspaper published iij ,this state for two months suc cessively. A copy ' Te"-.- t, 8al3 D. SHANXON.dcfcc. COLOGNE WATER. 5QO JOUICS or this admirable . ter.just received and for sale by JAMES M. PIKl', who considers no other recommenda- tion necessary than to assure the public that it is of the genuine Trench impojtation. Cheapsidc, No 7, July 2i SOtf ' ;Don 1 giYfc v ttfc Shls.v ?c?. ENTER TA1NMENT. . LUKE USHER, , fsiG.v of rnr, srrr.j HAS the pleasure to inform his friends, an ' public in general, that hg has again opened a HOUSE in the Ulick house on Short-stree- t, opposite his former stand. Although his loss by the lata sire was considerable, 5 et he has used the utmost exertions to prcpire hiirstlf for the comfortable accommodation of these who may faor him with their custom. Lexington, Dec. 5, 1819. 49tf N. Tt. A sew gentlemen can be accommoda- ted with boarding, on reasonable terms. WESTERN HOTEL, NO. 288, MARKET STREET, l'liihsmii.rm.i, Sg ot Gei. "Washington. TIE subscriber Tegs leave to inform his and tho public, that he has take that Well known establishment in Market st. next door to the Pit'sbuigh Mail Stage Office) and lately occupied by Mr. George 'lolfe. To those who have been accustomed to resort to this house, it is unnecessary to. point out its superior advantages. For the information of" others, howcicr he deems it proper to state that its situation is central, high, healthy and convenient to business; an extensive range of backbuildings, consisting of lodging rooms, afford a sine iew of the city to the eastward, and admit of a free and uninterrup- ted circulation of air, and what will give them a decided preference in the opinion of many, is the attachment thrreto of" balconies, so con- structed as not only to afford,, pleasant pro- menades, but easy means of escape in the c- - vent of necessity from any sudden alarm of hrc. e great western Stages start every morning from the door, and on the premises is one of the best Livery Stables in the city, conducted by Mr. John Tomlinsoiv, where travellers' horses will be faithfully attended to. With these advantages, and some further improvements now making, added to his own unremitted exertions to please, the Subscri ber cor.hdently hopes for, and ery respect sully solicits, a share public patronage. ' K. SMITH. Printers of the Lexington Gazette, Lexing ton, Ky ; Pittsburgh Gazette, Pittsburgh, Pa ; Western Spy, Cincinnati, Ohio, will please insert this advertisement once a weeii lor three months, and forward their bills for pa?. mentfo the Office of tho "The, Union, Sic" No. 50, Chesnut street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Ang. 11, 1819. 30 Dollars Reward. TT)AN AWAY from the subscriber, Hung JL& in layette county, 3 miles from the mouth of Jack's Creek, a NEGRO A! AN nam ed KIT he is about 5 feet 7 inches lugli, 22 years of age, daik complcction, lame inhis leu ancie, 01 a low speecn, pruuu carriage he has a wise in Winchester at Mr. D. lie can write his own pass. Thir- ty Dollars reward will be gh en for said Ne- gro is taken out of the state, and secured so that I get him, ok Ten Dollars is apprshciKi-e- d in the state. 'v THOMAS BARNES. Fcbruarv 4th, 1820 5Jt Ticxiuglon Brass, Iron & Hell Spoil Vif&L.r M sTVM II si is ft '"a s 1 ' CI Si5 ll EL ?i II 1,1 & v Ji, I I HEii tocarrv r,n the rOUNUBK CONTINUES in the town of Leung-ton- , second door below the Theatre, WatLr street, where all kinds of Bass and l'OiAVoY"k.ioi' Iacnnei""5 jc. May be had on the shortest notice. Also, will be kept on hand BELLS for Taverns, Houses and Horses ; refined Wagon, Carriage and Gigg BOXES ; Hatter's, 1'ailor's and FLAT IRONS; Scale Weights and Woffle Irons; Gun Alountiijgs and Clock Castings ; Rivets and Still Cocks, with many other articles too tedious to mention. Lexington, June 18, 1819 2.5tf Eor Sale or to Jlirc, A NEGRO MAN, WHO has been used to driving a team and on a farm sin- - imk. but has recently been cmplovedas a waiter 111a lavern. 111s cuiracter lor inUtistrv, so- briety and honesty, is iudismitable. anil hp owner's reason for selling him is ou account of ins leaving me state, and the man having a wise and family, from whom he does not to part. A long credit w ill be given. Apply at this Office, August 5, 1S19 32-t- f j 10, OOO lbs. IllOX, 1 W0 lbs. WOOL, in fleece, A small invoice of GOODs, PRINTING PAPER and FULLER'S BOARDS, &.c To be sold at 1, 2, and 3 year3 credit; pay-me- made secure. .1 JK'UMBIlll or NE GEO E S, Men, Women, Boys and Girls, to be hired the ensuing) ear. ' WILL. S. DALLAM. Nov. 25. 48tf2 WOOL. TBANTKD, a quantity of clean washed as-- l ?T sorted WOOL. Apply at the l'avettej Cotton factory. "Also, a quantity of HOGS' LRD. POSTLETIIWAIT, BRAND & Co. 'Sept. 30, 1819 aQtf Blank Cheeks. JUST printed ami for sale' at the office of the Gazette." CHECKS cm the Pr. mrs anil .lrecJuitiici Jlank ns Iseiinqtaa, m dook;s, or by uie quire. Also, 1 cc.ks cu the United StattsI5l'2!KhandLheLcinKtorIi-anc- Uanka May 2?-- tf i1 COTTON YARNS. the vnE.sifivri hivito rrnnrisru or Ciiaku.s W'Lklrii, the Xuwifaclurivs EslallislimenV. "Late the Pvttperty of .1r. Leivis Sanders, J cN the neighborhood of Lexington, and hiv-S- . considerable epence, yepaircd'thc. fftchincrj Sc. announce to the public," th.u he Factory is now in compleat operation, aid 'hat thev are readv to supply orders with COTTON YARNS of superior quality.and of all Numbers and Sizes. , Merchants who purchase to sell again, will be allowed a discount, that will rnnke VARNS as low as those purchased to the Eastward. Theytherefore confidently cpect the patron- age of Western Merchants. JOHN FOSTLETHWA1T, JOHN BRAND, ELISIIA W RFIELD, JOHN TILI'ORD, TnAnrso uxmn tiil fiiim or TdfeUcttwfaUYaiuA & Co. Fayette Cottcn Factory, Sept. 20, 1819. N. B.VARNS are deposited at the Stores ofl li. WAKrlELU, and 1 ILFORD, TROTTER & Co..Lexingto'n, and for sale at l educed pri- ces, where orders being lest will be p'omptly attended to. P. II & Co. Take Notice. THE halves of seven Notes for S00 each, the Bank of the United States, payable at the Lexington and Louisville Branches, were put in the Post-offic- e at Lexington, Ky. addressed to the subscriber, on 12th February last, and have miscarried. The other halves transmitted by a subsequent mail, have bee received. Those missing are endorsed paja-bl- e to my order bv STANDISH FORDE. A. No. 393, payable to J. Morrison, Lexing- ton b ranch, - - . R100 340, do. do. do. - 100 B 303, do. do, do. - 100 t, 393, do. do, do. - 100 C. 177, Louisville branch, - - 100 D. ,, 248, J. Morrison, Lex. branch, 100 249, do. do. do. 100 JOHN DUBARRY. Philadelphia, Oct. 1819. 4j-1- TO THE LA DIES. iNIcs. T?Ymvton Has just received from New York and Pliifa' oelplna, an elegant assortment ot Leghorn, Gimp, Chip and Slraw BONNETS; LIKEWISE AS ELECAST ASSOnTJIEST or Fancy Articles, Jewelry and Silver '"Waro, All of which will be sold as cheap as can bt purchased in the Western country. Opposite the Gazette Ollice, Main street. ' Lexington, 3d June, 181 23tf Garden Seeds. TUST received, a fresh and (Jeneral As- - ? sortment of CHOICE SEEDS, on Main-stree- t, nextdoor below Mr. lagan's Currying atiop, at the uu vioth 1 actory, here also :uay ue lia'l Travelling Clonks & Hat Covers. Warranted, or any other article in the above line Also, on hand a large assortment of Heady Made Cloulhcs. Which will be sUddu reasonable tetms. T. HICXEY. ,. January 14th, 1820 2 Cash for Barley. C1EORGE WOOD, will give CASH in hand, i'nr llAni.EV n good quality at I he Lexington Ae7v Jlreivcry. Eniiuirvinav he made of "lit. nlialin tVnr(lill or Mr. John Brand. ii Or.fiilier 1 Jntf J For Sale or to Rent, A COTTON FACTO It V, Containing 108 Spindles 3 Canting JfugMHes, "tST'l" cry necessary appurtenance, all in good oidei' and ready for immediate business. This property is fitted up in a good brick house, located in a valuable and con v cnicut pai t of the town, and w ill be sold scpa ratcly or with the house to suit the Teims liberal, both as to price and time of pa) ment: and we believe, that we can assert without presumption, that no place in Ken- tucky would better support an establishment of its size tha'i Versailles, where there is a legular and increasing; demand for Cotton Yarns. Apnlv to R. & W. B. LONG. Versailles, Feb. 5 tf 10 Dollars Reward. between the STRXYLD lOlhof Julv last, fiom the subscriber, "living in l.e.ingioii, Kv. a GREY HORSE, with a dark mane, aiiui-- uucit ami sullen tail, ,cff, '"" and full eVCS. lip i fmivtpn iurl "l half hands high, orjmwanls, to the best of my recollection ; betwjeiyi si and seven ) ears old i was unshod when he lest, hr-v- it., ic supposed to have been raised in the neighbor- hood of Levington. 1'he subscriber wiil give TEN DOLLARS reward to the person who shall deliver said Horse to him in Lexington, and pav all reason. able cxpences. FRANCIS KRICKEL, December 10, 1819. 50tf Dancing School. MYt. DARIIAC, iiwrni.iri.'i.Li nitorms those vouncr ili Gcutlenien who may feel desirous of learning the polite ait ot Dancing, that an Z.TiVVWv7 SCHOOL will be opened ex- pressly for their convenience, 011 Tuesday and Friday nights, from 6 until 9 o'clock, in each week. Application to be made to Mr. Darr.ic. t January 21, 1820. 5000 pounds Hogs' Bristles a ",J "'giiesi I'ncc in uasn, wnibe given JL for 5000 lbs. of clean combed HOGS' BRISTLES, at the Brush Manufactory of the siiDsqnoei , on iiiain-sircc- t, tw o doors below .the Post-Offic- JOHN LOCKWOOD. Lexington, Dec. 24, 1819. 52-3- t Just Published, AND FQU SHE AT THIS OFriOE, THE SPEECH 3Ta$$Ya lVLlBSO,TaSQ. ON THE SUBJECT OF "Banks ant Banking. flllCE 25 CFVS. , For Sa:c at tlie GA?ET1:E OFTICE, S ui li JL. j'TiV Sul'scnir s have Just Tleceived, A quantity ot Salt, For sale at two dollaus per bushel, by the Barrel. JIIGCLXS y VHITCUARTT. August 12, 1819. :33tf 20 Hollars Reward- - or Stolen from tlie 8TRAYr.D about. the 3d inst. isJtt!vJi. 6 vcars old last spring; she paces tiots and canters remaikably well, has been injiiredm foaling, which is a very noted mark, with some saddle spots on her hick. She is about sixteen hands high. The above re- ward of 30 will be given for (he mare and thief, rnd 10 dollars for the mare alone, de. livcredto the" subscriber living on Hickman creek, Jessamine1 county. JACOB TOaiIUJ'TER. January 14th, 1820 2tf HEMP. ,1HE HIGHEST TRICE CASII IN HAND, (iive.n jTov llcnvn, Delivered at tlie Rope Walk formerly the property of Jaju.s Kluns, dee'd. on Water-stree- t. HENRY WATT. I .cxingtn, February 5, 1819 tf United States of America, SeDenth Circuit Court, Kentucky District. set. November Term, 1818. Alexander Cranston k. Co. compts. against John P. Schatzell, &c. defts. .v cinvtCEitr. I JOHN II. IIANNA, Clerk of the Seventh Circuit Court of the United States in and for the District of Kentucky, do hereby certify that the order of injunction awarded herein. vpctvninmo- - lhf Rrlint7ll ffnm ilia- - I posingoftheefi'ectsoftheFirmofJ.P.Schat-i- ) zell & Co. was at the present term rescinded, invested With power and authority to receive j and collect all money due to the said firm of J. P. Schatzell k Co. and John P. Schatzell, and to settle and adjust all accounts which re! late to the partnership. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name, and attized the L, S. seal of said Court this 221 day of - December 1818, and of the Indepen dence of the United States tlie 43d. JOIIjY Jl ILHy'JYA. NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to J. P. Schaizell.oT oTL the late Firm of J. P. Schatzell & Co. are requested to make immediate paytnent to the subscriber, who alone is authorized to receive the same. Those to whom said firms stand indebted will also please to apply to him for settlement. J P. SCHATZELL. Lexington, Jau. 1, 1819.-- U' The Editors of the Nashville "Whig, Louis- ville Courier, Natchez Republican, New Or- leans Gazette, Charleston S. C. City Gazette, New York Mercantile Advertiser, UelF's Phi. ladelphia'Gazette, &.Augusta(neo ) Chronicle, are requested to insert the above advertise- - mt,nt three times and forward theiraccounts to the Kentucky Gazette Office for payment. 3amc& E.liavi3, ILL practice Law in the Fayette Courts. His ollice will be foUntx PVSr the room formerly occupied by Ja. Hagln.j?"!- - firstj door below s corner. lie pledges him- self to be diligent aud punctual in business conhued to him. Aug. w t LAW OFFXCB.. Wm. T. Harry & Laurels Leavy, TTAVING associated themsc lv,. j m the prac- - JC . vrce oi i. v , win uueuu vu any uusmess that may be entrusted to tliein. Their OITice is kept opposite the Court-house- ', on Main street, adjoining Morton's corner. Lexington, Sept. 23, 1819. 39-t- f LAW OFFICE. U. B. Chambers & J. F. Robinson. WILL Practice LAW in conjunction in the and Fayette Courts. Their Of. fice is kept in Georgetown, opposite captain Branm s lavern. 51-3- December 17, 1819. Cask in Hand. mil be given for, 2 J'EGJlO HOYS and 1 GlItL of an unexceptionable character. Enquire of the Printers. June, 3d, 1819 23tf Thomas Essex & Co. BOOKBINDERS & STATIONERS, 3 1, ESPECTFULLY inform their friends and 8 the public that they have removed their establishment next door to tlie store now' oc cupied by Messrs. Holderman, Pearson & Co, opposite the court house, on Main street. where they will constantly keep on hand jki!iiy jmiuks, ui eeiy uescupuon. panics, Public OIHces and Merchants, can be supplied with every thing in their line, on the best terms and on the shortest notice. They have now lor sale a quantity ot Writing and Wrap, ping Paper, School Books,-&c- . N. II. A first rate Workman, well recom- mended, w ill meet with liberal wages and con. stant employ by applying as above. March 19-1- 2tf Wanted,. MILLER who is well acquainted with X4. Manufacturing I lour, to whom a gener- ous price will be given, is well recommended Enquire of tlie Printers. Oct. 15 42tf Stitts Toy Bale. PnilE subscriber has on hand STILLS, of dif A. ftrrentsi7es, and of tlie best quality, which ne win sen low lor casn. He has lately received from Philadelphia a quantity of COPPER, which enables him to furnish STILLS and BOILERS, of any size, at the shortest notice. lie also carries on the TINNING BUSINESS, as usual. STOVE PIPES, &c. also for sale. M.FISIIEL. Lexington, Jan. 1, 1819-- tf , TnJuhi !7p re avi! 3cty ius t--, Ja.'t .V" 'J'ebt, T'mmus Tnplett and Jllargaret ;. vie, late .Mrrgar t Tebbs, Jinn F Tebbt i.nd Thorns 'J'etib,, Voitchc Tebbs, II lUoughbn Trbbsand Samuel 'J'ehbi, hem oJhllougtib" Tebb?t deceased, ttho uas sole heir at law of Johi Tebbs, deceased. Jesse L. Jloleman and T.liiabeth Us irife, late Lhzabeth .llasterson, Thomas Penhton and Sally his wise, late Sally Masltrson, IFilliam Scanileritt and .Mary his vise, late .1ari .Mustcrscn, Weslfj J'. .Vaslerson, LucyMas-terso- n and Eleanor Jlaiterson, heirs at law trf llichard Jllasterswi, rlecil andGcarge Enans Take Xotice, IIIAT on the 28th day of February next, erf the Court-hous- e in Lexington, I shall take; the depositions of Gen. Thomas Bodlev. Gen James Taylor and Capt. Thomas Young ; ami on the first day of March next, and also on the second Saturday in March next, at tile Court nouse in v asmngton, I shall take the deposi- tions of Gen. Henry Lee, David Blanchard. William Beckly, arid Peter Lee, as evidence! inthesuitin chancery, depending in the Ma-- . son Circuit Court, in which I am compleinact and j ou are defendants. JOIM FOWLER. January 28th, 1850. 4-- 4t Hemp Wanted. rTIIIE highest CASH price will be riven fott. t J!,o Factory of r JOHN BRAND Lexington, December 21th, 1819. WIIL BK HIDED OCT FOR TOE IfEXT 12 MOJTlISj Several Jegroes-Mc- n, IVomen, Jioys and Girls. Wanted .. .tn 1 miirr.hfiep.n .. I'tiniKm. . ..u.wM((u iLIUi.- j. POUK. JOHN BRANa Dec. 24 52-t- f BMlOYAli. t BlITE Sllbcnril.pv lino V.IJ. Tnr, k r A CO MANUFACTORY tonVater-Stre- c opposite the Hay Scales, where all persons' Tobacco. Scgars and Snuff, V, , 1 ''h'1,63? , eeP,a !? 5 ShoP .fiSoISw " ' Giron sCo BENJ. LOTSPEICH. Dec.31,1819 53-- DOMESTIC GLOTHS THE subscriber ,.. has just received a ttualna- - - v u. Muiy l.u i us, oi the Pro- vidence Manufactory, state of Rode Island consisting'or Sufierfine fiROAD CLOTHS, Fine and Coarse ditto. Which he proposes to sell very low for CasfL or on a short credit Or he will Barter far vvuu iiy JL lAJUUCC TIIOMAS JANUARY. fiec. 17, 1819- 1- 51tf Hi ii. A. Gatcwcmft. AS JCST nECHVED,' IS ADD1TIOS TO HIS loitS MIE ASSOHTMEKT, JL L1HOE WtU, sr.iTCTzn scrpiT or' MERCJMNDlZe. CONSISTING of DRY GOODS, RIES IIABDWAE & CUTLERY, vvhich he oflers for sale, at the most reduced prices for CASH. He also respectfully requests those whp are in arrears with him, to come 'forward and settle their respective dues, enrier by pay- ment orljy Note. I; J8i9.53.1j- - Cash will be given for TALLOW & SOAP GREASI rkELlVERED at my Soan nnrl r,n,iu vL. mJ tqry, at the cprner of ivfntn.r-nc- Water-street- s, at the lower end of the lower Market-hous- e, Lexinen. or at tn I.m t:rt- Crossings, Scott county. JOHN BRIDGES. Deccember 30. 53 len Dollars Reward. EAN AWAY from the subscriber on the of January last, a NERfin tiw named CHARLES, about 25 years of , t! bout 5 feet 7 inches high, of a dark'complec-tio- n, rather a down look, a scar on the side of his face ; had on when he lest th nhrri,oT. a blue cloth coat, grey pantaloons. Any and delivering said Negro tome, one mile from Shaker ferry, in. Jessa- mine county, shall receive the above reward. JOHJY HAWKIJVS. Febrnary 8, 1820 7a9 50 Dollars Reward. STOLEN from'the subscriber, at the mouUi on slip kVr,t,,l- - ..:.. Thursday nigfit the 6th inst a Larcc Dark Bav HOHSR. Ten ) ears old, 16 hands high, shod all round, trots and paces. ni hi ml fnnt .,v,;, i.n star in the sorehead, the top of his head rub- bed with the bridle, remarkable.Jjeavy malic and tolerable high carnage. Alsu, a Bav MARR. About the same color, with, a small star iriffer loreneau naiurai trotter, eight years old rubbed with theharnpc vev tn,..v. -.. son apprehending and delivering the thi6tahd ... . u...uujum, llCai ueurgeiown Ky. or securiner them sn that T .n 00, 4i.AM -- .z,. receive the above reward, or twenty.five u61 lars for the horses and all reasonable charges paid. JOHN January 15, 18203-- 3 JUST RECEIVED, "iOOOtiest Havana Cigars . HALF AXD QtJAtTEIi MOXES. ALSO, 12iDoz. HAIR NETTS, and " ' 12jQ Pieces Fancy RIBBONS, to which' the attention 01 tnc Milliners is particularly in. r. J. NOUVEL. Les. Dec. 10, 181- 9- 50-- A list of Tiaiances DUZ: JYO. 7, CHliAPSID, TS made out, up to the 31st day of Dec. 1819 should be settled, either with cash or due bills. He thinks'it unnecessary to say he wants tho money, he would merely refer those concern. . .w..hJ uu auLii an occasion. Asa BlancViarfl. REPAIRS WATCHES and CLOCKS of ey) in the hpsimfinno J keens constant on hand, a large assortment off the best Silver Ware, Watches & Jewelry, Sled Chains & Keys, Patent Time Pieces. Also, Masonic TVreastpina, Made inthe strongest and neatest manner All of which will be. sold .is lnur . ". tlie state, of the same quality. Opposite thJi Ky, Branch Baak of Lexington. September 9. lJ7(f l i mi v

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Page 1: Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY · s &x TOB THE KKNTtJCKY OAZETTE. ,.? i To 3SIss "ft The 'exercise of whose




i To 3SIss "ftThe 'exercise of whose benevolence and hu

manity orfa recent occasion, lias restored

tin unfortunate widow and her offsprings

to nanninesa. these lines are most respect- -

.sully and most humbly inscribed, by one

who begs permission to admire her plnlan- -

thropic disposition.Lady, accept the effusions of a swain,

Who tunes his lyre in praise of her who gave

Itelfcf and succour still'd the rankling pain,

'And saved an infant from an early grave'

Tis mine the part thy charity to sing ;

To ling the goodness of thy tender heart,

Who still'd the sorrows stay'd stern hun- -

ger's sting,sAnd bade the infants sufferings far depart.

A care worn parent and Vier offspring three,Owe all their blessings to thy bounteous hand!

Teg !,gcne"rous lady, they alone to theepwc all the comforts that they now com- -

inan'd.t .

To thee, O Lady, shall my humble lyre,

(Bc ever tuned and chaunt thy goodly name;

Aad O, may my devoted muse aspire,- .To place thy actions on the scrawl of same,

Think not that 1 from sinister motives write :

Or, that I wish the world's applause to gain;Hay, nay ! believe me, gratitude indites

'Each word and accent of my feeble strain

Let me admire 'thy beau ty and thy grace,.And tell ftie world thaf tliou art good most

,rare, ."Protection's 'pictured on thy beaming face,

And thou art lady noblest of themV.EDGAR.

"EDGARt' regrets that the poetical effusions signed " C" Y LAD," should havehe'en 'attributed to him, and beg leave to as.

Sure tlie editors, that he is not the vriter,ofany other articles than those which appearoyer the signature of Edgar. lie tlocs not

Snake this remark from a consciousness of su

periority :, on the contrary, he confesses thattie productions of the C y Lad arc dccidedly superior to his writings But as thewritings bf the C y Lad arc said tq bequestionable as to their originality, he deemsjLuSHLrmnrflner Jo make this remark, liedoes hot charge the writer in question-wit-


piagairism, but sp'caks merely on the authori-t- y


Nashville Female Academy.Sixth session of the Nashville TemaleTUG commenced on Monday tnc

Tth instant the Reverend William Hume,superuueuuaiu, .miss riiii:ipai iiisli uutress, aided by Miss 1'erringlon, Miss Childs,SlisS Sterns, and Mis3 Carle.

The Trustees have the pleasure to state,that at no time since the establishment of theSeminary, liave its advantages been so great,pr its prospects so flattering. The proficien-cy of the pupils is the best test of the tea-

chers ability: the most satisfactory evidencein this respect was furnished at the last exam-inatio- n

Nor was it their correct tuition al. ne,for which the teachers of the last session de-

serve the thanks of the Trustees and of thepublic: the good order and discipline whichmarked its progress were no less beneficial intheir effects ; no less creditable to thosefrofn wh'om'they emanated, and by w hom theytvere maintained.- Near the close of the last session the trus-

tees Were so fortunate as to procure thebffthe Reverend Mr Hume in the

The institution hasalscbeefligreatly benefited by the acquisitionof Miss Ferrington, of Boston, Massachusetts;vEoconYmehced her duties with the present

Session.Sr l he. experience' and accomplishments ofthefinstr,uctresscs, the piety and learning ofone supenntendant, cannot ion to secure the

"confidence of parents and guardians.-- i The following branches will be taught :

"Reading, Writing, English Grammar, Arith-'rneti- c,

Composition, History, Geography, An-""-

ent and modern with the use of the Globes,Rhetnrick, Logic, Moral Philosophy, Natural

arxLalTiroidcry, Tambouring Rug woik, Lc. &cJJprawing and fainting, in their various bran-ches, powers, I'nlit, Figures, Perspective,

jaintings on Velvet, Satin and Wood ; andin imitation of Inlaying and Bronze. To these

..Jusic will be. added, as soon as a suitableteacher of Music can he procured.

The trustees have aleady resolved that r.s

testimonials of their literary merit and prehensions, they will give Diplomas to such

Young Laooes as snail complete the prescribecd course' bfstudies.

wing of the Academy is finished30Qinupil8 can now be accommodated. Theadditio.nal room by tins attained, will enable

iihe. ..trustees' to receive more students thanuaveyct auenu.

The Reverend Mr. IJarrison arid Ladycharge of the

A gfiouse. From tlicir qualifications, and excr-etions to accommodate, it is confidently believ-.e- d

tjiat.they wjll give satisfaction.q.irThe Stewards-Hous- e is more than everin-,4pec.te- d

byhe trustees. "J he Young LadiesluV'honboard there are immediately under them eye! olitue,. teachers, subject to particular re-

gulations prescribed for their go ernment.' .' ".Acopy) Attest,

JOHN P ERWIN, Scc'y.26, 1820 6

Woodford county. Scl:"rpAKENup by William Powell of said covin.

tv. lKSnc near Mortonville, a DARK BAYFILLEYsupposed to be two years old next

' ipring,, witli afevy white hairs in'her sorehead,no brands perceivable appraised to gicf be

sore metnis num jsovemuer, lHiy.JL1&.". V. J DWIDSON.fp.wc

riJA! up' in r'avette county, by tjanmtl,on Maible crcelc, one SORltrx

MARE, about IH hands hich. suDnosed tnlw.a 8tar in tlle sorehea- d-

appraised to gJQUlU 5th dav of October, 18lT.4 'A. YOUNG.

Malt TArniors.ITi EOHGE WOOD, has now for sale, at the

IvJT lexixgtoj,- - .xjiu juir.tvLiir,Yortcv anu. Kfecr,

And will in a short time, have PALE BEERready for market, all brew ed in the most cele-

brated London mode, as taught him by Rich-

ard Flowers, esq. of Albion, Illinois, duringhis stay in this place.

Draft Porter, g8 per barrelBottled do. per dftzenBeer ' 7 per barrelDo. '3J per half barrelDo. . 75 cents per Jar of 3 gallons

i deliv erdd at the BreweryPale Ale, 9 per barrel 'Do. 2 per dozen.The Jars will be sound well adantcd for

small families, they arc constructed so as todraw oil thcliquorwitliacrane.

CASH will be paid for BARLEY at thehighest price.

'Mr. Flowers acquired his kdowledgc ofBrewinjr, Brewery. London.and was atterwards long extensively engagedin the trade.

Lexington New Brewery, Dec. 27 53tf

T'vxVAic Jsotcc.THE subscriber will give for HOGS,

either gross or neat, at Leestovn,on tnc Kentucky mer, a liberal price. liewill give 50 Cents per Bushel for WHEAT40 Cents per Gallon for WHISKEY; andOne Dollar per Bushel for PEAS or BEANS,delivered at the above place.

JAMES JOHNSON.Great Crossings, Dec. 1819 49tf

Kentucky, Jessamine Circuit, Set.OCTOBER TJuliM, 1813.

Peter Smith and Elizabeth his w ife, late Eliza-bes-

Shanklin, and Wm. Shanklin Compls,Atrainst

Mngdalin Shanklin, John Shanklin, SolomnnHornback and Mary his wise, late MaryShanklin, Rowland Hughes & Jane his wise,late Jane Shanklin, Robert Shanklin, CeliaShanklin;Hannah Shankhn,Catharine Slunk,lin and George Shanklin Defendants.

S IN CHANCERY.Magdalin Shanklin, guardian and mother of

t,eiia olianMin, llannali snanklm, ;atlianneShanklin, and George Shanklin, infants andheirs of Robt. Shanklin, dec d. I'eMttiners.

Against,Peter Smith and Elizabeth his wise, lajc Elira-bet- h

Shanklin, Solomnn Ilornb'ack and Man'his wise, late Marv Shanklin, RowlandHughes and Jane his wise, late Jane Shanklin, and Kobcrt blianklin. IJ.'feiidante.



TninS day came the complainants and peti-1- 1

tioncib by their attorney, and the defend-ants, Rowland Hughes and Jane his wise, nothaving entered their appcarance'herein

to law and the rules of this court,and it appearing to the satisfaction of the com t,that they are not inhabitants of this commonwealth ; On motion ot the complainants bvtheir attornev. it is considered bv the court.that unless the said absent'defendants do ap-pear here on or before the firbtdaj of the nextApril term of this courtjnd answer the com-plainant's bills, the samoSljall be taken as cup- -

icsbuu auiiibL ilium, miu il js uiruier order-ed, that a copy of this order be inserted insome authorised newspaper of this common-wealth, for tuocallender months in succession. A copv Atlestc.

WAN!,. B. PUICEJ.p-.j.c- .

Clarke Circuit, Set :JixuAnr SnciAL Ciusceut Trnsi, 1820.

.laile; Downey, Complainant,Against i C Lv-- Cmxcrnv.

Lcroy Cole &c. Defendants, 3fyilE defendant, Lcroy Cole, by his attornej

this day produced' his answer anil crossbill herein, which is ordered to be filed ; andit appearing to the court, that the defendant,,Mary Johnson, is not an inhabitant of this commonwealth, and not liawnir entered her an.pearance herein agrceablv to law and the rules01 this court : it is therefore ordered, that un-less the said defendant do appear here on or '

before the first day of our next March term.and answer the complainant's bill herein, andalso the cross bill of the defendant, Lerov.Cole, the same will be taken for confessed

her. And it is further ordered, that acopv ot this order be inserted 111 some au-- ithorised newspaper printed in this state fortwo months successively.

A copy. Teste,JOHN MARTIN, Jr. d.c.c.c.c.

UX3 S. II.

Clarke Circuit, scl :Jaxuaiit Srr.ciiL Ciuscrnr Tiiur. 1820.

Robert Kincaid, Complainant, TAgainst C Is Ciiasceiit.

Garland Overton, Defendant, S

ON the motion of. the complainantby his counsel, and it appearing to

the court, that the defendant is not an 'inhabitant of this commonwealth, and not having entered his appearance herein agreeably to lawand the rules of this court : it is therefore or-dered, that unless the said defendant do ap-pe-

here on or before the first day of ournext March term, and answer the complain-ant's bill herein, the same will be taken forconfessed. And it is further ordered, that acopy of this order be inserted in some author-ised newspaper printed in this state for twomonths successively.

A copy. Teste,JOHN MARTIN, Jr. d.c c.c c.

4al3-S- . II.

State of Kentucky :

IMYCTTll CIUCUIT, SCT.tFebiiuiit Tmim, 1820, 11th dat.

Benjamin Tyler and Susannah")his wise, la'te Susannah Shore, I

Campllnants, .Xn ChdnceryAgainst j

Richard Shore's heirs, . J' plUS day came 'the complainants aforesaidby their counsel, and it appearing) the

satisfaction of the court, that the defendants.William llcndrick and bally his wise, JohnCridcr dud Polly hu-- wise, James Stephens andTamy his wise, and John Shore, are no inha-bitants of this commonwealth, and they

to enter their appearance hereinto law and the ntlvs of this court :

on the motion of the complainants by theircounsel, it is ordered, that unless the said de-fendants, William llcndrick and wise, JohnCrider and wise, James Stephens and wise,and John Shore, do appear here 011 or beforethe first day of the next June Term, and answer the complainant s bill herein, the sa.ncwill be taken for confessed at unst them : andit is further ordered, that a copy of this orderce inserted in some authorised newspaperpublished iij ,this state for two months successively. A copy ' Te"-.- t,

8al3 D. SHANXON.dcfcc.

COLOGNE WATER.5QO JOUICS or this admirable .ter.just received and for sale by JAMES M.PIKl', who considers no other recommenda-tion necessary than to assure the public that itis of the genuine Trench impojtation.

Cheapsidc, No 7, July 2i SOtf'

;Don 1 giYfc v ttfc Shls.v?c?.


. LUKE USHER, ,fsiG.v of rnr, srrr.j

HAS the pleasure to inform his friends, an 'public in general, that hg has again

opened a HOUSEin the Ulick house on Short-stree- t, oppositehis former stand. Although his loss by thelata sire was considerable, 5 et he has used theutmost exertions to prcpire hiirstlf for thecomfortable accommodation of these who mayfaor him with their custom.

Lexington, Dec. 5, 1819. 49tfN. Tt. A sew gentlemen can be accommoda-

ted with boarding, on reasonable terms.


l'liihsmii.rm.i,Sg ot Gei. "Washington.TIE subscriber Tegs leave to inform his

and tho public, that he has takethat Well known establishment in Market door to the Pit'sbuigh Mail Stage Office)and lately occupied by Mr. George 'lolfe. Tothose who have been accustomed to resortto this house, it is unnecessary to. point outits superior advantages. For the informationof" others, howcicr he deems it proper tostate that its situation is central, high, healthyand convenient to business; an extensiverange of backbuildings, consisting of lodgingrooms, afford a sine iew of the city to theeastward, and admit of a free and uninterrup-ted circulation of air, and what will give thema decided preference in the opinion of many,is the attachment thrreto of" balconies, so con-

structed as not only to afford,, pleasant pro-menades, but easy means of escape in the c- -

vent of necessity from any sudden alarm ofhrc. e great western Stages start everymorning from the door, and on the premisesis one of the best Livery Stables in the city,conducted by Mr. John Tomlinsoiv, wheretravellers' horses will be faithfully attendedto. With these advantages, and some furtherimprovements now making, added to his ownunremitted exertions to please, the Subscriber cor.hdently hopes for, and ery respectsully solicits, a share public patronage.

' K. SMITH.Printers of the Lexington Gazette, Lexing

ton, Ky ; Pittsburgh Gazette, Pittsburgh, Pa ;

Western Spy, Cincinnati, Ohio, will pleaseinsert this advertisement once a weeii lorthree months, and forward their bills for pa?.mentfo the Office of tho "The, Union, Sic"No. 50, Chesnut street, Philadelphia.

Philadelphia, Ang. 11, 1819.

30 Dollars Reward.TT)AN AWAY from the subscriber, HungJL& in layette county, 3 miles from themouth of Jack's Creek, a NEGRO A! AN named KIT he is about 5 feet 7 inches lugli,22 years of age, daik complcction, lame inhisleu ancie, 01 a low speecn, pruuu carriagehe has a wise in Winchester at Mr. D.

lie can write his own pass. Thir-ty Dollars reward will be gh en for said Ne-gro is taken out of the state, and secured sothat I get him, ok Ten Dollars is apprshciKi-e- d

in the state. 'vTHOMAS BARNES.

Fcbruarv 4th, 1820 5JtTicxiuglon Brass, Iron & Hell

SpoilVif&L.r M sTVM

IIsi is ft '"a



CI Si5 ll EL ?i II 1,1

& v Ji, I I

HEiitocarrv r,n the rOUNUBKCONTINUES

in the town of Leung-ton- ,second door below the Theatre, WatLr

street, where all kinds of

Bass and l'OiAVoY"k.ioi'Iacnnei""5 jc.

May be had on the shortest notice. Also, willbe kept on hand BELLS for Taverns, Housesand Horses ; refined Wagon, Carriage andGigg BOXES ; Hatter's, 1'ailor's and FLATIRONS; Scale Weights and Woffle Irons;Gun Alountiijgs and Clock Castings ; Rivetsand Still Cocks, with many other articles tootedious to mention.

Lexington, June 18, 1819 2.5tf

Eor Sale or to Jlirc,A NEGRO MAN,

WHO has been used to driving a team andon a farm sin- - imk.

but has recently been cmplovedas a waiter111a lavern. 111s cuiracter lor inUtistrv, so-briety and honesty, is iudismitable. anil hpowner's reason for selling him is ou account ofins leaving me state, and the man having awise and family, from whom he does not wis.lito part. A long credit w ill be given.

Apply at this Office,August 5, 1S19 32-t- f


10,OOO lbs. IllOX,1 W0 lbs. WOOL, in fleece,A small invoice of GOODs,PRINTING PAPER and FULLER'S

BOARDS, &.cTo be sold at 1, 2, and 3 year3 credit; pay-me-

made secure..1 JK'UMBIlll or

NE GEO E S,Men, Women, Boys and Girls, to be hired theensuing) ear. '

WILL. S. DALLAM.Nov. 25. 48tf2

WOOL.TBANTKD, a quantity of clean washed as-- l?T sorted WOOL. Apply at the l'avettej

Cotton factory."Also, a quantity of HOGS' LRD.

POSTLETIIWAIT, BRAND & Co.'Sept. 30, 1819 aQtf

Blank Cheeks.JUST printed ami for sale' at the office of the

Gazette." CHECKS cm the Pr.mrs anil .lrecJuitiici Jlank ns Iseiinqtaa, mdook;s, or by uie quire. Also, 1 cc.ks cu theUnited StattsI5l'2!KhandLheLcinKtorIi-anc-Uanka May 2?-- tf



the vnE.sifivri hivito rrnnrisru orCiiaku.s W'Lklrii, the

Xuwifaclurivs EslallislimenV."Late the Pvttperty of .1r. Leivis Sanders,Jc N the neighborhood of Lexington, and hiv-S- . considerable epence, yepaircd'thc.fftchincrj Sc. announce to the public," th.uhe Factory is now in compleat operation, aid

'hat thev are readv to supply orders withCOTTON YARNS of superior quality.and ofall Numbers and Sizes., Merchants who purchase to sell again, willbe allowed a discount, that will rnnke VARNSas low as those purchased to the Eastward.Theytherefore confidently cpect the patron-age of Western Merchants.


TnAnrso uxmn tiil fiiim or

TdfeUcttwfaUYaiuA & Co.Fayette Cottcn Factory, Sept. 20, 1819.

N. B.VARNS are deposited at the Stores oflli. WAKrlELU, and 1 ILFORD, TROTTER& Co..Lexingto'n, and for sale at l educed pri-ces, where orders being lest will be p'omptlyattended to. P. II & Co.

Take Notice.THE halves of seven Notes for S00 each,

the Bank of the United States, payableat the Lexington and Louisville Branches,were put in the Post-offic- e at Lexington, Ky.addressed to the subscriber, on 12th Februarylast, and have miscarried. The other halvestransmitted by a subsequent mail, have beereceived. Those missing are endorsed paja-bl- e

to my order bv STANDISH FORDE.A. No. 393, payable to J. Morrison, Lexing-

ton b ranch, - - . R100340, do. do. do. - 100

B 303, do. do, do. - 100t, 393, do. do, do. - 100

C. 177, Louisville branch, - - 100D. ,, 248, J. Morrison, Lex. branch, 100

249, do. do. do. 100JOHN DUBARRY.

Philadelphia, Oct. 1819. 4j-1-


iNIcs. T?YmvtonHas just received from New York and Pliifa'

oelplna, an elegant assortment otLeghorn, Gimp, Chip and Slraw


Fancy Articles, Jewelry and Silver'"Waro,

All of which will be sold as cheap as can btpurchased in the Western country. Oppositethe Gazette Ollice, Main street.

' Lexington, 3d June, 181 23tf

Garden Seeds.TUST received, a fresh and (Jeneral As- -

? sortment of CHOICE SEEDS, on Main-stree- t,

nextdoor below Mr. lagan's Curryingatiop, at the uu vioth 1 actory, here also:uay ue lia'lTravelling Clonks & Hat Covers.Warranted, or any other article in the aboveline Also, on hand a large assortment of

Heady Made Cloulhcs.Which will be sUddu reasonable tetms.

T. HICXEY.,. January 14th, 1820 2

Cash for Barley.C1EORGE WOOD, will give

CASH in hand, i'nr llAni.EV ngood quality at

I he Lexington Ae7v Jlreivcry.Eniiuirvinav he made of "lit. nlialin tVnr(lill

or Mr. John Brand. iiOr.fiilier 1 Jntf

JFor Sale or to Rent,

A COTTON FACTO It V,Containing 108 Spindles 3 Canting JfugMHes,

"tST'l" cry necessary appurtenance, allin good oidei' and ready for immediate

business. This property is fitted up in a goodbrick house, located in a valuable and conv cnicut pai t of the town, and w ill be sold scparatcly or with the house to suit the liberal, both as to price and time ofpa) ment: and we believe, that we can assertwithout presumption, that no place in Ken-tucky would better support an establishmentof its size tha'i Versailles, where there is alegular and increasing; demand for CottonYarns. Apnlv to

R. & W. B. LONG.Versailles, Feb. 5 tf

10 Dollars Reward.between theSTRXYLDlOlhof Julv last,

fiom the subscriber, "livingin l.e.ingioii, Kv. a GREYHORSE, with a dark mane,aiiui-- uucit ami sullen tail,

,cff, '"" and fulleVCS. lip i fmivtpn iurl "l

half hands high, orjmwanls, to the best of myrecollection ; betwjeiyi si and seven ) earsold i was unshod when he lest, hr-v- it., icsupposed to have been raised in the neighbor-hood of Levington.

1'he subscriber wiil give TEN DOLLARSreward to the person who shall deliver saidHorse to him in Lexington, and pav all cxpences.

FRANCIS KRICKEL,December 10, 1819. 50tf

Dancing School.MYt. DARIIAC,

iiwrni.iri.'i.Li nitorms those vouncrili Gcutlenien who may feel desirous oflearning the polite ait ot Dancing, that anZ.TiVVWv7 SCHOOL will be opened ex-pressly for their convenience, 011 Tuesday andFriday nights, from 6 until 9 o'clock, in eachweek. Application to be made to Mr. Darr.ic.

t January 21, 1820.

5000 pounds Hogs' Bristlesa ",J "'giiesi I'ncc in uasn, wnibe givenJL for 5000 lbs. of clean combed HOGS'

BRISTLES, at the Brush Manufactory of thesiiDsqnoei , on iiiain-sircc- t, tw o doors below.the Post-Offic-

JOHN LOCKWOOD.Lexington, Dec. 24, 1819. 52-3- t

Just Published,AND FQU SHE AT THIS OFriOE,



"Banks ant Banking.flllCE 25 CFVS. ,

For Sa:c at tlie GA?ET1:E OFTICE,

S ui li JL.j'TiV Sul'scnir s have Just Tleceived,

A quantity ot Salt,For sale at two dollaus per bushel, bythe Barrel.

JIIGCLXS y VHITCUARTT.August 12, 1819. :33tf

20 Hollars Reward- -

or Stolen from tlie8TRAYr.Dabout. the 3d inst.

isJtt!vJi. 6 vcars old last spring; she pacestiots and canters remaikably well, has beeninjiiredm foaling, which is a very noted mark,with some saddle spots on her hick. Sheis about sixteen hands high. The above re-ward of 30 will be given for (he mare andthief, rnd 10 dollars for the mare alone, de.livcredto the" subscriber living on Hickmancreek, Jessamine1 county.

JACOB TOaiIUJ'TER.January 14th, 1820 2tf


(iive.n jTov llcnvn,Delivered at tlie Rope Walk formerly theproperty of Jaju.s Kluns, dee'd. on Water-stree- t.

HENRY WATT.I .cxingtn, February 5, 1819 tf

United States of America,SeDenth Circuit Court,

Kentucky District. set.

November Term, 1818.Alexander Cranston k. Co. compts.

againstJohn P. Schatzell, &c. defts.

.v cinvtCEitr.

I JOHN II. IIANNA, Clerk of the SeventhCircuit Court of the United States in and

for the District of Kentucky, do hereby certifythat the order of injunction awarded herein.vpctvninmo- - lhf Rrlint7ll ffnm ilia- - I

posingoftheefi'ectsoftheFirmofJ.P.Schat-i- )zell & Co. was at the present term rescinded,

invested With power and authority to receive j

and collect all money due to the said firm ofJ. P. Schatzell k Co. and John P. Schatzell,and to settle and adjust all accounts which re!late to the partnership.

In testimony whereof, I have hereuntosubscribed my name, and attized the

L, S. seal of said Court this 221 day of- December 1818, and of the Indepen

dence of the United States tlie 43d.JOIIjY Jl ILHy'JYA.

NOTICE.A LL persons indebted to J. P. Schaizell.oT

oTL the late Firm of J. P. Schatzell & Co. arerequested to make immediate paytnent to thesubscriber, who alone is authorized to receivethe same. Those to whom said firms standindebted will also please to apply to him forsettlement. J P. SCHATZELL.Lexington, Jau. 1, 1819.-- U'

The Editors of the Nashville "Whig, Louis-ville Courier, Natchez Republican, New Or-leans Gazette, Charleston S. C. City Gazette,New York Mercantile Advertiser, UelF's Phi.ladelphia'Gazette, &.Augusta(neo ) Chronicle,are requested to insert the above advertise- -mt,nt three times and forward theiraccounts tothe Kentucky Gazette Office for payment.

3amc& E.liavi3,ILL practice Law in the Fayette Courts.His ollice will be foUntx PVSr the room

formerly occupied by Ja. Hagln.j?"!- - firstjdoor below s corner. lie pledges him-self to be diligent aud punctual in businessconhued to him. Aug. w t


Wm. T. Harry & Laurels Leavy,TTAVING associated themsc lv,. j m the prac--JC . vrce oi i. v , win uueuu vu any uusmessthat may be entrusted to tliein. Their OITiceis kept opposite the Court-house- ', on Mainstreet, adjoining Morton's corner.

Lexington, Sept. 23, 1819. 39-t- f


U. B. Chambers & J. F. Robinson.

WILL Practice LAW in conjunction in theand Fayette Courts. Their Of.

fice is kept in Georgetown, opposite captainBranm s lavern.

51-3- December 17, 1819.

Cask in be given for, 2 J'EGJlO HOYS and 1

GlItL of an unexceptionable character.Enquire of the Printers.

June, 3d, 1819 23tf

Thomas Essex & Co.BOOKBINDERS & STATIONERS,3 1, ESPECTFULLY inform their friends and8 the public that they have removed their

establishment next door to tlie store now' occupied by Messrs. Holderman, Pearson & Co,opposite the court house, on Main street.where they will constantly keep on handjki!iiy jmiuks, ui eeiy uescupuon. panics,Public OIHces and Merchants, can be suppliedwith every thing in their line, on the bestterms and on the shortest notice. They havenow lor sale a quantity ot Writing and Wrap,ping Paper, School Books,-&c- .

N. II. A first rate Workman, well recom-mended, w ill meet with liberal wages and con.stant employ by applying as above.

March 19-1- 2tf

Wanted,.MILLER who is well acquainted with

X4. Manufacturing I lour, to whom a gener-ous price will be given, is well recommended

Enquire of tlie Printers.Oct. 15 42tf

Stitts Toy Bale.PnilE subscriber has on hand STILLS, of difA. ftrrentsi7es, and of tlie best quality, whichne win sen low lor casn.

He has lately received from Philadelphia aquantity of COPPER, which enables him tofurnish STILLS and BOILERS, of any size, atthe shortest notice.

lie also carries on the TINNING BUSINESS,as usual.

STOVE PIPES, &c. also for sale.M.FISIIEL.

Lexington, Jan. 1, 1819-- tf ,

TnJuhi !7p re avi! 3cty ius t--, Ja.'t .V"'J'ebt, T'mmus Tnplett and Jllargaret ;.vie, late .Mrrgar t Tebbs, Jinn F Tebbt i.ndThorns 'J'etib,, Voitchc Tebbs, II lUoughbnTrbbsand Samuel 'J'ehbi, hem oJhllougtib"Tebb?t deceased, ttho uas sole heir at law ofJohi Tebbs, deceased.Jesse L. Jloleman and T.liiabeth Us irife, lateLhzabeth .llasterson, Thomas Penhton andSally his wise, late Sally Masltrson, IFilliamScanileritt and .Mary his vise, late .1ari.Mustcrscn, Weslfj J'. .Vaslerson, LucyMas-terso- n

and Eleanor Jlaiterson, heirs at law trfllichard Jllasterswi, rlecil andGcarge Enans

Take Xotice,IIIAT on the 28th day of February next, erf

the Court-hous- e in Lexington, I shall take;the depositions of Gen. Thomas Bodlev. GenJames Taylor and Capt. Thomas Young ; amion the first day of March next, and also on thesecond Saturday in March next, at tile Courtnouse in v asmngton, I shall take the deposi-tions of Gen. Henry Lee, David Blanchard.William Beckly, arid Peter Lee, as evidence!inthesuitin chancery, depending in the Ma-- .

son Circuit Court, in which I am compleinactand j ou are defendants.

JOIM FOWLER.January 28th, 1850. 4-- 4t

Hemp Wanted.rTIIIE highest CASH price will be riven fott.t J!,o Factory of r

JOHN BRANDLexington, December 21th, 1819.

WIIL BK HIDED OCT FOR TOE IfEXT 12 MOJTlISjSeveral Jegroes-Mc-n, IVomen,

Jioys and Girls.Wanted.. .tn

1miirr.hfiep.n .. I'tiniKm.. ..u.wM((u iLIUi.-j.


Dec. 24 52-t- f

BMlOYAli.t BlITE Sllbcnril.pv lino V.IJ. Tnr, k rA CO MANUFACTORY tonVater-Stre- c

opposite the Hay Scales, where all persons'

Tobacco. Scgars and Snuff,V,

,1 ''h'1,63? ,

eeP,a !? 5 ShoP

.fiSoISw " ' Giron sCo

BENJ. LOTSPEICH.Dec.31,1819 53--


,..has just received a ttualna--

- v u. Muiy l.u i us, oi the Pro-vidence Manufactory, state of Rode Islandconsisting'or

Sufierfine fiROAD CLOTHS,Fine and Coarse ditto.

Which he proposes to sell very low for CasfLor on a short credit Or he will Barter farvvuu iiy JL lAJUUCC

TIIOMAS JANUARY.fiec. 17, 1819- 1- 51tf

Hiii. A. Gatcwcmft.AS JCST nECHVED,' IS ADD1TIOS TO HIS loitS



RIES IIABDWAE & CUTLERY, vvhichhe oflers for sale, at the most reduced pricesfor CASH.

He also respectfully requests those whpare in arrears with him, to come 'forward andsettle their respective dues, enrier by pay-ment orljy Note.

I; J8i9.53.1j- -

Cash will be given forTALLOW & SOAP GREASIrkELlVERED at my Soan nnrl r,n,iu vL.mJ tqry, at the cprner of ivfntn.r-nc-

Water-street- s, at the lower end of the lowerMarket-hous- e, Lexinen. or at tn I.m t:rt-Crossings, Scott county.

JOHN BRIDGES.Deccember 30. 53

len Dollars Reward.EAN AWAY from the subscriber on the

of January last, a NERfin tiwnamed CHARLES, about 25 years of , t!bout 5 feet 7 inches high, of a dark'complec-tio- n,

rather a down look, a scar on the side ofhis face ; had on when he lest th nhrri,oT.a blue cloth coat, grey pantaloons. Any

and delivering said Negrotome, one mile from Shaker ferry, in. Jessa-mine county, shall receive the above reward.

JOHJY HAWKIJVS.Febrnary 8, 1820 7a9

50 Dollars Reward.STOLEN from'the subscriber, at the mouUi

on slip kVr,t,,l- - ..:..Thursday nigfit the 6th inst a

Larcc Dark Bav HOHSR.Ten ) ears old, 16 hands high, shod all round,trots and paces. ni hi ml fnnt .,v,;, i.nstar in the sorehead, the top of his head rub-bed with the bridle, remarkable.Jjeavy malicand tolerable high carnage.

Alsu, a Bav MARR.About the same color, with, a small star irifferloreneau naiurai trotter, eight years oldrubbed with theharnpc vev tn,..v. -..

son apprehending and delivering the thi6tahd... . u...uujum, llCai ueurgeiown Ky.or securiner them sn that T .n 00, 4i.AM -- .z,.receive the above reward, or twenty.five u61lars for the horses and all reasonable chargespaid.

JOHNJanuary 15, 18203-- 3

JUST RECEIVED,"iOOOtiest Havana Cigars


12iDoz. HAIR NETTS, and" '

12jQ Pieces Fancy RIBBONS, to which' theattention 01 tnc Milliners is particularly in.

r. J. NOUVEL.Les. Dec. 10, 181- 9- 50--

A list of TiaiancesDUZ: JYO. 7, CHliAPSID,

TS made out, up to the 31st day of Dec. 1819

should be settled, either with cash or due bills.He thinks'it unnecessary to say he wants thomoney, he would merely refer those concern.

. .w..hJ uu auLii an occasion.

Asa BlancViarfl.REPAIRS WATCHES and CLOCKS of ey)

in the hpsimfinno Jkeens constant on hand, a large assortment offthe bestSilver Ware, Watches & Jewelry, Sled

Chains & Keys, Patent Time Pieces.Also, Masonic TVreastpina,

Made inthe strongest and neatest mannerAll of which will be. sold .is lnur . ".

tlie state, of the same quality. Opposite thJiKy, Branch Baak of Lexington.

September 9. lJ7(f



